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Department of Applied Sciences & Humanities

List of Experiments


List of Experiments
1. Determination of alkalinity in the given water sample.
2. Determination of temporary and permanent hardness in water sample using EDTA as standard solution.
3. Determination of available chlorine in bleaching powder.
4. Determination of chloride content in bleaching powder.
5. Determination of iron content in the given water sample by Mohrs methods.
6. pH-metric titration.
7. Determination of Equivalent weight of iron by the chemical displacement method. The equivalent weight of copper
is 63.5.
8. Viscosity of an addition polymer like polyester by Viscometer.
9. Determination of iron concentration in sample of water by colorimetric method. The method involves the use of
KSCN as a colour developing agent and the measurements are carried out at max 480nm.
10. Element detection and functional group identification in organic compounds.
11. Preparation of Bakelite resin.


List of Experiments
1. To conduct the tensile test and determine the ultimate tensile strength, percentage elongation for a steel
2. To determine the compression test and determine the ultimate compressive strength for a specimen
3. To conduct the Impact-tests (Izod / Charpy) on Impact-testing machine to find the toughness.
4. To determine the hardness of the given specimen using Vicker/Brinell/Rockwell hardness testing machine.
5. To study the slider-crank mechanism etc. of 2-stroke & 4-stroke I.C. Engine models.
6. Friction experiment(s) on inclined plane and/or on screw-jack.
7. Simple & compound gear-train experiment.
8. Worm & worm-wheel experiment for load lifting.
9. Belt-Pulley experiment.
10. Bending of simply-supported and cantilever beams for theoretical & experimental deflection.
11. Torsion of rod/wire experiment.
12. Experiment on Trusses.
13. Statics experiment on equilibrium
14. Dynamics experiment on momentum conservation
15. Dynamics experiment on collision for determining coefficient of restitution.
16. Experiment on Moment of Inertia.


List of Experiments
1. Verification of Kirchhoffs laws
2. Verification of
(i) Superposition theorem
(ii) Thevenins Theorem
(iii) Maximum Power Transfer Theorem.
3. Measurement of power and power factor in a single phase ac series inductive circuit and study improvement
of power factor using capacitor
4. Study of phenomenon of resonance in RLC series circuit and obtain resonant frequency.
5. Measurement of power in 3- phase circuit by two wattmeter method and determination of its power factor.
6. Determination of parameters of ac single phase series RLC circuit
7. Determination of
(i) Voltage ratio
(ii) polarity and
(iii) efficiency by load test of a single phase transformer
8. To study speed control of dc shunt motor using
(i) armature voltage control
(ii) field flux control.
9. Determination of efficiency of a dc shunt motor by load test
10. To study running and speed reversal of a three phase induction motor and record speed in both directions.
11. To measure energy by a single phase energy meter and determine error.
12. To study P-N diode characteristics
13. To study full wave and half wave rectifier circuits with and without capacitor and determine ripple factors.
14. To study various logic gates (TTL)
15. To study Operational Amplifier as Adder and Subtract.
16. To study transistor as a switch.


List of Experiments
Suggested Assignments to be conducted on a 3-hour slot. It will be conducted in tandem with the theory course so the topics for
problems given in the lab are already initiated in the theory class. The topics taught in the theory course should be appropriately be
sequenced for synchronization with the laboratory. A sample sequence of topics and lab classes for the topic are given below:
1. Familiarization of a computer and the environment and execution of sample programs
2. Expression evaluation
3. Conditionals and branching
4. Iteration
5. Functions
6. Recursion
7. Arrays
8. Structures
9. Linked lists

10. Data structures Week Lecture 1 Lecture 2 Lecture 3 Lab Meeting
Week-1 Introduction to any
OS, Programming
A Simple C program Need of
Datastructures &
Get familiar with OS
and Environment.
Week-2 An Example,
Different Types of
Number Systems Get familiar with C
Implement and Test
Small Routine in C
Week-3 Number Systems Standard I/O in C Data Types and
Implement and Test
Small Routine in C
Week-4 Data Types and
Data Types and
Operators &
Evaluation of


Operators &
Operators &
Operators &

Evaluation of

Nested If Statement Iteration
Week-7 Repetition structure in
Repetition structure in
Iteration, Function
Week-8 Modular
Arrays Recursion, Function
Week-9 Arrays Structures Structures Arrays, Structures
Week-10 Pointers Pointers Pointers Linked Lists
Week-11 Searching Selection Sorting Searching, Selection
Week-12 Sorting Strings Strings Sorting, Strings
Week-13 Files Files Std C Preprocessor Files
Week-14 Std C Library Std C Library Std C Library Use of Std. C Library


List of Experiments
Group -A
1. To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light by Newtons ring.
2. To determine the wavelength of monochromatic light with the help of Fresnels baptism.
3. To determine the focal length of two lenses by nodal slide and locate the position of cardinal points.
4.To determines the specific rotation of cane sugar solution using polar meter.
5.To determines the wavelength spectral lines using plane transmission grating.
6. To study the polarization of light by simple reflection using laser.
7.Measurement of Wavelength of a laser (He- Ne) light using single slit diffraction.

Group B
8. To determine the specific resistance of a given wire using Carey Fosters bridge.
9. To study the variation of magnetic field along the axis of current carrying -
Circular coil and then to estimate the radius of the coil.
10. To verify Stefans Law by electrical method.
11. To calibrate the given ammeter and voltmeter by potentiometer.
12. To study the Hall effect and determine Hall coefficient, carrier density and - mobility of a given semiconductor
using Hall effect set up.
13. To determine the energy band gap of a given semiconductor material.
14 To determine E.C.E. of copper using Tangent or Helmholtz galvanometer.
15. To draw hysteresis curve of a given sample of ferromagnetic material and from - this to determine magnetic susceptibility and
permeability of the given specimen.
16. To determine the ballistic constant of a ballistic galvanometer.
17. To determine the coefficient of viscosity of a liquid.
18. Measurement of fiber attenuation and aperture of fiber.
19. High resistance by leakage method.
20. Magnetic Susceptibility of paramagnetic solution.


List of Experiments
Interactive and Communicative Practical with emphasis on Oral Presentation/Spoken Communication based on
International Phonetic Alphabets (I.P.A.)
1. Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Current Grammatical Patterns.
2.Conversational Skills for Interviews under suitable Professional Communication Lab conditions with emphasis on
3.Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on Paralinguistics/Kinesics.
4.Presentation Skills for Technical Paper/Project Reports/ Professional Reports based on proper Stress and
Intonation Mechanics.
5. Official/Public Speaking based on suitable Rhythmic Patterns.
6.Theme- Presentation/ Key-Note Presentation based on correct argumentation methodologies.
7. Individual Speech Delivery/Conferences with skills to defend Interjections/Quizzes.
8. Argumentative Skills/Role Play Presentation with Stress and Intonation.
9.Comprehension Skills based on Reading and Listening Practicals on a model Audio-Visual Usage.

Department of Mechanical Engg.
List of Experiments


List of Experiments
(A). Material Science Lab Experiments
1. Making a plastic mould for small metallic specimen.
2. Specimen preparation for micro structural examination-cutting, grinding,
polishing, etching.
3. Grain Size determination of a given specimen.
4. Comparative study of microstructures of different given specimens (mild steel, gray C.I., brass, copper etc.)
5. Heat treatment experiments such as annealing, normalizing, quenching, case hardening and comparison of hardness before and
6. Material identification of, say, 50 common items kept in a box.
7. Faradays law of electrolysis experiment.
8. Study of corrosion and its effects.
9. Study of microstructure of welded component and HAZ. Macro & Micro Examination.
10. Suitable experiment on Magnetic/ Electrical/Electronic materials.

(B). Material Testing Lab Experiments : (at least 5 of the following)
1. Strength testing of a given mild steel specimen on UTM with full details and s-e plot on the machine.
2. Other tests such as shear, bend tests on UTM.
3. Impact testing on impact testing machine like Charpy, Izod or both.
4. Hardness testing of given specimen using Rockwell and Vickers/Brinell testing machines.
5. Spring index testing on spring testing machine.
6. Fatigue testing on fatigue testing machine.
7. Creep testing on creep testing machine.
8. Deflection of beam experiment, comparison of actual measurement of deflection with dial gauge to the calculated one, and or
evaluation of youngs modulus of beam.
9. Torsion testing of a rod on torsion testing machine.
10. Study of non-destructive testing methods like magnetic flaw detector, ultrasonic flaw detector, eddy current testing machine, dye
penetrate tests.
List of Experiments
Introduction (1 drawing sheet)
Graphics Language, Classification of drawings, Principles of drawing, IS codes for machine drawing, scales, types of lines, section
lines, Dimensioning 2
Orthographic Projections (1 drawing sheet)
Principle of first angle and third angle projection, drawing of machine elements in first
angle projection, selection of views, sectional views 2
Screwed fasteners (2 drawing sheet)
Thread nomenclature, Forms of thread, Thread series, designation, Representation of
threads, Bolted joints, Locking arrangement of nuts 2
Keys and Cotters and Pin joint (1 drawing sheet) 2
Types of keys, Cotter joint or Knuckle joint
Shaft Couplings (1 drawing sheet) 2
Introduction, Rigid coupling or Flexible coupling
Riveted joints (1 drawing sheet)
Introduction, rivets and riveting, Types of rivet heads, Types of riveted joints, Boiler joint 1
Assembly Drawing (1 drawing sheet)
Introduction, Engine parts-stuffing box, cross head 1
Free hand sketching*
Introduction, Need for free hand sketching, Free hand sketching of foundation bolts,
studs, pulleys, couplings etc.


