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Tacoma Goodwill 2008 Highlights

5,248 people received job preparation, training &

placement services

1,023 people placed in jobs

$11 million savings from welfare and disability

payments no longer needed and new payroll
taxes for every 1,000 people placed in jobs

105 youth re-enrolled in school

881,191 generous donors gave gently used clothes

and household items

2.5 million shoppers who took advantage of Goodwill’s

great selection and value pricing

21 retail stores where people with disabilities and disadvantages have an

opportunity to work, including: Tacoma (38th Street; 72nd Street, Outlet),
Gig Harbor, Lakewood, Spanaway, Puyallup, Federal Way, Auburn, Kent,
Maple Valley, Lacey, South Lacey, Olympia, Centralia, Longview,
Port Townsend, Port Angeles, Ellensburg, Selah and Yakima.

Goodwill helps people with disabilities and other

barriers to employment go to work by providing
jobs, training and educational opportunities.
Message from Goodwill Board President & CEO
As the four people featured in this year’s annual report demonstrate, there are many roads to success.
Brittany, Cody, LaTasha and Pedro prove that overcoming obstacles and having the perseverance to
continue down a chosen course is the key to reaching one’s dreams. At Tacoma Goodwill, our purpose
is to provide people the tools they need to get their lives back on track and to open doors that once
seemed shut forever.

Last year, we continued to widen our path of services as more than 5,200 people received job training
Terry A. Hayes and support through the dozens of programs we offer. For the second year in a row, we placed more
CEO than 1,000 people in jobs, a real achievement during challenging economic conditions. A major focus for
Tacoma Goodwill
us continued to be providing support to at-risk youth. This past year, we helped more than 100 young
people return to school. And with the assistance of a $550,000 grant from the federal Department of
Labor, our YouthBuild program continued to expand and change lives.

Milestones were many in 2008. We broke ground on the new Milgard Work Opportunity Center, a
facility that will serve as a vital community resource and transform the delivery of job training and
placement services. The centerpiece of the building will be the REACH (Resources for Education
and Career Help) center, a partnership of more than a dozen organizations, working in new and
innovative ways to tackle the growing challenges young adults face in today’s world.

The services Goodwill provides would not exist without our donations and retail store sales. In 2008,
we opened our 21st store in South Lacey. Our retail operations grew 8 percent, while our online sales
nearly doubled. Of course this is all due to the generosity of our donors, who provided nearly 49 million
pounds of gently used goods.
Bob Bruback The road ahead presents many challenges as more people than ever turn to Goodwill for help in
2008 Board President these tough economic times. But our determination to deliver on our mission is unwavering. Thank
Tacoma Goodwill you for being a part of our efforts to help more people find their way to a better life through work.
cares about

On a path of supporting his family

Pedro Gonzalez was looking for a job when he got a call from the Refugee Federation Services Cen-
ter to come to Tacoma Goodwill. Born in Guatemala, and with a wife and three children, Pedro was
simply looking for a way to support his family. “I went almost four months without having a job, no
paycheck, no nothing,” he said. “It was tough.” Pedro completed Goodwill’s Custodial Training pro-
gram, a state-certified course using classroom and practical applications to teach everything from
equipment care to effective use of cleaning compounds. More than 100 people took the class in
2008. Now Pedro’s a custodian at Tacoma Goodwill’s flagship 38th Street Store and taking classes
in English as a Second Language.

Goodwill’s partnership with the Refugee Federation has completed its first year, providing expanded
services for people in need. “Tacoma Goodwill has excellent programs and we have the specialized
knowledge of working with cultural and refugee issues,” said Tung Thanh Nguyen, with the center at
the start of the partnership. Pedro puts it simply: “Goodwill cares about people.”
“I went

almost four




a job, no


Pedro Gonzalez no nothing.

