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Junior Achievement Company of the Year Summary

Student Company Name:_HOME One Word. Four Letters. Infinite Love.

Student Name Age Parent/Guardian name
if student is age 17 or
Parents Phone

Parents Email
Tsuji, Erika 17 Imelda S. Tsuji 1-671-689-1520
Paragas, Peter Paul 17 Catherine Paragas 1-671-637-9845
Dizon, Julio 17 Wilner Dizon 1-671-898-3152
Ermitano, Anthony 18 Nanette Ermitano 1-671-649-0540
Ermitano, Andrew 18 Nanette Ermitano 1-671-649-0540

1. Junior Achievement office name and staff member contact name:
Junior Achievement Guam
Mrs. Beth Lizama

2. Tell us about your student company and your product (1-2 paragraphs)
Home One Word. Four Letters. Infinite Love. is a Junior Achievement Company
sponsored by Tan Holdings Corporation. Our company is comprised of students from
various schools such as Father Duenas Memorial School, Academy of Our Lady of Guam,
John F. Kennedy High School, Simon Sanchez High School, and Southern High School.
Our after school Junior Achievement Company program promotes the idea of family and
community. With this in mind, we wanted to create something that would promote the
concept of the home.

We created Home67fun, a website that captures people who are looking for a fun
activity to enjoy Guam's picturesque sceneries. The experience is further enhanced
when done with friends or family as more rewards and prizes are gained. However, the
website was not produced immediately as we had insufficient capital. We decided to
produce family-themed pillow cases and eco-friendly USBs made out of all natural
materials to produce income that would be used for our website. Both products were
manufactured off-island by outsourcing to China and the United States. As we generated
more income, we were able to start the initial stages of the development. It also gave us

the opportunity to use our products as prizes for our website. This was enough to
attract local business to advertise on Home67fun. With the help of the ads, we were
able to pay for the development and domain fees for the site as well.

3. How did you decide what your product was going to be? Please be detailed.

With our mission and vision statements as guidelines, we envisioned numerous products
that would abide by our goals and satisfy our potential customers. We wanted to be
family oriented, eco-friendly, and innovative. We were able to agree on the products
after serious deliberation, research, and discussion with our employees.

4. How long has your company been in existence? Has it been liquidated?
In accordance to the Junior Achievement Guam after school program, Home has been in
existence for 12 weeks. We liquidated on December 12, 2012.

5. Is there a corporate social responsibility component to your company or product?
If so, please be detailed.

Yes. Our company donated money to a non-profit organization called Love To Gift. The
organization was recently founded by students, like us. Their purpose is to host parties
for underprivileged children who do not have a family. The money donated does not
come from our product sales. We have a separate account for our benefactor funded by
donations from our customers and other fundraisers supported by our company. We had
a donation box for Love to Gift at every company event such as trade-fairs.

6. What markets did you sell your product in? How do you choose those markets
and research them? Did you ever consider markets in other states or nations?

We targeted both tourists and locals alike. Our products are for people, particularly the
family-market and tourists, who are looking for a good time, things to do on Guam and
get rewarded for it. Our Junior Achievement Company promotes the idea of family and
community, and therefore, it was ideal to target those on island and those who would
visit Guam. However, as the company progressed, we added local businesses and
organizations as a market choice. We were able to offer our 67fun website for
advertisements to local businesses. Also, as our company continues to grow and gain
publicity with the help of organizations such as Guam Visitor's Bureau and the Guam
Chamber of Commerce, we look forward to the possibility of developing our website in
different versions for other nations and countries.

7. Did you source the components needed to make your product from other
countries or states? If so, how did you identify them and collaborate with them?

Yes. All our products were outsourced. Our initial products, the USBs and the family-
themed pillowcases, were custom-made in China and the United States. The USBs were
manufactured in China. The pillowcases were manufactured in Ohio, United States. The
printing was done in Guam to support the local economy. We were able to identify our
sources by comparing our options, considering the prices and manufacturing time. We
were able to collaborate with the products outside of Guam with the help of
LocoPromos, a local distributor.


