C++ Graphics For Windows Using Winbgim: Download and Install The Winbgim Devpak File "Winbgim-6.0-1G17L.Devpak"

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C++ Graphics for Windows using WINBGIm

Download and install the WINBGIm devpak file

&pen Dev C++ and create a new pro'ect!
File -> New -> Project...
Choose the WinBGIm tab.
Choose either with our without console.
Gie !our project a name.
"he newl! create# project will contain source co#e.
$ae the cpp %ile with an! name !ou choose.
Put it in the same %ol#er as the project.
Compile the project.
"he project %ol#er now will contain & %iles'
()sing the project name Project*+ an# the %ile name %ile*,
Project*.ico - a #e%ault icon %or the e.e %ile+ an# application %rame.
File*.cpp - /our C00 source co#e.
1a2e%ile.win - $peci%ies %iles to use in project+ compiler to use...
Project*.#e - 3e C00 Project %ile. 3ouble clic2 this to open project.
Project*4priate.h - 5ea#er %ile that woul# hol# complicate# stu%% i% we ha# an!.
Project*4priate.rc - Precompile# resource %ile+ has name o% icon %ile.
File*.o - 6utput %ile %rom compiling File*.cpp
Project*.e.e - 7in2e# e.ecutable %or entire project.
Project*4priate.rc - Compile# resource %ile.
(he source code
#include <iostream>
#include <graphics.h>
using namespace std;
int main( )
initwindow( 640 , 480 , !in"#$m );
outte%t%&( 0 , 0 , 'ello !in"#$m( );
)giout << 'ello !in"#$m*+tream( ;
outstream%&( 0 , ,- );
while( (.)hit() );
closegraph( );
return( 0 );
void initwindow(int width, int height, string title)
"he initwin#ow(, %unction opens a win#ow that we can ma2e graphics calls to. /ou can
speci%! the wi#th+ height+ an# title.
void outtextxy(int x, int, y, string text)
"he outte.t.!(, %unction #ispla!s te.t in the win#ow. /ou can speci%! the .+! coor#inate
an# the te.t.
"he closegraph(, %unction en#s the graphics session an# closes the win#ow.
"he clear#eice(, %unction clears the win#ow to the current bac2groun# color.
int main( )
initwindow( 640 , 480 , #raphics );
outte%t%&( -0 , -0 , 0he $nternet is 0u)es( );
closegraph( );
return( 0 );
int main( )
initwindow( 640 , 480 , 0iming );
outte%t%&( -0 , -0 , 0he $nternet is 0u)es( );
outte%t%&( ,00 , ,00 , 0he $nternet is 2ot a "ig 0ruc.( );
closegraph( );
return( 0 );
int main( )
initwindow( 640 , 480 , 3epetition );
outte%t%&( -0 , -0 , 0he $nternet is 0u)es( );
outte%t%&( ,00 , ,00 , 0he $nternet is 2ot a "ig 0ruc.( );
closegraph( );
return( 0 );
Drawing shapes
void setcolor(int color)

$ets the #rawing (outlining, color.
"he argument can be one o% the integers in the table to the right+ or a new color can be
create# using the C6768 %unction.
int COLOR(int red, int green, int blue)
Creates a new 8GB color an# represents it as an integer.
void setbkcolor(int color)
$ets the bac2groun# color.
void setfillstyle(int pattern, int color)
$ets the %ill pattern an# the %ill color.
"he table to the right shows allowable %ill constants.
B79C: ;
B7)< *
G8<<N =
C/9N >
8<3 ?
19G<N"9 @
7IG5"G89/ B
398:G89/ C
7IG5"B7)< &
7IG5"G8<<N *;
7IG5"C/9N **
7IG5"8<3 *=
7IG5"19G<N"9 *>
/<776W *?
W5I"< *@
<1P"/4FI77 ; Fill with bac2groun# color
$67I34FI77 * $oli# %ill
7IN<4FI77 = Fill with ---
7"$79$54FI77 > Fill with ///
$79$54FI77 ? Fill with ///+ thic2 lines
B:$79$54FI77 @ Fill with DDD+ thic2 lines
7"B:$79$54FI77 A Fill with DDD
59"C54FI77 B 7ight hatch %ill
E59"C54FI77 C 5ea! crosshatch %ill
IN"<87<9F<4FI77 & Interleaing line %ill
WI3<436"4FI77 *; Wi#el! space# #ot %ill
C76$<436"4FI77 ** Closel! space# #ot %ill
)$<84FI77 *= )ser-#e%ine# %ill pattern
void arc(int x, int y, int a1, int a, int r)
3raws an arc.
. an# ! are the center coor#inates.
a* an# a= are the starting an# en#ing angles measures countercloc2wise in #egrees with
Gero #egrees being in the positie . #irection.
r is the ra#ius o% the circle #e%ining the arc.
void bar(int left, int top, int right, int botto!)
Fills a rectangular area with the current %ill color.

void circle(int x, int y, int r)
3raws a circle centere# at .+! with ra#ius r using the current #rawing color.
void floodfill(int x, int y, int boundcolor)
Fills the area aroun# .+! with the current %ill color boun#e# b! the argument boun#color.
void line(int x1, int y1, int x, int y)
3raws a line %rom .*+!* to .=+!= using the current #rawing color.
void pieslice(int x, int y, int a1, int a, int r)
3raws an arc using the current #rawing color an# %ills the arc using the current %ill color.
. an# ! are the center coor#inates.
a* an# a= are the starting an# en#ing angles measures countercloc2wise in #egrees with
Gero #egrees being in the positie . #irection.
r is the ra#ius o% the circle #e%ining the arc.
void rectangle(int left, int top, int right, int botto!)
3raws a rectangle outline using the current #rawing color.
int main( )
initwindow( 640 , 480 , +hapes );
int dcolor 5 67873(,--, 0, 1--);
int 9color 5 67873(1--, 0, ,--);
int )color 5 67873(0, ,00, 0);
set9illst&le(+78$:;<$88, 9color);
arc(100, 100, 0, =0, ,00);
)ar(10, >00, >00, >-0);
circle(,00, ,00, ,00);
circle(400, 400, -0);
9lood9ill(400, 400, dcolor);
line(10, 10, 400, 400);
rectangle(>00, -0, 400, 400);
pieslice(100, 100, 0, ,10, -0);
closegraph( );
return( 0 );
int main( )
int % 5 1-0;
int %4 5 -;

initwindow( -00 , 100 , "ouncing"all );
int dcolor 5 67873(,--, 0, 1--);
int 9color 5 67873(1--, 0, ,--);
int )color 5 67873(0, --, 0);
set9illst&le(+78$:;<$88, 9color);
% ?5 %4;
i9(% > >00)
%4 5 * ,0;
i9(% < 100)
%4 5 ,0;

circle(%, ,00, ,0);
9lood9ill(%, ,00, dcolor);
closegraph( );
return( 0 );
class "all
int %;
int %4;
int dcolor;
% 5 1-0;
%4 5 ,0;
dcolor 5 67873(1--, 0, --);
set9illst&le(+78$:;<$88, 67873(,--, 0, --));
4oid paint()
% ?5 %4;
i9(% > >00)
%4 5 * ,0;
i9(% < 100)
%4 5 ,0;
circle(%, ,00, ,0);
9lood9ill(%, ,00, dcolor);
int main( )
initwindow( -00 , 100 , "ouncing"all );
"all )all;
int )color 5 67873(0, --, 0);
<or Aore !$2"#$m@

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