Paradise Pokhara

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Though small, Nepal can fulfill travelers' each desire, from ascending to the Himalayas
to watching birds and wild life in the plains, from adventure sports to pilgrimage tours.
Lonely Planet described Nepal as a multi-activity wonder. !ountains are only half the
Nepal story. The towns of "athmandu valley are #am-pac$ed with pagoda- roofed
temples, old architecture, and national par$ of plains are teemed with wildlife. %n a
single trip to Nepal you can climb a mountain, meditate in a monastery, ride on a bus
roof, sip &hang' rice beer( with )herpa, get chased by rhino and have your bananas
nic$ed by mon$ey-how many countries can complete with that*+

Tre$$ing in Nepal is one of the Travel ,enchmar$s li$e seeing the Ta# !ahal or diving
the -reat ,arriers .eef or the first time you eat fried locusts. ,y the end of your tre$ you
may vow not to climb anything higher than the stairs around your home town, but the
e/perience of the Himalayas will stay with you for life time
0dam ,ennett, !anager
0sia-Pacific &ommunication1 Lonely Planet
Po$hara valley, a perfect combination of tran2uility and beauty, which lies 344 $ms west
from capital city "athmandu is located between the -reat Himalayan and !ahabharata
.anges in the 5estern 6evelopment
.egion of Nepal. 7n fact, it is centrally located in the geographical map of Nepal. The
0riel distance to southern border )anauli is 89 "ms and the distance to the northern
border is only 83 "ms. 7t is the only place in the world from where we can en#oy the
magnificent view of snow capped massive mountain of above 9444 meter elevation
while sitting below :444meter above sea level. %ut of the :; highest mountains of the
world, elevation higher than 9444 meters, three of them 0nnapurna, 6haulagiri and
!anaslu can be seen from Po$hara. 7t is an enchanting city nestled in a trans2uil valley,
which is also gateway to the world of adventure li$e tre$$ing mountaineering and many
more. 7n broader sense, total area of &hitwan, -or$ha, !anang, !ustang, Lumbini etc
is $nown as greater Po$hara .egion. Po$hara in Proper is a head 2uater of 5estern
6evelopment .egion, -anda$i <one and "as$i 6istrict. Po$hara region is the most
attractive tourism destination for general interest as well as special interest tourists. 7t is
admired by different types of tourists li$e holiday spenders, honeymoons, adventure
lovers, pilgrims and many more.
How to get to Pokhara?
By Air and Land
0s it is beautiful tourist destination of Nepal, it is well connected by road and air services
from "athmandu and other different parts of the country. There are =4 to >4 daily
regular flights between Po$hara and "athmandu and many more during the hi9gh
tourist seasons. &harted flioghts and helicopters are available to reach this city from
different parts of the country. Li$ewise, there are several outbound flights to Po$hara to
?pmsom, ,haratpur, !anang and ,hairahawa. )imilarlly, various standards of
inbound@outbound tourist buses, cars, #eeps and vans are available from "athmandu,
&hitwan, )anauli etc. 7t is also well lin$ed by regular inboud@outbound road access from
7ndian border cities li$e "0$arvitta, ,iratnagar, ,irgun#, ,hairhawa, Nepalgun# and
Though started from :A>4s, tourism of Po$hara established as an industry after :AB4s.
However, the literature shows that it was popular among the visitors even before the
century. 7n this conte/t, travelogues published by C. "awaguchi ':9AA(, !aurice
HerDog':A>4(. Tony Hagen ':A>>(, ?ames .oberts':A>8(, !.). "ohli ':AB:( etc. are
noteworthy. Loo$ing at its natural beauty. "awaguchi described it as Ethat in all my
travels in the Himalayas, 7 saw no scenery do enchanting as that which enraptured me
in Po$hara.+
7ts natural ambience, which allows en#oying la$e side serenity, breathta$ing view of
magnificent 0nnapurna range, !ount Fishtail, diverse topography, biodiversity, caves
gorges, waterfalls etc. have transformed Po$hara into a Paradi"e on Earth#
7magine a place where you could gaDe at the wonders of the world highest mountain
range whose beauty is a feast to behold, tre$ to the lower slopes where whiff of fresh air
and scent of e/otic flowers greet you at every step, raft down a snow-fed river, fly
across the country for candle-lit dinner in the mountains under the clear blue s$y with
Himalaya for company, and en#oy the sunrise as it splasheshues of red on blushing
mountain ranges. Gou thin$ your imagination is wor$ing over time* 5ell, thin$ again.
Paradise is closer than you thin$. 5elcome to Po$hara H the most happening
destination in the world H a heady mi/ture of uni2ue culture proudly preserved, mind
boggling adventure and remar$able natural beauty. 0 land where you revitaliDe your
mind, body and soul amidst scenery that is simply a $noc$ out. .ich, traditional
hospitality is an added bonus of Po$hara.
Po$hara is a destination, where Cntrepreneurs have prepared &%&'&ode of &onduct(
and &).'&orporate )ocial .esponsibility( guidelines to develop .esponsible and
)ustainable Tourism in destination level. 7n this .egard, Po$hara Touirism &ouncil and
)outh-0sia .egional &o-ordination %ffice of N&&., North-)outh #ointly prepared those
&%& and &). guidelines after several rounds of discussion with entrepreneurs.
