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Issue 22 May June 2014
The views expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the editor or committee members of the
airns ity !ennel lub
From the Editor
I am resurrecting The "ar# which will again live or ie e!ening on
"our involvement# This is Issue No $$ %ecause I have &e!t the
num%ering# Some o' the 'eatures will %ecome regulars# Neeless to
sa" an" 'ee%ac& woul %e welcome BUT more use'ul woul %e
an" interesting articles or ti!s on ogg" su%(ects#
I shall %e as&ing other clu% committee mem%ers to write an article
'or inclusion in the newsletter a%out their role in the clu% so "ou get
an iea o' what wor& goes on) o'ten %ehin the scenes o' running
Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu%#
*" email aress is maril"n+mc&ee,-./0"ahoo#com
woo' woo'
I cannot train my dog today...
the sky is overcast and gray,
the air's too damp. I've got a cramp,
and the dog's just eaten anyway.
Can't find the leash, got home too late,
I'm due somewhere tonight at eight.
I've got a rash, a gash, and bumps.
Too tired now to get the jumps.
Traffic's made me tense and strained.
I have to lose this weight I've gained.
How can we work when it's just rained
The dog's too hyper. !y mood is blue,
I must be coming down with the flu,
I cough, I snee"e, and whee"e and choke.
#arn$ !y only dumbbell broke$
Too cold outside % my feet are numb.
There's a sliver in my thumb.
The house needs cleaning % it's a sight.
I'm working overtime tonight.
I need a nap. Had company.
&awrence 'elk is on t.v.
!y toe is sore % it might be gout.
I think my hair is falling out.
I ate too much. !y day's been rough.
I think my dog has had enough
of this daily training grind,
we need some time off to unwind.
-Author Unknown

1ell2nourishe ogs are %etter !re!are to withstan the rigours o' winter)
!articularl" i' the" are &e!t outoors# 3utoor ogs normall" nee more 'oo
to generate enough energ" to co!e with the col# 4rovie "our !et with 'resh
water uring the a"#

An outoor og5s shelter shoul %e insulate) elevate) !rotecte 'rom
!revailing wins an watertight# The shelter shoul %e small enough to
!reserve the og5s %o" heat#

6ogs living !rimaril" inoors ma" re7uire less 'oo to maintain a goo %o"
conition than ogs that s!en a lot o' time outsie# Short2haire ogs) senior
ogs an ogs with health !ro%lems ma" nee the !rotective warmth o' a og
(ac&et when the" go outsie#

I' "ou8ve %een out in the rain with "our og) chec& the og5s 'ur an i' it it wet
r" with a towel ma&ing sure to wi!e the !aws thoroughl") otherwise moisture
can %e tra!!e an cause sores# 6on5t 'orget to r" uner the %ell"#

