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FIJActivist Special Educational Supplement 

Distributed by the
Fully Informed Jury
by Clay S. Conrad
Post Office Box 5570
There should be no happier day in convict him; they are his jury, and if they Helena, MT 59604
the life of an American than the day he pronounce him innocent, not all the powers
opens his mail and finds a summons for of Congress can hurt him; and innocent 1-800-TEL-JURY
jury duty. While he may not be called to they certainly will pronounce him, if the
serve on a politically important case, the supposed law he resisted was an act of
number of unjust and politically motivated usurpation.”
prosecutions clogging our courts make it Or, as Patrick Henry put it: “Why do we
very likely. The opportunity to serve on a love this trial by jury? Because it prevents the
jury is one of the most important attributes hand of oppression from cutting you off. The
of citizenship, and should not be wasted. This gives me comfort - that as long as I have Fully Informed Jury
It is the job of jurors to ensure our courts existence, my neighbors will protect me.”
dispense justice - and being a conscientious Our history is full of proud examples Association.
juror is an important part of what good of jury nullification. The common-law grants permission to
citizenship is all about. traditions of freedom of religion and reprint any part, or all of
What’s a Juror to Do? assembly have their origins in the trial of this publication, provided
The law is not always just, and even the William Penn, accused of preaching an that the article is credited
best laws can be unjustly applied. How can illegal religion in 17th Century London.
jurors dispense justice, when applying the His jury refused to convict in spite of clear to the author, and FIJA
law would lead to injustice? The answer is proof of guilt, because they were unwilling and the FIJActivist are
simple: by voting their conscience. In every to brand Penn a felon for worshiping God referenced.
criminal case jurors have a prerogative to according to his own beliefs. When the
acquit, whatever the evidence. Jurors cannot court attempted to punish Penn’s jury for
be ordered to convict or be punished for their verdict, a higher court vindicated the
acquitting. And when jurors do acquit, jurors on the principle that it is only the ADDITIONAL
the government cannot retry the Accused, jury, not the judge, which has the authority COPIES FROM:
or appeal the conviction. A jury verdict of to decide whether a defendant is guilty.
Not Guilty is final. The case is over - the The American tradition of freedom of the FIJA
Accused has been vindicated by a jury of press began in 1735, when a New York jury P.O. Box 5570
his peers. When a jury acquits because acquitted John Peter Zenger of seditious libel
the law is unconscionable, it is called jury for publishing criticisms of the colonies’
Helena, MT 59604
nullification of the law - or, in short, jury governor. Even though 18th Century libel
nullification. Jury nullification occurs in law didn’t recognize truth as a defense (the Join FIJA Today!
3-4% of all criminal trials. rule being the greater the truth, the greater
An Abbreviated History of the libel), Zenger’s jury acquitted because
Jury Nullification Mr. Zenger’s words were true. Call 1-800-TEL-JURY
Jury independence is well established in Jury nullification of the law is not just a
American law. In 1804, Supreme Court remnant of Colonial days, when Americans
for a Jury Power
Justice Samuel Chase was impeached for were still proud, independent and free. information kit.
denying a jury’s right to judge law. He holds During the 19th century, juries as far South
the dubious distinction of being the only as Georgia refused to convict whites who
Supreme Court Justice ever impeached. assisted slaves escaping from bondage. As
Why did the Founders give juries such many as sixty percent of alcohol prohibition
awesome power? Theophilus Parsons, first cases ended in acquittal, leading to repeal
Chief Justice of Massachusetts, explained: of Prohibition.
“The people themselves have it in their A Little Subversion
power to resist usurpation, without an
appeal to arms. An act of usurpation is
The conventional wisdom is that jury s
Great American Paradox - that our best
not obligatory; it is not law; and any man citizens are our greatest subversives? A good
may be justified in his resistance. Let him American is by nature an inquisitive soul
be considered a criminal by the general unwilling and temperamentally unable to
government, yet only his fellow citizens can kowtow to malevolent authority - in short, an
ii FIJActivist Special Educational Supplement FIJA

old-fashioned boat-rocker. The Rev. Martin insane, or, most importantly, has indicated
Luther King was investigated by the FBI that he or she is unable or unwilling to
“It is not only - as have an appalling number of peaceable, apply the law.
justice-minded loyal Americans who dared Peremptory strikes can be used by either
the juror’s right, to dissent from government policies. side for any reason other than race or
Sometimes a bit of subversion is needed gender. Depending on the case and the
but his duty, to to rescue our government from itself. The jurisdiction, each side may have three to
second part of the credo “my country, fifteen peremptory strikes (even more in
find the verdict right or wrong,” is “when right, to stand by death penalty cases.) Generally, parties
according to her. When wrong, to set her right again.”
