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Louisville Metro Council District 1Councilwoman Attica Scott once again receives the C-FAIR endorsement for Metro Council. With her vigorous
work for economic and social justice, Attica has been a constant supporter of Fairness. She works tirelessly for District 1 and is not afraid to speak up and
speak out for her constituents. C-FAIR knows Atticas energy and dedication and we are proud to support her again.
Louisville Metro Council District 3Councilwoman Mary Woolridge has voted for Louisville's Fairness ordinance and spoken up every time the issue
has come to a vote. She is a strong ally to the LGBTQ community and C-FAIR stands by her again for her re-election to the Metro Council.
Louisville Metro Council District 5Councilwoman Cheri Bryant Hamilton was born into a family of civil rights activists. Starting as a young adult, she
has been on the front lines of civil rights in Louisville and Kentucky. Since the earliest days of Fairness being introduced in Louisville, Cheri has stood with
us to vote for and pass LGBTQ discrimination protections, which is why voters should return her to the Metro Council to continue her important work.
Louisville Metro Council District 9J.P. Davis brings new, fresh ideas to help alleviate the concerns of residents in the district and to build a stronger,
more fair and fully representative community on the Metro Council. His connections throughout Louisville, both in the public and private sectors, give him
a unique perspective on how to build consensus and get projects done. For these and many more reasons, we're with J.P.
Louisville Metro Council District 15Khalilah Collins has worked and volunteered for many social justice organizations in Louisville, which has
gained her many supporters and friends in the LGBTQ community. In her race for Metro Council, Khalilah has a particular passion for connecting with the
disenfranchised and will carry their voices to Louisville Metro government.
Jeferson County AttorneyJeferson County Attorney Mike O'Connell once again receives the C-FAIR endorsement, which he also did in 2010. Mike
has been a longtime supporter of Fairness in Louisville, demonstrated by his testimony for LGBTQ civil rights before the Metro Council in 2004 as the
Fairness Ordinance was being reconsidered. He is a passionate leader and advocate for social justice.
Family Court Division 1Bill Tingley's wealth of experience in the realm of family law is unparalleled in this race. Having helped structure Family Court,
few know better the inner workings of it. Bill has displayed a ferce passion for all types of families, and has the foresight to understand that much of
LGBTQ family law will be forged in the next several years. As judge, Bill will ensure all families are treated fairly.
Family Court Division 5Tara Hagerty receives the endorsement of C-FAIR for her wealth of experience in all aspects of family law: as a child abuse
prosecutor, attorney for the Cabinet for Health & Family Services, counsel in the Family Dependency Docket, and a private practitioner. In 2013, Tara was
selected as the Family Law Practitioner of the Year by the Louisville Bar Association and she understands the breadth of 21st Century families as those
based on care, trust, and love.
Family Court Division 6Bryan Gatewood is a recognized supporter of Fairness, who helped draft the original Fairness ordinance and who has served
on the Fairness Campaign Coordinating Committee. With seventeen years of legal experience in Family Court, during which he has advocated for the
recognition of the rights of LGBTQ people, Bryan receives the C-FAIR nod.
Louisville Metro Council
District 1
Attica Scott
Mary Woolridge
Councilwoman Cheri
Bryant Hamilton
J.P. Davis Khalilah Collins
District 3
District 5 District 9 District 15
Family Court Division 7Denise Brown is the former Executive Director of the Louisville-Jeferson County Human Relations Commission, work which
gave her professional experience with the Louisville Civil Rights Ordinance. C-FAIR has been instrumental in increasing the diversity of the Jeferson
District and Circuit Courts over the past several years, as we believe the courts for Louisville should refect the diversity of our community. Currently, the
Jeferson County Family Court does not share that diversity; Denises election to Family Court would be another positive step towards full inclusion in
Jeferson County's courts.
Family Court Division 8Danny Kang is an experienced family law litigator with an acute sense of the efects socio-economic inequality has in our
community. Danny's passion for public service, justice, and fair treatment of all would beneft the court immensely and, as Kentucky's frst Asian American
elected ofcial, he would add much-needed diversity to Family Court, which, again, does not currently refect the full community it serves.
District Court Division 1Nichole Taylor Compton's dedication to juvenile justice and advocacy on behalf of those with mental disabilities earns her
the C-FAIR nod. Her sensitivity to vulnerable populations and passion for a swift path to justice should serve the community well.
District Court Division 2Amber Wolf will be an innovative and attentive addition to District Court. Her desire to think outside the box and seek to
address root problems with creative solutions, coupled with her conviction that treating people with respect is the key to being an efective judge, will
serve the court well.
District Court Division 12Judge Eric Haner is a life-long Louisville resident and longtime supporter of Fairness and other legal charitable movements,
such as CASA and Legal Aid. With nineteen years of trial experience, Judge Haner was appointed by Governor Steve Beshear to fll the vacancy in District
Court Division 12. C-FAIR concurs with Governor Beshear, that Judge Haner is the most qualifed to serve that seat on the bench.
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council At-LargeCouncilman Steve Kay has helped lead the charge for Lexington to adopt Domestic Partner
health benefts for LGBTQ government employees and is a strong supporter of Fairness and equity for all Lexington residents. He and two others receive
strong C-FAIR support for the three available At-Large Council seats.
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council At-LargeRichard Moloney, a former Council member, was one of the original votes for the Lexington-
Fayette Urban County Fairness Ordinance when it passed in 1999. He has a particular sensitivity to underprivileged and underserved communities and a
demonstrated commitment to helping lift the voices of all people.
Lexington-Fayette Urban County Council At-LargeCouncilman Kevin Stinnett is a supporter of LGBTQ civil rights who has been an outspoken
advocate for private businesses to adopt their own Domestic Partner benefts for LGBTQ workers. Serving as Vice Chair of both the Budget and Finance
Committee and the Economic Development Committee, he has a keen sense of the inner workings of local government and funding civic improvement.
KY Polls are open May 20 6:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. | Polling locations: | C-FAIR, P.O. Box 3431, Louisville, KY 40201 | 502.893.0613
Jeferson County
Attorney Mike
Jeferson County Family Court
Division 1 Division 5 Division 6 Division 7 Division 8
Bill Tingley Tara Hagerty
Bryan Gatewood Denise Brown Danny Kang
Nichole Taylor
Lexington-Fayette Urban
County Council At-Large
Division 2 Division 12
Amber Wolf Judge Eric Haner
Steve Kay
Richard Moloney Councilman
Kevin Stinnett
Jeferson County District Court
Division 1

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