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Security GSM Alarm System

4 wired and 6 wireless defence zones;
Can preset and store 6 voice phones and 3 message phones;
Remote two-way intercom;
Telephone (mobile phone remote control programming;
!"! remote control preset # arm$disarm the main panel;
!"! alarm content can be changed;
%& gro'ps of timely arm and disarm;
%& gro'ps reply to timely control the home appliances open or close;
Can connect wireless siren((ption
%&-second a'tomatic message recording;
)'ilt-in intelligent *nglish message;
+larm loc,ing memory and information clear for easy chec,ing;
(ne-,ey-control f'nction- ('t +rm. /ome +rm. Remote +rm;
0ireless intelligent learning encoding and comply additional accessories;
+rm. disarm. monitor and intercom by remote calling the alarm 'nit;
Real-time. delay. 14 ho'rs. bypass defense zones programming f'nction;
)'ilt in 23-/3 rechargeable battery is available to provide power s'pply nearly
4ho'rs a'tomatically after power off;
+C and 5C d'al 'se are available for 14-ho'rs-a-day normal g'ard;
"ain 'nit anti-tamper and low-voltage detecting f'nction6
1 System Introduction
0ireless 7!" intelligent anti-theft electronic alarm system is an innovative wireless mobile
intelligent warner integrating 7!" digital signal processing techni8'es and imported !TC
microprocessor. and a variety of technologies incl'ding digital voice anno'ncer. *nglish !"!.
learning code. etc6
3n addition. this alarm system is highly a'tomatic. giving a'tomatic voice or !"! alert in the
event of emergency witho't intensive man'al settings re8'ired6 9eat'res of stability. reliability.
safety. and h'manizing control enable it to be widely 'sed for alert in shops. convenience
stores. offices. villa as well as residential comm'nities
Gate magnetism installation
:se the random e8'ipped do'ble-side tape to stic, a magnetic stripe on the door and affi; the
gate magnetic emission bo; on the doorframe6 <ay attention to p't the magnetic strip close to
the side with indicator lights of the emission bo; d'ring installation. ass'ring proper alignment
and the smaller distance the better6
Infrared detector installation
The principle of infrared detectors is to sense people=s movement thro'gh sensing infrared
signals generated by bodies and the detection range is 's'ally 4-%1 meters6 3nfrared sensor
sho'ld be installed abo't 161 meters away from gro'nd6 +im straight at the detection ranges6
"oreover. the infrared detector can be only installed in the room. witho't facing the s'nshine.
windows and other places where temperat're is easy to change. beca'se the installed location
may infl'ence the detection range and acc'racy6
2 Technical Parameter

3 actory de!ault
>>>> Remote Control- *nabled
(peration <assword- &&&& Ringing Times- (nce
3np't ?oltage- 5C@?A%1?
!tandby C'rrent- B44m+
+larm C'rrent- B44&m+
0ireless 9re8'ency- 3%4$4336@1"/z. 1161$46C"D
7!" 9re8'ency- @&&$%>&&$%@&&"/z
)ac,'p )attery- 23-/3 +++E6 5CC64?
+larm Fo'dness- %%&d)
('t 5C%1?.%+
!iren 5'ration- 3&& seconds Timing !etting- 5isable
0ired defence zone 5isable
Delay Setting
<ower ('tp't ('t
Zone model
" Installation
Main Unit Installation
)e caref'l to ,eep it away from large metal obGects or ho'sehold appliances
which may ca'se high fre8'ency interference. as well as barriers s'ch as
reinforced concrete walls and fire doors6
Control <anel of "ain :nit-
Po#er hole
Alarm out$ut end
%12& $o#er out$ut
'UT $ort
(ired de!ence )one in$ut
Groundin* #ire+s$,
Intercom s$ea-er $ort
SIM card slot
.ac-u$ $o#er s#itch

Settin* /utton
A0 de!ence )one indicator
.0 1Arm2 lindicator
30 1Po#er2 indicator
SIM 3ard Installation

