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Needs Assessment Survey & Data Anaysis

Estev!" #Steven$ M% &n"
Seatte University
'&UN ()*
+e,ruary -./ -)1-
Needs Assessment Survey & Data Anaysis
Needs Assessment Survey
S0h"": 11111 Eementary S0h"" Distri0t: 111111 S0h"" Distri0t
+"0us 2r"u3: ELL 4
2rade Students Needs assessed: Reas"n 5"r Test A0hievement 2a3
Instruction: Please complete the following survey by circling the answer that most fits with you.
The information from this survey will be used to help teachers and staff prepare you for future
1. _______________ My teacher helps me during reading time.
a% Everyday ,% -67 times a 8ee9 0% 1 time a 8ee9 d% Never
2. My ELL program _____ helps me to e prepared !or my regular class reading time.
a% A8ays ,% S"metimes 0% &n0e in a 8hie d% Never
". ____________ My parent#s$ % guardian#s$ help#s$ me &ith my home&or'.
a% Everyday ,% -67 times a 8ee9 0% 1 time a 8ee9 d% Never
(. My classroom !riends ________ help me to listen to the teacher.
a% A8ays ,% S"metimes 0% &n0e in a 8hie d% Never
). I ___________ understand the teacher ecause I am still learning the language.
a% A8ays ,% S"metimes 0% &n0e in a 8hie d% Never
*o you agree &ith the phrase elo&+ ,lease circle your ans&er:
-. I cannot !ocus in class ecause I am &orried aout my sa!ety at school.
a% A8ays ,% S"metimes 0% &n0e in a 8hie d% Never
.. I cannot pay attention to the teacher ecause I am !eeling hungry during class time.
a% A8ays ,% S"metimes 0% &n0e in a 8hie d% Never
/. I cannot pay attention to the teacher ecause I !eel tired:
a% A8ays ,% S"metimes 0% &n0e in a 8hie d% Never
0han' you !or ans&ering the 1uestions2
*ata Analysis
Analy3ing the *ata
The data sh"8s student 3er0e3ti"n "n harassment t"8ards L2:T; and n"n6L2:T;
students in the s0h"" 3remises% The 5irst <uesti"n/ regarding unsa5e s3a0e sh"8ed that m"st
students 5ee unsa5e in 3a0es 8here there is itte t" n" su3ervisi"n% The =E 0hange r""m/
8ashr""m and ha8ays are 3a0es 8here harassment ha33ens the m"st ,e0ause they are 3a0es
"5 transiti"n/ 8here sta55 are n"t 5uy a8are "5 8hat is g"ing "n 8ith students% The se0"nd
<uesti"n 5"0uses "n ver,a harassment/ using the 8"rd >gay? as a der"gat"ry ad@e0tive as 8e as
"ther terms t" "55end students% Aith a .B%.C negative vie8 "n the usage "5 >ThatDs s" gay?
sh"8s that this "55ensive usage "5 8"rds has ,e0"me n"rmaiEed in student v"0a,uary%
L""9ing at the data 5"r <uesti"ns three and 5"ur/ L2:T; students 0"mmuni0ate m"re
harassment than n"n6L2:T; students/ 3arti0uary transseFua students ,eing m"re v"0a
t"8ards harassment than L2: students% Ath"ugh the survey as9ed <uesti"ns a,"ut sa5ety 5"r
L2:T; students/ it is interesting that L2:T; students 8ere "nes 8h" 0"mmuni0ated higher
eve "5 harassment t"8ards "thers than n"n6L2:T; students harassing L2:T; students% A
3ausi,e guess 0an ,e that n"n6L2:T; students are a5raid t" eF3ress that they harass L2:T;
students "n a survey eading t" s9e8s in the data% Ahen ""9ing at student 5eeings t"8ards
sa5ety and harassment #<uesti"ns ( and B$/ L2:T; students sur3risingy 5ee a higher sense "5
sa5ety #.7C$ than n"n6L2T:; students #-)%-C$% G"8ever/ *-C "5 L2:T; students 5ee u3set
,y h"m"3h",i0 0"mments% -(%.C 5ee extremely u3set t"8ards h"m"3h",i0 0"mments%
Ath"ugh sa5ety is n"t a high need 5"r L2:T; students/ 5eeings "5 anger t"8ards harassment is
8hat needs t" ,e addressed%
-HC "5 L2:T; students s9i3 s0h"" due t" 5eeing a09 "5 sa5ety #<uesti"n .$% A third "5
L2:T; students 5ee s"me8hat sa5e 8hie ma@"rity "5 n"n6L2:T; students d" 5ee sa5e 8hen
