05 18 2014update

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Eastminster Presbyterian Church, Columbia, South Carolina

Volume 38 Number 21 May 18, 2014
803-256-1654 / www.eastminsterpres.org
Dear Eastminster Family,
This Sunday, May 18, will be our last with 9:00 a.m. and 11:15
a.m. services until Rally Day. Thanks to all of you for your positive
and supportive attitudes in making the transition to worship in the
gym go so smoothly. We will present our Service Commitment
Forms during worship this Sunday, with each of you encouraged
to identify one new way you would like to serve Christ through an
Eastminster ministry. New members will be welcomed into our family during the 11:15
a.m. service.
Next Sunday, May 25, begins our summer worship schedule: Jubilee at 10:00 a.m. and
Traditional at 10:15 a.m.
Below is a list of upcoming opportunities:
May 18 - Service Commitment Sunday
May 25 - Summer Worship Hours Begin: 10:00 a.m. Jubilee, 10:15 a.m. Sanctuary
May 25 - Tailgate Sunday School on the lawn (see inside for details.)
June 1 - Combined Adult Sunday school in C 271 - 273 on C.S. Lewis Screwtape
June 8 - 14 34 Senior High youth and advisors are going to Nassau, Bahamas for
a mission trip.
June 9 - 14 - 12 Junior High youth and advisors are going to Te Great Escape in
Cleveland, TN.
June 16 - 19 - 150-175 Eastminster children will participate in Vacation Bible
School, Son Treasure Island.
June 29 - A New Member Class joins Eastminster
We look forward to seeing you this summer as you travel and return home.
In joy,
Dr. Bradley D. Smith
Dr. Mark E. Durrett
Associate Pastor
Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire
Associate Pastor
Rev. Jeffrey S. Smith
Associate Pastor
Dr. James I. St. John
Parish Associate
Rev. Jonathan S. Wagner
Associate Pastor
Mr. Croskeys Royall
Director of Childrens Ministries
Mrs. Fredna Lee
Director of Music Ministries
Mrs. Mele Baize
Day School Director
Mr. William L. Collins, Jr.
Business Manager
Our Missionaries:
Rev. & Mrs. Donald Marsden-Virginia/Russia
Steven & Natalie Hall - Alaska
Sarah Snapp - Bolivia
Rev. John McCall - Taiwan
Steve & Kathy Amar - Virginia/Muslims in the US
George & Anne Harper - Philippines
Cindy Correll - Port au Prince, Haiti
Dr. John and Gwenda Fletcher - Congo
9:00 & 11:15 a.m. - Gym
11:15 a.m. Jubilee
Rev. Lynn A. Grandsire
Construction of a Holy Priesthood
1 Peter 2:2-10
To Wonder
Exodus For Followers
Of Jesus
Old duct work
8:00 Celebration Choir Rehearsal
9:00 Worship & Childrens Church
10:00 Eastminster First Step
Jubilee Band Practice
Sunday School
Parents of Teen Class
10:05 Chancel Choir Rehearsal
11:15 Worship & Childrens Church
Jubilee Worship
3:00 Rising 6th Grade Parent Mtg.
7:00 Mens Prayer Breakfast
9:00 Count Team
Fifty Plus Exercise Class
10:00 Senior Fitness
2:00 Pastors Mtg.
CHAMPS Tutoring
2:30 Program Staff
3:10 Staff Mtg.
5:30 Yoga
Personnel Comm.
6:00 Stephen Ministry Training

9:00 Drop-In Nursery
OCA Mtg.
10:00 Senior Fitness
11:45 Tuesday Lunch
12:00 Finance Committee
12:30 Visitation
1:00 Footcare Ministry
2:00 Pictorial Directory
3:00 Exercising for Arthritis
5:00 Tai Chi
5:30 Zumba Fitness
CLC Committee
6:00 Handbell Rehearsal
6:30 Congregational Care
7:00 Scottish Country Dancing
Zumba Fitness

9:00 Drop-In Nursery
Fifty Plus Exercise Class
9:25 EDS Chapel
9:30 Prayer Shawl Ministry
12:00 EDS Council
2:00 Pictoral Directory