List of Experiments
1. Study of Fire Tube boiler
2. Study of Water Tube boiler
3. Study and working of Two stroke petrol Engine
4. Study and working of Four stroke petrol Engine
5. Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test
6. Prepare the heat balance for Diesel Engine test rig
7. Prepare the heat balance sheet for Petrol Engine test rig
8. Study and working of two stroke Diesel Engine
9. Study and working of four stroke Diesel Engine.
10. Study of Velocity compounded steam turbine
11. Study of Pressure compounded steam turbine
12. Study of Impulse & Reaction turbine
13. Study of steam Engine model.
14. Study of Gas Turbine Model
15. Any other suitable experiment on thermodynamics.


List of Experiments
1. To verify the momentum equation using the experimental set-up on diffusion of
submerged air jet.
2. To determine the coefficient of discharge of an orifice of a given shape. Also to
determine the coefficient of velocity and the coefficient of contraction of the
orifice mouth piece.
3. To calibrate an orifice meter, venturimeter, and bend meter and study the
variation of the co-efficient of discharge with the Reynolds number.
4. To study the transition from laminar to turbulent flow and to determine the lower
critical Reynolds number.
5. To study the velocity distribution in a pipe and also to compute the discharge by
integrating the velocity profile.
6. To study the variation of friction factor, f for turbulent flow in commercial pipes.
7. To study the boundary layer velocity profile over a flat plate and to determine the
boundary layer thickness.



List of Experiments
Review of Orthographic Projections (1 drawing sheet)
Orthographic Projection of solids in First angle of projection, missing lines views,
interpretation of views 2
Part and Assembly Drawing (2 drawing sheet)
Assembly drawing of eccentric, lathe tail stock, air valve, screw jack, connecting rod,
safety valve etc. 2
Specification of Materials (1 drawing sheet)
Engineering materials, representation, Code designation of steel, copper,
aluminium etc. 1
Limits, Tolerance and Fits (1 drawing sheet)
Limit system, Tolerances, Method of placing limit dimensions, Fits-types 2
Surface Roughness (1 drawing sheet)
Introduction, nomenclature, machining symbols, indication of surface roughness 1
Production Drawing (1drawing sheet)
Types, Examples of simple machine elements like helical gear, bevel gear, crank,
connecting rod, belt pulley, piston etc. 2
Computer Aided Drafting (2 drawings)
Introduction, input, output devices, introduction to software like AutoCAD, ProE, basic
commands and development of 2D and 3D drawings of simple parts 3


List of Experiments
1. Design of pattern for a desired casting (containing hole)
2. Pattern making
3. Making a mould (with core) and casting.
4. Sand testings (at least one such as grain fineness number determination)
5. Injection moulding with plastics
6. Forging hand forging processes
7. Forging - power hammer study & operation
8. Tube bending with the use of sand and on tube bending m/c.
9. Press work experiment such as blanking/piercing, washer, making etc.
10. Wire drawing/extrusion on soft material.
11. Rolling-experiment.
12. Bending & spring back.
13. Powder metallurgy experiment.
14. J igs & Fixture experiment.
15. Any other suitable experiment on manufacturing science / process / technique.


List of Experiments
1. Study & working of simple measuring instruments- Vernier calipers, micrometer,
2. Measurement of effective diameter of a screw thread using 3 wire method.
3. Measurement of angle using sinebar & slip gauges. Study of limit gauges.
4. Study & angular measurement using level protector
5. Adjustment of spark plug gap using feeler gauges.
6. Study of dial indicator & its constructional details.
7. Use of dial indicator to check a shape run use.
8. Study and understanding of limits, fits & tolerances
9. Study of Pressure & Temperature measuring equipment.
12. Strain gauge measurement.
13. Speed measurement using stroboscope.
14. Flow measurement experiment
15. Vibration/work measuring experiment.
16. Experiment on Dynamometers.


List of Experiments
A. Electrical Machines
1. To obtain speed-torque characteristics and efficiency of a dc shunt motor by direct loading.
2. To obtain efficiency of a dc shunt machine by no load test.
3. To obtain speed control of dc shunt motor using (a) armature voltage control (b) field
4. To determine polarity and voltage ratio of single phase and three phase transformers.
5. To obtain efficiency and voltage regulation by performing O.C. and S.C. tests on a single
phase transformer at full load and 0.8 p.f. loading.
6. To obtain 3-phase to 2-phase conversion using Scott connection.
7. To perform load test on a 3-phase induction motor and determine
(a) speed- torque characteristics (ii) power factor v/s line current characteristics.
8. To study speed control of a 3-phase induction motor using (a) Voltage Control
(b) Constant (Voltage/ frequency) control.
9. To perform open circuit and short circuit test on a 3-phase synchronous machine and
determine voltage regulation at full load and unity, 0.8 lagging and 0.8 leading power factor
using synchronous impedance method.
10. To determine V-curve of a 3-phase synchronous motor at no load, half load and full load.

B. Automatic Control System:
1. To determine transient response of a second order system for step input for various values
of constant K using linear simulator unit and compare theoretical and practical results.
2. To study P, PI and PID temperature controller for an oven and compare their performance.
3. To determine speed torque characteristics of an a.c. 2-phase servo motor.
4. To study and calibrate temperature using Resistance Temperature Detector( RTD)
5. To study dc servo position control system within P and PI configurations.
6. To study synchro transmitter and receiver system and determine output V/s input
7. To study open loop and closed loop control of a dc separately excited motor



List of Experiments
1. Design & drawing of Riveted joints for given operating conditions.
2. Design of an eccentrically loaded welded, riveted of bolted joint.
3. Design of bolted joint for fluctuating loads.
4. Design & drawing of a cotter joint.
5. Design & drawing of a knuckle joints.
6. Design & drawing of a simple screw jack.
7. Design of shaft for different loading conditions.
8. Design & drawing of rigid coupling( flanged type).
9. Design & drawing of a flexible coupling (pin-bush type)
10. Design & drawing of a leaf spring for an automobile.
11. Design & drawing of a helical spring for a given application
12. Product Development Design problems/exercise


List of Experiments
1. Shear-angle determination (using formula) with tube cutting (for orthogonal) on lathe machine.
2. Bolt (thread) making on Lathe machine
3. Tool grinding (to provide tool angles) on tool-grinder machine.
4. Gear cutting on Milling machine.
5. Machining a block on shaper machine.
6. Finishing of a surface on surface-grinding machine.
7. Drilling holes on drilling machine and study of twist-drill.
8. Study of different types of tools and its angles & materials.
9. Experiment on tool wear and tool life.
10. Experiment on jigs/Fixtures and its uses
11. Gas welding experiment
12. Arc welding experiment
13. Resistance welding experiment.
14. Soldering & Brazing experiment
15. Experiment on unconventional machining.
16. Experiment on unconventional welding.
17. Experiment on TIG/MIG Welding.
18. Macro and Microstructure of welding joints, HAZ.


List of Experiments
1. Conduction - Composite wall experiment
2. Conduction - Composite cylinder experiment
3. Convection - Pool Boiling experiment
4. Convection - Experiment on heat transfer from tube-natural convection.
5. Convection - Heat Pipe experiment.
6. Convetion - Heat transfer through fin-natural convection .
7. Convection - Heat transfer through tube/fin-forced convection.
8. Any experiment - Such as on Stefen's Law,
on radiation detrmination of emissivity, etc.
9. Any experiment - Such as on solar collector, etc.
on radiation
10. Heat exchanger - Parallel flow experiment
11. Heat exchanger - Counter flow experiment
12. Any other suitable exp such as on critical insultation thickness.
13. Conduction - Determination of thermal conductivity of fluids.
14. Conduction - Thermal Contact Resistance Effect.



List of Experiments
1. Impact of J et experiment.
2. Turbine exp. on Pelton wheel.
3. Turbine exp. on Francis turbine.
4. Tubrine exp. on Kaplan turbine.
5. Exp. on Reciprocating pump.
6. Exp. on centrifugal pump.
7. Exp. on Hydraulic J ack/Press
8. Exp. on Hydraulic Brake
9. Exp. on Hydraulic Ram
10. Study through first visit of any pumping station/plant
11. Study through second visit of any pumping station/plant.
12. Any other suitable experiment/test rig such as comparision & performance of different types of pumps and turbines.
10. Visit of cold storage.

List of Experiments
A. Computer and Language -
Lectures should be given by teachers on introduction to computer and languages such as C Input Output statements, control
statements, if, for, while, switch statement etc., Function and its uses, Structures. To make student able to write computer
program in C.

B. Writing Computer Program for Conventional Design-
After Section B, student can write computer program for the design done in theory subjects.

C. Design Problem as a mini project
Student will be given a real life design problem and they have to complete design of it manually using hand-book etc, they
can also take help of computer & programming, if needed.


