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Table of Contents

Chapter 8 GSM Radio Network Optimization............................................................................. 2

8.1 Network Optimization Procedure....................................................................................... 2
8.2 Network Optimization Tools............................................................................................... 3
8.2.1 Test MS................................................................................................................... 3
8.2.2 Drive Test Sotware................................................................................................. !
8.2.3 Si"nalin" #nal$zer.................................................................................................. %
8.2.! Network Optimization Sotware............................................................................... %
8.3 Network Perormance &valuation...................................................................................... '
8.3.1 DT........................................................................................................................... '
8.3.2 ()T........................................................................................................................ 8
8.3.3 Network Operation *nde+es.................................................................................... ,
8.! Traic Statistics *nde+ #nal$sis....................................................................................... 1-
8.!.1 .eneral #nal$sis Met/od...................................................................................... 1-
8.!.2 0i"/ (all Drop 1ate #nal$sis................................................................................ 11
8.!.3 0i"/ T(0 (on"estion 1ate #nal$sis....................................................................13
8.!.! 0i"/ SD((0 (on"estion 1ate #nal$sis...............................................................12
8.!.2 3ow 0andover Success 1ate #nal$sis.................................................................1'
8.2 Network Pro4lem Solutions............................................................................................. 1,
8.2.1 (overa"e Pro4lems.............................................................................................. 1,
8.2.2 *ntererence Pro4lems.......................................................................................... 33
8.2.3 (all Drop Pro4lems............................................................................................... !!
8.2.! 0andover Pro4lems.............................................................................................. 2'
8.2.2 (on"estion Pro4lems........................................................................................... %2
8.2.% Ot/er Pro4lems..................................................................................................... '-
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
Chapter 8 GSM Radio Network Optimization
1adio network optimization aims to improve network perormance and
ma+imize t/e 4eneit o t/e e+istin" network resources t/rou"/ parameter
collection6 data anal$sis6 parameter ad7ustment6 and necessar$ tec/nical
5rom t/e perspective o carriers6 t/e$ /ope to coni"ure t/e s$stem rationall$6
utilize network resources to t/e ma+imum6 en/ance network economic
4eneit6 and reduce operation costs t/rou"/ network optimization. 5rom t/e
perspective o users6 t/e$ /ope to "et satisactor$ telecommunication
services in terms network sta4ilit$6 speec/ 8ualit$6 and so on. T/ereore6 t/e
core task o radio network plannin" and optimization is to seek a 4alance
amon" covera"e6 capacit$6 and 8ualit$ 4ased on rational investment and t/e
limited re8uenc$ resources6 t/us ac/ievin" t/e 4est rate o investment return.
8.1 Network Optimization ro!ed"re
5i"ure 1.1 s/ows t/e network optimization procedure.
#i$"re 1.1 Network optimization procedure
0ereunder details t/e procedure9
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e26 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$

Network inormation ac8uisition

=ou are re8uired to conirm t/e actual en"ineerin" parameters and
network parameters6 surve$ t/e local radio environment and /ot:traic
spots6 and understand customer re8uirement.

Data collection
=ou are re8uired to collect OM(1 traic statistics data and alarm data>
drive test data6 and t/e o47ective relection o MS.

Data anal$sis
=ou are re8uired to anal$ze network perormance6 network parameters6
and OM(1 traic statistics usin" network optimization tools.

Network tunin"
=ou are re8uired to tune en"ineerin" parameters and network unctional

Network optimization report

# network optimization report must include optimization measures6
ulilled network perormance inde+es6 and su""estions or network
8.2 Network Optimization Tools
8.2.1 Test MS
Test MS is a dail$ must or en"ineers to perorm network test. T/e test MS
can displa$ t/e service cell o a mo4ile telecommunication network and t/e
si+ nei"/4or cells. *t can also 4e used to test network parameters. T/e test
MS can 4e connected to a computer6 so it can collect and anal$ze data wit/
t/e /elp o drive test sotware.
T/e unctions o a S#.&M test MS are listed 4elow9

?iew t/e *MS* o t/e S*M card

Scan @((0
T/e S#.&M test MS can scan t/e @((06 and it will provides t/e 1+lev
and @S*( o t/e scanned @((0 in eac/ cell.

?iew network parameters

T/e S#.&M test MS can displa$ network parameters o t/e service cell
o and t/e si+ nei"/4or cells w/en it is idle or in conversation state.

5orced cell selection

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e36 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
T/e test MS can 4e orced to reselect t/e desi"nated cell or dialin" test
and /andover test.

5orced /andover
T/e test MS can 4e orced to /and over to t/e desi"nated cell to anal$ze
w/et/er t/e /andover is normal durin" conversation.

5re8uenc$ selection

.P1S unction test AT/e MSs o S#.&M OT,% support t/is unctionB
8.2.2 %ri&e Test Software
#NT6 T&MS6 and S#5(O are t/e .SM drive test sotware in common use.
.enerall$6 t/e drive test sotware consists o two parts9 ore"round data
collection sotware and 4ack"round data anal$sis sotware.
'. #ore$ro"nd %ata Colle!tion Software
T/e ore"round data collection sotware is mainl$ responsi4le or collectin"
t/e uplink and downlink data at t/e ;m interace o t/e .SM mo4ile network.
* t/e @TSs and t/e landorm map o t/e test areas are imported6 t/e track o
t/e drive test6 t/e radio parameters o eac/ test point6 and t/e main
inormation o t/e service cell6 nei"/4or cell6 and t/e ;m interace can 4e
T/e unctions o ore"round data collection sotware are listed 4elow9

Test unctions
Test unctions include call test6 scan test6 call intererence test6 dou4le:
network s$nc/ronization test6 dialin" record test6 dual:4and comparison
test6 and MS selection test.

Topical test
Topical test is responsi4le or orced /andover and re8uenc$ lockin"
AcallB test6 @((0 re8uenc$ lockin" Astand4$B test6 orced location update
test6 and 4and lockin" test.

*ntererence test
*ntererence aims to locate t/e @((0 same:re8uenc$ and nei"/4or
re8uenc$ intererence and T(0 nei"/4or re8uenc$ intererence wit/in
t/e same network in time.

Parameter collection
T/e ield stren"t/ o t/e service cell and t/e nei"/4or cells6 4it error ratio6
rame error rate6 and various radio parameters o t/e cell need to 4e
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$

.eo"rap/ic navi"ation
T/e ore"round data collection sotware can 4e used to displa$ t/e
"eo"rap/ic navi"ation t/rou"/ com4in" t/e di"ital map and @TS

S)* ASpeec/ )ualit$ *nde+B test

S)* test aims to evaluate t/e speec/ 8ualit$ e+perienced 4$ mo4ile

Traic statistics
T/e ore"round data collection sotware can 4e used or ()T traic
statistics. *t ena4les t/e call setup6 call duration6 and call release to 4e
recorded respectivel$. *n addition6 it is also responsi4le or recordin" call
drop rate and con"estion rate.

Data record
T/e ore"round data collection sotware can record and store t/e test
data o t/e test MS s$nc/ronousl$6 and can record and store t/e scanned
data o t/e ,--M0z and 18--M0z s$nc/ronousl$.

Scannin" test
Scannin" test aims to test and record t/e ield stren"t/ o t/e c/annels o
t/e .SM ,--M0z network and .SM18--M0z network.

(ompetitive test
T/e comparison 4etween real:time ield stren"t/ and speec/ 8ualit$ is
availa4le. *n addition6 real:time c/eck o cell parameters is allowed.
''. (a!h$ro"nd %ata )nal*sis Software
T/e 4ack"round data anal$sis sotware can "eo"rap/icall$ present t/e radio
network test data and relect t/e distri4ution o network parameters on t/e
electronic map visuall$. *t can locate t/e pro4lem cell 4$ ull$ considerin" t/e
drive test data6 network resource data6 di"ital re8uenc$ sweep receiver data6
and .SM si"nalin" c/aracteristics6 t/us "uidin" en"ineers to evaluate and
optimize t/e network rationall$ and eectivel$.
T/e unctions o 4ack"round data anal$sis sotware are listed 4elow9

1adio covera"e evaluation and anal$sis

*ntererence anal$sis

Nei"/4or cell anal$sis

0andover anal$sis
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e26 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$

Si"nalin" anal$sis

Speec/ record and anal$sis

8.2.+ Si$nalin$ )nal*zer
M#:1- and C12-2 are t/e .SM si"nalin" anal$zer in common use. T/is
section introduces t/e unctions o t/e si"nalin" anal$zer.
M#:1- si"nalin" anal$zer can test t/e #4is interace si"nalin" messa"es6 t/e
#:. interace si"nalin" messa"es6 and t/e SSD' interace si"nalin"
messa"es o *S;P6 T;P6 and *N#P w/en it is on line. *n addition6 it can
perorm P(M @&1T A4it error rate testB and .SM @&1T. 5urt/ermore6 it can
ena4le t/e si"nalin" messa"e iles saved durin" on:line monitorin" w/en it is
T/e M#:1- si"nalin" anal$zer /as ive su4:applications. T/e$ are listed

M#:1- control A*t is used to test #4is interace si"nalin" messa"es6 #:.
interace si"nalin" messa"es6 and 4it errors w/en it is on line.B

MON*TO1 #@*S oline A*t is used to anal$ze t/e #4is interace si"nalin"
messa"es w/en it is o line.B

MON*TO1 MS( oline A*t is used to anal$ze t/e #:. interace si"nalin"
messa"es w/en it is o line.B

.SM:@&1T oline A*t is used to anal$ze .SM @&1T w/en it is o line.B

P(M:@&1T oline A*t is used to anal$ze P(0 @&1T w/en it is o line.B

<it/ t/e /elp o M#:1- si"nalin" anal$zer6 network optimization en"ineers
can collect and anal$ze #4is interace data and #:interace data6 view t/e
w/ole si"nalin" procedure6 and o4tain t/e measurement report6 and t/en
compare t/e inormation wit/ t/e downlink si"nals o4tained rom drive test.
T/ese means can /elp network optimization en"ineers /ave an overall
understandin" o t/e operation o t/e network. *n t/is case6 t/e causes and
places or t/e pro4lems6 suc/ as call drop6 /andover ailure6 and con"estion
can 4e located.
8.2., Network Optimization Software
.ood network optimization sotware can work as a platorm or radio pro7ects
and maintenance personnel. N#ST#16 0uawei network plannin" and
optimization tool6 can deepl$ anal$ze .SM network 4$ inte"ratin" OM(1
traic statistics6 coni"uration data6 alarm data6 en"ineerin" data6 and so on.
*n addition6 it also provides t/e interaces or network plannin"6 perormance
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
anal$sis6 alarm anal$sis6 and "eo"rap/$ conditions.
T/e unctions o N#ST#1 are listed 4elow9

*mport static traic statistics data Aimport t/e traic statistics iles o t/e
maintenance console into data4aseB

*mport static traic statistics data accordin" to time

*mport d$namic 0uawei traic statistics

*mport @S( data coni"uration

Displa$ t/e "eo"rap/ic view o @TSs

(ancel6 add6 and move t/e cells 4ased on t/e "eo"rap/ic view o @TSs

1ecord spectrum utilization and anal$ze idle c/annel num4er

(/eck same:re8uenc$ @S*(

#nal$ze nei"/4or cells

Measure distance and azimut/ an"le

Displa$ navi"ation window and le"end

)uer$ perormance anal$sis tasks in common use

Make perormance anal$sis task

)uer$ network optimization tasks in common use

Make network optimization tasks

Perorm tasks and alarms automaticall$

*mport and e+port tasks

Displa$ task result and site view

)uer$ traic statistics inversel$ rom t/e cell set selected 4$ site view

Displa$ t/e traic tasks in direct views6 includin" linear i"ure6 column6 pie
Asupport t/e displa$ o dou4le $:a+is and t/e simultaneous displa$ o
multiple inde+es> support 2D and 3D.B

&+port electronic ta4le A&+celB or 8uer$ results.

8.+ Network erforman!e -&al"ation
@eore puttin" network optimization into practice6 $ou s/ould /ave an overall
understandin" o t/e network perormance. T/e traic statistics data6 DT
Adrive testB data6 and ()T Acall 8ualit$ testB data are necessar$ or network
perormance ac8uisition.
8.+.1 %T
DT is used to evaluate t/e connectivit$6 covera"e6 call drop6 and voice 8ualit$
or t/e main roads and transportation 4ack4ones in ur4an areas. T/e inde+es
or t/e roads include connected ratio6 call drop rate6 covera"e rate6 voice
8ualit$6 and so on. T/e inde+es or transportation 4ack4ones include call drop
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e'6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
rate per kilometer6 covera"e rate6 voice 8ualit$6 connected rate6 and so on.

(onnected ratio
(onnected ratio E total connected timesFattempted calls G1--H

(all drop rate

(all drop rate E call drop timesFtotal connected times G1--H

(overa"e rate
(overa"e rate E AI :,!d@m test road kilometersBFtotal test road

?oice 8ualit$
#ccordin" to 4it error rate6 voice 8ualit$ can 4e divided into 8 classes6
rom - to '. &ac/ class matc/es its 4it error rate ran"e.
T/e calculation o voice 8ualit$ depends on actual conditions. .enerall$6
t/e ollowin" met/od is in common use9
?oice 8ualit$ E J1+8ual Aclass -BH K 1+8ual Aclass 1BH K 1+8ual Aclass
2BHG1 K 1+8ual Aclass 3BHG K 1+8ual Aclass !BHG-.8 K 1+8ual Aclass
2BHG K 1+8ual Aclass %BHG-.2 K 1+8ual Aclass 'BHG-.2

(all drop ratio per kilometer

(all drop ratio per kilometer E AI :,!d@m test road kilometersBFtotal call
drop times
8.+.2 C.T
()T is applied to t/e important spots in ur4an areas. *t ena4les $ou to
e+perience t/e network 8ualit$ rom t/e perspective o users. T/is section
introduces t/e inde+es used to evaluatin" t/e ()T.

(overa"e rate
(overa"e rate E AI :,!d@m test pointsBFtotal callin" test pointsBG1--H

(onnected ratio
(onnected ratio E total connected timesFattempted calls G1--H

(all drop rate

(all drop rate E call drop timesFtotal connected times G1--H

?oice discontinuit$F4ack"round noise rate

?oice discontinuit$F4ack"round noise rate E Atotal voice discontinuit$
occurrence times K total 4ack"round occurrence timesBFtotal connected
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e86 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$

One:wa$ audioFec/oFcross:talkin" rate E Atotal one:wa$ audio times K

total ec/o occurrence times K total cross:talkin" occurrence timesBFtotal
connected timesG1--H
()T ena4les $ou to use t/e MOS Amean opinion scoreB to evaluate t/e voice
8ualit$ rom t/e perspective o peopleLs o47ective eelin". T/e MOS can 4e
divided into ive classes6 rom 1 to 2. 5or t/e evaluation standard6 see Table
5-2 of Chapter 5 GSM Radio Network Planning o GSM Radio Network
Planning and Optimization
8.+.+ Network Operation 'nde/es
T/ou"/ DT and ()T can detail network pro4lems6 t/e$ are restricted rom
test routes and time. T/ereore6 DT and ()T cannot test t/e overall network.
To "ive an overall evaluation towards t/e network6 $ou s/ould collect as more
network operation inde+es as possi4le.
T/e inde+es evaluatin" network operation 8ualit$ are listed 4elow9

Service access capacit$ inde+es

Service access capacit$ inde+es include toll network connected ratio6
s/ort messa"e connected ratio6 A.P1SB PDP activation ratio6 and *P
telep/one connected ratio.

Service /old capacit$ inde+es

Service /old capacit$ inde+es include call drop rate6 worst cell ratio6 traic
call drop ratio6 /andover success rate6 and s/ort messa"e "atewa$ transit
success rate.
<it/ t/e e+pansion o network scale6 t/e network structure 4ecomes ever
more complicated. *n t/is case6 networks wit/ /i"/ perormance 4ut low cost
are encoura"ed.
T/e inde+es on network utilization can 4e used to evaluate w/et/er t/e cost
to run a network is low. T/ese inde+es include toll circuit utilization rate6 traic
c/annel availa4ilit$6 4usiest and idlest cell ratio6 and so on.
0ere under introduces t/e met/ods to calculate t/e inde+es used to evaluate
network operation at t/e radio side.

1adio connected ratio

1adio connected ratio E A1 M SD((0 con"estion rateBGA1 M T(0
con"estion rate Aall 4us$BBG1--H

(all drop rate

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e,6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
(all drop rate E T(0 call dropFsuccessul T(0 seizures Aall 4us$B

<orst cell ratio

# cell wit/ T(0 con"estion rate /i"/er t/an 2H at 4us$ /ours or a cell
wit/ T(0 call drop rate /i"/er t/an 3H is deined as a worst cell. T/e
num4er o t/e worst cells varies wit/ network scales.

Traic call drop ratio

Traic call drop ratio E total T(0 traic volume G%-HFtotal T(0 call drop
times Aall 4us$B

