Schedule Prep Rally

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Fast songs background music 6:45
Start 5 minute count down 6:55
Everyone in places.
Worship team on stage
Worship 7:00
LIGHTS dim in audience, lights on stage for worship
Greeting Prayer, greet & meet (ASHLEY)
Worship Team exits stage
Begin funny serving video
LIGHTS up on stage.
Ashley & Matt begin MC skits.

Staging/blocking indicated in red

Enter from stage left door Ashley: (Comes out ringing her bell loudly)
Enter from stage right door Matt: What are you doing with that bell?
Ashley: Just want everyone to know Im here!! (ring bell)
Matt: Wheres your bucket for donations? (hold out a dollar bill) Lift bill high with your left hand
Ashley: Oh. Im not doing this for donations. Im doing this to be seen and heard. But Ill take your
dollar. (reaches over and takes dollar and puts it in pocket)
Matt: (shakes head)
Take dollar and move towards stage leftsuddenly, you notice audience. Ashley: Matt, um what are
all these people doing here and why are there tables in the back Oh wait, is this a church service? Oh I
think I came in the wrong building. (looks nervous, out of place)
Cross to Ashley and reassure her Matt: I think you are in the right place. After all, youre here to be
seen and heard, right? Heres your stage and your audience. Besides, I need your help. You can be the
comic relief (smiles and chuckles). But seriously, TONIGHT is the Prep Rally!
Ashley: Dont you mean pep rally. You put an r in there. You know, you gotta watch your grammar
around me.
Matt: No I meant PREP with and R. Its stands for prepare. Tonight is about the next year 2009.
Were preparing. But at the same time, were rallying. You know what the theme is this year?
Ashley: Ya prepare ye the way of the forthcoming year of our Lord
Take time with this lineso that it is snappybut effective. Matt: Close, but its actually BELIEVE
Ashley: But what are we supposed to believe in? Hey this should be your theme song, Do you believe in
magic (dancing)
Matt: Ya Ill think about thatCross in front of Ashley and then turn back to her fast. Were kinda going
with the tag line do you believe one year can change your life. And all those tables back there are just
examples of how this year can be life changing if we really believe Gods message to us and his plan for
our lives.
Ashley: So tell me how this is gonna work? Im gonna listen to you talk and go to a table and wallah
my life is changed.
Matt: Well you are forgetting the believe part. God cant change your life unless you believe Him and
act on that belief.
Ashley: Ya well I believe what he said is true and I go to church. Thats acting on it, right?
Matt: Well theres more to church than just going. You came here on the perfect night. Were going to
highlight all the 7 major ministries of this church.
Ashley: Oh my God! Theres 7?? The only one I knew of was nursery cuz that one lady is always asking
me to help.
Matt: Ya theres 7 major ones. Theres a lot more than just seven though. But heres the first one.
Both of you exit stage Left (if you are on stage facing audiencethis is your left)
Video Intro- WOMEN
Renee walks up with L letter and sets in its place. picks up mic. Gives presentation.

Back onstageAshley enters first, delivering her line as she comes to center stage
Ashley: Alright. So Ill go to the womens meetings too. But if that doesnt change my life or whatever,
then Im coming back to you and proving that you are wrong. Poke Matt on his left shoulder
Matt: Woah, a little defensive there, Ashley. You see its not about going to the meetings and ringing
your bell and waiting around for God to thunder and lightning and then your forever changed. Its about
your heart.
Ashley: My heart? What does this have to do with my heart?
Matt: Well heres the next one, watch it and maybe youll understand
Both of you exit to the right
Video Intro Worship & Arts
Mark walks up with I letter and sets in its place. picks up mic. Gives presentation.
Ashley: You know that was cool and all, I still dont get how this all applies heart and me believing and
me becoming a better person.
Matt: Come forward when you say this and plant yourself Well the Bible talks about how Abraham
believed God and God counted that to righteousness. He didnt just sit on the side lines and do nothing.
He got involved in what God is passionate about.
Ashley: Go to Matt . How in the world can you possibly know what God is thinking? Doesnt the Bible
say that you cant know his thoughts.
Matt: We know his heart. And he commands us to imitate him in that way. To be like him. To have His
heart. His heart is about loving and he loves by serving. I mean, he washed the disciples feet. The guys
who didnt understand a word he was saying half of the time. He didnt give up on them and quit the
ministry. He served until the end. Here watch this one.
Exit left