9:00 Drop-In Nursery
10:00 Senior Fitness
2:00 Pictorial Directory
3:00 Exercising for Arthritis
5:00 Yoga
6:00 Evangelism Committee
6:30 Jubilee Set-Up
7:30 Jubilee Band Practice
Zumba Fitness
9:00 Fifty Plus Exercise Class
10:30 EDS Graduation
11:00 Support Staff Mtg.
CLC Closed - Memorial Day Weekend
Summer Worship Hours
9:00 A.M. - SUNDAY SCHOOL (8:45 Cofee & Fellowship Gathering)
A combined Adult Sunday School class will meet in C 271 - 273 in the Christian Life
Center (Please Note Room Change.) Tis is a 9-week series on Te Screwtape Letters (writ-
ten by C. S. Lewis, a renowned scholar, Christian apologist and author of more than 30
books, including Te Chronicles of Narnia and Mere Christianity). Te Screwtape Letters is a
wry and insightful correspondence between an old devil and his younger apprentice. If you
would like a book for this class, they are available from Julie. Call her (256-1654) or email
jmcdaniel@eastminsterpres.org her to reserve your copy for $8.
Will You Become a Youth Leader?
Who doesnt love a good game of dodge ball, kickball, flag football, or celebrity?!? Who
loves to go on ski trips and mission trips?!?! If any of these spark your interest then . . .
You have one of the coolest, most rewarding opportunities available to you at EPC! You have
the chance to help guide, lead, and shape the minds of the youth at Eastminster during their
faith development and walk with God. The most rewarding part is that you, yourself, will
also grow closer to our Lord and Savior and learn more than you ever thought you could in
your personal faith journey. We gather each Sunday to play games, worship, and have fun!
The fellowship with the youth and other leaders is a great way to wrap up your weekend and
start your week off on the right foot. Not to mention the FREE meals every Sunday evening!
We are currently recruiting leaders for both the Senior Highs and Middle Schoolers. If
this is something you feel called to do or know of others who would enjoy the opportunity,
please let me know! Either email Laura Irick at lmirick85@gmail.com or Laura Long at lau-
Presbyterian Womens Honorary Membership
Two of our Eastminster Presbyterian Women
were recognized at the spring Sisters in Christ
Luncheon on April 26th. The Honorary Life
Member of Presbyterian Women is nationally
recognized award for women who have faithfully
served our Lord in some area of the church. Carol
Anderson and Sarah Brown received this honor by
their peers who are active in Presbyterian Women
at Eastminster.
Carol has served faithfully on our flower guild,
and she makes sure our worship space is taste-
fully decorated for Christmas and Advent. Carol
also accompanies the EPC Childrens choirs on the
piano. She is a member of Circle #3 and has hosted the Joy Gift Tea in the past. Carol serves
our Lord willingly and creatively.
Sarah Brown is a woman of integrity and dedication. She served as our church librarian
for 20 years. The person who nominated her says, That speaks volumes, pun intended!
Sarah included children and youth in her ministry. She taught them about serving God in
fun ways. Additionally, Sarah has served on our NED Committee, and she serves with her
husband, Frank, as they minister to those in the Frank Harden Sunday School Class.
If you see these women, congratulate them, and thank them for the way that they serve
God here at Eastminster.
Save Your Aluminum Pop Top Tabs
Last year EPC collected and gave tabs to Ronald McDonald House. With our contribution
and those from other groups, almost 10, 000 pounds were collected, raisiing $4,000 to help
parents of ill children be a little more comfortable. Every little bit helps. Bring your alumi-
num tabs to the church office.
Carol Anderson and Sarah Brown and families
Efective Use of Social Media Presentation May 18
The Parents of Teens Sunday School class will welcome Patrick Cobb, commu-
nications and social media director for AARP South Carolina, on Sunday, May 18,
to present Growing Pains: Teens, Parents and Social Media. The 10:10-11:00 a.m.
presentation is open to all in the CE buildings Adult Reception Hall. Everyone is
Patrick is uniquely qualified to speak on how to communicate effectively with
our children, as he can identify with both parents and older folks (he works
for AARP) and our children (a parent of two teens himself). Whether its about
Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, apps, you name it, he will come armed with his iPad
and phone and help us better connect.
Expressions of Thanks Through Service
Mark your calendar for May 18, Service Commitment Sunday! In faithful
response to Gods blessings, complete either the Service Commitment form mailed
recently to you or the on-line version at eastminsterpres.org under Quicklinks.
On May 18, you may submit your familys completed form(s) at one of our three
worship services: 9:00 and 11:15 Traditional, or 11:15 Jubilee. Questions: Call or
email Julie McDaniel at 256-1654 or jmcdaniel@eastminsterpres.org.
Son Treasure Island VBS - June 16-19, 9 AM-12 PM
Join us June 16-19 from 9:00 a.m. - noon for all rising 4K-6 graders! You can
register on our website (www.eastminsterpres.org) and now send your registration
payment of $15.00 using Pay Pal. Everyone will meet in the CLC, except for 5th
and 6th graders who will meet in the Adult Reception Hall. REMEMBER, if you
want to volunteer, but have younger children, the drop-in nursery will be open to
take care of volunteers younger children at no charge.
Tailgate Adult Sunday School Experience
Sunday, May 25, at 9:00 a.m.
Friends, were going to try a new thing this summer. On three different Sundays
