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Jaundice - Liver
2. Cirrhosis Liver
3. Hepatitis Liver
4. Pneumonia Lungs
5. Sars Lungs
. !u"ercu#osis - Lungs
$. Po#io %erve S&stem
'. !rachoma (&es
). *#aucoma (&es
1+. %earsightedness ,-&opia. (&es
11. %ight "#indness ,n&cta#opia. (&es
12. (c/ema S0in
13. Scurv& - S0in
14. !&phoid 1ntestine
15. 2iphtheria !hroat
1. *oiter - !h&roid *#and
1$. 3rthritis Joints
1'. 2ia"etes Pancreas
1). -umps Sa#ivar& *#ands
2+. -a#aria Sp#een
21. 312S - 1mmune S&stem
22. *ingivitis *ums
23. Japanies (ncepha#itis 4rain
24. P&orrhoea *ums
25. 5titis (ar
1. 6H1CH PL3%(! 57 !H( S5L38 S9S!(- SP1%S 5% 1!S 3:1S 3! !H( 73S!(S!
2. !H( C5<8! L3%*<3*( 57 !H( -<*H3LS 63S=
3. P(%C1L L(32 1S -32( <P 57=
4. 6H3! 1S 3 4L3C> H5L(;
5. 61!H 6H1CH 638 1S !H( %3-( 57 7L58(%C( %1*H!1%*3L( 3SS5C13!(2;
. 3% 54J(C! 6(1*HS -3:1-<- 1%=
$. L5%*(S! 81?(8 57 3S13% C5%!1%(%! 1S=
'. 6H1CH 81?(8 C85SS(S !H( (@<3!58 !61C(
). L1%(S 2836% P383LL(L !5 !H( (@<3!58 38( C3LL(2=
1+. !H( 3<!H58 57 38!H3SH3S!83 63S=
11. 6H(% 212 !H( 718S! C5--5%6(3L!H *3-(S !3>( PL3C(;
ANS. 1930
12. A!H( P85P(8 S!<29 57 -3%>1%2 1S -3%B 6H5 S312 !H1S;
Simon Santoso of Indonesia won Malaysia Grand Prix Gold
Super Hercules aircraft of IAF C-13 ! cras"ed in #a$ast"an
Hindi writer Mr% Go&ind Mis"ra selected for Saraswati Samman '13
G ( )irla Award '13 *a++ed *y P"ysicist #a$es" Gopa,umar
Indian !ournalist S"u*"rans"u C"oud"ary *a++ed -(i+ital acti&ism award-" Cat"olic priest /omas Hali, wins 01%13 million /empleton Pri.e
First elected Prime Minister of Spain Adolfo Suare. passed away
(eputy Go&ernor of #)I 2C C"a,ra*arty resi+ns
)oo, 3#ationalised #oman for 2as"miri3 released
Smartp"one 4irus (endroid detected
Stamp on 5oor Inayat 2"an released *y )ritain-s #oyal Mail
Go&ernment of India di&ested its 6 percent sta,e in Axis )an,
Senior women "oc,ey 5ational /itle clinc"ed *y #SP)
Indian first e&er truc, racin+ c"ampions"ip won *y Stuart 7li&er
All elections *oot"s will *e smo,in+ free in !829 *ecame first state to do so
5ew Molecule HSP6 disco&ered
Astronomers disco&ered lar+est e&er yellow "yper+iant star - H# :1;1 A
<5SC extended mandate of <5AMA till Marc" '1:
Aditi 2"anna *ecame first women President of I!A
#% 5eela,antan appointed as CF7 *y Spice!et
Myanmar "osted t"ird )IMS/=C summit '1>
ICC under 16 ?orld Cup '1> won *y Sout" Africa
<nion Go&ernment of India on '1 Fe*ruary '1> raised t"e num*er of wor,days
under M5#=GA @Ma"atma Gand"i 5ational #ural =mployment Guarantee Act
':A from 1 days to 1: days%
<nion Ca*inet cleared reser&ation for !ats community under 7)C cate+ory
Mars"al Mo"ammad Basim Fa"im9 4ice President of Af+"anistan died
Ar&ind Mayaram appointed as new Finance Secretary
)oo, 3Crusader or ConspiratorC Coal+ate and 7t"er /rut"s3 written *y PC
Para," released Pri.e '1> in poetry cate+ory *a++ed *y 4i$ay Ses"adri
5ext C"ief !ustice of India will *e !ustice #%M%Dod"a
(adasa"e* P"al,e Award '13 +oes to De+endary Poet
Dondon Marat"on won *y ?ilson 2ipsan+
!ustice G #o"ini appointed as t"e first women C"ief !ustice of (el"i Hi+" Court
1% President of India
- Shri Prana" >umar -u0herCee
'% Prime Minster of India
- 2r -anmohan Singh
3% C"ief !ustice of Supreme Court of IndiaE
HonD"#e Justice P. Sathasivam , Justice 8.-. Lodha Ei## ta0e over on 2$ 3pri# 2+14.
