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On April 1st, 1924, I began to sere !" senten#e o$ %etention in t&e Fortress o$ 'an%sberg a! 'e#&, $ollo(ing t&e er%i#t
o$ t&e )*ni#& Peoples Co*rt o$ t&at ti!e+
A$ter "ears o$ *ninterr*pte% labo*r it (as no( possible $or t&e $irst ti!e to begin a (or, (&i#& !an" &a% as,e% $or an%
(&i#& I !"sel$ $elt (o*l% be pro$itable $or t&e )oe!ent+ So I %e#i%e% to %eote t(o ol*!es to a %es#ription not onl" o$
t&e ai!s o$ o*r )oe!ent b*t also o$ its %eelop!ent+ T&ere is !ore to be learne% $ro! t&is t&an $ro! an" p*rel"
%o#trinaire treatise+
T&is &as also gien !e t&e opport*nit" o$ %es#ribing !" o(n %eelop!ent in so $ar as s*#& a %es#ription is ne#essar" to
t&e *n%erstan%ing o$ t&e $irst as (ell as t&e se#on% ol*!e an% to %estro" t&e legen%ar" $abri#ations (&i#& t&e -e(is&
Press &ae #ir#*late% abo*t !e+
In t&is (or, I t*rn not to strangers b*t to t&ose $ollo(ers o$ t&e )oe!ent (&ose &earts belong to it an% (&o (is& to st*%"
it !ore pro$o*n%l"+ I ,no( t&at $e(er people are (on oer b" t&e (ritten (or% t&an b" t&e spo,en (or% an% t&at eer"
great !oe!ent on t&is eart& o(es its gro(t& to great spea,ers an% not to great (riters+
.eert&eless, in or%er to pro%*#e !ore e/*alit" an% *ni$or!it" in t&e %e$en#e o$ an" %o#trine, its $*n%a!ental prin#iples
!*st be #o!!itte% to (riting+ )a" t&ese t(o ol*!es t&ere$ore sere as t&e b*il%ing stones (&i#& I #ontrib*te to t&e 0oint
T&e Fortress, 'an%sberg a! 'e#&+
At &al$1past t(ele in t&e a$ternoon o$ .oe!ber 9t&, 1922, t&ose (&ose na!es are gien belo( $ell in $ront o$ t&e
Fel%&errn&alle an% in t&e $ore#o*rt o$ t&e $or!er 3ar )inistr" in )*ni#& $or t&eir lo"al $ait& in t&e res*rre#tion o$ t&eir
Al$art&, Feli5, )er#&ant, born -*l" 6t&, 1971
8a*rie%l, An%reas, Hat!a,er, born )a" 4t&, 19:9
Casella, T&eo%or, 8an, O$$i#ial, born A*g*st 9t&, 1977
E&rli#&, 3il&el!, 8an, O$$i#ial, born A*g*st 19t&, 1994
Fa*st, )artin, 8an, O$$i#ial, born -an*ar" 2:t&, 1971
He#&enberger, Anton, 'o#,s!it&, born Septe!ber 29t&, 1972
;oerner, Os,ar, )er#&ant, born -an*ar" 4t&, 19:6
;*&n, ;arl, Hea% 3aiter, born -*l" 26t&, 199:
'a$or#e, ;arl, St*%ent o$ Engineering, born O#tober 29t&, 1974
.e*ba*er, ;*rt, 3aiter, born )ar#& 2:t&, 1999
Pape, Cla*s on, )er#&ant, born A*g*st 1<t&, 1974
P$or%ten, T&eo%or on %er, Co*n#illor to t&e S*perior Proin#ial Co*rt, born )a" 14t&, 19:2
Ri#,!ers, -o&ann, retire% Caalr" Captain, born )a" :t&, 1991
S#&e*bner1Ri#&ter, )a5 Er(in on, =r+ o$ Engineering, born -an*ar" 9t&, 1994
Strans,", 'oren> Ritter on, Engineer, born )ar#& 14t&, 1999
3ol$, 3il&el!, )er#&ant, born O#tober 19t&, 1999
So1#alle% national o$$i#ials re$*se% to allo( t&e %ea% &eroes a #o!!on b*rial+ So I %e%i#ate t&e $irst ol*!e o$ t&is (or, to
t&e! as a #o!!on !e!orial, t&at t&e !e!or" o$ t&ose !art"rs !a" be a per!anent so*r#e o$ lig&t $or t&e $ollo(ers o$ o*r
T&e Fortress, 'an%sberg a?'+,
O#tober 1<t&, 1924
In pla#ing be$ore t&e rea%er t&is *nabri%ge% translation o$ A%ol$ Hitlers boo,, )ein ;a!p$, I $eel it !" %*t" to #all
attention to #ertain &istori#al $a#ts (&i#& !*st be borne in !in% i$ t&e rea%er (o*l% $or! a $air 0*%g!ent o$ (&at is
(ritten in t&is e5traor%inar" (or,+
T&e $irst ol*!e o$ )ein ;a!p$ (as (ritten (&ile t&e a*t&or (as i!prisone% in a 8aarian $ortress+ Ho( %i% &e get t&ere
an% (&"@ T&e ans(er to t&at /*estion is i!portant, be#a*se t&e boo, %eals (it& t&e eents (&i#& bro*g&t t&e a*t&or into
t&is plig&t an% be#a*se &e (rote *n%er t&e e!otional stress #a*se% b" t&e &istori#al &appenings o$ t&e ti!e+ It (as t&e &o*r
o$ Aer!an"s %eepest &*!iliation, so!e(&at parallel to t&at o$ a little oer a #ent*r" be$ore, (&en .apoleon &a%
%is!e!bere% t&e ol% Aer!an E!pire an% Fren#& sol%iers o##*pie% al!ost t&e (&ole o$ Aer!an"+
In t&e beginning o$ 1922 t&e Fren#& ina%e% Aer!an", o##*pie% t&e R*&r %istri#t an% sei>e% seeral Aer!an to(ns in t&e
R&inelan%+ T&is (as a $lagrant brea#& o$ international la( an% (as proteste% against b" eer" se#tion o$ 8ritis& politi#al
opinion at t&at ti!e+ T&e Aer!ans #o*l% not e$$e#tiel" %e$en% t&e!seles, as t&e" &a% been alrea%" %isar!e% *n%er t&e
proisions o$ t&e Bersailles Treat"+ To !a,e t&e sit*ation !ore $ra*g&t (it& %isaster $or Aer!an", an% t&ere$ore !ore
appalling in its prospe#t, t&e Fren#& #arrie% on an intensie propagan%a $or t&e separation o$ t&e R&inelan% $ro! t&e
Aer!an Rep*bli# an% t&e establis&!ent o$ an in%epen%ent R&enania+ )one" (as po*re% o*t lais&l" to bribe agitators to
#arr" on t&is (or,, an% so!e o$ t&e !ost insi%io*s ele!ents o$ t&e Aer!an pop*lation be#a!e a#tie in t&e pa" o$ t&e
ina%er+ At t&e sa!e ti!e a igoro*s !oe!ent (as being #arrie% on in 8aaria $or t&e se#ession o$ t&at #o*ntr" an% t&e
establis&!ent o$ an in%epen%ent Cat&oli# !onar#&" t&ere, *n%er assalage to Fran#e, as .apoleon &a% %one (&en &e
!a%e )a5i!ilian t&e $irst ;ing o$ 8aaria in 1976+
T&e separatist !oe!ent in t&e R&inelan% (ent so $ar t&at so!e lea%ing Aer!an politi#ians #a!e o*t in $ao*r o$ it,
s*ggesting t&at i$ t&e R&inelan% (ere t&*s #e%e% it !ig&t be possible $or t&e Aer!an Rep*bli# to stri,e a bargain (it& t&e
Fren#& in regar% to Reparations+ 8*t in 8aaria t&e !oe!ent (ent een $art&er+ An% it (as !ore $ar1rea#&ing in its
i!pli#ationsC $or, i$ an in%epen%ent Cat&oli# !onar#&" #o*l% be set *p in 8aaria, t&e ne5t !oe (o*l% &ae been a *nion
(it& Cat&oli# Aer!an1A*stria+ possibl" *n%er a Habsb*rg ;ing+ T&*s a Cat&oli# blo# (o*l% &ae been #reate% (&i#&
(o*l% e5ten% $ro! t&e R&inelan% t&ro*g& 8aaria an% A*stria into t&e =an*be Balle" an% (o*l% &ae been at least *n%er
t&e !oral an% !ilitar", i$ not t&e $*ll politi#al, &ege!on" o$ Fran#e+ T&e %rea! see!s $antasti# no(, b*t it (as #onsi%ere%
/*ite a pra#ti#al t&ing in t&ose $antasti# ti!es+ T&e e$$e#t o$ p*tting s*#& a plan into a#tion (o*l% &ae !eant t&e #o!plete
%is!e!ber!ent o$ Aer!an"C an% t&at is (&at Fren#& %iplo!a#" ai!e% at+ O$ #o*rse s*#& an ai! no longer e5ists+ An% I
s&o*l% not re#all (&at !*st no( see! Dol%, *n&app", $ar1o$$ t&ingsE to t&e !o%ern generation, (ere it not t&at t&e" (ere
er" near an% a#t*al at t&e ti!e )ein ;a!p$ (as (ritten an% (ere !ore *n&app" t&en t&an (e #an een i!agine no(+
8" t&e a*t*!n o$ 1922 t&e separatist !oe!ent in 8aaria (as on t&e point o$ be#o!ing an a##o!plis&e% $a#t+ Aeneral
on 'osso(, t&e 8aarian #&ie$ o$ t&e Rei#&s(e&r no longer too, or%ers $ro! 8erlin+ T&e $lag o$ t&e Aer!an Rep*bli#
(as rarel" to be seen, Finall", t&e 8aarian Pri!e )inister %e#i%e% to pro#lai! an in%epen%ent 8aaria an% its se#ession
$ro! t&e Aer!an Rep*bli#+ T&is (as to &ae ta,en pla#e on t&e ee o$ t&e Fi$t& Anniersar" o$ t&e establis&!ent o$ t&e
Aer!an Rep*bli# F.oe!ber 9t&, 1919+G
Hitler stage% a #o*nter1stro,e+ For seeral %a"s &e &a% been !obili>ing &is stor! battalions in t&e neig&bo*r&oo% o$
)*ni#&, inten%ing to !a,e a national %e!onstration an% &oping t&at t&e Rei#&s(e&r (o*l% stan% b" &i! to preent
se#ession+ '*%en%or$$ (as (it& &i!+ An% &e t&o*g&t t&at t&e prestige o$ t&e great Aer!an Co!!an%er in t&e 3orl% 3ar
(o*l% be s*$$i#ient to (in t&e allegian#e o$ t&e pro$essional ar!"+
A !eeting &a% been anno*n#e% to ta,e pla#e in t&e 8HrgerbrI* ;eller on t&e nig&t o$ .oe!ber 9t&+ T&e 8aarian
patrioti# so#ieties (ere gat&ere% t&ere, an% t&e Pri!e )inister, =r+ on ;a&r, starte% to rea% &is o$$i#ial pron*n#ia!ento,
(&i#& pra#ti#all" a!o*nte% to a pro#la!ation o$ 8aarian in%epen%en#e an% se#ession $ro! t&e Rep*bli#+ 3&ile on ;a&r
(as spea,ing Hitler entere% t&e &all, $ollo(e% b" '*%en%or$$+ An% t&e !eeting (as bro,en *p+
.e5t %a" t&e .a>i battalions too, t&e street $or t&e p*rpose o$ !a,ing a !ass %e!onstration in $ao*r o$ national *nion+
T&e" !ar#&e% in !asse% $or!ation, le% b" Hitler an% '*%en%or$$+ As t&e" rea#&e% one o$ t&e #entral s/*ares o$ t&e #it"
t&e ar!" opene% $ire on t&e!+ Si5teen o$ t&e !ar#&ers (ere instantl" ,ille%, an% t(o %ie% o$ t&eir (o*n%s in t&e lo#al
barra#,s o$ t&e Rei#&s(e&r+ Seeral ot&ers (ere (o*n%e% also+ Hitler $ell on t&e pae!ent an% bro,e a #ollar1bone+
'*%en%or$$ !ar#&e% straig&t *p to t&e sol%iers (&o (ere $iring $ro! t&e barri#a%e, b*t not a !an %are% %ra( a trigger on
&is ol% Co!!an%er+
Hitler (as arreste% (it& seeral o$ &is #o!ra%es an% i!prisone% in t&e $ortress o$ 'an%sberg on t&e Rier 'e#&+ On
Febr*ar" 2<t&, 1924, &e (as bro*g&t to trial be$ore t&e Bol,sgeri#&t, or Peoples Co*rt in )*ni#&+ He (as senten#e% to
%etention in a $ortress $or $ie "ears+ 3it& seeral #o!panions, (&o &a% been also senten#e% to ario*s perio%s o$
i!prison!ent, &e ret*rne% to 'an%sberg a! 'e#& an% re!aine% t&ere *ntil t&e 27t& o$ t&e $ollo(ing =e#e!ber, (&en &e
(as release%+ In all &e spent abo*t t&irteen !ont&s in prison+ It (as %*ring t&is perio% t&at &e (rote t&e $irst ol*!e o$
)ein ;a!p$+
I$ (e bear all t&is in !in% (e #an a##o*nt $or t&e e!otional stress *n%er (&i#& )ein ;a!p$ (as (ritten+ Hitler (as
nat*rall" in#ense% against t&e 8aarian goern!ent a*t&orities, against t&e $ootling patrioti# so#ieties (&o (ere pa(ns in
t&e Fren#& ga!e, t&o*g& o$ten *n#ons#io*sl" so, an% o$ #o*rse against t&e Fren#&+ T&at &e s&o*l% (rite &ars&l" o$ t&e
Fren#& (as onl" nat*ral in t&e #ir#*!stan#es+ At t&at ti!e t&ere (as no e5aggeration (&atsoeer in #alling Fran#e t&e
i!pla#able an% !ortal ene!" o$ Aer!an"+ S*#& lang*age (as being *se% b" een t&e pa#i$ists t&e!seles, not onl" in
Aer!an" b*t abroa%+ An% een t&o*g& t&e se#on% ol*!e o$ )ein ;a!p$ (as (ritten a$ter Hitlers release $ro! prison
an% (as p*blis&e% a$ter t&e Fren#& &a% le$t t&e R*&r, t&e tra!p o$ t&e ina%ing ar!ies still e#&oe% in Aer!an ears, an%
t&e terrible raages t&at &a% been (ro*g&t in t&e in%*strial an% $inan#ial li$e o$ Aer!an", as a #onse/*en#e o$ t&e Fren#&
inasion, &a% pl*nge% t&e #o*ntr" into a state o$ so#ial an% e#ono!i# #&aos+ In Fran#e itsel$ t&e $ran# $ell to $i$t" per #ent
o$ its preio*s al*e+ In%ee%, t&e (&ole o$ E*rope &a% been bro*g&t to t&e brin, o$ r*in, $ollo(ing t&e Fren#& inasion o$
t&e R*&r an% R&inelan%+
8*t, as t&ose t&ings belong to t&e li!bo o$ a %ea% past t&at nobo%" (is&es to &ae re!e!bere% no(, it is o$ten as,e%4 3&"
%oesnt Hitler reise )ein ;a!p$@ T&e ans(er, as I t&in,, (&i#& (o*l% i!!e%iatel" #o!e into t&e !in% o$ an i!partial
#riti# is t&at )ein ;a!p$ is an &istori#al %o#*!ent (&i#& bears t&e i!print o$ its o(n ti!e+ To reise it (o*l% inole
ta,ing it o*t o$ its &istori#al #onte5t+ )oreoer Hitler &as %e#lare% t&at &is a#ts an% p*bli# state!ents #onstit*te a partial
reision o$ &is boo, an% are to be ta,en as s*#&+ T&is re$ers espe#iall" to t&e state!ents in )ein ;a!p$ regar%ing Fran#e
an% t&ose Aer!an ,ins$ol, t&at &ae not "et been in#orporate% in t&e Rei#&+ On be&al$ o$ Aer!an" &e &as %e$initel"
a#,no(le%ge% t&e Aer!an portion o$ So*t& T"rol as per!anentl" belonging to Ital" an%, in regar% to Fran#e, &e &as again
an% again %e#lare% t&at no gro*n%s no( e5ist $or a #on$li#t o$ politi#al interests bet(een Aer!an" an% Fran#e an% t&at
Aer!an" &as no territorial #lai!s against Fran#e+ Finall", I !a" note &ere t&at Hitler &as also %e#lare% t&at, as &e (as
onl" a politi#al lea%er an% not "et a states!an in a position o$ o$$i#ial responsibilit", (&en &e (rote t&is boo,, (&at &e
state% in )ein ;a!p$ %oes not i!pli#ate &i! as C&an#ellor o$ t&e Rei#&+
I no( #o!e to so!e re$eren#es in t&e te5t (&i#& are $re/*entl" re#*rring an% (&i#& !a" not al(a"s be #lear to eer"
rea%er+ For instan#e, Hitler spea,s in%is#ri!inatel" o$ t&e Aer!an Rei#&+ So!eti!es &e !eans to re$er to t&e $irst Rei#&,
or E!pire, an% so!eti!es to t&e Aer!an E!pire as $o*n%e% *n%er 3illia! I in 19:1+ In#i%entall" t&e regi!e (&i#& &e
ina*g*rate% in 1922 is generall" ,no(n as t&e T&ir% Rei#&, t&o*g& t&is e5pression is not *se% in )ein ;a!p$+ Hitler also
spea,s o$ t&e A*strian Rei#& an% t&e East )ar,, (it&o*t al(a"s e5pli#itl" %isting*is&ing bet(een t&e Habsb*rg E!pire
an% A*stria proper+ I$ t&e rea%er (ill bear t&e $ollo(ing &istori#al o*tline in !in%, &e (ill *n%erstan% t&e re$eren#es as
t&e" o##*r+
T&e (or% Rei#&, (&i#& is a Aer!an $or! o$ t&e 'atin (or% Regn*!, %oes not !ean ;ing%o! or E!pire or Rep*bli#+ It is
a sort o$ basi# (or% t&at !a" appl" to an" $or! o$ Constit*tion+ Per&aps o*r (or%, Real!, (o*l% be t&e best translation,
t&o*g& t&e (or% E!pire #an be *se% (&en t&e Rei#& (as a#t*all" an E!pire+ T&e $orer*nner o$ t&e $irst Aer!an E!pire
(as t&e Hol" Ro!an E!pire (&i#& C&arle!agne $o*n%e% in A+=+ 977+ C&arle!agne (as ;ing o$ t&e Fran,s, a gro*p o$
Aer!ani# tribes t&at s*bse/*entl" be#a!e Ro!ani>e%+ In t&e tent& #ent*r" C&arle!agnes E!pire passe% into Aer!an
&an%s (&en Otto I F92<19:2G be#a!e E!peror+ As t&e Hol" Ro!an E!pire o$ t&e Aer!an .ation, its $or!al appellation,
it #ontin*e% to e5ist *n%er Aer!an E!perors *ntil .apoleon oerran an% %is!e!bere% Aer!an" %*ring t&e $irst %e#a%e
o$ t&e last #ent*r"+ On A*g*st <t&, 197<, t&e last E!peror, Fran#is II, $or!all" resigne% t&e Aer!an #ro(n+ In t&e
$ollo(ing O#tober .apoleon entere% 8erlin in tri*!p&, a$ter t&e 8attle o$ -ena+
A$ter t&e $all o$ .apoleon a !oe!ent set in $or t&e re*nion o$ t&e Aer!an states in one E!pire+ 8*t t&e $irst %e#isie step
to(ar%s t&at en% (as t&e $o*n%ation o$ t&e Se#on% Aer!an E!pire in 19:1, a$ter t&e Fran#o1Pr*ssian 3ar+ T&is E!pire,
&o(eer, %i% not in#l*%e t&e Aer!an lan%s (&i#& re!aine% *n%er t&e Habsb*rg Cro(n+ T&ese (ere ,no(n as Aer!an
A*stria+ It (as 8is!ar#,s %rea! to *nite Aer!an A*stria (it& t&e Aer!an E!pireC b*t it re!aine% onl" a %rea! *ntil
Hitler t*rne% it into a realit" in 1929+ It is (ell to bear t&at point in !in%, be#a*se t&is %rea! o$ re*niting all t&e Aer!an
states in one Rei#& &as been a %o!inant $eat*re o$ Aer!an patriotis! an% states!ans&ip $or oer a #ent*r" an% &as been
one o$ Hitlers i%eals sin#e &is #&il%&oo%+
In )ein ;a!p$ Hitler o$ten spea,s o$ t&e East )ar,+ T&is East )ar, 1 i+e+ eastern $rontier lan% 1 (as $o*n%e% b"
C&arle!agne as t&e eastern b*l(ar, o$ t&e E!pire+ It (as in&abite% prin#ipall" b" Aer!ano1Celti# tribes #alle% 8a0*ari
an% stoo% $or #ent*ries as t&e $ir! b*l(ar, o$ 3estern C&risten%o! against inasion $ro! t&e East, espe#iall" against t&e
T*r,s+ Aeograp&i#all" it (as al!ost i%enti#al (it& Aer!an A*stria+
T&ere are a $e( points !ore t&at I (is& to !ention in t&is intro%*#tor" note+ For instan#e, I &ae let t&e (or%
3eltans#&&a**ng stan% in its original $or! er" o$ten+ 3e &ae no one Englis& (or% to #one" t&e sa!e !eaning as t&e
Aer!an (or%, an% it (o*l% &ae b*r%ene% t&e te5t too !*#& i$ I (ere to *se a #ir#*!lo#*tion ea#& ti!e t&e (or% o##*rs+
3eltans#&&a**ng literall" !eans DO*tloo,1on1t&e 3orl%E+ 8*t as generall" *se% in Aer!an t&is o*tloo, on t&e (orl%
!eans a (&ole s"ste! o$ i%eas asso#iate% toget&er in an organi# *nit" 1 i%eas o$ &*!an li$e, &*!an al*es, #*lt*ral an%
religio*s i%eas, politi#s, e#ono!i#s, et#+, in $a#t a totalitarian ie( o$ &*!an e5isten#e+ T&*s C&ristianit" #o*l% be #alle% a
3eltans#&&a**ng, an% )o&a!!e%anis! #o*l% be #alle% a 3eltans#&&a**ng, an% So#ialis! #o*l% be #alle% a
3eltans#&&a**ng, espe#iall" as prea#&e% in R*ssia+ .ational So#ialis! #lai!s %e$initel" to be a 3eltans#&&a**ng+
Anot&er (or% I &ae o$ten le$t stan%ing in t&e original is Jl,is#&+ T&e basi# (or% &ere is Bol,, (&i#& is so!eti!es
translate% as PeopleC b*t t&e Aer!an (or%, Bol,, !eans t&e (&ole bo%" o$ t&e people (it&o*t an" %istin#tion o$ #lass or
#aste+ It is a pri!ar" (or% also t&at s*ggests (&at !ig&t be #alle% t&e basi# national sto#,+ .o(, a$ter t&e %e$eat in 1919,
t&e %o(n$all o$ t&e )onar#&" an% t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e aristo#ra#" an% t&e *pper #lasses, t&e #on#ept o$ =as Bol, #a!e
into pro!inen#e as t&e *ni$"ing #o1e$$i#ient (&i#& (o*l% e!bra#e t&e (&ole Aer!an people+ Hen#e t&e large n*!ber o$
Jl,is#& so#ieties t&at arose a$ter t&e (ar an% &en#e also t&e .ational So#ialist #on#ept o$ *ni$i#ation (&i#& is e5presse%
b" t&e (or% Bol,sge!eins#&a$t, or $ol, #o!!*nit"+ T&is is *se% in #ontra%istin#tion to t&e So#ialist #on#ept o$ t&e nation
as being %ii%e% into #lasses+ Hitlers i%eal is t&e BJl,is#&er Staat, (&i#& I &ae translate% as t&e Peoples State+
Finall", I (o*l% point o*t t&at t&e ter! So#ial =e!o#ra#" !a" be !islea%ing in Englis&, as it &as not a %e!o#rati#
#onnotation in o*r sense+ It (as t&e na!e gien to t&e So#ialist Part" in Aer!an"+ An% t&at Part" (as p*rel" )ar5istC b*t
it a%opte% t&e na!e So#ial =e!o#rat in or%er to appeal to t&e %e!o#rati# se#tions o$ t&e Aer!an people+
Abbots 'angle", Febr*ar", 1929
L3&at soon gae !e #a*se $or er" serio*s #onsi%eration (ere t&e a#tiities o$ t&e -e(s in #ertain bran#&es o$ li$e, into t&e
!"ster" o$ (&i#& I penetrate% little b" little+ 3as t&ere an" s&a%" *n%erta,ing, an" $or! o$ $o*lness, espe#iall" in #*lt*ral
li$e, in (&i#& at least one -e( %i% not parti#ipate@ On p*tting t&e probing ,ni$e #are$*ll" to t&at ,in% o$ abs#ess one
i!!e%iatel" %is#oere%, li,e a !aggot in a p*tres#ent bo%", a little -e( (&o (as o$ten blin%e% b" t&e s*%%en lig&t+L Fp+42G
LAn% so I beliee to1%a" t&at !" #on%*#t is in a##or%an#e (it& t&e (ill o$ t&e Al!ig&t" Creator+ In stan%ing g*ar% against
t&e -e( I a! %e$en%ing t&e &an%i(or, o$ t&e 'or%+L Fp+4<G
LT&e "o,e o$ slaer" is an% al(a"s (ill re!ain t&e !ost *npleasant e5perien#e t&at !an,in% #an en%*re+ =o t&e
S#&(abing %e#a%ents loo, *pon Aer!an"s lot to1%a" as Maest&eti#@ O$ #o*rse, one %oesnt %is#*ss s*#& a /*estion (it&
t&e -e(s, be#a*se t&e" are t&e !o%ern inentors o$ t&is #*lt*ral per$*!e+ T&eir er" e5isten#e is an in#arnate %enial o$ t&e
bea*t" o$ Ao%s i!age in His #reation+L Fp+17:G
L3&at (e &ae to $ig&t $or is t&e ne#essar" se#*rit" $or t&e e5isten#e an% in#rease o$ o*r ra#e an% people, t&e s*bsisten#e
o$ its #&il%ren an% t&e !aintenan#e o$ o*r ra#ial sto#, *n!i5e%, t&e $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e o$ t&e Fat&erlan%C so t&at
o*r people !a" be enable% to $*l$il t&e !ission assigne% to it b" t&e Creator+L Fp+126G
LFro! ti!e i!!e!orial, &o(eer, t&e -e(s &ae ,no(n better t&an an" ot&ers &o( $alse&oo% an% #al*!n" #an be
e5ploite%+ Is not t&eir er" e5isten#e $o*n%e% on one great lie, na!el", t&at t&e" are a religio*s #o!!*nit", (&ereas in
realit" t&e" are a ra#e@ An% (&at a ra#eN One o$ t&e greatest t&in,ers t&at !an,in% &as pro%*#e% &as bran%e% t&e -e(s $or
all ti!e (it& a state!ent (&i#& is pro$o*n%l" an% e5a#tl" tr*e+ He FS#&open&a*erG #alle% t&e -e( DT&e Areat )aster o$
'iesE+ T&ose (&o %o not reali>e t&e tr*t& o$ t&at state!ent, or %o not (is& to beliee it, (ill neer be able to len% a &an% in
&elping Tr*t& to preail+L Fp+124G
LIn s&ort, t&e res*lts o$ !is#egenation are al(a"s t&e $ollo(ing4
FaG T&e leel o$ t&e s*perior ra#e be#o!es lo(ere%C
FbG p&"si#al an% !ental %egeneration sets in, t&*s lea%ing slo(l" b*t stea%il" to(ar%s a progressie %r"ing *p o$ t&e ital
T&e a#t (&i#& brings abo*t s*#& a %eelop!ent is a sin against t&e (ill o$ t&e Eternal Creator+ An% as a sin t&is a#t (ill be
aenge%+ )ans e$$ort to b*il% *p so!et&ing t&at #ontra%i#ts t&e iron logi# o$ .at*re brings &i! into #on$li#t (it& t&ose
prin#iples to (&i#& &e &i!sel$ e5#l*siel" o(es &is o(n e5isten#e+ 8" a#ting against t&e la(s o$ .at*re &e prepares t&e
(a" t&at lea%s to &is r*in+L Fp+1<2G
LIt is 0*st at t&ose 0*n#t*res (&en t&e i%ealisti# attit*%e t&reatens to %isappear t&at (e noti#e a (ea,ening o$ t&is $or#e
(&i#& is a ne#essar" #onstit*ent in t&e $o*n%ing an% !aintenan#e o$ t&e #o!!*nit" an% is t&ereb" a ne#essar" #on%ition
o$ #iili>ation+ As soon as t&e spirit o$ egotis! begins to preail a!ong a people t&en t&e bon%s o$ t&e so#ial or%er brea,
an% !an, b" see,ing &is o(n personal &appiness, eritabl" t*!bles o*t o$ &eaen an% $alls into &ell+L Fp+1<7G
LIn ti!es o$ %istress a (ae o$ p*bli# anger &as *s*all" arisen against t&e -e(C t&e !asses &ae ta,en t&e la( into t&eir
o(n &an%sC t&e" &ae sei>e% -e(is& propert" an% r*ine% t&e -e( in t&eir *rge to prote#t t&e!seles against (&at t&e"
#onsi%er to be a s#o*rge o$ Ao%+ Haing #o!e to ,no( t&e -e( inti!atel" t&ro*g& t&e #o*rse o$ #ent*ries, in ti!es o$
%istress t&e" loo,e% *pon &is presen#e a!ong t&e! as a p*bli# %anger #o!parable onl" to t&e plag*e+L Fp+1:4G
LHe (ill stop at not&ing+ His *tterl" lo(1%o(n #on%*#t is so appalling t&at one reall" #annot be s*rprise% i$ in t&e
i!agination o$ o*r people t&e -e( is pi#t*re% as t&e in#arnation o$ Satan an% t&e s"!bol o$ eil+ T&e ignoran#e o$ t&e
broa% !asses as regar%s t&e inner #&ara#ter o$ t&e -e(, an% t&e la#, o$ instin#t an% insig&t t&at o*r *pper #lasses %ispla",
are so!e o$ t&e reasons (&i#& e5plain &o( it is t&at so !an" people $all an eas" pre" to t&e s"ste!ati# #a!paign o$
$alse&oo% (&i#& t&e -e( #arries on+ 3&ile t&e *pper #lasses, (it& t&eir innate #o(ar%liness, t*rn a(a" $ro! an"one (&o!
t&e -e( t&*s atta#,s (it& lies an% #al*!n", t&e #o!!on people are #re%*lo*s o$ eer"t&ing, (&et&er be#a*se o$ t&eir
ignoran#e or t&eir si!ple1!in%e%ness+ Aoern!ent a*t&orities (rap t&e!seles *p in a robe o$ silen#e, b*t !ore
$re/*entl" t&e" perse#*te t&e i#ti!s o$ -e(is& atta#,s in or%er to stop t&e #a!paign in t&e -e(is& Press+L Fp+194G
LHo( %eoi% o$ i%eals an% &o( ignoble is t&e (&ole #onte!porar" s"ste!N T&e $a#t t&at t&e #&*r#&es 0oin in #o!!itting
t&is sin against t&e i!age o$ Ao%, een t&o*g& t&e" #ontin*e to e!p&asi>e t&e %ignit" o$ t&at i!age, is /*ite in ,eeping
(it& t&eir present a#tiities+ T&e" tal, abo*t t&e Spirit, b*t t&e" allo( !an, as t&e e!bo%i!ent o$ t&e Spirit, to %egenerate
to t&e proletarian leel+ T&en t&e" loo, on (it& a!a>e!ent (&en t&e" reali>e &o( s!all is t&e in$l*en#e o$ t&e C&ristian
Fait& in t&eir o(n #o*ntr" an% &o( %eprae% an% *ngo%l" is t&is ri$$1ra$$ (&i#& is p&"si#all" %egenerate an% t&ere$ore
!orall" %egenerate also+ To balan#e t&is state o$ a$$airs t&e" tr" to #onert t&e Hottentots an% t&e O*l*s an% t&e ;a$$irs an%
to besto( on t&e! t&e blessings o$ t&e C&*r#&+ 3&ile o*r E*ropean people, Ao% be praise% an% t&an,e%, are le$t to
be#o!e t&e i#ti!s o$ !oral %eprait", t&e pio*s !issionar" goes o*t to Central A$ri#a an% establis&es !issionar" stations
$or negroes+ Finall", so*n% an% &ealt&" 1 t&o*g& pri!itie an% ba#,(ar% 1 people (ill be trans$or!e%, *n%er t&e na!e o$
o*r M&ig&er #iili>ation, into a !otle" o$ la>" an% br*tali>e% !ongrels+L Fp+22<G
L'oo, at t&e raages $ro! (&i#& o*r people are s*$$ering %ail" as a res*lt o$ being #onta!inate% (it& -e(is& bloo%+ 8ear
in !in% t&e $a#t t&at t&is poisono*s #onta!ination #an be eli!inate% $ro! t&e national bo%" onl" a$ter #ent*ries, or
per&aps neer+ T&in, $*rt&er o$ &o( t&e pro#ess o$ ra#ial %e#o!position is %ebasing an% in so!e #ases een %estro"ing t&e
$*n%a!ental Ar"an /*alities o$ o*r Aer!an people, so t&at o*r #*lt*ral #reatieness as a nation is gra%*all" be#o!ing
i!potent an% (e are r*nning t&e %anger, at least in o*r great #ities, o$ $alling to t&e leel (&ere So*t&ern Ital" is to1%a"+
T&is pestilential a%*lteration o$ t&e bloo%, o$ (&i#& &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ o*r people ta,e no a##o*nt, is being
s"ste!ati#all" pra#tise% b" t&e -e( to1%a"+ S"ste!ati#all" t&ese negroi% parasites in o*r national bo%" #orr*pt o*r inno#ent
$air1&aire% girls an% t&*s %estro" so!et&ing (&i#& #an no longer be repla#e% in t&is (orl%+
T&e t(o C&ristian %eno!inations loo, on (it& in%i$$eren#e at t&e pro$anation an% %estr*#tion o$ a noble an% *ni/*e
#reat*re (&o (as gien to t&e (orl% as a gi$t o$ Ao%s gra#e+ For t&e $*t*re o$ t&e (orl%, &o(eer, it %oes not !atter
(&i#& o$ t&e t(o tri*!p&s oer t&e ot&er, t&e Cat&oli# or t&e Protestant+ 8*t it %oes !atter (&et&er Ar"an &*!anit"
s*ries or peris&es+ An% "et t&e t(o C&ristian %eno!inations are not #onten%ing against t&e %estro"er o$ Ar"an &*!anit"
b*t are tr"ing to %estro" one anot&er+ Eer"bo%" (&o &as t&e rig&t ,in% o$ $eeling $or &is #o*ntr" is sole!nl" bo*n%, ea#&
(it&in &is o(n %eno!ination, to see to it t&at &e is not #onstantl" tal,ing abo*t t&e 3ill o$ Ao% !erel" $ro! t&e lips b*t
t&at in a#t*al $a#t &e $*l$ils t&e 3ill o$ Ao% an% %oes not allo( Ao%s &an%i(or, to be %ebase%+ For it (as b" t&e 3ill o$
Ao% t&at !en (ere !a%e o$ a #ertain bo%il" s&ape, (ere gien t&eir nat*res an% t&eir $a#*lties+ 3&oeer %estro"s His
(or, (ages (ar against Ao%s Creation an% Ao%s 3ill+L Fp+217G
Bol*!e One, LRetrospe#tL 1 C&apter One LIn t&e Ho!e o$ )" Parents
It &as t*rne% o*t $ort*nate $or !e to1%a" t&at %estin" appointe% 8ra*na*1on1t&e1Inn to be !" birt&pla#e+ For t&at little
to(n is sit*ate% 0*st on t&e $rontier bet(een t&ose t(o States t&e re*nion o$ (&i#& see!s, at least to *s o$ t&e "o*nger
generation, a tas, to (&i#& (e s&o*l% %eote o*r lies an% in t&e p*rs*it o$ (&i#& eer" possible !eans s&o*l% be
Aer!an1A*stria !*st be restore% to t&e great Aer!an )ot&erlan%+ An% not in%ee% on an" gro*n%s o$ e#ono!i#
#al#*lation (&atsoeer+ .o, no+ Een i$ t&e *nion (ere a !atter o$ e#ono!i# in%i$$eren#e, an% een i$ it (ere to be
%isa%antageo*s $ro! t&e e#ono!i# stan%point, still it o*g&t to ta,e pla#e+ People o$ t&e sa!e bloo% s&o*l% be in t&e sa!e
Rei#&+ T&e Aer!an people (ill &ae no rig&t to engage in a #olonial poli#" *ntil t&e" s&all &ae bro*g&t all t&eir #&il%ren
toget&er in t&e one State+ 3&en t&e territor" o$ t&e Rei#& e!bra#es all t&e Aer!ans an% $in%s itsel$ *nable to ass*re t&e!
a lieli&oo%, onl" t&en #an t&e !oral rig&t arise, $ro! t&e nee% o$ t&e people to a#/*ire $oreign territor"+ T&e plo*g& is
t&en t&e s(or%C an% t&e tears o$ (ar (ill pro%*#e t&e %ail" brea% $or t&e generations to #o!e+
An% so t&is little $rontier to(n appeare% to !e as t&e s"!bol o$ a great tas,+ 8*t in anot&er regar% also it points to a lesson
t&at is appli#able to o*r %a"+ Oer a &*n%re% "ears ago t&is se/*estere% spot (as t&e s#ene o$ a tragi# #ala!it" (&i#&
a$$e#te% t&e (&ole Aer!an nation an% (ill be re!e!bere% $or eer, at least in t&e annals o$ Aer!an &istor"+ At t&e ti!e
o$ o*r Fat&erlan%s %eepest &*!iliation a boo,seller, -o&annes Pal!, *n#o!pro!ising nationalist an% ene!" o$ t&e
Fren#&, (as p*t to %eat& &ere be#a*se &e &a% t&e !is$ort*ne to &ae loe% Aer!an" (ell+ He obstinatel" re$*se% to
%is#lose t&e na!es o$ &is asso#iates, or rat&er t&e prin#ipals (&o (ere #&ie$l" responsible $or t&e a$$air+ -*st as it &appene%
(it& 'eo S#&lageter+ T&e $or!er, li,e t&e latter, (as %eno*n#e% to t&e Fren#& b" a Aoern!ent agent+ It (as a %ire#tor o$
poli#e $ro! A*gsb*rg (&o (on an ignoble reno(n on t&at o##asion an% set t&e e5a!ple (&i#& (as to be #opie% at a later
%ate b" t&e neo1Aer!an o$$i#ials o$ t&e Rei#& *n%er Herr Seerings regi!e 1G+
In t&is little to(n on t&e Inn, &aloe% b" t&e !e!or" o$ a Aer!an !art"r, a to(n t&at (as 8aarian b" bloo% b*t *n%er t&e
r*le o$ t&e A*strian State, !" parents (ere %o!i#ile% to(ar%s t&e en% o$ t&e last #ent*r"+ )" $at&er (as a #iil serant
(&o $*l$ille% &is %*ties er" #ons#ientio*sl"+ )" !ot&er loo,e% a$ter t&e &o*se&ol% an% loingl" %eote% &ersel$ to t&e
#are o$ &er #&il%ren+ Fro! t&at perio% I &ae not retaine% er" !*#& in !" !e!or"C be#a*se a$ter a $e( "ears !" $at&er
&a% to leae t&at $rontier to(n (&i#& I &a% #o!e to loe so !*#& an% ta,e *p a ne( post $art&er %o(n t&e Inn alle", at
Passa*, t&ere$ore a#t*all" in Aer!an" itsel$+
In t&ose %a"s it (as t&e *s*al lot o$ an A*strian #iil serant to be trans$erre% perio%i#all" $ro! one post to anot&er+ .ot
long a$ter #o!ing to Passa* !" $at&er (as trans$erre% to 'in>, an% (&ile t&ere &e retire% $inall" to lie on &is pension+ 8*t
t&is %i% not !ean t&at t&e ol% gentle!an (o*l% no( rest $ro! &is labo*rs+
He (as t&e son o$ a poor #ottager, an% (&ile still a bo" &e gre( restless an% le$t &o!e+ 3&en &e (as barel" t&irteen "ears
ol% &e b*#,le% on &is sat#&el an% set $ort& $ro! &is natie (oo%lan% paris&+ =espite t&e %iss*asion o$ illagers (&o #o*l%
spea, $ro! Me5perien#e, &e (ent to Bienna to learn a tra%e t&ere+ T&is (as in t&e $i$tiet& "ear o$ t&e last #ent*r"+ It (as a
sore trial, t&at o$ %e#i%ing to leae &o!e an% $a#e t&e *n,no(n, (it& t&ree g*l%en in &is po#,et+ 8" (&en t&e bo" o$
t&irteen (as a la% o$ seenteen an% &a% passe% &is apprenti#es&ip e5a!ination as a #ra$ts!an &e (as not #ontent+ P*ite
t&e #ontrar"+ T&e persistent e#ono!i# %epression o$ t&at perio% an% t&e #onstant (ant an% !iser" strengt&ene% &is
resol*tion to gie *p (or,ing at a tra%e an% strie $or Mso!et&ing &ig&er+ As a bo" it &a% see!e% to &i! t&at t&e position
o$ t&e paris& priest in &is natie illage (as t&e &ig&est in t&e s#ale o$ &*!an attain!entC b*t no( t&at t&e big #it" &a%
enlarge% &is o*tloo, t&e "o*ng !an loo,e% *p to t&e %ignit" o$ a State o$$i#ial as t&e &ig&est o$ all+ 3it& t&e tena#it" o$
one (&o! !iser" an% tro*ble &a% alrea%" !a%e ol% (&en onl" &al$1(a" t&ro*g& &is "o*t& t&e "o*ng !an o$ seenteen
obstinatel" set o*t on &is ne( pro0e#t an% st*#, to it *ntil &e (on t&ro*g&+ He be#a!e a #iil serant+ He (as abo*t
t(ent"1t&ree "ears ol%, I t&in,, (&en &e s*##ee%e% in !a,ing &i!sel$ (&at &e &a% resole% to be#o!e+ T&*s &e (as able
to $*l$il t&e pro!ise &e &a% !a%e as a poor bo" not to ret*rn to &is natie illage *ntil &e (as Mso!ebo%"+
He &a% gaine% &is en%+ 8*t in t&e illage t&ere (as nobo%" (&o &a% re!e!bere% &i! as a little bo", an% t&e illage itsel$
&a% be#o!e strange to &i!+
.o( at last, (&en &e (as $i$t"1si5 "ears ol%, &e gae *p &is a#tie #areerC b*t &e #o*l% not bear to be i%le $or a single %a"+
On t&e o*ts,irts o$ t&e s!all !ar,et to(n o$ 'a!ba#& in Upper A*stria &e bo*g&t a $ar! an% tille% it &i!sel$+ T&*s, at t&e
en% o$ a long an% &ar%1(or,ing #areer, &e #a!e ba#, to t&e li$e (&i#& &is $at&er &a% le%+
It (as at t&is perio% t&at I $irst began to &ae i%eals o$ !" o(n+ I spent a goo% %eal o$ ti!e s#a!pering abo*t in t&e open,
on t&e long roa% $ro! s#&ool, an% !i5ing *p (it& so!e o$ t&e ro*g&est o$ t&e bo"s, (&i#& #a*se% !" !ot&er !an"
an5io*s !o!ents+ All t&is ten%e% to !a,e !e so!et&ing /*ite t&e reerse o$ a sta"1at1&o!e+ I gae s#ar#el" an" serio*s
t&o*g&t to t&e /*estion o$ #&oosing a o#ation in li$eC b*t I (as #ertainl" /*ite o*t o$ s"!pat&" (it& t&e ,in% o$ #areer
(&i#& !" $at&er &a% $ollo(e%+ I t&in, t&at an inborn talent $or spea,ing no( began to %eelop an% ta,e s&ape %*ring t&e
!ore or less stren*o*s arg*!ents (&i#& I *se% to &ae (it& !" #o!ra%es+ I &a% be#o!e a 0*enile ringlea%er (&o learne%
(ell an% easil" at s#&ool b*t (as rat&er %i$$i#*lt to !anage+ In !" $reeti!e I pra#tise% singing in t&e #&oir o$ t&e
!onaster" #&*r#& at 'a!ba#&, an% t&*s it &appene% t&at I (as pla#e% in a er" $ao*rable position to be e!otionall"
i!presse% again an% again b" t&e !agni$i#ent splen%o*r o$ e##lesiasti#al #ere!onial+ 3&at #o*l% be !ore nat*ral $or !e
t&an to loo, *pon t&e Abbot as representing t&e &ig&est &*!an i%eal (ort& striing $or, 0*st as t&e position o$ t&e &*!ble
illage priest &a% appeare% to !" $at&er in &is o(n bo"&oo% %a"s@ At least, t&at (as !" i%ea $or a (&ile+ 8*t t&e 0*enile
%isp*tes I &a% (it& !" $at&er %i% not lea% &i! to appre#iate &is sons oratori#al gi$ts in s*#& a (a" as to see in t&e! a
$ao*rable pro!ise $or s*#& a #areer, an% so &e nat*rall" #o*l% not *n%erstan% t&e bo"is& i%eas I &a% in !" &ea% at t&at
ti!e+ T&is #ontra%i#tion in !" #&ara#ter !a%e &i! $eel so!e(&at an5io*s+
As a !atter o$ $a#t, t&at transitor" "earning a$ter s*#& a o#ation soon gae (a" to &opes t&at (ere better s*ite% to !"
te!pera!ent+ 8ro(sing t&ro*g& !" $at&ers boo,s, I #&an#e% to #o!e a#ross so!e p*bli#ations t&at %ealt (it& !ilitar"
s*b0e#ts+ One o$ t&ese p*bli#ations (as a pop*lar &istor" o$ t&e Fran#o1Aer!an 3ar o$ 19:71:1+ It #onsiste% o$ t(o
ol*!es o$ an ill*strate% perio%i#al %ating $ro! t&ose "ears+ T&ese be#a!e !" $ao*rite rea%ing+ In a little (&ile t&at
great an% &eroi# #on$li#t began to ta,e $irst pla#e in !" !in%+ An% $ro! t&at ti!e on(ar%s I be#a!e !ore an% !ore
ent&*siasti# abo*t eer"t&ing t&at (as in an" (a" #onne#te% (it& (ar or !ilitar" a$$airs+
8*t t&is stor" o$ t&e Fran#o1Aer!an 3ar &a% a spe#ial signi$i#an#e $or !e on ot&er gro*n%s also+ For t&e $irst ti!e, an% as
"et onl" in /*ite a ag*e (a", t&e /*estion began to present itsel$4 Is t&ere a %i$$eren#e 1 an% i$ t&ere be, (&at is it 1
bet(een t&e Aer!ans (&o $o*g&t t&at (ar an% t&e ot&er Aer!ans@ 3&" %i% not A*stria also ta,e part in it@ 3&" %i% not
!" $at&er an% all t&e ot&ers $ig&t in t&at str*ggle@ Are (e not t&e sa!e as t&e ot&er Aer!ans@ =o (e not all belong
T&at (as t&e $irst ti!e t&at t&is proble! began to agitate !" s!all brain+ An% $ro! t&e replies t&at (ere gien to t&e
/*estions (&i#& I as,e% er" tentatiel", I (as $or#e% to a##ept t&e $a#t, t&o*g& (it& a se#ret en", t&at not all Aer!ans
&a% t&e goo% l*#, to belong to 8is!ar#,s E!pire+ T&is (as so!et&ing t&at I #o*l% not *n%erstan%+
It (as %e#i%e% t&at I s&o*l% st*%"+ Consi%ering !" #&ara#ter as a (&ole, an% espe#iall" !" te!pera!ent, !" $at&er
%e#i%e% t&at t&e #lassi#al s*b0e#ts st*%ie% at t&e '"#e*! (ere not s*ite% to !" nat*ral talents+ He t&o*g&t t&at t&e
Reals#&*le 2G (o*l% s*it !e better+ )" obio*s talent $or %ra(ing #on$ir!e% &i! in t&at ie(C $or in &is opinion %ra(ing
(as a s*b0e#t too !*#& negle#te% in t&e A*strian A"!nasi*!+ Probabl" also t&e !e!or" o$ t&e &ar% roa% (&i#& &e
&i!sel$ &a% traelle% #ontrib*te% to !a,e &i! loo, *pon #lassi#al st*%ies as *npra#ti#al an% a##or%ingl" to set little al*e
on t&e!+ At t&e ba#, o$ &is !in% &e &a% t&e i%ea t&at &is son also s&o*l% be#o!e an o$$i#ial o$ t&e Aoern!ent+ In%ee% &e
&a% %e#i%e% on t&at #areer $or !e+ T&e %i$$i#*lties t&ro*g& (&i#& &e &a% to str*ggle in !a,ing &is o(n #areer le% &i! to
oeresti!ate (&at &e &a% a#&iee%, be#a*se t&is (as e5#l*siel" t&e res*lt o$ &is o(n in%e$atigable in%*str" an% energ"+
T&e #&ara#teristi# pri%e o$ t&e sel$1!a%e !an *rge% &i! to(ar%s t&e i%ea t&at &is son s&o*l% $ollo( t&e sa!e #alling an%
i$ possible rise to a &ig&er position in it+ )oreoer, t&is i%ea (as strengt&ene% b" t&e #onsi%eration t&at t&e res*lts o$ &is
o(n li$es in%*str" &a% pla#e% &i! in a position to $a#ilitate &is sons a%an#e!ent in t&e sa!e #areer+
He (as si!pl" in#apable o$ i!agining t&at I !ig&t re0e#t (&at &a% !eant eer"t&ing in li$e to &i!+ )" $at&ers %e#ision
(as si!ple, %e$inite, #lear an%, in &is e"es, it (as so!et&ing to be ta,en $or grante%+ A !an o$ s*#& a nat*re (&o &a%
be#o!e an a*to#rat b" reason o$ &is o(n &ar% str*ggle $or e5isten#e, #o*l% not t&in, o$ allo(ing Mine5perien#e% an%
irresponsible "o*ng $ello(s to #&oose t&eir o(n #areers+ To a#t in s*#& a (a", (&ere t&e $*t*re o$ &is o(n son (as
#on#erne%, (o*l% &ae been a grae an% repre&ensible (ea,ness in t&e e5er#ise o$ parental a*t&orit" an% responsibilit",
so!et&ing *tterl" in#o!patible (it& &is #&ara#teristi# sense o$ %*t"+
An% "et it &a% to be ot&er(ise+
For t&e $irst ti!e in !" li$e 1 I (as t&en eleen "ears ol% 1 I $elt !"sel$ $or#e% into open opposition+ .o !atter &o( &ar%
an% %eter!ine% !" $at&er !ig&t be abo*t p*tting &is o(n plans an% opinions into a#tion, &is son (as no less obstinate in
re$*sing to a##ept i%eas on (&i#& &e set little or no al*e+
I (o*l% not be#o!e a #iil serant+
.o a!o*nt o$ pers*asion an% no a!o*nt o$ Mgrae (arnings #o*l% brea, %o(n t&at opposition+ I (o*l% not be#o!e a
State o$$i#ial, not on an" a##o*nt+ All t&e atte!pts (&i#& !" $at&er !a%e to aro*se in !e a loe or li,ing $or t&at
pro$ession, b" pi#t*ring &is o(n #areer $or !e, &a% onl" t&e opposite e$$e#t+ It na*seate% !e to t&in, t&at one %a" I !ig&t
be $ettere% to an o$$i#e stool, t&at I #o*l% not %ispose o$ !" o(n ti!e b*t (o*l% be $or#e% to spen% t&e (&ole o$ !" li$e
$illing o*t $or!s+
One #an i!agine (&at ,in% o$ t&o*g&ts s*#& a prospe#t a(a,ene% in t&e !in% o$ a "o*ng $ello( (&o (as b" no !eans
(&at is #alle% a Mgoo% bo" in t&e #*rrent sense o$ t&at ter!+ T&e ri%i#*lo*sl" eas" s#&ool tas,s (&i#& (e (ere gien !a%e
it possible $or !e to spen% $ar !ore ti!e in t&e open air t&an at &o!e+ To1%a", (&en !" politi#al opponents pr" into !"
li$e (it& %iligent s#r*tin", as $ar ba#, as t&e %a"s o$ !" bo"&oo%, so as $inall" to be able to proe (&at %isrep*table tri#,s
t&is Hitler (as a##*sto!e% to in &is "o*ng %a"s, I t&an, &eaen t&at I #an loo, ba#, to t&ose &app" %a"s an% $in% t&e
!e!or" o$ t&e! &elp$*l+ T&e $iel%s an% t&e (oo%s (ere t&en t&e terrain on (&i#& all %isp*tes (ere $o*g&t o*t+
Een atten%an#e at t&e Reals#&*le #o*l% not alter !" (a" o$ spen%ing !" ti!e+ 8*t I &a% no( anot&er battle to $ig&t+
So long as t&e paternal plan to !a,e a State $*n#tionar" #ontra%i#te% !" o(n in#linations onl" in t&e abstra#t, t&e #on$li#t
(as eas" to bear+ I #o*l% be %is#reet abo*t e5pressing !" personal ie(s an% t&*s aoi% #onstantl" re#*rrent %isp*tes+ )"
o(n resol*tion not to be#o!e a Aoern!ent o$$i#ial (as s*$$i#ient $or t&e ti!e being to p*t !" !in% #o!pletel" at rest+ I
&el% on to t&at resol*tion ine5orabl"+ 8*t t&e sit*ation be#a!e !ore %i$$i#*lt on#e I &a% a positie plan o$ !" o(n (&i#& I
!ig&t present to !" $at&er as a #o*nter1s*ggestion+ T&is &appene% (&en I (as t(ele "ears ol%+ Ho( it #a!e abo*t I
#annot e5a#tl" sa" no(C b*t one %a" it be#a!e #lear to !e t&at I (o*l% be a painter 1 I !ean an artist+ T&at I &a% an
aptit*%e $or %ra(ing (as an a%!itte% $a#t+ It (as een one o$ t&e reasons (&" !" $at&er &a% sent !e to t&e Reals#&*leC b*t
&e &a% neer t&o*g&t o$ &aing t&at talent %eelope% in s*#& a (a" t&at I #o*l% ta,e *p painting as a pro$essional #areer+
P*ite t&e #ontrar"+ 3&en, as a res*lt o$ !" rene(e% re$*sal to a%opt &is $ao*rite plan, !" $at&er as,e% !e $or t&e $irst
ti!e (&at I !"sel$ reall" (is&e% to be, t&e resol*tion t&at I &a% alrea%" $or!e% e5presse% itsel$ al!ost a*to!ati#all"+ For a
(&ile !" $at&er (as spee#&less+ LA painter@ An artist1painter@L &e e5#lai!e%+
He (on%ere% (&et&er I (as in a so*n% state o$ !in%+ He t&o*g&t t&at &e !ig&t not &ae #a*g&t !" (or%s rig&tl", or t&at
&e &a% !is*n%erstoo% (&at I !eant+ 8*t (&en I &a% e5plaine% !" i%eas to &i! an% &e sa( &o( serio*sl" I too, t&e!, &e
oppose% t&e! (it& t&at $*ll %eter!ination (&i#& (as #&ara#teristi# o$ &i!+ His %e#ision (as e5#ee%ingl" si!ple an% #o*l%
not be %e$le#te% $ro! its #o*rse b" an" #onsi%eration o$ (&at !" o(n nat*ral /*ali$i#ations reall" (ere+
LArtistN .ot as long as I lie, neer+L As t&e son &a% in&erite% so!e o$ t&e $at&ers obstina#", besi%es &aing ot&er
/*alities o$ &is o(n, !" repl" (as e/*all" energeti#+ 8*t it state% so!et&ing /*ite t&e #ontrar"+
At t&at o*r str*ggle be#a!e stale!ate+ T&e $at&er (o*l% not aban%on &is M.eer, an% I be#a!e all t&e !ore #onsoli%ate%
in !" M.eert&eless+
.at*rall" t&e res*lting sit*ation (as not pleasant+ T&e ol% gentle!an (as bitterl" anno"e%C an% in%ee% so (as I, alt&o*g&
I reall" loe% &i!+ )" $at&er $orba%e !e to entertain an" &opes o$ ta,ing *p t&e art o$ painting as a pro$ession+ I (ent a
step $*rt&er an% %e#lare% t&at I (o*l% not st*%" an"t&ing else+ 3it& s*#& %e#larations t&e sit*ation be#a!e still !ore
straine%, so t&at t&e ol% gentle!an irreo#abl" %e#i%e% to assert &is parental a*t&orit" at all #osts+ T&at le% !e to a%opt an
attit*%e o$ #ir#*!spe#t silen#e, b*t I p*t !" t&reat into e5e#*tion+ I t&o*g&t t&at, on#e it be#a!e #lear to !" $at&er t&at I
(as !a,ing no progress at t&e Reals#&*le, $or (eal or $or (oe, &e (o*l% be $or#e% to allo( !e to $ollo( t&e &app" #areer I
&a% %rea!e% o$+
I %o not ,no( (&et&er I #al#*late% rig&tl" or not+ Certainl" !" $ail*re to !a,e progress be#a!e /*ite isible in t&e s#&ool+
I st*%ie% 0*st t&e s*b0e#ts t&at appeale% to !e, espe#iall" t&ose (&i#& I t&o*g&t !ig&t be o$ a%antage to !e later on as a
painter+ 3&at %i% not appear to &ae an" i!portan#e $ro! t&is point o$ ie(, or (&at %i% not ot&er(ise appeal to !e
$ao*rabl", I #o!pletel" sabotage%+ )" s#&ool reports o$ t&at ti!e (ere al(a"s in t&e e5tre!es o$ goo% or ba%, a##or%ing
to t&e s*b0e#t an% t&e interest it &a% $or !e+ In one #ol*!n !" /*ali$i#ation rea% Mer" goo% or Me5#ellent+ In anot&er it
rea% Maerage or een Mbelo( aerage+ 8" $ar !" best s*b0e#ts (ere geograp&" an%, een !ore so, general &istor"+ T&ese
(ere !" t(o $ao*rite s*b0e#ts, an% I le% t&e #lass in t&e!+
3&en I loo, ba#, oer so !an" "ears an% tr" to 0*%ge t&e res*lts o$ t&at e5perien#e I $in% t(o er" signi$i#ant $a#ts
stan%ing o*t #learl" be$ore !" !in%+
First, I be#a!e a nationalist+
Se#on%, I learne% to *n%erstan% an% grasp t&e tr*e !eaning o$ &istor"+
T&e ol% A*stria (as a !*lti1national State+ In t&ose %a"s at least t&e #iti>ens o$ t&e Aer!an E!pire, ta,en t&ro*g& an%
t&ro*g&, #o*l% not *n%erstan% (&at t&at $a#t !eant in t&e eer"%a" li$e o$ t&e in%ii%*als (it&in s*#& a State+ A$ter t&e
!agni$i#ent tri*!p&ant !ar#& o$ t&e i#torio*s ar!ies in t&e Fran#o1Aer!an 3ar t&e Aer!ans in t&e Rei#& be#a!e
stea%il" !ore an% !ore estrange% $ro! t&e Aer!ans be"on% t&eir $rontiers, partl" be#a*se t&e" %i% not %eign to appre#iate
t&ose ot&er Aer!ans at t&eir tr*e al*e or si!pl" be#a*se t&e" (ere in#apable o$ %oing so+
T&e Aer!ans o$ t&e Rei#& %i% not reali>e t&at i$ t&e Aer!ans in A*stria &a% not been o$ t&e best ra#ial sto#, t&e" #o*l%
neer &ae gien t&e sta!p o$ t&eir o(n #&ara#ter to an E!pire o$ 62 !illions, so %e$initel" t&at in Aer!an" itsel$ t&e i%ea
arose 1 t&o*g& /*ite an erroneo*s one 1 t&at A*stria (as a Aer!an State+ T&at (as an error (&i#& le% to %ire
#onse/*en#esC b*t all t&e sa!e it (as a !agni$i#ent testi!on" to t&e #&ara#ter o$ t&e ten !illion Aer!ans in t&at East
)ar,+ 2G Onl" er" $e( o$ t&e Aer!ans in t&e Rei#& itsel$ &a% an i%ea o$ t&e bitter str*ggle (&i#& t&ose Eastern Aer!ans
&a% to #arr" on %ail" $or t&e preseration o$ t&eir Aer!an lang*age, t&eir Aer!an s#&ools an% t&eir Aer!an #&ara#ter+
Onl" to1%a", (&en a tragi# $ate &as torn seeral !illions o$ o*r ,ins$ol, a(a" $ro! t&e Rei#& an% &as $or#e% t&e! to lie
*n%er t&e r*le o$ t&e stranger, %rea!ing o$ t&at #o!!on $at&erlan% to(ar%s (&i#& all t&eir "earnings are %ire#te% an%
str*ggling to *p&ol% at least t&e sa#re% rig&t o$ *sing t&eir !ot&er tong*e 1 onl" no( &ae t&e (i%er #ir#les o$ t&e Aer!an
pop*lation #o!e to reali>e (&at it !eans to &ae to $ig&t $or t&e tra%itions o$ ones ra#e+ An% so at last per&aps t&ere are
people &ere an% t&ere (&o #an assess t&e greatness o$ t&at Aer!an spirit (&i#& ani!ate% t&e ol% East )ar, an% enable%
t&ose people, le$t entirel" %epen%ent on t&eir o(n reso*r#es, to %e$en% t&e E!pire against t&e Orient $or seeral #ent*ries
an% s*bse/*entl" to &ol% $ast t&e $rontiers o$ t&e Aer!an lang*age t&ro*g& a g*erilla (ar$are o$ attrition, at a ti!e (&en
t&e Aer!an E!pire (as se%*lo*sl" #*ltiating an interest $or #olonies b*t not $or its o(n $les& an% bloo% be$ore t&e
t&res&ol% o$ its o(n %oor+
3&at &as &appene% al(a"s an% eer"(&ere, in eer" ,in% o$ str*ggle, &appene% also in t&e lang*age $ig&t (&i#& (as
#arrie% on in t&e ol% A*stria+ T&ere (ere t&ree gro*ps 1 t&e $ig&ters, t&e &e%gers an% t&e traitors+ Een in t&e s#&ools t&is
si$ting alrea%" began to ta,e pla#e+ An% it is (ort& noting t&at t&e str*ggle $or t&e lang*age (as (age% per&aps in its
bitterest $or! aro*n% t&e s#&oolC be#a*se t&is (as t&e n*rser" (&ere t&e see%s &a% to be (atere% (&i#& (ere to spring *p
an% $or! t&e $*t*re generation+ T&e ta#ti#al ob0e#tie o$ t&e $ig&t (as t&e (inning oer o$ t&e #&il%, an% it (as to t&e #&il%
t&at t&e $irst rall"ing #r" (as a%%resse%4
LAer!an "o*t&, %o not $orget t&at "o* are a Aer!an,L an% LRe!e!ber, little girl, t&at one %a" "o* !*st be a Aer!an
T&ose (&o ,no( so!et&ing o$ t&e 0*enile spirit #an *n%erstan% &o( "o*t& (ill al(a"s len% a gla% ear to s*#& a rall"ing
#r"+ Un%er !an" $or!s t&e "o*ng people le% t&e str*ggle, $ig&ting in t&eir o(n (a" an% (it& t&eir o(n (eapons+ T&e"
re$*se% to sing non1Aer!an songs+ T&e greater t&e e$$orts !a%e to (in t&e! a(a" $ro! t&eir Aer!an allegian#e, t&e !ore
t&e" e5alte% t&e glor" o$ t&eir Aer!an &eroes+ T&e" stinte% t&e!seles in b*"ing t&ings to eat, so t&at t&e" !ig&t spare
t&eir pennies to &elp t&e (ar #&est o$ t&eir el%ers+ T&e" (ere in#re%ibl" alert in t&e signi$i#an#e o$ (&at t&e non1Aer!an
tea#&ers sai% an% t&e" #ontra%i#te% in *nison+ T&e" (ore t&e $orbi%%en e!ble!s o$ t&eir o(n ,ins$ol, an% (ere &app"
(&en penalise% $or %oing so, or een p&"si#all" p*nis&e%+ In !iniat*re t&e" (ere !irrors o$ lo"alt" $ro! (&i#& t&e ol%er
people !ig&t learn a lesson+
An% t&*s it (as t&at at a #o!paratiel" earl" age I too, part in t&e str*ggle (&i#& t&e nationalities (ere (aging against
one anot&er in t&e ol% A*stria+ 3&en !eetings (ere &el% $or t&e So*t& )ar, Aer!an 'eag*e an% t&e S#&ool 'eag*e (e
(ore #orn$lo(ers an% bla#,1re%1gol% #olo*rs to e5press o*r lo"alt"+ 3e greete% one anot&er (it& HeilN an% instea% o$ t&e
A*strian ant&e! (e sang o*r o(n =e*ts#&lan% Hber Alles, %espite (arnings an% penalties+ T&*s t&e "o*t& (ere e%*#ate%
politi#all" at a ti!e (&en t&e #iti>ens o$ a so1#alle% national State $or t&e !ost part ,ne( little o$ t&eir o(n nationalit"
e5#ept t&e lang*age+ O$ #o*rse, I %i% not belong to t&e &e%gers+ 3it&in a little (&ile I &a% be#o!e an ar%ent MAer!an
.ational, (&i#& &as a %i$$erent !eaning $ro! t&e part" signi$i#an#e atta#&e% to t&at p&rase to1%a"+
I %eelope% er" rapi%l" in t&e nationalist %ire#tion, an% b" t&e ti!e I (as 16 "ears ol% I &a% #o!e to *n%erstan% t&e
%istin#tion bet(een %"nasti# patriotis! an% nationalis! base% on t&e #on#ept o$ $ol,, or people, !" in#lination being
entirel" in $ao*r o$ t&e latter+
S*#& a pre$eren#e !a" not per&aps be #learl" intelligible to t&ose (&o &ae neer ta,en t&e tro*ble to st*%" t&e internal
#on%itions t&at preaile% *n%er t&e Habsb*rg )onar#&"+
A!ong &istori#al st*%ies *niersal &istor" (as t&e s*b0e#t al!ost e5#l*siel" ta*g&t in t&e A*strian s#&ools, $or o$ spe#i$i#
A*strian &istor" t&ere (as onl" er" little+ T&e $ate o$ t&is State (as #losel" bo*n% *p (it& t&e e5isten#e an% %eelop!ent
o$ Aer!an" as a (&oleC so a %iision o$ &istor" into Aer!an &istor" an% A*strian &istor" (o*l% be pra#ti#all"
in#on#eiable+ An% in%ee% it (as onl" (&en t&e Aer!an people #a!e to be %ii%e% bet(een t(o States t&at t&is %iision o$
Aer!an &istor" began to ta,e pla#e+
T&e insignia 4G o$ a $or!er i!perial soereignt" (&i#& (ere still presere% in Bienna appeare% to a#t as !agi#al reli#s
rat&er t&an as t&e isible g*arantee o$ an eerlasting bon% o$ *nion+
3&en t&e Habsb*rg State #r*!ble% to pie#es in 1919 t&e A*strian Aer!ans instin#tiel" raise% an o*t#r" $or *nion (it&
t&eir Aer!an $at&erlan%+ T&at (as t&e oi#e o$ a *nani!o*s "earning in t&e &earts o$ t&e (&ole people $or a ret*rn to t&e
*n$orgotten &o!e o$ t&eir $at&ers+ 8*t s*#& a general "earning #o*l% not be e5plaine% e5#ept b" attrib*ting t&e #a*se o$ it
to t&e &istori#al training t&ro*g& (&i#& t&e in%ii%*al A*strian Aer!ans &a% passe%+ T&erein la" a spring t&at neer %rie%
*p+ Espe#iall" in ti!es o$ %istra#tion an% $orget$*lness its /*iet oi#e (as a re!in%er o$ t&e past, bi%%ing t&e people to
loo, o*t be"on% t&e !ere (el$are o$ t&e !o!ent to a ne( $*t*re+
T&e tea#&ing o$ *niersal &istor" in (&at are #alle% t&e !i%%le s#&ools is still er" *nsatis$a#tor"+ Fe( tea#&ers reali>e
t&at t&e p*rpose o$ tea#&ing &istor" is not t&e !e!ori>ing o$ so!e %ates an% $a#ts, t&at t&e st*%ent is not intereste% in
,no(ing t&e e5a#t %ate o$ a battle or t&e birt&%a" o$ so!e !ars&al or ot&er, an% not at all 1 or at least onl" er"
insigni$i#antl" 1 intereste% in ,no(ing (&en t&e #ro(n o$ &is $at&ers (as pla#e% on t&e bro( o$ so!e !onar#&+ T&ese are
#ertainl" not loo,e% *pon as i!portant !atters+
To st*%" &istor" !eans to sear#& $or an% %is#oer t&e $or#es t&at are t&e #a*ses o$ t&ose res*lts (&i#& appear be$ore o*r
e"es as &istori#al eents+ T&e art o$ rea%ing an% st*%"ing #onsists in re!e!bering t&e essentials an% $orgetting (&at is not
Probabl" !" (&ole $*t*re li$e (as %eter!ine% b" t&e $a#t t&at I &a% a pro$essor o$ &istor" (&o *n%erstoo%, as $e( ot&ers
*n%erstan%, &o( to !a,e t&is ie(point preail in tea#&ing an% in e5a!ining+ T&is tea#&er (as =r+ 'eopol% Poets#&, o$
t&e Reals#&*le at 'in>+ He (as t&e i%eal personi$i#ation o$ t&e /*alities ne#essar" to a tea#&er o$ &istor" in t&e sense I &ae
!entione% aboe+ An el%erl" gentle!an (it& a %e#isie !anner b*t a ,in%l" &eart, &e (as a er" attra#tie spea,er an%
(as able to inspire *s (it& &is o(n ent&*sias!+ Een to1%a" I #annot re#all (it&o*t e!otion t&at enerable personalit"
(&ose ent&*siasti# e5position o$ &istor" so o$ten !a%e *s entirel" $orget t&e present an% allo( o*rseles to be transporte%
as i$ b" !agi# into t&e past+ He penetrate% t&ro*g& t&e %i! !ist o$ t&o*san%s o$ "ears an% trans$or!e% t&e &istori#al
!e!or" o$ t&e %ea% past into a liing realit"+ 3&en (e listene% to &i! (e be#a!e a$ire (it& ent&*sias! an% (e (ere
so!eti!es !oe% een to tears+
It (as still !ore $ort*nate t&at t&is pro$essor (as able not onl" to ill*strate t&e past b" e5a!ples $ro! t&e present b*t $ro!
t&e past &e (as also able to %ra( a lesson $or t&e present+ He *n%erstoo% better t&an an" ot&er t&e eer"%a" proble!s t&at
(ere t&en agitating o*r !in%s+ T&e national $ero*r (&i#& (e $elt in o*r o(n s!all (a" (as *tili>e% b" &i! as an
instr*!ent o$ o*r e%*#ation, inas!*#& as &e o$ten appeale% to o*r national sense o$ &ono*rC $or in t&at (a" &e !aintaine%
or%er an% &el% o*r attention !*#& !ore easil" t&an &e #o*l% &ae %one b" an" ot&er !eans+ It (as be#a*se I &a% s*#& a
pro$essor t&at &istor" be#a!e !" $ao*rite s*b0e#t+ As a nat*ral #onse/*en#e, b*t (it&o*t t&e #ons#io*s #onnian#e o$ !"
pro$essor, I t&en an% t&ere be#a!e a "o*ng rebel+ 8*t (&o #o*l% &ae st*%ie% Aer!an &istor" *n%er s*#& a tea#&er an%
not be#o!e an ene!" o$ t&at State (&ose r*lers e5er#ise% s*#& a %isastro*s in$l*en#e on t&e %estinies o$ t&e Aer!an
nation@ Finall", &o( #o*l% one re!ain t&e $ait&$*l s*b0e#t o$ t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg, (&ose past &istor" an% present
#on%*#t proe% it to be rea%" eer an% al(a"s to betra" t&e interests o$ t&e Aer!an people $or t&e sa,e o$ paltr" personal
interests@ =i% not (e as "o*ngsters $*ll" reali>e t&at t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg %i% not, an% #o*l% not, &ae an" loe $or *s
3&at &istor" ta*g&t *s abo*t t&e poli#" $ollo(e% b" t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg (as #orroborate% b" o*r o(n eer"%a"
e5perien#es+ In t&e nort& an% in t&e so*t& t&e poison o$ $oreign ra#es (as eating into t&e bo%" o$ o*r people, an% een
Bienna (as stea%il" be#o!ing !ore an% !ore a non1Aer!an #it"+ T&e MI!perial Ho*se $ao*re% t&e C>e#&s on eer"
possible o##asion+ In%ee% it (as t&e &an% o$ t&e go%%ess o$ eternal 0*sti#e an% ine5orable retrib*tion t&at #a*se% t&e !ost
%ea%l" ene!" o$ Aer!anis! in A*stria, t&e Ar#&%*,e Fran> Fer%inan%, to $all b" t&e er" b*llets (&i#& &e &i!sel$ &a%
&elpe% to #ast+ 3or,ing $ro! aboe %o(n(ar%s, &e (as t&e #&ie$ patron o$ t&e !oe!ent to !a,e A*stria a Sla State+
T&e b*r%ens lai% on t&e s&o*l%ers o$ t&e Aer!an people (ere enor!o*s an% t&e sa#ri$i#es o$ !one" an% bloo% (&i#& t&e"
&a% to !a,e (ere in#re%ibl" &ea"+
Ket an"bo%" (&o (as not /*ite blin% !*st &ae seen t&at it (as all in ain+ 3&at a$$e#te% *s !ost bitterl" (as t&e
#ons#io*sness o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&is (&ole s"ste! (as !orall" s&iel%e% b" t&e allian#e (it& Aer!an", (&ereb" t&e slo(
e5tirpation o$ Aer!anis! in t&e ol% A*strian )onar#&" see!e% in so!e (a" to be !ore or less san#tione% b" Aer!an"
&ersel$+ Habsb*rg &"po#ris", (&i#& en%eao*re% o*t(ar%l" to !a,e t&e people beliee t&at A*stria still re!aine% a
Aer!an State, in#rease% t&e $eeling o$ &atre% against t&e I!perial Ho*se an% at t&e sa!e ti!e aro*se% a spirit o$ rebellion
an% #onte!pt+
8*t in t&e Aer!an E!pire itsel$ t&ose (&o (ere t&en its r*lers sa( not&ing o$ (&at all t&is !eant+ As i$ str*#, blin%, t&e"
stoo% besi%e a #orpse an% in t&e er" s"!pto!s o$ %e#o!position t&e" beliee% t&at t&e" re#ogni>e% t&e signs o$ a rene(e%
italit"+ In t&at *n&app" allian#e bet(een t&e "o*ng Aer!an E!pire an% t&e ill*sor" A*strian State la" t&e ger! o$ t&e
3orl% 3ar an% also o$ t&e $inal #ollapse+
In t&e s*bse/*ent pages o$ t&is boo, I s&all go to t&e root o$ t&e proble!+ S*$$i#e it to sa" &ere t&at in t&e er" earl" "ears
o$ !" "o*t& I #a!e to #ertain #on#l*sions (&i#& I &ae neer aban%one%+ In%ee% I be#a!e !ore pro$o*n%l" #onin#e% o$
t&e! as t&e "ears passe%+ T&e" (ere4 T&at t&e %issol*tion o$ t&e A*strian E!pire is a preli!inar" #on%ition $or t&e
%e$en#e o$ Aer!an"C $*rt&er, t&at national $eeling is b" no !eans i%enti#al (it& %"nasti# patriotis!C $inall", an% aboe all,
t&at t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg (as %estine% to bring !is$ort*ne to t&e Aer!an nation+
As a logi#al #onse/*en#e o$ t&ese #oni#tions, t&ere arose in !e a $eeling o$ intense loe $or !" Aer!an1A*strian &o!e
an% a pro$o*n% &atre% $or t&e A*strian State+
T&at ,in% o$ &istori#al t&in,ing (&i#& (as %eelope% in !e t&ro*g& !" st*%" o$ &istor" at s#&ool neer le$t !e
a$ter(ar%s+ 3orl% &istor" be#a!e !ore an% !ore an ine5&a*stible so*r#e $or t&e *n%erstan%ing o$ #onte!porar" &istori#al
eents, (&i#& !eans politi#s+ T&ere$ore I (ill not LlearnL politi#s b*t let politi#s tea#& !e+
A pre#o#io*s reol*tionar" in politi#s I (as no less a pre#o#io*s reol*tionar" in art+ At t&at ti!e t&e proin#ial #apital o$
Upper A*stria &a% a t&eatre (&i#&, relatiel" spea,ing, (as not ba%+ Al!ost eer"t&ing (as pla"e% t&ere+ 3&en I (as
t(ele "ears ol% I sa( 3illia! Tell per$or!e%+ T&at (as !" $irst e5perien#e o$ t&e t&eatre+ So!e !ont&s later I atten%e% a
per$or!an#e o$ 'o&engrin, t&e $irst opera I &a% eer &ear%+ I (as $as#inate% at on#e+ )" "o*t&$*l ent&*sias! $or t&e
8a"re*t& )aster ,ne( no li!its+ Again an% again I (as %ra(n to &ear &is operasC an% to1%a" I #onsi%er it a great pie#e o$
l*#, t&at t&ese !o%est pro%*#tions in t&e little proin#ial #it" prepare% t&e (a" an% !a%e it possible $or !e to appre#iate
t&e better pro%*#tions later on+
8*t all t&is &elpe% to intensi$" !" pro$o*n% aersion $or t&e #areer t&at !" $at&er &a% #&osen $or !eC an% t&is %isli,e
be#a!e espe#iall" strong as t&e ro*g& #orners o$ "o*t&$*l booris&ness be#a!e (orn o$$, a pro#ess (&i#& in !" #ase #a*se%
a goo% %eal o$ pain+ I be#a!e !ore an% !ore #onin#e% t&at I s&o*l% neer be &app" as a State o$$i#ial+ An% no( t&at t&e
Reals#&*le &a% re#ogni>e% an% a#,no(le%ge% !" aptit*%e $or %ra(ing, !" o(n resol*tion be#a!e all t&e stronger+
I!pre#ations an% t&reats &a% no longer an" #&an#e o$ #&anging it+ I (ante% to be#o!e a painter an% no po(er in t&e (orl%
#o*l% $or#e !e to be#o!e a #iil serant+ T&e onl" pe#*liar $eat*re o$ t&e sit*ation no( (as t&at as I gre( bigger I be#a!e
!ore an% !ore intereste% in ar#&ite#t*re+ I #onsi%ere% t&is $a#t as a nat*ral %eelop!ent o$ !" $lair $or painting an% I
re0oi#e% in(ar%l" t&at t&e sp&ere o$ !" artisti# interests (as t&*s enlarge%+ I &a% no notion t&at one %a" it (o*l% &ae to
be ot&er(ise+
T&e /*estion o$ !" #areer (as %e#i%e% !*#& sooner t&an I #o*l% &ae e5pe#te%+
3&en I (as in !" t&irteent& "ear !" $at&er (as s*%%enl" ta,en $ro! *s+ He (as still in rob*st &ealt& (&en a stro,e o$
apople5" painlessl" en%e% &is eart&l" (an%erings an% le$t *s all %eepl" bereae%+ His !ost ar%ent longing (as to be able to
&elp &is son to a%an#e in a #areer an% t&*s sae !e $ro! t&e &ars& or%eal t&at &e &i!sel$ &a% to go t&ro*g&+ 8*t it
appeare% to &i! t&en as i$ t&at longing (ere all in ain+ An% "et, t&o*g& &e &i!sel$ (as not #ons#io*s o$ it, &e &a% so(n
t&e see%s o$ a $*t*re (&i#& neit&er o$ *s $oresa( at t&at ti!e+
At $irst not&ing #&ange% o*t(ar%l"+
)" !ot&er $elt it &er %*t" to #ontin*e !" e%*#ation in a##or%an#e (it& !" $at&ers (is&es, (&i#& !eant t&at s&e (o*l%
&ae !e st*%" $or t&e #iil seri#e+ For !" o(n part I (as een !ore $ir!l" %eter!ine% t&an eer be$ore t&at *n%er no
#ir#*!stan#es (o*l% I be#o!e an o$$i#ial o$ t&e State+ T&e #*rri#*l*! an% tea#&ing !et&o%s $ollo(e% in t&e !i%%le s#&ool
(ere so $ar re!oe% $ro! !" i%eals t&at I be#a!e pro$o*n%l" in%i$$erent+ Illness s*%%enl" #a!e to !" assistan#e+ 3it&in a
$e( (ee,s it %e#i%e% !" $*t*re an% p*t an en% to t&e long1stan%ing $a!il" #on$li#t+ )" l*ngs be#a!e so serio*sl" a$$e#te%
t&at t&e %o#tor a%ise% !" !ot&er er" strongl" not *n%er an" #ir#*!stan#es to allo( !e to ta,e *p a #areer (&i#& (o*l%
ne#essitate (or,ing in an o$$i#e+ He or%ere% t&at I s&o*l% gie *p atten%an#e at t&e Reals#&*le $or a "ear at least+ 3&at I
&a% se#retl" %esire% $or s*#& a long ti!e, an% &a% persistentl" $o*g&t $or, no( be#a!e a realit" al!ost at one stro,e+
In$l*en#e% b" !" illness, !" !ot&er agree% t&at I s&o*l% leae t&e Reals#&*le an% atten% t&e A#a%e!"+
T&ose (ere &app" %a"s, (&i#& appeare% to !e al!ost as a %rea!C b*t t&e" (ere bo*n% to re!ain onl" a %rea!+ T(o "ears
later !" !ot&ers %eat& p*t a br*tal en% to all !" $ine pro0e#ts+ S&e s*##*!be% to a long an% pain$*l illness (&i#& $ro!