!tep %- <'sh o't the !3" card soc,et as the open direction6
!tep 1- 9it the 7!" card into the card soc,et properly6
!tep 3- <'sh the card soc,et as close direction 'ntil it is fit firmly
4 Main Unit Settin*s
Prom$t Messa*e
9'nction (peration
!hort HbeepI Jey-press prompt
Fong HbeepI Confirm prompt
9o'r short HbeepI *rror prompt
H)eepI contin'e !3" card is not fit or power on for the first
+lways on +larm loc,
9lic,ering 5isarm stat's. this defence zone is
9ast flic,ering +rm stat's
!low flic,ering !ettings stat's$+t home stat's
+lways on +larming stat's
+lways on 7!" fail're
9lic,ering 0ea, 7!" signal or no signal
!low flic,ering 7!" normal
Po#er,on !or the irst Time
9ollowing the method of installation. install the !3" card of main 'nit. ma,e wired connection
and fit the 7!" antenna properly in order6 Then pl'g the power adapter6 +t that time. all the
indicators of 6 defence zones and 1 f'nction indicators on the main 'nit flic,er once and the
b'zzer emits a long HbeepI; then the main 'nit starts to search the 7!" networ, with HbeepI
contin'ing(The time to search networ, is abo't > seconds to 44 seconds6 :ntil the networ, is
normal. HbeepI stops. the power indicator is always on and the main 'nit is in the stat's of
+t last. slide the switch of bac,'p battery to K(2L with nippers or a small screwdriver6
actory Reset
9irst switch off the bac,'p battery and c't off the power s'pply. press and hold the b'tton
K!etL on the top of 'nit.then t'rn on the power adapter; 3 seconds later. the b'zzer emits a long
HbeepI and all the F*5 indicators go on b't go off instantly; at last yo' can release the b'tton6
ThatMs mean all its settings cleared and ret'rn to its factory settings s'ccessf'lly6
&oice Record
3n the stat's of disarm. press K!etL for 3 times. the main 'nit emits a long HbeepI. and K+rmL
indicator flic,ers (once a second. then recording starts- recording at 3&cm away from the main
'nit. with standard of moderate voice; %& seconds later. recording stops a'tomatically and
K+rmL indicator goes o't6
Enter Settin*
3n the stat's of disarm. press and hold K!etL; 3 seconds later. the main 'nit emits a long
HbeepI. K+rmL indicator flic,ers and the main 'nit enters the setting stat's6
3n the stat's of settings. as long as ,eeping the stat's of setting (K+rmL indicator flic,ers. yo'
can program different settings repeatedly6 5'ring setting. however. if yo' stop setting operation
for over 3& seconds. the main 'nit will e;it from setting mode a'tomatically and ret'rn to the
stat's of disarm6
E5it Settin*
+fter setting is finished. all the indicators of the defence zones is off b't only K+rmL indicator
flic,ers; press K!etL for 3 seconds.the main 'nit e;its from setting6 K+rmL indicator goes off. the
main 'nit ret'rns to the stat's of disarm6
3ode Pairin* /y Remote 3ontrol
Code <airing of Remote Control
3n the stat's of disarm. enter settings and press K!etL once again. the main 'nit emits a short
HbeepI and all the indicators of the defence zone are always on. which indicate that the 'nit
enters remote control code pairing stat's; ta,e a remote control re8'ired for code pairing and
press any ,ey on it to emit a wireless signal to main 'nit; after the main 'nit receive the signal.
it emit a beep and all the indicators of defence zone go o't. which indicate the remote control
s'cceeds in code pairing6
Ca'tions- the main 'nit can provide code pairing for at most > remote controls6 Code pairing
for all remote controls is the same6
5elete Remote Control
3n the stat's of disarm. enter settings and press K!etL once again. the main 'nit emits a long
HbeepI and all the indicators of the defence zone are always on. and then it enters remote
control code pairing stat's; press and hold K!etL for 3 seconds. the main 'nit emits a long
HbeepI and all the indicators of the defence zone go o't6 Remote control paired s'ccessf'lly6
Ca'tions- when deleting remote control. all the remote controls wo'ld be deleted6
3ode Pairin* o! de!ence )one
Code <airing of defence zone
3n the stat's of disarm. enter settings. press K!etL once again to enter the remote control
code pairing stat's; press K!etL once again and the indicator of defence zone % goes on; then.
ta,e a sensor re8'ired for code pairing and trigger an alarm to emit a wireless signal to the
main 'nit; after the main 'nit receives this signal. it emits a long HbeepI and the indicator of
defence zone % goes o't. which indicate code pairing in defence zone % is paired s'ccessf'lly6
Ca'tions- in the stat's of disarm. enter settings. s,ip code pairing of remote control and
contin'e to press K!etL. and then the indicators of the defence zone go on one by one; select a
defence zone to perform code pairing and the indicator of this defence zone goes on6 Repeat
the code pairing operation in the paragraph above for all other defence zone6
Code pairing for the defence zone on main 'nit can be overwrote a'tomatically. which
means only the last code pairing is valid6 Therefore. code pairing can only be performed for
one sensor in a defence zone; in case the n'mber of sensors re8'ired is more than that of the
defence zone. yo' can edit the address code and digital code of the sensors of same type to
be the same e;actly6 )y doing so. yo' G'st need to perform code pairing for one sensor. and
then other sensors with the same codes can wor, normally6 3n alarm. it will indicate the same
defence zone6
5elete Code <airing
3n the stat's of disarm. enter settings and s,ip code pairing of the remote control; press K!etL
once again. then the indicator for defence zone % goes on; then. long press K!etL. three
seconds later the main 'nit emits a long HbeepI. and the indicator of defence zone % goes o't6
Code pairing for defence zone % is deleted s'ccessf'lly6
0ireless ,eyboard
Into the set. jump to zone 6 yards again click on the [set], all the zone lights. egan to learn the
!ireless keyoard. remote control !ith learning to learn6
6 Remote 3ontrol Pro*rammin*
All the $ro*rammin* o! the main unit are com$leted /y -ey o$erations on a $hone or
send SMS commands+ #hich shall dial GSM card num/er o! main unit !irst.
3n the stat's of disarm. after 7!" networ, is chec,ed to be normal. dial the !3" card
n'mber by mobile phone (or fi;ed phone. the main 'nit will answer a'tomatically and give a
voice prompt H<lease enter the passwordI; then yo' can enter the correct programming
password (factory defa'lt- >>>>; after that. the main 'nit emits a long HbeepI. and the K+rmL
indicator flic,ers. indicating that the main 'nit enters remote control programming6
unction Instructions
unction '$eration Instructions Notes
*nter <rogramming *nter KpasswordL Fong HbeepI
*;it !ettings /ang 'p directly !hort H)eepI
"hange #ass!ord KELN%N K2ew operating
<asswordL NK 2ew
<rogramming <asswordL NKEL
9actory defa'lt- &&&&
9actory defa'lt- >>>>
!et <hone
# + (1~6) +phone n'mbe + #
1$6 group %oice calls
"essage Receiving
<hone 2'mber
# + (7-9) +phone n'mbe + #
S&S phone
5elete <hone 2'mber
# +(1~9)+#
Siren set
# +0+A+B+C+ #
Setting time
'imer (rming
'imer disarm
HCI-%-@. *nabled
Timer switch
Delay Setting
)ired zones set
defence zone
(larm message
*utput Settings
SMS Instructions
unction '$eration Instructions Notes
Custom SMS [#rogramming pass!ord] +[1$,]
+ [content o- the message]
Function settings [#rogramming pass!ord] +
Arming [#rogramming pass!ord] +
9or e;ample

