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LINKS Framework Lesson Plan

TOPIC: A Different Take on a Filipino Legend

Grade 6: Alamat ng Ampalaya
I. Learning Objectives
A. Expressive
1 To reali!e t"at we "a#e different traits and strengt"s t"at we $an %se
& To appre$iate t"e good traits of ot"ers and %se it as 'o%r inspiration
( To appre$iate t"e )o' of a$$epting 'o%r gi#en talents and traits
* To appre$iate t"e a%t"or+s stor'telling st'le ,' making #egeta,les "a#e "%man
B. Instructional
1 Des$ri,e t"e $"ara$ters in t"e stor' %sing a $"ara$ter profile $"art
& Se-%en$e t"e e#ents in t"e stor' %sing a time line
( Ill%strate t"e main $"ara$ter ,efore. d%ring. and after "e got t"e traits from t"e
ot"er #egeta,les
* Create an alternate ending for t"e stor'
/ 0rite a diar' entr' s%mmari!ing t"e e#ents in t"e stor'
II. Subject Matter
Stor': Ang Alamat ng Ampala'a
1': A%gie 2i#era
III. Materials
3o$a,%lar' word strips and t"eir meanings. $"ara$ter profile $"art. timeline $"art.
ill%stration $"art. indi#id%al works"eets
IV. Prcedure
A. Prereading activities
1 4nlo$king of diffi$%lties in $on$ept and #o$a,%lar'
T"e following words will ,e %nlo$ked %sing a s"ort narrati#e and a few
6eaning De#i$e5s
Spro%ted To ,egin to grow7 gi#e off s"oots or ,%ds a$tion. $onte8t $l%es
1land la$king eit"er stim%lating or irritating $"ara$teristi$s $onte8t $l%es
Irrita,le easil' irritated or anno'ed7 readil' e8$ited to impatien$
e or anger
A$tion. $onte8t $l%es
Trellis a framework of t"is kind %sed as a s%pport for growing #
ines or plants
Pi$t%re. $onte8t
9%mid Noti$ea,l' moist Conte8t $l%es
Spied kept $lose and se$ret wat$" on t"e a$tionsand words of
anot"er or ot"ers
A$tion. $onte8t $l%es
6o$ked $"allenged Conte8t $l%es
& A$ti#ating Prior Knowledge and De#eloping a 6oti#ation for 2eading
T"e st%dents will a$$omplis" a K0L $"art a,o%t w"at t"e' know a,o%t
K 0 L
( De#eloping a p%rpose for reading
6oti#ation :%estion
0"at do 'o% do w"en 'o% are in a new neig",or"ood;
6oti#e :%estion
In o%r stor'. w"at did o%r main $"ara$ter do in t"e new neig",or"ood;
B. During Reading
1 6anner of Presentation5 Stor'telling strateg':
2ead Alo%d52ead along
& Asking -%estions w"ile stor' is ,eing read <see atta$"ed=
C. Post Reading Activities
1 >ngagement A$ti#ities <small gro%ps= and Dis$%ssion :%estions:
0"at is t"e title of t"e stor'; (The tile of the story is Alaat ng Apalaya!
0"o is t"e main $"ara$ter of t"e stor'; <The ain character is Apalaya.!
0"o are t"e ot"er $"ara$ters in t"e stor'; <T"e ot"er $"ara$ters are
0"at traits $an we %se to des$ri,e "im; Let %s listen to t"e report of ?ro%p
!"GAG!M!"# A$#IVI#% &: %O'()! A S#A)*
0rite a $"ara$ter profile of Ampala'a and gi#e e#iden$es of ea$" %sing t"e
gi#en format