List of Experiments
1. Study of simple linkage models/mechanisms
2. Study of inversions of four bar linkage
3. Study of inversions of single/double slider crank mechanisms
4. Experiment on Gears tooth profile, interference etc.
5. Experiment on Gear trains
6. Experiment on longitudinal vibration
7. Experiment on transverse vibration
8. Experiments on dead weight type governor
9. Experiment on spring controlled governor
10. Experiment on critical speed of shaft
11. Experiment on gyroscope
12. Experiment on static/dynamic balancing
13. Experiment on Brake
14. Experiment on clutch


List of Experiments
Measurement and analysis of cutting forces in orthogonal turning.
Flank wear time characteristics for single point cutting tools.
(i)Checking the level of installation of a lathe in horizontal & vertical planes
(ii) Checking the bed ways for straightness and parallelism.

Testing the main spindle of a lathe for axial movement and true running.

Process capability determination of a center lathe. Flatness checking of a surface plate.
A study of devices for intermittent motion used in machine tools e.g. ratchet gear & Geneva Mechanism. A study of Kinematics
structure of lathe/milling machine.
A study of the drives for reciprocation used in machine tools.
Development the speed chart and gearing diagram for a gassed head lathe.
A study of the cone pulley drive in center lathe and development of its ray diagram for the speed structure. Efficiency testing of lathe
at various parameters-values. Accuracy analysis of finished cylindrical work-pieces produced on a lathe. Cutting (turning) with
inclined placed tool (in tool fixture).Turning with two simultaneously cutting tool (one from front on usual tool post and the other tool
from back on tool-fixture on carriage)


List of Experiments
1. Line Drawing or Circle Drawing experiment: Writing and validation of computer
2. Geometric Transformation algorithm experiment for translation/rotation/scaling:
Writing and validation of computer program.
3. Design of machine component or other system experiment: Writing and
validation of computer program.
4. Understanding and use of any 3-D Modeling Software commands.
5. Pro/E/Idea etc. Experiment: Solid modeling of a machine component
6. Writing a small program for FEM for 2 spring system and validation of program
or using a fem Package
7. Root findings or curve fitting experiment: Writing and validation of computer
8. Numerical differentiation or numerical integration experiment: Writing and
validation of computer program.

B. CAM Experiments
1. To study the characteristic features of CNC machine
2. Part Programming (in word address format) experiment for turning operation
(including operations such as grooving and threading) and running on CNC machine
3. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for drilling operation (point to point) and running on CNC machine
4. Part Programming (in word address format or ATP) experiment for milling operation (contouring) and running on CNC machine
5. Experiment on Robot and programs
6. Experiment on Transfer line/Material handling
7. Experiment on difference between ordinary and NC machine, study or retrofitting.
8. Experiment on study of system devices such as motors and feed back devices.
9. Experiment on Mecatronics and controls.


List of Experiments
1. Performance Analysis of Four stroke S.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and
brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy Balance.
2. Determination of Indicated H.P. of I.C. Engine by Morse Test.
3. Performance Analysis of Four stroke C.I. Engine- Determination of indicated and
brake thermal efficiency, specific fuel consumption at different loads, Energy Balance.
4. Study & experiment on Valve mechanism.
5. Study & experiment on Gear Box.
6. Study & experiment on Differential Gear Mechanism of Rear Axle.
7. Study & experiment on Steering Mechanism.
8. Study & experiment on Automobile Braking System.
9. Study & experiment on Chassis and Suspension System.
10. Study & experiment on Ignition system of I.C. Engine.
11. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of S.I. Engines- Carburetor, Fuel Injection Pump and MPFI.
12. Study & experiment on Fuel Supply System of C.I. Engines- Injector & Fuel Pump.
13. Study & experiment on Air Conditioning System of an Automobile.
14. Comparative study of technical specifications of common small cars (such as Maruti Swift, Hyundai i20, Cheverlet Aveo, Tata
Indica, Ford Fusion etc.
15. Comparative study & technical features of common scooters & motorcycles available in India.
16. Visit of an Automobile factory.
17. Visit to a Modern Automobile Workshop.
18. Experiment on Engine Tuning.
19. Experiment on Exhaust Gas Analysis of an I.C. Engine.

Department of Computer Science & Engg.
List of Experiments

ECS-352 Data Structure Lab

List of Experiment
1. Array implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, List.
2. Implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, List using Dynamic memory Allocation.
3. Implementation of Tree Structures, Binary Tree, Tree Traversal, Binary Search Tree, Insertion and Deletion in BST.
4. Implementation of Searching and Sorting Algorithms.
5. Graph Implementation, BFS, DFS, Min. cost spanning tree, shortest path algorithm.

ECS-353 Numerical Techniques Lab

List of Experiment
Write Programs in C Language:
1. To deduce error evolved in polynomial equation.
2. To Find out the root of the Algebraic and Transcendental equations using Bisection, Regula-falsi, Newton Rap son and Iterative
Methods. Also give the rate of convergence of roots in tabular form for each of these methods.
3. To implement Newtons Forward and Backward Interpolation formula.
4. To implement Gauss Forward and Backward, Bessels, Sterlings and Everts Interpolation formula
5. To implement Newtons Divided Difference and Lang ranges Interpolation formula.
6. To implement Numerical Differentiations.
7. To implement Numerical Integration using Trapezoidal, Simpson 1/3 and Simpson 3/8 rule.
8. To implement Least Square Method for curve fitting.
9. To draw frequency chart like histogram, frequency curve and pie-chart etc.
10. To estimate regression equation from sampled data and evaluate values of standard deviation, statistics, regression coefficient,
value of R
for at least two independent variables.

Semester- IV

List of Experiment
1. To study 8085 microprocessor System
2. To study 8086 microprocessor System
3. To develop and run a programme to find out largest and smallest number
4. To develop and run a programme for converting temperature from F to C degree
5. To develop and run a programme to compute square root of a given number
6. To develop and run a programme for computing ascending/descending order of a number.
7. To perform interfacing of RAM chip to 8085/8086
8. To perform interfacing of keyboard controller
9. To perform interfacing of DMA controller
10. To perform interfacing of UART/USART


List of Experiment
1. Write the queries for Data Definition and Data Manipulation Language.
2. Write SQL queries using logical operations (=,<,>,etc)
3. Write SQL queries using SQL operators
4. Write SQL query using character, number, date and group functions
5. Write SQL queries for relational algebra
6. Write SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table
7. Write SQL queries for sub queries, nested queries
8. Write programme by the use of PL/SQL
11. Create FORMS and REPORTS



List of Experiment
1. Implementation of line generation using slopes method, DDA and Bresenhams
2. Implementation of circle generation using Mid-point method and
Bresenhams algorithm.
3. Implementation of ellipse generation using Mid-point method.
4. Implementation of polygon filling using Flood-fill, Boundary-fill and Scan-line
5. Implementation of 2D transformation: Translation, Scaling, Rotation, Mirror
Reflection and Shearing (write a menu driven program).
6. Implementation of Line Clipping using Cohen-Sutherland algorithm and
Bisection Method.
7. Implementation of Polygon Clipping using Sutherland-Hodgman algorithm.
8. Implementation of 3D geometric transformations: Translation, Scalind and
9. Implementation of Curve generation using Interpolation methods.
10. Implementation of Curve generation using B-spline and Bezier curves.
11. Implementation of any one of Back face removal algorithms such as Depth-Buffer
algorithm, Painters algorithm, Warnocks algorithm, Scan-line algorithm).


List of Experiment
Programming assignments on each algorithmic strategy:
1. Divide and conquer method (quick sort, merge sort, Strassens matrix
2. Greedy method (knapsack problem, job sequencing, optimal merge patterns,
minimal spanning trees).
3. Dynamic programming (multistage graphs, OBST, 0/1 knapsack, traveling
salesperson problem).
4. Back tracking (n-queens problem, graph coloring problem, Hamiltonian cycles).
5. Sorting : Insertion sort, Heap sort, Bubble sort
6. Searching : Sequential and Binary Search
7. Selection : Minimum/ Maximum, Kth smallest element


List of Experiment
1. Simulation of the CPU scheduling algorithms a) Round Robin b) SJ F c) FCFS d)
2. Simulation of MUTEX and SEMAPHORES.
3. Simulation of Bankers Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention algorithms.
4. Implementation of Process Synchronization (Reader-Writer, Sleeping Barber and
Dining Philosophers Problem)
5. Simulation of page Replacement Algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU
6. Simulation of paging techniques of memory management.
7. Simulation of file allocation Strategies a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked
8. Simulation of file organization techniques a) Single Level Directory b) Two Level c)
Hierarchical d) DAG



List of Experiment
1. Simulation of a Finite state Automata to recognize the tokens of various control
2. Simulation of a Finite state machine to distinguish among Integers, Real
Numbers & Numbers with Exponents.
3. Program in LEX tool to recognize the tokens and to return the token found for a C
like Language
4. Parsing of arithmetic and algebraic expressions and equations.
5. Use of YACC tool to parse the statements of C like Language.


