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Bible Study
The Apostle
Paul’s Letter to
the Romans
A Reader’s
Guide to
Letter to
the Romans
Romans 1 & 16
Common Themes
that tie together the
Beginning & End of
Paul’s Letter to the
Romans 1
Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus, called an apostle,
having been set apart for the gospel of God,
2 which he promised ahead of time through his

prophets in the holy scriptures, 3 concerning his

Son who was born from the seed of David
according to the flesh, 4 who was appointed Son
of God with power by the resurrection from the
dead according to the Spirit of holiness, Jesus
Christ our Lord, 5 through whom we have received
grace and apostleship for the obedience of faith
among all the Gentiles on behalf of his name, 6
among whom you also are the called of Jesus
Christ, 7 to all the beloved who are in Rome, called
saints: grace to you and peace from God our
Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Romans 16
25 Now to him who is able to establish you
according to my gospel and the
proclamation of Jesus Christ, according to
the revelation of the mystery concealed for
long ages, 26 but is now disclosed through
the prophetic scriptures, according to the
commandment of the eternal God, has
been made known for the obedience of
faith unto all the Gentiles– 27 to the only
wise God through Jesus Christ, to him be
glory forever. Amen.
Romans 1
8 First, I offer thanks to my God through Jesus Christ
concerning all of you, because your faith is being
proclaimed in the whole world. 9 For God is my witness (the
one whom I serve in my spirit in the gospel of his Son) as to
how I make mention of you without ceasing, 10 at all times in
my prayers, requesting if perhaps now at last by God’s will
to come to you. 11 For I long to see you in order that I may
impart some spiritual gift to you, that you may be
established; 12 that is, that I may be encouraged along with
you through the faith of one another, both yours and mine. 13
And I do not want you to be ignorant, brothers, that I have
often planned to come to you (and until now I have been
prevented), in order that I may get some fruit also among
you just as also among the rest of the Gentiles. 14 To both
Greeks and to barbarians, to the wise and to the foolish I am
obligated. 15 So, as for me, I am eager to preach the gospel
also to you who are in Rome.
Romans 16
17Now I admonish you, brothers, to watch out for those
who want to cause dissensions and scandals contrary
to the teaching which you learned, and turn away from
them. 18 For such people are not slaves who belong to
our Lord Christ but to their own appetites; and through
smooth and flattering speech they attempt to deceive
the hearts of the innocent. 19 For news of your
obedience has reached all; therefore I rejoice over
you. But I want you to be wise concerning what is
good, and innocent concerning what is evil.

20And the God of peace will soon crush Satan under

your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.
Romans 15 & 16
Two Questions.

Two Different Questions.

Romans 15 & 16
What is the Conclusion of
Paul’s Argument?

What is the Conclusion of

Paul’s Letter to the
Conclusion of Romans?
Romans 15:30-33
30 Now I admonish you, brothers, through our
Lord Jesus Christ and through the love of the
Spirit, to strive together with me in prayer to
God for me, 31 in order that I may be rescued
from those who are disobedient in Judea, and
that my service which is for Jerusalem may
turn out to be acceptable to the saints there, 32
in order that in joy I may come to you through
God’s will and together with you find refreshing
rest. 33 Now may the God of peace be with all
of you. Amen.
Conclusion of Romans?
Romans 16:25-27
25 Now to him who is able to establish you
according to my gospel and the proclamation
of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of
the mystery concealed for long ages, 26 but is
now disclosed through the prophetic
scriptures, according to the commandment of
the eternal God, has been made known for the
obedience of faith unto all the Gentiles– 27 to
the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to him
be glory forever. Amen.
Conclusion of the Argument
Romans 15:7-13
7 Therefore, accept one another just as also Christ has
accepted you unto God’s glory. 8 For I say, Christ has become
the servant of the circumcision on behalf of the truthfulness
of God, for the purpose of confirming the promises which the
fathers were given, 9 and on behalf of the Gentiles to glorify
God for his mercy, just as it is written, “On account of this I
will offer praise to you among the Gentiles, and to your name I
will sing psalms.” 10 And again, it says, “Gentiles, rejoice with
his people.” 11 And again, “Praise the Lord, all you Gentiles,
and let all the peoples sing praises to him.” 12 And again
Isaiah says, “The root of Jesse shall come and the one who
will rise to rule over the Gentiles, upon him the Gentiles shall
set their hope.” 13 Now may the God of hope fill you all with
joy and peace in your believing, that you may abound in hope
by the power of the Holy Spirit.
Conclusion of Romans?
Romans 16:25-27
25 Now to him who is able to establish you
according to my gospel and the proclamation
of Jesus Christ, according to the revelation of
the mystery concealed for long ages, 26 but is
now disclosed through the prophetic
scriptures, according to the commandment of
the eternal God, has been made known for the
obedience of faith unto all the Gentiles– 27 to
the only wise God through Jesus Christ, to him
be glory forever. Amen.
An Overview of
By the Gospel God re-
veals his righteousness. Introduction
By giving sinners over to 17 1:18
their own perversion Condemnation
God reveals his wrath
against human unright-
eousness, idolatry.

By giving his faithful Son

3:20 3:21

to propitiate sinners God Justification

reveals his righteous-
ness. God is both just
and justifier when he
justifies Gentile and
Jewish believers alike.

By giving his faithful Son


Israel’s national function Vindication

comes to its end, for God
purposed from the begin-
ning to have one seed, the

seed of promise.
By giving his faithful Exhortation

Son God established, for

himself, a people who
must live together as

one new body.

God kept his promise. Conclusion 15:7-13
By giving his faithful Son
God enlarges the body of Postlude
his people by Paul’s mis-
sion to the Gentiles.
15:14 16:27
Outline of Romans
1 Introduction: God’s Righteousness—Good News for All
People (1:1-17).
2 Condemnation: God’s Righteousness—Wrath upon All
Humanity apart from Christ (1:18-3:20).
3 Justification: God’s Righteousness—Grace for All who
believe in Him (3:21-8:39).
4 Vindication: God’s Righteousness—Faithfulness to His
Covenant Promise (9:1-11:36).
5 Exhortation: God’s Righteousness—His Will required
by His Mercy (12:1-15:6).
6 Conclusion: God’s Righteousness—Steadfastness to His
Promises (15:7-13).
7 Postlude: God’s Righteousness—Favor to Gentiles—
Paul’s Personal Plans with Greetings (15:14-16:27).

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