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117 Run Commands In Windows X
Run !ommand is very use"ul# but sometimes it is "orgotten. $se it sometimes and you
will "ind how ower"ul is run !ommand.
A!!essibility Controls % a!!ess.!l
A!!essibility Wi&ard % a!!wi&
Add Hardware Wi&ard % hdwwi&.!l
Add'Remove (rograms % awi&.!l
Administrative )ools % !ontrol admintools
Automati! $dates % wuau!l.!l
Bluetooth )rans"er Wi&ard % "s*uirt
Cal!ulator % !al!
Certi"i!ate +anager % !!
Chara!ter +a % !harma
Che!, -is, $tility % !h,ds,
Cliboard .iewer % !librd
Command (romt % !md
Comonent /ervi!es % d!om!n"g
Comuter +anagement % !!
Control (anel % !ontrol
-ate and )ime (roerties % timedate.!l
--0 /hares % ddeshare
-evi!e +anager %!
-ire!t X )roubleshooter % d1diag
-is, Cleanu $tility % !leanmgr
-is, -e"ragment % d"!
-is, +anagement % dis,!
-is, (artition +anager % dis,art
-islay (roerties % !ontrol des,to
-islay (roerties % des,.!l
-r. Watson /ystem )roubleshooting $tility % drwtsn23
-river .eri"ier $tility % veri"ier
0vent .iewer %!
Files and /ettings )rans"er )ool % migwi&
File /ignature .eri"i!ation )ool % sigveri"
Find"ast % "ind"ast.!l
Fire"o1 % "ire"o1
Folders (roerties % !ontrol "olders
Fonts % !ontrol "onts
Fonts Folder % "onts
Free Cell Card 4ame % "ree!ell
4ame Controllers % 5oy.!l
4rou (oli!y 0ditor 6"or 1 ro"essional7 %!
Hearts Card 4ame % mshearts
Hel and /uort % hel!tr
Hyer)erminal % hyertrm
Ie1ress Wi&ard % ie1ress
Inde1ing /ervi!e % !!
Internet Conne!tion Wi&ard % i!w!onn1
Internet 01lorer % ie1lore
Internet (roerties % inet!l.!l
8eyboard (roerties % !ontrol ,eyboard
9o!al /e!urity /ettings % se!!
9o!al $sers and 4rous %!
9ogs :ou ;ut ;" Windows % logo""
+ali!ious /o"tware Removal )ool % mrt
+i!roso"t Chat % win!hat
+i!roso"t +ovie +a,er % moviem,
+i!roso"t (aint % msaint
+i!roso"t /yn!roni&ation )ool % mobsyn!
+inesweeer 4ame % winmine
+ouse (roerties % !ontrol mouse
+ouse (roerties % main.!l
<etmeeting % !on"
<etwor, Conne!tions % !ontrol net!onne!tions
<etwor, Conne!tions % n!a.!l
<etwor, /etu Wi&ard % netsetu.!l
<otead notead
;b5e!t (a!,ager % a!,ager
;-BC -ata /our!e Administrator % odb!!23.!l
;n /!reen 8eyboard % os,
;utloo, 01ress % msimn
(aint % brush
(assword (roerties % assword.!l
(er"orman!e +onitor % er"!
(er"orman!e +onitor % er"mon
(hone and +odem ;tions % telehon.!l
(hone -ialer % dialer
(inball 4ame % inball
(ower Con"iguration % ower!"g.!l
(rinters and Fa1es % !ontrol rinters
(rinters Folder % rinters
Regional /ettings % intl.!l
Registry 0ditor % regedit
Registry 0ditor % regedit23
Remote A!!ess (honeboo, % rashone
Remote -es,to % msts!
Removable /torage %!
Removable /torage ;erator Re*uests % ntmsor*.ms!
Resultant /et o" (oli!y 6"or 1 ro"essional7 %!
/!anners and Cameras % sti!l.!l
/!heduled )as,s % !ontrol s!hedtas,s
/e!urity Center % ws!ui.!l
/ervi!es % servi!!
/hared Folders % "!
/huts -own Windows % shutdown
/ounds and Audio % mmsys.!l
/ider /olitare Card 4ame % sider
/=9 Client Con"iguration % !li!on"g
/ystem Con"iguration 0ditor % sysedit
/ystem Con"iguration $tility % ms!on"ig
/ystem In"ormation % msin"o23
/ystem (roerties % sysdm.!l
)as, +anager % tas,mgr
)C( )ester % t!test
)elnet Client % telnet
$ser A!!ount +anagement % nusrmgr.!l
$tility +anager % utilman
Windows Address Boo, % wab
Windows Address Boo, Imort $tility % wabmig
Windows 01lorer % e1lorer
Windows Firewall % "irewall.!l
Windows +agni"ier % magni"y
Windows +anagement In"rastru!ture %!
Windows +edia (layer % wmlayer
Windows +essenger % msmsgs
Windows /ystem /e!urity )ool % sys,ey
Windows $date 9aun!hes % wudmgr
Windows .ersion % winver
Windows X( )our Wi&ard % tourstart
Wordad % write
I" you e5oyed this ost you may want to read other osts o" this blog>
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Halimbawa <g )alumati

(osted by He&ron
9abels> Comuter# How )o# )is and )ri!,s# Windows X(
4reg +iller said...
.ery ni!e wor,# that?s going to be very use"ul. )han,s.
