Cyber Shotting and Management Business Plan

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Cyber Caf

Prepared For:

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................. 2
MISSION STATEMENT................................................................................................................... 3
PRODUCTS AND SERVICES.......................................................................................................... 3
General Description of Services .......................................................................................................................4
FINANCIAL FORECAST ................................................................................................................. 4
FINANCING REQUIREMENTS........................................................................................................ 5
HISTORY AND POSITION TO DATE............................................................................................... 6
Management Team and Key Personnel...........................................................................................................6
MARKET RESEARCH..................................................................................................................... 6
Competitive Environment................................................................................................................................8
ong!Term "pport#nities................................................................................................................................8
Mar$et Description..........................................................................................................................................%
Target C#stomers.............................................................................................................................................%
S&ort!term promotional goals........................................................................................................................'(
Materials)s#pplies needed..............................................................................................................................'(
SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................... 10
APPENDIX A. MAOR EMPLOYERS IN MONTROSE! CO...........................................................10
APPENDIX ". EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS IN MONTROSE! CO............................................12

Table of Contents
Executive Summary
The purpose of this Business Plan is to obtain financing in the amount of $24,994.69.
The Cyber Caf in ontrose, Colora!o "ill be the first of its #in! in our community an!
"ill pro$i!e customers "ith the latest an! best in computer technology, high ban!"i!th
connecti$ity an! e%pert assistance in a "arm an! rela%e! setting.
&gainst a bac#groun! of 'a((, blues an! roc# an! roll, Cyber Caf customers can en'oy
fine !omestic an! importe! coffees an! a "i!e $ariety of e%otic teas an! so!as. )e "ill
shop for the finest ingre!ients for san!"iches, sala!s, pastries an! brea!s an! "e*ll pri!e
oursel$es on pro$i!ing the $ery best +nternet, eating an! social e%perience.
)e !esigne! the Cyber Cafe to "elcome +nternet users inclu!ing stu!ents an! business
people "ho are curious about this global phenomenon an! "ant to learn ho" to e%ploit
its "on!erful possibilities. ,ocal elementary school stu!ents, stu!ents from esa -tate
College, ontrose Center, .elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/Technical Center, an! the
Colora!o 1+2-T Customi(e! Training Program "ill benefit from the technologies an!
training a$ailable at the Cyber Caf as "ell as the sociali(ing opportunities that the Caf
1or those "ho see# a location for more tra!itional pastimes, "e offer boo#s an!
maga(ines as "ell as chec#ers, chess, cribbage an! -crabble, to name a fe".
Cyber Caf "ill pro$i!e the customer "ith a comfortable an! clean en$ironment to en'oy
their +nternet e%perience. The Caf is a$ailable for pri$ate parties an! business functions,
an! "e can host public an! online e$ents such as )eb page launches an! other pri$ate
party e$ents.
The main attraction the Cyber Caf is high/spee! access to the +nternet. +t "ill be a great
place for people to !o online research, stimulate their min!s, be entertaine!, stay in touch
"ith people from all o$er the "orl! an! pro$i!e a community gathering place focuse! on
the +nternet e%perience.
The Cyber Cafe "ill pro$i!e +nternet an! computer training, help set up people an!
businesses "ith their o"n "eb pages, email an! other +nternet an! computer relate!
pro!ucts an! ser$ices up to an! inclu!ing business intranets an! home computers.
C34 of Technology, 5urt 6"ec# an! C34 of 1oo! an! Be$erages, 7enry 8ac#son are
partners in this enterprise. They both bring e%perience an! their o"n uni9ue e%pertise to the
5urt 6"ec#
Prior to starting the Cyber Cafe, r. 6"ec# ha! e%tensi$e e%perience "ith computers an!
)in!o"s/base! soft"are training. 5urt atten!s esa -tate College, an! has fun!e! his
e!ucation by "or#ing in the foo! ser$ice in!ustry. 7e brings a "or#ing #no"le!ge of
computers, mar#eting an! the +nternet. 4$er the past t"o years, r. 6"ec# has been
responsible for foun!ing an! managing Cyber-pace Cafe, a uni9ue "ebsite !e!icate! to
bringing art, music, an! entertainment through :The )ebsite; an! :The Palace; chat "are.
7enry 8ac#son
r. 8ac#son has < years of e%perience in management as "ell as one year in the fast foo!
business. 7enry brings a long "or# history to this $enture that began as anager of
Bra!ley=s -inclair gas station. 7e is no" a 9ualifie! assistant store manager of the local
Taco Bell.
Mission Statement
T&e mission of Cy*er Caf+ is to provide t&e local comm#nity ,it& a m#c&!needed
c&ange in entertainment t&ro#g& t&e medi#m of t&e -nternet in a rela.ed and
stim#lating social environment.
