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"JFK", "John Kennedy", and "Jack Kennedy" redirect here.

For other uses,

see JFK (disambiguation), John Kennedy (disambiguation), and Jack Kennedy
John F. Kennedy
35th President of the United States
In office
January 20, 1961 November 22, 1963
Vice President Lyndon B. Johnson
Preceded by Dwigh D. !isenhower
Succeeded by Lyndon B. Johnson
United States Senator
from Massachusetts
In office
January 3, 19"3 De#ember 22, 1960
Preceded by $enry %abo Lodge, Jr.
Succeeded by Ben&amin '. (mih ))
Member of the U.S. House of Reresentati!es
from Massachusetts"s ##th district
In office
January 3, 19*+ January 3, 19"3
Preceded by James ,i#hae- %ur-ey
Succeeded by .i/ 01Nei--
Persona$ detai$s
%orn ,ay 29, 191+
Broo2-ine, ,assa#huses
&ied November 22, 1963 3aged *64
Da--as, .e5as
Restin' $ace 'r-ingon Naiona- %emeery
Po$itica$ arty Demo#rai#
Souse(s) Ja#6ue-ine Lee Bouvier
3m. 19"3637 his deah4
8ari#2 Jose/h
John ;ran#is
,ary Jose/hine
,ary Lorea
9ennedy 3aun4
Jose/h 8ari#2
9ennedy, Jr.3broher4
=ose ,arie
9ennedy 3siser4
9ah-een 'gnes
!uni#e ,ary
9ennedy 3siser4
8ari#ia $e-en
9ennedy 3siser4
=ober ;ran#is
Jean 'nn
9ennedy 3siser4
!dward ,oore
Jose/h ;. >argan,
Jr. 3#ousin4
*hi$dren 'rabe--a 9ennedy
%aro-ine Bouvier
John ;i<gera-d
9ennedy, Jr.
8ari#2 Bouvier
Parents Jose/h 8ari#2 9ennedy, (r.
=ose !-i<abeh ;i<gera-d
+$ma mater $arvard ?niversiy
Profession 8o-ii#ian
Re$i'ion =oman %aho-i#ism
Mi$itary ser!ice
+$$e'iance ?nied (aes o: 'meri#a
Ser!ice,branch ?nied (aes Navy
-ears of
Ran. Lieuenan
Unit ,oor .or/edo Boa 8.@109
%att$es,/ars Aor-d Aar ))
(o-omon )s-ands #am/aign
+/ards Navy and ,arine
%or/s ,eda-
8ur/-e $ear
'meri#an De:ense
(ervi#e ,eda-
%am/aign ,eda-
%am/aign ,eda- 33 bron<e
Aor-d Aar ))
Bi#ory ,eda-

John Fit0'era$d Kennedy 3,ay 29, 191+ November 22, 19634, #ommon-y
2nown as1Jac.1 or by his iniia-s JFK, was he 3"h 8residen o: he ?nied
(aes, serving :rom January 1961 uni- he was assassinaed in November
':er mi-iary servi#e as #ommander o: ,oor .or/edo Boas PT-10 and PT-
! during Aor-d Aar )) in he (ouh 8a#i:i#, 9ennedy
re/resened ,assa#huses1s 11h #ongressiona- disri# in he ?.(. $ouse o:
=e/resenaives :rom 19*+ o 19"3 as aDemo#ra. .herea:er, he served in
he ?.(. (enae :rom 19"3 uni- 1960. 9ennedy de:eaed Bi#e 8residen and
=e/ub-i#an #andidae =i#hard Ni5on in he 1960 ?.(. /residenia- e-e#ion. '
age *3, he was he younges o have been e-e#ed o he o::i#e,
he se#ond@
younges /residen 3a:er .heodore =ooseve-4, and he :irs /erson born in he
20h #enury o serve as /residen.
.o dae, 9ennedy has been he
on-y=oman %aho-i# /residen and he on-y /residen o have won a 8u-i<er
!vens during his /residen#y in#-uded he Bay o: 8igs )nvasion, he %uban
,issi-e %risis, he (/a#e =a#eEby iniiaing 8ro&e# '/o--o 3whi#h wou-d
#u-minae in he moon -anding4, he bui-ding o: he Ber-in Aa--, he ':ri#an@
'meri#an %ivi- =ighs ,ovemen, and in#reased ?.(. invo-vemen in
he Bienam Aar.
9ennedy was assassinaed in Da--as, .e5as on November 22, 1963. Lee
$arvey 0swa-dwas a##used o: he #rime and arresed ha evening. Ja#2
=uby sho and 2i--ed 0swa-d wo days -aer, be:ore a ria- #ou-d a2e /-a#e.
.he ;B) and he Aarren %ommission o::i#ia--y #on#-uded ha 0swa-d was he
-one assassin. .he ?nied (aes $ouse (e-e# %ommiee on
'ssassinaions 3$(%'4 #on#-uded ha hose invesigaions were :-awed and
ha 9ennedy was /robab-y assassinaed as he resu- o: a #ons/ira#y.
(in#e he 1960s, in:ormaion #on#erning 9ennedy1s /rivae -i:e has #ome o
-igh. Deai-s o: 9ennedy1s hea-h /rob-ems wih whi#h he srugg-ed have
be#ome beer 2nown, es/e#ia--y sin#e he 1990s. '-hough iniia--y 2e/ se#re
:rom he genera- /ub-i#, re/ors o: 9ennedy being un:aih:u- in marriage have
garnered mu#h /ress. 9ennedy ran2s high-y in /ub-i# o/inion raings o: ?.(.
