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April 2014 Fourth Edition


Centro Industrial de Mantenimiento Integral Regional Santander
Page 1
Interviwer :
Genny Jazmin Redondo
Gilberto Hernandez Olaya
The Chief of The Library
Im Yeison Fabian Vargas Diaz,
I am twenty-one years old and
Im single, I have a girlfriend,
her name is Sonia. Weve been
together for one year.
Im a technologist in Electronic
Maintenance and Industrial
Instrumentation; In the last
competition of World Skills
Americas, in Bogota this year, I
won a silver medal.
I like to travel because I love to
visit new places. I enjoy different
cultures, food, and landscape
and making new friends.
I practice soccer, rugby and
volleyball with my friends two
times per week. I used to go to
the gym and practice martial arts.
Actually I continue learning
about electronics and I work at
When I began my career at
SENA CIMI, my dream was to
wi n t h e Wo r l d S k i l l s
Competition. Thanks to God, I
achieved this goal.
This time Im studying harder,
learning a lot about technical
information to prepare for the
I know that competence requires
technical and personal qualities.
Electronic skills are complicated
but not impossible.
Im going to explain the basic
rules of the competition: there
are five modules with specific
times and requirements. The five
modules are software design,
hardware design, adjustment and
measures, assembly and fails
The experience was amazing,
my partners and the other
participants were cool people
with good values! I admire their
life visions and it motivates me
to continue learning every day.
We are an example for young
people who believe, dream and
want to become professionals
that in the future could change
the world with new ideas and
new projects.
World Skills is an experience to
make our own projects, ideas and
envision our lives to have great
opportunities. Im very happy to
share my experience with all of
Introducing Myself
Our institution has many great advantages and places we can
profit from, and one of them is our Library. The C.I.M.I
library has been renewed and many new and great books are
now there for everyone to enjoy. But what is the importance
of a well-equipped library? Why do we need to keep reading
for our professional goals?
Any library in the world is a place where students gather to
explore, look for information, interact, imagine and picture
themselves in a better position. At SENA C.I.M.I we have a
vast variety of technical and technological programs offered
to the community and each specific field needs books that
supply students needs and help instructors in their classes
and provide guidance to students. Those books are now
available for teachers as well as for students and they are
considered of great importance for everyone who plays a
role at C.I.M.I.
They are here thanks to the instructors requirement and our
head manager Mrs. Claudia Celina Marn Ariza who made
the connections and provided us with such material.
Furthermore, the library has had a great impact on students
minds. It has helped them to be more responsible, conscious
and proactive with their different programs. Consequently,
the use of this place has made them more likely to advance
and keep on working and learning at SENA.
Our Great Library
Ana Maria Martinez Serrano
Yeison Fabian Vargas Diaz
Centro Industrial de Mantenimiento Integral Regional Santander
Page 2
April 2014 Fourth Edition
One of the things we like the
most about studying at SENA, is
the opportunity of having classes
about s omet hi ng t ot al l y
different, something artistic or
something that makes us take our
mind into a safer environment.
I m t a l k i n g a b o u t t h e
extracurricular classes. In these
classes we can enjoy things such
as music, theater, sports, and
dancing. I had the opportunity
of taking music classes because
Ive always been really fond of
music; unfortunately once I
began my classes I realized
In a society where music is a very
important subject for us, I dont
believe this is being represented
as it should be in the SENA
music environment.
The center has plenty of good
instruments, what its missing is
space, because when t he
students want to rehearse, they
must go to other classrooms, (or
any other place available), and
t hi s caus es t hem t o be
interrupted by people outside the
The interruption doesnt really
matter; what does matter is
moving all the instruments from
place to place every time they
have class. What we should
have is a place where the
students can feel at ease and be
able to have a better environment
towards music.
My experience with the Music Workshop at SENA
Nowadays In Colombia we have been facing a big change
regarding the roll of the women, it is a reality that the
important influence and the hard work in politics,
education, science and social work is changing the activity
of the women in the society, but unfortunately women still
have the challenge represented by the MACHISMO. But
what is it?
The machismo is a strong sense of masculine pride and the
attitude of thinking that the men are stronger, more
intelligent and superior to the women.
Many specialists believe that in our culture the machismo is
in many cases caused by the women because when children
are developing their social life their model of women of
grandmother or mother over protect the male children
and raise them with the idea that manly guys do not do
things that are carried out by the girls such as washing the
dishes, cleaning the house or helping in the kitchen; these
things are mostly directed to the girls.
In a short survey and conversations with my classmates and
teachers they have said that at least once they identified this
behavior in their life experience, but it is not a justification
for the machismo.
Our society is growing and developing that is a good reason
to find solutions and to give a final point to the machista
behavior that only affects our selves, happiness and the
expectations and dreams as women.
I have to say that I still can identify this behavior in our
CIMI; this is a beautiful place to learn and develop skills to
be better human beings but the majority of the apprentices
at CIMI are men and many of them still have Machista
attitude, I invite my respected colleagues and apprentices to
think about the way they treat think and talk to the women to
show high values and a better perspective of what a real
man is.
I am sure that if we work together we can change to improve
and make this beautiful place an equal environment for men
and women.