Setting government right again is what
strike venire-members they believe would
be unlikely to vote for their side. The
his own best jury nullification is all about. Bureaucrats prosecutor and the defense attorney get
may whine about subversion, but jury to question venire-members about their
understanding, nullification, in the end, is the democratic attitudes, opinions and behaviors in order
response of deliberating citizens to laws that to “intelligently” exercise peremptory
judgment and are not popularly supported, in a nation challenges.
where we, the people, not government, are What this means is that if you show up for
conscience, the source of sovereign power. jury duty and proudly announce “marijuana
though in direct Judges refuse to tell jurors about their
option to veto unjust or misapplied laws,
should be legal, prohibition is immoral and
unconstitutional and I would never vote
opposition to the and may even dismiss potential jurors who to convict anyone in a weed case,” you will
let the Court know they are aware of this immediately be removed by the prosecutor
instruction of the power. They may require a juror’s oath to “for cause” in a marijuana case and you will
enforce the law that is itself not enforceable. have absolutely no impact on the outcome
court.” Jurors may not be punished for their of the case. Similarly, if you say “police never
verdict– though if they are not crafty, they arrest innocent people,” the defense will
John Adams, might be removed from the jury. That is strike you. You must appear neutral and fair
1771 why potential jurors must know their power
before going to court, and have a strategy
to both sides to be seated.
However, you may not lie during voir
thought out. Most people who receive a jury dire. Lying may constitute perjury or
summons do not show up for jury duty, or obstruction of justice - felony offenses.
try to get excused. If those who know about The clue to survival is to give neutral but
Clay S. Conrad is author the power of the jury and who care about truthful answers. This can take some care
justice are willing to serve, their influence and serious thought, depending on the exact
of Jury Nullification: The is magnified many times over. questions you are asked. However, there are
Evolution of a Doctrine Surviving Jury Selection some general rules. One of them is that you
(Carolina Academic In order to nullify the law, you need to should never elaborate on your answers to
Press, 1998 and available survive jury selection (or ‘voir dire’), and voir dire questions, or volunteer answers
on the FIJA web site be seated on the jury. When you appear for to questions that have not been asked. A
jury duty, you are a “venire-member.” The typical question is to ask venire-members
under publications in the venire is the group (or ‘panel’) of citizens what organizations they are members of.
Supply Shop) and is a from which a jury is chosen. The jury is In anticipation of this question, you may
former Director of FIJA. chosen by removing members of the venire. consider resigning from any legal reform or
After both sides have removed the venire- issue organizations when you get your jury
members they object to, the first twelve (or summons. (You can always rejoin later.)
six, or eight, depending on the case and the Other typical questions, and appropriate
state) venire-members remaining are sworn unobjectionable neutral answers, include:
in as the jury. What magazines and newspapers do
1-800-TEL-JURY Venire-members can be removed in two you subscribe to or read regularly? (Time
ways: they can be stricken “for cause,” or to cancel some subscriptions - at least
through use of a peremptory strike. Both temporarily! And time to start reading
sides can remove as many venire-members Popular Mechanics, PC World, Money and “for cause” as they can find lawful reasons
to strike. A “for cause” strike is based on a
People. Don’t mention U.S. News & World
Report or The Economist. People interested
venire-member being legally ineligible to in world events tend to be opinionated
serve, because, for example, he or she has independent thinkers. You want to appear
a felony or theft record, is not a citizen, is a neutral, law abiding middle of the road
FIJActivist Special Educational Supplement iii

“I consider trial
taxpayer.) If you are insane, you are not qualified to
Do you know anyone with a drug problem? serve. You probably cannot simulate being of
by jury as the only
(Yes, but not well. This is usually true retirement age. Any excitement will be seen anchor yet imagined
because such people never allow anyone to as an “agenda.” Act bored and a smidgeon
know them well. Of course, if your spouse, annoyed that you must waste your time on
by man, by which a
parent or child is in rehab, it’s time to fess a case you could not care less about. government can be
up.) Get a haircut. Don’t wear your hunting
How do you feel about people accused of jacket. Do not argue that getting your
held to the principles
evading income taxes, illegal posession of dreadlocks cut or leaving your camo jacket at of its constitution.”