0andover success rate

0andover success rate E successul /andoversFattempted

Traic c/annel availa4ilit$

Traic c/annel availa4ilit$ E t/e availa4le traic c/annels at 4us$
/ourFconi"ured traic c/annelsG1--H
8., Traffi! Statisti!s 'nde/ )nal*sis
#t t/e network optimization sta"e6 t/e traic statistics inde+es are t/e 4asis
or network perormance optimization. 5or network optimization6 t/e CP*s6
suc/ as con"estion rate6 call drop rate6 and /andover success rate6 are in
common use. T/ese inde+es are t/e e+ternal representation o network
8ualit$. T/e radio covera"e 8ualit$6 c/annel capacit$6 and cell parameters are
t/e internal actor to aect t/e network 8ualit$. T/e traic statistics anal$sis
aims to look into t/ese internal actors t/rou"/ e+ternal actors. Since t/e
mo4ile network is a comple+ s$stem6 $ou s/ould consider related DT
inormation6 si"nalin" messa"es6 and alarm inormation or t/e overall
8.,.1 General )nal*sis Method
Traic statistics anal$sis is perormed rom @S( overall perormance to cell
perormance6 rom primar$ inde+es to secondar$ inde+es.
5irst $ou s/ould /ave a rou"/ understandin" o t/e network perormance
t/rou"/ @S( perormance anal$sis. 0ere t/e inde+es suc/ as T0( traic
intensit$6 T(0 call drop rate6 T(0 con"estion rate6 and inter:cell /andover
success rate s/ould 4e considered. #ttention t/at in addition to c/eck t/e
percenta"es o t/e inde+es6 $ou s/ould also c/eck t/e a4solute num4ers o
t/e inde+es6 4ecause t/e percenta"es ma$ sometimes /ide some cell
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e1-6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#ter /avin" understood t/e inde+es a4out t/e overall network perormance6
$ou s/ould anal$ze t/e inde+es or eac/ cell i indin" a4normal inde+es. 5irst
$ou s/ould 7ud"e i t/e a4normal inde+ is a common p/enomenon or it is
reall$ an a4normal one. * it is a common p/enomenon6 $ou s/ould 4e"in t/e
anal$sis rom t/e perspective o covera"e6 capacit$6 re8uenc$ plannin"6 and
cell parameters. * it is reall$ an a4normal case6 $ou s/ould re"ister t/e
correspondin" traic su4:items and anal$ze t/em in detail. *n addition6 $ou
s/ould also make an overall 7ud"ment t/rou"/ collectin" t/e inormation
a4out alarm6 en"ineersL operation6 and ot/er e+ternal causes. * t/e traic
statistics anal$sis cannot contri4ute a correct 7ud"ment6 $ou s/ould emplo$
DT e8uipment and si"nalin" anal$zer or /elp.
8.,.2 0i$h Call %rop Rate )nal*sis
* t/e uplink and downlink 8ualit$ deteriorates to a level t/at cannot /old
normal conversation6 t/e conversation will 4e disconnected. T/is is deined as
call drop. Since t/e user mo4ilit$ and radio propa"ation is uncertain6 call drop
alwa$s e+ists in a mo4ile network. 0owever6 optimization measures can 4e
adopted to reduce t/e call drop rate.
5i"ure 1.1 s/ows t/e low c/art or /i"/ call drop rate anal$sis.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e116 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#i$"re 1.1 0i"/ call drop anal$sis
</en t/e call drop rate o t/e @S( overall perormance is ound a4normal6
$ou can c/eck T(0 perormance to 7ud"e w/et/er t/e call drop is 7ust a
common p/enomenon or it is an individual p/enomenon. #ter t/at6 $ou can
7ud"e w/et/er t/e /i"/ call drop rate occurs in several cells or in all t/e @TSs.
* t/e call drop is a common p/enomenon6 $ou s/ould make an overall c/eck
towards t/e covera"e plannin"6 cell parameter plannin"6 and re8uenc$
plannin" to anal$ze w/et/er t/e link 4ud"et meet t/e re8uirements6 w/et/er
t/e coni"uration o t/e pat/ ailure counter is rational6 and w/et/er t/e
network intererence is too "reat. *n addition6 $ou s/ould also c/eck t/e @S(
/ardware6 and t/en perorm drive test to c/eck t/e network covera"e.
* it t/e a4normalit$ is caused 4$ t/e severe call drop in individual cells6 $ou
s/ould conirm w/et/er it is e8uipment ailure t/at caused t/e call drop.
.enerall$6 alarm messa"es are alwa$s come to"et/er wit/ e8uipment ailure6
so $ou can take e8uipment ailure as a reerence.
#ter t/e e8uipment ailure is e+cluded6 $ou can anal$ze t/e call drop rate
rom t/e perspective o intererence6 covera"e6 and /andover.
1B *ntererence is divided into uplink intererence and downlink intererence.
=ou can anal$ze t/e uplink intererence accordin" to t/e num4er o
intererence 4ands into w/ic/ t/e idle T(0s drop. *t is normal t/at t/e idle
T(0s drop into intererence 4and 1 and intererence 4and 2. 5or t/e
network wit/ a""ressive re8uenc$ reuse6 it is accepta4le t/at t/e idle
T(0s drop into intererence 4and 3. 0ere t/e re8uenc$ /oppin"6 P@.T
/andover and covera"e control must 4e considered. * t/e idle T(0s drop
into intererence 4and ! or a4ove6 $ou s/ould careull$ c/eck t/e
intererence. .enerall$6 t/e intererence wit/in t/e network increases wit/
t/e traic volume. T/e increase o t/e 1+8ual class can 4e seen t/rou"/
t/e 1+8ual measurement task and 1+lev measurement task. T/e poor
/andover ratio can 4e seen arisin" t/rou"/ inter:cell /andover
perormance measurement. *n addition6 t/e /andover re:esta4lis/ment
ailures will result in more /andover ailures.
2B * t/e covera"e is inade8uate or it is un4alance on t/e uplink and
downlink6 t/e call drop will also 4e resulted. =ou can 7ud"e i t/e 1+lev is
ade8uate t/rou"/ t/e mean 1+lev o t/e power control measurement
task and t/e power class. * t/e 1+lev is still low w/en t/e transmitter
power reac/es t/e ma+imum6 t/ere are areas wit/ poor covera"e.
Meanw/ile6 $ou can take t/e mean 1+8ual and 1+lev durin" call drop as
a reerence. T/e distri4ution o T# Atimin" advanceB values can /elp $ou
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e126 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
estimate t/e radius o su4scri4er distri4ution. T/rou"/ c/eckin" t/e
received c/annel stren"t/ o t/e nei"/4or cells6 $ou can anal$ze t/e cell
covera"e. .enerall$6 drive test is needed or a detailed anal$sis.
* t/e uplink covera"e and downlink covera"e are un4alance6 15
component ailure or ca4le connection pro4lem will occur. T/e pat/
un4alance can 4e seen rom t/e pat/ 4alance measurement task6 power
measurement task6 and call drop measurement task. #t t/is time6 t/e
alarm inormation and user complaint also deserve $our attention.
3B 0andover ailure will prevent t/e MS rom movin" to t/e 4est cell. *n t/is
case6 call drop ma$ 4e resulted. *n addition6 cross:cell /andover and
tar"et cell con"estion ma$ cause call drop. To solve t/is pro4lem6 $ou
can add nei"/4or cell relations/ip and 4alance t/e traic wit/in t/e cells.
T/e /i"/ SD((0 call drop rate anal$sis is similar to /i"/ T(0 call drop
rate anal$sis. #ctin" as t/e point:to:point si"nalin" c/annel6 t/e SD((0
is more sensitive to t/e intererence t/an T(0. *n t/is case6 t/e common
met/od to reduce t/e call drop rate is to ad7ust t/e access t/res/old and
reduce intererence.
8.,.+ 0i$h TC0 Con$estion Rate )nal*sis
T/is section discusses T(0 con"estion6 includin" t/e con"estion caused 4$
T(0 seizure all 4us$ and t/e con"estion caused 4$ T(0 seizure ailure.
5i"ure 1.1 s/ows t/e low c/art or /i"/ T(0 con"estion anal$sis.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e136 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#i$"re 1.1 0i"/ T(0 con"estion rate anal$sis
</en t/e con"estion rate o t/e @S( overall perormance is ound a4normal6
$ou can ind out t/e cells wit/ /i"/ con"estion rate t/rou"/ c/eckin" t/e T(0
perormance statistics. *n t/is case6 $ou can discover t/e pro4lems t/rou"/
anal$zin" eac/ unctional su4:item o t/e T(0 perormance statistics o t/is
cell. *n addition6 $ou s/ould c/eck w/et/er t/ere is transmission pro4lem6
clock pro4lem6 or /ardware pro4lem t/rou"/ considerin" t/e alarm
*t is a must to anal$ze t/e load accordin" to t/e T(0 traic intensit$ and t/e
coni"ured T(0 capacit$.
1B (/eck i t/e T0( con"estion rate is caused 4$ T(0 seizure all 4us$
t/rou"/ anal$zin" t/e T(0 perormance measurement o t/e cell. * t/e
con"estion is caused 4$ /eav$ traic6 $ou s/ould predict t/e real traic o
t/e cell and c/eck i ot/er cells can s/are t/e traic. * it is 4e$ond t/e
optimization capa4ilit$ to ena4le ot/er cells to s/are t/e traic6 $ou
s/ould consider e+pandin" t/e capacit$ o t/e network. T/e ad7ustment
measures or traic 4alance ma$ not 4e consistent wit/ t/e principle o
minimum radio pat/ loss6 so t/e$ are applied to emer"ent causes onl$. *n
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e1!6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
most cases6 $ou can 4alance t/e traic t/rou"/ ad7ustin" covera"e
scope6 ad7ustin" access t/res/old6 ad7ustin" (1O and /andover
t/res/old6 or ena4lin" load /andover. * t/e con"estion is not caused 4$
T(0 seizure all 4us$6 "o on wit/ t/e c/eck.
2B (/eck i t/e T1Ns o t/e con"estion cell work normall$. T/e dama"e or
perormance decline o t/e uplink c/annels ma$ prevent t/e MS rom
accessin" ot/er cells. *n t/is case6 man$ cells will 4e seized6 w/ic/ will
cause con"estion. T/e incomin" cell /andover perormance
measurement will s/ow t/at man$ /andovers towards t/is cell are
ailures. *n t/is case6 $ou s/ould 8uer$ t/e statue o eac/ T1N wit/in
eac/ cell t/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e 1+lev perormance measurement task or
1+8ual perormance measurement task. *n addition6 $ou s/ould ind out
w/ic/ T1N is related to t/e a4normalit$ t/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e uplink and
downlink measurement reports o t/e same T1N.
3B (/eck i t/e con"estion rate is related to intererence6 namel$6 c/eck i
an$ a4normalit$ is present rom t/e intererence 4and 1 to intererence
4and 2 in t/e traic statistics. * t/e intererence is present in a cell6 t/e
call drop rate o t/e cell will 4e /i"/6 and t/e SD((0 con"estion rate will
increase accordin"l$. Moreover6 t/e 1#(0 in t/e random access
perormance measurement ma$ 4e con"ested6 and t/e immediate
assi"nment success rate will decrease.
!B ;nder some conditions6 t/e con"estion o some cells is a result o lar"e
covera"e. *n t/is case6 $ou s/ould anal$ze t/e relations/ip 4etween T#
value and 1+lev t/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e power control mean level6 t/e
mean level durin" call drop6 and T#. *n addition6 $ou s/ould also use
drive test to deine t/e covera"e area o t/e cell. T/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e
T(0 availa4ilit$ o t/e nei"/4or cell6 $ou can conirm i t/e con"estion is
caused 4$ nei"/4or cell ailures. T/rou"/ 8uer$in" pat/ 4alance
perormance measurement6 $ou can 7ud"e i t/e reason or t/e T(0
seizure ailure is t/at t/e downlink power is "reater t/an t/e uplink power.
2B 5re8uent /andovers can also cause T(0 con"estion. T/rou"/ 8uer$in"
t/e ratio o t/e /andovers to t/e call seizure successes6 $ou can c/eck i
t/e ratio is rational. T/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e incomin" and out"oin" ratio6
$ou can c/eck i t/e con"estion is caused 4$ irrational /andover.
8.,., 0i$h S%CC0 Con$estion Rate )nal*sis
5i"ure 1.1 s/ows low c/art or /i"/ SD((0 con"estion rate anal$sis.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e126 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#i$"re 1.1 0i"/ SD((0 con"estion rate anal$sis
T/e SD((0 con"estion rate is mainl$ caused 4$ /eav$ traic. 5irst $ou
s/ould deine i t/e con"estion is a common p/enomenon or i it is 7ust an
individual p/enomenon. * it is a common p/enomenon6 $ou s/ould anal$ze i
t/e location update timer is irrationall$ set6 and t/en calculate t/e SD((0
capacit$ to see i it meets s$stem re8uirement. * it is 7ust an individual
p/enomenon6 $ou s/ould anal$ze it rom t/e perspective o e8uipment6
location area6 and intererence.
1B 5rom t/e perspective o e8uipment6 $ou s/ould irst c/eck t/e T1N sound
ratio in t/e @S( overall perormance measurement and t/e SD((0
availa4ilit$ in t/e SD((0 perormance measurement6 and t/en c/eck t/e
T(0 activation N#(CFT*M&O;T in t/e T(0 perormance measurement.
#ter t/at6 $ou can deine i t/e con"estion is caused 4$ 4oard pro4lem.
2B (/eck t/e messa"es or SD((0 4earer location update. *rrational
location area plannin" will cause re8uent location update6 w/ic/ will
result in SD((0 con"estion. =ou are re8uired to anal$ze o t/e ed"e o
t/e location is set at t/e areas wit/ a "reat num4er o su4scri4ers 4$
c/eckin" t/e location area plannin" and actual drive test. *n addition6 $ou
are also re8uired to c/eck i t/e location update messa"es accounts a
too lar"er percenta"e o t/e SD((0 seizure re8uests at t/e ed"e. T/e
met/od is to 8uer$ t/e ratio o t/e successul SD((0 seizures Alocation
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e1%6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
updateB to t/e total SD((0 seizure successes in t/e SD((0
perormance measurement.
3B *ntererence also causes SD((0 con"estion. &speciall$ or t/e networks
in w/ic/ t/e distance 4etween @TSs is small and t/e @((0 re8uenc$ is
a""ressive6 t/e s$stem ma$ receive more intererence random access
si"nals. T/e network will allocate a SD((0 or eac/ random access6
w/ic/ causes SD((0 con"estion. *n t/is case6 t/e immediate
assi"nment success rate will decrease6 t/e pa"in" success rate will
decrease6 and t/e 1#(0 in t/e random access perormance
measurement ma$ 4e overloaded.
8.,.1 2ow 0ando&er S"!!ess Rate )nal*sis
5i"ure 1.1 s/ows t/e low c/art or low /andover success rate anal$sis.
#i$"re 1.1 3ow /andover success rate anal$sis
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e1'6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
T/e anal$sis or /andover success rate is 8uite complicated6 4ecause it
involves capacit$6 covera"e6 clock6 si"nalin"6 e8uipment6 and even MS.
1B * t/e /andover success rate o all cells is low6 $ou s/ould c/eck t/e
pro4lem rom t/e perspective o /andover parameters6 #:interace circuit6
and @S( clock.
2B 5ilter t/e cells wit/ poor /andover. * a network is run 4$ t/e e8uipments
o dierent carriers6 $ou s/ould c/eck i it interopera4ilit$ pro4lem 4$
comparin" t/e inter:@S( /andover success rata wit/ t/e intra:@S(
/andover success rate in t/e /andover perormance measurement.
.enerall$6 t/e inter:@S( /andover success rate is a little lower t/an t/e
intra:@S( /andover success rate. *n addition6 $ou need to monitor t/e
si"nalin" messa"es and data coni"uration 4etween @S(s and anal$ze
t/e radio link 4ud"et and clock o eac/ carrier.
3B (/eck i an$ pro4lem is present at t/e ;m interace t/rou"/ comparin"
t/e /andover success rate and radio /andover success rate. T/e radio
/andover success rate is e8ual to or "reater t/an t/e /andover success
rate. * t/e /andover success rate is ar smaller t/an t/e radio /andover
success rate6 $ou s/ould anal$ze t/e "round link and capacit$. * t/e
dierence 4etween t/e radio /andover success rate and t/e /andover
success rate6 $ou need to consider t/e intererence.
!B #nal$ze i it is incomin" /andover ailure or it is out"oin" /andover ailure
t/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e incomin" cell /andover success rate and out"oin"
/andover success rate in t/e /andover perormance measurement. #ter
t/at6 anal$ze t/e out"oin" cell /andover perormance measurement and
incomin" cell /andover perormance measurement o t/e pro4lem cell so
as to ind out t/e incomin" /andover ailure cells rom t/e out"oin" cell
perormance measurement. (onirm i t/e poor /andover is caused 4$
tar"et cell con"estion t/rou"/ anal$zin" t/e Oincomin" cell /andover
ailuresP6 OT(0 traic intensit$P6 and OT(0 con"estion rate Aall 4us$BP o all
t/e incomin" /andover ailure cells.
2B (/eck i an$ e8uipment ails t/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e T1N sound ratio6 T(0
availa4ilit$6 and T(0 activation N#(CFT*M&O;T o t/e tar"et cell.
#nal$ze i t/e T1N perormance decreases t/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e 1+lev
perormance measurement o t/e tar"et cell.
%B (/eck i an$ "round link e8uipment ails t/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e #:interace
ailures and t/e "round link 4reaks durin" T(0 seizure.
</en t/e microwave is used or t/e transmission or durin" inter:@S(
/andover6 t/e clock deviation is anot/er cause or poor /andover. #nd
t/is can 4e proved 4$ t/e intra:@S( /andover ailures. 5or t/e cells
w/ere t/e clock s$nc/ronization is unavaila4le6 t/e @S*( cannot 4e
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e186 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
decoded6 so t/e /andover can never occur. *n t/is case6 $ou need to
c/eck i t/e clock is normal and anal$ze t/e call drop rate.
* t/ese two causes are e+cluded6 $ou need to make ad7ustment rom t/e
perspective o covera"e and intererence.
To reduce call drop rate and en/ance /andover success rate6 $ou can
leave a mar"in or t/e 1+lev and 1+8ual durin" /andover. * t/e 1+lev o
a cell is lower t/an :,-d@m durin" /andover6 $ou s/ould c/eck t/e mean
1+lev and T# value o T(0 call drop in t/e call drop perormance
measurement and anal$ze drive test to see i t/e covera"e distance o
t/e cell is too lon" and i t/e si"nal is not stron" enou"/.
5or t/e networks in w/ic/ 4etter cell al"orit/ms are ena4led6 $ou s/ould
c/eck t/e Oattempted /andovers A4etter cellBP. *t is 4etter t/at t/e
percenta"e it accounts %-H o t/e /andover causes.
T/e intererence will also aect t/e /andover success rate. </en t/e
intererence is present6 t/e voice 8ualit$ will decrease and t/e call drop
rate will increase.
0andover pro4lems are rat/er complicated. To solve t/e pro4lems arisin"
in actual work6 $ou are supposed to inte"rate t/e met/ods introduce
a4ove6 t/e si"nalin" anal$zer6 e8uipment condition6 and drive test into
8.1 Network roblem Sol"tions
8.1.1 Co&era$e roblems
'. Sol"t"on ro!ed"res
3roblem4 the !o&era$e is be!omin$ smaller after the (TS is enabled5
#ter a @TS /as run or a period o time Aor e+ample6 /al $earsB6 t/e
covera"e o t/e @TS ma$ 4ecome smaller or even dead zone ma$ appear
due to various causes. *n t/is case6 t/e s$stem perormance will 4e aected.
T/e s/rink o t/e covera"e is not onl$ related to t/e tec/nical inde+es Asuc/
as t/e @TS sensitivit$ and powerB6 4ut also related to t/e en"ineerin" 8ualit$6
"eo"rap/ic actors6 and t/e electroma"netic environment.
T/e actor concernin" t/e @TS pro4lems are as ollows9

Transmitter output power decrease

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e1,6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$

1eceive sensitivit$ decrease

#ntenna azimut/ an"le c/an"e

#ntenna tilt c/an"e

#ntenna "ain c/an"e

5eeder loss

(oupler loss

<orkin" 4and c/an"e

Propa"ation environment c/an"e

Diversit$ eect c/an"e.

