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PA Day may 30

, 2014

Admi ni strati on s Message

As we qulckly approach Lhe end of an exclLlng and
successful school year, l would llke Lo hlghllghL how our
sLudenLs conLlnue Lo grow. As l walk around Lhe bulldlng
flndlng meanlngful lnsLrucLlon golng on ln every
classroom, conflrmaLlons of sLudenL progress ls reflecLed
ln Lhe work Lhey do. Across all grade levels, our sLudenLs
are readlng wlLh confldence, wrlLlng creaLlvely,
passlonaLely sharlng Lhelr sLorles, and personal narraLlves.
As we [ourney Lhrough Lhe monLh of May, we wlll llve Lhe
Lheme for CaLhollc LducaLlon Week - Servlng ln Lhe Love
of ChrlsL.

We would llke Lo Lhank 8rooke Carlow and 8rlka Penophy
for Lhe donaLlons of Lhe beauLlful LasLer 8askeL and all of
Lhe wonderful glfL cerLlflcaLes. 1hank you for your Llme
and hard work wlLh Lhls wonderful lnlLlaLlve.

1hank you Lo all members of our school communlLy for
your conLlnued hard work and wllllngness Lo work wlLh Lhe
SL. Columban's sLaff for Lhe beneflL and success of your
chlldren! keep up your flne efforLs and have a greaL
monLh. As always, lf you have any quesLlons or concerns,
please feel free Lo conLacL Lhe school.

llnally, we hope Lo see you aL our Cpen Pouse 88C on
1hursday May 8
, 2014 aL 4:30 pm or aL one of our oLher
CaLhollc LducaLlon Week acLlvlLles (please see Lhe
calendar for daLes of evenLs)

Pave a greaL monLh

SLephanle Swenson, rlnclpal
St. Columbans School
Stephanie Swenson, Principal

Thursday, May 1
, 2014

May Newsletter

Prayer for Families

God of all times and places, we ask you
to be with us
as we pray.
For families who struggle to speak to
one another in love,
For families who delight in being
For families who want to live with less
in order that
others might have more,
For families who do not have enough,
and struggle for
the necessities of life,
For families who read your word

1he nexL SLAC meeLlng wlll be held on May 28
, 2014
aL Lhe kempLvllle 8oard Cfflce aL 6:30 p.m.


323 Augustus Street
Cornwall, ON K6J 3W4

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CreaLlng a hazard free and lnLeresLlng envlronmenL for our
chlldren ls a core prlnclple of Lhe 1rlple : oslLlve arenLlng
rogram. Chlldren need a safe and exclLlng seLLlng LhaL
provldes Lhem wlLh plenLy of opporLunlLy Lo explore, dlscover,
experlmenL, and develop Lhelr skllls. ?ou can help wlLh your
chlld's healLhy developmenL by creaLlng an envlronmenL where
Lhey can dlscover, learn, and play safely.

rovlde loLs of lnLeresLlng Lhlngs for your chlld Lo do. Make sure
Lhey have safe Lhlngs Lo play wlLh llke age approprlaLe Loys or
provlde acLlvlLles llke crafLs and games. 8y provldlng your chlld
wlLh age approprlaLe acLlvlLles, Lhey wlll evenLually learn how Lo
keep Lhemselves enLerLalned.

1here ls no one rlghL way Lo be a parenL, buL 1rlple can offer
lnformaLlon, supporL and pracLlcal answers for your everyday
parenLlng needs. ?ou can sLarL your 1rlple experlence Loday by
reglsLerlng for our upcomlng evenLs and lnformaLlon sesslons aL, or by calllng 1 844 362-8393.

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Chlldren's flrsL few years of llfe are a crlLlcal perlod for language
developmenL. 1hey wlll learn Lo Lalk by lmlLaLlng Lhe gesLures,
nolses, sounds, syllables and words produced by Lhe people
around Lhem. Pere are some mllesLones Lo help you keep Lrack
of your chlld's speech and language developmenL:

lrom blrLh Lo 2 years of age, your chlld wlll use famlllar
words and comblne Lhem,
lrom age 2 Lo 3, your chlld wlll undersLand slmple
senLences and learn new words qulckly,
lrom age 3 Lo 4, your chlld wlll undersLand long
senLences and be undersLood by Lhe people around
lrom age 4 Lo 3, your chlld wlll use almosL all of Lhe
sounds of hls language with few to no errors and ask
questions in complete sentences.
lf your chlld ls noL developlng hls communlcaLlon skllls as fasL as
he should, Lhe LCPu's D(';$ 0. E2(() program can help.
ueslgned Lo help chlldren unLll Lhey are ellglble Lo sLarL senlor
klndergarLen, speech and language paLhologlsLs wlll work wlLh
your chlld Lo lmprove hls communlcaLlon skllls. lor more
lnformaLlon abouL Lhls program, call 613-933-1373 or 1 800 267-
7120 and ask for PealLh Llne.