Video Intro Seniors
Mary Dearborn walks up with V letter and sets in its place. picks up mic. Gives presentation.
Ashley: Hey Matt, you know I went to my grandmas house the other day and helped her put away her
millions of Christmas decorations. I got frustrated and left cuz she was being really picky about how she
wanted things put away. And I was like, Listen if Im going to help you, you gotta let me do things my
way .Go forward and start your mad pace here You have no idea how unorganized she was. She just
wanted to through all this stuff in boxes And I was like uh uh and I was getting all OCD and stuff and I
was like
Run up to stop her.Matt: ASHLEY!
Ashley: Im sorry, She just gets me frustrated. Please tell me if I help out that Im not going to have to
deal with people like her!
Matt: Hand around Ashleys shoulder Well I cant promise you that. Move to stage left here In fact, I
can assure you that at some time youll have to serve under someone that frustrates you. But thats not
the point.
Ashley: Go to Matt What do you mean thats not the point? Thats a pretty big point. I gotta know who
Im dealing with here.
Matt: Well you see thats the point. We are not serving men or women. Were not serving under nice
people or frustrating people. We are serving under Jesus. Its not about us. Its about Him and about
other people. Watch what this ministrys about: Push Ashley off stage and towards stage right

Video Intro Children
Bonnie Pait walks up with E letter and sets in its place. picks up mic. Gives presentation.

Ashley: This sounds cute and all. But I still dont get how this is going to change my life. I mean, Im just
going bogged down with things to do and you know, my life is important too. Why doesnt someone
serve me and think about what I need?
Matt: The Bible says its more blessed to giveth than to recieveth.
Ashley: What? No habla.. hablo biblioteca Or Biblia whatever.
Matt: What are you saying?
Ashley: I dont understand all that more blessedeth bible-eth stuff Turn away from Matt and cross
arms and pout
Matt: Go to Ashely Ok ok what Jesus was saying is that youll be happier and live an abundant life if you
give and serve others instead of sitting back waiting for people to give and serve you.
Ashley: Turn toward himThis sounds like fun. Sign me up. Turn away from him again.I get throw my
life away. So much for living. Tap foot with arms crossed.
Matt: Thats the point of this all Jesus wants you to live. Pull yourself and Ashley back and take time
to look. I mean look what the letters spell. LIVE!
Ashley, I think you should respond with a sincere wow face here.(your heart is starting to get it)
Ashley: So Let me get this straight The point of living and abundant life is not just going to church but
really believing God to the point that I act on that and focus my life on others and not myself?
Pat her on the back and lead her left stage Matt : Ya. I think you are starting to get it.
Video Intro - Outreach
Pastor Carroll walks up with E letter and sets in its place. picks up mic. Gives presentation.

(Dont say this too fast) Ashley: So where can I sign up for this? I have an expertise in that. I think itd be
a good fit. I can just see myself leading those Block parties. Im a good organizer. I can see me telling
people where to go and what to do. Ya know. In charge of hundreds of people. I can see it now.
Sideways step to center and then big pose Ashley Wright Outreach Leader!
Matt: Pull her back out of the lime light. We dont serve to lead. We serve to be trusted. And then we
are trusted to serve more. Theres never going to be a time where you just sit back and lead the whole
thing. The more you are entrusted with, the more you serve. Its not about the title and what youre in
charge of and what you can do. Its about giving as much as you can to God in the form of service.
Ashley: So I just let people tell me what to do and Im a door mat. Seems kind of like a weak and wimpy
way to live. You gotta take charge of your life if Im gonna live. Ya know make things happen!
Matt: Its not really wimpy at all - because living from the youre heart is the strongest thing you can do.
Check out what these guys do: You both go back and sit