C"allenges en$o%ntered:
9ow did "e o#er$ome t"e $"allenges:
0"at str%$k 'o% t"e most a,o%t "im; 0"' t"at trait;
0"at ot"er t"ings wo%ld 'o% like to know a,o%t "im;
9ow are 'o% like Ampala'a; 0"at traits of "im did 'o% like;
0"at are "is traits t"at 'o% wo%ld like to $"ange; 0"';
0"at are t"e important e#ents t"at "appened in t"e stor'; 9ow will 'o% feel
if 'o% were t"e main $"ara$ter; Let %s listen to t"e report of ?ro%p &
!"GAG!M!"# A$#IVI#%+: #IM! LI"!
List down at least / important e#ents t"at "appened to Ampala'a in t"e stor'
Plot t"em in t"e $"art 0rite in $omplete senten$es
0"at $an 'o% sa' a,o%t Ampala'a after seeing t"ese e#ents "appen;
0"at e#ent in t"e stor' did 'o% like ,est; 0"';
0"at part5s of t"e stor' t"at 'o% wo%ld like to $"ange; 0"';
0"at did Ampala'a do one nig"t; <9e stole t"e traits of t"e ot"er
0"at traits did "e stole from t"e #egeta,les;
0"' do 'o% t"ink "e stole t"ose spe$ifi$ traits;
9ow did Ampala'a look after getting t"e traits;
0"at did t"e ot"er #egeta,les t"ink of Ampala'a@s new look;
0"o do%,ted Ampala'a@s new look;
0"at did t"e' do to get to t"e ,ottom of t"ings;
0"ere did t"e' ,ring Ampala'a after knowing t"e tr%t";
0"at was t"e #erdi$t of t"e fairies; Do 'o% t"ink t"at is a fair #erdi$t;
If 'o% were a fair'. w"at p%nis"ment will 'o% gi#e Ampala'a;
Did Ampala'a@s look $"anged after t"e #erdi$t; Let@s listen to t"e report of
?ro%p (
!"GAG!M!"# A$#IVI#% ,: #-! LOO.S O/ AMPALA%A
Ill%strate and des$ri,e t"e main $"ara$ter ,efore. d%ring and after "e got t"e
traits from t"e ot"er #egeta,les
T"e Looks of Ampala'a
9e looks
9e looks
9e looks
0"i$" look was ,etter for Ampala'a;
Did "e deser#e t"e #erdi$t of t"e fairies;
0"at "appened to Ampala'a after "is look $"anged;
0"at is t"e taste of Ampala'a;
0"' do 'o% t"ink man' people don@t like Ampala'a;
0"at $an Ampala'a do to ,e liked ,' people;
If 'o% $an gi#e an alternate ending for t"e stor'. w"at will it ,e; Let@s listen to
t"e report of ?ro%p *
!"GAG!M!"# A$#IVI#%0: ALAMA# "G AMPALA%A: AL#!)"A#!
Create an alternate ending for t"e Alamat ng Ampala'a

0"at did 'o% t"ink of t"e ending;
0"at ot"er endings $an we make a,o%t t"e stor';
9ow do 'o% t"ink Ampala'a feels w"en people ignore "im on t"eir plates;
0"at do 'o% t"ink are t"e reali!ations of Ampala'a; Let %s listen to t"e
report of ?ro%p /
!"GAG!M!"# A$#IVI#%2: 1!A) 1IA)%
0rite a diar' entr' "ig"lig"ting important e#ents in t"e stor'
If 'o% see ampala'a on 'o%r plate. wo%ld 'o% eat it; 0"' or w"' not;
If Ampala'a "ad a$depted w"at "e looked like from t"e start. w"at do 'o%
t"ink "appened to "im;
0"at $an 'o% get from eating Ampala'a;
D. Enrichent Activity
6ake slogan a,o%t making a "a,it of eating #egeta,les
Dear Diar'.
Toda' "ad ,een a ,%s' da' for me I
I learned t"at
4ntil t"e ne8t time.
V. S3ills 1evelpment: 4riting s S5rt stry
". #$%ectives
a To define a s"ort stor'
, To identif' t"e elemets of a s"ort stor'
$ 0rite a s"ort stor'
&. Introduction'(ar)up
T"e tea$"er will ask details a,o%t t"e stor' read Ask t"em -%estion a,o%t
t"e elements of a s"ort stor'
*. Teaching'+odelling
Dis$%ss w"at is a s"ort stor' and des$ri,e it After t"at. des$ri,e t"e
$"ara$teristi$s of a s"ort stor'
4sing a grap"i$ organi!er. s"ow t"e st%dents "ow to write a s"ort stor'
,. -uided practice
Ask t"e st%dents to gi#e smaples of t"e elements of t"e s"ort stor' ?%ide
t"em in making t"eir own stories %sing t"e elements gi#en
.. Independent practice
0rite a s"ort stor' on an' of t"e following ideas:
One da'. in s$"ool
T"e Longest Da' e#er
I will ne#er do t"atD
/. Evaluation
Look for 'o%r fa#orite wellFknow Filipino legend Create 'o%r own #ersion of
t"e stor'

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