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Additional Weapons
for Swords &
Wizardry: Core Rles!
What follows are additional weapons (both melee and
missile) for use with Swords & Wizardry: Core Rules.
The additional weapons found here were culled from
both d!anced and Classic sources. s always" the
#$ has the final say when determinin% what new
elements" items" or rules to add to his %ame.
Table 1: Additional Melee Weapons
Weaopn Damage Weight Cost
&lac'(ac' )d* * + %p
Cesti )d, + + %p
-a%%er" sli!er )d. * */ %p
0lail" hea!y )d12) )/ )/ %p
0lail" li%ht )d.2) . + %p
3alberd )d)/ )1 4 %p
$ornin% Star *d. )* + %p
5ic'" hea!y )d12) )/ 6 %p
5i'e" li%ht )d.2) . + %p
5ole arm )d1 6 1 %p
Shield" horned )d,2) )* */ %p
Sword" Claymore *d. )/ *+ %p
Sword" Scimitar )d6 + )+ %p
Trident )d12) + . %p
Whip )d* )7ft * %p7ft
Table 2: Additional Missile Weapons
Weaopn Damage Weight Cost
&low%un (up to * ft) 8il ) * %p
&low%un (* ft 2) 8il ) + %p
&oomeran% )d. * )/ %p
&ola )d* + + %p
3oly Water )d12* ) *+ %p
8et 8il *"."1 *"."1%p
9il" burnin% )d12) ) * %p
Table 3: Additional Missile Weapons Rate of Fire &
Weaopn Rate of Fire Range
&low%un (up to * ft) * )/ ft
&low%un (* ft 2) ) */ ft
&oomeran% ) */ ft
&ola ) */ ft
3oly Water ) )/ ft
8et ) )/ ft
9il" burnin% ): )/ ft
Bla!"a!: leather sac'" . to 6 inches in len%th" filled
with sand. ;t is commonly used to stri'e a !ictim<s head
in order to stun the !ictim or render him unconscious.
This weapon has no effect on those wearin% helms or
on monsters with an C of / =)4>. Tryin% to stri'e an
opponent<s head incurs a ?. penalty to hit. 9n a
successful hit" the !ictim suffers )d* points of dama%e
and must roll a sa!in% throw. 9n a failed sa!e" the
!ictim suffers additional effects based on the !ictim<s
3-" as shown on the table below. @sable by: all
Table #: Bla!"a! Res$lts & %ffets
(e)el or
Res$lt %ffet
@p to , Anoc'out @nconscious for dB rounds
,2) to 4 Stun Stunned and helpless until a
successful sa!e. Roll to sa!e
each round.
42 -azed Coss of neDt initiati!e
Blo+g$n: cylindrical tube into which small darts are
placed and eDpelled by the blow%un?user blowin% air
into the tube. The darts themsel!es cause no dama%e"
but they are usually laced with a poison of some sort.
!ictim hit by a poisoned dart must successfully sa!e or
suffer the effects of the poison. Con%er blow%uns (* ft
2) reEuires * hands to wield. &low%un darts are sold in
sets of fi!e at a cost of ) %p. 5oison sold separately.
@sable by : all classes eDcept clerics or ma%ic?users
(althou%h #$s may permit ma%ic?users to wield
blow%uns at their discretion). 3alflin%s are restricted to
blow%uns under * ft.
Bola: len%th of cord wit two wei%hted balls at either
end which i whirled and thrown at a !ictim in the hopes
of entan%lin% the tar%et. The bola may be used as a
melee weapon for minimal dama%e ()d*)" but its main
purpose is to entan%le or slow down a foe. When used
in this manner" the intended tar%et" after a successful
to?hit" must roll a sa!e. 9n a failed sa!in% throw" the
tar%et suffers one of three conditions (Fntan%le" Slow"
or -elay) determined by the tar%et<s le!el. @se Table
,: Whip Res$lts & %ffets table to determine the
effects of a failed sa!in% throw. @sable by: all classes
eDcept ma%ic?users.
Boomerang: The &oomeran% is a cur!ed throwin%
stic' that returns to it<s thrower if it misses it<s tar%et. To
catch a returnin% boomeran%" the thrower must ma'e a
successful sa!e. 0ailure means the thrower misses the
returnin% weapon" which lands )/ ft from the thrower in
a random direction. @sable by: all classes eDcept
Cesti: pair of %lo!es eEuipped with cuttin% or (a%%ed
ed%es in order to inflict %reater dama%e. ;deal for Two
Weapon 0i%htin%. @sable by: all classes eDcept ma%ic?
users and clerics.
Dagger- sil)er: ;nflicts twice the amount of dama%e
when used a%ainst foes !ulnerable to sil!er. @sable by:
all classes eDcept clerics.
Flail- hea)./light: hea!y spheric (or sometimes
cylindrical) ob(ect" li'e a ball" attached to a handle by a
len%th of chain or rope. @sable by: all classes eDcept
ma%ic?users. 3alflin%s cannot use hea!y flails.
*alberd: 0rom the 5olearms %roup of weapons" an
halberd has a broad aDe head" with a hoo' at the bac'"
and topped with a spi'e. @sed as both a thrustin% and
choppin% weapon. s part of the 5olearms %roup"
halberds in the second ran' of a battle formation can
attac' by reachin% throu%h the first ran'. @sable by:
0i%htin%?men" dwar!es" and el!es.