List of Experiment
The students are advised to get exposed to web technologies like HTML, XML and their variants
as well as J ava Programming
1. Write HTML/J ava scripts to display your CV in Web Browser.
2. Creation and annotation of static web pages using any HTML editor.
3. Write a program to use XML and J avaScript for creation of your homepage.
4. Write a program in XML for creation of DTD which specifies a particular set of rules.
5. Create a Stylesheet in CSS/XSL and display the document in Web Browser.
6. Write a J ava Servelet for HTTP Proxy Server.
7. Use J SP pages for sharing session and application data of HTTP Server.
8. Write a program to use J DBC connectivity program for maintaining database by sending


List of Experiment
1. Implementation of the Data Link Layer framing method such as character stuffing and
bit stuffing in C.
2. Implementation of CRC algorithm in C.
3. Implementation of a Hamming (7,4) code to limit the noise. We have to code the 4 bit
data in to 7 bit data by adding 3 parity bits. Implementation will be in C.
4. Implementation of LZW compression algorithm in C.
5. Write a socket program in C to implement a listener and a talker



List of Experiment
The following programs should be developed in C language preferably on UNIX platform.
The graphical development environment can be created using some appropriate library like
1. Implement the spatial image enhancement functions on a bitmap image
(a) Mirroring (Inversion) (b) Rotation (Clockwise) (c) Enlargement (Double Size)
2. Implement (a) Low Pass Filter (b) High Pass Filter
3. Implement (a) Arithmetic Mean Filter (b) Geometric Mean Filter
4. Implement Smoothing and Sharpening of an eight bit color image
5. Implement (a) Boundary Extraction Algorithm (b) Graham's Scan Algorithm
6. Implement (a) Edge Detection (b) Line Detection


List of Experiment
The following programs should be developed preferably on UNIX platform:-
1. Simulate the functioning of Lamports Logical Clock in C.
2. Simulate the Distributed Mutual Exclusion in C.
3. Implement a Distributed Chat Server using TCP Sockets in C.
4. Implement RPC mechanism for a file transfer across a network in C
5. Implement J ava RMI mechanism for accessing methods of remote systems.
6. Simulate Balanced Sliding Window Protocol in C.
7. Implement CORBA mechanism by using C++ program at one end and J ava program
on the other.



List of Experiment
1. Write a LISP Program to solve the water-jug problem using heuristic function.
2. Create a compound object using Turbo Prolog.
3. Write a Prolog Program to show the advantage and disadvantage of green and red cuts.
4. Write a prolog program to use of BEST-FIRST SEARCH applied to the eight puzzle
5. Implementation of the problem solving strategies: Forward Chaining, Backward Chaining,
Problem Reduction.
6. Write a Lisp Program to implement the STEEPEST-ASCENT HILL CLIMBING.
7. Write a Prolog Program to implement COUNTE PROPAGATION NETWORK

Department of Information Technology.
List of Experiments

ECS -351 Logic Design Lab

List of Experiments
Objective: To understand the digital logic and create various systems by using these logics.
1. Introduction to digital electronics lab- nomenclature of digital ICs, specifications, study of the data sheet, concept of V

ground, verification of the truth tables of logic gates using TTL ICs.
2. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS forms.
3. Verification of state tables of RS, J K, T and D flip-flops using NAND & NOR gates.
4. Implementation and verification of Decoder/De-multiplexer and Encoder using logic gates.
5. Implementation of 4x1 multiplexer using logic gates.
6. Implementation of 4-bit parallel adder using 7483 IC.
7. Design, and verify the 4-bit synchronous counter.
8. Design, and verify the 4-bit asynchronous counter.
9. Mini Project.

ECS -352 Data Structures Lab

List of Experiments
Write Program in C or C++ for following.
Array implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, List.
Implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, List using Dynamic memory Allocation.
Implementation of Tree Structures, Binary Tree, Tree Traversal, Binary Search Tree, Insertion and Deletion in BST.
Implementation of Searching and Sorting Algorithms.
Graph Implementation, BFS, DFS, Min. cost spanning tree, shortest path algorithm.

ECS-353 : OOPS Lab

List of Experiments
Experiments based on the course Object Oriented Systems to be done on C++/J AVA/UML/VISIO etc.


EIT- 451: Software Engineering LAB

List of Experiments
1. Program for configuration Management.
2. Perform SA/SD for the following software.
Hotel Automation System
Book Shop Automation Software
Word processing Software
Software Component Cataloguing Software.
3. Design and development of test cases for testing.
4. Writing program in J ava for Computing Cyclomatic Complexity.
5. Development of Software tool for Halstead Analysis.
6. Perform Cost/Benefit analysis.
7. Illustration of various activities of Software development using MS Project 2000.
8. Lab exercise involving development of various practical applications using software like VJ ++VB, SYBASE, J DK.
9. Case Studies : Payroll System, Banking System, Purchase Order System, Library Management System, Railway Reservation
System, Bill Tracking System, College Admission System, State Management System.


List of Experiments
1. Write the queries for Data Definition and Data Manipulation Language.
2. Write SQL queries using logical operations (=,<,>,etc)
3. Write SQL queries using SQL operators
4. Write SQL query using character, number, date and group functions
5. Write SQL queries for relational algebra
6. Write SQL queries for extracting data from more than one table
7. Write SQL queries for sub queries, nested queries
8. Write programme by the use of PL/SQL
11. Creat FORMS and REPORTS

ECS-453 Computer Organization Lab

List of Experiments
1. Bread Board Implementation of Flip-Flops.
2. Experiments with clocked Flip-Flop.
3. Design of Counters.
4. Bread Board implementation of counters & shift registers.
5. Implementation of Arithmetic algorithms.
6. Bread Board implementation of Adder/Subtractor (Half, Full)
7. Bread Board implementation of Binary Adder.
8. Bread Board implementation of Seven Segment Display.
Institute may also develop the experiment based on the infrastructure available with them.



List of Experiments
1. Overview of Lab & Project.
2. Basics of HTML, DHTML, ASP and ASP data Connectivity.
3. Creation of the SQL server Database.
4. Creation of the ODBC connectivity.
5. Insertion/ modification of data with ASP.
6. Selection of data using Record sets.
7. Exercises using ASP/SQL
8. Exercises using MS FrontPage.


List of Experiments
1. Shopping cart project using ADO.NET: This sample project has all basic features required for a shopping cart web site including
Login, Registration, Add to Cart, Checkout etc. A good ASP.NET .learning project using C#, ASP.NET, SQL Server.
2. Personal Assistant: This is a small project for managing personal details. Current version of this project support AddressBook
feature - Add, Edit and Manage contacts and addresses using
3. Address Book: This is a small project for managing contact details. This is a C#version of the
'Personal Assistant' project.
4. School Management System: This is a project for managing education institutes using C#.
5. ibrary Management System: This is an academic project for students using J ava.
6. pider Alerts & Web services: This project communicates with web services and downloads Alerts from the web server using J ava
& XML.
7. atient Information System: This software can be used to keep track of the patients information and treatment details in a hospital
or clinic. Some of the advanced features include patient consulting, lab information, billing etc using J SP, Servlet & J DBC.
8. eb based Address Book: This application can be used to keep track of your contacts/addresses. N Tier architecture is used to
separate data layer, business layer and UI layers.


List of Experiments
1 Development of static pages using HTML of an online Departmental Store. The website
should be user friendly and should have the following pages:
Home page
Registration and user login
User profile page
Items catalog
Shopping cart
Payment by credit card
Order confirmation
2 Add validations to the above static pages of registration, user login, user profile and
payment by credit card using J ava Script.
3 Creation of a XML document of 20 students of III IT. Add their roll numbers, marks
obtained in 5 subjects, total and percentage and save this XML document at the server.
Write a program that takes students roll number as an input and returns the students
marks, total and percentage by t.aking the students information from the XML document.
4 Creation of a J avaBean which gives the converted value of Temperature (in degree
celcius) into equivalent Fahrenheit.
5 Creation of a simple Bean with a label which is a count of number of clicks. Then
create a BeanInfo class such that only the count is visible in the Property Window.
6 Creation of two Beans a) Keypad b) Display pad. After that integrate the two beans to
make it work as a calculater.
7 Installation of TOMCAT web server. Convert the static web pages of assignments 2 into
dynamic web pages using servlets and cookies.
8 Do the assignment 7 using J SP by converting the static web pages of assignment 2 into
dynamic web pages. Create database with User Information and Item information. The
Item catalog should be dynamically loaded from the database.
9 Implementation of Hello World! program using J SP Struts Framework.