,est place for magnificent snow capped mountain view
6eepest gorge in the world
The la$e situated in the highest elevation in the world.
Large rhododendron forest 'claimed to be largest in the world
&rystal watrew la$es
Natural &aves
-ushing rivers
)ight )eing
0maDing hill stations
!useums, temples, monasteries
Pony tre$s
!ountaineering roc$ climbing
Hunny hunting
!ountain bi$ing
<ipline fly
Iltra flights
!ountain flights
Heli-sight seeing
,ird 5atching
Home stay and Jillage tour C/perience
Tibetan )ettlements and their culture
Jillage tourism e/periences
Pilgrimages to temples, monasteries etc.
)ports li$e mountain marathon, cric$et, football etc.
Hub for adventure as well as rela/ation tourism
Po$hara stadium, &rac$ed-Land and local traditional bridge, &hisa$hola Jeda
Jidhyashram 'Jedantic )chool(
Julture .estaurant
"harapani Hot )pring
Hand -liding, Paramotoring, Hot 0ir ,allooning, &anoying, )$y 6iving
'Ipcoming Products(
Paradise Pokhara once is not enough!!!
0dventure paradise )oft and hard adventure activities that you can e/perience in and
around Po$hara are so uni2ue that you can get nowhere else in the world.
Nepal is a pioneer tre$$ing destination in the 5orld. Po$hara area is the centre of
tre$$ing in Nepal. Po$hara is area the centre of tre$$ing in Nepal. 0nnapurna region is
$nown as tre$$ing paradise. .ound 0nnapurna Tre$ is one out of the best ten tre$$ing
routes in the world. 'referred to P.>(. 5e recommend you to arrange tre$$ing through
the registered tre$$ing agencies that are registered with government. 0nnapurna,
6haulagiri and !anaslu are ma#or tre$$ing routes are of different durations from day
hi$es to = wee$s or even more. 'www.tre$$
Po$hara has been popular gateway and rest place for the tre$$ers and mountaineers
since :A>4. )ucessful climbing of worldKs highest pea$s elevating more than 9444
metres abovethe sea level started from Po$hara .egion. 7t is place to start e/peditions
of 0nnapurna and 6aulagiri .egions. 0 famous mountaineer !aurice HerDog started
his e/pedition from Po$hara and successfully climbed over 94A: m high 0nnapurna-7 for
the first time in the human history :A>4.,,
There are several hills and hilloc$s around Po$hara for day or two day hi$es. "ahun hill,
)arang$ot, "as$i$ot, Naundanda, 0ustralian &amp, 0stam, 0mala$ot, .upa$ot,
Pachabhaiya hill, "ali$asthan, Pumdi, !atti$han, Nirmal Po$hari, -harmi, Thula$ot,
6hampus etc. are some hill stations and hi$ing places from where we can en#oy local
culture, sunrise, sunset, panoramic mountain view etc.
Gou can go for a half a day or full day pony tre$ and en#oy the tran2uil routes in
hinterlands and surroundings of Po$hara by e/periencing the real rustic life. Gou can
also go for several night hold pony tre$s. .outes are referred to P.3A 6estination
around the Po$hara Jalley. These places are also suitable location for day
Hi$er and pony tre$s.
&hartered !ountain flight from Po$hara ta$es you to the close spectacular views of
some of the world's tallest Himalayas in 0nnapurna region. !ountain flight is also
interesting for even those who have done their tre$$ing. 7t gives you value addition to
the e/perience of tre$$ing. !ountain flights give a chance to see the whole range in one
glance. Po$hara is a place, which offers crystal clear s$y even during the winter.
Helicopter-)ervices are also available for those who wish to ma$e it a more private
&an you imagine sharing the same air space with the Himalayan griffin vultures, eagles
and $ites as you soar over the rivers, la$es and villages* The mountains loom over you
to your north and the below you the landscape is dotted with paddy fields and hamlets.
Probably thatKs why Po$hara is amongst the hotspots for Paragliding in the world.
0lthough you can e/perience paragliding all the months of the year, the best time is
between )eptember to 0pril.
7f you have a dream to fly li$e birds, come to Po$hara. Leave your woes behind on
earth, soar to heights, bathe in the clouds, reach out for the mountains and $iss the
aDure s$y as you fly across. This also offers opportunities to ta$e some of the most
breathta$ing views. 7t operates regular flights from the Po$hara airportL )eptember to
?une. No such flights during the months of ?uly and 0ugust.
5hether you would li$e to "aya$ in the Phewa, ,egnas la$es or raft down the )eti
.iver, Po$hara has it all. ,ecause of its pro/imity to the mountains, 2uite a few snow-
fed wild rivers run through the surrounding areas ma$ing Po$hara region a top rafting
destination.,esides )eti .iver, rafting trips to other ma#or rivers li$e Trisuli, !arsyangdi
and "ali -anda$i also begin and end in Po$hara. The grades of rafting from M3 to M>,
for :to 8 days or even more depending on rivers.
