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5/13/2014 Price Chopper launches theme park of food` 1/3
prInL ] cIose
Price Chopper Iaunches 'theme park of food'
Jenna Telesca
Thu, 2014-05-01 15:34
L`s uII In LIe deLuIIs uL PrIce CIopper`s new MurkeL BIsLro bunner. TIe Ice creum sundues come wILI Iouse-
mude wIIpped creum und LIe pIzzu Is Lopped wILI busII snIpped Irom LIe pIunL.
TIe qo,ooo-squure-IooL IocuLIon In uLIum, N.Y., Ius more LIun u dozen IoodservIce sLuLIons und one IuII-
servIce resLuurunL.
TIIs sLore Is u messuge Lo our compeLILIon. L`s u bIg messuge, suId NeII GoIub, execuLIve cIuIrmun oI LIe
PrIce CIopper bourd.
TogeLIer, GoIub und ewIs SIuye, VP oI cuIInury concepLs, cenLered LIe IoodservIce menu uround IuvorILe
AmerIcun comIorL Ioods.
GuIIery: PrIce CIopper's MurkeL BIsLro sLore Lour
TIe BIsLro BIvd porLIon oI LIe sLore IncIudes IndIvIduuIIy brunded sLuLIons LIuL serve specIuILy burgers,
cusLom suIuds, burrILos, u IIsI Iry, u soup sLuLIon, dIIIerenL Lypes oI cIIcken, susII, Ice creum, subs und pIzzu.
As Ior AmerIcun comIorL Ioods In
generuI, SIuye suId, uII LIese LIIngs ure
IuIrIy pedesLrIun. TIey`re ouL LIere.
TIey`re everywIere. TIey`re ubIquILous.
So Iow do you Luke LIuL now und dIuI
LIem up In u dIIIerenL wuy?
And so, eucI menu ILem wus cureIuIIy
deveIoped Lo be unIque Lo MurkeL BIsLro.
TIe reLuIIer goes us Iur us Lo smoke ILs
own meuLs Ior ILs SmokeIouse ow &
SIow sLuLIon und Ior LIe bucon used on
oLIer ILems IIke burgers.
TIe resuIL oI LIese eIIorLs Is u menu LIuL Is recognIzubIe Lo consumers, buL wILI un upscuIe LwIsL.
CorporuLe execuLIve cIeI Duve HumIIn worked eurIy on wILI me und our ouLsIde cuIInury Leum Lo deveIop
z,ooo recIpes, suId SIuye, noLIng LIuL IngredIenLs wILIIn meuIs need sub recIpes, gIvIng LIe exumpIe oI u
dressIng recIpe Ior u suIud.
Fresh prepared
5/13/2014 Price Chopper launches theme park of food` 2/3
WIIIe oLIer supermurkeLs IIke Wegmuns ood MurkeLs exceI uL IresI Iood buIIeLs, GoIub suId LIIs wusn`L LIe
dIrecLIon Ie wunLed Ior MurkeL BIsLro.
We wunLed Lo Iuve Iood prepured Lo order, und so LIIs sLore Is u mIcrocosm oI uII LIe Ideus, LIIngs und
experIences LIuL we`ve Iud Ior LIe IusL zo, o, qo yeurs, GoIub suId, uddIng LIuL LIe sLore menu wus
InIIuenced by pIuces IIke PIke PIuce MurkeL In SeuLLIe, LIe WuLer Tower In CIIcugo und BeuIe SLreeL In
PrIce CIopper Ius poIsed MurkeL BIsLro IoodservIce Lo compeLe wILI resLuurunLs, especIuIIy IusL-cusuuI
cIuIns IIke CIIpoLIe und Puneru Breud, InsLeud oI oLIer supermurkeLs.
TIuL`s wIy uII LIose quIck cusuuIs Iound
LIeIr wuy und resonuLed becuuse IL cosLs
Iess, IL`s good Iood In u nIce envIronmenL.
AII LIose LIIngs ure cornersLone Iere In
our resLuurunL ureu, BIsLro BIvd. AII
LIose oIIers ure grounded In mukIng LIuL
IIgI-quuIILy Iood, suId SIuye.
