Necessary Words.: The Adjective

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I. Fill in the blank with the positive or comparative form of the word in parentheses. Add
necessary words.
1. Is these ............... (comparative: advertising) in the USA.... in your country? Is it ...................
(positive: effective)?
2. Are biboards ............... (positive: common) in your country ......... in the USA? Are
they ........................ (comparative: attractive)?
!. Are ne"spapers in your anguage .................. (comparative:
interesting) .................. ne"spapers in #ngish? Are they..................... (comparative:
%. Are there .................. (comparative: fe" ads) in ne"spapers in your country ...... in
the USA? Are they ..............(comparative: sma or big)?
&. Are records from your country ............... (positive: good) .................. records in the USA? 'o
teenagers pay them ............. (positive: oudy)?
(. Are American )* commercias ............ (comparative: good) .................. commercias
in your country? 'o they appear ... (comparative: fre+uenty)?
,. Is the media ............... (positive: important) in your country ......... in the USA?
II. Select the correct form in parentheses in the following sentences.
1. -f the four dresses. I i/e the red one (better0best). 2. 1hi is the (happier0happiest) person
that "e /no". !. 1at2s car is (faster0fastest) than 'an2s. %. )his the (creamier0creamiest) ice
cream I have had in a ong time. &. )his poster is (coourfuer0more coourfu) than the one in
the ha. (. 'oes 3red fee ("eer0better) today than he did yesterday? ,. )his vegetabe soup
tastes very (good0"e). 4. 5hie trying to baance the bas/ets on her head. the "oman
"a/ed (a"/"arder0more a"/"ardy) than her daughter. 6. 7ane is the (ess0east) athetic of a
the "omen. 18. 9y cat is the (prettier0prettiest) of the t"o. 11. )his summary is (the better0the
best) of the pair. 12. :our heritage is different (from0than) mine. 1!. )his painting is (ess
impressive0east impressive) than the one in the other gaery. 1%. )he coder the "eather gets
(sic/er0the sic/er) I fee. 1&. ;o sooner had he received the etter ("hen0than) he caed 9aria.
1(. A min/ coat costs (t"ice more than0t"ice as much as) a sabe coat. 1,. 7im has as
(itte0fe") opportunities to pay tennis as I. 14. )hat recipe cas for (many0much) more sugar
than mine does. 16. )he museum is the (farther0farthest) a"ay of the three buidings.
28. <eorge 5ashington is (famouser0more famous) than 7ohn 7ay.

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