5ouldnKt you li$e to pedal push you way through waterfalls, up and down treacherous
slopes and amidst centuries old monasteries and rice granaries* 5ell, thatKs mountain
bi$ing in Po$hara in a nutshell for you. %n one hand you have to cycle through lush
forests and culturally heterogeneous communities while on the other hand, up steep
mountains and through cruel mountain rivers. Place li$e Nirmalpo$hari, 6hampus,
)i$les, .upa$ot, 0stam, Panchase, "ahun hill, )arng$ot, ?omsom, and ,aglung etc. are
famous mountain bi$ing destinations around Po$hara.
There are two golf courses and a driving range in Po$hara. Himalayan -olf course,
situated around :=$m east from la$eside is a world class golf course in Po$hara. 7t
offers an amaDing golfing e/perience in a uni2ue ground with :9 holes. 7t is also $nown
as a golf course in a paradise. )pectacular, )tunning and uni2ue location has made it
really a most amaDing golf course in 0sia. Geti golf course is A hole course situated in
the premises of Fulbari .esort, one of the two five star hotels in Po$hara. There is also
one golf driving range at 6amside, Po$hara for beginners and learners of golf.
Heli s$iing was attempted by a French team in !anang north of Po$hara in 344= and
found the place as a very good place for heli-s$iing. !anang is considered as one of the
remar$able heli-s$iing spots in the world.Helicopters can be chartered either from
Po$hara or from "athmandu for tis purpose.
0 new e/citing activity has been added in the hub of adventure since 34:3. 7t consists of
a trolly mounted on a steel cable :.9 "ilometers in lengthL the ride descends 3444
vertical feet at an angle of >B percentages. 5ith resulting speed of over A4 miles per
hour, this ma$es it the most e/treme Dip-line ride on the world.
%nce you arrive in Po$hara, you feel as if you are in a completely different place. The
natural scenery welcomes with splashing mountains and smiling people. Gou can plan
sightseeing places as per your time availabilityL sightseeing places are suggested later
in this boo$letN..
)ail the boats on the la$es #ust near the mountain shadows. &hat with your loved ones
and say OwowNK together with your family over blue water. Those are the wonderfully
rela/ing ways. 5henever your life is chaotic, and stressed, Po$hara is there to ma$e
your rela/ing wonderful and memorable.
FISHI!(+ A!(LI!(
The la$es and the confluence point of mountain )tream .ivers are good spots for
)ahar, "atle 'Nepal native species, carp family(, eel and catfish. Gou can en#oy fishing
of a reel, a lure, and so on. Fishing .ods are available at la$eside.
Po$hara is a natural wonder situated in sub-tropical low land in close pro/imity to the
massif Himalaya. Gou can brown your s$in with panoramic view of snowy mountains.
Gou can also sit for meditation, Goga, massage, and rela/ in tran2uil and natural
Places li$e ,aglung, Landru$, and )i$lis, -hana Po$hara are very famous for
adventurous and arduous honey hunting practices. Traditional hunters #ust hang on a
rope and slide down to the middle of the massive cliff and hunt honey. &an you imagine
how brave wor$ it is* ?ust come on time and see it in Po$hara area.
Po$haraKs uni2ueness is its natural and socio-cultural diversity in a small periphery. 7t
has developed as a common dwelling place of the !ongolian and 0ryan people of
different castes with their cultural activities, rituals and customs. Li$ewise it is the uni2ue
place with over 348 species of orchids and many more herbal plants and wild flowers.
The rivers sides and wetland area of the la$es are popular places for the local and
migrant birds and butterfly. These diversities provide the best ground for researchers.
:: of the worldKs :> families of butterflies and more than >44 species can be found here
in Po$hara area. The 0nnapurna !useum also $nown as E,utterfly !useum+ displays
wide range of e/otic and popular colored fliesL li$ewise over >3= species of birds can be
observed in Po$hara, the best months being %ctober-!arch.
0s more than B: ethnic communities live harmoniously around Po$hara, it is very rich in
culture. Thus, if you want to have a taste of real Nepalese village life, you can spend
more days with villagers and you will return with life time memorable moments.
!achhapuchhre !odal Tre$ gives you the best mi/ed e/perience of tre$, home stay
and village tourism.
Organi0 Tea+&o11ee (arden" O2"er3ation
Lwang, Lahachow$, 6hampus and some other villagres have beautiful tea gardens and
,halam, 0rba, "risti-Nirmal Po$hari etc villages have organic coffee gardens.
Toni Hagen, a )wiss geologist, who traveled e/tensively in Nepal, had written1 EPo$hara
area shows the greatest contrast in landscape. Nowhere in the world can the highest
mountains reaching 9444 meters level be admired from such small distance and from
the tropical low land without any intermediate mountain ranges. Po$hara is certainly one
of the most e/tra ordinary and beautiful places in the world+
No place in the world offers such views of the Nepalese !atterhorn, !achha-puchhre
'Fish-tail( and 0nnapurna from such close distance.