Disarm [#rogramming pass!ord] +
Intelligent defenses [#rogramming pass!ord] +
Check status [#rogramming pass!ord] +
Open the output [#rogramming pass!ord] +
Close Output [#rogramming pass!ord] +
SMS query [#rogramming pass!ord] +[1$,]
Query time [#rogramming pass!ord] +
y phone or !ireless key"oard or SMS+ enter the !ollo#in* command operation alarm system
3han*e Pass#ord

* 1 *
3ll'stration- HOI indicates the new password; for e;ample. change the factory defa'lt (&&&& of
operating password into the new password- %1346 change the factory defa'lt (>>>> of
programming password into the new password- >C646

!"! Command- >>>>E%%134>C64E
Ca'tions- the operation password and the programming password can not be set to the same
Phone Settin*
?oice Call
0hen it is set to alert thro'gh voice call. the main 'nit can send warning voice message to 6
phone n'mbers. (for e;ample- defence zone 4. balcony alarm. this isPP 6 'elephone numer
"essage Receiving <hone 2'mber
0hen it is set to alert thro'gh message. the main 'nit will send alarm !"! to three phone
n'mbers. (for e;ample- defence zone 4. balcony alarm6 'elephone numer 7$,6
Phone Num/er Settin*s8
# 1 #
# 2 #