>% C"airman of t"e Plannin+ Commission of IndiaE
2r. -anmohan Singh
:% (eputy c"airman of t"e Plannin+ Commission of IndiaE
-onte0 Singh 3h#uEa#ia
:% C"airperson of San+eet 5ata, AcademyE
-s. Lee#a Samson
F% President of Sa"itya AcademyE
2r. ?ishEanath Prasad !iEari
;% Comptroller 8 Auditor General of India @CAGAE
Shashi >ant Sharma
1% Central 4i+ilance Commissioner @C4CAE
Pradeep >umar
6% C"airman of t"e =lection Commission GC"ief =lection CommissionerE
?. S. Sampath
1% Attorney General of IndiaE
*oo#am (. ?ahanEati
11% Solicitor General of India E
-ohan Parasaran
1'% Go&ernor of #eser&e )an, of IndiaE
8aghuram 8aCan
13% Spea,er of t"e Do, Sa*"aE
-eira >umar
1>% (eputy Spea,er of t"e Do, Sa*"aE
>ari&a -unda
1:% C"airman of t"e #a$ya Sa*"aE
-ohammad Hamid 3nsari
1F% (eputy c"airman of t"e #a$ya Sa*"aE
P.J. >urien
1;% Daw minister to t"e Go&ernment of India E-
>api# Si"a#
11% C"ief of t"e Army StaffE
*enera# 4i0ram Singh
16% C"ief of t"e Air StaffE
3ir ChieF -arsha# 3rup 8aha
'% C"ief of t"e 5a&al StaffE
3dmira# 8o"in > 2hoEan
'1% C"airman of Securities 8 =xc"an+e )oard of India @S=)IAE
<. >. Sinha
''% C"ief Information Commissioner @CICA of IndiaE
Sushma Singh
'3% C"airperson of Prasar )"arti of IndiaE
Smt. -rina# Pande ,!enure ends on 3+ 3pri# 2+14.
'>% C"ief =xecuti&e 7fficer of Prasar )"arti of IndiaE
Shri JaEhar Sircar
':% President of Confederation of Indian Industries @CIIAE
S *opa#a0rishnan
'F% (irector General of Confederation of Indian Industries @CIIAE
ChandraCeet 4anerCee
';% President of Federation of Indian C"am*ers of Commerce 8 Industries
Siddhartha 4ir#a
'1% President of 5ational Association of Software and Ser&ice Companies
8. Chandrashe0har
'6% C"airman of 5ational Association of Software and Ser&ice Companies
8. Chandrase0aran
3% C"airman of 5ational Sc"ool of (ramaE
8atan !hi&am
31% (irector General of Council of Scientific 8 Industrial #esearc"E
2r. !. 8amasami,3dditiona# Charge.