t&e er" beginning per!itte% little &ope o$ re#oer"+ T&o*g& e5pe#te%, &er %eat& #a!e as a terrible blo( to !e+ I respe#te%
!" $at&er, b*t I loe% !" !ot&er+
Poert" an% stern realit" $or#e% !e to %e#i%e pro!ptl"+
T&e !eagre reso*r#es o$ t&e $a!il" &a% been al!ost entirel" *se% *p t&ro*g& !" !ot&ers seere illness+ T&e allo(an#e
(&i#& #a!e to !e as an orp&an (as not eno*g& $or t&e bare ne#essities o$ li$e+ So!e&o( or ot&er I (o*l% &ae to earn !"
o(n brea%+
3it& !" #lot&es an% linen pa#,e% in a alise an% (it& an in%o!itable resol*tion in !" &eart, I le$t $or Bienna+ I &ope% to
$orestall $ate, as !" $at&er &a% %one $i$t" "ears be$ore+ I (as %eter!ine% to be#o!e Mso!et&ing 1 b*t #ertainl" not a #iil
C&apter T(o, LKears o$ S*$$ering in BiennaL
3&en !" !ot&er %ie% !" $ate &a% alrea%" been %e#i%e% in one respe#t+ =*ring t&e last !ont&s o$ &er illness I (ent to
Bienna to ta,e t&e entran#e e5a!ination $or t&e A#a%e!" o$ Fine Arts+ Ar!e% (it& a b*l," pa#,et o$ s,et#&es, I $elt
#onin#e% t&at I s&o*l% pass t&e e5a!ination /*ite easil"+ At t&e Reals#&*le I (as b" $ar t&e best st*%ent in t&e %ra(ing
#lass, an% sin#e t&at ti!e I &a% !a%e !ore t&an or%inar" progress in t&e pra#ti#e o$ %ra(ing+ T&ere$ore I (as please% (it&
!"sel$ an% (as pro*% an% &app" at t&e prospe#t o$ (&at I #onsi%ere% an ass*re% s*##ess+
8*t t&ere (as one !isgiing4 It see!e% to !e t&at I (as better /*ali$ie% $or %ra(ing t&an $or painting, espe#iall" in t&e
ario*s bran#&es o$ ar#&ite#t*ral %ra(ing+ At t&e sa!e ti!e !" interest in ar#&ite#t*re (as #onstantl" in#reasing+ An% I
a%an#e% in t&is %ire#tion at a still !ore rapi% pa#e a$ter !" $irst isit to Bienna, (&i#& laste% t(o (ee,s+ I (as not "et
si5teen "ears ol%+ I (ent to t&e Ho$ )*se*! to st*%" t&e paintings in t&e art galler" t&ereC b*t t&e b*il%ing itsel$ #apt*re%
al!ost all !" interest, $ro! earl" !orning *ntil late at nig&t I spent all !" ti!e isiting t&e ario*s p*bli# b*il%ings+ An%
it (as t&e b*il%ings t&e!seles t&at (ere al(a"s t&e prin#ipal attra#tion $or !e+ For &o*rs an% &o*rs I #o*l% stan% in
(on%er!ent be$ore t&e Opera an% t&e Parlia!ent+ T&e (&ole Ring Strasse &a% a !agi# e$$e#t *pon !e, as i$ it (ere a
s#ene $ro! t&e T&o*san%1an%1one1.ig&ts+
An% no( I (as &ere $or t&e se#on% ti!e in t&is bea*ti$*l #it", i!patientl" (aiting to &ear t&e res*lt o$ t&e entran#e
e5a!ination b*t pro*%l" #on$i%ent t&at I &a% got t&ro*g&+ I (as so #onin#e% o$ !" s*##ess t&at (&en t&e ne(s t&at I &a%
$aile% to pass (as bro*g&t to !e it str*#, !e li,e a bolt $ro! t&e s,ies+ Ket t&e $a#t (as t&at I &a% $aile%+ I (ent to see t&e
Re#tor an% as,e% &i! to e5plain t&e reasons (&" t&e" re$*se% to a##ept !e as a st*%ent in t&e general S#&ool o$ Painting,
(&i#& (as part o$ t&e A#a%e!"+ He sai% t&at t&e s,et#&es (&i#& I &a% bro*g&t (it& !e *n/*estionabl" s&o(e% t&at
painting (as not (&at I (as s*ite% $or b*t t&at t&e sa!e s,et#&es gae #lear in%i#ations o$ !" aptit*%e $or ar#&ite#t*ral
%esigning+ T&ere$ore t&e S#&ool o$ Painting %i% not #o!e into /*estion $or !e b*t rat&er t&e S#&ool o$ Ar#&ite#t*re, (&i#&
also $or!e% part o$ t&e A#a%e!"+ At $irst it (as i!possible to *n%erstan% &o( t&is #o*l% be so, seeing t&at I &a% neer
been to a s#&ool $or ar#&ite#t*re an% &a% neer re#eie% an" instr*#tion in ar#&ite#t*ral %esigning+
3&en I le$t t&e Hansen Pala#e, on t&e S#&iller Plat>, I (as /*ite #rest$allen+ I $elt o*t o$ sorts (it& !"sel$ $or t&e $irst ti!e
in !" "o*ng li$e+ For (&at I &a% &ear% abo*t !" #apabilities no( appeare% to !e as a lig&tning $las& (&i#& #learl"
reeale% a %*alis! *n%er (&i#& I &a% been s*$$ering $or a long ti!e, b*t &it&erto I #o*l% gie no #lear a##o*nt (&atsoeer
o$ t&e (&" an% (&ere$ore+
3it&in a $e( %a"s I !"sel$ also ,ne( t&at I o*g&t to be#o!e an ar#&ite#t+ 8*t o$ #o*rse t&e (a" (as er" %i$$i#*lt+ I (as
no( $or#e% bitterl" to r*e !" $or!er #on%*#t in negle#ting an% %espising #ertain s*b0e#ts at t&e Reals#&*le+ 8e$ore ta,ing
*p t&e #o*rses at t&e S#&ool o$ Ar#&ite#t*re in t&e A#a%e!" it (as ne#essar" to atten% t&e Te#&ni#al 8*il%ing S#&oolC b*t
a ne#essar" /*ali$i#ation $or entran#e into t&is s#&ool (as a 'eaing Certi$i#ate $ro! t&e )i%%le S#&ool+ An% t&is I si!pl"
%i% not &ae+ A##or%ing to t&e &*!an !eas*re o$ t&ings !" %rea! o$ $ollo(ing an artisti# #alling see!e% be"on% t&e
li!its o$ possibilit"+
A$ter t&e %eat& o$ !" !ot&er I #a!e to Bienna $or t&e t&ir% ti!e+ T&is isit (as %estine% to last seeral "ears+ Sin#e I &a%
been t&ere be$ore I &a% re#oere% !" ol% #al! an% resol*teness+ T&e $or!er sel$1ass*ran#e &a% #o!e ba#,, an% I &a% !"
e"es stea%il" $i5e% on t&e goal+ I (o*l% be an ar#&ite#t+ Obsta#les are pla#e% a#ross o*r pat& in li$e, not to be boggle% at b*t
to be s*r!o*nte%+ An% I (as $*ll" %eter!ine% to s*r!o*nt t&ese obsta#les, &aing t&e pi#t*re o$ !" $at&er #onstantl"
be$ore !" !in%, (&o &a% raise% &i!sel$ b" &is o(n e$$orts to t&e position o$ a #iil serant t&o*g& &e (as t&e poor son o$
a illage s&oe!a,er+ I &a% a better start, an% t&e possibilities o$ str*ggling t&ro*g& (ere better+ At t&at ti!e !" lot in li$e
see!e% to !e a &ars& oneC b*t to1%a" I see in it t&e (ise (or,ings o$ Proi%en#e+ T&e Ao%%ess o$ Fate #l*t#&e% !e in &er
&an%s an% o$ten t&reatene% to s!as& !eC b*t t&e (ill gre( stronger as t&e obsta#les in#rease%, an% $inall" t&e (ill
I a! t&an,$*l $or t&at perio% o$ !" li$e, be#a*se it &ar%ene% !e an% enable% !e to be as to*g& as I no( a!+ An% I a!
een !ore t&an,$*l be#a*se I appre#iate t&e $a#t t&at I (as t&*s sae% $ro! t&e e!ptiness o$ a li$e o$ ease an% t&at a
!ot&ers %arling (as ta,en $ro! ten%er ar!s an% &an%e% oer to A%ersit" as to a ne( !ot&er+ T&o*g& I t&en rebelle%
against it as too &ar% a $ate, I a! grate$*l t&at I (as t&ro(n into a (orl% o$ !iser" an% poert" an% t&*s #a!e to ,no( t&e
people $or (&o! I (as a$ter(ar%s to $ig&t+
It (as %*ring t&is perio% t&at !" e"es (ere opene% to t(o perils, t&e na!es o$ (&i#& I s#ar#el" ,ne( &it&erto an% &a% no
notion (&atsoeer o$ t&eir terrible signi$i#an#e $or t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e Aer!an people+ T&ese t(o perils (ere )ar5is!
an% -*%ais!+
For !an" people t&e na!e o$ Bienna signi$ies inno#ent 0ollit", a $estie pla#e $or &app" !ortals+ For !e, alas, it is a liing
!e!or" o$ t&e sa%%est perio% in !" li$e+ Een to1%a" t&e !ention o$ t&at #it" aro*ses onl" gloo!" t&o*g&ts in !" !in%+
Fie "ears o$ poert" in t&at P&ae#ian 6G to(n+ Fie "ears in (&i#&, $irst as a #as*al labo*rer an% t&en as a painter o$ little
tri$les, I &a% to earn !" %ail" brea%+ An% a !eagre !orsel in%ee% it (as, not een s*$$i#ient to still t&e &*nger (&i#& I
#onstantl" $elt+ T&at &*nger (as t&e $ait&$*l g*ar%ian (&i#& neer le$t !e b*t too, part in eer"t&ing I %i%+ Eer" boo,
t&at I bo*g&t !eant rene(e% &*nger, an% eer" isit I pai% to t&e opera !eant t&e intr*sion o$ t&at inalienabl #o!panion
%*ring t&e $ollo(ing %a"s+ I (as al(a"s str*ggling (it& !" *ns"!pat&i# $rien%+ An% "et %*ring t&at ti!e I learne% !ore
t&an I &a% eer learne% be$ore+ O*tsi%e !" ar#&ite#t*ral st*%ies an% rare isits to t&e opera, $or (&i#& I &a% to %en" !"sel$
$oo%, I &a% no ot&er pleas*re in li$e e5#ept !" boo,s+
I rea% a great %eal t&en, an% I pon%ere% %eepl" oer (&at I rea%+ All t&e $ree ti!e a$ter (or, (as %eote% e5#l*siel" to
st*%"+ T&*s (it&in a $e( "ears I (as able to a#/*ire a sto#, o$ ,no(le%ge (&i#& I $in% *se$*l een to1%a"+
8*t !ore t&an t&at+ =*ring t&ose "ears a ie( o$ li$e an% a %e$inite o*tloo, on t&e (orl% too, s&ape in !" !in%+ T&ese
be#a!e t&e granite basis o$ !" #on%*#t at t&at ti!e+ Sin#e t&en I &ae e5ten%e% t&at $o*n%ation onl" er" little, an% I &ae
#&ange% not&ing in it+
On t&e #ontrar"4 I a! $ir!l" #onin#e% to1%a" t&at, generall" spea,ing, it is in "o*t& t&at !en la" t&e essential
gro*n%(or, o$ t&eir #reatie t&o*g&t, (&ereer t&at #reatie t&o*g&t e5ists+ I !a,e a %istin#tion bet(een t&e (is%o! o$
age 1 (&i#& #an onl" arise $ro! t&e greater pro$*n%it" an% $oresig&t t&at are base% on t&e e5perien#es o$ a long li$e 1 an%
t&e #reatie geni*s o$ "o*t&, (&i#& blosso!s o*t in t&o*g&t an% i%eas (it& ine5&a*stible $ertilit", (it&o*t being able to p*t
t&ese into pra#ti#e i!!e%iatel", be#a*se o$ t&eir er" s*perab*n%an#e+ T&ese $*rnis& t&e b*il%ing !aterials an% plans $or
t&e $*t*reC an% it is $ro! t&e! t&at age ta,es t&e stones an% b*il%s t&e e%i$i#e, *nless t&e so1#alle% (is%o! o$ t&e "ears
!a" &ae s!ot&ere% t&e #reatie geni*s o$ "o*t&+
T&e li$e (&i#& I &a% &it&erto le% at &o!e (it& !" parents %i$$ere% in little or not&ing $ro! t&at o$ all t&e ot&ers+ I loo,e%
$or(ar% (it&o*t appre&ension to t&e !orro(, an% t&ere (as no s*#& t&ing as a so#ial proble! to be $a#e%+ T&ose a!ong
(&o! I passe% !" "o*ng %a"s belonge% to t&e s!all bo*rgeois #lass+ T&ere$ore it (as a (orl% t&at &a% er" little #onta#t
(it& t&e (orl% o$ gen*ine !an*al labo*rers+ For, t&o*g& at $irst t&is !a" appear astonis&ing, t&e %it#& (&i#& separates
t&at #lass, (&i#& is b" no !eans e#ono!i#all" (ell1o$$C $ro! t&e !an*al labo*ring #lass is o$ten %eeper t&an people t&in,+
T&e reason $or t&is %iision, (&i#& (e !a" al!ost #all en!it", lies in t&e $ear t&at %o!inates a so#ial gro*p (&i#& &as
onl" 0*st risen aboe t&e leel o$ t&e !an*al labo*rer 1 a $ear lest it !a" $all ba#, into its ol% #on%ition or at least be
#lasse% (it& t&e labo*rers+ )oreoer, t&ere is so!et&ing rep*lsie in re!e!bering t&e #*lt*ral in%igen#e o$ t&at lo(er
#lass an% t&eir ro*g& !anners (it& one anot&erC so t&at people (&o are onl" on t&e $irst r*ng o$ t&e so#ial la%%er $in% it
*nbearable to be $or#e% to &ae an" #onta#t (it& t&e #*lt*ral leel an% stan%ar% o$ liing o*t o$ (&i#& t&e" &ae passe%+
An% so it &appens t&at er" o$ten t&ose (&o belong to (&at #an reall" be #alle% t&e *pper #lasses $in% it !*#& easier t&an
%o t&e *pstarts to %es#en% to an% inter!ingle (it& t&eir $ello( beings on t&e lo(est so#ial leel+ For b" t&e (or% *pstart I
!ean eer"one (&o &as raise% &i!sel$ t&ro*g& &is o(n e$$orts to a so#ial leel &ig&er t&an t&at to (&i#& &e $or!erl"
belonge%+ In t&e #ase o$ s*#& a person t&e &ar% str*ggle t&ro*g& (&i#& &e passes o$ten %estro"s &is nor!al &*!an
s"!pat&"+ His o(n $ig&t $or e5isten#e ,ills &is sensibilit" $or t&e !iser" o$ t&ose (&o &ae been le$t be&in%+
Fro! t&is point o$ ie( $ate &a% been ,in% to !e+ Cir#*!stan#es $or#e% !e to ret*rn to t&at (orl% o$ poert" an%
e#ono!i# inse#*rit" aboe (&i#& !" $at&er &a% raise% &i!sel$ in &is earl" %a"sC an% t&*s t&e blin,ers o$ a narro( petit
bo*rgeois e%*#ation (ere torn $ro! !" e"es+ .o( $or t&e $irst ti!e I learne% to ,no( !en an% I learne% to %isting*is&
bet(een e!pt" appearan#es or br*tal !anners an% t&e real inner nat*re o$ t&e people (&o o*t(ar%l" appeare% t&*s+
At t&e beginning o$ t&e #ent*r" Bienna &a% alrea%" ta,en ran, a!ong t&ose #ities (&ere so#ial #on%itions are ini/*ito*s+
=a>>ling ri#&es an% loat&so!e %estit*tion (ere inter!ingle% in iolent #ontrast+ In t&e #entre an% in t&e Inner Cit" one
$elt t&e p*lse1beat o$ an E!pire (&i#& &a% a pop*lation o$ $iit"1t(o !illions, (it& all t&e perilo*s #&ar! o$ a State !a%e
*p o$ !*ltiple nationalities+ T&e %a>>ling splen%o*r o$ t&e Co*rt a#te% li,e a !agnet on t&e (ealt& an% intelligen#e o$ t&e
(&ole E!pire+ An% t&is attra#tion (as $*rt&er strengt&ene% b" t&e %"nasti# poli#" o$ t&e Habsb*rg )onar#&" in
#entrali>ing eer"t&ing in itsel$ an% $or itsel$+
T&is #entrali>ing poli#" (as ne#essar" in or%er to &ol% toget&er t&at &ot#&pot#& o$ &eterogeneo*s nationalities+ 8*t t&e
res*lt o$ it (as an e5traor%inar" #on#entration o$ &ig&er o$$i#ials in t&e #it", (&i#& (as at one an% t&e sa!e ti!e t&e
!etropolis an% i!perial resi%en#e+
8*t Bienna (as not !erel" t&e politi#al an% intelle#t*al #entre o$ t&e =an*bian )onar#&"C it (as also t&e #o!!er#ial
#entre+ 8esi%es t&e &or%e o$ !ilitar" o$$i#ers o$ &ig& ran,, State o$$i#ials, artists an% s#ientists, t&ere (as t&e still aster
&or%e o$ (or,ers+ Ab0e#t poert" #on$ronte% t&e (ealt& o$ t&e aristo#ra#" an% t&e !er#&ant #lass $a#e to $a#e+ T&o*san%s
o$ *ne!plo"e% loitere% in $ront o$ t&e pala#es on t&e Ring StrasseC an% belo( t&at Bia Tri*!p&alis o$ t&e ol% A*stria t&e
&o!eless &*%%le% toget&er in t&e !*r, an% $ilt& o$ t&e #anals+
T&ere (as &ar%l" an" ot&er Aer!an #it" in (&i#& t&e so#ial proble! #o*l% be st*%ie% better t&an in Bienna+ 8*t &ere I
!*st *tter a (arning against t&e ill*sion t&at t&is proble! #an be Mst*%ie% $ro! aboe %o(n(ar%s+ T&e !an (&o &as
neer been in t&e #l*t#&es o$ t&at #r*s&ing iper #an neer ,no( (&at its poison is+ An atte!pt to st*%" it in an" ot&er (a"
(ill res*lt onl" in s*per$i#ial tal, an% senti!ental %el*sions+ 8ot& are &ar!$*l+ T&e $irst be#a*se it #an neer go to t&e root
o$ t&e /*estion, t&e se#on% be#a*se it ea%es t&e /*estion entirel"+ I %o not ,no( (&i#& is t&e !ore ne$ario*s4 to ignore
so#ial %istress, as %o t&e !a0orit" o$ t&ose (&o &ae been $ao*re% b" $ort*ne an% t&ose (&o &ae risen in t&e so#ial s#ale
t&ro*g& t&eir o(n ro*tine labo*r, or t&e e/*all" s*per#ilio*s an% o$ten ta#tless b*t al(a"s genteel #on%es#ension %ispla"e%
b" people (&o !a,e a $a% o$ being #&aritable an% (&o pl*!e t&e!seles on Ms"!pat&ising (it& t&e people+ O$ #o*rse
s*#& persons sin !ore t&an t&e" #an i!agine $ro! la#, o$ instin#tie *n%erstan%ing+ An% t&*s t&e" are astonis&e% to $in%
t&at t&e Mso#ial #ons#ien#e on (&i#& t&e" pri%e t&e!seles neer pro%*#es an" res*lts, b*t o$ten #a*ses t&eir goo%
intentions to be resente%C an% t&en t&e" tal, o$ t&e ingratit*%e o$ t&e people+
S*#& persons are slo( to learn t&at &ere t&ere is no pla#e $or !erel" so#ial a#tiities an% t&at t&ere #an be no e5pe#tation
o$ gratit*%eC $or in t&is #onne#tion t&ere is no /*estion at all o$ %istrib*ting $ao*rs b*t essentiall" a !atter o$ retrib*tie
0*sti#e+ I (as prote#te% against t&e te!ptation to st*%" t&e so#ial /*estion in t&e (a" 0*st !entione%, $or t&e si!ple reason
t&at I (as $or#e% to lie in t&e !i%st o$ poert"1stri#,en people+ T&ere$ore it (as not a /*estion o$ st*%"ing t&e proble!
ob0e#tiel", b*t rat&er one o$ testing its e$$e#ts on !"sel$+ T&o*g& t&e rabbit #a!e t&ro*g& t&e or%eal o$ t&e e5peri!ent,
t&is !*st not be ta,en as ei%en#e o$ its &ar!lessness+
3&en I tr" to1%a" to re#all t&e s*##ession o$ i!pressions re#eie% %*ring t&at ti!e I $in% t&at I #an %o so onl" (it&
appro5i!ate #o!pleteness+ Here I s&all %es#ribe onl" t&e !ore essential i!pressions an% t&ose (&i#& personall" a$$e#te%
!e an% o$ten staggere% !e+ An% I s&all !ention t&e $e( lessons I t&en learne% $ro! t&is e5perien#e+
At t&at ti!e it (as $or t&e !ost part not er" %i$$i#*lt to $in% (or,, be#a*se I &a% to see, (or, not as a s,ille% tra%es!an
b*t as a so1#alle% e5tra1&an% rea%" to ta,e an" 0ob t&at t*rne% *p b" #&an#e, 0*st $or t&e sa,e o$ earning !" %ail" brea%+
T&*s I $o*n% !"sel$ in t&e sa!e sit*ation as all t&ose e!igrants (&o s&a,e t&e %*st o$ E*rope $ro! t&eir $eet, (it& t&e
#ast1iron %eter!ination to la" t&e $o*n%ations o$ a ne( e5isten#e in t&e .e( 3orl% an% a#/*ire $or t&e!seles a ne(
&o!e+ 'iberate% $ro! all t&e paral"sing pre0*%i#es o$ #lass an% #alling, eniron!ent an% tra%ition, t&e" enter an" seri#e
t&at opens its %oors to t&e!, a##epting an" (or, t&at #o!es t&eir (a", $ille% !ore an% !ore (it& t&e i%ea t&at &onest (or,
neer %isgra#e% an"bo%", no !atter (&at ,in% it !a" be+ An% so I (as resole% to set bot& $eet in (&at (as $or !e a ne(
(orl% an% p*s& $or(ar% on !" o(n roa%+
I soon $o*n% o*t t&at t&ere (as so!e ,in% o$ (or, al(a"s to be got, b*t I also learne% t&at it #o*l% 0*st as /*i#,l" an%
easil" be lost+ T&e *n#ertaint" o$ being able to earn a reg*lar %ail" lieli&oo% soon appeare% to !e as t&e gloo!iest $eat*re
in t&is ne( li$e t&at I &a% entere%+
Alt&o*g& t&e s,ille% (or,er (as not so $re/*entl" t&ro(n i%le on t&e streets as t&e *ns,ille% (or,er, "et t&e $or!er (as b"
no !eans prote#te% against t&e sa!e $ateC be#a*se t&o*g& &e !a" not &ae to $a#e &*nger as a res*lt o$ *ne!plo"!ent %*e
to t&e la#, o$ %e!an% in t&e labo*r !ar,et, t&e lo#,1o*t an% t&e stri,e %eprie% t&e s,ille% (or,er o$ t&e #&an#e to earn
&is brea%+ Here t&e ele!ent o$ *n#ertaint" in stea%il" earning ones %ail" brea% (as t&e bitterest $eat*re o$ t&e (&ole
so#ial1e#ono!i# s"ste! itsel$+
T&e #o*ntr" la% (&o !igrates to t&e big #it" $eels attra#te% b" (&at &as been %es#ribe% as eas" (or, 1 (&i#& it !a" be in
realit" 1 an% $e( (or,ing &o*rs+ He is espe#iall" entran#e% b" t&e !agi# gli!!er sprea% oer t&e big #ities+ A##*sto!e%
in t&e #o*ntr" to earn a stea%" (age, &e &as been ta*g&t not to /*it &is $or!er post *ntil a ne( one is at least in sig&t+ As
t&ere is a great s#ar#it" o$ agri#*lt*ral labo*r, t&e probabilit" o$ long *ne!plo"!ent in t&e #o*ntr" &as been er" s!all+ It
is a !ista,e to pres*!e t&at t&e la% (&o leaes t&e #o*ntr"si%e $or t&e to(n is not !a%e o$ s*#& so*n% !aterial as t&ose
(&o re!ain at &o!e to (or, on t&e lan%+ On t&e #ontrar", e5perien#e s&o(s t&at it is t&e !ore &ealt&" an% !ore igoro*s
t&at e!igrate, an% not t&e reerse+ A!ong t&ese e!igrants I in#l*%e not !erel" t&ose (&o e!igrate to A!eri#a, b*t also
t&e serant bo" in t&e #o*ntr" (&o %e#i%es to leae &is natie illage an% !igrate to t&e big #it" (&ere &e (ill be a
stranger+ He is rea%" to ta,e t&e ris, o$ an *n#ertain $ate+ In !ost #ases &e #o!es to to(n (it& a little !one" in &is po#,et
an% $or t&e $irst $e( %a"s &e is not %is#o*rage% i$ &e s&o*l% not &ae t&e goo% $ort*ne to $in% (or,+ 8*t i$ &e $in%s a 0ob
an% t&en loses it in a little (&ile, t&e #ase is !*#& (orse+ To $in% (or, ane(, espe#iall" in (inter, is o$ten %i$$i#*lt an%
in%ee% so!eti!es i!possible+ For t&e $irst $e( (ee,s li$e is still bearable He re#eies &is o*t1o$1(or, !one" $ro! &is tra%e
*nion an% is t&*s enable% to #arr" on+ 8*t (&en t&e last o$ &is o(n !one" is gone an% &is tra%e *nion #eases to pa" o*t
be#a*se o$ t&e prolonge% *ne!plo"!ent, t&en #o!es t&e real %istress+ He no( loiters abo*t an% is &*ngr"+ O$ten &e pa(ns
or sells t&e last o$ &is belongings+ His #lot&es begin to get s&abb" an% (it& t&e in#reasing poert" o$ &is o*t(ar%
appearan#e &e %es#en%s to a lo(er so#ial leel an% !i5es *p (it& a #lass o$ &*!an beings t&ro*g& (&o! &is !in% is no(
poisone%, in a%%ition to &is p&"si#al !iser"+ T&en &e &as no(&ere to sleep an% i$ t&at &appens in (inter, (&i#& is er"
o$ten t&e #ase, &e is in %ire %istress+ Finall" &e gets (or,+ 8*t t&e ol% stor" repeats itsel$+ A se#on% ti!e t&e sa!e t&ing
&appens+ T&en a t&ir% ti!eC an% no( it is probabl" !*#& (orse+ 'ittle b" little &e be#o!es in%i$$erent to t&is eerlasting
inse#*rit"+ Finall" &e gro(s *se% to t&e repetition+ T&*s een a !an (&o is nor!all" o$ in%*strio*s &abits gro(s #areless
in &is (&ole attit*%e to(ar%s li$e an% gra%*all" be#o!es an instr*!ent in t&e &an%s o$ *ns#r*p*lo*s people (&o e5ploit
&i! $or t&e sa,e o$ t&eir o(n ignoble ai!s+ He &as been so o$ten t&ro(n o*t o$ e!plo"!ent t&ro*g& no $a*lt o$ &is o(n
t&at &e is no( !ore or less in%i$$erent (&et&er t&e stri,e in (&i#& &e ta,es part be $or t&e p*rpose o$ se#*ring &is
e#ono!i# rig&ts or be ai!e% at t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e State, t&e (&ole so#ial or%er an% een #iili>ation itsel$+ T&o*g& t&e
i%ea o$ going on stri,e !a" not be to &is nat*ral li,ing, "et &e 0oins in it o*t o$ s&eer in%i$$eren#e+
I sa( t&is pro#ess e5e!pli$ie% be$ore !" e"es in t&o*san%s o$ #ases+ An% t&e longer I obsere% it t&e greater be#a!e !"
%isli,e $or t&at !a!!ot& #it" (&i#& gree%il" attra#ts !en to its boso!, in or%er to brea, t&e! !er#ilessl" in t&e en%+
3&en t&e" #a!e t&e" still $elt t&e!seles in #o!!*nion (it& t&eir o(n people at &o!eC i$ t&e" re!aine% t&at tie (as
I (as t&ro(n abo*t so !*#& in t&e li$e o$ t&e !etropolis t&at I e5perien#e% t&e (or,ings o$ t&is $ate in !" o(n person an%
$elt t&e e$$e#ts o$ it in !" o(n so*l+ One t&ing stoo% o*t #learl" be$ore !" e"es4 It (as t&e s*%%en #&anges $ro! (or, to
i%leness an% i#e ersaC so t&at t&e #onstant $l*#t*ations t&*s #a*se% b" earnings an% e5pen%it*re $inall" %estro"e% t&e
Msense o$ t&ri$t $or !an" people an% also t&e &abit o$ reg*lating e5pen%it*re in an intelligent (a"+ T&e bo%" appeare% to
gro( a##*sto!e% to t&e i#issit*%es o$ $oo% an% &*nger, eating &eartil" in goo% ti!es an% going &*ngr" in ba%+ In%ee%
&*nger s&atters all plans $or rationing e5pen%it*re on a reg*lar s#ale in better ti!es (&en e!plo"!ent is again $o*n%+ T&e
reason $or t&is is t&at t&e %epriations (&i#& t&e *ne!plo"e% (or,er &as to en%*re !*st be #o!pensate% $or
ps"#&ologi#all" b" a persistent !ental !irage in (&i#& &e i!agines &i!sel$ eating &eartil" on#e again+ An% t&is %rea!
%eelops into s*#& a longing t&at it t*rns into a !orbi% i!p*lse to #ast o$$ all sel$1restraint (&en (or, an% (ages t*rn *p
again+ T&ere$ore t&e !o!ent (or, is $o*n% ane( &e $orgets to reg*late t&e e5pen%it*re o$ &is earnings b*t spen%s t&e! to
t&e $*ll (it&o*t t&in,ing o$ to1!orro(+ T&is lea%s to #on$*sion in t&e little (ee,l" &o*se,eeping b*%get, be#a*se t&e
e5pen%it*re is not rationall" planne%+ 3&en t&e p&eno!enon (&i#& I &ae !entione% $irst &appens, t&e earnings (ill last
per&aps $or $ie %a"s instea% o$ seenC on s*bse/*ent o##asions t&e" (ill last onl" $or t&ree %a"sC as t&e &abit re#*rs, t&e
earnings (ill last s#ar#el" $or a %a"C an% $inall" t&e" (ill %isappear in one nig&t o$ $easting+
O$ten t&ere are (i$e an% #&il%ren at &o!e+ An% in !an" #ases it &appens t&at t&ese be#o!e in$e#te% b" s*#& a (a" o$
liing, espe#iall" i$ t&e &*sban% is goo% to t&e! an% (ants to %o t&e best &e #an $or t&e! an% loes t&e! in &is o(n (a"
an% a##or%ing to &is o(n lig&ts+ T&en t&e (ee,s earnings are spent in #o!!on at &o!e (it&in t(o or t&ree %a"s+ T&e
$a!il" eat an% %rin, toget&er as long as t&e !one" lasts an% at t&e en% o$ t&e (ee, t&e" &*nger toget&er+ T&en t&e (i$e
(an%ers abo*t $*rtiel" in t&e neig&bo*r&oo%, borro(s a little, an% r*ns *p s!all %ebts (it& t&e s&op,eepers in an e$$ort to
p*ll t&ro*g& t&e lean %a"s to(ar%s t&e en% o$ t&e (ee,+ T&e" sit %o(n toget&er to t&e !i%%a" !eal (it& onl" !eagre $are
on t&e table, an% o$ten een not&ing to eat+ T&e" (ait $or t&e #o!ing pa"%a", tal,ing o$ it an% !a,ing plansC an% (&ile
t&e" are t&*s &*ngr" t&e" %rea! o$ t&e plent" t&at is to #o!e+ An% so t&e little #&il%ren be#o!e a#/*ainte% (it& !iser" in
t&eir earl" "ears+
8*t t&e eil #*l!inates (&en t&e &*sban% goes &is o(n (a" $ro! t&e beginning o$ t&e (ee, an% t&e (i$e protests, si!pl"
o*t o$ loe $or t&e #&il%ren+ T&en t&ere are /*arrels an% ba% $eeling an% t&e &*sban% ta,es to %rin, a##or%ing as &e
be#o!es estrange% $ro! &is (i$e+ He no( be#o!es %r*n, eer" Sat*r%a"+ Fig&ting $or &er o(n e5isten#e an% t&at o$ t&e
#&il%ren, t&e (i$e &as to &o*n% &i! along t&e roa% $ro! t&e $a#tor" to t&e taern in or%er to get a $e( s&illings $ro! &i!
on pa"%a"+ T&en (&en &e $inall" #o!es &o!e, !a"be on t&e S*n%a" or t&e )on%a", &aing parte% (it& &is last s&illings
an% pen#e, pitiable s#enes $ollo(, s#enes t&at #r" o*t $or Ao%s !er#"+
I &ae &a% a#t*al e5perien#e o$ all t&is in &*n%re%s o$ #ases+ At $irst I (as %isg*ste% an% in%ignantC b*t later on I #a!e to
re#ogni>e t&e (&ole trage%" o$ t&eir !is$ort*ne an% to *n%erstan% t&e pro$o*n% #a*ses o$ it+ T&e" (ere t&e *n&app"
i#ti!s o$ eil #ir#*!stan#es+
Ho*sing #on%itions (ere er" ba% at t&at ti!e+ T&e Bienna !an*al labo*rers lie% in s*rro*n%ings o$ appalling !iser"+ I
s&*%%er een to1%a" (&en I t&in, o$ t&e (oe$*l %ens in (&i#& people %(elt, t&e nig&t s&elters an% t&e sl*!s, an% all t&e
tenebro*s spe#ta#les o$ or%*re, loat&so!e $ilt& an% (i#,e%ness+
3&at (ill &appen one %a" (&en &or%es o$ e!an#ipate% slaes #o!e $ort& $ro! t&ese %ens o$ !iser" to s(oop %o(n on
t&eir *ns*spe#ting $ello( !en@ For t&is ot&er (orl% %oes not t&in, abo*t s*#& a possibilit"+ T&e" &ae allo(e% t&ese
t&ings to go on (it&o*t #aring an% een (it&o*t s*spe#ting 1 in t&eir total la#, o$ instin#tie *n%erstan%ing 1 t&at sooner
or later %estin" (ill ta,e its engean#e *nless it (ill &ae been appease% in ti!e+
To1%a" I $eri%l" t&an, Proi%en#e $or &aing sent !e to s*#& a s#&ool+ T&ere I #o*l% not re$*se to ta,e an interest in
!atters t&at %i% not please !e+ T&is s#&ool soon ta*g&t !e a pro$o*n% lesson+
In or%er not to %espair #o!pletel" o$ t&e people a!ong (&o! I t&en lie% I &a% to set on one si%e t&e o*t(ar% appearan#es
o$ t&eir lies an% on t&e ot&er t&e reasons (&" t&e" &a% %eelope% in t&at (a"+ T&en I #o*l% &ear eer"t&ing (it&o*t
%is#o*rage!entC $or t&ose (&o e!erge% $ro! all t&is !is$ort*ne an% !iser", $ro! t&is $ilt& an% o*t(ar% %egra%ation, (ere
not &*!an beings as s*#& b*t rat&er la!entable res*lts o$ la!entable la(s+ In !" o(n li$e si!ilar &ar%s&ips preente% !e
$ro! giing (a" to a pit"ing senti!entalit" at t&e sig&t o$ t&ese %egra%e% pro%*#ts (&i#& &a% $inall" res*lte% $ro! t&e
press*re o$ #ir#*!stan#es+ .o, t&e senti!ental attit*%e (o*l% be t&e (rong one to a%opt+
Een in t&ose %a"s I alrea%" sa( t&at t&ere (as a t(o1$ol% !et&o% b" (&i#& alone it (o*l% be possible to bring abo*t an
a!elioration o$ t&ese #on%itions+ T&is !et&o% is4 $irst, to #reate better $*n%a!ental #on%itions o$ so#ial %eelop!ent b"
establis&ing a pro$o*n% $eeling $or so#ial responsibilities a!ong t&e p*bli#C se#on%, to #o!bine t&is $eeling $or so#ial
responsibilities (it& a r*t&less %eter!ination to pr*ne a(a" all e5#res#en#es (&i#& are in#apable o$ being i!proe%+
-*st as .at*re #on#entrates its greatest attention, not to t&e !aintenan#e o$ (&at alrea%" e5ists b*t on t&e sele#tie
bree%ing o$ o$$spring in or%er to #arr" on t&e spe#ies, so in &*!an li$e also it is less a !atter o$ arti$i#iall" i!proing t&e
e5isting generation 1 (&i#&, o(ing to &*!an #&ara#teristi#s, is i!possible in ninet"1nine #ases o*t o$ a &*n%re% 1 an%
!ore a !atter o$ se#*ring $ro! t&e er" start a better roa% $or $*t*re %eelop!ent+
=*ring !" str*ggle $or e5isten#e in Bienna I per#eie% er" #learl" t&at t&e ai! o$ all so#ial a#tiit" !*st neer be !erel"
#&aritable relie$, (&i#& is ri%i#*lo*s an% *seless, b*t it !*st rat&er be a !eans to $in% a (a" o$ eli!inating t&e
$*n%a!ental %e$i#ien#ies in o*r e#ono!i# an% #*lt*ral li$e 1 %e$i#ien#ies (&i#& ne#essaril" bring abo*t t&e %egra%ation o$
t&e in%ii%*al or at least lea% &i! to(ar%s s*#& %egra%ation+ T&e %i$$i#*lt" o$ e!plo"ing eer" !eans, een t&e !ost
%rasti#, to era%i#ate t&e &ostilit" preailing a!ong t&e (or,ing #lasses to(ar%s t&e State is largel" %*e to an attit*%e o$
*n#ertaint" in %e#i%ing *pon t&e inner !oties an% #a*ses o$ t&is #onte!porar" p&eno!enon+ T&e gro*n%s o$ t&is
*n#ertaint" are to be $o*n% e5#l*siel" in t&e sense o$ g*ilt (&i#& ea#& in%ii%*al $eels $or &aing per!itte% t&is trage%"
o$ %egra%ation+ For t&at $eeling paral"ses eer" e$$ort at !a,ing a serio*s an% $ir! %e#ision to a#t+ An% t&*s be#a*se t&e
people (&o! it #on#erns are a#illating t&e" are ti!i% an% &al$1&earte% in p*tting into e$$e#t een t&e !eas*res (&i#& are
in%ispensable $or sel$1preseration+ 3&en t&e in%ii%*al is no longer b*r%ene% (it& &is o(n #ons#io*sness o$ bla!e in t&is
regar%, t&en an% onl" t&en (ill &e &ae t&at inner tran/*illit" an% o*ter $or#e to #*t o$$ %rasti#all" an% r*t&lessl" all t&e
parasite gro(t& an% root o*t t&e (ee%s+
8*t be#a*se t&e A*strian State &a% al!ost no sense o$ so#ial rig&ts or so#ial legislation its inabilit" to abolis& t&ose eil
e5#res#en#es (as !ani$est+
I %o not ,no( (&at it (as t&at appalle% !e !ost at t&at ti!e4 t&e e#ono!i# !iser" o$ t&ose (&o (ere t&en !"
#o!panions, t&eir #r*%e #*sto!s an% !orals, or t&e lo( leel o$ t&eir intelle#t*al #*lt*re+
Ho( o$ten o*r bo*rgeoisie rises *p in !oral in%ignation on &earing $ro! t&e !o*t& o$ so!e pitiable tra!p t&at it is all t&e
sa!e to &i! (&et&er &e be a Aer!an or not an% t&at &e (ill $in% &i!sel$ at &o!e (&ereer &e #an get eno*g& to ,eep
bo%" an% so*l toget&er+ T&e" protest sternl" against s*#& a la#, o$ Mnational pri%e an% strongl" e5press t&eir &orror at
s*#& senti!ents+
8*t &o( !an" people reall" as, t&e!seles (&" it is t&at t&eir o(n senti!ents are better@ Ho( !an" o$ t&e! *n%erstan%
t&at t&eir nat*ral pri%e in being !e!bers o$ so $ao*re% a nation arises $ro! t&e inn*!erable s*##ession o$ instan#es t&e"
&ae en#o*ntere% (&i#& re!in% t&e! o$ t&e greatness o$ t&e Fat&erlan% an% t&e .ation in all sp&eres o$ artisti# an%
#*lt*ral li$e@ Ho( !an" o$ t&e! reali>e t&at pri%e in t&e Fat&erlan% is largel" %epen%ent on ,no(le%ge o$ its greatness in
all t&ose sp&eres@ =o o*r bo*rgeois #ir#les eer t&in, (&at a ri%i#*lo*sl" !eagre s&are t&e people &ae in t&at ,no(le%ge
(&i#& is a ne#essar" prere/*isite $or t&e $eeling o$ pri%e in ones $at&erlan%@
It #annot be ob0e#te% &ere t&at in ot&er #o*ntries si!ilar #on%itions e5ist an% t&at neert&eless t&e (or,ing #lasses in t&ose
#o*ntries &ae re!aine% patrioti#+ Een i$ t&at (ere so, it (o*l% be no e5#*se $or o*r negligent attit*%e+ 8*t it is not so+
3&at (e #all #&a*inisti# e%*#ation 1 in t&e #ase o$ t&e Fren#& people, $or e5a!ple 1 is onl" t&e e5#essie e5altation o$ t&e
greatness o$ Fran#e in all sp&eres o$ #*lt*re or, as t&e Fren#& sa", #iili>ation+ T&e Fren#& bo" is not e%*#ate% on p*rel"
ob0e#tie prin#iples+ 3&ereer t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e politi#al an% #*lt*ral greatness o$ &is #o*ntr" is #on#erne% &e is
ta*g&t in t&e !ost s*b0e#tie (a" t&at one #an i!agine+
T&is e%*#ation (ill al(a"s &ae to be #on$ine% to general i%eas in a large perspe#tie an% t&ese o*g&t to be %eepl"
engraen, b" #onstant repetition i$ ne#essar", on t&e !e!ories an% $eelings o$ t&e people+
In o*r #ase, &o(eer, (e are not !erel" g*ilt" o$ negatie sins o$ o!ission b*t also o$ positiel" pererting t&e little (&i#&
so!e in%ii%*als &a% t&e l*#, to learn at s#&ool+ T&e rats t&at poison o*r bo%"1politi# gna( $ro! t&e &earts an% !e!ories
o$ t&e broa% !asses een t&at little (&i#& %istress an% !iser" &ae le$t+
'et t&e rea%er tr" to pi#t*re t&e $ollo(ing4
T&ere is a lo%ging in a #ellar an% t&is lo%ging #onsists o$ t(o %a!p roo!s+ In t&ese roo!s a (or,!an an% &is $a!il" lie 1
seen people in all+ 'et *s ass*!e t&at one o$ t&e #&il%ren is a bo" o$ t&ree "ears+ T&at is t&e age at (&i#& #&il%ren $irst
be#o!e #ons#io*s o$ t&e i!pressions (&i#& t&e" re#eie+ In t&e #ase o$ &ig&l" gi$te% people tra#es o$ t&e i!pressions
re#eie% in t&ose earl" "ears last in t&e !e!or" *p to an a%an#e% age+ .o( t&e narro(ness an% #ongestion o$ t&ose liing
/*arters %o not #on%*#e to pleasant inter1relations+ T&*s /*arrels an% $its o$ !*t*al anger arise+ T&ese people #an &ar%l"
be sai% to lie (it& one anot&er, b*t rat&er %o(n on top o$ one anot&er+ T&e s!all !is*n%erstan%ings (&i#& %isappear o$
t&e!seles in a &o!e (&ere t&ere is eno*g& spa#e $or people to go apart $ro! one anot&er $or a (&ile, &ere be#o!e t&e
so*r#e o$ #&roni# %isp*tes+ As $ar as t&e #&il%ren are #on#erne% t&e sit*ation is tolerable $ro! t&is point o$ ie(+ In s*#&
#on%itions t&e" are #onstantl" /*arrelling (it& one anot&er, b*t t&e /*arrels are /*i#,l" an% entirel" $orgotten+ 8*t (&en
t&e parents $all o*t (it& one anot&er t&ese %ail" bi#,erings o$ten %es#en% to r*%eness s*#& as #annot be a%e/*atel"
i!agine%+ T&e res*lts o$ s*#& e5perien#es !*st be#o!e apparent later on in t&e #&il%ren+ One !*st &ae pra#ti#al
e5perien#e o$ s*#& a !ilie* so as to be able to pi#t*re t&e state o$ a$$airs t&at arises $ro! t&ese !*t*al re#ri!inations (&en
t&e $at&er p&"si#all" assa*lts t&e !ot&er an% !altreats &er in a $it o$ %r*n,en rage+ At t&e age o$ si5 t&e #&il% #an no
longer ignore t&ose sor%i% %etails (&i#& een an a%*lt (o*l% $in% reolting+ In$e#te% (it& !oral poison, bo%il"
*n%erno*ris&e%, an% t&e poor little &ea% $ille% (it& er!in, t&e "o*ng M#iti>en goes to t&e pri!ar" s#&ool+ 3it& %i$$i#*lt"
&e barel" learns to rea% an% (rite+ T&ere is no possibilit" o$ learning an" lessons at &o!e+ P*ite t&e #ontrar"+ T&e $at&er
an% !ot&er t&e!seles tal, be$ore t&e #&il%ren in t&e !ost %isparaging (a" abo*t t&e tea#&er an% t&e s#&ool an% t&e" are
!*#& !ore in#line% to ins*lt t&e tea#&ers t&an to p*t t&eir o$$spring a#ross t&e ,nee an% ,no#, so*n% reason into &i!+
3&at t&e little $ello( &ears at &o!e %oes not ten% to in#rease respe#t $or &is &*!an s*rro*n%ings+ Here not&ing goo% is
sai% o$ &*!an nat*re as a (&ole an% eer" instit*tion, $ro! t&e s#&ool to t&e goern!ent, is reile%+ 3&et&er religion an%
!orals are #on#erne% or t&e State an% t&e so#ial or%er, it is all t&e sa!eC t&e" are all s#o$$e% at+ 3&en t&e "o*ng la% leaes
s#&ool, at t&e age o$ $o*rteen, it (o*l% be %i$$i#*lt to sa" (&at are t&e !ost stri,ing $eat*res o$ &is #&ara#ter, in#re%ible
ignoran#e in so $ar as real ,no(le%ge is #on#erne% or #"ni#al i!p*%en#e #o!bine% (it& an attit*%e to(ar%s !oralit"
(&i#& is reall" startling at so "o*ng an age+
3&at station in li$e #an s*#& a person $ill, to (&o! not&ing is sa#re%, (&o &as neer e5perien#e% an"t&ing noble b*t, on
t&e #ontrar", &as been inti!atel" a#/*ainte% (it& t&e lo(est ,in% o$ &*!an e5isten#e@ T&is #&il% o$ t&ree &as got into t&e
&abit o$ reiling all a*t&orit" b" t&e ti!e &e is $i$teen+ He &as been a#/*ainte% onl" (it& !oral $ilt& an% ileness,
eer"t&ing being e5#l*%e% t&at !ig&t sti!*late &is t&o*g&t to(ar%s &ig&er t&ings+ An% no( t&is "o*ng spe#i!en o$
&*!anit" enters t&e s#&ool o$ li$e+
He lea%s t&e sa!e ,in% o$ li$e (&i#& (as e5e!pli$ie% $or &i! b" &is $at&er %*ring &is #&il%&oo%+ He loiters abo*t an%
#o!es &o!e at all &o*rs+ He no( een bla#,1g*ar%s t&at bro,en1&earte% being (&o gae &i! birt&+ He #*rses Ao% an% t&e
(orl% an% $inall" en%s *p in a Ho*se o$ Corre#tion $or "o*ng people+ T&ere &e gets t&e $inal polis&+
An% &is bo*rgeois #onte!poraries are astonis&e% at t&e la#, o$ Mpatrioti# ent&*sias! (&i#& t&is "o*ng M#iti>en
=a" a$ter %a" t&e bo*rgeois (orl% are (itnesses to t&e p&eno!enon o$ sprea%ing poison a!ong t&e people t&ro*g& t&e
instr*!entalit" o$ t&e t&eatre an% t&e #ine!a, g*tter 0o*rnalis! an% obs#ene boo,sC an% "et t&e" are astonis&e% at t&e
%eplorable M!oral stan%ar%s an% Mnational in%i$$eren#e o$ t&e !asses+ As i$ t&e #ine!a bilge an% t&e g*tter press an%
s*#&li,e #o*l% in#*l#ate ,no(le%ge o$ t&e greatness o$ ones #o*ntr", apart entirel" $ro! t&e earlier e%*#ation o$ t&e
I t&en #a!e to *n%erstan%, /*i#,l" an% t&oro*g&l", (&at I &a% neer been a(are o$ be$ore+ It (as t&e $ollo(ing4
T&e /*estion o$ Mnationali>ing a people is $irst an% $ore!ost one o$ establis&ing &ealt&" so#ial #on%itions (&i#& (ill
$*rnis& t&e gro*n%s t&at are ne#essar" $or t&e e%*#ation o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ For onl" (&en $a!il" *pbringing an% s#&ool
e%*#ation &ae in#*l#ate% in t&e in%ii%*al a ,no(le%ge o$ t&e #*lt*ral an% e#ono!i# an%, aboe all, t&e politi#al
greatness o$ &is o(n #o*ntr" 1 t&en, an% t&en onl", (ill it be possible $or &i! to $eel pro*% o$ being a #iti>en o$ s*#& a
#o*ntr"+ I #an $ig&t onl" $or so!et&ing t&at I loe+ I #an loe onl" (&at I respe#t+ An% in or%er to respe#t a t&ing I !*st at
least &ae so!e ,no(le%ge o$ it+
As soon as !" interest in so#ial /*estions (as on#e a(a,ene% I began to st*%" t&e! in a $*n%a!ental (a"+ A ne( an%
&it&erto *n,no(n (orl% (as t&*s reeale% to !e+
In t&e "ears 1979117 I &a% so $ar i!proe% !", position t&at I no longer &a% to earn !" %ail" brea% as a !an*al labo*rer+ I
(as no( (or,ing in%epen%entl" as %ra*g&ts!an, an% painter in (ater #olo*rs+ T&is !Qtier (as a poor one in%ee% as $ar as
earnings (ere #on#erne%C $or t&ese (ere onl" s*$$i#ient to !eet t&e bare e5igen#ies o$ li$e+ Ket it &a% an interest $or !e in
ie( o$ t&e pro$ession to (&i#& I aspire%+ )oreoer, (&en I #a!e &o!e in t&e eenings I (as no( no longer %ea%1tire% as
$or!erl", (&en I *se% to be *nable to loo, into a boo, (it&o*t $alling asleep al!ost i!!e%iatel"+ )" present o##*pation
t&ere$ore (as in line (it& t&e pro$ession I ai!e% at $or t&e $*t*re+ )oreoer, I (as !aster o$ !" o(n ti!e an% #o*l%
%istrib*te !" (or,ing1&o*rs no( better t&an $or!erl"+ I painte% in or%er to earn !" brea%, an% I st*%ie% be#a*se I li,e% it+
T&*s I (as able to a#/*ire t&at t&eoreti#al ,no(le%ge o$ t&e so#ial proble! (&i#& (as a ne#essar" #o!ple!ent to (&at I
(as learning t&ro*g& a#t*al e5perien#e+ I st*%ie% all t&e boo,s (&i#& I #o*l% $in% t&at %ealt (it& t&is /*estion an% I
t&o*g&t %eepl" on (&at I rea%+ I t&in, t&at t&e !ilie* in (&i#& I t&en lie% #onsi%ere% !e an e##entri# person+
8esi%es !" interest in t&e so#ial /*estion I nat*rall" %eote% !"sel$ (it& ent&*sias! to t&e st*%" o$ ar#&ite#t*re+ Si%e b"
si%e (it& !*si#, I #onsi%ere% it /*een o$ t&e arts+ To st*%" it (as $or !e not (or, b*t pleas*re+ I #o*l% rea% or %ra( *ntil
t&e s!all &o*rs o$ t&e !orning (it&o*t eer getting tire%+ An% I be#a!e !ore an% !ore #on$i%ent t&at !" %rea! o$ a
brilliant $*t*re (o*l% be#o!e tr*e, een t&o*g& I s&o*l% &ae to (ait long "ears $or its $*l$il!ent+ I (as $ir!l" #onin#e%
t&at one %a" I s&o*l% !a,e a na!e $or !"sel$ as an ar#&ite#t+
T&e $a#t t&at, si%e b" si%e (it& !" pro$essional st*%ies, I too, t&e greatest interest in eer"t&ing t&at &a% to %o (it&
politi#s %i% not see! to !e to signi$" an"t&ing o$ great i!portan#e+ On t&e #ontrar"4 I loo,e% *pon t&is pra#ti#al interest
in politi#s !erel" as part o$ an ele!entar" obligation t&at %eoles on eer" t&in,ing !an+ T&ose (&o &ae no
*n%erstan%ing o$ t&e politi#al (orl% aro*n% t&e! &ae no rig&t to #riti#i>e or #o!plain+ On politi#al /*estions t&ere$ore I
still #ontin*e% to rea% an% st*%" a great %eal+ 8*t rea%ing &a% probabl" a %i$$erent signi$i#an#e $or !e $ro! t&at (&i#& it
&as $or t&e aerage r*n o$ o*r so1#alle% Mintelle#t*als+
I ,no( people (&o rea% inter!inabl", boo, a$ter boo,, $ro! page to page, an% "et I s&o*l% not #all t&e! M(ell1rea%
people+ O$ #o*rse t&e" M,no( an i!!ense a!o*ntC b*t t&eir brain see!s in#apable o$ assorting an% #lassi$"ing t&e
!aterial (&i#& t&e" &ae gat&ere% $ro! boo,s+ T&e" &ae not t&e $a#*lt" o$ %isting*is&ing bet(een (&at is *se$*l an%
*seless in a boo,C so t&at t&e" !a" retain t&e $or!er in t&eir !in%s an% i$ possible s,ip oer t&e latter (&ile rea%ing it, i$
t&at be not possible, t&en 1 (&en on#e rea% 1 t&ro( it oerboar% as *seless ballast+ Rea%ing is not an en% in itsel$, b*t a
!eans to an en%+ Its #&ie$ p*rpose is to &elp to(ar%s $illing in t&e $ra!e(or, (&i#& is !a%e *p o$ t&e talents an%
#apabilities t&at ea#& in%ii%*al possesses+ T&*s ea#& one pro#*res $or &i!sel$ t&e i!ple!ents an% !aterials ne#essar" $or
t&e $*l$il!ent o$ &is #alling in li$e, no !atter (&et&er t&is be t&e ele!entar" tas, o$ earning ones %ail" brea% or a #alling
t&at respon%s to &ig&er &*!an aspirations+ S*#& is t&e $irst p*rpose o$ rea%ing+ An% t&e se#on% p*rpose is to gie a
general ,no(le%ge o$ t&e (orl% in (&i#& (e lie+ In bot& #ases, &o(eer, t&e !aterial (&i#& one &as a#/*ire% t&ro*g&
rea%ing !*st not be store% *p in t&e !e!or" on a plan t&at #orrespon%s to t&e s*##essie #&apters o$ t&e boo,C b*t ea#&
little pie#e o$ ,no(le%ge t&*s gaine% !*st be treate% as i$ it (ere a little stone to be inserte% into a !osai#, so t&at it $in%s
its proper pla#e a!ong all t&e ot&er pie#es an% parti#les t&at &elp to $or! a general (orl%1pi#t*re in t&e brain o$ t&e
rea%er+ Ot&er(ise onl" a #on$*se% 0*!ble o$ #&aoti# notions (ill res*lt $ro! all t&is rea%ing+ T&at 0*!ble is not !erel"
*seless, b*t it also ten%s to !a,e t&e *n$ort*nate possessor o$ it #on#eite%+ For &e serio*sl" #onsi%ers &i!sel$ a (ell1
e%*#ate% person an% t&in,s t&at &e *n%erstan%s so!et&ing o$ li$e+ He beliees t&at &e &as a#/*ire% ,no(le%ge, (&ereas
t&e tr*t& is t&at eer" in#rease in s*#& M,no(le%ge %ra(s &i! !ore an% !ore a(a" $ro! real li$e, *ntil &e $inall" en%s *p
in so!e sanatori*! or ta,es to politi#s an% be#o!es a parlia!entar" %ep*t"+
S*#& a person neer s*##ee%s in t*rning &is ,no(le%ge to pra#ti#al a##o*nt (&en t&e opport*ne !o!ent arriesC $or &is
!ental e/*ip!ent is not or%ere% (it& a ie( to !eeting t&e %e!an%s o$ eer"%a" li$e+ His ,no(le%ge is store% in &is brain
as a literal trans#ript o$ t&e boo,s &e &as rea% an% t&e or%er o$ s*##ession in (&i#& &e &as rea% t&e!+ An% i$ Fate s&o*l%
one %a" #all *pon &i! to *se so!e o$ &is boo,1,no(le%ge $or #ertain pra#ti#al en%s in li$e t&at er" #all (ill &ae to na!e
t&e boo, an% gie t&e n*!ber o$ t&e pageC $or t&e poor noo%le &i!sel$ (o*l% neer be able to $in% t&e spot (&ere &e
gat&ere% t&e in$or!ation no( #alle% $or+ 8*t i$ t&e page is not !entione% at t&e #riti#al !o!ent t&e (i%el"1rea%
intelle#t*al (ill $in% &i!sel$ in a state o$ &opeless e!barrass!ent+ In a &ig& state o$ agitation &e sear#&es $or analogo*s
#ases an% it is al!ost a %ea% #ertaint" t&at &e (ill $inall" %elier t&e (rong pres#ription+
I$ t&at is not a #orre#t %es#ription, t&en &o( #an (e e5plain t&e politi#al a#&iee!ents o$ o*r Parlia!entar" &eroes (&o
&ol% t&e &ig&est positions in t&e goern!ent o$ t&e #o*ntr"@ Ot&er(ise (e s&o*l% &ae to attrib*te t&e %oings o$ s*#&
politi#al lea%ers, not to pat&ologi#al #on%itions b*t si!pl" to !ali#e an% #&i#aner"+
On t&e ot&er &an%, one (&o &as #*ltiate% t&e art o$ rea%ing (ill instantl" %is#ern, in a boo, or 0o*rnal or pa!p&let, (&at
o*g&t to be re!e!bere% be#a*se it !eets ones personal nee%s or is o$ al*e as general ,no(le%ge+ 3&at &e t&*s learns is
in#orporate% in &is !ental analog*e o$ t&is or t&at proble! or t&ing, $*rt&er #orre#ting t&e !ental pi#t*re or enlarging it
so t&at it be#o!es !ore e5a#t an% pre#ise+ S&o*l% so!e pra#ti#al proble! s*%%enl" %e!an% e5a!ination or sol*tion,
!e!or" (ill i!!e%iatel" sele#t t&e opport*ne in$or!ation $ro! t&e !ass t&at &as been a#/*ire% t&ro*g& "ears o$ rea%ing
an% (ill pla#e t&is in$or!ation at t&e seri#e o$ ones po(ers o$ 0*%g!ent so as to get a ne( an% #learer ie( o$ t&e
proble! in /*estion or pro%*#e a %e$initie sol*tion+
Onl" t&*s #an rea%ing &ae an" !eaning or be (ort& (&ile+
T&e spea,er, $or e5a!ple, (&o &as not t&e so*r#es o$ in$or!ation rea%" to &an% (&i#& are ne#essar" to a proper treat!ent
o$ &is s*b0e#t is *nable to %e$en% &is opinions against an opponent, een t&o*g& t&ose opinions be per$e#tl" so*n% an%
tr*e+ In eer" %is#*ssion &is !e!or" (ill leae &i! s&a!e$*ll" in t&e l*r#&+ He #annot s*!!on *p arg*!ents to s*pport
&is state!ents or to re$*te &is opponent+ So long as t&e spea,er &as onl" to %e$en% &i!sel$ on &is o(n personal a##o*nt,
t&e sit*ation is not serio*sC b*t t&e eil #o!es (&en C&an#e pla#es at t&e &ea% o$ p*bli# a$$airs s*#& a soi1%isant ,no(1it1
all, (&o in realit" ,no(s not&ing+
Fro! earl" "o*t& I en%eao*re% to rea% boo,s in t&e rig&t (a" an% I (as $ort*nate in &aing a goo% !e!or" an%
intelligen#e to assist !e+ Fro! t&at point o$ ie( !" so0o*rn in Bienna (as parti#*larl" *se$*l an% pro$itable+ )"
e5perien#es o$ eer"%a" li$e t&ere (ere a #onstant sti!*l*s to st*%" t&e !ost %ierse proble!s $ro! ne( angles+ Inas!*#&
as I (as in a position to p*t t&eor" to t&e test o$ realit" an% realit" to t&e test o$ t&eor", I (as sa$e $ro! t&e %anger o$
pe%anti# t&eori>ing on t&e one &an% an%, on t&e ot&er, $ro! being too i!presse% b" t&e s*per$i#ial aspe#ts o$ realit"+
T&e e5perien#e o$ eer"%a" li$e at t&at ti!e %eter!ine% !e to !a,e a $*n%a!ental t&eoreti#al st*%" o$ t(o !ost i!portant
/*estions o*tsi%e o$ t&e so#ial /*estion+
It is i!possible to sa" (&en I !ig&t &ae starte% to !a,e a t&oro*g& st*%" o$ t&e %o#trine an% #&ara#teristi#s o$ )ar5is!
(ere it not $or t&e $a#t t&at I t&en literall" ran &ea% $ore!ost into t&e proble!+
3&at I ,ne( o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#" in !" "o*t& (as pre#io*s little an% t&at little (as $or t&e !ost part (rong+ T&e $a#t t&at
it le% t&e str*ggle $or *niersal s*$$rage an% t&e se#ret ballot gae !e an inner satis$a#tionC $or !" reason t&en tol% !e t&at
t&is (o*l% (ea,en t&e Habsb*rg regi!e, (&i#& I so t&oro*g&l" %eteste%+ I (as #onin#e% t&at een i$ it s&o*l% sa#ri$i#e
t&e Aer!an ele!ent t&e =an*bian State #o*l% not #ontin*e to e5ist+ Een at t&e pri#e o$ a long an% slo( Slai>1ation o$
t&e A*strian Aer!ans t&e State (o*l% se#*re no g*arantee o$ a reall" %*rable E!pireC be#a*se it (as er" /*estionable i$
an% &o( $ar t&e Slas possesse% t&e ne#essar" #apa#it" $or #onstr*#tie politi#s+ T&ere$ore I (el#o!e% eer" !oe!ent
t&at !ig&t lea% to(ar%s t&e $inal %isr*ption o$ t&at i!possible State (&i#& &a% %e#ree% t&at it (o*l% sta!p o*t t&e
Aer!an #&ara#ter in ten !illions o$ people+ T&e !ore t&is babel o$ tong*es (ro*g&t %is#or% an% %isr*ption, een in t&e
Parlia!ent, t&e nearer t&e &o*r approa#&e% $or t&e %issol*tion o$ t&is 8ab"lonian E!pire+ T&at (o*l% !ean t&e liberation
o$ !" Aer!an A*strian people, an% onl" t&en (o*l% it be#o!e possible $or t&e! to be re1*nite% to t&e )ot&erlan%+
A##or%ingl" I &a% no $eelings o$ antipat&" to(ar%s t&e a#t*al poli#" o$ t&e So#ial =e!o#rats+ T&at its ao(e% p*rpose (as
to raise t&e leel o$ t&e (or,ing #lasses 1 (&i#& in !" ignoran#e I t&en $oolis&l" beliee% 1 (as a $*rt&er reason (&" I
s&o*l% spea, in $ao*r o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#" rat&er t&an against it+ 8*t t&e $eat*res t&at #ontrib*te% !ost to estrange !e
$ro! t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# !oe!ent (as its &ostile attit*%e to(ar%s t&e str*ggle $or t&e #onseration o$ Aer!anis! in
A*stria, its la!entable #o#otting (it& t&e Sla M#o!ra%es, (&o re#eie% t&ese approa#&es $ao*rabl" as long as an"
pra#ti#al a%antages (ere $ort&#o!ing b*t ot&er(ise !aintaine% a &a*g&t" resere, t&*s giing t&e i!port*nate
!en%i#ants t&e sort o$ ans(er t&eir be&aio*r %esere%+
An% so at t&e age o$ seenteen t&e (or% M)ar5is! (as er" little ,no(n to !e, (&ile I loo,e% on MSo#ial =e!o#ra#" an%
MSo#ialis! as s"non"!o*s e5pressions+ It (as onl" as t&e res*lt o$ a s*%%en blo( $ro! t&e ro*g& &an% o$ Fate t&at !"
e"es (ere opene% to t&e nat*re o$ t&is *nparallele% s"ste! $or %*ping t&e p*bli#+
Hit&erto !" a#/*aintan#e (it& t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# Part" (as onl" t&at o$ a !ere spe#tator at so!e o$ t&eir !ass
!eetings+ I &a% not t&e slig&test i%ea o$ t&e so#ial1%e!o#rati# tea#&ing or t&e !entalit" o$ its partisans+ All o$ a s*%%en I
(as bro*g&t $a#e to $a#e (it& t&e pro%*#ts o$ t&eir tea#&ing an% (&at t&e" #alle% t&eir 3eltans#&&a**ng+ In t&is (a" a $e(
!ont&s s*$$i#e% $or !e to learn so!et&ing (&i#& *n%er ot&er #ir#*!stan#es !ig&t &ae ne#essitate% %e#a%es o$ st*%" 1
na!el", t&at *n%er t&e #loa, o$ so#ial irt*e an% loe o$ ones neig&bo*r a eritable pestilen#e (as sprea%ing abroa% an%
t&at i$ t&is pestilen#e be not sta!pe% o*t o$ t&e (orl% (it&o*t %ela" it !a" eent*all" s*##ee% in e5ter!inating t&e &*!an
I $irst #a!e into #onta#t (it& t&e So#ial =e!o#rats (&ile (or,ing in t&e b*il%ing tra%e+
Fro! t&e er" ti!e t&at I starte% (or, t&e sit*ation (as not er" pleasant $or !e+ )" #lot&es (ere still rat&er %e#ent+ I (as
#are$*l o$ !" spee#& an% I (as resere% in !anner+ I (as so o##*pie% (it& t&in,ing o$ !" o(n present lot an% $*t*re
possibilities t&at I %i% not ta,e !*#& o$ an interest in !" i!!e%iate s*rro*n%ings+ I &a% so*g&t (or, so t&at I s&o*l%nt
stare an% at t&e sa!e ti!e so as to be able to !a,e $*rt&er &ea%(a" (it& !" st*%ies, t&o*g& t&is &ea%(a" !ig&t be slo(+
Possibl" I s&o*l% not &ae bot&ere% to be intereste% in !" #o!panions (ere it not t&at on t&e t&ir% or $o*rt& %a" an eent
o##*rre% (&i#& $or#e% !e to ta,e a %e$inite stan%+ I (as or%ere% to 0oin t&e tra%e *nion+
At t&at ti!e I ,ne( not&ing abo*t t&e tra%es *nions+ I &a% &a% no opport*nit" o$ $or!ing an opinion on t&eir *tilit" or
in*tilit", as t&e #ase !ig&t be+ 8*t (&en I (as tol% t&at I !*st 0oin t&e *nion I re$*se%+ T&e gro*n%s (&i#& I gae $or !"
re$*sal (ere si!pl" t&at I ,ne( not&ing abo*t t&e !atter an% t&at an"&o( I (o*l% not allo( !"sel$ to be $or#e% into
an"t&ing+ Probabl" t&e $or!er reason sae% !e $ro! being t&ro(n o*t rig&t a(a"+ T&e" probabl" t&o*g&t t&at (it&in a
$e( %a"s I !ig&t be #onerte% an% be#o!e !ore %o#ile+ 8*t i$ t&e" t&o*g&t t&at t&e" (ere pro$o*n%l" !ista,en+ A$ter t(o
(ee,s I $o*n% it *tterl" i!possible $or !e to ta,e s*#& a step, een i$ I &a% been (illing to ta,e it at $irst+ =*ring t&ose
$o*rteen %a"s I #a!e to ,no( !" $ello( (or,!en better, an% no po(er in t&e (orl% #o*l% &ae !oe% !e to 0oin an
organi>ation (&ose representaties &a% !ean(&ile s&o(n t&e!seles in a lig&t (&i#& I $o*n% so *n$ao*rable+
=*ring t&e $irst %a"s !" resent!ent (as aro*se%+
At !i%%a" so!e o$ !" $ello( (or,ers *se% to a%0o*rn to t&e nearest taern, (&ile t&e ot&ers re!aine% on t&e b*il%ing
pre!ises an% t&ere ate t&eir !i%%a" !eal, (&i#& in !ost #ases (as a er" s#ant" one+ T&ese (ere !arrie% !en+ T&eir
(ies bro*g&t t&e! t&e !i%%a" so*p in %ilapi%ate% essels+ To(ar%s t&e en% o$ t&e (ee, t&ere (as a gra%*al in#rease in
t&e n*!ber o$ t&ose (&o re!aine% to eat t&eir !i%%a" !eal on t&e b*il%ing pre!ises+ I *n%erstoo% t&e reason $or t&is
a$ter(ar%s+ T&e" no( tal,e% politi#s+
I %ran, !" bottle o$ !il, an% ate !" !orsel o$ brea% so!e(&ere on t&e o*ts,irts, (&ile I #ir#*!spe#tl" st*%ie% !"
eniron!ent or else $ell to !e%itating on !" o(n &ars& lot+ Ket I &ear% !ore t&an eno*g&+ An% I o$ten t&o*g&t t&at so!e
o$ (&at t&e" sai% (as !eant $or !" ears, in t&e &ope o$ bringing !e to a %e#ision+ 8*t all t&at I &ear% &a% t&e e$$e#t o$
aro*sing t&e strongest antagonis! in !e+ Eer"t&ing (as %isparage% 1 t&e nation, be#a*se it (as &el% to be an inention o$
t&e M#apitalist #lass F&o( o$ten I &a% to listen to t&at p&raseNGC t&e Fat&erlan%, be#a*se it (as &el% to be an instr*!ent in
t&e &an%s o$ t&e bo*rgeoisie $or t&e e5ploitation o$ t&e (or,ing !assesC t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e la(, be#a*se t&at (as a !eans
o$ &ol%ing %o(n t&e proletariatC religion, as a !eans o$ %oping t&e people, so as to e5ploit t&e! a$ter(ar%sC !oralit", as a
ba%ge o$ st*pi% an% s&eepis& %o#ilit"+ T&ere (as not&ing t&at t&e" %i% not %rag in t&e !*%+
At $irst I re!aine% silentC b*t t&at #o*l% not last er" long+ T&en I began to ta,e part in t&e %is#*ssion an% to repl" to t&eir
state!ents+ I &a% to re#ogni>e, &o(eer, t&at t&is (as bo*n% to be entirel" $r*itless, as long as I %i% not &ae at least a
#ertain a!o*nt o$ %e$inite in$or!ation abo*t t&e /*estions t&at (ere %is#*sse%+ So I %e#i%e% to #ons*lt t&e so*r#e $ro!
(&i#& !" interlo#*tors #lai!e% to &ae %ra(n t&eir so1#alle% (is%o!+ I %eo*re% boo, a$ter boo,, pa!p&let a$ter
)ean(&ile, (e arg*e% (it& one anot&er on t&e b*il%ing pre!ises+ Fro! %a" to %a" I (as be#o!ing better in$or!e% t&an
!" #o!panions in t&e s*b0e#ts on (&i#& t&e" #lai!e% to be e5perts+ T&en a %a" #a!e (&en t&e !ore re%o*btable o$ !"
a%ersaries resorte% to t&e !ost e$$e#tie (eapon t&e" &a% to repla#e t&e $or#e o$ reason+ T&is (as inti!i%ation an%
p&"si#al $or#e+ So!e o$ t&e lea%ers a!ong !" a%ersaries or%ere% !e to leae t&e b*il%ing or else get $l*ng %o(n $ro! t&e
s#a$$ol%ing+ As I (as /*ite alone I #o*l% not p*t *p an" p&"si#al resistan#eC so I #&ose t&e $irst alternatie an% %eparte%,
ri#&er &o(eer b" an e5perien#e+
I (ent a(a" $*ll o$ %isg*stC b*t at t&e sa!e ti!e so %eepl" !oe% t&at it (as /*ite i!possible $or !e to t*rn !" ba#, on
t&e (&ole sit*ation an% t&in, no !ore abo*t it+ 3&en !" anger began to #al! %o(n t&e spirit o$ obstina#" got t&e *pper
&an% an% I %e#i%e% t&at at all #osts I (o*l% get ba#, to (or, again in t&e b*il%ing tra%e+ T&is %e#ision be#a!e all t&e
stronger a $e( (ee,s later, (&en !" little saings &a% entirel" r*n o*t an% &*nger #l*t#&e% !e on#e again in its !er#iless
ar!s+ .o alternatie (as le$t to !e+ I got (or, again an% &a% to leae it $or t&e sa!e reasons as be$ore+
T&en I as,e% !"sel$4 Are t&ese !en (ort&" o$ belonging to a great people@ T&e /*estion (as pro$o*n%l" %ist*rbingC $or i$
t&e ans(er (ere MKes, t&en t&e str*ggle to %e$en% ones nationalit" is no longer (ort& all t&e tro*ble an% sa#ri$i#e (e
%e!an% o$ o*r best ele!ents i$ it be in t&e interests o$ s*#& a rabble+ On t&e ot&er &an%, i$ t&e ans(er &a% to be M.o 1 t&ese
!en are not (ort&" o$ t&e nation, t&en o*r nation is poor in%ee% in !en+ =*ring t&ose %a"s o$ !ental ang*is& an% %eep
!e%itation I sa( be$ore !" !in% t&e eer1in#reasing an% !ena#ing ar!" o$ people (&o #o*l% no longer be re#,one% as
belonging to t&eir o(n nation+
It (as (it& /*ite a %i$$erent $eeling, so!e %a"s later, t&at I ga>e% on t&e inter!inable ran,s, $o*r abreast, o$ Biennese
(or,!en para%ing at a !ass %e!onstration+ I stoo% %*!b$o*n%e% $or al!ost t(o &o*rs, (at#&ing t&at enor!o*s &*!an
%ragon (&i#& slo(l" *n#oile% itsel$ t&ere be$ore !e+ 3&en I $inall" le$t t&e s/*are an% (an%ere% in t&e %ire#tion o$ !"
lo%gings I $elt %is!a"e% an% %epresse%+ On !" (a" I noti#e% t&e Arbeiter>eit*ng FT&e 3or,!ans -o*rnalG in a toba##o
s&op+ T&is (as t&e #&ie$ press1organ o$ t&e ol% A*strian So#ial =e!o#ra#"+ In a #&eap #a$Q, (&ere t&e #o!!on people
*se% to $oregat&er an% (&ere I o$ten (ent to rea% t&e papers, t&e Arbeiter>eit*ng (as also %ispla"e%+ 8*t &it&erto I #o*l%
not bring !"sel$ to %o !ore t&an glan#e at t&e (ret#&e% t&ing $or a #o*ple o$ !in*tes4 $or its (&ole tone (as a sort o$
!ental itriol to !e+ Un%er t&e %epressing in$l*en#e o$ t&e %e!onstration I &a% (itnesse%, so!e interior oi#e *rge% !e to
b*" t&e paper in t&at toba##o s&op an% rea% it t&ro*g&+ So I bro*g&t it &o!e (it& !e an% spent t&e (&ole eening rea%ing
it, %espite t&e stea%il" !o*nting rage proo,e% b" t&is #easeless o*tpo*ring o$ $alse&oo%s+
I no( $o*n% t&at in t&e so#ial %e!o#rati# %ail" papers I #o*l% st*%" t&e inner #&ara#ter o$ t&is politi#o1p&ilosop&i# s"ste!