Because o' its sweet taste) ogs are attracte to anti'ree9e an la! it u! when
it8s not !ro!erl" is!ose o'# Anti'ree9e is highl" to:ic) so store it out o' reach#
I' %" an" chance "our !et oes come into contact with the li7ui) go straight to
"our vet#
Handling 360 workshop
with Susan ;arrett
As we all &now agilit" courses have change a lot over the "ears# Courses have %ecome more
challenging 'or %oth og an hanler) es!eciall" coming 'rom the Euro!ean circuit) where not $
(um!s are going in the same irection#
Although we ma" not e:!erience the egree o' i''icult" in course esign at our local trials) the"
certainl" are more challenging at national events#
New challenges have seen man"
moern agilit" hanlers aa!t to this
an succee at the highest levels o'
com!etition# Not %ecause the" are the
'astest runners) %ut %ecause the" are
the most e''icient hanlers) who train
their og to !h"sicall" an mentall"
wor& together with their hanler using
a hanling s"stem that has evolve
with the emans o' moern course
3ne such hanler is Susan ;arrett)
multi!le Canaian an 1orl
Cham!ion title holers# *an" ma"
&now Susan ;arrett8s 6<68s 'or
training Crate ;ames) Success with
one =um! an $ : $ 1eave training#
I have %ecome an amirer o' Susan8s increi%le s&ill as a og trainer when I 'irst attene a >
a" wor&sho! with her a num%er o' "ears ago# It change ever"thing 'or me? *" og training
change) m" unerstaning o' ogs8 rives an m" relationshi! with m" girl Luna im!rove
greatl"# It was a'ter im!lementing the training tools I ha %een shown that I was a%le to achieve
much %etter outcomes with Luna in %oth) agilit" an o%eience) %earing in min that she is not an
eas" og to train#
Since then I have !artici!ate in the on2line Contact Success course with Susan) which I have
share with other hanlers at our clu%# 3ur clu% is 'ar awa" 'rom clu%s where the countr"8s to!
hanlers train an we are ver" isolate u! here in the 'ar north# Travelling own to Tamworth an
!artici!ating at the A6AA agilit" cham!ionshi!) Tricia) =ean an I have %een a%le to watch some
o' the to! hanlers at wor& an it was clear that we nee some ins!iration an guiance to
im!rove our hanling#
1ith that in min Tricia has this "ear signe u! 'or the online Hanling @A/ online course with
Susan ;arrett# 1ith Tricia an I having "oung ogs at a similar age an wor&ing towars entering
com!etition this "ear) we have wor&e together an com%ine our &nowlege to wor& on our
og8s 'ounation s&ills#
So when the o!!ortunit" came u! to ta&e !art in a wor&sho! with Susan in Bris%ane) we %oth
(um!e at it# It was a 'antastic 'ull on $ a"s) watching some o' the %est hanlers with a variet" o'
ogs an i''erent levels o' training#
This is what I learneB
SusanB It is not about the sequence it is about the skillC# So when wor&ing on a
se7uence an something oes not wor&) o not 'inish the se7uence# That is not what it is
a%out# 1or& on what i not wor&# Thin& a%out it) train this move an get it right# You ma"
nee to %ac& chain to get the s&ill right#
Lots o' communication is giving "our og in'ormation a%out what his (o% is on course# So earl"
an s!eci'ic cues are re7uire# This means we nee to train our ogs to unerstan man"
more cues than (ust D(um!8# In 'act Sue has @ i''erent commans 'or a (um!# Eor a (um!
where the og nees to accelerate an ta&e at 'ull e:tension) a (um! where the og nees to
collect an curve) an another 'or a F-/ egree turn#
The timing o' cues is crucial an the cue nees to %e given ver" earl" so the og is a%le to
!er'orm a tas& an &nows where to go well ahea o' the o%stacle# So a D(um!8 cue oes not
onl" tell the og the ne:t o%stacle %ut actuall" the line o' irection#
Susan trains her ogs to !er'orm a tas& ine!enentl" G she never %a%"8s her ogs? She gives a cue
an 'ull" e:!ects her og to o the (o%) while she ma" %e moving in a i''erent irection# This re7uires
a lot o' 'ounation training an constant testing o' "our og8s unerstaning o' a s&ill#
Not %eing such a 'ast runner these a"s) Susan now uses new hanling moves also) li&e Earl" %o"
rotation 'ront cross) %lin crosses) K2turns# All these moves re7uire training on the hanler8s !art# That
means the hanler has to train these moves) an this ma" %e goo to o in 'ront o' a mirror so "ou can
see what "ou loo& li&e to "our og#
Reaing a course correctl" an 'in out the %est line 'or "our og is im!ortant# So ta&e "our time when
wal&ing the course# Chec& out what the og sees) 'in out the %est turns 'or "our og etc#) this is
nothing new) o' course# I have realise that with all the new commans I am now using 'or m" og
Shel%") I nee to concentrate a lot more when wal&ing the course an wor& out in m" min what I
nee to cue an where an %e much more !recise a%out it#
I also learne that a%solute control over m" og is necessar"# Challenges li&e letting "our og run
towars a tunnel an ma&e him ro! (ust %e'ore) is such a tas&# Eor some ogs this can %e ver"
motivating) much li&e a restraine recall#
It is im!ortant to warm u! "our og %e'ore his runs an also cool own G reall" (ust li&e a human
athlete) we shoul treat them with the same res!ect#
I' a og runs awa" in %etween oing an e:ercise) there is onl" one course o' actionB HI on8t thin& soC
get the og an !ut him %ac& in the crate# I' !ossi%le ta&e out another og# This is not acce!ta%le
%ehaviour an shoul not %e reware with ongoing e:ercises#
Kee! rewaring on the hi! G never in 'ront o' "our %o"
SusanB HEver" time "our og ma&es a mista&e it is a cr" 'or hel!C# Chec& his unerstaning o' the
e:ercise# Brea& it own an 'i: the !ro%lem?
Tricia an I came awa" &nowing how much wor& we have to o) %ut also having a !lan o' how we can
train to ac7uire some o' the tools that we nee to %e com!etitive in higher levels o' agilit"#
All in all G it was ins!iring an highl" motivating# 1e are ha!!" to share our &nowlege an training
methos with ever"one on Thursa" nights#
You know you have waited too long to find a
mate when .....