/residens bu here is a ga/ beween his /ub-i# re/uaion and his re/uaion
among a#ademi#s.
!ar-y -i:e and edu#aion
John ;i<gera-d 9ennedy was born a F3 Bea-s (ree in Broo2-ine,
,assa#huses on ,ay 29, 191+
o businessmanG/o-ii#ian Jose/h 8ari#2
HJoeH 9ennedy, (r. 31FFF19694 and /hi-anhro/isGso#ia-ie =ose !-i<abeh
;i<gera-d 31F90199"4. Joe was he e-der son o: businessmanG/o-ii#ian 8ari#2
Jose/h H8. J.H 9ennedy 31F"F19294 and ,ary 'ugusa $i#2ey 31F"+19234.
=ose was he e-des daugher o: Boson ,ayor John ;ran#is H$oney ;i<H
;i<gera-d 31F6319"04 and ,ary Jose/hine HJosieH $annon 31F6"196*4. '--
:our o: his grand/arens were he #hi-dren o: immigrans :rom )re-and.
Ja#21s brohers were Jose/h 8ari#2 HJoeH 9ennedy, Jr. 3191"19**4, =ober
;ran#is HBobbyH 9ennedy 3192"196F4, and !dward ,oore H.edH
9ennedy 3193220094. Joe Jr. was 2i--ed in a#ion during Aor-d Aar )) whi-e
Bobby and .ed were boh /rominen (enaors. .heir sisers were =ose ,arie
H=osemaryH 9ennedy 3191F200"4, 9ah-een 'gnes H9i#2H 9ennedy 31920
19*F4, !uni#e ,ary 9ennedy3192120094, 8ari#ia $e-en H8aH
9ennedy 3192*20064, and Jean 'nn 9ennedy 3born 192F4. !uni#e :ounded
he (/e#ia- 0-ym/i#s whi-e Jean served a ?nied (aes 'mbassador o )re-and
:rom 1993 o 199F.
Ja#2 -ived in Broo2-ine :or en years and aended !dward Devoion
(#hoo-, Nob-e and >reenough Lower (#hoo-, and he De5er (#hoo-, hrough
*h grade. )n 192+, he :ami-y moved o "0*0 )nde/enden#e 'venue
in =iverda-e, Bron5, New Ior2 %iy. .wo years -aer, hey moved o 29*
8ond:ie-d =oad in Bron5vi--e, New Ior2, where 9ennedy was a member o:
(#ou .roo/ 2.
.he 9ennedy :ami-y s/en summers a heir
home in $yannis/or, ,assa#huses, and %hrismas and !aser ho-idays a
heir winer home in 8a-m Bea#h, ;-orida. ;or he "h hrough +h grade, Ja#2
aended =iverda-e %ounry (#hoo-, a /rivae s#hoo- :or boys. ;or Fh grade in
(e/ember 1930, he 13@year@o-d aended %anerbury (#hoo- in New ,i-:ord,
%onne#i#u. )n -ae '/ri- 1931, he re6uired an a//ende#omy, a:er whi#h he
wihdrew :rom %anerbury and re#u/eraed a home.
)n (e/ember 1931, 9ennedy was sen o .he %hoae (#hoo- in Aa--ing:ord,
%onne#i#u, :or his 9h hrough 12h grade years. $is o-der broher Joe Jr. had
a-ready been a %hoae :or wo years, a :ooba-- sar and -eading suden. Ja#2
s/en his :irs years a %hoae in his broher1s shadow, and #om/ensaed :or
his wih rebe--ious behavior whi#h ara#ed a #oerie. .heir mos noorious
sun was o e5/-ode a oi-e sea wih a /ower:u- :ire#ra#2er. )n he ensuing
#ha/e- assemb-y, he sri# headmaser, >eorge (. John, brandished he oi-e
sea and s/o2e o: #erain Hmu#2ersH who wou-d Hs/i in our seaH. .he de:ian
Ja#2 9ennedy oo2 he #ue and named his grou/ H.he ,u#2ers %-ubH, whi#h
in#-uded roommae and :riend 9ir2 Le,oyne HLemH Bi--ings.
Ahi-e a %hoae, 9ennedy was bese by hea-h /rob-ems ha #u-minaed in
193* wih his emergen#y hos/ia-i<aion a Ia-e New $aven $os/ia- . )n June
193* he was admied o he ,ayo %-ini# in =o#heser, ,innesoa, and
diagnosed wih #o-iis. 9ennedy graduaed :rom %hoae in June 193". ;or he
s#hoo- yearboo2, o: whi#h he had been business manager, 9ennedy was voed
he Hmos -i2e-y o su##eedH.
)n (e/ember 193", he made his :irs ri/ abroad, wih his /arens and
siser 9ah-een, o London, wih he inen o: sudying under$aro-d Las2i a
he London (#hoo- o: !#onomi#s 3L(!4, as his o-der broher Joe Jr. had done.
)--@hea-h :or#ed his reurn o 'meri#a in 0#ober 193", when he enro--ed -ae
and s/en si5 wee2s a 8rin#eon ?niversiy. $e was hen hos/ia-i<ed :or
observaion a 8eer Ben Brigham $os/ia- in Boson. $e #onva-es#ed :urher
a he 9ennedy winer home in 8a-m Bea#h, hen s/en he s/ring o: 1936
3a-ong wih his o-der broher Joe Jr.4 wor2ing as a ran#h hand on he *0,000
a#res 3160 2m
4 HJay (i5H #a-e ran#h ouside Benson, 'ri<ona.
) is re/ored
ha ran#hman Ja#2 (/eiden wor2ed boh brohers Hvery hardH.