The reflection of snowcapped high mountains of 0nnapurna range and Fishtail on the
surface water of the Phewa La$e creates unprecedented scenery for all the visitors.
Phewa La$e, the second largest la$e in Nepal, having area of around >s2. $m, is the
center of all attractions in Po$hara. The enchanting la$e is an idyllic playground. ,rightly
painted wooden boats and sailboats can be rented on reasonable cost around la$eside.
Le$hnath !uncilality area popularly $nown as garden of seven la$es, :> $m east from
Po$hara is worth visiting. ,egnas and .upa La$es are ma#or ones. !edicinal and
herbal plants as well as the sub-tropical green forest around this area ma$e the
surrounding atmosphere more hygienic P colorful. 7t ta$es about 34 minutes to drive
over there.%ther La$es li$e 6ipang, !aidi, "haste, Neurani and -unde are small in siDe
but consist high potentiality for entertaining purposes, fishing, butterfly P bird watching
and herbal plants. 6ipang La$e is so peculiar, recreational and tran2uil that it is called a
Honeymoon La$e.!oreover, there is Pipara la$e situated in the lap of !t. Fishtail.
7t is a mysterious wonder of Po$hara. %riginated from the !achhapuchhre glacier, )eti
'which means white water( .iver runs through the main city area in about ;4 meters
depth. The river provides a perfect view of its dreadful rush before it disappears into a
deep gorge at bagar and .amghat.Cven the gorge is visible from different parts of the
city.".l.)ingh ,ridge, !ahendra ,ridge, and Prithvi &how$ ,ridge are famous places for
this purpose.
Locally $nown as Patale &hhango was named 6avi Fall after a )wiss lady was swept
away and died in =: ?uly :AB:. The water flowing from Phewa la$e shows a wonderful
fall. 5e find hollow sandy part and a heavy fall of water within its natural trench. 7t loo$s
really amaDing scene of rainbow with sunlight when a volume of water falls in the deep
roc$y gorge and produces the water vapour especially in summer.
There are many limestone caves as an interesting part of geological study. 0mong them
!ahendra cave, ,atsK &ave and &rystal &ave are situated at the northern part of the
city and about 9 $m drive from the La$eside.-upteshwar !ahadev cave, where an idol
of Lord )hiva is mysteriously found is situated #ust opposite to the 6aviKs fall.
'Tel 1 4B:-;B48;3( opens daily '4A144-:8144(
The 7nternational mountain museum is situated #ust :.>$m south from the Po$hara
airport and around > $ms from La$eside. The spot is rightly selected as we can en#oy
the uni2ue view of = massive mountain pea$sL 6haulagiri, 0nnapurna and !anaslu
which are above 9444 meters with our single eyesight and no place in the world offers
us such a panoramic view. 7t provides information on mountaineering, the world's
mountain system, mountain cultures, environments, prominent people in mountain
history, mountain geography, ecology, e/hibition of mountaineering history and implied
methods. %pens daily from A144 a.m. to >144 p.m.
!anaged by the Nepal !ountaineering 0ssociation. Cntry fee in Nrs1 foreigners =44,
residential foreigners or )00.& citiDens :44, Nepali adults => and garden visitors :4
Regiona7 8"e89 'Tel1 4B->34;=(
7t is situated between the airport anf !ahendra Pul P reflects the ethnic mosaic of
5estern Nepal. The lifestyles
and history of ethnic groups such as the -urung, Tha$ali and the Tharu etc. are
attractively displayed. %pens daily from :4 a.m. to ; p. m. e/cept Tuesdays and public
A!!APUR!A USEU 'Tel1 4B-;=43(
7t is also $nown as the Natural History !useum, located at Prithvi Narayan &ampu,
,agar. The museum has an e/ceptional collection of butterflies, insects, birds, and
models of wildlife as well as samples of various precious and semi-precious stones and
volcanic roc$s. %pens daily, e/cept )aturdays and holidays, from :4 a.m. to > p.m.
!anaged by the 0&0P.

(8rkha e9oria7 8"e89 'Tel1 4B->;ABB(
Po$hara and its surrounding is mainly the homeland of the world-famous -ur$ha
soldiers. .eminding the reminiscence of those soldiers, and their historical brave wor$s
in the battle frild of first and second world wars1 it has been established in the premises
of the ,ritish &amp, 6eep. 7t contains a collection of used uniforms, !edals, Pictures
and more materials used by those brave and courageous -ur$ha soldiers during the
first and second war time.

Te9:7e .on89ent"
Barahi Te9:7e
7t is located on a small island in the middle of Phewa La$e #ust offshore from the
la$eside. 7t ta$es less than :4 minutes to reach there by boat. The atmosphere is so
tran2uil that one can en#oy the green forest scenery #ust beyond the south end of the
la$e, full-scale scenery of the la$e and amaDing reflection of the 0nnapurna and Fishtail
!ountains on the surface of the la$e. There is a ma#or celebration during 6ashain, the
biggest Nepali festival in the month of %ctober.