this summer (May 25, July 6, and August 3) we are going to have a relaxed Sun-
day School tailgate time on the front lawn. The idea is for you to bring your own
lawn chair and team up at one of our tailgate tents. We will have coffee, juice, and
whatever our tailgate friends decide to bring. We are asking some of our officers to
come and share their faith stories with a group of 8-10 folks at each tent. Our hope
is for us to get to know one another better and to share how God is at work in our
lives. Theres no curriculum, just fellowship and intentional time of being together.
If you have a tailgate tent that youd be willing to bring and setup, please let Julie
McDaniel or Jeff Smith know by Friday, May 16. Please dress casual and invite your
EPC Prayer List
Part of what it means to be a Family of Faith
is to be in prayer for one another. Contact
the church office at 256-1654 to be included
on this Prayer List.
EPC Special Concerns
Boots Fuller, Remer Waguespack, Dr.
Mary Tobin, Bill McInnis, Dave Steven,
and those serving in our military, Stephen
Ministers and their care receivers, and all
those in need of Gods special care.
Cornelia Williams, Charlotte Law
Congregational love and sympathy
are extended to:
Raymond Burke, on the death of his sister,
Dora Ann Burke Butler, May 3, 2014
On weekends a minister is on call. If you
have a crisis which one of the ministers
needs to know about, phone 256-1654 and
leave a message. A minister will return
your call.
Peanut Butter
Sunday, May 25
Summer is an important time to re-
member your peanut butter! Children
are home from school and not receiv-
ing their school lunches. Many families
turn to Harvest Hope for additional
assistance during the summer. Please
continue your support of the peanut
butter program at Eastminster and
bring your jar(s) to church with you.
120 Ways
Eastminster is committed to feeding the hungry! Did
you know that last year EPC volunteers packed 30,000 shelf-stable meals at
Stop Hunger Now, donated over 3,000 pounds of peanut butter and other food
to Harvest Hope Food Bank, and each month helped prepare and serve food
for 175 residents at Transitions? Take part in the PRIVILEGE of sharing your
time and talents this year! Go to eastminsterpres.org under Quicklinks to sub-
mit your Service Commitment form today.
Deadline for UPDATE
Dont miss out! Have your informa-
tion to share with the congregation
in to tcarter@eastminsterpres.org.
Te May 25 newsletter will begin
our monthly summer newsletters.
Our next newsletter will be June
22, 2014. Please have your infor-
mation in by Wednesday, June 11.
We will continue to stay in touch,
with the E-news; please let the
church know if you do not receive
Eastminster Presbyterian Church
3200 Trenholm Road
Columbia, South Carolina 29204
Update for May 18, 2014
Nonprofit Org.
Columbia, SC
SErving on SUndAy
May 18
Deacon Betsy McDonald
DEACONS: Sharon Besley, Connie Chase
Deacon John Derham (Jubilee)
Deacon John Hudson (Jubilee)
USHERS: Don Helms & Milton Moore
(9:00) Coleman Chambliss
Alex & Sarah Dillard
Mark & Laurie Childress
Sara Davis
(11:15) Bill & Jane Francis
Pat Fuller, Kathie Williams
Madison & Lisa Dye
(9:00) Jon & Jennifer Robinson
(11:15) Emily & Tim Thornton
(9:00) Staff
(11:15) Staff
2-K ROOM - CLC 119
(9:00) Reece & Lauren McWilliams
(11:15) James & Julie Moss
(9:00) Marshall & Mary Kirk Morton
(11:15) John Michael & Joslyn Otis
(9:00) Lee & Danielle Dixon
(11:15) Greg & Ainsley Rhame
(9:00) Chase & Becky Craven
(11:15) Shelley & Scott Dempsey
Photo directory Sign Ups Continue. . .
If you have not yet taken the time to sign up, please do and HELP US MEET
OUR GOAL OF 500 FAMILIES! Our directory will not be complete without
YOU! Sign up on-line at www.eastminsterpres.org under QuickLinks.
Dates: May 20, 21, and 22
2:00 - 9:00 PM
Photos will be taken on the second floor of the CLC in rooms 261 - 263.
EPC Book Club
Tender, tough-minded, loving, and deeply illuminating about the ties
that bind us to family and home, Te Burgess Boys by Elizabeth Strout is EPC
Book Clubs choice for May. Haunted by the freak accident that killed their
father when they were children, Jim and Bob Burgess, the Burgess broth-
ers, now return to the landscape of their childhood, where the long-buried
tensions that have shaped and shadowed their relationship begin to surface
in unexpected ways that will change them forever. Join us at 5:00 p.m. on
Sunday, May 18th! RSVP TaraWBarr@aol.com.
Savvy Seniors
The Savvy Seniors will meet on Tuesday, May 27, at 11:45 a.m. in Thomp-
son Hall for lunch and a speaker. Steve Sanders, CEO at Golden Security
Senior Advisors, will speak about Long Term and Veteran benefits. If you
would like lunch, please call Mary 256-1654 or email mbaldauf@eastminster-
pres.org to make your reservation.
Time to Volunteer to write an Advent Devotional
Are you anticipating the sun and activities of summer? Do you feel this
is not the season to be mentioning Advent? BUT, it is time to be soliciting
writers for the Advent Devotional Booklet. Go ahead and volunteer for a
spot in the 2014 Advent Book. Send your devotionals to tcarter@eastmin-
newsletter Monthly during the Summer
Te UPDATE will become monthly for the summer after the May 25 issue.
An issue will be published monthly (June 20 and July 17) until weeklies resume
on August 17. Deadline dates are, as always, 10 days before the publication date.
We will remain in touch weekly over the summer with E-news. Please send us
your information and your email address if you do not receive E-NEWS.

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