.he 9ennedy :ami-y a $yannis/or in 1931 wih Ja#2 a o/ -e: in whie shir.
)n (e/ember 1936, 9ennedy enro--ed a $arvard %o--ege, where he /rodu#ed
ha year1s annua- H;reshman (mo2erH, #a--ed by a reviewer Han e-aborae
enerainmen, whi#h in#-uded in is #as ousanding /ersona-iies o: he radio,
s#reen and s/ors wor-dH.
$e ried ou :or he :ooba--, go-:, and swimming
eams and earned a s/o on he varsiy swimming eam.
)n Ju-y 193+
9ennedy sai-ed o ;ran#eEbringing his #onverib-eEand s/en en wee2s
driving hrough !uro/e wih Bi--ings.
)n June 193F 9ennedy sai-ed overseas
wih his :aher and broher Joe o wor2 wih his :aher, who was hen ;ran2-in D.
=ooseve-1s ?.(. 'mbassador o he %our o: (. James1s, a he'meri#an
embassy in London.
)n 1939 9ennedy oured !uro/e, he (ovie ?nion, he Ba-2ans, and he ,idd-e
!as in /re/araion :or his $arvard senior honors hesis. $e hen wen
o %<e#hos-ova2ia and >ermany be:ore reurning o London on (e/ember 1,
1939, he day >ermany invaded 8o-and. 0n (e/ember 3, 1939, he :ami-y was
in he $ouse o: %ommons :or s/ee#hes endorsing he ?nied 9ingdom1s
de#-araion o: war on >ermany. 9ennedy was sen as his :aher1s
re/resenaive o he-/ wih arrangemens :or 'meri#an survivors o:
he (( "thenia , be:ore :-ying ba#2 o he ?.(. :rom;oynes, )re-and, o 8or
Aashingon, New Ior2 on his :irs ransa-ani# :-igh.
's an u//er#-assman a $arvard, 9ennedy be#ame a more serious suden and
deve-o/ed an ineres in /o-ii#a- /hi-oso/hy. )n his &unior year he made
he Dean1s Lis.
)n 19*0 9ennedy #om/-eed his hesis, H'//easemen in
,uni#hH, abou Briish /ari#i/aion in he ,uni#h 'greemen. .he hesis
be#ame a besse--er under he i-e #hy $ng%and &%e't.
$e graduaed :rom
$arvard %o--ege wih aBa#he-or o: (#ien#e cum %aude in inernaiona- a::airs in
19*0. 9ennedy enro--ed in and audied #-asses a he (an:ord >raduae (#hoo-
o: Business ha :a--.
)n ear-y 19*1, he he-/ed his :aher wrie a memoir o: his
hree years as an 'meri#an ambassador and hen rave-ed hroughou (ouh
,i-iary servi#e 319*1*"4
(ain artic%e) (otor Tor'edo *oat PT-10
Lieuenan 3&unior grade4 John ;. 9ennedy 3sanding a righ4 wih his PT-
10 #rew, 19*3.
)n (e/ember 19*1, a:er medi#a- dis6ua-i:i#aion by he 'rmy :or his #hroni#
-ower ba#2 /rob-ems, 9ennedy &oined he ?.(. Navy, wih he in:-uen#e o: he
dire#or o: he 0::i#e o: Nava- )ne--igen#e, :ormer nava- aa#hJ o Jose/h
9ennedy was anensign serving in he o::i#e o: he (e#reary o: he
Navy when he aa#2 on 8ear- $arboro##urred. $e aended he Nava- =eserve
0::i#er .raining %or/s and hen vo-unari-y enered he ,oor .or/edo Boa
(6uadron .raining %ener in ,e-vi--e, =hode )s-and. .herea:er, he was
assigned duy in 8anama and -aer in he 8a#i:i# heaer, where 9ennedy
earned he ran2 o: -ieuenan, #ommanding a /aro- or/edo 38.4 boa.
9ennedy on his navy /aro- boa, he PT-10.
0n 'ugus 2, 19*3, 9ennedy1s boa, PT-10, a-ong wih PT-1+, and PT-1+,
were /er:orming nighime /aro-s near New >eorgia in he (o-omon )s-ands,
when PT-10was rammed by he Ja/anese desroyer "magiri .
gahered his surviving #rew members ogeher in he waer around he
wre#2age, o voe on wheher o H:igh or surrenderH. 9ennedy saed, H.here1s
nohing in he boo2 abou a siuaion -i2e his. ' -o o: you men have :ami-ies
and some o: you have #hi-dren. Aha do you wan o doK ) have nohing o
-ose.H (hunning surrender, he men swam owards a sma-- is-and.
9ennedy, des/ie re@in&ury o his ba#2 in he #o--ision, owed a bad-y burned
#rewman hrough he waer wih a -i:e &a#2e sra/ #-en#hed beween his eeh.
$e owed he wounded man o he is-and, and -aer o a se#ond is-and, :rom
where his #rew was subse6uen-y res#ued.
