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Patricia Martinez

Proposed Class: Pinterest party!
Program Need: Pinterest is a visual discovery tool that people use to collect ideas for
their different projects and interests. People create and share collections (called
boards) of visual bookmarks (called Pins) that they use to do things like plan trips and
projects, organie events or save articles and recipes. Pinterest, !hile adult focused,
includes ideas for activities for all age groups. "his makes programming ideas endless
and versatile for the library. #n addition, each library can have its o!n Pinterest Party
based on the community interests and needs.
Montgomery County Library Mission Statement$ %ontgomery &ounty Public
'ibraries offers free and e(ual access to services and resources that connect the people
of %ontgomery &ounty to ideas and information !hich sustain and enrich their lives.
"his e(ually accessible program !ill help connect our community of lifelong learners by
providing a space and activity !here they can e)press their ideas and creativity through
group activities !here all can learn together.
Potential Community Partners$ Potential partners may include *o+,nn -abric and
&rafts .tore, %ichaels, ,.&. %oore, anti(ue stores in the area, to start. #f !e !ere to get
into recipes then supermarkets, farmers markets, restaurants. /e could have guest
chefs, and art 0 crafts teachers and professionals. /e could also incorporate the use of
Event Set-up:
Materials needed$ %aterials needed !ill be provided by %&P' and2or partners and !ill
depend on the craft activity planned. #f tutorial video is available, bring an iPad or use
projector to play it on. #ncluded in this proposal are e)amples of an adult, teen, child, and
family activity.
Adult: Lemon Sugar Scrub
%aterials needed$
3 4 cups of granulated sugar
526 cup coconut oil (almond oil !ill also !ork)
5 lemon or lemon natural oils
mi)ing bo!l
cute small jar !ith lid
printed labels on sticker paper
steps printed7 if available an ipad to play video tutorial
8ay of$ .et up a !elcoming space !ith materials set up at each table
9valuation$ , (uick survey and discussion !ill at the end of the program.
een: Duct ape Laptop !Smart Device Case"
%aterials needed$
8ifferent fun colors and design duct tape
:ubble mailer (sie ; iPod, sie 3 ipad mini, etc)
.teps and youtube video tutorial
8ay of$ .et up a !elcoming space !ith materials set up at each table
9valuation$ , (uick survey and discussion !ill at the end of the program.
C#ild: Design your o$n Super#ero Cape
%aterials needed$
<litter2fabric glue
.teps printed7 if available an ipad to play video tutorial
8ay of$ .et up a !elcoming space !ith materials set up at each table.
9valuation$ , (uick survey and discussion !ill at the end of the program+ask kids if they
enjoyed the program.
"he follo!ing !ill be advertised at the branches at the entrance2e)it points, information,
and circulation desks, on our !ebsite, and through the social media tools such as our
-acebook and "!itter pages.
,dditional promotions$
#nformation desk advertising program 6+= !eeks in advance7 advertisement !ill
also include date and time for the follo!ing months program
"!itter !eek, day before, and day of ads
-acebook and !ebsite ads
>pen a %eet1p account, !hich is a great tool to reach adults looking to join a
"he librarians at my branch and manager shared their thoughts on this being a great
idea. # have not submitted it to the 8irector for approval.
,dvertisements !ould be similar to the one above and include library system logo.
Elevator Speec#:
%ontgomery &ounty Public 'ibraries !ill host Pinterest Parties to provide our diverse
community !ith opportunities to meet, connect, and learn through social, fun, and
creative projects for adults, teens, children, and families. "hrough these projects !e
partner !ith different organiations, including the county school system and their ."9%
program, senior centers, groups of young professionals, and retail establishments to
assist us in providing free access to enrich their lives. #t !ould be !onderful if you !ould
join us, here is my card # am an >utreach 'ibrary ,ssociate and !ill be planning some of
the parties.

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