The Machismo
Creating a good habit is difficult, it is like the parable of the Tea "
A drop of pure water added to a cup of tea will not change the color
or taste of it, Two drops wouldnt have a visible effect either, but if
we continue adding drop by drop , both the color and the flavor
will be altered ".
I will simply tell you that we have to be passionate about books,
not just for the classics or books with very complicated prose that
most of the time gives us headaches, but the new alternative
genres; which are created by young writers who manage to
stimulate our imagination with scenarios and well developed
characters and excellent illustrations.
You may wonder what these genres are. Im talking about the light
novels, but many will say that buying these materials will be very
expensive, no! Not entirely true ... there are specialized websites
that give away these materials in digital versions for free,
compatible with many cell phones, tablets, PCs and smart
phones; and are very easy to download.
The light novels are for all ages ... but are very rare in the west.
However they have begun to be successful among young people
with hits like:
The melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, To Aru Majutsu no Index,
Durarara, Zero no Tsukaima, Monogatari series and many more.
These kinds of novels are playing a big role among youngsters
because is a good way to start a reading habit. You shouldnt
worry about the language, many of these books have been
translated into English and Spanish.
No more excuses, we need to create a good reading habit one step
at a time, this will improve our personal and professional lives and
will be even easier if we rely on new technologies.
Here are some links to follow:
Meaning of a light novel
Some light novels
Light novels web sites
The Reading Habit
Luis Eduardo Marn Velasco
Brahyan Sneyder Patio Guevara
Page 3
Ana Maria Martinez Serrano
Dave Prins
Jamaal Weatherspoon
Javier Amaya Diaz
John Anderson Suarez Len
Laura Margarita Pinzon Jacome
Martha Isabel Barbosa Rodriguez
Martha Lucia Chaves Nio
Bibiana Fernanda Torres Avila
Brahyan Sneyder Patio Guevara
Luis Eduardo Marn Velasco
Yeison Fabian Vargas Diaz
Genny Jazmin Redondo
Yeison Salazar Acosta
April 2014 Fourth Edition
Genny: Mr gilberto it is a pleasure for me to have the
chance to make this interview
Can you please tell us when and where you were born?
Gilberto: I was born in june 19 in 1960 in Bucaramanga
Genny: when did you start your laboral experience at
Gilberto: I started my work in December the second in
1984 as security guard.
Genny: what is the most memorable experience you can
remember form all this years of service at SENA?
Gilberto: the scary story that I lived in the metalwork shop,
I can not compare any other experience to this one, I started
to work as a new guard and my coworkers didnt tell me that
exactly in the location of the workshop long time ago an old
man who lived there committed suicide he died hanged,
that is what people said, one night I heard weird noises and a
terrible groan. It was a horrible scare.
Genny: How many years have you worked at SENA
Gilberto: I have been working for around 30 years at
SENA, this is a beautiful institution I started as a guard and
now I am the chief of the library services.
Genny: what changes have you seen through all this time at
Gilberto: I have seen so many changes here specially in the
English area, before we didnt have an English teacher and
environment dedicated to a second language, I have seen as
well the advances in technology actually this SENA is a
place full of opportunities and who take advantage can
grow and improve.
Genny: Mr Gilberto, Do you want to leave a message for
our CIMI SENA community
Gilberto: I will love to: Do not forget the libraries, the
internet is not everything my special invitation is for
everybody to go and reach your dreams and objectives. It is
important to use the tools that SENA offers in a correct way,
for example the libraries, the workshops, the classrooms
and virtual spaces, all this material helps to enrich
knowledge and learn every day. We never know what could
happen tomorrow and be prepared is the most valuable
Now I am in charge of the library with my two dear
colleagues and I want to finish my job here at SENA CIMI
with the project to enlarge the space on the library.
Genny: Mr Gilberto I really appreciated your time.
Gilberto: Genny It was a pleasure!
The books is the the knowledge of everything is where the
biggest ideas are found Genny Jazmin Redondo.
Interviewer: Genny Jazmin Redondo
Interview with T
Gilberto Hernandez Olaya
he Chief of the Library
Yeison Salazar Acosta

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