!*#& better t&an in all t&eir t&eoreti#al literat*re+
For t&ere (as a stri,ing %is#repan#" bet(een t&e t(o+ In t&e literar" e$$*sions (&i#& %ealt (it& t&e t&eor" o$ So#ial
=e!o#ra#" t&ere (as a %ispla" o$ &ig&1so*n%ing p&raseolog" abo*t libert" an% &*!an %ignit" an% bea*t", all pro!*lgate%
(it& an air o$ pro$o*n% (is%o! an% serene prop&eti# ass*ran#eC a !eti#*lo*sl"1(oen glitter o$ (or%s to %a>>le an%
!islea% t&e rea%er+ On t&e ot&er &an%, t&e %ail" Press in#*l#ate% t&is ne( %o#trine o$ &*!an re%e!ption in t&e !ost
br*tal $as&ion+ .o !eans (ere too base, proi%e% t&e" #o*l% be e5ploite% in t&e #a!paign o$ slan%er+ T&ese 0o*rnalists
(ere real irt*osos in t&e art o$ t(isting $a#ts an% presenting t&e! in a %e#eptie $or!+ T&e t&eoreti#al literat*re (as
inten%e% $or t&e si!pletons o$ t&e soi1%isant intelle#t*als belonging to t&e !i%%le an%, nat*rall", t&e *pper #lasses+ T&e
ne(spaper propagan%a (as inten%e% $or t&e !asses+
T&is probing into boo,s an% ne(spapers an% st*%"ing t&e tea#&ings o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#" rea(a,ene% !" loe $or !" o(n
people+ An% t&*s (&at at $irst see!e% an i!passable #&as! be#a!e t&e o##asion o$ a #loser a$$e#tion+
Haing on#e *n%erstoo% t&e (or,ing o$ t&e #olossal s"ste! $or poisoning t&e pop*lar !in%, onl" a $ool #o*l% bla!e t&e
i#ti!s o$ it+ =*ring t&e "ears t&at $ollo(e% I be#a!e !ore in%epen%ent an%, as I %i% so, I be#a!e better able to
*n%erstan% t&e inner #a*se o$ t&e s*##ess a#&iee% b" t&is So#ial =e!o#rati# gospel+ I no( reali>e% t&e !eaning an%
p*rpose o$ t&ose br*tal or%ers (&i#& pro&ibite% t&e rea%ing o$ all boo,s an% ne(spapers t&at (ere not Mre% an% at t&e
sa!e ti!e %e!an%e% t&at onl" t&e Mre% !eetings s&o*l% be atten%e%+ In t&e #lear lig&t o$ br*tal realit" I (as able to see
(&at !*st &ae been t&e ineitable #onse/*en#es o$ t&at intolerant tea#&ing+
T&e ps"#&e o$ t&e broa% !asses is a##essible onl" to (&at is strong an% *n#o!pro!ising+ 'i,e a (o!an (&ose inner
sensibilities are not so !*#& *n%er t&e s(a" o$ abstra#t reasoning b*t are al(a"s s*b0e#t to t&e in$l*en#e o$ a ag*e
e!otional longing $or t&e strengt& t&at #o!pletes &er being, an% (&o (o*l% rat&er bo( to t&e strong !an t&an %o!inate
t&e (ea,ling 1 in li,e !anner t&e !asses o$ t&e people pre$er t&e r*ler to t&e s*ppliant an% are $ille% (it& a stronger sense
o$ !ental se#*rit" b" a tea#&ing t&at broo,s no rial t&an b" a tea#&ing (&i#& o$$ers t&e! a liberal #&oi#e+ T&e" &ae er"
little i%ea o$ &o( to !a,e s*#& a #&oi#e an% t&*s t&e" are prone to $eel t&at t&e" &ae been aban%one%+ T&e" $eel er" little
s&a!e at being terrori>e% intelle#t*all" an% t&e" are s#ar#el" #ons#io*s o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&eir $ree%o! as &*!an beings is
i!p*%entl" ab*se%C an% t&*s t&e" &ae not t&e slig&test s*spi#ion o$ t&e intrinsi# $alla#" o$ t&e (&ole %o#trine+ T&e" see
onl" t&e r*t&less $or#e an% br*talit" o$ its %eter!ine% *tteran#es, to (&i#& t&e" al(a"s s*b!it+
I$ So#ial =e!o#ra#" s&o*l% be oppose% b" a !ore tr*t&$*l tea#&ing, t&en een, t&o*g& t&e str*ggle be o$ t&e bitterest ,in%,
t&is tr*t&$*l tea#&ing (ill $inall" preail proi%e% it be en$or#e% (it& e/*al r*t&lessness+
3it&in less t&an t(o "ears I &a% gaine% a #lear *n%erstan%ing o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#", in its tea#&ing an% t&e te#&ni/*e o$ its
I re#ogni>e% t&e in$a!" o$ t&at te#&ni/*e (&ereb" t&e !oe!ent #arrie% on a #a!paign o$ !ental terroris! against t&e
bo*rgeoisie, (&o are neit&er !orall" nor spirit*all" e/*ippe% to (it&stan% s*#& atta#,s+ T&e ta#ti#s o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#"
#onsiste% in opening, at a gien signal, a eritable %r*!1$ire o$ lies an% #al*!nies against t&e !an (&o! t&e" beliee% to
be t&e !ost re%o*btable o$ t&eir a%ersaries, *ntil t&e neres o$ t&e latter gae (a" an% t&e" sa#ri$i#e% t&e !an (&o (as
atta#,e%, si!pl" in t&e &ope o$ being allo(e% to lie in pea#e+ 8*t t&e &ope proe% al(a"s to be a $oolis& one, $or t&e"
(ere neer le$t in pea#e+
T&e sa!e ta#ti#s are repeate% again an% again, *ntil $ear o$ t&ese !a% %ogs e5er#ises, t&ro*g& s*ggestion, a paral"sing
e$$e#t on t&eir Bi#ti!s+
T&ro*g& its o(n e5perien#e So#ial =e!o#ra#" learne% t&e al*e o$ strengt&, an% $or t&at reason it atta#,s !ostl" t&ose in
(&o! it s#ents st*$$ o$ t&e !ore stal(art ,in%, (&i#& is in%ee% a er" rare possession+ On t&e ot&er &an% it praises eer"
(ea,ling a!ong its a%ersaries, !ore or less #a*tio*sl", a##or%ing to t&e !eas*re o$ &is !ental /*alities ,no(n or
pres*!e%+ T&e" &ae less $ear o$ a !an o$ geni*s (&o la#,s (ill1po(er t&an o$ a igoro*s #&ara#ter (it& !e%io#re
intelligen#e an% at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" &ig&l" #o!!en% t&ose (&o are %eoi% o$ intelligen#e an% (ill1po(er+
T&e So#ial =e!o#rats ,no( &o( to #reate t&e i!pression t&at t&e" alone are t&e prote#tors o$ pea#e+ In t&is (a", a#ting
er" #ir#*!spe#tl" b*t neer losing sig&t o$ t&eir *lti!ate goal, t&e" #on/*er one position a$ter anot&er, at one ti!e b"
!et&o%s o$ /*iet inti!i%ation an% at anot&er ti!e b" s&eer %a"lig&t robber", e!plo"ing t&ese latter ta#ti#s at t&ose
!o!ents (&en p*bli# attention is t*rne% to(ar%s ot&er !atters $ro! (&i#& it %oes not (is& to be %ierte%, or (&en t&e
p*bli# #onsi%ers an in#i%ent too triial to #reate a s#an%al abo*t it an% t&*s proo,e t&e anger o$ a !alignant opponent+
T&ese ta#ti#s are base% on an a##*rate esti!ation o$ &*!an $railties an% !*st lea% to s*##ess, (it& al!ost !at&e!ati#al
#ertaint", *nless t&e ot&er si%e also learns &o( to $ig&t poison gas (it& poison gas+ T&e (ea,er nat*res !*st be tol% t&at
&ere it is a #ase o$ to be or not to be+
I also #a!e to *n%erstan% t&at p&"si#al inti!i%ation &as its signi$i#an#e $or t&e !ass as (ell as $or t&e in%ii%*al+ Here
again t&e So#ialists &a% #al#*late% a##*ratel" on t&e ps"#&ologi#al e$$e#t+
Inti!i%ation in (or,s&ops an% in $a#tories, in asse!bl" &alls an% at !ass %e!onstrations, (ill al(a"s !eet (it& s*##ess
as long as it %oes not &ae to en#o*nter t&e sa!e ,in% o$ terror in a stronger $or!+
T&en o$ #o*rse t&e Part" (ill raise a &orri$ie% o*t#r", "elling bl*e !*r%er an% appealing to t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State,
(&i#& t&e" &ae 0*st rep*%iate%+ In %oing t&is t&eir ai! generall" is to a%% to t&e general #on$*sion, so t&at t&e" !a" &ae
a better opport*nit" o$ rea#&ing t&eir o(n goal *nobsere%+ T&eir i%ea is to $in% a!ong t&e &ig&er goern!ent o$$i#ials
so!e boine #reat*re (&o, in t&e st*pi% &ope t&at &e !a" (in t&e goo% gra#es o$ t&ese a(e1inspiring opponents so t&at
t&e" !a" re!e!ber &i! in #ase o$ $*t*re eent*alities, (ill &elp t&e! no( to brea, all t&ose (&o !a" oppose t&is (orl%
T&e i!pression (&i#& s*#& s*##ess$*l ta#ti#s !a,e on t&e !in%s o$ t&e broa% !asses, (&et&er t&e" be a%&erents or
opponents, #an be esti!ate% onl" b" one (&o ,no(s t&e pop*lar !in%, not $ro! boo,s b*t $ro! pra#ti#al li$e+ For t&e
s*##esses (&i#& are t&*s obtaine% are ta,en b" t&e a%&erents o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#" as a tri*!p&ant s"!bol o$ t&e
rig&teo*sness o$ t&eir o(n #a*seC on t&e ot&er &an% t&e beaten opponent er" o$ten loses $ait& in t&e e$$e#tieness o$ an"
$*rt&er resistan#e+
T&e !ore I *n%erstoo% t&e !et&o%s o$ p&"si#al inti!i%ation t&at (ere e!plo"e%, t&e !ore s"!pat&" I &a% $or t&e
!*ltit*%e t&at &a% s*##*!be% to it+
I a! t&an,$*l no( $or t&e or%eal (&i#& I &a% to go t&ro*g& at t&at ti!eC $or it (as t&e !eans o$ bringing !e to t&in,
,in%l" again o$ !" o(n people, inas!*#& as t&e e5perien#e enable% !e to %isting*is& bet(een t&e $alse lea%ers an% t&e
i#ti!s (&o &ae been le% astra"+
3e !*st loo, *pon t&e latter si!pl" as i#ti!s+ I &ae 0*st no( trie% to %epi#t a $e( traits (&i#& e5press t&e !entalit" o$
t&ose on t&e lo(est r*ng o$ t&e so#ial la%%erC b*t !" pi#t*re (o*l% be %isproportionate i$ I %o not a%% t&at a!i% t&e so#ial
%ept&s I still $o*n% lig&tC $or I e5perien#e% a rare spirit o$ sel$1sa#ri$i#e an% lo"al #o!ra%es&ip a!ong t&ose !en, (&o
%e!an%e% little $ro! li$e an% (ere #ontent a!i% t&eir !o%est s*rro*n%ings+ T&is (as tr*e espe#iall" o$ t&e ol%er
generation o$ (or,!en+ An% alt&o*g& t&ese /*alities (ere %isappearing !ore an% !ore in t&e "o*nger generation, o(ing
to t&e all1pera%ing in$l*en#e o$ t&e big #it", "et a!ong t&e "o*nger generation also t&ere (ere !an" (&o (ere so*n% at
t&e #ore an% (&o (ere able to !aintain t&e!seles *n#onta!inate% a!i% t&e sor%i% s*rro*n%ings o$ t&eir eer"%a"
e5isten#e+ I$ t&ese !en, (&o in !an" #ases !eant (ell an% (ere *prig&t in t&e!seles, gae t&e s*pport to t&e politi#al
a#tiities #arrie% on b" t&e #o!!on ene!ies o$ o*r people, t&at (as be#a*se t&ose %e#ent (or,people %i% not an% #o*l%
not grasp t&e %o(nrig&t in$a!" o$ t&e %o#trine ta*g&t b" t&e so#ialist agitators+ F*rt&er!ore, it (as be#a*se no ot&er
se#tion o$ t&e #o!!*nit" bot&ere% itsel$ abo*t t&e lot o$ t&e (or,ing #lasses+ Finall", t&e so#ial #on%itions be#a!e s*#&
t&at !en (&o ot&er(ise (o*l% &ae a#te% %i$$erentl" (ere $or#e% to s*b!it to t&e!, een t&o*g& *n(illingl" at $irst+ A
%a" #a!e (&en poert" gaine% t&e *pper &an% an% %roe t&ose (or,!en into t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# ran,s+
On inn*!erable o##asions t&e bo*rgeoisie too, a %e$inite stan% against een t&e !ost legiti!ate &*!an %e!an%s o$ t&e
(or,ing #lasses+ T&at #on%*#t (as ill10*%ge% an% in%ee% i!!oral an% #o*l% bring no gain (&atsoeer to t&e bo*rgeois
#lass+ T&e res*lt (as t&at t&e &onest (or,!an aban%one% t&e original #on#ept o$ t&e tra%es *nion organi>ation an% (as
%ragge% into politi#s+
T&ere (ere !illions an% !illions o$ (or,!en (&o began b" being &ostile to t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# Part"C b*t t&eir
%e$en#es (ere repeate%l" stor!e% an% $inall" t&e" &a% to s*rren%er+ Ket t&is %e$eat (as %*e to t&e st*pi%it" o$ t&e
bo*rgeois parties, (&o &a% oppose% eer" so#ial %e!an% p*t $or(ar% b" t&e (or,ing #lass+ T&e s&ort1sig&te% re$*sal to
!a,e an e$$ort to(ar%s i!proing labo*r #on%itions, t&e re$*sal to a%opt !eas*res (&i#& (o*l% ins*re t&e (or,!an in
#ase o$ a##i%ents in t&e $a#tories, t&e re$*sal to $orbi% #&il% labo*r, t&e re$*sal to #onsi%er prote#tie !eas*res $or $e!ale
(or,ers, espe#iall" e5pe#tant !ot&ers 1 all t&is (as o$ assistan#e to t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# lea%ers, (&o (ere t&an,$*l $or
eer" opport*nit" (&i#& t&e" #o*l% e5ploit $or $or#ing t&e !asses into t&eir net+ O*r bo*rgeois parties #an neer repair t&e
%a!age t&at res*lte% $ro! t&e !ista,e t&e" t&en !a%e+ For t&e" so(e% t&e see%s o$ &atre% (&en t&e" oppose% all e$$orts at
so#ial re$or!+ An% t&*s t&e" gae, at least, apparent gro*n%s to 0*sti$" t&e #lai! p*t $or(ar% b" t&e So#ial =e!o#rats 1
na!el", t&at t&e" alone stan% *p $or t&e interests o$ t&e (or,ing #lass+
An% t&is be#a!e t&e prin#ipal gro*n% $or t&e !oral 0*sti$i#ation o$ t&e a#t*al e5isten#e o$ t&e Tra%es Unions, so t&at t&e
labo*r organi>ation be#a!e $ro! t&at ti!e on(ar%s t&e #&ie$ politi#al re#r*iting gro*n% to s(ell t&e ran,s o$ t&e So#ial
=e!o#rati# Part"+
3&ile t&*s st*%"ing t&e so#ial #on%itions aro*n% !e I (as $or#e%, (&et&er I li,e% it or not, to %e#i%e on t&e attit*%e I
s&o*l% ta,e to(ar%s t&e Tra%es Unions+ 8e#a*se I loo,e% *pon t&e! as inseparable $ro! t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# Part", !"
%e#ision (as &ast" 1 an% !ista,en+ I rep*%iate% t&e! as a !atter o$ #o*rse+ 8*t on t&is essential /*estion also Fate
interene% an% gae !e a lesson, (it& t&e res*lt t&at I #&ange% t&e opinion (&i#& I &a% $irst $or!e%+
3&en I (as t(ent" "ears ol% I &a% learne% to %isting*is& bet(een t&e Tra%es Union as a !eans o$ %e$en%ing t&e so#ial
rig&ts o$ t&e e!plo"ees an% $ig&ting $or better liing #on%itions $or t&e! an%, on t&e ot&er &an%, t&e Tra%es Union as a
politi#al instr*!ent *se% b" t&e Part" in t&e #lass str*ggle+
T&e So#ial =e!o#rats *n%erstoo% t&e enor!o*s i!portan#e o$ t&e Tra%es Union !oe!ent+ T&e" appropriate% it as an
instr*!ent an% *se% it (it& s*##ess, (&ile t&e bo*rgeois parties $aile% to *n%erstan% it an% t&*s lost t&eir politi#al prestige+
T&e" t&o*g&t t&at t&eir o(n arrogant Beto (o*l% arrest t&e logi#al %eelop!ent o$ t&e !oe!ent an% $or#e it into an
illogi#al position+ 8*t it is abs*r% an% also *ntr*e to sa" t&at t&e Tra%es Union !oe!ent is in itsel$ &ostile to t&e nation+
T&e opposite is t&e !ore #orre#t ie(+ I$ t&e a#tiities o$ t&e Tra%es Union are %ire#te% to(ar%s i!proing t&e #on%ition o$
a #lass, an% s*##ee% in %oing so, s*#& a#tiities are not against t&e Fat&erlan% or t&e State b*t are, in t&e tr*est sense o$ t&e
(or%, national+ In t&at (a" t&e tra%es *nion organi>ation &elps to #reate t&e so#ial #on%itions (&i#& are in%ispensable in a
general s"ste! o$ national e%*#ation+ It %eseres &ig& re#ognition (&en it %estro"s t&e ps"#&ologi#al an% p&"si#al ger!s
o$ so#ial %isease an% t&*s $osters t&e general (el$are o$ t&e nation+
It is s*per$l*o*s to as, (&et&er t&e Tra%es Union is in%ispensable+
So long as t&ere are e!plo"ers (&o atta#, so#ial *n%erstan%ing an% &ae (rong i%eas o$ 0*sti#e an% $air pla" it is not onl"
t&e rig&t b*t also t&e %*t" o$ t&eir e!plo"ees 1 (&o are, a$ter all, an integral part o$ o*r people 1 to prote#t t&e general
interests against t&e gree% an% *nreason o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ For to sa$eg*ar% t&e lo"alt" an% #on$i%en#e o$ t&e people is as
!*#& in t&e interests o$ t&e nation as to sa$eg*ar% p*bli# &ealt&+
8ot& are serio*sl" !ena#e% b" %is&ono*rable e!plo"ers (&o are not #ons#io*s o$ t&eir %*t" as !e!bers o$ t&e national
#o!!*nit"+ T&eir personal ai%it" or irresponsibilit" so(s t&e see%s o$ $*t*re tro*ble+ To eli!inate t&e #a*ses o$ s*#& a
%eelop!ent is an a#tion t&at s*rel" %eseres (ell o$ t&e #o*ntr"+
It !*st not be ans(ere% &ere t&at t&e in%ii%*al (or,!an is $ree at an" ti!e to es#ape $ro! t&e #onse/*en#es o$ an
in0*sti#e (&i#& &e &as a#t*all" s*$$ere% at t&e &an%s o$ an e!plo"er, or (&i#& &e t&in,s &e &as s*$$ere% 1 in ot&er (or%s,
&e #an leae+ .o+ T&at arg*!ent is onl" a r*se to %etra#t attention $ro! t&e /*estion at iss*e+ Is it, or is it not, in t&e
interests o$ t&e nation to re!oe t&e #a*ses o$ so#ial *nrest@ I$ it is, t&en t&e $ig&t !*st be #arrie% on (it& t&e onl"
(eapons t&at pro!ise s*##ess+ 8*t t&e in%ii%*al (or,!an is neer in a position to stan% *p against t&e !ig&t o$ t&e big
e!plo"erC $or t&e /*estion &ere is not one t&at #on#erns t&e tri*!p& o$ rig&t+ I$ in s*#& a relation rig&t &a% been
re#ogni>e% as t&e g*i%ing prin#iple, t&en t&e #on$li#t #o*l% not &ae arisen at all+ 8*t &ere it is a /*estion o$ (&o is t&e
stronger+ I$ t&e #ase (ere ot&er(ise, t&e senti!ent o$ 0*sti#e alone (o*l% sole t&e %isp*te in an &ono*rable (a"C or, to p*t
t&e #ase !ore #orre#tl", !atters (o*l% not &ae #o!e to s*#& a %isp*te at all+
.o+ I$ *nso#ial an% %is&ono*rable treat!ent o$ !en proo,es resistan#e, t&en t&e stronger part" #an i!pose its %e#ision in
t&e #on$li#t *ntil t&e #onstit*tional legislatie a*t&orities %o a(a" (it& t&e eil t&ro*g& legislation+ T&ere$ore it is ei%ent
t&at i$ t&e in%ii%*al (or,!an is to &ae an" #&an#e at all o$ (inning t&ro*g& in t&e str*ggle &e !*st be gro*pe% (it& &is
$ello( (or,!en an% present a *nite% $ront be$ore t&e in%ii%*al e!plo"er, (&o in#orporates in &is o(n person t&e !asse%
strengt& o$ t&e este% interests in t&e in%*strial or #o!!er#ial *n%erta,ing (&i#& &e #on%*#ts+
T&*s t&e tra%es *nions #an &ope to in#*l#ate an% strengt&en a sense o$ so#ial responsibilit" in (or,a%a" li$e an% open t&e
roa% to pra#ti#al res*lts+ In %oing t&is t&e" ten% to re!oe t&ose #a*ses o$ $ri#tion (&i#& are a #ontin*al so*r#e o$
%is#ontent an% #o!plaint+
8la!e $or t&e $a#t t&at t&e tra%es *nions %o not $*l$il t&is !*#&1%esire% $*n#tion !*st be lai% at t&e %oors o$ t&ose (&o
barre% t&e roa% to legislatie so#ial re$or!, or ren%ere% s*#& a re$or! ine$$e#tie b" sabotaging it t&ro*g& t&eir politi#al
T&e politi#al bo*rgeoisie $aile% to *n%erstan% 1 or, rat&er, t&e" %i% not (is& to *n%erstan% 1 t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e tra%es
*nion !oe!ent+ T&e So#ial =e!o#rats a##or%ingl" sei>e% t&e a%antage o$$ere% t&e! b" t&is !ista,en poli#" an% too,
t&e labo*r !oe!ent *n%er t&eir e5#l*sie prote#tion, (it&o*t an" protest $ro! t&e ot&er si%e+ In t&is (a" t&e" establis&e%
$or t&e!seles a soli% b*l(ar, be&in% (&i#& t&e" #o*l% sa$el" retire (&eneer t&e str*ggle ass*!e% a #riti#al aspe#t+ T&*s
t&e gen*ine p*rpose o$ t&e !oe!ent gra%*all" $ell into obliion, an% (as repla#e% b" ne( ob0e#ties+ For t&e So#ial
=e!o#rats neer tro*ble% t&e!seles to respe#t an% *p&ol% t&e original p*rpose $or (&i#& t&e tra%e *nionist !oe!ent
(as $o*n%e%+ T&e" si!pl" too, oer t&e )oe!ent, lo#,, sto#, an% barrel, to sere t&eir o(n politi#al en%s+
3it&in a $e( %e#a%es t&e Tra%es Union )oe!ent (as trans$or!e%, b" t&e e5pert &an% o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#", $ro! an
instr*!ent (&i#& &a% been originall" $as&ione% $or t&e %e$en#e o$ &*!an rig&ts into an instr*!ent $or t&e %estr*#tion o$
t&e national e#ono!i# str*#t*re+ T&e interests o$ t&e (or,ing #lass (ere not allo(e% $or a !o!ent to #ross t&e pat& o$ t&is
p*rposeC $or in politi#s t&e appli#ation o$ e#ono!i# press*re is al(a"s possible i$ t&e one si%e be s*$$i#ientl" *ns#r*p*lo*s
an% t&e ot&er s*$$i#ientl" inert an% %o#ile+ In t&is #ase bot& #on%itions (ere $*l$ille%+
8" t&e beginning o$ t&e present #ent*r" t&e Tra%es Unionist )oe!ent &a% alrea%" #ease% to re#ogni>e t&e p*rpose $or
(&i#& it &a% been $o*n%e%+ Fro! "ear to "ear it $ell !ore an% !ore *n%er t&e politi#al #ontrol o$ t&e So#ial =e!o#rats,
*ntil it $inall" #a!e to be *se% as a battering1ra! in t&e #lass str*ggle+ T&e plan (as to s&atter, b" !eans o$ #onstantl"
repeate% blo(s, t&e e#ono!i# e%i$i#e in t&e b*il%ing o$ (&i#& so !*#& ti!e an% #are &a% been e5pen%e%+ On#e t&is
ob0e#tie &a% been rea#&e%, t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e State (o*l% be#o!e a !atter o$ #o*rse, be#a*se t&e State (o*l% alrea%"
&ae been %eprie% o$ its e#ono!i# $o*n%ations+ Attention to t&e real interests o$ t&e (or,ing1#lasses, on t&e part o$ t&e
So#ial =e!o#rats, stea%il" %e#rease% *ntil t&e #*nning lea%ers sa( t&at it (o*l% be in t&eir i!!e%iate politi#al interests i$
t&e so#ial an% #*lt*ral %e!an%s o$ t&e broa% !asses re!aine% *n&ee%e%C $or t&ere (as a %anger t&at i$ t&ese !asses on#e
$elt #ontent t&e" #o*l% no longer be e!plo"e% as !ere passie !aterial in t&e politi#al str*ggle+
T&e gloo!" prospe#t (&i#& presente% itsel$ to t&e e"es o$ t&e #on%ottieri o$ t&e #lass (ar$are, i$ t&e %is#ontent o$ t&e
!asses (ere no longer aailable as a (ar (eapon, #reate% so !*#& an5iet" a!ong t&e! t&at t&e" s*ppresse% an% oppose%
een t&e !ost ele!entar" !eas*res o$ so#ial re$or!+ An% #on%itions (ere s*#& t&at t&ose lea%ers %i% not &ae to tro*ble
abo*t atte!pting to 0*sti$" s*#& an illogi#al poli#"+
As t&e !asses (ere ta*g&t to in#rease an% &eig&ten t&eir %e!an%s t&e possibilit" o$ satis$"ing t&e! %(in%le% an%
(&ateer a!elioratie !eas*res (ere ta,en be#a!e less an% less signi$i#antC so t&at it (as at t&at ti!e possible to
pers*a%e t&e !asses t&at t&is ri%i#*lo*s !eas*re in (&i#& t&e !ost sa#re% #lai!s o$ t&e (or,ing1#lasses (ere being
grante% represente% a %iaboli#al plan to (ea,en t&eir $ig&ting po(er in t&is eas" (a" an%, i$ possible, to paral"se it+ One
(ill not be astonis&e% at t&e s*##ess o$ t&ese allegations i$ one re!e!bers (&at a s!all !eas*re o$ t&in,ing po(er t&e
broa% !asses possess+
In t&e bo*rgeois #a!p t&ere (as &ig& in%ignation oer t&e ba% $ait& o$ t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# ta#ti#sC b*t not&ing (as
%one to %ra( a pra#ti#al #on#l*sion an% organi>e a #o*nter atta#, $ro! t&e bo*rgeois si%e+ T&e $ear o$ t&e So#ial
=e!o#rats, to i!proe t&e !iserable #on%itions o$ t&e (or,ing1#lasses o*g&t to &ae in%*#e% t&e bo*rgeois parties to
!a,e t&e !ost energeti# e$$orts in t&is %ire#tion an% t&*s snat#& $ro! t&e &an%s o$ t&e #lass1(ar$are lea%ers t&eir !ost
i!portant (eaponC b*t not&ing o$ t&is ,in% &appene%+
Instea% o$ atta#,ing t&e position o$ t&eir a%ersaries t&e bo*rgeoisie allo(e% itsel$ to be presse% an% &arrie%+ Finall" it
a%opte% !eans t&at (ere so tar%" an% so insigni$i#ant t&at t&e" (ere ine$$e#tie an% (ere rep*%iate%+ So t&e (&ole
sit*ation re!aine% 0*st as it &a% been be$ore t&e bo*rgeois interentionC b*t t&e %is#ontent &a% t&ereb" be#o!e !ore
'i,e a t&reatening stor!, t&e MFree Tra%es Union &oere% aboe t&e politi#al &ori>on an% aboe t&e li$e o$ ea#&
in%ii%*al+ It (as one o$ t&e !ost $rig&t$*l instr*!ents o$ terror t&at t&reatene% t&e se#*rit" an% in%epen%en#e o$ t&e
national e#ono!i# str*#t*re, t&e $o*n%ations o$ t&e State an% t&e libert" o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ Aboe all, it (as t&e MFree
Tra%es Union t&at t*rne% %e!o#ra#" into a ri%i#*lo*s an% s#orne% p&rase, ins*lte% t&e i%eal o$ libert" an% stig!ati>e%
t&at o$ $raternit" (it& t&e slogan MI$ "o* (ill not be#o!e o*r #o!ra%e (e s&all #ra#, "o*r s,*ll+
It (as t&*s t&at I t&en #a!e to ,no( t&is $rien% o$ &*!anit"+ =*ring t&e "ears t&at $ollo(e% !" ,no(le%ge o$ it be#a!e
(i%er an% %eeperC b*t I &ae neer #&ange% an"t&ing in t&at regar%+
T&e !ore I be#a!e a#/*ainte% (it& t&e e5ternal $or!s o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#", t&e greater be#a!e !" %esire to *n%erstan%
t&e inner nat*re o$ its %o#trines+
For t&is p*rpose t&e o$$i#ial literat*re o$ t&e Part" #o*l% not &elp er" !*#&+ In %is#*ssing e#ono!i# /*estions its
state!ents (ere $alse an% its proo$s *nso*n%+ In treating o$ politi#al ai!s its attit*%e (as insin#ere+ F*rt&er!ore, its
!o%ern !et&o%s o$ #&i#aner" in t&e presentation o$ its arg*!ents (ere pro$o*n%l" rep*gnant to !e+ Its $la!bo"ant
senten#es, its obs#*re an% in#o!pre&ensible p&rases, preten%e% to #ontain great t&o*g&ts, b*t t&e" (ere %eoi% o$ t&o*g&t,
an% !eaningless+ One (o*l% &ae to be a %e#a%ent 8o&e!ian in one o$ o*r !o%ern #ities in or%er to $eel at &o!e in t&at
lab"rint& o$ !ental aberration, so t&at &e !ig&t %is#oer Minti!ate e5perien#es a!i% t&e stin,ing $*!es o$ t&is literar"
=a%is!+ T&ese (riters (ere obio*sl" #o*nting on t&e proerbial &*!ilit" o$ a #ertain se#tion o$ o*r people, (&o beliee
t&at a person (&o is in#o!pre&ensible !*st be pro$o*n%l" (ise+
In #on$ronting t&e t&eoreti#al $alsit" an% abs*r%it" o$ t&at %o#trine (it& t&e realit" o$ its e5ternal !ani$estations, I
gra%*all" #a!e to &ae a #lear i%ea o$ t&e en%s at (&i#& it ai!e%+
=*ring s*#& !o!ents I &a% %ar, presenti!ents an% $eare% so!et&ing eil+ I &a% be$ore !e a tea#&ing inspire% b" egois!
an% &atre%, !at&e!ati#all" #al#*late% to (in its i#tor", b*t t&e tri*!p& o$ (&i#& (o*l% be a !ortal blo( to &*!anit"+
)ean(&ile I &a% %is#oere% t&e relations e5isting bet(een t&is %estr*#tie tea#&ing an% t&e spe#i$i# #&ara#ter o$ a people,
(&o *p to t&at ti!e &a% been to !e al!ost *n,no(n+
;no(le%ge o$ t&e -e(s is t&e onl" ,e" (&ereb" one !a" *n%erstan% t&e inner nat*re an% t&ere$ore t&e real ai!s o$ So#ial
T&e !an (&o &as #o!e to ,no( t&is ra#e &as s*##ee%e% in re!oing $ro! &is e"es t&e eil t&ro*g& (&i#& &e &a% seen t&e
ai!s an% !eaning o$ &is Part" in a $alse lig&tC an% t&en, o*t o$ t&e !*r, an% $og o$ so#ial p&rases rises t&e gri!a#ing
$ig*re o$ )ar5is!+
To1%a" it is &ar% an% al!ost i!possible $or !e to sa" (&en t&e (or% M-e( $irst began to raise an" parti#*lar t&o*g&t in
!" !in%+ I %o not re!e!ber een &aing &ear% t&e (or% at &o!e %*ring !" $at&ers li$eti!e+ I$ t&is na!e (ere
!entione% in a %erogator" sense I t&in, t&e ol% gentle!an (o*l% 0*st &ae #onsi%ere% t&ose (&o *se% it in t&is (a" as
being *ne%*#ate% rea#tionaries+ In t&e #o*rse o$ &is #areer &e &a% #o!e to be !ore or less a #os!opolitan, (it& strong
ie(s on nationalis!, (&i#& &a% its e$$e#t on !e as (ell+ In s#&ool, too, I $o*n% no reason to alter t&e pi#t*re o$ t&ings I
&a% $or!e% at &o!e+
At t&e Reals#&*le I ,ne( one -e(is& bo"+ 3e (ere all on o*r g*ar% in o*r relations (it& &i!, b*t onl" be#a*se &is
reti#en#e an% #ertain a#tions o$ &is (arne% *s to be %is#reet+ 8e"on% t&at !" #o!panions an% !"sel$ $or!e% no parti#*lar
opinions in regar% to &i!+
It (as not *ntil I (as $o*rteen or $i$teen "ears ol% t&at I $re/*entl" ran *p against t&e (or% M-e(, partl" in #onne#tion (it&
politi#al #ontroersies+ T&ese re$eren#es aro*se% a slig&t aersion in !e, an% I #o*l% not aoi% an *n#o!$ortable $eeling
(&i#& al(a"s #a!e oer !e (&en I &a% to listen to religio*s %isp*tes+ 8*t at t&at ti!e I &a% no ot&er $eelings abo*t t&e
-e(is& /*estion+
T&ere (ere er" $e( -e(s in 'in>+ In t&e #o*rse o$ #ent*ries t&e -e(s (&o lie% t&ere &a% be#o!e E*ropeani>e% in
e5ternal appearan#e an% (ere so !*#& li,e ot&er &*!an beings t&at I een loo,e% *pon t&e! as Aer!ans+ T&e reason
(&" I %i% not t&en per#eie t&e abs*r%it" o$ s*#& an ill*sion (as t&at t&e onl" e5ternal !ar, (&i#& I re#ogni>e% as
%isting*is&ing t&e! $ro! *s (as t&e pra#ti#e o$ t&eir strange religion+ As I t&o*g&t t&at t&e" (ere perse#*te% on a##o*nt
o$ t&eir Fait& !" aersion to &earing re!ar,s against t&e! gre( al!ost into a $eeling o$ ab&orren#e+ I %i% not in t&e least
s*spe#t t&at t&ere #o*l% be s*#& a t&ing as a s"ste!ati# anti1Se!itis!+
T&en I #a!e to Bienna+
Con$*se% b" t&e !ass o$ i!pressions I re#eie% $ro! t&e ar#&ite#t*ral s*rro*n%ings an% %epresse% b" !" o(n tro*bles, I
%i% not at $irst %isting*is& bet(een t&e %i$$erent so#ial strata o$ (&i#& t&e pop*lation o$ t&at !a!!ot& #it" (as #o!pose%+
Alt&o*g& Bienna t&en &a% abo*t t(o &*n%re% t&o*san% -e(s a!ong its pop*lation o$ t(o !illions, I %i% not noti#e t&e!+
=*ring t&e $irst (ee,s o$ !" so0o*rn !" e"es an% !" !in% (ere *nable to #ope (it& t&e onr*s& o$ ne( i%eas an% al*es+
.ot *ntil I gra%*all" settle% %o(n to !" s*rro*n%ings, an% t&e #on$*se% pi#t*re began to gro( #learer, %i% I a#/*ire a
!ore %is#ri!inating ie( o$ !" ne( (orl%+ An% (it& t&at I #a!e *p against t&e -e(is& proble!+
I (ill not sa" t&at t&e !anner in (&i#& I $irst be#a!e a#/*ainte% (it& it (as parti#*larl" *npleasant $or !e+ In t&e -e( I
still sa( onl" a !an (&o (as o$ a %i$$erent religion, an% t&ere$ore, on gro*n%s o$ &*!an toleran#e, I (as against t&e i%ea
t&at &e s&o*l% be atta#,e% be#a*se &e &a% a %i$$erent $ait&+ An% so I #onsi%ere% t&at t&e tone a%opte% b" t&e anti1Se!iti#
Press in Bienna (as *n(ort&" o$ t&e #*lt*ral tra%itions o$ a great people+ T&e !e!or" o$ #ertain eents (&i#& &appene%
in t&e !i%%le ages #a!e into !" !in%, an% I $elt t&at I s&o*l% not li,e to see t&e! repeate%+ Aenerall" spea,ing, t&ese
anti1Se!iti# ne(spapers %i% not belong to t&e $irst ran, 1 b*t I %i% not t&en *n%erstan% t&e reason o$ t&is 1 an% so I
regar%e% t&e! !ore as t&e pro%*#ts o$ 0ealo*s" an% en" rat&er t&an t&e e5pression o$ a sin#ere, t&o*g& (rong1&ea%e%,
)" o(n opinions (ere #on$ir!e% b" (&at I #onsi%ere% to be t&e in$initel" !ore %igni$ie% !anner in (&i#& t&e reall" great
Press replie% to t&ose atta#,s or si!pl" ignore% t&e!, (&i#& latter see!e% to !e t&e !ost respe#table (a"+
I %iligentl" rea% (&at (as generall" #alle% t&e 3orl% Press 1 .e*e Freie Presse, 3iener Tageblatt, et#+1 an% I (as
astonis&e% b" t&e ab*n%an#e o$ in$or!ation t&e" gae t&eir rea%ers an% t&e i!partial (a" in (&i#& t&e" presente%
parti#*lar proble!s+ I appre#iate% t&eir %igni$ie% toneC b*t so!eti!es t&e $la!bo"an#" o$ t&e st"le (as *n#onin#ing, an%
I %i% not li,e it+ 8*t I attrib*te% all t&is to t&e oerpo(ering in$l*en#e o$ t&e (orl% !etropolis+
Sin#e I #onsi%ere% Bienna at t&at ti!e as s*#& a (orl% !etropolis, I t&o*g&t t&is #onstit*te% s*$$i#ient gro*n%s to e5#*se
t&ese s&ort#o!ings o$ t&e Press+ 8*t I (as $re/*entl" %isg*ste% b" t&e groelling (a" in (&i#& t&e Bienna Press pla"e%
la#,e" to t&e Co*rt+ S#ar#el" a !oe too, pla#e at t&e Ho$b*rg (&i#& (as not presente% in glori$ie% #olo*rs to t&e rea%ers+
It (as a $oolis& pra#ti#e, (&i#&, espe#iall" (&en it &a% to %o (it& MT&e 3isest )onar#& o$ all Ti!es, re!in%e% one
al!ost o$ t&e %an#e (&i#& t&e !o*ntain #o#, per$or!s at pairing ti!e to (oo &is !ate+ It (as all e!pt" nonsense+ An% I
t&o*g&t t&at s*#& a poli#" (as a stain on t&e i%eal o$ liberal %e!o#ra#"+ I t&o*g&t t&at t&is (a" o$ #*rr"ing $ao*r at t&e
Co*rt (as *n(ort&" o$ t&e people+ An% t&at (as t&e $irst blot t&at $ell on !" appre#iation o$ t&e great Bienna Press+
3&ile in Bienna I #ontin*e% to $ollo( (it& a ii% interest all t&e eents t&at (ere ta,ing pla#e in Aer!an", (&et&er
#onne#te% (it& politi#al or #*lt*ral /*estion+ I &a% a $eeling o$ pri%e an% a%!iration (&en I #o!pare% t&e rise o$ t&e
"o*ng Aer!an E!pire (it& t&e %e#line o$ t&e A*strian State+ 8*t, alt&o*g& t&e $oreign poli#" o$ t&at E!pire (as a so*r#e
o$ real pleas*re on t&e (&ole, t&e internal politi#al &appenings (ere not al(a"s so satis$a#tor"+ I %i% not approe o$ t&e
#a!paign (&i#& at t&at ti!e (as being #arrie% on against 3illia! II+ I loo,e% *pon &i! not onl" as t&e Aer!an E!peror
b*t, aboe all, as t&e #reator o$ t&e Aer!an .a"+ T&e $a#t t&at t&e E!peror (as pro&ibite% $ro! spea,ing in t&e
Rei#&stag !a%e !e er" angr", be#a*se t&e pro&ibition #a!e $ro! a si%e (&i#& in !" e"es &a% no a*t&orit" to !a,e it+
For at a single sitting t&ose sa!e parlia!entar" gan%ers %i% !ore #a#,ling toget&er t&an t&e (&ole %"nast" o$ E!perors,
#o!prising een t&e (ea,est, &a% %one in t&e #o*rse o$ #ent*ries+
It anno"e% !e to &ae to a#,no(le%ge t&at in a nation (&ere an" &al$1(itte% $ello( #o*l% #lai! $or &i!sel$ t&e rig&t to
#riti#i>e an% !ig&t een be let loose on t&e people as a M'egislator in t&e Rei#&stag, t&e bearer o$ t&e I!perial Cro(n
#o*l% be t&e s*b0e#t o$ a Mrepri!an% on t&e part o$ t&e !ost !iserable asse!bl" o$ %riellers t&at &a% eer e5iste%+
I (as een !ore %isg*ste% at t&e (a" in (&i#& t&is sa!e Bienna Press salaa!e% obse/*io*sl" be$ore t&e !eanest stee%
belonging to t&e Habsb*rg ro"al e/*ipage an% (ent o$$ into (il% e#sta#ies o$ %elig&t i$ t&e nag (agge% its tail in response+
An% at t&e sa!e ti!e t&ese ne(spapers too, *p an attit*%e o$ an5iet" in !atters t&at #on#erne% t&e Aer!an E!peror,
tr"ing to #loa, t&eir en!it" b" t&e serio*s air t&e" gae t&e!seles+ 8*t in !" e"es t&at en!it" appeare% to be onl" poorl"
#loa,e%+ .at*rall" t&e" proteste% t&at t&e" &a% no intention o$ !i5ing in Aer!an"s internal a$$airs 1 Ao% $orbi%N T&e"
preten%e% t&at b" to*#&ing a %eli#ate spot in s*#& a $rien%l" (a" t&e" (ere $*l$illing a %*t" t&at %eole% *pon t&e! b"
reason o$ t&e !*t*al allian#e bet(een t&e t(o #o*ntries an% at t&e sa!e ti!e %is#&arging t&eir obligations o$ 0o*rnalisti#
tr*t&$*lness+ Haing t&*s e5#*se% t&e!seles abo*t ten%erl" to*#&ing a sore spot, t&e" bore% (it& t&e $inger r*t&lessl" into
t&e (o*n%+
T&at sort o$ t&ing !a%e !" bloo% boil+ An% no( I began to be !ore an% !ore on !" g*ar% (&en rea%ing t&e great Bienna
I &a% to a#,no(le%ge, &o(eer, t&at on s*#& s*b0e#ts one o$ t&e anti1Se!iti# papers 1 t&e =e*ts#&e Bol,sblatt 1 a#te% !ore
3&at got still !ore on !" neres (as t&e rep*gnant !anner in (&i#& t&e big ne(spapers #*ltiate% a%!iration $or
Fran#e+ One reall" &a% to $eel as&a!e% o$ being a Aer!an (&en #on$ronte% b" t&ose !elli$l*o*s &"!ns o$ praise $or Mt&e
great #*lt*re1nation+ T&is (ret#&e% Aallo!ania !ore o$ten t&an on#e !a%e !e t&ro( a(a" one o$ t&ose M(orl%
ne(spapers+ I no( o$ten t*rne% to t&e Bol,sblatt, (&i#& (as !*#& s!aller in si>e b*t (&i#& treate% s*#& s*b0e#ts !ore
%e#entl"+ I (as not in a##or% (it& its s&arp anti1Se!iti# toneC b*t again an% again I $o*n% t&at its arg*!ents gae !e
gro*n%s $or serio*s t&o*g&t+
An"&o(, it (as as a res*lt o$ s*#& rea%ing t&at I #a!e to ,no( t&e !an an% t&e !oe!ent (&i#& t&en %eter!ine% t&e $ate
o$ Bienna+ T&ese (ere =r+ ;arl '*eger an% t&e C&ristian So#ialist )oe!ent+ At t&e ti!e I #a!e to Bienna I $elt oppose%
to bot&+ I loo,e% on t&e !an an% t&e !oe!ent as Mrea#tionar"+
8*t een an ele!entar" sense o$ 0*sti#e en$or#e% !e to #&ange !" opinion (&en I &a% t&e opport*nit" o$ ,no(ing t&e !an
an% &is (or,, an% slo(l" t&at opinion gre( into o*tspo,en a%!iration (&en I &a% better gro*n%s $or $or!ing a 0*%g!ent+
To1%a", as (ell as t&en, I &ol% =r+ ;arl '*eger as t&e !ost e!inent t"pe o$ Aer!an 8*rger!eister+ Ho( !an" pre0*%i#es
(ere t&ro(n oer t&ro*g& s*#& a #&ange in !" attit*%e to(ar%s t&e C&ristian1So#ialist )oe!entN
)" i%eas abo*t anti1Se!itis! #&ange% also in t&e #o*rse o$ ti!e, b*t t&at (as t&e #&ange (&i#& I $o*n% !ost %i$$i#*lt+ It
#ost !e a greater internal #on$li#t (it& !"sel$, an% it (as onl" a$ter a str*ggle bet(een reason an% senti!ent t&at i#tor"
began to be %e#i%e% in $ao*r o$ t&e $or!er+ T(o "ears later senti!ent rallie% to t&e si%e o$ reasons an% be#a!e a $ait&$*l
g*ar%ian an% #o*nsellor+
At t&e ti!e o$ t&is bitter str*ggle, bet(een #al! reason an% t&e senti!ents in (&i#& I &a% been bro*g&t *p, t&e lessons
t&at I learne% on t&e streets o$ Bienna ren%ere% !e inal*able assistan#e+ A ti!e #a!e (&en I no longer passe% blin%l"
along t&e street o$ t&e !ig&t" #it", as I &a% %one in t&e earl" %a"s, b*t no( (it& !" e"es open not onl" to st*%" t&e
b*il%ings b*t also t&e &*!an beings+
On#e, (&en passing t&ro*g& t&e inner Cit", I s*%%enl" en#o*ntere% a p&eno!enon in a long #a$tan an% (earing bla#,
si%e1lo#,s+ )" $irst t&o*g&t (as4 Is t&is a -e(@ T&e" #ertainl" %i% not &ae t&is appearan#e in 'in>+ I (at#&e% t&e !an
stealt&il" an% #a*tio*sl"C b*t t&e longer I ga>e% at t&e strange #o*ntenan#e an% e5a!ine% it $eat*re b" $eat*re, t&e !ore
t&e /*estion s&ape% itsel$ in !" brain4 Is t&is a Aer!an@
As (as al(a"s !" &abit (it& s*#& e5perien#es, I t*rne% to boo,s $or &elp in re!oing !" %o*bts+ For t&e $irst ti!e in !"
li$e I bo*g&t !"sel$ so!e anti1Se!iti# pa!p&lets $or a $e( pen#e+ 8*t *n$ort*natel" t&e" all began (it& t&e ass*!ption
t&at in prin#iple t&e rea%er &a% at least a #ertain %egree o$ in$or!ation on t&e -e(is& /*estion or (as een $a!iliar (it& it+
)oreoer, t&e tone o$ !ost o$ t&ese pa!p&lets (as s*#& t&at I be#a!e %o*bt$*l again, be#a*se t&e state!ents !a%e (ere
partl" s*per$i#ial an% t&e proo$s e5traor%inaril" *ns#ienti$i#+ For (ee,s, an% in%ee% $or !ont&s, I ret*rne% to !" ol% (a"
o$ t&in,ing+ T&e s*b0e#t appeare% so enor!o*s an% t&e a##*sations (ere so $ar1rea#&ing t&at I (as a$rai% o$ %ealing (it& it
*n0*stl" an% so I be#a!e again an5io*s an% *n#ertain+
.at*rall" I #o*l% no longer %o*bt t&at &ere t&ere (as not a /*estion o$ Aer!ans (&o &appene% to be o$ a %i$$erent religion
b*t rat&er t&at t&ere (as /*estion o$ an entirel" %i$$erent people+ For as soon as I began to inestigate t&e !atter an%
obsere t&e -e(s, t&en Bienna appeare% to !e in a %i$$erent lig&t+ 3&ereer I no( (ent I sa( -e(s, an% t&e !ore I sa( o$
t&e! t&e !ore stri,ingl" an% #learl" t&e" stoo% o*t as a %i$$erent people $ro! t&e ot&er #iti>ens+ Espe#iall" t&e Inner Cit"
an% t&e %istri#t nort&(ar%s $ro! t&e =an*be Canal s(ar!e% (it& a people (&o, een in o*ter appearan#e, bore no
si!ilarit" to t&e Aer!ans+
8*t an" in%e#ision (&i#& I !a" still &ae $elt abo*t t&at point (as $inall" re!oe% b" t&e a#tiities o$ a #ertain se#tion o$
t&e -e(s t&e!seles+ A great !oe!ent, #alle% Oionis!, arose a!ong t&e!+ Its ai! (as to assert t&e national #&ara#ter o$
-*%ais!, an% t&e !oe!ent (as strongl" represente% in Bienna+
To o*t(ar% appearan#es it see!e% as i$ onl" one gro*p o$ -e(s #&a!pione% t&is !oe!ent, (&ile t&e great !a0orit"
%isapproe% o$ it, or een rep*%iate% it+ 8*t an inestigation o$ t&e sit*ation s&o(e% t&at t&ose o*t(ar% appearan#es (ere
p*rposel" !islea%ing+ T&ese o*t(ar% appearan#es e!erge% $ro! a !ist o$ t&eories (&i#& &a% been pro%*#e% $or reasons
o$ e5pe%ien#", i$ not $or p*rposes o$ %o(nrig&t %e#eption+ For t&at part o$ -e(r" (&i#& (as st"le% 'iberal %i% not %iso(n
t&e Oionists as i$ t&e" (ere not !e!bers o$ t&eir ra#e b*t rat&er as brot&er -e(s (&o p*bli#l" pro$esse% t&eir $ait& in an
*npra#ti#al (a", so as to #reate a %anger $or -e(r" itsel$+
T&*s t&ere (as no real ri$t in t&eir internal soli%arit"+
T&is $i#titio*s #on$li#t bet(een t&e Oionists an% t&e 'iberal -e(s soon %isg*ste% !eC $or it (as $alse t&ro*g& an% t&ro*g&
an% in %ire#t #ontra%i#tion to t&e !oral %ignit" an% i!!a#*late #&ara#ter on (&i#& t&at ra#e &a% al(a"s pri%e% itsel$+
Cleanliness, (&et&er !oral or o$ anot&er ,in%, &a% its o(n pe#*liar !eaning $or t&ese people+ T&at t&e" (ere (ater1s&"
(as obio*s on loo,ing at t&e! an%, *n$ort*natel", er" o$ten also (&en not loo,ing at t&e! at all+ T&e o%o*r o$ t&ose
people in #a$tans o$ten *se% to !a,e !e $eel ill+ 8e"on% t&at t&ere (ere t&e *n,e!pt #lot&es an% t&e ignoble e5terior+
All t&ese %etails (ere #ertainl" not attra#tieC b*t t&e reolting $eat*re (as t&at beneat& t&eir *n#lean e5terior one
s*%%enl" per#eie% t&e !oral !il%e( o$ t&e #&osen ra#e+
3&at soon gae !e #a*se $or er" serio*s #onsi%eration (ere t&e a#tiities o$ t&e -e(s in #ertain bran#&es o$ li$e, into t&e
!"ster" o$ (&i#& I penetrate% little b" little+ 3as t&ere an" s&a%" *n%erta,ing, an" $or! o$ $o*lness, espe#iall" in #*lt*ral
li$e, in (&i#& at least one -e( %i% not parti#ipate@ On p*tting t&e probing ,ni$e #are$*ll" to t&at ,in% o$ abs#ess one
i!!e%iatel" %is#oere%, li,e a !aggot in a p*tres#ent bo%", a little -e( (&o (as o$ten blin%e% b" t&e s*%%en lig&t+
In !" e"es t&e #&arge against -*%ais! be#a!e a grae one t&e !o!ent I %is#oere% t&e -e(is& a#tiities in t&e Press, in
art, in literat*re an% t&e t&eatre+ All *n#t*o*s protests (ere no( !ore or less $*tile+ One nee%e% onl" to loo, at t&e posters
anno*n#ing t&e &i%eo*s pro%*#tions o$ t&e #ine!a an% t&eatre, an% st*%" t&e na!es o$ t&e a*t&ors (&o (ere &ig&l" la*%e%
t&ere in or%er to be#o!e per!anentl" a%a!ant on -e(is& /*estions+ Here (as a pestilen#e, a !oral pestilen#e, (it& (&i#&
t&e p*bli# (as being in$e#te%+ It (as (orse t&an t&e 8la#, Plag*e o$ long ago+ An% in (&at !ig&t" %oses t&is poison (as
!an*$a#t*re% an% %istrib*te%+ .at*rall", t&e lo(er t&e !oral an% intelle#t*al leel o$ s*#& an a*t&or o$ artisti# pro%*#ts
t&e !ore ine5&a*stible &is $e#*n%it"+ So!eti!es it (ent so $ar t&at one o$ t&ese $ello(s, a#ting li,e a se(age p*!p, (o*l%
s&oot &is $ilt& %ire#tl" in t&e $a#e o$ ot&er !e!bers o$ t&e &*!an ra#e+ In t&is #onne#tion (e !*st re!e!ber t&ere is no
li!it to t&e n*!ber o$ s*#& people+ One o*g&t to reali>e t&at $or one, Aoet&e, .at*re !a" bring into e5isten#e ten
t&o*san% s*#& %espoilers (&o a#t as t&e (orst ,in% o$ ger!1#arriers in poisoning &*!an so*ls+ It (as a terrible t&o*g&t,
an% "et it #o*l% not be aoi%e%, t&at t&e greater n*!ber o$ t&e -e(s see!e% spe#iall" %estine% b" .at*re to pla" t&is
s&a!e$*l part+
An% is it $or t&is reason t&at t&e" #an be #alle% t&e #&osen people@
I began t&en to inestigate #are$*ll" t&e na!es o$ all t&e $abri#ators o$ t&ese *n#lean pro%*#ts in p*bli# #*lt*ral li$e+ T&e
res*lt o$ t&at in/*ir" (as still !ore %is$ao*rable to t&e attit*%e (&i#& I &a% &it&erto &el% in regar% to t&e -e(s+ T&o*g&
!" $eelings !ig&t rebel a t&o*san% ti!e, reason no( &a% to %ra( its o(n #on#l*sions+
T&e $a#t t&at nine1tent&s o$ all t&e s!*tt" literat*re, artisti# tripe an% t&eatri#al banalities, &a% to be #&arge% to t&e a##o*nt
o$ people (&o $or!e% s#ar#el" one per #ent+ o$ t&e nation 1 t&at $a#t #o*l% not be gainsai%+ It (as t&ere, an% &a% to be
a%!itte%+ T&en I began to e5a!ine !" $ao*rite M3orl% Press, (it& t&at $a#t be$ore !" !in%+
T&e %eeper !" so*n%ings (ent t&e lesser gre( !" respe#t $or t&at Press (&i#& I $or!erl" a%!ire%+ Its st"le be#a!e still
!ore repellent an% I (as $or#e% to re0e#t its i%eas as entirel" s&allo( an% s*per$i#ial+ To #lai! t&at in t&e presentation o$
$a#ts an% ie(s its attit*%e (as i!partial see!e% to !e to #ontain !ore $alse&oo% t&an tr*t&+ T&e (riters (ere 1 -e(s+
T&o*san%s o$ %etails t&at I &a% s#ar#el" noti#e% be$ore see!e% to !e no( to %esere attention+ I began to grasp an%
*n%erstan% t&ings (&i#& I &a% $or!erl" loo,e% at in a %i$$erent lig&t+
I sa( t&e 'iberal poli#" o$ t&at Press in anot&er lig&t+ Its %igni$ie% tone in repl"ing to t&e atta#,s o$ its a%ersaries an% its
%ea% silen#e in ot&er #ases no( be#a!e #lear to !e as part o$ a #*nning an% %espi#able (a" o$ %e#eiing t&e rea%ers+ Its
brilliant t&eatri#al #riti#is!s al(a"s praise% t&e -e(is& a*t&ors an% its a%erse, #riti#is! (as resere% e5#l*siel" $or t&e
T&e lig&t pin1pri#,s against 3illia! II s&o(e% t&e persisten#" o$ its poli#", 0*st as %i% its s"ste!ati# #o!!en%ation o$
Fren#& #*lt*re an% #iili>ation+ T&e s*b0e#t !atter o$ t&e $e*illetons (as triial an% o$ten pornograp&i#+ T&e lang*age o$
t&is Press as a (&ole &a% t&e a##ent o$ a $oreign people+ T&e general tone (as openl" %erogator" to t&e Aer!ans an% t&is
!*st &ae been %e$initel" intentional+
3&at (ere t&e interests t&at *rge% t&e Bienna Press to a%opt s*#& a poli#"@ Or %i% t&e" %o so !erel" b" #&an#e@ In
atte!pting to $in% an ans(er to t&ose /*estions I gra%*all" be#a!e !ore an% !ore %*bio*s+
T&en so!et&ing &appene% (&i#& &elpe% !e to #o!e to an earl" %e#ision+ I began to see t&ro*g& t&e !eaning o$ a (&ole
series o$ eents t&at (ere ta,ing pla#e in ot&er bran#&es o$ Biennese li$e+ All t&ese (ere inspire% b" a general #on#ept o$
!anners an% !orals (&i#& (as openl" p*t into pra#ti#e b" a large se#tion o$ t&e -e(s an% #o*l% be establis&e% as
attrib*table to t&e!+ Here, again, t&e li$e (&i#& I obsere% on t&e streets ta*g&t !e (&at eil reall" is+
T&e part (&i#& t&e -e(s pla"e% in t&e so#ial p&eno!enon o$ prostit*tion, an% !ore espe#iall" in t&e (&ite slae tra$$i#,
#o*l% be st*%ie% &ere better t&an in an" ot&er 3est1E*ropean #it", (it& t&e possible e5#eption o$ #ertain ports in So*t&ern
Fran#e+ 3al,ing b" nig&t along t&e streets o$ t&e 'eopol%sta%t, al!ost at eer" t*rn (&et&er one (is&e% it or not, one
(itnesse% #ertain &appenings o$ (&ose e5isten#e t&e Aer!ans ,ne( not&ing *ntil t&e 3ar !a%e it possible an% in%ee%
ineitable $or t&e sol%iers to see s*#& t&ings on t&e Eastern $ront+
A #ol% s&ier ran %o(n !" spine (&en I $irst as#ertaine% t&at it (as t&e sa!e ,in% o$ #ol%1bloo%e%, t&i#,1s,inne% an%
s&a!eless -e( (&o s&o(e% &is #ons*!!ate s,ill in #on%*#ting t&at reolting e5ploitation o$ t&e %regs o$ t&e big #it"+
T&en I be#a!e $ire% (it& (rat&+
I &a% no( no !ore &esitation abo*t bringing t&e -e(is& proble! to lig&t in all its %etails+ .o+ Hen#e$ort& I (as %eter!ine%
to %o so+ 8*t as I learne% to tra#, %o(n t&e -e( in all t&e %i$$erent sp&eres o$ #*lt*ral an% artisti# li$e, an% in t&e ario*s
!ani$estations o$ t&is li$e eer"(&ere, I s*%%enl" #a!e *pon &i! in a position (&ere I &a% least e5pe#te% to $in% &i!+ I
no( reali>e% t&at t&e -e(s (ere t&e lea%ers o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#"+ In $a#e o$ t&at reelation t&e s#ales $ell $ro! !" e"es+
)" long inner str*ggle (as at an en%+
In !" relations (it& !" $ello( (or,!en I (as o$ten astonis&e% to $in% &o( easil" an% o$ten t&e" #&ange% t&eir opinions
on t&e sa!e /*estions, so!eti!es (it&in a $e( %a"s an% so!eti!es een (it&in t&e #o*rse o$ a $e( &o*rs+ I $o*n% it
%i$$i#*lt to *n%erstan% &o( !en (&o al(a"s &a% reasonable i%eas (&en t&e" spo,e as in%ii%*als (it& one anot&er
s*%%enl" lost t&is reasonableness t&e !o!ent t&e" a#te% in t&e !ass+ T&at p&eno!enon o$ten te!pte% one al!ost to
%espair+ I *se% to %isp*te (it& t&e! $or &o*rs an% (&en I s*##ee%e% in bringing t&e! to (&at I #onsi%ere% a reasonable
(a" o$ t&in,ing I re0oi#e% at !" s*##ess+ 8*t ne5t %a" I (o*l% $in% t&at it &a% been all in ain+ It (as sa%%ening to t&in, I
&a% to begin it all oer again+ 'i,e a pen%*l*! in its eternal s(a", t&e" (o*l% $all ba#, into t&eir abs*r% opinions+
I (as able to *n%erstan% t&eir position $*ll"+ T&e" (ere %issatis$ie% (it& t&eir lot an% #*rse% t&e $ate (&i#& &a% &it t&e!
so &ar%+ T&e" &ate% t&eir e!plo"ers, (&o! t&e" loo,e% *pon as t&e &eartless a%!inistrators o$ t&eir #r*el %estin"+ O$ten
t&e" *se% ab*sie lang*age against t&e p*bli# o$$i#ials, (&o! t&e" a##*se% o$ &aing no s"!pat&" (it& t&e sit*ation o$ t&e
(or,ing people+ T&e" !a%e p*bli# protests against t&e #ost o$ liing an% para%e% t&ro*g& t&e streets in %e$en#e o$ t&eir
#lai!s+ At least all t&is #o*l% be e5plaine% on reasonable gro*n%s+ 8*t (&at (as i!possible to *n%erstan% (as t&e
bo*n%less &atre% t&e" e5presse% against t&eir o(n $ello( #iti>ens, &o( t&e" %isparage% t&eir o(n nation, !o#,e% at its
greatness, reile% its &istor" an% %ragge% t&e na!es o$ its !ost ill*strio*s !en in t&e g*tter+
T&is &ostilit" to(ar%s t&eir o(n ,it& an% ,in, t&eir o(n natie lan% an% &o!e (as as irrational as it (as
in#o!pre&ensible+ It (as against .at*re+
One #o*l% #*re t&at !ala%" te!poraril", b*t onl" $or so!e %a"s or at least so!e (ee,s+ 8*t on !eeting t&ose (&o! one
beliee% to &ae been #onerte% one $o*n% t&at t&e" &a% be#o!e as t&e" (ere be$ore+ T&at !ala%" against .at*re &el%
t&e! on#e again in its #l*t#&es+
I gra%*all" %is#oere% t&at t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# Press (as pre%o!inantl" #ontrolle% b" -e(s+ 8*t I %i% not atta#& spe#ial
i!portan#e to t&is #ir#*!stan#e, $or t&e sa!e state o$ a$$airs e5iste% also in ot&er ne(spapers+ 8*t t&ere (as one stri,ing
$a#t in t&is #onne#tion+ It (as t&at t&ere (as not a single ne(spaper (it& (&i#& -e(s (ere #onne#te% t&at #o*l% be spo,en
o$ as .ational, in t&e !eaning t&at !" e%*#ation an% #oni#tions atta#&e% to t&at (or%+
)a,ing an e$$ort to oer#o!e !" nat*ral rel*#tan#e, I trie% to rea% arti#les o$ t&is nat*re p*blis&e% in t&e )ar5ist PressC
b*t in %oing so !" aersion in#rease% all t&e !ore+ An% t&en I set abo*t learning so!et&ing o$ t&e people (&o (rote an%
p*blis&e% t&is !is#&ieo*s st*$$+ Fro! t&e p*blis&er %o(n(ar%s, all o$ t&e! (ere -e(s+ I re#alle% to !in% t&e na!es o$
t&e p*bli# lea%ers o$ )ar5is!, an% t&en I reali>e% t&at !ost o$ t&e! belonge% to t&e C&osen Ra#e 1 t&e So#ial =e!o#rati#
representaties in t&e I!perial Cabinet as (ell as t&e se#retaries o$ t&e Tra%es Unions an% t&e street agitators+ Eer"(&ere
t&e sa!e sinister pi#t*re presente% itsel$+ I s&all neer $orget t&e ro( o$ na!es 1 A*sterlit>, =ai%, A%ler, Ellenbogen, an%
ot&ers+ One $a#t be#a!e /*ite ei%ent to !e+ It (as t&at t&is alien ra#e &el% in its &an%s t&e lea%ers&ip o$ t&at So#ial
=e!o#rati# Part" (it& (&ose !inor representaties I &a% been %isp*ting $or !ont&s past+ I (as &app" at last to ,no( $or
#ertain t&at t&e -e( is not a Aer!an+
T&*s I $inall" %is#oere% (&o (ere t&e eil spirits lea%ing o*r people astra"+ T&e so0o*rn in Bienna $or one "ear &a%
proe% long eno*g& to #onin#e !e t&at no (or,er is so roote% in &is pre#on#eie% notions t&at &e (ill not s*rren%er t&e!
in $a#e o$ better an% #learer arg*!ents an% e5planations+ Ara%*all" I be#a!e an e5pert in t&e %o#trine o$ t&e )ar5ists an%
*se% t&is ,no(le%ge as an instr*!ent to %rie &o!e !" o(n $ir! #oni#tions+ I (as s*##ess$*l in nearl" eer" #ase+ T&e
great !asses #an be res#*e%, b*t a lot o$ ti!e an% a large s&are o$ &*!an patien#e !*st be %eote% to s*#& (or,+
8*t a -e( #an neer be res#*e% $ro! &is $i5e% notions+
It (as t&en si!ple eno*g& to atte!pt to s&o( t&e! t&e abs*r%it" o$ t&eir tea#&ing+ 3it&in !" s!all #ir#le I tal,e% to t&e!
*ntil !" t&roat a#&e% an% !" oi#e gre( &oarse+ I beliee% t&at I #o*l% $inall" #onin#e t&e! o$ t&e %anger in&erent in t&e
)ar5ist $ollies+ 8*t I onl" a#&iee% t&e #ontrar" res*lt+ It see!e% to !e t&at i!!e%iatel" t&e %isastro*s e$$e#ts o$ t&e
)ar5ist T&eor" an% its appli#ation in pra#ti#e be#a!e ei%ent, t&e stronger be#a!e t&eir obstina#"+
T&e !ore I %ebate% (it& t&e! t&e !ore $a!iliar I be#a!e (it& t&eir arg*!entatie ta#ti#s+ At t&e o*tset t&e" #o*nte%
*pon t&e st*pi%it" o$ t&eir opponents, b*t (&en t&e" got so entangle% t&at t&e" #o*l% not $in% a (a" o*t t&e" pla"e% t&e
tri#, o$ a#ting as inno#ent si!pletons+ S&o*l% t&e" $ail, in spite o$ t&eir tri#,s o$ logi#, t&e" a#te% as i$ t&e" #o*l% not
*n%erstan% t&e #o*nter arg*!ents an% bolte% a(a" to anot&er $iel% o$ %is#*ssion+ T&e" (o*l% la" %o(n tr*is!s an%
platit*%esC an%, i$ "o* a##epte% t&ese, t&en t&e" (ere applie% to ot&er proble!s an% !atters o$ an essentiall" %i$$erent
nat*re $ro! t&e original t&e!e+ I$ "o* $a#e% t&e! (it& t&is point t&e" (o*l% es#ape again, an% "o* #o*l% not bring t&e! to
!a,e an" pre#ise state!ent+ 3&eneer one trie% to get a $ir! grip on an" o$ t&ese apostles ones &an% graspe% onl" 0ell"
an% sli!e (&i#& slippe% t&ro*g& t&e $ingers an% #o!bine% again into a soli% !ass a !o!ent a$ter(ar%s+ I$ "o*r a%ersar"
$elt $or#e% to gie in to "o*r arg*!ent, on a##o*nt o$ t&e obserers present, an% i$ "o* t&en t&o*g&t t&at at last "o* &a%
gaine% gro*n%, a s*rprise (as in store $or "o* on t&e $ollo(ing %a"+ T&e -e( (o*l% be *tterl" obliio*s to (&at &a%
&appene% t&e %a" be$ore, an% &e (o*l% start on#e again b" repeating &is $or!er abs*r%ities, as i$ not&ing &a% &appene%+
S&o*l% "o* be#o!e in%ignant an% re!in% &i! o$ "ester%a"s %e$eat, &e preten%e% astonis&!ent an% #o*l% not re!e!ber
an"t&ing, e5#ept t&at on t&e preio*s %a" &e &a% proe% t&at &is state!ents (ere #orre#t+ So!eti!es I (as %*!b$o*n%e%+ I
%o not ,no( (&at a!a>e% !e t&e !ore 1 t&e ab*n%an#e o$ t&eir erbiage or t&e art$*l (a" in (&i#& t&e" %resse% *p t&eir
$alse&oo%s+ I gra%*all" #a!e to &ate t&e!+
Ket all t&is &a% its goo% si%eC be#a*se t&e !ore I #a!e to ,no( t&e in%ii%*al lea%ers, or at least t&e propagan%ists, o$
So#ial =e!o#ra#", !" loe $or !" o(n people in#rease% #orrespon%ingl"+ Consi%ering t&e Satani# s,ill (&i#& t&ese eil
#o*nsellors %ispla"e%, &o( #o*l% t&eir *n$ort*nate i#ti!s be bla!e%@ In%ee%, I $o*n% it e5tre!el" %i$$i#*lt !"sel$ to be a
!at#& $or t&e %iale#ti#al per$i%" o$ t&at ra#e+ Ho( $*tile it (as to tr" to (in oer s*#& people (it& arg*!ent, seeing t&at
t&eir er" !o*t&s %istorte% t&e tr*t&, %iso(ning t&e er" (or%s t&e" &a% 0*st *se% an% a%opting t&e! again a $e( !o!ents
a$ter(ar%s to sere t&eir o(n en%s in t&e arg*!entN .o+ T&e !ore I #a!e to ,no( t&e -e(, t&e easier it (as to e5#*se t&e
In !" opinion t&e !ost #*lpable (ere not to be $o*n% a!ong t&e (or,ers b*t rat&er a!ong t&ose (&o %i% not t&in, it
(ort& (&ile to ta,e t&e tro*ble to s"!pat&i>e (it& t&eir o(n ,ins$ol, an% gie to t&e &ar%1(or,ing son o$ t&e national
$a!il" (&at (as &is b" t&e iron logi# o$ 0*sti#e, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e pla#ing &is se%*#er an% #orr*pter against t&e (all+
Urge% b" !" o(n %ail" e5perien#es, I no( began to inestigate !ore t&oro*g&l" t&e so*r#es o$ t&e )ar5ist tea#&ing itsel$+
Its e$$e#ts (ere (ell ,no(n to !e in %etail+ As a res*lt o$ #are$*l obseration, its %ail" progress &a% be#o!e obio*s to !e+
An% one nee%e% onl" a little i!agination in or%er to be able to $ore#ast t&e #onse/*en#es (&i#& !*st res*lt $ro! it+ T&e
onl" /*estion no( (as4 =i% t&e $o*n%ers $oresee t&e e$$e#ts o$ t&eir (or, in t&e $or! (&i#& t&ose e$$e#ts &ae s&o(n
t&e!seles to1%a", or (ere t&e $o*n%ers t&e!seles t&e i#ti!s o$ an error@ To !" !in% bot& alternaties (ere possible+
I$ t&e se#on% /*estion !*st be ans(ere% in t&e a$$ir!atie, t&en it (as t&e %*t" o$ eer" t&in,ing person to oppose t&is
sinister !oe!ent (it& a ie( to preenting it $ro! pro%*#ing its (orst res*lts+ 8*t i$ t&e $irst /*estion !*st be ans(ere%
in t&e a$$ir!atie, t&en it !*st be a%!itte% t&at t&e original a*t&ors o$ t&is eil (&i#& &as in$e#te% t&e nations (ere %eils
in#arnate+ For onl" in t&e brain o$ a !onster, an% not t&at o$ a !an, #o*l% t&e plan o$ t&is organi>ation ta,e s&ape (&ose
(or,ings !*st $inall" bring abo*t t&e #ollapse o$ &*!an #iili>ation an% t*rn t&is (orl% into a %esert (aste+
S*#& being t&e #ase t&e onl" alternatie le$t (as to $ig&t, an% in t&at $ig&t to e!plo" all t&e (eapons (&i#& t&e &*!an
spirit an% intelle#t an% (ill #o*l% $*rnis& leaing it to Fate to %e#i%e in (&ose $ao*r t&e balan#e s&o*l% $all+
An% so I began to gat&er in$or!ation abo*t t&e a*t&ors o$ t&is tea#&ing, (it& a ie( to st*%"ing t&e prin#iples o$ t&e
!oe!ent+ T&e $a#t t&at I attaine% !" ob0e#t sooner t&an I #o*l% &ae anti#ipate% (as %*e to t&e %eeper insig&t into t&e
-e(is& /*estion (&i#& I t&en gaine%, !" ,no(le%ge o$ t&is /*estion being &it&erto rat&er s*per$i#ial+ T&is ne(l" a#/*ire%
,no(le%ge alone enable% !e to !a,e a pra#ti#al #o!parison bet(een t&e real #ontent an% t&e t&eoreti#al pretentio*sness
o$ t&e tea#&ing lai% %o(n b" t&e apostoli# $o*n%ers o$ So#ial =e!o#ra#"C be#a*se I no( *n%erstoo% t&e lang*age o$ t&e
-e(+ I reali>e% t&at t&e -e( *ses lang*age $or t&e p*rpose o$ %issi!*lating &is t&o*g&t or at least eiling it, so t&at &is real
ai! #annot be %is#oere% b" (&at &e sa"s b*t rat&er b" rea%ing bet(een t&e lines+ T&is ,no(le%ge (as t&e o##asion o$ t&e
greatest inner reol*tion t&at I &a% "et e5perien#e%+ Fro! being a so$t1&earte% #os!opolitan I be#a!e an o*t1an%1o*t anti1
Onl" on one $*rt&er o##asion, an% t&at $or t&e last ti!e, %i% I gie (a" to oppressing t&o*g&ts (&i#& #a*se% !e so!e
!o!ents o$ pro$o*n% an5iet"+
As I #riti#all" reie(e% t&e a#tiities o$ t&e -e(is& people t&ro*g&o*t long perio%s o$ &istor" I be#a!e an5io*s an% as,e%
!"sel$ (&et&er $or so!e ins#r*table reasons be"on% t&e #o!pre&ension o$ poor !ortals s*#& as o*rseles, =estin" !a"
not &ae irreo#abl" %e#ree% t&at t&e $inal i#tor" !*st go to t&is s!all nation@ )a" it not be t&at t&is people (&i#& &as
lie% onl" $or t&e eart& &as been pro!ise% t&e eart& as a re#o!pense@ is o*r rig&t to str*ggle $or o*r o(n sel$1preseration
base% on realit", or is it a !erel" s*b0e#tie t&ing@ Fate ans(ere% t&e /*estion $or !e inas!*#& as it le% !e to !a,e a
%eta#&e% an% e5&a*stie in/*ir" into t&e )ar5ist tea#&ing an% t&e a#tiities o$ t&e -e(is& people in #onne#tion (it& it+
T&e -e(is& %o#trine o$ )ar5is! rep*%iates t&e aristo#rati# prin#iple o$ .at*re an% s*bstit*tes $or it t&e eternal priilege o$
$or#e an% energ", n*!eri#al !ass an% its %ea% (eig&t+ T&*s it %enies t&e in%ii%*al (ort& o$ t&e &*!an personalit",
i!p*gns t&e tea#&ing t&at nation&oo% an% ra#e &ae a pri!ar" signi$i#an#e, an% b" %oing t&is it ta,es a(a" t&e er"
$o*n%ations o$ &*!an e5isten#e an% &*!an #iili>ation+ I$ t&e )ar5ist tea#&ing (ere to be a##epte% as t&e $o*n%ation o$
t&e li$e o$ t&e *nierse, it (o*l% lea% to t&e %isappearan#e o$ all or%er t&at is #on#eiable to t&e &*!an !in%+ An% t&*s t&e
a%option o$ s*#& a la( (o*l% proo,e #&aos in t&e str*#t*re o$ t&e greatest organis! t&at (e ,no(, (it& t&e res*lt t&at t&e
in&abitants o$ t&is eart&l" planet (o*l% $inall" %isappear+
S&o*l% t&e -e(, (it& t&e ai% o$ &is )ar5ist #ree%, tri*!p& oer t&e people o$ t&is (orl%, &is Cro(n (ill be t&e $*neral
(reat& o$ !an,in%, an% t&is planet (ill on#e again $ollo( its orbit t&ro*g& et&er, (it&o*t an" &*!an li$e on its s*r$a#e, as
it %i% !illions o$ "ears ago+
An% so I beliee to1%a" t&at !" #on%*#t is in a##or%an#e (it& t&e (ill o$ t&e Al!ig&t" Creator+ In stan%ing g*ar% against
t&e -e( I a! %e$en%ing t&e &an%i(or, o$ t&e 'or%+
C&apter T&ree
Aenerall" spea,ing a !an s&o*l% not p*bli#l" ta,e part in politi#s be$ore &e &as rea#&e% t&e age o$ t&irt", t&o*g&, o$
#o*rse, e5#eptions !*st be !a%e in t&e #ase o$ t&ose (&o are nat*rall" gi$te% (it& e5traor%inar" politi#al abilities+ T&at at
least is !" opinion to1%a"+ An% t&e reason $or it is t&at *ntil &e rea#&es &is t&irtiet& "ear or t&ereabo*ts a !ans !ental
%eelop!ent (ill !ostl" #onsist in a#/*iring an% si$ting s*#& ,no(le%ge as is ne#essar" $or t&e gro*n%(or, o$ a general
plat$or! $ro! (&i#& &e #an e5a!ine t&e %i$$erent politi#al proble!s t&at arise $ro! %a" to %a" an% be able to a%opt a
%e$inite attit*%e to(ar%s ea#&+ A !an !*st $irst a#/*ire a $*n% o$ general i%eas an% $it t&e! toget&er so as to $or! an
organi# str*#t*re o$ personal t&o*g&t or o*tloo, on li$e 1 a 3eltans#&&a**ng+ T&en &e (ill &ae t&at !ental e/*ip!ent
(it&o*t (&i#& &e #annot $or! &is o(n 0*%g!ents on parti#*lar /*estions o$ t&e %a", an% &e (ill &ae a#/*ire% t&ose
/*alities t&at are ne#essar" $or #onsisten#" an% stea%$astness in t&e $or!ation o$ politi#al opinions+ S*#& a !an is no(
/*ali$ie%, at least s*b0e#tiel", to ta,e &is part in t&e politi#al #on%*#t o$ p*bli# a$$airs+
I$ t&ese pre1re/*isite #on%itions are not $*l$ille%, an% i$ a !an s&o*l% enter politi#al li$e (it&o*t t&is e/*ip!ent, &e (ill
r*n a t(o$ol% ris,+ In t&e $irst pla#e, &e !a" $in% %*ring t&e #o*rse o$ eents t&at t&e stan% (&i#& &e originall" too, in
regar% to so!e essential /*estion (as (rong+ He (ill no( &ae to aban%on &is $or!er position or else sti#, to it against
&is better ,no(le%ge an% riper (is%o! an% a$ter &is reason an% #oni#tions &ae alrea%" proe% it *ntenable+ I$ &e a%opt
t&e $or!er line o$ a#tion &e (ill $in% &i!sel$ in a %i$$i#*lt personal sit*ationC be#a*se in giing *p a position &it&erto
!aintaine% &e (ill appear in#onsistent an% (ill &ae no rig&t to e5pe#t &is $ollo(ers to re!ain as lo"al to &is lea%ers&ip as
t&e" (ere be$ore+ An%, as regar%s t&e $ollo(ers t&e!seles, t&e" !a" easil" loo, *pon t&eir lea%ers #&ange o$ poli#" as
s&o(ing a la#, o$ 0*%g!ent in&erent in &is #&ara#ter+ )oreoer, t&e #&ange !*st #a*se in t&e! a #ertain $eeling o$
%is#o!$it*re is1R1is t&ose (&o! t&e lea%er $or!erl" oppose%+
I$ &e a%opts t&e se#on% alternatie 1 (&i#& so er" $re/*entl" &appens to1%a" 1 t&en p*bli# prono*n#e!ents o$ t&e lea%er
&ae no longer &is personal pers*asion to s*pport t&e!+ An% t&e !ore t&at is t&e #ase t&e %e$en#e o$ &is #a*se (ill be all
t&e !ore &ollo( an% s*per$i#ial+ He no( %es#en%s to t&e a%option o$ *lgar !eans in &is %e$en#e+ 3&ile &e &i!sel$ no
longer %rea!s serio*sl" o$ stan%ing b" &is politi#al protestations to t&e last 1 $or no !an (ill %ie in %e$en#e o$ so!et&ing
in (&i#& &e %oes not beliee 1 &e !a,es in#reasing %e!an%s on &is $ollo(ers+ In%ee%, t&e greater be t&e !eas*re o$ &is
o(n insin#erit", t&e !ore *n$ort*nate an% in#onsi%erate be#o!e &is #lai!s on &is part" a%&erents+ Finall", &e t&ro(s asi%e
t&e last estiges o$ tr*e lea%ers&ip an% begins to pla" politi#s+ T&is !eans t&at &e be#o!es one o$ t&ose (&ose onl"
#onsisten#" is t&eir in#onsisten#", asso#iate% (it& oerbearing insolen#e an% o$tenti!es an art$*l !en%a#it" %eelope% to a
s&a!elessl" &ig& %egree+
S&o*l% s*#& a person, to t&e !is$ort*ne o$ all %e#ent people, s*##ee% in be#o!ing a parlia!entar" %ep*t" it (ill be #lear
$ro! t&e o*tset t&at $or &i! t&e essen#e o$ politi#al a#tiit" #onsists in a &eroi# str*ggle to ,eep per!anent &ol% on t&is
!il,1bottle as a so*r#e o$ lieli&oo% $or &i!sel$ an% &is $a!il"+ T&e !ore &is (i$e an% #&il%ren are %epen%ent on &i!, t&e
!ore st*bbornl" (ill &e $ig&t to !aintain $or &i!sel$ t&e representation o$ &is parlia!entar" #onstit*en#"+ For t&at reason
an" ot&er person (&o gies ei%en#e o$ politi#al #apa#it" is &is personal ene!"+ In eer" ne( !oe!ent &e (ill appre&en%
t&e possible beginning o$ &is o(n %o(n$all+ An% eer"one (&o is a better !an t&an &i!sel$ (ill appear to &i! in t&e lig&t
o$ a !ena#e+
I s&all s*bse/*entl" %eal !ore $*ll" (it& t&e proble! to (&i#& t&is ,in% o$ parlia!entar" er!in gie rise+
3&en a !an &as rea#&e% &is t&irtiet& "ear &e &as still a great %eal to learn+ T&at is obio*s+ 8*t &en#e$or(ar% (&at &e
learns (ill prin#ipall" be an a!pli$i#ation o$ &is basi# i%easC it (ill be $itte% in (it& t&e! organi#all" so as to $ill *p t&e
$ra!e(or, o$ t&e $*n%a!ental 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& &e alrea%" possesses+ 3&at &e learns ane( (ill not i!pl" t&e
aban%on!ent o$ prin#iples alrea%" &el%, b*t rat&er a %eeper ,no(le%ge o$ t&ose prin#iples+ An% t&*s &is #olleag*es (ill
neer &ae t&e %is#o!$orting $eeling t&at t&e" &ae been &it&erto $alsel" le% b" &i!+ On t&e #ontrar", t&eir #on$i%en#e is
in#rease% (&en t&e" per#eie t&at t&eir lea%ers /*alities are stea%il" %eeloping along t&e lines o$ an organi# gro(t&
(&i#& res*lts $ro! t&e #onstant assi!ilation o$ ne( i%easC so t&at t&e $ollo(ers loo, *pon t&is pro#ess as signi$"ing an
enri#&!ent o$ t&e %o#trines in (&i#& t&e" t&e!seles beliee, in t&eir e"es eer" s*#& %eelop!ent is a ne( (itness to t&e
#orre#tness o$ t&at (&ole bo%" o$ opinion (&i#& &as &it&erto been &el%+
A lea%er (&o &as to aban%on t&e plat$or! $o*n%e% on &is general prin#iples, be#a*se &e re#ogni>es t&e $o*n%ation as
$alse, #an a#t (it& &ono*r onl" (&en &e %e#lares &is rea%iness to a##ept t&e $inal #onse/*en#es o$ &is erroneo*s ie(s+ In
s*#& a #ase &e o*g&t to re$rain $ro! ta,ing p*bli# part in an" $*rt&er politi#al a#tiit"+ Haing on#e gone astra" on
essential t&ings &e !a" possibl" go astra" a se#on% ti!e+ 8*t, an"&o(, &e &as no rig&t (&atsoeer to e5pe#t or %e!an%
t&at &is $ello( #iti>ens s&o*l% #ontin*e to gie &i! t&eir s*pport+
Ho( little s*#& a line o$ #on%*#t #o!!en%s itsel$ to o*r p*bli# lea%ers no(a%a"s is proe% b" t&e general #orr*ption
prealent a!ong t&e #abal (&i#& at t&e present !o!ent $eels itsel$ #alle% to politi#al lea%ers&ip+ In t&e (&ole #abal t&ere
is s#ar#el" one (&o is properl" e/*ippe% $or t&is tas,+
Alt&o*g& in t&ose %a"s I *se% to gie !ore ti!e t&an !ost ot&ers to t&e #onsi%eration o$ politi#al /*estion, "et I #are$*ll"
re$raine% $ro! ta,ing an open part in politi#s+ Onl" to a s!all #ir#le %i% I spea, o$ t&ose t&ings (&i#& agitate% !" !in% or
(ere t&e #a*se o$ #onstant preo##*pation $or !e+ T&e &abit o$ %is#*ssing !atters (it&in s*#& a restri#te% gro*p &a% !an"
a%antages in itsel$+ Rat&er t&an tal, at t&e!, I learne% to $eel !" (a" into t&e !o%es o$ t&o*g&t an% ie(s o$ t&ose !en
aro*n% !e+ O$tenti!es s*#& (a"s o$ t&in,ing an% s*#& ie(s (ere /*ite pri!itie+ T&*s I too, eer" possible o##asion to
in#rease !" ,no(le%ge o$ !en+
.o(&ere a!ong t&e Aer!an people (as t&e opport*nit" $or !a,ing s*#& a st*%" so $ao*rable as in Bienna+
In t&e ol% =an*bian )onar#&" politi#al t&o*g&t (as (i%er in its range an% &a% a ri#&er ariet" o$ interests t&an in t&e
Aer!an" o$ t&at epo#& 1 e5#epting #ertain parts o$ Pr*ssia, Ha!b*rg an% t&e %istri#ts bor%ering on t&e .ort& Sea+ 3&en I
spea, o$ A*stria &ere I !ean t&at part o$ t&e great Habsb*rg E!pire (&i#&, b" reason o$ its Aer!an pop*lation, $*rnis&e%
not onl" t&e &istori# basis $or t&e $or!ation o$ t&is State b*t (&ose pop*lation (as $or seeral #ent*ries also t&e e5#l*sie
so*r#e o$ #*lt*ral li$e in t&at politi#al s"ste! (&ose str*#t*re (as so arti$i#ial+ As ti!e (ent on t&e stabilit" o$ t&e
A*strian State an% t&e g*arantee o$ its #ontin*e% e5isten#e %epen%e% !ore an% !ore on t&e !aintenan#e o$ t&is ger!1#ell
o$ t&at Habsb*rg E!pire+
T&e &ere%itar" i!perial proin#es #onstit*te% t&e &eart o$ t&e E!pire+ An% it (as t&is &eart t&at #onstantl" sent t&e bloo%
o$ li$e p*lsating t&ro*g& t&e (&ole politi#al an% #*lt*ral s"ste!+ Correspon%ing to t&e &eart o$ t&e E!pire, Bienna
signi$ie% t&e brain an% t&e (ill+ At t&at ti!e Bienna presente% an appearan#e (&i#& !a%e one t&in, o$ &er as an
ent&rone% /*een (&ose a*t&oritatie s(a" *nite% t&e #onglo!eration o$ &eterogeno*s nationalities t&at lie% *n%er t&e
Habsb*rg s#eptre+ T&e ra%iant bea*t" o$ t&e #apital #it" !a%e one $orget t&e sa% s"!pto!s o$ senile %e#a" (&i#& t&e State
!ani$este% as a (&ole+
T&o*g& t&e E!pire (as internall" ri#,et" be#a*se o$ t&e terri$i# #on$li#t going on bet(een t&e ario*s nationalities, t&e
o*tsi%e (orl% 1 an% Aer!an" in parti#*lar 1 sa( onl" t&at loel" pi#t*re o$ t&e #it"+ T&e ill*sion (as all t&e greater
be#a*se at t&at ti!e Bienna see!e% to &ae risen to its &ig&est pit#& o$ splen%o*r+ Un%er a )a"or, (&o &a% t&e tr*e sta!p
o$ a%!inistratie geni*s, t&e enerable resi%ential Cit" o$ t&e E!perors o$ t&e ol% E!pire see!e% to &ae t&e glor" o$ its
"o*t& rene(e%+ T&e last great Aer!an (&o sprang $ro! t&e ran,s o$ t&e people t&at &a% #oloni>e% t&e East )ar, (as not
a Mstates!an, in t&e o$$i#ial sense+ T&is =r+ '*egar, &o(eer, in &is rSle as )a"or o$ Mt&e I!perial Capital an% Resi%ential
Cit", &a% a#&iee% so !*#& in al!ost all sp&eres o$ !*ni#ipal a#tiit", (&et&er e#ono!i# or #*lt*ral, t&at t&e &eart o$ t&e
(&ole E!pire t&robbe% (it& rene(e% igo*r+ He t&*s proe% &i!sel$ a !*#& greater states!an t&an t&e so1#alle%
M%iplo!ats o$ t&at perio%+
T&e $a#t t&at t&is politi#al s"ste! o$ &eterogeneo*s ra#es #alle% A*stria, $inall" bro,e %o(n is no ei%en#e (&atsoeer o$
politi#al in#apa#it" on t&e part o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent in t&e ol% East )ar,+ T&e #ollapse (as t&e ineitable res*lt o$ an
i!possible sit*ation+ Ten !illion people #annot per!anentl" &ol% toget&er a State o$ $i$t" !illions, #o!pose% o$ %i$$erent
an% #oni#ting nationalities, *nless #ertain %e$inite pre1re/*isite #on%itions are at &an% (&ile t&ere is still ti!e to aail o$
T&e Aer!an1A*strian &a% er" big (a"s o$ t&in,ing+ A##*sto!e% to lie in a great E!pire, &e &a% a ,een sense o$ t&e
obligations in#*!bent on &i! in s*#& a sit*ation+ He (as t&e onl" !e!ber o$ t&e A*strian State (&o loo,e% be"on% t&e
bor%ers o$ t&e narro( lan%s belonging to t&e Cro(n an% too, in all t&e $rontiers o$ t&e E!pire in t&e s(eep o$ &is !in%+
In%ee% (&en %estin" seere% &i! $ro! t&e #o!!on Fat&erlan% &e trie% to !aster t&e tre!en%o*s tas, (&i#& (as set
be$ore &i! as a #onse/*en#e+ T&is tas, (as to !aintain $or t&e Aer!an1A*strians t&at patri!on" (&i#&, t&ro*g&
inn*!erable str*ggles, t&eir an#estors &a% originall" (reste% $ro! t&e East+ It !*st be re!e!bere% t&at t&e Aer!an1
A*strians #o*l% not p*t t&eir *n%ii%e% strengt& into t&is e$$ort, be#a*se t&e &earts an% !in%s o$ t&e best a!ong t&e!
