Special Events Procedures

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Special Events Committee Procedures

I The Function of the Special Events Committee

1. Appoint one or more coordinators for each event, who are charged with:
a. Planning responsibility for one specific event
b. Drafting written procedure for each event, including calendar (i.e. T-60 days, reserve
location; T-45 days, circulate notices, T-15 days, double check on availability of
entertainment) Who is assigned to do what by when? Use the Handbook to start.
L.A. Points of Uniformity, and Handbook Reflections (on Concilium website) may
also be useful.
c. Reporting status at each Committee meeting.
2. Regularly review 2005 Calendar of Events.
3. Draft 2006 Calendar of Events
4. Solicit, record and utilize feedback from those attending events.
5. Take attendance at events.
6. Providing feedback and support to the rest of the Committee.
II Duties of the Special Events Committee Chairman
1. Draft the agenda for the committee meeting.
a) Include time for discussion of the questions that will necessarily arise.
b) Note which Event Coordinator reports are due at the next Committee meeting.
2. Keep the committee meeting on point and on time.
3. Make work assignments and hold committee members accountable for performing the work.
4. Send copies of Committee agenda to Committee members who didnt make it to the meeting,
and remind them to come to the next meeting. (If a Curia or Praesidium has no treasurer, send
it to the president.)
5. From the reports received prepare a table of events showing current planning status and
outstanding items. The summary should also note important contingencies, i.e. No date set
b/c depends on speaker availability. This summary must be updated and sent (preferably by
e-mail) to the Comitium board no later than one week after the Committee meeting. Note that
this will require timely cooperation with the Committee Secretary.
6. Respond to or appear before the Comitium Board as requested.
7. Retain records correspondence, written procedures, and the summary noted above.
III Duties of the Special Events Committee Secretary
1. Assist the Chairman in drafting the agenda for the committee meeting.
2. Maintain and circulate to Committee members an updated list of the members and
their e-mail addresses.
3. Assist the Chairman in keeping the meeting on point and on time.
4. Take the minutes of the committee meeting. The crucial element to capture is the
discussion about questions, and to record the current status of planning events.
5. Send draft minutes (preferably by e-mail) to the Comitium board no later than one
week after the Committee meeting.
6. Respond to or appear before the Comitium Board as requested.
7. The Committee Secretary may also want to send draft minutes to the Committee,
asking for comment prior to the meeting. This will save time at the meeting because
all corrections could be made prior to the meeting.
8. Retain records agenda and minutes for each meeting.

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