Video Intro Men
Pastor Modica walks up with B letter and sets in its place. picks up mic. Gives presentation.
Matt: Wheres your bell Ashley?
Ashley: Oh I uh I left it over there. I think Im starting to get all this. Its not about me. I dont have
to perform or be noticed, or even be timid or scared. Its just about changing my attitude about life,
about what it means to be a Christian. I think its about Christ, not about me. Im starting to understand
that believing Him means giving my life for/to his purposes.
So I think Im giving up the bell. And here, you can have your dollar back. You know, I dont want to be
focused on myself. Because if I humble my proud self and focus on God and lift Him up really give this a
good pause and sit on the front top stair of the altar didnt he say something about lifting us up in
due time if we humble ourselves?
Matt: Go to her and lean down but do not sit. Yeah he did. See? I told you that you came on the
perfect night. Im glad you got rid of the bell. Put your hand on her shoulder Honestly, it was... kind of
Ashley: Yeah, Hey? Jump up to your feet Doesnt this church have any youth ya know things for
people my age?
Matt: Of course! We saved the best for last
Go and sit on some of the stairs off to the side (stage left maybe) dont know what letters will be
there at this point

Video Intro Students & Young Adults
Pastor Nate walks up with E letter and sets in its place. picks up mic. Gives presentation.
Come back to center
Ashley: Ya know, Matt. I thought this was going to be another one of those things that I totally did not
understand about Christianity. Sometimes I get so confused with what seems like contradictions. You
have to be last to be first, and humble to be lifted up, and give to receive. But theyre not contradictions
at all. Its the TRUTH of Gods word. He always works in ways we least expect because we so
underestimate him
Matt: Wow Ashley. You catch on fast - you are really getting it. So what do you BELIEVE after all this?
The pace here for both of you should really be slower and more serious..
Ashley: Maybe you could do another pace here but real slow and very reflective For the first time, I
really believe GOD. I believe him to the point where it affects how Im gonna live. I believe that he does
miracles and will do them in my life. I believe that God is TRUTH and I can always trust his word. I
believe that he is real and it feels so real now to me. Stop pacing here and plant yourself to finish this.
I do believe that Gods purpose for me is to LOVE Him and that he really loves me. He wants me to
LIVE in LOVE, serving the Creator of the universe. I cant think of a more abundant way to live. I really
want to serve my God
Matt: Its so amazing that God has revealed that to you. Well hey, were just about done. Go check out
some of the tables in the back. Each table is a different ministry that you can get involved in. And why
dont you take this next week pray and fast about what God has impressed on your heart. It sounds
like you and God have a lot of talking to do.
Ashley: We definitely do.

Here, remember your eye contact with the audience and that you want to be sure to work the
room.meaning, making eye contact in as many different areas of the audience as you can so as not
to focus on just one area. I think you should come down on the stairs or to the center altar area (on
the floor) to make this transition. Other than that, at this point, you are to be yourselves.
(Matt & Ashley return to stage. Addressing audience now.)
Matt: What amazing ministries we have at this church.
Ashley: What incredible opportunities we have to worship and serve our Christ.
Matt: Youre all about to be dismissed. But please, dont just leave without taking a leap.
Ashley: Check out the ministry tables. Take some information home with you.
Matt: Bring that information to your prayer time this week. See what God calls you to.
Ashley: Theres also a contact card on every table. Dont forget to take one of those too.
Matt: Dont write on the card - Leave the card blank, all week.
Ashley: Next Firday, After seeking God during this time of prayer and fasting - Youll have an opportunity
to fill out those cards and act on what you believe.
Matt: Well all believe God together, that this year can and will - forever change our lives.
Ashley: I dont know about you, but Im ready for a change! Lets go check out those tables!
One of you could then hand your mic to Pastor Modica/Pastor Carroll and then both of you could exit
down the center to the tablesPastor could then dismiss everyone to the tables.

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