4ur research in!icates that an offering li#e Cyber Caf "ill gi$e both young people an! a!ults
a place to go an! something to !o that is more "holesome an! e!ucational than the tra!itional
nightspots an! arca!es. Cyber Caf "ill pro$i!e training that "ill assist local stu!ents an! the
less e!ucate! to fin! better paying 'obs that re9uire computer literacy an! proficiency. The
Cyber Caf "ill pro$i!e fun an! useful ser$ices to the community.
Products and Services
The Cyber Caf "ill pro$i!e an array of ser$ices tailore! to the +nternet an! computer
technologies inclu!ing>
?. Pro$i!e computer training in using )in!o"s programs li#e icrosoft 4ffice -uite @)or!,
&ccess, 3%cel, Publisher an! othersA
2. 4ffer a place to local businesses an! e!ucational organi(ations for computer/base! training
B. Pro$i!e online gaming, inter/office gaming an! tournaments.
4. Pro$i!e a "holesome en$ironment that is an e%citing alternati$e to other local :hang/outs,;
yet gi$es the social a!$antages of meeting an! ma#ing ne" frien!s "ith common interests.
<. -ell foo! an! coffee be$erages as "ell as tea, so!as, etc.
6. Pro$i!e access to the +nternet an! computers "ith soft"are for !oing school"or#,
business "or#, research or entertainment "hile eating, rela%ing an! ha$ing coffee.
C. Pro$i!e a safe late hours en$ironment "here foo! an! coffee are
D. Pro$i!e a secure place for local collectible car! game tournaments an! other hobbyists.
General Description of Services
Cyber Caf "ill ha$e ?2 computers situate! at "or#stations lin#e! to a main ser$er "ith
access to the +nternet $ia T? or better connection. +t "ill ha$e a coffee an! foo! bar "ith
offerings li#e 3spresso, Cappuccino, san!"iches, soups, sala!s, etc. Customers "ill be able to
"or# at a computer "hile they sit !o"n an! eat, etc. +t "ill also contain a small room "ith B
or 4 lin#e! computers each "ith access to the +nternet ma#ing up a pri$ate "or# area. & large
conference style room "ill contain a pro'ector an! screen along "ith computers "ith access to
the +nternet. This room "ill enable local businesses to train employees. The Caf "ill also
offer computer games, +nternet games an! collectible car! games an! tournaments.
any people ha$e limite!, if any, access to a computer because of the high cost of computers
or because they are $isitors to the area. -tu!ents, tourists an! tra$elers ten! to go to +nternet
cafs more often than others. They get free a!$ice from the employees "ho ha$e $ast
technical #no"le!ge an! en'oy "hat they are !oing. The cafes are open !uring people*s spare
time, or "hen they cannot reach other computers. +t is a "ay to meet other people in person or
$irtually, ha$e something to eat or !rin# "hile using the computer @at most "or# places or
schools, people are not allo"e! to eat by the computerE at home they ha$e to prepare the meal
The caf "ill be e9uippe! "ith po"erful computers "ith high ban!"i!th an! permanent
connections to the +nternet. 7igh/spee! connections mean that it ta#es less time to
!o"nloa! a "eb page or sen! an email. ,ess time means lo"er cost. )e "ill also offer
other options, li#e printouts an! copying ser$ices.
The computers are e9uippe! "ith professional $ersions of many of the most popular
computer programs to "hich customers ha$e unlimite! access. any young people "ill
en'oy playing computer games F either locally on a computer @an! comparing their
results "ith a frien! sitting nearbyA, or globally, in a net"or# game, "here they play "ith
people from aroun! the "orl!.
ost of the customers surf the net, mainly for amusement but also to fin! information for
research an! school"or#. The secon! big area of is email "here customers an! recei$e
an! respon! to letters sent to them !igitally o$er the +nternet. Ge%t comes chatting. The
ma'ority of the chatters are young people an! "omenHgirls. Ioung boys mostly play
games. 4ther areas are "eb page !esign, $i!eoconference, "or! processing, scanning,
fa%ing an! printing.
Financial Forecast
By benefiting from "or! of mouth a!$ertising about the Cyber Caf, along "ith some ra!io,
T0, mailings an! flyers, "e "ill generate appro%imately <J $isitors a !ay. This $olume "ill
allo" the business to ma#e a mo!est profit in Iear 4ne. By Iear Three post ta% profits
shoul! be $?6,2JJ an! "ill increase to $4B,<JJ by Iear 1i$e.
0isitors "ill increase as they see the $alue of our high/spee! connections an! e!ucational
benefits. )e also en$ision net"or#ing "ith local hotels, schools, +nternet ser$ice pro$i!ers,
"eb !e$elopment firms, computer stores an! other local organi(ations in or!er to gro" the
T#$%& 1. C'$&( C#)* P(+,&-.&/ P&()+(0#1-& O2&( N&3. F42& Y&#(5
Year Caf Internet
1 40 people x $5 x 360 days = $72,000 10 people x $10 x 360 = $3600
2 40 people x $5 x 360 days = $72,000 10 people x $10 x 360 = $3600
3 40 people x $5 x 360 days = $72,000 10 people x $10 x 360 = $3600
4 40 people x $5 x 360 days = $72,000 15 people x $10 x 360 = $5400
5 45 people x $5 x 360 days = $81,000 15 people x $10 x 360 = $5400
+ncreasingly, as customers as# for a!$ice an! assistance on a $ariety of net"or# an! computer
issues, opportunities "ill be presente! for the !e$elopment of ne" ser$ices an! pro!ucts
further e%pan!ing income opportunities an! profits.
