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A quarterly newsletter from the Clemson Wesley Foundation

e Dates:
Save/1t5 hFreshmen Move-In okout Fall 2009

8 Back Co away at each other over the key debates that First, you walk humbly with the One who made
e lc o m e
8/23 W ver Beach
we expect to encounter this fall. “What is the you. Second, you love and offer kindness to all
proper mode and timing for baptism?” “When of God’s other creatures. And lastly, you seek to
on Le a t t o Atlanta should we turn the other cheek and when is it make those things right that, for whatever reason,
e t re
v ernight R OK to use violence to defend our neighbor?” have gone wrong.
8/28 - 2 9 O
o n g o f the Year “What is the proper role of women in the life of
vens Jad and I, along with the leadership of CW, are
0 First E
the church?” “Should Christians be tree huggers
8 / 3 t o W e s t Virginia or ‘Drill Here, Drill Now’ advocates?” Needless committed to creating a place where distracted
all Retre to say, we are whipping ourselves into shape! human beings like us can be reminded of God’s
/ 9 - 1 3 F Big Picture. No doubt, at some point this fall
10 All joking aside, Jad and I have not been spend- you’ll find us doing Bible sword drills, playing
Rev. Lane Glaze Director/Campus Minister 864-207-9135 (c) Lane, his older brother Lee, and their parents ing our days doing these things, even though we theological Jeopardy or engaging in a “Debate
after a Fort Johnson HS football game in 1981 do expect to encounter these and other such of the Day.” When you notice our tones getting
Jad Taylor Assistant Campus Minister 803-463-6655 (c) questions in the weeks and months ahead. I must stronger and our faces getting redder, please
Greetings from Lane confess, however, that I really enjoy the debates, interrupt us and invite us to read Micah 6 one
especially those that involve current events more time.
“With what shall I come before the Lord, and bow myself
or controversial topics. These debates usually
before God on high? Shall I come before him with burnt become like a sport for me, and when you are as Jumping jacks anyone?
offerings, with calves a year old?Will the Lord be pleased competitive as I am you are always looking for
with thousands of rams, with ten thousands of rivers of oil?
Looking for More Monthly Supporters Shall I give my firstborn for my transgression, the fruit of
a way to beat your opponent! It is no different
than the “Oklahoma” or “Bull Ring” drills we What is CW?
my body for the sin of my soul?” used to do in high school football years ago.
Over the years God has inspired a number of folks to support this ministry in ways

that have enabled us to reach more students and touch more lives. When I first He has told you, O mortal, what is good; and what does the It is on these occasions when I imagine the Devil

A Christ-centered community

Lord require of you but to do justice, and to love kindness, smiling and saying, “I’ve got Lane exactly where
arrived in 2001, CW typically received less than $5,000 a year in outside gifts,

I want him to be!” Rather than focusing on the
and to walk humbly with your God? where ALL are

and these monies that were used to supplement the existing resources provided Micah 6: 6-8 (NRSV) key and central themes that define my faith
by Clemson UMC and United Methodist churches from across the state. Today, and worldview, I often lose myself by exerting
we have to raise nearly $45,000 a year just to balance our annual budget! And
Two-a-days are underway here in Clemson as the energy and attention on things that either do ...welcomed as they
Tigers are preparing for another season of intense not matter in God’s overall scheme or that will
this amount does not include the funds that we need to take our annual mission competition on the gridiron. I remember vividly remain a mystery “til Kingdom come.” As one come,
trips or to complete our current Student Center renovation program. those hot August days in Charleston when our book that I read several years ago describes it, a
high school team (Fort Johnson and later James biography of my life could be entitled: Adventures ...treated like family from
Thankfully, a small number of alumni, parents of students, CUMC members and Island) would practice early in the morning and in Missing the Point.
late in the afternoon prior to the start of the day one,
others support this ministry monthly. While one-time gifts are always a huge bless- 195-A Old Greenville Highway school year. After three weeks of battling the Since the beginning of time, we human beings
ing no matter the size, this monthly support allows me to plan more effectively, Clemson, SC 29631 have struggled with being distracted, with not
heat, humidity and constant contact, we felt like
being able to see the forest for the trees, with ...challenged to grow into
especially with respect to staffing. we were ready to take on the Pittsburgh Steelers!
  