TIe reLuIIer Ius worked Lo keep prIces
reusonubIe wILI Iurge porLIons. TIe
mude-Lo-order suIuds sLurL uL $6.qq und
LIe specIuILy Angus burger Is $.1q.
TIe menu uL LIe sILdown resLuurunL, LIe CIeI`s GrIII, Ius IIgIer-end ILems sucI us 6 oz oI LrI-LIp sIrIoIn sLeuk
wILI u vegeLubIe, musIed poLuLoes und breud Ior $1. TIe CIesupeuke SLyIe ump Crub Cukes reLuII Ior
$16.o wILI LIe sume sIdes.
We`ve Luken resLuurunLs und coIIIded IL now InLo LIe supermurkeL worId, suId SIuye.
CusLomers enjoy LIeIr meuIs uL LIe resLuurunL on reuI pIuLes und sIIverwure, wILI wuILer servIce LIuL uccepLs
Neur LIe BIsLro BIvd, MurkeL BIsLro Ius un LuIIun MurkeL porLIon oI LIe sLore wILI IresI pusLus, suusuges,
cIIIIed LuIIun Ioods und u sLuLIon Ior oIIs und vInegurs.
ConLuIners oI murInuru suuces ure mercIundIsed neurby Ior cusLomers Lo puL LogeLIer u quIck meuI.
Store design
TIe MurkeL BIsLro IocuLIon wus IormerIy u LrudILIonuI PrIce CIopper sLore, und wus upduLed wIIIe sLIII
remuInIng open Ior busIness. TIe bukery depurLmenL uIone wus moved severuI LImes durIng consLrucLIon.
TIe enLIre sLore wus remodeIed Lo IIL LIe new uesLIeLIc.
PrIce CIopper VP oI urcIILecLuruI desIgn SLeven DuIIy oversuw LIe desIgn uspecLs oI LIe sLore, workIng wILI
LIe In-Iouse Leum und ouLsIde consuILunLs.
TIe IIgILIng oI LIe sLore Is soILer LIun mosL grocery sLores, wILI spoLIIgILs Lo IIgIIIgIL cerLuIn ILems und
overIungs over cIeckouL Lo creuLe u cuImIng uLmospIere.
EucI ureu Ius u cusLom deLuII - wIeLIer IL`s Iuux beer Lups us decoruLIon In LIe beer uIsIe, LomuLo pIunLs
5/13/2014 Price Chopper launches theme park of food` 3/3
growIng In LIe produce depurLmenL or u
cusLom wIIrIIgIg In LIe duIry secLIon.
n IucL, GoIub Ius Luken Lo cuIIIng MurkeL
BIsLro u LIeme purk oI Iood InsLeud oI
mereIy u grocery sLore.
No muLLer wIere you Iook LIere Is
someLIIng Lo see. So wIerever you Iook
LIere`s goIng Lo be someLIIng LIuL
cuLcIes your eye und enLerLuIns you,
suId GoIub.
Teaching food
n uddILIon Lo LIe new IoodservIce
oIIerIngs, PrIce CIopper Ius uIso
InLroduced u cookIng scIooI LIuL Ius ILs own sepuruLe enLrunce.
TIe cookIng scIooI Ius uIreudy been busy. We Iuve reuIIy done u greuL job oI IeurnIng Iow Lo do cookIng
scIooIs, GoIub suId.
Some upcomIng cIusses cover MedILerruneun cookIng, knIIe skIIIs, crub cukes und MoLIer`s Duy-LIemed
breukIusL Ioods.
BeLween LIe cookIng scIooI, LIe new sLore desIgn und LIe IoodservIce Iocus, MurkeL BIsLro Is u depurLure
Irom LIe LrudILIonuI PrIce CIopper sLores.
TIIs sLore reuIIy Ior us Is u very expensIve IuboruLory oI educuLIon und IeurnIng, suId GoIub.

Soorce LRL: ILLp:JJsupermurkeLnews.comJonIIneJprIce-cIopper-IuuncIes-LIeme-purk-Iood

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