List of Experiments
Programming assignments on each algorithmic strategy:
Divide and conquer method (quick sort, merge sort, Strassens matrix multiplication),
Greedy method (knapsack problem, job sequencing, optimal merge patterns, minimal
spanning trees).
Dynamic programming (multistage graphs, OBST, 0/1 knapsack, traveling salesperson
Back tracking (n-queens problem, graph coloring problem, Hamiltonian cycles).
Sorting : Insertion sort, Heap sort, Bubble sort
Searching : Sequential and Binary Search
Selection : Minimum/ Maximum, Kth smallest element



List of Experiments
1. Simulation of the CPU scheduling algorithms a) Round Robin b) SJ F c) FCFS d) Priority
2. Simulation of MUTEX and SEMAPHORES.
3. Simulation of Bankers Deadlock Avoidance and Prevention algorithms.
4. Implementation of Process Synchronization (Reader-Writer, Sleeping Barber and Dining Philosophers Problem)
5. Simulation of page Replacement Algorithms a) FIFO b) LRU c) LFU
6. Simulation of paging techniques of memory management.
7. Simulation of file allocation Strategies a) Sequential b) Indexed c) Linked
8. Simulation of file organization techniques a) Single Level Directory b) Two Level c)
Hierarchical d) DAG


List of Experiments
1. Implementation of the Data Link Layer framing method such as character stuffing and bit
stuffing in C.
2. Implementation of CRC algorithm in C.
3. Implementation of a Hamming (7,4) code to limit the noise. We have to code the 4 bit data in
to 7 bit data by adding 3 parity bits. Implementation will be in C.
4. Implementation of LZW compression algorithm in C.
5. Write a socket program in C to implement a listener and a talker.
6. Simulation of a network of 3 nodes and measure the performance on the same network.
7. Write a program in C to encrypt 64-bit text using DES algorithm.

Do the exercises based on the following aspects of SPM:
1. Creating Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
2. Comparing Gnatt Chart.
3. Drawing Pert Chart and finding critical paths.
4. Resource Management
5. Time Scheduling and Management.
#Exercises can be on any of the following:
Library Automation
Academic Management
Departmental Store management.
Hotel management



List of Experiments
The following programs should be implemented preferably on UNIX platform using C
language (for 1-5) and other standard utilities available with UNIX systems (for 6-8) :-
1. Implement the encryption and decryption of 8-bit data using Simplified DES Algorithm
(created by Prof. Edward Schaefer) in C.
2. Implement Linear Congruential Algorithm to generate 5 pseudo-random numbers in C.
3. Implement Rabin-Miller Primality Testing Algorithm in C.
4. Implement the Euclid Algorithm to generate the GCD of an array of 10 integers in C.
5. Implement RSA algorithm for encryption and decryption in C.
6. Configure a mail agent to support Digital Certificates, send a mail and verify the
correctness of this system using the configured parameters.
7. Configure SSH (Secure Shell) and send/receive a file on this connection to verify the
correctness of this system using the configured parameters.
8. Configure a firewall to block the following for 5 minutes and verify the correctness of
this system using the configured parameters:
(a) Two neighborhood IP addresses on your LAN
(b) All ICMP requests
(c) All TCP SYN Packets


List of Experiments
The following programs should be implemented preferably on UNIX platform:
1. Write a LISP program to solve water-jug problem using heuristic function.
2. Create a compound object using Prolog.
3. Write a Prolog program to show the advantage and disadvantage of green and red cuts.
4. Write a Prolog program to use the BEST FIRST SEARCH applied to the 8-puzzle
5. Implement
(a) Forward Chaining
(b) Backward Chaining
(c) Problem Reduction
7. Implement COUNT PROPAGATION NETWORK using Prolog



List of Experiments
The following exercises should be done preferably on UNIX platform using the IT
Infrastructure Management tools available with all the standard distributions. These tools expose
the basic functionalities required by an integrated IT Infrastructure Management System.

1. (a) Configure the IP addressing and subnetting on a LAN using ifconfig.
(b) Check the basic IP connectivity using ping command.
(c) Inspect the Routing table and ARP cache of a LAN server.
(d) Use traceroute to watch the route your IP packet takes for reaching destination.
(e) Use tcpdump to monitor ping and traceroute from your machine.

2. (a) Create a user group and permit it to access Telnet service over a LAN.
(b) Restrict the Telnet service to maximum five users at a time.
(c) Configure the Cron daemon to stop Telnet service and reboot the system after five
minutes of usage by at least three users.

3. (a) Create a text file containing records of employees in text form line wise.
(b) Save this file and edit its copy for some changes and save it.
(c) Use diff command to generate a patch for the original file.
(d) Use the patch command to patch the original file to make it similar to the edited copy.

4. (a) Create a text file containing records of employees in text form line wise.
(b) Save this file and edit its two copies independent of each other.
(c) Save both new versions as two new files.
(d) Now use diff3 command to compare and create a third file containing merged output.
(e) Again create the merged file using m option of the diff3 command.

5. (a) Create a text file containing records of employees in text form line wise and save it.
(b) Establish the CVS repository over a network and store the original file in it.
(c) Now edit the file and save its edited version in the repository.
(d) Store at least five continuously edited versions of the file in the CVS repository.
(e) Now retrieve version 1.0 and 3.0 from the repository.

6. (a) Use tar to create multi-file non-zipped and zipped archives (using gzip and bzip2).
(b) Update the non-zipped tarball by adding three new files to it and list its final contents.
(c) Now extract the contents of both the tarballs to two different directories.
(d) Inspect the retention of user permissions on the files before the archiving & after the

7. (a) Use LDAP to access Telnet service on a LAN server.
(b) Use /etc/hosts.allow and /etc/hosts.deny to allow & deny access to web service to two hosts on the LAN.
(c) Use iptables or similar utility to block TCP SYN segments from a particular IP address for port 25 using firewall rules.
(d) Use an IDS tool (e.g. tripwire, snort) to track changes in /var/log/messages after every 5 minutes and to monitor the ICMP
requests coming to the host.


List of Experiments

The following programs should be developed preferably on UNIX platform:-
1. Simulate the functioning of Lamports Logical Clock in C.
2. Simulate the Distributed Mutual Exclusion in C.
3. Implement a Distributed Chat Server using TCP Sockets in C.
4. Implement RPC mechanism for a file transfer across a network in C
5. Implement J ava RMI mechanism for accessing methods of remote systems.
6. Simulate Balanced Sliding Window Protocol in C.
7. Implement CORBA mechanism by using C++ program at one end and J ava program
on the other.

Department of Civil Engg.
List of Experiments


List of Experiments
1. To verify the momentum equation using the experimental set-up on impact of jet.
2. To determine the coefficient of discharge of an orifice of a given shape. Also to determine the coefficient of velocity and the
coefficient of contraction of the orifice mouth piece.
3. To calibrate an orifice meter, venturimeter, and bend meter and study the variation of the co-efficient of discharge with the
Reynolds number.
4. To study the transition from laminar to turbulent flow and to determine the lower critical Reynolds number.
5. To study the velocity distribution in a pipe and also to compute the discharge by integrating the velocity profile.
6. To study the variation of friction factor, f for turbulent flow in commercial pipes.
7. To study the boundary layer velocity profile over a flat plate and to determine the boundary layer thickness.
8. Verification of meta-centric height

List of Experiments
I. Cement
1. Normal Consistency of cement.
2. Initial & final setting time of cement
3. Compressive strength of cement
4. Fineness of cement by air permeability and Le-chataliers apparatus.
5. Soundness of cement.
6. Tensile strength

II. Coarse Aggregate
1. Crushing value of aggregate
2. Impact value of aggregate
3. water absorption of aggregate
4. Sieve Analysis of Aggregate
5. Specific gravity & bulk density
6. Grading of aggregates.

III Fine Aggregate
1. Sieve analysis of sand
2. Silt content of sand
3. Bulking of sand
IV Destructive and non destructive testing on concrete
V Physical and mechanical properties of reinforcing steel.
VI Bricks:
1. Water absorption.
2. Dimension Tolerances
3. Compressive strength
4. Efflorescence


List of Experiments
1. Study of different types of topographical maps and to prepare conventional symbols chart.
2. To measure bearings of a closed traverse by prismatic compass and to adjust the traverse by graphical method.
3. To find out reduced levels of given points using dumpy/Auto level.
4. To perform fly leveling with a Auto /tilting level.
5. To study parts of a vernier / Electronic theodolite and practice for taking angle measurements.
6. To measure vertical angle of given points by Electronic theodolite.
7. To measure horizontal angle between two objects by repetition method with three repetitions.
8. To measure horizontal angle by method of reiteration
9. To determine the elevation of chimney top by trigonometrical levelling by taking observations in single vertical plane.
10. To set out a simple circular curve by Rankines method
11. To study various parts and practice with Wild T-2 micro-optic theodolite and EDM (Distomat DI-1600).


List of Experiments
Drafting of following Using Any CAD software
1. Symbols used in Civil Engineering drawing , Masonry Bonds
2. Doors, Windows and staircases.
3. Plumbing & Electrical fitting drawing.
4. Comprehensive Drawing of Residential building (Layout, plan, elevation & sectional elevation, plumbing & electrical fillings in out)
5. Preparation of Layout planning of different civil engg. Projects.
6. Preparation of lay out plan/Maps and building drawing using computer .



List of Experiments
1. To determine Flexural Rigidity (EI) of a given beam
2. To verify Maxwells Reciprocal theorem.
3. To find horizontal thrust in a three-hinged arch and to draw influence line diagrams for Horizontal Thrust end Bending moment.
4. To find horizontal thrust in a two hinged arch and to draw influence line diagrams for horizontal Thrust and bending moment.
5. To find deflection of curved members.
6. To find bar forces in a three members structural frames with pin jointed bar
7. To find Critical load in Struts with different end conditions.
8. To find deflections in Beam having unsymmetrical bending.