It was tough.”
“If I was still
“Life is a lot
back home,
different. I’m
who knows,
more confident
I would
in myself.”
be in jail or

on drugs,

Brittany Bailey
that was the

On a path of accomplishment
When Brittany Bailey was growing up in California, she faced an abusive home life, serious illness and
even homelessness. “If I was still back home, who knows, I would be in jail or on drugs, because that
was the atmosphere,” she notes. Brittany moved to Tacoma where, now 20, she is a Human Resources
assistant/Community Service coordinator for Tacoma Goodwill and a product of the agency’s STEPS
program. STEPS is a Goodwill program helping young adults ages 16-21 develop life and career goals
and gain work experience.

In 2008, more than 300 youth participants worked 4,200 hours with partnerships involving the Boys
& Girls Club, Puyallup Youth Investment Center and Metro Parks Tacoma, among others. There were
35 graduates of the STEPS Summer Program – the most ever in the decade old program. Brittany said
her STEPS counselors helped her stay focused on school. She now attends classes at The Evergreen
State College as a result of receiving a grant from The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation. From STEPS,
Brittany said she looks toward the future. “Life is a lot different. I’m more confident in myself. My
mentors here at Goodwill have a lot to do with it; I feel I’ve accomplished so much.”
On a path to a career
Cody Brown had held several jobs – at a restaurant and car dealership – but admits he was reaching
a dead end. “Before Goodwill, I don’t think I could have had a job – I didn’t know what I wanted or
liked to do,” said Cody, who is diagnosed with cerebral palsy. “I didn’t want to feel I was being held
back because of my disability.” Referred to Tacoma Goodwill’s Supported Employment program,
Cody received skills assessments, help filling out applications, and job coaching that – coupled with
a determination to succeed – served to find a career. “I can work and show people that hiring some-
one with a disability is OK – you just have to work around it,” said Cody, who is a courtesy clerk at
the Orting Safeway Store and wants to become a store manager. “Everyone has a disability – it’s
what you do with it.”

The Supported Employment program served more than 100 people in 2008 in one-on-one and
group jobsites, matching qualified people with developmental disabilities to competitive jobs within
the community. For Cody, it included receiving training as a cashier and stocker at Goodwill’s South
Hill/Puyallup Store that has served him well: “It helped me learn customer service,” he said. “I want
to make sure the customers are happy.”
“ Everyone has a
Goodwill I
disability – it’s what
don’t think
you do with it. ”
I could have

had a job – I

didn’t know

Cody Brown what I

wanted or

liked to do.”
On the path toward self-sufficiency
LaTasha Smith admits she was defeating herself, scraping by with no future for herself or her daughter. She
was afraid of seeing the bills, hearing from bill collectors and being embarrassed from not having enough
money. That’s when LaTasha heard about Tacoma Goodwill’s Financial Literacy program and learned “…to
manage my life responsibly.” It’s with pride she now points to a computerized budget that helps her separate
her wants from her needs and her work towards a business administration degree. “If you’re serious about
really taking a look at your finances, you need to take the class to give you the tools.”

That’s Financial Literacy. Open to the public and supported for a second year in 2008 with a $50,000 grant
from KeyBank and the Key Foundation, Financial Literacy provides classes on handling checking and savings
accounts, investing and managing credit. There were more than 600 participants in classes across Pierce
County, Longview and Yakima; and partnerships with two dozen organizations and programs. For LaTasha, life
without the skills she obtained would have been difficult. “I wouldn’t have the self-esteem. I’d still be walking in
the dark, trying to find my way,” she said. “Now I can see what I’ve got ahead of me – it’s a path I can see.”

“Now I can see

what I’ve got
ahead of me – it’s
a path I can see.”
“If you’re

serious about

really taking a

look at your

finances, you

need to take

LaTasha Smith the class to

give you

the tools.”
“The services we provide would
not exist without support from
donations and retail store sales.”
– Bob Bruback, Tacoma Goodwill Board President
Business Services
Retail Sales
More than 2.5 million shoppers came to our 21 retail stores in 2008; the largest number
ever. Store revenue supports job training and placement services like Computer Skills,
Financial Literacy and Career Skills Training. The highlight of the year was the opening
of the 21st store, located in South Lacey.

Stores and Attended Donation Stations employed more than 572 people, well more than
half of whom came to Goodwill with a disability or disadvantage.