firearms, or selling marijuana? (They deserve home infringes on your personal expression.
fair trials, like anyone accused of a crime.) Neutral appearance may give you a chance
Thomas Jefferson
Do you know anyone who has been to express yourself in the jury room where it
accused of (breaking target law)? (If so, the counts. Hair grows back. You can wear that
answer may be “yes, but not well.” If they ask camo jacket tomorrow. A term in prison
“It is not only the
for an example, they will stop after one, so leaves permanent scars. Let us hope nobody juror’s right, but
there must be someone you knew distantly reading this is so vain that appearance is
who was accused of breaking this sort of law.) more important to them than the freedom
his duty to find the
If you know someone who was acquitted on of one of their brothers or sisters. verdict according
such charges, say so - it lets the venire know When All Else Fails
false accusations happen. Answer in short, Jury selection is not the time for speeches.
to his own best
to the point sentences, and do not digress, Nothing is sadder than seeing the good understanding,
volunteer or elaborate. jurors disqualify themselves because they
How do you feel about the government’s cannot wait to give the judge and prosecutor
judgment and
use of paid informants or informants who a piece of their mind. Generally, the less you conscience, though
are receiving reduced sentences in return for say, the more likely you are to get on the
their testimony? (Their testimony has to be jury. The only time to proselytize during
in direct opposition
examined carefully, but fairly.) voir dire is when you know you will not be to the instruction
Do you have such strong feelings about on the jury (the prosecutor has asked you
this type of case that you would be unable to a question you cannot answer truthfully
of the court.” John
be a fair and impartial juror? (Of course not! without giving your position away). Then Adams, 1771
What you want is a fair and just outcome.) speak quickly but steadily, in calm, rational
If asked whether you are opposed to gun sound bites. “I could not convict a young
or drug laws, you can truthfully say you man for a harmless act. It would ruin the “Jurors should
have questions about how effective gun or rest of his life. That’s immoral.” Make
drug laws are. If asked if you are able to put the prosecutor or defense attorney follow
acquit, even against
your opinions aside and vote guilty, you can up by asking you more questions. If they the judge’s
always say yes. (You are also able to shove ask a follow-up question, give a similarly
your arm down a kitchen garbage disposal. short, to-the-point answer. The more polite,
That does not mean you are committed respectful and reasonable you are, the more exercising their
to doing so.) Take the question literally, you will influence (and perhaps empower)
and answer as briefly and generally as you remaining venire-members.
judgment with
truthfully can. Avoid having the judge cut you off before discretion and
Appearing for Jury Duty your message gets out. You want to appear
Come into court looking like a respectable, candid and honest - not as though you are
honesty they have a
law abiding middle-class American. Think trying to send a forbidden message to (or, clear conviction the
of a perfectly acceptable copier repairman as courts consider it, “contaminate”) other
visiting a prosecutor’s office. Wear clean, people on the venire. You must come across
charge of the court
business casual clothes. Cover any tattoos as reasonable, respectful, intelligent, sincere, is wrong.” Alexander
and remove superfluous jewelry or piercings. and polite. If the judge blows up after you
Bring work related reading material such as sit down, he is a tyrant. After all, if citizens
a technical manual, a paperback novel, or cannot speak their mind, why ask them
a non-issue magazine (not High Times or
Sports Shooting!).
questions? (That would be a fair question to
ask a judge who would ridicule or chastise
Do not act like you are excited to be there. a venire member in front of the rest of the
Nobody is happy to receive a jury summons venire.)
unless they are either 1) retired and bored In the Jury Room
to death, 2) insane, or 3) have an “agenda.” Once on the jury, do not mention
iv FIJActivist Special Educational Supplement FIJA

Remember when nullification during jury service unless the opponents will rethink their positions. We
“not guilty” votes are in the majority. If the know what happens when they begin that
called for jury duty: if judge believes a juror is nullifying he may process. They join our side.