List of Experiments
1. To Find out the root of the Algebraic and Transcendental equations using Bisection, Regula-falsi, Newton Raphson and Iterative
Methods. Also give the rate of convergence of roots in tabular form for each of these methods.
2. To implement Newtons Forward and Backward Interpolation formula.
3. To implement Gauss Forward and Backward, Bessels, Sterlings and Evertts Interpolation formula
4. To implement Numerical Differentiations & Integration
5. To implement Least Square Method for curve fitting.
6. Computation of central tendencies, coefficient of variance and skewness
7. Linear correlation and regression.


List of Experiments
1. To determine the Mannings coefficient of roughness n for the bed of a given flume.
2. To study the velocity distribution in an open channel and to determine the energy and momentum correction factors
3. To study the flow characteristics over a hump placed in an open channel.
4. To study the flow through a horizontal contraction in a rectangular channel.
5. To calibrate a broad-crested weir.
6. To study the characteristics of free hydraulic jump.
7. To study rot dynamic pumps and their characteristics
8. To study characteristics of any two turbines ( Francis/ Kaplan / Pelton )


List of Experiments
Write Programs in C Language:
1. To Find out the root of the Algebraic and Transcendental equations using Bisection, Regula-falsi, Newton Raphson and Iterative
Methods. Also give the rate of convergence of roots in tabular form for each of these methods.
2. To implement Newtons Forward and Backward Interpolation formula.
3. To implement Gauss Forward and Backward, Bessels, Sterlings and Evertts Interpolation formula
4. To implement Numerical Differentiations & Integration
5. To implement Least Square Method for curve fitting.
6. Computation of central tendencies, coefficient of variance and skewness
7. Linear correlation and regression

Department of Electronics & Communication Engg.
List of Experiments


List of Experiments
1. Study of lab equipments and components: CRO, Multimeter, Function Generator, Power supply- Active, Passive Components
& Bread Board.
2. P-N Junction Diode: Characteristics of PN J unction diode-Static and dynamic resistance measurement from graph.
3. Applications of PN junction diode: Half & Full wave rectifier- Measurement of Vrms, Vdc, and ripple factor-use of filter- ripple
reduction (RC Filter)-Clipper & Clamper
4. Properties of junctions Zener diode characteristics. Heavy doping alters the reverse characteristics. Graphical measurement of
forward and reverse resistance.
5. Application of Zener diode: Zener diode as voltage regulator. Measurement of percentage regulation by varying load resistor.
6. Characteristic of BJT: BJ T in CB and CE configuration- Graphical measurement of h parameters from input and output
characteristics. Measurement of A
, A
, R
and R
of CE amplifier with potential divider biasing.
7. Characteristic of FET: FET in common source configuration. Graphical measurement of its parameters gm, rd & m from input
and output characteristics.
8. Characteristic of silicon-controlled rectifier.
9. To plot V-I Characteristics of DIAC .
10. To draw V-I characteristics of TRIAC for different values of Gate Currents.


List of Experiments
1. Introduction to digital electronics lab- nomenclature of digital ICs, specifications, study of the data sheet, concept of V

ground, verification of the truth tables of logic gates using TTL ICs.
2. Implementation of the given Boolean function using logic gates in both SOP and POS forms.
3. Verification of state tables of RS, J K, T and D flip-flops using NAND & NOR gates.
4. Implementation and verification of Decoder/De-multiplexer and Encoder using logic gates.
5. Implementation of 4x1 multiplexer using logic gates.
6. Implementation of 4-bit parallel adder using 7483 IC.
7. Design, and verify the 4-bit synchronous counter.
8. Design, and verify the 4-bit asynchronous counter.
9. Mini Project.


List of Experiments
1. Winding shop: Step down transformer winding of less than 5VA.
2. Soldering shop: Fabrication of DC regulated power supply
3. PCB Lab:
(a) Artwork & printing of a simple PCB.
(b) Etching & drilling of PCB.
4. Wiring & fitting shop: Fitting of power supply along with a meter in cabinet.
5. Testing of regulated power supply fabricated.
Fabricate and test the audio amplifier circuit by using above power supply



List of Experiments
1. Measurement of Operational Amplifier Parameters-Common Mode Gain, Differential Mode Gain, CMRR, Slew Rate.
2. Applications of Op-amp- Op-amp as summing amplifier, Difference amplifier, Integrator and differentiator
3. Field Effect Transistors-Single stage Common source FET amplifier plot of gain in dB Vs frequency, measurement of,
bandwidth, input impedance, maximum signal handling capacity (MSHC) of an amplifier
4. Bipolar Transistors- Design of single stage RC coupled amplifier design of DC biasing circuit using potential divider
arrangement Plot of frequency Vs gain in dB. Measurement of bandwidth of an amplifier, input impedance and Maximum Signal
Handling Capacity of an amplifier.
5. Two stage Amplifier. Plot of frequency Vs gain. Estimation of Q factor, bandwidth of an amplifier
6. Common Collector Configuration-Emitter Follower (using Darlington pair)-Gain and input impedance measurement of the
7. Power Amplifiers-Push pull amplifier in class B mode of operation measurement of gain.
8. Differential Amplifier Implementation of transistor differential amplifier .Non ideal characteristics of differential amplifier
9. Oscillators -Sinusoidal Oscillators- (a) Wein bridge oscillator (b) phase shift oscillator
10. Simulation of Amplifier circuits studied in the lab using any available simulation software and measurement of bandwidth and
other parameters with the help of simulation software.


List of Experiments
1. TTL Transfer Characteristics and TTL IC Gates.
2. CMOS Gate Transfer Characteristics.
3. Implementation of a 3-bit SIPO and SISO shift registers using flip-flops.
4. Implementation of a 3-bit PIPO and PISO shift registers using flip-flops.
5. Design of Seven segment display driver for BCD codes.
6. BCD Adders & Subtractors
7. A L U
8. 8085 Assembly Language Programming


List of Experiments
1. Study of semiconductor diode voltmeter and its us as DC average responding AC voltmeter .
2. Study of L.C.R. bridge and determination of the value of the given components.
3. Study of distortion factor meter and determination of the % distortion of the given oscillator.
4. Study of the transistor tester and determination of the parameters of the given transistors.
5. Study of the following transducer (i) PT-100 trans (ii) J - type trans. (iii) K-type trans (iv) Presser trans
6. Measurement of phase difference and frequency using CRO (lissajous figure)
7. Measurement of low resistance Kelvins double bridge.
8. Radio Receiver Measurements

List of Experiments
1. Log and antilog amplifiers.
2. Voltage comparator and zero crossing detectors.
3. Second order filters using operational amplifier for
a. Low pass filter of cutoff frequency 1 KHz.
b. High pass filter of frequency 12 KHz.
c. Band pass filter with unit gain of pass band from 1 KHz to 12 KHz.
4. Wien bridge oscillator using operational amplifier.
5. Determine capture range; lock in range and free running frequency of PLL.
6. Voltage regulator using operational amplifier to produce output of 12V with maximum load current of 50mA.
7. A/D and D/A convertor.
8. Voltage to current and current to voltage convertors.
9. Function generator using operational amplifier (sine, triangular & square wave)
10. Astable and monostable multivibrator using IC 555.


List of Experiments
1. To study DSB/ SSB amplitude modulation & determine its modulation factor & power in side bands.
2. To study amplitude demodulation by linear diode detector
3. To study frequency modulation and determine its modulation factor
4. To study PLL 565 as frequency demodulator.
5. To study sampling and reconstruction of Pulse Amplitude modulation system.
6. To study the Sensitivity, Selectivity, and Fidelity characteristics of super heterodyne receiver.
7. To study Pulse Amplitude Modulation
a. using switching method
b. by sample and hold circuit
8. To demodulate the obtained PAM signal by 2nd order LPF.
9. To study Pulse Width Modulation and Pulse Position Modulation.
10. To plot the radiation pattern of a Dipole, Yagi-uda and calculate its beam width.
11. To plot the radiation pattern of Horn, Parabolic & helical antenna. Also calculate beam width & element current.
12. Design and implement an FM radio receiver in 88-108 MHz.


List of Experiments
(a) To study D.C. speed control system on open loop and close loop.
(b) To study of Transient performance, another time signal is added at the input of control Circuit.
(c) To study how eddy current breaking is being disturbance rejected by close and open loop.
(a) To study of potentiometer displacement constant on D.C. motor position control.
(b) To study of D. C. position control through continuous command.
(c) To study of D.C. position control through step command.
(d) To study of D.C. position control through Dynamic response.
(a) To study of A.C. motor position control through continuous command.
(b) To study of error detector on A.C. motor position control through step command.
(c) To study of A.C. position control through dynamic response.
(a) To study Input / Output characteristic of a magnetic amplifier in mode
(i) Saturable Reactor, (ii) Self Saturable Reactor.
(a) To study of Synchro Transmitter in term of Position v/s Phase and voltage magnitude with respect to Rotor Voltage
(b) To study of remote position indication system using Synchro-transmitter/receiver.
(a) To observe open loop performance of building block and calibration of PID Controls.
(b) To study P, PI and PID controller with type 0 system with delay.
(c) To study P, PI and PID controller with type 1 system.
(a) To study the open loop response on compensator.
(b) Close loop transient response.
(a) Open loop response
(i) Error detector with gain,
(ii) Time constant
(iii) Integrator
(b) Close loop system
(I) First order system
(II) Second order system
(III) Third order system
9. Introduction to MATLAB (Control System Toolbox), Implement at least any two experiment in MATLAB.
a. Different Toolboxes in MATLAB, Introduction to Control Systems Toolbox.
b. Determine transpose, inverse values of given matrix.
c. Plot the pole-zero configuration in s-plane for the given transfer function.
d. Determine the transfer function for given closed loop system in block diagram representation.
e. Plot unit step response of given transfer function and find peak overshoot, peak time.
f. Plot unit step response and to find rise time and delay time.
g. Plot locus of given transfer function, locate closed loop poles for different values of k.
h. Plot root locus of given transfer function and to find out S, Wd, Wn at given root & to discuss stability.
i. Plot bode plot of given transfer function.
j. Plot bode plot of given transfer function and find gain and phase margins
k. Plot Nyquist plot for given transfer function and to compare their relative stability
l0. Plot the Nyquist plot for given transfer function and to discuss closed loop stability, gain and
phase margin.