=ou can c/eck t/e pro4lem accordin" to t/e ollowin" procedure9
1B (/eck t/e conditions around t/e @TS antenna
=ou are re8uired to c/eck i t/ere are ot/er antennas Asuc/ as micro
antennaB6 decorations6 4ill4oard6 trees6 or "lass walls standin" around t/e
@TS antenna. T/ese 4arriers ma$ e+ert a ne"ative eect a"ainst t/e
antenna reception and transmission6 t/us aectin" t/e covera"e o t/e
@TS. *n t/is case6 $ou can tune t/e azimut/ an"el o t/e correspondin"
antenna or c/an"e t/e antenna /ei"/t.
2B (/eck t/e c/an"e o t/e propa"ation environment
T/e c/an"e o t/e propa"ation environment o t/e electroma"netic wave
will weaken t/e si"nals received 4$ radio terminals. &speciall$ or
mountains6 t/e propa"ation o t/e electroma"netic waves depends on t/e
relection o mountains. 5or e+ample6 t/e c/an"e in t/e ve"etation o t/e
mountain will reduce t/e covera"e o t/e @TS. *n addition6 t/e climate and
ot/er natural actors also /ave some eect a"ainst t/e electroma"netic
waves. T/e propa"ation loss varies wit/ wood intensit$6 season6 and so
on. T/e ma+imum loss can reac/ 3- d@. * new 4uildin"s prevent t/e
propa"ation o t/e electroma"netic waves and weakens t/e si"nals6 t/e
areas in t/e remote cannot 4e covered6 so t/e su4scri4ers cannot en7o$
t/e service. &speciall$ t/e /i"/ 4uildin"s near t/e @TS /ave a "reat eect
a"ainst t/e propa"ation o electroma"netic waves.
3B (/eck i t/ere is standin" wave alarm and main diversit$ reception alarm
at t/e operation and maintenance console
T/is pro4lem can 4e c/ecked accordin" to t/e standin" wave alarm
messa"es and t/e diversit$ reception alarm messa"es. * t/e alarms o
t/is kind occur6 $ou s/ould c/eck t/e correspondin" antennas and
!B (/eck i t/e standin" wave ratio is smaller t/an 1.2H
T/e tolerance o t/e standin" wave alarm t/res/old o t/e (D; or &D; is
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2-6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
"reat. T/ereore6 ater c/eckin" t/at t/e set:top power is normal6 $ou can
urt/er c/eck i t/e standin" wave is smaller t/an 1.2H. * t/e standin"
wave ratio is a4normal6 $ou need to c/eck i t/e water /as penetrated into
t/e antenna or eeder connector6 or i it is li"/tenin" protector pro4lem.
2B (/eck i t/e tower ampliier work normall$
(/eck i tower ampliier alarm is present at t/e operation and
maintenance console. .enerall$6 t/e pro4lems are t/e low noise ampliier
was dama"ed or t/e water /as penetrated into t/e ampliier. T/e ampliier
alarm alwa$s comes to"et/er wit/ t/e dama"e o t/e low noise ampliier.
* t/e water /as penetrated into t/e tower ampliier6 no alarm will 4e
"enerated6 4ut t/e 15 loss is "reat. *n t/is case6 t/e receiver sensitivit$
will decrease dramaticall$.
%B (/eck t/e en"ineerin" parameters Aincludin" antenna tilt and azimut/
T/e increase o t/e antenna tilt or t/e deviation o t/e azimut/ an"le will
reduce t/e covera"e o t/e @TS. T/ereore6 antennas must 4e irml$ i+ed
so t/at t/e$ can stand stron" wind and storms.
'B (/eck t/e set:top output power o t/e transceiver
5irst $ou s/ould c/eck i t/e lines are well connected6 and t/en c/eck i
t/e set:top power is normal. * it not normal6 $ou s/ould replace t/e
pro4lem /ardware.
8B (/eck i t/e receiver sensitivit$ is normal
(/eck i t/e covera"e distance is s/ortened 4$ t/e low receiver
sensitivit$. *n addition6 $ou can monitor t/e messa"es at t/e #4is interace
and ind out t/e relations/ip 4etween level and 4it error rate. #ter t/at6
$ou can "et t/e value o t/e level w/en t/e 4it error rate is 2H. T/is
means6 /owever6 onl$ applies to t/e situation t/at w/en t/e receiver
sensitivit$ drops dramaticall$.
,B (/eck i t/e parameters aectin" t/e covera"e are rationall$ set
1-B (/eck i t/e /i"/ 4ack noise in t/e covera"e area is caused 4$
intererence and poor electroma"netic environment.
3Co&era$e problem !a"sed b* (TS e/pansion5
* t/e covera"e o t/e @TS s/rinks ater e+pansion6 in addition to makin" t/e
previous c/ecks6 $ou are supposed to c/eck t/e ollowin" items.
1B (/eck i t/e com4iner keeps t/e same 4eore and ater e+pansion
T/e loss o dierent com4iners varies "reatl$ T/ereore6 t/e com4iner
coni"uration deserves special attention durin" @TS e+pansion. * dierent
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e216 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
com4iners are a must6 $ou s/ould ull$ communicate wit/ customers.
2B (/eck i t/e antennas are rationall$ selected
Suita4le antennas must 4e selected or pro7ect installation and network
plannin" so t/at t/e 4est covera"e can 4e ac/ieved. *t must 4e pointed
out t/at $ou s/ould use zero:point illin" antenna or t/e electrical title
antenna w/en t/e antenna /ei"/t is "reat. *n addition6 omni antennas
cannot 4e widel$ used or t/e lar"e area covera"e. *n t/is case6 t/e
covera"e pro4lem can 4e solved 4$ directional antennas.
3B (/eck i t/e installation o t/e newl$:added antennas are 8ualiied
=ou s/ould irst c/eck i t/e desi"n o t/e antenna /ei"/t6 azimut/ an"le6
and antenna tilt is 8ualiied. .enerall$6 t/e important covera"e areas
cannot 4e 4ared 4$ tower. Meanw/ile6 t/e important covera"e areas
cannot 4e perpendicular to t/e diversit$ direction o t/e antenna. *n t/is
case6 t/e antenna diversit$ eect can 4e e+cavated to t/e ma+imum. To
reduce t/e covera"e s/adow caused 4$ t/e tower6 $ou s/ould pa$
attention to t/e distance 4etween t/e antenna and t/e tower. Moreover6
t/e pole o t/e omni antenna and t/e 15 part o t/e antenna cannot 4e
!B (/eck t/e position o t/e @((0 transmitter antenna
Since t/e tower eect is present6 t/e @((0 transmitter antenna must 4e
installed at a side o t/e important covera"e area. *n t/is case6 t/e
covera"e s/adow can 4e avoided. To prevent t/e assi"nment ailure
caused 4$ t/e inconsistence o t/e @((0 covera"e and T(0 covera"e6
$ou can use t/e concentric c/annel allocation al"orit/m. *n addition6 t/e
important covera"e area cannot 4e perpendicular to t/e diversit$ direction
o t/e antenna.
2B (/eck i t/e tilts and t/e azimut/ an"les o t/e directional dual transmitter
antennas are consistent wit/ eac/ ot/er
* t/e tilts and azimut/ an"les o t/e directional dual transmitter antennas
are inconsistent6 call drop6 assi"nment ailure6 and /andover ailure will
easil$ occur. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e area o t/e @TS will 4ecome
small. *n addition6 since t/e tower eect is present6 t/e @((0 transmitter
antenna must 4e installed at a side o t/e important covera"e area. *n t/is
case6 t/e covera"e s/adow can 4e avoided. Moreover6 t/e important
covera"e area cannot 4e perpendicular to t/e diversit$ direction o t/e
%B (/eck t/e set:top output power o various T1Ns i t/e sc/eme or t/e
ma+imum covera"e is used.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e226 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
</en t/e ma+imum covera"e is pursued6 t/e T1Ns are re8uired to 4e
com4ined in various wa$s. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e distance o t/e
@((0 will 4e lon"er t/an t/at o t/e T(0. #s a result6 t/e T(0
assi"nment ailure will 4e caused6 so t/e concentric tec/nolo"$ is
needed. T/e c/annel assi"nment ailure caused 4$ low transmit level in
t/e inner circle and t/e c/annel con"estion in t/e e+ternal circle can 4e
avoided i t/e T# values o t/e inner circle and t/e e+ternal circle are
correctl$ set and allocated to t/e inner circle and e+ternal circle accordin"
to t/e ri"/t priorit$.
3Co&era$e problems !a"sed b* (TS swap or !onstr"!tion5
1B (/eck i t/e azimut/ an"le and t/e antenna /ei"/t are t/e same 4eore
and ater t/e @TS swap
* all t/e antenna and eeder components are newl$ constructed6 t/e old
@TS can onl$ 4e swapped ater t/e new antenna is installed. T/ereore6
t/e azimut/ an"le and t/e antenna /ei"/t ma$ 4e dierent rom t/at o
t/e old antenna. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e area ma$ decrease. #s a
result6 $ou s/ould c/eck i t/e azimut/ an"le and t/e antenna /ei"/t are
t/e same 4eore and ater t/e 4as station swap.
2B (/eck antenna tilt pro4lems caused 4$ network swap
.enerall$6 t/e tilt must keep t/e same. * $ou need to control t/e covera"e
area due to new @TSs are added to ur4an areas6 $ou can consider
increasin" t/e tilt.
3B (/eck i t/e set:top power o t/e swap @TS is t/e same as t/at o t/e old
!B (/eck i t/e receiver sensitivit$ o t/e @TS is normal.
2B (/eck i it is t/e intererence or t/e poor electroma"netic environment
t/at makes t/e 4ack noise o t/e w/ole area too /i"/.
%B (/eck i an$ standin" wave alarm messa"e or diversit$ reception alarm
messa"e is "enerated or antenna and eeder at t/e operation and
maintenance console.
'B (/eck t/e parameters t/at will aect covera"e are rationall$ set.
8B (/eck i t/e installation o t/e antennas is 8ualiied ater t/e @TS /as
4een ena4led or swapped.
,B (/eck i t/e ri"/t t$pe o antenna is selected.
1-B (/eck t/e position o t/e @((0 T1N transmitter o t/e omni dual
transmitter antenna.
11B (/eck i t/e tilts and t/e azimut/ an"les o t/e two directional antennas
keep t/e same ater t/e directional dual transmitter antenna is used.
12B (/eck i t/e antennas and eeders o t/e cell are inversel$ connected.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e236 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
13B (/eck i t/e tower ampliier works normall$.
1!B (/eck t/e set:top power or various T1Ns w/en t/e coni"uration
sc/eme or t/e ma+imum covera"e is pursued.
''. roblems )ffe!tin$ Co&era$e and Sol"tions
3)ntenna water penetration5
*t is 8uite accidental t/at t/e water penetrates into t/e antenna. <ater
penetration means t/at t/e water enters t/e 15 internal c/annel. *n t/is case6
t/e volta"e standin" wave ratio o t/e antenna will increase> t/e antenna loss
will increase6 t/e covera"e area will decrease> or event t/e power ampliier
will 4e disa4led.
3)ntenna passi&e intermod"lation5
T/e passive intermodulation o t/e antenna and various connectors will cause
intererence. T/e e+clusive met/od can 4e used or t/e c/eck. T/at is6 $ou
can connect t/e antenna eeders o t/e nei"/4or cells w/ere t/ere is no
intererence to t/e test cell. * an$ pro4lem is ound6 $ou s/ould c/an"e t/e
3'mproper antenna sele!tion5
.enerall$6 i t/e antenna /ei"/t e+ceeds 2-m and i t/e irst zero point under
t/e main antenna 4eam is not illed6 t/e Os/adow under towerP ma$ occur.
T/at is6 t/e area under t/e tower cannot 4e covered 4$ si"nals. *n t/is case6
$ou s/ould select t/e antenna wit/ zero point illin" unction.
* t/ree:sector directional antennas are used or vast covera"e6 t/e antennas
must /ave a /i"/ "ain and t/eir /al power an"le must 4e "reater t/an ,-
de"rees. * t/e /al power an"le is small6 t/e "ain o t/e two nei"/4or sectors
will 4e low. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e radius is small.
* t/e antenna tilt is "reat6 t/e all mec/anical tilt antenna is not a suita4le
c/oice. *n t/is case6 $ou s/ould select t/e i+ed Oelectrical tilt K mec/anical tiltP
antenna or t/e Ocontinuous ad7usta4le electrical tilt A- to 1- de"reesB K
mec/anical tiltP antenna.
#s t/e re8uenc$ reuse 4ecomes more a""ressive6 t/e ront:to:4ack ratio o
t/e antenna ma$ not meet t/e re8uirement o a sin"le @TS or several @TSs.
T/ereore6 $ou s/ould select t/e antennas wit/ "reater ront:to:4ack ratio.
3Tower effe!t a$ainst Omni antenna radiation5
T/e tower eect a"ainst omni antenna radiation deserves enou"/ attention. *t
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2!6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
is /ard to estimate t/e dama"e o t/e omni antenna directional dia"ram
caused 4$ t/e tower. T/e dama"e varies "reatl$ wit/ t/e distance 4etween
t/e tower and t/e antenna6 as s/own in 5i"ure 1.1 and 5i"ure 1.2.
#i$"re 1.1 Omni antenna directional dia"ram wit/out 4arrier
#i$"re 1.2 Tower eect a"ainst antenna ar:ield
* t/e antenna is installed on t/e tower and metal tu4e6 $ou s/ould pa$ special
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e226 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
attentions to t/e ollowin" items9

T/e metal tu4e and t/e eect radiation part o t/e antenna cannot 4e

Take measures to avoid installin" t/e w/ole antenna on t/e metal tu4e.

* t/e antenna is installed on t/e tower6 make sure t/at t/e distance
4etween t/e antenna and t/e nearest end o t/e tower is "reater t/an %

T/e omni dual transmitter tec/nolo"$ is not recommended.

T/e antenna must 4e perpendicular to 1F8 o t/e /al power 4eam widt/
at least.
3%ire!tional antenna installation problem5
Two pro4lems ma$ occur or directional antenna installation9

T/e antenna is inversel$ or wron"l$ connected.

T/e azimut/ an"les and t/e tilts o t/e transmitter antenna and t/e
receiver antenna are inconsistent and or t/e error is "reat.
&n"ineerin" causes are t/e e+planations o t/e two pro4lems. .enerall$6
t/e error scope o t/e azimut/ an"le cannot e+ceed 2 de"rees6 and t/at
o t/e tilt cannot e+ceed -.2 de"rees. * t/e error is too "reat6 t/e
covera"e o t/e transit antenna and t/at o t/e receiver antenna will 4e
dierent. *n t/is case6 it is /ard to make calls t/e covera"e ed"es.

Pro4lems concernin" t/e diversit$ distance 4etween t/e transit antenna

and t/e receiver antenna or t/e isolation 4etween t/e antennas and
T/e covera"e o t/e antenna will 4e aected i t/e diversit$ distance
4etween t/e transmitter antenna and t/e receiver antenna or t/e isolation
4etween t/e antennas and t/e tower is not "reat enou"/. 5or .SM
,--M0z s$stem6 t/e diversit$ distance 4etween t/e transmitter antenna
and t/e receiver antenna is re8uired to 4e "reater t/an !m. 5or .SM
18--M0z s$stem6 it is re8uired to 4e "reater t/an 2m. T/e antenna
mount must 4e at least 1.2m awa$ rom t/e tower. Meanw/ile6 t/e
antenna mount must 4e installed wit/in t/e !2:dre"ree protection areas o
t/e li"/tenin" protector.

T/ere are s/adows in covera"e areas.

</en installin" a directional antenna6 $ou s/ould make sure t/at t/ere is
no s/adow wit/in t/e covera"e area. .enerall$6 i t/ere are /u"e 4arrier6
suc/ as /i"/ 4uildin"s and mountains6 around t/e @TS6 s/adows ma$
appear. * $ou intend install t/e @TS on t/e roo o a /i"/ 4uildin"6 $ou
s/ould install it at t/e ed"es o t/e 4uildin" so as to avoid t/e s/adow.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2%6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
Since t/e environment around t/e roo is 8uite comple+6 t/e antenna
/ei"/t must 4e "reat enou"/. *n t/is case6 /owever6 $ou s/ould consider
t/e a4ilit$ o t/e antenna to stand t/e wind and storm.
3Omni antenna installation problem5

T/e radiator o t/e omni antenna is 4arred 4$ antenna pole.

T/e covera"e will 4e aected i t/e radiator o t/e omni antenna is 4arred
4$ antenna pole. .enerall$6 t/ere is a 7acket installed at t/e 4ottom o t/e
omni antenna and t/e 7acket is used to connect t/e omni antenna and t/e
antenna pole. 5rom t/e perspective o installation6 t/e top o t/e 7acket
must 4e at t/e same level wit/ or /i"/er t/an t/e top o t/e pole>
ot/erwise t/e radiation will 4e aected.

T/e pro4lems concernin" antenna diversit$ distance and isolation

4etween antenna and tower.
* t/e antenna diversit$ distance or t/e isolation 4etween antenna and
tower is not "reat enou"/6 t/e covera"e will 4e poor. * t/e antenna
diversit$ distance is too small6 it will reduce diversit$ "ain. *n t/is case6 t/e
receiver sensitivit$ will reduce. T/ou"/ t/e tower eect a"ainst t/e omni
antenna radiation is unavoida4le6 $ou can increase t/e isolation 4etween
t/e antenna and t/e tower to reduce t/e eect.
*t is su""ested t/at t/e isolation 4etween t/e omni antenna and t/e tower
is "reater t/an 2m6 t/e /orizontal diversit$ distance o t/e ,--M0z omni
antenna is "reater t/an !m6 and t/e /orizontal diversit$ distance o t/e
18--M0z antenna is "reater t/an 2m.

T/e omni antenna is not perpendicular to t/e /orizontal plane.

* t/e omni antenna is not perpendicular to t/e /orizontal plane6 t/e
antenna directional dia"ram will 4e distorted in t/e covera"e area. *n t/is
case6 t/e covera"e o t/e antenna will 4e aected.
*t is su""ested t/at installation plane o t/e antenna mount 4e
perpendicular to t/e /orizontal plane. * t/e mount e+tends 4e$ond t/e
tower6 make sure t/at t/e mount is still in t/e protection areas o t/e
li"/tenin" protector. .enerall$6 t/e areas !2:dre"ee under t/e li"/tenin"
protector top are t/e protection areas.
3Conne!tion problems of antenna and feeder6 !ombiner and splitter6 and
* various connectors o t/e antenna and eeder s$stem are not connected
accordin" to re8uirement6 t/e perormance o t/e antenna and eeder
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2'6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
s$stem will 4e aected. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e area o t/e @TS will
also 4e aected.

<ater penetration occurs at t/e various connectors o t/e antenna and

eeder s$stem.
* water /as penetrated into t/e connector and eeder6 t/e standin" wave
ratio will increase. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e area will 4e aected.

?arious connectors are not ti"/tened.

* t/e connectors or set:top 7umpers6 or t/e ca4les rom T1N 4oards to
com4iner and splitter6 and or various 15 ca4les are not ti"/tened6 4ot/
t/e reception perormance and t/e transmit perormance o t/e s$stem
will decrease. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e area and t/e conversation
8ualit$ will 4e aected.

T/e transmitter antenna and t/e receiver antenna are inversel$

connected due to inconsistent coni"uration o t/e set:top 7umper and

T/e connection 4etween t/e 7umper and eeder is not ti"/t6 w/ic/ results
in /i"/ loss and standin" wave ratio. *n t/is case6 t/e covera"e will 4e
aected and intererence will 4e caused.
3Tower amplifier problem5

<ater penetration will increase t/e loss6 deteriorate t/e standin" wave
ratio6 and decrease t/e receiver sensitivit$.

T/e dama"e o t/e 3N# Ait is in t/e tower ampliierB will decrease t/e "ain
or even decrease t/e "ain to a ne"ative value.

T/e input end and t/e output end o t/e tower ampliier are inversel$
connected. *n t/is case6 t/e tower ampliier will 4e s/ort:circuited. * t/e
s/ort circuit lasts or a lon" time6 t/e ront module will 4e dama"ed.
3(TS front mod"le problem5

*solator pro4lem

Duple+er and ot/er ilter dama"e

Standin" wave ratio error alarm

3N# Alow noise ampliierB dama"e

3ow T1N or ampliier output power

3arameter !onfi$"ration problem5
T/e parameters aectin" covera"e are listed 4elow9

T1N power class

Tower ampliier attenuation coeicient

MS ma+imum transmit power control power

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e286 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$

MS minimum 1+lev

1#(0 minimum access t/res/old

'''. Co&era$e Cases
Case 14 7se down tilt omni antenna to impro&e !o&era$e
3roblem des!ription5
*n a su4ur4an area6 t/e omni antenna wit/ a "ain o 11d@i is used or t/e
@TS. T/is covera"e distance can reac/ ,km in plain environment. 0owever6
t/e covera"e in t/e area near t/e @TS is poor. T/e 1+lev in t/e small town
8--:1!--m awa$ rom t/e @TS is a4out :,-d@m.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
On:site surve$ s/ows t/at t/e antenna /ei"/t is too "reat. T/e /ei"/t o t/e
tower on w/ic/ t/e antenna is installed 2-m. Moreover6 t/e tower is
esta4lis/ed on a small mountain6 so t/e town is 12-m 4elow t/e antenna. T/e
irst 7ud"ment is t/at t/e p/enomenon o Os/adow under towerP /as 4een
5urt/er anal$sis o t/e collected data inds t/at omni antenna is used or t/e
@TS. T/e antenna "ain is 11d@i6 and t/e vertical /al power an"el is '
de"rees. * t/e valid antenna /ei"/t is 12-m6 t/e /al power points o t/e
antenna ma7or lo4e are scattered in t/e area a4out 2---m awa$ rom t/e
@TS. T/ereore6 t/is town is not in t/e covera"e area o t/e @TS.
T/rou"/ c/eckin" t/e luctuation o t/e 1+lev accordin" to t/e drive test map6
en"ineers ound t/at t/is town locates wit/in t/e radiation area o a zero
power point o t/e @TS. 0owever6 t/e town is too ar awa$ rom t/e mountains
around6 so it cannot "et t/e si"nals relected 4$ t/e mountains. T/ereore6 t/e
1+lev in t/is town is 8uite slow.
#ter /avin" replaced t/e antenna wit/ an omni antenna wit/ 2 de"rees o t/e
down tilt an"le6 en"ineers retested t/e 1+lev and ound t/at it increased 4$
12:2- d@ in t/e areas 3km wit/in t/e @TS. *n some areas6 t/e 1+lev is
increased 4$ 3- d@. T/ereore6 t/e covera"e /as 4een improved remarka4l$6
as s/own in 5i"ure 1.1.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2,6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#i$"re 1.1 (omparison o t/e 1+lev 4eore and ater antenna replacement
Case 24 'mproper installation of omni antenna has effe!t a$ainst the
3roblem des!ription5
# new @TS /as 4een ena4led or a local network. ;sers complain t/at t/e
covera"e area 4ecome smaller ater t/at. 5or t/e low narrow areas 2km awa$
rom t/e @TS6 t/e 1+lev is alread$ lower t/an :,-d@m.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
T/rou"/ surve$in" t/e environment around t/e @TS6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e
ma7or transmitter antenna and t/e diversit$ receiver antenna are installed in a
plane parallel to t/e road. #pparentl$6 t/is kind o installation does not meet
t/e criteria.
T/e correct wa$ is to install t/e ma7or transmitter antenna and t/e diversit$
receiver antenna in a plane perpendicular to t/e road. *n addition6 t/e ma7or
transmitter antenna must 4e located at one side o t/e road6 as s/own in
5i"ure 1.2.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e3-6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#i$"re 1.2 *nstallation position o omni antenna
Case +4 'mproper !onfi$"ration of data !a"ses poor !o&era$e
3roblem des!ription5
Durin" t/e optimization or a place6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e si"nals at a
section o t/e road in t/e su4ur4an area are 8uite poor. T/e measured 1+lev
is :,2d@m.
3Ca"se anal*sis5
T/is section locates in t/e su4ur4an area and is a4out 3km awa$ rom t/e
ur4an area. T/ere is no a4rupt c/an"e in terms o landorm wit/in t/is
section. T/eoreticall$6 t/e 1+lev /ere s/ould 4e a4out :8-d@m6 so t/e
dierence 4etween t/e t/eoretical 1+lev and t/e measured 1+lev is "reat.
#ccordin" to t/e re8uenc$ sweep test6 t/e stren"t/ o t/e 5a si"nal is a4out
:,2d@m6 and t/e stren"t/ o t/e 54 si"nal is a4out :8-d@m. 5or t/is section6 it
is covered 4$ t/ree cells o t/e @TS # and @TS @ t/at are installed in t/e
ur4an area At/e @((0 re8uencies are 5a and 54B. *n addition6 a cell o t/e
@TS ( installed at t/e remote su4ur4an area also covers t/e section At/e
@((0 re8uenc$ is 5cB.
T/rou"/ c/eckin" data6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e 54 is not included in t/e
nei"/4or c/annel num4ers o t/e #:3 cell in t/e @#1. </en t/e MS moves
rom t/e ur4an area to t/e su4ur4an area6 it will c/oose #:3 cell to camp on6
4ecause t/e 54 is not coni"ured in t/e nei"/4or c/annel num4ers. *n t/is
case6 t/e MS cannot reselect t/e @:3 cell to camp on. *n t/e cell nei"/4or
relations/ip list6 t/e #:3 cell and @:3 cell cannot work as t/e nei"/4or cell or
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e316 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
eac/ ot/er6 and t/e 54 is not coni"ured in t/e nei"/4or c/annel num4ers o
t/e #:3 cell listed in @#2. T/ereore6 in conversation mode6 t/e MS cannot
keep t/e conversation in #:3 cell. </en it arrives at t/is section6 it cannot
/and over to t/e @:3 cell. T/ereore6 t/e si"nals are poor6 so is t/e voice
&na4le t/e #:3 cell and @:3 cell to work as nei"/4or cell or eac/ ot/er.
Case ,4 'rrational (TS swap affe!ts !o&era$e
3roblem des!ription5
*n an ur4an area6 a @TS must 4e swapped or t/e 4uildin" on w/ic/ t/e @TS
was installed were to 4e moved. (onsiderin" t/at covera"e or t/e scenic
spot 2km awa$ At/e scenic spot locates 4e/ind a /illB is poor6 so en"ineers
intended to install t/e @TS on t/e top o t/e /ill. On t/e top o t/e cell6 t/e
w/ole cit$ and t/e scenic spot can 4e seen. 0owever6 ater t/e @TS swap6
users complaint t/at t/ere were no si"nals in t/e indoor environment o t/e
cells near t/e site w/ere t/e old @TS was installed.
3Ca"se anal*sis5
T/e 4uildin"s o t/e resident area are densel$ distri4uted and t/e avera"e
/ei"/t is 8m. @eore t/e @TS swap6 t/e cell used or t/is area is onl$ 1--m
awa$6 and t/e antenna /ei"/t is 12m. T/ereore6 t/e indoor conversation
8ualit$ can 4e "uaranteed. #ter t/e @TS swap6 /owever6 t/e cell used t/is
area is 1.8km awa$6 and t/e antenna /ei"/t is 3-m. *n t/is case6 t/e si"nals
are 8uite weak w/en arrivin" at t/e 4ottom o resident area6 t/ou"/ t/e
si"nals allin" at t/e top o t/e 4uildin" is "ood. To solve t/is pro4lem6 $ou can
onl$ increase t/e output power o t/e transmitter antenna or increase t/e
antenna "ain. 0owever6 t/e covera"e is still not to usersL satisactor$ even
increase t/e antenna /ei"/t to 3-m. T/ereore6 w/en swappin" or
constructin" a @TS at t/e densel$ populated area6 $ou s/ould pa$ attention to
t/e ollowin" items9

*t is su""ested t/at t/e distance 4etween t/e @TS and t/e resident area
is e8ual to or smaller t/an 12-m6 ot/erwise t/e covera"e or t/is area will
4ecome weak dramaticall$.