Kedare"hwor Te9:7e1 "edaeshwore temple is beautifully constructed in the premises
of "omagne !iteri Par$ #ust close to Fishtail lodge. This temple was named in the
memory of official friendship relationship between Po$hara city of Nepal and "omagne
city of "apan. 7f you want to observe Nepali way of wedding ceremonies, this temple
and the par$ can be the best spot.
Binda2a"ini Te9:7e
7t is located on the top of a small hilloc$ at the north end of the old baDaar around B $m
from La$eside. This is believed as one of the oldest temples in the valley, and is most
famous in Po$hara %n luc$y days, you may get a chance to witness a Hindu wedding
ceremony ta$ing place, in the premises of this temple.
Bhadraka7i Te9:7e . B8ddhi"t ona"tery
Hindu Temple and "arma "agyu &hhon$erling ,uddhist !onastery are situatedin close
pro/imity at !etapani nearby small hilloc$, surrounded by rich luscious forests, 8 $m
away from La$eside. The location is superb for the !ountain Jiew and the view of the
whole Po$hara &ity. 7t is also a proper place for bird and butterfly watching and for a
half day hi$e too. This is a good e/ample of our religious and social harmony especially
between Hinduism and ,uddhism.
'or7d Pea0e Pagoda
7t is a massive ,uddhist stupa located on a hill top '.ani ,an( #ust behind Phewa La$e.
This stupa is the symbol of peace where the huge idols of Lord ,uddha from ?apan ,)ri
Lan$a and Thailand have been installed. From here one can en#oys the breathta$ing
views of Himalayan .anges, la$es, and the city. 0s the route is from the la$eside by
boat it can be en#oyed biathlon of boating and hi$ing at a same time. %ther option is one
can visit the 6evi's Fall on the way and the climbing route starts from &hhorepatan. 7f
yopu nwant to avoid all wal$s, and then you can drive close to the places and wal$ >
minutes to the stupa.
O7d 2a;aar Area 5Heritage Site o1 Pokhara6
0 historical Newari baDaar is e/tended in the heart of the city #ust south beneath the
,indabasini temple. This area has been protected as an old heritage site of Po$hara
where one can observe old houses, temples and the cultural life P activities of Newari
Ti2etan /i77age
)everal number of Tibetan refugees have been living in Nepal since :A>A. The
number has reached up to twenty thousands now. Po$hara area is the main land when
they arrived and settled in Nepal. %ne such is Tashiling Tibetan .efugee )ettlement at
&hhorepatan, which is located near two popular sightseeing sites i.e. 6aviKs Fall and
-upteshwar !ahadev &ave. %ther two Tashi Pal$hel and Pal#or Ling and situated in
Hem#a and Prithvi &how$ respectively. %ne may visit Tibetan !onastery, curio shops,
hand-made carpet factory, schools etc. in those settlements. Tashi Pal$hel is in Hem#a,
A $m west from La$eside, where <ip-line fly ends nearby.
0s each and every corner of Po$hara is scenic and pictures2ue, there are many places
and things to see and en#oy. 5hat you need is to plan it as per your available time.
There are several half day trips, full day trips, day hi$es mountain bi$e routes and bird
watching trips as advised.
Ha71 Day Itinerarie"
Pokhara Paradi"e <A4 5= :oint"> ? ho8r"6
6aviKs Fall, -upteshwore !ahadev &ave, Tashi ling Tibetan Jillage, ,indabasini
Temple, )eti .iver -orge, %ld ,aDar
Pokhara Paradi"e <B4 = :oint"> ? ho8r"
!ahendra &ave, ,atKs &ave, &rystal &ave '%ptional(, -or$ha !emorial !useum, "ali
"hola Hanging ,ridge
Pokhara Paradi"e <&4 = :oint" ? ho8r"
0nnapurna ,utterfly !useum, ,him ,oulder ',him 6hungo(, !atepani !onastery,
,hadra$ali Temple, 5estern .egional !useum
Pokhara Paradi"e <D4 @ :oint" ? ho8r"
7nternational !ountain !useum, &ity &entre, "edareswore Temple, Po$hara-"omagne
!iteri Par$, : hour boating on Phewa La$e, Tal ,arahi Temple
F877 day itinerarie"
Pokhara Paradi"e <E4) Po$hara Paradise O0K M ,egnas La$e
Pokhara Paradi"e <F4) Po$hara Paradise O0K M 5orld Peace )tupa
Pokhara Paradi"e <(4) Po$hara Paradise O,K M Tashi Pal$hel Tibetan Jillage, Hem#a

)unrise@sunset Points1 )arang$oy, Thula$ot, "ahun Hill, Naudanda, .am$ot
&hildren Par$1 0 great and modern fun par$ called &hacgahui Fun Par$ '4B:-;BBB>3(
has been established #ust at -haripatan, south of Po$hara airport.
Bird wat0hing1 Po$hara and )urrounding area is a paradise for bird watching of
different types of migratory and inhabitant birds. 5e can observe many types of birds
li$e wetland, woodland and birds of prey. Pame, ,egnas and areas are famous for
wetland birds, .aniban and ?hi#hir$a H 0stam areas are good for wood land birds,
Tutunga H ,achhebuduwa areas are famous for birds of prey and 0rmala aea is uni2ue
for pheasants. Gou can also find trained bird watching guides in Po$hara.