Financing e!uirements
Cyber Cafe "ill recei$e fun!ing from a small number of pri$ate in$estors. 7o"e$er, a large
part of our see! money "ill be ac9uire! from loan financing. )e pro'ect payoff of the loan
after the first t"o years of operation.
)e are consi!ering loan financing of $24,<44.69 to fun! the business !uring the initial
)e plan on returning to in$estors ?JK of the yearly gross for 2 years, or 2K a month for 2
years. )e plan to pay bac# the loan for initial startup costs "ith re$enue generate! by the
business "ithin 2 an! L years. +n$estors "ill ma#e a minimum of $DC2 profit on their
in$estment of $?JJJ "ithin a year, !oubling the secon! an! tripling in the thir! year.
T#$%& 2. C'$&( C#)* A116#% P(+,&-.&/ O7&(#.4+1#% E37&15&5
Total ont!ly "xpenses
#$%ld%n& 'ease $1400
(t%l%t%es $200
)!one $60
Ins$ran*e $300
+lar, -yste, $40
In.entory $500
T1 +**ess $350
)ayroll $4800
'oan for In%t%al -tart$p $24,544/60 $570 )a%d off after 2 years
T1T+' $8,220
T1T+' Yearly $08,640
T#$%& 3. C'$&( C#)* P(+,&-.&/ A116#% S#%&5 25. P(+)4.5 O2&( N&3. F42& Y&#(5
Year 1 2 3 4 5
-ales $108,000 $108,000 $108,000 $126,000 $135,000
$0,360 $0,360 $16,200 $34,200 $43,200
#$ST%& '() P%S$T$%( T% )'TE
Cyber Caf is a start up business an! "ill commence operations upon successful capital
ac9uisition, site selection, e9uipment purchase an! installation. The business "ill be locate!
in ontrose, Colora!o as a partnership un!er the la"s of the state of Colora!o. &s our
business gro"s, "e "ill incorporate an! issue stoc# shares.
Management Team and Key Personnel
C34 of Technology, 5urt 6"ec# F +nstallation an! 39uipment aintenance
C34 of 1oo! an! Be$erages, 7enry 8ac#son / -tore anager
To be recruite!>
Computer 4peration an! 2epair
-hift anagers
Customer -atisfaction Team
7uman 2esources
Mreeters an! -tore &ssistants
1rom mar#et research, it is clear that there is consi!erable potential for Cyber Cafs in smaller
communities li#e ontrose "here local con!itions !o not encourage the online e%perience.
2esearch in!icates that smaller communities are better target mar#ets because many of these
communities are built aroun! a public 'unction li#e a to"n s9uare or public gathering center.
4n a "i!er scale, analysis sho"s that there "ill be t"o #in!s of reality in the future. +n !aily
life, people "ill still ha$e an urge to meet face/to/face in a pri$ate or social setting. 7uman
beings ha$e, after all, a social instinct, a nee! to meet other people. Because of this, people in
smaller communities "ill continue to gra$itate to"ar! public spheres, such as cafes, to"n
s9uares, arca!es an! !o"nto"n nightspots.
+n a!!ition to the reality "e e%perience on a !aily basis, the entire "orl! community is being
!ra"n into a virtual reality, "here it "ill be possible to meet people from all parts of the "orl!
through computers an! $irtual en$ironments li#e chat rooms an! +nstant essages. This "ill
lea! to online conferences an! $irtual meetings that can be as re"ar!ing an! en'oyable as
being in the same room.
Because the +nternet is the ne" me!ium for this $irtual reality, technology in!ustries ha$e
e%perience! tremen!ous gro"th in the "orl! economy. +n fact, the +nternet is not 'ust a
ne" in!ustryE it is a "hole ne" "ay of !oing almost e$erything.
+n its fourth 9uarter results &merica 4nline, +nc. announce! a <.6K se9uential gro"th in
its subscribers, bringing the "orl!"i!e total to ?2.< million subscribers. &4, has 2.<
million international subscribers !emonstrating the international appeal of the +nternet. +n
a!!ition to this, &4, reports that its a$erage !aily use per member "as 44.2 minutes
!uring the last 9uarter. +n a BJ/!ay month, this translates into the a$erage user being
online a total of ?,B26 minutes or 22.? hours a monthN This is an impressi$e amount of
time being spent online an! in!icates a para!igm shift in ho" people spen! their "or#
an! free time. The +nternet has become a part of our li$ing routines, "hat "e !o on a
regular basis. Got only is there a tremen!ous amount of fun to be ha!, ne" things to
learn an! e%perience, but the +nternet has meant a cultural shift. People e$ery"here are
tal#ing about it, at parties an! social gatherings, an! they tal# about being happier an!
enriche! by their ne" $irtual e%periences.