3'% (irector of Indian A+riculture #esearc" Institute@IA#IAE
2r. Hari Shan0ar *upta
33% C"airman of Dife Insurance Corporation of IndiaE
S.> 8o&
3>% C"airman cum Mana+in+ (irector of @CM(A of General Insurance
Corporation of India @GICAE
Shri P J Joseph
3:% C"airman of Insurance #e+ulatory 8 (e&elopment Aut"ority @I#(AAE
! S ?iCa&an
3F% C"airman of 5ational )an, for A+ricultural and #ural (e&elopment
H > 4hanEa#a
3;% C"airman of <ni&ersity Grants Commission @<GCAE
ProF. ?ed Pra0ash
31% C"airman of Press /rust of India @P/IAE
> % Shanth >umar
36% C"airperson of t"e State )an, of IndiaE
-s. 3rundhati 4hattachar&a
>% Secretary General of Do, Sa*"aE
4a# She0har
>1% Secretary HGeneral of t"e #a$ya Sa*"aE
Shumsher SheriFF
>'% C"airperson of t"e C"ildren Film Society of IndiaE
3mo# *upte
>3% C"airman of 5ational Film (e&elopment Corporation of IndiaE
8amesh Sipp&
>>% C"airman of <nion Pu*lic Ser&ice Commission @<PSCAE
ProF. 2. P. 3ggarEa#
>:% C"airman of /elecom #e+ulatory Aut"ority of India @/#AIAE
8ahu# >hu##ar
>F% Ca*inet Secretary to t"e Go&ernment of IndiaE
Shri 3Cit >umar Seth
>;% President of ASS7CHAME
8ana >apoor
>1% C"ief of t"e Inte+rated (efense staffE
3ni# Chait
>6% (irector of Central )ureau of In&esti+ation @C)IAE
8anCit Sinha
:% C"airman of Indian Space #esearc" 7r+ani.ation @IS#7AE
>. 8adha0rishnan
:1% C"airman of 5ational (airy (e&elopment )oard @5(()AE
!. %anda >umar
:'% President of Indian 5ational Con+ressE
Smt. Sonia *andhi
:3% President of )!PE
Shri. 8aCnath Singh
:>% General Secretary of CPI@MAE
Shri. Pra0ash >arat
::% C"airman Atomic =ner+y CommissionE
(r% #atan 2umar Sin"a
1. 6hich #egendar& 4enga#i actress Eho starred in memora"#e Hindi Fi#ms #i0e
2evdas and 3andhi passed aEa& on Januar& 1$;
Ans% Suc"itra Sen
2. !he First Eomen to "e appointed as chieF oF the %ationa# Po#ice
3cadem&G H&dera"ad;
Ans% Aruna )a"u+una
3. !he neE authorit& setup "& the *overnment oF 1ndia to advice the 8ai#Ea&
-inistr& on Fare and Freight rates;
Ans% #ail /ariff Aut"ority
4. 6ho "ecame the &oungest person to reach South po#e in 7e"ruar& 2+14;
Ans% Dewis Clar,e
5. 6hich communit& has recent#& "een granted minorit& status "& the <nion
Ans% !ain
. 6hich countr& Eon the inaugura# tit#e oF Hoc0e& 6or#d League 7ina#;
Ans% 5et"erlands
$. 6ho Eon 7173Hs 6omen 6or#d P#a&er oF the 9ear 3Eard 2+13;
Ans% 5adine An+erer @GermanyA
'. 6ho "ecame the First 1ndian Eic0et 0eeper to cross 3++ dismissa#s in 5ne 2a&
Ans% M%S ("oni
). 6hich 1ndian dair& co-operative #aunched the countr&Hs First I-i#0 3!-H;
Ans% Amul
1+. 6hich 1ndian state Eon the 6or#d !ourism 5rganisation ,<%6!5. <#&sses
3Eard For 1nnovation in Pu"#ic Po#ic& and *overnance;
1) Who took over as the 24th chief of the Indian Air Force, succeeding Air Chief Marshal N A
K Browne?- Arup Raha
2) Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on 4 January 2014 laid foundation stone for world's
largest corporate learning and development centre by Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) at?-
Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala
3) Who took oath and became the first female judge to be appointed at Pakistans national
sharia court which hears cases under the Islamic legislation?- Ashraf Jehan
4) Who has been appointed as the Special DG, Border Security Force (BSF)?- Devendra
Kumar Pathak
5) International Petroleum Conference 2014 (PETROTECH-2014) was held at which country
from 12th 15th January 2014?-India, New Delhi
6) Who won the FIFA Ballon dOr award for 2013 beating Barcelona's Messi and France
winger Franck Ribery?- Cristiano Ronaldo
7) Who has sworn-in as the Prime Minister of Bangladesh for the third time in Jan 2014?-
Sheikh Hasina
8) Name the Israels former Prime Minister who died in January 2014?- Ariel Sharon
9) 71st Golden Globe Awards:
Best Motion Picture, Drama: 12 Years a slave
Best Actor in a Motion Picture, Drama: Mathew Mc Conaughey for Dollas Buyers Club
Best Actress in a Motion Picture: Cate Blanchett for Blue Jasmine
10) Which railway stations platform number one has entered into the Limca Book of Records
