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My name is Vieru Andrei and I am currently studying Masters Degree programme in

Advanced Systems in Applied Electronics at the Gheorghe Asachi Technical University. Having
looked through the materials of the Foreign Department of my university, I was very delighted to
find the opportunity to spend one semester learning electronics at the Northumbria University. I
have decided to apply for this programme because I am sure it would strongly enrich my future
studies and help me in my prospective career. Moreover I consider this programme as a great
opportunity to get in touch with British culture and educational system
I would honor the opportunity if you accept me for the Erasmus programme, it's first time
when i will study abroad and will mean a lot for me and my future career prospective. Firstly, it
would definitely be a very efficient and successfully method to improve my English and
Engineering skills. I have been learning English as my first foreign language since age of ten,
and I believe that this experience at your University will improve a lot my knowledge because I
will get a chance to communicate with students in similar circumstances. Moreover, I will
cherish the opportunity to enhance my lab experience at your facilities, since your University has
a great reputation in that field.
During my prior studies I have found out, that I would like to specialize in Digital Signal
Processing Systems. Northumbria University University gives me a chance to get in touch with
this subject In my last year at the Electronics, Tellecomunication and Information Technology I
participated in a team with other 3 students on a contest organized by Continental Automotive
from Iasi. The topic of the contest was to create a robot which avoid some obstacles. I gained
some experience in developing application with microcontrollers and I think is a great step for
next projects in Digital Signal Processing Systems. I really liked my project and I am keen to
continue in it. I would like to use my stay in Northumbria University for further developing my
skills in empirical research. The possibilities that gives me Northumbria University further
expand those at my home university.
Studying at your University I would have a chance to compare the British higher
education system and Romanian one. If I become your student I will use this comparison to
promote the British educational system not only in my homeland, but in the whole EU also.
Thank you for considering my request. I look forward to your positive response.
Yours faithfully,
Vieru Andrei

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