Washington Summer Reading Kickoff

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Deb Spurrier, LATI Spring 2014

Proposed Program: Blast Into Reading A Summer Reading Kickoff Event

The mission of the ashington !ount" #ree Librar" focuses on being a hub in the communities it ser$es % a
hub of communit" enrichment, &ife&ong &earning and he&ping peop&e of a&& ages adopt a &o$e of reading and
&iterac"' Summer time is a time (hen student do not ha$e dai&" access to books, as the" did each da" in the
schoo& &ibrar"' )esearch points to the fact that students actua&&" &ose some of the reading ski&&s the" gained
during the schoo& "ear and start the ne( schoo& "ear behind (here the" finished the &ast' Acti$e reading during
the summer months pre$ents this summer s&ide' *ere is (here the &oca& &ibrar" has the opportunit" to fi&& the
gap and pro$ide free and e+ua& access to books' The &ibrar",s Summer )eading -rogram is an integra& part of
pro$iding parents (ith too&s and chi&dren (ith reading acti$ities that (ork to curb the .Summer S&ide/'
.B&ast into )eading/ % A Summer )eading 0ickoff 1$ent/, (i&& bring fami&ies into the &ibrar", get kids e2cited
about reading o$er the summer (ith fun acti$ities and faci&itate the registration process for the ashington
!ount" #ree Librar",s Summer )eading -rogram at the Boonsboro #ree Librar"' The hour3&ong e$ent (i&&
inc&ude an introduction to the Summer )eading -rogram, a stor"time segment and (i&& end (ith a $ariet" of
age3appropriate acti$it" stations % a&& based on the theme of this "ear,s Summer )eading !&ub % .#i44, Boom,
)ead5/ The acti$it" stations (i&& feature books re&ated to the acti$it" that the chi&dren can check out to get
started (ith their summer reading' -otentia&6secured partners for the e$ent inc&ude, the #riends of Boonsboro
#ree Librar", the )obo )angers 43* !&ub 7a part of 8ar"&and !ooperati$e 12tension9, and B#L $o&unteers'
Storytime in the Community Room
*a4e& ;utt, 8ad Scientist b" Da$id 1&&iot, Actua& Si4e b" Ste$e <enkins, =* ;o5 b" 8ac Barnett
Stations for Preschoolers in the Childrens Room
S(imming ;ood&es> #i&& a cup ? fu&& of soda' Ask participant (hat the" notice about the &i+uid'
Sho( participants the cup of p&ain (ater % are the soda and (ater different in an" (a"s@ In (hat
(a"s are the" the same@ Ask the group if the" think nood&es (i&& f&oat or sink in soda'
-articipants drop their nood&es into the soda' *a$e them obser$e (hat is happening' Take a fe(
minutes to (atch the nood&es to find out if the" (i&& sink or f&oat, or both5 12p&ain, the nood&es
(i&& sink initia&&", but the carbon dio2ide bubb&es in the soda (ith stick to the nood&es, rough
e2terior, &ifting them up' hen a nood&e reaches the surface of the soda, the bubb&es that carried
it up (i&& pop' The gas mo$es into the air and the nood&e sinks again and the process repeats'
Sink or #&oat> 0ids can pick an item and predict if it (i&& sink or f&oat' Then tr" out their
prediction in the (ater'
Stations for School Age in the Community Room and Vestibule
Sugo matches % 8embers of the )obo)angers 43* !&ub (i&& bring their Lego )obotic units to
demonstrate the techno&og" behind Lego )obotic Sumo rest&ing'
-aper Airp&ane !ontest % -atrons (i&& be ab&e to construct a paper airp&ane on site and f&" it to
see (ho,s airp&ane and design can go the farthest'
Station for All Ages Outside in the Grass
12p&oding Aip&ocs % This station (i&& demonstrate the chemica& reaction bet(een baking soda
and $inegar
This is m" first "ear in the position, so I p&an to use this e$ent to e$a&uate ne2t "ear,s S)! 0ickoff6rapup
1$ent' 8" goa& is to ha$e B0 chi&dren attend and ha$e those B0 chi&dren comp&ete the S)! program'
#or Immediate )e&ease
ashington !ount" #ree Librar"
Boonsboro Free Library Hosts Summer Reading Club Kickoff
BOONSBORO Get ready to Fizz, Boom and Read all summer long with the Boonsboro Free
Librarys Summer Reading Club (SRC). A kick-off party for the club is set for Saturday, June 14, from
11 a.m. till noon in the Community Room of the Boonsboro Library.
Parents can help curb the loss of reading skills that happen over the summer by encouraging
their children to read each day for at least 20 minutes, said Deb Spurrier, Childrens Library for the
Boonsboro Free Library. Research points to the fact that students who do not read over the summer
actually lose some of the reading skills they gained during the school year. Active reading during the
summer months prevents this summer slide. The Boonsboro Free Library provides free and equal
access to books, and librarys Summer Reading Program aims to get children excited about reading.
The planned kick-off event will feature a storytime, science experiments and the opportunity to
register for the Summer Reading Club. Each child will be given a free book, compliments of the
Friends of the Boonsboro Free Library. The event is open to ages preschool through 5
grade and is
free. Parents can pre-register their children for both the Kickoff Party at www.washcolibrary.org under
the calendar menu, or by calling 301-432-5723.
Contact person:
Patricia Wishard
Public Relations & Adult Program Librarian
Washington County Free Library
100 S Potomac Street
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