Coca Cola

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Coca-Cola (also called Coke) is a trademark of freshwater is registered in the U.S. in 1893.

was born in 1886; Coca-Cola's father is a pharmacist. The way the American people understand
that time Coke (Coca Cola) is an oral medication. Later, when Asa Candler - talented businessman
bought Coca-Cola, whose marketing tactics led Coke's dominance on the world market in
freshwater during the 20th century was thinking of the transformation America's image of Coca
Cola. He says consumers understand their first "medicine" Coke is a beverage and delicious fresh.
The name Coca-Cola name comes from coca leaves and cola fruit, two components of the Coca-
Cola drinks. This has to do with Coca Cola period because people tend island has referred to Asa
Candler is the man's drug world. Currently Coca-Cola soft drink company became world famous
with many diverse products such as Coca-Cola Light (Diet Coke, or Diet Coke), Coca-Cola Cherry
... Coca-Cola is sold in shops, restaurants, vending machines in over 200 countries worldwide.
Products serve more than 705 million times a day, thirst needs of consumers in over 195 countries
in all climates. Today, you can find Coca-Cola at most parts of the world. The Coca-Cola Company
is headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. Its current chairman and CEO is Muhtar Kent.


Coca-Cola has production system and bottling facilities all around the world. This plays an
important part in their business since they are one of the top of the soft drink industry. Outsourcing
comes at the expense of improving in-house skills, which will eventually lead to reduced costs.
Coca Cola knows product and package quality is a key to ensure their products in the marketplace
meet Company requirements and consumer demands. The global nature of their business requires
that the Coca-Cola system has the highest standards and processes for ensuring consistent
product safety.

Coca Cola uses a system that is called Coca Cola management System (TCCMS ) to manage their
product quality. That will hold all of their operations in the same standards for production and
distribution. It guarantees the highest standards in quality, the environment, safety and the health of
customer. And they requires each business within the Coca-Cola system must establish,
implement, document and maintain a safety and quality system in accordance with TCCMS

Coca Cola has lots number of vending machines, both new and reconditioning machine, that are
placed at various remanufacturing facilities on the U.S. They decided to use the Bar Code
Software, the inventories on this machinery were performed manually a time-consuming, labor-
intensive task, to say the least. Information on each vending machine, example location, state of
condition, etc., was already placed in Cokes mainframe computer system. By working with this
existing information, Bar Code Software was able to design an inventory system that worked with
their mainframe database, without causing any changes to it.


Coca-colas culture is defined by their seven core values: leadership, passion, integrity,
collaboration, diversity, quality, and accountability. Their central promise at The Coca-Cola
Company is to refresh the world in mind, body, and spirit, and inspire moments of optimism; to
create value and make a difference. Their people and their brand are their two assets that give
them the opportunity to keep that promise. The Coca-Cola Company leverages a worldwide team

that is rich in diverse people, talent and ideas. As a global business, their ability to understand,
embrace and operate in a multicultural world -- both in the marketplace and in the workplace -- is
critical to their sustainability.

Their diversity workplace strategy includes programs to attract, retain, and develop diverse talent;
provide support systems for groups with diverse backgrounds; and educate all associates so that
they master the skills to achieve sustainable growth.

Coca-Cola Banks on Emotion-Based Marketing Philosophy

The Coca-Cola Company aims to enhance its brand and grow sales by delivering emotional
experiences such as happiness, hope and optimism to consumers via mobile and social media and
in stores operated by retail partners.
Coca-cola has a business model that calls for everybody who touches our products to benefit from
that experience. This idea of shared values is the essence of what Coca-Cola hopes to accomplish.
Coca-cola collaborates with its customers to figure out how these values may fit into their business.
Coca-cola calls that translating brand value into customer value, so that its customers can
understand the value of its brands and how they can play a role in driving their business.
Coca-Cola is guided by the notion that everything they do needs to provide value for the retail
customer. This includes insights, collaboration and creating in-store excitement and execution.
These components power the companys 500 brands of soft drinks, juices, water and other
beverages sold in 207 countries around the world.
Stories are the new currency in building happiness. Coca-cola must engage consumers with stories
stories that have compelling content, memorable experiences and engaging conversations.
Stories that will be spread. Ultimately people have a liquid and linked environment, which is the
creation of purposeful stories that create brand value and shared value.

Coca Colas Best Practices

Coca Colas best practices for aligning their product offerings with the consumers growing search
for healthy and green product solutions: At Coca-Cola they are always scouting the horizon.
Consumers are expanding their needs/wants toward lower calories drinks, juices, waters and teas
that are reflective of their more active lifestyles and increased focus upon diet. Active lifestyles
and diet are representative of the American consumers focus on personal health. Independent
market research continues to report that going green for the American consumer is a search for in
me, on me and around me solutions to their desires to look good, feel good, connect with a tribe
of peers, and protect their loves ones.

In summary, Coca-Cola continues to win sales by deploying the following three practices for
aligning with the consumers increasing shift toward smart, healthy and green products:
1. Consumer Driven Leadership Focus. Alignment with consumers is an obvious leadership
foundation that can be a huge challenge for companies with legacy products confronting a
consumer shift in value and values. Companies like Coca-Cola, P&G or Apple continue to achieve
industry-leading growth through their leadership culture that actively pursues continuous alignment
with the consumers evolving needs and values.
2. Empowering Entrepreneurs. Empowering entrepreneurship in pursuit of both
transformative and disruptive product offerings is a key to any companys growth. Whether its
iPads, LED lighting or coconut water, it is the ability to create new paths for aligning with consumers
that is critical to achieving sustainable revenue growth.
3. Values-Based Management. Market research from firms like the Shelton Group and Cohn
& Wolfe continue to affirm that consumers are embracing smart, healthy and green as values-
attributes for their lives and the products they buy. Companies like Coca-Colas are enriching their
management culture with organizational designs that embrace a function like Live Positively to
inspire a values-based management focus.

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