# 8 #
# 9 #
9elete Phone Num/er8
# 1 #
# 2 #

# 9 #
3ll'stration- HOI indicates the set voice alarm-receiving phone n'mber; set &C44-%13446C> to
be the second voice call n'mber6

!"! Command- >>>>Q1&C44%13446C>Q
3ll'stration- HOI indicates the set message-receiving phone n'mber; set %3>%13446C> to be the
first message-receiving phone n'mber6

!"! Command- >>>>QC%3>%13446C>Q
5elete the third gro'p of voice call n'mber6

!"! Command- >>>>43Q
de!ence )one Pro*rammin*






Notes8 H+I indicates the n'mber of defence zone; H)I indicates the type of defence zone; HCI
indicates if the siren so'nds6
+- 2'mber of defence zone- K%A6L corresponds to defence zone % to defence zone 6
respectively6 KCA&L(8 as 189Correspond to the cable zone F%-F46
)- Type of defence zone- K&L 5elete zone. K%L real-time. K1L 3ntelligent defense area.K3L
*mergency zone K4L m'lti-chec,ed defense area. K4L delay-alarm defense area.K6L repeat
triggered defense area



Regional Call
C- Type of siren- K&L so'nd-off. K%L so'nd-on
3ll'stration- set the defence zone % to *mergency zone

alarm so'nd6

!"! Command- >>>>E>%3%E
Intelli*ent de!ense area

+fter selecting an area as intelligent defense one. the defense area

is not effective (it is still effective 'nder the normal defense area. which is s'itable when hosts
at home. beca'se indoor infrared alarm f'nction is canceled. while the gate magnetisms on the
door and window are still in a state of monitoring6
Multi,chec-ed de!ense area- :nder the sit'ation of defense or intelligent defense. if two or
more detectors that set 'p m'lti-chec,ed are all triggered within 3& seconds. the main engine
will give an alarm6 Therefore. based on this pattern. none of the infrared detectors will
misinform the events6
9elay alarm de!ense area- 0hen the defense area is triggered and need alarm. the main
engine can delay the alarm (the concrete delay time is determined by the H!etting 'p alarm
delayI; moreover. the warning behavior can be canceled d'ring delayed time6
Re$eat tri**ered de!ense areas- 0hen the detector is triggered once. the system will not
alarm immediately6 (nly when it is triggered again within 4-3& seconds after the first trigger.
the system will alarm6

5ither in the conditions o- setting or cancelling -orti-ication, the area is just used as
the doorell rather than alarming -orti-ication area6
Regional Call 5ither in the conditions o- setting or cancelling -orti-ication, the area is -or pager
use only rather than alarming -orti-ication area6

'$eratin* Siren





Notes- :A; indicates if the siren emits a prompt when enabling and disarm by remote control- K&L
so'nd on. K%L so'nd-off6

.; +larm ringing time. R)R host after the alarm so'nded the alarm time.?al'e between &-@
min'tes.& indicates that the host is not ringing6
:3 <alarm so'nd in the size of. ?al'e between &-@. & is not ring the alarm. %-@ that so'nd an
3ll'stration- +larm will so'nd when the remote control. !iren so'nd five min'tes off. !iren
so'nd level @

!"! Command- >>>>Q&%4@Q

Po#er 'ut$ut Set

* 0 A B *
Notes- :A; &-@ stands for the control state of %1? power s'pply and selections as below-
&Snot o'tp't %1?6%So'tp't %1? in the state of 5isarm. while close o'tp't 'nder other states6
1 or 3So'tp't %1? in the state of +rming.
4 or 4So'tp't %1? in the state of H3ntelligent defensesI.
6 or CS o'tp't %1? in the state of +rming or H3ntelligent defensesI.
>So'tp't %1? in the state of alarming6
@S,eep o'tp'tting %1?6
.; +larm ringing time. R)R host after the alarm so'nded the alarm time.?al'e between &-@
min'tes.& indicates that the host is not ringing6