;or hese a#ions, 9ennedy
re#eived he Navy and ,arine %or/s ,eda- wih he :o--owing #iaionL
For e-treme%y heroic conduct as .ommanding /00icer o0 (otor Tor'edo *oat
10 0o%%o1ing the co%%ision and sinking o0 that 2esse% in the Paci0ic #ar Theater
on "ugust 13,, 145. 6nmind0u% o0 'ersona% danger, 7ieutenant
(then 7ieutenant, Junior 8rade) Kennedy unhesitating%y bra2ed the di00icu%ties
and ha9ards o0 darkness to direct rescue o'erations, s1imming many hours to
secure aid and 0ood a0ter he had succeeded in getting his cre1 ashore. :is
outstanding courage, endurance and %eadershi' contributed to the sa2ing o0
se2era% %i2es and 1ere in kee'ing 1ith the highest traditions o0 the 6nited
&tates ;a2a% &er2ice.
)n 0#ober 19*3, 9ennedy oo2 #ommand o: a 8. boa #onvered ino a
gunboa, PT-!, whi#h oo2 /ar in a ,arine res#ue on %hoiseu- )s-and ha
9ennedy hen -e: PT-!, and reurned o he ?nied (aes in
ear-y January 19**. ':er re#eiving reamen :or his ba#2 in&ury, he was
re-eased :rom a#ive duy in -ae 19**.
Beginning in January 19*", 9ennedy s/en hree more monhs re#overing :rom
his ba#2 in&ury a %as-e $o (/rings, a resor and em/orary mi-iary hos/ia-
in 'ri<ona.
9ennedy was honorab-y dis#harged &us /rior o Ja/an1s
surrender in 19*". 9ennedy1s oher de#oraions in Aor-d Aar )) in#-uded
he 8ur/-e $ear, 'meri#an De:ense (ervi#e ,eda-, 'meri#an %am/aign
,eda-, 'siai#@8a#i:i# %am/aign ,eda- wih hree bron<e servi#e sars, and
he Aor-d Aar )) Bi#ory ,eda-.
Ahen -aer as2ed how he be#ame a war hero,
9ennedy &o2edL H) was easy. .hey #u my 8. boa in ha-:.H
)n '/ri- 19*", 9ennedy1s :aher, a :riend o: Ai--iam =ando-/h $ears, arranged a
/osiion :or his son as a s/e#ia- #orres/onden :or$ears News/a/ers7 he
assignmen 2e/ 9ennedy1s name in he /ub-i# eye and He5/oseCdD him o
&ourna-ism as a /ossib-e #areer.H
$e wor2ed as a #orres/onden ha ,ay,
#overing he 8osdam %on:eren#e and oher evens.
!va 8erMn was born on ,ay +, 1919, in Los .o-dos, 'rgenina. ':er moving o
Buenos 'ires in he 1930s, she had some su##ess as an a#ress. in 19*", she
married Juan 8erMn, who be#ame /residen o: 'rgenina he :o--owing year. !va
8erMn used her /osiion as :irs -ady o :igh :or women1s su::rage and im/roving
he -ives o: he /oor, and be#ame a -egendary :igure in 'rgenine /o-ii#s. (he
died in 19"2.
2ar$y 3ife
Famous +ctress
First 3ady of +r'entina
&eath and 3e'acy
"$2en as a %itt%e gir% < 1anted to recite. <t 1as as though < 1ished to say
something to others, something im'ortant 1hich < 0e%t in my dee'est heart."
!va 8erMn
2ar$y 3ife
Born ,arOa !va Duare on ,ay +, 1919, in Los .o-dos, 'rgenina, !va 8erMn
was a -eading /o-ii#a- :igure in her naive #ounry as :irs -ady and wi:e o
8residenJuan 8erMn. (he grew u/ /oor, dreaming o: be#oming a#ress. 8erMn
and her siser, !rminda, o:en made u/ -i-e /er:orman#es ogeher in heir
youh. $er moher, Juana )baguren, had :our #hi-dren wih her :aher, Juan
Duare. Ahi-e he #ou/-e never married, Juana used he -as name Duare :or
herse-: and he #hi-dren.
Juan Duare had anoher :ami-y wih his wi:e. 'nd when he died in a #ar
a##iden in 1926, his wi:e shunned 8erMn and her :ami-y a he :unera-,
a##ording o some re/ors. '-ready srugg-ing :inan#ia--y, he -oss o: her :aher
mean greaer hardshi/s :or 8erMn1s :ami-y. $er o-des sib-ings, Juan and !-isa,
wor2ed o he-/ ou. .he :ami-y moved o JunOn, a #iy in he /rovin#e o: Buenos
'ires, in 1930. .here, anoher siser, B-an#a, be#ame a ea#her. 8erMn1s moher
a-so oo2 in boarders, #oo2ed and wor2ed as a seamsress.
Famous +ctress
'round he age o: 1", !va 8erMn moved o Buenos 'ires o be#ome an a#ress.
.here, she :ound wor2 wih a number o: heaer #om/anies. )n 193+, 8erMn
-anded her :irs :i-m ro-e in &egundos "0uera and go a #onra# o /er:orm on
he radio. (he #oninued o wor2 in sage /rodu#ions as we-- over he ne5 :ew
8erMn was abou 20 years o-d when she sared her own enerainmen
business, he %om/any o: he .heaer o: he 'ir, whi#h /rodu#ed radio
/rograms. )n 19*3, 8erMn en&oyed one o: her greaes su##essesL (he signed
on o /orray a number o: :amous women in hisory on a s/e#ia- radio series,
giving her he #han#e o /-ay he -i2es o: Nueen !-i<abeh ) and %aherine he
First 3ady of +r'entina
8erMn1s -i:e #hanged dramai#a--y when she married Juan 8erMn, a #o-one- and
governmen o::i#ia-, in 19*". $e be#ame /residen o: 'rgenina he :o--owing
year, and his wi:e /roved o be a /ower:u- /o-ii#a- in:-uen#e. !va 8erMn used
her /osiion as :irs -ady o :igh :or #auses she be-ieved in, in#-uding women1s
su::rage and im/roving he -ives o: he /oor. (he a-so uno::i#ia--y ran he
minisries o: hea-h and -abor in her husband1s governmen.
