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Intermediate Level
Science Assessment 1
Directions: There are two parts to this test.
Part I:
Part I consists of 17 mltiple choice !estions. "ach !estion is followed #$ % choices.
&hoose the #est answer and fill in the ###le on $or scan sheet. 'e sre to fill in $or
answers completel$. D( )(T *+IT" I) PA+T I (, T-" ASS"SS.")T.
Part II:
Part II consists of 1/ short answer docment #ased !estions. "0amine the docments and
answer the !estions. +ecord $or answers to these !estions in the appropriate space on
$or answer sheet. D( )(T *+IT" I) PA+T II (, T-" ASS"SS.")T.

Part I
Base your answers to question 1 on the topographic map below, which shows the elevation of land in feet above sea
level. Points A, B, and C are locations on the map.
1. A camper walked from point A to point B by taking a path shown by the dotted line. hat is the appro!imate distance
the camper walked"
#1$ 1.% miles #&$ &.' miles
#($ (.% miles #)$ &.% miles
(. All rocks are composed of
#1$ fossils #&$ metals
#($ cells #)$ minerals
&. hen placed in direct sunlight, which ob*ect will absorb
the most visible light energy"
#1$ a piece of clear glass
#($ a snowball
#&$ a shiny mirror
#)$ a black sweater
). +he movement of an air mass over ,arth-s surface
#1$ earthquake activity
#($ local weather changes
#&$ global warming
#)$ ecological succession
%. hich two processes could result in the formation of
high mountains with well.rounded peaks"
#1$ volcanic eruptions and global warming
#($ earthquakes and tidal activity
#&$ collision of crustal plates and erosion
#)$ production of greenhouse gases and
/. hen carbon and o!ygen combine chemically, the mass
of the product is
#1$ greater than the mass of the carbon plus the
mass of the o!ygen
#($ equal to the mass of the carbon plus the mass
of the o!ygen
#&$ equal to the mass of the carbon
#)$ less than the mass of the carbon
0. 1uring which phase change is heat energy absorbed by
a substance"
#1$ liquid to gas #&$ liquid to solid
#($ gas to solid #)$ gas to liquid
2. 3oving water in a river is considered a renewable
resource because it
#1$ carries dissolved o!ygen
#($ easily erodes sediments
#&$ is made of natural gas
#)$ can be recycled by nature over time
4. +hree different human cells are shown below.
hich process occurs in all of these cells"
#1$ metamorphosis #&$ reproduction
#($ locomotion #)$ photosynthesis
1'. hich sequence correctly shows the levels of
organi5ation for structure and function in a human"
#1$ cell 6 tissue 6 organ 6 organ system
#($ organ system 6 cell 6 tissue 6 organ
#&$ tissue 6 organ 6 organ system 6 cell
#)$ cell 6 organ 6 tissue 6 organ system
11. 7eathers, wings, and the hollow bones of birds are
e!amples of
#1$ adaptations for flight
#($ responses to stimuli
#&$ unnecessary body parts
#)$ reproductive structures
1(. +he diagram below shows two different organisms, a
dog and a cat.
hich phrase best describes the classification of these two
#1$ same kingdom, same species
#($ same kingdom, different species
#&$ different kingdoms, different species
#)$ different kingdoms, same species
1&. Ase!ually produced offspring are genetically
#1$ identical to the parent
#($ different from the parent
#&$ different from each other
#)$ formed by two parents
1). Compared to the amount of hereditary information in a
human body cell, how much hereditary information is
contained in a human se! cell"
#1$ one.quarter the amount
#($ one.half the amount
#&$ the same amount
#)$ twice the amount
1%. hich group of organisms can show significant trait
changes in the shortest period of time"
#1$ bacteria #&$ fish
#($ birds #)$ reptiles
1/. A plant produces tiny plants around the edges of its
leaves. hen these tiny plants fall to the ground, they take
root and become new plants.
+his process is an e!ample of
#1$ se!ual reproduction
#($ ase!ual reproduction
#&$ evolution
#)$ e!tinction
10. hich term describes an organism-s ability to maintain
a stable internal environment"
#1$ reproduction #&$ locomotion
#($ e!tinction #)$ regulation
Part II
Base your answers to questions 12 and 14 on the passage below and on your knowledge of science.
A student adds sugar to a cup of iced tea and a cup of hot tea. 8he notices that the time
needed for the sugar to dissolve in each cup is different. 8he thinks this has something to do
with the temperature of the tea. 8he wants to design an e!periment to see if she is correct.
