Starting Hearts: Marketing and Development Associate

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SLarLlng PearLs, a vall valley nonproflL founded ln 2010 Lo save Lhe llves of sudden cardlac arresL vlcLlms, seeks a
parL-Llme MarkeLlng & uevelopmenL AssoclaLe Lo provlde ongolng managemenL, admlnlsLraLlon and growLh of
fundralslng and communlcaLlon lnlLlaLlves. 1he AssoclaLe's prlmary responslblllLles are Lo generaLe revenue and
lncrease awareness of Lhe CrganlzaLlon.

1he AssoclaLe wlll creaLe and lmplemenL a developmenL plan LhaL deLalls how Lhe CrganlzaLlon sollclLs donors and
ldenLlfles fundlng sources such as granLs, ln-klnd donaLlons, charlLable evenLs, ALu AdopLlons, corporaLe sponsors
and more. 1he uevelopmenL and MarkeLlng AssoclaLe ls also responslble for brandlng and communlLy ouLreach,
Lhls lncludes Lhe creaLlon of markeLlng maLerlals, managemenL of soclal medla, adverLlslng and newsleLLer
campalgns, and Lechnlcal supporL lncludlng daLabase and webslLe managemenL.

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ueslgn, lmplemenL and manage sLraLegles Lo meeL aggresslve fundralslng goals lncludlng annual glvlng,
endowmenLs, crowd-sourclng campalgns, program and evenL sponsors, speclal pro[ecLs, and oLher relaLed
Work wlLh Lhe 8oard of ulrecLors Lo ldenLlfy a uevelopmenL CommlLLee Lo asslsL ln Lhe annual glvlng,
speclal evenLs and oLher fundralslng programs as needed
uevelop fundralslng packeL/Lralnlng for CommlLLee, 8oard Members and oLher volunLeers
Assume responslblllLy for all uevelopmenL reporLs Lo Lhe 8oard and aLLends all 8oard meeLlngs
Schedule, aLLend and Lake mlnuLes and Lrack acLlon lLems aL uevelopmenL CommlLLee meeLlngs
Manage donor and sponsor levels wlLh a meanlngful porLfollo of donor beneflLs and recognlLlon
AsslsL ln preparlng granL proposals for foundaLlons and corporaLlons
AdmlnlsLraLlve supporL for fundralslng evenLs
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lmplemenL donor uevelopmenL SysLem Lo supporL all uevelopmenL pro[ecLs and operaLlons
ldenLlfy speclflc, poLenLlal fundlng opporLunlLles from a dlverse mlx of sources
AsslsL wlLh sollclLlng new donors and parLners Lhrough referrals, meeLlngs, phone calls and leLLers
Manage ouLreach for donor culLlvaLlon, sollclLaLlon, relaLlon and reLenLlon
rovlde lnformaLlon and resources Lo poLenLlal donors and prepare donor Lhank you leLLers and follow up
Cversee Lhe managemenL of daLabases and all records, flles, and glfL processlng
Manage and dlsLrlbuLe pledge remlnders and acknowledgemenL programs
CollecL and organlze lnformaLlon abouL donors for recognlLlon, and keep accuraLe records
1rack fundralslng lnlLlaLlves and provlde bl-weekly reporLs on resulLs

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CreaLe and lmplemenL a markeLlng and communlcaLlons plan Lo promoLe SLarLlng PearLs' mlsslon Lo boLh
donors and Lhe communlLy aL large
ueslgn and oversee producLlon of all communlcaLlons, lncludlng monLhly newsleLLers, annual reporL,
webslLe, and work wlLh deslgners and prlnLers Lo produce maLerlals
MalnLaln channels of communlcaLlon beLween local agencles, organlzaLlons, auLhorlLles and oLhers Lo
gaLher lnformaLlon abouL whaL ls golng on ln Lhe communlLy and opporLunlLles for collaboraLlon
SegmenL and manage ConsLanL ConLacL daLabase, lncludlng updaLes/addlLlons, record clean-up and regular
MalnLaln Word ress webslLe wlLh fresh and robusL conLenL, lncludlng blog posLs, a calendar of Lralnlngs
and evenLs, and donor/sponsor recognlLlon
CreaLe, manage and grow presence across soclal medla channels, lncludlng 1wlLLer, lacebook, lnLeresL,
Llnkedln, you1ube, lnsLagram, CharlLy navlgaLor and oLhers
CaLher newsworLhy conLenL, produce and dlsLrlbuLe monLhly newsleLLers
CommunlcaLe wlLh daLabase and donors vla emall and regular mall
WrlLe press releases and adverLorlals, radlo commerclals and medla promoLlons

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ConducL SLarLlng PearLs' C8 & ALu Lralnlng programs
CbLaln Commerclal urlver's Llcense Lo drlve Lhe organlzaLlon's moblle Lralnlng unlL

A mlnlmum of 3 years professlonal fundralslng or markeLlng experlence
roven experlence ln deslgnlng and managlng markeLlng and fund developmenL programs
SLrong relaLlonshlp bulldlng and sollclLaLlon skllls are lmporLanL
Worklng knowledge of MlcrosofL Cfflce SulLe (owerolnL, Lxcel, Word) or equlvalenL.
lamlllar wlLh or ablllLy Lo qulckly learn ConsLanL ConLacL daLabase and Word ress
knowledge of Lagle CounLy buslness and nonproflL communlLles
Lxperlence wlLh developlng and malnLalnlng producLlve worklng relaLlonshlps wlLh communlLy
organlzaLlons, board members, donors, eLc.
AblllLy Lo work as a leader boLh lndependenLly and as parL of a Leam
LxcellenL wrlLlng skllls wlLh experlence wrlLlng, edlLlng and crafLlng conLenL
ersuaslve communlcaLlon skllls and Lhe ablllLy Lo lnLeracL aL Lhe execuLlve level

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CollaboraLe wlLh a remarkable group of lndlvlduals dedlcaLed Lo savlng llves ln Lagle CounLy
A ground floor opporLunlLy Lo promoLe developmenL of an organlzaLlon LhaL already has
conslderable momenLum galned solely Lhrough volunLeerlsm Lo daLe
oLenLlal for growLh Lo a full Llme poslLlon based on performance and organlzaLlonal needs
Work as a parL-Llme employee remoLely from your home offlce, whlch can be anywhere ln Lagle CounLy
use of SLarLlng PearLs compuLer and parLlal cell phone relmbursemenL
Mlnlmum 20-hour work week wlLh flexlble schedule
CompensaLlon $2,000/monLh ($23/hr) + performance bonus plan avallable afLer slx monLhs

lease submlL your resume Lo Lynn 8lake aL lynn[

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