8. Describe any obstacles your company had to overcome to be successful
possibly related to interpersonal conflict, unforeseen barriers you had work
around, resource constraints, etc. Please be detailed.

Throughout the twelve-week course of the program, the company encountered a series
of hurdles that tested every member of our organization. First, time constraints from the
subsequent trade-fairs that were only one week apart gave us little time to refine our
booths. Second, our quality control team discovered that a third of our pillowcases had
printing defects. Lastly, the development of our website took a heavy toll on our
resources as development and the monthly domain fees were costly. Our website
project was risky, but it paid off in the end.

In order to solve our problems, we had to learn how not to get discouraged by anything
thrown at us. We started delegating the work load amongst our employees better and
more efficiently. We made deals with our product distributor to compensate for the
defects and damages. We also opened our website for advertising from local businesses.
In the end, we learned how to deal and adapt to our problems to work for our benefit.

9. What is the most gratifying thing about your participation in Junior Achievement?

Aside from all the lessons learned from the program, the most gratifying thing about our
participation in Junior Achievement was being able to meet great people in and out of
our company. We met business executives, leaders and such, but most importantly, we
met each other. The employees of our company were able to build a bond and
friendship that would last forever. In the end, we never wouldve had fun learning
experiences if it were not for our employees.
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10. What concepts have you learned that you know you will apply in your future
career? These could be business principles or methods of working successfully
with your colleagues, or something else!

Junior Achievement tremendously improved our financial literacy, entrepreneurship,
critical thinking, marketing and sales strategies. The program also helped us gain more
self-confidence and allowed us to experience real-life business scenarios that we may
encounter in the future. We learned that in order to be on the top, extra effort,
creativity, and originality are necessary. We realized the importance of the clich think
outside the box, because doing something that is common provides more competition.
We also realized how all the little things such as punctuality to meetings,
disorganization, and unnecessary talking during meetings and bickering amongst the
members can affect our company's progress. We also learned how to deal with other
people and improve our communication skills, an important skill that would surely help
us in any career. Many of us became interested in a business and/or marketing career
as a result of the Junior Achievement experience.

11. How have you changed or grown, either personally or professionally, as a result
of your JA experience?

Junior Achievement has helped all our employees in so many ways. The program has
improved our self-esteem and confidence as we learned to talk and work with other
people in a new environment, the business world. For many of us, the program provided
the spark that propelled us toward our dreams of work success and personal
development. It has motivated us to work hard not only in the program but also outside,
with school and also our own personal lives. It has made us more competitive
individuals eager for improvement. Many of our employees received higher grades in
school despite the extra-work load. It may not have been solely because of the Junior
Achievement program, but the time management skills we learned surely helped each
and everyone of us. Also, the JA experience helped many of our employees discover
what they are interested in. As many of our employees are high school seniors going
into college, a business course that was out of the picture before has turned into a
career choice.

12. What does your company do with its profits? How was that decision made?

We give it back to our employees in the form of salaries and commission. Our
employees are paid $0.75 per hour and have a 10% commission on sales. Our officers
are paid $2.00 per meeting. We also donate to Love to Gift. The money donated to our
benefactor is acquired from donations that are in a separate account from our company
sales. All the decisions were made during our first company meeting and are included in

our company bylaws. All matters were discussed and voted upon in a parliamentary

13. Is there anything else you would like to share?

As the program comes to an end, we look forward to continue what we have started.
We are in the process of collaborating with Guam Visitor's Bureau, Guam Chamber of
Commerce, Guam Hotel Restaurants Association, and Guam Mayor's Council to utilize
our website, Home67fun, to promote the island's beautiful sceneries to tourists and
locals alike. With tourism as Guam's major industry, we hope that our website can
improve our economy. We believe that Home67fun can be the next big thing for our
island. In the future, we hope to develop the website with translations in different
languages. Similar techniques and different versions of the website can also be used
globally for other countries to further improve tourism and the family market. We look
forward to developing a free app that would be available in the Apple and Android App
Stores to give our users easier accessibility.

When you have completed this form, please save it and email it to Nancy Keel at the JA
Asia Pacific Regional Operating Center,

Please make every effort to have this form completed
and turned in before January 25, 2013

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