Dennetts: 2014 Is Off To A Good Start in Guatemala

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M i s s i o n a r i e s t o G u a t e m a l a









What a joy to be back in Guatemala after our
short furlough in the United States and
literally in the U.S.A. we were! We travelled
more than 10,000 miles over the summer and
fall visiting churches, family, and friends. Good
friends in Michigan loaned us their RV and we
set off across America. It was the trip of a
lifetime, visiting National Parks and other
beautiful locations together and seeing so
many loved ones along the way. Our trip
included a week-long stop in Denver, getting
Abbie settled into Colorado Christian
University, where she has begun her freshman
year of college. Abbie is majoring in Music
and has had a very aggressive rst two
semesters! She will visit Guatemala in May, so
we cant wait to see her! She loves CCU and
God has provided her with just wonderful
Godly roommates!
2014 is off to a Good Start in Guatemala
We returned to Guatemala in January, refreshed and ready to get back to the
business at hand! We thank the Lord for our time in the U.S. with family and
friends and thank you, our supporters, for your part in our ministry. 2014 is
going to be a very busy year and we covet your prayers!
Visit to Florida
Quality Time with Marys
Father and His Wife
We spent our last weeks in the U.S.
in Vero Beach, Florida, with Marys
father, Norman, and his wife, Lijia.
What a blessing to have time with
them, enjoy the holidays together
and to ring in the New Year! We
spent time as a family at the beach
and also visited our good friends,
the Paulls and the McCauleys, on
the west coast of the state.
Off the Street
What Happens When
Youre 13 and Never
Been to School?
This school year we have started a
new program in conjunction with
our At Risk no More street rescue
program. Young people just off the
streets, are studying in an
accelerated learning
program that will
get them up to
speed and able to
continue on to
higher education.

Spring 2014
Our last photo in Guatemala together as a whole family! Abbie is now attending Colorado
Christian University. Mary, Jordan, Abbie, Brian, Aaron, Brody, Micah and Eve (Clockwise)
Our new accelerated learning Class Mary and EBC Team playing with Las Vistas kids
Growing up in the vicinity of the Guatemala
City Dump comes with its challenges. Many
who have, share that they often believed that
they, themselves, were garbage. Most in the
area make their living from scavenging for
small items of value and selling them. Many
survive off small scraps of food found in the
garbage! When children from the dump enter
our school, they are often suffering from
malnutrition and need extra support in order
to recover.

Its a tough area and the youth were serving in
this new school are hardened and one step
from life in the streets of Guatemala City. We
hope to inspire these young people and see
them through to a better life!

Our teachers need special prayers for the
challenges they face each day working with
young people who have a very unclear vision
of their future. We want to bring them lovingly
into a relationship with Jesus and then help
them to see the great value they have as a
child of God, created in His image! The school
is also bringing much needed education,
nutrition and opportunity!
Thanks to the hard work of
our At Risk no More team and
a new partner in working with
street youth (Street Kids
Direct UK), we were
introduced to the wife of the
former President of
Guatemala, Patricia Arz. Her
husband is now mayor of
Guatemala City. Patricia is a
sister in Christ and was
pleased to discover our
ministry. As a result, we were
asked to take over a school
project in the Guatemala City
Dump, a project for which
they would be providing the
entire budget! We now have
a Christian school with
Christian teachers and
administrators, evangelizing
youth from one of the most
challenging areas of the city
and doing it with the City of
Wife of the Mayor of Guatemala City: We are so pleased to have found AMG! Where have you been?
Chi l dr en of t he Des per at e Ci t y Dump Now Have an AMG Sc hool
Brian and the Wife of the
Mayor of Guatemala.
We have now had several
meetings with the Mayors
wife and former First Lady of
Guatemala, Patricia Arz. She
has presented us with several
more projects that she would
like AMG to consider
managing in cooperation.

Were very excited about this
new relationship and so
surprised by the freedom to
speak with a government
ofcial about how Christ

I had been praying earlier this
year for the Lord to surprise
us with resources. There are
so many in need here and we
have the ultimate answer!
Our approach to ministry
seems to be working, and we
are gaining a reputation for
being equally professional
and spiritual.