8erMn be#ame a -egendary :igure in 'rgenine /o-ii#s. ' s2i--ed s/ea2er, she
was adored by he /oor #ii<ens she wor2ed hard o he-/, bu she was no
wihou #rii#s and dera#ors 's2ed o run as vi#e /residen wih her husband in
19"1, she :a#ed o//osiion by he army. 8erMn u-imae-y urned down he /os
E/ossib-y due o he hea-h issues she was ba-ing around his same ime,
semming :rom uerine #an#er.
2ar$y 3ife
Famous +ctress
First 3ady of +r'entina
&eath and 3e'acy
&eath and 3e'acy
8erMn made her -as /ub-i# a//earan#e in June 19"2, a her husband1s se#ond
inauguraion. .he :o--owing monh, she su##umbed o her i--nessL 8erMn died o:
uerine #an#er in Buenos 'ires on Ju-y 26, 19"2. (he was given a :unera- :i :or
a head o: sae, showing how mu#h /ub-i# su//or she had :rom he 'rgenine
/eo/-e a he ime.
(in#e her deah, 8erMn1s -i:e #oninues o :as#inae /eo/-e around he wor-d.
.he sory o: a /oor gir- who be#ame a /rominen /o-ii#a- /ower has been he
sub&e# o: #oun-ess boo2s, :i-ms and /-ays. .im =i#e and 'ndrew L-oyd
Aebber wroe he hi musi#a- $2ita 319+94, whi#h was -oose-y based on 8erMn1s
-i:e. ,adonna -aer /-ayed 8erMn in he 1996 :i-m version, wih 'nonio
Banderas /orraying%he >uevara.
.he Bea-es wen on o be#ome he mos /o/u-ar band in Briain wih he
re-ease o: su#h mega@his as H(he Loves IouH and H) Aan .o $o-d Iour
John Lennon was born on 0#ober 9, 19*0, in Liver/oo-, !ng-and. $e me 8au-
,#%arney in 19"+ and invied ,#%arney o &oin his musi# grou/. .hey
evenua--y :ormed he mos su##ess:u- songwriing /arnershi/ in musi#a-
hisory. Lennon -e: he Bea-es in 1969 and -aer re-eased a-bums wih his
wi:e, Io2o 0no, among ohers. 0n De#ember F, 19F0,
2ar$y 3ife
Formin' the %eat$es
4he %eat$es %rea. U
So$o *areer
4ra'ic &eath
"<0 someone thinks that 'eace and %o2e are =ust a c%ich> that shou%d ha2e been
%e0t behind in the ?+0s, that?s a 'rob%em. Peace and %o2e are eterna%."
John Lennon
P re!1 G 16ne5t Q
he was 2i--ed by a #ra<ed :an named ,ar2 David %ha/man.
2ar$y 3ife
;amed singer@songwrier John Ainson Lennon was born on 0#ober 9, 19*0,
in Liver/oo-, ,erseyside, !ng-and, during a >erman air raid in Aor-d Aar )).
Ahen he was * years o-d, Lennon1s /arens se/araed and he ended u/ -iving
wih his 'un ,imi. Lennon1s :aher was a mer#han seaman. $e was no
/resen a his son1s birh and did no see a -o o: his son when he was sma--.
Lennon1s moher, Ju-ia, remarried, bu visied him and ,imi regu-ar-y. (he
augh Lennon how o /-ay he ban&o and he /iano and /ur#hased his :irs
guiar. Lennon was devasaed when Ju-ia was :aa--y sru#2 by a #ar driven by
an o::@duy /o-i#e o::i#er in Ju-y 19"F. $er deah was one o: he mos raumai#
evens in his -i:e.
's a #hi-d, Lennon was a /ran2ser and he en&oyed geing in roub-e. 's a boy
and young adu-,he en&oyed drawing groes6ue :igures and #ri//-es. Lennon1s
s#hoo- maser hough ha he #ou-d go o an ar s#hoo- :or #o--ege, sin#e he did
no ge good grades in s#hoo-, bu had arisi# a-en.
Formin' the %eat$es
!-vis 8res-ey1s e5/-osion ono he ro#2 musi# s#ene ins/ired a 16@year@o-d
Lennon o #reae he s2i::-e band #a--ed he Nuarry ,en, named a:er his
s#hoo-. Lennon me 8au- ,#%arney a a #hur#h :ee on Ju-y 6, 19"+. $e soon
invied ,#%arney o &oin he grou/, and he wo evenua--y :ormed one o: he
mos su##ess:u- songwriing /arnershi/s in musi#a- hisory.
,#%arney inrodu#ed >eorge $arrison o Lennon he :o--owing year, and
$arrison and ar #o--ege buddy (uar (u#-i::e a-so &oined Lennon1s band.
'-ways in need o: a drummer, he grou/ :ina--y se-ed on 8ee Bes in 1960.
