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David personally introduces works from his new album:

Io Ti Penso Amore featuring Nicole Scheringer!

David performs the Devil"s Trill Sonata by #iuseppe Tartini!
An arrangement of the Paganini $aprice Nr! %&!
The tracklist:
Disc: '
'! (rlk)nig
%! *a Dove Sei
+! $aprice %&
&! Io Ti Penso Amore
,! Devil"s Trill Sonata
-! Sonata '%: .pus +
/! Swan 0ake Theme
1! 0a $ampanella
2! 3achmaninoff $oncerto No! %
'4! $aprice 5,
''! A 0a Turca
'%! Scarlatti Sonata f minor k&--
'+! #ypsy Dance
'&! $arnival .f 6enice
',! $apriccio Tarantella
Disc: % 78onus9$D with the soundtrack of the movie :The Devil"s 6iolinist;<
'! *ovie Start $aprice ,
%! =ohn >atson"s Plan
+! ?rbani Disturbs
&! 3achmaninoff: Paganini 6ariations
,! 0angham >aits
-! The $rowd Is Amaed
/! >ho Is The 3eal @ou
1! Io Ti Penso Amore A 0ondon $oncert
2! ?rbani Takes $are .f Things
'4! $aprice No! &
''! The 8etrayal B The 8eat ?p
'%! 3eturn To Italy

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