&nother interesting point unco$ere! in our research is that global merchan!ising
re$enues ha$e continue! to !ecline in retail sales. +n fact, Bear -tearns -ecurities $ie"e!
this !e$elopment as positi$e in a recent research report. +n effect, because more lo"
margin sales are mo$ing to the +nternet, it allo"s retail operations to concentrate on
higher margin a!$ertising an! remo$es the ris#s associate! "ith transporting an!
carrying high $olumes of in$entory.
+n!ee!, the +nternet is capable of generating sales gro"th at a faster rate than any other
in!ustry. &!!itionally, the o$erhea! an! infrastructure re9uire! to operate an +nternet
business is $ery lo" "hen compare! to other Obric# P mortarO companies. This means
higher profit margins. The +nternet is truly a "orl!"i!e phenomenon an! those "ho
ha$e limite! access to it are an%ious to get in$ol$e!. People can become acclimate! to
the +nternet at the Caf, become fre9uent $isitors an! e$entually buy their o"n computer
from the proprietors of the Caf.
The +nternet is still in its beginning stage an! "ill continue to !e$elop at a phenomenal
rate. +nteracti$ity "ill increase an! the e%perience "ill continue to be enriching to all age
groups. +nstea! of mo$ing bet"een "or#place, shops an! chil!/care, many people "ill
stay at home "ith their chil!ren an! use the +nternet for "or# an! shoppingQor they "ill
bring the "hole family to the +nternet Caf for an en'oyable e$ening. 3ither "ay, they
"ill fin! ne" "ays to pay their bills, sen! fille!/out forms to public authorities, chec#
insurance policy terms, tra!e stoc#s an! loo# through mail or!er catalogues on the
+nternet before purchase.
1rom the beginning, Cyber Cafs ha$e reali(e! the same gro"th potential as is foun! in
the +nternet in!ustry as a "hole an! there is e$ery reason to belie$e that this "ill
continue. )hen you consi!er the a!!e! benefits of community an! social surroun!ings
foun! in a caf, not to mention a goo! cup of coffee, "e foresee significant gro"th far
into the future.
Competitive Environment
The combination of coffee pro!ucts, foo! pro!ucts, computer pro!ucts, computer ser$ices,
community option an! training "ill gi$e the Cyber Caf a competiti$e e!ge. Because many
local resi!ents "oul! li#e to ha$e access to this in one buil!ing or area that is near other
ontrose attractions. There is presently no attraction that pro$i!es these benefits locally.
Cyber Caf maintains the follo"ing a!$antages o$er e%isting entertainment competition>
/ 4ngoing technical support to our clients
/ 3%tensi$e #no"le!ge of computers an! net"or#s
/ -uperior customer ser$ice
/ -peciali(e! training programs
/ +nformati$e an! fun )eb access
/ Competiti$e rates
To un!erstan! this fully, "e must un!erstan! that the basic goal of the Cyber Caf "ill be to
offer all of the fun an! e%citement that is offere! by the competitionE in fact to enhance an!
enrich the benefits of our competition. Cyber Caf "ill compete "ith the other local
attractions in ontrose in the follo"ing "ays> o$ie goers can en'oy their mo$ies more by
going to mo$ie stu!io "eb sites, listening to soun! trac#s an! au!io files, e$en "atching
mo$ies on a computer "ith a .0. !ri$e. Gightclub goers can meet the same frien!s they
meet in a nightclub but "ith a cup of coffee instea! of a !rin#. Ioung people "ho fre9uent
arca!es can en'oy computer games at the Cyber Caf in a more "holesome an! e!ucational
en$ironment. 2estaurant goers can en'oy an e%cellent, less e%pensi$e meal an! the +nternet at
the same time an! a less formal social en$ironment.
ong!Term "pport#nities
Cyber Caf management "ill be constantly loo#ing for opportunities to impro$e the Caf
e%perience by offering a!!itional ser$ices that can be effecti$ely integrate! into the Caf*s
Potential 4pportunities +nclu!e>
+nternet Clubs
Telecommunications @+nternet TelephonyA
Prepai! Calling Car! -ales
4nline Maming
Public +nternet 5ios#s
&T achines
Business Tra$eler -er$ices
Mar$et Description
The ontrose, Colora!o area offers little in the "ay of +nternet Cafs at the present time. The
nearest cyber cafe is in Mran! 8unction, an hour a"ay an! this facility only has a computer
store "ith a fe" lin#e! computers. +n the imme!iate area there are B computer stores, but
none offer this sort of thing, an! their are 4 or < Coffee 7ouses that ma#e goo! business, but
!on=t ser$e !eli style foo!s. Cyber Caf customers "ill come from .elta, Colora!o, 4lathe,
Colora!o, the local area, an! 2i!ge"ay, Colora!o.