(ere #onstantl" t*rning ba#, to(ar%s t&eir ,ins$ol, in t&e )ot&erlan%, so t&at onl" a $ra#tion o$ t&eir energ" re!aine% to
be e!plo"e% at &o!e+
T&e !ental &ori>on o$ t&e Aer!an1A*strian (as #o!paratiel" broa%+ His #o!!er#ial interests #o!prise% al!ost eer"
se#tion o$ t&e &eterogeneo*s E!pire+ T&e #on%*#t o$ al!ost all i!portant *n%erta,ings (as in &is &an%s+ He proi%e% t&e
State, $or t&e !ost part, (it& its lea%ing te#&ni#al e5perts an% #iil serants+ He (as responsible $or #arr"ing on t&e
$oreign tra%e o$ t&e #o*ntr", as $ar as t&at sp&ere o$ a#tiit" (as not *n%er -e(is& #ontrol, T&e Aer!an1A*strian
e5#l*siel" represente% t&e politi#al #e!ent t&at &el% t&e State toget&er+ His !ilitar" %*ties #arrie% &i! $ar be"on% t&e
narro( $rontiers o$ &is &o!elan%+ T&o*g& t&e re#r*it !ig&t 0oin a regi!ent !a%e *p o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent, t&e regi!ent
itsel$ !ig&t be statione% in Her>egoina as (ell as in Bienna or Aali#ia+ T&e o$$i#ers in t&e Habsb*rg ar!ies (ere still
Aer!ans an% so (as t&e pre%o!inating ele!ent in t&e &ig&er bran#&es o$ t&e #iil seri#e+ Art an% s#ien#e (ere in
Aer!an &an%s+ Apart $ro! t&e ne( artisti# tras&, (&i#& !ig&t easil" &ae been pro%*#e% b" a negro tribe, all gen*ine
artisti# inspiration #a!e $ro! t&e Aer!an se#tion o$ t&e pop*lation+ In !*si#, ar#&ite#t*re, s#*lpt*re an% painting, Bienna
ab*n%antl" s*pplie% t&e entire =*al )onar#&"+ An% t&e so*r#e neer see!e% to s&o( signs o$ a possible e5&a*stion+
Finall", it (as t&e Aer!an ele!ent t&at %eter!ine% t&e #on%*#t o$ $oreign poli#", t&o*g& a s!all n*!ber o$ H*ngarians
(ere also a#tie in t&at $iel%+
All e$$orts, &o(eer, to sae t&e *nit" o$ t&e State (ere %oo!e% to en% in $ail*re, be#a*se t&e essential pre1re/*isites (ere
T&ere (as onl" one possible (a" to #ontrol an% &ol% in #&e#, t&e #entri$*gal $or#es o$ t&e %i$$erent an% %i$$ering
nationalities+ T&is (a" (as4 to goern t&e A*strian State an% organi>e it internall" on t&e prin#iple o$ #entrali>ation+ In no
ot&er (a" i!aginable #o*l% t&e e5isten#e o$ t&at State be ass*re%+
.o( an% again t&ere (ere l*#i% interals in t&e &ig&er r*ling /*arters (&en t&is tr*t& (as re#ogni>e%+ 8*t it (as soon
$orgotten again, or else %eliberatel" ignore%, be#a*se o$ t&e %i$$i#*lties to be oer#o!e in p*tting it into pra#ti#e+ Eer"
pro0e#t (&i#& ai!e% at giing t&e E!pire a !ore $e%eral s&ape (as bo*n% to be ine$$e#tie be#a*se t&ere (as no strong
#entral a*t&orit" (&i#& #o*l% e5er#ise s*$$i#ient po(er (it&in t&e State to &ol% t&e $e%eral ele!ents toget&er+ It !*st be
re!e!bere% in t&is #onne#tion t&at #on%itions in A*stria (ere /*ite %i$$erent $ro! t&ose (&i#& #&ara#teri>e% t&e Aer!an
State as $o*n%e% b" 8is!ar#,+ Aer!an" (as $a#e% (it& onl" one %i$$i#*lt", (&i#& (as t&at o$ trans$or!ing t&e p*rel"
politi#al tra%itions, be#a*se t&ro*g&o*t t&e (&ole o$ 8is!ar#,s Aer!an" t&ere (as a #o!!on #*lt*ral basis+ T&e Aer!an
E!pire #ontaine% onl" !e!bers o$ one an% t&e sa!e ra#ial or national sto#,, (it& t&e e5#eption o$ a $e( !inor $oreign
=e!ograp&i# #on%itions in A*stria (ere /*ite t&e reerse+ 3it& t&e e5#eption o$ H*ngar" t&ere (as no politi#al tra%ition,
#o!ing %o(n $ro! a great past, in an" o$ t&e ario*s a$$iliate% #o*ntries+ I$ t&ere &a% been, ti!e &a% eit&er (ipe% o*t all
tra#es o$ it, or at least, ren%ere% t&e! obs#*re+ )oreoer, t&is (as t&e epo#& (&en t&e prin#iple o$ nationalit" began to be
in as#en%antC an% t&at p&eno!enon a(a,ene% t&e national instin#ts in t&e ario*s #o*ntries a$$iliate% *n%er t&e Habsb*rg
s#eptre+ It (as %i$$i#*lt to #ontrol t&e a#tion o$ t&ese ne(l" a(a,ene% national $or#esC be#a*se, a%0a#ent to t&e $rontiers o$
t&e =*al )onar#&", ne( national States (ere springing *p (&ose people (ere o$ t&e sa!e or ,in%re% ra#ial sto#, as t&e
respe#tie nationalities t&at #onstit*te% t&e Habsb*rg E!pire+ T&ese ne( States (ere able to e5er#ise a greater in$l*en#e
t&an t&e Aer!an ele!ent+
Een Bienna #o*l% not &ol% o*t $or a lengt&" perio% in t&is #on$li#t+ 3&en 8*%apest &a% %eelope% into a !etropolis a
rial &a% gro(n *p (&ose !ission (as, not to &elp in &ol%ing toget&er t&e ario*s %iergent parts o$ t&e E!pire, b*t
rat&er to strengt&en one part+ 3it&in a s&ort ti!e Prag*e $ollo(e% t&e e5a!ple o$ 8*%apestC an% later on #a!e 'e!berg,
'aiba#& an% ot&ers+ 8" raising t&ese pla#es (&i#& &a% $or!erl" been proin#ial to(ns to t&e ran, o$ national #ities,
rall"ing #entres (ere proi%e% $or an in%epen%ent #*lt*ral li$e+ T&ro*g& t&is t&e lo#al national instin#ts a#/*ire% a
spirit*al $o*n%ation an% t&ere(it& gaine% a !ore pro$o*n% &ol% on t&e people+ T&e ti!e (as bo*n% to #o!e (&en t&e
parti#*larist interests o$ t&ose ario*s #o*ntries (o*l% be#o!e stronger t&an t&eir #o!!on i!perial interests+ On#e t&at
stage &a% been rea#&e%, A*strias %oo! (as seale%+
T&e #o*rse o$ t&is %eelop!ent (as #learl" per#eptible sin#e t&e %eat& o$ -osep& II+ Its rapi%it" %epen%e% on a n*!ber o$
$a#tors, so!e o$ (&i#& &a% t&eir so*r#e in t&e )onar#&" itsel$C (&ile ot&ers res*lte% $ro! t&e position (&i#& t&e E!pire
&a% ta,en in $oreign politi#s+
It (as i!possible to !a,e an"t&ing li,e a s*##ess$*l e$$ort $or t&e per!anent #onsoli%ation o$ t&e A*strian State *nless a
$ir! an% persistent poli#" o$ #entrali>ation (ere p*t into $or#e+ 8e$ore eer"t&ing else t&e prin#iple s&o*l% &ae been
a%opte% t&at onl" one #o!!on lang*age #o*l% be *se% as t&e o$$i#ial lang*age o$ t&e State+ T&*s it (o*l% be possible to
e!p&asi>e t&e $or!al *nit" o$ t&at i!perial #o!!on(ealt&+ An% t&*s t&e a%!inistration (o*l% &ae in its &an%s a
te#&ni#al instr*!ent (it&o*t (&i#& t&e State #o*l% not en%*re as a politi#al *nit"+ In t&e sa!e (a" t&e s#&ool an% ot&er
$or!s o$ e%*#ation s&o*l% &ae been *se% to in#*l#ate a $eeling o$ #o!!on #iti>ens&ip+ S*#& an ob0e#tie #o*l% not be
rea#&e% (it&in ten or t(ent" "ears+ T&e e$$ort (o*l% &ae to be enisage% in ter!s o$ #ent*riesC 0*st as in all proble!s o$
#oloni>ation, stea%" perseeran#e is a $ar !ore i!portant ele!ent t&an t&e o*tp*t o$ energeti# e$$ort at t&e !o!ent+
It goes (it&o*t sa"ing t&at in s*#& #ir#*!stan#es t&e #o*ntr" !*st be goerne% an% a%!inistere% b" stri#tl" a%&ering to
t&e prin#iple o$ *ni$or!it"+
For !e it (as /*ite instr*#tie to %is#oer (&" t&is %i% not ta,e pla#e, or rat&er (&" it (as not %one+ T&ose (&o (ere
g*ilt" o$ t&e o!ission !*st be &el% responsible $or t&e brea,1*p o$ t&e Habsb*rg E!pire+
)ore t&an an" ot&er State, t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e ol% A*stria %epen%e% on a strong an% #apable Aoern!ent+ T&e Habsb*rg
E!pire la#,e% et&ni#al *ni$or!it", (&i#& #onstit*tes t&e $*n%a!ental basis o$ a national State an% (ill presere t&e
e5isten#e o$ s*#& a State een t&o*g& t&e r*ling po(er s&o*l% be grossl" ine$$i#ient+ 3&en a State is #o!pose% o$ a
&o!ogeneo*s pop*lation, t&e nat*ral inertia o$ s*#& a pop*lation (ill &ol% t&e Stage toget&er an% !aintain its e5isten#e
t&ro*g& astonis&ingl" long perio%s o$ !isgoern!ent an% !ala%!inistration+ It !a" o$ten see! as i$ t&e prin#iple o$ li$e
&a% %ie% o*t in s*#& a bo%"1politi#C b*t a ti!e #o!es (&en t&e apparent #orpse rises *p an% %ispla"s be$ore t&e (orl% an
astonis&ing !ani$estation o$ its in%estr*#tible italit"+
8*t t&e sit*ation is *tterl" %i$$erent in a #o*ntr" (&ere t&e pop*lation is not &o!ogeneo*s, (&ere t&ere is no bon% o$
#o!!on bloo% b*t onl" t&at o$ one r*ling &an%+ S&o*l% t&e r*ling &an% s&o( signs o$ (ea,ness in s*#& a State t&e res*lt
(ill not be to #a*se a ,in% o$ &ibernation o$ t&e State b*t rat&er to a(a,en t&e in%ii%*alist instin#ts (&i#& are sl*!bering
in t&e et&nologi#al gro*ps+ T&ese instin#ts %o not !a,e t&e!seles $elt as long as t&ese gro*ps are %o!inate% b" a strong
#entral (ill1to1goern+ T&e %anger (&i#& e5ists in t&ese sl*!bering separatist instin#ts #an be ren%ere% !ore or less
inno#*o*s onl" t&ro*g& #ent*ries o$ #o!!on e%*#ation, #o!!on tra%itions an% #o!!on interests+ T&e "o*nger s*#&
States are, t&e !ore t&eir e5isten#e (ill %epen% on t&e abilit" an% strengt& o$ t&e #entral goern!ent+ I$ t&eir $o*n%ation
(as %*e onl" to t&e (or, o$ a strong personalit" or a lea%er (&o is a !an o$ geni*s, in !an" #ases t&e" (ill brea, *p as
soon as t&e $o*n%er %isappearsC be#a*se, t&o*g& great, &e stoo% alone+ 8*t een a$ter #ent*ries o$ a #o!!on e%*#ation an%
e5perien#es t&ese separatist instin#ts I &ae spo,en o$ are not al(a"s #o!pletel" oer#o!e+ T&e" !a" be onl" %or!ant an%
!a" s*%%enl" a(a,en (&en t&e #entral goern!ent s&o(s (ea,ness an% t&e $or#e o$ a #o!!on e%*#ation as (ell as t&e
prestige o$ a #o!!on tra%ition proe *nable to (it&stan% t&e ital energies o$ separatist nationalities $orging a&ea%
to(ar%s t&e s&aping o$ t&eir o(n in%ii%*al e5isten#e+
T&e $ail*re to see t&e tr*t& o$ all t&is #onstit*te% (&at !a" be #alle% t&e tragi# #ri!e o$ t&e Habsb*rg r*lers+
Onl" be$ore t&e e"es o$ one Habsb*rg r*ler, an% t&at $or t&e last ti!e, %i% t&e &an% o$ =estin" &ol% alo$t t&e tor#& t&at
t&re( lig&t on t&e $*t*re o$ &is #o*ntr"+ 8*t t&e tor#& (as t&en e5ting*is&e% $or eer+
-osep& II, Ro!an E!peror o$ t&e Aer!an nation, (as $ille% (it& a gro(ing an5iet" (&en &e reali>e% t&e $a#t t&at &is
Ho*se (as re!oe% to an o*tl"ing $rontier o$ &is E!pire an% t&at t&e ti!e (o*l% soon be at &an% (&en it (o*l% be
oert*rne% an% eng*l$e% in t&e (&irlpool #a*se% b" t&at 8ab"lon o$ nationalities, *nless so!et&ing (as %one at t&e
eleent& &o*r to oer#o!e t&e %ire #onse/*en#es res*lting $ro! t&e negligen#e o$ &is an#estors+ 3it& s*per&*!an energ"
t&is MFrien% o$ )an,in% !a%e eer" possible e$$ort to #o*ntera#t t&e e$$e#ts o$ t&e #arelessness an% t&o*g&tlessness o$ &is
pre%e#essors+ 3it&in one %e#a%e &e stroe to repair t&e %a!age t&at &a% been %one t&ro*g& #ent*ries+ I$ =estin" &a% onl"
grante% &i! $ort" "ears $or &is labo*rs, an% i$ onl" t(o generations &a% #arrie% on t&e (or, (&i#& &e &a% starte%, t&e
!ira#le !ig&t &ae been per$or!e%+ 8*t (&en &e %ie%, bro,en in bo%" an% spirit a$ter ten "ears o$ r*lers&ip, &is (or,
san, (it& &i! into t&e grae an% rests (it& &i! t&ere in t&e Cap*#in Cr"pt, sleeping its eternal sleep, &aing neer again
s&o(e% signs o$ a(a,ening+
His s*##essors &a% neit&er t&e abilit" nor t&e (ill1po(er ne#essar" $or t&e tas, t&e" &a% to $a#e+
3&en t&e $irst signs o$ a ne( reol*tionar" epo#& appeare% in E*rope t&e" gra%*all" s#attere% t&e $ire t&ro*g&o*t A*stria+
An% (&en t&e $ire began to glo( stea%il" it (as $e% an% $anne% not b" t&e so#ial or politi#al #on%itions b*t b" $or#es t&at
&a% t&eir origin in t&e nationalist "earnings o$ t&e ario*s et&ni# gro*ps+
T&e E*ropean reol*tionar" !oe!ent o$ 1949 pri!aril" too, t&e $or! o$ a #lass #on$li#t in al!ost eer" ot&er #o*ntr",
b*t in A*stria it too, t&e $or! o$ a ne( ra#ial str*ggle+ In so $ar as t&e Aer!an1A*strians t&ere $orgot t&e origins o$ t&e
!oe!ent, or per&aps &a% $aile% to re#ogni>e t&e! at t&e start an% #onse/*entl" too, part in t&e reol*tionar" *prising,
t&e" seale% t&eir o(n $ate+ For t&e" t&*s &elpe% to a(a,en t&e spirit o$ 3estern =e!o#ra#" (&i#&, (it&in a s&ort (&ile,
s&attere% t&e $o*n%ations o$ t&eir o(n e5isten#e+
T&e setting *p o$ a representatie parlia!entar" bo%", (it&o*t insisting on t&e preli!inar" t&at onl" one lang*age s&o*l%
be *se% in all p*bli# inter#o*rse *n%er t&e State, (as t&e $irst great blo( to t&e pre%o!inan#e o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent in
t&e =*al )onar#&"+ Fro! t&at !o!ent t&e State (as also %oo!e% to #ollapse sooner or later+ All t&at $ollo(e% (as
not&ing b*t t&e &istori#al li/*i%ation o$ an E!pire+
To (at#& t&at pro#ess o$ progressie %isintegration (as a tragi# an% at t&e sa!e ti!e an instr*#tie e5perien#e+ T&e
e5e#*tion o$ &istor"s %e#ree (as #arrie% o*t in t&o*san%s o$ %etails+ T&e $a#t t&at great n*!bers o$ people (ent abo*t
blin%$ol%e% a!i% t&e !ani$est signs o$ %issol*tion onl" proes t&at t&e go%s &a% %e#ree% t&e %estr*#tion o$ A*stria+
I %o not (is& to %(ell on %etails be#a*se t&at (o*l% lie o*tsi%e t&e s#ope o$ t&is boo,+ I (ant to treat in %etail onl" t&ose
eents (&i#& are t"pi#al a!ong t&e #a*ses t&at lea% to t&e %e#line o$ nations an% States an% (&i#& are t&ere$ore o$
i!portan#e to o*r present age+ )oreoer, t&e st*%" o$ t&ese eents &elpe% to $*rnis& t&e basis o$ !" o(n politi#al o*tloo,+
A!ong t&e instit*tions (&i#& !ost #learl" !ani$este% *n!ista,able signs o$ %e#a", een to t&e (ea,1sig&te% P&ilistine,
(as t&at (&i#&, o$ all t&e instit*tions o$ State, o*g&t to &ae been t&e !ost $ir!l" $o*n%e% 1 I !ean t&e Parlia!ent, or t&e
Rei#&srat FI!perial Co*n#ilG as it (as #alle% in A*stria+
T&e pattern $or t&is #orporate bo%" (as obio*sl" t&at (&i#& e5iste% in Englan%, t&e lan% o$ #lassi# %e!o#ra#"+ T&e (&ole
o$ t&at e5#ellent organi>ation (as bo%il" trans$erre% to A*stria (it& as little alteration as possible+
As t&e A*strian #o*nterpart to t&e 8ritis& t(o1#&a!ber s"ste! a C&a!ber o$ =ep*ties an% a Ho*se o$ 'or%s FHerren&a*sG
(ere establis&e% in Bienna+ T&e Ho*ses t&e!seles, #onsi%ere% as b*il%ings (ere so!e(&at %i$$erent+ 3&en 8arr" b*ilt
&is pala#es, or, as (e sa" t&e Ho*ses o$ Parlia!ent, on t&e s&ore o$ t&e T&a!es, &e #o*l% loo, to t&e &istor" o$ t&e 8ritis&
E!pire $or t&e inspiration o$ &is (or,+ In t&at &istor" &e $o*n% s*$$i#ient !aterial to $ill an% %e#orate t&e 1,277 ni#&es,
bra#,ets, an% pillars o$ &is !agni$i#ent e%i$i#e+ His stat*es an% paintings !a%e t&e Ho*se o$ 'or%s an% t&e Ho*se o$
Co!!ons te!ples %e%i#ate% to t&e glor" o$ t&e nation+
T&ere it (as t&at Bienna en#o*ntere% t&e $irst %i$$i#*lt"+ 3&en Hansen, t&e =anis& ar#&ite#t, &a% #o!plete% t&e last gable
o$ t&e !arble pala#e in (&i#& t&e ne( bo%" o$ pop*lar representaties (as to be &o*se% &e &a% to t*rn to t&e an#ient
#lassi#al (orl% $or s*b0e#ts to $ill o*t &is %e#oratie plan+ T&is t&eatri#al s&rine o$ M3estern =e!o#ra#" (as a%orne% (it&
t&e stat*es an% portraits o$ Aree, an% Ro!an states!en an% p&ilosop&ers+ As i$ it (ere !eant $or a s"!bol o$ iron", t&e
&orses o$ t&e /*a%riga t&at s*r!o*nts t&e t(o Ho*ses are p*lling apart $ro! one anot&er to(ar%s all $o*r /*arters o$ t&e
globe+ T&ere #o*l% be no better s"!bol $or t&e ,in% o$ a#tiit" going on (it&in t&e (alls o$ t&at sa!e b*il%ing+
T&e Mnationalities (ere oppose% to an" ,in% o$ glori$i#ation o$ A*strian &istor" in t&e %e#oration o$ t&is b*il%ing, insisting
t&at s*#& (o*l% #onstit*te an o$$en#e to t&e! an% a proo#ation+ )*#& t&e sa!e &appene% in Aer!an", (&ere t&e Rei#&1
stag, b*ilt b" 3allot, (as not %e%i#ate% to t&e Aer!an people *ntil t&e #annons (ere t&*n%ering in t&e 3orl% 3ar+ An%
t&en it (as %e%i#ate% b" an ins#ription+
I (as not "et t(ent" "ears o$ age (&en I $irst entere% t&e Pala#e on t&e Fran>ens1ring to (at#& an% listen in t&e C&a!ber
o$ =ep*ties+ T&at $irst e5perien#e aro*se% in !e a pro$o*n% $eeling o$ rep*gnan#e+
I &a% al(a"s &ate% t&e Parlia!ent, b*t not as an instit*tion in itsel$+ P*ite t&e #ontrar"+ As one (&o #&eris&e% i%eals o$
politi#al $ree%o! I #o*l% not een i!agine an" ot&er $or! o$ goern!ent+ In t&e lig&t o$ !" attit*%e to(ar%s t&e Ho*se o$
Habsb*rg I s&o*l% t&en &ae #onsi%ere% it a #ri!e against libert" an% reason to t&in, o$ an" ,in% o$ %i#tators&ip as a
possible $or! o$ goern!ent+
A #ertain a%!iration (&i#& I &a% $or t&e 8ritis& Parlia!ent #ontrib*te% to(ar%s t&e $or!ation o$ t&is opinion+ I be#a!e
i!b*e% (it& t&at $eeling o$ a%!iration al!ost (it&o*t !" being #ons#io*s o$ t&e e$$e#t o$ it t&ro*g& so !*#& rea%ing o$
ne(spapers (&ile I (as "et /*ite "o*ng+ I #o*l% not %is#ar% t&at a%!iration all in a !o!ent+ T&e %igni$ie% (a" in (&i#&
t&e 8ritis& Ho*se o$ Co!!ons $*l$ille% its $*n#tion i!presse% !e greatl", t&an,s largel" to t&e glo(ing ter!s in (&i#&
t&e A*strian Press reporte% t&ese eents+ I *se% to as, !"sel$ (&et&er t&ere #o*l% be an" nobler $or! o$ goern!ent t&an
sel$1goern!ent b" t&e people+
8*t t&ese #onsi%erations $*rnis&e% t&e er" !oties o$ !" &ostilit" to t&e A*strian Parlia!ent+ T&e $or! in (&i#&
parlia!entar" goern!ent (as &ere represente% see!e% *n(ort&" o$ its great protot"pe+ T&e $ollo(ing #onsi%erations also
in$l*en#e% !" attit*%e4
T&e $ate o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent in t&e A*strian State %epen%e% on its position in Parlia!ent+ Up to t&e ti!e t&at *niersal
s*$$rage b" se#ret ballot (as intro%*#e% t&e Aer!an representaties &a% a !a0orit" in t&e Parlia!ent, t&o*g& t&at !a0orit"
(as not a er" s*bstantial one+ T&is sit*ation gae #a*se $or an5iet" be#a*se t&e So#ial1=e!o#rati# $ra#tion o$ t&e Aer!an
ele!ent #o*l% not be relie% *pon (&en national /*estions (ere at sta,e+ In !atters t&at (ere o$ #riti#al #on#ern $or t&e
Aer!an ele!ent, t&e So#ial1=e!o#rats al(a"s too, *p an anti1Aer!an stan% be#a*se t&e" (ere a$rai% o$ losing t&eir
$ollo(ers a!ong t&e ot&er national gro*ps+ Alrea%" at t&at ti!e 1 be$ore t&e intro%*#tion o$ *niersal s*$$rage 1 t&e So#ial1
=e!o#rati# Part" #o*l% no longer be #onsi%ere% as a Aer!an Part"+ T&e intro%*#tion o$ *niersal s*$$rage p*t an en% een
to t&e p*rel" n*!eri#al pre%o!inan#e o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent+ T&e (a" (as no( #lear $or t&e $*rt&er M%e1Aer!ani>ation
o$ t&e A*strian State+
T&e national instin#t o$ sel$1preseration !a%e it i!possible $or !e to (el#o!e a representatie s"ste! in (&i#& t&e
Aer!an ele!ent (as not reall" represente% as s*#&, b*t al(a"s betra"e% b" t&e So#ial1=e!o#rati# $ra#tion+ Ket all t&ese,
an% !an" ot&ers, (ere %e$e#ts (&i#& #o*l% not be attrib*te% to t&e parlia!entar" s"ste! as s*#&, b*t rat&er to t&e A*strian
State in parti#*lar+ I still beliee% t&at i$ t&e Aer!an !a0orit" #o*l% be restore% in t&e representatie bo%" t&ere (o*l% be
no o##asion to oppose s*#& a s"ste! as long as t&e ol% A*strian State #ontin*e% to e5ist+
S*#& (as !" general attit*%e at t&e ti!e (&en I $irst entere% t&ose sa#re% an% #ontentio*s &alls+ For !e t&e" (ere sa#re%
onl" be#a*se o$ t&e ra%iant bea*t" o$ t&at !a0esti# e%i$i#e+ A Aree, (on%er on Aer!an soil+
8*t I soon be#a!e enrage% b" t&e &i%eo*s spe#ta#le t&at !et !" e"es+ Seeral &*n%re% representaties (ere t&ere to
%is#*ss a proble! o$ great e#ono!i#al i!portan#e an% ea#& representatie &a% t&e rig&t to &ae &is sa"+
T&at e5perien#e o$ a %a" (as eno*g& to s*ppl" !e (it& $oo% $or t&o*g&t %*ring seeral (ee,s a$ter(ar%s+
T&e intelle#t*al leel o$ t&e %ebate (as /*ite lo(+ So!e ti!es t&e %ebaters %i% not !a,e t&e!seles intelligible at all+
Seeral o$ t&ose present %i% not spea, Aer!an b*t onl" t&eir Sla erna#*lars or %iale#ts+ T&*s I &a% t&e opport*nit" o$
&earing (it& !" o(n ears (&at I &a% been &it&erto a#/*ainte% (it& onl" t&ro*g& rea%ing t&e ne(spapers+ A t*rb*lent
!ass o$ people, all gesti#*lating an% ba(ling against one anot&er, (it& a pat&eti# ol% !an s&a,ing &is bell an% !a,ing
$ranti# e$$orts to #all t&e Ho*se to a sense o$ its %ignit" b" $rien%l" appeals, e5&ortations, an% grae (arnings+
I #o*l% not re$rain $ro! la*g&ing+
Seeral (ee,s later I pai% a se#on% isit+ T&is ti!e t&e Ho*se presente% an entirel" %i$$erent pi#t*re, so !*#& so t&at one
#o*l% &ar%l" re#ogni>e it as t&e sa!e pla#e+ T&e &all (as pra#ti#all" e!pt"+ T&e" (ere sleeping in t&e ot&er roo!s belo(+
Onl" a $e( %ep*ties (ere in t&eir pla#es, "a(ning in ea#& ot&ers $a#es+ One (as spee#&i$"ing+ A %ep*t" spea,er (as in
t&e #&air+ 3&en &e loo,e% ro*n% it (as /*ite plain t&at &e $elt bore%+
T&en I began to re$le#t serio*sl" on t&e (&ole t&ing+ I (ent to t&e Parlia!ent (&eneer I &a% an" ti!e to spare an%
(at#&e% t&e spe#ta#le silentl" b*t attentiel"+ I listene% to t&e %ebates, as $ar as t&e" #o*l% be *n%erstoo%, an% I st*%ie% t&e
!ore or less intelligent $eat*res o$ t&ose Mele#t representaties o$ t&e ario*s nationalities (&i#& #o!pose% t&at !otle"
State+ Ara%*all" I $or!e% !" o(n i%eas abo*t (&at I sa(+
A "ear o$ s*#& /*iet obseration (as s*$$i#ient to trans$or! or #o!pletel" %estro" !" $or!er #oni#tions as to t&e
#&ara#ter o$ t&is parlia!entar" instit*tion+ I no longer oppose% !erel" t&e pererte% $or! (&i#& t&e prin#iple o$
parlia!entar" representation &a% ass*!e% in A*stria+ .o+ It &a% be#o!e i!possible $or !e to a##ept t&e s"ste! in itsel$+
Up to t&at ti!e I &a% beliee% t&at t&e %isastro*s %e$i#ien#ies o$ t&e A*strian Parlia!ent (ere %*e to t&e la#, o$ a Aer!an
!a0orit", b*t no( I re#ogni>e% t&at t&e instit*tion itsel$ (as (rong in its er" essen#e an% $or!+
A n*!ber o$ proble!s presente% t&e!seles be$ore !" !in%+ I st*%ie% !ore #losel" t&e %e!o#rati# prin#iple o$ M%e#ision
b" t&e !a0orit" ote, an% I s#r*tini>e% no less #are$*ll" t&e intelle#t*al an% !oral (ort& o$ t&e gentle!en (&o, as t&e
#&osen representaties o$ t&e nation, (ere entr*ste% (it& t&e tas, o$ !a,ing t&is instit*tion $*n#tion+
T&*s it &appene% t&at at one an% t&e sa!e ti!e I #a!e to ,no( t&e instit*tion itsel$ an% t&ose o$ (&o! it (as #o!pose%+
An% it (as t&*s t&at, (it&in t&e #o*rse o$ a $e( "ears, I #a!e to $or! a #lear an% ii% pi#t*re o$ t&e aerage t"pe o$ t&at
!ost lig&tl" (ors&ippe% p&eno!enon o$ o*r ti!e 1 t&e parlia!entar" %ep*t"+ T&e pi#t*re o$ &i! (&i#& I t&en $or!e%
be#a!e %eepl" engrae% on !" !in% an% I &ae neer altere% it sin#e, at least as $ar as essentials go+
On#e again t&ese ob0e#t1lessons ta,en $ro! real li$e sae% !e $ro! getting $ir!l" entangle% b" a t&eor" (&i#& at $irst sig&t
see!s so all*ring to !an" people, t&o*g& t&at t&eor" itsel$ is a s"!pto! o$ &*!an %e#a%en#e+
=e!o#ra#", as pra#tise% in 3estern E*rope to1%a", is t&e $ore1r*nner o$ )ar5is!+ In $a#t, t&e latter (o*l% not be
#on#eiable (it&o*t t&e $or!er+ =e!o#ra#" is t&e bree%ing1gro*n% in (&i#& t&e ba#illi o$ t&e )ar5ist (orl% pest #an gro(
an% sprea%+ 8" t&e intro%*#tion o$ parlia!entarianis!, %e!o#ra#" pro%*#e% an abortion o$ $ilt& an% $ire <G, t&e #reatie
$ire o$ (&i#&, &o(eer, see!s to &ae %ie% o*t+
I a! !ore t&an grate$*l to Fate t&at t&is proble! #a!e to !" noti#e (&en I (as still in BiennaC $or i$ I &a% been in
Aer!an" at t&at ti!e I !ig&t easil" &ae $o*n% onl" a s*per$i#ial sol*tion+ I$ I &a% been in 8erlin (&en I $irst %is#oere%
(&at an illogi#al t&ing t&is instit*tion is (&i#& (e #all Parlia!ent, I !ig&t easil" &ae gone to t&e ot&er e5tre!e an%
beliee% 1 as !an" people beliee%, an% apparentl" not (it&o*t goo% reason 1 t&at t&e salation o$ t&e people an% t&e
E!pire #o*l% be se#*re% onl" b" restrengt&ening t&e prin#iple o$ i!perial a*t&orit"+ T&ose (&o &a% t&is belie$ %i% not
%is#ern t&e ten%en#ies o$ t&eir ti!e an% (ere blin% to t&e aspirations o$ t&e people+
In A*stria one #o*l% not be so easil" !isle%+ T&ere it (as i!possible to $all $ro! one error into anot&er+ I$ t&e Parlia!ent
(ere (ort&less, t&e Habsb*rgs (ere (orseC or at least not in t&e slig&test %egree better+ T&e proble! (as not sole% b"
re0e#ting t&e parlia!entar" s"ste!+ I!!e%iatel" t&e /*estion arose4 3&at t&en@ To rep*%iate an% abolis& t&e Bienna
Parlia!ent (o*l% &ae res*lte% in leaing all po(er in t&e &an%s o$ t&e Habsb*rgs+ For !e, espe#iall", t&at i%ea (as
Sin#e t&is proble! (as spe#iall" %i$$i#*lt in regar% to A*stria, I (as $or#e% (&ile still /*ite "o*ng to go into t&e essentials
o$ t&e (&ole /*estion !ore t&oro*g&l" t&an I ot&er(ise s&o*l% &ae %one+
T&e aspe#t o$ t&e sit*ation t&at $irst !a%e t&e !ost stri,ing i!pression on !e an% gae !e gro*n%s $or serio*s re$le#tion
(as t&e !ani$est la#, o$ an" in%ii%*al responsibilit" in t&e representatie bo%"+
T&e parlia!ent passes so!e a#ts or %e#ree (&i#& !a" &ae t&e !ost %eastating #onse/*en#es, "et nobo%" bears t&e
responsibilit" $or it+ .obo%" #an be #alle% to a##o*nt+ For s*rel" one #annot sa" t&at a Cabinet %is#&arges its responsibilit"
(&en it retires a$ter &aing bro*g&t abo*t a #atastrop&e+ Or #an (e sa" t&at t&e responsibilit" is $*ll" %is#&arge% (&en a
ne( #oalition is $or!e% or parlia!ent %issole%@ Can t&e prin#iple o$ responsibilit" !ean an"t&ing else t&an t&e
responsibilit" o$ a %e$inite person@
Is it at all possible a#t*all" to #all to a##o*nt t&e lea%ers o$ a parlia!entar" goern!ent $or an" ,in% o$ a#tion (&i#&
originate% in t&e (is&es o$ t&e (&ole !*ltit*%e o$ %ep*ties an% (as #arrie% o*t *n%er t&eir or%ers or san#tion@ Instea% o$
%eeloping #onstr*#tie i%eas an% plans, %oes t&e b*siness o$ a states!an #onsist in t&e art o$ !a,ing a (&ole pa#, o$
blo#,&ea%s *n%erstan% &is pro0e#ts@ Is it &is b*siness to entreat an% #oa#& t&e! so t&at t&e" (ill grant &i! t&eir genero*s
Is it an in%ispensable /*alit" in a states!an t&at &e s&o*l% possess a gi$t o$ pers*asion #o!!ens*rate (it& t&e states!ans
abilit" to #on#eie great politi#al !eas*res an% #arr" t&e! t&ro*g& into pra#ti#e@
=oes it reall" proe t&at a states!an is in#o!petent i$ &e s&o*l% $ail to (in oer a !a0orit" o$ otes to s*pport &is poli#" in
an asse!bl" (&i#& &as been #alle% toget&er as t&e #&an#e res*lt o$ an ele#toral s"ste! t&at is not al(a"s &onestl"
Has t&ere eer been a #ase (&ere s*#& an asse!bl" &as (ort&il" appraise% a great politi#al #on#ept be$ore t&at #on#ept (as
p*t into pra#ti#e an% its greatness openl" %e!onstrate% t&ro*g& its s*##ess@
In t&is (orl% is not t&e #reatie a#t o$ t&e geni*s al(a"s a protest against t&e inertia o$ t&e !ass@
3&at s&all t&e states!an %o i$ &e %oes not s*##ee% in #oa5ing t&e parlia!entar" !*ltit*%e to gie its #onsent to &is
poli#"@ S&all &e p*r#&ase t&at #onsent $or so!e sort o$ #onsi%eration@
Or, (&en #on$ronte% (it& t&e obstinate st*pi%it" o$ &is $ello( #iti>ens, s&o*l% &e t&en re$rain $ro! p*s&ing $or(ar% t&e
!eas*res (&i#& &e %ee!s to be o$ ital ne#essit" to t&e li$e o$ t&e nation@ S&o*l% &e retire or re!ain in po(er@
In s*#& #ir#*!stan#es %oes not a !an o$ #&ara#ter $in% &i!sel$ $a#e to $a#e (it& an insol*ble #ontra%i#tion bet(een &is
o(n politi#al insig&t on t&e one &an% an%, on t&e ot&er, &is !oral integrit", or, better still, &is sense o$ &onest"@
3&ere #an (e %ra( t&e line bet(een p*bli# %*t" an% personal &ono*r@
)*st not eer" gen*ine lea%er reno*n#e t&e i%ea o$ %egra%ing &i!sel$ to t&e leel o$ a politi#al 0obber@
An%, on t&e ot&er &an%, %oes not eer" 0obber $eel t&e it#& to Mpla" politi#s, seeing t&at t&e $inal responsibilit" (ill neer
rest (it& &i! personall" b*t (it& an anon"!o*s !ass (&i#& #an neer be #alle% to a##o*nt $or t&eir %ee%s@
)*st not o*r parlia!entar" prin#iple o$ goern!ent b" n*!eri#al !a0orit" ne#essaril" lea% to t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e
prin#iple o$ lea%ers&ip@
=oes an"bo%" &onestl" beliee t&at &*!an progress originates in t&e #o!posite brain o$ t&e !a0orit" an% not in t&e brain
o$ t&e in%ii%*al personalit"@
Or !a" it be pres*!e% t&at $or t&e $*t*re &*!an #iili>ation (ill be able to %ispense (it& t&is as a #on%ition o$ its
8*t !a" it not be t&at, to1%a", !ore t&an eer be$ore, t&e #reatie brain o$ t&e in%ii%*al is in%ispensable@
T&e parlia!entar" prin#iple o$ esting legislatie po(er in t&e %e#ision o$ t&e !a0orit" re0e#ts t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e
in%ii%*al an% p*ts a n*!eri#al /*ota o$ anon"!o*s &ea%s in its pla#e+ In %oing so it #ontra%i#ts t&e aristro#rati#
prin#iple, (&i#& is a $*n%a!ental la( o$ nat*reC b*t, o$ #o*rse, (e !*st re!e!ber t&at in t&is %e#a%ent era o$ o*rs t&e
aristro#rati# prin#iple nee% not be t&o*g&t o$ as in#orporate% in t&e *pper ten t&o*san%+
T&e %eastating in$l*en#e o$ t&is parlia!entar" instit*tion !ig&t not easil" be re#ogni>e% b" t&ose (&o rea% t&e -e(is&
Press, *nless t&e rea%er &as learne% &o( to t&in, in%epen%entl" an% e5a!ine t&e $a#ts $or &i!sel$+ T&is instit*tion is
pri!aril" responsible $or t&e #ro(%e% inr*s& o$ !e%io#re people into t&e $iel% o$ politi#s+ Con$ronte% (it& s*#& a
p&eno!enon, a !an (&o is en%o(e% (it& real /*alities o$ lea%ers&ip (ill be te!pte% to re$rain $ro! ta,ing part in
politi#al li$eC be#a*se *n%er t&ese #ir#*!stan#es t&e sit*ation %oes not #all $or a !an (&o &as a #apa#it" $or #onstr*#tie
states!ans&ip b*t rat&er $or a !an (&o is #apable o$ bargaining $or t&e $ao*r o$ t&e !a0orit"+ T&*s t&e sit*ation (ill
appeal to s!all !in%s an% (ill attra#t t&e! a##or%ingl"+
T&e narro(er t&e !ental o*tloo, an% t&e !ore !eagre t&e a!o*nt o$ ,no(le%ge in a politi#al 0obber, t&e !ore a##*rate is
&is esti!ate o$ &is o(n politi#al sto#,, an% t&*s &e (ill be all t&e !ore in#line% to appre#iate a s"ste! (&i#& %oes not
%e!an% #reatie geni*s or een &ig&1#lass talentC b*t rat&er t&at #ra$t" ,in% o$ saga#it" (&i#& !a,es an e$$i#ient to(n
#ler,+ In%ee%, &e al*es t&is ,in% o$ s!all #ra$tiness !ore t&an t&e politi#al geni*s o$ a Peri#les+ S*#& a !e%io#rit" %oes
not een &ae to (orr" abo*t responsibilit" $or (&at &e %oes+ Fro! t&e beginning &e ,no(s t&at (&ateer be t&e res*lts o$
&is Mstates!ans&ip &is en% is alrea%" pres#ribe% b" t&e starsC &e (ill one %a" &ae to #lear o*t an% !a,e roo! $or anot&er
(&o is o$ si!ilar !ental #alibre+ For it is anot&er sign o$ o*r %e#a%ent ti!es t&at t&e n*!ber o$ e!inent states!en gro(s
a##or%ing as t&e #alibre o$ in%ii%*al personalit" %(in%les+ T&at #alibre (ill be#o!e s!aller an% s!aller t&e !ore t&e
in%ii%*al politi#ian &as to %epen% *pon parlia!entar" !a0orities+ A !an o$ real politi#al abilit" (ill re$*se to be t&e
bea%le $or a be" o$ $ootling #a#,lersC an% t&e" in t&eir t*rn, being t&e representaties o$ t&e !a0orit" 1 (&i#& !eans t&e
%*n%er1&ea%e% !*ltit*%e 1 &ate not&ing so !*#& as a s*perior brain+
For $ootling %ep*ties it is al(a"s /*ite a #onsolation to be le% b" a person (&ose intelle#t*al stat*re is on a leel (it& t&eir
o(n+ T&*s ea#& one !a" &ae t&e opport*nit" to s&ine in %ebate a!ong s*#& #o!peers an%, aboe all, ea#& one $eels t&at
&e !a" one %a" rise to t&e top+ I$ Peter be boss to1%a", t&en (&" not Pa*l to!orro( @
T&is ne( inention o$ %e!o#ra#" is er" #losel" #onne#te% (it& a pe#*liar p&eno!enon (&i#& &as re#entl" sprea% to a
perni#io*s e5tent, na!el" t&e #o(ar%i#e o$ a large se#tion o$ o*r so1#alle% politi#al lea%ers+ 3&eneer i!portant %e#isions
&ae to be !a%e t&e" al(a"s $in% t&e!seles $ort*nate in being able to &i%e be&in% t&e ba#,s o$ (&at t&e" #all t&e
In obsering one o$ t&ese politi#al !anip*lators one noti#es &o( &e (&ee%les t&e !a0orit" in or%er to get t&eir san#tion $or
(&ateer a#tion &e ta,es+ He &as to &ae a##o!pli#es in or%er to be able to s&i$t responsibilit" to ot&er s&o*l%ers (&eneer
it is opport*ne to %o so+ T&at is t&e !ain reason (&" t&is ,in% o$ politi#al a#tiit" is ab&orrent to !en o$ #&ara#ter an%
#o*rage, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e it attra#ts in$erior t"pesC $or a person (&o is not (illing to a##ept responsibilit" $or &is
o(n a#tions, b*t is al(a"s see,ing to be #oere% b" so!et&ing, !*st be #lasse% a!ong t&e ,naes an% t&e ras#als+ I$ a
national lea%er s&o*l% #o!e $ro! t&at lo(er #lass o$ politi#ians t&e eil #onse/*en#es (ill soon !ani$est t&e!seles+
.obo%" (ill t&en &ae t&e #o*rage to ta,e a %e#isie step+ T&e" (ill s*b!it to ab*se an% %e$a!ation rat&er t&an pl*#, *p
#o*rage to ta,e a %e$inite stan%+ An% t&*s nobo%" is le$t (&o is (illing to ris, &is position an% &is #areer, i$ nee%s be, in
s*pport o$ a %eter!ine% line o$ poli#"+
One tr*t& (&i#& !*st al(a"s be borne in !in% is t&at t&e !a0orit" #an neer repla#e t&e !an+ T&e !a0orit" represents not
onl" ignoran#e b*t also #o(ar%i#e+ An% 0*st as a &*n%re% blo#,&ea%s %o not e/*al one !an o$ (is%o!, so a &*n%re%
poltroons are in#apable o$ an" politi#al line o$ a#tion t&at re/*ires !oral strengt& an% $ortit*%e+
T&e lig&ter t&e b*r%en o$ responsibilit" on ea#& in%ii%*al lea%er, t&e greater (ill be t&e n*!ber o$ t&ose (&o, in spite o$
t&eir sorr" !e%io#rit", (ill $eel t&e #all to pla#e t&eir i!!ortal energies at t&e %isposal o$ t&e nation+ T&e" are so !*#& on
t&e tip1toe o$ e5pe#tation t&at t&e" $in% it &ar% to (ait t&eir t*rn+ T&e" stan% in a long /*e*e, pain$*ll" an% sa%l" #o*nting
t&e n*!ber o$ t&ose a&ea% o$ t&e! an% #al#*lating t&e &o*rs *ntil t&e" !a" eent*all" #o!e $or(ar%+ T&e" (at#& eer"
#&ange t&at ta,es pla#e in t&e personnel o$ t&e o$$i#e to(ar%s (&i#& t&eir &opes are %ire#te%, an% t&e" are grate$*l $or
eer" s#an%al (&i#& re!oes one o$ t&e aspirants (aiting a&ea% o$ t&e! in t&e /*e*e+ I$ so!ebo%" sti#,s too long to &is
o$$i#e stool t&e" #onsi%er t&is as al!ost a brea#& o$ a sa#re% *n%erstan%ing base% on t&eir !*t*al soli%arit"+ T&e" gro(
$*rio*s an% gie no pea#e *ntil t&at in#onsi%erate person is $inall" %rien o*t an% $or#e% to &an% oer &is #os" bert& $or
p*bli# %isposal+ A$ter t&at &e (ill &ae little #&an#e o$ getting anot&er opport*nit"+ Us*all" t&ose pla#e!en (&o &ae been
$or#e% to gie *p t&eir posts p*s& t&e!seles again into t&e (aiting /*e*e *nless t&e" are &o*n%e% a(a" b" t&e
protestations o$ t&e ot&er aspirants+
T&e res*lt o$ all t&is is t&at, in s*#& a State, t&e s*##ession o$ s*%%en #&anges in p*bli# positions an% p*bli# o$$i#es &as a
er" %is/*ieting e$$e#t in general, (&i#& !a" easil" lea% to %isaster (&en an a%erse #risis arises+ It is not onl" t&e
ignorant an% t&e in#o!petent person (&o !a" $all i#ti! to t&ose parlia!entar" #on%itions, $or t&e gen*ine lea%er !a" be
a$$e#te% 0*st as !*#& as t&e ot&ers, i$ not !ore so, (&eneer Fate &as #&an#e% to pla#e a #apable !an in t&e position o$
lea%er+ 'et t&e s*perior /*alit" o$ s*#& a lea%er be on#e re#ogni>e% an% t&e res*lt (ill be t&at a 0oint $ront (ill be
organi>e% against &i!, parti#*larl" i$ t&at lea%er, t&o*g& not #o!ing $ro! t&eir ran,s, s&o*l% $all into t&e &abit o$
inter!ingling (it& t&ese ill*strio*s nin#o!poops on t&eir o(n leel+ T&e" (ant to &ae onl" t&eir o(n #o!pan" an% (ill
/*i#,l" ta,e a &ostile attit*%e to(ar%s an" !an (&o !ig&t s&o( &i!sel$ obio*sl" aboe an% be"on% t&e! (&en &e
!ingles in t&eir ran,s+ T&eir instin#t, (&i#& is so blin% in ot&er %ire#tions, is er" s&arp in t&is parti#*lar+
T&e ineitable res*lt is t&at t&e intelle#t*al leel o$ t&e r*ling #lass sin,s stea%il"+ One #an easil" $ore#ast &o( !*#& t&e
nation an% State are bo*n% to s*$$er $ro! s*#& a #on%ition o$ a$$airs, proi%e% one %oes not belong to t&at sa!e #lass o$
T&e parlia!entar" rQgi!e in t&e ol% A*stria (as t&e er" ar#&et"pe o$ t&e instit*tion as I &ae %es#ribe% it+
T&o*g& t&e A*strian Pri!e )inister (as appointe% b" t&e ;ing1E!peror, t&is a#t o$ appoint!ent !erel" gae pra#ti#al
e$$e#t to t&e (ill o$ t&e parlia!ent+ T&e &*#,stering an% bargaining t&at (ent on in regar% to eer" !inisterial position
s&o(e% all t&e t"pi#al !ar,s o$ 3estern =e!o#ra#"+ T&e res*lts t&at $ollo(e% (ere in ,eeping (it& t&e prin#iples applie%+
T&e interals bet(een t&e repla#e!ent o$ one person b" anot&er gra%*all" be#a!e s&orter, $inall" en%ing *p in a (il%
rela" #&ase+ 3it& ea#& #&ange t&e /*alit" o$ t&e Mstates!an in /*estion %eteriorate%, *ntil $inall" onl" t&e pett" t"pe o$
politi#al &*#,ster re!aine%+ In s*#& people t&e /*alities o$ states!ans&ip (ere !eas*re% an% al*e% a##or%ing to t&e
a%roitness (it& (&i#& t&e" pie#e% toget&er one #oalition a$ter anot&erC in ot&er (or%s, t&eir #ra$tiness in !anip*lating t&e
pettiest politi#al transa#tions, (&i#& is t&e onl" ,in% o$ pra#ti#al a#tiit" s*ite% to t&e aptit*%es o$ t&ese representaties+
In t&is sp&ere Bienna (as t&e s#&ool (&i#& o$$ere% t&e !ost i!pressie e5a!ples+
Anot&er $eat*re t&at engage% !" attention /*ite as !*#& as t&e $eat*res I &ae alrea%" spo,en o$ (as t&e #ontrast bet(een
t&e talents an% ,no(le%ge o$ t&ese representaties o$ t&e people on t&e one &an% an%, on t&e ot&er, t&e nat*re o$ t&e tas,s
t&e" &a% to $a#e+ 3illingl" or *n(illingl", one #o*l% not &elp t&in,ing serio*sl" o$ t&e narro( intelle#t*al o*tloo, o$ t&ese
#&osen representaties o$ t&e ario*s #onstit*ent nationalities, an% one #o*l% not aoi% pon%ering on t&e !et&o%s t&ro*g&
(&i#& t&ese noble $ig*res in o*r p*bli# li$e (ere $irst %is#oere%+
It (as (ort& (&ile to !a,e a t&oro*g& st*%" an% e5a!ination o$ t&e (a" in (&i#& t&e real talents o$ t&ese gentle!en (ere
%eote% to t&e seri#e o$ t&eir #o*ntr"C in ot&er (or%s, to anal"se t&oro*g&l" t&e te#&ni#al pro#e%*re o$ t&eir a#tiities+
T&e (&ole spe#ta#le o$ parlia!entar" li$e be#a!e !ore an% !ore %esolate t&e !ore one penetrate% into its inti!ate
str*#t*re an% st*%ie% t&e persons an% prin#iples o$ t&e s"ste! in a spirit o$ r*t&less ob0e#tiit"+ In%ee%, it is er" ne#essar"
to be stri#tl" ob0e#tie in t&e st*%" o$ t&e instit*tion (&ose sponsors tal, o$ Mob0e#tiit" in eer" ot&er senten#e as t&e onl"
$air basis o$ e5a!ination an% 0*%g!ent+ I$ one st*%ie% t&ese gentle!en an% t&e la(s o$ t&eir stren*o*s e5isten#e t&e res*lts
(ere s*rprising+
T&ere is no ot&er prin#iple (&i#& t*rns o*t to be /*ite so ill1#on#eie% as t&e parlia!entar" prin#iple, i$ (e e5a!ine it
In o*r e5a!ination o$ it (e !a" pass oer t&e !et&o%s a##or%ing to (&i#& t&e ele#tion o$ t&e representaties ta,es pla#e,
as (ell as t&e (a"s (&i#& bring t&e! into o$$i#e an% besto( ne( titles on t&e!+ It is /*ite ei%ent t&at onl" to a tin"
%egree are p*bli# (is&es or p*bli# ne#essities satis$ie% b" t&e !anner in (&i#& an ele#tion ta,es pla#eC $or eer"bo%" (&o
properl" esti!ates t&e politi#al intelligen#e o$ t&e !asses #an easil" see t&at t&is is not s*$$i#ientl" %eelope% to enable
t&e! to $or! general politi#al 0*%g!ents on t&eir o(n a##o*nt, or to sele#t t&e !en (&o !ig&t be #o!petent to #arr" o*t
t&eir i%eas in pra#ti#e+
3&ateer %e$inition (e !a" gie o$ t&e ter! Mp*bli# opinion, onl" a er" s!all part o$ it originates $ro! personal
e5perien#e or in%ii%*al insig&t+ T&e greater portion o$ it res*lts $ro! t&e !anner in (&i#& p*bli# !atters &ae been
presente% to t&e people t&ro*g& an oer(&el!ingl" i!pressie an% persistent s"ste! o$ Min$or!ation+
In t&e religio*s sp&ere t&e pro$ession o$ a %eno!inational belie$ is largel" t&e res*lt o$ e%*#ation, (&ile t&e religio*s
"earning itsel$ sl*!bers in t&e so*lC so too t&e politi#al opinions o$ t&e !asses are t&e $inal res*lt o$ in$l*en#es
s"ste!ati#all" operating on &*!an senti!ent an% intelligen#e in irt*e o$ a !et&o% (&i#& is applie% so!eti!es (it&
al!ost1in#re%ible t&oro*g&ness an% perseeran#e+
8" $ar t&e !ost e$$e#tie bran#& o$ politi#al e%*#ation, (&i#& in t&is #onne#tion is best e5presse% b" t&e (or%
Mpropagan%a, is #arrie% on b" t&e Press+ T&e Press is t&e #&ie$ !eans e!plo"e% in t&e pro#ess o$ politi#al Menlig&ten!ent+
It represents a ,in% o$ s#&ool $or a%*lts+ T&is e%*#ational a#tiit", &o(eer, is not in t&e &an%s o$ t&e State b*t in t&e
#l*t#&es o$ po(ers (&i#& are partl" o$ a er" in$erior #&ara#ter+ 3&ile still a "o*ng !an in Bienna I &a% e5#ellent
opport*nities $or #o!ing to ,no( t&e !en (&o o(ne% t&is !a#&ine $or !ass instr*#tion, as (ell as t&ose (&o s*pplie% it
(it& t&e i%eas it %istrib*te%+ At $irst I (as /*ite s*rprise% (&en I reali>e% &o( little ti!e (as ne#essar" $or t&is %angero*s
Areat Po(er (it&in t&e State to pro%*#e a #ertain belie$ a!ong t&e p*bli#C an% in %oing so t&e gen*ine (ill an%
#oni#tions o$ t&e p*bli# (ere o$ten #o!pletel" !is#onstr*e%+ It too, t&e Press onl" a $e( %a"s to trans$or! so!e
ri%i#*lo*sl" triial !atter into an iss*e o$ national i!portan#e, (&ile ital proble!s (ere #o!pletel" ignore% or $il#&e%
an% &i%%en a(a" $ro! p*bli# attention+
T&e Press s*##ee%e% in t&e !agi#al art o$ pro%*#ing na!es $ro! no(&ere (it&in t&e #o*rse o$ a $e( (ee,s+ T&e" !a%e it
appear t&at t&e great &opes o$ t&e !asses (ere bo*n% *p (it& t&ose na!es+ An% so t&e" !a%e t&ose na!es !ore pop*lar
t&an an" !an o$ real abilit" #o*l% eer &ope to be in a long li$eti!e+ All t&is (as %one, %espite t&e $a#t t&at s*#& na!es
(ere *tterl" *n,no(n an% in%ee% &a% neer been &ear% o$ een *p to a !ont& be$ore t&e Press p*bli#l" e!bla>one% t&e!+
At t&e sa!e ti!e ol% an% trie% $ig*res in t&e politi#al an% ot&er sp&eres o$ li$e /*i#,l" $a%e% $ro! t&e p*bli# !e!or" an%
(ere $orgotten as i$ t&e" (ere %ea%, t&o*g& still &ealt&" an% in t&e en0o"!ent o$ t&eir $*ll ig*o*r+ Or so!eti!es s*#&
!en (ere so ilel" ab*se% t&at it loo,e% as i$ t&eir na!es (o*l% soon stan% as per!anent s"!bols o$ t&e (orst ,in% o$
baseness+ In or%er to esti!ate properl" t&e reall" perni#io*s in$l*en#e (&i#& t&e Press #an e5er#ise one &a% to st*%" t&is
in$a!o*s -e(is& !et&o% (&ereb" &ono*rable an% %e#ent people (ere bes!ir#&e% (it& !*% an% $ilt&, in t&e $or! o$ lo(
ab*se an% slan%er, $ro! &*n%re%s an% &*n%re%s o$ /*arters si!*ltaneo*sl", as i$ #o!!an%e% b" so!e !agi# $or!*la+
T&ese &ig&(a" robbers (o*l% grab at an"t&ing (&i#& !ig&t sere t&eir eil en%s+
T&e" (o*l% po,e t&eir noses into t&e !ost inti!ate $a!il" a$$airs an% (o*l% not rest *ntil t&e" &a% sni$$e% o*t so!e pett"
ite! (&i#& #o*l% be *se% to %estro" t&e rep*tation o$ t&eir i#ti!+ 8*t i$ t&e res*lt o$ all t&is sni$$ing s&o*l% be t&at
not&ing %erogator" (as %is#oere% in t&e priate or p*bli# li$e o$ t&e i#ti!, t&e" #ontin*e% to &*rl ab*se at &i!, in t&e
belie$ t&at so!e o$ t&eir ani!a%ersions (o*l% sti#, een t&o*g& re$*te% a t&o*san% ti!es+ In !ost #ases it $inall" t*rne%
o*t i!possible $or t&e i#ti! to #ontin*e &is %e$en#e, be#a*se t&e a##*ser (or,e% toget&er (it& so !an" a##o!pli#es t&at
&is slan%ers (ere re1e#&oe% inter!inabl"+ 8*t t&ese slan%erers (o*l% neer o(n t&at t&e" (ere a#ting $ro! !oties (&i#&
in$l*en#e t&e #o!!on r*n o$ &*!anit" or are *n%erstoo% b" t&e!+ O&, no+ T&e s#o*n%rel (&o %e$a!e% &is
#onte!poraries in t&is illaino*s (a" (o*l% #ro(n &i!sel$ (it& a &alo o$ &eroi# probit" $as&ione% o$ *n#t*o*s
p&raseolog" an% t(a%%le abo*t &is M%*ties as a 0o*rnalist an% ot&er !o*l%" nonsense o$ t&at ,in%+ 3&en t&ese #*ttle1
$is&es gat&ere% toget&er in large s&oals at !eetings an% #ongresses t&e" (o*l% gie o*t a lot o$ sli!" tal, abo*t a spe#ial
,in% o$ &ono*r (&i#& t&e" #alle% t&e pro$essional &ono*r o$ t&e 0o*rnalist+ T&en t&e asse!ble% spe#ies (o*l% bo( t&eir
respe#ts to one anot&er+
T&ese are t&e ,in% o$ beings t&at $abri#ate !ore t&an t(o1t&ir%s o$ (&at is #alle% p*bli# opinion, $ro! t&e $oa! o$ (&i#&
t&e parlia!entar" Ap&ro%ite eent*all" arises+
Seeral ol*!es (o*l% be nee%e% i$ one (ere to gie an a%e/*ate a##o*nt o$ t&e (&ole pro#e%*re an% $*ll" %es#ribe all its
&ollo( $alla#ies+ 8*t i$ (e pass oer t&e %etails an% loo, at t&e pro%*#t itsel$ (&ile it is in operation I t&in, t&is alone (ill
be s*$$i#ient to open t&e e"es o$ een t&e !ost inno#ent an% #re%*lo*s person, so t&at &e !a" re#ogni>e t&e abs*r%it" o$
t&is instit*tion b" loo,ing at it ob0e#tiel"+
In or%er to reali>e &o( t&is &*!an aberration is as &ar!$*l as it is abs*r%, t&e test an% easiest !et&o% is to #o!pare
%e!o#rati# parlia!entarianis! (it& a gen*ine Aer!an %e!o#ra#"+
T&e re!ar,able #&ara#teristi# o$ t&e parlia!entar" $or! o$ %e!o#ra#" is t&e $a#t t&at a n*!ber o$ persons, let *s sa" $ie
&*n%re% 1 in#l*%ing, in re#ent ti!e, (o!en also 1 are ele#te% to parlia!ent an% ineste% (it& a*t&orit" to gie $inal
0*%g!ent on an"t&ing an% eer"t&ing+ In pra#ti#e t&e" alone are t&e goerning bo%"C $or alt&o*g& t&e" !a" appoint a
Cabinet, (&i#& see!s o*t(ar%l" to %ire#t t&e a$$airs o$ state, t&is Cabinet &as not a real e5isten#e o$ its o(n+ In realit" t&e
so1#alle% Aoern!ent #annot %o an"t&ing against t&e (ill o$ t&e asse!bl"+ It #an neer be #alle% to a##o*nt $or an"t&ing,
sin#e t&e rig&t o$ %e#ision is not este% in t&e Cabinet b*t in t&e parlia!entar" !a0orit"+ T&e Cabinet al(a"s $*n#tions
onl" as t&e e5e#*tor o$ t&e (ill o$ t&e !a0orit"+ Its politi#al abilit" #an be 0*%ge% onl" a##or%ing to &o( $ar it s*##ee%s in
a%0*sting itsel$ to t&e (ill o$ t&e !a0orit" or in pers*a%ing t&e !a0orit" to agree to its proposals+ 8*t t&is !eans t&at it
!*st %es#en% $ro! t&e leel o$ a real goerning po(er to t&at o$ a !en%i#ant (&o &as to beg t&e approal o$ a !a0orit"
t&at !a" be got toget&er $or t&e ti!e being+ In%ee%, t&e #&ie$ preo##*pation o$ t&e Cabinet !*st be to se#*re $or itsel$, in
t&e #ase o$ ea#& in%ii%*al !eas*re, t&e $ao*r o$ t&e !a0orit" t&en in po(er or, $ailing t&at, to $or! a ne( !a0orit" t&at
(ill be !ore $ao*rabl" %ispose%+ I$ it s&o*l% s*##ee% in eit&er o$ t&ese e$$orts it !a" go on Mgoerning $or a little (&ile+
I$ it s&o*l% $ail to (in or $or! a !a0orit" it !*st retire+ T&e /*estion (&et&er its poli#" as s*#& &as been rig&t or (rong
%oes not !atter at all+
T&ereb" all responsibilit" is abolis&e% in pra#ti#e+ To (&at #onse/*en#es s*#& a state o$ a$$airs #an lea% !a" easil" be
*n%erstoo% $ro! t&e $ollo(ing si!ple #onsi%erations4
T&ose $ie &*n%re% %ep*ties (&o &ae been ele#te% b" t&e people #o!e $ro! ario*s %issi!ilar #allings in li$e an% s&o(
er" ar"ing %egrees o$ politi#al #apa#it", (it& t&e res*lt t&at t&e (&ole #o!bination is %is0ointe% an% so!eti!es presents
/*ite a sorr" pi#t*re+ S*rel" nobo%" beliees t&at t&ese #&osen representaties o$ t&e nation are t&e #&oi#e spirits or $irst1
#lass intelle#ts+ .obo%", I &ope, is $oolis& eno*g& to preten% t&at &*n%re%s o$ states!en #an e!erge $ro! papers pla#e% in
t&e ballot bo5 b" ele#tors (&o are an"t&ing else b*t aeragel" intelligent+ T&e abs*r% notion t&at !en o$ geni*s are born
o*t o$ *niersal s*$$rage #annot be too strongl" rep*%iate%+ In t&e $irst pla#e, t&ose ti!es !a" be reall" #alle% blesse% (&en
one gen*ine states!an !a,es &is appearan#e a!ong a people+ S*#& states!en %o not appear all at on#e in &*n%re%s or
!ore+ Se#on%l", a!ong t&e broa% !asses t&ere is instin#tiel" a %e$inite antipat&" to(ar%s eer" o*tstan%ing geni*s+
T&ere is a better #&an#e o$ seeing a #a!el pass t&ro*g& t&e e"e o$ a nee%le t&an o$ seeing a reall" great !an M%is#oere%
t&ro*g& an ele#tion+
3&ateer &as &appene% in &istor" aboe t&e leel o$ t&e aerage o$ t&e broa% p*bli# &as !ostl" been %*e to t&e %riing
$or#e o$ an in%ii%*al personalit"+
8*t &ere $ie &*n%re% persons o$ less t&an !o%est intelle#t*al /*alities pass 0*%g!ent on t&e !ost i!portant proble!s
a$$e#ting t&e nation+ T&e" $or! goern!ents (&i#& in t*rn learn to (in t&e approal o$ t&e ill*strio*s asse!bl" $or eer"
legislatie step t&at !a" be ta,en, (&i#& !eans t&at t&e poli#" to be #arrie% o*t is a#t*all" t&e poli#" o$ t&e $ie &*n%re%+
An% in%ee%, generall" spea,ing, t&e poli#" bears t&e sta!p o$ its origin+
8*t let *s pass oer t&e intelle#t*al /*alities o$ t&ese representaties an% as, (&at is t&e nat*re o$ t&e tas, set be$ore t&e!+
I$ (e #onsi%er t&e $a#t t&at t&e proble!s (&i#& &ae to be %is#*sse% an% sole% belong to t&e !ost arie% an% %ierse
$iel%s (e #an er" (ell reali>e &o( ine$$i#ient a goerning s"ste! !*st be (&i#& entr*sts t&e rig&t o$ %e#ision to a !ass
asse!bl" in (&i#& onl" er" $e( possess t&e ,no(le%ge an% e5perien#e s*#& as (o*l% /*ali$" t&e! to %eal (it& t&e
!atters t&at &ae to be settle%+ T&e !ost i!portant e#ono!i# !eas*res are s*b!itte% to a trib*nal in (&i#& not !ore t&an
one1tent& o$ t&e !e!bers &ae st*%ie% t&e ele!ents o$ e#ono!i#s+ T&is !eans t&at $inal a*t&orit" is este% in !en (&o
are *tterl" %eoi% o$ an" preparator" training (&i#& !ig&t !a,e t&e! #o!petent to %e#i%e on t&e /*estions at iss*e+
T&e sa!e &ol%s tr*e o$ eer" ot&er proble!+ It is al(a"s a !a0orit" o$ ignorant an% in#o!petent people (&o %e#i%e on
ea#& !eas*reC $or t&e #o!position o$ t&e instit*tion %oes not ar", (&ile t&e proble!s to be %ealt (it& #o!e $ro! t&e !ost
arie% sp&eres o$ p*bli# li$e+ An intelligent 0*%g!ent (o*l% be possible onl" i$ %i$$erent %ep*ties &a% t&e a*t&orit" to %eal
(it& %i$$erent iss*es+ It is o*t o$ t&e /*estion to t&in, t&at t&e sa!e people are $itte% to %e#i%e on transport /*estions as
(ell as, let *s sa", on /*estions o$ $oreign poli#", *nless ea#& o$ t&e! be a *niersal geni*s+ 8*t s#ar#el" !ore t&an one
geni*s appears in a #ent*r"+ Here (e are s#ar#el" eer %ealing (it& real brains, b*t onl" (it& %ilettanti (&o are as narro(1
!in%e% as t&e" are #on#eite% an% arrogant, intelle#t*al %e!i1!on%es o$ t&e (orst ,in%+ T&is is (&" t&ese &ono*rable
gentle!en s&o( s*#& astonis&ing leit" in %is#*ssing an% %e#i%ing on !atters t&at (o*l% %e!an% t&e !ost painsta,ing
#onsi%eration een $ro! great !in%s+ )eas*res o$ !o!ento*s i!portan#e $or t&e $*t*re e5isten#e o$ t&e State are $ra!e%
an% %is#*sse% in an at!osp&ere !ore s*ite% to t&e #ar%1table+ In%ee% t&e latter s*ggests a !*#& !ore $itting o##*pation $or
t&ese gentle!en t&an t&at o$ %e#i%ing t&e %estinies o$ a people+
O$ #o*rse it (o*l% be *n$air to ass*!e t&at ea#& !e!ber in s*#& a parlia!ent (as en%o(e% b" nat*re (it& s*#& a s!all
sense o$ responsibilit"+ T&at is o*t o$ t&e /*estion+
8*t t&is s"ste!, b" $or#ing t&e in%ii%*al to pass 0*%g!ent on /*estions $or (&i#& &e is not #o!petent gra%*all" %ebases
&is !oral #&ara#ter+ .obo%" (ill &ae t&e #o*rage to sa"4 LAentle!en, I a! a$rai% (e ,no( not&ing abo*t (&at (e are
tal,ing abo*t+ I $or one &ae no #o!peten#" in t&e !atter at all+L An"&o( i$ s*#& a %e#laration (ere !a%e it (o*l% not
#&ange !atters er" !*#&C $or s*#& o*tspo,en &onest" (o*l% not be *n%erstoo%+ T&e person (&o !a%e t&e %e#laration
(o*l% be %ee!e% an &ono*rable ass (&o o*g&t not to be allo(e% to spoil t&e ga!e+ T&ose (&o &ae a ,no(le%ge o$
&*!an nat*re ,no( t&at nobo%" li,es to be #onsi%ere% a $ool a!ong &is asso#iatesC an% in #ertain #ir#les &onest" is ta,en
as an in%e5 o$ st*pi%it"+
T&*s it &appens t&at a nat*rall" *prig&t !an, on#e &e $in%s &i!sel$ ele#te% to parlia!ent, !a" eent*all" be in%*#e% b"
t&e $or#e o$ #ir#*!stan#es to a#/*ies#e in a general line o$ #on%*#t (&i#& is base in itsel$ an% a!o*nts to a betra"al o$ t&e
p*bli# tr*st+ T&at $eeling t&at i$ t&e in%ii%*al re$raine% $ro! ta,ing part in a #ertain %e#ision &is attit*%e (o*l% not alter
t&e sit*ation in t&e least, %estro"s eer" real sense o$ &ono*r (&i#& !ig&t o##asionall" aro*se t&e #ons#ien#e o$ one person
or anot&er+ Finall", t&e ot&er(ise *prig&t %ep*t" (ill s*##ee% in pers*a%ing &i!sel$ t&at &e is b" no !eans t&e (orst o$ t&e
lot an% t&at b" ta,ing part in a #ertain line o$ a#tion &e !a" preent so!et&ing (orse $ro! &appening+
A #o*nter arg*!ent !a" be p*t $or(ar% &ere+ It !a" be sai% t&at o$ #o*rse t&e in%ii%*al !e!ber !a" not &ae t&e
,no(le%ge (&i#& is re/*isite $or t&e treat!ent o$ t&is or t&at /*estion, "et &is attit*%e to(ar%s it is ta,en on t&e a%i#e o$
&is Part" as t&e g*i%ing a*t&orit" in ea#& politi#al !atterC an% it !a" $*rt&er be sai% t&at t&e Part" sets *p spe#ial
#o!!ittees o$ e5perts (&o &ae een !ore t&an t&e re/*isite ,no(le%ge $or %ealing (it& t&e /*estions pla#e% be$ore
At $irst sig&t, t&at arg*!ent see!s so*n%+ 8*t t&en anot&er /*estion arises 1 na!el", (&" are $ie &*n%re% persons ele#te%
i$ onl" a $e( &ae t&e (is%o! (&i#& is re/*ire% to %eal (it& t&e !ore i!portant proble!s@
It is not t&e ai! o$ o*r !o%ern %e!o#rati# parlia!entar" s"ste! to bring toget&er an asse!bl" o$ intelligent an% (ell1
in$or!e% %ep*ties+ .ot at all+ T&e ai! rat&er is to bring toget&er a gro*p o$ nonentities (&o are %epen%ent on ot&ers $or
t&eir ie(s an% (&o #an be all t&e !ore easil" le%, t&e narro(er t&e !ental o*tloo, o$ ea#& in%ii%*al is+ T&at is t&e onl"
(a" in (&i#& a part" poli#", a##or%ing to t&e eil !eaning it &as to1%a", #an be p*t into e$$e#t+ An% b" t&is !et&o% alone it
is possible $or t&e (irep*ller, (&o e5er#ises t&e real #ontrol, to re!ain in t&e %ar,, so t&at personall" &e #an neer be
bro*g&t to a##o*nt $or &is a#tions+ For *n%er s*#& #ir#*!stan#es none o$ t&e %e#isions ta,en, no !atter &o( %isastro*s
t&e" !a" t*rn o*t $or t&e nation as a (&ole, #an be lai% at t&e %oor o$ t&e in%ii%*al (&o! eer"bo%" ,no(s to be t&e eil
geni*s responsible $or t&e (&ole a$$air+ All responsibilit" is s&i$te% to t&e s&o*l%ers o$ t&e Part" as a (&ole+
In pra#ti#e no a#t*al responsibilit" re!ains+ For responsibilit" arises onl" $ro! personal %*t" an% not $ro! t&e obligations
t&at rest (it& a parlia!entar" asse!bl" o$ e!pt" tal,ers+
T&e parlia!entar" instit*tion attra#ts people o$ t&e ba%ger t"pe, (&o %o not li,e t&e open lig&t+ .o *prig&t !an, (&o is
rea%" to a##ept personal responsibilit" $or &is a#ts, (ill be attra#te% to s*#& an instit*tion+
T&at is t&e reason (&" t&is bran% o$ %e!o#ra#" &as be#o!e a tool in t&e &an% o$ t&at ra#e (&i#&, be#a*se o$ t&e inner
p*rposes it (is&es to attain, !*st s&*n t&e open lig&t, as it &as al(a"s %one an% al(a"s (ill %o+ Onl" a -e( #an praise an
instit*tion (&i#& is as #orr*pt an% $alse as &i!sel$+
As a #ontrast to t&is ,in% o$ %e!o#ra#" (e &ae t&e Aer!an %e!o#ra#", (&i#& is a tr*e %e!o#ra#"C $or &ere t&e lea%er is
$reel" #&osen an% is oblige% to a##ept $*ll responsibilit" $or all &is a#tions an% o!issions+ T&e proble!s to be %ealt (it&
are not p*t to t&e ote o$ t&e !a0orit"C b*t t&e" are %e#i%e% *pon b" t&e in%ii%*al, an% as a g*arantee o$ responsibilit" $or
t&ose %e#isions &e ple%ges all &e &as in t&e (orl% an% een &is li$e+
T&e ob0e#tion !a" be raise% &ere t&at *n%er s*#& #on%itions it (o*l% be er" %i$$i#*lt to $in% a !an (&o (o*l% be rea%" to
%eote &i!sel$ to so $ate$*l a tas,+ T&e ans(er to t&at ob0e#tion is as $ollo(s4
3e t&an, Ao% t&at t&e inner spirit o$ o*r Aer!an %e!o#ra#" (ill o$ itsel$ preent t&e #&an#e #areerist, (&o !a" be
intelle#t*all" (ort&less an% a !oral t(ister, $ro! #o!ing b" %eio*s (a"s to a position in (&i#& &e !a" goern &is
$ello(1#iti>ens+ T&e $ear o$ *n%erta,ing s*#& $ar1rea#&ing responsibilities, *n%er Aer!an %e!o#ra#", (ill s#are o$$ t&e
ignorant an% t&e $e#,less+
8*t s&o*l% it &appen t&at s*#& a person !ig&t #reep in s*rreptitio*sl" it (ill be eas" eno*g& to i%enti$" &i! an%
apostrop&i>e &i! r*t&lessl"+ so!e(&at t&*s4 L8e o$$, "o* s#o*n%rel+ =ont soil t&ese steps (it& "o*r $eetC be#a*se t&ese are
t&e steps t&at lea% to t&e portals o$ t&e Pant&eon o$ Histor", an% t&e" are not !eant $or pla#e1&*nters b*t $or !en o$ noble
S*#& (ere t&e ie(s I $or!e% a$ter t(o "ears o$ atten%an#e at t&e sessions o$ t&e Biennese Parlia!ent+ T&en I (ent t&ere
no !ore+
T&e parlia!entar" regi!e be#a!e one o$ t&e #a*ses (&" t&e strengt& o$ t&e Habsb*rg State stea%il" %e#line% %*ring t&e
last "ears o$ its e5isten#e+ T&e !ore t&e pre%o!inan#e o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent (as (&ittle% a(a" t&ro*g& parlia!entar"
pro#e%*re, t&e !ore pro!inent be#a!e t&e s"ste! o$ pla"ing o$$ one o$ t&e ario*s #onstit*ent nationalities against t&e
ot&er+ In t&e I!perial Parlia!ent it (as al(a"s t&e Aer!an ele!ent t&at s*$$ere% t&ro*g& t&e s"ste!, (&i#& !eant t&at
t&e res*lts (ere %etri!ental to t&e E!pire as a (&oleC $or at t&e #lose o$ t&e #ent*r" een t&e !ost si!ple1!in%e% people
#o*l% re#ogni>e t&at t&e #o&esie $or#es (it&in t&e =*al )onar#&" no longer s*$$i#e% to #o*nterbalan#e t&e separatist
ten%en#ies o$ t&e proin#ial nationalities+ On t&e #ontrar"N
T&e !eas*res (&i#& t&e State a%opte% $or its o(n !aintenan#e be#a!e !ore an% !ore !ean spirite% an% in a li,e %egree
t&e general %isrespe#t $or t&e State in#rease%+ .ot onl" H*ngar" b*t also t&e ario*s Sla proin#es gra%*all" #ease% to
i%enti$" t&e!seles (it& t&e !onar#&" (&i#& e!bra#e% t&e! all, an% a##or%ingl" t&e" %i% not $eel its (ea,ness as in an"
(a" %etri!ental to t&e!seles+ T&e" rat&er (el#o!e% t&ose !ani$estations o$ senile %e#a"+ T&e" loo,e% $or(ar% to t&e
$inal %issol*tion o$ t&e State, an% not to its re#oer"+
T&e #o!plete #ollapse (as still $orestalle% in Parlia!ent b" t&e &*!iliating #on#essions t&at (ere !a%e to eer" ,in% o$
i!port*nate %e!an%s, at t&e #ost o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent+ T&ro*g&o*t t&e #o*ntr" t&e %e$en#e o$ t&e State reste% on
pla"ing o$$ t&e ario*s nationalities against one anot&er+ 8*t t&e general tren% o$ t&is %eelop!ent (as %ire#te% against
t&e Aer!ans+ Espe#iall" sin#e t&e rig&t o$ s*##ession to t&e t&rone #on$erre% #ertain in$l*en#e on t&e Ar#&%*,e Fran>
Fer%inan%, t&e poli#" o$ in#reasing t&e po(er o$ t&e C>e#&s (as #arrie% o*t s"ste!ati#all" $ro! t&e *pper gra%es o$ t&e
a%!inistration %o(n to t&e lo(er+ 3it& all t&e !eans at &is #o!!an% t&e &eir to t&e =*al )onar#&" personall" $*rt&ere%
t&e poli#" t&at ai!e% at eli!inating t&e in$l*en#e o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent, or at least &e a#te% as prote#tor o$ t&at poli#"+
8" t&e *se o$ State o$$i#ials as tools, p*rel" Aer!an %istri#ts (ere gra%*all" b*t %e#isiel" bro*g&t (it&in t&e %anger >one
o$ t&e !i5e% lang*ages+ Een in 'o(er A*stria t&is pro#ess began to !a,e &ea%(a" (it& a #onstantl" in#reasing te!po
an% Bienna (as loo,e% *pon b" t&e C>e#&s as t&eir biggest #it"+
In t&e $a!il" #ir#le o$ t&is ne( Habsb*rger t&e C>e#& lang*age (as $ao*re%+ T&e (i$e o$ t&e Ar#&%*,e &a% $or!erl" been
a C>e#& Co*ntess an% (as (e%%e% to t&e Prin#e b" a !organati# !arriage+ S&e #a!e $ro! an eniron!ent (&ere &ostilit"
to t&e Aer!ans &a% been tra%itional+ T&e lea%ing i%ea in t&e !in% o$ t&e Ar#&%*,e (as to establis& a Sla State in Central
E*rope, (&i#& (as to be #onstr*#te% on a p*rel" Cat&oli# basis, so as to sere as a b*l(ar, against Ort&o%o5 R*ssia+
As &a% &appene% o$ten in Habsb*rg &istor", religion (as t&*s e5ploite% to sere a p*rel" politi#al poli#", an% in t&is #ase a
$atal poli#", at least as $ar as Aer!an interests (ere #on#erne%+ T&e res*lt (as la!entable in !an" respe#ts+
.eit&er t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg nor t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#& re#eie% t&e re(ar% (&i#& t&e" e5pe#te%+ Habsb*rg lost t&e t&rone
an% t&e C&*r#& lost a great State+ 8" e!plo"ing religio*s !oties in t&e seri#e o$ politi#s, a spirit (as aro*se% (&i#& t&e
instigators o$ t&at poli#" &a% neer t&o*g&t possible+
Fro! t&e atte!pt to e5ter!inate Aer!anis! in t&e ol% !onar#&" b" eer" aailable !eans arose t&e Pan1Aer!an
)oe!ent in A*stria, as a response+
In t&e eig&ties o$ t&e last #ent*r" )an#&ester 'iberalis!, (&i#& (as -e(is& in its $*n%a!ental i%eas, &a% rea#&e% t&e
>enit& o$ its in$l*en#e in t&e =*al )onar#&", or &a% alrea%" passe% t&at point+ T&e rea#tion (&i#& set in %i% not arise $ro!