Online Sales
In 2008, a record $2,156,900 in online sales revenue was raised – nearly double 2007 –
on purchases of 43,738 items, the most since online shopping debuted in 2002.

Contract Services
Tacoma Goodwill provided $1,691,800 in contract packaging services such as assembly,
packaging, shrink wrapping, transloading, warehousing and distribution and other
customized business solutions. Major customers in 2008 included Brown & Haley,
Tim’s Cascade Chips, Discovery Bay Games, Starbucks and Paper Magic.

Custodial Services
Custodial Services trained more than 104 individuals who were placed in 14 jobs like
Pedro Gonzalez, featured in this year’s report. Students are trained using state-of-the-art
equipment to prepare them for employment.

• 881,191 individual donors generously supported Goodwill by dropping off their gently
used clothes and household items – an increase of 16,751 individual donor visits.
• 137 companies from throughout the region donated much needed items such as office
furniture and equipment.
• Hosted 37 joint donation drives with area businesses, cities, counties and organizations
like Top Foods, City of Federal Way, University of Puget Sound, and Proctor Holiday Fest,
collecting 174,026 pounds of donations.
Helping people on a path for a better life
Tacoma Goodwill provided services to a record number of people in 2008.
Programs such as Financial Literacy, a free course in money management Population served*
to help build financial stability and independence, and YouthBuild, helping
young adults receive job experience in the construction trade while receiving 1,183
a GED, bolstered the training people received. A new Work Opportunity
Center in South Lacey also opened, providing expanded services in Thurston
County. Goodwill’s partnerships with businesses across the service area play
an integral role in achieving our mission. A total of 309 corporate partners 591
hired more than 500 Goodwill participants for on-the-job training or perma- 161
nent employment. Another 37 companies have representatives on Goodwill’s
Business Advisory Council.
Welfare, Disabled Non- At-risk Low Seniors Offenders
In all, 5,248 people with disabilities or disadvantages received services Displaced
English Youth

from Tacoma Goodwill. Another 1,023 people were placed in jobs, either in
the community or hired directly by Goodwill.

Donations Retail Stores Training

Jobs change lives

For every 1,000 people Goodwill puts to work, the community saves $11
million in deferred public assistance, new tax payments and expenditures.
Goodwill served 5,248 individuals with job In 2008, Goodwill placed 1,023 people in jobs.
More than 880,000 donors gave more than
More than 2.5 million shoppers took advantage training and placement programs so people with
48.7 million pounds of ready-to-sell books, toys,
of Goodwill’s great selection and value pricing. disabilities or disadvantages could go to work.
apparel, etc.

*Clients may have been served in more than one program.

Financial Highlights 2008 Operating Activities
Statement of financial position Statement of unrestricted activities
Assets Revenues
Cash and Cash Equivalents $6,031,915 Workforce Development $4,371,585
Accounts Receivable and Pledges $7,319,832 Retail Operations $36,233,647
Inventories $6,851,971 Commercial Services $1,920,426
Investments and Other Assets $838,592 Managed Real Estate $569,152
Assets Held in Trust $6,155,559 Contributions and Miscellaneous $497,722
Land, Building and Equipment (NET) $30,672,524 Total Revenue $43,592,532
Total Assets $57,870,393

Liabilities and Net Assets Expenses

Accounts Payable $2,797,380 Workforce Development Services $5,723,573
Accrued Payroll and Other Liabilities $3,106,350 Retail Program $26,018,636
Long Term Liabilities $17,060,461 Commercial Services $2,361,836
Capital Lease (current and long term) $13,769 Managed Real Estate $317,513
Interest Swap and Trust Liabilities $2,030,199 Fundraising $621,408
Total Liabilities $25,008,159 Management and General $2,969,196
Total Net Assets $32,862,234 Total Expenses $41,688,323
Total Liabilities and Net Assets $57,870,393 Change in Net Assets from Operating Activities $1,904,209

Low Overhead to Maximize Impact

Revenue Growth 2004-2008 ($Million)
91.4% Programs & Services


2004 2005 2006 2007 2008

Overhead (Management & Fundraising) 8.6% *Operating and non-operating activities.

