Curriculum Vitae: Personal Infomations

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Full name : Nguyen Van Minh
Date of birth : 31
July 1981
Address : 10!9" #hanh $uan Nam " #hanh $uan" !a Noi
%ender : Male
Marital status : Married
Nationality : Vietnam
!ome &hone : 0'33('''18
)ell &hone : 091393*9
+mail address : nguyen,anminh-gmail./om
0.1." Fa/ulty of Mathemati/s2Me/hani/s23nformati/s" !anoi 4ni,ersity of
)is/o )ertified Net5or6 Asso/iate : /andidate
+//oun/il )+! ,(: /andidate
7no5ledgeable about o&eration of 8AN" V8AN" 9AN
!and2on e:&erien/e in the /onfiguration of s5it/hes "routers or other net5or6ing de,i/es.
!and2on e:&erien/e in the /onfiguration many 6inds of fire5all ;sof5ares < de,i/es=
>rodu/t 6no5ledge in )is/o 1ystems? 3nternet 5or6ing solutions.
@ 3nstalling and /onfiguring of 8inu: ;Aed !at *" 8" 9" +8" Fedora"Debian"
Free01D" 4buntu" 1la/65are"..= on ser,ers and 5or6stations.
@ Manage user a//ounts" grou&s" hosts" modems" &rinters" file systems and se/urity.
@ 7no5ledge of 0ind 9.0" 9eb ser,ers ;A&a/he=" and Virtual hosting
@ 3m&lementation of 1Buid #rans&arent >ro:y 5ith a//ess /ontrol lists and
1Buid%uard a &ro:y filtering utility and redire/tor.
@ 7no5ledge of Natting and 3> masBuerading.
@ 7no5ledge in net5or6 monitoring tools li6e to&" nto&" 5eblaiCer" and nagios.
@ )onfiguring >rinters 5ith )4>1 to su&&ort 3>> feature" maintenan/e of lo/al and
Net5or6 based >rinters.
@ 3nstallation and /onfiguration of MysBl database" >ostgres database.
@ 3nstallation and /onfiguration of F#> ser,er ;,sft&"&roft&=
@ 3nstallation and /onfiguration of mail ser,er &ostfi:" de,e/ot"..
@ 7no5ledge of 3m&lementation of 1e/urity" +n/ry&tion and Fire5all te/hnologies.
@ 0a/6u& < Aestoration by using tar" /&io and dum&" rsyn/.
@ 3nstalling and /onfiguring of 1amba.
@ 3nstallation" /onfiguration and maintenan/e of lo/al and Net5or6 based >rinters.
@ >at/h Administration 22 Adding D Aemo,ing &at/hes as &er 4ser D 1ystem
@ Adding and )onfiguring dis6s and /reating ne5 file systems.
@ )onfiguring AA3D and 8VM.
@ Administration and maintenan/e of mail 1er,ers li6e 1endmail.
@ 1ystem monitoring" maintaining logs" Eob s/heduling.
@ )onfiguring" troubleshooting" and debugging $.
@ Maintaining 8inu: Fuota 1ystem.
@ 3nstalling" managing and troubleshooting 9indo5s G003 < G008 1er,er based mid2range
to large net5or6s.
@ 1etting u& A/ti,e Dire/tory #reesDForests.
@ 3m&lementing se/urity and installing a&&li/ations using %rou& >oli/ies.
@ 1etting u& fault toleran/e using soft5are or hard5are AA3D.
@ 1etting u& D!)>" DN1" 9141".A31"331"1M#>"F#>" V>N"....
@ 7no5ledge in M12 +:/hange ser,er" Mdaemon ser,er
@ Managing user a//ounts < 1hares and File >ermissions < dis6 Buota < file
@ 7no5ledge in /onfiguring 1urf /ontrol 5eb flittering a&&li/ation.
1etting u& 1ynmate/ Anti,irus system for ser,er and /lient
1etting u& 31A ser,er ; G00'" G00= system as &er user reBuirements
%ood /ommuni/ation and &resentation s6ills
0e able to &ro,ide /onsultati,e selling to meet /ustomer?s business needs
+:&erien/e 5ith many 6inds of ser,er ;30M" !>" D+88" H=
)onfiguring" troubleshooting" anh debuging ser,i/es on others systems
Form G00' to DG00: NV+)IM J1) ;htt&:DD555.n,e/om./om.,n= : 8eader of
system de&t.
From 10DG00 to no5 : Fuang Minh D+) ;htt&,n= : system
Attending in 1' &roEe/ts of +2%o, ;from G00' to DG00= : designing "
im&lementing system " /onfiguring ser,er " /onfiguring fire5all". et/H
#e/hni/ian in game online 555.thegioihoanmy.,n ;from 11DG00 to no5=:
im&lementing system " /onfiguring ser,er" /onfiguring fire5all" /onfiguring
5ebser,er" et/H
#e/hni/ian in game online 555./olong.,n ; from 0'DG009 to no5 =:
im&lementing system" /onfiguration ser,er ; 5indo5s < linu: =" /onfiguration
fire5all" /onfiguration V>N de,i/e"...
From 0'DG009 to 1GDG009: D+)I online entertainment ; htt&,n = :
1ystem +ngineer.
From 1DG010 to 0*DG010: VN% ;htt&:DD555.,ng./om.,n =" 1ystem +ngineer
Aeading boo6
9at/hing #V
>laying game on >)

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