so#ial b*t $ro! nationalisti# ten%en#ies, as (as al(a"s t&e #ase in t&e ol% A*stria+ T&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration %roe
t&e Aer!an ele!ent to %e$en% itsel$ energeti#all"+ E#ono!i# #onsi%erations onl" slo(l" began to gain an i!portant
in$l*en#eC b*t t&e" (ere o$ se#on%ar" #on#ern+ 8*t o$ t&e general politi#al #&aos t(o part" organi>ations e!erge%+ T&e one
(as !ore o$ a national, an% t&e ot&er !ore o$ a so#ial, #&ara#terC b*t bot& (ere &ig&l" interesting an% instr*#tie $or t&e
A$ter t&e (ar o$ 19<<, (&i#& &a% res*lte% in t&e &*!iliation o$ A*stria, t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg #onte!plate% a rean#&e
on t&e battle$iel%+ Onl" t&e tragi# en% o$ t&e E!peror )a5i!ilian o$ )e5i#o preente% a still #loser #ollaboration (it&
Fran#e+ T&e #&ie$ bla!e $or )a5i!ilians %isastro*s e5pe%ition (as attrib*te% to .apoleon III an% t&e $a#t t&at t&e
Fren#&!an le$t &i! in t&e l*r#& aro*se% a general $eeling o$ in%ignation+ Ket t&e Habsb*rgs (ere still l"ing in (ait $or
t&eir opport*nit"+ I$ t&e (ar o$ 19:71:1 &a% not been s*#& a sing*lar tri*!p&, t&e Biennese Co*rt !ig&t &ae #&an#e% t&e
ga!e o$ bloo% in or%er to get its reenge $or Sa%o(a+ 8*t (&en t&e $irst reports arrie% $ro! t&e Fran#o1Aer!an
battle$iel%, (&i#&, t&o*g& tr*e, see!e% !ira#*lo*s an% al!ost in#re%ible, t&e M!ost (ise o$ all !onar#&s re#ogni>e% t&at
t&e !o!ent (as inopport*ne an% trie% to a##ept t&e *n$ao*rable sit*ation (it& as goo% a gra#e as possible+
T&e &eroi# #on$li#t o$ t&ose t(o "ears F19:71:1G pro%*#e% a still greater !ira#leC $or (it& t&e Habsb*rgs t&e #&ange o$
attit*%e neer #a!e $ro! an inner &eart$elt *rge b*t onl" $ro! t&e press*re o$ #ir#*!stan#es+ T&e Aer!an people o$ t&e
East )ar,, &o(eer, (ere entran#e% b" t&e tri*!p&ant glor" o$ t&e ne(l" establis&e% Aer!an E!pire an% (ere
pro$o*n%l" !oe% (&en t&e" sa( t&e %rea! o$ t&eir $at&ers res*rgent in a !agni$i#ent realit"+
For 1 let *s !a,e no !ista,e abo*t it 1 t&e tr*e Aer!an1A*strian reali>e% $ro! t&is ti!e on(ar%, t&at ;JniggrIt> (as t&e
tragi#, t&o*g& ne#essar", pre1#on%ition $or t&e re1establis&!ent o$ an E!pire (&i#& s&o*l% no longer be b*r%ene% (it& t&e
pals" o$ t&e ol% allian#e an% (&i#& in%ee% &a% no s&are in t&at !orbi% %e#a"+ Aboe all, t&e Aer!an1A*strian &a% #o!e
to $eel in t&e er" %ept&s o$ &is o(n being t&at t&e &istori#al !ission o$ t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg &a% #o!e to an en% an%
t&at t&e ne( E!pire #o*l% #&oose onl" an E!peror (&o (as o$ &eroi# !o*l% an% (as t&ere$ore (ort&" to (ear t&e MCro(n
o$ t&e R&ine+ It (as rig&t an% 0*st t&at =estin" s&o*l% be praise% $or &aing #&osen a s#ion o$ t&at Ho*se o$ (&i#&
Fre%eri#, t&e Areat &a% in past ti!es gien t&e nation an eleate% an% resplen%ent s"!bol $or all ti!e to #o!e+
A$ter t&e great (ar o$ 19:71:1 t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg set to (or, (it& all its %eter!ination to e5ter!inate t&e %angero*s
Aer!an ele!ent 1 abo*t (&ose inner $eelings an% attit*%e t&ere #o*l% be no %o*bt 1 slo(l" b*t %eliberatel"+ I *se t&e (or%
e5ter!inate, be#a*se t&at alone e5presses (&at !*st &ae been t&e $inal res*lt o$ t&e Slaop&ile poli#"+ T&en it (as t&at
t&e $ire o$ rebellion bla>e% *p a!ong t&e people (&ose e5ter!ination &a% been %e#ree%+ T&at $ire (as s*#& as &a% neer
been (itnesse% in !o%ern Aer!an &istor"+
For t&e $irst ti!e nationalists an% patriots (ere trans$or!e% into rebels+
.ot rebels against t&e nation or t&e State as s*#& b*t rebels against t&at $or! o$ goern!ent (&i#& t&e" (ere #onin#e%,
(o*l% ineitabl" bring abo*t t&e r*in o$ t&eir o(n people+ For t&e $irst ti!e in !o%ern &istor" t&e tra%itional %"nasti#
patriotis! an% national loe o$ $at&erlan% an% people (ere in open #on$li#t+
It (as to t&e !erit o$ t&e Pan1Aer!an !oe!ent in A*stria %*ring t&e #losing %e#a%e o$ t&e last #ent*r" t&at it pointe%
o*t #learl" an% *ne/*io#all" t&at a State is entitle% to %e!an% respe#t an% prote#tion $or its a*t&orit" onl" (&en s*#&
a*t&orit" is a%!inistere% in a##or%an#e (it& t&e interests o$ t&e nation, or at least not in a !anner %etri!ental to t&ose
T&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State #an neer be an en% in itsel$C $or, i$ t&at (ere so, an" ,in% o$ t"rann" (o*l% be iniolable an%
I$ a goern!ent *ses t&e instr*!ents o$ po(er in its &an%s $or t&e p*rpose o$ lea%ing a people to r*in, t&en rebellion is not
onl" t&e rig&t b*t also t&e %*t" o$ eer" in%ii%*al #iti>en+
T&e /*estion o$ (&et&er an% (&en s*#& a sit*ation e5ists #annot be ans(ere% b" t&eoreti#al %issertations b*t onl" b" t&e
e5er#ise o$ $or#e, an% it is s*##ess t&at %e#i%es t&e iss*e+
Eer" goern!ent, een t&o*g& it !a" be t&e (orst possible an% een t&o*g& it !a" &ae betra"e% t&e nations tr*st in
t&o*san%s o$ (a"s, (ill #lai! t&at its %*t" is to *p&ol% t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State+ Its a%ersaries, (&o are $ig&ting $or
national sel$1preseration, !*st *se t&e sa!e (eapons (&i#& t&e goern!ent *ses i$ t&e" are to preail against s*#& a r*le
an% se#*re t&eir o(n $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e+ T&ere$ore t&e #on$li#t (ill be $o*g&t o*t (it& Mlegal !eans as long as
t&e po(er (&i#& is to be oert&ro(n *ses t&e!C b*t t&e ins*rgents (ill not &esitate to appl" illegal !eans i$ t&e oppressor
&i!sel$ e!plo"s t&e!+
Aenerall" spea,ing, (e !*st not $orget t&at t&e &ig&est ai! o$ &*!an e5isten#e is not t&e !aintenan#e o$ a State o$
Aoern!ent b*t rat&er t&e #onseration o$ t&e ra#e+
I$ t&e ra#e is in %anger o$ being oppresse% or een e5ter!inate% t&e /*estion o$ legalit" is onl" o$ se#on%ar" i!portan#e+
T&e establis&e% po(er !a" in s*#& a #ase e!plo" onl" t&ose !eans (&i#& are re#ogni>e% as Mlegal+ "et t&e instin#t o$
sel$1preseration on t&e part o$ t&e oppresse% (ill al(a"s 0*sti$", to t&e &ig&est %egree, t&e e!plo"!ent o$ all possible
Onl" on t&e re#ognition o$ t&is prin#iple (as it possible $or t&ose str*ggles to be #arrie% t&ro*g&, o$ (&i#& &istor"
$*rnis&es !agni$i#ent e5a!ples in ab*n%an#e, against $oreign bon%age or oppression at &o!e+
H*!an rig&ts are aboe t&e rig&ts o$ t&e State+ 8*t i$ a people be %e$eate% in t&e str*ggle $or its &*!an rig&ts t&is !eans
t&at its (eig&t &as proe% too lig&t in t&e s#ale o$ =estin" to &ae t&e l*#, o$ being able to en%*re in t&is terrestrial (orl%+
T&e (orl% is not t&ere to be possesse% b" t&e $aint1&earte% ra#es+
A*stria a$$or%s a er" #lear an% stri,ing e5a!ple o$ &o( eas" it is $or t"rann" to &i%e its &ea% *n%er t&e #loa, o$ (&at is
#alle% Mlegalit"+
T&e legal e5er#ise o$ po(er in t&e Habsb*rg State (as t&en base% on t&e anti1Aer!an attit*%e o$ t&e parlia!ent, (it& its
non1Aer!an !a0orities, an% on t&e %"nasti# Ho*se, (&i#& (as also &ostile to t&e Aer!an ele!ent+ T&e (&ole a*t&orit" o$
t&e State (as in#orporate% in t&ese t(o $a#tors+ To atte!pt to alter t&e lot o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent t&ro*g& t&ese t(o $a#tors
(o*l% &ae been senseless+ T&ose (&o a%ise% t&e Mlegal (a" as t&e onl" possible (a", an% also obe%ien#e to t&e State
a*t&orit", #o*l% o$$er no resistan#eC be#a*se a poli#" o$ resistan#e #o*l% not &ae been p*t into e$$e#t t&ro*g& legal
!eas*res+ To $ollo( t&e a%i#e o$ t&e legalist #o*nsellors (o*l% &ae !eant t&e ineitable r*in o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent
(it&in t&e )onar#&", an% t&is %isaster (o*l% not &ae ta,en long to #o!e+ T&e Aer!an ele!ent &as a#t*all" been sae%
onl" be#a*se t&e State as s*#& #ollapse%+
T&e spe#ta#le% t&eorist (o*l% &ae gien &is li$e $or &is %o#trine rat&er t&an $or &is people+
8e#a*se !an &as !a%e la(s &e s*bse/*entl" #o!es to t&in, t&at &e e5ists $or t&e sa,e o$ t&e la(s+
A great seri#e ren%ere% b" t&e pan1Aer!an !oe!ent t&en (as t&at it abolis&e% all s*#& nonsense, t&o*g& t&e
%o#trinaire t&eorists an% ot&er $etis& (ors&ippers (ere s&o#,e%+
3&en t&e Habsb*rgs atte!pte% to #o!e to #lose /*arters (it& t&e Aer!an ele!ent, b" t&e e!plo"!ent o$ all t&e !eans o$
atta#, (&i#& t&e" &a% at t&eir #o!!an%, t&e Pan1Aer!an Part" &it o*t r*t&lessl" against t&e Mill*strio*s %"nast"+ T&is
Part" (as t&e $irst to probe into an% e5pose t&e #orr*pt #on%ition o$ t&e StateC an% in %oing so t&e" opene% t&e e"es o$
&*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s+ To &ae liberate% t&e &ig& i%eal o$ loe $or ones #o*ntr" $ro! t&e e!bra#e o$ t&is %eplorable
%"nast" (as one o$ t&e great seri#es ren%ere% b" t&e Pan1Aer!an !oe!ent+
3&en t&at Part" $irst !a%e its appearan#e it se#*re% a large $ollo(ing 1 in%ee%, t&e !oe!ent t&reatene% to be#o!e
al!ost an aalan#&e+ 8*t t&e $irst s*##esses (ere not !aintaine%+ At t&e ti!e I #a!e to Bienna t&e pan1Aer!an Part" &a%
been e#lipse% b" t&e C&ristian1So#ialist Part", (&i#& &a% #o!e into po(er in t&e !eanti!e+ In%ee%, t&e Pan1Aer!an Part"
&a% s*n, to a leel o$ al!ost #o!plete insigni$i#an#e+
T&e rise an% %e#line o$ t&e Pan1Aer!an !oe!ent on t&e one &an% an% t&e !arello*s progress o$ t&e C&ristian1So#ialist
Part" on t&e ot&er, be#a!e a #lassi# ob0e#t o$ st*%" $or !e, an% as s*#& t&e" pla"e% an i!portant part in t&e %eelop!ent
o$ !" o(n ie(s+
3&en I #a!e to Bienna all !" s"!pat&ies (ere e5#l*siel" (it& t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent+
I (as 0*st as !*#& i!presse% b" t&e $a#t t&at t&e" &a% t&e #o*rage to s&o*t Heil Ho&en>ollern as I re0oi#e% at t&eir
%eter!ination to #onsi%er t&e!seles an integral part o$ t&e Aer!an E!pire, $ro! (&i#& t&e" (ere separate% onl"
proisionall"+ T&e" neer !isse% an opport*nit" to e5plain t&eir attit*%e in p*bli#, (&i#& raise% !" ent&*sias! an%
#on$i%en#e+ To ao( ones prin#iples p*bli#l" on eer" proble! t&at #on#erne% Aer!anis!, an% neer to !a,e an"
#o!pro!ises, see!e% to !e t&e onl" (a" o$ saing o*r people+ 3&at I #o*l% not *n%erstan% (as &o( t&is !oe!ent
bro,e %o(n so soon a$ter s*#& a !agni$i#ent startC an% it (as no less in#o!pre&ensible t&at t&e C&ristian1So#ialists s&o*l%
gain s*#& tre!en%o*s po(er (it&in s*#& a s&ort ti!e+ T&e" &a% 0*st rea#&e% t&e pinna#le o$ t&eir pop*larit"+
3&en I began to #o!pare t&ose t(o !oe!ents Fate pla#e% be$ore !e t&e best !eans o$ *n%erstan%ing t&e #a*ses o$ t&is
p*>>ling proble!+ T&e a#tion o$ Fate in t&is #ase (as &astene% b" !" o(n straitene% #ir#*!stan#es+
I s&all begin !" anal"sis (it& an a##o*nt o$ t&e t(o !en (&o !*st be regar%e% as t&e $o*n%ers an% lea%ers o$ t&e t(o
!oe!ents+ T&ese (ere Aeorge on S#&Jnerer an% =r+ ;arl '*eger+
As $ar as personalit" goes, bot& (ere $ar aboe t&e leel an% stat*re o$ t&e so1#alle% parlia!entar" $ig*res+ T&e" lie% lies
o$ i!!a#*late an% irreproa#&able probit" a!i%st t&e !ias!a o$ all1ro*n% politi#al #orr*ption+ Personall" I $irst li,e% t&e
Pan1Aer!an representatie, S#&Jnerer, an% it (as onl" a$ter(ar%s an% gra%*all" t&at I $elt an e/*al li,ing $or t&e
C&ristian1So#ialist lea%er+
3&en I #o!pare% t&eir respe#tie abilities S#&Jnerer see!e% to !e a better an% !ore pro$o*n% t&in,er on $*n%a!ental
proble!s+ He $oresa( t&e ineitable %o(n$all o$ t&e A*strian State !ore #learl" an% a##*ratel" t&an an"one else+ I$ t&is
(arning in regar% to t&e Habsb*rg E!pire &a% been &ee%e% in Aer!an" t&e %isastro*s (orl% (ar, (&i#& inole%
Aer!an" against t&e (&ole o$ E*rope, (o*l% neer &ae ta,en pla#e+
8*t t&o*g& S#&Jnerer s*##ee%e% in penetrating to t&e essentials o$ a proble! &e (as er" o$ten !*#& !ista,en in &is
0*%g!ent o$ !en+
An% &erein la" =r+ '*egers spe#ial talent+ He &a% a rare gi$t o$ insig&t into &*!an nat*re an% &e (as er" #are$*l not to
ta,e !en as so!et&ing better t&an t&e" (ere in realit"+ He base% &is plans on t&e pra#ti#al possibilities (&i#& &*!an li$e
o$$ere% &i!, (&ereas S#&Jnerer &a% onl" little %is#ri!ination in t&at respe#t+ All i%eas t&at t&is Pan1Aer!an &a% (ere
rig&t in t&e abstra#t, b*t &e %i% not &ae t&e $or#e$*lness or *n%erstan%ing ne#essar" to p*t &is i%eas a#ross to t&e broa%
!asses+ He (as not able to $or!*late t&e! so t&at t&e" #o*l% be easil" graspe% b" t&e !asses, (&ose po(ers o$
#o!pre&ension are li!ite% an% (ill al(a"s re!ain so+ T&ere$ore all S#&Jnerers ,no(le%ge (as onl" t&e (is%o! o$ a
prop&et an% &e neer #o*l% s*##ee% in &aing it p*t into pra#ti#e+
T&is la#, o$ insig&t into &*!an nat*re le% &i! to $or! a (rong esti!ate o$ t&e $or#es be&in% #ertain !oe!ents an% t&e
in&erent strengt& o$ ol% instit*tions+
S#&Jnerer in%ee% reali>e% t&at t&e proble!s &e &a% to %eal (it& (ere in t&e nat*re o$ a 3eltans#&&a**ngC b*t &e %i% not
*n%erstan% t&at onl" t&e broa% !asses o$ a nation #an !a,e s*#& #oni#tions preail, (&i#& are al!ost o$ a religio*s
Un$ort*natel" &e *n%erstoo% onl" er" i!per$e#tl" &o( $eeble is t&e $ig&ting spirit o$ t&e so1#alle% bo*rgeoisie+ T&at
(ea,ness is %*e to t&eir b*siness interests, (&i#& in%ii%*als are too !*#& a$rai% o$ ris,ing an% (&i#& t&ere$ore %eter
t&e! $ro! ta,ing a#tion+ An%, generall" spea,ing, a 3eltans#&&a**ng #an &ae no prospe#t o$ s*##ess *nless t&e broa%
!asses %e#lare t&e!seles rea%" to a#t as its stan%ar%1bearers an% to $ig&t on its be&al$ (&ereer an% to (&ateer e5tent
t&at !a" be ne#essar"+
T&is $ail*re to *n%erstan% t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e lo(er strata o$ t&e pop*lation res*lte% in a er" ina%e/*ate #on#ept o$ t&e
so#ial proble!+
In all t&is =r+ '*eger (as t&e opposite o$ S#&Jnerer+ His pro$o*n% ,no(le%ge o$ &*!an nat*re enable% &i! to $or! a
#orre#t esti!ate o$ t&e ario*s so#ial $or#es an% it sae% &i! $ro! *n%er1rating t&e po(er o$ e5isting instit*tions+ An% it
(as per&aps t&is er" /*alit" (&i#& enable% &i! to *tili>e t&ose instit*tions as a !eans to sere t&e p*rposes o$ &is poli#"+
He sa( onl" too #learl" t&at, in o*r epo#&, t&e politi#al $ig&ting po(er o$ t&e *pper #lasses is /*ite insigni$i#ant an% not at
all #apable o$ $ig&ting $or a great ne( !oe!ent *ntil t&e tri*!p& o$ t&at !oe!ent be se#*re%+ T&*s &e %eote% t&e
greatest part o$ &is politi#al a#tiit" to t&e tas, o$ (inning oer t&ose se#tions o$ t&e pop*lation (&ose e5isten#e (as in
%anger an% $ostering t&e !ilitant spirit in t&e! rat&er t&an atte!pting to paral"se it+ He (as also /*i#, to a%opt all
aailable !eans $or (inning t&e s*pport o$ long1establis&e% instit*tions, so as to be able to %erie t&e greatest possible
a%antage $or &is !oe!ent $ro! t&ose ol% so*r#es o$ po(er+
T&*s it (as t&at, $irst o$ all, &e #&ose as t&e so#ial basis o$ &is ne( Part" t&at !i%%le #lass (&i#& (as t&reatene% (it&
e5tin#tion+ In t&is (a" &e se#*re% a soli% $ollo(ing (&i#& (as (illing to !a,e great sa#ri$i#es an% &a% goo% $ig&ting
sta!ina+ His e5tre!el" (ise attit*%e to(ar%s t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#& rapi%l" (on oer t&e "o*nger #lerg" in s*#& large
n*!bers t&at t&e ol% Cleri#al Part" (as $or#e% to retire $ro! t&e $iel% o$ a#tion or else, (&i#& (as t&e (iser #o*rse, 0oin
t&e ne( Part", in t&e &ope o$ gra%*all" (inning ba#, one position a$ter anot&er+
8*t it (o*l% be a serio*s in0*sti#e to t&e !an i$ (e (ere to regar% t&is as &is essential #&ara#teristi#+ For &e possesse% t&e
/*alities o$ an able ta#ti#ian, an% &a% t&e tr*e geni*s o$ a great re$or!erC b*t all t&ese (ere li!ite% b" &is e5a#t per#eption
o$ t&e possibilities at &an% an% also o$ &is o(n #apabilities+
T&e ai!s (&i#& t&is reall" e!inent !an %e#i%e% to p*rs*e (ere intensel" pra#ti#al+ He (is&e% to #on/*er Bienna, t&e
&eart o$ t&e )onar#&"+ It (as $ro! Bienna t&at t&e last p*lses o$ li$e beat t&ro*g& t&e %isease% an% (orn1o*t bo%" o$ t&e
%e#repit E!pire+ I$ t&e &eart #o*l% be !a%e &ealt&ier t&e ot&ers parts o$ t&e bo%" (ere bo*n% to reie+ T&at i%ea (as
#orre#t in prin#ipleC b*t t&e ti!e (it&in (&i#& it #o*l% be applie% in pra#ti#e (as stri#tl" li!ite%+ An% t&at (as t&e !ans
(ea, point+
His a#&iee!ents as 8*rgo!aster o$ t&e Cit" o$ Bienna are i!!ortal, in t&e best sense o$ t&e (or%+ 8*t all t&at #o*l% not
sae t&e )onar#&"+ It #a!e too late+
His rial, S#&Jnerer, sa( t&is !ore #learl"+ 3&at =r+ '*eger *n%ertoo, to p*t into pra#ti#e t*rne% o*t !arello*sl"
s*##ess$*l+ 8*t t&e res*lts (&i#& &e e5pe#te% to $ollo( t&ese a#&iee!ents %i% not #o!e+ S#&Jnerer %i% not attain t&e en%s
&e &a% propose% to &i!sel$C b*t &is $ears (ere reali>e%, alas, in a terrible $as&ion+ T&*s bot& t&ese !en $aile% to attain
t&eir $*rt&er ob0e#ties+ '*eger #o*l% not sae A*stria an% S#&Jnerer #o*l% not preent t&e %o(n$all o$ t&e Aer!an people
in A*stria+
To st*%" t&e #a*ses o$ $ail*re in t&e #ase o$ t&ese t(o parties is to learn a lesson t&at is &ig&l" instr*#tie $or o*r o(n
epo#&+ T&is is spe#iall" *se$*l $or !" $rien%s, be#a*se in !an" points t&e #ir#*!stan#es o$ o*r o(n %a" are si!ilar to
t&ose o$ t&at ti!e+ T&ere$ore s*#& a lesson !a" &elp *s to g*ar% against t&e !ista,es (&i#& bro*g&t one o$ t&ose
!oe!ents to an en% an% ren%ere% t&e ot&er barren o$ res*lts+
In !" opinion, t&e (re#, o$ t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent in A*stria !*st be attrib*te% to t&ree #a*ses+
T&e $irst o$ t&ese #onsiste% in t&e $a#t t&at t&e lea%ers %i% not &ae a #lear #on#ept o$ t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e so#ial proble!,
parti#*larl" $or a ne( !oe!ent (&i#& &a% an essentiall" reol*tionar" #&ara#ter+ S#&Jnerer an% &is $ollo(ers %ire#te%
t&eir attention prin#ipall" to t&e bo*rgeois #lasses+ For t&at reason t&eir !oe!ent (as bo*n% to t*rn o*t !e%io#re an%
ta!e+ T&e Aer!an bo*rgeoisie, espe#iall" in its *pper #ir#les, is pa#i$ist een to t&e point o$ #o!plete sel$1abnegation 1
t&o*g& t&e in%ii%*al !a" not be a(are o$ t&is 1 (&ereer t&e internal a$$airs o$ t&e nation or State are #on#erne%+ In goo%
ti!es, (&i#& in t&is #ase !eans ti!es o$ goo% goern!ent, s*#& a ps"#&ologi#al attit*%e !a,es t&is so#ial la"er
e5traor%inaril" al*able to t&e State+ 8*t (&en t&ere is a ba% goern!ent, s*#& a /*alit" &as a %estr*#tie e$$e#t+ In or%er
to ass*re t&e possibilit" o$ #arr"ing t&ro*g& a reall" stren*o*s str*ggle, t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent s&o*l% &ae %eote%
its e$$orts to (inning oer t&e !asses+ T&e $ail*re to %o t&is le$t t&e !oe!ent $ro! t&e er" beginning (it&o*t t&e
ele!entar" i!p*lse (&i#& s*#& a (ae nee%s i$ it is not to ebb (it&in a s&ort (&ile+
In $ailing to see t&e tr*t& o$ t&is prin#iple #learl" at t&e er" o*tset o$ t&e !oe!ent an% in negle#ting to p*t it into
pra#ti#e t&e ne( Part" !a%e an initial !ista,e (&i#& #o*l% not possibl" be re#ti$ie% a$ter(ar%s+ For t&e n*!ero*s
!o%erate bo*rgeois ele!ents a%!itte% into t&e !oe!ents in#reasingl" %eter!ine% its internal orientation an% t&*s
$orestalle% all $*rt&er prospe#ts o$ gaining an" appre#iable s*pport a!ong t&e !asses o$ t&e people+ Un%er s*#& #on%itions
s*#& a !oe!ent #o*l% not get be"on% !ere %is#*ssion an% #riti#is!+ P*asi1religio*s $ait& an% t&e spirit o$ sa#ri$i#e (ere
not to be $o*n% in t&e !oe!ent an" !ore+ T&eir pla#e (as ta,en b" t&e e$$ort to(ar%s Mpositie #ollaboration, (&i#& in
t&is #ase !eant t&e a#,no(le%g!ent o$ t&e e5isting state o$ a$$airs, gra%*all" (&ittling a(a" t&e ro*g& #orners o$ t&e
/*estions in %isp*te, an% en%ing *p (it& t&e !a,ing o$ a %is&ono*rable pea#e+
S*#& (as t&e $ate o$ t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent, be#a*se at t&e start t&e lea%ers %i% not reali>e t&at t&e !ost i!portant
#on%ition o$ s*##ess (as t&at t&e" s&o*l% re#r*it t&eir $ollo(ing $ro! t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people+ T&e )oe!ent t&*s
be#a!e bo*rgeois an% respe#table an% ra%i#al onl" in !o%eration+
Fro! t&is $ail*re res*lte% t&e se#on% #a*se o$ its rapi% %e#line+
T&e position o$ t&e Aer!ans in A*stria (as alrea%" %esperate (&en Pan1Aer!anis! arose+ Kear a$ter "ear Parlia!ent (as
being *se% !ore an% !ore as an instr*!ent $or t&e gra%*al e5tin#tion o$ t&e Aer!an1A*strian pop*lation+ T&e onl" &ope
$or an" eleent&1&o*r e$$ort to sae it la" in t&e oert&ro( o$ t&e parlia!entar" s"ste!C b*t t&ere (as er" little prospe#t o$
t&is &appening+
T&ere(it& t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent (as #on$ronte% (it& a /*estion o$ pri!ar" i!portan#e+
To oert&ro( t&e Parlia!ent, s&o*l% t&e Pan1Aer!anists &ae entere% it Mto *n%er!ine it $ro! (it&in, as t&e #*rrent
p&rase (as@ Or s&o*l% t&e" &ae assaile% t&e instit*tion as s*#& $ro! t&e o*tsi%e@
T&e" entere% t&e Parlia!ent an% #a!e o*t %e$eate%+ 8*t t&e" &a% $o*n% t&e!seles oblige% to enter+
For in or%er to (age an e$$e#tie (ar against s*#& a po(er $ro! t&e o*tsi%e, in%o!itable #o*rage an% a rea%" spirit o$
sa#ri$i#e (ere ne#essar" (eapons+ In s*#& #ases t&e b*ll !*st be sei>e% b" t&e &orns+ F*rio*s %ries !a" bring t&e
assailant to t&e gro*n% again an% againC b*t i$ &e &as a sto*t &eart &e (ill stan% *p, een t&o*g& so!e bones !a" be
bro,en, an% onl" a$ter a long an% to*g& str*ggle (ill &e a#&iee &is tri*!p&+ .e( #&a!pions are attra#te% to a #a*se b"
t&e appeal o$ great sa#ri$i#es !a%e $or its sa,e, *ntil t&at in%o!itable spirit is $inall" #ro(ne% (it& s*##ess+
For s*#& a res*lt, &o(eer, t&e #&il%ren o$ t&e people $ro! t&e great !asses are ne#essar"+ T&e" alone &ae t&e re/*isite
%eter!ination an% tena#it" to $ig&t a sang*inar" iss*e t&ro*g& to t&e en%+ 8*t t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent %i% not &ae
t&ese broa% !asses as its #&a!pions, an% so no ot&er !eans o$ sol*tion #o*l% be trie% o*t e5#ept t&at o$ entering
It (o*l% be a !ista,e to t&in, t&at t&is %e#ision res*lte% $ro! a long series o$ internal &esitations o$ a !oral ,in%, or t&at
it (as t&e o*t#o!e o$ #are$*l #al#*lation+ .o+ T&e" %i% not een t&in, o$ anot&er sol*tion+ T&ose (&o parti#ipate% in t&is
bl*n%er (ere a#t*ate% b" general #onsi%erations an% ag*e notions as to (&at (o*l% be t&e signi$i#an#e an% e$$e#t o$
ta,ing part in s*#& a spe#ial (a" in t&at instit*tion (&i#& t&e" &a% #on%e!ne% on prin#iple+ In general t&e" &ope% t&at
t&e" (o*l% t&*s &ae t&e !eans o$ e5po*n%ing t&eir #a*se to t&e great !asses o$ t&e people, be#a*se t&e" (o*l% be able to
spea, be$ore Mt&e $or*! o$ t&e (&ole nation+ Also, it see!e% reasonable to beliee t&at b" atta#,ing t&e eil in t&e root
t&e" (o*l% be !ore e$$e#tie t&an i$ t&e atta#, #a!e $ro! o*tsi%e+ T&e" beliee% t&at, i$ prote#te% b" t&e i!!*nit" o$
Parlia!ent, t&e position o$ t&e in%ii%*al protagonists (o*l% be strengt&ene% an% t&at t&*s t&e $or#e o$ t&eir atta#,s (o*l%
be en&an#e%+
In realit" eer"t&ing t*rne% o*t /*ite ot&er(ise+
T&e For*! be$ore (&i#& t&e Pan1Aer!an representaties spo,e &a% not gro(n greater, b*t &a% a#t*all" be#o!e s!allerC
$or ea#& spo,e onl" to t&e #ir#le t&at (as rea%" to listen to &i! or #o*l% rea% t&e report o$ &is spee#& in t&e ne(spapers+
8*t t&e greater $or*! o$ i!!e%iate listeners is not t&e parlia!entar" a*%itori*!4 it is t&e large p*bli# !eeting+ For &ere
alone (ill t&ere be t&o*san%s o$ !en (&o &ae #o!e si!pl" to &ear (&at a spea,er &as to sa", (&ereas in t&e
parlia!entar" sittings onl" a $e( &*n%re% are presentC an% $or t&e !ost part t&ese are t&ere onl" to earn t&eir %ail"
allo(an#e $or atten%an#e an% not to be enlig&tene% b" t&e (is%o! o$ one or ot&er o$ t&e Mrepresentaties o$ t&e people+
T&e !ost i!portant #onsi%eration is t&at t&e sa!e p*bli# is al(a"s present an% t&at t&is p*bli# %oes not (is& to learn
an"t&ing ne(C be#a*se, setting asi%e t&e /*estion o$ its intelligen#e, it la#,s een t&at !o%est /*ant*! o$ (ill1po(er
(&i#& is ne#essar" $or t&e e$$ort o$ learning+
.ot one o$ t&e representaties o$ t&e people (ill pa" &o!age to a s*perior tr*t& an% %eote &i!sel$ to its seri#e+ .o+ .ot
one o$ t&ese gentr" (ill a#t t&*s, e5#ept &e &as gro*n%s $or &oping t&at b" s*#& a #onersion &e !a" be able to retain t&e
representation o$ &is #onstit*en#" in t&e #o!ing legislat*re+ T&ere$ore, onl" (&en it be#o!es /*ite #lear t&at t&e ol% part"
is li,el" to &ae a ba% ti!e o$ it at t&e $ort&#o!ing ele#tions 1 onl" t&en (ill t&ose !o%els o$ !anl" irt*e set o*t in sear#&
o$ a ne( part" or a ne( poli#" (&i#& !a" &ae better ele#toral prospe#tsC b*t o$ #o*rse t&is #&ange o$ position (ill be
a##o!panie% b" a eritable %el*ge o$ &ig& !oral !oties to 0*sti$" it+ An% t&*s it al(a"s &appens t&at (&en an e5isting
Part" &as in#*rre% s*#& general %is$ao*r a!ong t&e p*bli# t&at it is t&reatene% (it& t&e probabilit" o$ a #r*s&ing %e$eat,
t&en a great !igration #o!!en#es+ T&e parlia!entar" rats leae t&e Part" s&ip+
All t&is &appens not be#a*se t&e in%ii%*als in t&e #ase &ae be#o!e better in$or!e% on t&e /*estions at iss*e an% &ae
resole% to a#t a##or%ingl"+ T&ese #&anges o$ $ront are ei%en#e onl" o$ t&at gi$t o$ #lairo"an#e (&i#& (arns t&e
parlia!entar" $lea at t&e rig&t !o!ent an% enables &i! to &op into anot&er (ar! Part" be%+
To spea, be$ore s*#& a $or*! signi$ies #asting pearls be$ore #ertain ani!als+
Beril" it %oes not repa" t&e pains ta,enC $or t&e res*lt !*st al(a"s be negatie+
An% t&at is a#t*all" (&at &appene%+ T&e Pan1Aer!an representaties !ig&t &ae tal,e% t&e!seles &oarse, b*t to no
e$$e#t (&atsoeer+
T&e Press eit&er ignore% t&e! totall" or so !*tilate% t&eir spee#&es t&at t&e logi#al #onsisten#" (as %estro"e% or t&e
!eaning t(iste% ro*n% in s*#& a (a" t&at t&e p*bli# got onl" a er" (rong i!pression regar%ing t&e ai!s o$ t&e ne(
!oe!ent+ 3&at t&e in%ii%*al !e!bers sai% (as not o$ i!portan#e+ T&e i!portant !atter (as (&at people rea% as
#o!ing $ro! t&e!+ T&is #onsiste% o$ !ere e5tra#ts (&i#& &a% been torn o*t o$ t&e #onte5t o$ t&e spee#&es an% gae an
i!pression o$ in#o&erent nonsense, (&i#& in%ee% (as p*rposel" !eant+ T&*s t&e onl" p*bli# be$ore (&i#& t&e" reall"
spo,e #onsiste% !erel" o$ $ie &*n%re% parlia!entariansC an% t&at sa"s eno*g&+
T&e (orst (as t&e $ollo(ing4
T&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent #o*l% &ope $or s*##ess onl" i$ t&e lea%ers reali>e% $ro! t&e er" $irst !o!ent t&at &ere t&ere
(as no /*estion so !*#& o$ a ne( Part" as o$ a ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng+ T&is alone #o*l% aro*se t&e inner !oral $or#es t&at
(ere ne#essar" $or s*#& a giganti# str*ggle+ An% $or t&is str*ggle t&e lea%ers !*st be !en o$ $irst1#lass brains an%
in%o!itable #o*rage+ I$ t&e str*ggle on be&al$ o$ a 3eltans#&&a**ng is not #on%*#te% b" !en o$ &eroi# spirit (&o are
rea%" to sa#ri$i#e, eer"t&ing, (it&in a s&ort (&ile it (ill be#o!e i!possible to $in% real $ig&ting $ollo(ers (&o are rea%"
to la" %o(n t&eir lies $or t&e #a*se+ A !an (&o $ig&ts onl" $or &is o(n e5isten#e &as not !*#& le$t oer $or t&e seri#e o$
t&e #o!!*nit"+
In or%er to se#*re t&e #on%itions t&at are ne#essar" $or s*##ess, eer"bo%" #on#erne% !*st be !a%e to *n%erstan% t&at t&e
ne( !oe!ent loo,s to posterit" $or its &ono*r an% glor" b*t t&at it &as no re#o!pense to o$$er to t&e present1%a"
!e!bers+ I$ a !oe!ent s&o*l% o$$er a large n*!ber o$ positions an% o$$i#es t&at are easil" a##essible t&e n*!ber o$
*n(ort&" #an%i%ates a%!itte% to !e!bers&ip (ill be #onstantl" on t&e in#rease an% eent*all" a %a" (ill #o!e (&en t&ere
(ill be s*#& a prepon%eran#e o$ politi#al pro$iteers a!ong t&e !e!bers&ip o$ a s*##ess$*l Part" t&at t&e #o!batants (&o
bore t&e br*nt o$ t&e battle in t&e earlier stages o$ t&e !oe!ent #an no( s#ar#el" re#ogni>e t&eir o(n Part" an% !a" be
e0e#te% b" t&e later arrials as *n(ante% ballast+ T&ere(it& t&e !oe!ent (ill no longer &ae a !ission to $*l$il+
On#e t&e Pan1Aer!anists %e#i%e% to #ollaborate (it& Parlia!ent t&e" (ere no longer lea%ers an% #o!batants in a pop*lar
!oe!ent, b*t !erel" parlia!entarians+ T&*s t&e )oe!ent san, to t&e #o!!on politi#al part" leel o$ t&e %a" an% no
longer &a% t&e strengt& to $a#e a &ostile $ate an% %e$" t&e ris, o$ !art"r%o!+ Instea% o$ $ig&ting, t&e Pan1Aer!an lea%ers
$ell into t&e &abit o$ tal,ing an% negotiating+ T&e ne( parlia!entarians soon $o*n% t&at it (as a !ore satis$a#tor", be#a*se
less ris,", (a" o$ $*l$illing t&eir tas, i$ t&e" (o*l% %e$en% t&e ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng (it& t&e spirit*al (eapon o$
parlia!entar" r&etori# rat&er t&an ta,e *p a $ig&t in (&i#& t&e" pla#e% t&eir lies in %anger, t&e o*t#o!e o$ (&i#& also
(as *n#ertain an% een at t&e best #o*l% o$$er no prospe#t o$ personal gain $or t&e!seles+
3&en t&e" &a% ta,en t&eir seats in Parlia!ent t&eir a%&erents o*tsi%e &ope% an% (aite% $or !ira#les to &appen+ .at*rall"
no s*#& !ira#les &appene% or #o*l% &appen+ 3&ere*pon t&e a%&erents o$ t&e !oe!ent soon gre( i!patient, be#a*se
reports t&e" rea% abo*t t&eir o(n %ep*ties %i% not in t&e least #o!e *p to (&at &a% been e5pe#te% (&en t&e" ote% $or
t&ese %ep*ties at t&e ele#tions+ T&e reason $or t&is (as not $ar to see,+ It (as %*e to t&e $a#t t&at an *n$rien%l" Press
re$raine% $ro! giing a tr*e a##o*nt o$ (&at t&e Pan1Aer!an representaties o$ t&e people (ere a#t*all" %oing+
A##or%ing as t&e ne( %ep*ties got to li,e t&is !il% $or! o$ Mreol*tionar" str*ggle in Parlia!ent an% in t&e proin#ial
%iets t&e" gra%*all" be#a!e rel*#tant to res*!e t&e !ore &a>ar%o*s (or, o$ e5po*n%ing t&e prin#iples o$ t&e !oe!ent
be$ore t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people+
)ass !eetings in p*bli# be#a!e !ore an% !ore rare, t&o*g& t&ese are t&e onl" !eans o$ e5er#ising a reall" e$$e#tie
in$l*en#e on t&e peopleC be#a*se &ere t&e in$l*en#e #o!es $ro! %ire#t personal #onta#t an% in t&is (a" t&e s*pport o$ large
se#tions o$ t&e people #an be obtaine%+
3&en t&e tables on (&i#& t&e spea,ers *se% to stan% in t&e great beer1&alls, a%%ressing an asse!bl" o$ t&o*san%s, (ere
%eserte% $or t&e parlia!entar" trib*ne an% t&e spee#&es (ere no longer a%%resse% to t&e people %ire#tl" b*t to t&e so1#alle%
M#&osen representaties, t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent lost its pop*lar #&ara#ter an% in a little (&ile %egenerate% to t&e
leel o$ a !ore or less serio*s #l*b (&ere proble!s o$ t&e %a" are %is#*sse% a#a%e!i#all"+
T&e (rong i!pression #reate% b" t&e Press (as no longer #orre#te% b" personal #onta#t (it& t&e people t&ro*g& p*bli#
!eetings, (&ereb" t&e in%ii%*al representaties !ig&t &ae gien a tr*e a##o*nt o$ t&eir a#tiities+ T&e $inal res*lt o$ t&is
negle#t (as t&at t&e (or% MPan1Aer!an #a!e to &ae an *npleasant so*n% in t&e ears o$ t&e !asses+
T&e ,nig&ts o$ t&e pen an% t&e literar" snobs o$ to1%a" s&o*l% be !a%e to reali>e t&at t&e great trans$or!ations (&i#& &ae
ta,en pla#e in t&is (orl% (ere neer #on%*#te% b" a goose/*ill+ .o+ T&e tas, o$ t&e pen !*st al(a"s be t&at o$ presenting
t&e t&eoreti#al #on#epts (&i#& !otiate s*#& #&anges+ T&e $or#e (&i#& &as eer an% al(a"s set in !otion great &istori#al
aalan#&es o$ religio*s an% politi#al !oe!ents is t&e !agi# po(er o$ t&e spo,en (or%+
T&e broa% !asses o$ a pop*lation are !ore a!enable to t&e appeal o$ r&etori# t&an to an" ot&er $or#e+ All great
!oe!ents are pop*lar !oe!ents+ T&e" are t&e ol#ani# er*ptions o$ &*!an passions an% e!otions, stirre% into a#tiit"
b" t&e r*t&less Ao%%ess o$ =istress or b" t&e tor#& o$ t&e spo,en (or% #ast into t&e !i%st o$ t&e people+ In no #ase &ae
great !oe!ents been set a$oot b" t&e s"r*p" e$$*sions o$ Tst&eti# littQrate*rs an% %ra(ing1roo! &eroes+
T&e %oo! o$ a nation #an be aerte% onl" b" a stor! o$ glo(ing passionC b*t onl" t&ose (&o are passionate t&e!seles #an
aro*se passion in ot&ers+ It is onl" t&ro*g& t&e #apa#it" $or passionate $eeling t&at #&osen lea%ers #an (iel% t&e po(er o$
t&e (or% (&i#&, li,e &a!!er blo(s, (ill open t&e %oor to t&e &earts o$ t&e people+
He (&o is not #apable o$ passionate $eeling an% spee#& (as neer #&osen b" Proi%en#e to be t&e &eral% o$ its (ill+
T&ere$ore a (riter s&o*l% sti#, to &is in,1bottle an% b*s" &i!sel$ (it& t&eoreti#al /*estions i$ &e &as t&e re/*isite abilit"
an% ,no(le%ge+ He &as not been born or #&osen to be a lea%er+
A !oe!ent (&i#& &as great en%s to a#&iee !*st #are$*ll" g*ar% against t&e %anger o$ losing #onta#t (it& t&e !asses o$
t&e people+ Eer" proble! en#o*ntere% !*st be e5a!ine% $ro! t&is ie(point $irst o$ all an% t&e %e#ision to be !a%e !*st
al(a"s be in &ar!on" (it& t&is prin#iple+
T&e !oe!ent !*st aoi% eer"t&ing (&i#& !ig&t lessen or (ea,en its po(er o$ in$l*en#ing t&e !assesC not $ro!