T/e antenna o t/e swapped @TS cannot 4e too "reat. * t/e @TS is
installed amon" resident 4uildin"s6 t/e antenna /ei"/t is su""ested to 4e
':1-m. * t/e @TS is installed 4e$ond t/e resident 4uildin"s and t/e
4uildin"s are /i"/6 $ou can increase t/e antenna /ei"/t accordin"l$.

=ou can solve t/e pro4lems concernin" cross area covera"e can t/rou"/
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e326 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
controllin" t/e power class o t/e @TS6 tunin" t/e azimut/ an"le o t/e
antenna6 or tunin" t/e tilt an"le o t/e antenna.
#ccordin" to on:site surve$6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e indoor si"nals o t/is
area are too poor to /old t/e conversation. T/is area can 4e seen clearl$ rom
t/e tower on w/ic/ t/e @TS is installed. T/e distance 4etween t/e @TS and
t/e area is onl$ 1.8km6 and 4etween t/em are vast armlands. To solve t/is
pro4lem6 $ou can attempt to tune t/e azimut/ an"le and t/e tilt an"le o t/e
antenna. * t/e covera"e is not $et improved6 $ou can use t/e ollowin"

1eplace t/e common antenna used or t/is cell Aits "ain is 12d@iB wit/ t/e
/i"/:"ain antenna used or t/e scenic spot Aits "ain is 18d@iB

T/ere are ! T1Ns in t/is cell6 all in S(; mode6 replace t/e S(; mode
wit/ t/e dual:(D; mode.
#ter t/e a4ove met/ods are done6 t/e antenna "ain or t/is area can 4e
increased 4$ %d@. #ter t/e antenna replacement6 $ou need to tune t/e
antenna tilt or t/e 4est covera"e.
T/rou"/ retestin" t/e indoor si"nal level6 en"ineers ound t/at it increased 4$
%:12d@. #nd even t/e common MS can keep normal conversation.
8.1.2 'nterferen!e roblems
*ntererence is a ke$ actor aectin" network perormance6 includin"
conversation 8ualit$6 call drop6 /andover6 con"estion6 and so on.
'. 'nterferen!e So"r!es
*n t/e mo4ile telecommunication s$stem6 w/en t/e @TS is receivin" t/e
si"nals rom a remote MS6 it will not onl$ 4e interered 4$ ot/er
telecommunication e8uipments6 4ut also it will 4e interered 4$ t/e ot/er @TSs
and MSs wit/in t/e s$stem6 as s/own in 5i"ure 1.1.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e336 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#i$"re 1.1 Sc/ematic drawin" o mo4ile telecommunication intererence
0ereunder introduces t/e intererence sources aectin" t/e .SM s$stem.

*ntra:network intererence
* t/e re8uencies are improperl$ planned6 or t/e re8uenc$ reuse is too
a""ressive6 intra:re8uenc$ intererence or nei"/4or cell intererence will
4e caused.

1epeater intererence
#t t/e earl$ sta"e o network construction6 repeaters are widel$ used or
e+tendin" t/e covera"e distance o t/e network. 0owever6 i t/e repeaters
are improperl$ planned6 t/e network will 4e interered.
* t/e repeaters are not installed accordin" to re8uirement6 t/at is6 t/ere is
not enou"/ isolation let 4etween t/e donor antenna and t/e su4scri4er
antenna6 t/e @TS to w/ic/ t/e repeaters attac/ will interered.
5or t/e repeaters ena4lin" 4road4and non:linear ampliier6 t/e
intermodulation inde+es are ar "reater t/an t/at re8uired in t/e protocols.
*n t/is case6 t/e "reater t/e power is6 t/e "reater t/e intermodulation will
4e. T/ereore6 t/e @TS near t/e repeaters will 4e interered.

*ntererence rom ot/er 4i":power telecommunication e8uipments

T/ese e8uipments include radar6 analo" @TS6 and ot/er
telecommunication e8uipments usin" t/e same 4and.

0ardware pro4lems
T1N pro4lem9 * t/e perormance o t/e T1N decreases6 t/e s$stem ma$
4e interered.
(D; pro4lem or splitter pro4lem9 #ctive ampliier is used in t/e (D;
splitter and splitter module. </en an$ pro4lem occurs6 t/e s$stem ma$
also 4e interered.
Stra$ and intermodulation9 * t/e out:4and stra$ o t/e power ampliier or
t/e T1N o t/e @TS "o 4e$ond re8uirement6 or t/e isolation o t/e
transmission and t/e reception o t/e (D; duple+er is too small6 t/e
connection c/annel will 4e interered. Meanw/ile6 t/e passive
e8uipments6 suc/ as t/e eeder and t/e antenna6 will "enerate
''. 'nterferen!e ositionin$ and -limination
3ositionin$ and elimination pro!ed"re5
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e3!6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
1B 5ind out t/e intererence cell accordin" to CP*
* t/e call drop rate6 /andover success rate6 traic volume6 con"estion
rate6 and intererence 4and o a cell deteriorate to a 4ad level a4ruptl$6 it
means t/at intererence ma$ e+ist in t/e cell.
*n t/is case6 $ou can also c/eck t/e /istorical record o operations made
in t/is cell. 5or e+ample6 c/eck i t/e /ardware and sotware o t/e @TS
/as 4een added or increased and i t/e data o t/e @TS /as 4een
modiied. .enerall$6 t/e appearance o intererence is related to t/ese
* t/ese parameters are not ad7usted6 t/e intererence ma$ 4e rom t/e
/ardware itsel out outside actors. *n t/is case6 $ou are su""ested to
c/eck i it is /ardware pro4lem. * it is not6 $ou s/ould c/eck outside
2B (/eck OM( alarm
Sometimes /i"/ call drop rate6 low /andover success rate6 and /i"/
con"estion rate ma$ 4e related to e8uipment pro4lems. *n t/is case6 $ou
can c/eck OM( alarm records. T/ese records are related to t/e
deterioration o t/ese inde+es.
3B (/eck re8uenc$ plannin"
* t/e intererence is dou4t in a cell6 $ou can c/eck t/e re8uenc$ plannin"
or t/e cell and t/e nei"/4or cells o t/e cell. 5or t/is c/eck6 $ou are
re8uired to make clear t/e distri4ution o t/e antennas6 ind out t/e
azimut/ an"le o eac/ cell6 draw t/e topolo"$6 and mark t/e @((0FT(0
c/annel num4ers. Meanw/ile6 $ou are also re8uired to compare t/e
planned c/annel num4ers wit/ t/e coni"ured c/annel num4ers in t/e
#ccordin" to t/e accurate re8uenc$ plannin" topolo"$6 $ou can make
sure i t/e intra:re8uenc$ intererence or nei"/4or re8uenc$ intererence
is present in t/e network.
!B (/eck cell parameter coni"uration
T/e cell parameters6 suc/ as (1O6 t/res/old6 /andover duration6
nei"/4or cell relations/ip6 and so on6 ma$ /ave intererence a"ainst t/e
* t/e (1O is set to a "reat value6 t/e MS ma$ 4e "uided to an idle cell
w/ose level is lower t/an its surroundin" cells. Once t/e conversation is
started 4ut t/e (F* cannot meet t/e t/res/old re8uirement A12d@B6
intererence will 4e caused.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e326 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
* nei"/4or cells are missin"6 t/e MS cannot /and over to a cell wit/
4etter si"nal level and 8ualit$. *n t/is case6 t/e intererence will also 4e
"enerated. * t/e /andover t/res/old and t/e PFN are too "reat6 t/e
/andovers 4etween cells are unavaila4le. * t/e PFN is too small6 /owever6
it will result in re8uent /andover. *n t/is case6 4ot/ t/e call drop rate and
t/e s$stem load will 4e increased.
2B Drive test
Drive test is an eective met/od to position t/e intererence. T/ere are
two drive test met/ods9 idle mode test and dedicated mode test.
5or idle mode test6 t/e test e8uipment can test t/e si"nal level o 4ot/ t/e
si"nal level and t/e nei"/4or cells. *n addition6 t/e test e8uipment can
also perorm t/e re8uenc$ sweep test or t/e desi"nate c/annel num4ers
or 4ands. *n t/is case6 t/e intererence caused 4$ cross:cell covera"e
si"nals can 4e discovered.
5or dedicated mode test6 t/e test e8uipments can test t/e si"nal level o
t/e service cell and nei"/4or cells6 t/e 1+8ual6 t/e T#6 and so on. * t/e
1+lev is e8ual to or "reater t/en :8-d@m and t/e 1+8ual is e8ual to or
"reater t/an % in an area6 it can 4e conirmed t/at t/e intererence e+ists
in t/e area. Some test e8uipment can displa$ t/e 5&1 Arame error rateB.
.enerall$6 i t/e 5&1 is "reater or e8ual to 22H6 t/e conversation will not
4e continuous. T/at is6 t/e intererence e+ists.
%B *ntererence elimination
=ou can eliminate t/e intererence accordin" to t/e a4ove c/ecked
results6 and t/en evaluate t/e elimination t/rou"/ CP* and drive test.
30ardware problem positionin$ and elimination5
</en t/e intererence is dou4ted in a cell6 $ou s/ould irst c/eck i t/e @TS
w/ere t/e cell locates works normall$. *n t/e remote end6 $ou s/ould c/eck i
t/ere is antenna alarm6 T1N alarm6 or @TS clock alarm "enerated. *n t/e near
end6 $ou s/ould c/eck i t/ere is antenna pro4lem6 water penetration6 eeder
A7umperB dama"e6 (P; pro4lem6 T1N pro4lem6 wron" 7umper connection or
clock pro4lem occurred.

#ntenna perormance decline

#ntenna a passive component and its dama"e pro4a4ilit$ is small.
0owever6 i t/e antenna is dama"ed or its perormance declines6 t/e
voice 8ualit$ will 4ecome poor.

#ntenna connector pro4lem

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e3%6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
.SM 15 si"nals are micro wave si"nals. * t/e connections 4etween
T1N6 (D;6 eeder6 and antenna /ave an$ pro4lem6 4ot/ t/e standin"
wave ratio and t/e intermodulation will increase. *n t/is case6 t/e
intererence will 4e resulted.

*nverse antenna connection

T/e inverse antenna connection is a commonl$ seen pro4lem. * t/e
antenna is inversel$ connected6 t/e c/annel num4ers used 4$ t/e cell
and t/e planned c/annel num4ers are completel$ inconsistent. *n t/is
case6 intra:re8uenc$ intererence6 inter:re8uenc$ intererence6 and
/andover diicult$ will 4e resulted. &speciall$ or t/e networks t/at /ave
inade8uate re8uenc$ resource6 t/e inverse antenna connection /as "reat
eect a"ainst network 8ualit$.

Qumper pro4lem
Man$ 7umpers locate 4etween antennas6 so t/e$ are oten wron"l$
connected. *n t/is case6 /i"/ call drop rate will 4e resulted.

T1N pro4lem
* T1N pro4lems occur6 t/e intererence will increase6 t/e covera"e
distance area will decrease6 and t/e access is diicult.

(lock ailure
* t/e clock deviation is too "reat6 it is /ard or t/e MS to lock t/e
re8uencies o t/e @TS6 so t/e /andover ailure alwa$s occurs6 or t/e MS
cannot camp on an$ cell o t/e @TS. *n addition6 i t/e clock deviation is
too "reat6 t/e @TS cannot understand t/e si"nals o t/e @TS6 w/ic/ will
result in 4it errors. 0owever6 t/e clock ailure will not reall$ introduce
intererence6 4ut it is t/e transmission errors t/at make t/e voice 8ualit$

#n$ pro4lem concernin" t/e T1N6 (D;6 eeder6 antenna6 7umper6 and
connector ma$ cause intererence or call drop. T/ereore6 i intererence
appears6 $ou s/ould c/eck t/e /ardware o t/e @TS. *n addition6 @TS
clock ailure will also cause intererence and call drop.
*t is eas$ to solve t/e /ardware pro4lems t/rou"/ c/an"in" t/e 4oards or
ad7ustin" traic data. * t/ere is spectrum anal$zer availa4le6 $ou can
position t/e pro4lem more eicientl$. &speciall$ w/en t/e intererence
appears wit/out an$ modiication o network data6 $ou s/ould ocus on
c/eckin" t/e /ardware.
3'ntra8Network 'nterferen!e5
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e3'6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
T/e intra:network intererence is mainl$ rom intra:re8uenc$ intererence and
nei"/4or cell intererence. </en (F* is smaller t/an 12d@ or t/e (F# is smaller
t/an :%d@6 t/e intererence is unavoida4le. 0owever6 t/e a""ressive
re8uenc$ reuse tec/nolo"$ will increase o t/e occurrence pro4a4ilit$ o

Same:re8uenc$ and nei"/4or re8uenc$ intererence

*n .SM s$stem6 t/e re8uenc$ reuse is unavoida4le. </en t/e re8uenc$
reuse distance o two cells usin" t/e same re8uenc$ is smaller t/an cell
radius6 same:re8uenc$ intererence will 4e easil$ caused. Past
e+periences s/ow t/at t/e re8uenc$ reuse must 4e avoided in man$
5i"ure %.1 s/ows t/e cellular structure.
#i$"re 9.1 (ellular structure
#s s/own in t/is i"ure6 t/ere are ! @TSs6 #6 @6 (6 and D. * t/e c/annel
num4er N is allocated to #3 cell6 t/is c/annel num4er cannot 4e allocated to
#:16 #26 @16 @26 (16 (26 (36 D16 D26 and D3. #nd t/e c/annel num4ers NR1
cannot 4e allocated to #16 #26 #36 @16 (26 D16 and D2 Ano re8uenc$
T/e intererence a"ainst t/e uplink c/annel num4ers can 4e 7ud"ed 4$ t/e
intererence 4and data in t/e traic statistics.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e386 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
5or t/e intererence a"ainst t/e downlink c/annel num4ers6 t/e e+istin" drive
test e8uipments can 4e indirectl$ used to measure i t/e same:re8uenc$
intererence is present. 5irst $ou s/ould lock t/e test MS in t/e service cell
and ena4le make t/e MS work in conversation mode durin" drive test. * $ou
ind t/at t/e 1+lev in an area is /i"/ 4ut t/e 1+8ual is low6 it is likel$ t/at t/e
same:re8uenc$ is present in t/is area.

*ntererence caused 4$ cross covera"e

*n a properl$ desi"ned network6 eac/ cell covers t/e areas around t/e
@TS onl$ and t/e MS camps on or /olds conversation in t/e nearest cell.
(ross covera"e means t/at t/e covera"e o a cell is too lar"e and t/e cell
can cover t/e areas under t/e control o ot/er @TSs. * cross covera"e
occurs6 irrational traic a4sorption6 intererence6 call drop6 con"estion6
and /andover ailure ma$ arise.

*ntererence caused 4$ a""ressive re8uenc$ reuse

(apacit$ and 8ualit$ alwa$s contradicts to eac/ ot/er. *n ur4an areas6 t/e
a""ressive re8uenc$ reuse tec/nolo"$ must 4e used or t/e num4er o
su4scri4ers in ur4an areas are "reat. *n t/is case6 t/e network 8ualit$
will surel$ decrease. *n t/e areas w/ere @TSs are irrationall$ distri4uted6
t/e a""ressive re8uenc$ reuse tec/nolo"$ ma$ cause t/e collision o
same re8uenc$ and nei"/4or re8uencies.