12. rite a hypothesis based on the student-s observations. 91:
14. <dentify two variables that should be held constant in an e!periment to test this hypothesis. 9(:
('. +he data table below shows two physical properties of the minerals quart5 and amphibole #hornblende$.
8elect the physical property from the table that can distinguish quart5 from amphibole and describe a procedure that can
be used to test this property. 91:
Physical property= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Procedure= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(1. A diagram of the rock cycle is shown below.
<dentify two processes most directly involved in the formation of an igneous rock. 91:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Base your answers to questions (( and (& on the information and diagram below and on your knowledge of science.
A rock hanging from a spring scale is being lowered into a graduated cylinder
containing water. 7igure A shows the reading on the spring scale before the rock is lowered
into the water. 7igure B shows the reading on the spring scale when the rock is in
the water. +he reading on the spring scale in figure A is greater than the reading on the
spring scale in figure B.
((. ,!plain why the spring scale shows a greater reading in figure A than in figure B. 91:
(&. ,!plain why placing the rock in the water causes the water level to rise. 91:
Base your answers to questions () and (% on the information and diagrams below and on your knowledge of science.
7igure A shows a beaker containing water, sand, and salt. +he salt is totally dissolved
in the water. 7igure B shows the contents of the beaker being poured through filter paper
in a funnel over a flask. 7igure C shows the same flask after sitting at room temperature
for 1% days. After 1% days, the flask contains only solid salt particles.
() <dentify the soluble material, the insoluble material, and the solvent in the beaker in figure A. 91:
8oluble material= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
<nsoluble material= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8olvent= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(% ,!plain why the contents of the flask in figure B are classified as a mi!ture. 91:
(/. +he diagram below shows a green plant carrying on photosynthesis.
<dentify two things shown in the diagram that the plant needs for photosynthesis to occur. 91:
#1$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
#($ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Base your answers to questions (0 and (2 on the information below and on your knowledge of science.
<n pea plants, the green.pod gene #>$ is dominant over the yellow.pod gene #g$.
(0a. +wo pea plants with green pods, >g ? >>, were crossed. Complete the Punnett square below to show the results of
this cross. 91:
(0b. hat percentage of the offspring produced by this cross will most likely have green pods" 91:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @
(2 8how the genetic makeup of two parent pea plants whose offspring would all have yellow pods. 91:
;;;;;;;;;;; ? ;;;;;;;;;;;
(4 Aumans have several organ systems that allow them to carry on all life activities. Complete the chart below by
identifying one organ system that is responsible for each life activity listed. +he first row has been completed as an
e!ample. 9&:
Base your answers to question &' on the diagram below and on your knowledge of science. +he diagram shows the
position of ,arth in relation to the 8un on 1ecember (1, which is the first day of winter in the Borthern Aemisphere. +he
shaded area represents the portion of ,arth e!periencing nighttime.
&'. +he diagram below shows ,arth in relation to the 8un on Cune (1, which is the first day of summer in the Borthern
Aemisphere. 1raw and label the positions of the Borth and 8outh Poles on the diagram. 91:
Grade Intermediate Level Science Assessment 1
)ame: Date: &lass:
Part II
12. rite a hypothesis based on the student-s observations. 91:
14. <dentify two variables that should be held constant in an e!periment to test this hypothesis. 9(:
Physical property= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
Procedure= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(1. <dentify two processes most directly involved in the formation of an igneous rock. 91:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; and ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
((. ,!plain why the spring scale shows a greater reading in figure A than in figure B. 91:
(&. ,!plain why placing the rock in the water causes the water level to rise. 91:
(). <dentify the soluble material, the insoluble material, and the solvent in the beaker in figure A. 91:
8oluble material= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
<nsoluble material= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
8olvent= ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(% ,!plain why the contents of the flask in figure B are classified as a mi!ture. 91:
(/. <dentify two things shown in the diagram that the plant needs for photosynthesis to occur. 91:
#1$ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
#($ ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
(0a. +wo pea plants with green pods, >g ? >>, were crossed. Complete the Punnett square below to show the results of
this cross. 91:
(0b. hat percentage of the offspring produced by this cross will most likely have green pods" 91:
;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; @
(2 8how the genetic makeup of two parent pea plants whose offspring would all have yellow pods. 91:
;;;;;;;;;;; ? ;;;;;;;;;;;
(4 Aumans have several organ systems that allow them to carry on all life activities. Complete the chart below by
identifying one organ system that is responsible for each life activity listed. +he first row has been completed as an
e!ample. 9&:
&'. +he diagram below shows ,arth in relation to the 8un on Cune (1, which is the first day of summer in the Borthern
Aemisphere. 1raw and label the positions of the Borth and 8outh Poles on the diagram. 91:

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