The accounting firm Clark Nuber has audited the financial statements in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the U.S. The audit received an unqualified opinion.
Opportunities for people with disabilities or disadvantages
Tacoma Goodwill programs provide a variety of job training and placement programs for the general public and intense, long-
term services for specific populations in the community, including; people on public assistance, low-income senior citizens,
people with disabilities, ex-offenders, English as a Second Language, and at-risk young adults. Specific programs include:

Computer Skills Training Job Search Room (open to the public) Job Placement
Custodial Training Financial Literacy Job Retention
Office Essentials, interview skills Wheels to Work Transitional Employment
and resumé building
Retail Sales Training

Work Opportunity Centers

Work Opportunity Centers, located in Tacoma, Longview, Yakima and South Lacey, provide job training and placement services
to people facing barriers to employment. Career services programs for at-risk young adults, low-income senior citizens,
non-English speakers and ex-offenders looking for job-reentry skills are also available. Simply contact one of the centers below:

714 S. 27th St. CARF Certification
Tacoma, WA 98409 Tacoma Goodwill’s job-placement
253.272.5166 and training programs have received
the highest level of accreditation
1030 15th Ave. available. CARF International, an
Longview, WA 98632 independent reviewing agency,
360.425.6929 awarded Goodwill a three-year
TACOMA accreditation, good through
South Lacey November 2010.
4800 Yelm Highway S.E.
Lacey, WA 98503
360.456.0273 LONGVIEW

109 S. Third St.
WorkSource Affiliate
Tacoma Goodwill is a WorkSource
Yakima, WA 98901 Retail Stores and Training Centers
509.452.6061 Work Opportunity Centers affiliate in Pierce County, assisting
in delivery of employment services.
“Goodwill helps people who want to work enabling them
to become more positive contributors to our community.”
-Toby Murray, Foundation Board President

Goodwill Foundation: Supporting the Mission of Goodwill

The financial support Tacoma Goodwill receives from the community is crucial to providing the job training and placement
services to the thousands of people that come to us needing help each year. Goodwill is thankful to the many generous
donors who support us throughout the year. The Goodwill Foundation facilitates the avenues people can use to contribute
to our mission, including:

