Ratings On Australia Not Affected by Government's Fiscal 2015 Budget

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Ratings On Australia Not Affected By

Government's Fiscal 2015 Budget
Primary Credit Analyst:
Craig R Michaels, Melbourne (61) 3-9631-2082; craig.michaels@standardandpoors.com
Secondary Contact:
KimEng Tan, Singapore (65) 6239-6350; kimeng.tan@standardandpoors.com
MELBOURNE (Standard & Poor's) May 13, 2014--Standard & Poor's Ratings Services
said today that its unsolicited ratings and outlook on the Commonwealth of
Australia (AAA/Stable/A-1+) are not immediately affected by the government's
budget for the year ending June 30, 2015.
The Australian Government's latest budget projections indicate a more delayed
return to balance than projected a year ago. Nonetheless, they remain broadly
in line with our expectations. We expect that the government's budget
performance will gradually improve over the medium term and that the general
government debt burden will remain low (below 30% of GDP). The budget projects
a moderate deficit of about 3% of GDP in fiscal 2014--although this includes
some one-off policy decisions, including a transfer to the Reserve Bank of
Australia of about 0.5% of GDP. Thereafter, the projections indicate that
budget performance will improve to a slight deficit of 0.2% of GDP in fiscal
This is the first budget of the Abbott Liberal-National government since its
election in September 2013. The budget includes a number of decisions that
will reduce medium-term spending growth amid lower revenue forecasts compared
to the fiscal 2014 budget. Such revenue pressures have become more pronounced
in the past couple of years, with some sharp declines in Australia's export
commodity prices (from high levels). And while the previous Labor government
had made significant budget savings decisions, some of its other recent
policies will increase spending in the longer term.
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The government's spending measures include reductions in welfare entitlements,
as well as cuts to federal government programs and its workforce. These cuts
won't come fully into effect until the later years of the budget's four-year
projection period--a move that should leave intact the budding recovery in the
nonmining sectors of the economy. And although not affecting spending for a
considerable period, the budget tackles more distant pressures by proposing to
raise the pension age to 70 years by 2035. There are also some revenue
measures, including a temporary income tax rise for high-income earners.
Overall, this budget, along with the nature of the current political debate,
is consistent with our view of strong political commitment to prudent budget
finances. The government flagged its intention to make politically-sensitive
spending cuts of this nature well in advance. It strongly signaled its
intentions to address spending pressures since before the September 2013
general election, continuing most recently with the release of the Commission
of Audit report. Indeed, ongoing willingness to make difficult budgetary
choices may well be needed in coming years. We consider there to be potential
for further revenue write-downs, given the current importance of Australia's
terms of trade to the government's revenue base and the inherent difficulty in
forecasting its trajectory.
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This unsolicited rating(s) was initiated by Standard & Poor's. It may be based
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Standard & Poor's (Australia) Pty. Ltd. holds Australian financial services
licence number 337565 under the Corporations Act 2001. Standard & Poor's
credit ratings and related research are not intended for and must not be
distributed to any person in Australia other than a wholesale client (as
defined in Chapter 7 of the Corporations Act).
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Bulletin: Ratings On Australia Not Affected By Government's Fiscal 2015 Budget
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