!ountain ,i$ing .outes1 Po$hara-)i$les, 7nternational !ontain !useum H "otre,
Po$hara H )arang$ot- Naundanda, )cenic and serenity route along Phewa La$e.
Po$hara H !illanchow$ H 6hampus, Po$hara H Thula$ot H .am$ot H Talbesi, Po$hara-
)undari 6anda-,engas La$e etc are very popular routes for mountain bi$es.
O"otsK meaning forts have significant value in the history of Nepalese politics. Nepal was
divided into around fifty small sates before "ing Prithvi Narayan )hah stated unification
process. The real unification of Nepal was materialiDed when he unified "athmandu in
:8B9. ,efore unification, most of the palaces of those states were settled on the top of
hills so that they could be safe from enemies. 7n case of attac$s too$ place,
they could defeat their enemies by throwing stones and wood logs down hills towards
the direction of enemies. These $ots are important even nowadays but from different
perspective. Now they are important for tourism development. The historical remains,
artifacts of those palaces, temples, hi$ing e/periences and similar things can be
interesting products for tourists. !oreover, these hilltops are worth to visit for beautiful
views and wonderful culture around them. The following $ots are scattered around
Po$hara and each of them are worth visit for tourists.
1. "as$i$ot of "as$i$ot J.6.&,"as$i district1 !ost important because the first $ing of
)hah dynasty "ulmandal )hah started to rule from this place.
2. )arang$ot of )arang$ot J.6.&. "as$i district
3. Hyang#a$ot of 6hital J.6.&. "as$i district
4. 0rmala$ot of."as$i district
5. &handra$ot of Lumle J.6.&."as$i district
6. Thula$ot of "ali$a J.6.&."as$i district
7. .upa$ot of .upa$ot J.6.&."as$i district
8. Nuwa$ot of. )hyang#a district
,esides having so many natural viewpoints, Po$hara has also some man-made view
towers scattered in various directions of Po$hara. These view towers offer opportunities
of watching wonders of nature in various dimensions. Cach of them are worth visiting for
:. "ahun 6harahara is situated on the top hill of "ahun, north of
3. !atti$han Jiew Tower, "as$i
=. Panchase Jiew Tower, "as$i
;. )artang$ot view Tower, "as$i
>. )irubari view tower, )yang#a
B. Poonhill view tower, !yagdi
8. Pachabhaiya view tower, Le$hnath, "as$i
Po$hara is not simply a gateway for tre$$ing but also an e/tra-ordinary destination for
all sorts of tourists. !any hills and villages can be easily accessed from Po$hara. 5hile
you stay at comfortable accommodations at Po$hara, you can also en#oy village life at
the same time. Nepal still has uni2ue specialties of rural
life. !any villages around Po$hara have their own cultures and traditions. 7f you want to
$now about the people of Nepal, their culture, tradition, you should not forget to go to
such villages and spend at least couple of days with the local people in their local
environment. There are no lodges and public houses. Gou can bring tents for yourself or
you can arrange a home stay with the villagers. Thula$ot H ,egnas, Phewa 6am H
!ar$i, "hade "hola-stupa, !illan &how$, 0stam-)ui$het, Naundanda-)arang$ot,
.a$hidanda-Thula$ot, "ahun "hola-Tiger Tops, Po$hara-"ahun 6anda, &hiragadi
.iver -orge '.oc$ -arden( H Nirmal Po$hari H "risti etc are great and amaDing day trip
7t starts from Nayapul one hour drive fro#m Po$hara. %n the way, tre$$ers get to see
amaDing natural facts li$e "ali -anda$i -orge 'BAB8m deep and 3 $m wide( at 6ana
which is deepest gorge in the world, large rhododendron forest at -horepani and
)haligram 'fissile-stones which is worshipped by Hindus as the emblem of Lord Jishnu(
on the ban$s of "ali -anda$i .iver. The landscape is dotted with colorful Tibetan
prayer flags, chortens and ,uddhist !onasteries. -ateway to La$e Tillicho, the highest
la$e in the worldL the lost ancient city Lo-!anthang and the famous Thorung Pass are
ma#or side-trips of this tre$$ing routes.
Located at )arang$ot J6&, this school is situated B $m distance from Po$hara at
elevation of :444 metres above sea level. according to !trhical boo$s, this place was
the meditation spot of ancient sages. Jedantic teachers and preachers have been
constantly catering spititual $nowledge for more than 9 decades. The school area lies
in the middle of a hill surrounded by a thic$ greenery. Lovely mountain view and
beautiful scene of Po$hara Jaalley can be observed in cool and tran2uil environment.
Land-crac$s are associated with the seti river ban$ of Po$hara more specifically along
the gorge sections. The gorge sections of the )eti river are spread from ".7. )ingh
,ridge to .atopahiro @6hungesangu. -eologically, these land-crac$ areas are so deep
that they can be conveted into natural attractions for different types of tourists. Hence,
these areas are regarded as Po$haraKs attractive sites, which have been remar$ably
shown by the -eological Cngineering Cnvironmental !ap of Po$hara, :AA9. 0mong
such sites the area between Hariyo "har$ha 'green Pature( and .atopahiro is also
pointed out as the most interesting one. The land-crac$s of varying shape and siDe are
spread over this area.