*ntererence caused 4$ repeater

*t is convenient to use repeater or special covera"e. 0owever6 i a
repeater is not 8ualiied or it is not properl$ installed6 it will cause

*ntererence caused 4$ outside environment

Outside environment6 suc/ as T? station6 4i":power radio station6 micro
wave6 radar6 /i"/ volta"e wire6 analo" @TS6 and so on6 will cause
'''. 'nterferen!e Cases
Case 14 'nterferen!e !a"se b* antenna performan!e de!line
3roblem des!ription5
T/ere are 2 @TSs in a count$. T/e coni"uration t$pe is S!F!F! or S%F%F%. T/e
intererence 4and 2 reac/es 12 accordin" to t/e T(0 perormance
measurement o t/e most cells. T/ere is no alarm ound at t/e OM(.
3roblem positionin$ and sol"tion5
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e3,6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
1B T/rou"/ monitorin" and re"isterin" t/e intererence 4and traic statistics
or t/e pro4lem cells all da$6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e intererence 4and 2
mostl$ appeared at da$ time6 and it seldom appeared at earl$ mornin".
2B T/rou"/ sendin" t/e idle @;1STS o all t/e @TSs6 en"ineers ound t/at
t/e intererence 4ands o t/ese cells appeared in t/e earl$ mornin". * t/e
sendin" o t/ese idle @;1STS stopped6 t/ese intererence 4ands
disappeared. T/ereore6 it can 4e proved t/at t/e intererence came rom
t/e network. *t is not related to ot/er telecommunication e8uipments.
3B T/e re8uencies and ot/er data were not ad7usted 4eore t/e intererence
appeared6 so t/e intererence is not related to t/e re8uenc$ plannin".
!B T/rou"/ surve$in" t/e 1NM test interace o t/e (D; usin" t/e spectrum
anal$zer durin" t/e traic peak at da$ time6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e
4road4and intererence was stron" and t/e 4ack noise was risin".
2B T/ere was no intererence in one cell6 4ut t/e intererence in anot/er two
cells was stron". T/rou"/ replacin" t/e antenna eeder o t/e cell wit/ no
intererence wit/ t/e antenna eeders o t/e cells wit/ intererence and
sendin" idle @;1STS6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e intererence went wit/
t/e antenna eeder. T/ereore6 it can 4e decided t/at t/e pro4lem
occurred at t/e antenna and eeder s$stem.
%B T/rou"/ c/an"in" t/e antenna6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e intererence
went wit/ t/e antenna. T/ereore6 t/e pro4lem is likel$ present at t/e
'B T/rou"/ replacin" t/e antenna wit/ dual polarization antenna6 en"ineers
ound t/at t/e stron" intererence disappeared immediatel$. T/rou"/
replacin" t/e old antenna o anot/er @TS wit/ a new one6 en"ineers
ound t/at t/e intererence also disappeared.
Case 24 Call drop !a"sed b* intra8network interferen!e
3roblem des!ription5
(ustomers in a place complaint t/at call drop /appen re8uentl$. 5i"ure '.1
s/ows t/e topolo"$ or @TS distri4ution and re8uenc$ plannin".
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!-6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#i$"re :.1 Topolo"$ or @TS distri4ution and re8uenc$ plannin"
*n t/is i"ure6 1126 1-'6 12-6 12!6 1186 1226 1-!6 1-%6 11%6 1-16 11-6 and 113
are @((0 c/annel num4ers> 1-,6 1-26 1126 ,%6 ,86 1--6 1116 11!6 and 1-8
are T(0 c/annel num4ers.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
1B T/rou"/ a careul test6 en"ineers ound t/at t/ere were 12 c/annel
num4ers "at/erin" at t/e call drop spot and 1+lev reac/ed :'3d@m.
</en t/e MS seized c/annel num4er 116 t/e intererence rom c/annel
num4er 112 caused t/e call drop.
2B T/rou"/ testin" t/e (.* o c/annel num4er 12 usin" test MS6 en"ineers
ound t/at t/is c/annel num4er was one o t/e @((0 num4er o D3.
3B T/rou"/ surve$in" @TS D6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e antenna o D3 is
installed at t/e top o a 4uildin". *n addition6 a /ouse made o "lass was
ound 8m awa$ and !m under t/e antenna. &n"ineers tested t/at t/e
si"nal stren"t/ near t/e antenna was a4out :!2d@m6 and t/e si"nal
stren"t/ at near t/e "lass was :3-d@m6 w/ic/ was 4e$ond t/e
e+pectation o en"ineers. *n act6 t/e cause was t/at t/e si"nals relected
4$ t/e "lass were relected to t/e call drop spot.
!B *t is su""ested to c/an"e t/e antenna installation place and c/annel
num4er. =ou s/ould interc/an"e t/e c/annel num4er 111 and c/annel
num4er 11! o @TS # and increase t/e down tilt an"le o #3 cell. *n
addition6 to avoid t/e intererence caused 4$ c/annel num4er 111 ater
t/e interc/an"e6 $ou s/ould ad7ust t/e direction o c/annel num4er 113 o
(1 cell.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!16 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
2B Test s/ows t/at ever$t/in" is normal ater t/e ad7ustment. T/e c/annel
num4er 113 o @TS ( /as no eect a"ainst c/annel num4er 11!. #nd t/e
call drop disappears.
Case +4 'nterferen!e !a"sed b* repeater
3roblem des!ription5
;sers in an area complaint t/at t/e MS cannot seize a c/annel to /old
conversation6 or t/e noise is "reat ater c/annel seizure and t/e c/annel and
t/e MS si"nal is stron". Two @TSs are installed in t/is area. T/e antenna
azimut/ an"le o cell1 ri"/tl$ directs to t/e nort/. @eore user complaint6 t/e
@TS in t/is area ran normall$ and t/e network inde+es met t/e re8uirement.
#ter t/e pro4lem arisen6 t/e traic volume o t/e two @TSs dropped s/arpl$
rom t/e perspective o traic statistics inde+es. *n addition6 t/e traic volume
o cell1 and cell3 also dropped s/arpl$. T/ou"/ t/e si"nals or t/e
conversation were stron"6 t/e voice 8ualit$ was 8uite poor. #ccordin" to traic
statistics6 t/e intererence 4ands o t/e our cells were o level 36 level !6 and
level 26 and ,2H o t/e c/annels were interered. *n addition6 ot/er c/annels
were interered to some e+tent. 0owever6 no alarm messa"es were "enerated
at t/e OM(.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
1B #ccordin" to user eed4acks6 t/e possi4le reasons include transmission
pro4lem6 antenna eeder pro4lem6 /ardware pro4lem6 intra:network
intererence6 and outside intererence.
2B T/e uplink intererence si"nals in t/e nort/west direction mi"/t stron".
T/ereore6 cell16 cell26 and cell3 o t/e two @TSs were interered6 in w/ic/
cell1 and t/e cell3 were seriousl$ interered.
3B T/rou"/ on:site dialin" test6 en"ineers ound t/at it was /ard to make
calls in t/e areas covered 4$ cell1 and cell3. &ven i a call was put
t/rou"/6 t/e voice 8ualit$ was 8uite poor. *n addition6 t/e voice was
discontinuous and t/e intererence was stron". T/rou"/ usin" MS to call
a i+ed p/one6 en"ineers ound it was /ard to /ear t/e voice clearl$. On
t/e contrar$6 t/e$ could /ear t/e voice rom t/e i+ed p/one clearl$. T/is
/as proved t/e a4ove anal$sis. T/at is6 t/e intererence mi"/t 4e rom
t/e outside6 or t/e standin" wave pro4lem was occurrin" at t/e antenna
Arom t/is perspective6 it can 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e intererence e+isted on
t/e uplink onl$B.
!B T/rou"/ usin" antenna eeder anal$zer to perorm on:site test6 en"ineers
ound no pro4lem was e+istin" at an$ @TS. # new repeater was ound in
t/is area6 and it was located two kilometers awa$ rom t/e @TS in t/e
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!26 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
nort/west direction. Moreover6 t/e intererence appeared 7ust w/en t/e
repeater was ena4led. On:site test ound t/at t/e @TS 4ecame normal
state once t/e repeater s/ut down6 and t/e intererence 4ands also
4ecame normal6 so did t/e call. * t/e repeater was ena4led6 /owever6 it
was /ard to make calls and t/e intererence was stron". #t last6 t/e
a"reement to s/ut down t/e repeater was reac/ed. #ter t/at6 t/e
conversation 4ecame normal.
Case ,4 Mi!rowa&e interferen!e
3roblem des!ription5
Durin" network maintenance6 t/rou"/ anal$zin" @S( traic statistics6
en"ineers ound t/at t/e call drop rate o t/e cell2 and cell3 o a S2F2F2 @TS
arisen a4ruptl$6 and t/e value even reac/ed 2-H at some time.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
1B T/rou"/ c/eckin" @S( traic statistics6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e num4er
o idle T(0s was increasin" at t/e intererence 4ands 3:2 around 893-.
#round 1-9--6 t/e idle T(0s were ound at t/e intererence 4and ! and
intererence 4and 2. #round 229--6 t/e idle T(0s were ound at t/e
intererence 4and 1. T/ereore6 it could 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e intererence
2B @ecause t/e @TS ran normall$6 t/e pro4lems cannot 4e related to
re8uenc$ plannin".
3B #ccordin" to t/e T1N mana"ement messa"es6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e
intererence e+isted at t/e our 4oards o t/e cell2 and cell3 o t/e @TS.
@ecause t/e pro4a4ilit$ or t/e our 4oards to 4e dama"ed
simultaneousl$ is 8uite small6 t/e T1N pro4lem can 4e e+cluded.
0owever6 one 4oard was c/an"ed in case o a4normal conditions6 4ut t/e
intererence was not eliminated.
!B T/rou"/ c/eckin" all t/e @S( traic statistics data6 en"ineers ound t/at
cells o t/e @TSs near t/e @TS and t/e cells o t/e cell2 and cell3 o t/e
@TS were interered to some e+tent. *n addition6 en"ineers also ound
t/at t/e SD((0s A1% SD((0s in totalB o t/e seriousl$:aected cells
were seized at sometimes. 0owever6 t/e num4er o su4scri4ers
determined t/at t/e pro4a4ilit$ or all t/e SD((0s to 4e seized
simultaneousl$ is 8uite small. T/ereore6 it could 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e uplink
was interered 4$ outside actors. 0owever6 t/e intererence mi"/t 4e
related to direction onl$.
2B To urt/er position t/e pro4lem6 en"ineers interc/an"ed t/e 7umpers o
cell1 and cell3 at t/e set top. *n t/is case6 t/e intererence was ound at
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!36 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
cell16 4ut t/e intererence was disappearin" rom cell3. T/ereore6 t/e
intererence was not related to c/annel num4er.
%B @ecause t/e intererence was not related to c/annel num4er6 it mi"/t 4e
t/e 4i":power si"nals t/at caused t/e intererence.
'B T/rou"/ usin" t/e spectrum anal$zer to perorm t/e measurement at t/e
output interace o t/e @TS splitter6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e 4i":power
si"nals e+isted at t/e ,-!M0z c/annel num4er Ait /as an interval o 2M
4etween t/e used c/annel num4er. 5or t/e @TS w/ere t/e intererence
was stron"6 t/e si"nal level can reac/ as /i"/ as a4out :22d@m. 5or
ot/er @TSs6 t/e si"nal level was a4out :2-d@m. T/ereore6 it could 4e
7ud"ed t/at it was t/is si"nal t/at aected t/e @TS.
8B T/rou"/ usin" t/e spectrum anal$zer to scan t/e areas near t/e @TS6
en"ineers ound t/at t/ere was a microwave antenna outputtin" 4i":
power at t/e c/annel num4er ,-!.
,B T/e intererence disappeared ater t/e microwave e8uipment was s/ut
8.1.+ Call %rop roblems
5or t/e .SM network6 call drop is usersL ma7or worr$ and t/e call drop rate is
an important inde+ evaluatin" network 8ualit$.
'. Call %rop Resasons and Sol"tions
i; Call drop d"e to !o&era$e reasons
3Reason anal*sis5

Discontinuous covera"e Adead zoneB

5or a sin"le @TS6 t/e 8ualit$ o t/e si"nals at t/e ed"e o t/e station is
8uite poor6 so t/e MS cannot /and over to anot/er cell. *n t/is case6 t/e
call drop occurs.
* t/e landorm o t/e covera"e areas is comple+ or luctuates "reatl$6 or
t/e radio transmission environment is comple+6 t/e si"nals will 4e 4arred.
*n t/is case6 t/e covera"e is discontinuous and call drop will occur.

Poor indoor covera"e

* t/e 4uildin"s in an area are densel$ populated6 t/e si"nal attenuation is
"reat. #nd i t/e walls o t/e 4uildin"s are t/ick6 t/e penetration loss is
"reat and t/e indoor si"nal level is low. *n t/is case6 t/e call drop ma$
easil$ occur.

*solated island eect

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!!6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
#s s/own in 5i"ure 1.16 t/e service cell orms an isolated island due to
various reasons Aor e+ample6 t/e power is too "reatB. *n t/is case6 t/e
MS still seizes t/e si"nals o t/e service cell # ater movin" to cell (6 4ut
t/e cell # does not deine t/e nei"/4or cell (. #t t/is time6 i t/e MS still
perorms t/e /andover accordin" to t/e nei"/4or cell @ provided 4$
nei"/4or cell #6 it cannot ind a suita4le cell. *n t/is case6 t/e call drop will
#i$"re 1.1 (all drop caused 4$ lar"e covera"e

Small covera"e
* t/e covera"e is too small6 t/e /ardware e8uipment o a cell ma$ ail.
5or e+ample6 t/e antenna is 4arred or t/e T1N ailure occurs At/e power
ampliier partB.
3<"d$ment methods5
5irst $ou s/ould ind out t/e areas w/ere t/e covera"e is inade8uate
accordin" to user complaints6 and t/en $ou s/ould perorm t/e drive test in a
lar"er scope to c/eck i t/e si"nal level and t/e /andover are normal and i
t/e call drop e+ists. *n addition6 $ou can emplo$ t/e traic statistics recorded
at t/e OM( to c/eck t/e @S( overall call drop rate and ind out t/e cell wit/
"reat call drop rate. 5urt/ermore6 $ou can still make t/e anal$sis and
7ud"ment 4$ reerrin" to ot/er traic statistics items. 0ereunder lists some

Power control perormance measurement Ato c/eck i t/e mean uplink

and downlink si"nal stren"t/ is too lowB

1+lev perormance measurement Ato c/eck i t/e ratio o t/e low 1+lev is
too "reatB

(ell perormance measurementFinter:cell /andover perormance

measurement Ato c/eck i t/e level class and t/e mean 1+lev are too lowB
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!26 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$

(all drop perormance measurement Ato c/eck i t/e si"nal level is too
low durin" call drop and i t/e T# value is normal 4eore call dropB

Deined nei"/4or cell perormance measurement Ato position t/e cell wit/
low mean si"nal levelB

;ndeined nei"/4or cell perormance measurement Ato c/eck i t/e

undeined nei"/4or cells wit/ /i"/ si"nal level e+istB

Power control perormance measurement Ato measure t/e "reatest T#

value 4etween t/e MS and @TSB
1B (/eck t/e areas w/ere t/e covera"e is inade8uate
=ou can ind out t/e area w/ere t/e covera"e is inade8uate t/rou"/ drive
test. 5or an isolated @TS or t/e @TSs installed in mountain areas t/at
cannot orm seamless covera"e6 $ou can add @TSs to t/ese areas or
seamless covera"e. Or $ou can improve t/e covera"e t/rou"/ ot/er
means. 5or e+ample6 $ou can en/ance t/e ma+imum transmit power o
t/e @TS6 c/an"e t/e antenna azimut/ an"le6 c/an"e t/e antenna tilt6
c/an"e t/e antenna /ei"/t6 and so on. *n addition6 $ou s/ould also
anal$ze i t/e call drop is caused 4$ landorms. .enerall$6 call drop can
easil$ occur at tunnels6 4i" s/oppin" market6 under"round railwa$
entrance6 under"round parkin" lot6 and low:l$in" places. *n t/is case6 $ou
can use t/e micro cell to solve t/e covera"e pro4lem.
2B &nsure indoor call 8ualit$
To ensure indoor call 8ualit$6 $ou s/ould make sure t/at t/e outdoor
si"nals are stron" enou"/. To stren"t/ t/e outdoor si"nals6 $ou can
increase t/e ma+imum @TS transmit power6 c/an"e t/e antenna azimut/
an"le6 c/an"e t/e antenna tilt an"le6 and c/an"e t/e antenna /ei"/t6 and
so on. * t/e indoor call 8ualit$ is still not improved remarka4l$6 $ou can
consider addin" @TSs. 5or improvin" t/e indoor covera"e o oice
4uildin"s and /otels6 $ou can consider usin" t/e indoor antenna
distri4ution s$stem.
3B 5or t/e cells /avin" no nei"/4or cells6 $ou can coni"ure t/e nei"/4or
cells or t/e cell so as to reduce t/e call drop rate. To eliminate t/e
isolation island eect6 $ou can reduce t/e tilt an"le o t/e @TS.
!B &liminate /ardware pro4lems
=ou can c/eck i t/ere are /ardware pro4lems and i t/e covera"e area is too
small t/rou"/ drive test. * t/e call drop rate o a cell arises dramaticall$ 4ut all
ot/er inde+es are normal6 $ou s/ould c/eck i t/e nei"/4or cells o t/is cell
work normall$. A.enerall$6 t/e downlink pro4lems ma$ occur. 5or e+ample6
T1N pro4lem6 diversit$ unit pro4lem6 and antenna pro4lem are commonl$
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!%6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
seen. * t/e uplink ails6 t/e out"oin" /andover ailure rate o t/e old cell will
4e /i"/.B
ii; Call drop d"e to hando&er reasons
3Reason anal*sis5

*rrational parameter coni"uration

* t/e si"nal level at t/e cross:area o two cells is 8uite low6 t/e level o t/e
/andover candidate cell is too low6 and i t/e /andover t/res/old is too
low6 some MSs will /and over to t/e nei"/4or cell w/en t/e si"nal level o
t/e nei"/4or cell is /i"/er t/an t/at o t/e service cell. * t/e si"nal level o
t/e nei"/4or cell deteriorates dramaticall$ 7ust ater t/e /andover6 t/e call
drop will occur i no suita4le cell is availa4le or t/e /andover.

*ncomplete nei"/4or cell deinition

* t/e nei"/4or cell deinition is incomplete6 t/e MS will /old t/e
conversation in t/e e+istin" cells until it moves 4e$ond t/e ed"es o t/e
cell 4ut cannot /and over to a stron"er cell. *n t/is case6 t/e call drop will

Nei"/4or cells wit/ same @((0 and same @S*( e+ist.

Traic con"estion
* t/e traic is un4alance6 no T(0 will 4e availa4le in t/e tar"et cell. *n t/is
case6 t/e /andover ailure will occur.

@TS clock lost s$nc/ronization

* t/e @TS lost s$nc/ronization6 t/e re8uenc$ oset will "o 4e$ond t/e
re8uirement. *n t/is case6 t/e call drop will occur i /andover ails.

T31-3 e+pir$
T/e T31-3 will 4e started w/en t/e network sends a /andover command.
;pon t/e reception o t/e messa"e to complete t/e /andover or t/e messa"e
to remove t/e command6 t/e T31-3 will stop. T31-3 is used to /old t/e
c/annel lon" enou"/ or t/e MS to return to t/e old c/annel. * t/e T31-3 is
set to a too small value6 t/e MS cannot necessaril$ return to t/e old c/annel.
*n t/is case6 call drop ma$ occur durin" /andover.
3<"d$ment methods5
=ou can 7ud"e i t/e cells wit/ low /andover success rate6 re8uent re:
esta4lis/ment ailures6 and /i"/ call drop rate t/rou"/ anal$zin" traic
statistics inde+es. #ter t/e 7ud"ment6 $ou can ind out w/at causes t/e
/andover. 5or e+ample6 t/e uplink and downlink 1+lev can cause t/e
/andover> t/e uplink and downlink 1+8ual can cause t/e /andover> power
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!'6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
4ud"et can cause /andover> call direct retr$ can cause /andover> and also
/andover can 4e initiated 4$ traic reasons.
To c/eck i t/e @TS clock runs normall$6 $ou can c/eck i t/e an$ alarm is
"enerated or t/e @TS clock. * necessar$6 $ou must correct t/e @TS clock to
eliminate clock pro4lem. =ou can c/eck i t/ere is /andover pro4lem t/rou"/
drive test. * t/ere is a pro4lem cell6 $ou s/ould perorm drive near t/e cell or
several times. 0ereunder lists t/e inde+es concernin" call drop9

*nter:cell /andover perormance measurement Are8uent /andover

ailures6 re8uent re:esta4lis/ment ailuresB

*nter:cell /andover perormance measurement Are8uent /andovers6 /i"/

re:esta4lis/ment rateB

;ndeined nei"/4or cell perormance measurement At/e undeined

nei"/4or cell level and t/e num4er o measurement report "o 4e$ond t/e

Out"oin" cell /andover perormance measurement Aind out t/e reasons

or low out"oin" cell /andover rom t/e /andover tar"et cellB

3ow incomin" cell /andover success rate> t/e cell /andover parameters
are improperl$ set> t/e tar"et cell is con"ested.

T(0 perormance measurement At/e /andover times are not proportional

to t/e T(0 call seizure successes> t/e /andover /appens too re8uentB
1B (/eck t/e parameters aectin" t/e /andover. 5or e+ample6 $ou can
c/eck t/e /ierarc/ical and level settin"6 eac/ /andover t/res/old6 eac/
/andover /$steresis6 /andover time6 /andover duration6 t/e minimum
access level o t/e /andover candidate cell6 and so on.
2B * t/e call drop is caused 4$ un4alance traic volume or i t/e call drop
occurs due to no /andover c/annel is availa4le at t/e tar"et @TS6 $ou
can solve t/e pro4lem 4$ ad7ustin" t/e traic volume. 5or e+ample6 $ou
can ad7ust t/e pro7ect parameters6 suc/ as antenna tilt and antenna
azimut/ an"le6 to control t/e covera"e scope o a cell. To 4alance t/e
traic volume6 $ou can use (1O to "uide t/e MS to camp on ot/er idle
cells6 or $ou can set t/e /ierarc/ical and level priorit$ to "uide t/e MS to
/and over to t/e idle cell. *n addition6 $ou can solve t/e pro4lem 4$
e+pandin" t/e T1N directl$.
3B (ali4rate t/e pro4lem @TS clock to ena4le t/e s$nc/ronization o t/e
iii; Call drop d"e to interferen!e reasons
3Reason anal*sis5
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!86 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
* t/e MS receives stron" same:re8uenc$ intererence si"nals or stron"
nei"/4or re8uenc$ intererence si"nals in t/e service cell6 t/e 4it error rate
will deteriorate. *n t/is case6 t/e MS cannot demodulate t/e @S*( code o t/e
nei"/4or cells accuratel$6 or it cannot receive t/e measurement report rom
t/e MS correctl$. #s a result6 t/e conversation will 4e interered6 t/e call
8ualit$ will 4ecome poor6 and call drop will occur.
3<"d$ment methods5
T/e intererence ma$ 4e rom t/e network itsel or t/e outside network6 or it
ma$ e+ist in t/e uplink si"nals or downlink si"nals. T/e ollowin" met/ods can
4e used to position t/e intererence.

5ind out t/e cells mi"/t 4e interered t/rou"/ c/eckin" traic statistics.

Perorm t/e call drive test or t/e areas t/at mi"/t 4e interered and
c/eck t/e uplink and downlink intererence accordin" to user complaint.
=ou can ind out i t/ere is a place w/ere t/e si"nal is stron" 4ut t/e call
8ualit$ is poor t/rou"/ drive test tools. *n addition6 $ou can use a test MS
to perorm dialin" test to c/eck i a c/annel num4er is interered.

