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Inter-Departmental Visit Report

Details of the Visit:

Sl No. Department Visited Period of Visit Name of the Official with
designation from whom
Learning have een !c"#ired
$rom %o
& '(-)ar*eting +
S. 0. V. Ramachar-#l#
!1)2)ar*eting-'( 3 D(

Oservations d#ring the visit:

Marketing is defined as the process of Identifying/ Understanding the needs/ wants of
the customers(present or prospective), convert those needs/ wants into product/ system or
service specification/s which suits the organizational interests, plan, coordinate, organize,
monitor and control the Organizational resources(men, material, machines and money) to meet
these reuirements and convince/ negotiate with the customer to enter into a mutually
!eneficial contract for the e"change of product/ system or service for a sum in the !est interest
of the stake holders and work further, improving the demand for the product/ system/ service
within the provisions of the laws of the land#
$roactive marketing is the creation of need in the customer%s mind towards your product/
system/ service#
Marketing functions can !e !roadly divided into&
Pre-Tendering Activities& $reparation of 'usiness $lan((ong range and )hort *ange) and
'udgeting, )upport for +echnology acuisition plans, ,ustomer $resentations, Market
survey and +echnology )can, )ite visit/ assessment for *-M .o!s, Internal discussions to
meet the customer needs, Organize/ attend seminar/ /"hi!ition, ,atalog preparation
Tendering Activities& $roposal /ngineering, 0orking out the scope and 'OM, +echnical
'id preparation, /stimation, ,osting and $ricing, ,oordination with '1/( sister units and
various departments within /23 as well for meeting the customer reuirements,
contacting suppliers for getting the !ids for 'ought4out items, 'id su!mission
Post Tendering Activities& $ost 'id discussions and 3egotiations, Order *eceipt and
1and4over to $M,, 5ttending to any clarifications during the contract e"ecution, Market
share/ Order (ost 5nalysis, ,ollection of 5dvance money
,/ Marketing deals with the products/systems of /23 and prepares tenders for Integrated
- )tand4alone packages for +hermal/,,$$/1ydro 3uclear, )tand4 alone )tation , - I,
+ransmission/+ransportation automation, 5,/2, 2rives for $ower $lant/Industry (2omestic/
/"port )# 5 !rief e"planation a!out the various functions of ,/4Marketing is as follows,
Enquiry Creation: ,/4Marketing receives enuiry through central marketing agencies for
integrated packages# 0hile, in the case of standalone packages it receives enuiry directly from
customers/consultants through mail, newspapers etc#, +he first and foremost function as soon
as enuiry is received is to create an enuiry num!er for that enuiry#
+hese pro.ects are !asically registered in )5$ which will generate an enuiry num!er# +he
pro.ect from then onwards is referenced as
,/ / M6+7 / /4 en# 3o#/ 888
en# 3o# 9 )5$ generated /nuiry 3um!er
888 9 2ealing $ersons Initials
+he enuiries for products / systems not within product range of /23 shall !e regretted to
customers / consultants / concerned units after consultation with 7roup Mangers#
+he enuiries for products / systems not pertaining to product range of ,/ Marketing !ut
within product range of /23 shall !e passed on to concerned departments#
+he enuiries not pertaining to ,/ Marketing shall not !e registered !y ,/ Marketing#
Marketing /"ecutive / 7roup Manager shall take competent authorities approval of 1O2 / ,/
(Marketing) in case the enuiry is to !e regretted due to lack of pre4ualification, technical or
commercial reasons or not in the product range of /23#
Preparation of Technical Proposal: +he marketing e"ecutive shall prepare the technical
proposal !ased on specification reuirement# 1e shall involve concerned engineering groups
wherever reuired# 1e should get any reuired additional inputs from customer/other units of
'1/(# +he clarifications/ueries regarding the specification, if any, are raised to ,ustomer as
pre4!id ueries# 0ith all these prereuisite inputs the technical proposal is to !e made in
accordance with the tender specification#
+he technical proposal shall include
)cope of )upply and services