.he :irs re#ording hey made was Buddy $o--y1s H.ha1-- be he DayH in 19"F. )n
:a#, i was $o--y1s grou/, he %ri#2es, ha ins/ired he band o #hange is
name. Lennon wou-d -aer &o2e ha he had a vision when he was 12 years o-dE
a man a//eared on a :-aming /ie and said uno hem, H;rom his day on, you
are Bea-eswih an 1'.1H
.he Bea-es were dis#overed by Brian !/sein in 1961 a Liver/oo-1s %avern
%-ub, where hey were /er:orming on a regu-ar basis. 's heir new manager,
!/sein se#ured a re#ord #onra# wih !,). Aih a new drummer, =ingo
(arr 3=i#hard (ar2ey4, and >eorge ,arin as /rodu#er, he grou/ re-eased
heir :irs sing-e, HLove ,e Do,H in 0#ober 1962. ) /ea2ed on he Briish #hars
a No. 1+.
Lennon wroe he grou/1s :o--ow@u/ sing-e, H8-ease 8-ease ,e,H ins/ired
/rimari-y by =oy 0rbison, bu a-so :ed by Lennon1s in:auaion wih he /un
in Bing %rosby1s :amous -yri#s, H0h, /-ease, -end your -i-e ears o my /-eas,H
:rom he song H8-ease.H .he Bea-es1 H8-ease 8-ease ,eH o//ed he #hars in
Lennon married %ynhia 8owe-- in 'ugus 1962. .he #ou/-e had one son
ogeher, Ju-ian, who was named a:er Lennon1s moher. %ynhia was :or#ed o
2ee/ a very -ow /ro:i-e during Bea-emania. (he and Lennon divor#ed in 196F.
$e remarried he :o--owing year, on ,ar#h 20, 1969,
2ar$y 3ife
Formin' the %eat$es
4he %eat$es %rea. U
So$o *areer
4ra'ic &eath
o Ja/anese avan@garde arisIo2o 0no, whom he had me a he )ndi#a
>a--ery in November 1966.
)n 196*, he Bea-es be#ame he :irs Briish band o brea2 ou big in he ?nied
(aes, beginning wih heir a//earan#e on e-evision1s The $d &u%%i2an
&ho1 on ;ebruary 9, 196*. Bea-emania -aun#hed a HBriish )nvasionH o: ro#2
bands in he ?nied (aes ha a-so in#-uded he =o--ing (ones and he 9in2s.
;o--owing heir a//earan#e on &u%%i2an, he Bea-es reurned o Briain o :i-m
heir :irs :i-m, " :ard @ay?s ;ight3196*4, and /re/are :or heir :irs wor-d our.
.he Bea-es1 se#ond :i-m, :e%'A, was re-eased in 196". .ha June, Nueen
!-i<abeh )) o: !ng-and announ#ed ha he Bea-es wou-d be named a ,ember
o: he 0rder o: he Briish !m/ire. )n 'ugus 196", he :oursome /er:ormed o
"",600 :ans a New Ior21s (hea (adium, seing a new re#ord :or -arges
#on#er audien#e in musi#a- hisory. Ahen he Bea-es reurned o !ng-and,
hey re#orded he brea2hrough a-bum Bubber &ou% 3196"4, noed :or e5ending
beyond he -ove songs and /o/ :ormu-as :or whi#h he band was /revious-y
.he magi# o: Bea-emania had begun o -ose is a//ea- by 1966. .he band
members1 -ives were /u in danger when hey were a##used o: snubbing he
/residenia- :ami-y in he 8hi-i//ines. .hen, Lennon1s remar2 ha he band was
Hmore /o/u-ar han Jesus nowH in#ied denun#iaions and Bea-es re#ord
bon:ires in he ?.(. Bib-e be-. .he Bea-es gave u/ ouring a:er an 'ugus 29,
1966, #on#er a (an ;ran#is#o1s %and-esi#2 8ar2.
':er an e5ended brea2, he band reurned o he sudio o e5/and heir
e5/erimena- sound wih drug@in:-uen#ed e5oi# insrumenaionG-yri#s and a/e
absra#ions. .he :irs sam/-e was he sing-e H8enny LaneG(rawberry ;ie-ds
;orever,H :o--owed by he a-bum &gt. Pe''er?s 7one%y :earts .%ub *and 3196+4,
#onsidered by many o be he greaes ro#2 /ro&e# in musi#a- hisory.
4he %eat$es %rea. U
.he Bea-es hen su::ered a huge b-ow when !/sein died o: an a##idena-
overdose o: s-ee/ing /i--s on 'ugus 2+, 196+. (ha2en by !/sein1s deah, he
Bea-es reren#hed under ,#%arney1s -eadershi/ in he :a-- and :i-med (agica%
(ystery Tour. Ahi-e he :i-m was /anned by #rii#s, he soundra#2 a-bum
#onained Lennon1s H) 'm .he Aa-rus,H he grou/1s mos #ry/i# wor2 ye.
(agica% (ystery Tour :ai-ed o a#hieve mu#h #ommer#ia- su##ess, and he
Bea-es rereaed ino .rans#endena- ,ediaion and he ,aharishi ,ahesh
Iogi, whi#h oo2 hem o )ndia :or wo monhs in ear-y 196F. .heir ne5 e::or,
'//-e %or/s Ld., was /-agued by mismanagemen.