1he CaLhollc ulsLrlcL School 8oard of LasLern CnLarlo has
parLnered wlLh ln1ouch Moblle, Lo develop an anLl-bullylng and
communlLy ouLreach app enLlLled CuS8LC LMCWL8. CreaLed
ln response Lo new Safe Schools leglslaLlon, Lhe moblle
appllcaLlon glves sLudenLs and parenLs an avenue Lo qulckly,
convenlenLly and anonymously reporL lncldenLs of bullylng and
vlcLlmlzaLlon ln schools.
8esearch has lndlcaLed LhaL Lhls form of communlcaLlon has
empowered sLudenLs and parenLs by greaLly lncreaslng Lhe
number of lncldenLs reporLed, compared Lo all oLher reporLlng
vehlcles ln place. 1he app ls free for users, and can be accessed
Lhrough varlous means lncludlng a cell phone LhaL ls capable of
LexLlng, by calllng a Loll-free number, or Lhrough a web chaL. 1he
servlce llnks Lo a llve, Lralned operaLor who wlll respond Lo
concerns durlng buslness hours, wlLh an auLomaLed sysLem
seLup for afLer hours.
Cnce Lhe concern ls submlLLed, a reporL ls generaLed (wlLhln 2
mlnuLes) and forwarded vla emall Lo Lhe school admlnlsLraLor(s)
for lnvesLlgaLlon and follow-up. lf an operaLor senses a need for
lmmedlaLe response, a phone call wlll accompany any emalls.
CuS8LC LMCWL8 wlll also serve as a Lool for communlLy
ouLreach, communlcaLlng 8oard news, sLudenL LransporLaLlon
lnformaLlon, and school news and announcemenLs.
1he Lool ls avallable for use for all CuS8LC sLudenLs ln grades 7
Lhrough 12 now. 1o download Lhe app, please search CuS8LC
Lmpower" ln your app sLore, for lCS and Androld".

PD Day Friday, October 28, 2011

Catholic Education Week: Serving in the
Love of Christ

May 5
May 9
, 2014

CaLhollc schools are CaLhollc communlLles. CaLhollc
schools are falLh communlLles. We - parenLs, sLudenLs,
Leachers, admlnlsLraLlve and supporL sLaff - walk and
grow LogeLher ln Lhe falLh whlch we recelved aL our
8apLlsm. And lL ls Lhe 'LogeLher' LhaL we grow. Cur
growLh ls prlmarlly a relaLlonshlp wlLh Cod, who aL our
8apLlsm, called us by name. 8uL Lhe response of each of
us Lo LhaL growLh ls boLh personal and communal. We
grow ln our falLh ln Lhe nurLurlng aLmosphere of our
CaLhollc communlLy be LhaL of our local parlsh, our
home, or our CaLhollc school communlLy.

Cur school communlLy wlll celebraLe CaLhollc LducaLlon
Week 2014 ln ways LhaL are approprlaLe Lo our
sLudenLs' age. We lnvlLe you Lo parLlclpaLe ln one or
oLher of Lhese acLlvlLles as your personal Llme and work
schedule may permlL.

Lvery year, Lhe CnLarlo CaLhollc School 1rusLees'
AssoclaLlon (CCS1A) provldes our CaLhollc schools wlLh
a resource klL Lo help schools prepare for CaLhollc
LducaLlon Week. uslng Lhese resources as well as our
own developed acLlvlLles we have prepared a serles of
acLlvlLles whlch wlll hlghllghL how our school ls 'Servlng
ln Lhe Love of ChrlsL'.

1here are flve sub-Lhemes for each day of CaLhollc
LducaLlon Week:
Monday - Serve wlLh falLhfulness
1uesday - Serve wlLh humlllLy
Wednesday - Serve wlLh compasslon
1hursday - Serve wlLh [usLlce
lrlday - Serve wlLh [oy
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Serve wlLh [usLlce
We hope Lo see many of you durlng our school
celebraLlons as ouLllned on our May calendar.

