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Course Syllabus: Computer Foundations

Computer Foundations will be an exciting course that will introduce you to the uses of
technology. In this class, we will explore how technology can help us become more productive in
our schoolwork and in our personal lives. This syllabus will give you important information on the
course that you will need to succeed.

Course Outline

Computer Foundations will cover the following topics:

Unit 1: What is Technology? Unit 2: What is the Internet? Unit 3: What is Productivity?
 Hardware and software  Appropriate Internet use  Word processing
 Windows operating system  E-mail  Spreadsheets
 File management  Multimedia presentations

Class topics will be based on your other class content (language arts, math, science, etc.) when
appropriate. For a more detailed curriculum map, please contact Mr. Creighton or visit the class
website (see below).

Grading Policy

Quarter grades will be based on each student’s tests, quizzes, projects, and classwork. Quarter
grades will be calculated as follows:

Projects 50%
Tests 40%
Classwork and Quizzes 10%

Semester grades will be calculated by averaging your first and second quarter grades.

Grades will be assigned using the standard ten percent scale:

A 90-100%
B 80-89%
C 70-79%
D 60-69%
F 0-59%

Grades will be rounded to the nearest whole percentage when calculating grades (for example, an
89.6% would be given an A, while an 89.2% would be given a B).

Late Work

Late work will be penalized according to the Santan Junior High School late work policy:

 work that is one day late will be accepted with a 25% penalty
 work that is two days late will be accepted with a 50% penalty
 work that is three days late will not be accepted

Teacher discretion will be exercised for large projects/assignments and for work that cannot be
made up.
Tutoring or Additional Computer Time

Mr. Creighton will be available from 8:15 – 9:00 am every Wednesday for students that need
tutoring or additional time on the computer. If tutoring is needed at a different time you must
make an appointment with Mr. Creighton.

Checking Your Grades

Students may use their computer to check their grades online (using STIHome) during class time,
as long as checking grades does not interfere with the completion of classwork. Mr. Creighton will
make every effort to update your online grades in a timely manner. Using STIHome and your class
website, you should be well-equipped to figure out your grade, which assignments you are missing,
etc. If you have questions that cannot be answered using STIHome and your class website, please
see Mr. Creighton before or after school so he can give you the time and attention that you

Class Website

Your class website will contain handouts, worksheets, links to important website, and other helpful
class information. You can visit your class website at anytime by going to and looking under the Links section.

Contacting Mr. Creighton

If you have any questions or concerns about this class, feel free to contact Mr. Creighton at any
time! The best way to contact Mr. Creighton is by e-mail at
This address will be checked throughout the school day and sometimes even in the evening or over
the weekend.

You can also leave me a voice message at (480) 883-4605. Every attempt will be made to reply to
your message as soon as possible.

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