(/eck t/e re8uenc$ plannin" to see i same:re8uenc$ intererence and

nei"/4or re8uenc$ intererence occur in t/e area w/ere t/e re8uenc$ is
improperl$ planned.

#d7ust t/e c/annel num4ers t/at mi"/t 4e interered to see i t/e

intererence can 4e avoided or reduced.

&+clude t/e intererence caused 4$ e8uipment.

* t/e previous met/ods ail to eliminate t/e intererence6 $ou can use t/e
spectrum anal$zer to scan t/e re8uencies to ind out t/e interered
c/annel num4er and t/e intererence source.
0ereunder lists several traic statistics inde+es used or intererence anal$sis9

*ntererence 4and
=ou can c/eck t/e uplink intererence t/rou"/ anal$zin" t/e intererence
4and in t/e traic statistics. * an idle c/annel appears at t/e intererence
4ands 3:26 t/e intererence is present. * it is intra:network intererence6 it
will increase as t/e traic volume "rows. .enerall$6 i it is outside
intererence6 it is not related to traic volume. *t must 4e pointed out t/at
t/e intererence 4ands are reported to t/e @S( 4$ t/e @TS T1N c/annel
Aw/en in idle modeB t/rou"/ 15 resource indication messa"es. * t/e
current c/annel is 4us$ and cannot report 15 resource indication
messa"e6 $ou must consider t/e traic volume or t/e measurin" t/e
intererence 4ands.

1+lev perormance measurement

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e!,6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
T/e 1+lev perormance measurement provides t/e matri+ relations/ip
4etween t/e si"nal level and 8ualit$. * t/e si"nal level is /i"/ 4ut t/e
8ualit$ is poor6 it means t/at t/e intererence Asame:re8uenc$
intererence6 intra:re8uenc$ intererence6 and outside intererenceB is
present at t/e c/annel num4ers o t/e T1N 4oard.

Poor 8ualit$ /andover ratio

T/e cell perormance measurement6 inter:cell /andover perormance
measurement6 or t/e out"oin" cell /andover perormance measurement
records t/e out"oin" /andover attempt times. * t/e re8uent /andover is
caused 4$ poor si"nal 8ualit$6 it means t/at t/e intererence is present.

1+8ual perormance measurement

*t is related to t/e mean 1+lev and 1+8ual durin" call drop.

(all drop perormance measurement

*t records t/e mean 1+lev and 1+8ual durin" call drop.

5re8uent /andover ailures and re8uent re:esta4lis/ment ailures

*t means t/at t/e intererence ma$ 4e present in t/e tar"et cell.
1B (/eck t/e interered road and t/e distri4ution o si"nal 8ualit$ t/rou"/
dive test. #s ar as t/e actual conditions are concerned6 $ou can ad7ust
t/e @TS transmit power and antenna tilt o t/e related cells or ad7ust t/e
c/annel num4er plannin" to avoid t/e intererence.
2B ;se DTN tec/nolo"$6 re8uenc$ /oppin" tec/nolo"$6 power control6 and
diversit$ tec/nolo"$
T/ese tec/nolo"ies can 4e used to reduce t/e s$stem noise and en/ance
anti:intererence capacit$ o t/e s$stem. DTN is divided into uplink DTN
and downlink DTN. *n t/is case6 t/e transmit time can 4e reduced and t/e
intererence level o t/e s$stem can also 4e reduced. 0owever6 $ou
s/ould ad7ust t/e DTN accordin" to t/e actual radio environment and t/e
nei"/4or cell relations/ip. </en si"nals received 4$ t/e MS are poor6 t/e
use o t/e DTN will result in call drop. * t/e downlink DTN is ena4led6 t/e
@TS will increase its transmit power ater t/e call is esta4lis/ed. Durin"
t/e conversation6 /owever6 t/e @TS will reduce its transmit power. *n t/is
case6 t/e intererence a"ainst ot/er @TSs will 4e reduced. * t/e
intererence is present near t/e @TS6 t/e downlink DTN will deteriorate
t/e conversation 8ualit$. </en t/e @TS reduces its transmit power6 t/e
conversation 8ualit$ will decrease or t/e call drop ma$ even occur in t/e
areas w/ere t/e 1+lev is low 4ut t/e intererence si"nal is stron".
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2-6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
3B Solve t/e e8uipment pro4lems6 suc/ as t/e sel:e+citation o T1N 4oards
and t/e antenna demodulation intererence.
!B &+clude t/e outside intererence.
i&; Call drop d"e to antenna feeder reasons
3Reason anal*sis5

&n"ineerin" pro4lem ma$ 4e one o t/e reasons. 5or e+ample6 i t/e

transmit antennas 4etween two cells are inversel$ connected6 t/e level o
t/e uplink si"nal will 4e ar poorer t/an t/at o t/e downlink si"nal. *n t/is
case6 t/e call drop6 one:wa$ audio6 and call diicult$ will 4e ound in t/e
areas ar awa$ rom t/e 4ase station.

* polarization antennas are used6 a cell /ad two sets o antennas. * t/e
tilt an"les o t/e two antennas are inconsistent wit/ eac/ ot/er6 t/e call
drop will occur.
* a directional cell /as a master antenna and a diversit$ antenna6 t/e
@((0 and t/e SD((0 o t/e cell ma$ 4e transmitted t/rou"/ t/e two
antennas respectivel$. * t/e tilt an"les o t/e two antennas are dierent6
t/e covera"e scope o t/e two antennas will 4e dierent. *n t/is case6 t/e
MS can receive @((0 si"nals 4ut cannot seize t/e SD((0 w/en startin"
a call. T/us t/e call drop is resulted.

* t/e azimut/ an"les o t/e two antennas are inconsistent wit/ eac/
ot/er6 call drop ma$ also occur. T/at is6 t/e MS can receive t/e SD((0
si"nals6 4ut it ma$ 4e assi"ned wit/ t/e T(0. *n t/is case6 t/e call drop
will occur.

T/e pro4lems concernin" antenna eeder will also cause call drop. 5or
e+ample6 i t/e antenna is dama"ed6 or water penetrates into t/e
antenna6 or connector pro4lem is present6 t/e transmitter power and t/e
receiver sensitivit$ will decrease. *n t/is case6 t/e call drop will occur. To
conirm t/e pro4lem6 $ou can c/eck t/e standin" wave ratio.
3roblem positionin$ and sol"tion5
1B (/eck i an$ alarm concernin" t/e com4iner6 (D;6 tower ampliier6 and
standin" wave is "enerated and c/eck i t/e @TS 4oards are normal in
t/e OM(.
2B #nal$ze i t/e pat/ 4alance is realized accordin" to traic statistics.
3B 5urt/er anal$ze i t/e pat/ 4alance is realized t/rou"/ monitorin" t/e
messa"es sent across t/e #4is interace.
!B Perorm drive test and dialin" test. Durin" drive test6 $ou can c/eck i t/e
@((0 num4ers o t/e service cell are consistent wit/ t/e planned ones6
namel$6 i t/e transmit antenna o t/e antenna is correctl$ installed.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e216 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
2B (/eck and test t/e on:site @TSs. 0ere t/e installation o t/e azimut/
an"le and t/e tilt an"le o t/e antenna must 4e c/ecked. *n addition6 $ou
s/ould also c/eck i t/e eeder and 7umper are correctl$ connected6 i
t/ere is connector pro4lem6 and i t/e eeder is dama"ed. 5urt/ermore6
$ou must still c/eck i t/e standin" wave is normal.
%B Qud"e i it is @TS /ardware t/at causes pat/ un4alance and call drop. To
solve /ardware pro4lem6 $ou can eit/er c/an"e t/e components t/at ma$
/ave pro4lems or disa4le ot/er T1Ns in t/e cell. To ind out t/e pro4lem
T1N6 $ou can position t/e pro4lem t/rou"/ dialin" test. Once a pro4lem
/ardware component is ound6 $ou must replace it wit/ a sound one. * no
sound one is availa4le6 $ou must s/ut down t/e pro4lem /ardware
component to prevent it rom aectin" network 8ualit$.
0ereunder lists several traic statistics items or pat/ 4alance anal$sis9

Pat/ 4alance measurement Ato anal$ze i t/e pat/ 4alance is realizedB

(all drop perormance measurement Ato anal$ze t/e uplink and downlink
level and 8ualit$ durin" call dropB

Power control perormance measurement Ato anal$ze mean 1+lev on t/e

uplink and downlinkB
&; Call drop d"e to transmission reasons
* t/e transmission 8ualit$ across t/e #4is interace and #:interace ma$ 4e
not "ood and sta4le6 call drop ma$ occur. T/e ollowin" met/ods can 4e used
to solve t/e pro4lem9
1B (/eck t/e transmission alarm and 4oard alarm and anal$ze i t/ere is
transmission intermittent and 4oard ailure.
2B (/eck t/e transmission c/annel6 test t/e 4it error rate6 c/eck 2M
connectors6 and c/eck i t/e e8uipment "roundin" is rational to ensure
sta4le transmission 8ualit$ and reduce call drop rate.
3B (/eck t/e traic statistics to see i t/e re8uent call drop is caused 4$
transmission pro4lems. &speciall$ $ou s/ould c/eck T(0 perormance
measurement6 4ecause it can indicate i t/e #:interace ailures durin"
T(0 seizure is normal6 i t/e T(0 utilization is normal6 and i t/e "round
link call drop times are "reat.
&i; Call drop d"e to parameter reasons
0ere $ou s/ould ocus on c/eckin" i t/e parameters related to call drop are
irrationall$ set. * t/e ollowin" parameters are not irrationall$ set6 t/e call drop
ma$ 4e resulted.

1adio link ailure counter

T/is parameter acts on t/e downlink. </en t/e MS ails to decode t/e
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e226 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
S#((06 it will use t/is parameter to decide w/en to disconnect t/e call. *
t/is parameter is set to a too small value6 t/e radio link ailures will easil$
occur and cause call drop. 5or dead zones or t/e areas w/ere t/e call
drop re8uentl$ /appens6 $ou are recommended to set t/is parameter to a
"reater value.
</en c/an"in" t/e radio link ailure counter6 $ou s/ould c/an"e t/e
correspondin" T31-,. T/e T31-, must 4e set to a value "reat enou"/ or
t/e MS to detect a radio link ailure. 5or e+ample6 i t/e value o t/e radio
link ailure counter is 1% Aa4out 8 secondsB6 t/e value o T31-, must 4e
"reater t/an 8 seconds A$ou can set T31-, to , seconds or 1- secondsB.

S#((0 multirame num4er

T/is parameter acts on t/e uplink. T/e @TS uses t/is parameter to noti$
t/e radio link connection ailure messa"e to @SS. T/e @SS side 7ud"es
t/e radio link ailure accordin" to t/e 4it error rate on t/e uplink S#((0. *
t/is parameter is set to a too small value6 t/e radio link ailure will /appen
re8uentl$ and t/e call drop rate will 4e resulted.

#ccess control parameters

T/e access control parameters include t/e Minimum 1#(0 1+lev6 1#(0
4us$ t/res/old6 and so on. * t/e access control parameters are
irrationall$ set6 t/e call drop will 4e easil$ resulted.

T31-16 T31-'
T31-1 is started w/en t/e @S( sends a (0#NN&3 #(T*?#T& messa"e
to t/e @TS. *t stops w/en an &ST#@3*S0 *ND*(#T*ON messa"e is
received. T/is timer monitors t/e immediate assi"nment procedure. *
T31-1 e+pires6 t/e allocated c/annels will 4e removed.
T31-' is started w/en t/e @S( sends an #SS*.NM&NT (OMM#ND
messa"e to t/e @TS. Once t/e @S( receives t/e #SS*.NM&NT
(OMP3&T& messa"e rom t/e @TS6 t/is timer will reset. T31-' is used
to /old t/e c/annels lon" enou"/ so t/at t/e MS can return to t/e old
c/annel. Or it can also 4e used 4$ t/e MS to release a c/annel.
* t/e two timers are set to a too small value6 t/e s$stem will not /ave
enou"/ time to send t/e #SS*.NM&NT (OMP3&T& messa"e to t/e
@S(. *n t/is case6 t/e call drop will occur i t/e timer e+pires.

T2--> N2--
T2-- is an important timer used or t/e 3#PDm A3ink #ccess Procedure
on t/e Dm c/annelB. *t prevents t/e deadlock rom occurrin" w/en t/e
data is transerred across t/e data link la$er. *n .SM s$stem6 t/e
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e236 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
messa"es transerred across radio interaces can 4e divided into two
t$pes9 t/e messa"es needin" opposite acknowled"ement and t/e
messa"es not needin" opposite acknowled"ement.
5or t/e messa"es needin" opposite acknowled"ement6 a T2-- must 4e
started once t/e messa"e is sent. * t/e opposite acknowled"ement is not
received ater a period o time6 t/e messa"e s/ould 4e retransmitted. *n
t/is case6 t/e timer must 4e restarted. * t/e retransmission times e+ceed
t/e ma+imum allowed times6 t/e messa"e will no lon"er 4e retransmitted
and t/e link will 4e released. T/at is6 t/is call drops. N2-- is t/e
ma+imum retransmission times allowed. T2-- and N2-- /ave dierent
t$pes dependin" on c/annel t$pes AT(0 ull rate6 T(0 /al rate6 and
SD((0B and service t$pes Asi"nalin" and messa"esB. T/e "iven c/annel
t$pe and service t$pe matc/es a pair o T2-- and N2--.
T/e call drop rate can 4e reduced i t/e messa"e is retransmitted as earl$
as possi4le 4eore t/e opposite acknowled"ement is received. T/at is6
t/e value o T2-- must 4e set as small as possi4le and t/e value o N2--
must 4e set as "reat as possi4le. 0owever6 t/e T2-- cannot 4e set to a
too small value and t/e N2-- cannot 4e set to a too lar"e value. * t/e
opposite part$ /as acknowled"ed t/at t/e link /ad 4een removed6 t/e
retransmission will make nonsense.
T/ereore6 to reduce t/e call drop rate6 $ou can ad7ust t/e T2-- and N2--
accordin" to actual radio conditions.
''. Call %rop Cases
Case 14 Call drop !a"sed b* fre="en!* hoppin$ !ollision
3roblem anal*sis5
# @TS uses 1 + 3 15 re8uenc$ /oppin". #ter capacit$ e+pansion6 t/e T(0
allocation ailure rate is still /i"/ due to radio link pro4lems. *n addition6 t/e
T(0 call drop rate and incomin" /andover ailure rate are /i"/. T/e SD((0
call drop rate is normal.
3roblem positionin$ and sol"tion5
@ecause /i"/ call drop rate and /i"/ incomin" /andover ailure rate come
to"et/er wit/ t/e T(0 allocation rate6 it can 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e pro4lem ma$
arise durin" T(0 assi"nment or t/e c/annel num4ers or timeslots seized 4$
t/e call are interered or unsta4le. @ecause t/e SD((0 call drop rate is
normal6 it can 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e pro4a4ilit$ or t/e @((0 carriers and @((0
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2!6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
num4ers to t/e interered are small6 4ut t/e non:@((0 carriers and non:
@((0 num4ers ma$ 4e "reatl$ interered.
T/rou"/ c/eckin" t/e /ardware6 antenna eeder6 and transmission6 en"ineers
ound no pro4lem. #ccordin" to drive test6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e si"nal
level was /i"/ 4ut t/e 8ualit$ was poor. T/rou"/ on:site dialin" test6
en"ineers ound t/at t/e conversation 8ualit$ was poor. T/rou"/ c/eckin"
en"ineerin" parameters6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e M#*O o t/e new carrier
was t/e same as t/at o t/e old carrier. T/ereore6 it can 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e
call drop was caused 4$ t/e re8uenc$ /oppin" collision. #ter modi$in" t/e
M#*O6 en"ineers ound t/at call drop rate 4ecame normal.
Case 24 Call drop !a"sed b* isolated island effe!t
3roblem des!ription5
;sers complained t/at call drop alwa$s occurred a4ove t/e it/ loor o a
3roblem anal*sis5
1B T/rou"/ on:site test6 en"ineers ound t/at call drop and noise e+isted
/ere. #s ar as t/e test MS was concerned6 it was alwa$s in t/e service
area o t/e ot/er @TS A/ereunder called @TS @B ot/er t/an t/e local @TS
A/ereunder called @TS (B 4eore t/e call drop.
2B *t is estimated t/at t/e service cell 4elon"s to @TS @6 w/ic/ is 3:!
kilometers awa$ rom t/e 4uildin". T/ereore6 it can 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e
si"nals rom t/e @TS @ are relected si"nals. #s a result6 an area similar
to an isolated island is ormed.
3B T/rou"/ c/eckin" data coni"uration6 en"ineers ound t/at onl$ t/e cell 2
o @TS # /as t/e nei"/4or cell relations/ip wit/ @TS @. T/ereore6 w/en
t/e MS is usin" t/e si"nals in cell 2 o t/e @TS @6 i t/e si"nals in cell 3 o
@TS # were stron"6 and i t/e cell 2 o @TS @ /as no nei"/4or cell
relations/ip wit/ t/e cell 3 o t/e @TS #6 t/e /andover cannot 4e
T/e si"nals rom t/e cell 2 o @TS @ are relected man$ times. T/ereore6
w/en si"nals Arom @TS @B received 4$ t/e MS 4ecame poor dramaticall$6
emer"ent /andover ma$ 4e initiated. *n t/is case6 /owever6 eit/er t/e cell
2 or cell 3 o t/e @TS # is not an ideal candidate cell or t/e cell 2 o @TS
@. #s a result6 t/e MS ma$ /and over to ot/er @TS A/ereunder called @TS
(B6 4ut t/e MS cannot receive t/e si"nals rom @TS (. T/ereore6 call
drop occurs.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e226 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
=ou are recommended to c/an"e t/e data in t/e @#1 A@((0B list6 @#2
AS#((0B list6 and nei"/4or cell relations/ip list. 5or e+ample6 $ou can
coni"ure t/e cell 3 o @TS # as t/e nei"/4or cell o cell 2 o @TS @. To
eliminate t/e isolated island eect6 $ou s/ould also urt/er optimize t/e
en"ineerin" parameters. #ter t/at6 t/e call drop pro4lem can 4e solved.
Case +4 Red"!e !all drop rate thro"$h optimizin$ hando&er parameters
3roblem des!ription5
T/e drive test in an area ound t/at t/e call drop rate at a cave near t/e @TS
/i"/ 4ecause t/e /andover cannot 4e perormed in due time.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
T/e cave is near t/e @TS. T/e si"nal level o t/e tar"et cell is a4out :8-d@m
in t/e cave6 4ut t/e si"nal level o t/e old cell drops 4elow :1--d@m. T/e
downlink power o t/e two cells outside t/e cave is "ood6 so t/e /andover
cannot 4e initiated. 0owever6 t/e si"nal level deteriorates dramaticall$ in t/e
cave6 so t/e call drop occurs 4eore t/e measurement time is arrivin".
To reduce t/e call drop rate6 $ou can optimize and ad7ust t/e /andover
1B * no pin":pon" /andover is present and t/e conversation is continuous6
$ou can make t/e P@.T /andover /appen as easil$ as possi4le.
2B Set t/e t/res/old to tri""er t/e emer"ent /andover rationall$ so t/at t/e
emer"ent /andover can 4e tri""ered 4eore call drop.
5or t/e parameter modiication6 see
Table 1.1 0andover parameter optimization
Parameter Name @eore
#ter Modiication
P@.T /andover measurement time 2 3
P@.T /andover duration ! 2
P@.T /andover t/res/old '2 %8
;plink 8ualit$ t/res/old or
emer"ent /andover
'- %-
Minimum downlink power or
/andover candidate cell
1- 12
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2%6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
Case ,4 Call drop !a"sed b* !lo!k problem
3roblem des!ription5
T/e cell # o an 18--M0z network /as 4een cutover. #ter t/e esta4lis/ment
o a cell at site @6 t/e calls made in t/e cell /andin" over to t/e .SM,-- M0z
cell t/at s/ares t/e same @TS site drops in t/e .SM,-- M0z cell. #nd t/e
call drop rate is "reat.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
&n"ineers ind t/at t/e clock o t/e .SM,-- M0z @TS and t/at o t/e
.SM18-- M0z @TS are as$nc/ronous. </en t/e calls esta4lis/ed on t/e
.SM18-- M0z cell intend to /and over to t/e .SM,-- M0z cell6 t/e drive
test data s/ows t/at t/e 5&1 arises dramaticall$ irst6 and t/en "raduall$
disappears to none. * t/e /andover is rom a .SM,-- M0z cell to a
.SM18-- M0z cell6 t/is p/enomenon is also present. T/rou"/ monitorin"
si"nalin"6 en"ineers ind t/at t/e conversation /eld several seconds 4eore
t/e call drop is 7ust process or call re:esta4lis/ment. 0owever6 t/e test MS
s/ows t/at t/e call /as 4een /anded over to t/e .SM,-- M0z cell.
T/ereore6 it can 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e clocks are seriousl$ as$nc/ronous. To
solve t/is pro4lem6 t/e carrier concerned and t/e .SM,-- e8uipment
provider cooperate wit/ eac/ ot/er on clock cali4ration. #ter t/at6 t/e
a4normal call drop disappears. T/ereore6 or dual:4and /andover6 t/e clock
o t/e .SM,-- M0z @TS and t/at o t/e .SM18-- M0z @TS must 4e
8.1., 0ando&er roblems
T/e MS is alwa$s movin" durin" conversation. To ensure c/annel 8ualit$6 t/e
MS must measure t/e 8ualit$ o t/e c/annels o t/e surroundin" c/annels
wit/out stop6 and t/en send t/e measurement report to t/e @S( t/rou"/ t/e
service cell. T/e @S( will perorm radio link control accordin" to t/e si"nal
level and 8ualit$ contained in t/e measurement report. * t/e MS moves to
anot/er cell6 t/e new cell will replace t/e old cell to ensure t/e continuit$ o
t/e service. T/e /andover ena4les eac/ cell to orm a seamless network.
'. 0ando&er roblem ositionin$ Steps
1B 5ind out i t/e pro4lem occurs at an individual cell or all cells and ind out
t/e c/aracteristics o t/e pro4lem cells. 5or e+ample6 i t/e cells are t/e
nei"/4ors cell o a cell6 or i t/e$ are co:@S( cells6 or i t/e$ are co:MS(
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2'6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
* t/e /andover 4etween two cells ails6 $ou s/ould ocus on c/eckin" i
t/e data o t/e two cells is correctl$ coni"ured. *n addition6 $ou s/ould
also c/eck t/e /ardware o t/e two cells.
* t/e pro4lem is ound in all t/e nei"/4or cells o a cell6 $ou s/ould ocus
on c/eckin" o t/e data o t/is cell is correctl$ coni"ured. *n addition6 $ou
s/ould also c/eck t/e /ardware o t/e cell.
* t/e pro4lem is ound in all t/e cells under t/e same @S(6 $ou s/ould
ocus on c/eckin" t/e data coni"uration 4etween t/e @S( and MS(.
* t/e pro4lem is ound in all t/e cells under t/e same MS(6 t/e
cooperation 4etween t/e local e+c/an"e and t/e opposite e+c/an"e ma$
ail. 5or e+ample6 t/e si"nalin" is incompati4le and t/e timer settin" is
2B (/eck i t/e data /as 4een modiied 4eore /andover pro4lems occur.
* t/e pro4lem is ound in an individual cell6 $ou s/ould ocus on c/eckin"
i t/e data coni"uration or t/is cell /as 4een modiied.
* t/e pro4lem is ound in all t/e cells under t/e same @S(6 $ou s/ould
ocus on c/eckin" t/e data coni"uration or t/e local @S( and t/e
opposite MS( /as 4een modiied.
* t/e pro4lem is ound in t/e cells under t/e same MS(6 $ou s/ould
c/eck i t/e data coni"uration or t/e opposite MS( /as 4een modiied.
3B (/eck i it is t/e /ardware ailure t/at causes t/e /andover pro4lem.
!B 1e"ister t/e related traic statistics items6 suc/ as t/e /andover
perormance measurement and T(0 perormance measurement.

