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Qu piensas de la asercin del vagabundo que no

hay nadie en el mundo que tenga una conciencia
Prrao !: "rase universal# Tambin$ escribe tu opinin#
Prrao %: &sa lo que pas en el cuento para apoyar tu opinin#
Prrao ': (scribe sobre cosas que te han pasado en tu vida que apoyan tu opinin#
Prrao ): *oncluye# +a, reerencia a tu rase universal#
-ocabulario .til:
/entira 0mentir1 culpabilidad2tiene la culpa codicia 0greed3
4o decir la verdad3
Padecer 0surir de3 arrepentirse de 0to regret3 tomar venta5a 0take
6arse cuenta lograr 0conseguir2atener3 cometer pecados
Permitir2de5ar inerir quedarse
Tentacin ense7ar2mostrar impura
8entirse aliviada (n mi vida$ yo he pasado9
Para entregar: :unes$ ;2;2!'
(scrito a m quina#
<mpriman una copia de la rubrica#
All levels of composition & oral presentations are graded on a 15 point total scale according to AP essay scoring guidelines: 5 points
for Task Completion, 5 points for Task Development, and 5 points for Language !utput C"ecklist#$
% &e'uired
Last, (irst %
Task Completion %
5 ) Task "anded in on time and all task components completed
* ) Task "anded in on time and most task components completed
+ ) Task "anded in on time and partial task completion
+ ) Task "anded in late ,it" une-cused a.sence and all tasks completed
/ ) Task "anded in on time .ut minimal task components completed
/ ) Task "anded in late ,it" une-cused a.sence and most0partial task components completed
1 ) Task "anded in on time .ut topic is not addressed, misunderstood, and0or irrelevant
1 ) Task is not "anded in
Task Development %
5 ) Demonstrates 2uperiority: A very ,ell)developed essay t"at demonstrates insig"t and analytic a.ility$ 2"o,s
originality$ 3t virtually "as no irrelevant or erroneous information$ 3t leaves no dou.t in t"e reader4s mind t"at t"e student possesses a
superior understanding of t"e nature and significance of t"e ,orks read and0or vie,ed$
* ) Demonstrates Competence: A ,ell)developed essay t"at s"o,s some insig"t and analytic a.ility$ Analysis
out,eig"s description, and any plot summary present serves to illustrate t"e nature and significance of t"e ,orks read0vie,ed$ 5ay
contain some erroneous information, .ut errors do not affect t"e overall 'uality of t"e essay$ &eader must make some inferences
.ecause t"e response or t"e comparison0contrast is not al,ays sufficiently e-plicit$
+ ) 2uggests Competence: 2tudent .asically understands t"e 'uestion, .ut t"e essay is not al,ays ,ell)focused$
T"ere may .e an attempt at analysis6 t"e nature and t"e significance of t"e ,orks read0vie,ed may not .e addressed$ &elatively
superficial commentary$ Plot summary out,eig"s analysis$ 5ay contain significant errors of fact or interpretation$
/ ) 2uggests Lack of Competence: Poorly organi7ed essay6 focus ,anders$ 3t4s sketc"y$ 2tudent "as limited
understanding of t"e 'uestion0task$ 5ay consist almost entirely of plot summary ,it" no analysis$ 3rrelevant comments may
predominate$ 3t is a prepared overvie, of t"e aut"or ,it" limited connection to t"e topic$ 5ay contain ma8or errors or .e so
general as to suggest t"at t"e student is una.le to deal completely ,it" t"e 'uestion$
1 ) Demonstrates Lack of Competence: 9ssay is c"aotic, confused, incorrect$ &eader is left ,it" t"e certainty t"at t"e
student "as not understood t"e 'uestion0prompt or t"e aut"ors4 te-ts$
1 ) &esponse is on task .ut is so .rief or so poorly ,ritten as to .e meaningless$ 3t4s ,ritten in 9nglis"$ 3t4s a .lank
page r response is completely off)task o.scenity, nonsense poetry, dra,ings, letter to t"e reader, etc$#
Language ) !utput C"ecklist % 1 Language pattern of errors : )1 pt$ 6 / patterns : )/ pts$6 + patterns : )+ pts6 etc$ A c"eck means t"at
t"e student needs to ,ork on0correct t"ese errors$
2er vs$ 9star
Por vs$ Para
3mperfect vs$ Preterite
3ndicative vs$ 2u.8unctive
2u.8ect0;er. Agreement
2!T 2e'uence of Tenses#
< Agreement
Passive vs$ Active ;oice
Personal >a>
3!P 3ndirect !.8ect Pronoun#
D!P Direct !.8ect Pronoun#
&P &efle-ive Pronoun#
&egister T? vs$ @sted#
A,k,ard e-pression
Language 3nterference0Literal Translation
;oca.ulary Too t"in, apply ne,#
2uspected 5is)use of !n)line Translation 2ite: 3nternet 2panis"09nglis" Dictionaries are permitted for looking up
individual ,ords$ Copying and pasting t"e t"oug"ts of ot"ers to "elp ,rite your essay ,it"out giving due credit or proper format
footnotes, .i.liograp"y, 5LA# can result in e-pulsion from sc"ool due to plagiarism, ,"ic" is a serious academic and legal offense$
2tructure %
T"esis statement
3ntroduction0connect to Aody
Topic sentence for Aody0developing Paragrap"s#
Aody0developing Paragrap"s#
&e)state t"esis in Concluding paragrap"
Conclusion B original t"oug"t personal statement relating to t"eme0t"esis#
2tyle0Additional Comments %

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