.ha Ju-y, he grou/ :a#ed is -as noab-y hyseri#a- #rowd a he /remiere o:
heir :i-m Ce%%o1 &ubmarine. )n November 196F, he Bea-es1 doub-e@a-bum The
*eat%es 3a-so 2nown as The #hite "%bum4 dis/-ayed heir divergen dire#ions.
By his ime,
2ar$y 3ife
Formin' the %eat$es
4he %eat$es %rea. U
So$o *areer
4ra'ic &eath
Lennon1s aris /arnershi/ wih se#ond wi:e Io2o 0no had begun o #ause
serious ensions wihin he grou/. Lennon and 0no invened a :orm o: /ea#e
/roes by saying in bed whi-e being :i-med and inerviewed, and heir sing-e
H>ive 8ea#e a %han#eH 319694, re#orded under he name Hhe 8-asi# 0no
Band,H be#ame a naiona- anhem o: sors :or /a#i:iss.
Lennon -e: he Bea-es in (e/ember 1969, &us a:er he grou/ #om/-eed
re#ording "bbey Boad. .he news o: he brea2@u/ was 2e/ se#re uni-
,#%arney announ#ed his de/arure in '/ri- 19+0, a monh be:ore he band
re-eased 7et <t *e, re#orded &us be:ore"bbey Boad.
So$o *areer
No -ong a:er he Bea-es bro2e u/, in 19+0, Lennon re-eased his debu so-o
a-bum, John 7ennonDP%astic /no *and, :eauring a raw, minima-is sound ha
:o--owed H/rima-@s#reamH hera/y. $e :o--owed ha /ro&e# wih 19+11s <magine,
he mos #ommer#ia--y su##ess:u- and #rii#a--y a##-aimed o: a-- Lennon1s /os@
Bea-es e::ors. .he i-e ra#2 was -aer named No. 3 on Bo%%ing
&tone maga<ine1s H'--@.ime Bes (ongsH -is.
8ea#e and -ove, however, was no a-ways on Lennon1s agenda.<magine a-so
in#-uded he ra#2 H$ow Do Iou (-ee/K,H a vehemen res/onse o vei-ed
messages a Lennon in some o: ,#%arney1s so-o re#ordings. .he :riends and
:ormer songwriing duo -aer buried he ha#he, bu never :orma--y wor2ed
ogeher again.
Lennon and 0no moved o he ?nied (aes in (e/ember 19+1, bu were
#onsan-y hreaened wih de/oraion by he Ni5on 'dminisraion. Lennon was
o-d ha he was being 2i#2ed ou o: he #ounry due o his 196F mari&uana
#onvi#ion in Briain, bu he singer be-ieved ha he was being removed
be#ause o: his a#ivism agains he un/o/u-ar Bienam Aar. Do#umens -aer
/roved him #orre#. 3.wo years a:er Ni5on resigned, in 19+6, Lennon was
graned /ermanen ?.(. residen#y.4
)n 19+2, whi-e ba-ing o say in 'meri#a, Lennon /er:ormed a ,adison (6uare
>arden in New Ior2 %iy o bene:i mena--y handi#a//ed #hi-dren and
#oninued o /romoe /ea#e. $is immigraion ba-e oo2 a o-- on Lennon1s
marriage, and in he :a-- o: 19+3, he and 0no se/araed. Lennon wen o Los
'nge-es, %a-i:ornia, where he /aried and oo2 a misress, ,ay 8ang. $e si--
managed o re-ease hi a-bums, in#-uding (ind 8ames 319+34, #a%%s and
*ridges 319+*4 and Bock ?n? Bo%% 319+"4. During his ime, Lennon :amous-y
#o--aboraed wih David Bowie and !-on John.
Lennon and 0no re#on#i-ed in 19+*, and she gave birh o heir on-y #hi-d, a son
named (ean, on Lennon1s 3"h birhday 30#ober 9, 19+"4. (hor-y herea:er,
Lennon de#ided o -eave he musi# business o :o#us on being a :aher and
4ra'ic &eath
)n 19F0, John Lennon reurned o he musi# wor-d wih he a-bum@oub%e
Fantasy, :eauring he hi sing-e H3Jus Li2e4 (aring 0ver.H .ragi#a--y, &us a :ew
wee2s a:er he a-bum1s re-ease, Lennon was sho severa- imes by a deranged
:an in :ron o: his a/armen #om/-e5 in New Ior2 %iy.
!LB)( 8=!(LI
Born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo, Mississippi, Elvis Presley came from very
humble beginnings and grew up to become one of the biggest names in rock 'n'
roll. By the mid-1950s, he appeared on the radio, television and the silver screen.
On August 16, 1977, at age 42, he died of heart failure, which was related to his
drug addiction. Since his death, Presley has remained one of the world's most
popular music icons.
2ar$y Interest in Music
First 6o. # Hit
Persona$ 7bstac$es
&eath and 3e'acy
"Fingerprints are like valuesyou leave them all over everything you do."
!-vis 8res-ey
P re!1 G 11ne5t Q
2ar$y Interest in Music
Musician and actor Elvis Aron Presley was born on January 8, 1935, in Tupelo,
Mississippi. (He later changed the spelling of his middle name to the biblical
form of Aaron.) Presley was supposed to be a twin, but his brother, Jesse Garon
(sometimes spelled Jessie) was stillborn. From very humble beginnings, Elvis
Presley grew up to become one of the biggest names in rock 'n' roll.