(/eck i t/e T(0 seizure o t/e pro4lem cell is normal. 5or

e+ample6 i t/e call drop rate is /i"/.

(/eck i t/e out"oin" /andover success rate is normal.

5ind out t/e causes or t/e /andover ailure.

(/eck i t/e radio /andover success rate is normal.

2B Perorm drive test or t/e pro4lem cell and anal$ze t/e drive test

(/eck i t/e uplink and downlink o t/e pro4lem cells are 4alanced6
4ecause un4alanced pat/ ma$ cause /andover pro4lem A@TS
pro4lem ma$ cause t/e un4alanceB.

(/eck i t/e measurement report or t/e pro4lem cell contains

correct nei"/4or cell list.

(/eck i a call can /and over rom a pro4lem cell to a nei"/4or cell
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e286 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
correctl$ and c/eck i it can /and over rom a nei"/4or cell to t/e
pro4lem cell.

#nal$ze i t/e si"nalin" procedure or t/e /andover is normal.

''. 0ando&er roblem )nal*sis Methods
i; 0ando&er !annot be initiated
* t/e MS is in a cell w/ere t/e si"nal is poor6 it cannot /and over to anot/er
cell. *n t/is case6 $ou s/ould consider o t/e /andover conditions are met and
i t/ere is an out"oin" cell availa4le.
0ereunder details t/e possi4le reasons9

T/e /andover t/res/old is set to a low value

5or ed"e /andover6 t/e /andover tri""erin" condition is t/at t/e 1+lev
must 4e smaller t/an t/e /andover t/res/old. * t/e ed"e /andover
t/res/old is set to a too small value6 t/e si"nal level o t/e nei"/4or cells
will 4e ar /i"/er t/an t/at o t/e service cell. *n t/is case6 t/e /andover
cannot 4e initiated. #s a result6 t/e conversation 8ualit$ will 4e aected6
or even t/e call drop will 4e resulted. T/e settin" o t/e /andover
t/res/old depends on t/e covera"e scope o t/e cell. =ou can c/an"e t/e
size o t/e service area o t/e cell t/rou"/ c/an"in" t/e /andover

Nei"/4or cell relations/ip is not set

T/ou"/ t/e si"nal level in t/e nei"/4or cells o t/e service cell is /i"/6 t/e
MS will not report t/e nei"/4or cells i t/e nei"/4or cell relations/ip is not
set. *n t/is case6 t/e MS cannot /and over to a nei"/4or cell. T/rou"/
perormin" cell reselection or dialin" test6 $ou can c/eck t/e nei"/4or cell
list reported 4$ t/e MS. * t/e MS /as moved to t/e ma7or lo4e o a cell
4ut t/is cell is not ound in t/e nei"/4or cell list6 $ou s/ould c/eck i t/e
correct nei"/4or cell relations/ip /as 4een correctl$ set. Durin" t/e drive
test6 $ou can use anot/er MS to scan t/e @((0 num4ers to c/eck i t/e
stron" @((0 num4ers are in t/e service cell or in t/e nei"/4or cell list.

0andover /$steresis is irrationall$ set

* t/e dierence 4etween t/e si"nal level o t/e /andover candidate cell
and t/at o t/e service cell is "reater t/an /andover /$steresis6 t/e cell
can work as a tar"et cell. * t/e /$steresis is set to a too "reat value6 t/e
/andover is /ard to 4e initiated.

T/e 4est measurement time ONP and OPP are irrationall$ set
Durin" normal /andover6 t/e MS uses N:P rules to list t/e /andover
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e2,6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
candidate cells in a certain order. * a candidate cell is t/e 4est cell wit/in
P seconds out o N seconds6 it will 4e treated as t/e 4est cell.
</en t/ere are two cells 4ecome t/e 4est cell alternatel$6 t/e MS ma$
ind it /ard to select a 4est cell t/rou"/ N:P rule6 w/ic/ makes t/e
/andover diicult. *n t/is case6 $ou can ad7ust t/e values o N and P and
reduce t/e measurement time to make t/e /andover decision more
sensitive to level c/an"e.
* t/e landorm and t/e "round o47ects o t/e service cell are 8uite
complicated6 t/e si"nals received 4$ t/e movin" MS will luctuate "reatl$.
*n t/is case6 t/e /andover candidate cell cannot meet N:P rule6 w/ic/ will
make t/e /andover diicult.
ii; 0ando&er problem !a"sed b* hardware fail"re
* t/e data coni"uration or t/e pro4lem cell and t/e nei"/4or cells /as
not 4een modiied recentl$ 4ut t/e /andover pro4lems occur a4ruptl$6 $ou
s/ould irst consider i t/e pro4lems are caused 4$ @TS /ardware
* t/e cells s/arin" t/e same 4ase station wit/ t/e cell /ave similar
pro4lem6 $ou s/ould consider i t/e pro4lem is caused 4$ t/e common
/ardware o t/e cells.
* t/e pro4lem is ound in onl$ one cell under t/e 4ase station6 $ou s/ould
consider i it is t/e /ardware o t/is cell t/at causes t/e pro4lem. 5or
e+ample6 i some o t/e carriers are dama"ed. To test t/e pro4lems o t/is
kind6 $ou can disa4le some o t/e carriers. * t/e /andover success rate
returns to normal state ater a carrier is disa4led6 $ou can c/eck i t/e
pro4lem is present at t/is carrier or i t/e (D; and antenna eeder part
related to t/is carrier ails. * si"nals o a cell on t/e uplink and downlink
are seriousl$ un4alanced6 re8uent /andover will 4e caused and t/e
/andover success rate will decrease.
To c/eck i t/e si"nalin" low o t/e cell is normal and i t/e uplink 1+8ual
and downlink 1+8ual are "ood6 $ou can monitor t/e messa"es sent
across t/e #4is interace. * t/e 1+8ual is poor6 it means t/at t/e /ardware
e8uipment o t/e ails or serious intererence is present in t/e cell. *n t/is
case6 t/e si"nalin" e+c/an"e is unavaila4le and t/e /andover pro4lem
will occur.
iii; 0ando&er problem !a"sed b* irrational data !onfi$"ration

5or stand:alone networkin" mode6 i t/e out"oin" MS( or incomin" MS(

2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%-6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
/andover is a4normal6 $ou s/ould c/eck i t/e si"nalin" cooperation o
t/e two MS(s is correct. *n addition6 $ou s/ould also c/eck i t/e data
coni"uration or t/e opposite MS( and t/e local MS( /as 4een modiied

5or co:MS( networkin" mode6 i t/e /andover is perormed wit/in t/e

@S(s o dierent providers and t/e inter:@S( /andover is a4normal6 $ou
s/ould irst c/eck i t/e si"nalin" cooperation 4etween t/e @S(s is
normal6 and t/en c/eck i t/e data coni"uration or t/e @S(s /as 4een

* t/e a4normal /andover is ound at a cell onl$6 $ou need to anal$ze t/e
a4normal /andover accordin" to actual conditions.
* t/e incomin" /andover o a cell is a4normal6 $ou need irst c/eck i t/e
incomin" /andovers to t/is cell is a4normal. .enerall$6 w/en t/e
/andover is a4normal6 t/e /andover success rate is low6 or even t/e
/andover does not occur.
* all t/e incomin" /andovers to t/is cell is a4normal6 $ou s/ould c/eck i
t/e data coni"uration or t/is cell is correct. 0ere t/e data coni"uration
includes 4ot/ t/e data coni"ured or t/is cell and t/e data coni"ured or
ot/er cells 4ut is related to t/is cell. 5or e+ample6 t/e (.* o t/is cell ma$
4e correctl$ coni"ured6 4ut it ma$ 4e wron"l$ coni"ured in ot/er cells.
* t/ere is onl$ one incomin" /andover to a cell is a4normal 4ut ot/er
incomin" /andovers to t/is cell are normal6 in addition to c/eckin" i t/e
data coni"uration or t/is cell is correct6 $ou s/ould also c/eck i t/e data
coni"uration or t/e nei"/4or cells is correct. 5urt/ermore6 $ou s/ould
also c/eck i t/e /ardware e8uipment o t/e cell is normal.
T/e met/ods to anal$ze t/e a4normal out"oin" /andovers are similar to
t/e met/ods to anal$ze t/e a4normal incomin" /andovers.

(/eck t/e timers Asuc/ as T31-26 N$16 T31-36 and T31!2B related to t/e
T31-2 indicates t/e interval or continuous P0=S*(#3 *N5O1M#T*ON to 4e
sent to t/e MS. T/e network will start T31-2 or t/e sendin" o t/e P0=S*(#3
*N5O1M#T*ON. * t/e timer ails 4eore receivin" an$ correct rame rom t/e
MS6 t/e network will resend t/e P0=S*(#3 *N5O1M#T*ON and restart t/e
timer. # piece o P0=S*(#3 *N5O1M#T*ON can 4e sent N$1 times to t/e
ma+imum. 0ere t/e product o N$1 and T31-2 must 4e "reater t/an t/e sum
o T312! and delta AOdeltaP indicates t/e interval 4etween t/e e+pir$ o T312!
and t/e reception o t/e 0andover 5ailure messa"e o t/e old @S(B6
ot/erwise t/e MS cannot perorm successul /andover.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%16 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
T312! is a timer waitin" or t/e P0=S*(#3 *N5O1M#T*ON rom t/e network
side durin" as$nc/ronous /andover. </en sendin" t/e 0#NDO?&1
#((&SS messa"e on t/e D((0 or t/e irst time6 t/e MS will start T312!.
;pon receivin" a piece o P0=S*(#3 *N5O1M#T*ON6 t/e MS will stop
T312!. * t/e c/annel t$pe allocated in t/e 0#NDO?&1 (OMM#ND messa"e
is SD((0 AKS#((0B6 t/e T312! is set to %'2ms. 5or ot/er cases6 t/e T312!
is set to 32-ms.
'''. 0ando&er Cases
Case 14 No hando&er !andidate !ell is a&ailable d"e to CG' error
3roblem des!ription5
T/e /andover in an area is a4normal. </en t/e MS moves rom cell # to cell
@6 t/e si"nals in cell @ are stron"er t/an t/at o cell #6 4ut t/e /andover does
not /appen. #ter t/e MS moves rom cell @ to cell (6 t/e MS /ands over rom
cell # to cell (.
3Ca"se anal*sis5
* a cell can work as a service cell and can /and over to ot/er cells6 4ut t/e
incomin" /andover is unavaila4le6 $ou can c/eck i t/e (.*6 @S*(6 @((0
num4er o t/e cell are correct.
3roblem sol"tion5
1B ;se t/e test MS to lock t/e @((0 num4ers o cell @. T/e call is normal.
T/e MS can /and over to an$ ot/er cell 4$ orce.
2B Make a call ater lockin" t/e @((0 um4er o an$ nei"/4or cell o cell @6
and t/en orce t/e MS to /and over to cell @6 4ut t/e /andover does not
/appen6 4ecause no /andover command is seen in t/e drive test
3B T/e /andover procedure re8uires t/e MS detectin" t/e nei"/4or cell
si"nals and reportin" t/e detected si"nals to @S( wit/ a measurement
report. ;pon receivin" t/e measurement report6 t/e @S( must make t/e
/andover decision. * t/e /andover conditions are met6 t/e @S( s/ould
activate t/e T(0 o t/e service cell6 and t/en send a /andover command
to t/e MS.
!B * t/e si"nals o cell @ are ar stron"er t/an t/at o cell # and t/e
/andover conditions are met At/e P@.T /andover t/res/old is '-B6 4ut no
/andover command is sent6 it means t/at errors occur durin" t/e
activation o t/e tar"et cell T(0.
2B * t/e cell @ works as t/e tar"et cell 4ut t/e T(0 cannot 4e activated6 t/e
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%26 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
data ma$ 4e incorrectl$ coni"ured or t/e cell. *n t/is case6 t/e @S( t/at
contains t/e cell cannot ind t/e tar"et cell6 so t/e T(0 cannot 4e
activated and no /andover command can 4e ound in t/e service cell.
%B T/e (.* error is ound in cell @ t/rou"/ data c/eckin". T/e /andover is
normal ater t/e (.* is c/an"ed to correct value.
Case 24 7nbalan!ed path !a"ses low hando&er s"!!ess rate
3roblem des!ription5
T/e incomin" @S( /andover success rate is 8uite low or t/e two cells under
a @TS6 ran"in" rom 1-H to 3-H.
3Ca"se anal*sis5
.enerall$6 i t/e data pro4lems6 suc/ as (.* error or intra:re8uenc$
intererence6 e+ists and i t/ere is dead zones in /eav$:traic areas6 or i it is
/ard or t/e MS to access t/e cell due to poor uplink si"nals6 t/e incomin"
@S( /andover success rate is low.
1B T/e cell data is ound normal.
2B T/rou"/ c/eckin" traic statistics items6 en"ineers ound t/at all
incomin" cell /andover success rates were low.
3B T/rou"/ drive test6 en"ineers ound t/at re8uent /andover attempts
were made in t/e area 2km awa$ rom t/e @TS6 4ut t/e /andover alwa$s
ailed. &ven i a successul /andover was made6 call drop occurred
immediatel$. Durin" t/e /andover6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e downlink
level was a4out :82d@m. &n"ineers made 1- dialin" tests wit/ re8uenc$
locked6 all t/e ori"inatin" calls ailed. 5or t/e answerin" calls6 t/e$ can 4e
connected 4ut cannot 4e called out.
!B *t is estimated t/at t/e (D; uplink c/annel loss is "reat6 or t/e 7umpers
are incorrectl$ connected at t/e @TS top. *n t/is case6 t/e uplink si"nals
will 4e poor6 w/ic/ causes t/e pro4lem.
2B #ter c/an"in" t/e (D;6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e incomin" /andover
success rate increased to ,2H.
Case +4 'mproper antenna plannin$ !a"ses low hando&er s"!!ess rate
3roblem anal*sis5
T/e /andover success rate amon" t/e t/ree cells under a @TS is 8uite low
accordin" to traic statistics. 5or t/e /andover rom cell1 to cell3 and t/e
/andover rom cell2 to cell36 t/e success rate is lower t/an 3-H.
3Ca"se anal*sis5
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%36 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
.enerall$6 low /andover success rate is caused 4$ 4oard ailure6 /andover
data error6 or improper antenna plannin".
1B T/e @TS /ardware is normal and no alarm concernin" /andover
parameters is "enerated6 so t/e /ardware pro4lem and parameter settin"
pro4lem can 4e e+cluded.
2B T/e @TS locates at t/e eastern side o a sout/:nort/ road and is '--m
awa$ rom t/e road. T/e azimut/ an"les o t/e t/ree cells are -S6 8-Sand
1%-S. T/e$ t/ree cells direct to t/e two directions and t/e open resident
areas l$in" under a /ill in t/e east respectivel$. #mon" t/e t/ree cells6
t/e down tilts o two cells are 'S. To make t/e covera"e as speciied as
possi4le6 en"ineers concentrated t/e antenna azimut/ an"les o t/e t/ree
cells in desi"n. *n t/is case6 /owever6 t/e cells o t/e @TS are seriousl$
overlapped in t/e east. 5or t/e areas 7ust in t/e west6 t/e covera"e is
provided 4$ t/e side lo4es and 4ack lo4es o t/e t/ree cells. T/ereore6
w/en t/e MS is movin" on t/is road6 irst it is covered 4$ cell1. </en it
moves to t/e west6 t/e si"nals o t/e t/ree cells are poor and luctuatin"
"reatl$. *n addition6 since t/e /andover measurement time and t/e
/andover duration is set to a small value6 t/e /andover is rat/er
sensitive6 and t/atLs w/$ t/e re8uent /andover ailure occurs.
3B #ter settin" t/e azimut/ an"les o t/e t/ree cells to %-S6 18-S6 and 32-S6
en"ineers ound t/at t/e /andover success rate o amon" t/e t/ree cells
increased to ,2H.
Case ,4 roblems !on!ernin$ the !ooperation of different !arriers>
e="ipment !a"se low o"t$oin$ (SC hando&er s"!!ess rate
3roblem des!ription5
T/ere is a dual:4and network in w/ic/ t/e .SM,-- M0z network and t/e
.SM18-- M0z network are stand:alone. #ter t/e two networks completed
cell reselection and /andover parameter settin"6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e
dual:4and /andover success rate was low> especiall$ t/e success rate o t/e
/andover rom t/e .SM18-- M0z network to t/e .SM,-- M0z network was
low6 ran"in" rom %-H to 8-H. 0owever6 t/e success rate o t/e /andover
rom t/e .SM,-- M0z network to t/e .SM18-- M0z network was /i"/er
t/an ,2H.
3Ca"se anal*sis5
5or a dual:4and network6 i t/e pro4lems concernin" t/e cooperation o
dierent carriersL e8uipment are ound6 $ou must know t/e data coni"uration
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%!6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
o t/e e8uipment. 5or e+ample6 i t/e e8uipment supports P/ase 2K and &51.
1B T/rou"/ usin" si"nalin" anal$zer to anal$ze t/e messa"e lowin" across
t/e #:interace and &:interace6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e MS( o t/e
.SM18-- M0z network would send 4ack a 0andover 1e7ect messa"e to
t/e @S( o t/e .SM18-- M0z network w/en t/e @S( sent a 0andover
1e8uired messa"e to t/e MS(.
2B T/e MS( o t/e .SM18-- M0z network sent a Prepare 0andover
messa"e to t/e MS( o t/e .SM,-- M0z network. ;pon receivin" t/e
messa"e6 t/e MS( o t/e .SM,-- M0z network sent 4ack an #4ort
3B @ecause t/e success rate o t/e /andover rom .SM,-- M0z network to
t/e .SM18-- M0z network was /i"/6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e voice
version carried in t/e Prepare 0andover messa"e Arom t/e .SM,--
MS( to .SM18-- MS(B is /al rate version 16 4ut t/e voice versions
carried in t/e Prepare 0andover messa"e Arom .SM18-- MS( to
.SM,-- MS(B are ull rate version 16 ull rate version 26 and /al rate
version 16 w/ic/ 4elon" to P0#S& 2K. 0owever6 MS( o provider # does
not support t/e P0#S& 2K6 so t/e /andover ailure is caused.
!B T/rou"/ modi$in" t/e MS( data o t/e circuit MS( data at t/e #:
interace and selectin" t/e ull rate version 1 onl$6 en"ineers ound t/at
t/e voice versions carried in t/e Prepare 0andover messa"e Arom
.SM18-- MS( to .SM,-- MS(B are ull rate 1 and 2. #ter t/at6 t/e
dual:4and /andover success rate was "reatl$ increased.
8.1.1 Con$estion roblems
T/is section introduces t/e met/ods to /andle SD((0 con"estion and T(0
con"estion6 in w/ic/ T(0 con"estion indicates SD((0 seizure all 4us$. T/e
T(0 con"estion /as two cases. One is T(0 seizure all 4us$. 5or t/is case6
t/e real c/annels cannot 4e allocated to t/e MS6 so t/e MS will ail to re8uest
t/e c/annels. T/e ot/er one is t/at t/e T(0 assi"nment ails ater an
assi"nment is sent due to various reasons.
'. Con$estion roblem Sol"tions

(on"estion caused 4$ /eav$ traic

=ou can c/eck i t/e SD((0 traic and T(0 traic are normal t/rou"/
viewin" traic statistics. * t/e con"estion is caused 4$ /eav$ traic6 t/e
most eicient met/od to solve t/e pro4lem is to e+pand t/e capacit$ o
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%26 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
t/e network. *n addition6 $ou can adopt traic s/arin" tec/nolo"ies to
ease t/e con"estion. 5or e+ample6 $ou can modi$ t/e (1O6 ena4le
direct retr$ or load /andover unction.