Annual Gifts The Goodwill Breakfast Capital Campaign

Annual gifts to Goodwill go directly to This annual event recognizes personal To help fund the new Milgard Work
support our Scholarship Fund which achievements of award recipients and Opportunity Center—which will allow
provides job training and program honors Tacoma Goodwill business part- Goodwill to triple services in Pierce County
services to people in need. Goodwill ners. More than 700 guests attended the over the next five years—Goodwill is
has also been supported by local founda- 2008 event, contributing a record $130,000 undertaking a balanced capital campaign
tions and government agencies to begin in sponsorships and gifts for Goodwill’s including Goodwill’s own resources plus a
innovative programs such as YouthBuild, Scholarship Fund and job training pro- combination of public and private funds.
Key to Change Financial Literacy and the grams. The success of the breakfast is As a unique, self-sustaining not for profit
Senior Community Service Employment thanks to the continuing support of gener- organization, Goodwill will support the on-
Program (SCSEP). ous corporate and individual sponsors. going operational costs of the project.
Honor Roll of Donors
Tacoma Goodwill Industries’ 2008 Annual Robblee’s Total Security Inc. Cheryl Jones El and Doris Vandeberg Carolyn and Alfred Treleven
Donor Report has been produced by the Ronald and Carol Stockdale Ken and Nancy Keiter Gene Wentworth Rick and Sandi Triggs
Development Office. The list of donors Dr. Pamela Transue Robert and Pauline Kirchner Westside Community Bank Al Weigand
includes gifts made during the fiscal year Mike and Mary Jo Tucci Sr. Kirchner Foundation Jim and Muriel Will Sr.
October 1, 2007 to September 30, 2008. Tucci & Sons Melsness Foundation $250-$499 Jim Wolch
Please report any errors or omissions to
Jim and Patty Morton Pete Almond Ed and Connie Rae Zittel
the Goodwill Foundation at 253.284.3352. $1,500-$2,499 Stacey and Edwin Ogle Ty Anderson
Bargreen Ellingson Chris Politakis Joanne and Cal Bamford $100-$249
$100,000 & ABOVE Bates Technical College Jacquie and Conor Boyd Steve and Donna Albers
Columbia Bank Rush Custom Homes, Inc.
Charley Bingham Kevin and Emily Schoenfelder Joe and Helen Breed Almond & Associates
Forest Foundation
Jim and Donna Boulanger David A. Shoultz and Megan Struthers Carmen Brooks Dave Almonte
Gary E. Milgard Family Foundation
Richard and Mary Ann Boulanger United Way of Pierce County Jeff Brown Stephen and Nancy Anderson
M.J. Murdock Charitable Trust
Brown & Brown of Washington Washington State Combined Fund Drive City Electric Inc. of Tacoma Apple Physical Therapy
Sequoia Foundation
Clark Nuber John and Lesa Wiborg Bridget Cochran Jamey Balousek
Lloyd and Caroll Silver
Clover Park Technical College Foundation Charles Crawford David Bean
Weyerhaeuser Company Foundation
Cole Screenprint, Inc. $500-$999 Display Technology International Tim and Tricia Beardsley
$25,000-$99,999 Davies Pearson, PC American Underwriters Insurance Agency Stephen Finnigan Dick and Karla Benedetti
Associated Petroleum Products, Inc. Dan and Lori Durr BP Fabric of America Fund Fircrest Pre-Fit Doors Co. Mat Bergman
Samuel H. Brown Rick and Betsy Ellingson Steve and Judy Bader Larry and Randi Fockler Monte Bersante
Heritage Financial Corporation Judy Estes Marty and Joan Brashem Jaimie “Frankie” Frank Bob Bethke
Key Bank Gensco, Inc. Tom and Diane Butler Doreen Gavin Ryan and Amy Betz
Korum for Kids Foundation Pleas and Paula Green Cascade Print Media Ken and Lucinda Gibbon Luke Bienfang
Simpson Investment Company Jim and Wendy Griffin Sr. Adriana and Michael Chandler Tim Golob Wade Black
Ray and Marilyn Tennison Hagel & Company Jim Collins Jeff and Tammis Greene Ron Blasco