*ol. Water: Water blessed by a hi%h le!el cleric
contained within a brea'able bottle. When thrown" the
bottle brea's on impact" splashin% the tar%et. The
dama%e listed affects only undead creatures. t the
#$<s discretion" demons or de!ils may also be affected
by the listed dama%e. 3oly Water doesn<t deal dama%e
to any other creature. @sable by: all classes.
Morning 0tar: This is typically a spi'ed ball connected
to a handle by a rope or chain. @sable by: 0i%htin%?
men" dwar!es" and el!es.
1et: n open mesh of rope or cord used to entan%le
!ictims. 8ets listed come in , sizedG Small" which affect
a small sized tar%et" such as a halflin%" $edium" which
can affect a human sized tar%et" and Car%e" for
creatures up to )/?)* ft. The !ictim of a successfully
thrown net must ma'e a successful sa!in% throw or
suffer one of three conditions (Fntan%le" Slow" or
-elay) determined by the tar%et<s le!el. @se Table ,:
Whip Res$lts & %ffets table to determine the effects
of a failed sa!in% throw. @sable by : all classes eDcept
ma%ic?users (althou%h #$s may permit ma%ic?users to
use nets at their discretion). 3alflin%s are restricted to
Small and $edium nets.
2il- b$rning: %lass container filled with oil to which
is affiDed a fuse. ;n combat" the fuse is lit and the %lass
container is thrown. 9n a successful hit" the container
brea's" splashin% the tar%et with oil which the fuse will
i%nite. The burnin% oil will cause )d12) points of
dama%e to the tar%et each round for )d, rounds.
successful sa!in% throw is reEuired to eDtin%uish the
flames. Fach sa!e attempt counts as the !ictim<s action
for the round. The Rate of 0ire listed abo!e is for those
usin% burnin% with a ready source of fire present" such
as a lit torch. @sable by : all classes eDcept ma%ic?
users (althou%h #$s may permit ma%ic?users to use
burnin% oil at their discretion).
3i!e- hea)./light: 0rom the 5olearms %roup of
weapons" a pi'e is a !ery lon% pole ()* ft to )6 ft)
topped with a short" sharp spear?head. s part of the
5olearms %roup" pi'es in the second ran' of a battle
formation can attac' by reachin% throu%h the first ran'.
@sable by: 0i%htin%?men" dwar!es" and el!es.
3olearms: Fncompasses all other types of polearms
such as &ardich" #isarm" #lai!e" Cochaber De"
5artizan" Spetum" Spontoon" and Houl%e. 5olearms in
the second ran' of a battle formation can attac' by
reachin% throu%h the first ran'. @sable by: 0i%htin%?
men" dwar!es" and el!es.
0hield- horned: This shield is eEuipped with a sharp
horn or spi'e. ;t may be used offensi!ely by thrustin%
the spi'ed or horned side at an opponent. @sable by:
0i%htin%?men" dwar!es" el!es.
0+ord- Cla.more: n incredibly massi!e" two?handed
bladed weapon. @sable by: 0i%htin%?men.
0+ord- 0imitar: cur!ed" bladed weapon. @sable
by: 0i%htin%?men" dwar!es" el!es" halflin%s.
Trident: li%ht spear topped with three barbed
pron%s. trident may be thrown and has a ran%e of )/
ft. Creatures * ft lon% or less struc' by a trident
become stuc' upon its pron%s. @sable by: all classes
eDcept ma%ic?users and clerics.
Whip: braided leather strap with a handle. whip
usually ran%es in len%th from +?*+ ft. whip may be
used to either inflict dama%e" or to entan%le a foe. The
wielder states wether he will attempt to simply inflict
dama%e or entan%le his foe before and attac' rolls are
made. ;f attemptin% to entan%le" a successful hit is
followed by the !ictim ma'in% a sa!e roll. ;f the sa!in%
throw roll is unsuccessful" the !ictim suffers the effects
listed on the table below" based on his 3-7Ce!el.
@sable by: all classes eDcept ma%ic?users (althou%h
#$s may permit ma%ic?users to wield whips at their
Table ,: Whip Res$lts & %ffets
(e)el or
Res$lt %ffet
@p to , Fntan%le Cannot mo!e or attac' until a
successful sa!e. Roll to sa!e
each round.
,2) to 4 Slow $o!e and attac's7rnd at I
rate.Roll to sa!e each round.
42 -elay Coss of neDt initiati!e
Class Additional Weapons 3ermitted
Cleric &lac'(ac'" &ola" &oomeran%" 0lail
(hea!y)" 0lail (li%ht)" 3oly Water" 8et"
9il (burnin%)" Whip
0i%htin%?$an ll
$a%ic?@ser &lac'(ac'" -a%%er (sil!er)" 3oly Water.
t the #$<s discretion: &low%un (up to
* ft)" &low%un (* ft2)" 8et" 9il
(burnin%)" Whip.
-warf ll
Flf Same as either fi%htin%?man or ma%ic
user" dependin% on what class the elf
has chosen to act as for the day.
3alflin% Same as fi%htin%?man eDcept &low%un
(* ft2)" 0lail (hea!y)" 3alberd" $ornin%
Star"" 8et (Car%e)" 5i'e (hea!y)" Sword

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