ontrose, a R - )3-T Communications franchise! area, is ser$e! by !igital technology. The
R- )3-T central office is a soli! state, electronic s"itching facility, using Gorthern Telecom
.- ?JJ s"itches, capable of sen!ing an! recei$ing high/spee! !ata. .uring ?99?/?992, R
- )3-T Communications in$este! nearly $6.< million upgra!ing facilities to pro$i!e greater
capacity an! fle%ibility of telecommunications ser$ice in ontrose. a'or routes out of
ontrose going north, south, east an! "est ha$e been reinforce! "ith fiber optic cable.
ontrose is positioning itself for access onto the information superhigh"ay. The ontrose
Colora!o 0irtual Community, +nc. coor!inates technology planning an! pro'ect
implementation in the community. Through grant fun!ing from the Colora!o &!$ance!
Technology +nstitute @C&T+A, the ontrose 0irtual Community "or#e! in con'unction "ith
ontrose -chool .istrict 23/?8 to net"or# fi$e ontrose secon!ary schools an! the school
a!ministration office for +nternet access in ?996. This pro'ect ser$e! as a catalyst for the
-chool .istrict to net"or# all schools in the !istrict for stu!ent +nternet access.
Target C#stomers
-ur$eys sho" that t"o thir!s of +nternet Cafe customers are male an! one thir! is female. The
ma'ority of customers are bet"een 2J an! BJ years ol!, but some are ol!er than 6< years.
&ppro%imately half of the customers are stu!ents an! the other half consists of all #in!s of
professions. &ll +nternet cafs report that they ha$e a regular customer base that pro$i!es their
base re$enues. -ome cafs ha$e special clubs for regulars that offer free email a!!resses an!
$arious !iscounts. T"o thir!s of the customers are local people, the rest are tourists an!
$isitors. 7o"e$er, this $aries !epen!ing on "here the cafes are locate!.
S&ort!term promotional goals
)e "ill use local ra!io, T0, mailings, an! flyers for a!$ertising "ith a map an! a!!ress to the
business. 7o"e$er, "e belie$e that a centrally locate! site "ith traffic lanes to an! from our
competing ontrose attractions "ill affor! an opportunity to benefit from location. )or! of
mouth "ill also be a strong tool because e$eryone is tal#ing about the +nternet these !ays an!
'ust about e$eryone "ants to see "hat it is about. +n fact, "e ha$e alrea!y !e$elope! a strong
"or! of mouth campaign among frien!s, family an! business associates.
Materials)s#pplies needed
Presently, "e pro'ect a nee! for ?2 to ?D .es#top computers running at least 6JJ h(
processors "ith ?2D B of 2& an! "ith B2 B high/en! graphics car!s. These "oul! be
connecte! through at least a T? phone line or higher for fast +nternet connection. )e "oul!
nee! a computeri(e! o$erhea! pro'ection system, conference table, col! be$erage !ispensers,
cleaning supplies, soft"are titles an! miscellaneous e9uipment for the foo! an! coffee. &lso
nee!e! are tables, chairs, bench tables, coffee ma#ers, espresso an! cappuccino ma#ers, grills,
fryers, hot!og roasters, soup #ettles an! "armers. The total cost base! on a$erage total
e9uipment "ill range bet"een $<J,JJJ to $CJ,JJJ. ost of our e9uipment nee!s can be met
through business leasing an! net"or#ing "ith local $en!ors. )e "ill see# e$ery opportunity
to tra!e ser$ices an! pro$i!e references in return for !iscount consi!erations.
Cost to *ecome operational/ 01(2((( to 03(2((
)e belie$e that a Cyber Caf in ontrose, Colora!o is a great i!ea. Got only "ill proprietors
an! employees of the caf benefit, but the entire community "ill gain in "ays that can har!ly
be calculate! at the present time. 4ne thing is sure> the global +nternet is ma#ing a global
citi(en out of e$ery participant // an! that is a goo! thing. Iet, "hether one see#s e%pan!e!
global mar#ets or e%pan!e! #no"le!ge, or 'ust !o"nloa!ing the greatest ne" computer game,
the +nternet is one of the most efficient "ays to get it.
'//endix '0 Ma1or Em/loyers in Montrose2 C%
Company Pro!uct 3mployees
2ussell -to$er
Can!ies, +nc.
Can!y DJJ
7abitat -oft"ear,
T/shirts ?9J
)aferboar! 99
+ntermountain 1orest
,umber <6
Best anufacturing
-ign -ystems
-ign systems 4C
)estern Mra$el, +nc. -an!, gra$el 42
Mor!on Plastics, +nc. -tructural
-cott 1ly 2o! 1ly fishing ro!s 42
Maliso, +nc. 7y!rostatic testing
-agebrush -ales,
,umber 26
7auc# 3ngineering,
+nc. an! 2oss 2eels
Precision fishing
.ecorating Center
.raperies, retail
"all an! floor
Press Publishing
Company, +nc.