Buck and Joanne Thompson Darrell and Anne Jesse Commencement Bank John A. Hall Cathy and Jay Bordeaux
Jim and Ann Wiborg Mountain View Funeral Home, Crematory Bruce and Lauren Dammeier Ambrosia Hand Ken and Sally Bose
and Memorial Park Dick and Clare DeVine Tom Hanley Anonymous
$10,000-$24,999 MultiCare Health System John and Buzz Folsom Brian and Aimee Haynes Elaine Brabham
Paul and Peggy Anderson and Family Laurie and Toby Murray Ryan Fournier Priscilla Huber Mike Brauhn
Bank of America Patrick O’Donnell John Gazecki JayRay Communications Delphine Briand
Emily Hall Tremaine Foundation Dan and Connie Palmer GeoEngineers Don and Mary Johnson Lesley Brook
I-5 Design & Manufacture, Inc. Panagiotu Pension Advisors, Inc. Harris Rebar Jim Johnson Brown & Haley
William W. Kilworth Foundation Penske Truck Leasing Company Johnson Stone & Pagano, P.S. Barbara Karbasi Jan Bucholz
Northwest Leadership Foundation Carol Rhodes Randy and Debbie Johnson Bob and Nancy Katica Sara Burns
Rushforth Construction Company, Inc. Bill and Ann Riley Marty and Mark Kogle Jeff Kraft Dennis Bussell
Tom and Jackie Taylor Schnitzer Steel Bill Korum Juel Krauss Donald H. Bymers
Allan and Judith Trinkwald Sr. Karen Seinfeld Ottie and Clara Ladd Rose Lincoln Hamilton Donald M. Bymers
Scott Silver Ron and Carrie Lind Gary and Linda Lindberg William Cammarano Jr. & Sandra Cammarano
$5,000-$9,999 Todd and Teresa Silver Grace Lynch Bev Losey Rick and Frances Carr
Franciscan Foundation Smith Fire Systems, Inc. Wendy and Gary Martindale The Brenda Fund of Schwab Charitable Fund Jon and Cheryl Carr
Lee and Pudd Gingrich Sprague Pest Control Kiyoshi Masuda Barbara Mead Scott and Mary Chapman
Don and Jean Hansen Stellar Industrial Supply, Inc. Dianne and Fred Matthaei Dave Montgomerie Jun Chea
Jim and Enid Harris Willie and Faye Stewart Art Morrison John Nadeau and Michelle Cruckshank Marie Choi
Philip and Sally Hayes Wendell Stroud Jerry Mylet Mark Nelson Cintas Corporation
Arne L. Haynes & Carolyn S. Haynes Tacoma Rainiers Baseball Klaus Nalley David Osborne Deanna and Bob Cleaveland
Jim and Bev McCormack Jane and Jim Taylor Steve O’Brien John Patterson Peter and Pam Comfort
Murray Pacific Corp The Titus-Will Families Foundation Sarah Oliver Wendy Phillips Jo Ann Cox
Anonymous Kathi and Patrick Willis Kenneth Olson Gregory Plancich Dan Cunniffe
$2,500-$4,999 Woodworth Family Foundation Tom Ossinger Jim Porter Tim and Sharon Daly
94.1 KMPS FM Youth Service of America Douglas and Patricia Pagel Vicki and Ken Powers Linda Danforth
John and Karen Arbini Tony and Julie Panagiotu Daniel Putnam Gretchen Davis
$1,000-$1,499 Precision Machine Works Quigg Brothers, Inc. Kathleen Deakins
BCRA Architects, Inc. Don and Nancy Anderson
Business Interiors Northwest Rainier Connect Bill and Dorothy Rhodes Maria DeVore
Anonymous Safeway, Inc. Dr. Cliff and Carol Robertson Mark Dibble
Chuckals Office Products Peggy Buehler
Dave and Pat Edwards Norm and Linda Sather Phil Schmitz Larry DiPalma
Business Examiner Shanaman Strategies, Inc Stephanie and Alexander Schramm Paul Doty
Fournier Group Richard and Robin Corak
Greater Tacoma Community Foundation Kyle Smith and Gayle Hampton Smith Dave and Mary Lou Sclair Tim and Toni Duggan
Nina Craft Sound Glass Sales, Inc. Brandy Smith Stan and Allane Eastberg
Terry A. Hayes Mary Dittmann
Jean Loomis Sound Mattress & Felt Company Adam Smith Dan Eberle
Nigel and Kara English Janet and Philip Stanley Robert Stoeck Wendy Edmond
Ken Lund Estate of Eugenia Fairbanks
Mountain Construction, Inc. Jeffrey Stroud Dave Stolz, Stolz & Associates, P.S. Sue Elkin
Dean M. Hanks William C. Swensen Susan Thornsberry Ethan Elkins
Neil Walter Company Mark and Diane Holcomb
The News Tribune Tacoma Housing Authority Vic and Rhonda Toy Brien and Cathy Elvins