%e!agogi#al !oties b*t be#a*se o$ t&e si!ple $a#t t&at no great i%ea, no !atter &o( s*bli!e an% e5alte% it !a" appear,
#an be reali>e% in pra#ti#e (it&o*t t&e e$$e#tie po(er (&i#& resi%es in t&e pop*lar !asses+ Stern realit" alone !*st !ar,
t&e (a" to t&e goal+ To be *n(illing to (al, t&e roa% o$ &ar%s&ip !eans, onl" too o$ten in t&is (orl%, t&e total
ren*n#iation o$ o*r ai!s an% p*rposes, (&et&er t&at ren*n#iation be #ons#io*sl" (ille% or not+
T&e !o!ent t&e Pan1Aer!an lea%ers, in irt*e o$ t&eir a##eptan#e o$ t&e parlia!entar" prin#iple, !oe% t&e #entre o$
t&eir a#tiities a(a" $ro! t&e people an% into Parlia!ent, in t&at !o!ent t&e" sa#ri$i#e% t&e $*t*re $or t&e sa,e o$ a #&eap
!o!entar" s*##ess+ T&e" #&ose t&e easier (a" in t&e str*ggle an% in %oing so ren%ere% t&e!seles *n(ort&" o$ t&e $inal
3&ile in Bienna I *se% to pon%er serio*sl" oer t&ese t(o /*estions, an% I sa( t&at t&e !ain reason $or t&e #ollapse o$ t&e
Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent la" in t&e $a#t t&at t&ese er" /*estions (ere not rig&tl" appre#iate%+ To !" !in% at t&at ti!e t&e
)oe!ent see!e% #&osen to ta,e in its &an%s t&e lea%ers&ip o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent in A*stria+
T&ese $irst t(o bl*n%ers (&i#& le% to t&e %o(n$all o$ t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent (ere er" #losel" #onne#te% (it& one
anot&er+ Fa*lt" re#ognition o$ t&e inner %riing $or#es t&at *rge great !oe!ents $or(ar% le% to an ina%e/*ate
appre#iation o$ t&e part (&i#& t&e broa% !asses pla" in bringing abo*t s*#& #&anges+ T&e res*lt (as t&at too little
attention (as gien to t&e so#ial proble! an% t&at t&e atte!pts !a%e b" t&e !oe!ent to #apt*re t&e !in%s o$ t&e lo(er
#lasses (ere too $e( an% too (ea,+ Anot&er res*lt (as t&e a##eptan#e o$ t&e parlia!entar" poli#", (&i#& &a% a si!ilar
e$$e#t in regar% to t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e !asses+
I$ t&ere &a% been a proper appre#iation o$ t&e tre!en%o*s po(ers o$ en%*ran#e al(a"s s&o(n b" t&e !asses in
reol*tionar" !oe!ents a %i$$erent attit*%e to(ar%s t&e so#ial proble! (o*l% &ae been ta,en, an% also a %i$$erent poli#"
in t&e !atter o$ propagan%a+ T&en t&e #entre o$ grait" o$ t&e !oe!ent (o*l% not &ae been trans$erre% to t&e
Parlia!ent b*t (o*l% &ae re!aine% in t&e (or,s&ops an% in t&e streets+
T&ere (as a t&ir% !ista,e, (&i#& also &a% its roots in t&e $ail*re to *n%erstan% t&e (ort& o$ t&e !asses+ T&e !asses are
$irst set in !otion, along a %e$inite %ire#tion, b" !en o$ s*perior talentsC b*t t&en t&ese !asses on#e in !otion are li,e a
$l"(&eel inas!*#& as t&e" s*stain t&e !o!ent*! an% stea%" balan#e o$ t&e o$$ensie+
T&e poli#" o$ t&e Pan1Aer!an lea%ers in %e#i%ing to #arr" t&ro*g& a %i$$i#*lt $ig&t against t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#& #an be
e5plaine% onl" b" attrib*ting it to an ina%e/*ate *n%erstan%ing o$ t&e spirit*al #&ara#ter o$ t&e people+
T&e reasons (&" t&e ne( Part" engage% in a iolent #a!paign against Ro!e (ere as $ollo(s4
As soon as t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg &a% %e$initel" %e#i%e% to trans$or! A*stria into a Sla State all sorts o$ !eans (ere
a%opte% (&i#& see!e% in an" (a" seri#eable $or t&at p*rpose+ T&e Habsb*rg r*lers &a% no s#r*ples o$ #ons#ien#e abo*t
e5ploiting een religio*s instit*tions in t&e seri#e o$ t&is ne( MState I%ea+ One o$ t&e !an" !et&o%s t&*s e!plo"e% (as
t&e *se o$ C>e#& paris&es an% t&eir #lerg" as instr*!ents $or sprea%ing Sla &ege!on" t&ro*g&o*t A*stria+ T&is
pro#ee%ing (as #arrie% o*t as $ollo(s4
Paris& priests o$ C>e#& nationalit" (ere appointe% in p*rel" Aer!an %istri#ts+ Ara%*all" b*t stea%il" p*s&ing $or(ar% t&e
interests o$ t&e C>e#& people be$ore t&ose o$ t&e C&*r#&, t&e paris&es an% t&eir priests be#a!e generatie #ells in t&e
pro#ess o$ %e1Aer!ani>ation+
Un$ort*natel" t&e Aer!an1A*strian #lerg" #o!pletel" $aile% to #o*nter t&is pro#e%*re+ .ot onl" (ere t&e" in#apable o$
ta,ing a si!ilar initiatie on t&e Aer!an si%e, b*t t&e" s&o(e% t&e!seles *nable to !eet t&e C>e#& o$$ensie (it&
a%e/*ate resistan#e+ T&e Aer!an ele!ent (as a##or%ingl" p*s&e% ba#,(ar%s, slo(l" b*t stea%il", t&ro*g& t&e perersion
o$ religio*s belie$ $or politi#al en%s on t&e one si%e, an% t&e -a#, o$ proper resistan#e on t&e ot&er si%e+ S*#& (ere t&e
ta#ti#s *se% in %ealing (it& t&e s!aller proble!sC b*t t&ose *se% in %ealing (it& t&e larger proble!s (ere not er"
T&e anti1Aer!an ai!s p*rs*e% b" t&e Habsb*rgs, espe#iall" t&ro*g& t&e instr*!entalit" o$ t&e &ig&er #lerg", %i% not !eet
(it& an" igoro*s resistan#e, (&ile t&e #leri#al representaties o$ t&e Aer!an interests (it&%re( #o!pletel" to t&e rear+
T&e general i!pression #reate% #o*l% not be ot&er t&an t&at t&e Cat&oli# #lerg" as s*#& (ere grossl" negle#ting t&e rig&ts
o$ t&e Aer!an pop*lation+
T&ere$ore it loo,e% as i$ t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#& (as not in s"!pat&" (it& t&e Aer!an people b*t t&at it *n0*stl" s*pporte%
t&eir a%ersaries+ T&e root o$ t&e (&ole eil, espe#iall" a##or%ing to S#&Jnerers opinion, la" in t&e $a#t t&at t&e lea%ers&ip
o$ t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#& (as not in Aer!an", an% t&at t&is $a#t alone (as s*$$i#ient reason $or t&e &ostile attit*%e o$ t&e
C&*r#& to(ar%s t&e %e!an%s o$ o*r people+
T&e so1#alle% #*lt*ral proble! re#e%e% al!ost #o!pletel" into t&e ba#,gro*n%, as (as generall" t&e #ase eer"(&ere
t&ro*g&o*t A*stria at t&at ti!e+ In ass*!ing a &ostile attit*%e to(ar%s t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#&, t&e Pan1Aer!an lea%ers (ere
in$l*en#e% not so !*#& b" t&e C&*r#&s position in /*estions o$ s#ien#e b*t prin#ipall" b" t&e $a#t t&at t&e C&*r#& %i% not
%e$en% Aer!an rig&ts, as it s&o*l% &ae %one, b*t al(a"s s*pporte% t&ose (&o en#roa#&e% on t&ese rig&ts, espe#iall" t&en
Aeorge S#&Jnerer (as not a !an (&o %i% t&ings b" &ales+ He (ent into battle against t&e C&*r#& be#a*se &e (as
#onin#e% t&at t&is (as t&e onl" (a" in (&i#& t&e Aer!an people #o*l% be sae%+ T&e 'os1on1Ro! FA(a" $ro! Ro!eG
)oe!ent see!e% t&e !ost $or!i%able, b*t at t&e sa!e ti!e !ost %i$$i#*lt, !et&o% o$ atta#,ing an% %estro"ing t&e
a%ersar"s #ita%el+ S#&Jnerer beliee% t&at i$ t&is !oe!ent #o*l% be #arrie% t&ro*g& s*##ess$*ll" t&e *n$ort*nate
%iision bet(een t&e t(o great religio*s %eno!inations in Aer!an" (o*l% be (ipe% o*t an% t&at t&e inner $or#es o$ t&e
Aer!an E!pire an% .ation (o*l% be enor!o*sl" en&an#e% b" s*#& a i#tor"+
8*t t&e pre!ises as (ell as t&e #on#l*sions in t&is #ase (ere bot& erroneo*s+
It (as *n%o*bte%l" tr*e t&at t&e national po(ers o$ resistan#e, in eer"t&ing #on#erning Aer!anis! as s*#&, (ere !*#&
(ea,er a!ong t&e Aer!an Cat&oli# #lerg" t&an a!ong t&eir non1Aer!an #on$rUres, espe#iall" t&e C>e#&s+ An% onl" an
ignorant person #o*l% be *na(are o$ t&e $a#t t&at it s#ar#el" eer entere% t&e !in% o$ t&e Aer!an #lerg" to ta,e t&e
o$$ensie on be&al$ o$ Aer!an interests+
8*t at t&e sa!e ti!e eer"bo%" (&o is not blin% to $a#ts !*st a%!it t&at all t&is s&o*l% be attrib*te% to a #&ara#teristi#
*n%er (&i#& (e Aer!ans &ae all been %oo!e% to s*$$er+ T&is #&ara#teristi# s&o(s itsel$ in o*r ob0e#tie (a" o$ regar%ing
o*r o(n nationalit", as i$ it (ere so!et&ing t&at la" o*tsi%e o$ *s+
3&ile t&e C>e#& priest a%opte% a s*b0e#tie attit*%e to(ar%s &is o(n people an% onl" an ob0e#tie attit*%e to(ar%s t&e
C&*r#&, t&e Aer!an paris& priest s&o(e% a s*b0e#tie %eotion to &is C&*r#& an% re!aine% ob0e#tie in regar% to &is
nation+ It is a p&eno!enon (&i#&, *n$ort*natel" $or *s, #an be obsere% o##*rring in e5a#tl" t&e sa!e (a" in t&o*san%s o$
ot&er #ases+
It is b" no !eans a pe#*liar in&eritan#e $ro! Cat&oli#is!C b*t it is so!et&ing in *s (&i#& %oes not ta,e long to gna( t&e
itals o$ al!ost eer" instit*tion, espe#iall" instit*tions o$ State an% t&ose (&i#& &ae i%eal ai!s+ Ta,e, $or e5a!ple, t&e
attit*%e o$ o*r State o$$i#ials in regar% to t&e e$$orts !a%e $or bringing abo*t a national res*rgen#e an% #o!pare t&at
attit*%e (it& t&e stan% (&i#& t&e p*bli# o$$i#ials o$ an" ot&er nation (o*l% &ae ta,en in s*#& a #ase+ Or is it to be
beliee% t&at t&e !ilitar" o$$i#ers o$ an" ot&er #o*ntr" in t&e (orl% (o*l% re$*se to #o!e $or(ar% on be&al$ o$ t&e national
aspirations, b*t (o*l% rat&er &i%e be&in% t&e p&rase MA*t&orit" o$ t&e State, as &as been t&e #ase in o*r #o*ntr" %*ring
t&e last $ie "ears an% &as een been %ee!e% a !eritorio*s attit*%e@ Or let *s ta,e anot&er e5a!ple+ In regar% to t&e
-e(is& proble!, %o not t&e t(o C&ristian %eno!inations ta,e *p a stan%point to1%a" (&i#& %oes not respon% to t&e
national e5igen#ies or een t&e interests o$ religion@ Consi%er t&e attit*%e o$ a -e(is& Rabbi to(ar%s an" /*estion, een
one o$ /*ite insigni$i#ant i!portan#e, #on#erning t&e -e(s as a ra#e, an% #o!pare &is attit*%e (it& t&at o$ t&e !a0orit" o$
o*r #lerg", (&et&er Cat&oli# or Protestant+
3e obsere t&e sa!e p&eno!enon (&ereer it is a !atter o$ stan%ing *p $or so!e abstra#t i%ea+
MA*t&orit" o$ t&e State, M=e!o#ra#", MPa#i$is!, MInternational Soli%arit", et#+, all s*#& notions be#o!e rigi%, %og!ati#
#on#epts (it& *sC an% t&e !ore ital t&e general ne#essities o$ t&e nation, t&e !ore (ill t&e" be 0*%ge% e5#l*siel" in t&e
lig&t o$ t&ose #on#epts+
T&is *n$ort*nate &abit o$ loo,ing at all national %e!an%s $ro! t&e ie(point o$ a pre1#on#eie% notion !a,es it
i!possible $or *s to see t&e s*b0e#tie si%e o$ a t&ing (&i#& ob0e#tiel" #ontra%i#ts ones o(n %o#trine+ It $inall" lea%s to a
#o!plete reersion in t&e relation o$ !eans to an en%+ An" atte!pt at a national reial (ill be oppose% i$ t&e preli!inar"
#on%ition o$ s*#& a reial be t&at a ba% an% perni#io*s regi!e !*st $irst o$ all be oert&ro(nC be#a*se s*#& an a#tion (ill
be #onsi%ere% as a iolation o$ t&e MA*t&orit" o$ t&e State+ In t&e e"es o$ t&ose (&o ta,e t&at stan%point, t&e MA*t&orit" o$
t&e State is not a !eans (&i#& is t&ere to sere an en% b*t rat&er, to t&e !in% o$ t&e %og!ati# belieer in ob0e#tiit", it is
an en% in itsel$C an% &e loo,s *pon t&at as s*$$i#ient apolog" $or &is o(n !iserable e5isten#e+ S*#& people (o*l% raise an
o*t#r", i$, $or instan#e, an"one s&o*l% atte!pt to set *p a %i#tators&ip, een t&o*g& t&e !an responsible $or it (ere
Fre%eri#, t&e Areat an% een t&o*g& t&e politi#ians $or t&e ti!e being, (&o #onstit*te% t&e parlia!entar" !a0orit", (ere
s!all an% in#o!petent !en or !a"be een on a lo(er gra%e o$ in$eriorit"C be#a*se to s*#& sti#,lers $or abstra#t prin#iples
t&e la( o$ %e!o#ra#" is !ore sa#re% t&an t&e (el$are o$ t&e nation+ In a##or%an#e (it& &is prin#iples, one o$ t&ese gentr"
(ill %e$en% t&e (orst ,in% o$ t"rann", t&o*g& it !a" be lea%ing a people to r*in, be#a*se it is t&e $leeting e!bo%i!ent o$
t&e MA*t&orit" o$ t&e State, an% anot&er (ill re0e#t een a &ig&l" bene$i#ent goern!ent i$ it s&o*l% &appen not to be in
a##or% (it& &is notion o$ M%e!o#ra#"+
In t&e sa!e (a" o*r Aer!an pa#i$ist (ill re!ain silent (&ile t&e nation is groaning *n%er an oppression (&i#& is being
e5er#ise% b" a sang*inar" !ilitar" po(er, (&en t&is state o$ a$$airs gies rise to a#tie resistan#eC be#a*se s*#& resistan#e
!eans t&e e!plo"!ent o$ p&"si#al $or#e, (&i#& is against t&e spirit o$ t&e pa#i$ist asso#iations+ T&e Aer!an International
So#ialist !a" be roo,e% an% pl*n%ere% b" &is #o!ra%es in all t&e ot&er #o*ntries o$ t&e (orl% in t&e na!e o$ Msoli%arit",
b*t &e respon%s (it& $raternal ,in%ness an% neer t&in,s o$ tr"ing to get &is o(n ba#,, or een o$ %e$en%ing &i!sel$+ An%
(&"@ 8e#a*se &e is a 1 Aer!an+
It !a" be *npleasant to %(ell on s*#& tr*t&s, b*t i$ so!et&ing is to be #&ange% (e !*st start b" %iagnosing t&e %isease+
T&e p&eno!enon (&i#& I &ae 0*st %es#ribe% also a##o*nts $or t&e $eeble !anner in (&i#& Aer!an interests are pro!ote%
an% %e$en%e% b" a se#tion o$ t&e #lerg"+
S*#& #on%*#t is not t&e !ani$estation o$ a !ali#io*s intent, nor is it t&e o*t#o!e o$ or%ers gien $ro! Maboe, as (e sa"C
b*t s*#& a la#, o$ national grit an% %eter!ination is %*e to %e$e#ts in o*r e%*#ational s"ste!+ For, instea% o$ in#*l#ating in
t&e "o*t& a liel" sense o$ t&eir Aer!an nationalit", t&e ai! o$ t&e e%*#ational s"ste! is to !a,e t&e "o*t& prostrate
t&e!seles in &o!age to t&e i%ea, as i$ t&e i%ea (ere an i%ol+
T&e e%*#ation (&i#& !a,es t&e! t&e %eotees o$ s*#& abstra#t notions as M=e!o#ra#", MInternational So#ialis!,
MPa#i$is!, et#+, is so &ar%1an%1$ast an% e5#l*sie an%, operating as it %oes $ro! (it&in o*t(ar%s, is so p*rel" s*b0e#tie
t&at in $or!ing t&eir general pi#t*re o$ o*tsi%e li$e as a (&ole t&e" are $*n%a!entall" in$l*en#e% b" t&ese a priori notions+
8*t, on t&e ot&er &an%, t&e attit*%e to(ar%s t&eir o(n Aer!an nationalit" &as been er" ob0e#tie $ro! "o*t& *p(ar%s+
T&e Pa#i$ist 1 in so $ar as &e is a Aer!an 1 (&o s*rren%ers &i!sel$ s*b0e#tiel", bo%" an% so*l, to t&e %i#tates o$ &is
%og!ati# prin#iples, (ill al(a"s $irst #onsi%er t&e ob0e#tie rig&t or (rong o$ a sit*ation (&en %anger t&reatens &is o(n
people, een t&o*g& t&at %anger be grae an% *n0*stl" (ro*g&t $ro! o*tsi%e+ 8*t &e (ill neer ta,e &is stan% in t&e ran,s
o$ &is o(n people an% $ig&t $or an% (it& t&e! $ro! t&e s&eer instin#t o$ sel$1preseration+
Anot&er e5a!ple !a" $*rt&er ill*strate &o( $ar t&is applies to t&e %i$$erent religio*s %eno!inations+ In so $ar as its origin
an% tra%ition are base% on Aer!an i%eals, Protestantis! o$ itsel$ %e$en%s t&ose i%eals better+ 8*t it $ails t&e !o!ent it is
#alle% *pon to %e$en% national interests (&i#& %o not belong to t&e sp&ere o$ its i%eals an% tra%itional %eelop!ent, or
(&i#&, $or so!e reason or ot&er, !a" be re0e#te% b" t&at sp&ere+
T&ere$ore Protestantis! (ill al(a"s ta,e its part in pro!oting Aer!an i%eals as $ar as #on#erns !oral integrit" or national
e%*#ation, (&en t&e Aer!an spirit*al being or lang*age or spirit*al $ree%o! are to be %e$en%e%4 be#a*se t&ese represent
t&e prin#iples on (&i#& Protestantis! itsel$ is gro*n%e%+ 8*t t&is sa!e Protestantis! iolentl" opposes eer" atte!pt to
res#*e t&e nation $ro! t&e #l*t#&es o$ its !ortal ene!"C be#a*se t&e Protestant attit*%e to(ar%s t&e -e(s is !ore or less
rigi%l" an% %og!ati#all" $i5e%+ An% "et t&is is t&e $irst proble! (&i#& &as to be sole%, *nless all atte!pts to bring abo*t a
Aer!an res*rgen#e or to raise t&e leel o$ t&e nations stan%ing are %oo!e% to t*rn o*t nonsensi#al an% i!possible+
=*ring !" so0o*rn in Bienna I &a% a!ple leis*re an% opport*nit" to st*%" t&is proble! (it&o*t allo(ing an" pre0*%i#es to
intereneC an% in !" %ail" inter#o*rse (it& people I (as able to establis& t&e #orre#tness o$ t&e opinion I $or!e% b" t&e test
o$ t&o*san%s o$ instan#es+
In t&is $o#*s (&ere t&e greatest arieties o$ nationalit" &a% #onerge% it (as /*ite #lear an% open to eer"bo%" to see t&at
t&e Aer!an pa#i$ist (as al(a"s an% e5#l*siel" t&e one (&o trie% to #onsi%er t&e interests o$ &is o(n nation ob0e#tiel"C
b*t "o* #o*l% neer $in% a -e( (&o too, a si!ilar attit*%e to(ar%s &is o(n ra#e+ F*rt&er!ore, I $o*n% t&at onl" t&e
Aer!an So#ialist is Minternational in t&e sense t&at &e $eels &i!sel$ oblige% not to %e!an% 0*sti#e $or &is o(n people in
an" ot&er !anner t&an b" (&ining an% (ailing to &is international #o!ra%es+ .obo%" #o*l% eer reproa#& C>e#&s or Poles
or ot&er nations (it& s*#& #on%*#t+ In s&ort, een at t&at ti!e, alrea%" I re#ogni>e% t&at t&is eil is onl" partl" a res*lt o$
t&e %o#trines ta*g&t b" So#ialis!, Pa#i$is!, et#+, b*t !ainl" t&e res*lt o$ o*r totall" ina%e/*ate s"ste! o$ e%*#ation, t&e
%e$e#ts o$ (&i#& are responsible $or t&e la#, o$ %eotion to o*r o(n national i%eals+
T&ere$ore t&e $irst t&eoreti#al arg*!ent a%an#e% b" t&e Pan1Aer!an lea%ers as t&e basis o$ t&eir o$$ensie against
Cat&oli#is! (as /*ite entenable+
T&e onl" (a" to re!e%" t&e eil I &ae been spea,ing o$ is to train t&e Aer!ans $ro! "o*t& *p(ar%s to an absol*te
re#ognition o$ t&e rig&ts o$ t&eir o(n people, instea% o$ poisoning t&eir !in%s, (&ile t&e" are still onl" #&il%ren, (it& t&e
ir*s o$ t&is #*rbe% Mob0e#tiit", een in !atters #on#erning t&e er" !aintenan#e o$ o*r o(n e5isten#e+ T&e res*lt o$ t&is
(o*l% be t&at t&e Cat&oli# in Aer!an", 0*st as in Irelan%, Polan% or Fran#e, (ill be a Aer!an $irst an% $ore!ost+ 8*t all
t&is pres*pposes a ra%i#al #&ange in t&e national goern!ent+
T&e strongest proo$ in s*pport o$ !" #ontention is $*rnis&e% b" (&at too, pla#e at t&at &istori#al 0*n#t*re (&en o*r people
(ere #alle% $or t&e last ti!e be$ore t&e trib*nal o$ Histor" to %e$en% t&eir o(n e5isten#e, in a li$e1or1%eat& str*ggle+
As long as t&ere (as no la#, o$ lea%ers&ip in t&e &ig&er #ir#les, t&e people $*l$ille% t&eir %*t" an% obligations to an
oer(&el!ing e5tent+ 3&et&er Protestant pastor or Cat&oli# priest, ea#& %i% &is er" *t!ost in &elping o*r po(ers o$
resistan#e to &ol% o*t, not onl" in t&e tren#&es b*t also, an% een !ore so, at &o!e+ =*ring t&ose "ears, an% espe#iall"
%*ring t&e $irst o*tb*rst o$ ent&*sias!, in bot& religio*s #a!ps t&ere (as one *n%ii%e% an% sa#re% Aer!an E!pire $or
(&ose preseration an% $*t*re e5isten#e t&e" all pra"e% to Heaen+
T&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent in A*stria o*g&t to &ae as,e% itsel$ t&is one /*estion4 Is t&e !aintenan#e o$ t&e Aer!an
ele!ent in A*stria possible or not, as long as t&at ele!ent re!ains (it&in t&e $ol% o$ t&e Cat&oli# Fait&@ I$ t&at /*estion
s&o*l% &ae been ans(ere% in t&e a$$ir!atie, t&en t&e politi#al Part" s&o*l% not &ae !e%%le% in religio*s an%
%eno!inational /*estions+ 8*t i$ t&e /*estion &a% to be ans(ere% in t&e negatie, t&en a religio*s re$or!ation s&o*l% &ae
been starte% an% not a politi#al part" !oe!ent+
An"one (&o beliees t&at a religio*s re$or!ation #an be a#&iee% t&ro*g& t&e agen#" o$ a politi#al organi>ation s&o(s
t&at &e &as no i%ea o$ t&e %eelop!ent o$ religio*s #on#eptions an% %o#trines o$ $ait& an% &o( t&ese are gien pra#ti#al
e$$e#t b" t&e C&*r#&+
.o !an #an sere t(o !asters+ An% I &ol% t&at t&e $o*n%ation or oert&ro( o$ a religion &as $ar greater #onse/*en#es
t&an t&e $o*n%ation or oert&ro( o$ a State, to sa" not&ing o$ a Part"+
It is no arg*!ent to t&e #ontrar" to sa" t&at t&e atta#,s (ere onl" %e$ensie !eas*res against atta#,s $ro! t&e ot&er si%e+
Un%o*bte%l" t&ere &ae al(a"s been *ns#r*p*lo*s rog*es (&o %i% not &esitate to %egra%e religion to t&e base *ses o$
politi#s+ .earl" al(a"s s*#& a people &a% not&ing else in t&eir !in%s e5#ept to !a,e a b*siness o$ religions an% politi#s+
8*t on t&e ot&er &an% it (o*l% be (rong to &ol% religion itsel$, or a religio*s %eno!ination, responsible $or a n*!ber o$
ras#als (&o e5ploit t&e C&*r#& $or t&eir o(n base interests 0*st as t&e" (o*l% e5ploit an"t&ing else in (&i#& t&e" &a% a
.ot&ing #o*l% be !ore to t&e taste o$ one o$ t&ese parlia!entar" lo*ngers an% tri#,sters t&an to be able to $in% a s#apegoat
$or &is politi#al s&arp1pra#ti#e 1 a$ter t&e eent, o$ #o*rse+ T&e !o!ent religion or a religio*s %eno!ination is atta#,e%
an% !a%e responsible $or &is personal !is%ee%s t&is s&re(% $ello( (ill raise a ro( at on#e an% #all t&e (orl% to (itness
&o( 0*sti$ie% &e (as in a#ting as &e %i%, pro#lai!ing t&at &e an% &is elo/*en#e alone &ae sae% religion an% t&e C&*r#&+
T&e p*bli#, (&i#& is !ostl" st*pi% an% &as a er" s&ort !e!or", is not #apable o$ re#ogni>ing t&e real instigator o$ t&e
/*arrel in t&e !i%st o$ t&e t*r!oil t&at &as been raise%+ Fre/*entl" it %oes not re!e!ber t&e beginning o$ t&e $ig&t an% so
t&e rog*e gets b" (it& &is st*nt+
A #*nning $ello( o$ t&at sort is /*ite (ell a(are t&at &is !is%ee%s &ae not&ing to %o (it& religion+ An% so &e (ill la*g&
*p &is sleee all t&e !ore &eartil" (&en &is &onest b*t artless a%ersar" loses t&e ga!e an%, one %a" losing all $ait& in
&*!anit", retires $ro! t&e a#tiities o$ p*bli# li$e+
8*t $ro! anot&er ie(point also it (o*l% be (rong to !a,e religion, or t&e C&*r#& as s*#&, responsible $or t&e !is%ee%s
o$ in%ii%*als+ I$ one #o!pares t&e !agnit*%e o$ t&e organi>ation, as it stan%s isible to eer" e"e, (it& t&e aerage
(ea,ness o$ &*!an nat*re (e s&all &ae to a%!it t&at t&e proportion o$ goo% to ba% is !ore $ao*rable &ere t&an
an"(&ere else+ A!ong t&e priests t&ere !a", o$ #o*rse, be so!e (&o *se t&eir sa#re% #alling to $*rt&er t&eir politi#al
a!bitions+ T&ere are #lerg" (&o *n$ort*natel" $orget t&at in t&e politi#al !VlQe t&e" o*g&t to be t&e pala%ins o$ t&e !ore
s*bli!e tr*t&s an% not t&e abettors o$ $alse&oo% an% slan%er+ 8*t $or ea#& one o$ t&ese *n(ort&" spe#i!ens (e #an $in% a
t&o*san% or !ore (&o $*l$il t&eir !ission nobl" as t&e tr*st(ort&" g*ar%ians o$ so*ls an% (&o to(er aboe t&e leel o$ o*r
#orr*pt epo#&, as little islan%s aboe t&e seas(a!p+
I #annot #on%e!n t&e C&*r#& as s*#&, an% I s&o*l% $eel /*ite as little 0*sti$ie% in %oing so i$ so!e %eprae% person in t&e
robe o$ a priest #o!!its so!e o$$en#e against t&e !oral la(+ .or s&o*l% I $or a !o!ent t&in, o$ bla!ing t&e C&*r#& i$
one o$ its inn*!erable !e!bers betra"s an% bes!ir#&es &is #o!patriots, espe#iall" not in epo#&s (&en s*#& #on%*#t is
/*ite #o!!on+ 3e !*st not $orget, parti#*larl" in o*r %a", t&at $or one s*#& Ep&ialtes :G t&ere are a t&o*san% (&ose
&earts blee% in s"!pat&" (it& t&eir people %*ring t&ese "ears o$ !is$ort*ne an% (&o, toget&er (it& t&e best o$ o*r nation,
"earn $or t&e &o*r (&en $ort*ne (ill s!ile on *s again+
I$ it be ob0e#te% t&at &ere (e are #on#erne% not (it& t&e pett" proble!s o$ eer"%a" li$e b*t prin#ipall" (it& $*n%a!ental
tr*t&s an% /*estions o$ %og!a, t&e onl" (a" o$ ans(ering t&at ob0e#tion is to as, a /*estion4
=o "o* $eel t&at Proi%en#e &as #alle% "o* to pro#lai! t&e Tr*t& to t&e (orl%@ I$ so, t&en go an% %o it+ 8*t "o* o*g&t to
&ae t&e #o*rage to %o it %ire#tl" an% not *se so!e politi#al part" as "o*r !o*t&pie#eC $or in t&is (a" "o* s&ir, "o*r
o#ation+ In t&e pla#e o$ so!et&ing t&at no( e5ists an% is ba% p*t so!et&ing else t&at is better an% (ill last into t&e $*t*re+
I$ "o* la#, t&e re/*isite #o*rage or i$ "o* "o*rsel$ %o not ,no( #learl" (&at "o*r better s*bstit*te o*g&t to be, leae t&e
(&ole t&ing alone+ 8*t, (&ateer &appens, %o not tr" to rea#& t&e goal b" t&e ro*n%abo*t (a" o$ a politi#al part" i$ "o* are
not brae eno*g& to $ig&t (it& "o*r isor li$te%+
Politi#al parties &ae no rig&t to !e%%le in religio*s /*estions e5#ept (&en t&ese relate to so!et&ing t&at is alien to t&e
national (ell1being an% t&*s #al#*late% to *n%er!ine ra#ial #*sto!s an% !orals+
I$ so!e e##lesiasti#al %ignitaries s&o*l% !is*se religio*s #ere!onies or religio*s tea#&ing to in0*re t&eir o(n nation t&eir
opponents o*g&t neer to ta,e t&e sa!e roa% an% $ig&t t&e! (it& t&e sa!e (eapons+
To a politi#al lea%er t&e religio*s tea#&ings an% pra#ti#es o$ &is people s&o*l% be sa#re% an% iniolable+ Ot&er(ise &e
s&o*l% not be a states!an b*t a re$or!er, i$ &e &as t&e ne#essar" /*alities $or s*#& a !ission+
An" ot&er line o$ #on%*#t (ill lea% to %isaster, espe#iall" in Aer!an"+
In st*%"ing t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent an% its #on$li#t (it& Ro!e I (as t&en $ir!l" pers*a%e%, an% espe#iall" in t&e
#o*rse o$ later "ears, t&at b" t&eir $ail*re to *n%erstan% t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e so#ial proble! t&e Pan1Aer!anists lost t&e
s*pport o$ t&e broa% !asses, (&o are t&e in%ispensable #o!batants in s*#& a !oe!ent+ 8" entering Parlia!ent t&e Pan1
Aer!an lea%ers %eprie% t&e!seles o$ t&e great %riing $or#e (&i#& resi%es in t&e !asses an% at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" lai%
on t&eir o(n s&o*l%ers all t&e %e$e#ts o$ t&e parlia!entar" instit*tion+ T&eir str*ggle against t&e C&*r#& !a%e t&eir
position i!possible in n*!ero*s #ir#les o$ t&e lo(er an% !i%%le #lass, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e it robbe% t&e! o$
inn*!erable &ig&1#lass ele!ents 1 so!e o$ t&e best in%ee% t&at t&e nation possesse%+ T&e pra#ti#al o*t#o!e o$ t&e
A*strian ;*lt*r,a!p$ (as negatie+
Alt&o*g& t&e" s*##ee%e% in (inning 177,777 !e!bers a(a" $ro! t&e C&*r#&, t&at %i% not %o !*#& &ar! to t&e latter+
T&e C&*r#& %i% not reall" nee% to s&e% an" tears oer t&ese lost s&eep, $or it lost onl" t&ose (&o &a% $or a long ti!e #ease%
to belong to it in t&eir inner &earts+ T&e %i$$eren#e bet(een t&is ne( re$or!ation an% t&e great Re$or!ation (as t&at in t&e
&istori# epo#& o$ t&e great Re$or!ation so!e o$ t&e best !e!bers le$t t&e C&*r#& be#a*se o$ religio*s #oni#tions,
(&ereas in t&is ne( re$or!ation onl" t&ose le$t (&o &a% been in%i$$erent be$ore an% (&o (ere no( in$l*en#e% b" politi#al
#onsi%erations+ Fro! t&e politi#al point o$ ie( alone t&e res*lt (as as ri%i#*lo*s as it (as %eplorable+
On#e again a politi#al !oe!ent (&i#& &a% pro!ise% so !*#& $or t&e Aer!an nation #ollapse%, be#a*se it (as not
#on%*#te% in a spirit o$ *n$lin#&ing a%&eren#e to na,e% realit", b*t lost itsel$ in $iel%s (&ere it (as bo*n% to get bro,en *p+
T&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent (o*l% neer &ae !a%e t&is !ista,e i$ it &a% properl" *n%erstoo% t&e ps"#&e o$ t&e broa%
!asses+ I$ t&e lea%ers &a% ,no(n t&at, $or ps"#&ologi#al reasons alone, it is not e5pe%ient to pla#e t(o or !ore sets o$
a%ersaries be$ore t&e !asses 1 sin#e t&at lea%s to a #o!plete splitting *p o$ t&eir $ig&ting strengt& 1 t&e" (o*l% &ae
#on#entrate% t&e $*ll an% *n%ii%e% $or#e o$ t&eir atta#, against a single a%ersar"+ .ot&ing in t&e poli#" o$ a politi#al
part" is so $ra*g&t (it& %anger as to allo( its %e#isions to be %ire#te% b" people (&o (ant to &ae t&eir $ingers in eer" pie
t&o*g& t&e" %o not ,no( &o( to #oo, t&e si!plest %is&+
8*t een t&o*g& t&ere is !*#& t&at #an reall" be sai% against t&e ario*s religio*s %eno!inations, politi#al lea%ers !*st
not $orget t&at t&e e5perien#e o$ &istor" tea#&es *s t&at no p*rel" politi#al part" in si!ilar #ir#*!stan#es eer s*##ee%e% in
bringing abo*t a religio*s re$or!ation+ One %oes not st*%" &istor" $or t&e p*rpose o$ $orgetting or !istr*sting its lessons
a$ter(ar%s, (&en t&e ti!e #o!es to appl" t&ese lessons in pra#ti#e+ It (o*l% be a !ista,e to beliee t&at in t&is parti#*lar
#ase t&ings (ere %i$$erent, so t&at t&e eternal tr*t&s o$ &istor" (ere no longer appli#able+ One learns &istor" in or%er to be
able to appl" its lessons to t&e present ti!e an% (&oeer $ails to %o t&is #annot preten% to be a politi#al lea%er+ In realit" &e
is /*ite a s*per$i#ial person or, as is !ostl" t&e #ase, a #on#eite% si!pleton (&ose goo% intentions #annot !a,e *p $or &is
in#o!peten#e in pra#ti#al a$$airs+
T&e art o$ lea%ers&ip, as %ispla"e% b" reall" great pop*lar lea%ers in all ages, #onsists in #onsoli%ating t&e attention o$ t&e
people against a single a%ersar" an% ta,ing #are t&at not&ing (ill split *p t&at attention into se#tions+ T&e !ore t&e
!ilitant energies o$ t&e people are %ire#te% to(ar%s one ob0e#tie t&e !ore (ill ne( re#r*its 0oin t&e !oe!ent, attra#te%
b" t&e !agnetis! o$ its *ni$ie% a#tion, an% t&*s t&e stri,ing po(er (ill be all t&e !ore en&an#e%+ T&e lea%er o$ geni*s
!*st &ae t&e abilit" to !a,e %i$$erent opponents appear as i$ t&e" belonge% to t&e one #ategor"C $or (ea, an% (aering
nat*res a!ong a lea%ers $ollo(ing !a" easil" begin to be %*bio*s abo*t t&e 0*sti#e o$ t&eir o(n #a*se i$ t&e" &ae to $a#e
%i$$erent ene!ies+
As soon as t&e a#illating !asses $in% t&e!seles $a#ing an opposition t&at is !a%e *p o$ %i$$erent gro*ps o$ ene!ies t&eir
sense o$ ob0e#tiit" (ill be aro*se% an% t&e" (ill as, &o( is it t&at all t&e ot&ers #an be in t&e (rong an% t&e" t&e!seles,
an% t&eir !oe!ent, alone in t&e rig&t+
S*#& a $eeling (o*l% be t&e $irst step to(ar%s a paral"sis o$ t&eir $ig&ting igo*r+ 3&ere t&ere are ario*s ene!ies (&o are
split *p into %iergent gro*ps it (ill be ne#essar" to blo#, t&e! all toget&er as $or!ing one soli% $ront, so t&at t&e !ass o$
$ollo(ers in a pop*lar !oe!ent !a" see onl" one #o!!on ene!" against (&o! t&e" &ae to $ig&t+ S*#& *ni$or!it"
intensi$ies t&eir belie$ in t&e 0*sti#e o$ t&eir o(n #a*se an% strengt&ens t&eir $eeling o$ &ostilit" to(ar%s t&e opponent+
T&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent (as *ns*##ess$*l be#a*se t&e lea%ers %i% not grasp t&e signi$i#an#e o$ t&at tr*t&+ T&e" sa(
t&e goal #learl" an% t&eir intentions (ere rig&tC b*t t&e" too, t&e (rong roa%+ T&eir a#tion !a" be #o!pare% to t&at o$ an
Alpine #li!ber (&o neer loses sig&t o$ t&e pea, &e (ants to rea#&, (&o &as set o*t (it& t&e greatest %eter!ination an%
energ", b*t pa"s no attention to t&e roa% beneat& &is $eet+ 3it& &is e"e al(a"s $i5e% $ir!l" on t&e goal &e %oes not t&in,
oer or noti#e t&e nat*re o$ t&e as#ent an% $inall" &e $ails+
T&e !anner in (&i#& t&e great rial o$ t&e Pan1Aer!an Part" set o*t to attain its goal (as /*ite %i$$erent+ T&e (a" it too,
(as (ell an% s&re(%l" #&osenC b*t it %i% not &ae a #lear ision o$ t&e goal+ In al!ost all t&e /*estions (&ere t&e Pan1
Aer!an )oe!ent $aile%, t&e poli#" o$ t&e C&ristian1So#ialist Part" (as #orre#t an% s"ste!ati#+
T&e" assesse% t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e !asses #orre#tl", an% t&*s t&e" gaine% t&e s*pport o$ large n*!bers o$ t&e pop*lar
!asses b" e!p&asi>ing t&e so#ial #&ara#ter o$ t&e )oe!ent $ro! t&e er" start+ 8" %ire#ting t&eir appeal espe#iall" to t&e
lo(er !i%%le #lass an% t&e artisans, t&e" gaine% a%&erents (&o (ere $ait&$*l, perseering an% sel$1sa#ri$i#ing+ T&e
C&ristian1So#ialist lea%ers too, #are to aoi% all #ontroers" (it& t&e instit*tions o$ religion an% t&*s t&e" se#*re% t&e
s*pport o$ t&at !ig&t" organi>ation, t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#&+ T&ose lea%ers re#ogni>e% t&e al*e o$ propagan%a on a large
s#ale an% t&e" (ere eritable irt*osos in (or,ing *p t&e spirit*al instin#ts o$ t&e broa% !asses o$ t&eir a%&erents+
T&e $ail*re o$ t&is Part" to #arr" into e$$e#t t&e %rea! o$ saing A*stria $ro! %issol*tion !*st be attrib*te% to t(o !ain
%e$e#ts in t&e !eans t&e" e!plo"e% an% also t&e la#, o$ a #lear per#eption o$ t&e en%s t&e" (is&e% to rea#&+
T&e anti1Se!itis! o$ t&e C&ristian1So#ialists (as base% on religio*s instea% o$ ra#ial prin#iples+ T&e reason $or t&is
!ista,e gae rise to t&e se#on% error also+
T&e $o*n%ers o$ t&e C&ristian1So#ialist Part" (ere o$ t&e opinion t&at t&e" #o*l% not base t&eir position on t&e ra#ial
prin#iple i$ t&e" (is&e% to sae A*stria, be#a*se t&e" $elt t&at a general %isintegration o$ t&e State !ig&t /*i#,l" res*lt
$ro! t&e a%option o$ s*#& a poli#"+ In t&e opinion o$ t&e Part" #&ie$s t&e sit*ation in Bienna %e!an%e% t&at all $a#tors
(&i#& ten%e% to estrange t&e nationalities $ro! one anot&er s&o*l% be #are$*ll" aoi%e% an% t&at all $a#tors !a,ing $or
*nit" s&o*l% be en#o*rage%+
At t&at ti!e Bienna (as so &one"#o!be% (it& $oreign ele!ents, espe#iall" t&e C>e#&s, t&at t&e greatest a!o*nt o$
toleran#e (as ne#essar" i$ t&ese ele!ents (ere to be enliste% in t&e ran,s o$ an" part" t&at (as not anti1Aer!an on
prin#iple+ I$ A*stria (as to be sae% t&ose ele!ents (ere in%ispensable+ An% so atte!pts (ere !a%e to (in t&e s*pport o$
t&e s!all tra%ers, a great n*!ber o$ (&o! (ere C>e#&s, b" #o!bating t&e liberalis! o$ t&e )an#&ester S#&oolC an% t&e"
beliee% t&at b" a%opting t&is attit*%e t&e" &a% $o*n% a slogan against -e(r" (&i#&, be#a*se o$ its religio*s i!pli#ations,
(o*l% *nite all t&e %i$$erent nationalities (&i#& !a%e *p t&e pop*lation o$ t&e ol% A*stria+
It (as obio*s, &o(eer, t&at t&is ,in% o$ anti1Se!itis! %i% not *pset t&e -e(s er" !*#&, si!pl" be#a*se it &a% a p*rel"
religio*s $o*n%ation+ I$ t&e (orst #a!e to t&e (orst a $e( %rops o$ baptis!al (ater (o*l% settle t&e !atter, &ere*pon t&e
-e( #o*l% still #arr" on &is b*siness sa$el" an% at t&e sa!e ti!e retain &is -e(is& nationalit"+
On s*#& s*per$i#ial gro*n%s it (as i!possible to %eal (it& t&e (&ole proble! in an earnest an% rational (a"+ T&e
#onse/*en#e (as t&at !an" people #o*l% not *n%erstan% t&is ,in% o$ anti1Se!itis! an% t&ere$ore re$*se% to ta,e part in it+
T&e attra#tie $or#e o$ t&e i%ea (as t&*s restri#te% e5#l*siel" to narro(1!in%e% #ir#les, be#a*se t&e lea%ers $aile% to go
be"on% t&e !ere e!otional appeal an% %i% not gro*n% t&eir position on a tr*l" rational basis+ T&e intelle#t*als (ere
oppose% to s*#& a poli#" on prin#iple+ It loo,e% !ore an% !ore as i$ t&e (&ole !oe!ent (as a ne( atte!pt to prosel"ti>e
t&e -e(s, or, on t&e ot&er &an%, as i$ it (ere !erel" organi>e% $ro! t&e (is& to #o!pete (it& ot&er #onte!porar"
!oe!ents+ T&*s t&e str*ggle lost all tra#es o$ &aing been organi>e% $or a spirit*al an% s*bli!e !ission+ In%ee%, it
see!e% to so!e people 1 an% t&ese (ere b" no !eans (ort&less ele!ents 1 to be i!!oral an% repre&ensible+ T&e
!oe!ent $aile% to a(a,en a belie$ t&at &ere t&ere (as a proble! o$ ital i!portan#e $or t&e (&ole o$ &*!anit" an% on
t&e sol*tion o$ (&i#& t&e %estin" o$ t&e (&ole Aentile (orl% %epen%e%+
T&ro*g& t&is s&ill"1s&all" (a" o$ %ealing (it& t&e proble! t&e anti1Se!itis! o$ t&e C&ristian1So#ialists t*rne% o*t to be
/*ite ine$$e#tie+
It (as anti1Se!iti# onl" in o*t(ar% appearan#e+ An% t&is (as (orse t&an i$ it &a% !a%e no preten#es at all to anti1
Se!itis!C $or t&e preten#e gae rise to a $alse sense o$ se#*rit" a!ong people (&o beliee% t&at t&e ene!" &a% been ta,en
b" t&e earsC b*t, as a !atter o$ $a#t, t&e people t&e!seles (ere being le% b" t&e nose+
T&e -e( rea%il" a%0*ste% &i!sel$ to t&is $or! o$ anti1Se!itis! an% $o*n% its #ontin*an#e !ore pro$itable to &i! t&an its
abolition (o*l% be+
T&is (&ole !oe!ent le% to great sa#ri$i#es being !a%e $or t&e sa,e o$ t&at State (&i#& (as #o!pose% o$ !an"
&eterogeneo*s nationalitiesC b*t !*#& greater sa#ri$i#es &a% to be !a%e b" t&e tr*stees o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent+
One %i% not %are to be Mnationalist, een in Bienna, lest t&e gro*n% s&o*l% $all a(a" $ro! *n%er ones $eet+ It (as &ope%
t&at t&e Habsb*rg State !ig&t be sae% b" a silent easion o$ t&e nationalist /*estionC b*t t&is poli#" le% t&at State to r*in+
T&e sa!e poli#" also le% to t&e #ollapse o$ C&ristian So#ialis!, $or t&*s t&e )oe!ent (as %eprie% o$ t&e onl" so*r#e o$
energ" $ro! (&i#& a politi#al part" #an %ra( t&e ne#essar" %riing $or#e+
=*ring t&ose "ears I #are$*ll" $ollo(e% t&e t(o !oe!ents an% obsere% &o( t&e" %eelope%, one be#a*se !" &eart (as
(it& it an% t&e ot&er be#a*se o$ !" a%!iration $or t&at re!ar,able !an (&o t&en appeare% to !e as a bitter s"!bol o$ t&e
(&ole Aer!an pop*lation in A*stria+
3&en t&e i!posing $*neral #ortUge o$ t&e %ea% 8*rgo!aster (o*n% its (a" $ro! t&e Cit" Hall to(ar%s t&e Ring Strasse I
stoo% a!ong t&e &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s (&o (at#&e% t&e sole!n pro#ession pass b"+ As I stoo% t&ere I $elt %eepl" !oe%,
an% !" instin#t #learl" tol% !e t&at t&e (or, o$ t&is !an (as all in ain, be#a*se a sinister Fate (as ine5orabl" lea%ing
t&is State to its %o(n$all+ I$ =r+ ;arl '*eger &a% lie% in Aer!an" &e (o*l% &ae been ran,e% a!ong t&e great lea%ers o$
o*r people+ It (as a !is$ort*ne $or &is (or, an% $or &i!sei$ t&at &e &a% to lie in t&is i!possible State+
3&en &e %ie% t&e $ire &a% alrea%" been en,in%le% in t&e 8al,ans an% (as sprea%ing !ont& b" !ont&+ Fate &a% been
!er#i$*l in sparing &i! t&e sig&t o$ (&at, een to t&e last, &e &a% &ope% to preent+
I en%eao*re% to anal"se t&e #a*se (&i#& ren%ere% one o$ t&ose !oe!ents $*tile an% (re#,e% t&e progress o$ t&e ot&er+
T&e res*lt o$ t&is inestigation (as t&e pro$o*n% #oni#tion t&at, apart $ro! t&e in&erent i!possibilit" o$ #onsoli%ating t&e
position o$ t&e State in t&e ol% A*stria, t&e t(o parties !a%e t&e $ollo(ing $atal !ista,e4
T&e Pan1Aer!an Part" (as per$e#tl" rig&t in its $*n%a!ental i%eas regar%ing t&e ai! o$ t&e )oe!ent, (&i#& (as to
bring abo*t a Aer!an restoration, b*t it (as *n$ort*nate in its #&oi#e o$ !eans+ It (as nationalist, b*t *n$ort*natel" it pai%
too little &ee% to t&e so#ial proble!, an% t&*s it $aile% to gain t&e s*pport o$ t&e !asses+ Its anti1-e(is& poli#", &o(eer,
(as gro*n%e% on a #orre#t per#eption o$ t&e signi$i#an#e o$ t&e ra#ial proble! an% not on religio*s prin#iples+ 8*t it (as
!ista,en in its assess!ent o$ $a#ts an% a%opte% t&e (rong ta#ti#s (&en it !a%e (ar against one o$ t&e religio*s
T&e C&ristian1So#ialist )oe!ent &a% onl" a ag*e #on#ept o$ a Aer!an reial as part o$ its ob0e#t, b*t it (as intelligent
an% $ort*nate in t&e #&oi#e o$ !eans to #arr" o*t its poli#" as a Part"+ T&e C&ristian1So#ialists graspe% t&e signi$i#an#e o$
t&e so#ial /*estionC b*t t&e" a%opte% t&e (rong prin#iples in t&eir str*ggle against -e(r", an% t&e" *tterl" $aile% to
appre#iate t&e al*e o$ t&e national i%ea as a so*r#e o$ politi#al energ"+
I$ t&e C&ristian1So#ialist Part", toget&er (it& its s&re(% 0*%g!ent in regar% to t&e (ort& o$ t&e pop*lar !asses, &a% onl"
0*%ge% rig&tl" also on t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e ra#ial proble! 1 (&i#& (as properl" graspe% b" t&e Pan1Aer!an )oe!ent 1
an% i$ t&is part" &a% been reall" nationalistC or i$ t&e Pan1Aer!an lea%ers, on t&e ot&er &an%, in a%%ition to t&eir #orre#t
0*%g!ent o$ t&e -e(is& proble! an% o$ t&e national i%ea, &a% a%opte% t&e pra#ti#al (is%o! o$ t&e C&ristian1So#ialist
Part", an% parti#*larl" t&eir attit*%e to(ar%s So#ialis! 1 t&en a !oe!ent (o*l% &ae %eelope% (&i#&, in !" opinion,
!ig&t at t&at ti!e &ae s*##ess$*ll" altere% t&e #o*rse o$ Aer!an %estin"+
I$ t&ings %i% not t*rn o*t t&*s, t&e $a*lt la" $or t&e !ost part in t&e in&erent nat*re o$ t&e A*strian State+
I %i% not $in% !" o(n #oni#tions *p&el% b" an" part" t&en in e5isten#e, an% so I #o*l% not bring !"sel$ to enlist as a
!e!ber in an" o$ t&e e5isting organi>ations or een len% a &an% in t&eir str*ggle+ Een at t&at ti!e all t&ose organi>ations
see!e% to !e to be alrea%" 0a%e% in t&eir energies an% (ere t&ere$ore in#apable o$ bringing abo*t a national reial o$ t&e
Aer!an people in a reall" pro$o*n% (a", not !erel" o*t(ar%l"+
)" inner aersion to t&e Habsb*rg State (as in#reasing %ail"+
T&e !ore I pai% spe#ial attention to /*estions o$ $oreign poli#", t&e !ore t&e #oni#tion gre( *pon !e t&at t&is p&anto!
State (o*l% s*rel" bring !is$ort*ne on t&e Aer!ans+ I reali>e% !ore an% !ore t&at t&e %estin" o$ t&e Aer!an nation
#o*l% not be %e#isiel" in$l*en#e% $ro! &ere b*t onl" in t&e Aer!an E!pire itsel$+ An% t&is (as tr*e not onl" in regar% to
general politi#al /*estions b*t also 1 an% in no less a %egree 1 in regar% to t&e (&ole sp&ere o$ #*lt*ral li$e+
Here, also, in all !atters a$$e#ting t&e national #*lt*re an% art, t&e A*strian State s&o(e% all t&e signs o$ senile
%e#repit*%e, or at least it (as #easing to be o$ an" #onse/*en#e to t&e Aer!an nation, as $ar as t&ese !atters (ere
#on#erne%+ T&is (as espe#iall" tr*e o$ its ar#&ite#t*re+ )o%ern ar#&ite#t*re #o*l% not pro%*#e an" great res*lts in A*stria
be#a*se, sin#e t&e b*il%ing o$ t&e Ring Strasse 1 at least in Bienna 1 ar#&ite#t*ral a#tiities &a% be#o!e insigni$i#ant (&en
#o!pare% (it& t&e progressie plans (&i#& (ere being t&o*g&t o*t in Aer!an"+
An% so I #a!e !ore an% !ore to lea% (&at !a" be #alle% a t(o$ol% e5isten#e+ Reason an% realit" $or#e% !e to #ontin*e
!" &ars& apprenti#es&ip in A*stria, t&o*g& I !*st no( sa" t&at t&is apprenti#es&ip t*rne% o*t $ort*nate in t&e en%+ 8*t
!" &eart (as else(&ere+
A $eeling o$ %is#ontent gre( *pon !e an% !a%e !e %epresse% t&e !ore I #a!e to reali>e t&e insi%e &ollo(ness o$ t&is
State an% t&e i!possibilit" o$ saing it $ro! #ollapse+ At t&e sa!e ti!e I $elt per$e#tl" #ertain t&at it (o*l% bring all ,in%s
o$ !is$ort*ne to t&e Aer!an people+
I (as #onin#e% t&at t&e Habsb*rg State (o*l% bal, an% &in%er eer" Aer!an (&o !ig&t s&o( signs o$ real greatness,
(&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e it (o*l% ai% an% abet eer" non1Aer!an a#tiit"+
T&is #onglo!erate spe#ta#le o$ &eterogeneo*s ra#es (&i#& t&e #apital o$ t&e =*al )onar#&" presente%, t&is !otle" o$
C>e#&s, Poles, H*ngarians, R*t&enians, Serbs an% Croats, et#+, an% al(a"s t&at ba#ill*s (&i#& is t&e solent o$ &*!an
so#iet", t&e -e(, &ere an% t&ere an% eer"(&ere 1 t&e (&ole spe#ta#le (as rep*gnant to !e+ T&e giganti# #it" see!e% to be
t&e in#arnation o$ !ongrel %eprait"+
T&e Aer!an lang*age, (&i#& I &a% spo,en $ro! t&e ti!e o$ !" bo"&oo%, (as t&e erna#*lar i%io! o$ 'o(er 8aaria+ I
neer $orgot t&at parti#*lar st"le o$ spee#&, an% I #o*l% neer learn t&e Biennese %iale#t+ T&e longer I lie% in t&at #it" t&e
stronger be#a!e !" &atre% $or t&e pro!is#*o*s s(ar! o$ $oreign peoples (&i#& &a% beg*n to batten on t&at ol% n*rser"
gro*n% o$ Aer!an #*lt*re+ T&e i%ea t&at t&is State #o*l% !aintain its $*rt&er e5isten#e $or an" #onsi%erable ti!e (as /*ite
A*stria (as t&en li,e a pie#e o$ an#ient !osai# in (&i#& t&e #o&esie #e!ent &a% %rie% *p an% be#o!e ol% an% $riable+ As
long as s*#& a (or, o$ art re!ains *nto*#&e% it !a" &ol% toget&er an% #ontin*e to e5istC b*t t&e !o!ent so!e blo( is
str*#, on it t&en it brea,s *p into t&o*san%s o$ $rag!ents+ T&ere$ore it (as no( onl" a /*estion o$ (&en t&e blo( (o*l%
8e#a*se !" &eart (as al(a"s (it& t&e Aer!an E!pire an% not (it& t&e A*strian )onar#&", t&e &o*r o$ A*strias
%issol*tion as a State appeare% to !e onl" as t&e $irst step to(ar%s t&e e!an#ipation o$ t&e Aer!an nation+
All t&ese #onsi%erations intensi$ie% !" "earning to %epart $or t&at #o*ntr" $or (&i#& !" &eart &a% been se#retl" longing
sin#e t&e %a"s o$ !" "o*t&+
I &ope% t&at one %a" I !ig&t be able to !a,e !" !ar, as an ar#&ite#t an% t&at I #o*l% %eote !" talents to t&e seri#e o$
!" #o*ntr" on a large or s!all s#ale, a##or%ing to t&e (ill o$ Fate+
A $inal reason (as t&at I longe% to be a!ong t&ose (&o lie% an% (or,e% in t&at lan% $ro! (&i#& t&e !oe!ent s&o*l% be
la*n#&e%, t&e ob0e#t o$ (&i#& (o*l% be t&e $*l$il!ent o$ (&at !" &eart &a% al(a"s longe% $or, na!el", t&e *nion o$ t&e
#o*ntr" in (&i#& I (as born (it& o*r #o!!on $at&erlan%, t&e Aer!an E!pire+
T&ere are !an" (&o !a" not *n%erstan% &o( s*#& a "earning #an be so strongC b*t I appeal espe#iall" to t(o gro*ps o$
people+ T&e $irst in#l*%es all t&ose (&o are still %enie% t&e &appiness I &ae spo,en o$, an% t&e se#on% e!bra#es t&ose (&o
on#e en0o"e% t&at &appiness b*t &a% it torn $ro! t&e! b" a &ars& $ate+ I t*rn to all t&ose (&o &ae been torn $ro! t&eir
!ot&erlan% an% (&o &ae to str*ggle $or t&e preseration o$ t&eir !ost sa#re% patri!on", t&eir natie lang*age, perse#*te%
an% &arrie% be#a*se o$ t&eir lo"alt" an% loe $or t&e &o!elan%, "earning sa%l" $or t&e &o*r (&en t&e" (ill be allo(e% to
ret*rn to t&e boso! o$ t&eir $at&ers &o*se&ol%+ To t&ese I a%%ress !" (or%s, an% I ,no( t&at t&e" (ill *n%erstan%+
Onl" &e (&o &as e5perien#e% in &is o(n inner li$e (&at it !eans to be Aer!an an% "et to be %enie% t&e rig&t o$ belonging
to &is $at&erlan% #an appre#iate t&e pro$o*n% nostalgia (&i#& t&at en$or#e% e5ile #a*ses+ It is a perpet*al &earta#&e, an%
t&ere is no pla#e $or 0o" an% #ontent!ent *ntil t&e %oors o$ paternal &o!e are t&ro(n open an% all t&ose t&ro*g& (&ose
eins ,in%re% bloo% is $lo(ing (ill $in% pea#e an% rest in t&eir #o!!on Rei#&+
Bienna (as a &ar% s#&ool $or !eC b*t it ta*g&t !e t&e !ost pro$o*n% lessons o$ !" li$e+ I (as s#ar#el" !ore t&an a bo"
(&en I #a!e to lie t&ere, an% (&en I le$t it I &a% gro(n to be a !an o$ a grae an% pensie nat*re+ In Bienna I a#/*ire%
t&e $o*n%ations o$ a 3eltans#&&a**ng in general an% %eelope% a $a#*lt" $or anal"sing politi#al /*estions in parti#*lar+
T&at 3eltans#&&a**ng an% t&e politi#al i%eas t&en $or!e% &ae neer been aban%one%, t&o*g& t&e" (ere e5pan%e% later
on in so!e %ire#tions+ It is onl" no( t&at I #an $*ll" appre#iate &o( al*able t&ose "ears o$ apprenti#es&ip (ere $or !e+
T&at is (&" I &ae gien a %etaile% a##o*nt o$ t&is perio%+ T&ere, in Bienna, star, realit" ta*g&t !e t&e tr*t&s t&at no(
$or! t&e $*n%a!ental prin#iples o$ t&e Part" (&i#& (it&in t&e #o*rse o$ $ie "ears &as gro(n $ro! !o%est beginnings to a
great !ass !oe!ent+ I %o not ,no( (&at !" attit*%e to(ar%s -e(r", So#ial1=e!o#ra#", or rat&er )ar5is! in general, to
t&e so#ial proble!, et#+, (o*l% be to1%a" i$ I &a% not a#/*ire% a sto#, o$ personal belie$s at s*#& an earl" age, b" %int o$
&ar% st*%" an% *n%er t&e %*ress o$ Fate+
For, alt&o*g& t&e !is$ort*nes o$ t&e Fat&erlan% !a" &ae sti!*late% t&o*san%s an% t&o*san%s to pon%er oer t&e inner
#a*ses o$ t&e #ollapse, t&at #o*l% not lea% to s*#& a t&oro*g& ,no(le%ge an% %eep insig&t as a !an !a" %eelop (&o &as
$o*g&t a &ar% str*ggle $or !an" "ears so t&at &e !ig&t be !aster o$ &is o(n $ate+
C&apter Fo*r
At last I #a!e to )*ni#&, in t&e spring o$ 1912+
T&e #it" itsel$ (as as $a!iliar to !e as i$ I &a% lie% $or "ears (it&in its (alls+
T&is (as be#a*se !" st*%ies in ar#&ite#t*re &a% been #onstantl" t*rning !" attention to t&e !etropolis o$ Aer!an art+
One !*st ,no( )*ni#& i$ one (o*l% ,no( Aer!an", an% it is i!possible to a#/*ire a ,no(le%ge o$ Aer!an art (it&o*t
seeing )*ni#&+
All t&ings #onsi%ere%, t&is pre1(ar so0o*rn (as b" $ar t&e &appiest an% !ost #ontente% ti!e o$ !" li$e+ )" earnings (ere
er" slen%erC b*t a$ter all I %i% not lie $or t&e sa,e o$ painting+ I painte% in or%er to get t&e bare ne#essities o$ e5isten#e
(&ile I #ontin*e% !" st*%ies+ I (as $ir!l" #onin#e% t&at I s&o*l% $inall" s*##ee% in rea#&ing t&e goal I &a% !ar,e% o*t
$or !"sel$+ An% t&is #oni#tion alone (as strong eno*g& to enable !e to bear t&e pett" &ar%s&ips o$ eer"%a" li$e (it&o*t
(orr"ing er" !*#& abo*t t&e!+
)oreoer, al!ost $ro! t&e er" $irst !o!ent o$ !" so0o*rn t&ere I #a!e to loe t&at #it" !ore t&an an" ot&er pla#e ,no(n
to !e+ A Aer!an #it"N I sai% to !"sel$+ Ho( %i$$erent to Bienna+ It (as (it& a $eeling o$ %isg*st t&at !" i!agination
reerte% to t&at 8ab"lon o$ ra#es+ Anot&er pleasant $eat*re &ere (as t&e (a" t&e people spo,e Aer!an, (&i#& (as !*#&
nearer !" o(n (a" o$ spea,ing t&an t&e Biennese i%io!+ T&e )*ni#& i%io! re#alle% t&e %a"s o$ !" "o*t&, espe#iall"
(&en I spo,e (it& t&ose (&o &a% #o!e to )*ni#& $ro! 'o(er 8aaria+ T&ere (ere a t&o*san% or !ore t&ings (&i#& I
in(ar%l" loe% or (&i#& I #a!e to loe %*ring t&e #o*rse o$ !" sta"+ 8*t (&at attra#te% !e !ost (as t&e !arello*s
(e%lo#, o$ natie $ol,1energ" (it& t&e $ine artisti# spirit o$ t&e #it", t&at *ni/*e &ar!on" $ro! t&e Ho$brI*&a*s to t&e
O%eon, $ro! t&e O#tober Festial to t&e Pina,ot&e,, et#+ T&e reason (&" !" &earts strings are ent(ine% aro*n% t&is #it"
as aro*n% no ot&er spot in t&is (orl% is probabl" be#a*se )*ni#& is an% (ill re!ain inseparabl" #onne#te% (it& t&e
%eelop!ent o$ !" o(n #areerC an% t&e $a#t t&at $ro! t&e beginning o$ !" isit I $elt in(ar%l" &app" an% #ontente% is to
be attrib*te% to t&e #&ar! o$ t&e !arello*s 3ittelsba#& Capital, (&i#& &as attra#te% probabl" eer"bo%" (&o is blesse%
(it& a $eeling $or bea*t" instea% o$ #o!!er#ial instin#ts+
Apart $ro! !" pro$essional (or,, I (as !ost intereste% in t&e st*%" o$ #*rrent politi#al eents, parti#*larl" t&ose (&i#&
(ere #onne#te% (it& $oreign relations+ I approa#&e% t&ese b" (a" o$ t&e Aer!an poli#" o$ allian#es (&i#&, eer sin#e !"
A*strian %a"s, I &a% #onsi%ere% to be an *tterl" !ista,en one+ 8*t in Bienna I &a% not "et seen /*ite #learl" &o( $ar t&e
Aer!an E!pire &a% gone in t&e pro#ess o$ sel$1%el*sion+ In Bienna I (as in#line% to ass*!e, or probabl" I pers*a%e%
!"sel$ to %o so in or%er to e5#*se t&e Aer!an !ista,e, t&at possibl" t&e a*t&orities in 8erlin ,ne( &o( (ea, an%
*nreliable t&eir all" (o*l% proe to be (&en bro*g&t $a#e to $a#e (it& realities, b*t t&at, $or !ore or less !"sterio*s
reasons, t&e" re$raine% $ro! allo(ing t&eir opinions on t&is point to be ,no(n in p*bli#+ T&eir i%ea (as t&at t&e" s&o*l%
s*pport t&e poli#" o$ allian#es (&i#& 8is!ar#, &a% initiate% an% t&e s*%%en %is#ontin*an#e o$ (&i#& !ig&t be
*n%esirable, i$ $or no ot&er reason t&an t&at it !ig&t aro*se t&ose $oreign #o*ntries (&i#& (ere l"ing in (ait $or t&eir
#&an#e or !ig&t alar! t&e P&ilistines at &o!e+
8*t !" #onta#t (it& t&e people soon ta*g&t !e, to !" &orror, t&at !" ass*!ptions (ere (rong+ I (as a!a>e% to $in%
eer"(&ere, een in #ir#les ot&er(ise (ell in$or!e%, t&at nobo%" &a% t&e slig&test inti!ation o$ t&e real #&ara#ter o$ t&e
Habsb*rg )onar#&"+ A!ong t&e #o!!on people in parti#*lar t&ere (as a prealent ill*sion t&at t&e A*strian all" (as a
Po(er (&i#& (o*l% &ae to be serio*sl" re#,one% (it& an% (o*l% rall" its !an1po(er in t&e &o*r o$ nee%+ T&e !ass o$ t&e
people #ontin*e% to loo, *pon t&e =*al )onar#&" as a MAer!an State an% beliee% t&at it #o*l% be relie% *pon+ T&e"
ass*!e% t&at its strengt& #o*l% be !eas*re% b" t&e !illions o$ its s*b0e#ts, as (as t&e #ase in Aer!an"+ First o$ all, t&e"
%i% not reali>e t&at A*stria &a% #ease% to be a Aer!an State an%, se#on%l", t&at t&e #on%itions preailing (it&in t&e
A*strian E!pire (ere stea%il" p*s&ing it &ea%long to t&e brin, o$ %isaster+
At t&at ti!e I ,ne( t&e #on%ition o$ a$$airs in t&e A*strian State better t&an t&e pro$essional %iplo!ats+ 8lin%$ol%e%, as
nearl" al(a"s, t&ese %iplo!ats st*!ble% along on t&eir (a" to %isaster+ T&e opinions preailing a!ong t&e b*l, o$ t&e
people re$le#te% onl" (&at &a% been %r*!!e% into t&e! $ro! o$$i#ial /*arters aboe+ An% t&ese &ig&er a*t&orities
groelle% be$ore t&e MAll", as t&e people o$ ol% bo(e% %o(n be$ore t&e Aol%en Cal$+ T&e" probabl" t&o*g&t t&at b" being
polite an% a!iable t&e" !ig&t balan#e t&e la#, o$ &onest" on t&e ot&er si%e+ T&*s t&e" too, eer" %e#laration at its $*ll
$a#e al*e+
Een (&ile in Bienna I *se% to be anno"e% again an% again b" t&e %is#repan#" bet(een t&e spee#&es o$ t&e o$$i#ial
states!en an% t&e #ontents o$ t&e Biennese Press+ An% "et Bienna (as still a Aer!an #it", at least as $ar as appearan#es
(ent+ 8*t one en#o*ntere% an *tterl" %i$$erent state o$ t&ings on leaing Bienna, or rat&er Aer!an1A*stria, an% #o!ing
into t&e Sla proin#es+ It nee%e% onl" a glan#e at t&e Prag*e ne(spapers in or%er to see &o( t&e (&ole e5alte% &o#*s1
po#*s o$ t&e Triple Allian#e (as 0*%ge% $ro! t&ere+ In Prag*e t&ere (as not&ing b*t gibes an% sneers $or t&at !asterpie#e
o$ states!ans&ip+ Een in t&e piping ti!es o$ pea#e, (&en t&e t(o e!perors ,isse% ea#& ot&er on t&e bro( in to,en o$
$rien%s&ip, t&ose papers %i% not #loa, t&eir belie$ t&at t&e allian#e (o*l% be li/*i%ate% t&e !o!ent a $irst atte!pt (as
!a%e to bring it %o(n $ro! t&e s&i!!ering glor" o$ a .ibel*ngen i%eal to t&e plane o$ pra#ti#al a$$airs+
Areat in%ignation (as aro*se% a $e( "ears later, (&en t&e allian#es (ere p*t to t&e $irst pra#ti#al test+ Ital" not onl"
(it&%re( $ro! t&e Triple Allian#e, leaing t&e ot&er t(o !e!bers to !ar#& b" t&e!seles+ b*t s&e een 0oine% t&eir
ene!ies+ T&at an"bo%" s&o*l% beliee een $or a !o!ent in t&e possibilit" o$ s*#& a !ira#le as t&at o$ Ital" $ig&ting on t&e
sa!e si%e as A*stria (o*l% be si!pl" in#re%ible to an"one (&o %i% not s*$$er $ro! t&e blin%ness o$ o$$i#ial %iplo!a#"+
An% t&at (as 0*st &o( people $elt in A*stria also+
In A*stria onl" t&e Habsb*rgs an% t&e Aer!an1A*strians s*pporte% t&e allian#e+ T&e Habsb*rgs %i% so $ro! s&re(%
#al#*lation o$ t&eir o(n interests an% $ro! ne#essit"+ T&e Aer!ans %i% it o*t o$ goo% $ait& an% politi#al ignoran#e+ T&e"
a#te% in goo% $ait& inas!*#& as t&e" beliee% t&at b" establis&ing t&e Triple Allian#e t&e" (ere %oing a great seri#e to
t&e Aer!an E!pire an% (ere t&*s &elping to strengt&en it an% #onsoli%ate its %e$en#e+ T&e" s&o(e% t&eir politi#al
ignoran#e, &o(eer, in &ol%ing s*#& i%eas, be#a*se, instea% o$ &elping t&e Aer!an E!pire t&e" reall" #&aine% it to a
!orib*n% State (&i#& !ig&t bring its asso#iate into t&e grae (it& itsel$C an%, aboe all, b" #&a!pioning t&is allian#e t&e"
$ell !ore an% !ore a pre" to t&e Habsb*rg poli#" o$ %e1Aer!ani>ation+ For t&e allian#e gae t&e Habsb*rgs goo% gro*n%s
$or belieing t&at t&e Aer!an E!pire (o*l% not inter$ere in t&eir %o!esti# a$$airs an% t&*s t&e" (ere in a position to #arr"
into e$$e#t, (it& !ore ease an% less ris,, t&eir %o!esti# poli#" o$ gra%*all" eli!inating t&e Aer!an ele!ent+ .ot onl"
#o*l% t&e Mob0e#tieness o$ t&e Aer!an Aoern!ent be #o*nte% *pon, an% t&*s t&ere nee% be no $ear o$ protest $ro! t&at
/*arter, b*t one #o*l% al(a"s re!in% t&e Aer!an1A*strians o$ t&e allian#e an% t&*s silen#e t&e! in #ase t&e" s&o*l% eer
ob0e#t to t&e repre&ensible !eans t&at (ere being e!plo"e% to establis& a Sla &ege!on" in t&e =*al )onar#&"+
3&at #o*l% t&e Aer!an1A*strians %o, (&en t&e people o$ t&e Aer!an E!pire itsel$ &a% openl" pro#lai!e% t&eir tr*st an%
#on$i%en#e in t&e Habsb*rg rQgi!e@
S&o*l% t&e" resist, an% t&*s be bran%e% openl" be$ore t&eir ,ins$ol, in t&e Rei#& as traitors to t&eir o(n national interests@
T&e", (&o $or so !an" %e#a%es &a% sa#ri$i#e% so !*#& $or t&e sa,e o$ t&eir Aer!an tra%itionN
On#e t&e in$l*en#e o$ t&e Aer!ans in A*stria &a% been (ipe% o*t, (&at t&en (o*l% be t&e al*e o$ t&e allian#e@ I$ t&e
Triple Allian#e (ere to be a%antageo*s to Aer!an", (as it not a ne#essar" #on%ition t&at t&e pre%o!inan#e o$ t&e
Aer!an ele!ent in A*stria s&o*l% be !aintaine%@ Or %i% an"one reall" beliee t&at Aer!an" #o*l% #ontin*e to be t&e all"
o$ a Habsb*rg E!pire *n%er t&e &ege!on" o$ t&e Slas@
T&e o$$i#ial attit*%e o$ Aer!an %iplo!a#", as (ell as t&at o$ t&e general p*bli# to(ar%s internal proble!s a$$e#ting t&e
A*strian nationalities (as not !erel" st*pi%, it (as insane+ On t&e allian#e, as on a soli% $o*n%ation, t&e" gro*n%e% t&e
se#*rit" an% $*t*re e5isten#e o$ a nation o$ seent" !illions, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" allo(e% t&eir partner to #ontin*e
&is poli#" o$ *n%er!ining t&e sole $o*n%ation o$ t&at allian#e !et&o%i#all" an% resol*tel", $ro! "ear to "ear+ A %a" !*st
#o!e (&en not&ing b*t a $or!al #ontra#t (it& Biennese %iplo!ats (o*l% be le$t+ T&e allian#e itsel$, as an e$$e#tie
s*pport, (o*l% be lost to Aer!an"+
As $ar as #on#erne% Ital", s*#& &a% been t&e #ase $ro! t&e o*tset+
I$ people in Aer!an" &a% st*%ie% &istor" an% t&e ps"#&olog" o$ nations a little !ore #are$*ll" not one o$ t&e! #o*l% &ae
beliee% $or a single &o*r t&at t&e P*irinal an% t&e Biennese Ho$b*rg #o*l% eer stan% s&o*l%er to s&o*l%er on a #o!!on
battle $ront+ Ital" (o*l% &ae e5plo%e% li,e a ol#ano i$ an" Italian goern!ent &a% %are% to sen% a single Italian sol%ier to
$ig&t $or t&e Habsb*rg State+ So $anati#all" &ate% (as t&is State t&at t&e Italians #o*l% stan% in no ot&er relation to it on a
battle $ront e5#ept as ene!ies+ )ore t&an on#e in Bienna I &ae (itnesse% e5plosions o$ t&e #onte!pt an% pro$o*n% &atre%
(&i#& Mallie% t&e Italian to t&e A*strian State+ T&e #ri!es (&i#& t&e Ho*se o$ Habsb*rg #o!!itte% against Italian
$ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e %*ring seeral #ent*ries (ere too grae to be $orgien, een (it& t&e best o$ goo%(ill+ 8*t t&is
goo%(ill %i% not e5ist, eit&er a!ong t&e ran, an% $ile o$ t&e pop*lation or in t&e goern!ent+ T&ere$ore $or Ital" t&ere
(ere onl" t(o (a"s o$ #o1e5isting (it& A*stria 1 allian#e or (ar+ 8" #&oosing t&e $irst it (as possible to prepare leis*rel"
$or t&e se#on%+
Espe#iall" sin#e relations bet(een R*ssia an% A*stria ten%e% !ore an% !ore to(ar%s t&e arbitra!ent o$ (ar, t&e Aer!an
poli#" o$ allian#es (as as senseless as it (as %angero*s+ Here (as a #lassi#al instan#e (&i#& %e!onstrate% t&e la#, o$ an"
broa% or logi#al lines o$ t&o*g&t+
8*t (&at (as t&e reason $or $or!ing t&e allian#e at all@ It #o*l% not &ae been ot&er t&an t&e (is& to se#*re t&e $*t*re o$
t&e Rei#& better t&an i$ it (ere to %epen% e5#l*siel" on its o(n reso*r#es+ 8*t t&e $*t*re o$ t&e Rei#& #o*l% not &ae
!eant an"t&ing else t&an t&e proble! o$ se#*ring t&e !eans o$ e5isten#e $or t&e Aer!an people+
T&e onl" /*estions t&ere$ore (ere t&e $ollo(ing4 3&at $or! s&all t&e li$e o$ t&e nation ass*!e in t&e near $*t*re 1 t&at is
to sa" (it&in s*#& a perio% as (e #an $ore#ast@ An% b" (&at !eans #an t&e ne#essar" $o*n%ation an% se#*rit" be
g*arantee% $or t&is %eelop!ent (it&in t&e $ra!e(or, o$ t&e general %istrib*tion o$ po(er a!ong t&e E*ropean nations@
A #lear anal"sis o$ t&e prin#iples on (&i#& t&e $oreign poli#" o$ Aer!an state#ra$t (ere to be base% s&o*l% &ae le% to t&e
$ollo(ing #on#l*sions4
T&e ann*al in#rease o$ pop*lation in Aer!an" a!o*nts to al!ost 977,777 so*ls+ T&e %i$$i#*lties o$ proi%ing $or t&is
ar!" o$ ne( #iti>ens !*st gro( $ro! "ear to "ear an% !*st $inall" lea% to a #atastrop&e, *nless (a"s an% !eans are $o*n%
(&i#& (ill $orestall t&e %anger o$ !iser" an% &*nger+ T&ere (ere $o*r (a"s o$ proi%ing against t&is terrible #ala!it"4
F1G It (as possible to a%opt t&e Fren#& e5a!ple an% arti$i#iall" restri#t t&e n*!ber o$ birt&s, t&*s aoi%ing an e5#ess o$
Un%er #ertain #ir#*!stan#es, in perio%s o$ %istress or *n%er ba% #li!ati# #on%ition, or i$ t&e soil "iel%s too poor a ret*rn,
.at*re &ersel$ ten%s to #&e#, t&e in#rease o$ pop*lation in so!e #o*ntries an% a!ong so!e ra#es, b*t b" a !et&o% (&i#&
is /*ite as r*t&less as it is (ise+ It %oes not i!pe%e t&e pro#reatie $a#*lt" as s*#&C b*t it %oes i!pe%e t&e $*rt&er e5isten#e
o$ t&e o$$spring b" s*b!itting it to s*#& tests an% priations t&at eer"t&ing (&i#& is less strong or less &ealt&" is $or#e% to
retreat into t&e boso! o$ tile *n,no(n+ 3&ateer s*ries t&ese &ar%s&ips o$ e5isten#e &as been teste% an% trie% a
t&o*san%$ol%, &ar%ene% an% ren%ers $it to #ontin*e t&e pro#ess o$ pro#reationC so t&at t&e sa!e t&oro*g& sele#tion (ill
begin all oer again+ 8" t&*s %ealing br*tall" (it& t&e in%ii%*al an% re#alling &i! t&e er" !o!ent &e s&o(s t&at &e is
not $itte% $or t&e trials o$ li$e, .at*re preseres t&e strengt& o$ t&e ra#e an% t&e spe#ies an% raises it to t&e &ig&est %egree o$
T&e %e#rease in n*!bers t&ere$ore i!plies an in#rease o$ strengt&, as $ar as t&e in%ii%*al is #on#erne%, an% t&is $inall"
!eans t&e inigoration o$ t&e spe#ies+
8*t t&e #ase is %i$$erent (&en !an &i!sel$ starts t&e pro#ess o$ n*!eri#al restri#tion+ )an is not #are% $ro! .at*res
(oo%+ He is !a%e o$ M&*!an !aterial+ He ,no(s !ore t&an t&e r*t&less P*een o$ 3is%o!+ He %oes not i!pe%e t&e
preseration o$ t&e in%ii%*al b*t preents pro#reation itsel$+ To t&e in%ii%*al, (&o al(a"s sees onl" &i!sel$ an% not t&e
ra#e, t&is line o$ a#tion see!s !ore &*!ane an% 0*st t&an t&e opposite (a"+ 8*t, *n$ort*natel", t&e #onse/*en#es are also
t&e opposite+
8" leaing t&e pro#ess o$ pro#reation *n#&e#,e% an% b" s*b!itting t&e in%ii%*al to t&e &ar%est preparator" tests in li$e,
.at*re sele#ts t&e best $ro! an ab*n%an#e o$ single ele!ents an% sta!ps t&e! as $it to lie an% #arr" on t&e #onseration
o$ t&e spe#ies+ 8*t !an restri#ts t&e pro#reatie $a#*lt" an% stries obstinatel" to ,eep alie at an" #ost (&ateer &as on#e
been born+ T&is #orre#tion o$ t&e =iine 3ill see!s to &i! to be (ise an% &*!ane, an% &e re0oi#es at &aing tr*!pe%
.at*res #ar% in one ga!e at least an% t&*s proe% t&at s&e is not entirel" reliable+ T&e %ear little ape o$ an all1!ig&t"
$at&er is %elig&te% to see an% &ear t&at &e &as s*##ee%e% in e$$e#ting a n*!eri#al restri#tionC b*t &e (o*l% be er"
%isplease% i$ tol% t&at t&is, &is s"ste!, brings abo*t a %egeneration in personal /*alit"+
For as soon as t&e pro#reatie $a#*lt" is t&(arte% an% t&e n*!ber o$ birt&s %i!inis&e%, t&e nat*ral str*ggle $or e5isten#e
(&i#& allo(s onl" &ealt&" an% strong in%ii%*als to s*rie is repla#e% b" a s&eer #ra>e to Msae $eeble an% een %isease%
#reat*res at an" #ost+ An% t&*s t&e see%s are so(n $or a &*!an progen" (&i#& (ill be#o!e !ore an% !ore !iserable $ro!
one generation to anot&er, as long as .at*res (ill is s#orne%+
8*t i$ t&at poli#" be #arrie% o*t t&e $inal res*lts !*st be t&at s*#& a nation (ill eent*all" ter!inate its o(n e5isten#e on
t&is eart&C $or t&o*g& !an !a" %e$" t&e eternal la(s o$ pro#reation %*ring a #ertain perio%, engean#e (ill $ollo( sooner
or later+ A stronger ra#e (ill o*st t&at (&i#& &as gro(n (ea,C $or t&e ital *rge, in its *lti!ate $or!, (ill b*rst as*n%er all
t&e abs*r% #&ains o$ t&is so1#alle% &*!ane #onsi%eration $or t&e in%ii%*al an% (ill repla#e it (it& t&e &*!anit" o$
.at*re, (&i#& (ipes o*t (&at is (ea, in or%er to gie pla#e to t&e strong+
An" poli#" (&i#& ai!s at se#*ring t&e e5isten#e o$ a nation b" restri#ting t&e birt&1rate robs t&at nation o$ its $*t*re+
F2G A se#on% sol*tion is t&at o$ internal #oloni>ation+ T&is is a proposal (&i#& is $re/*entl" !a%e in o*r o(n ti!e an% one
&ears it la*%e% a goo% %eal+ It is a s*ggestion t&at is (ell1!eant b*t it is !is*n%erstoo% b" !ost people, so t&at it is t&e
so*r#e o$ !ore !is#&ie$ t&an #an be i!agine%+
It is #ertainl" tr*e t&at t&e pro%*#tiit" o$ t&e soil #an be in#rease% (it&in #ertain li!itsC b*t onl" (it&in %e$ine% li!its an%
not in%e$initel"+ 8" in#reasing t&e pro%*#tie po(ers o$ t&e soil it (ill be possible to balan#e t&e e$$e#t o$ a s*rpl*s birt&1
rate in Aer!an" $or a #ertain perio% o$ ti!e, (it&o*t r*nning an" %anger o$ &*nger+ 8*t (e &ae to $a#e t&e $a#t t&at t&e
general stan%ar% o$ liing is rising !ore /*i#,l" t&an een t&e birt& rate+ T&e re/*ire!ents o$ $oo% an% #lot&ing are
be#o!ing greater $ro! "ear to "ear an% are o*t o$ proportion to t&ose o$ o*r an#estors o$, let *s sa", a &*n%re% "ears ago+ It
(o*l%, t&ere$ore, be a !ista,en ie( t&at eer" in#rease in t&e pro%*#tie po(ers o$ t&e soil (ill s*ppl" t&e re/*isite
#on%itions $or an in#rease in t&e pop*lation+ .o+ T&at is tr*e *p to a #ertain point onl", $or at least a portion o$ t&e
in#rease% pro%*#e o$ t&e soil (ill be #ons*!e% b" t&e !argin o$ in#rease% %e!an%s #a*se% b" t&e stea%" rise in t&e
stan%ar% o$ liing+ 8*t een i$ t&ese %e!an%s (ere to be #*rtaile% to t&e narro(est li!its possible an% i$ at t&e sa!e ti!e
(e (ere to *se all o*r aailable energies in t&e intenser #*ltiation, (e s&o*l% &ere rea#& a %e$inite li!it (&i#& is
#on%itione% b" t&e in&erent nat*re o$ t&e soil itsel$+ .o !atter &o( in%*strio*sl" (e !a" labo*r (e #annot in#rease
agri#*lt*ral pro%*#tion be"on% t&is li!it+ T&ere$ore, t&o*g& (e !a" postpone t&e eil &o*r o$ %istress $or a #ertain ti!e, it
(ill arrie at last+ T&e $irst p&eno!enon (ill be t&e re#*rren#e o$ $a!ine perio%s $ro! ti!e to ti!e, a$ter ba% &arests, et#+
T&e interals bet(een t&ese $a!ines (ill be#o!e s&orter an% s&orter t&e !ore t&e pop*lation in#reasesC an%, $inall", t&e
$a!ine ti!es (ill %isappear onl" in t&ose rare "ears o$ plent" (&en t&e granaries are $*ll+ An% a ti!e (ill *lti!atel" #o!e
(&en een in t&ose "ears o$ plent" t&ere (ill not be eno*g& to go ro*n%C so t&at &*nger (ill %og t&e $ootsteps o$ t&e
nation+ .at*re !*st no( step in on#e !ore an% sele#t t&ose (&o are to s*rie, or else !an (ill &elp &i!sel$ b" arti$i#iall"
preenting &is o(n in#rease, (it& all t&e $atal #onse/*en#es $or t&e ra#e an% t&e spe#ies (&i#& &ae been alrea%"
It !a" be ob0e#te% &ere t&at, in one $or! or anot&er, t&is $*t*re is in store $or all !an,in% an% t&at t&e in%ii%*al nation or
ra#e #annot es#ape t&e general $ate+
At $irst glan#e, t&at ob0e#tion see!s logi#al eno*g&C b*t (e &ae to ta,e t&e $ollo(ing into a##o*nt4
T&e %a" (ill #ertainl" #o!e (&en t&e (&ole o$ !an,in% (ill be $or#e% to #&e#, t&e a*g!entation o$ t&e &*!an spe#ies,
be#a*se t&ere (ill be no $*rt&er possibilit" o$ a%0*sting t&e pro%*#tiit" o$ t&e soil to t&e perpet*al in#rease in t&e
pop*lation+ .at*re !*st t&en be allo(e% to *se &er o(n !et&o%s or !an !a" possibl" ta,e t&e tas, o$ reg*lation into &is
o(n &an%s an% establis& t&e ne#essar" e/*ilibri*! b" t&e appli#ation o$ better !eans t&an (e &ae at o*r %isposal to1%a"+
8*t t&en it (ill be a proble! $or !an,in% as a (&ole, (&ereas no( onl" t&ose ra#es &ae to s*$$er $ro! (ant (&i#& no
longer &ae t&e strengt& an% %aring to a#/*ire s*$$i#ient soil to $*l$il t&eir nee%s+ For, as t&ings stan% to1%a", ast spa#es
still lie *n#*ltiate% all oer t&e s*r$a#e o$ t&e globe+ T&ose spa#es are onl" (aiting $or t&e plo*g&s&are+ An% it is /*ite
#ertain t&at .at*re %i% not set t&ose territories apart as t&e e5#l*sie past*res o$ an" one nation or ra#e to be &el%
*n*tili>e% in resere $or t&e $*t*re+ S*#& lan% a(aits t&e people (&o &ae t&e strengt& to a#/*ire it an% t&e %iligen#e to
#*ltiate it+
.at*re ,no(s no politi#al $rontiers+ S&e begins b" establis&ing li$e on t&is globe an% t&en (at#&es t&e $ree pla" o$ $or#es+
T&ose (&o s&o( t&e greatest #o*rage an% in%*str" are t&e #&il%ren nearest to &er &eart an% t&e" (ill be grante% t&e
soereign rig&t o$ e5isten#e+
I$ a nation #on$ines itsel$ to Minternal #oloni>ation (&ile ot&er ra#es are perpet*all" in#reasing t&eir territorial
anne5ations all oer t&e globe, t&at nation (ill be $or#e% to restri#t t&e n*!eri#al gro(t& o$ its pop*lation at a ti!e (&en
t&e ot&er nations are in#reasing t&eirs+ T&is sit*ation !*st eent*all" arrie+ It (ill arrie soon i$ t&e territor" (&i#& t&e
nation &as at its %isposal be s!all+ .o( it is *n$ort*natel" tr*e t&at onl" too o$ten t&e best nations 1 or, to spea, !ore
e5a#tl", t&e onl" reall" #*lt*re% nations, (&o at t&e sa!e ti!e are t&e #&ie$ bearers o$ &*!an progress 1 &ae %e#i%e%, in
t&eir blin% pa#i$is!, to re$rain $ro! t&e a#/*isition o$ ne( territor" an% to be #ontent (it& Minternal #oloni>ation+ 8*t at
t&e sa!e ti!e nations o$ in$erior /*alit" s*##ee% in getting &ol% o$ large spa#es $or #oloni>ation all oer t&e globe+ T&e
state o$ a$$airs (&i#& !*st res*lt $ro! t&is #ontrast is t&e $ollo(ing4
Ra#es (&i#& are #*lt*rall" s*perior b*t less r*t&less (o*l% be $or#e% to restri#t t&eir in#rease, be#a*se o$ ins*$$i#ient
territor" to s*pport t&e pop*lation, (&ile less #iili>e% ra#es #o*l% in#rease in%e$initel", o(ing to t&e ast territories at
t&eir %isposal+ In ot&er (or%s4 s&o*l% t&at state o$ a$$airs #ontin*e, t&en t&e (orl% (ill one %a" be possesse% b" t&at portion
o$ !an,in% (&i#& is #*lt*rall" in$erior b*t !ore a#tie an% energeti#+
A ti!e (ill #o!e, een t&o*g& in t&e %istant $*t*re, (&en t&ere #an be onl" t(o alternaties4 Eit&er t&e (orl% (ill be r*le%
a##or%ing to o*r !o%ern #on#ept o$ %e!o#ra#", an% t&en eer" %e#ision (ill be in $ao*r o$ t&e n*!eri#all" stronger
ra#esC or t&e (orl% (ill be goerne% b" t&e la( o$ nat*ral %istrib*tion o$ po(er, an% t&en t&ose nations (ill be i#torio*s
(&o are o$ !ore br*tal (ill an% are not t&e nations (&o &ae pra#tise% sel$1%enial+
.obo%" #an %o*bt t&at t&is (orl% (ill one %a" be t&e s#ene o$ %rea%$*l str*ggles $or e5isten#e on t&e part o$ !an,in%+ In
t&e en% t&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration alone (ill tri*!p&+ 8e$ore its #ons*!ing $ire t&is so1#alle% &*!anitarianis!,
(&i#& #onnotes onl" a !i5t*re o$ $at*o*s ti!i%it" an% sel$1#on#eit, (ill !elt a(a" as *n%er t&e )ar#& s*ns&ine+ )an &as
be#o!e great t&ro*g& perpet*al str*ggle+ In perpet*al pea#e &is greatness !*st %e#line+
For *s Aer!ans, t&e slogan o$ Minternal #oloni>ation is $atal, be#a*se it en#o*rages t&e belie$ t&at (e &ae %is#oere% a
!eans (&i#& is in a##or%an#e (it& o*r innate pa#i$is! an% (&i#& (ill enable *s to (or, $or o*r lieli&oo% in a &al$
sl*!bering e5isten#e+ S*#& a tea#&ing, on#e it (ere ta,en serio*sl" b" o*r people, (o*l% !ean t&e en% o$ all e$$ort to
a#/*ire $or o*rseles t&at pla#e in t&e (orl% (&i#& (e %esere+ I$+ t&e aerage Aer!an (ere on#e #onin#e% t&at b" t&is
!eas*re &e &as t&e #&an#e o$ ens*ring &is lieli&oo% an% g*aranteeing &is $*t*re, an" atte!pt to ta,e an a#tie an%
pro$itable part in s*staining t&e ital %e!an%s o$ &is #o*ntr" (o*l% be o*t o$ t&e /*estion+ S&o*l% t&e nation agree to s*#&
an attit*%e t&en an" reall" *se$*l $oreign poli#" !ig&t be loo,e% *pon as %ea% an% b*rie%, toget&er (it& all &ope $or t&e
$*t*re o$ t&e Aer!an people+
On#e (e ,no( (&at t&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&is Minternal #oloni>ation t&eor" (o*l% be (e #an no longer #onsi%er as a !ere
a##i%ent t&e $a#t t&at a!ong t&ose (&o in#*l#ate t&is /*ite perni#io*s !entalit" a!ong o*r people t&e -e( is al(a"s in t&e
$irst line+ He ,no(s &is so$ties onl" too (ell not to ,no( t&at t&e" are rea%" to be t&e grate$*l i#ti!s o$ eer" s(in%le
(&i#& pro!ises t&e! a gol%1blo#, in t&e s&ape o$ a %is#oer" t&at (ill enable t&e! to o*t(it .at*re an% t&*s ren%er
s*per$l*o*s t&e &ar% an% ine5orable str*ggle $or e5isten#eC so t&at $inall" t&e" !a" be#o!e lor%s o$ t&e planet partl" b"
s&eer %ol#e $ar niente an% partl" b" (or,ing (&en a pleasing opport*nit" arises+
It #annot be too strongl" e!p&asise% t&at an" Aer!an Minternal #oloni>ation !*st $irst o$ all be #onsi%ere% as s*ite% onl"
$or t&e relie$ o$ so#ial griean#es+ To #arr" o*t a s"ste! o$ internal #oloni>ation, t&e !ost i!portant preli!inar" !eas*re
(o*l% be to $ree t&e soil $ro! t&e grip o$ t&e spe#*lator an% ass*re t&at $ree%o!+ 8*t s*#& a s"ste! #o*l% neer s*$$i#e to
ass*re t&e $*t*re o$ t&e nation (it&o*t t&e a#/*isition o$ ne( territor"+
I$ (e a%opt a %i$$erent plan (e s&all soon rea#& a point be"on% (&i#& t&e reso*r#es o$ o*r soil #an no longer be e5ploite%,
an% at t&e sa!e ti!e (e s&all rea#& a point be"on% (&i#& o*r !an1po(er #annot %eelop+
In #on#l*sion, t&e $ollo(ing !*st be sai%4
T&e $a#t t&at onl" *p to a li!ite% e5tent #an internal #oloni>ation be pra#tise% in a national territor" (&i#& is o$ %e$initel"
s!all area an% t&e restri#tion o$ t&e pro#reatie $a#*lt" (&i#& $ollo(s as a res*lt o$ s*#& #on%itions 1 t&ese t(o $a#tors
&ae a er" *n$ao*rable e$$e#t on t&e !ilitar" an% politi#al stan%ing o$ a nation+
T&e e5tent o$ t&e national territor" is a %eter!ining $a#tor in t&e e5ternal se#*rit" o$ t&e nation+ T&e larger t&e territor"
(&i#& a people &as at its %isposal t&e stronger are t&e national %e$en#es o$ t&at people+ )ilitar" %e#isions are !ore
/*i#,l", !ore easil", !ore #o!pletel" an% !ore e$$e#tiel" gaine% against a people o##*p"ing a national territor" (&i#& is
restri#te% in area, t&an against States (&i#& &ae e5tensie territories+ )oreoer, t&e !agnit*%e o$ a national territor" is in
itsel$ a #ertain ass*ran#e t&at an o*tsi%e Po(er (ill not &astil" ris, t&e a%ent*re o$ an inasionC $or in t&at #ase t&e
str*ggle (o*l% &ae to be long an% e5&a*sting be$ore i#tor" #o*l% be &ope% $or+ T&e ris, being so great+ t&ere (o*l% &ae
to be e5traor%inar" reasons $or s*#& an aggressie a%ent*re+ Hen#e it is t&at t&e territorial !agnit*%e o$ a State $*rnis&es
a basis (&ereon national libert" an% in%epen%en#e #an be !aintaine% (it& relatie easeC (&ile, on t&e #ontrar", a State
(&ose territor" is s!all o$$ers a nat*ral te!ptation to t&e ina%er+
As a !atter o$ $a#t, so1#alle% national #ir#les in t&e Aer!an Rei#& re0e#te% t&ose $irst t(o possibilities o$ establis&ing a
balan#e bet(een t&e #onstant n*!eri#al in#rease in t&e pop*lation an% a national territor" (&i#& #o*l% not e5pan%
proportionatel"+ 8*t t&e reasons gien $or t&at re0e#tion (ere %i$$erent $ro! t&ose (&i#& I &ae 0*st e5po*n%e%+ It (as
!ainl" on t&e basis o$ #ertain !oral senti!ents t&at restri#tion o$ t&e birt&1rate (as ob0e#te% to+ Proposals $or internal
#oloni>ation (ere re0e#te% in%ignantl" be#a*se it (as s*spe#te% t&at s*#& a poli#" !ig&t !ean an atta#, on t&e big
lan%o(ners, an% t&at t&is atta#, !ig&t be t&e $orer*nner o$ a general assa*lt against t&e prin#iple o$ priate propert" as a
(&ole+ T&e $or! in (&i#& t&e latter sol*tion 1 internal #oloni>ation 1 (as re#o!!en%e% 0*sti$ie% t&e !isgiings o$ t&e big
8*t t&e $or! in (&i#& t&e #oloni>ation proposal (as re0e#te% (as not er" #leer, as regar%s t&e i!pression (&i#& s*#&
re0e#tion !ig&t be #al#*late% to !a,e on t&e !ass o$ t&e people, an% an"&o( it %i% not go to t&e root o$ t&e proble! at all+
Onl" t(o $*rt&er (a"s (ere le$t open in (&i#& (or, an% brea% #o*l% be se#*re% $or t&e in#reasing pop*lation+
F2G It (as possible to t&in, o$ a#/*iring ne( territor" on (&i#& a #ertain portion o$ t&e in#reasing pop*lation #o*l% be
settle% ea#& "earC or else
F4G O*r in%*str" an% #o!!er#e &a% to be organi>e% in s*#& a !anner as to se#*re an in#rease in t&e e5ports an% t&*s be
able to s*pport o*r people b" t&e in#rease% p*r#&asing po(er a##r*ing $ro! t&e pro$its !a%e on $oreign !ar,ets+
T&ere$ore t&e proble! (as4 A poli#" o$ territorial e5pansion or a #olonial an% #o!!er#ial poli#"+ 8ot& poli#ies (ere ta,en
into #onsi%eration, e5a!ine%, re#o!!en%e% an% re0e#te%, $ro! ario*s stan%points, (it& t&e res*lt t&at t&e se#on%
alternatie (as $inall" a%opte%+ T&e so*n%er alternatie, &o(eer, (as *n%o*bte%l" t&e $irst+
T&e prin#iple o$ a#/*iring ne( territor", on (&i#& t&e s*rpl*s pop*lation #o*l% be settle%, &as !an" a%antages to
re#o!!en% it, espe#iall" i$ (e ta,e t&e $*t*re as (ell as t&e present into a##o*nt+
In t&e $irst pla#e, too !*#& i!portan#e #annot be pla#e% on t&e ne#essit" $or a%opting a poli#" (&i#& (ill !a,e it possible
to !aintain a &ealt&" peasant #lass as t&e basis o$ t&e national #o!!*nit"+ )an" o$ o*r present eils &ae t&eir origin
e5#l*siel" in t&e %isproportion bet(een t&e *rban an% r*ral portions o$ t&e pop*lation+ A soli% sto#, o$ s!all an% !e%i*!