Theses nature created land-crac$s were not to be worried during the period when there
was no human occupancy around. 0s the human occupancy developed closer to its
pro/imity, dangerous incidents started happening to human beings as well as
domesticated animals. Thereafter, human concern about the safety of themselves also
started to develop and some strategies of rescuing the victims were also applied. %ne
of such burning e/amples of fallen incident and successful rescue is t>he event of the
child named 0$riti. However, this is so called e/treme topography can be converted
into a better spot of scenic beauty at the foothill of the )hangri-la or on bottom of the
Po$hara Jalley. For this, common commitment of Po$hareli made for the conversion of
this ever-$nown e/treme topography into municipal level garden can wor$ for yelding
positive result. 7t can be e/pected that the garden itself will be a uni2ue and one of the
best tourism products of Po$hara. This garden will contribute to revive the name and
fame of Po$hara due to this e/treme geologically uni2ur part of the land.
7t is believed that most of the holy gods and goddess reside in the sacred mountains.
!ountains are the places to worship. !u$tinath '=943 m( is one of four ma#or
destinations of pilgrimage for Hindus and ,uddhists. 7t is a meeting place of Hinduism
and ,uddhism in the trans- Himalayan !ountains of Nepal. 7t is easily accessible by
flying to ?omsom and a day tre$. %r you can directly fly to the spot by helicopter.
Li$ewise, 6amodar$unda another important Hindu pilgrimage sites also located in-
between upper !ustang and !u$tinath of this region. 7t is popularly $nown as sacred or
holy place for the Hindus and adventurous for the mountain tre$$ers.
(ORKHA . A!AKAA!A, :4; $m Cast1 0ncient capital of Prithvi Narayan )hah. 7t
is beautiful place with good view of Himalayan !ountains. -or$ha Palace, -ora$h$ali
Temple, and Newari town are the special attractions, !ana$amana Temple of wish
fulfilling goddess and Newari town are the special attractions. Gou can reach the
temple ropeway of the only $ind in Nepal.
www# 2andi:8rto8ri"9#0o9
7t is a charming hill town situated in 9 $m south of 6umre, on the way to "athmandu and
B9 $m Cast from Po$hara. This is a tran2uil place and offers magnificent natural view
and uni2ue cultural e/periences. Two ma#or cultures of !agars and Newars can be
seen surviving in harmony. .aniban is a place for bird watching. NepalKs biggest cave,
)iddha -ufa, is in half-hours wal$ing distance.
Tan"en 5C?=E6> :33 $m )outh1 7t is a typical Nepali town with numerous fairs festivals,
religious and cultural events. Non-polluted Tansen is one of the beautiful hill stations of
Nepal. The best thing about Tansen is getting out of it and e/ploring the outlying hill
country and unaffected !agar villages. )rinagar hill ':>3>m( is the best location for
view of snowcapped mountains and surrounding villages. Tansen baDaar, .idi,
.anighat, ,ongha -umpa, ,agnas hill, !adanpo$hara and Tahoon are the points of
&HIT'A! !ATIO!AL PARK> :B4 $m )outh1 7t is National Par$ of the thic$ tropical
#ungle. Gou can en#oy wild life, elephant )afari and more.
LUBI!I, :A9 $m )outh-5est1 ,irth place of Lord ,uddha. ,uddhist monasteries,
,uddhist archaeological remains and !aya 6evi Temple. 33 $m 5est from border city
LO&ATIO!) Po$hara lies at the central part of Nepal, 344 $m west from "athmandu. 7t
is head 2uarter of 5estern 6evelopment .egion, -anda$i <one and "as$i 6istrict.
Po$hara and surrounding is the most uni2ue, pictures2ue and most attractive place in
&LIATE) Po$hara has tropical mild temperature, neither so cold in winter nor so hot in
summer. The Himalayas and the surrounding green hills $eep it moderate. 5inter offers
2uite a pleasant weather, especially from %ctober to 6ecember. The temperature
remains between =3Q& in summers and a minimum of BQ& in winters. !onsoon starts
from early ?une and ends in early )eptember. Po$hara receives the heaviest rainfall. 7t
produces a variety of sub-tropical floras such as banana trees, orange trees, green leafy
vegetables and huge Pipal and ,anyan trees.

Jisa Facility 6uration Fee
!ultiple entry :> days I)R 3> or e2uivalent convertible currency
!ultiple entry =4 days I)R ;4 or e2uivalent convertible currency
!ultiple entry A4 days I)R :44 or e2uivalent convertible currency
Normally, J7)0 can be issued either on arrival at the Tribhuvan 7nternational 0irport
"athmandu or at ma#or entry points li$e "a$arvitta, )unauli, Nepalgun# and
!ahendranagar. 7f you want to go tre$$ing, you have to obtain entry permits to the area
you are going for e/ample 0&0P for 0nnapurna region. %me places li$e Ipper
!ustang, 6olpo, Nar-Phu, !anaslu etc need special permits. However, some nearby
places li$e Panchase do not need any do not need any type of permit. Permits to all
religions are provided from immigration %ffice, Po$hara and some from Nepla Tourism
,oard and 0&0P.
