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Program Idea:

Social Media Training for Small Businesses and Non-Profits

Need for program:
As unemployment in Caroline County remains above 7% - iger tan te state average! many local
"obsee#ers ave created teir o$n opportunities by starting a small business% Tis can be a complicated
process $it very little e&tra room in te budget for mar#eting% Te Caroline County Public 'ibrary is
prepared to elp% (e ave a ne$ Business and )ob *esource Center in te Central 'ibrary in +enton
full of free resources for business o$ners%
Tis program $ill so$ small business o$ners and non-profits o$ to use various social media outlets
to furter teir mission! e&pand teir reac! and generate interest - in as little as an our per mont!
using mainly free tools% A ,uestion and ans$er session $ill follo$ to ensure tat any oter concerns
about social media ave been addressed%
Potential Community Partners:
Caroline Camber of Commerce
Caroline County Tourism
Caroline -conomic +evelopment Corporation
Steps Necessary for setting up event:
Boo# computer lab in our Central library to serve as te training facility%
+evelop survey or tal#ing points to discuss oter $ays $e can elp small business o$ners%
Connect $it potential partners to discuss promotion and scope of program for community needs%
Put up flyers! post to $ebsite and social media! as# partners to cross-promote%
*egistration $ill be re,uired! so establis sign-up%
Evaluation Criteria:
+iscuss $it attendees%
Attendees $ill be as#ed to fill out standard event evaluation form%
.ollo$ attendee/s social media pages to see teir progress%
Library Mission: The Caroline County Public Library brings people, information and ideas together
to enrich lives, increase knowledge, and build community.
Tis program $ill not only increase small business o$ners a$areness of social media tecni,ues! it
$ill provide a net$or#ing opportunity%
Christy Cheezum
Caroline County Public Library
410-479-1343 x 131
Grow Your Business with Social Media!
Are you a small business or non-profit struggling to get the word out about your services? Confused
about Instagram, Pinterest and Facebooks new algorithm? !o you know what social media outlet your
target market is using? "ow do you get the most return on your time investment?
Come to the #ocial $edia for #mall %usinesses and &on-Profits seminar at the Caroline County
Public 'ibrary and get your (uestions answered) *e will show you how to manage your social media
presence in as little as an hour a month + for free,
-his seminar is ideal for small business owners and those involved in promoting events for non-profits)
It will be held on *ednesday, .une /0
, 1-2P$ at the Central 'ibrary in !enton) A meet and greet in
the librarys new cafe area will begin at 3P$) 4egistration is re(uired) For more information or to sign
up, visit www)carolib)org or call 5/6-527-/858 e9t) /)

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