Important Information

lL ls exLremely lmporLanL LhaL you reporL any change
of personal lnformaLlon such as: change of work
Lelephone number, or change of address, Lo Lhe school
secreLary. lL ls lmporLanL LhaL we have currenL
Lelephone numbers ln Lhe evenL LhaL we need Lo reach
you for an emergency. 1hank you for your
cooperaLlon ln Lhls maLLer.

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8ead wlLh your chlld and have conversaLlons
abouL whaL you've read.
Pave dlscusslons abouL ldeas and ask your
chlld Lo explaln hls or her Lhlnklng Lo you.
lncorporaLe baslc maLh and llLeracy skllls lnLo
your famlly llfe.
Lncourage your chlld Lo compleLe all
asslgnmenLs and hls or her homework.
SupporL your chlld's lnLeresLs and celebraLe hls
or her successes.
CommunlcaLe regularly wlLh hls or her Leacher.
Make sure your chlld geLs enough resL, eaLs a
healLhy dleL and feels safe and loved by you!

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rlmary AssessmenL (Cr. 3)
!"# %&'( )%*
+ %,-.

!unlor AssessmenL (Cr. 6)
/012 %
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+ %,-.

Call Lhe school aL 613-933-3113 Lo
reglsLer your chlld for !k!!!!

Learning to Count

When chlldren are learnlng Lo counL, Lhey llke Lo Louch,
polnL Lo and move ob[ecLs as Lhey say Lhe number aloud
- so encourage Lhem Lo!
Pave your chlld counL Loys, klLchen uLenslls,
lLems of cloLhlng as Lhey come ouL of Lhe dryer,
collecLlons (such as sLlckers, buLLons or rocks)
and any oLher lLems your chlld shows lnLeresL ln
Mlx lL up! Pave your chlld counL a seL of ob[ecLs
buL sLarL aL dlfferenL places ln Lhe seL (for
example, sLarL counLlng ln Lhe mlddle of Lhe seL
raLher Lhan aL Lhe beglnnlng). 1hls helps Lo
develop Lhe ldea LhaL Lhe counLlng of ob[ecLs can
begln wlLh any ob[ecL ln a seL and Lhe LoLal wlll
sLlll be Lhe same.
Slng counLlng songs and use counLlng ln
meanlngful ways ln games, such as Plde-and-
Seek. CounLlng games, rhymes and songs exlsL ln
every culLure. Some counLlng songs and rhymes
help chlldren Lo counL forward and backward as
Pave your chlld sklp counL (counLlng by Lwos,
flves or Lens) Lo counL larger groups of lLems
qulckly. use such ob[ecLs as blocks, pasLa pleces,
LooLhplcks or buLLons.
uevelop your chlld's awareness of Lhe symbols
used Lo represenL numbers by maklng lL a game.
Look for number symbols ln your home and
nelghbourhood: on Lhe Lelevlslon remoLe, on Lhe
mlcrowave, on Lhe Lelephone keypad, ln flyers
and medla, on slgns and on Leam sweaLers.
lay a number verslon of l Spy. lor example, l
spy someLhlng LhaL has Lhe number flve on lL," or
l spy someLhlng ln Lhls room LhaL Lhere are Lhree
F" *0?"*$ G"9* &/,8H;< %:<0#&0I ?80%<0 &%88 123453343223

Enter & Wi n!!!

ln order Lo encourage our sLudenLs and parenLs Lo
read Lhe monLhly newsleLLer LogeLher, SL.
Columban's wlll be holdlng a monLhly draw for
greaL prlzes llke a plck from Lhe Lreasure chesL",
a sllce of plzza or a mllk coupon. All you need Lo
do Lo enLer Lhe conLesL ls answer Lhe quesLlons
based on newsleLLer conLenL, acqulre your
parenLs' or guardlans' slgnaLure, and reLurn Lhe
coupon Lo Lhe school by Lhe 13
of Lhe monLh.

name: _____________________ Crade: ___

arenL/Cuardlan slgnaLure:

List one activity that you can do with your
child to teach him/her to count.

Is the school accepting JK registrations?

If you move, what information should you
provide to the school?


The ECO CLUB would like to thank all students for
participating in all of the ECO week activities. Also,
congratulations to all of the winners throughout the
week for bringing in Litterless Lunches THANK

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