SD((0 con"estion caused 4$ 4urst traic

* t/e SD((0 con"estion rate is /i"/ and t/e traic is /eav$ 4ut t/e T(0
traic is normal6 t/e SD((0 con"estion ma$ 4e caused 4$ 4urst traic.
T/e SD((0 con"estion alwa$s occurs at @TSs alon" railwa$s and tunnel
e+its6 4ecause t/e @TSs are installed in remote places and t/e capacit$
o a @TS is small. #s a result6 w/en t/e train moves ast alon" t/e
railwa$s or stops at a railwa$ station6 most o MSs ailin" to capture a
network will perorm location update6 w/ic/ will result in SD((0
con"estion. *n addition6 w/en s/ort messa"es are sent at a concentrated
time6 t/e SD((0 con"estion will also occur easil$. SD((0 con"estion
cannot 4e completel$ avoided6 4ut some measures can 4e taken to ease
t/e con"estion. 5or e+ample6 $ou can add t/e num4er o SD((0s6 or
ena4le t/e d$namic conversion 4etween SD((0 and T(0.

(on"estion caused 4$ T1N pro4lems

</en a carrier coni"ured in a multi:T1N cell cannot provide services6 t/e
c/annel con"estion will also occur. To solve t/e pro4lem6 $ou s/ould
replace t/e pro4lem T1N wit/ a sound one. * t/e T1N pro4lem cannot 4e
positioned6 $ou s/ould c/eck i t/e antenna eeder connection is correct
and i t/e antenna standin" wave is normal. * $es6 rec/eck t/e T1N
w/ere t/e pro4lem ma$ 4e "enerated.

(on"estion caused 4$ intererence

T/e intererence present across t/e radio interaces will also cause
con"estion. *n t/is case6 $ou s/ould solve t/e intererence pro4lem irst.

(/annel assi"nment ailure caused 4$ inconsistent covera"e

* t/e concentric tec/nolo"$ is not used6 t/e transmit power o t/e T1Ns
wit/in t/e same cell will 4e inconsistent6 w/ic/ will result in inconsistent
covera"e. *n t/is case6 t/e c/annel assi"nment ailure will easil$ occur. To
position t/is pro4lem6 $ou can c/eck i t/e connection 4etween t/e splitter
and connector and i t/e connection 4etween (D; and S(; are correct.
</en a cell uses multiple transmitter antennas6 inconsistent covera"e will
4e inconsistent6 w/ic/ will result in c/annel assi"nment ailure. To solve
t/is pro4lem6 $ou s/ould make t/e covera"e o eac/ transmitter antenna
as consistent as possi4le t/rou"/ en"ineerin" ad7ustment.
*n addition6 i t/e transmitter antenna and t/e receiver antenna o a cell is
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%%6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
not in t/e same plane or t/e antenna tilt an"les are inconsistent6 t/e
c/annel assi"nment ailure will also 4e caused. *n t/is case6 $ou can
cali4rate t/e antennas to solve t/e pro4lem.

(on"estion caused improper data coni"uration

* t/e con"estion is caused 4$ improper location area plannin"6 $ou can
reduce t/e SD((0 con"estion rate 4$ plannin" t/e location area
* t/e con"estion is caused 4$ t/e pro4lems concernin" SD((0 d$namic
allocation6 $ou can reduce t/e SD((0 con"estion rate 4$ ena4lin" t/e
SD((0 d$namic allocation unction.
5or dual:4and network6 $ou can properl$ set t/e parameters Asuc/ as
(1O6 (@#6 and cell reselection /$steresisB to reduce t/e SD((0
con"estion rate.
* t/e timers6 suc/ as T31-16 T31-36 T31-'6 T31226 T32126 and T31116
are not properl$ set6 SD((0 con"estion will also 4e caused.
0ereunder are t/e solutions to t/e previous pro4lems.
=ou can ease t/e con"estion caused 4$ SD((0 dual allocation t/rou"/
reducin" t/e T31-1 to a smaller value. * t/e T31-1 is set to a lar"e value6
t/e radio resources will 4e seized or a lon" period o time. To ull$ use
t/e radio resources6 t/ereore6 $ou can reduce t/e T31-1 value.
=ou can save t/e T(0 resources t/rou"/ reducin" t/e T31-3 and T31-'
to a rational value. .enerall$6 T31-3 and T31-' are set to a4out 2
T/e T3122 must 4e stopped once t/e MS receives an *MM&D*#T&
#SS*.N 1&Q&(T messa"e. Onl$ ater t/e T3122 e+pires6 t/e MS can
send a new c/annel re8uest messa"e. * t/e MS sends c/annel re8uest
messa"es re8uentl$6 t/e 1#(0 load and (((0 load will increase. To
solve t/is pro4lem6 $ou can increase t/e T3122 to a lar"er value.
T3212 stands or t/e time limit value or periodical location update. =ou
can ease t/e SD((0 load 4$ increasin" t/e T3212 to a lar"er value.
T3111 is related to release latenc$. *t is used or t/e deactivation o t/e
latenc$ c/annels ater t/e ma7or si"nalin" link 4reaks. T3111 can 4e
initiated durin" eit/er T(0 release or SD((0 release. T/e value o T3111
must 4e consistent wit/ t/at o t/e T311- at t/e MS side. .enerall$6 it
s/ould 4e 2 seconds. * t/e T3111 is set to a lar"e value6 "reat SD((0
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%'6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
con"estion rate ma$ 4e caused.
''. Con$estion Cases
Case 14 S%CC0 !on$estion !a"sed b* wron$ 2)C !onfi$"ration
# @TS is coni"ured as S1F1F1. *t is ound t/at t/e SD((0 con"estion rate or
2 cells reac/es as /i"/ as 8H.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
1B T/rou"/ c/eckin" t/e measurement inde+es or T(0 and SD((06
en"ineers ound t/at t/e T(0 traic was not /eav$. T/e traic volume or
eac/ cell durin" 4us$ /ours is lower t/an 2.2&rl. 0owever6 t/e re8uests
or SD((0 seizure are "reat6 reac/in" 3-32 times durin" 4us$ /ours.
T/e SD((0 traic reac/es 1.8%&rl6 and t/e con"estion rate reac/es 8H.
2B T/e main reasons or SD((0 seizure include t/e messa"es sent 4eore
call setup6 t/e messa"es sent durin" /andover6 t/e location update
messa"es sent under t/e idle mode6 and ot/er s/ort messa"es.
3B T/e T(0 traic is normal6 t/e re8uests or T(0 seizure Aincludin"
/andoverB are normal A318 timesB6 and t/e /andover re8uests are also
normal A1!% timesB. T/ereore6 t/e SD((0 con"estion ma$ 4e caused 4$
a lar"e num4er o location update messa"es or s/ort messa"es.
!B T/e 3#( o t/e @TS is -2--6 and t/e 3#(s o ot/er cells o t/e
surroundin" cells are -22-. #ter c/an"in" t/e 3#( o t/e @TS to -22-6
en"ineers ound t/at t/e re8uests or SD((0 seizure durin" 4us$ /ours
were 2,86 t/e SD((0 traic was -.2'&rl6 and t/e con"estion rate
reduced to -.
Case 24 S%CC0 !on$estion !a"sed b* b"rst lo!ation "pdates
3roblem des!ription5
T/e radio connected ratio o a local network is lower t/an avera"e level.
#ccordin" to traic statistics anal$sis6 it is ound t/at t/e SD((0 con"estion
/appened at several @TSs.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
1B T/rou"/ anal$zin" traic statistics6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e SD((0s o
t/e con"ested cells were seized or 3-- to !-- times durin" 4us$ /ours.
0ere t/e @TS was coni"ured as S1F1F1 and eac/ cell was coni"ured
wit/ 8 SD((0s. T/ereore6 t/e SD((0s can 4e seized 4$ !-- times6 4ut
t/e SD((0s were con"ested or tens o times durin" 4us$ /ours.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%86 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
2B #s ar as t/e re"istered traic statistics items were concerned6 most o
t/e SD((0 seizures were caused 4$ location update. Takin" t/e @TS
location into consideration6 en"ineers ound t/at most o t/e @TSs were
installed at t/e intersections o two railwa$s. T/ereore6 it mi"/t 4e t/e
4urst location update t/at caused SD((0 con"estion.
3B To veri$ i it was t/e 4urst location update t/at caused t/e con"estion6
en"ineers re"istered t/e traic statistics items in 2 minutes and ound
t/at most o t/e location update /appened wit/in t/e ive seconds.
T/rou"/ 8uer$in" t/e train time ta4le6 en"ineers ound t/at t/ere were !
to 2 trains passin" 4$ wit/in t/e ive seconds. </en t/e trains passed t/e
intersections6 a lar"e num4er o location updates were "enerated in a
s/ort time. *n t/is case6 t/e con"estion was caused.
T/ereore6 i t/e @TSs are installed at t/e railwa$ intersections6 $ou are
su""ested to ena4le t/e SD((0 d$namic allocation unction and coni"ure a
suita4le mar"in or t/e SD((0.
Case +4 Great TC0 !on$estion rate !a"sed b* the in!onsistent tilt
an$les of two antennas "nder the same !ell
3roblem des!ription5
*t is ound t/at t/e T(0 con"estion rate o a cell is "reat A"reater t/an 2HB
accordin" to traic statistics.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
1B T/rou"/ c/eckin" @S( traic statistics6 en"ineers ound t/at it was t/e
T(0 seizure ailure t/at directl$ caused t/e "reat T(0 con"estion rate.
2B .enerall$6 T(0 seizure ailure is caused 4$ T(0 assi"nment ailure.
T/rou"/ monitorin" #4is interace6 en"ineers ound t/at most o t/e T(0
assi"nment ailure occurred at t/e No.! T1N and No.2 T1N6 and t/e
pro4a4ilit$ or t/e assi"nment ailure rate or t/e No.! T1N was near t/at
or t/e No.2 T1N.
3B T/rou"/ c/eckin" t/e antenna eeder part6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e tile
an"le correspondin" to t/e transmitter antennas o t/e two T1Ns were
too "reat Ait is 1- de"rees t/an t/at o t/e antenna or @((06 4ecause
t/e antenna nuts were ound loosen. T/ereore6 i t/e MS is ar awa$
rom t/e @TS6 it can receive t/e @((0 si"nals 4ut cannot receive t/e
T(0 si"nals. * t/e T(0 is assi"ned to t/e MS w/en t/e MS starts a call6
t/e T(0 seizure ailure will occur.
!B To solve t/e pro4lem6 $ou can ena4le t/e tilt an"el o t/e T(0 antenna
and t/at o t/e @((0 antenna to 4e consistent wit/ eac/ ot/er. *n t/is
case6 t/e T(0 con"estion rate can 4e reduced to 2H or lower.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e%,6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
Case ,4 0i$h TC0 !on$estion rate !a"sed b* downlink interferen!e
3roblem des!ription5
# cell o @TS is responsi4le or coverin" a lar"e area o sea surace alon" t/e
coast. #ccordin" to t/e re"istered traic statistics items6 en"ineers ound t/at
w/en t/e traic volume was lower t/an 1&rl6 t/e T(0 con"estion o t/e cell
reac/ed 1-H at some time. 0owever6 no alarm was "enerated. #ll t/e
intererence 4ands ell wit/in t/e intererence 4and1 and t/e /ardware and
15 connections were normal.
3roblem anal*sis and sol"tion5
@ecause all t/e intererence 4ands ell wit/in t/e intererence 4and16 t/e
uplink intererence is impossi4le. (onsiderin" t/at t/e covera"e distance
reac/es %- to '- kilometers and multiple normal cells are present alon" t/e
coast6 t/e pro4a4ilit$ or t/e c/annel num4ers o t/e downlink areas and t/e
cell to 4e interered is /i"/. T/rou"/ modi$in" t/e c/annel num4ers o t/e
cell6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e T(0 con"estion rate was improved. T/rou"/
urt/er optimizin" t/e c/annel num4ers6 en"ineers ound t/at t/e T(0
con"estion rate was lower t/an 1H. T/ereore6 it can 4e 7ud"ed t/at t/e 1-H
o con"estion rate is caused 4$ t/e downlink intererence o some areas.
8.1.9 Other roblems
'. S"bs!riber 's Not in Ser&i!e )rea
</en a su4scri4er is not in service area6 t/e MS works as t/e called part$
w/en t/e si"nals received 4$ t/e MS are "ood and t/e callin" part$ /ears a
voice sa$in" t/at t/e su4scri4er is not in t/e service area. * t/e covera"e6
operation6 and data coni"uration o a network are "ood6 t/e occurrence
pro4a4ilit$ or t/e pro4lem must 4e lower t/an 1H6 ot/erwise it is ot/er
causes t/at result in t/e pro4lem.
.enerall$6 i a su4scri4er is not in t/e service area6 t/e ollowin" causes ma$
4e present9

(overa"e pro4lem
* t/e su4scri4er complaint /appens at cell ed"es6 t/e pro4lem ma$ 4e related
to covera"e. *n t/is case6 t/e pro4a4ilit$ or t/e callin" part$ ailure is e8ual to
t/e pro4a4ilit$ or t/e Osu4scri4er is not in service areaP.

Parameter settin"
* t/e su4scri4er is not in service area6 t/e parameters concernin" t/e pa"in"6
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e'-6 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
access6 and immediate assi"nment ma$ 4e not properl$ set. *n t/is case6 $ou
can c/eck i t/e messa"es concernin" 1#(0 overload6 P(0 overload6 and
SD((0 overload are "enerated t/rou"/ 8uer$in" traic statistics and alarms.
* $es6 t/e su4scri4er ma$ not in t/e service area.

S$stem capacit$ limit or overload

* s$stem capacit$ limit or overload occur Aor e+ample6 0D@ overload6 (P;
overload6 or capacit$ overload durin" 4us$ /oursB6 t/e s$stem ma$ ail to read
t/e su4scri4er inormation6 or su4scri4ers cannot access t/e radio network. *n
t/is case6 t/e su4scri4er ma$ not in t/e service area. To solve t/is pro4lem6
$ou can take measures to e+pand t/e s$stem capacit$.

Transmission pro4lem
* t/e links 4etween s$stems Asuc/ as t/e 3#PD link o t/e #4is interace and
t/e links o t/e eac/ network entit$B and t/e links wit/in a s$stem Asuc/ as t/e
link amon" t/e modules o @(SFMS(B are not sta4le6 t/e messa"es sent
t/rou"/ t/ese links ma$ 4e missin". *n t/is case6 su4scri4ers ma$ not in t/e
service area. To position t/e pro4lem6 $ou can c/eck t/e alarms.

&8uipment causes
* t/e desi"ns concernin" MS( and @S( are incomplete6 t/e pro4a4ilit$ o
Osu4scri4er is not in service areaP will increase.

MS causes
* t/e 15 parts or t/e sotware parts o t/e MS /ave pro4lems6 or e+ample6
t/e reception capa4ilit$ o t/e MS is poor> t/e re8uenc$ deviation "oes
4e$ond t/e re8uirements deined in t/e protocols> and t/e dual:4and
perormance o t/e MS is poor6 t/is pro4lem ma$ also occur.
''. Si$nal #l"!t"ation
Si"nal luctuation indicates t/at c/an"e o t/e MS si"nal stren"t/. T/e
ollowin" actors ma$ cause si"nal luctuation.

1adio wave propa"ation

T/e stren"t/ o t/e si"nals received 4$ t/e MS is t/e amplitude o t/e sum o
t/e vectors o various propa"ation pat/s. @ecause t/e propa"ation
environment is ever:c/an"in"6 t/e attenuation o radio c/annels is ever:
c/an"in". T/ereore6 even i t/e MS does not move6 t/e stren"t/ o t/e
received si"nals will c/an"e.

(ell reselection and /andover

</en t/e MS moves rom t/e old cell to t/e new cell t/rou"/ /andover or cell
reselection6 t/e si"nals o t/e MS will luctuate 4ecause t/e si"nal stren"t/ o
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e'16 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
t/e old cell and t/at o t/e new cell are inconsistent.

#ntenna s/ake
</en t/e antenna s/akes6 t/e antenna "ain will c/an"e6 so t/e si"nals will
also luctuate.

3ocation update or c/annel assi"nment occurs at non:@((0 T1N

* t/e SD((0 is assi"ned to a non:@((0 T1N durin" location update and
power control is availa4le on SD((06 t/e si"nal stren"t/ ma$ luctuate.
'''. ?oi!e %is!ontin"it*
?oice discontinuit$ stands or pauses or words loss occurs in conversation. *
t/e voice continuit$ is remarka4le6 t/e conversation 8ualit$ will 4e aected.
T/e ollowin" actors ma$ cause voice discontinuit$

5re8uent /andovers
Onl$ /ard /andover is availa4le in .SM s$stem. T/ereore6 w/en t/e MS
/ands over rom t/e source c/annel to t/e tar"et c/annel6 t/e downlink
rames ma$ loss at t/e #4is interace. #s a result6 t/e voice continuit$ is
unavoida4le durin" /andover. .enerall$6 re8uent /andovers ma$ occur at
cell ed"es or durin" cross covera"e. *n t/is case6 t/e voice discontinuit$ will
4ecome a /eadac/e o su4scri4ers. To avoid t/e re8uent /andovers6 $ou can
ad7ust t/e antenna tilt and /ei"/t and coni"ure t/e data6 suc/ as uplink and
downlink 8ualit$ t/res/old and restriction properl$.

1adio link intererence

1adio link intererence will increase t/e 4it error rate6 w/ic/ will cause voice
discontinuit$. *n addition6 t/e si"nals alwa$s luctuate "reatl$ at cell ed"es6 so
t/e conversation 8ualit$ at t/e cell ed"es is 4ad.

Poor network covera"e

* t/e network covera"e is poor6 t/e 1+lev and 1+8ual will 4ecome poor6 t/us
t/e conversation 8ualit$ will 4e aected.

@TS transmission pro4lem

@TS transmission pro4lems will aect conversation 8ualit$. 5or connectors6
$ou s/ould c/eck o t/e connection amon" t/e connector is "ood. 5or optical
transmission6 $ou s/ould c/eck i t/e optical /eaders are clean and i t/e
transmission errors are "reat. 5or micro wave transmission6 it ma$ 4e aected
4$ weat/er. * t/ere is lar"e amount o dust in t/e e8uipment6 t/e conversation
8ualit$ ma$ also 4e aected. * 4ot/ micro wave transmission and optical
transmission are used6 $ou s/ould pa$ attention to t/e cooperation o t/e
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e'26 Total'3
(/apter 8 .SM 1adio Network Optimization 5or internal use onl$
transmission impedance at t/e e8uipment interaces.

T1N 4oard ailure

0ardware pro4lem will result in poor conversation 8ualit$. *n t/is case6 $ou
s/ould replace t/e pro4lem /ardware wit/ t/e sound one.
2-1!:-2:1! 0;#<&* (onidential Pa"e'36 Total'3

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