There are several ban$s and many moneychangers along tourist area in Po$hara. Jisa
&ards, !aster &ards, P 0T! &ards can be cashed at any time. There are several 3;-
hour 0T! card booths along La$eside. I) dollar is mostly preferred currency. &redit
cards are accepted in the most of the service providers, travel agencies and tre$$ing
Po$hara offers wide varieties of accommodation facilities suited for almost all types of
travellers. 5hether it is for bac$pac$ers or business e/ecutives, Po$haraKs numerous
hotels and lodges give everyone comfort only second to their own homes. Fulbari
.esort P )pa and Po$hara -rande are the two > star hotels in Po$hara. Li$ewise,
there are ; star, = star, 3 star, : star, non star and many lodges, guest houses available
in Po$hara. There are about >44 tourists standard hotels, to accommodate about :344
bed &apacities.
Gou can get almost all types of world-renowned cuisine including western, continental
and local food. There are many tourist standard restaurants, real beans coffee shops,
bars, night clubs, music dance clubs and traditional dance show places for day and
night life entertainments. Gou will get all sort of li2uor.
Po$hara has recently become a spot for gaming. Two casinos are in operation at
Fulbari .esort P )pa and Po$hara -rande Hotel. )hopping, &ulture 6ance )how, Live
,and, &lubs, 6isco and many more Night life are available.
&ommunicating with your family from Po$hara is almost as easy as in your own country.
Gou can en#oy the facilities of C-mail and 7nternet at cyber cafes in and around
La$eside. They also have 7)6 phone services. Gou can connect around the world at
any time.
The main post office of Po$hara is situated at the city centre !ahendrapool, about = $m
from la$eside. )tamps can be bought in any boo$shop and you can drop your letters in
the mailbo/ there. There is a branch of the post office at )hahid &how$. There are also
branches of )$y Net and IP) 'united parcel service( at la$eside, from where you can
send important documents.
DASHAI!) This is the main festival observed mainly by the Hindus to commemorate
wars in which truth is victorious. 7t is a :4daysS festival, which starts from the new moon
in %ctober.
TIHAR 5DEEPA'ALI6) This is a festival of lights organiDed to worship La/mi, the
-oddess of 5ealth. Faithful animals li$e crows, dogs and cows and o/en are
worshipped on the first ; days.
THOTE is a -urung festival generally in )eptember and !arch. 7t is very colorful and
cultural. !any -urungs assemble with their traditional dresses and traditional weapons
'fa$e( and e2uipments and march-pass through the ma#or parts of the city up to
TEE%) This is a festival of women generally falls in )ept. 5omen observe this festival
with a view to ensure a long and healthy life for their husbands, sing and dance with red
costume, often ma$ing up song to articulate the problems they face at home.
(AI %ATRA1 7t involves several teams of dancers from Newar community. There should
be at least = nymphs and : clown in the shape of a cow, falls in the last of 0ugust.
Ho7i) Holi is a festival of colors. %n this day everyone plays with colors and some are
even drenched in color water. Tha$ali plays 0rchery game on this occasion.
BHAIRAB DA!&E1 The ,hairab dance is a specialty of Po$hara. 0s many as B4
characters are re2uired for the full-scale performance. ,hairab means a vigorous and
dangerous formL it is also one of :44 incarnations of Lord )hiva. This dance is
performed to safeguard a community from unforeseen disasters, diseases and natural
haDards. This used to be performed in :3 years but now days it is performed in every B
years. Ne/t performance in Feb.-!ar. 34:;.
7a PHe3a 5Bara Bar"e k8Ba e7a6) This festival is performed in every :3 years by
Tha$ali at "hobang and !arpha. Ne/t performance in Nov.-6ec. , 34:B.
!ew Year Pokhara Street Fe"ti3a7) The restaurants bring their shops to the street.
Tourists en#oy the food,
events and cultural programs during this festival. )everal items for fun and
entertainment li$e cultural parade on the street, boat race, waiter race, tug of war, beer
drin$ing competition.
A"har Ri0e P7anting Fe"ti3a7) %b#ective of the planting ceremonyK is to show a
glimpse of the rice planting activities. 7n this occasion, traditional wooden ploughs, o/en,
tillers, diggers and a team of women with their colorful saris are directly involved.
Parag7iding &ha9:ion"hi:) Famous Paraglider from different countries assemble in
Po$hara and participate in a championship in ?anuary of each year.
Phewa !ew Year Fe"ti3a7) This festival falls on the verge of Nepali New year i.e. the
mid of 0pril. 7t organiDes several recreational events such as tug of war, volleyball
competition. O#aun Hai Po$haraK, which means ELetKs go to Po$hara+ is a massive
publicity campaign. %ne of this campaign is 0nnapurna 7nternational Food Festival
which displays stalls preparing various cuisines of the world during 6ashain to Tihar.

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