Margaret Johnson Tacoma Community College Larry and Jane Treleven Betty Fleischmann
Propel Insurance
Jon and Shannon Flora Paul Ninneman
Vallie Jo Fry Peter and Karen Norman Goodwill Leadership
Elliot L. Gadd Lavonne and Morris Northcutt
Phyllis and Bill Gill Jr. NW Cascade Properties Goodwill Board Officers Goodwill Foundation Board
Goodfella’s Motor Company #3696 Scott O’Halloran Bob Bruback, President Toby Murray, President
Justin Goroch Robert Orlando Jane Taylor, President-elect Tom Anderson
David Graybill Owens Equipment
Helen Grennan Tom Pagano
Gary Lindberg, Secretary Mike Hansch
Barbara Griswold Jim Patterson Dean A. McSweeney, Treasurer Don Johnson
Jason Hall Bob Pentimonti Cheryl Jones, At Large Jim Loomis
Steve and Angelia Harlow Debbie Peterson Toby Murray, At Large Kathy Martin
Barbara Headley Peter Petrich
Jerry Heemstra Gordon and Virginia Pickering Terry A. Hayes, Chief Executive Officer Lavonne Northcutt
Chuck and Sue Hellar Richard and Karen Pickett Vicki Powers
Joanne Henry and Jon Seward Anonymous Board Members Rich Schmidtke
Barb Herbert Jerry Plancich
Bruce F. Dammeier David Senner
Kristine Hochberg Andrew Prather
John and Christina Hogan Devin Reilly Nigel L. English Willie Stewart
Mark and Wendy Holcomb Rhonda Rhoades Buzz Folsom Larry Treleven
Eric and Laurie Hulscher Byron Richmond Arne L. “Skip” Haynes
Marnie Jackson Hazel Robinson Capital Campaign Task Force
Michele Johnson Craig and Kim Robinson
Don Johnson
Jemima McCullum John Folsom, Co-Chair
Karen Johnson Sandra and William Rudd
Scott Kellams Kelly Ryan Dr. Gil Mendoza Buzz Folsom, Co-Chair
Ken Kelley Shahrokh Saudagaran Carl Newhouse Bruce Dammeier
Tom Kerstetter Doug and Vanessa Sawyer Dick Devine
Steven Knauer Kerri Schroeder Ryan Petty
Susan Knobeloch Fred Schuneman Frank Scoggins Mike Hansch
Cindy Komorous Elizabeth Shea Judge Karen Seinfeld (retired) Clara Ladd
Rich Lacher Nanette Smith
David A. Shoultz, PhD Jim Loomis
Ban Van Lam Betsy Stauffer Jim McCormack
Joe Lawless Stephanie Staylen David Sidor
Gayle Lawrence Joy Stohr Pamela Transue, PhD Toby Murray
Anonymous Terry and Joanne Stone Theresa Walters David Senner
Roger Lilley Harry Suarez
Chad Wright Herb Simon
Sok-Khieng Lim Patti Sutton
Willie Stewart
Dylan Lippert Pete and Kristine Taylor
Catherine Livingston Brett and Pamela Thomas Goodwill Management Team Jane Taylor
Sara Long Beatrice Thompson Terry A. Hayes, Chief Executive Officer Ray Tennison
Jim and Debbie Loomis Marc Toy El Vandeberg
Donna and Lawrence Losch Duc Tran
Mark Holcomb, Senior Vice President
Tom Luce Tom and Mary Treleven Business Operations Jim Walton
Sandy Luce Vanguard Optical Imports Michael Graves, Chief Financial Officer John Wiborg
Janice and Bill Ludwig Lisa Vlieger Dean Hanks, Executive Director Jane Shanaman, Campaign Counsel
Mary Kay and John Manley Selena Walker
Susan and Doc Martensen Stephanie Walsh Goodwill Heritage Foundation
Raymond “Dean” Martin John and Penny Walstrom Richard Corak, Workforce
James Matteucci Barbara and William Walter Development Director
Mike McCrabb Charlie and Theresa Walters
Stachia McCrary James and Marilyn Walton
Dan Palmer, Retail Sales Director
Waylin McCurley Paul Wangsmo Chris Politakis, Marketing
Karla McLane Phil Watkins & Communications Director
Kristine and Peter McLean Barbara Werschkul Peter Norman, Real Estate Director
Jane Milhans Kelly Wienholz
Holly Millington Louis Williams
Michael Secright, Information
Per Moerkeseth Brett Willis Services Director
G. L. Monahan Kim Wilson
Donna Morton Margaret Wood Volunteer Leadership
Leigh Ann and Bjorn Myhre Paul and Dolores Young Jr.
Brad Nakamura David and Mary Young Golden Oldies
Doug Neff Len Zarelli Mary Kay Manley, President
Jim Newman William and Penelope Zindt

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