3loc- Settin*
* 2 AA BB *
:AA; indicates- the 1 digits of the present ho'r6
:..;indicates- the 1 digits of the present min'te6
9or e;ample- set the time as %@-%>
(perating method- E1%@%>E
!"! Command- >>>>E1%@%>E

Timin* Settin*
10 Timely Arm





:AA;indicates- the ho'r of the setting time
:..;indicates- the min'te of the setting time
:3; indicates- !torage location and 'nset

%-4 gro'p is periodically set

6-@ gro'p is a
temporary set

& is cancel all settings

9or e;ample- +'to arm every day %C-4&

!tored in the 7ro'p %

(perating method-E3%C4&%E
!"! Command- >>>>E3%C4&%
20 Timely 9isarm





:AA;indicates- the ho'r of the setting time
:..; indicates- the min'te of the setting time
:3; indicates- !torage location and 'nset

%-4 gro'p is periodically set

6-@ gro'p is a
temporary set

& is cancel all settings

9or e;ample- >-&& a'to disarm. disarm canceled after this setting

!tored in the 7ro'p @

(perating method-E4&>&&@E
!"! Command- >>>>E4&>&&@E
30 Timin* s#itch $o#er su$$ly






:AA; indicates- the ho'r of the setting time
:..; indicates- the min'te of the setting time
:3; indicates- !torage location and 'nset

%-4 gro'p is periodically set

6-@ gro'p is a
temporary set

& is cancel all settings

:9; indicates- <ower o'tp't or close o'tp't

%S <ower o'tp't

&SClose o'tp't
9or e;ample- <ower o'tp't every day %1-3&

!tored in the 7ro'p 4

(perating method-E4%13&4%E
!"! Command- >>>>E4%13&4%E
9or e;ample- %3-&& Close o'tp't. t'rn off the o'tp't to cancel the setting after

!tored in the
7ro'p @
(perating method-E4%3&&4&E
!"! Command- >>>>E4%3&&4&E

Tele$hone set rin*s+ !orti!ied delay and alarm delay settin*






<A< call to set the host. the host receive ring many times. val'e &-@.& not answer the phone6

&I means no remote set'p6

<.< +rming delay. ?al'es between &-@.& to cancel the delay6 *ach val'e is e8'al to %&
<3< alarm delay. ?al'es between &-@.& to cancel the delay6 *ach val'e is e8'al to %& seconds
9or e;ample- Ring nine times to answer. arming delay 4& seconds. 5elay zone alarm delay
time of %& seconds
(perating method-E6@4%E
!"! Command- >>>>E6@4%E

Set u$ #ired de!ense area

* 7 L1 L2 L3 L4 *
+)C5 se8'ence corresponding to the cable zone F%. F1. F3. F4. the val'e is R%R or R&R. R%R
refers to the defa'lt wired normally open zone. R&R refers to the defa'lt zone wired normally
9or e;ample