)ue ;!t @2# 1@>21>@@ (+ (H)
Anonymous said...
shutdown won?t wor, "rom run# without otions# %t @ %s "or e1amle. A shutdown %" %s %t
@ B. and "ire"o1 o" !ourse needs to be installed. i ,new most o" those o.@C
Wed ;!t @D# @E>2F>@@ A+ (H)
vamsi said...
)hat was great. It?ll be very use"ul to me. )han=
+on Feb 13# @7>DG>@@ (+ (H)
5donnarumma said...
4reat 9ist H I loved it H
Here is one more.
11F run !ommands% isusm.!l %
the install udate manager
)ue Feb 37# @D>3E>@@ (+ (H)
/olma& Iohdi said...
)his !omment has been removed by the author.
/un +ay @J# @7>@J>@@ (+ (H)
/olma& Iohdi said...
veryyyy use"ul#)han,s a lot.
/un +ay @J# @7>3G>@@ (+ (H)
K- Rodrigue& said...
)his !omment has been removed by the author.
/un +ay 12# @2>21>@@ A+ (H)
/vend said...
/imle and easy to use list# than,s
)ue +ay 1G# 13>2F>@@ (+ (H)
CH+F< said...
)hats 4reat
)ue +ay 3E# @J>@2>@@ (+ (H)
,,ish said...
grF wor, man .... very use"ul stu""
)ue Kun 1E# @2>1J>@@ (+ (H)
arun said...
)ue Kun 3J# @E>2E>@@ A+ (H)
Anonymous said...
:ou are a star. 4ood wor, "ellow. )han,s "or your !ontribution to a better world.
)hu Aug @3# @G>1F>@@ A+ (H)
Corni!, said...
.ery use"ul.
And this also>
/un -e! 32# @G>DG>@@ A+ (H)
Anonymous said...
I" windows did not su!, so mu!h# there would be no reason "or this ost. )he "a!t that
you !all them Crun !ommandsC is rather telling# and even more telling is the "a!t that
someone had to !omile this list.
)hat said# you ut a great deal o" wor, into this and I would rint out the list i" I hadn?t
divested mysel" o" windows ba!, in Kune. /!rew that overri!ed# slow# bloated ile o"
run !ommands.
/un -e! 32# @7>3@>@@ A+ (H)
antosgavit!h said...
Hey does anyone ,now a run !ommand that will ma,e it ossible to swit!h between
internet user agentsL
+on Kan 1D# @7>@@>@@ A+ (H)
5e" said...
i want to ,now# how to redu!e the bandwith o" windowsX( udateL as i ,now# it ta,e
3@M "rom our bandwith "or udate. hel me l&.
)ue Kan 1G# @7>DF>@@ (+ (H)
Anonymous said...
is there a !ommand that will allow me to swit!h users on that !omuterLLL
)hu Kan 17# @3>G@>@@ A+ (H)
(atri!, said...
Windows X( Run Commands
:ou !an download it as (-F.
+on Feb @D# @7>@3>@@ A+ (H)
Anonymous said...
Any idea how to use the windows "eature o" double !li!,ing on a "ile 6say a d" or do!7
and laun!hing the aroriate rogram...but to do it "rom inside another ali!ationL 6I
am assuming there is some windows shell !ommand or something.7
)hu Ar @2# @G>D7>@@ A+ (H)
Anonymous said...
than,s !ommonds are very use"ul
Fri Ar 11# 11>G@>@@ A+ (H)
how to ma,e dis, artition in windows 1 said...
great guide and very use"ul# boo,mar,edHH)han,s
/un Kun 1G# @E>37>@@ (+ (H)
Anonymous said...
great ,nowlege really heling ....rashant
/un Aug @2# @J>3D>@@ (+ (H)
aron said...
CFire"o1 % "ire"o1C. I wonder i" this !omes with Windows by de"ault. .ery "unny.
However imressive list# I learned a "ew use"ul !ommands.
)hu ;!t 32# @2>2@>@@ A+ (H)
Adam Walsh said...
Where is the II/ short!utL I?ve been loo,ing everywhere "or this >6
Fri +ar 37# @F>G3>@@ (+ (H)
Anonymous said...
all run !ommand send
)hu Ar 1J# @3>@2>@@ (+ (H)
,nitter%%NO said...
It?s very use"ul to me.
)han, you very mu!hH
Fri -e! @D# 1@>@1>@@ A+ (H)
,hudadad seerat said...
great#it is realy good "or the erson who wna be "amilar with win 1. than,you
)ue -e! 1G# @1>DJ>@@ A+ (H)
Ba,ht Ria& said...
-ear /ir#
)han,s a billion # i am "rom (a,istan# and i wat!h your website and yout tis and tri!,s in
Run Command# so lease "rom you /ir#
really i be!ame so hay on that # so ni!e o" you sir# i have no words to e1lain you.
But as how wish you best o" lu,! in your li"e endaours and vivid "uture.
:our lover#
Ba,ht Ria& -ogar.
(eshawar# (a,istan
Fri Kan @F# @2>DD>@@ (+ (H)
Anonymous said...
so ni!e o" you sir#
my honey # sweety anad i have no words to e1lain you. )han,s "or all these.
Ba,ht Ria& -ogar
(eshawar # (a,istan
Fri Kan @F# @2>DJ>@@ (+ (H)
deea said...
net wor,ing o" run !ommand
Wed Feb @2# @J>@2>@@ (+ (H)
Anonymous said...
)his is robably way too "ar down the list "or anyone to noti!e but try run N !md instead
o" !ommand. Command is 1J bit# !md is 23 bit.
Wed +ar @2# @E>12>@@ (+ (H)
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