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Frank Perrone

ELAD 615
Spring 2014
Rough Draft of Goal

Standard 4


To increase the overall climate of our school in order to enhance students
ability to learn and develop in healthy ways.


Research the positive effects that a positive school climate has on
student achievement
Create climate survey for parents, teachers and students
Analyze survey to find out strengths and weaknesses
Present findings at a Board of Education meeting and with staff.
Come up with action plan to help improve weakness from survey
Work with PTO to help inform them of various topics
Analyze what worked and didnt work with climate survey and create
a follow up survey for the end of the year.


Climate Surveys and results
Power point of presentation of results
End of the year survey
Action plan on what can be done from results

Standard 3


Create a toolbox of technology strategies that will help to increase student
achievement and to help close achievement gaps.


Research how various forms of technology can be used to help student
Perform a needs assessment of what students, teachers and parents
know about technology
Perform a needs assessment of what type of technology is already
being used in the classroom and what is in the current curriculum.
Analyze NJASK scale scores and cluster scores along with other
standardize test results (STAR) to find areas of weakness (Gaps in
achievement). Start with 6
Research various technology strategies that can be used in connection
with the areas of weakness that have been identified.
Work with the tech staff member to create iLunches where teachers
are able to learn about various uses of technology in the classroom
along with a presentation of toolbox.
Workshops for students and parents on proper use of technology and
various uses of technology in the classroom along with presentation
of toolbox
Present to the PTO the uses of Chromebooks to help promote the use
of technology
Perform an inventory checklist of technology that school already
owns to be sure that the proper technology is available to use for the


Toolbox of technology strategies.
Technology inventory list
Results from technology needs assessments
Outline of various workshops that can be implemented
Standard 4


To facilitate dialogue and strengthen communication and collaboration
among staff members as well as between staff, students, parents and
community leaders.


Topic discussed at District Evaluation Advisory Committee (DEAC) Meetings
Topic discussed at Instructional and Advisory Council Meetings
Create Sign Up Genius for parent/teacher conferences to help in getting
parents in to meet with teachers about their childs progress.
Create short informational videos about various topics that occur throughout
the year.
Work with principal and staff in helping to explain SGP and their use.


Sign Up Genius layout
Various Videos
Presentation on SGP explanation



To ensure the district is prepared for PARCC, which will help to increase
overall achievement amongst students who will be participating in PARCC


Committee discussion about the future of PARCC and the need to
prepare ahead of time
Research the various components of PARCC
Participate in the PARCC Field Test for 3
Assess the outcomes with committee
Present on the pros and cons of the field test
Create an action plan for what needs to be looked at in terms of
infrastructure and curriculum


Debriefing documentation
Action Plan
Power Point Presentation

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