ta9ing t" tea0hers #<uesti"n H$% ;uesti"n * sh"8s that transseFua students see a higher a09 "5
su33"rt 5r"m s0h"" sta55/ 8ith a,"ut 7BC "5 transseFua students saying they 5ee i9e they >d"
n"t ,e"ng in the s0h""?% S0h""s "ught t" 3r"vide ade<uate su33"rt 5"r students/ es3e0iay
th"se in the margins i9e L2:T; students%
Summari3ing the 4indings
The 0ause t" L2:T; harassment is reated t" three areas: anguage/ "0ati"n and
rea0ti"n% Ath"ugh L2:T; students 5ee sa5er than n"n6L2:T; students/ anguage that is
"55ensive t"8ards L2:T; students is the 5irst 3"int t" ,e addressed% Se0"ndy/ the s0h"" needs
t" address unsa5e areas 8here su3ervisi"n is a09ing and harassment ha33ens% +inay/ the
rea0ti"n t" harassment is distinguished ,y the 3er0entage "5 students s9i33ing due t" a09 "5
sa5ety in s0h""%
,ossile Suggestions !or Intervention
There are three 3"ssi,e suggesti"ns 5"r interventi"n that I see 5it 5"r addressing L2:T;
harassment in this s0h""% The 5irst ste3 is reated t" the adv"0a0y 0"m3eten0ies m"de #Ratts/
De9ruy5/ & 'hen6Gayes/ -)).$/ 8hi0h addresses the 0"mmunity 0"a,"rati"n eve in adv"0a0y%
+irst ste3 8"ud ,e t" im3ement a training int" distri0t eve 0"n5eren0es addressing the three
areas "5 5"0us: Anti6L2:T; anguage/ sa5e areas in s0h""s and s0h"" attendan0e% Adding a
3ane "5 L2:T; students t" as a v"i0e give them a 3at5"rm 8here they 0an s3ea9 dire0ty t"
sta55 a,"ut this issue in an h"nest/ n"n6threatening 0"a,"rate manner%
A se0"nd ste3 8"ud ,e t" 5"0us "n students themseves% '"unse"rs 0reate a "ne68ee9
event that tea0hes L2:T; studies t" 0"nvey res3"nsiveness in n"n6L2:T; and ,egin t"
esta,ish a 3"sitive reati"nshi3 ,et8een L2:T; and n"n6L2:T; students% Events 8"ud
in0ude dia"gue a,"ut s0h"" 0urri0uum and 8hether it in0udes "r eF0udes L2:T; 3e"3e
int" 8hat students earn inside the 0assr""m% It 8"ud as" in0ude raies/ games and "ther 5un
a0tivities during un0h and 5ree time that address harassment/ ,uying and 3re@udi0e t"8ards
marginaiEed students% +inay/ 5"0us gr"u3s are used t" end the 8ee9/ 8here students 0an share
8hat they have earned thr"ugh"ut the 8ee9 a,"ut L2:T; harassment and h"8 students 0an
he3 0hange anti6L2:T; vie8s in the s0h""%
A third and 5ina suggesti"n 5"r interventi"n is a 3"st6interventi"n survey t" ,e
distri,uted t" students 8h" 3arti0i3ated in the 5irst survey s" that 0"unse"rs 0an 0"ndu0t a
,e5"re and a5ter distri0t 0"n5eren0e and student 8ee9 event 0"m3aris"n "5 h"8 things have
0hanged% :y ""9ing at the resuts/ 0"unse"rs 0an see i5 the interventi"ns im3emented had
3"sitive "r negative resutsI ,y ""9ing at the di55eren0e/ i5 any/ ,et8een the t8" surveys/
0"unse"rs 0an then m"ve 5"r8ard and 0reate an L2:T; 0urri0uum 3an t" ,e used in 5uture
a0ademi0 years%
As a 5"rm "5 ,uying/ L2:T; harassment 0ann"t ,e vie8ed as a >n"rma 3art "5
deve"3ment? #Dahir & St"ne/ -)1-/ 3%7-B$% M"re and m"re/ students are 5eeing the 3ressures
that 0"me 8ith s0h"" s"0iaiEati"n that n"t "ny inter5eres 8ith s0h""8"r9/ ,ut 8ith 3ers"na
deve"3ment% =ra0ti0a interventi"n is re<uired% >As adv"0ates and eaders/ s0h"" 0"unse"rs
0an deve"3 and im3ement 3"i0ies that eradi0ate the ver,a and 3hysi0a harassment "5 a
students? #Dahir & St"ne/ -)1-/ 3% -.-$/ in0uding L2:T; students%
Dahir/ '%A%/ & St"ne/ '%:% #-)1-$% The Transformed School Counselor, Second Edition%
:em"nt/ 'A: :r""9sJ'"e%
Ratts/ M% K%/ DeLruy5/ L%/ & 'hen6Gayes/ S% +% #-)).$% The A'A adv"0a0y 0"m3eten0ies: A
s"0ia @usti0e adv"0a0y 5rame8"r9 5"r 3r"5essi"na s0h"" 0"unse"rs% Professional
School Counseling, 11#-$/ *)6*.%

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