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World Geography

WebQuest: Asia Countries

Gospel for Asia

Go to
Follow the directions and answer the following 26 questions.
Once you have completed, place on your Posterous iFolio page and
answer the 2 reflection prompts bulleted at the bottom of this

1. Go to the left side under About Gospel for Asia

a. Select Where We Work
b. Go to India (state profiles A-K)
i. Select Delhi
1. What is the dominant language spoken? Hindi
is the most spoken language there.
2. What is the Old Delhi and what is the New
Delhi? The New Delhi is located in northern
India and it has the national capital city. The
Old Delhi is an ancient city were Shah Jahan
established the Red Fort which some of it still
stands there.
c. Go to India (state profiles M-W)
i. Select Rajasthan
1. Where is Rajasthan found in India? Its located
on the top left of India.
2. What goods come from Rajasthan that is
famous all over the world? There is a lot of
famers there fore they distribute food and
d. Go to Country Profiles
i. Select China
1. What does the “one child” policy mean? It
means that you can only have one child
because of so many people that live there.
2. Are Christians accepted within The People’s
Republic of China (PRC)? Why? Christianity is
forbidden in China.
e. Go to Country Profiles
i. Select Nepal
1. Where is Nepal located? Its between
Tibet(China) and India.
2. What is the second largest industry in Nepal?

Dr. J. Smith & Ms. J. Markley, Facilitators World Geography & Health
South Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific World
Asia WebQuest:
Christian fundamentalists.
f. Go to Country Profiles
i. Select Thailand
1. When did Thailand become an independent
nation? Since 1238 its been a indpendent
2. Culturally, what do Thai people enjoy? They
enjoy boxing.

2. Go to the top menu bar and select NEWS

a. Select FLOOD UPDATES in the sidebar of this page
i. View the latest video update titled: GFA Medical Dr.
Daniel J. Video Update 2 10/27/2009
1. What diseases do floods carry? Malria, hepatitis
2. How are they bringing relief to these flooded
areas? People are helping out.
b. Select Nepal Feature located in the middle of the NEWS
c. Select View his PhotoShow journal
i. View Part 5
1. What is the name of the native missionary?
2. Why is it so difficult for the native missionaries
to carry the message of Jesus to the villages in
Nepal? Because there is a lot of weather
ii. View Part 7
1. What are the high peaks named poking up over
the mountain ridges? Himalayan peaks.
2. What are Porters? People that carry very
heavy things usually on there backs.

3. Go to the top menu bar and select VIDEOS

a. Select and view Bridge of Hope
1. What are Dalits and why do they need so much
help? People call the Daltis sub human by their
2. How is this mission organization bringing Hope
to these people? People are going there to help
them out.
b. Select Amazing Videos from the Field
i. View Islands of West Bengal
1. How are lives being transformed? People that
didn’t have nothing are at least getting
something small something called hope.
Dr. J. Smith & Ms. J. Markley, Facilitators World Geography & Health
South Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific World
Asia WebQuest:
2. What is the name of the missionary who goes
to these island villages? There called GFA.
ii. View Joseph-Native Missionary
1. Where was Joseph from and where did he go as
a native missionary? He was there to helo.
2. Who accepted the gospel from Joseph? A lot of
people or some strangers.
c. Under Video Highlights on the right side of the page…
i. View Winter Clothing Flip-Flop Sandals in the Snow
1. Where does the snowfall happen in Asia?
2. What type of winter clothing do they need?
Coats and winter clothes.
ii. View Jaishri Bible Woman
1. What is considered the 10-40 Window? A big
2. Why are women despised in parts of Asia?
Everything except face.

 Once you have completed perusing this website and answering

the questions…upload on your Posterous iFolio and reflect on the
following prompts:

o What did you learn about the countries of Asia? I learned a

lot from this. That there is people that need alot of hope.

o How are the countries of Asia similar to those studied in

Africa? A lot of there are similar.

 Have this entire assignment completed and uploaded by

Monday, November 9, 2009 by 9:00PM. NO POINTS will be
awarded for uploads beyond this deadline.

Looking forward to all there is to learn from our ITU: CHOICES

Dr. J. Smith & Ms. J. Markley, Facilitators World Geography & Health
South Asia, East Asia, and the Pacific World
Asia WebQuest:

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