as longest rail platform in the world in the certificate given by the Limca Book of Records?-
Gorakhpur railway station, Uttar Pradesh
11) Name Indias first gun for women which was launched on 9 January 2014?- Nirbheek
12) Which of the following company had in January 2014 become the first acquisition of
Facebook in India?- Little Eye Labs
13) Name nations first comprehensive adolescent health programme launched by
Government of India in Jan 2014?- Rashtriya Kishor Swasthya Karyakram (RKSK)
14) Who has been appointed as President of National Association of Software and Service
Companies (NASSCOM)?- R. Chandrashekhar
15) Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) on 5 January 2014 launched its heavy-duty
rocket GSLV-D5 for placing which communication satellite into the orbit?- GSAT-14
16) The former Supreme Court Judge, Justice A K Ganguly on 6 January 2014 resigned as
the Chairman of Human Rights Commission of which state?- West Bengal
17) Which state government on 13 January 2014 withdrew the Foreign Domestic Investment
(FDI) in Multibrand Retail and thus became first state to take this step?- Delhi
18) Which country urged India to open a branch of Indian Institutes of Technology in capital
of thet country in January 2014?- Malaysia
19) Which state/UT in India has hosted the 3rd Lusofonia Games (Portuguese
Commonwealth Games) from January 18 to 29, 2014?- Goa
20) Which country won the inaugural Hero Hockey World League 2014?- Netherlands
21) How many Portuguese-speaking countries have participated in the 3rd Lusofonia
Games?- 12
22) Which country emerged as winners in the 3rd Lusofonia Games 2014?- India
23) Which broadcaster on 15 January 2014 bagged the broadcasting rights in India for FIFA
World Cup in 2014 and 2018?- Sony SIX
24) Which state become the first state in India to give its entire population of 6.11 crore some
kind of health cover with the newly launched Rajiv Arogya Bhagya?- Karnataka
25) Who among the following has won The Hindu Prize for Best Fiction 2013?- Anees Salim
Prepared by:
26) Which footballer was awarded the 2013 FIFA Ballon d'Or award in Zurich?- Cristiano
27) Which Indian player became the .first Indian athlete to clinch a gold medal in a major
world track and field event?- Anju Boby George
28) Who has been voted the best women's football player in the world for 2013 by FIFA?-
Nadine Angerer
29) Which film has won best film (drama) at the 71st Golden Globe awards announced on 12
January 2014?- 12 Years a Slave
30) Which former India captain was honoured with the C K Nayudu Lifetime Achievement
Award 2014 by the BCCI?- Kapil Dev
31) Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has decided to withdraw all currency notes issued prior to
which year from circulation in January 2014?- 2005
32) Name the legendary Telugu actor who died at the age of 91 in Hyderabad in January
2014?- Akkineni Nageswara Rao
33) Who became the first woman to be appointed chief of National Police Academy also
known as Sardar Vallabhbhai Patel National Police Academy, Hyderbad?- Aruna Bahuguna
34) Who won the DSC prize 2014 for South Asian literature for his book Chronicles of a
Corpse Bearer?- Cyrus Mistry
35) Which community has been granted the minority status by Union Cabinet on 20 January
2014?- Jain
36) Who became the youngest person to trek to the South Pole on 18 January 2014 at the
age of 16?- Lewis Clarke
37) Which state in India has won the United Nations World Tourism Organisation(UNWTO)
Ulysses Award for Innovation in Public Policy and Governance
related to tourism sector?- Department of Tourism, Government of Kerala
38) Union Cabinet approved to set up which authority 20 January 2014 that will be an
advisory body which will advise the Railway Ministry on fares?- Rail Tariff Authority
39) Who won the Australian Open mens singles title 2014?- Stanislas Wawrinka
40) Indias first monorail service was inaugurated at which city?- Mumbai
41) Who have been conferred the Padma Vibhushan by Union Government on the eve of
