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To all candidates standing for the European Assembly elections

on May 22
2014 in the European constituency of London
Dear Candidate,
As you are no doubt aware, as EU citizens Poles are eligible to vote in in the European
Parliamentary elections in the United Kingdom and in recent months it has been the goal of
the Vote, you are at home! "ampaign #represented in $ondon by Aspire%Polish "ity "lub
and Polish Professionals $ondon& to urge UK residents of Polish origin on the electoral
register to complete the necessary statement in order to participate fully'
(e believe that the Polish community is often overloo)ed when governmental candidates
such as yourselves canvas for votes' *his is in spite of the fact that since the decision to
open up the UK labour mar)et to "entral European wor)ers in +,,-, UK residents of Polish
origin have contributed significantly more than they received'
.n modern /ritain, this hard wor)ing community provides a much needed s)illed wor)force
within countless industries including0 the health service, the provision of social care, public
transport, the service industries, as well as self1employed tradesmen with businesses
throughout the country that also employ /ritish staff'
Polish businesses are visible in nearly every town centre' *here are also Polish churches
and 2aturday schools in every large urban centre and, according to the latest .P232 poll,
456 of Poles in the UK see their stay in this country as permanent'
*he +,77 national census shows a total of 89+,8:5 Polish nationals living in the UK of whom
789,-+- live in your Euro constituency' Polish is now the second most commonly used first
language in ;reat /ritain after the English language' At the same time according to the
;uardian Poles are also the best integrating migrant group in the country' *his is proved by
the strength of figures in $ondon where 7,-,,,, are registered to vote out of a population of
788,,,,' <ou can assume that around two1thirds of the Polish population in your euro
constituency are eligible to vote for you and your party'
.n view of this, we would li)e to as) you two =uestions to assist your Polish voters in ma)ing
their choice as to who to vote for>
Question One: Do you consider the presence of UK residents of Polish origin in the
UK country as a positive or negative element in the UK economy and the British
social fabric
Question !"o: #re you broadly in favour or against the UK$s membership of the
%uropean Union, and the resulting &' freedoms( )free movement of goods, capital,
services, and people*
As an organisation we are politically neutral and will only be informing voters of your
responses without ta)ing a partisan stance as to whom they should vote for' .n the recent
wee)s and months, we have printed and distributed more than 78,,,,, leaflets encouraging
Poles to register to vote in the European Parliament election and organised numerous
meetings all over the country to discuss why their vote does matter'
*o submit your responses or as) any =uestions regarding the survey or our campaign,
please contact us on u)?@usz'co'u)'
(e very much loo) forward to your response and hope that you have a fulfilling eAperience
when meeting members of the Polish community in the UK during your campaign'
+ours sincerely,
,a-ub Krupa
Bational "oordinator of Vote, you are at home! "ampaign
twitter> ?Ca)ubKrupaDE
.u-as/ 0usia1, #gata Bi2-o"s-a
"oordinators of Poles to Polls%Polacy ;losu@a! by Polish Professionals $ondon, member of
Vote, you are at home! "ampaign
twitter> ?Polacy;losu@a

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