$ar!ers &as at all ti!es been t&e best prote#tion (&i#& a nation #o*l% &ae against t&e so#ial %iseases t&at are prealent to1
%a"+ )oreoer, t&at is t&e onl" sol*tion (&i#& g*arantees t&e %ail" brea% o$ a nation (it&in t&e $ra!e(or, o$ its %o!esti#
national e#ono!"+ 3it& t&is #on%ition on#e g*arantee%, in%*str" an% #o!!er#e (o*l% retire $ro! t&e *n&ealt&" position
o$ $ore!ost i!portan#e (&i#& t&e" &ol% to1%a" an% (o*l% ta,e t&eir %*e pla#e (it&in t&e general s#&e!e o$ national
e#ono!", a%0*sting t&e balan#e bet(een %e!an% an% s*ppl"+ T&*s in%*str" an% #o!!er#e (o*l% no longer #onstit*te t&e
basis o$ t&e national s*bsisten#e, b*t (o*l% be a*5iliar" instit*tions+ 8" $*l$illing t&eir proper $*n#tion, (&i#& is to a%0*st
t&e balan#e bet(een national pro%*#tion an% national #ons*!ption, t&e" ren%er t&e national s*bsisten#e !ore or less
in%epen%ent o$ $oreign #o*ntries an% t&*s ass*re t&e $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e o$ t&e nation, espe#iall" at #riti#al
0*n#t*res in its &istor"+
S*#& a territorial poli#", &o(eer, #annot $in% its $*l$il!ent in t&e Ca!eroons b*t al!ost e5#l*siel" &ere in E*rope+ One
!*st #al!l" an% s/*arel" $a#e t&e tr*t& t&at it #ertainl" #annot be part o$ t&e %ispensation o$ =iine Proi%en#e to gie a
$i$t" ti!es larger s&are o$ t&e soil o$ t&is (orl% to one nation t&an to anot&er+ In #onsi%ering t&is state o$ a$$airs to1%a", one
!*st not allo( e5isting politi#al $rontiers to %istra#t attention $ro! (&at o*g&t to e5ist on prin#iples o$ stri#t 0*sti#e+ I$ t&is
eart& &as s*$$i#ient roo! $or all, t&en (e o*g&t to &ae t&at s&are o$ t&e soil (&i#& is absol*tel" ne#essar" $or o*r
O$ #o*rse people (ill not ol*ntaril" !a,e t&at a##o!!o%ation+ At t&is point t&e rig&t o$ sel$1preseration #o!es into
e$$e#t+ An% (&en atte!pts to settle t&e %i$$i#*lt" in an a!i#able (a" are re0e#te% t&e #len#&e% &an% !*st ta,e b" $or#e t&at
(&i#& (as re$*se% to t&e open &an% o$ $rien%s&ip+ I$ in t&e past o*r an#estors &a% base% t&eir politi#al %e#isions on si!ilar
pa#i$ist nonsense as o*r present generation %oes, (e s&o*l% not possess !ore t&an one1t&ir% o$ t&e national territor" t&at
(e possess to1%a" an% probabl" t&ere (o*l% be no Aer!an nation to (orr" abo*t its $*t*re in E*rope+ .o+ 3e o(e t&e t(o
Eastern )ar,s 9G o$ t&e E!pire to t&e nat*ral %eter!ination o$ o*r $ore$at&ers in t&eir str*ggle $or e5isten#e, an% t&*s it is
to t&e sa!e %eter!ine% poli#" t&at (e o(e t&e inner strengt& (&i#& is base% on t&e e5tent o$ o*r politi#al an% ra#ial
territories an% (&i#& alone &as !a%e it possible $or *s to e5ist *p to no(+
An% t&ere is still anot&er reason (&" t&at sol*tion (o*l% &ae been t&e #orre#t one4
)an" #onte!porar" E*ropean States are li,e p"ra!i%s stan%ing on t&eir ape5es+ T&e E*ropean territor" (&i#& t&ese
States possess is ri%i#*lo*sl" s!all (&en #o!pare% (it& t&e enor!o*s oer&ea% (eig&t o$ t&eir #olonies, $oreign tra%e,
et#+ It !a" be sai% t&at t&e" &ae t&e ape5 in E*rope an% t&e base o$ t&e p"ra!i% all oer t&e (orl%C /*ite %i$$erent $ro!
t&e Unite% States o$ A!eri#a, (&i#& &as its base on t&e A!eri#an Continent an% is in #onta#t (it& t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%
onl" t&ro*g& its ape5+ O*t o$ t&at sit*ation arises t&e in#o!parable inner strengt& o$ t&e U+S+A+ an% t&e #ontrar" sit*ation
is responsible $or t&e (ea,ness o$ !ost o$ t&e #olonial E*ropean Po(ers+
Englan% #annot be s*ggeste% as an arg*!ent against t&is assertion, t&o*g& in glan#ing #as*all" oer t&e !ap o$ t&e
8ritis& E!pire one is in#line% easil" to oerloo, t&e e5isten#e o$ a (&ole Anglo1Sa5on (orl%+ Englan%s position #annot
be #o!pare% (it& t&at o$ an" ot&er State in E*rope, sin#e it $or!s a ast #o!!*nit" o$ lang*age an% #*lt*re toget&er (it&
t&e U+S+A+
T&ere$ore t&e onl" possibilit" (&i#& Aer!an" &a% o$ #arr"ing a so*n% territorial poli#" into e$$e#t (as t&at o$ a#/*iring
ne( territor" in E*rope itsel$+ Colonies #annot sere t&is p*rpose as long as t&e" are not s*ite% $or settle!ent b"
E*ropeans on a large s#ale+ In t&e nineteent& #ent*r" it (as no longer possible to a#/*ire s*#& #olonies b" pea#e$*l !eans+
T&ere$ore an" atte!pt at s*#& a #olonial e5pansion (o*l% &ae !eant an enor!o*s !ilitar" str*ggle+ Conse/*entl" it
(o*l% &ae been !ore pra#ti#al to *n%erta,e t&at !ilitar" str*ggle $or ne( territor" in E*rope rat&er t&an to (age (ar $or
t&e a#/*isition o$ possessions abroa%+
S*#& a %e#ision nat*rall" %e!an%e% t&at t&e nations *n%ii%e% energies s&o*l% be %eote% to it+ A poli#" o$ t&at ,in%
(&i#& re/*ires $or its $*l$il!ent eer" o*n#e o$ aailable energ" on t&e part o$ eer"bo%" #on#erne%, #annot be #arrie% into
e$$e#t b" &al$1!eas*res or in a &esitating !anner+ T&e politi#al lea%ers&ip o$ t&e Aer!an E!pire s&o*l% t&en &ae been
%ire#te% e5#l*siel" to t&is goal+ .o politi#al step s&o*l% &ae been ta,en in response to ot&er #onsi%erations t&an t&is tas,
an% t&e !eans o$ a##o!plis&ing it+ Aer!an" s&o*l% &ae been alie to t&e $a#t t&at s*#& a goal #o*l% &ae been rea#&e%
onl" b" (ar, an% t&e prospe#t o$ (ar s&o*l% &ae been $a#e% (it& #al! an% #olle#te% %eter!ination+
T&e (&ole s"ste! o$ allian#es s&o*l% &ae been enisage% an% al*e% $ro! t&at stan%point+ I$ ne( territor" (ere to be
a#/*ire% in E*rope it !*st &ae been !ainl" at R*ssias #ost, an% on#e again t&e ne( Aer!an E!pire s&o*l% &ae set o*t
on its !ar#& along t&e sa!e roa% as (as $or!erl" tro%%en b" t&e Te*toni# ;nig&ts, t&is ti!e to a#/*ire soil $or t&e
Aer!an plo*g& b" !eans o$ t&e Aer!an s(or% an% t&*s proi%e t&e nation (it& its %ail" brea%+
For s*#& a poli#", &o(eer, t&ere (as onl" one possible all" in E*rope+ T&at (as Englan%+
Onl" b" allian#e (it& Englan% (as it possible to sa$eg*ar% t&e rear o$ t&e ne( Aer!an #r*sa%e+ T&e 0*sti$i#ation $or
*n%erta,ing s*#& an e5pe%ition (as stronger t&an t&e 0*sti$i#ation (&i#& o*r $ore$at&ers &a% $or setting o*t on t&eirs+ .ot
one o$ o*r pa#i$ists re$*ses to eat t&e brea% !a%e $ro! t&e grain gro(n in t&e EastC an% "et t&e $irst plo*g& &ere (as t&at
#alle% t&e MS(or%+
.o sa#ri$i#e s&o*l% &ae been #onsi%ere% too great i$ it (as a ne#essar" !eans o$ gaining Englan%s $rien%s&ip+ Colonial
an% naal a!bitions s&o*l% &ae been aban%one% an% atte!pts s&o*l% not &ae been !a%e to #o!pete against 8ritis&
Onl" a #lear an% %e$inite poli#" #o*l% lea% to s*#& an a#&iee!ent+ S*#& a poli#" (o*l% &ae %e!an%e% a ren*n#iation o$
t&e en%eao*r to #on/*er t&e (orl%s !ar,ets, also a ren*n#iation o$ #olonial intentions an% naal po(er+ All t&e !eans o$
po(er at t&e %isposal o$ t&e State s&o*l% &ae been #on#entrate% in t&e !ilitar" $or#es on lan%+ T&is poli#" (o*l% &ae
inole% a perio% o$ te!porar" sel$1%enial, $or t&e sa,e o$ a great an% po(er$*l $*t*re+
T&ere (as a ti!e (&en Englan% !ig&t &ae entere% into negotiations (it& *s, on t&e gro*n%s o$ t&at proposal+ For
Englan% (o*l% &ae (ell *n%erstoo% t&at t&e proble!s arising $ro! t&e stea%" in#rease in pop*lation (ere $or#ing
Aer!an" to loo, $or a sol*tion eit&er in E*rope (it& t&e &elp o$ Englan% or, (it&o*t Englan%, in so!e ot&er part o$ t&e
T&is o*tloo, (as probabl" t&e #&ie$ reason (&" 'on%on trie% to %ra( nearer to Aer!an" abo*t t&e t*rn o$ t&e #ent*r"+ For
t&e $irst ti!e in Aer!an" an attit*%e (as t&en !ani$este% (&i#& a$ter(ar%s %ispla"e% itsel$ in a !ost tragi# (a"+ People
t&en gae e5pression to an *npleasant $eeling t&at (e !ig&t t&*s $in% o*rseles oblige% to p*ll Englan%s #&estn*ts o*t o$
t&e $ire+ As i$ an allian#e #o*l% be base% on an"t&ing else t&an !*t*al gie1an%1ta,eN An% Englan% (o*l% &ae be#o!e a
part" to s*#& a !*t*al bargain+ 8ritis& %iplo!ats (ere still (ise eno*g& to ,no( t&at an e/*ialent !*st be $ort&#o!ing
as a #onsi%eration $or an" seri#es ren%ere%+
'et *s s*ppose t&at in 1974 o*r Aer!an $oreign poli#" (as !anage% ast*tel" eno*g& to enable *s to ta,e t&e part (&i#&
-apan pla"e%+ It is not eas" to !eas*re t&e greatness o$ t&e res*lts t&at !ig&t &ae a##r*e% to Aer!an" $ro! s*#& a poli#"+
T&ere (o*l% &ae been no (orl% (ar+ T&e bloo% (&i#& (o*l% &ae been s&e% in 1974 (o*l% not &ae been a tent& o$ t&at
s&e% $ro! 1914 to 1919+ An% (&at a position Aer!an" (o*l% &ol% in t&e (orl% to1%a"@
In an" #ase t&e allian#e (it& A*stria (as t&en an abs*r%it"+
For t&is !*!!" o$ a State %i% not atta#& itsel$ to Aer!an" $or t&e p*rpose o$ #arr"ing t&ro*g& a (ar, b*t rat&er to
!aintain a perpet*al state o$ pea#e (&i#& (as !eant to be e5ploite% $or t&e p*rpose o$ slo(l" b*t persistentl"
e5ter!inating t&e Aer!an ele!ent in t&e =*al )onar#&"+
Anot&er reason $or t&e i!possible #&ara#ter o$ t&is allian#e (as t&at nobo%" #o*l% e5pe#t s*#& a State to ta,e an a#tie
part in %e$en%ing Aer!an national interests, seeing t&at it %i% not &ae s*$$i#ient strengt& an% %eter!ination to p*t an en%
to t&e poli#" o$ %e1Aer!ani>ation (it&in its o(n $rontiers+ I$ Aer!an" &ersel$ (as not !oe% b" a s*$$i#ientl" po(er$*l
national senti!ent an% (as not s*$$i#ientl" r*t&less to ta,e a(a" $ro! t&at abs*r% Habsb*rg State t&e rig&t to %e#i%e t&e
%estinies o$ ten !illion in&abitants (&o (ere o$ t&e sa!e nationalit" as t&e Aer!ans t&e!seles, s*rel" it (as o*t o$ t&e
/*estion to e5pe#t t&e Habsb*rg State to be a #ollaborating part" in an" great an% #o*rageo*s Aer!an *n%erta,ing+ T&e
attit*%e o$ t&e ol% Rei#& to(ar%s t&e A*strian /*estion !ig&t &ae been ta,en as a test o$ its sta!ina $or t&e str*ggle
(&ere t&e %estinies o$ t&e (&ole nation (ere at sta,e+
In an" #ase, t&e poli#" o$ oppression against t&e Aer!an pop*lation in A*stria s&o*l% not &ae been allo(e% to be #arrie%
on an% to gro( stronger $ro! "ear to "earC $or t&e al*e o$ A*stria as an all" #o*l% be ass*re% onl" b" *p&ol%ing t&e
Aer!an ele!ent t&ere+ 8*t t&at #o*rse (as not $ollo(e%+
.ot&ing (as %rea%e% so !*#& as t&e possibilit" o$ an ar!e% #on$li#tC b*t $inall", an% at a !ost *n$ao*rable !o!ent, t&e
#on$li#t &a% to be $a#e% an% a##epte%+ T&e" t&o*g&t to #*t loose $ro! t&e #or%s o$ %estin", b*t %estin" &el% t&e! $ast+
T&e" %rea!t o$ !aintaining a (orl% pea#e an% (o,e *p to $in% t&e!seles in a (orl% (ar+
An% t&at %rea! o$ pea#e (as a !ost signi$i#ant reason (&" t&e aboe1!entione% t&ir% alternatie $or t&e $*t*re
%eelop!ent o$ Aer!an" (as not een ta,en into #onsi%eration+ T&e $a#t (as re#ogni>e% t&at ne( territor" #o*l% be
gaine% onl" in t&e EastC b*t t&is !eant t&at t&ere (o*l% be $ig&ting a&ea%, (&ereas t&e" (ante% pea#e at an" #ost+ T&e
slogan o$ Aer!an $oreign poli#" at one ti!e *se% to be4 T&e *se o$ all possible !eans $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ t&e Aer!an
nation+ .o( it (as #&ange% to4 )aintenan#e o$ (orl% pea#e b" all possible !eans+ 3e ,no( (&at t&e res*lt (as+ I s&all
res*!e t&e %is#*ssion o$ t&is point in %etail later on+
T&ere re!aine% still anot&er alternatie, (&i#& (e !a" #all t&e $o*rt&+ T&is (as4 In%*str" an% (orl% tra%e, naal po(er
an% #olonies+
S*#& a %eelop!ent !ig&t #ertainl" &ae been attaine% !ore easil" an% !ore rapi%l"+ To #oloni>e a territor" is a slo(
pro#ess, o$ten e5ten%ing oer #ent*ries+ Ket t&is $a#t is t&e so*r#e o$ its inner strengt&, $or it is not t&ro*g& a s*%%en b*rst
o$ ent&*sias! t&at it #an be p*t into e$$e#t, b*t rat&er t&ro*g& a gra%*al an% en%*ring pro#ess o$ gro(t& /*ite %i$$erent
$ro! in%*strial progress, (&i#& #an be *rge% on b" a%ertise!ent (it&in a $e( "ears+ T&e res*lt t&*s a#&iee%, &o(eer, is
not o$ lasting /*alit" b*t so!et&ing $rail, li,e a soap1b*bble+ It is !*#& easier to b*il% /*i#,l" t&an to #arr" t&ro*g& t&e
to*g& tas, o$ settling a territor" (it& $ar!ers an% establis&ing $ar!stea%s+ 8*t t&e $or!er is !ore /*i#,l" %estro"e% t&an
t&e latter+
In a%opting s*#& a #o*rse Aer!an" !*st &ae ,no(n t&at to $ollo( it o*t (o*l% ne#essaril" !ean (ar sooner or later+
Onl" #&il%ren #o*l% beliee t&at s(eet an% *n#t*o*s e5pressions o$ goo%ness an% persistent ao(als o$ pea#e$*l intentions
#o*l% get t&e! t&eir bananas t&ro*g& t&is M$rien%l" #o!petition bet(een t&e nations, (it& t&e prospe#t o$ neer &aing to
$ig&t $or t&e!+
.o+ On#e (e &a% ta,en t&is roa%, Englan% (as bo*n% to be o*r ene!" at so!e ti!e or ot&er to #o!e+ O$ #o*rse it $itte% in
ni#el" (it& o*r inno#ent ass*!ptions, b*t still it (as abs*r% to gro( in%ignant at t&e $a#t t&at a %a" #a!e (&en t&e
Englis& too, t&e libert" o$ opposing o*r pea#e$*l penetration (it& t&e br*talit" o$ iolent egoists+
.at*rall", (e on o*r si%e (o*l% neer &ae %one s*#& a t&ing+
I$ a E*ropean territorial poli#" against R*ssia #o*l% &ae been p*t into pra#ti#e onl" in #ase (e &a% Englan% as o*r all",
on t&e ot&er &an% a #olonial an% (orl%1tra%e poli#" #o*l% &ae been #arrie% into e$$e#t onl" against Englis& interests an%
(it& t&e s*pport o$ R*ssia+ 8*t t&en t&is poli#" s&o*l% &ae been a%opte% in $*ll #ons#io*sness o$ all t&e #onse/*en#es it
inole% an%, aboe all t&ings, A*stria s&o*l% &ae been %is#ar%e% as /*i#,l" as possible+
At t&e t*rn o$ t&e #ent*r" t&e allian#e (it& A*stria &a% be#o!e a eritable abs*r%it" $ro! all points o$ ie(+
8*t nobo%" t&o*g&t o$ $or!ing an allian#e (it& R*ssia against Englan%, 0*st as nobo%" t&o*g&t o$ !a,ing Englan% an
all" against R*ssiaC $or in eit&er #ase t&e $inal res*lt (o*l% ineitabl" &ae !eant (ar+ An% to aoi% (ar (as t&e er"
reason (&" a #o!!er#ial an% in%*strial poli#" (as %e#i%e% *pon+ It (as beliee% t&at t&e pea#e$*l #on/*est o$ t&e (orl%
b" #o!!er#ial !eans proi%e% a !et&o% (&i#& (o*l% per!anentl" s*pplant t&e poli#" o$ $or#e+ O##asionall", &o(eer,
t&ere (ere %o*bts abo*t t&e e$$i#ien#" o$ t&is prin#iple, espe#iall" (&en so!e /*ite in#o!pre&ensible (arnings #a!e $ro!
Englan% no( an% again+ T&at (as t&e reason (&" t&e $leet (as b*ilt+ It (as not $or t&e p*rpose o$ atta#,ing or
anni&ilating Englan% b*t !erel" to %e$en% t&e #on#ept o$ (orl%1pea#e, !entione% aboe, an% also to prote#t t&e prin#iple
o$ #on/*ering t&e (orl% b" Mpea#e$*l !eans+ T&ere$ore t&is $leet (as ,ept (it&in !o%est li!its, not onl" as regar%s t&e
n*!ber an% tonnage o$ t&e essels b*t also in regar% to t&eir ar!a!ent, t&e i%ea being to $*rnis& ne( proo$s o$ pea#e$*l
T&e #&atter abo*t t&e pea#e$*l #on/*est o$ t&e (orl% b" #o!!er#ial !eans (as probabl" t&e !ost #o!pletel" nonsensi#al
st*$$ eer raise% to t&e %ignit" o$ a g*i%ing prin#iple in t&e poli#" o$ a State, T&is nonsense be#a!e een !ore $oolis&
(&en Englan% (as pointe% o*t as a t"pi#al e5a!ple to proe &o( t&e t&ing #o*l% be p*t into pra#ti#e+ O*r %o#trinal (a" o$
regar%ing &istor" an% o*r pro$essorial i%eas in t&at %o!ain &ae %one irreparable &ar! an% o$$er a stri,ing Mproo$ o$ &o(
people Mlearn &istor" (it&o*t *n%erstan%ing an"t&ing o$ it+ As a !atter o$ $a#t, Englan% o*g&t to &ae been loo,e% *pon
as a #onin#ing arg*!ent against t&e t&eor" o$ t&e pa#i$i# #on/*est o$ t&e (orl% b" #o!!er#ial !eans+ .o nation
prepare% t&e (a" $or its #o!!er#ial #on/*ests !ore br*tall" t&an Englan% %i% b" !eans o$ t&e s(or%, an% no ot&er nation
&as %e$en%e% s*#& #on/*ests !ore r*t&lessl"+ Is it not a #&ara#teristi# /*alit" o$ 8ritis& state#ra$t t&at it ,no(s &o( to *se
politi#al po(er in or%er to gain e#ono!i# a%antages an%, inersel", to t*rn e#ono!i# #on/*ests into politi#al po(er@
3&at an asto*n%ing error it (as to beliee t&at Englan% (o*l% not &ae t&e #o*rage to gie its o(n bloo% $or t&e p*rposes
o$ its o(n e#ono!i# e5pansionN T&e $a#t t&at Englan% %i% not possess a national ar!" proe% not&ingC $or it is not t&e
a#t*al !ilitar" str*#t*re o$ t&e !o!ent t&at !atters b*t rat&er t&e (ill an% %eter!ination to *se (&ateer !ilitar" strengt&
is aailable+ Englan% &as al(a"s &a% t&e ar!a!ent (&i#& s&e nee%e%+ S&e al(a"s $o*g&t (it& t&ose (eapons (&i#& (ere
ne#essar" $or s*##ess+ S&e sent !er#enar" troops, to $ig&t as long as !er#enaries s*$$i#e%C b*t s&e neer &esitate% to %ra(
&eail" an% %eepl" $ro! t&e best bloo% o$ t&e (&ole nation (&en i#tor" #o*l% be obtaine% onl" b" s*#& a sa#ri$i#e+ An% in
eer" #ase t&e $ig&ting spirit, %ogge% %eter!ination, an% *se o$ br*tal !eans in #on%*#ting !ilitar" operations &ae
al(a"s re!aine% t&e sa!e+
8*t in Aer!an", t&ro*g& t&e !e%i*! o$ t&e s#&ools, t&e Press an% t&e #o!i# papers, an i%ea o$ t&e Englis&!an (as
gra%*all" $or!e% (&i#& (as bo*n% eent*all" to lea% to t&e (orst ,in% o$ sel$1%e#eption+ T&is abs*r%it" slo(l" b*t
persistentl" sprea% into eer" /*arter o$ Aer!an li$e+ T&e res*lt (as an *n%eral*ation $or (&i#& (e &ae &a% to pa" a
&ea" penalt"+ T&e %el*sion (as so pro$o*n% t&at t&e Englis&!an (as loo,e% *pon as a s&re(% b*siness !an, b*t
personall" a #o(ar% een to an in#re%ible %egree+ Un$ort*natel" o*r lo$t" tea#&ers o$ pro$essorial &istor" %i% not bring
&o!e to t&e !in%s o$ t&eir p*pils t&e tr*t& t&at it is not possible to b*il% *p s*#& a !ig&t" organi>ation as t&e 8ritis&
E!pire b" !ere s(in%le an% $ra*%+ T&e $e( (&o #alle% attention to t&at tr*t& (ere eit&er ignore% or silen#e%+ I #an ii%l"
re#all to !in% t&e astonis&e% loo,s o$ !" #o!ra%es (&en t&e" $o*n% t&e!seles personall" $a#e to $a#e $or t&e $irst ti!e
(it& t&e To!!ies in Flan%ers+ A$ter a $e( %a"s o$ $ig&ting t&e #ons#io*sness slo(l" %a(ne% on o*r sol%iers t&at t&ose
S#ots!en (ere not li,e t&e ones (e &a% seen %es#ribe% an% #ari#at*re% in t&e #o!i# papers an% !entione% in t&e
It (as t&en t&at I $or!e% !" $irst i%eas o$ t&e e$$i#ien#" o$ ario*s $or!s o$ propagan%a+
S*#& a $alsi$i#ation, &o(eer, sere% t&e p*rpose o$ t&ose (&o &a% $abri#ate% it+ T&is #ari#at*re o$ t&e Englis&!an, t&o*g&
$alse, #o*l% be *se% to proe t&e possibilit" o$ #on/*ering t&e (orl% pea#e$*ll" b" #o!!er#ial !eans+ 3&ere t&e
Englis&!an s*##ee%e% (e s&o*l% also s*##ee%+ O*r $ar greater &onest" an% o*r $ree%o! $ro! t&at spe#i$i#all" Englis&
Mper$i%" (o*l% be assets on o*r si%e+ T&ereb" it (as &ope% t&at t&e s"!pat&" o$ t&e s!aller nations an% t&e #on$i%en#e o$
t&e greater nations #o*l% be gaine% !ore easil"+
3e %i% not reali>e t&at o*r &onest" (as an ob0e#t o$ pro$o*n% aersion $or ot&er people be#a*se (e o*rseles beliee% in it+
T&e rest o$ t&e (orl% loo,e% on o*r be&aio*r as t&e !ani$estation o$ a s&re(% %e#eit$*lnessC b*t (&en t&e reol*tion
#a!e, t&en t&e" (ere a!a>e% at t&e %eeper insig&t it gae t&e! into o*r !entalit", sin#ere een be"on% t&e li!its o$
On#e (e *n%erstan% t&e part pla"e% b" t&at abs*r% notion o$ #on/*ering t&e (orl% b" pea#e$*l #o!!er#ial !eans (e #an
#learl" *n%erstan% &o( t&at ot&er abs*r%it", t&e Triple Allian#e, #a!e to e5ist+ 3it& (&at State t&en #o*l% an allian#e
&ae been !a%e@ In allian#e (it& A*stria (e #o*l% not a#/*ire ne( territor" b" !ilitar" !eans, een in E*rope+ An% t&is
er" $a#t (as t&e real reason $or t&e inner (ea,ness o$ t&e Triple Allian#e+ A 8is!ar#, #o*l% per!it &i!sel$ s*#& a
!a,es&i$t $or t&e ne#essities o$ t&e !o!ent, b*t #ertainl" not an" o$ &is b*ngling s*##essors, an% least o$ all (&en t&e
$o*n%ations no longer e5iste% on (&i#& 8is!ar#, &a% $or!e% t&e Triple Allian#e+ In 8is!ar#,s ti!e A*stria #o*l% still
be loo,e% *pon as a Aer!an StateC b*t t&e gra%*al intro%*#tion o$ *niersal s*$$rage t*rne% t&e #o*ntr" into a
parlia!entar" 8abel, in (&i#& t&e Aer!an oi#e (as s#ar#el" a*%ible+
Fro! t&e ie(point o$ ra#ial poli#", t&is allian#e (it& A*stria (as si!pl" %isastro*s+ A ne( Slai# Areat Po(er (as
allo(e% to gro( *p #lose to t&e $rontiers o$ t&e Aer!an E!pire+ 'ater on t&is Po(er (as bo*n% to a%opt to(ar%s Aer!an"
an attit*%e %i$$erent $ro! t&at o$ R*ssia, $or e5a!ple+ T&e Allian#e (as t&*s bo*n% to be#o!e !ore e!pt" an% !ore
$eeble, be#a*se t&e onl" s*pporters o$ it (ere losing t&eir in$l*en#e an% (ere being s"ste!ati#all" p*s&e% o*t o$ t&e !ore
i!portant p*bli# o$$i#es+
Abo*t t&e "ear 1977 t&e Allian#e (it& A*stria &a% alrea%" entere% t&e sa!e p&ase as t&e Allian#e bet(een A*stria an%
Here also onl" one alternatie (as possible4 Eit&er to ta,e t&e si%e o$ t&e Habsb*rg )onar#&" or to raise a protest against
t&e oppression o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent in A*stria+ 8*t, generall" spea,ing, (&en one ta,es s*#& a #o*rse it is bo*n%
eent*all" to lea% to open #on$li#t+
Fro! t&e ps"#&ologi#al point o$ ie( also, t&e Triple %e#reases a##or%ing as s*#& an allian#e li!its its ob0e#t to t&e
%e$en#e o$ t&e stat*s /*o+ 8*t, on t&e ot&er &an%, an allian#e (ill in#rease its #o&esie strengt& t&e !ore t&e parties
#on#erne% in it !a" &ope to *se it as a !eans o$ rea#&ing so!e pra#ti#al goal o$ e5pansion+ Here, as eer"(&ere else,
strengt& %oes not lie in %e$en#e b*t in atta#,+
T&is tr*t& (as re#ogni>e% in ario*s /*arters b*t, *n$ort*natel", not b" t&e so1#alle% ele#te% representaties o$ t&e people+
As earl" as 1912 '*%en%or$$, (&o (as t&en Colonel an% an O$$i#er o$ t&e Aeneral Sta$$, pointe% o*t t&ese (ea, $eat*res o$
t&e Allian#e in a !e!oran%*! (&i#& &e t&en %re( *p+ 8*t o$ #o*rse t&e Mstates!en %i% not atta#& an" i!portan#e or
al*e to t&at %o#*!ent+ In general it (o*l% see! as i$ reason (ere a $a#*lt" t&at is a#tie onl" in t&e #ase o$ or%inar"
!ortals b*t t&at it is entirel" absent (&en (e #o!e to %eal (it& t&at bran#& o$ t&e spe#ies ,no(n as M%iplo!ats+
It (as l*#," $or Aer!an" t&at t&e (ar o$ 1914 bro,e o*t (it& A*stria as its %ire#t #a*se, $or t&*s t&e Habsb*rgs (ere
#o!pelle% to parti#ipate+ Ha% t&e origin o$ t&e 3ar been ot&er(ise, Aer!an" (o*l% &ae been le$t to &er o(n reso*r#es+
T&e Habsb*rg State (o*l% neer &ae been rea%" or (illing to ta,e part in a (ar $or t&e origin o$ (&i#& Aer!an" (as
responsible+ 3&at (as t&e ob0e#t o$ so !*#& oblo/*" later in t&e #ase o$ Ital"s %e#ision (o*l% &ae ta,en pla#e, onl"
earlier, in t&e #ase o$ A*stria+ In ot&er (or%s, i$ Aer!an" &a% been $or#e% to go to (ar $or so!e reason o$ its o(n, A*stria
(o*l% &ae re!aine% Mne*tral in or%er to sa$eg*ar% t&e State against a reol*tion (&i#& !ig&t begin i!!e%iatel" a$ter
t&e (ar &a% starte%+ T&e Sla ele!ent (o*l% &ae pre$erre% to s!as& *p t&e =*al )onar#&" in 1914 rat&er t&an per!it it
to #o!e to t&e assistan#e o$ Aer!an"+ 8*t at t&at ti!e t&ere (ere onl" a $e( (&o *n%erstoo% all t&e %angers an%
aggraations (&i#& res*lte% $ro! t&e allian#e (it& t&e =an*bian )onar#&"+
In t&e $irst pla#e, A*stria &a% too !an" ene!ies (&o (ere eagerl" loo,ing $or(ar% to obtain t&e &eritage o$ t&at %e#repit
State, so t&at t&ese people gra%*all" %eelope% a #ertain ani!osit" against Aer!an", be#a*se Aer!an" (as an obsta#le to
t&eir %esires inas!*#& as it ,ept t&e =*al )onar#&" $ro! $alling to pie#es, a #ons*!!ation t&at (as &ope% $or an%
"earne% $or on all si%es+ T&e #oni#tion %eelope% t&at Bienna #o*l% be rea#&e% onl" b" passing t&ro*g& 8erlin+
In t&e se#on% pla#e, b" a%opting t&is poli#" Aer!an" lost its best an% !ost pro!ising #&an#es o$ ot&er allian#es+ In pla#e
o$ t&ese possibilities one no( obsere% a gro(ing tension in t&e relations (it& R*ssia an% een (it& Ital"+ An% t&is in spite
o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e general attit*%e in Ro!e (as 0*st as $ao*rable to Aer!an" as it (as &ostile to A*stria, a &ostilit"
(&i#& la" %or!ant in t&e in%ii%*al Italian an% bro,e o*t iolentl" on o##asion+
Sin#e a #o!!er#ial an% in%*strial poli#" &a% been a%opte%, no !otie (as le$t $or (aging (ar against R*ssia+ Onl" t&e
ene!ies o$ t&e t(o #o*ntries, Aer!an" an% R*ssia, #o*l% &ae an a#tie interest in s*#& a (ar *n%er t&ese #ir#*!stan#es+
As a !atter o$ $a#t, it (as onl" t&e -e(s an% t&e )ar5ists (&o trie% to stir *p ba% bloo% bet(een t&e t(o States+
In t&e t&ir% pla#e, t&e Allian#e #onstit*te% a per!anent %anger to Aer!an se#*rit"C $or an" great Po(er t&at (as &ostile to
8is!ar#,s E!pire #o*l% !obili>e a (&ole lot o$ ot&er States in a (ar against Aer!an" b" pro!ising t&e! te!pting
spoils at t&e e5pense o$ t&e A*strian all"+
It (as possible to aro*se t&e (&ole o$ Eastern E*rope against A*stria, espe#iall" R*ssia, an% Ital" also+ T&e (orl%
#oalition (&i#& &a% %eelope% *n%er t&e lea%ers&ip o$ ;ing E%(ar% #o*l% neer &ae be#o!e a realit" i$ Aer!an"s all",
A*stria, &a% not o$$ere% s*#& an all*ring prospe#t o$ boot"+ It (as t&is $a#t alone (&i#& !a%e it possible to #o!bine so
!an" &eterogeneo*s States (it& %iergent interests into one #o!!on p&alan5 o$ atta#,+ Eer" !e!ber #o*l% &ope to
enri#& &i!sel$ at t&e e5pense o$ A*stria i$ &e 0oine% in t&e general atta#, against Aer!an"+ T&e $a#t t&at T*r,e" (as also
a ta#it part" to t&e *n$ort*nate allian#e (it& A*stria a*g!ente% Aer!an"s peril to an e5traor%inar" %egree+
-e(is& international $inan#e nee%e% t&is bait o$ t&e A*strian &eritage in or%er to #arr" o*t its plans o$ r*ining Aer!an"C
$or Aer!an" &a% not "et s*rren%ere% to t&e general #ontrol (&i#& t&e international #aptains o$ $inan#e an% tra%e e5er#ise%
oer t&e ot&er States+ T&*s it (as possible to #onsoli%ate t&at #oalition an% !a,e it strong eno*g& an% brae eno*g&,
t&ro*g& t&e s&eer (eig&t o$ n*!bers, to 0oin in bo%il" #on$li#t (it& t&e M&orne% Sieg$rie%+9G
T&e allian#e (it& t&e Habsb*rg )onar#&", (&i#& I loat&e% (&ile still in A*stria, (as t&e s*b0e#t o$ grae #on#ern on !"
part an% #a*se% !e to !e%itate on it so persistentl" t&at $inall" I #a!e to t&e #on#l*sions (&i#& I &ae !entione% aboe+
In t&e s!all #ir#les (&i#& I $re/*ente% at t&at ti!e I %i% not #on#eal !" #oni#tion t&at t&is sinister agree!ent (it& a
State %oo!e% to #ollapse (o*l% also bring #atastrop&e to Aer!an" i$ s&e %i% not $ree &ersel$ $ro! it in ti!e+ I neer $or a
!o!ent (aere% in t&at $ir! #oni#tion, een (&en t&e te!pest o$ t&e 3orl% 3ar see!e% to &ae !a%e s&ip(re#, o$ t&e
reasoning $a#*lt" itsel$ an% &a% p*t blin% ent&*sias! in its pla#e, een a!ong t&ose #ir#les (&ere t&e #oolest an% &ar%est
ob0e#tie t&in,ing o*g&t to &ae &el% s(a"+ In t&e tren#&es I oi#e% an% *p&el% !" o(n opinion (&eneer t&ese proble!s
#a!e *n%er %is#*ssion+ I &el% t&at to aban%on t&e Habsb*rg )onar#&" (o*l% inole no sa#ri$i#e i$ Aer!an" #o*l%
t&ereb" re%*#e t&e n*!ber o$ &er o(n ene!iesC $or t&e !illions o$ Aer!ans (&o &a% %onne% t&e steel &el!et &a% %one so
not to $ig&t $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ a #orr*pt %"nast" b*t rat&er $or t&e salation o$ t&e Aer!an people+
8e$ore t&e 3ar t&ere (ere o##asions on (&i#& it see!e% t&at at least one se#tion o$ t&e Aer!an p*bli# &a% so!e slig&t
!isgiings abo*t t&e politi#al (is%o! o$ t&e allian#e (it& A*stria+ Fro! ti!e to ti!e Aer!an #onseratie #ir#les iss*e%
(arnings against being oer1#on$i%ent abo*t t&e (ort& o$ t&at allian#eC b*t, li,e eer" ot&er reasonable s*ggestion !a%e at
t&at ti!e, it (as t&ro(n to t&e (in%s+ T&e general #oni#tion (as t&at t&e rig&t !eas*res &a% been a%opte% to M#on/*er
t&e (orl%, t&at t&e s*##ess o$ t&ese !eas*res (o*l% be enor!o*s an% t&e sa#ri$i#es negligible+
On#e again t&e M*ninitiate% la"!an #o*l% %o not&ing b*t obsere &o( t&e Mele#t (ere !ar#&ing straig&t a&ea% to(ar%s
%isaster an% enti#ing t&eir beloe% people to $ollo( t&e!, as t&e rats $ollo(e% t&e Pie% Piper o$ Ha!elin+
I$ (e (o*l% loo, $or t&e %eeper gro*n%s (&i#& !a%e it possible to $oist on t&e people t&is abs*r% notion o$ pea#e$*ll"
#on/*ering t&e (orl% t&ro*g& #o!!er#ial penetration, an% &o( it (as possible to p*t $or(ar% t&e !aintenan#e o$ (orl%1
pea#e as a national ai!, (e s&all $in% t&at t&ese gro*n%s la" in a general !orbi% #on%ition t&at &a% pera%e% t&e (&ole
bo%" o$ Aer!an politi#al t&o*g&t+
T&e tri*!p&ant progress o$ te#&ni#al s#ien#e in Aer!an" an% t&e !arello*s %eelop!ent o$ Aer!an in%*stries an%
#o!!er#e le% *s to $orget t&at a po(er$*l State &a% been t&e ne#essar" pre1re/*isite o$ t&at s*##ess+ On t&e #ontrar",
#ertain #ir#les (ent een so $ar as to gie ent to t&e t&eor" t&at t&e State o(e% its er" e5isten#e to t&ese p&eno!enaC t&at
it (as, aboe all, an e#ono!i# instit*tion an% s&o*l% be #onstit*te% in a##or%an#e (it& e#ono!i# interests+ T&ere$ore, it
(as &el%, t&e State (as %epen%ent on t&e e#ono!i# str*#t*re+ T&is #on%ition o$ t&ings (as loo,e% *pon an% glori$ie% as
t&e so*n%est an% !ost nor!al arrange!ent+
.o(, t&e tr*t& is t&at t&e State in itsel$ &as not&ing (&atsoeer to %o (it& an" %e$inite e#ono!i# #on#ept or a %e$inite
e#ono!i# %eelop!ent+ It %oes not arise $ro! a #o!pa#t !a%e bet(een #ontra#ting parties, (it&in a #ertain %eli!ite%
territor", $or t&e p*rpose o$ sering e#ono!i# en%s+ T&e State is a #o!!*nit" o$ liing beings (&o &ae ,in%re% p&"si#al
an% spirit*al nat*res, organi>e% $or t&e p*rpose o$ ass*ring t&e #onseration o$ t&eir o(n ,in% an% to &elp to(ar%s
$*l$illing t&ose en%s (&i#& Proi%en#e &as assigne% to t&at parti#*lar ra#e or ra#ial bran#&+ T&erein, an% t&erein alone, lie
t&e p*rpose an% !eaning o$ a State+ E#ono!i# a#tiit" is one o$ t&e !an" a*5iliar" !eans (&i#& are ne#essar" $or t&e
attain!ent o$ t&ose ai!s+ 8*t e#ono!i# a#tiit" is neer t&e origin or p*rpose o$ a State, e5#ept (&ere a State &as been
originall" $o*n%e% on a $alse an% *nnat*ral basis+ An% t&is alone e5plains (&" a State as s*#& %oes not ne#essaril" nee% a
#ertain %eli!ite% territor" as a #on%ition o$ its establis&!ent+ T&is #on%ition be#o!es a ne#essar" pre1re/*isite onl" a!ong
t&ose people (&o (o*l% proi%e an% ass*re s*bsisten#e $or t&eir ,ins$ol, t&ro*g& t&eir o(n in%*str", (&i#& !eans t&at
t&e" are rea%" to #arr" on t&e str*ggle $or e5isten#e b" !eans o$ t&eir o(n (or,+ People (&o #an snea, t&eir (a", li,e
parasites, into t&e &*!an bo%" politi# an% !a,e ot&ers (or, $or t&e! *n%er ario*s preten#es #an $or! a State (it&o*t
possessing an" %e$inite %eli!ite% territor"+ T&is is #&ie$l" appli#able to t&at parasiti# nation (&i#&, parti#*larl" at t&e
present ti!e pre"s *pon t&e &onest portion o$ !an,in%C I !ean t&e -e(s+
T&e -e(is& State &as neer been %eli!ite% in spa#e+ It &as been sprea% all oer t&e (orl%, (it&o*t an" $rontiers
(&atsoeer, an% &as al(a"s been #onstit*te% $ro! t&e !e!bers&ip o$ one ra#e e5#l*siel"+ T&at is (&" t&e -e(s &ae
al(a"s $or!e% a State (it&in t&e State+ One o$ t&e !ost ingenio*s tri#,s eer %eise% &as been t&at o$ sailing t&e -e(is&
s&ip1o$1state *n%er t&e $lag o$ Religion an% t&*s se#*ring t&at toleran#e (&i#& Ar"ans are al(a"s rea%" to grant to
%i$$erent religio*s $ait&s+ 8*t t&e )osai# 'a( is reall" not&ing else t&an t&e %o#trine o$ t&e preseration o$ t&e -e(is&
ra#e+ T&ere$ore t&is 'a( ta,es in all sp&eres o$ so#iologi#al, politi#al an% e#ono!i# s#ien#e (&i#& &ae a bearing on t&e
!ain en% in ie(+
T&e instin#t $or t&e preseration o$ ones o(n spe#ies is t&e pri!ar" #a*se t&at lea%s to t&e $or!ation o$ &*!an
#o!!*nities+ Hen#e t&e State is a ra#ial organis!, an% not an e#ono!i# organi>ation+ T&e %i$$eren#e bet(een t&e t(o is
so great as to be in#o!pre&ensible to o*r #onte!porar" so1#alle% Mstates!en+ T&at is (&" t&e" li,e to beliee t&at t&e
State !a" be #onstit*te% as an e#ono!i# str*#t*re, (&ereas t&e tr*t& is t&at it &as al(a"s res*lte% $ro! t&e e5er#ise o$
t&ose /*alities (&i#& are part o$ t&e (ill to presere t&e spe#ies an% t&e ra#e+ 8*t t&ese /*alities al(a"s e5ist an% operate
t&ro*g& t&e &eroi# irt*es an% &ae not&ing to %o (it& #o!!er#ial egois!C $or t&e #onseration o$ t&e spe#ies al(a"s
pres*pposes t&at t&e in%ii%*al is rea%" to sa#ri$i#e &i!sel$+ S*#& is t&e !eaning o$ t&e poets lines4
Un% set>et i&r ni#&t %as 'eben ein,
.ie (ir% e*#& %as 'eben ge(onnen sein+
FAn% i$ "o* %o not sta,e "o*r li$e,
Ko* (ill neer (in li$e $or "o*rsel$+G 17G
T&e sa#ri$i#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al e5isten#e is ne#essar" in or%er to ass*re t&e #onseration o$ t&e ra#e+ Hen#e it is t&at t&e
!ost essential #on%ition $or t&e establis&!ent an% !aintenan#e o$ a State is a #ertain $eeling o$ soli%arit", (o*n%e% in an
i%entit" o$ #&ara#ter an% ra#e an% in a resol*te rea%iness to %e$en% t&ese at all #osts+ 3it& people (&o lie on t&eir o(n
territor" t&is (ill res*lt in a %eelop!ent o$ t&e &eroi# irt*esC (it& a parasiti# people it (ill %eelop t&e arts o$ s*bter$*ge
an% gross per$i%" *nless (e a%!it t&at t&ese #&ara#teristi#s are innate an% t&at t&e ar"ing politi#al $or!s t&ro*g& (&i#&
t&e parasiti# ra#e e5presses itsel$ are onl" t&e o*t(ar% !ani$estations o$ innate #&ara#teristi#s+ At least in t&e beginning,
t&e $or!ation o$ a State #an res*lt onl" $ro! a !ani$estation o$ t&e &eroi# /*alities I &ae spo,en o$+ An% t&e people (&o
$ail in t&e str*ggle $or e5isten#e, t&at is to sa" t&ose, (&o be#o!e assals an% are t&ereb" #on%e!ne% to %isappear entirel"
sooner or later, are t&ose (&o %o not %ispla" t&e &eroi# irt*es in t&e str*ggle, or t&ose (&o $all i#ti!s to t&e per$i%" o$
t&e parasites+ An% een in t&is latter #ase t&e $ail*re is not so !*#& %*e to la#, o$ intelle#t*al po(ers, b*t rat&er to a la#,
o$ #o*rage an% %eter!ination+ An atte!pt is !a%e to #on#eal t&e real nat*re o$ t&is $ailing b" sa"ing t&at it is t&e &*!ane
T&e /*alities (&i#& are e!plo"e% $or t&e $o*n%ation an% preseration o$ a State &ae a##or%ingl" little or not&ing to %o
(it& t&e e#ono!i# sit*ation+ An% t&is is #onspi#*o*sl" %e!onstrate% b" t&e $a#t t&at t&e inner strengt& o$ a State onl" er"
rarel" #oin#i%es (it& (&at is #alle% its e#ono!i# e5pansion+ On t&e #ontrar", t&ere are n*!ero*s e5a!ples to s&o( t&at a
perio% o$ e#ono!i# prosperit" in%i#ates t&e approa#&ing %e#line o$ a State+ I$ it (ere #orre#t to attrib*te t&e $o*n%ation o$
&*!an #o!!*nities to e#ono!i# $or#es, t&en t&e po(er o$ t&e State as s*#& (o*l% be at its &ig&est pit#& %*ring perio%s o$
e#ono!i# prosperit", an% not i#e ersa+
It is spe#iall" %i$$i#*lt to *n%erstan% &o( t&e belie$ t&at t&e State is bro*g&t into being an% presere% b" e#ono!i# $or#es
#o*l% gain #*rren#" in a #o*ntr" (&i#& &as gien proo$ o$ t&e opposite in eer" p&ase o$ its &istor"+ T&e &istor" o$ Pr*ssia
s&o(s in a !anner parti#*larl" #lear an% %istin#t, t&at it is o*t o$ t&e !oral irt*es o$ t&e people an% not $ro! t&eir
e#ono!i# #ir#*!stan#es t&at a State is $or!e%+ It is onl" *n%er t&e prote#tion o$ t&ose irt*es t&at e#ono!i# a#tiities #an
be %eelope% an% t&e latter (ill #ontin*e to $lo*ris& *ntil a ti!e #o!es (&en t&e #reatie politi#al #apa#it" %e#lines+
T&ere(it& t&e e#ono!i# str*#t*re (ill also brea, %o(n, a p&eno!enon (&i#& is no( &appening in an alar!ing !anner
be$ore o*r e"es+ T&e !aterial interest o$ !an,in% #an prosper onl" in t&e s&a%e o$ t&e &eroi# irt*es+ T&e !o!ent t&e"
be#o!e t&e pri!ar" #onsi%erations o$ li$e t&e" (re#, t&e basis o$ t&eir o(n e5isten#e+
3&eneer t&e politi#al po(er o$ Aer!an" (as spe#iall" strong t&e e#ono!i# sit*ation also i!proe%+ 8*t (&eneer
e#ono!i# interests alone o##*pie% t&e $ore!ost pla#e in t&e li$e o$ t&e people, an% t&r*st trans#en%ent i%eals into t&e
ba#,+1gro*n%, t&e State #ollapse% an% e#ono!i# r*in $ollo(e% rea%il"+
I$ (e #onsi%er t&e /*estion o$ (&at t&ose $or#es a#t*all" are (&i#& are ne#essar" to t&e #reation an% preseration o$ a
State, (e s&all $in% t&at t&e" are4 T&e #apa#it" an% rea%iness to sa#ri$i#e t&e in%ii%*al to t&e #o!!on (el$are+ T&at t&ese
/*alities &ae not&ing at all to %o (it& e#ono!i#s #an be proe% b" re$erring to t&e si!ple $a#t t&at !an %oes not sa#ri$i#e
&i!sel$ $or !aterial interests+ In ot&er (or%s, &e (ill %ie $or an i%eal b*t not $or a b*siness+ T&e !arello*s gi$t $or p*bli#
ps"#&olog" (&i#& t&e Englis& &ae (as neer s&o(n better t&an t&e (a" in (&i#& t&e" presente% t&eir #ase in t&e 3orl%
3ar+ 3e (ere $ig&ting $or o*r brea%C b*t t&e Englis& %e#lare% t&at t&e" (ere $ig&ting $or M$ree%o!, an% not at all $or
t&eir o(n $ree%o!+ O&, no, b*t $or t&e $ree%o! o$ t&e s!all nations+ Aer!an people la*g&e% at t&at e$$ronter" an% (ere
angere% b" itC b*t in %oing so t&e" s&o(e% &o( politi#al t&o*g&t &a% %e#line% a!ong o*r so1#alle% %iplo!ats in Aer!an"
een be$ore t&e 3ar+ T&ese %iplo!atists %i% not &ae t&e slig&test notion o$ (&at t&at $or#e (as (&i#& bro*g&t !en to
$a#e %eat& o$ t&eir o(n $ree (ill an% %eter!ination+
As long as t&e Aer!an people, in t&e 3ar o$ 1914, #ontin*e% to beliee t&at t&e" (ere $ig&ting $or i%eals t&e" stoo% $ir!+
As soon as t&e" (ere tol% t&at t&e" (ere $ig&ting onl" $or t&eir %ail" brea% t&e" began to gie *p t&e str*ggle+
O*r #leer Mstates!en (ere greatl" a!a>e% at t&is #&ange o$ $eeling+ T&e" neer *n%erstoo% t&at as soon as !an is #alle%
*pon to str*ggle $or p*rel" !aterial #a*ses &e (ill aoi% %eat& as best &e #anC $or %eat& an% t&e en0o"!ent o$ t&e !aterial
$r*its o$ a i#tor" are /*ite in#o!patible #on#epts+ T&e $railest (o!an (ill be#o!e a &eroine (&en t&e li$e o$ &er o(n
#&il% is at sta,e+ An% onl" t&e (ill to sae t&e ra#e an% natie lan% or t&e State, (&i#& o$$ers prote#tion to t&e ra#e, &as in
all ages been t&e *rge (&i#& &as $or#e% !en to $a#e t&e (eapons o$ t&eir ene!ies+
T&e $ollo(ing !a" be pro#lai!e% as a tr*t& t&at al(a"s &ol%s goo%4
A State &as neer arisen $ro! #o!!er#ial #a*ses $or t&e p*rpose o$ pea#e$*ll" sering #o!!er#ial en%sC b*t States &ae
al(a"s arisen $ro! t&e instin#t to !aintain t&e ra#ial gro*p, (&et&er t&is instin#t !ani$est itsel$ in t&e &eroi# sp&ere or in
t&e sp&ere o$ #*nning an% #&i#aner"+ In t&e $irst #ase (e &ae t&e Ar"an States, base% on t&e prin#iples o$ (or, an%
#*lt*ral %eelop!ent+ In t&e se#on% #ase (e &ae t&e -e(is& parasiti# #olonies+ 8*t as soon as e#ono!i# interests begin to
pre%o!inate oer t&e ra#ial an% #*lt*ral instin#ts in a people or a State, t&ese e#ono!i# interests *nloose t&e #a*ses t&at
lea% to s*b0*gation an% oppression+
T&e belie$, (&i#& preaile% in Aer!an" be$ore t&e 3ar, t&at t&e (orl% #o*l% be opene% *p an% een #on/*ere% $or
Aer!an" t&ro*g& a s"ste! o$ pea#e$*l #o!!er#ial penetration an% a #olonial poli#" (as a t"pi#al s"!pto! (&i#&
in%i#ate% t&e %e#line o$ t&ose real /*alities (&ereb" States are #reate% an% presere%, an% in%i#ate% also t&e %e#line o$ t&at
insig&t, (ill1po(er an% pra#ti#al %eter!ination (&i#& belong to t&ose /*alities+ T&e 3orl% 3ar (it& its #onse/*en#es,
(as t&e nat*ral li/*i%ation o$ t&at %e#line+
To an"one (&o &a% not t&o*g&t oer t&e !atter %eepl", t&is attit*%e o$ t&e Aer!an people 1 (&i#& (as /*ite general 1
!*st &ae see!e% an insol*ble enig!a+ A$ter all, Aer!an" &ersel$ (as a !agni$i#ent e5a!ple o$ an e!pire t&at &a% been
b*ilt *p p*rel" b" a poli#" o$ po(er+ Pr*ssia, (&i#& (as t&e generatie #ell o$ t&e Aer!an E!pire, &a% been #reate% b"
brilliant &eroi# %ee%s an% not b" a $inan#ial or #o!!er#ial #o!pa#t+ An% t&e E!pire itsel$ (as b*t t&e !agni$i#ent
re#o!pense $or a lea%ers&ip t&at &a% been #on%*#te% on a poli#" o$ po(er an% !ilitar" alo*r+
Ho( t&en %i% it &appen t&at t&e politi#al instin#ts o$ t&is er" sa!e Aer!an people be#a!e so %egenerate@ For it (as not
!erel" one isolate% p&eno!enon (&i#& pointe% to t&is %e#a%en#e, b*t !orbi% s"!pto!s (&i#& appeare% in alar!ing
n*!bers, no( all oer t&e bo%" politi#, or eating into t&e bo%" o$ t&e nation li,e a gangreno*s *l#er+ It see!e% as i$ so!e
all1pera%ing poisono*s $l*i% &a% been in0e#te% b" so!e !"sterio*s &an% into t&e bloo%strea! o$ t&is on#e &eroi# bo%",
bringing abo*t a #reeping paral"sis t&at a$$e#te% t&e reason an% t&e ele!entar" instin#t o$ sel$1preseration+
=*ring t&e "ears 191211914 I *se% to pon%er perpet*all" on t&ose proble!s (&i#& relate% to t&e poli#" o$ t&e Triple
Allian#e an% t&e e#ono!i# poli#" t&en being p*rs*e% b" t&e Aer!an E!pire+ On#e again I #a!e to t&e #on#l*sion t&at t&e
onl" e5planation o$ t&is enig!a la" in t&e operation o$ t&at $or#e (&i#& I &a% alrea%" be#o!e a#/*ainte% (it& in Bienna,
t&o*g& $ro! a %i$$erent angle o$ ision+ T&e $or#e to (&i#& I re$er (as t&e )ar5ist tea#&ing an% 3eltans#&&a**ng an% its
organi>e% a#tion t&ro*g&o*t t&e nation+
For t&e se#on% ti!e in !" li$e I pl*nge% %eep into t&e st*%" o$ t&at %estr*#tie tea#&ing+ T&is ti!e, &o(eer, I (as not
*rge% b" t&e st*%" o$ t&e /*estion b" t&e i!pressions an% in$l*en#es o$ !" %ail" eniron!ent, b*t %ire#te% rat&er b" t&e
obseration o$ general p&eno!ena in t&e politi#al li$e o$ Aer!an"+ In %eling again into t&e t&eoreti#al literat*re o$ t&is
ne( (orl% an% en%eao*ring to get a #lear ie( o$ t&e possible #onse/*en#es o$ its tea#&ing, I #o!pare% t&e t&eoreti#al
prin#iples o$ )ar5is! (it& t&e p&eno!ena an% &appenings bro*g&t abo*t b" its a#tiities in t&e politi#al, #*lt*ral, an%
e#ono!i# sp&eres+
For t&e $irst ti!e in !" li$e I no( t*rne% !" attention to t&e e$$orts t&at (ere being !a%e to s*b%*e t&is *niersal pest+
I st*%ie% 8is!ar#,s e5#eptional legislation in its original #on#ept, its operation an% its res*lts+ Ara%*all" I $or!e% a basis
$or !" o(n opinions, (&i#& &as proe% as soli% as a ro#,, so t&at neer sin#e &ae I &a% to #&ange !" attit*%e to(ar%s t&e
general proble!+ I also !a%e a $*rt&er an% !ore t&oro*g& anal"sis o$ t&e relations bet(een )ar5is! an% -e(r"+
=*ring !" so0o*rn in Bienna I *se% to loo, *pon Aer!an" as an i!pert*rbable #oloss*sC b*t een t&en serio*s %o*bts an%
!isgiings (o*l% o$ten %ist*rb !e+ In !" o(n !in% an% in !" #onersation (it& !" s!all #ir#le o$ a#/*aintan#es I *se%
to #riti#i>e Aer!an"s $oreign poli#" an% t&e in#re%ibl" s*per$i#ial (a", a##or%ing to !" t&in,ing, in (&i#& )ar5is! (as
%ealt (it&, t&o*g& it (as t&en t&e !ost i!portant proble! in Aer!an"+ I #o*l% not *n%erstan% &o( t&e" #o*l% st*!ble
blin%$ol%e% into t&e !i%st o$ t&is peril, t&e e$$e#ts o$ (&i#& (o*l% be !o!ento*s i$ t&e openl" %e#lare% ai!s o$ )ar5is!
#o*l% be p*t into pra#ti#e+ Een as earl" as t&at ti!e I (arne% people aro*n% !e, 0*st as I a! (arning a (i%er a*%ien#e
no(, against t&at soot&ing slogan o$ all in%olent an% $e#,less nat*re4 .ot&ing #an &appen to *s+ A si!ilar !ental
#ontagion &a% alrea%" %estro"e% a !ig&t" e!pire+ Can Aer!an" es#ape t&e operation o$ t&ose la(s to (&i#& all ot&er
&*!an #o!!*nities are s*b0e#t@
In t&e "ears 1912 an% 1914 I e5presse% !" opinion $or t&e $irst ti!e in ario*s #ir#les, so!e o$ (&i#& are no( !e!bers o$
t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent, t&at t&e proble! o$ &o( t&e $*t*re o$ t&e Aer!an nation #an be se#*re% is t&e proble!
o$ &o( )ar5is! #an be e5ter!inate%+
I #onsi%ere% t&e %isastro*s poli#" o$ t&e Triple Allian#e as one o$ t&e #onse/*en#es res*lting $ro! t&e %isintegrating
e$$e#ts o$ t&e )ar5ist tea#&ingC $or t&e alar!ing $eat*re (as t&at t&is tea#&ing (as inisibl" #orr*pting t&e $o*n%ations o$
a &ealt&" politi#al an% e#ono!i# o*tloo,+ T&ose (&o &a% been t&e!seles #onta!inate% $re/*entl" %i% not realise t&at
t&eir ai!s an% a#tions sprang $ro! t&is 3eltans#&&a**ng, (&i#& t&e" ot&er(ise openl" rep*%iate%+
'ong be$ore t&en t&e spirit*al an% !oral %e#line o$ t&e Aer!an people &a% set in, t&o*g& t&ose (&o (ere a$$e#te% b" t&e
!orbi% %e#a%en#e (ere $re/*entl" *na(are 1 as o$ten &appens 1 o$ t&e $or#es (&i#& (ere brea,ing *p t&eir er" e5isten#e+
So!eti!es t&e" trie% to #*re t&e %isease b" %o#toring t&e s"!pto!s, (&i#& (ere ta,en as t&e #a*se+ 8*t sin#e nobo%"
re#ogni>e%, or (ante% to re#ogni>e, t&e real #a*se o$ t&e %isease t&is (a" o$ #o!bating )ar5is! (as no !ore e$$e#tie
t&an t&e appli#ation o$ so!e /*a#,s oint!ent+
C&apter Fie4
=*ring t&e boistero*s "ears o$ !" "o*t& not&ing *se% to %a!p !" (il% spirits so !*#& as to t&in, t&at I (as born at a
ti!e (&en t&e (orl% &a% !ani$estl" %e#i%e% not to ere#t an" !ore te!ples o$ $a!e e5#ept in &ono*r o$ b*siness people
an% State o$$i#ials+ T&e te!pest o$ &istori#al a#&iee!ents see!e% to &ae per!anentl" s*bsi%e%, so !*#& so t&at t&e
$*t*re appeare% to be irreo#abl" %eliere% oer to (&at (as #alle% pea#e$*l #o!petition bet(een t&e nations+ T&is si!pl"
!eant a s"ste! o$ !*t*al e5ploitation b" $ra*%*lent !eans, t&e prin#iple o$ resorting to t&e *se o$ $or#e in sel$1%e$en#e
being $or!all" e5#l*%e%+ In%ii%*al #o*ntries in#reasingl" ass*!e% t&e appearan#e o$ #o!!er#ial *n%erta,ings, grabbing
territor" an% #lients an% #on#essions $ro! ea#& ot&er *n%er an" an% eer" ,in% o$ prete5t+ An% it (as all stage% to an
a##o!pani!ent o$ lo*% b*t inno#*o*s s&o*ting+ T&is tren% o$ a$$airs see!e% %estine% to %eelop stea%il" an% per!anentl"+
Haing t&e s*pport o$ p*bli# approbation, it see!e% bo*n% eent*all" to trans$or! t&e (orl% into a !a!!ot& %epart!ent
store+ In t&e estib*le o$ t&is e!pori*! t&ere (o*l% be ro(s o$ !on*!ental b*sts (&i#& (o*l% #on$er i!!ortalit" on
t&ose pro$iteers (&o &a% proe% t&e!seles t&e s&re(%est at t&eir tra%e an% t&ose a%!inistratie o$$i#ials (&o &a% s&o(n
t&e!seles t&e !ost inno#*o*s+ T&e sales!en #o*l% be represente% b" t&e Englis& an% t&e a%!inistratie $*n#tionaries b"
t&e Aer!ansC (&ereas t&e -e(s (o*l% be sa#ri$i#e% to t&e *npro$itable #alling o$ proprietors&ip, $or t&e" are #onstantl"
ao(ing t&at t&e" !a,e no pro$its an% are al(a"s being #alle% *pon to Mpa" o*t+ )oreoer t&e" &ae t&e a%antage o$
being erse% in t&e $oreign lang*ages+
3&" #o*l% I not &ae been born a &*n%re% "ears ago@ I *se% to as, !"sel$+ So!e(&ere abo*t t&e ti!e o$ t&e 3ars o$
'iberation, (&en a !an (as still o$ so!e al*e een t&o*g& &e &a% no Mb*siness+
T&*s I *se% to t&in, it an ill1%esere% stro,e o$ ba% l*#, t&at I &a% arrie% too late on t&is terrestrial globe, an% I $elt
#&agrine% at t&e i%ea t&at !" li$e (o*l% &ae to r*n its #o*rse along pea#e$*l an% or%erl" lines+ As a bo" I (as an"t&ing
b*t a pa#i$ist an% all atte!pts to !a,e !e so t*rne% o*t $*tile+
T&en t&e 8oer 3ar #a!e, li,e a glo( o$ lig&tning on t&e $ar &ori>on+ =a" a$ter %a" I *se% to ga>e intentl" at t&e
ne(spapers an% I al!ost M%eo*re% t&e telegra!s an% #o!!*ni/*es, oer0o"e% to t&in, t&at I #o*l% (itness t&at &eroi#
str*ggle, een t&o*g& $ro! so great a %istan#e+
3&en t&e R*sso1-apanese 3ar #a!e I (as ol%er an% better able to 0*%ge $or !"sel$+ For national reasons I t&en too, t&e
si%e o$ t&e -apanese in o*r %is#*ssions+ I loo,e% *pon t&e %e$eat o$ t&e R*ssians as a blo( to A*strian Slais!+
)an" "ears &a% passe% bet(een t&at ti!e an% !" arrial in )*ni#&+ I no( reali>e% t&at (&at I $or!erl" beliee% to be a
!orbi% %e#a%en#e (as onl" t&e l*ll be$ore t&e stor!+ =*ring !" Bienna %a"s t&e 8al,ans (ere alrea%" in t&e grip o$ t&at
s*ltr" pa*se (&i#& presages t&e iolent stor!+ Here an% t&ere a $las& o$ lig&tning #o*l% be o##asionall" seenC b*t it rapi%l"
%isappeare% in sinister gloo!+ T&en t&e 8al,an 3ar bro,e o*tC an% t&ere(it& t&e $irst g*sts o$ t&e $ort&#o!ing torna%o
s(ept a#ross a &ig&l"1str*ng E*rope+ In t&e s*perening #al! !en $elt t&e at!osp&ere oppressie an% $orebo%ing, so
!*#& so t&at t&e sense o$ an i!pen%ing #atastrop&e be#a!e trans$or!e% into a $eeling o$ i!patient e5pe#tan#e+ T&e"
(is&e% t&at Heaen (o*l% gie $ree rein to t&e $ate (&i#& #o*l% no( no longer be #*rbe%+ T&en t&e $irst great bolt o$
lig&tning str*#, t&e eart&+ T&e stor! bro,e an% t&e t&*n%er o$ t&e &eaens inter!ingle% (it& t&e roar o$ t&e #annons in
t&e 3orl% 3ar+
3&en t&e ne(s #a!e to )*ni#& t&at t&e Ar#&%*,e Fran> Fer%inan% &a% been !*r%ere%, I &a% been at &o!e all %a" an%
%i% not get t&e parti#*lars o$ &o( it &appene%+ At $irst I $eare% t&at t&e s&ots !a" &ae been $ire% b" so!e Aer!an1
A*strian st*%ents (&o &a% been aro*se% to a state o$ $*rio*s in%ignation b" t&e persistent pro1Sla a#tiities o$ t&e Heir to
t&e Habsb*rg T&rone an% t&ere$ore (is&e% to liberate t&e Aer!an pop*lation $ro! t&is internal ene!"+ It (as /*ite eas" to
i!agine (&at t&e res*lt o$ s*#& a !ista,e (o*l% &ae been+ It (o*l% &ae bro*g&t on a ne( (ae o$ perse#*tion, t&e
!oties o$ (&i#& (o*l% &ae been M0*sti$ie% be$ore t&e (&ole (orl%+ 8*t soon a$ter(ar%s I &ear% t&e na!es o$ t&e
pres*!e% assassins an% also t&at t&e" (ere ,no(n to be Serbs+ I $elt so!e(&at %*!b$o*n%e% in $a#e o$ t&e ine5orable
engean#e (&i#& =estin" &a% (ro*g&t+ T&e greatest $rien% o$ t&e Slas &a% $allen a i#ti! to t&e b*llets o$ Sla patriots+
It is *n0*st to t&e Bienna goern!ent o$ t&at ti!e to bla!e it no( $or t&e $or! an% tenor o$ t&e *lti!at*! (&i#& (as t&en
presente%+ In a si!ilar position an% *n%er si!ilar #ir#*!stan#es, no ot&er Po(er in t&e (orl% (o*l% &ae a#te% ot&er(ise+
On &er so*t&ern $rontiers A*stria &a% a relentless !ortal $oe (&o in%*lge% in a#ts o$ proo#ation against t&e =*al
)onar#&" at interals (&i#& (ere be#o!ing !ore an% !ore $re/*ent+ T&is persistent line o$ #on%*#t (o*l% not &ae been
rela5e% *ntil t&e arrial o$ t&e opport*ne !o!ent $or t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e E!pire+ In A*stria t&ere (as goo% reason to
$ear t&at, at t&e latest, t&is !o!ent (o*l% #o!e (it& t&e %eat& o$ t&e ol% E!peror+ On#e t&at &a% ta,en pla#e, it (as /*ite
possible t&at t&e )onar#&" (o*l% not be able to o$$er an" serio*s resistan#e+ For so!e "ears past t&e State &a% been so
#o!pletel" i%enti$ie% (it& t&e personalit" o$ Fran#is -osep& t&at, in t&e e"es o$ t&e great !ass o$ t&e people, t&e %eat& o$
t&is enerable personi$i#ation o$ t&e E!pire (o*l% be tanta!o*nt to t&e %eat& o$ t&e E!pire itsel$+ In%ee% it (as one o$ t&e
#leer arti$i#es o$ Sla poli#" to $oster t&e i!pression t&at t&e A*strian State o(e% its er" e5isten#e e5#l*siel" to t&e
pro%igies an% rare talents o$ t&at !onar#&+ T&is ,in% o$ $latter" (as parti#*larl" (el#o!e% at t&e Ho$b*rg, all t&e !ore
be#a*se it &a% no relation (&atsoeer to t&e seri#es a#t*all" ren%ere% b" t&e E!peror+ .o e$$ort (&atsoeer (as !a%e to
lo#ate t&e #are$*ll" prepare% sting (&i#& la" &i%%en in t&is glori$"ing praise+ One $a#t (&i#& (as entirel" oerloo,e%,
per&aps intentionall", (as t&at t&e !ore t&e E!pire re!aine% %epen%ent on t&e so1#alle% a%!inistratie talents o$ Mt&e
(isest )onar#& o$ all ti!es, t&e !ore #atastrop&i# (o*l% be t&e sit*ation (&en Fate #a!e to ,no#, at t&e %oor an%
%e!an% its trib*te+
3as it possible een to i!agine t&e A*strian E!pire (it&o*t its enerable r*ler@ 3o*l% not t&e trage%" (&i#& be$ell
)aria T&eresa be repeate% at on#e@
It is reall" *n0*st to t&e Bienna goern!ental #ir#les to reproa#& t&e! (it& &aing instigate% a (ar (&i#& !ig&t &ae
been preente%+ T&e (ar (as bo*n% to #o!e+ Per&aps it !ig&t &ae been postpone% $or a "ear or t(o at t&e !ost+ 8*t it
&a% al(a"s been t&e !is$ort*ne o$ Aer!an, as (ell as A*strian, %iplo!ats t&at t&e" en%eao*re% to p*t o$$ t&e ineitable
%a" o$ re#,oning, (it& t&e res*lt t&at t&e" (ere $inall" #o!pelle% to %elier t&eir blo( at a !ost inopport*ne !o!ent+
.o+ T&ose (&o %i% not (is& t&is (ar o*g&t to &ae &a% t&e #o*rage to ta,e t&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&e re$*sal *pon
t&e!seles+ T&ose #onse/*en#es !*st ne#essaril" &ae !eant t&e sa#ri$i#e o$ A*stria+ An% een t&en (ar (o*l% &ae
#o!e, not as a (ar in (&i#& all t&e nations (o*l% &ae been ban%e% against *s b*t in t&e $or! o$ a %is!e!ber!ent o$ t&e
Habsb*rg )onar#&"+ In t&at #ase (e s&o*l% &ae &a% to %e#i%e (&et&er (e s&o*l% #o!e to t&e assistan#e o$ t&e Habsb*rg
or stan% asi%e as spe#tators, (it& o*r ar!s $ol%e%, an% t&*s allo( Fate to r*n its #o*rse+
-*st t&ose (&o are lo*%est in t&eir i!pre#ations to1%a" an% !a,e a great para%e o$ (is%o! in 0*%ging t&e #a*ses o$ t&e
(ar are t&e er" sa!e people (&ose #ollaboration (as t&e !ost $atal $a#tor in steering to(ar%s t&e (ar+
For seeral %e#a%es preio*sl" t&e Aer!an So#ial1=e!o#rats &a% been agitating in an *n%er&an% an% ,nais& (a" $or (ar
against R*ssiaC (&ereas t&e Aer!an Centre Part", (it& religio*s en%s in ie(, &a% (or,e% to !a,e t&e A*strian State t&e
#&ie$ #entre an% t*rning1point o$ Aer!an poli#"+ T&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&is $oll" &a% no( to be borne+ 3&at #a!e (as
bo*n% to #o!e an% *n%er no #ir#*!stan#es #o*l% it &ae been aoi%e%+ T&e $a*lt o$ t&e Aer!an Aoern!ent la" in t&e
$a#t t&at, !erel" $or t&e sa,e o$ presering pea#e at all #osts, it #ontin*e% to !iss t&e o##asions t&at (ere $ao*rable $or
a#tion, got entangle% in an allian#e $or t&e p*rpose o$ presering t&e pea#e o$ t&e (orl%, an% t&*s $inall" be#a!e t&e
i#ti! o$ a (orl% #oalition (&i#& oppose% t&e Aer!an e$$ort $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ pea#e an% (as %eter!ine% to bring
abo*t t&e (orl% (ar+
Ha% t&e Bienna Aoern!ent o$ t&at ti!e $or!*late% its *lti!at*! in less %rasti# ter!s, t&at (o*l% not &ae altere% t&e
sit*ation at all4 b*t s*#& a #o*rse !ig&t &ae aro*se% p*bli# in%ignation+ For, in t&e e"es o$ t&e great !asses, t&e
*lti!at*! (as too !o%erate an% #ertainl" not e5#essie or br*tal+ T&ose (&o (o*l% %en" t&is to1%a" are eit&er si!pletons
(it& $eeble !e!ories or else %eliberate $alse&oo%1!ongers+
T&e 3ar o$ 1914 (as #ertainl" not $or#e% on t&e !assesC it (as een %esire% b" t&e (&ole people+
T&ere (as a %esire to bring t&e general $eeling o$ *n#ertaint" to an en% on#e an% $or all+ An% it is onl" in t&e lig&t o$ t&is
$a#t t&at (e #an *n%erstan% &o( !ore t&an t(o !illion Aer!an !en an% "o*t&s ol*ntaril" 0oine% t&e #olo*rs, rea%" to
s&e% t&e last %rop o$ t&eir bloo% $or t&e #a*se+
For !e t&ese &o*rs #a!e as a %elieran#e $ro! t&e %istress t&at &a% (eig&e% *pon !e %*ring t&e %a"s o$ !" "o*t&+ I a!
not as&a!e% to a#,no(le%ge to1%a" t&at I (as #arrie% a(a" b" t&e ent&*sias! o$ t&e !o!ent an% t&at I san, %o(n *pon
!" ,nees an% t&an,e% Heaen o*t o$ t&e $*llness o$ !" &eart $or t&e $ao*r o$ &aing been per!itte% to lie in s*#& a
T&e $ig&t $or $ree%o! &a% bro,en o*t on an *nparallele% s#ale in t&e &istor" o$ t&e (orl%+ Fro! t&e !o!ent t&at Fate too,
t&e &el! in &an% t&e #oni#tion gre( a!ong t&e !ass o$ t&e people t&at no( it (as not a /*estion o$ %e#i%ing t&e
%estinies o$ A*stria or Serbia b*t t&at t&e er" e5isten#e o$ t&e Aer!an nation itsel$ (as at sta,e+
At last, a$ter !an" "ears o$ blin%ness, t&e people sa( #learl" into t&e $*t*re+ T&ere$ore, al!ost i!!e%iatel" a$ter t&e
giganti# str*ggle &a% beg*n, an e5#essie ent&*sias! (as repla#e% b" a !ore earnest an% !ore $itting *n%ertone, be#a*se
t&e e5altation o$ t&e pop*lar spirit (as not a !ere passing $ren>"+ It (as onl" too ne#essar" t&at t&e grait" o$ t&e sit*ation
s&o*l% be re#ogni>e%+ At t&at ti!e t&ere (as, generall" spea,ing, not t&e slig&test presenti!ent or #on#eption o$ &o( long
t&e (ar !ig&t last+ People %rea!e% o$ t&e sol%iers being &o!e b" C&rist!as an% t&at t&en t&e" (o*l% res*!e t&eir %ail"
(or, in pea#e+
3&ateer !an,in% %esires, t&at it (ill &ope $or an% beliee in+ T&e oer(&el!ing !a0orit" o$ t&e people &a% long sin#e
gro(n (ear" o$ t&e perpet*al inse#*rit" in t&e general #on%ition o$ p*bli# a$$airs+ Hen#e it (as onl" nat*ral t&at no one
beliee% t&at t&e A*stro1Serbian #on$li#t #o*l% be s&ele%+ T&ere$ore t&e" loo,e% $or(ar% to a ra%i#al settle!ent o$
a##o*nts+ I also belonge% to t&e !illions t&at %esire% t&is+
T&e !o!ent t&e ne(s o$ t&e Sara0eo o*trage rea#&e% )*ni#& t(o i%eas #a!e into !" !in%4 First, t&at (ar (as
absol*tel" ineitable an%, se#on%, t&at t&e Habsb*rg State (o*l% no( be $or#e% to &ono*r its signat*re to t&e allian#e+ For
(&at I &a% $eare% !ost (as t&at one %a" Aer!an" &ersel$, per&aps as a res*lt o$ t&e Allian#e, (o*l% be#o!e inole% in a
#on$li#t t&e $irst %ire#t #a*se o$ (&i#& %i% not a$$e#t A*stria+ In s*#& a #ontingen#", I $eare% t&at t&e A*strian State, $or
%o!esti# politi#al reasons, (o*l% $in% itsel$ *nable to %e#i%e in $ao*r o$ its all"+ 8*t no( t&is %anger (as re!oe%+ T&e
ol% State (as #o!pelle% to $ig&t, (&et&er it (is&e% to %o so or not+
)" o(n attit*%e to(ar%s t&e #on$li#t (as e/*all" si!ple an% #lear+ I beliee% t&at it (as not a #ase o$ A*stria $ig&ting to
get satis$a#tion $ro! Serbia b*t rat&er a #ase o$ Aer!an" $ig&ting $or &er o(n e5isten#e 1 t&e Aer!an nation $or its o(n
to1be1or1not1to1be, $or its $ree%o! an% $or its $*t*re+ T&e (or, o$ 8is!ar#, !*st no( be #arrie% on+ Ko*ng Aer!an" !*st
s&o( itsel$ (ort&" o$ t&e bloo% s&e% b" o*r $at&ers on so !an" &eroi# $iel%s o$ battle, $ro! 3eissenb*rg to Se%an an%
Paris+ An% i$ t&is str*ggle s&o*l% bring *s i#tor" o*r people (ill again ran, $ore!ost a!ong t&e great nations+ Onl" t&en
#o*l% t&e Aer!an E!pire assert itsel$ as t&e !ig&t" #&a!pion o$ pea#e, (it&o*t t&e ne#essit" o$ restri#ting t&e %ail" brea%
o$ its #&il%ren $or t&e sa,e o$ !aintaining t&e pea#e+
As a bo" an% as a "o*ng !an, I o$ten longe% $or t&e o##asion to proe t&at !" national ent&*sias! (as not !ere
apo*ring+ H*rra&ing so!eti!es see!e% to !e to be a ,in% o$ sin$*l in%*lgen#e, t&o*g& I #o*l% not gie an" 0*sti$i#ation
$or t&at $eelingC $or, a$ter all, (&o &as t&e rig&t to s&o*t t&at tri*!p&ant (or% i$ &e &as not (on t&e rig&t to it t&ere (&ere
t&ere is no pla"1a#ting an% (&ere t&e &an% o$ t&e Ao%%ess o$ =estin" p*ts t&e tr*t& an% sin#erit" o$ nations an% !en
t&ro*g& &er ine5orable test@ -*st as !illions o$ ot&ers, I $elt a pro*% 0o" in being per!itte% to go t&ro*g& t&is test+ I &a% so
o$ten s*ng =e*ts#&lan% Hber Alles an% so o$ten roare% MHeil t&at I no( t&o*g&t it (as as a ,in% o$ retro1a#tie gra#e t&at I
(as grante% t&e rig&t o$ appearing be$ore t&e Co*rt o$ Eternal -*sti#e to testi$" to t&e tr*t& o$ t&ose senti!ents+
One t&ing (as #lear to !e $ro! t&e er" beginning, na!el", t&at in t&e eent o$ (ar, (&i#& no( see!e% ineitable, !"