missing the point. Adam and Eve, Abraham and faithful disciples of
Like the CU football team, Jad Taylor and I have Sarah, the Israelites, Jesus’ disciples and the
As the new academic year approaches, I hope that you will consider becoming a started our own “theological” two-a-days in antici- earliest churches all had a difficult time keeping Jesus,
monthly supporter of CW. Thanks once again for all of your support - both financial 864 654-4547 • phone pation of another season of intense competition God’s Big Picture in mind. And what might that
and otherwise. Jad and I could not do much of anything without your help! 864 654-6540 • fax on the spiritual playing field of Clemson. We’ve Big Picture be? We are created by a God who desires ...and encouraged to love
been doing Bible sword drills and playing theolog- our love and devotion through our loving one another.
  
ical Jeopardy for at least four hours each morning. It is stated many different ways in Scripture, God and neighbor in
In the afternoons, we have our “Debate of the but Micah’s is one of my favorite. What does Day” sessions where, for two hours, we grind it mean to be a child of God, the prophet asks? concrete ways.
* Financial donations to Clemson Wesley, a church-affiliated ministry, are tax-deductible for most taxpayers. Send check or
money order made payable to “Clemson Wesley” to P. O. Box 1703, Clemson, SC 29633. The Clemson Wesley Foundation is a ministry of the South Carolina Conference of the United Methodist Church.
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Three Special Women Reflections from Jad New Leaders This Fall Welcome Back
Throughout the Bible, women have always played a crucial role in the It seems that at this
Three years ago CW implemented a new staffing structure that involved the hiring of four up-
perclassmen in Program Staff roles to assist with day-to-day administrative and planning respon-
unfolding story of God’s people. Some scholars have argued that both time of year, things sibilities. Two years ago, CW created the Joel Team, a 20+ member student leadership group that Sunday, 8/23 @ 5:30 - 7pm
the financing of Jesus’ ministry (Lk 8:1-3) and the later expansion of the are always on the “up.” meets several times a year to shape the greater vision and direction of CW. This fall Katherine Baby Bowman
church across the Mediterrean region can be attributed to one primary Parents are “gearing up” Cragon, Justin Galloway, Laura-Allen Kerlin and MelissaWhitson will be serve as Program Staff (between Lever and Hendrix)
factor: the generosity of women. The same could be said for CW over to send their children and Bryan Galloway as Chair of the Joel Team.
Enjoy some great food while hanging out
the years.Year after year students have been blessed by the care, nurture off. The football team A Biosystems Engineering major from Huntsville, with old friends and meeting new ones.
and counsel of many wonderful women. This fall the CW community is “warming up” for a AL, Katherine Cragon has brightened the
will once again be blessed by the weekly contributions of three women: rousing season of ACC Clemson campus with her smile since arriving
Susan Fagan, Candace Leuck and Janice Lanham. football. Families are three years ago. “As a senior it is my hope that I
will continue to strengthen my relaionship with
Overnight to ATL
“wrapping up” those Friday, 8/28 - Saturday, 8/29
The daughter of a Baptist minister, Susan Fa- God and be intentional about investing my time
gan has been caring officially and unofficially precious final moments
in friends and not only school,” Katherine shared. CW is headed to Atlanta for a
for students for decades. She and her husband of vacations. Students “I hope that every new student who steps into our
are “staying up” all night of Contra Dancing in De-
Charles have opened their home to hundreds community will be challenged to grow in their catur on Friday night followed by
of students over the years, “adopting” many hours of the night until faith as much as I have the past three years.”
Katherine Cragon a day at Six Flags the next day.
of them for a lifetime. While Susan recently summer freedom runs We’ll return to Clemson around
dry and they move up Justin Galloway was born and raised not far
retired from the Redfern Health Center, she from Clemson in Easley. A lover of the outdoors dinner time on Saturday night.
continues her outreach to students through in school. The general Cost of $25 covers two meals, a
and long-time camp counselor at Asbury Hills
CW and other groups. buzz in Clemson and t-shirt, transportation and admission to Six Flags. NOW is the time
Camp, Justin, a senior Chemical Engineering
all-around is on the up major, is one of the many humble servant-leaders to sign up. Email Lane at with questions and to
Several years ago Candace Leuck sent Lane and up. register. As always, invite a friend or two!
Susan Fagan who have called CW home over the years. “Com-
an email inquiring about how she might be able
All of this “up-ness” ing into a new year of school, especially freshman
to serve...and she’s been serving ever since!
proves to be quite a year, is always a little bit frightening and exciting,” 1st Evensong of the Year
Candace, a CPA and professor of Accounting Sabbath anyone? noted Justin. “This year I am looking forward to Sunday, 8/30 @ 6:30 pm