F1 is the defa'lt setting normally closed. normally open other wired zones

* 7 1 0 1 1 *
Close wired zones* 7 *

SMS related o$erations

Zone (larm a-ter the message selection




Notes8 +- 2'mber of defence zone- K%A6L corresponds to defence zone % to defence zone 6
respectively6 KCA&L(& as %&Correspond to the cable zone F%-F46
)- !"! n'mber. val'e %-@
Set # groups of self$editing short messages
Programming Password + A + SMS content
Notes8 +- !"! n'mber. val'e %-@
(%-@ is the gro'p n'mber6 7ro'p @ is a message for emergency alert6 9or e;ample. set 7ro'p
@ as HThis is an alarm in emergent fortification areaI6 To' can edit H&&&&@ This is an alarm in
emergent fortification areaI (no space by a mobile phone and send it to the phone n'mber of
!3" card in the host6
Query the contents of self$editing short messages%
Programming Password + A
&A': 1$,9 is the serial numer o- stored messages6 /or e;ample, i- <uerying the content o- =roup >,
edit &(((()*' y a moile phone and send it to the phone numer o- SI& card in the host6 ?eply the
message o- =roup > a-ter success6
Operating the host "y SMS%
use S&S to achie%e set and unset -unctions , <uery, etc6 'he command o- setting -orti-ication is @S/@,
the command o- cancelling -orti-ication is @"/@6 2rainpo!er /orti-icationA @ 2/ @6 Buerying statusA
@S'('3S @6 #rogrammale 1>C po!er command o- outputting and closing the outputA @*4@ and
@*//@6 /ormat .pass!ord + command06 /or e;ample, use S&S to control the cancelling o- -orti-icationA
edit .8888 "/0 to the phone numer o- SI& card in the host and reply the message a-ter the success6
All the a"o+e host commands can "e operated "y editing te,t message !ith the format of
&pass!ord - the content of command'. If it sets the first phone num"er of /01234)5 "y SMS6 edit
&(((( 7 5/01234)5 7 'and send it to the host.
= '$eration Instruction
5. Set up defenses
3t means to g'ard all aro'nd yo'r ho'se while all are o't; all the sensors of alerters are
always wor,ing; when the sensor is triggered by door. fire. gas lea,. etc6. the alarm system will
so'nd the alarm6 +fter yo' have done these operations. the indicator of K+rmL on the main 'nit
is always on6
Remote Control (perations- press K L on the remote control6
). Cancel defenses
3t means to stop the alarm when the main 'nit so'nds the alarm or ma,e the alarm system in
the stat's of non-warning6 +fter disarm the g'ard. even if yo' trigger the sensor. the main 'nit
wo'ld not so'nd alarm (e;cl'ding 14-ho'r defence zone and emergency b'tton on the remote
control and the K+rmL indicator goes o't6
Remote control operations- press K L on the remote control6
4. 8mergency alarm
<ress H Ib'tton on remote controller. main engine will enter the state of emergency alarm
instantly. calling a'tomatically and siren going off6
<ressH Ib'tton on remote controller once is silent alarm. while long press or two presses
will open the siren6
3. Intelligent defenses
<ress HI b'tton on remote controller. then main engine will enter the state of intelligent
defense or delayed defense6
9ireless :ey"oard Instructions
Code ;airing of <emote Control=*(*>

Code ;airing of defence ?one


6Set up defenses
=* 5 *>6 Intelligent defenses =* ) *>6 Cancel defenses =* 4 *>6 8mergency alarm =* 3 *>6 open the siren
=* 2 *>6 off siren =* 1 *>6 the output O@A =* 0 *>6 close the o@A =* / *>6 the output o@A time 2((ms
=* # *>
<estore the factory =* /(((( *>6 delete all ?ones =* /##1 *>6 remo+e the remote control =* () *>B
2. Operation methods of remote setup
To' can 'se any telephone to dial the n'mbers of main engine and it will p't on a'tomatically
after system detecting the ring times yo' have been set'p6 0hen yo' hear the beep. inp't
passwords (two so'nds when the password is wrong. while when the wrong time is above 3.
the phone will hang 'p a'tomatically and if it is correct. yo' can have remote control of the
;lease press 7 after accomplish all operations6 then you can implement other operations and hang
up telephone.
Press :1; to monitor the scene
Press :2; to rin* alarms
Press :3; to close arisen
Press :"; to set u$ de!enses
Press :4; to cancel de!enses
Press :6; to $lay records
Press :=; to out$ut 12& electric $o#er
Press :7; to close 12& out$ut
Press :>; to '$en $ro$a*anda
Press :?; to 3lose $ro$a*anda
Press :@; to a!!irm and han* u$
3f the password is wrong or no any operations within 1& seconds. it will hang 'p a'tomatically6
<ress H%I b'tton once yo' can listen for 1& seconds
1. ;rocessing method after recei+ing alarm
3n case of emergency. main machine will dial the set'p telephone n'mbers a'tomatically and
give alarm rings based on settings6 3f the host=s phone is in 'se or not able to connect. the
system will dial ne;t alarm phone. 'ntil it is dialed and hosts confirm6 3t will play records after
receiving alarm phone and the operation methods are similar to remote set'p6
Aosts coBer #irin* dia*ram
!< N


connected lo'dspea,er spea,er

0hich !<-connect the power gro'nd (725
Cable zone wiring- F%and F4 is the wired connection port zone. zone one of a wired line to a
common gro'nd. another wire signals the host access port (host port is not wired to provide
power. b't signal ac8'isition.
(:T is %1? programmable o'tp't drive c'rrent of %+.
%1? fi;ed o'tp't power. e;ternal electrical s'pply power6


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