..... you "people watch" at the mall by making mental lists of
the conformation faults each passerby has to contribute to the
gene pool
..... you start using operant conditioning techniques to get
what you want from your boyfriend, and you won't let him read
your copy of "Don't Shoot the Dog"
..... when you lament to your friends about chronic yeast
infections, they don't know you're talking about your dog's
..... you spend hours grooming your dog for a show the day
before, and !."# minutes pony$tailing your hair the morning of
..... you think that people with bad bites shouldn't be allowed
to breed
..... your mother's worst fear is that you'll have a child and
make it wear a pinch collar
..... your mother's second worst fear is you'll get married and
your dog will be in the wedding party
..... you actually have friends whose dogs have been part of
the wedding party
Congratulations to an Exceptional Team
Mel and Indy

T!e "ourney
It was clear 'rom the start that there was something s!ecial a%out the !artnershi! %etween the "oung
Belgian *alinois an his hanler 'rom the moment the" ste!!e onto the training groun#
In" was onl" > months o' age when he 'irst (oine a class at the Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu%# He was in a
class with much oler ogs an !er'orme li&e a cham!ion# He was not istracte %" the strange ogs or
the strange !lace#
Kesle" Court) a senior o%eience (uge) on seeing In" 'or the 'irst time commente $There is obviously a
special rapport between this wonderful hi%h drive do% who has been fortunate enou%h to be paired with
such an insi%htful partner & a terrific combination' I do remember thin#in% when I first saw Indy wor#in%
with Mel that he was (ust the #ind of handful needed in a do% to succeed at the hi%hest level' I #now he)ll
continue to succeed at *+ and beyond & he was made for ,bedience triallin%#C
*el sa"s HIt was very apparent early on that Indy was special' The speed with which he learnt new thin%s
and the speed of his reactions was somethin% I had never experienced before when trainin% do%s' -e
had incredible motivation and drive ri%ht from day one but not in a manic way that couldn)t be switched
off' -e was always clear in the head and never destructive as some hi%h drive do%s can be' These
hi%hly desirable traits are attributed to his breedin% and in particular to his breeder. Jens !ollenber% from
/ordenstamm #ennels'0
The beginning
*el %egan training In" 'or o%eience when he was onl" - wee&s ol# B" > months o' age when the" 'irst
(oine the Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu%) In" was alrea" emonstrating his e:ce!tional ca!a%ilities# 1hat is
more ama9ing is that In" is the 'irst og *el has traine 'or com!etitive o%eience# She i however
have a wealth o' &nowlege an e:!erience in hanling ogs in her Da" (o%8 as a etector og hanler
with the 6e!artment o' Agriculture) 'ormall" &nown as the Australian Iuarantine an Ins!ection Service
JAIISK# Although the s&ills are somewhat i''erent to those re7uire 'or o%eience com!etition *el was
a%le to a!!l" her e:!erience o' F$ "ears as a etector og hanler an trans'er that &nowlege to her
wor& with In"#
*el sa"s $I believe it is important to start puppies early as they are li#e little spon%es and soa# up
#nowled%e and trainin% very easily' "y the time Indy was (ust 12 wee#s old we had established a close
syner%y and Indy was confidently wor#in% off lead and heelin% with focus. could sit. down. stand. stay and
recall' "y the time he was 11 wee#s old he was able to trac# an un#nown person for about 220 metres0'
*el entere In" in his 'irst com!etition on @Fst *arch $/F@) this was a trac&ing trial hel in Townsville#
He was (ust F- months o' age# B" =ul" he ha achieve his T. Trac&ing Cham!ion in (ust - attem!ts? He
is an a%solute natural an loves ever" minute o' it# The s!ee with which he trac&s has earne him the
nic&name 5The In" E:!ress5?
Melinda Henley with
Nordenstamm Udo: Indy
Mel was awarded her T7
Championship qualification
and i!!on in Towns"ille# North
$ueensland on %&rd 'uly %()& after
!ein* +ud*ed an ,-cellent !y* 'ud*e Mal Holland/
The terrain was dense scru!
and quite hea"y *oin* !ut the
Indy ,-press made li*ht wor.
of the situation and indicated
on all articles findin* the !ait
with little effort/
Mel 0 Indy then returned to
Cairns and Indy o!tained his
second C12 qualification with
a score of )34 that same e"enin*/

