Prova de Fisica 2 Ano

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) Avaliao Bimestral

ALUNO##################################### N() ###### PROFESSOR #########################
Orie*ta+es, Leia ate*tame*te -a.a /0esto1 , 2ree*-3a -om -a*eta 2reta o0 a40l1 , No ras0re1
1- Tell whether each pair of words are synonyms or antonyms.
1. agree, disagree ___________________________
2. cold, freezing ___________________________
3. easy, difficult ___________________________
4. argue, squale ___________________________
!. guess, estimate ___________________________
". ottom, top ___________________________
#. tired,energetic ___________________________
$. huge, gigantic ___________________________
1%. windy, calm ___________________________
11. noisy, quiet ___________________________
12. unhappy, sad ___________________________
2- Chaplin
&harles 'pencer &haplin, who died in 1(## at the age of $$, was one of the most famous stars in the history of the
cinema. )e wrote and directed nearly all his films and composed the music of all his sound pictures. )e was certainly
the most famous comic actor of the cinema. *ecause he was +ery successful, he created his own film company in
1(1$. )is first pictures were in the age of the silent films. &haplin was orn in ,ondon. )is family was poor and he
had a hard childhood. -n 1(1% he left .ngland for the /nited 'tates. )e was married four times and in 1(!2 he mo+ed
to 'witzerland.
1 0e acordo com o te1to sore &harles &haplin, marque a alternati+a correta2
a3 &haplin died when he was ## years old.
3 &haplin was +ery rich in his childhood.
c3 &haplin was the most famous star in the history of the cinema.
d3 &haplin was an .nglish man.
2 4arque a alternati+a correta, aseando-se na leitura do te1to acima.
a3 &haplin li+ed only in .ngland.
3 &haplin was not only an actor.
c3 &haplin did not write films.
d3 &haplin5s family was not poor.
3 4arque a alternati+a correta, de acordo com o te1to lido.
a3 &haplin married in 1(!2.
3 &haplin was orn in 1(##.
c3 &haplin left .ngland in 1(1%.
d3 &haplin died +ery young.
**& ,earning .nglish
6ords in the 7ews
8ldest )olocaust sur+i+or dies
24 9eruary 2%14
The woman thought to e the oldest sur+i+or of the 7azi holocaust has died in ,ondon at the age of 11%. :lice )erz-
'ommer was orn into a ;ewish family in <rague and spent two years in the 7azi camp at Terezin, or Theresienstadt,
located in what is now the &zech =epulic. >incent 0owd reports.

:lice )erz-'ommer had to face some of the worst e+ents of the 2%
&entury2 her husand died in the 0achau
concentration camp. *ut she remained an optimist with a faith in human?ind.

*orn in 1(%3, she ?new the writer 9ranz @af?a as a family friend.

:lice was taught piano2 when she played, she said, she was with Aod. :t Theresienstadt she was allowed to play still,
which made her thin? the camp would not e so ad.

'he was luc?y to get out ali+e with her young son. 'tephan, she said, had helped her sur+i+e.

:lice )erz-'ommer2 B,o+eC 6hen you lo+e someody itDs eautiful. <eople complain. 6hy complainEB

7e1t wee?, a documentary aout :lice )erz-'ommerDs life is up for an 8scar
>ocaulary and definitions
to face (here) to endure or to ear a +ery difficult or painful situation
concentration camp prison where large numers of ordinary people are ?ept, often in ad conditions,
usually during a war or for political reasons
optimist person who elie+es good things will happen
humankind the whole human race
allowed gi+en permission Fto do something3
complain e1press dissatisfaction Fwith something3 is up for is eing considered for Fsomething3
3 - &om as suas pala+ras descre+a o que +ocH compreendeu desse te1to.

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