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... through Bertha Dudde

2 Peter 3:10 ....
The day of the Lord w!! "o#e
!$e a thef % the %ght ....
The day of the Lord w!! "o#e a& a thef % the %ght .... the day
whe% ' w!! re(ea! )y&e!f to hu#a%ty wth a (o"e of thu%der
wh"h w!! *e heard *y e(eryo%e a%d wh"h %o hu#a% *e%g w!!
*e a*!e to a(od ....
For &oo%er or !ater the a"t of tra%&for#%g the earth w!! ha(e to
ta$e +!a"e, &oo%er or !ater order #u&t *e e&ta*!&hed o%"e aga%-
the earth #u&t aga% *e"o#e a +!a"e of edu"ato% for the &ou!&
wh"h &hou!d #ature fu!!y a%d rea"h +erfe"to%.
.%d th& day ha& *ee% +!a%%ed for eter%ty, )y +!a% & *a&ed o%
the fa"t that a tra%&for#ato% !$e that w!! o""ur o%e day
*e"au&e the hu#a% ra"e t&e!f w!! +ro(de the rea&o% for t ....
wh"h wa& "erta%!y re"og%&ed *y )y w&do# .... .%d thu& )y
+ower w!! a!&o #+!e#e%t the +!a% a%d you "a% e/+e"t th& day
wth "erta%ty .... t w!! *r%g o%e +erod of 0a!(ato% to a% e%d
a%d a %ew o%e w!! &tart, a& t & +ro"!a#ed % Word a%d
0"r+ture ....
T#e a%d aga% ' +o%t th& out to you, *ut &%"e you hu#a%&
do%1t *e!e(e, &%"e you do%1t ta$e )y Word& &erou&!y, t w!! ta$e
you *y &ur+r&e,
for e(e% f )y ad(er&ary reg%& o% 2arth % the !a&t day&, e(e% f
he *r%g& +eo+!e &o "o#+!ete!y u%der h& "o%tro! that they !o&e
a!! fath a%d % the e%d are true de(!& wh"h o++re&& )y Ow% a%d
"au&e the# ut#o&t d&tre&&, they w!! %e(erthe!e&& *e e3ua!!y
horrfed whe% )y Ow% are !fted u+ *efore ther eye& a%d they
rea!&e that they "a%%ot *e &a(ed a%y#ore, that they w!! fa!!
+rey to a% a"t of de&tru"to% the#&e!(e&, that there & %o way out
a%y#ore a%d that the earth w!! de(our the# ....
For there & %o other way to +urfy the earth- a!! !(%g "reato%&
w!! ha(e to *e d&&o!(ed a%d the &+rtua! &u*&ta%"e& wth% *e
+!a"ed %to %ew for#& .... a "o#+rehe%&(e "!ea%&%g wor$ ha& to
ta$e +!a"e &o a& to re4e&ta*!&h order, wh"h w!! a!&o guara%tee
+rogre&&o% for the &+rtua! *e%g& a%d wh"h w!! "o#+!ete!y
e/"!ude )y ad(er&ary1& a"t(ty for a +erod of t#e, o% a""ou%t
of wh"h he a%d h& fo!!ower& w!! *e "o%&tra%ed for a !o%g t#e.
Th& day of the e%d & +ro"!a#ed to you hu#a%& o(er a%d o(er
aga%, yet o%!y a few *e!e(e % t a%d e(e% the&e few ha(e %o
dea how "!o&e t & .... yet ' w!! re+eat )y ad#o%to%& a%d
war%%g& u%t! the e%d, u%t! the e%d ' w!! addre&& e(eryo%e a%d
draw your atte%to% to t, a%d u%t! the e%d e(ery o%e of you w!!
&t!! ha(e the o++ortu%ty to a(od the horror of th& e%d ....
.%d therefore do%1t +ty tho&e who !ea(e you, who# ' ta$e fro#
th& !fe +re#ature!y .... do%1t +ty the#, for ther fate & *etter
tha% your& who !(e u%t! the e%d a%d do%1t *e!e(e ....
They &t!! ha(e the o++ortu%ty to atta% !ght % the *eyo%d, *ut
the for#er "o%t%ue to de&"e%d e(er dee+er, for ' $%ow that they
wou!d a!&o "hoo&e the +ath to the a*y&& % the $%gdo# of the
*eyo%d, that they wou!d %ot #a$e u&e of the *!e&&%g& of a%
ear!y death- after a!!, ' $%ow the &tate of e(ery &ou! a%d
a""ord%g!y a!&o &ha+e t& earth!y de&t%y.
.%d e(e% f t & dff"u!t to *e!e(e % a% e%d of th& earth, +eo+!e
w!! %e(erthe!e&& ha(e %o e/"u&e for they &hou!d o%!y !(e
rghteou&!y, the% ther e%d w!! %ot re&u!t % ther *a%&h#e%t %to
hard #atter, the% they w!! ether *e!o%g to )y Ow%, who# ' w!!
retur% to the %ew earth, or they w!! &t!! *e re"a!!ed *efore a%d
the% they w!! %ot go a&tray ether ....
But t & *etter that they +re+are the#&e!(e& for a% a++roa"h%g
e%d, that they ta$e the +o&&*!ty %to a""ou%t of *e%g &udde%!y
fa"ed *y a% a"t of de&tru"to% fro# wh"h there w!! *e %o #ore
e&"a+e ....
.%yo%e who ref!e"t& o% the&e thought& 5u&t o%"e w!! "erta%!y
a!&o f%d the +ath to )e, to the 6reator of hea(e% a%d earth,
Who *rought e(eryth%g forth fro# 7# a%d therefore "a% a!&o
de&troy e(eryth%g aga% ....
.%d ' wou!d !$e to re&"ue a!! of you fro# ru%- "o%&e3ue%t!y '
w!! *r%g the f%a! wor$ of de&tru"to% o% earth ho#e to you t#e
a%d aga% .... .%d a%yo%e who *e!e(e& w!! %ot ha(e to fear th&
day ether, for he w!! +re+are h#&e!f, a%d e(e% f he & &t!! wea$
a%d %ot +erfe"t, he w!! %e(erthe!e&& f%d a #er"fu! 8udge Who
w!! %ot "o%de#% h# *ut he!+ h# atta% eter%a! !fe ....
Pu*!&hed *y fre%d& of %ew re(e!ato%& of God 9'%for#ato%,
dow%!oad of a!! tra%&!ated re(e!ato%&, the#e4*oo$!et& at:

9 htt+:::e%.*

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