Ge"spapers 24
+n!ustries, +nc.
-e"n pro!ucts 2?
Pro!ucts, +nc.
1urniture 2J
.a/Tel 2esearch
Company, +nc.
.ata o!ems ?<
Trienco, +nc. &utomate!
sa"mill systems
3nterprises, +nc.
2oc# !rill parts ?2
4ther a'or 3mployers, ?99C
4rgani(ation 1ull/time
Part/time P
ontrose County -chool
.istrict / 23/?8
62< ?<J
1e!eral Mo$ernment B64
City ar#et @full P part
time employmentA
ontrose County
@inclu!es -ocial -er$icesA
2<< ?4
ontrose emorial
2?2 2?6
-tate Mo$ernment 2J4
)al/art 2JJ/22<
City of ontrose ?B2 BC
Community 4ptions, +nc. ?BJ
-afe"ay 92
Tri/-tate Meneration an!
Transmission &ssoc.
-ource> ,ocal sur$eyE 1e!eral an! -tate Mo$ernment information from Co$ere!
3mployment an! )ages in Colora!o by -tan!ar! +n!ustrial Classification for
?99< from the Colora!o .epartment of ,abor an! 3mployment
&ppen!i% B. 3!ucational +nstitutions in ontrose, C4
7+M732 3.RC&T+4G
esa -tate College, ontrose Center
esa -tate College, ontrose Center
2B4 -. Casca!e &$e. @formerly organ -choolA
ontrose, C4 D?4J?
@9CJA 249/CJJ9
Contact> ,ori -linn, .irector
The goal of esa -tate College, ontrose Center, begun in ?99?, is to function
much li#e a community college, pro$i!ing transfer opportunities as "ell as
occupational an! enrichment learning to ontrose resi!ents.
+n Go$ember of ?994, the $oters of the City of ontrose appro$e! a $6.? million
pro'ect to rehabilitate the former organ -chool for a higher e!ucation center @for
esa -tate College, ontrose CenterA an! to construct a ne" library on the site.
The pro'ect "as fun!e! through a ? percent city sales ta% in effect until 8anuary
B?, ?996, "hen it !ecrease! to J.< percent until the !ebt is retire!.
&ccre!itation> The Center is accre!ite! by the Gorth/Central &ssociation of
-econ!ary -chools an! Colleges @GC&A.
3nrollment 6JJ per semester
1aculty ?< part/time cre!itE 4J part/time non/cre!it
1acultyHstu!ent ratio ?>?J
.egree programs> &ssociate of &rts in Business &!ministration.
Tuition an! fees @?996/
$9B.B6 per semester hour for ? to ?J
@Go a!!itional charges for ?? through 2? semester hoursA
esa -tate College, ontrose Center, also offers a "i!e range of non/cre!it
.elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/Technical Center
.elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/Technical Center
?C6< R.-. 7"y. <J
.elta, C4 D?4?6
@9CJA DC4/C6C?
Contact> .on Bro"n, Center anager
.elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/Technical Center, locate! ?9 miles north of
ontrose, "as built in ?9C6 an! consists of four buil!ings on appro%imately DJ
acres. The Center, originally go$erne! by both .elta an! ontrose County -chool
.istricts, reorgani(e! in ?9D9 an! became part of .elta County -chool .istrict <J
8. The Center is go$erne! by the .elta County 8oint -chool .istrict S<J Boar! of
The Center pro$i!es occupational certificate programs an! courses in health,
tra!es, technical an! business fiel!s at secon!ary, post/secon!ary an! a!ult le$els.
Programs are !esigne! to train stu!ents at the entry le$el for employment, to
pro$i!e retraining or to upgra!e the employability s#ills of the stu!ents.
+n a!!ition, the Center*s mission is to ma#e the .elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/
Technical Center a "orl!/class mo!el for technology an! $ocational e!ucation.
The Center*s e!ucational focus is technological literacy, an! .elta County -chool
.istrict*s OPath"ays to the 1utureO program presents technological literacy
instruction at all le$els of the e!ucational process.
&ccre!itation> The .elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/Technical Center offers
$ocational programs appro$e! by the Colora!o Community College an!
4ccupational 3!ucation -ystem an! the -tate Boar! for Community Colleges an!
4ccupational 3!ucation. The Center is accre!ite! by the Gorth/Central
&ssociation of -econ!ary -chools an! Colleges @GC&A.
-er$ice area> The ser$ice area of the Center inclu!es the Colora!o counties of
.elta, ontrose, Munnison, 7ins!ale, 4uray an! -an iguel.