+erminal points w#r#t customer and sister units

/"clusions w#r#t customer and sister units#

,larifications and 2eviations in the specification#

'ill of :uantities

+echnical write ups

2rawings like O75, earthing, configuration diagram etc#,

+echnical 2ata sheets filling up#

$reparation of proposal at this stage also reuires various inputs from sister units# +he
marketing e"ecutive shall constantly keep the follow up with units for inputs# +he main sister
units concerned with /23 in this aspect are +richy, 'hopal, 1aridwar, 1ydera!ad, ;hansi# +he
completed technical/commercial proposal has to !e su!mitted to ,entral Marketing 5gencies
(,M5)/directly to customer (for standalone packages)#
Commercial Proposal: In case of direct enuiries, the marketing e"ecutive shall study
general and commercial terms and conditions and provide suita!le comments keeping in view
of '1/( !asic commercial terms and conditions# +he delivery schedule shall also !e decided
!ased on the previous pro.ect e"ecution time so as to avoid (iuidated 2amages# +he
commercial terms and conditions are to !e suita!ly decided/deviation to !e su!mitted# 5 !asic
cost estimation of the proposed system is to !e estimated taking into consideration of scope,
e"clusions and deviations# 'ased on the market environment and commercial strategy the price
is to !e decided along with group head# 5n approval for the price to !e uoted is taken and
su!mitted on the e"act time, date and place as specified !y the customer#
Post Bid Discussions: ,ustomer/consultant will review the !id and will call the ualified
!idders for post !id discussions# +he marketing e"ecutive shall follow up with the customer
a!out the !id results and the competitors involved# 5ll the technical/commercial issues in the
!id are to !e resolved with the customer# 2uring the discussions any differences !etween
tender proposal and customer%s / user%s reuirements have to !e sorted out# 5ny change in
scope / reuirements, !alance differences to !e resolved and recorded in the minutes of the meeting#
*evised techno4 commercial proposal shall !e prepared and su!mitted (if reuired)#
Order eceipt: 5fter the opening of price !id, the customer may place the order and
issue a (etter of Intent ((OI)# (OI has to !e thoroughly checked and if any differences are found,
it has to !e resolved with the customer# +hereafter, ,ustomer will issue $#O# and the same is to !e
checked and resolved#
Transfer of Documents: <or the smooth handling of the received order !y $M,
department, Marketing e"ecutive shall transfer all correspondences up to (OI, MOM%s in a well
arranged manner# It should primarily include detailed *<=> - *<=? forms# +he marketing
department shall arrange for a kick off meeting with all concerned departments of the pro.ect#
5ll the essentials of the pro.ect involved are to !e announced and any am!iguities in the contract
are to !e clarified#
Significant Learning from the Visits:
+his visit gave me an insight into the actual functioning of the ,/4Marketing department# +he
common tendering terms used such as $reualification, /arnest Money, <irm/@aria!le price,
7uaranteed technical particulars, 2elivery schedule, @alidity of tender, $enalty, )cope of
supply, /"clusions etc, were made known#
+he need for marketing in '1/( was e"plained in !rief ie#,
2ue to changing market environment and entry of many foreign players#
2ue to $olicies of 7OI#
+o meet the ,hanging customer !ase and their needs#
+o decide the product mi" for the organization#
+o prepare the !usiness plan !oth long term and short term#
+o ensure healthy top line and !ottom line of the company !alance sheet#
+o understand the market demand and coordinate the organizational resources to
meet them#
+he advantages of '1/( was !rought out, a few of which are,
1ighly skilled and committed employees#
,ontinuous training and retraining career planning, a positive work culture and
$articipative style of management#
,ore /ngineering with *-2 support#
,oncept to commissioning#
*ich /"perience#
)ervice ,apa!ility#
)trong Order 'ook#
7rowing $ower )ector Market#
)ome of the other marketing functions are&
,omparison of competitors% systems#
3ew technological developments#
,urrent tender reuirements of customers#
Initiate development if and when reuired#
6eep a!reast of market prices and happenings#
Monitor to achieve organizational goals and targets 9 !usiness score card#
+his visit gave me a !rief overview of the /234product profile and also the functions involved in
marketing the same from the departmental perspective#

5Signat#re 3 date6

Name: 7. 8arih#shan
Staff no: 9&:&;<=

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