the questions become remove her, declaring a mistrial or allowing Remember that there are many types of
specific, tell the truth. the remaining jurors to decide the case. cases in which a conscientious informed
First, however, the judge must question the juror may decide not to convict. As jurors,
That way, you will live juror. If the juror has doubts on the facts, we must be sensitive to injustices that do
to judge another day. she cannot be dismissed. If she justifies her not affect us personally. Whenever we
“not guilty” vote by saying “I can’t convict a recognize an aggressive prosecutor seeking
young woman for protecting herself,” she’s not social protection but social engineering,
This supplement will gone. If she says “I think Officer Krupke we are given ample reason to doubt whether
be available soon to lied - did you see his body language?,” the a conviction would be justified. If, after
download and print from judge will return the juror to deliberations. examining the evidence, the Defendant,
our web site at Reasonable doubt can include doubts about and the law we find a conviction would
the reliability of the evidence, the witnesses, not be morally or conscientiously justified, or the police. If the prosecution was not
able to present sufficient evidence, refuse
we should withhold our consent and use
our veto as jurors, regardless of whether
to convict! the injustice we are preventing is one that
TO ORDER The inability to discuss nullification bedevils us personally. Just as Patrick Henry
ADDITIONAL openly encourages hung juries. If you must, expected his neighbors to protect him from
hang. Reasonable people may disagree. You injustice, we must protect our neighbors if
COPIES: have a right to hang - you do not have a right we expect them to protect us.
Contact to compromise someone else’s life away. A jury summons is not just another form
Fully Informed Jury Vote your conscience even if other jurors letter from a government clerk. It is an
Association browbeat you. Your principles are at stake. invaluable gift from our Founding Fathers,
Principles cannot be compromised - only a gift intended to keep our government true
Post Office Box 5570 abandoned. Vote your conscience. Hang
Helena, MT 59604-5570 not just to the letter of the Constitution,
with pride. A hung jury sends a message but to its principles. Justice, our forefathers
to the prosecutor and judge about the knew, requires eternal vigilance, and so does
acceptance of the law, and a series of hung
1-800-TEL-JURY juries sends a message to the legislature.
freedom. Vigilance takes more than reading
the papers and casting a ballot at election
Just Say No! time. Citizens must exercise constant
or order from our on line I know a case in which a prosecutor offered
secure Supply Shop at oversight of their government. Trial by jury
a twenty year sentence as a plea bargain in a ensures that citizens maintain a peaceful
user-quantity methamphetamine case. The defendant rejected the offer and took the
and effective means to exercise that vigilance
- regulating, monitoring and when necessary,
case to trial. A marijuana activist on the vetoing tyrannical government actions.
The Fully Informed jury refused to convict. The jury hung 11-1. Decades of repeated attempts by judges,
When the case came back, the prosecutor prosecutors and legislators to weaken trial
Jury Association grants
reduced the charge to a misdemeanor with by jury have limited but not removed the
permission to reprint a four month sentence, which was accepted.
any part or all of this power of juries to perform their intended
The defendant is free today - and with no task. Government tries to keep jurors
publication, provided felony conviction - because one independent ignorant of their nullification prerogative.
that articles, graphics and American stuck to his principles and Jurors, however, still have the same powers
photos are credited to their followed Nancy Reagan’s sage advice - Just they possessed in 1776 - once they know
author(s), and FIJA and the Say No! That is the inestimable power of a about them. Too many harmless people
FIJActivist are referenced. juror. have suffered at the opressive hands of the
American juries have a proud and firearms and drug and other agents of the
heroic tradition of standing up to tyranny government. Jury service is our best chance
1-800-TEL-JURY and saying “no” to oppressive, unjust or to fight back. Once we do, our victory, while
misapplied laws. Now, with the war on terror slow, is assured.
turning into a war on the Constitution, we have an opportunity to make “zero
tolerance” laws and politically motivated
prosecutions an exercise in futility. When
the likelihood of convicting and sentencing 1-800-TEL-JURY
harmless Americans becomes minimal, our

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