T!e #uest $or t!e %olden Dum&&ell
In"8s 'irst o%eience com!etition was in A!ril $/F@ when *el entere him in Novice# B" the
'ollowing month In" ha gaine his C6 an was rea" 'or o!en# He gaine his 'irst 7uali'ication
in 3!en on FAth =une $/F@ with a score o' FL/ an ha attaine his C6M title %" F/th August#
In" was then rea" 'or U6 as *el ha alrea" %een training 'or the e:ercises# His 'irst U6
com!etition was in Se!tem%er $/F@# This meant that In" ha gone 'rom Novice to U6 in less
than > months an he wasn8t even two "ears ol "et?
Although *el was training 'or U6 an ha starte entering at the U6 level) she ha hear a%out
the Delusive8 Silver an ;olen um%%ells an ecie to tr" 'or one# In" ha alrea" receive
two scores o' FL/ !lus so was well on the wa" to a silver um%%ell# 3n .th Se!tem%er In" was
aware his thir FL/ !lus score an he ha reache the DSilver 6um%%ell8# *el ecie to &ee!
going an tr" 'or D;ol8) all the time still entering U6 com!etitions as well# Eor the remaining
three wee&s in Se!tem%er In" achieve another @ scores o' FL/ !lus an ha achieve the si:
he neee 'or the D;olen 6um%%ell8) all in (ust over @ months an uner , i''erent (uges with
his highest score %eing FL-#
In" is the 'irst og in Cairns to %e aware the D;olen 6um%%ell8 an the "oungest og in North
Iueenslan to receive one#
'inding Indy
7hen as.ed why she chose a Malinois to start her foray into the world of competiti"e o!edience and* Mel says A few years ago I attended a dog training seminar in Brisbane, as part of my work
which was being conducted by celebrity animal trainer Steve Austin, himself a previous National Trainer
with AIS! "e had recently returned from a trip to #urope and had several videos from various agencies
like the $%ech &olice demonstrating searches and protection work they were doing with 'alinois! I was
fascinated, I had never heard of 'alinois! (hen I got home I started researching the breed and breeders
as I had decided I wanted to compete with a dog and was keen to do tracking as well as obedience! I read
both good and bad things about the breed but was sure I had the skills and ability to manage one! After
about ) years of e*tensive research I decided to contact +ens and Alison ,ollenberg-s Nordenstamm
kennel! +ens has ./ years of e*pertise in breeding working dogs and has himself been the recipient of
many awards in the working dog arena! After meeting both +ens and Alison at their 0old $oast ,ennel I
made an informed decision to purchase my first 'alinois from +ens and haven1t looked back!2
In"5s 'ather is a two times Australian ;ran National Cham!ion in I43 JECI International Trial 'or
1or&ing 6ogsK) a ;erman State Cham!ion) a Trac&ing Cham!ion an also a Cham!ion an
multi!le High in Trial reci!ient in three countries) incluing his recent win o' Best 3%eience at
the NNKC Nationals# His gran'ather is a @ times 1orl Cham!ion in I43# =ens an Alison
Kollen%erg8s Norenstamm &ennel have !rouce worl class wor&ing ogs 'oun in $L
countries on all 'ive Continents# The Kollen%erg5s are certi'ie as !re'erre %reeers in the RAAE
*ilitar" 1or&ing 6og !rogramO ogs 'rom their &ennel have e:celle at a wie range o'
con'ormation) ho%%" eventing an s!orting og activities as well as militar" an securit" wor&#
;iven In"8s high !er'ormance s&ills he is !roving himsel' as a great am%assaor 'or the %ree