List of Experiments
1. Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for Decimal, Hexadecimal addition and subtraction of two Numbers.
2. Write a program using 8085 Microprocessor for addition and subtraction of two BCD numbers.
3. To perform multiplication and division of two 8 bit numbers using 8085.
4. To find the largest and smallest number in an array of data using 8085 instruction set.
5. To write a program to arrange an array of data in ascending and descending order.
6. To convert given Hexadecimal number into its equivalent ASCII number and vice versa using 8085 instruction set.
7. To write a program to initiate 8251 and to check the transmission and reception of character.
8. To interface 8253 programmable interval timer to 8085 and verify the operation of 8253 in six different modes.
9. To interface DAC with 8085 to demonstrate the generation of square, saw tooth and triangular wave.
10. Serial communication between two 8085 through RS-232 C port.



List of Experiments
1. To construct a triangular wave with the help of Fundamental Frequency and its Harmonic component.
2. To construct a Square wave with the help of Fundamental Frequency and its Harmonic component.
3. Study of Pulse code modulation (PCM) and its demodulation using Bread Board.
4. Study of delta modulation and demodulation and observe effect of slope overload.
5. Study of pulse data coding techniques for NRZ formats.
6. Study of Data decoding techniques for NRZ formats.
7. Study of Manchester coding and Decoding.
8. Study of Amplitude shift keying modulator and demodulator.
9. Study of Frequency shift keying modulator and demodulator.
10. Study of Phase shift keying modulator and demodulator
11 Study of single bit error detection and correction using Hamming code.
12 Measuring the input impedance and Attenuation of a given Transmission Line.


List of Experiments
1. With the help of Fourier series, make a square wave from sine wave and cosine waves. Find out coefficient values.
2. Evaluate 4 point DFT of and IDFT of x(n) =1, 0 n 3; 0 elsewhere.
3. Implement the FIR Filters for 2 KHz cutoff frequency and 2 KHz bandwidth for band pass filter.
4. Design FIR filter using Fourier series expansion method.
5. Implement IIR low pass filter for a 4 KHz cutoff frequency and compare it the FIR filter with the same type use chirp as input
6. Verify Blackman and Hamming windowing techniques for square wave as an input which window will give good results.
7. Implement the filter functions.
8. Generate DTMF sequence 1234567890*#and observe its spectrogram.
9. Generate an Amplitude Modulation having side low frequencies 1200 Hz and 800 Hz. Observe and verify the theoretical FFT
characteristics with the observed ones.
10. Generate Frequency Modulation having carrier frequencies 1 KHz and modulating frequency 200 Hz with the modulation index of
0.7. Observe and verify the theoretical FFT characteristics with the observed ones.
11. Generate an FSK wave form for transmitting the digital data of the given bit sequence. Predict and verify the FFT for the same
12. To study the circular convolution.

EEC 653 Microwave Engg. Lab

List of Experiments
1. Study of Reflex Klystron Characteristics.
2 Measurement of guide wavelength and frequency of the signal in a rectangular Waveguide using slotted line carriage in a Micro
wave Bench.
3. Measurement of impedance of an unknown load connected at the output end of the slotted line carriage in a Micro wave Bench
4. Determine the S-parameter of any Three port Tee.
5 Determine the S-parameter of a Magic Tee.
6. Study various parameters of Isolator .
7. Measurement of attenuation of a attenuator and isolation, insertion loss, cross coupling of a circulator.
8 Determine coupling coefficient, Insertion loss, Directivity and Isolation coefficient of anty Multi-Hole directional coupler.
9 To study working of MIC Components like Micro strip Line, Filter, Directional Coupler, Wilkinson Power Divider, Ring resonator &
coupler, antennas & amplifies.
10. Study of waveguide horn and its radiation pattern and determination of the beam width.
11. Study radiation pattern of any two types of linear antenna.

Part B
1. To setting up fiber optic analog link.
2. Study and measurement of losses in optical fiber.
3. Study and measurement of numerical aperture of optical fiber.
4. Study and perform time division multiplexing (digital).
5. Study of framing in time division multiplexing.
6. Study of Manchester coding and decoding.
7. Study of voice coding and codec chip.
8. Study and measure characteristics of fiber optic LEDs and photo detector.



List of Experiments

PSPICE Experiments
1. (a) Transient Analysis of BJ T inverter using step input.
(b)DC Analysis (VTC) of BJ T inverter with and without parameters.

2. (a) Transient Analysis of NMOS inverter using step input.
(b) Transient Analysis of NMOS inverter using pulse input.
(c) DC Analysis (VTC) of NMOS inverter with and without parameters.

3. (a) Analysis of CMOS inverter using step input.
(b) Transient Analysis of CMOS inverter using step input with parameters.
(c) Transient Analysis of CMOS inverter using pulse input.
(d) Transient Analysis of CMOS inverter using pulse input with parameters.
(e) DC Analysis (VTC) of CMOS inverter with and without parameters.

4. Transient & DC Analysis of NOR Gate inverter.

5. Transient & DC Analysis of NAND Gate.

VHDL Experiments
1. Synthesis and simulation of Full Adder.
2. Synthesis and Simulation of Full Subtractor.
3. Synthesis and Simulation of 3 X 8 Decoder.
4. Synthesis and Simulation of 8 X 1 Multiplexer.
5. Synthesis and Simulation of 9 bit odd parity generator.
6. Synthesis and Simulation of Flip Flop (D, and T).

EEC 752 Electronic Circuit Design Lab

List of Experiments
In this practical course students will carry out a design oriented project work using various
analog/ digital building blocks which they have already studied in their analog electronic/
digital electronic courses such as Electronic circuits, integrated circuits and filter design.
The project may include but not restricted to any of the following:
1. Universal op-amp based biquad
2. Universal OTA biquad
3. Amplitude control or stabilization applied to any sinusoidal oscillators
4. Op-amp/ OTA based function generator
5. Any application of log/antilog circuits
6. Any applications of analog multiplier/ divider
7. Any digital system design and its hardware implementation using TTL/ CMOS ICs
8. Any circuit idea (not studied in the course) using 555 Timer in conjunction with any
other ICs .The above must include
1. Design the circuit.
2. Make a hardware and measure various parameters.
3. Simulation in Spice of the designed circuit.
4. Comparison of measured and simulated results.
5. A report is to be made for evaluation.

Department of Electrical & Electronics Engg.
List of Experiments


List of Experiments
1. Solution of linear equations for under damped and over damped cases.
2. Determination of eigen values and eigenvectors of a square matrix.
3. Determination of roots of a polynomial.
4. Determination of polynomial using method of least square curve fitting.
5. Determination of polynomial fit, analyzing residuals, exponential fit and error bounds from the
given data.
6. Solution of differential equations using 4th order Runge-Kutta method.
7. Solution of differential equation using revised Euler method.
8. Solution of difference equations.
9. Determination of time response of an R-L-C circuit.
10. College may add any three experiments in the above list.


1. Calibration of ac voltmeter and ac ammeter
2. Measurement of form factor of a rectified sine wave and determine source of error if r.m.s.value is measured by a multi-meter
3. Measurement of phase difference and frequency of a sinusoidal ac voltage using C.R.O.
4. Measurement of power and power factor of a single phase inductive load and to study effect of
capacitance connected across the load on the power factor
5. Measurement of low resistance by Kelvins double bridge
6. Measurement of voltage, current and resistance using dc potentiometer
7. Measurement of inductance by Maxwells bridge
8. Measurement of inductance by Hays bridge
9. Measurement of inductance by Andersons bridge
10. Measurement of capacitance by Owens bridge
11. Measurement of capacitance by De Sauty bridge
12. Measurement of capacitance by Schering bridge
13. Study of Frequency and differential time counter
14. College may add any two experiments in the above list


List of Experiments
1. To Plot V-I characteristics of junction diode and zener diode.
2. To draw wave shape of the electrical signal at input and output points of the half wave, full wave and bridge rectifiers.
3. To Plot input / output characteristics for common base transistor.
4. To Plot input /output characteristics of FET and determine FET parameters at a given operating point.
5. To determine voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance of common emitter amplifier.
6. To determine voltage gain, current gain, input impedance and output impedance and frequency response of R-C coupled common
emitter amplifier.
7. To design R-C Phase shift / Wein Bridge oscillator and verify experimentally the frequency
of oscillation.
8. To study transistor as a switch and determine load voltage and load current when the
transistor is ON.