Thank you, Lord, for surprising
us with new opportunities and
Brian with Alvaro Arz, Mayor of
Guatemala City and Former President
Operating a School that Truly Serves the
Most Needy
Please pray for our new staff in our new Zone 3 Guatemala City Dump School.
Our new teaching staff in the Guatemala City Dump, home to our newest school project!
One womans call touches Mary, and a new ministry
opportunity begins for our family!
CPR Villages, or Communities of Persons in Revolution, have been
cut off from all outside contact for years!
When Guatemala ended their 36-year civil war in 1996, there were
still many villages that refused to reconcile with the government.
Since then, the villagers have lived in fear and lacked many
resources, which has drastically affected their well-being and that
of their children. Up until recently, Santa Rosa, one of these CPR
villages, was completely cut off from the outside world! That was
until a valiant Ixil Indian pastor recently began visiting and sharing
the Gospel. Just six months ago, a small church was built and now
10 families have accepted Christ!
Imagine driving alone for hours on a mountainous dirt road with
winding, sheer drop-offs and then hiking for hours more through
virgin jungle. That is what my brave and adventurous wife, Mary,
began to do each month several months ago. She felt called by the
Lord to support her friend, Terri, who had already been visiting the
area alone for several months.
Our close friends, the McCombs have lived and served in
Guatemala for over 20 years. Terri was the rst missionary allowed
into this remote village, thanks to the condence of Pastor Lix. She
has been visiting monthly, bringing much needed nutritional
supplements to those suffering malnutrition in the village. Mary
and Terri are the closest of friends (a truly blessed friendship), so
Mary felt called to support her friend and join her, on her
dangerous and difcult treks into Santa Rosa. I remember her
lamenting after her rst trip of how frightening it was and what a
physically exhausting trip they had. Our son, Jordan, and Terris
son, Joshua, joined them and were such a support to them!
Jordan loved the adventure and was deeply touched by the lives
of those in Santa Rosa.
Those who have yet to accept Christ continue to live in fear and
question the decision to allow missionaries in!
Holy Week in Guatemala is a universal vacation, so Mary invited
me to join her and Jordan on their
monthly trek to Santa Rosa. Pastor Lix
discussed this with the Church, and they
agreed to allow us into the village. Terri,
her husband Mike, their son Joshua,
Mary, Jordan and I made the trip. Mike
and I were the rst adult male
missionaries ever allowed into the
village. He had been chased away with
guns several years ago, trying to bring in
medical supplies for them. We brought
200 pounds of vitamin-enriched rice and
nutritional supplements, carried on
mules along the trail. We also organized
a childrens program and led a church
service that afternoon. I will never forget visiting Pastor Mateo (the
new church pastor) and sitting on the edge of his bed listening to
his testimony. He was just six months old when his parents and
siblings were murdered by the army, who thought they were
guerrilla-supporting Indians. The mutilated bodies of his mother
and father were found, by Mateo, in a stream near their home. He
later became a guerrilla ghter and killed many in the process. He
says that he did not smile for years, until he found Jesus! He is
now a smiling and joyful believer, sharing his love for Jesus in their
new little church. What a blessing its going to be to serve
alongside these wonderful people!
Athentikos, the producers of Reparando, has
now completed their second lm about
Guatemala, Becoming Fools. The movie
pays tribute to Italo the Clown, famous in
Guatemala for sharing the Gospel and
teaching clowning to street youth as a way for
them to support themselves and stay off
drugs. A number of AMG employees were
involved in the making of the lm, so it was a
natural for AMG to partner with the project
and use it as a platform for raising awareness
and funds to work with high-risk youth in
Guatemala. Brian and Chad Smith, director of
At Risk no More (an AMG division), attended
the premier of the movie in Grand Rapids,
Michigan, in March. AMG has begun a new
sponsorship program called the Bridge to Life
Youth Sponsorship. Would you help us to
serve youth at risk in Guatemala? Please visit to learn how!

So many bless AMG with
their talents!
Our friends from Grand
Rapids (below) worked for
nearly two weeks getting a
new school project started in
the west of Guatemala.
Our good friend, Pastor Tyler
Thompson (below), visited
with his church in February.
Tyler conducted pastoral
training while the team did
projects around our Matochos
Thanks to visitors like these,
we are able to accomplish so
much more than our budget
allows! Thank you, Lord, for
sending workers to the eld!

Would you consider bringing
a team to Guatemala?

B e c o mi n g F o o l s Mov i e P r e mi e r
Leveraging a movie about street youth in Guatemala to help youth at AMG
Yes, I would like to support the Dennett Family through AMG !
I would like to send AMG International
a gift to support the Dennetts work of:
Monthly Gift
Annual Gift
One-Time Gift
or Call 800-251-7206
Mail Your Check To:
AMG International
6815 Shallowford Road
Chattanooga, TN 37421
Notate on Check: Dennett Family Support
Brian and Chad Smith attend premier and
present the new Bridge to Life Sponsorship
P l e a s e P r a y F o r
! Young Life, who have continued to strengthen their program with AMG, sending a missionary
family from Nicaragua to work with us here in the city. We hope to continue growing the
number of after-school clubs offered to young people. The clubs keep youth off the streets
and inspire and engage them with bible studies, games and fun activities.
! A recently completed health study of the Cubulco area, where we will be considering a
remodel of our hospital there. Engineering Ministries International (EMI) has visited twice
now and has helped us to envision the update and drawn surveys, blueprints and other
sketches to imagine a refreshed hospital!
! Our faithful annual team from Grand Rapids who started construction on a new school in
Ostuncalco, which we hope to nish this year with two teams coming from Europe, from
World Servants. This is a new partnership with World Servants so pray for good visits!
! Brian and the AMG team, as they strategize and begin thinking of the next ve years at AMG.
We will focus our attention on inequality, insecurity/violence and economic development.
! Praises for the many medical teams that have or will visit this year, attending to the medical,
surgical and dental needs of hundreds of patients without normal access to healthcare. We
thank GHO, Dr. Mike Laberge and many others!
! Our partnership with Champions in Action, which has yielded an entire new ministry of
athletics within AMG. CIA has started soccer leagues and is discipling and challenging AMG
students to serve the Lord and to play their best!
! Our new efforts in mobilizing the church in Guatemala to serve along with us helping young
people in need. Pray that Christians will see their biblical role to mentor and take in young
people who are suffering.
! Our staff, working directly with many who are suffering or have suffered abuse. Their work is
challenging and they are faced each day with unimaginable pain in the lives of many young
people. Pray that they have wisdom and strength in dealing with their cases.

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