an a chi! o'' the ol %loc&?
The results
*el an In" !rogresse 'rom Novice to U6 as well as gaining a Trac&ing Cham!ionshi! in (ust one
trialling season which J'or Ear North IueenslanK onl" runs 'or A#> months %etween A!ril an 3cto%er#
Since his 'irst 7uali'"ing score in C6M) In" o%taine his si: 7uali'"ing scores 'or the ;olen 6um%%ell in
onl" FA trial a"s#
Season Statistics ( A)ards
*el an In" com!ete in $- trial a"s# In" 7uali'ie F@ times with twelve Fst !lacing8s an one
C6 average score F.L
C6M average score FLF
3verall 7uali'"ing average F--
Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu% Highest aggregate score 3%eience Tro!h" A!ril $/F@
Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu% Highest aggregate score 3%eience Tro!h" *a" $/F@
Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu% Highest aggregate score 3%eience Tro!h" Se!tem%er $/F@
Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu% 3!en og o' the "ear $/F@
Cairns Cit" Kennel Clu% Trac&ing og o' the "ear $/F@
6ogs Iueenslan ;olen 6um%%ell Awar $/F@
T!e $uture
As 'or the 'uture) In" has alrea" shown great !romise in the U6 ring an we can %e sure to see more o'
*el an In"8s successes# At onl" $ "ears o' age it is surel" onl" a matter o' time %e'ore he attains his
;ran 3%eience Cham!ionshi!#
Smell is an important part of how dogs communicate and identify with each other,
which may explain why most dogs don't like to be washed that often! Healthy dogs need little
washing. Dogs are most often washed so they smell better for their owners. But washing
your dog is also a great way to gie your pet a nice massage.
!n tick areas, using a special tick shampoo will help protect your dog against ticks.
"ashing #our Dog$
#ou'll need some dog shampoo, water %preferably from a hose&, and a large enough space for
washing. #ou'll also need a dog!
' (emember to always use dog shampoo ' dog skin is different from human skin, and human
shampoo can irritate your dog's skin.
' )irst, gently hose and wet the dog down.
' *ext, rub on shampoo and work through the fur all oer the dog's body.
' +ake sure you rinse all of the shampoo out of your dog's coat when you bath him, and he will
loe it!
' ,astly, dry your dog off with a rag or towel. ,et him shake any excess water off himself if he
needs to.
' Dogs behae better if you use gentle handling and a firm commanding oice while they are
washed. -he younger you can train your dog how to behae at bath time the easier it will be for
' .ie your dog a treat or two while he's being washed so he stays interested.
!f you are treating your dog for fleas, make sure you do it a couple of days after you bathe him.
-his is because flea treatments work through the oils in a dogs skin, and most of these oils are
remoed when a dog is washed.
(emember to clean your dog's bedding as well, this will help him stay fresh and keep fleas away.
;lenn5s Brownie Reci!e
F cu! J$>/mlK %rown sugar
$ eggs) %eaten
Q cu! JF//mlK oil or melte %utter
Q cu! JF//mlK !lain 'lour
Q cu! JF//mlK cocoa
Fts! J>mlK vanilla

Q ts! J$mlK %a&ing !ower
Q cu! JF//mlK walnuts or rice %u%%les or choc chi!s
Coo& in a grease meium s7uare !an at F-/RC 'or $/S minutes or until 'irm on
eges %ut so't an 'uge li&e in the centre#
The End

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