at CU, is chair of he CUMC Campus Ministry strong, driving force
in each of our lives. Do welcoming everyone in the same way that I was
Team and also serves on the CW Board. A fix- Justin Galloway welcomed, like a new family member.”
ture on Sunday night, Candace has also joined you feel this like I do? There is this sense that we must shake off our
us on Fall Retreat and the Spring Break trip to summertime relaxation and “shape up” for what this new season brings. Laura-Allen Kerlin, a senior Communications
the Bahamas in recent years. I’d be willing to argue that this trend is most fully embodied in that of major, has been active in CW since her first se-
a shiny new college freshman. mester and served as Chair of the Joel Team last
A native of Greenville, Janice Lanham has year. A native of the New Orleans area, Laura-
become an integral part of the CW community “A sky diving club you say? Offering free pizza?Why, of course I’ll join! Allen brings an excitement and energy to CW
over the last few years. A professor of Nurs- Nine intramural sports teams? Playing three hours each night? I’d be a that is infectious. “I am so excited about this year
ing at CU, Janice gives oversight to the CU fool to miss out! Wait Mom, what is this strange ‘no’ word you speak and the opportunity to strengthen old friendships
Gospel Choir, a group for which she served Candace Leuck of? I’m here to experience everything, all the time.” and to make new ones. This year is shaping up to
as Director during her undergraduate days at Through these very situations I saw how God began whispering for me be a great one with exciting trips and retreats,
football, and missions together both in Clemson
Clemson. In the coming year, Janice will serve to slow down. Psalm 46:10 implores us to “be still” even while the rest
Laura-Allen Kerlin and outside!” exclaimed Laura-Allen.
as CW’s Faculty Advisor and Co-Team Leader of the earth teems with activity.Through these events and words, God CW’s first weekly gathering, Evensong, will take place Sunday, 8/30 at
of the Spring Break trip to the Bahamas, roles sparked my interest in pursuing a regular Sabbath, or time of ceasing After studying abroad in Spain last semester, Me- Clemson UMC. Come enjoy a home-cooked meal followed by a time
that she has filled in substance if not form over (even from my oft-worshiped cell phone). God seemed to be saying lissa Whitson returns to Clemson for her last of student-led, student-oriented worship. For directions or a ride, go
the past year. that I was actually not important enough to spend a day devoted to year this fall. A Language and International Health to As always, everyone is welcome!
Him. What an incredibly humbling realization! major, Melissa, from Conyers, GA, is known for
“I am so indebted to these three amazing her sharp wit and caring heart. “Returning to
women,” notes Lane. “Not only do they offer My prayer for all of you in this joyously “up”-filled time is that you Clemson after a semester abroad is something
Fall Retreat
support and wisdom for me, but they all have begin to examine this question: Are you called to be “swept up” in all Friday, 10/9 - Tue, 10/13
I’ve been looking forward to all summer,” offered
opened up their hearts, lives and homes for so the world has to offer or to simply slow down and spend time with Melissa. “I am especially excited about making this CW’s fall retreat this year will take place over CU’s fall break in Oc-
many students. Our students just love them! Him who made it all and certainly made it good? year one of the most memorable and enjoyable tober. We’ll head to West Virginia for a long weekend of fellowship
It is folks like these that have always made CW of my time in Clemson, and it’s always more fun and service in the beautiful Appalachian mountains. We plan to devote
a special place over the years.” with new faces and new friends. I can’t wait for one day to retreat, one day to mission and one day to rafting down the
Janice Lanhan Melissa Whitson Lower New River.
it to begin!”
This is always one of
Bryan Galloway, a senior Biological Sciences
CW-CUMC Alums to Gather Homecoming Weekend major from Summerville has made a huge impact
the most memora-
ble weekends of the
CW is once again sponsoring several alumni events this fall, including on CW during his three years at Clemson. As fall when life-long
a post-game drop-in on October 31 after the Coastal Carolina football Chair of the Joel Team, Bryan “is really looking friendships are often
game. After the game, plan on heading over to Cox Plaza (between the forward to reconnecting with my old friends and first formed.
Union and Brackett) to see some old and make some new friends. meeting all of the new people who are coming
into the family of ClemsonWesley When I started Email Lane at
my freshman year, I didn’t even know that CW
Other events will also be planned throughout the weekend. For more
existed until a friend invited me one Sunday night. with questions and
info, join the “Clemson Wesley/CUMC Alumni” group on Facebook to register.
or email Heather Cox at I found a place of true community and fellowship
Lake Junaluska - Fall 2002 Dinner at Louis Henry’s - late 1990s Bryan Galloway and some of my best friends at CW.” Fall Retreat - October 2009
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