Raised by loving, working-class parents, Presley's family had little money, and
they moved from place to place frequently. He was deeply devoted to his parents,
especially his mother, Gladys, and was raised to have a strong faith in God.
Presley attended the Assembly of God Church with his parents, where gospel
music became an important influence for him.
Presley got his first guitar at the age of 10, and soon after, had his first taste of
musical success when he won a talent show at Humes High School in Memphis.
After graduating in 1953, he worked a number of jobs while pursuing his musical
dream. He cut his first demo record at what later became known as Sun Studio
that year, and before long, Sam Phillips, the record label owner, decided to take
the young performer under his wing. Presley soon began touring and recording,
trying to catch his first big break. "That's All Right" was Presley's first single in
First 6o. # Hit
In 1955, Presley began to develop a following with fans being drawn to his
unusual musical style, provocative gyrating hips and good looks. That same year,
he signed with RCA Records, a deal worked out by his manager, Colonel Tom
Parker. Presley was on a roll, scoring his first No. 1 single with "Heartbreak
Hotel," as well as his first No. 1 album, Elvis Presley, and signing a movie
contract with Paramount Picturesall in 1956. Despite the uproar that his sexy
dance moves caused, he also became a popular guest on a number of television
variety shows.
Soon, Presley was everywhereon the radio, television and the silver screen
working as a musician and actor. His first film, Love Me Tender (1956), was a
box office hit. Even a stint in the U.S. military couldn't put a damper on Presley's
thriving career. He received his draft notice in 1957, and was inducted into the
Army the following March. He eventually served in Germany for about a year
and a half. Shortly before Presley left for Europe, his beloved mother, Gladys,
died. He was granted a leave and returned to Memphis for the funeral. Deeply
saddened by her death, Presley returned to duty. While in Germany, his spirits
were lifted slightly when he met a young teenager named Priscilla Beaulieu.
After leaving the Army in 1960, Presley resumed his career and was soon back at
the top of the charts with the soundtrack for his film GI Blues. He continued
recording music and acting in such films as Blue Hawaii (1961),Girls! Girls!
Girls! (1962) and Viva Las Vegas (1964). Though his films were often hit or miss
with both critics and audiences, they brought in a profit and the soundtracks
usually sold well. By the late 1960s, however,
2ar$y Interest in Music
First 6o. # Hit
Persona$ 7bstac$es
&eath and 3e'acy
the enigmatic performer appeared to be losing his box office appeal. Proving he
was still the "King of Rock 'n' Roll," he recorded his first TV special in 1968,
often referred to as the "'68 Comeback." He wowed audiences with his
performance, which showcased his talents as a singer and a guitarist.
Persona$ 7bstac$es
Around this time, Presley's personal life also seemed to be on an upswing. He
and Priscilla wed in 1967 and had a daughter, Lisa Marie, the following year.
Unfortunately, this joyous time would not last. By the early 1970s, Presley's
marriage was falling apart. The couple divorced in 1973, and Priscilla received
custody of Lisa Marie. Presley was also wrestling with other personal problems,
including a growing addiction to prescription drugs; the once-thin rock star was
battling a weight problem, and his destructive lifestyle caught up with him that
fall, when he was hospitalized for drug-related health problems.
Despite his personal obstacles, Presley remained a popular draw in Las Vegas
and on tour. He performed at his last concert in June 1977, in Indianapolis,
Indiana. After the concert, he returned home to his Memphis mansion,
Graceland, to prepare for another tour.
&eath and 3e'acy
Sometime in the morning of August 16, 1977, Presley died of heart failure, at the
age of 42. It was later ruled that his death was related to his prescription drug use.
Presley was buried on the Graceland property, near the gravesites of his mother,
Gladys, father Vernon and grandmother Minnie Mae Hood Presley.
Throughout his amazing career, Presley helped popularize rock 'n' roll music in
America. He also won three Grammy Awards for his gospel recordings. A major
musical force, Presley had 18 No. 1 singles, including "Don't Be Cruel," "Good
Luck Charm" and "Suspicious Minds," as well as countless gold and platinum
albums. He was one of the first performers inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall
of Fame (1986). But Elvis has been recognized for his contributions several
musical genres, most notably rock, country and gospel. In 1998, Presley was
posthumously inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame; three years later,
he was posthumously inducted into the Gospel Music Association's Gospel
Music Hall of Fame.
Since his death, Presley has remained one of the world's most popular music
icons. Over the years, several documentaries and films have explored the
enigmatic performer, including a 2005 television miniseries starring Jonathan
Rhys-Meyers as Elvis. Presley's Memphis home, Graceland, is open to the
public, and numerous fans from around the world visit the legendary residence
annually, especially around Presley's birthday and the anniversary of his death.
Thousands of fans traveled to Graceland on August 16, 2012the 35th
anniversary of Elvis Presley's deathfor a special vigil in honor of the King of
Rock 'n' Roll. During the gathering, fans held lit candles and stood outside of
Presley's home. Though the Presley family holds a tribute event each year to
mark the anniversary of Presley's death, the 2012 gathering was unique: Presley's
estranged wife, Priscilla,
2ar$y Interest in Music
First 6o. # Hit
Persona$ 7bstac$es
&eath and 3e'acy
and daughter Lisa Marie Presleyappeared together for the first time at the annual
"You should see this from our point-of-view. It's amazing,"Priscilla Presley said
during the event, according to theWashington Post. "The candles are lit. It's truly
a sight to behold ... This is something that Elvis would never, ever have believed
could have taken place here."

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