3!ucational Programs> The Center offers certificates in Practical Gursing,
BusinessHClerical, Cosmetology, &griculturalH+n!ustrial echanics, Technical
.rafting, Criminal 8ustice an! 1armH2anch Business anagement. The Center
also pro$i!es a!ult an! continuing e!ucation in computer applications, !rafting,
health e!ucation, mine training an! small business management.
3nrollment 22DE ?44 post/secon!ary an! D4
1aculty ?D full/timeE B part/time
1acultyHstu!ent ratio ?>?J
Gumber of gra!uates @?996/9CA ?2C
Tuition @?99C/9DA
Practical Gursing $2,<C?H2 9uarters
Practical Gursing @e%ten!e!
$B,B4DH4 semesters T cost of
personal supplies
BusinessHClerical $2,2JCH2 semesters
Cosmetology $2,694H< 9uarters
$2,2C4H2 semesters
Technical .rafting $2,?2DH2 semesters
Criminal 8ustice / Corrections $?,6<BH2 semesters
Criminal 8ustice / Basic Peace
$?,BC6H2 semesters
1armH2anch Business
-pecial Programs>
Colora!o 1+2-T Customi(e! Training Program
The .elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/Technical Center "ill pro$i!e training
ser$ices through the Colora!o 1+2-T Customi(e! Training Program on re9uest.
1or more information about this program, see the O8ob Training an! 3mployment
-er$icesO section un!er 3!ucation an! Training in this publication.
-mall Business .e$elopment Center
The -mall Business .e$elopment Center, locate! at the .elta/ontrose &rea
0ocational/Technical Center, ser$es as a support center for local business an!
The -mall Business .e$elopment Center offers small business training an!
consulting. &ssistance is a$ailable in finance, mar#eting, business planning an!
general management issues. 1or more information, see O-mall Business
.e$elopment CenterO un!er Business &ssistance 4rgani(ations in this
84B T2&+G+GM &G. 3P,4I3GT -320+C3-
Colora!o 1+2-T Customi(e! Training Program
Colora!o 4ffice of Business .e$elopment
?62< Broa!"ay, -uite ?C?J
.en$er, C4 DJ2J2
Contact> .ianne artine(, Program Coor!inator
The Colora!o 1+2-T Customi(e! Training Program has been authori(e! by the
Colora!o Meneral &ssembly to assist 9ualifie! ne" or e%pan!ing businesses in
Colora!o. Training is customi(e! to meet the nee!s of in!i$i!ual companies an! is
short term an! fast trac#. ,ocal community colleges or area $ocational schools
coor!inate the programs. .elta/ontrose &rea 0ocational/Technical -chool
coor!inates the program for the ontrose area.
Colora!o 3%isting +n!ustry Training Program
Colora!o 4ffice of Business .e$elopment
?62< Broa!"ay, -uite ?C?J
.en$er, C4 DJ2J2
Contact> .ianne artine(, Program Coor!inator
The 3%isting +n!ustry Program pro$i!es 'ob/specific training assistance to
9ualifie! Colora!o companies "ho are e%periencing ma'or technological changeE
"ho are retooling to meet local, national, or global competition challengesE or "ho
"ish to pre$ent employee layoffs. Companies "ho 9ualify for this grant are
re9uire! to pay at least 4J percent of the training costs.
The Training &!$antage @8ob Training Partnership &ct 1un!sA
The Training &!$antage
?? -. Par# &$enue, -uite C
P.4. Bo% 2?46
ontrose, C4 D?4J2
@9CJA 249/22B4
Contact> 2ay ,ucero, 4ffice anager
The training &!$antage, a non/profit corporation, pro$i!es 8ob Training
Partnership &ct @8TP&A ser$ices for Colora!o 2egions 9 an! ?J. The purpose of
8TP& fe!eral fun!ing is to prepare eligible a!ults for participation in the labor
force by increasing their occupational an! e!ucational s#ills.
The Training &!$antage also assists youth @minimum age ?4A in impro$ing their
long/term employability by enhancing their e!ucational, occupational an!
citi(enship s#ills an! encouraging school completion. .uring summer months,
youth ages ?4 through 2? are ser$e! through the -ummer Iouth 3mployment
To help offset ne" employee training costs, 8TP&*s 4n/The/8ob Training @48TA
Program reimburses an employer for up to <J percent of an eligible employee*s
hourly "age !uring an agree!/upon training perio!. To 9ualify for reimbursement,
the employer must pro$i!e a training plan an! training program for the
employee*s training perio!.
The Training &!$antage also ta#es pri!e in screening potential employees so that
the employer may inter$ie" 9ualifie! applicants for their training positions. The
Training &!$antage may also screen to !etermine if potential applicants are
serious about a 'ob interest. &lthough the Training &!$antage may a!$ertise for
8TP& eligible training positions, employers inter$ie" an! ma#e final !ecisions
about "hom they "ish to train. -er$ice is pro$i!e! free of charge. -er$ices
offere! inclu!e>
&ssessment of 'ob s#ill le$el an! training nee!s.