9. To study application of Operational Amplifier as summer integrator and voltage comporator
10. To study operation of Op-Amp based astable and monostable multivibrators.
11. To study operation IC 555 based astable and monostable multibrators.
12. To study operation of (a) multiplexer using IC 74150 (b) demultiplexer using IC 74138.
13. To study operation of Adder / Subtractor using 4 bit / 8 bit IC 7483.
14. To study operation of (a) J K Master slave flip flop using IC 7476 (b) Modulo N counter using programmable counter
15. To verify experimentally output of A/D and D/A converters.
16. To study regulation of unregulated power supply using IC 7805/7812 voltage regulator and
measure the load and line regulations.



List of Experiments
1 To obtain magnetization characteristics of a d.c. shunt generator
2 To obtain load characteristics of a d.c. shunt generator and compound generator
(a)Cumulatively compounded
(b) Differentially compounded
3 To obtain efficiency of a dc shunt machine using Swinburns test
4 To perform Hopkinsons test and determine losses and efficiency of DC machine
5 To obtain speed-torque characteristics of a dc shunt motor
6 To obtain speed control of dc shunt motor using (a) armature resistance control (b) field control
7 To obtain speed control of dc separately excited motor using Conventional Ward-Leonard/
Static Ward Leonard method.
8 To study polarity and ratio test of single phase and 3-phase transformers
9 To obtain equivalent circuit, efficiency and voltage regulation of a single phase transformer
using C.C. and S.C. tests.
10 To obtain efficiency and voltage regulation of a single phase transformer by Sumpners test
11 To obtain 3-phase to 2-phase conversion by Scott connection.
12 To determine excitation phenomenon (B.H. loop) of single phase transformer using C.R.O.


List of Experiments
1. Verification of principle of superposition with dc and ac sources.
2. Verification of Thevenin, Norton and Maximum power transfer theorems in ac circuits
3. Verification of Tellegins theorem for two networks of the same topology
4. Determination of transient response of current in RL and RC circuits with step voltage input
5. Determination of transient response of current in RLC circuit with step voltage input for underdamp, critically damp and overdamp
6. Determination of frequency response of current in RLC circuit with sinusoidal ac input
7. Determination of z and h parameters (dc only) for a network and computation of Y and ABCD
8. Determination of driving point and transfer functions of a two port ladder network and verify with theoretical values
9. Determination of image impedance and characteristic impedance of T and networks, using O.C. and S.C. tests Write Demo for
the following (in Ms-Power point)
10. Verification of parameter properties in inter-connected two port networks : series, parallel and cascade also study loading effect
in cascade.
11. Determination of frequency response of a Twin T notch filter.
12. To determine attenuation characteristics of a low pass / high pass active filters.
13. to 15 College may add any three experiments in the above list.


List of Experiments
1. Study of various commands of PSPICE.
2. To determine node voltages and branch currents in a resistive network.
3. To obtain Thevenins equivalent circuit of a resistive network.
4. To obtain transient response of a series R-L-C circuit for step voltage input.
5. To obtain transient response of a parallel R-L-C circuit for step current input.
6. To obtain transient response of a series R-L-C circuit for alternating square voltage waveform.
7. To obtain frequency response of a series R-L-C circuit for sinusoidal voltage input.
8. To determine line and load currents in a three phase delta circuit connected to a 3-phase
balanced ac supply.
9. To plot magnitude, phase and step response of a network function.
10. To determine z,y,g,h and transmission parameters of a two part network.
11. To obtain transient response of output voltage in a single phase half wave rectifier circuit using capacitance filter.
12. To obtain output characteristics of CE NPN transistor.
13. To obtain frequency response of a R-C coupled CE amplifier.
14. To obtain frequency response of an op-Amp integrator circuit.
15. To verify truth tables of NOT, and or gates implemented by NAND gates by plotting their digital input and output signals.


List of Experiments
A. Study Experiments
1. To study 8085 based microprocessor system
2. To study 8086 and 8086A based microprocessor system
3. To study Pentium Processor
B. Programming based Experiments
4. To develop and run a program for finding out the largest/smallest number from a given set of
5. To develop and run a program for arranging in ascending/descending order of a set of numbers
6. To perform multiplication/division of given numbers
7. To perform conversion of temperature from 0F to 0C and vice-versa
8. To perform computation of square root of a given number
9. To perform floating point mathematical operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and
C. Interfacing based Experiments
10. To obtain interfacing of RAM chip to 8085/8086 based system
11. To obtain interfacing of keyboard controller
12. To obtain interfacing of DMA controller
13. To obtain interfacing of PPI
14. To obtain interfacing of UART/USART
15. To perform microprocessor based stepper motor operation through 8085 kit
16. To perform microprocessor based traffic light control
17. To perform microprocessor based temperature control of hot water.

Department of Master in Computer Applications.
List of Experiments


List of Experiments
Suggested Assignments to be conducted on a 3-hour slot. It will be conducted in tandem with the theory course so the topics for
problems given in the lab are already initiated in the theory class. The topics taught in the theory course should be appropriately be
sequenced for synchronization with the laboratory. A sample sequence of topics and lab classes for the topic are given below:
1. Familiarization of a computer and the environment and execution of sample programs
2. Expression evaluation
3. Conditionals and branching
4. Iteration
5. Functions
6. Recursion
7. Arrays
8. Structures
9. Linked lists
10. Data structures
It is suggested that some problems related to continuous domain problems in engineering and their numerical solutions are given as
laboratory assignments. It may be noted that some of basic numerical methods are taught in the Mathematics course.

MCA -152 Language Lab

List of Experiments
Interactive and Communicative Practical with emphasis on Oral Presentation/Spoken Communication based on International
Phonetic Alphabets (I.P.A.)
1. Group Discussion: Practical based on Accurate and Current Grammatical Patterns.
2. Conversational Skills for Interviews under suitable Professional Communication Lab conditions with emphasis on Kinesics.
3.Communication Skills for Seminars/Conferences/Workshops with emphasis on Paralinguistics/Kinesics.
4. Presentation Skills for Technical Paper/Project Reports/ Professional Reports based on proper Stress and Intonation Mechanics.
5. Official/Public Speaking based on suitable Rhythmic Patterns.
6. Theme- Presentation/ Key-Note Presentation based on correct argumentation methodologies.
7. Individual Speech Delivery/Conferences with skills to defend Interjections/Quizzes.
8. Argumentative Skills/Role Play Presentation with Stress and Intonation.
9. Comprehension Skills based on Reading and Listening Practicals on a model Audio-Visual Usage.



List of Experiments
Write Program in C or C++for following:
Sorting programs: Bubble sort, Merge sort, Insertion sort, Selection sort, and Quick sort.
Searching programs: Linear Search, Binary Search.
Array implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Linked List.
Implementation of Stack, Queue, Circular Queue, Linked List using dynamic memo allocation.
Implementation of Binary tree.
Program for Tree Traversals (preorder, inorder, postorder).
Program for graph traversal (BFS, DFS).
Program for minimum cost spanning tree, shortest path.


List of Experiments
Write programs in C
To implement floating point arithmetic operations i.e., addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.
To deduce errors involved in polynomial interpolation.

Algebraic and trance dental equations using Bisection, Newton Raphson,
Iterative, method of false position, rate of conversions of roots in tabular form for each of these
To implement formulae by Bessels, Newton, Stirling, Langranges etc.
To implement method of least square curve fitting.
Implement numerical differentiation.
Implement numerical integration using Simpson's 1/3 and 3/8 rules, trapezoidal rule.
To show frequency chart, regression analysis, Linear square fit, and polynomial fit.



List of Experiments
The programme to be implemented using SQL
1. Create Table, SQL for Insertion, Deletion, Update and Retrival using aggregating functions.
2. Write Programs in PL/SQL, Understanding the concept of Cursors.
3. Write Program for J oin, Union & intersection etc.
4. Creating Views, Writing Assertions, Triggers.
5. Creating Forms, Reports etc.
6. Writing codes for generating read and update operator in a transaction using different situations.
7. Implement of 2PL concerning central algorithm.
8. Developing code for understanding of distributed transaction processing.
Students are advised to use Developer 2000 Oracle 8+version for above experiments. However, depending on the availability of
Softwares students may use power builder/SQL Server/DB2 etc. for implementation.

MCA-352 Java Programming Lab

List of Experiments
1. Write a program in J ava for illustrating, overloading, over riding and various forms of inheritance.
2. Write programs to create packages and multiple threads in J ava.
3. Write programs in J ava for event handling Mouse and Keyboard events.
4. Using Layout Manager create different applications.
5. Write programs in J ava to create and manipulate Text Area, Canvas, Scroll Bars, Frames and Menus using swing/AWT.
6. Using J ava create Applets.
7. Use J ava Language for Client Server Interaction with stream socket connections.
8. Write a program in java to read data from disk file.


Experiments based on the course Object Oriented Systems to be done on C++/J AVA/UML/VISIO etc.

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