Republic Day 2014?- Dr. Raghunath A. Mashelkar (Science and Engineering) & Shri
B.K.S.Iyengar(Yoga Guru)
42) Who won the Syed Modi International India Grand Prix title 2014?- Saina Nehwal
43) 59th Idea Filmfare Awards were given away on 24 January 2014. Which film won the
best film for 2013?- Bhaag Milkha Bhaag
44) Who on 25 January 2014 became the first captain to be involved in four tied One Day
International matches?- MS Dhoni
45) Which country became the first country in South Asia to ban the testing of cosmetics and
its ingredients on animals?- India
46) Who became the first woman to be appointed in an International Cricket Council (ICC)
umpires panel?- Kathy Cross of New Zealand
47) Which country recently announced Indian rupee as a legal tender?- Zimbabwe
48) Whose score of 203.8 in 10 m Air Pistol set at the Munich World Cup in November 2013
was recognized as World record on 30 January 2014?- Heena Sandhu
49) Who was the Chief Guest at India's Republic Day Celebrations 2014?- Shinzo Abe, PM
of Japan
50) Who won the Australian Open 2014 women's singles title?- Li Na, China
1) Election Commission of India on 5 March 2014 announced that the .th Lok Sabha
elections will be held from 7 April 2014 to 12 May 2014?- 16th
2) Election Commission has also announced that Assembly elections to which states?-
Sikkim, Odisha and Andhra Pradesh
3) Third BIMSTEC (Bay of Bengal Initiative for Multi-Sectoral Technical and Economic
Cooperation) Summit was held from 1 March to 4 March 2014 at?- Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
4) Name the South African cricket team Captain who retired from international cricket?-
Graeme Smith
5) New Governor of Kerala?- Sheila Dikshit
6) Which country won the ICC Under-19 Cricket World Cup 2014?- South Africa
7) Which film won the best picture award in the 86th Annual Academy Oscar Awards 2014?-
12 Years A Slave
>> Best Actor: Matthew McConaughey, Dallas Buyers Club
>> Best Actress: Cate Blanchett, Blue Jasmine
>> Best Director: Alfonso Cuaron, Gravity
8) Government of India on 4 March 2014 hiked the interest rates on fixed deposit scheme
that is offered by post offices by up to ..... percent?- 0.2
9) Which team won the 68th senior National football championship of Santosh Trophy by
defeating Railways 3-0?- Mizoram
10) International Women Day was observed across the world on 8 March 2014. What was
the theme for the day for 2014?- Equality for Women is Progress for all
11) Who was voted as the Cricketer of the Generation by ESPN Cricinfo?- Sachin Tendulkar
12) Who has resigned as chairman of the Unique Identification Authority of India (UIDAI)?-
Nandan Nilekani
13) Name the first Android phone launched by Finnish company Nokia, on 10 March 2014?-
Nokia X
Prepared by:
14) Name the Malaysian Airlines flight operating a Boeing 777-200ER aircraft which
vanished from the radar screens over the South China Sea with 239 people on board on 8
March 2014?- MH370
15) Who won the Templeton Prize for 2014?- Tomas Halik
16) World Water Day was observed on 22 March 2014 with the theme?- Water and Energy
17) Name the renowned author and journalist who died on 20 March 2014 at the age of 99 at
his home in Sujan Singh Park in Delhi?- Khushwant Singh
18) Which team won the Vijay Hazare Cricket Trophy 2013-14?- Karnataka
19) Who was appointed as the interim president of the Board of Control for Cricket in India
(BCCI) by the Supreme Court on 28 March 2014?- Sunil Gavaskar
20) World Health Organisation (WHO) on 27 March 2014 certified India as free from which
disease?- Polio
21) Who won cricket's Deodhar Trophy 2014?- West Zone
22) Who won the Pritzker Architecture Prize 2014?- Japanese architect Shigeru Ban
23) Who was appointed as the Revenue Secretary on 25 March 2014?- Rajiv Takru
24) Which public sector bank has launched first of its type Instant Money Transfer (IMT)
scheme on 24 March 2014?- Bank of India
25) Who won Sarawasti Samman for the year 2013?- Govind Mishra
26) Which actor was named as the brand ambassador of the Earth hour 2014?- Arjun

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