8ob an! career counseling.
+nformation an! training for "omen in non/tra!itional 'obs.
Classroom training in occupational s#ills.
&ca!emic s#ills training, inclu!ing M3. preparation, math, 3nglish, rea!ing.
)or# 3%perience Programs an! +nternships.
4n/the/8ob Training.
+n/house computer training.
-upporti$e ser$ices.
8ob -er$ice Center @Colora!o .i$ision of 3mployment an! TrainingA
8ob -er$ice Center
22BB 3. ain -treet, -uite B
ontrose, C4 D?4J?
249/CCDB, 1a%> @9CJA 249/J44<
&n employer using the 8ob -er$ice Center recei$es the follo"ing benefits>
Uualifie! applicants for those 'obs for "hich the employers places or!ers.
+ncrease! pro!ucti$ity because "or#ers are prescreene! an! 9ualifie!
accor!ing to the employer*s specifications.
+ncrease! ability to select "or#ers in a "i!e $ariety of occupations.
-a$ings of time an! money in recruiting an! selection costs.
8ob or!ers place! on a state"i!e an!Hor nation/"i!e system.
8ob -er$ice also>
&ssists in re!ucing turno$er an! $arious other "or# force problems.
Pro$i!es labor mar#et information, such as pre$ailing "ages an! labor supply
an! !eman!.
+!entifies "or#ers "ith s#ills in short supply.
Pro$i!es information on la"s an! regulations affecting employment.
Mi$es a!$ice an! refers employers to other go$ernment an! community
agencies that may best assist them in their nee!s.
2oc#y ountain -32
2oc#y ountain -32
66J .o!ge @Center ?A, @9CJA DC4/9<B?
DCJ .o!ge @Center 2A @9CJA DC4/J4?D
.elta, C4 D?4?6
Contact> ary/,ee Terra(as
2oc#y ountain -32, 8obs for Progress @-32A, is a pri$ate non/profit corporation
"hich pro$i!es employment an! training ser$ices for lo" income in!i$i!uals an!
farm "or#ers throughout Colora!o. O-.3.2.O stan!s for -er$ice, 3mployment an!
2e!e$elopment. 2oc#y ountain -32 is an affiliate of Gational -32, 8obs for
Progress, an! both are sponsore! by the ,eague of Rnite! ,atin &merican
Citi(ens @,R/,&CA an! the &merican M+ 1orum.
2oc#y ountain -32 operates ?4 offices in Colora!o, pro$i!ing the follo"ing
&!ult Basic 3!ucation
4n/the 8ob Training
&mnesty 3!ucation
-upporti$e -er$ices
3nglish as a -econ! ,anguage
0ocational 2ehabilitation
Meneral 39ui$alency .iploma
0ocational -#ill Training
8ob Placement
)or# 3%perience
&s a result of the training, e!ucational an! placement ser$ices offere!, more than
9,JJJ people ha$e been place! in meaningful full/time employment by 2oc#y
ountain -32 staff.
Community 4ptions, +nc.
Community 4ptions, +nc.
BB6 -. ?J
ontrose, C4 D?4J?
@9CJA 249/?4?2
Contact> Tom Turner
Community 4ptions pro$i!es ser$ices for chil!ren "ith !e$elopmental !elays an!
a!ults "ith !e$elopmental !isabilities in .elta, ontrose, Munnison, 7ins!ale,
4uray an! -an iguel Counties. The organi(ation*s goals are to assure an array of
9uality ser$ices an! supports to enrich the li$es of people "ith !e$elopmental
!isabilities an! the communities in "hich they li$e, an! to assist each person
ser$e! to reach his or her potential.
The ser$ices Community 4ptions offers inclu!e $ocational trainingE pai! "or#
programsE resi!ential ser$icesE transportationE case managementE early
inter$ention an! family support.
,+T32&CI P24M2&-
&!ult Basic 3!ucation, )est Central B4C3-
)est Central B4C3-
D -. 1ifth
P.4. Bo% ?4DB
ontrose, C4 D?4J2
@9CJA 249/2J2D
Contact> Gorma cBry!e
&!ult basic e!ucation pro$i!es assistance "ith basic rea!ing, "riting an! math
s#ills, M.3... preparation an! testing. The program pro$i!es one/on/one tutoring
an! 3nglish classes for non/3nglish spea#ing a!ults.
Three 2*s
Three 2*s
?C ).G. -i%th -treet
ontrose, C4 D?4J?
@9CJA 249/26C2, lea$e message
The Three 2*s program, staffe! by $olunteers an! !irecte! by traine! teachers,
offers year/roun! one/on/one an! small group tutoring at no cost. T"enty to thirty
screene! tutors are a$ailable to teach elementary to college/le$el s#illsE 3nglish as
a secon! languageE or M.3... preparation s#ills. The intent of the program is to
impro$e each stu!ent*s stan!ar! of li$ing.

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