boo,s (o*l% &ae to be t&ro(n asi%e $ort&(it&+ I also reali>e% t&at !" pla#e (o*l% &ae to be t&ere (&ere t&e inner oi#e
o$ #ons#ien#e #alle% !e+
I &a% le$t A*stria prin#ipall" $or politi#al reasons+ 3&at t&ere$ore #o*l% be !ore rational t&an t&at I s&o*l% p*t into
pra#ti#e t&e logi#al #onse/*en#es o$ !" politi#al opinions, no( t&at t&e (ar &a% beg*n+ I &a% no %esire to $ig&t $or t&e
Habsb*rg #a*se, b*t I (as prepare% to %ie at an" ti!e $or !" o(n ,ins$ol, an% t&e E!pire to (&i#& t&e" reall" belonge%+
On A*g*st 2r%, 1914, I presente% an *rgent petition to His )a0est", ;ing '*%(ig III, re/*esting to be allo(e% to sere in
a 8aarian regi!ent+ In t&ose %a"s t&e C&an#eller" &a% its &an%s /*ite $*ll an% t&ere$ore I (as all t&e !ore please% (&en I
re#eie% t&e ans(er a %a" later, t&at !" re/*est &a% been grante%+ I opene% t&e %o#*!ent (it& tre!bling &an%sC an% no
(or%s o$ !ine #o*l% no( %es#ribe t&e satis$a#tion I $elt on rea%ing t&at I (as instr*#te% to report to a 8aarian regi!ent+
3it&in a $e( %a"s I (as (earing t&at *ni$or! (&i#& I (as not to p*t o$t again $or nearl" si5 "ears+
For !e, as $or eer" Aer!an, t&e !ost !e!orable perio% o$ !" li$e no( began+ Fa#e to $a#e (it& t&at !ig&t" str*ggle, all
t&e past $ell a(a" into obliion+ 3it& a (ist$*l pri%e I loo, ba#, on t&ose %a"s, espe#iall" be#a*se (e are no( approa#&ing
t&e tent& anniersar" o$ t&at !e!orable &appening+ I re#all t&ose earl" (ee,s o$ (ar (&en ,in% $ort*ne per!itte% !e to
ta,e !" pla#e in t&at &eroi# str*ggle a!ong t&e nations+
As t&e s#ene *n$ol%s itsel$ be$ore !" !in%, it see!s onl" li,e "ester%a"+ I see !"sel$ a!ong !" "o*ng #o!ra%es on o*r
$irst para%e %rill, an% so on *ntil at last t&e %a" #a!e on (&i#& (e (ere to leae $or t&e $ront+
In #o!!on (it& t&e ot&ers, I &a% one (orr" %*ring t&ose %a"s+ T&is (as a $ear t&at (e !ig&t arrie too late $or t&e
$ig&ting at t&e $ront+ Ti!e an% again t&at t&o*g&t %ist*rbe% !e an% eer" anno*n#e!ent o$ a i#torio*s engage!ent le$t a
bitter taste, (&i#& in#rease% as t&e ne(s o$ $*rt&er i#tories arrie%+
At long last t&e %a" #a!e (&en (e le$t )*ni#& on (ar seri#e+ For t&e $irst ti!e in !" li$e I sa( t&e R&ine, as (e
0o*rne"e% (est(ar%s to stan% g*ar% be$ore t&at &istori# Aer!an rier against its tra%itional an% grasping ene!"+ As t&e
$irst so$t ra"s o$ t&e !orning s*n bro,e t&ro*g& t&e lig&t !ist an% %is#lose% to *s t&e .ie%er(al% Stat*e, (it& one a##or%
t&e (&ole troop train bro,e into t&e strains o$ =ie 3a#&t a! R&ein+ I t&en $elt as i$ !" &eart #o*l% not #ontain its spirit+
An% t&en $ollo(e% a %a!p, #ol% nig&t in Flan%ers+ 3e !ar#&e% in silen#e t&ro*g&o*t t&e nig&t an% as t&e !orning s*n
#a!e t&ro*g& t&e !ist an iron greeting s*%%enl" b*rst aboe o*r &ea%s+ S&rapnel e5plo%e% in o*r !i%st an% spl*ttere% in
t&e %a!p gro*n%+ 8*t be$ore t&e s!o,e o$ t&e e5plosion %isappeare% a (il% MH*rra& (as s&o*te% $ro! t(o &*n%re%
t&roats, in response to t&is $irst greeting o$ =eat&+ T&en began t&e (&istling o$ b*llets an% t&e boo!ing o$ #annons, t&e
s&o*ting an% singing o$ t&e #o!batants+ 3it& e"es straining $eeris&l", (e presse% $or(ar%, /*i#,er an% /*i#,er, *ntil (e
$inall" #a!e to #lose1/*arter $ig&ting, t&ere be"on% t&e beet1$iel%s an% t&e !ea%o(s+ Soon t&e strains o$ a song rea#&e% *s
$ro! a$ar+ .earer an% nearer, $ro! #o!pan" to #o!pan", it #a!e+ An% (&ile =eat& began to !a,e &ao# in o*r ran,s (e
passe% t&e song on to t&ose besi%e *s4 =e*ts#&lan%, =e*ts#&lan% Hber Alles, Hber Alles in %er 3elt+
A$ter $o*r %a"s in t&e tren#&es (e #a!e ba#,+ Een o*r step (as no longer (&at it &a% been+ 8o"s o$ seenteen loo,e%
no( li,e gro(n !en+ T&e ran, an% $ile o$ t&e 'ist Regi!ent 11G &a% not been properl" traine% in t&e art o$ (ar$are, b*t
t&e" ,ne( &o( to %ie li,e ol% sol%iers+
T&at (as t&e beginning+ An% t&*s (e #arrie% on $ro! "ear to "ear+ A $eeling o$ &orror repla#e% t&e ro!anti# $ig&ting
spirit+ Ent&*sias! #oole% %o(n gra%*all" an% e5*berant spirits (ere /*elle% b" t&e $ear o$ t&e eer1present =eat&+ A ti!e
#a!e (&en t&ere arose (it&in ea#& one o$ *s a #on$li#t bet(een t&e *rge to sel$1preseration an% t&e #all o$ %*t"+ An% I
&a% to go t&ro*g& t&at #on$li#t too+ As =eat& so*g&t its pre" eer"(&ere an% *nrelentingl" a na!eless So!et&ing rebelle%
(it&in t&e (ea, bo%" an% trie% to intro%*#e itsel$ *n%er t&e na!e o$ Co!!on SenseC b*t in realit" it (as Fear, (&i#& &a%
ta,en on t&is #loa, in or%er to i!pose itsel$ on t&e in%ii%*al+ 8*t t&e !ore t&e oi#e (&i#& a%ise% pr*%en#e in#rease% its
e$$orts an% t&e !ore #lear an% pers*asie be#a!e its appeal, resistan#e be#a!e all t&e strongerC *ntil $inall" t&e internal
stri$e (as oer an% t&e #all o$ %*t" (as tri*!p&ant+ Alrea%" in t&e (inter o$ 191611< I &a% #o!e t&ro*g& t&at inner
str*ggle+ T&e (ill &a% asserte% its in#ontestable !aster"+ 3&ereas in t&e earl" %a"s I (ent into t&e $ig&t (it& a #&eer an% a
la*g&, I (as no( &abit*all" #al! an% resol*te+ An% t&at $ra!e o$ !in% en%*re%+ Fate !ig&t no( p*t !e t&ro*g& t&e $inal
test (it&o*t !" neres or reason giing (a"+ T&e "o*ng ol*nteer &a% be#o!e an ol% sol%ier+
T&is sa!e trans$or!ation too, pla#e t&ro*g&o*t t&e (&ole ar!"+ Constant $ig&ting &a% age% an% to*g&ene% it an%
&ar%ene% it, so t&at it stoo% $ir! an% %a*ntless against eer" assa*lt+
Onl" no( (as it possible to 0*%ge t&at ar!"+ A$ter t(o an% t&ree "ears o$ #ontin*o*s $ig&ting, &aing been t&ro(n into
one battle a$ter anot&er, stan%ing *p sto*tl" against s*perior n*!bers an% s*perior ar!a!ent, s*$$ering &*nger an%
priation, t&e ti!e &a% #o!e (&en one #o*l% assess t&e al*e o$ t&at sing*lar $ig&ting $or#e+
For a t&o*san% "ears to #o!e nobo%" (ill %are to spea, o$ &erois! (it&o*t re#alling t&e Aer!an Ar!" o$ t&e 3orl% 3ar+
An% t&en $ro! t&e %i! past (ill e!erge t&e i!!ortal ision o$ t&ose soli% ran,s o$ steel &el!ets t&at neer $lin#&e% an%
neer $altere%+ An% as long as Aer!ans lie t&e" (ill be pro*% to re!e!ber t&at t&ese !en (ere t&e sons o$ t&eir
I (as t&en a sol%ier an% %i% not (is& to !e%%le in politi#s, all t&e !ore so be#a*se t&e ti!e (as inopport*ne+ I still beliee
t&at t&e !ost !o%est stable1bo" o$ t&ose %a"s sere% &is #o*ntr" better t&an t&e best o$, let *s sa", t&e Mparlia!entar"
%ep*ties+ )" &atre% $or t&ose $ootlers (as neer greater t&an in t&ose %a"s (&en all %e#ent !en (&o &a% an"t&ing to sa"
sai% it point1blan, in t&e ene!"s $a#eC or, $ailing t&is, ,ept t&eir !o*t&s s&*t an% %i% t&eir %*t" else(&ere+ I %espise%
t&ose politi#al $ello(s an% i$ I &a% &a% !" (a" I (o*l% &ae $or!e% t&e! into a 'abo*r 8attalion an% gien t&e! t&e
opport*nit" o$ babbling a!ongst t&e!seles to t&eir &earts #ontent, (it&o*t o$$en#e or &ar! to %e#ent people+
In t&ose %a"s I #are% not&ing $or politi#sC b*t I #o*l% not &elp $or!ing an opinion on #ertain !ani$estations (&i#& a$$e#te%
not onl" t&e (&ole nation b*t also *s sol%iers in parti#*lar+ T&ere (ere t(o t&ings (&i#& #a*se% !e t&e greatest an5iet" at
t&at ti!e an% (&i#& I &a% #o!e to regar% as %etri!ental to o*r interests+
S&ortl" a$ter o*r $irst series o$ i#tories a #ertain se#tion o$ t&e Press alrea%" began to t&ro( #ol% (ater, %rip b" %rip, on
t&e ent&*sias! o$ t&e p*bli#+ At $irst t&is (as not obio*s to !an" people+ It (as %one *n%er t&e !as, o$ goo% intentions
an% a spirit o$ an5io*s #are+ T&e p*bli# (as tol% t&at big #elebrations o$ i#tories (ere so!e(&at o*t o$ pla#e an% (ere not
(ort&" e5pressions o$ t&e spirit o$ a great nation+ T&e $ortit*%e an% alo*r o$ Aer!an sol%iers (ere a##epte% $a#ts (&i#&
%i% not ne#essaril" #all $or o*tb*rsts o$ #elebration+ F*rt&er!ore, it (as as,e%, (&at (o*l% $oreign opinion &ae to sa"
abo*t t&ese !ani$estations@ 3o*l% not $oreign opinion rea#t !ore $ao*rabl" to a /*iet an% sober $or! o$ #elebration
rat&er t&an to all t&is (il% 0*bilation@ S*rel" t&e ti!e &a% #o!e 1 so t&e Press %e#lare% 1 $or *s Aer!ans to re!e!ber t&at
t&is (ar (as not o*r (or, an% t&at &en#e t&ere nee% be no $eeling o$ s&a!e in %e#laring o*r (illingness to %o o*r s&are
to(ar%s e$$e#ting an *n%erstan%ing a!ong t&e nations+ For t&is reason it (o*l% not be (ise to s*ll" t&e ra%iant %ee%s o$
o*r ar!" (it& *nbe#o!ing 0*bilationC $or t&e rest o$ t&e (orl% (o*l% neer *n%erstan% t&is+ F*rt&er!ore, not&ing is !ore
appre#iate% t&an t&e !o%est" (it& (&i#& a tr*e &ero /*ietl" an% *nass*!ingl" #arries on an% $orgets+ S*#& (as t&e gist o$
t&eir (arning+
Instea% o$ #at#&ing t&ese $ello(s b" t&eir long ears an% %ragging t&e! to so!e %it#& an% looping a #or% aro*n% t&eir
ne#,s, so t&at t&e i#torio*s ent&*sias! o$ t&e nation s&o*l% no longer o$$en% t&e aest&eti# sensibilities o$ t&ese ,nig&ts o$
t&e pen, a general Press #a!paign (as no( allo(e% to go on against (&at (as #alle% M*nbe#o!ing an% M*n%igni$ie%
$or!s o$ i#torio*s #elebration+
.o one see!e% to &ae t&e $aintest i%ea t&at (&en p*bli# ent&*sias! is on#e %a!pe%, not&ing #an en,in%le it again, (&en
t&e ne#essit" arises+ T&is ent&*sias! is an into5i#ation an% !*st be ,ept *p in t&at $or!+ 3it&o*t t&e s*pport o$ t&is
ent&*siasti# spirit &o( (o*l% it be possible to en%*re in a str*ggle (&i#&, a##or%ing to &*!an stan%ar%s, !a%e s*#&
i!!ense %e!an%s on t&e spirit*al sta!ina o$ t&e nation@
I (as onl" too (ell a#/*ainte% (it& t&e ps"#&olog" o$ t&e broa% !asses not to ,no( t&at in s*#& #ases a !agna!ino*s
Maest&eti#is! #annot $an t&e $ire (&i#& is nee%e% to ,eep t&e iron &ot+ In !" e"es it (as een a !ista,e not to &ae trie%
to raise t&e pit#& o$ p*bli# ent&*sias! still &ig&er+ T&ere$ore I #o*l% not at all *n%erstan% (&" t&e #ontrar" poli#" (as
a%opte%, t&at is to sa", t&e poli#" o$ %a!ping t&e p*bli# spirit+
Anot&er t&ing (&i#& irritate% !e (as t&e !anner in (&i#& )ar5is! (as regar%e% an% a##epte%+ I t&o*g&t t&at all t&is
proe% &o( little t&e" ,ne( abo*t t&e )ar5ist plag*e+ It (as beliee% in all serio*sness t&at t&e abolition o$ part"
%istin#tions %*ring t&e 3ar &a% !a%e )ar5is! a !il% an% !o%erate t&ing+
8*t &ere t&ere (as no /*estion o$ part"+ T&ere (as /*estion o$ a %o#trine (&i#& (as being e5po*n%e% $or t&e e5press
p*rpose o$ lea%ing &*!anit" to its %estr*#tion+ T&e p*rport o$ t&is %o#trine (as not *n%erstoo% be#a*se not&ing (as sai%
abo*t t&at si%e o$ t&e /*estion in o*r -e(1ri%%en *niersities an% be#a*se o*r s*per#ilio*s b*rea*#rati# o$$i#ials %i% not
t&in, it (ort& (&ile to rea% *p a s*b0e#t (&i#& &a% not been pres#ribe% in t&eir *niersit" #o*rse+ T&is !ig&t"
reol*tionar" tren% (as going on besi%e t&e!C b*t t&ose Mintelle#t*als (o*l% not %eign to gie it t&eir attention+ T&at is
(&" State enterprise nearl" al(a"s lags be&in% priate enterprise+ O$ t&ese gentr" on#e #an tr*l" sa" t&at t&eir !a5i! is4
3&at (e %ont ,no( (ont bot&er *s+ In t&e A*g*st o$ 1914 t&e Aer!an (or,er (as loo,e% *pon as an a%&erent o$
)ar5ist so#ialis!+ T&at (as a gross error+ 3&en t&ose $ate$*l &o*rs %a(ne% t&e Aer!an (or,er s&oo, o$$ t&e poisono*s
#l*t#&es o$ t&at plag*eC ot&er(ise &e (o*l% not &ae been so (illing an% rea%" to $ig&t+ An% people (ere st*pi% eno*g& to
i!agine t&at )ar5is! &a% no( be#o!e Mnational, anot&er apt ill*stration o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&ose in a*t&orit" &a% neer
ta,en t&e tro*ble to st*%" t&e real tenor o$ t&e )ar5ist tea#&ing+ I$ t&e" &a% %one so, s*#& $oolis& errors (o*l% not &ae
been #o!!itte%+
)ar5is!, (&ose $inal ob0e#tie (as an% is an% (ill #ontin*e to be t&e %estr*#tion o$ all non1-e(is& national States, &a% to
(itness in t&ose %a"s o$ -*l" 1914 &o( t&e Aer!an (or,ing #lasses, (&i#& it &a% been ineigling, (ere aro*se% b" t&e
national spirit an% rapi%l" range% t&e!seles on t&e si%e o$ t&e Fat&erlan%+ 3it&in a $e( %a"s t&e %e#eptie s!o,e1s#reen
o$ t&at in$a!o*s national betra"al &a% anis&e% into t&in air an% t&e -e(is& bosses s*%%enl" $o*n% t&e!seles alone an%
%eserte%+ It (as as i$ not a estige &a% been le$t o$ t&at $oll" an% !a%ness (it& (&i#& t&e !asses o$ t&e Aer!an people &a%
been ino#*late% $or si5t" "ears+ T&at (as in%ee% an eil %a" $or t&e betra"ers o$ Aer!an 'abo*r+ T&e !o!ent, &o(eer,
t&at t&e lea%ers reali>e% t&e %anger (&i#& t&reatene% t&e! t&e" p*lle% t&e !agi# #ap o$ %e#eit oer t&eir ears an%, (it&o*t
being i%enti$ie%, pla"e% t&e part o$ !i!es in t&e national rea(a,ening+
T&e ti!e see!e% to &ae arrie% $or pro#ee%ing against t&e (&ole -e(is& gang o$ p*bli# pests+ T&en it (as t&at a#tion
s&o*l% &ae been ta,en regar%less o$ an" #onse/*ent (&ining or protestation+ At one stro,e, in t&e A*g*st o$ 1914, all t&e
e!pt" nonsense abo*t international soli%arit" (as ,no#,e% o*t o$ t&e &ea%s o$ t&e Aer!an (or,ing #lasses+ A $e( (ee,s
later, instea% o$ t&is st*pi% tal, so*n%ing in t&eir ears, t&e" &ear% t&e noise o$ A!eri#an1!an*$a#t*re% s&rapnel b*rsting
aboe t&e &ea%s o$ t&e !ar#&ing #ol*!ns, as a s"!bol o$ international #o!ra%es&ip+ .o( t&at t&e Aer!an (or,er &a%
re%is#oere% t&e roa% to nation&oo%, it o*g&t to &ae been t&e %*t" o$ an" Aoern!ent (&i#& &a% t&e #are o$ t&e people in
its ,eeping, to ta,e t&is opport*nit" o$ !er#ilessl" rooting o*t eer"t&ing t&at (as oppose% to t&e national spirit+
3&ile t&e $lo(er o$ t&e nations !an&oo% (as %"ing at t&e $ront, t&ere (as ti!e eno*g& at &o!e at least to e5ter!inate
t&is er!in+ 8*t, instea% o$ %oing so, His )a0est" t&e ;aiser &el% o*t &is &an% to t&ese &oar" #ri!inals, t&*s ass*ring
t&e! &is prote#tion an% allo(ing t&e! to regain t&eir !ental #o!pos*re+
An% so t&e iper #o*l% begin &is (or, again+ T&is ti!e, &o(eer, !ore #are$*ll" t&an be$ore, b*t still !ore %estr*#tiel"+
3&ile &onest people %rea!t o$ re#on#iliation t&ese per0*re% #ri!inals (ere !a,ing preparations $or a reol*tion+
.at*rall" I (as %istresse% at t&e &al$1!eas*res (&i#& (ere a%opte% at t&at ti!eC b*t I neer t&o*g&t it possible t&at t&e
$inal #onse/*en#es #o*l% &ae been so %isastro*s@
8*t (&at s&o*l% &ae been %one t&en@ T&ro( t&e ringlea%ers into gaol, prose#*te t&e! an% ri% t&e nation o$ t&e!@
Un#o!pro!ising !ilitar" !eas*res s&o*l% &ae been a%opte% to root o*t t&e eil+ Parties s&o*l% &ae been abolis&e% an%
t&e Rei#&stag bro*g&t to its senses at t&e point o$ t&e ba"onet, i$ ne#essar"+ It (o*l% &ae been still better i$ t&e Rei#&stag
&a% been %issole% i!!e%iatel"+ -*st as t&e Rep*bli# to1%a" %issoles t&e parties (&en it (ants to, so in t&ose %a"s t&ere
(as een !ore 0*sti$i#ation $or appl"ing t&at !eas*re, seeing t&at t&e er" e5isten#e o$ t&e nation (as at sta,e+ O$ #o*rse
t&is s*ggestion (o*l% gie rise to t&e /*estion4 Is it possible to era%i#ate i%eas b" $or#e o$ ar!s@ Co*l% a 3eltans#&&a**ng
be atta#,e% b" !eans o$ p&"si#al $or#e@
At t&at ti!e I t*rne% t&ese /*estions oer an% oer again in !" !in%+ 8" st*%"ing analogo*s #ases, e5e!pli$ie% in &istor",
parti#*larl" t&ose (&i#& &a% arisen $ro! religio*s #ir#*!stan#es, I #a!e to t&e $ollo(ing $*n%a!ental #on#l*sion4
I%eas an% p&ilosop&i#al s"ste!s as (ell as !oe!ents gro*n%e% on a %e$inite spirit*al $o*n%ation, (&et&er tr*e or not,
#an neer be bro,en b" t&e *se o$ $or#e a$ter a #ertain stage, e5#ept on one #on%ition4 na!el", t&at t&is *se o$ $or#e is in
t&e seri#e o$ a ne( i%ea or 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& b*rns (it& a ne( $la!e+
T&e appli#ation o$ $or#e alone, (it&o*t !oral s*pport base% on a spirit*al #on#ept, #an neer bring abo*t t&e %estr*#tion o$
an i%ea or arrest t&e propagation o$ it, *nless one is rea%" an% able r*t&lessl" to e5ter!inate t&e last *p&ol%ers o$ t&at i%ea
een to a !an, an% also (ipe o*t an" tra%ition (&i#& it !a" ten% to leae be&in%+ .o( in t&e !a0orit" o$ #ases t&e res*lt o$
s*#& a #o*rse &as been to e5#l*%e s*#& a State, eit&er te!poraril" or $or eer, $ro! t&e #o!it" o$ States t&at are o$ politi#al
signi$i#an#eC b*t e5perien#e &as also s&o(n t&at s*#& a sang*inar" !et&o% o$ e5tirpation aro*ses t&e better se#tion o$ t&e
pop*lation *n%er t&e perse#*ting po(er+ As a !atter o$ $a#t, eer" perse#*tion (&i#& &as no spirit*al !oties to s*pport it
is !orall" *n0*st an% raises opposition a!ong t&e best ele!ents o$ t&e pop*lationC so !*#& so t&at t&ese are %rien !ore
an% !ore to #&a!pion t&e i%eas t&at are *n0*stl" perse#*te%+ 3it& !an" in%ii%*als t&is arises $ro! t&e s&eer spirit o$
opposition to eer" atte!pt at s*ppressing spirit*al t&ings b" br*te $or#e+
In t&is (a" t&e n*!ber o$ #onin#e% a%&erents o$ t&e perse#*te% %o#trine in#reases as t&e perse#*tion progresses+ Hen#e
t&e total %estr*#tion o$ a ne( %o#trine #an be a##o!plis&e% onl" b" a ast plan o$ e5ter!inationC b*t t&is, in t&e $inal
anal"sis, !eans t&e loss o$ so!e o$ t&e best bloo% in a nation or State+ An% t&at bloo% is t&en aenge%, be#a*se s*#& an
internal an% total #lean1*p brings abo*t t&e #ollapse o$ t&e nations strengt&+ An% s*#& a pro#e%*re is al(a"s #on%e!ne%
to $*tilit" $ro! t&e er" start i$ t&e atta#,e% %o#trine s&o*l% &appen to &ae sprea% be"on% a s!all #ir#le+
T&at is (&" in t&is #ase, as (it& all ot&er gro(t&s, t&e %o#trine #an be e5ter!inate% in its earliest stages+ As ti!e goes on
its po(ers o$ resistan#e in#rease, *ntil at t&e approa#& o$ age it gies (a" to "o*nger ele!ents, b*t *n%er anot&er $or! an%
$ro! ot&er !oties+
T&e $a#t re!ains t&at nearl" all atte!pts to e5ter!inate a %o#trine, (it&o*t &aing so!e spirit*al basis o$ atta#, against it,
an% also to (ipe o*t all t&e organi>ations it &as #reate%, &ae le% in !an" #ases to t&e er" opposite being a#&iee%C an%
t&at $or t&e $ollo(ing reasons4
3&en s&eer $or#e is *se% to #o!bat t&e sprea% o$ a %o#trine, t&en t&at $or#e !*st be e!plo"e% s"ste!ati#all" an%
persistentl"+ T&is !eans t&at t&e #&an#es o$ s*##ess in t&e s*ppression o$ a %o#trine lie onl" in t&e persistent an% *ni$or!
appli#ation o$ t&e !et&o%s #&osen+ T&e !o!ent &esitation is s&o(n, an% perio%s o$ toleran#e alternate (it& t&e
appli#ation o$ $or#e, t&e %o#trine against (&i#& t&ese !eas*res are %ire#te% (ill not onl" re#oer strengt& b*t eer"
s*##essie perse#*tion (ill bring to its s*pport ne( a%&erents (&o &ae been s&o#,e% b" t&e oppressie !et&o%s
e!plo"e%+ T&e ol% a%&erents (ill be#o!e !ore e!bittere% an% t&eir allegian#e (ill t&ereb" be strengt&ene%+ T&ere$ore
(&en $or#e is e!plo"e% s*##ess is %epen%ent on t&e #onsistent !anner in (&i#& it is *se%+ T&is persisten#e, &o(eer, is
not&ing less t&an t&e pro%*#t o$ %e$inite spirit*al #oni#tions+ Eer" $or! o$ $or#e t&at is not s*pporte% b" a spirit*al
ba#,ing (ill be al(a"s in%e#isie an% *n#ertain+ S*#& a $or#e la#,s t&e stabilit" t&at #an be $o*n% onl" in a
3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& &as %eote% #&a!pions+ S*#& a $or#e is t&e e5pression o$ t&e in%ii%*al energiesC t&ere$ore it is
$ro! ti!e to ti!e %epen%ent on t&e #&ange o$ persons in (&ose &an%s it is e!plo"e% an% also on t&eir #&ara#ters an%
8*t t&ere is so!et&ing else to be sai%4 Eer" 3eltans#&&a**ng, (&et&er religio*s or politi#al 1 an% it is so!eti!es
%i$$i#*lt to sa" (&ere t&e one en%s an% t&e ot&er begins 1 $ig&ts not so !*#& $or t&e negatie %estr*#tion o$ t&e opposing
(orl% o$ i%eas as $or t&e positie reali>ation o$ its o(n i%eas+ T&*s its str*ggle lies in atta#, rat&er t&an in %e$en#e+ It &as
t&e a%antage o$ ,no(ing (&ere its ob0e#tie lies, as t&is ob0e#tie represents t&e reali>ation o$ its o(n i%eas+ Inersel", it
is %i$$i#*lt to sa" (&en t&e negatie ai! $or t&e %estr*#tion o$ a &ostile %o#trine is rea#&e% an% se#*re%+ For t&is reason
alone a 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& is o$ an aggressie #&ara#ter is !ore %e$inite in plan an% !ore po(er$*l an% %e#isie in
a#tion t&an a 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& ta,es *p a !erel" %e$ensie attit*%e+ I$ $or#e be *se% to #o!bat a spirit*al po(er,
t&at $or#e re!ains a %e$ensie !eas*re onl" so long as t&e (iel%ers o$ it are not t&e stan%ar%1bearers an% apostles o$ a ne(
spirit*al %o#trine+
To s*! *p, t&e $ollo(ing !*st be borne in !in%4 T&at eer" atte!pt to #o!bat a 3eltans#&&a**ng b" !eans o$ $or#e (ill
t*rn o*t $*tile in t&e en% i$ t&e str*ggle $ails to ta,e t&e $or! o$ an o$$ensie $or t&e establis&!ent o$ an entirel" ne(
spirit*al or%er o$ t&ings+ It is onl" in t&e str*ggle bet(een t(o 3eltan1s#&a**ngen t&at p&"si#al $or#e, #onsistentl" an%
r*t&lessl" applie%, (ill eent*all" t*rn t&e s#ales in its o(n $ao*r+ It (as &ere t&at t&e $ig&t against )ar5is! &a% &it&erto
T&is (as also t&e reason (&" 8is!ar#,s anti1so#ialist legislation $aile% an% (as bo*n% to $ail in t&e long r*n, %espite
eer"t&ing+ It la#,e% t&e basis o$ a ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng $or (&ose %eelop!ent an% e5tension t&e str*ggle !ig&t &ae
been ta,en *p+ To sa" t&at t&e sering *p o$ %riel abo*t a so1#alle% MState1A*t&orit" or M'a(1an%1Or%er (as an a%e/*ate
$o*n%ation $or t&e spirit*al %riing $or#e in a li$e1or1%eat& str*ggle is onl" (&at one (o*l% e5pe#t to &ear $ro! t&e
(isea#res in &ig& o$$i#ial positions+
It (as be#a*se t&ere (ere no a%e/*ate spirit*al !oties ba#, o$ t&is o$$ensie t&at 8is!ar#, (as #o!pelle% to &an% oer
t&e a%!inistration o$ &is so#ialist legislatie !eas*res to t&e 0*%g!ent an% approal o$ t&ose #ir#les (&i#& (ere
t&e!seles t&e pro%*#t o$ t&e )ar5ist tea#&ing+ T&*s a er" l*%i#ro*s state o$ a$$airs preaile% (&en t&e Iron C&an#ellor
s*rren%ere% t&e $ate o$ &is str*ggle against )ar5is! to t&e goo%(ill o$ t&e bo*rgeois %e!o#ra#"+ He le$t t&e goat to ta,e
#are o$ t&e gar%en+ 8*t t&is (as onl" t&e ne#essar" res*lt o$ t&e $ail*re to $in% a $*n%a!entall" ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng
(&i#& (o*l% attra#t %eote% #&a!pions to its #a*se an% #o*l% be establis&e% on t&e gro*n% $ro! (&i#& )ar5is! &a% been
%rien o*t+ An% t&*s t&e res*lt o$ t&e 8is!ar#,ian #a!paign (as %eplorable+
=*ring t&e 3orl% 3ar, or at t&e beginning o$ it, (ere t&e #on%itions an" %i$$erent@ Un$ort*natel", t&e" (ere not+
T&e !ore I t&en pon%ere% oer t&e ne#essit" $or a #&ange in t&e attit*%e o$ t&e e5e#*tie goern!ent to(ar%s So#ial1
=e!o#ra#", as t&e in#orporation o$ #onte!porar" )ar5is!, t&e !ore I reali>e% t&e (ant o$ a pra#ti#al s*bstit*te $or t&is
%o#trine+ S*pposing So#ial1=e!o#ra#" (ere oert&ro(n, (&at &a% one to o$$er t&e !asses in its stea%@ .ot a single
!oe!ent e5iste% (&i#& pro!ise% an" s*##ess in attra#ting ast n*!bers o$ (or,ers (&o (o*l% be no( !ore or less
(it&o*t lea%ers, an% &ol%ing t&ese (or,ers in its train+ It is nonsensi#al to i!agine t&at t&e international $anati# (&o &as
0*st seere% &is #onne#tion (it& a #lass part" (o*l% $ort&(it& 0oin a bo*rgeois part", or, in ot&er (or%s, anot&er #lass
organi>ation+ For &o(eer *nsatis$a#tor" t&ese ario*s organi>ations !a" appear to be, it #annot be %enie% t&at bo*rgeois
politi#ians loo, on t&e %istin#tion bet(een #lasses as a er" i!portant $a#tor in so#ial li$e, proi%e% it %oes not t*rn o*t
politi#all" %isa%antageo*s to t&e!+ I$ t&e" %en" t&is $a#t t&e" s&o( t&e!seles not onl" i!p*%ent b*t also !en%a#io*s+
Aenerall" spea,ing, one s&o*l% g*ar% against #onsi%ering t&e broa% !asses !ore st*pi% t&an t&e" reall" are+ In politi#al
!atters it $re/*entl" &appens t&at $eeling 0*%ges !ore #orre#tl" t&an intelle#t+ 8*t t&e opinion t&at t&is $eeling on t&e part
o$ t&e !asses is s*$$i#ient proo$ o$ t&eir st*pi% international attit*%e #an be i!!e%iatel" an% %e$initel" re$*te% b" t&e
si!ple $a#t t&at pa#i$ist %e!o#ra#" is no less $at*o*s, t&o*g& it %ra(s its s*pporters al!ost e5#l*siel" $ro! bo*rgeois
#ir#les+ As long as !illions o$ #iti>ens %ail" g*lp %o(n (&at t&e so#ial1%e!o#rati# Press tells t&e!, it ill be#o!es t&e
M)asters to 0o,e at t&e e5pense o$ t&e MCo!ra%esC $or in t&e long r*n t&e" all s(allo( t&e sa!e &as&, een t&o*g& it be
%is&e% *p (it& %i$$erent spi#es+ In bot& #ases t&e #oo, is one an% t&e sa!e 1 t&e -e(+
One s&o*l% be #are$*l abo*t #ontra%i#ting establis&e% $a#ts+ It is an *n%eniable $a#t t&at t&e #lass /*estion &as not&ing to
%o (it& /*estions #on#erning i%eals, t&o*g& t&at %ope is a%!inistere% at ele#tion ti!e+ Class arrogan#e a!ong a large
se#tion o$ o*r people, as (ell as a preailing ten%en#" to loo, %o(n on t&e !an*al labo*rer, are obio*s $a#ts an% not t&e
$an#ies o$ so!e %a"1%rea!er+ .eert&eless it onl" ill*strates t&e !entalit" o$ o*r so1#alle% intelle#t*al #ir#les, t&at t&e"
&ae not "et graspe% t&e $a#t t&at #ir#*!stan#es (&i#& are in#apable o$ preenting t&e gro(t& o$ s*#& a plag*e as
)ar5is! are #ertainl" not #apable o$ restoring (&at &as been lost+
T&e bo*rgeois parties 1 a na!e #oine% b" t&e!seles 1 (ill neer again be able to (in oer an% &ol% t&e proletarian
!asses in t&eir train+ T&at is be#a*se t(o (orl%s stan% oppose% to one anot&er &ere, in part nat*rall" an% in part
arti$i#iall" %ii%e%+ T&ese t(o #a!ps &ae one lea%ing t&o*g&t, an% t&at is t&at t&e" !*st $ig&t one anot&er+ 8*t in s*#& a
$ig&t t&e "o*nger (ill #o!e o$$ i#torio*sC an% t&at is )ar5is!+
In 1914 a $ig&t against So#ial1=e!o#ra#" (as in%ee% /*ite #on#eiable+ 8*t t&e la#, o$ an" pra#ti#al s*bstit*te !a%e it
%o*bt$*l &o( long t&e $ig&t #o*l% be ,ept *p+ In t&is respe#t t&ere (as a gaping oi%+
'ong be$ore t&e 3ar I (as o$ t&e sa!e opinion an% t&at (as t&e reason (&" I #o*l% not %e#i%e to 0oin an" o$ t&e parties
t&en e5isting+ =*ring t&e #o*rse o$ t&e 3orl% 3ar !" #oni#tion (as still $*rt&er #on$ir!e% b" t&e !ani$est i!possibilit"
o$ $ig&ting So#ial1=e!o#ra#" in an"t&ing li,e a t&oro*g& (a"4 be#a*se $or t&at p*rpose t&ere s&o*l% &ae been a
!oe!ent t&at (as so!et&ing !ore t&an a !ere Mparlia!entar" part", an% t&ere (as none s*#&+
I $re/*entl" %is#*sse% t&at (ant (it& !" inti!ate #o!ra%es+ An% it (as t&en t&at I $irst #on#eie% t&e i%ea o$ ta,ing *p
politi#al (or, later on+ As I &ae o$ten ass*re% !" $rien%s, it (as 0*st t&is t&at in%*#e% !e to be#o!e a#tie on t&e p*bli#
&*stings a$ter t&e 3ar, in a%%ition to !" pro$essional (or,+ An% I a! s*re t&at t&is %e#ision (as arrie% at a$ter !*#&
earnest t&o*g&t+
C&apter Si54
In (at#&ing t&e #o*rse o$ politi#al eents I (as al(a"s str*#, b" t&e a#tie part (&i#& propagan%a pla"e% in t&e!+ I sa(
t&at it (as an instr*!ent, (&i#& t&e )ar5ist So#ialists ,ne( &o( to &an%le in a !asterl" (a" an% &o( to p*t it to
pra#ti#al *ses+ T&*s I soon #a!e to reali>e t&at t&e rig&t *se o$ propagan%a (as an art in itsel$ an% t&at t&is art (as
pra#ti#all" *n,no(n to o*r bo*rgeois parties+ T&e C&ristian1So#ialist Part" alone, espe#iall" in '*egers ti!e, s&o(e% a
#ertain e$$i#ien#" in t&e e!plo"!ent o$ t&is instr*!ent an% o(e% !*#& o$ t&eir s*##ess to it+
It (as %*ring t&e 3ar, &o(eer, t&at (e &a% t&e best #&an#e o$ esti!ating t&e tre!en%o*s res*lts (&i#& #o*l% be obtaine%
b" a propagan%ist s"ste! properl" #arrie% o*t+ Here again, *n$ort*natel", eer"t&ing (as le$t to t&e ot&er si%e, t&e (or,
%one on o*r si%e being (orse t&an insigni$i#ant+ It (as t&e total $ail*re o$ t&e (&ole Aer!an s"ste! o$ in$or!ation 1 a
$ail*re (&i#& (as per$e#tl" obio*s to eer" sol%ier 1 t&at *rge% !e to #onsi%er t&e proble! o$ propagan%a in a
#o!pre&ensie (a"+ I &a% a!ple opport*nit" to learn a pra#ti#al lesson in t&is !atterC $or *n$ort*natel" it (as onl" too
(ell ta*g&t *s b" t&e ene!"+ T&e la#, on o*r si%e (as e5ploite% b" t&e ene!" in s*#& an e$$i#ient !anner t&at one #o*l%
sa" it s&o(e% itsel$ as a real (or, o$ geni*s+ In t&at propagan%a #arrie% on b" t&e ene!" I $o*n% a%!irable so*r#es o$
instr*#tion+ T&e lesson to be learne% $ro! t&is &a% *n$ort*natel" no attra#tion $or t&e geni*ses on o*r o(n si%e+ T&e" (ere
si!pl" aboe all s*#& t&ings, too #leer to a##ept an" tea#&ing+ An"&o( t&e" %i% not &onestl" (is& to learn an"t&ing+
Ha% (e an" propagan%a at all@ Alas, I #an repl" onl" in t&e negatie+ All t&at (as *n%erta,en in t&is %ire#tion (as so
*tterl" ina%e/*ate an% !is#on#eie% $ro! t&e er" beginning t&at not onl" %i% it proe *seless b*t at ti!es &ar!$*l+ In
s*bstan#e it (as ins*$$i#ient+ Ps"#&ologi#all" it (as all (rong+ An"bo%" (&o &a% #are$*ll" inestigate% t&e Aer!an
propagan%a !*st &ae $or!e% t&at 0*%g!ent o$ it+ O*r people %i% not see! to be #lear een abo*t t&e pri!ar" /*estion
itsel$4 3&et&er propagan%a is a !eans or an en%@
Propagan%a is a !eans an% !*st, t&ere$ore, be 0*%ge% in relation to t&e en% it is inten%e% to sere+ It !*st be organi>e% in
s*#& a (a" as to be #apable o$ attaining its ob0e#tie+ An%, as it is /*ite #lear t&at t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e ob0e#tie !a" ar"
$ro! t&e stan%point o$ general ne#essit", t&e essential internal #&ara#ter o$ t&e propagan%a !*st ar" a##or%ingl"+ T&e
#a*se $or (&i#& (e $o*g&t %*ring t&e 3ar (as t&e noblest an% &ig&est t&at !an #o*l% strie $or+ 3e (ere $ig&ting $or t&e
$ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e o$ o*r #o*ntr", $or t&e se#*rit" o$ o*r $*t*re (el$are an% t&e &ono*r o$ t&e nation+ =espite all
ie(s to t&e #ontrar", t&is &ono*r %oes a#t*all" e5ist, or rat&er it (ill &ae to e5istC $or a nation (it&o*t &ono*r (ill sooner
or later lose its $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e+ T&is is in a##or%an#e (it& t&e r*ling o$ a &ig&er 0*sti#e, $or a generation o$
poltroons is not entitle% to $ree%o!+ He (&o (o*l% be a slae #annot &ae &ono*rC $or s*#& &ono*r (o*l% soon be#o!e an
ob0e#t o$ general s#orn+
Aer!an" (as (aging (ar $or its er" e5isten#e+ T&e p*rpose o$ its (ar propagan%a s&o*l% &ae been to strengt&en t&e
$ig&ting spirit in t&at str*ggle an% &elp it to i#tor"+
8*t (&en nations are $ig&ting $or t&eir e5isten#e on t&is eart&, (&en t&e /*estion o$ Mto be or not to be &as to be
ans(ere%, t&en all &*!ane an% Tst&eti# #onsi%erations !*st be set asi%eC $or t&ese i%eals %o not e5ist o$ t&e!seles
so!e(&ere in t&e air b*t are t&e pro%*#t o$ !ans #reatie i!agination an% %isappear (&en &e %isappears+ .at*re ,no(s
not&ing o$ t&e!+ )oreoer, t&e" are #&ara#teristi# o$ onl" a s!all n*!ber o$ nations, or rat&er o$ ra#es, an% t&eir al*e
%epen%s on t&e !eas*re in (&i#& t&e" spring $ro! t&e ra#ial $eeling o$ t&e latter+ H*!ane an% Tst&eti# i%eals (ill
%isappear $ro! t&e in&abite% eart& (&en t&ose ra#es %isappear (&i#& are t&e #reators an% stan%ar%1bearers o$ t&e!+
All s*#& i%eals are onl" o$ se#on%ar" i!portan#e (&en a nation is str*ggling $or its e5isten#e+ T&e" !*st be preente%
$ro! entering into t&e str*ggle t&e !o!ent t&e" t&reaten to (ea,en t&e sta!ina o$ t&e nation t&at is (aging (ar+ T&at is
al(a"s t&e onl" isible e$$e#t (&ereb" t&eir pla#e in t&e str*ggle is to be 0*%ge%+
In regar% to t&e part pla"e% b" &*!ane $eeling, )olt,e state% t&at in ti!e o$ (ar t&e essential t&ing is to get a %e#ision as
/*i#,l" as possible an% t&at t&e !ost r*t&less !et&o%s o$ $ig&ting are at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e !ost &*!ane+ 3&en people
atte!pt to ans(er t&is reasoning b" &ig&$al*tin tal, abo*t Tst&eti#s, et#+, onl" one ans(er #an be gien+ It is t&at t&e ital
/*estions inole% in t&e str*ggle o$ a nation $or its e5isten#e !*st not be s*bor%inate% to an" Tst&eti# #onsi%erations+ T&e
"o,e o$ slaer" is an% al(a"s (ill re!ain t&e !ost *npleasant e5perien#e t&at !an,in% #an en%*re+ =o t&e S#&(abing 12G
%e#a%ents loo, *pon Aer!an"s lot to1%a" as Maest&eti#@ O$ #o*rse, one %oesnt %is#*ss s*#& a /*estion (it& t&e -e(s,
be#a*se t&e" are t&e !o%ern inentors o$ t&is #*lt*ral per$*!e+ T&eir er" e5isten#e is an in#arnate %enial o$ t&e bea*t" o$
Ao%s i!age in His #reation+
Sin#e t&ese i%eas o$ (&at is bea*ti$*l an% &*!ane &ae no pla#e in (ar$are, t&e" are not to be *se% as stan%ar%s o$ (ar
=*ring t&e 3ar, propagan%a (as a !eans to an en%+ An% t&is en% (as t&e str*ggle $or e5isten#e o$ t&e Aer!an nation+
Propagan%a, t&ere$ore, s&o*l% &ae been regar%e% $ro! t&e stan%point o$ its *tilit" $or t&at p*rpose+ T&e !ost #r*el
(eapons (ere t&en t&e !ost &*!ane, proi%e% t&e" &elpe% to(ar%s a spee%ier %e#isionC an% onl" t&ose !et&o%s (ere goo%
an% bea*ti$*l (&i#& &elpe% to(ar%s se#*ring t&e %ignit" an% $ree%o! o$ t&e nation+ S*#& (as t&e onl" possible attit*%e to
a%opt to(ar%s (ar propagan%a in t&e li$e1or1%eat& str*ggle+
I$ t&ose in (&at are #alle% positions o$ a*t&orit" &a% reali>e% t&is t&ere (o*l% &ae been no *n#ertaint" abo*t t&e $or! an%
e!plo"!ent o$ (ar propagan%a as a (eaponC $or it is not&ing b*t a (eapon, an% in%ee% a !ost terri$"ing (eapon in t&e
&an%s o$ t&ose (&o ,no( &o( to *se it+
T&e se#on% /*estion o$ %e#isie i!portan#e is t&is4 To (&o! s&o*l% propagan%a be !a%e to appeal@ To t&e e%*#ate%
intelle#t*al #lasses@ Or to t&e less intelle#t*al@
Propagan%a !*st al(a"s a%%ress itsel$ to t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people+ For t&e intelle#t*al #lasses, or (&at are #alle% t&e
intelle#t*al #lasses to1%a", propagan%a is not s*ite%, b*t onl" s#ienti$i# e5position+ Propagan%a &as as little to %o (it&
s#ien#e as an a%ertise!ent poster &as to %o (it& art, as $ar as #on#erns t&e $or! in (&i#& it presents its !essage+ T&e art
o$ t&e a%ertise!ent poster #onsists in t&e abilit" o$ t&e %esigner to attra#t t&e attention o$ t&e #ro(% t&ro*g& t&e $or! an%
#olo*rs &e #&ooses+ T&e a%ertise!ent poster anno*n#ing an e5&ibition o$ art &as no ot&er ai! t&an to #onin#e t&e p*bli#
o$ t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e e5&ibition+ T&e better it %oes t&at, t&e better is t&e art o$ t&e poster as s*#&+ 8eing !eant
a##or%ingl" to i!press *pon t&e p*bli# t&e !eaning o$ t&e e5position, t&e poster #an neer ta,e t&e pla#e o$ t&e artisti#
ob0e#ts %ispla"e% in t&e e5position &all+ T&e" are so!et&ing entirel" %i$$erent+ T&ere$ore+ t&ose (&o (is& to st*%" t&e
artisti# %ispla" !*st st*%" so!et&ing t&at is /*ite %i$$erent $ro! t&e posterC in%ee% $or t&at p*rpose a !ere (an%ering
t&ro*g& t&e e5&ibition galleries is o$ no *se+ T&e st*%ent o$ art !*st #are$*ll" an% t&oro*g&l" st*%" ea#& e5&ibit in or%er
slo(l" to $or! a 0*%i#io*s opinion abo*t it+
T&e sit*ation is t&e sa!e in regar% to (&at (e *n%erstan% b" t&e (or%, propagan%a+ T&e p*rpose o$ propagan%a is not t&e
personal instr*#tion o$ t&e in%ii%*al, b*t rat&er to attra#t p*bli# attention to #ertain t&ings, t&e i!portan#e o$ (&i#& #an
be bro*g&t &o!e to t&e !asses onl" b" t&is !eans+
Here t&e art o$ propagan%a #onsists in p*tting a !atter so #learl" an% $or#ibl" be$ore t&e !in%s o$ t&e people as to #reate a
general #oni#tion regar%ing t&e realit" o$ a #ertain $a#t, t&e ne#essit" o$ #ertain t&ings an% t&e 0*st #&ara#ter o$ so!et&ing
t&at is essential+ 8*t as t&is art is not an en% in itsel$ an% be#a*se its p*rpose !*st be e5a#tl" t&at o$ t&e a%ertise!ent
poster, to attra#t t&e attention o$ t&e !asses an% not b" an" !eans to %ispense in%ii%*al instr*#tions to t&ose (&o alrea%"
&ae an e%*#ate% opinion on t&ings or (&o (is& to $or! s*#& an opinion on gro*n%s o$ ob0e#tie st*%" 1 be#a*se t&at is
not t&e p*rpose o$ propagan%a, it !*st appeal to t&e $eelings o$ t&e p*bli# rat&er t&an to t&eir reasoning po(ers+
All propagan%a !*st be presente% in a pop*lar $or! an% !*st $i5 its intelle#t*al leel so as not to be aboe t&e &ea%s o$
t&e least intelle#t*al o$ t&ose to (&o! it is %ire#te%+ T&*s its p*rel" intelle#t*al leel (ill &ae to be t&at o$ t&e lo(est
!ental #o!!on %eno!inator a!ong t&e p*bli# it is %esire% to rea#&+ 3&en t&ere is /*estion o$ bringing a (&ole nation
(it&in t&e #ir#le o$ its in$l*en#e, as &appens in t&e #ase o$ (ar propagan%a, t&en too !*#& attention #annot be pai% to t&e
ne#essit" o$ aoi%ing a &ig& leel, (&i#& pres*pposes a relatiel" &ig& %egree o$ intelligen#e a!ong t&e p*bli#+
T&e !ore !o%est t&e s#ienti$i# tenor o$ t&is propagan%a an% t&e !ore it is a%%resse% e5#l*siel" to p*bli# senti!ent, t&e
!ore %e#isie (ill be its s*##ess+ T&is is t&e best test o$ t&e al*e o$ a propagan%a, an% not t&e approbation o$ a s!all
gro*p o$ intelle#t*als or artisti# people+
T&e art o$ propagan%a #onsists pre#isel" in being able to a(a,en t&e i!agination o$ t&e p*bli# t&ro*g& an appeal to t&eir
$eelings, in $in%ing t&e appropriate ps"#&ologi#al $or! t&at (ill arrest t&e attention an% appeal to t&e &earts o$ t&e national
!asses+ T&at t&is is not *n%erstoo% b" t&ose a!ong *s (&ose (its are s*ppose% to &ae been s&arpene% to t&e &ig&est
pit#& is onl" anot&er proo$ o$ t&eir anit" or !ental inertia+
On#e (e &ae *n%erstoo% &o( ne#essar" it is to #on#entrate t&e pers*asie $or#es o$ propagan%a on t&e broa% !asses o$
t&e people, t&e $ollo(ing lessons res*lt t&ere$ro!4
T&at it is a !ista,e to organi>e t&e %ire#t propagan%a as i$ it (ere a !ani$ol% s"ste! o$ s#ienti$i# instr*#tion+
T&e re#eptie po(ers o$ t&e !asses are er" restri#te%, an% t&eir *n%erstan%ing is $eeble+ On t&e ot&er &an%, t&e" /*i#,l"
$orget+ S*#& being t&e #ase, all e$$e#tie propagan%a !*st be #on$ine% to a $e( bare essentials an% t&ose !*st be e5presse%
as $ar as possible in stereot"pe% $or!*las+ T&ese slogans s&o*l% be persistentl" repeate% *ntil t&e er" last in%ii%*al &as
#o!e to grasp t&e i%ea t&at &as been p*t $or(ar%+ I$ t&is prin#iple be $orgotten an% i$ an atte!pt be !a%e to be abstra#t an%
general, t&e propagan%a (ill t*rn o*t ine$$e#tieC $or t&e p*bli# (ill not be able to %igest or retain (&at is o$$ere% to t&e!
in t&is (a"+ T&ere$ore, t&e greater t&e s#ope o$ t&e !essage t&at &as to be presente%, t&e !ore ne#essar" it is $or t&e
propagan%a to %is#oer t&at plan o$ a#tion (&i#& is ps"#&ologi#all" t&e !ost e$$i#ient+
It (as, $or e5a!ple, a $*n%a!ental !ista,e to ri%i#*le t&e (ort& o$ t&e ene!" as t&e A*strian an% Aer!an #o!i# papers
!a%e a #&ie$ point o$ %oing in t&eir propagan%a+ T&e er" prin#iple &ere is a !ista,en oneC $or, (&en t&e" #a!e $a#e to
$a#e (it& t&e ene!", o*r sol%iers &a% /*ite a %i$$erent i!pression+ T&ere$ore, t&e !ista,e &a% %isastro*s res*lts+ On#e t&e
Aer!an sol%ier realise% (&at a to*g& ene!" &e &a% to $ig&t &e $elt t&at &e &a% been %e#eie% b" t&e !an*$a#t*rers o$ t&e
in$or!ation (&i#& &a% been gien &i!+ T&ere$ore, instea% o$ strengt&ening an% sti!*lating &is $ig&ting spirit, t&is
in$or!ation &a% /*ite t&e #ontrar" e$$e#t+ Finall" &e lost &eart+
On t&e ot&er &an%, 8ritis& an% A!eri#an (ar propagan%a (as ps"#&ologi#all" e$$i#ient+ 8" pi#t*ring t&e Aer!ans to t&eir
o(n people as 8arbarians an% H*ns, t&e" (ere preparing t&eir sol%iers $or t&e &orrors o$ (ar an% sa$eg*ar%ing t&e!
against ill*sions+ T&e !ost terri$i# (eapons (&i#& t&ose sol%iers en#o*ntere% in t&e $iel% !erel" #on$ir!e% t&e
in$or!ation t&at t&e" &a% alrea%" re#eie% an% t&eir belie$ in t&e tr*t& o$ t&e assertions !a%e b" t&eir respe#tie
goern!ents (as a##or%ingl" rein$or#e%+ T&*s t&eir rage an% &atre% against t&e in$a!o*s $oe (as in#rease%+ T&e terrible
&ao# #a*se% b" t&e Aer!an (eapons o$ (ar (as onl" anot&er ill*stration o$ t&e H*nnis& br*talit" o$ t&ose barbariansC
(&ereas on t&e si%e o$ t&e Entente no ti!e (as le$t t&e sol%iers to !e%itate on t&e si!ilar &ao# (&i#& t&eir o(n (eapons
(ere #apable o$+ T&*s t&e 8ritis& sol%ier (as neer allo(e% to $eel t&at t&e in$or!ation (&i#& &e re#eie% at &o!e (as
*ntr*e+ Un$ort*natel" t&e opposite (as t&e #ase (it& t&e Aer!ans, (&o $inall" (o*n% *p b" re0e#ting eer"t&ing $ro!
&o!e as p*re s(in%le an% &*!b*g+ T&is res*lt (as !a%e possible be#a*se at &o!e t&e" t&o*g&t t&at t&e (or, o$
propagan%a #o*l% be entr*ste% to t&e $irst ass t&at #a!e along, bra"ing o$ &is o(n spe#ial talents, an% t&e" &a% no
#on#eption o$ t&e $a#t t&at propagan%a %e!an%s t&e !ost s,ille% brains t&at #an be $o*n%+
T&*s t&e Aer!an (ar propagan%a a$$or%e% *s an in#o!parable e5a!ple o$ &o( t&e (or, o$ Menlig&ten!ent s&o*l% not be
%one an% &o( s*#& an e5a!ple (as t&e res*lt o$ an entire $ail*re to ta,e an" ps"#&ologi#al #onsi%erations (&atsoeer into
Fro! t&e ene!", &o(eer, a $*n% o$ al*able ,no(le%ge #o*l% be gaine% b" t&ose (&o ,ept t&eir e"es open, (&ose po(ers
o$ per#eption &a% not "et be#o!e s#leroti#, an% (&o %*ring $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears &a% to e5perien#e t&e perpet*al $loo% o$
ene!" propagan%a+
T&e (orst o$ all (as t&at o*r people %i% not *n%erstan% t&e er" $irst #on%ition (&i#& &as to be $*l$ille% in eer" ,in% o$
propagan%aC na!el", a s"ste!ati#all" one1si%e% attit*%e to(ar%s eer" proble! t&at &as to be %ealt (it&+ In t&is regar% so
!an" errors (ere #o!!itte%, een $ro! t&e er" beginning o$ t&e (ar, t&at it (as 0*sti$iable to %o*bt (&et&er so !*#&
$oll" #o*l% be attrib*te% solel" to t&e st*pi%it" o$ people in &ig&er /*arters+
3&at, $or e5a!ple, s&o*l% (e sa" o$ a poster (&i#& p*rporte% to a%ertise so!e ne( bran% o$ soap b" insisting on t&e
e5#ellent /*alities o$ t&e #o!petitie bran%s@ 3e s&o*l% nat*rall" s&a,e o*r &ea%s+ An% it o*g&t to be 0*st t&e sa!e in a
si!ilar ,in% o$ politi#al a%ertise!ent+ T&e ai! o$ propagan%a is not to tr" to pass 0*%g!ent on #on$li#ting rig&ts, giing
ea#& its %*e, b*t e5#l*siel" to e!p&asi>e t&e rig&t (&i#& (e are asserting+ Propagan%a !*st not inestigate t&e tr*t&
ob0e#tiel" an%, in so $ar as it is $ao*rable to t&e ot&er si%e, present it a##or%ing to t&e t&eoreti#al r*les o$ 0*sti#eC "et it
!*st present onl" t&at aspe#t o$ t&e tr*t& (&i#& is $ao*rable to its o(n si%e+
It (as a $*n%a!ental !ista,e to %is#*ss t&e /*estion o$ (&o (as responsible $or t&e o*tbrea, o$ t&e (ar an% %e#lare t&at
t&e sole responsibilit" #o*l% not be attrib*te% to Aer!an"+ T&e sole responsibilit" s&o*l% &ae been lai% on t&e s&o*l%ers
o$ t&e ene!", (it&o*t an" %is#*ssion (&atsoeer+
An% (&at (as t&e #onse/*en#e o$ t&ese &al$1!eas*res@ T&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people are not !a%e *p o$ %iplo!ats or
pro$essors o$ p*bli# 0*rispr*%en#e nor si!pl" o$ persons (&o are able to $or! reasone% 0*%g!ent in gien #ases, b*t a
a#illating #ro(% o$ &*!an #&il%ren (&o are #onstantl" (aering bet(een one i%ea an% anot&er+ As soon as o*r o(n
propagan%a !a%e t&e slig&test s*ggestion t&at t&e ene!" &a% a #ertain a!o*nt o$ 0*sti#e on &is si%e, t&en (e lai% %o(n
t&e basis on (&i#& t&e 0*sti#e o$ o*r o(n #a*se #o*l% be /*estione%+ T&e !asses are not in a position to %is#ern (&ere t&e
ene!"s $a*lt en%s an% (&ere o*r o(n begins+ In s*#& a #ase t&e" be#o!e &esitant an% %istr*st$*l, espe#iall" (&en t&e
ene!" %oes not !a,e t&e sa!e !ista,e b*t &eaps all t&e bla!e on &is a%ersar"+ Co*l% t&ere be an" #learer proo$ o$ t&is
t&an t&e $a#t t&at $inall" o*r o(n people beliee% (&at (as sai% b" t&e ene!"s propagan%a, (&i#& (as *ni$or! an%
#onsistent in its assertions, rat&er t&an (&at o*r o(n propagan%a sai%@ An% t&at, o$ #o*rse, (as in#rease% b" t&e !ania $or
ob0e#tiit" (&i#& a%%i#ts o*r people+ Eer"bo%" began to be #are$*l abo*t %oing an in0*sti#e to t&e ene!", een at t&e #ost
o$ serio*sl" in0*ring, an% een r*ining &is o(n people an% State+
.at*rall" t&e !asses (ere not #ons#io*s o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&ose in a*t&orit" &a% $aile% to st*%" t&e s*b0e#t $ro! t&is angle+
T&e great !a0orit" o$ a nation is so $e!inine in its #&ara#ter an% o*tloo, t&at its t&o*g&t an% #on%*#t are r*le% b"
senti!ent rat&er t&an b" sober reasoning+ T&is senti!ent, &o(eer, is not #o!ple5, b*t si!ple an% #onsistent+ It is not
&ig&l" %i$$erentiate%, b*t &as onl" t&e negatie an% positie notions o$ loe an% &atre%, rig&t an% (rong, tr*t& an%
$alse&oo%+ Its notions are neer partl" t&is an% partl" t&at+ Englis& propagan%a espe#iall" *n%erstoo% t&is in a !arello*s
(a" an% p*t (&at t&e" *n%erstoo% into pra#ti#e+ T&e" allo(e% no &al$1!eas*res (&i#& !ig&t &ae gien rise to so!e
Proo$ o$ &o( brilliantl" t&e" *n%erstoo% t&at t&e $eeling o$ t&e !asses is so!et&ing pri!itie (as s&o(n in t&eir poli#" o$
p*blis&ing tales o$ &orror an% o*trages (&i#& $itte% in (it& t&e real &orrors o$ t&e ti!e, t&ereb" #leerl" an% r*t&lessl"
preparing t&e gro*n% $or !oral soli%arit" at t&e $ront, een in ti!es o$ great %e$eats+ F*rt&er, t&e (a" in (&i#& t&e"
pillorie% t&e Aer!an ene!" as solel" responsible $or t&e (ar 1 (&i#& (as a br*tal an% absol*te $alse&oo% 1 an% t&e (a" in
(&i#& t&e" pro#lai!e% &is g*ilt (as e5#ellentl" #al#*late% to rea#& t&e !asses, reali>ing t&at t&ese are al(a"s e5tre!ist in
t&eir $eelings+ An% t&*s it (as t&at t&is atro#io*s lie (as positiel" beliee%+
T&e e$$e#tieness o$ t&is ,in% o$ propagan%a is (ell ill*strate% b" t&e $a#t t&at a$ter $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears, not onl" (as t&e
ene!" still #arr"ing on &is propagan%ist (or,, b*t it (as alrea%" *n%er!ining t&e sta!ina o$ o*r people at &o!e+
T&at o*r propagan%a %i% not a#&iee si!ilar res*lts is not to be (on%ere% at, be#a*se it &a% t&e ger!s o$ ine$$i#ien#"
lo%ge% in its er" being b" reason o$ its a!big*it"+ An% be#a*se o$ t&e er" nat*re o$ its #ontent one #o*l% not e5pe#t it to
!a,e t&e ne#essar" i!pression on t&e !asses+ Onl" o*r $e#,less Mstates!en #o*l% &ae i!agine% t&at on pa#i$ists slops o$
s*#& a ,in% t&e ent&*sias! #o*l% be no*ris&e% (&i#& is ne#essar" to en,in%le t&at spirit (&i#& lea%s !en to %ie $or t&eir
An% so t&is pro%*#t o$ o*rs (as not onl" (ort&less b*t %etri!ental+
.o !atter (&at an a!o*nt o$ talent e!plo"e% in t&e organi>ation o$ propagan%a, it (ill &ae no res*lt i$ %*e a##o*nt is
not ta,en o$ t&ese $*n%a!ental prin#iples+ Propagan%a !*st be li!ite% to a $e( si!ple t&e!es an% t&ese !*st be
represente% again an% again+ Here, as in inn*!erable ot&er #ases, perseeran#e is t&e $irst an% !ost i!portant #on%ition o$
Parti#*larl" in t&e $iel% o$ propagan%a, pla#i% Tst&etes an% blase intelle#t*als s&o*l% neer be allo(e% to ta,e t&e lea%+
T&e $or!er (o*l% rea%il" trans$or! t&e i!pressie #&ara#ter o$ real propagan%a into so!et&ing s*itable onl" $or literar"
tea parties+ As to t&e se#on% #lass o$ people, one !*st al(a"s be(are o$ t&is pestC $or, in #onse/*en#e o$ t&eir insensibilit"
to nor!al i!pressions, t&e" are #onstantl" see,ing ne( e5#ite!ents+
S*#& people gro( si#, an% tire% o$ eer"t&ing+ T&e" al(a"s long $or #&ange an% (ill al(a"s be in#apable o$ p*tting
t&e!seles in t&e position o$ pi#t*ring t&e (ants o$ t&eir less #allo*s $ello(1#reat*res in t&eir i!!e%iate neig&bo*r&oo%,
let alone tr"ing to *n%erstan% t&e!+ T&e blase intelle#t*als are al(a"s t&e $irst to #riti#i>e propagan%a, or rat&er its
!essage, be#a*se t&is appears to t&e! to be o*t!o%e% an% triial+ T&e" are al(a"s loo,ing $or so!et&ing ne(, al(a"s
"earning $or #&angeC an% t&*s t&e" be#o!e t&e !ortal ene!ies o$ eer" e$$ort t&at !a" be !a%e to in$l*en#e t&e !asses in
an e$$e#tie (a"+ T&e !o!ent t&e organi>ation an% !essage o$ a propagan%ist !oe!ent begins to be orientate%
a##or%ing to t&eir tastes it be#o!es in#o&erent an% s#attere%+
It is not t&e p*rpose o$ propagan%a to #reate a series o$ alterations in senti!ent (it& a ie( to pleasing t&ese blase gentr"+
Its #&ie$ $*n#tion is to #onin#e t&e !asses, (&ose slo(ness o$ *n%erstan%ing nee%s to be gien ti!e in or%er t&at t&e"
!a" absorb in$or!ationC an% onl" #onstant repetition (ill $inall" s*##ee% in i!printing an i%ea on t&e !e!or" o$ t&e
Eer" #&ange t&at is !a%e in t&e s*b0e#t o$ a propagan%ist !essage !*st al(a"s e!p&asi>e t&e sa!e #on#l*sion+ T&e
lea%ing slogan !*st o$ #o*rse be ill*strate% in !an" (a"s an% $ro! seeral angles, b*t in t&e en% one !*st al(a"s ret*rn
to t&e assertion o$ t&e sa!e $or!*la+ In t&is (a" alone #an propagan%a be #onsistent an% %"na!i# in its e$$e#ts+
Onl" b" $ollo(ing t&ese general lines an% sti#,ing to t&e! stea%$astl", (it& *ni$or! an% #on#ise e!p&asis, #an $inal
s*##ess be rea#&e%+ T&en one (ill be re(ar%e% b" t&e s*rprising an% al!ost in#re%ible res*lts t&at s*#& a persistent poli#"
T&e s*##ess o$ an" a%ertise!ent, (&et&er o$ a b*siness or politi#al nat*re, %epen%s on t&e #onsisten#" an% perseeran#e
(it& (&i#& it is e!plo"e%+
In t&is respe#t also t&e propagan%a organi>e% b" o*r ene!ies set *s an e5#ellent e5a!ple+ It #on$ine% itsel$ to a $e(
t&e!es, (&i#& (ere !eant e5#l*siel" $or !ass #ons*!ption, an% it repeate% t&ese t&e!es (it& *ntiring perseeran#e+
On#e t&ese $*n%a!ental t&e!es an% t&e !anner o$ pla#ing t&e! be$ore t&e (orl% (ere re#ogni>e% as e$$e#tie, t&e"
a%&ere% to t&e! (it&o*t t&e slig&test alteration $or t&e (&ole %*ration o$ t&e 3ar+ At $irst all o$ it appeare% to be i%ioti# in
its i!p*%ent assertieness+ 'ater on it (as loo,e% *pon as %ist*rbing, b*t $inall" it (as beliee%+
8*t in Englan% t&e" #a!e to *n%erstan% so!et&ing $*rt&er4 na!el", t&at t&e possibilit" o$ s*##ess in t&e *se o$ t&is
spirit*al (eapon #onsists in t&e !ass e!plo"!ent o$ it, an% t&at (&en e!plo"e% in t&is (a" it brings $*ll ret*rns $or t&e
large e5penses in#*rre%+
In Englan% propagan%a (as regar%e% as a (eapon o$ t&e $irst or%er, (&ereas (it& *s it represente% t&e last &ope o$ a
lieli&oo% $or o*r *ne!plo"e% politi#ians an% a sn*g 0ob $or s&ir,ers o$ t&e !o%est &ero t"pe+
Ta,en all in all, its res*lts (ere negatie+
C&apter Seen4
In 1916 t&e ene!" starte% &is propagan%a a!ong o*r sol%iers+ Fro! 191< on(ar%s it stea%il" be#a!e !ore intensie, an%
at t&e beginning o$ 1919 it &a% s(ollen into a stor! $loo%+ One #o*l% no( 0*%ge t&e e$$e#ts o$ t&is prosel"ti>ing !oe!ent
step b" step+ Ara%*all" o*r sol%iers began to t&in, 0*st in t&e (a" t&e ene!" (is&e% t&e! to t&in,+ On t&e Aer!an si%e
t&ere (as no #o*nter1propagan%a+
At t&at ti!e t&e ar!" a*t&orities, *n%er o*r able an% resol*te Co!!an%er, (ere (illing an% rea%" to ta,e *p t&e $ig&t in
t&e propagan%a %o!ain also, b*t *n$ort*natel" t&e" %i% not &ae t&e ne#essar" !eans to #arr" t&at intention into e$$e#t+
)oreoer, t&e ar!" a*t&orities (o*l% &ae !a%e a ps"#&ologi#al !ista,e &a% t&e" *n%erta,en t&is tas, o$ !ental
training+ To be e$$i#a#io*s it &a% #o!e $ro! t&e &o!e $ront+ For onl" t&*s #o*l% it be s*##ess$*l a!ong !en (&o $or
nearl" $o*r "ears no( &a% been per$or!ing i!!ortal %ee%s o$ &erois! an% *n%ergoing all sorts o$ priations $or t&e sa,e
o$ t&at &o!e+ 8*t (&at (ere t&e people at &o!e %oing@ 3as t&eir $ail*re to a#t !erel" %*e to *nintelligen#e or ba% $ait&@
In t&e !i%s*!!er o$ 1919, a$ter t&e ea#*ation o$ t&e so*t&ern ban, o$ t&e &earne, t&e Aer!an Press a%opte% a poli#"
(&i#& (as so (oe$*ll" inopport*ne, an% een #ri!inall" st*pi%, t&at I *se% to as, !"sel$ a /*estion (&i#& !a%e !e !ore
an% !ore $*rio*s %a" a$ter %a"4 Is it reall" tr*e t&at (e &ae nobo%" (&o (ill %are to p*t an en% to t&is pro#ess o$ spirit*al
sabotage (&i#& is being #arrie% on a!ong o*r &eroi# troops@
3&at &appene% in Fran#e %*ring t&ose %a"s o$ 1914, (&en o*r ar!ies ina%e% t&at #o*ntr" an% (ere !ar#&ing in tri*!p&
$ro! one i#tor" to anot&er@ 3&at &appene% in Ital" (&en t&eir ar!ies #ollapse% on t&e Ison>o $ront@ 3&at &appene% in
Fran#e again %*ring t&e spring o$ 1919, (&en Aer!an %iisions too, t&e !ain Fren#& positions b" stor! an% &ea" long1
%istan#e artiller" bo!bar%e% Paris@
Ho( t&e" (&ippe% *p t&e $lagging #o*rage o$ t&ose troops (&o (ere retreating an% $anne% t&e $ires o$ national ent&*sias!
a!ong t&e!N Ho( t&eir propagan%a an% t&eir !arello*s aptit*%e in t&e e5er#ise o$ !ass1in$l*en#e rea(a,ene% t&e
$ig&ting spirit in t&at bro,en $ront an% &a!!ere% into t&e &ea%s o$ t&e sol%iers a, $ir! belie$ in $inal i#tor"N
)ean(&ile, (&at (ere o*r people %oing in t&is sp&ere@ .ot&ing, or een (orse t&an not&ing+ Again an% again I *se% to
be#o!e enrage% an% in%ignant as I rea% t&e latest papers an% reali>e% t&e nat*re o$ t&e !ass1!*r%er t&e" (ere
#o!!itting4 t&ro*g& t&eir in$l*en#e on t&e !in%s o$ t&e people an% t&e sol%iers+ )ore t&an on#e I (as tor!ente% b" t&e
t&o*g&t t&at i$ Proi%en#e &a% p*t t&e #on%*#t o$ Aer!an propagan%a into !" &an%s, instea% o$ into t&e &an%s o$ t&ose
in#o!petent an% een #ri!inal ignora!*ses an% (ea,lings, t&e o*t#o!e o$ t&e str*ggle !ig&t &ae been %i$$erent+
=*ring t&ose !ont&s I $elt $or t&e $irst ti!e t&at Fate (as %ealing a%ersel" (it& !e in ,eeping !e on t&e $ig&ting $ront
an% in a position (&ere an" #&an#e b*llet $ro! so!e nigger or ot&er !ig&t $inis& !e, (&ereas I #o*l% &ae %one t&e
Fat&erlan% a real seri#e in anot&er sp&ere+ For I (as t&en pres*!pt*o*s eno*g& to beliee t&at I (o*l% &ae been
s*##ess$*l in !anaging t&e propagan%a b*siness+
8*t I (as a being (it&o*t a na!e, one a!ong eig&t !illions+ Hen#e it (as better $or !e to ,eep !" !o*t& s&*t an% %o !"
%*t" as (ell as I #o*l% in t&e position to (&i#& I &a% been assigne%+
In t&e s*!!er o$ 1916 t&e $irst ene!" lea$lets (ere %roppe% on o*r tren#&es+ T&e" all tol% !ore or less t&e sa!e stor",
(it& so!e ariations in t&e $or! o$ it+ T&e stor" (as t&at %istress (as stea%il" on t&e in#rease in Aer!an"C t&at t&e 3ar
(o*l% last in%e$initel"C t&at t&e prospe#t o$ i#tor" $or *s (as be#o!ing $ainter %a" a$ter %a"C t&at t&e people at &o!e (ere
"earning $or pea#e, b*t t&at M)ilitaris! an% t&e M;aiser (o*l% not per!it itC t&at t&e (orl% 1 (&i#& ,ne( t&is er" (ell 1
(as not (aging (ar against t&e Aer!an people b*t onl" against t&e !an (&o (as e5#l*siel" responsible, t&e ;aiserC t&at
*ntil t&is ene!" o$ (orl%1pea#e (as re!oe% t&ere #o*l% be no en% to t&e #on$li#tC b*t t&at (&en t&e 3ar (as oer t&e
liberal an% %e!o#rati# nations (o*l% re#eie t&e Aer!ans as #olleag*es in t&e 'eag*e $or 3orl% Pea#e+ T&is (o*l% be
%one t&e !o!ent MPr*ssian )ilitaris! &a% been $inall" %estro"e%+
To ill*strate an% s*bstantiate all t&ese state!ents, t&e lea$lets er" o$ten #ontaine% M'etters $ro! Ho!e, t&e #ontents o$
(&i#& appeare% to #on$ir! t&e ene!"s propagan%ist !essage+
Aenerall" spea,ing, (e onl" la*g&e% at all t&ese e$$orts+ T&e lea$lets (ere rea%, sent to base &ea%/*arters, t&en $orgotten
*ntil a $ao*rable (in% on#e again ble( a $res& #ontingent into t&e tren#&es+ T&ese (ere !ostl" %roppe% $ro! Troplanes
(&i#& (ere *se% spe#iall" $or t&at p*rpose+
One $eat*re o$ t&is propagan%a (as er" stri,ing+ It (as t&at in se#tions (&ere 8aarian troops (ere statione% eer" e$$ort
(as !a%e b" t&e ene!" propagan%ists to stir *p $eeling against t&e Pr*ssians, ass*ring t&e sol%iers t&at Pr*ssia an%
Pr*ssia alone (as t&e g*ilt" part" (&o (as responsible $or bringing on an% #ontin*ing t&e 3ar, an% t&at t&ere (as no
&ostilit" (&atsoeer to(ar%s t&e 8aariansC b*t t&at t&ere #o*l% be no possibilit" o$ #o!ing to t&eir assistan#e so long as
t&e" #ontin*e% to sere Pr*ssian interests an% &elpe% to p*ll t&e Pr*ssian #&estn*ts o*t o$ t&e $ire+
T&is persistent propagan%a began to &ae a real in$l*en#e on o*r sol%iers in 1916+ T&e $eeling against Pr*ssia gre( /*ite
noti#eable a!ong t&e 8aarian troops, b*t t&ose in a*t&orit" %i% not&ing to #o*ntera#t it+ T&is (as so!et&ing !ore t&an a
!ere #ri!e o$ o!issionC $or sooner or later not onl" t&e Pr*ssians (ere bo*n% to &ae to atone seerel" $or it b*t t&e (&ole
Aer!an nation an% #onse/*entl" t&e 8aarians t&e!seles also+
In t&is %ire#tion t&e ene!" propagan%a began to a#&iee *n%o*bte% s*##ess $ro! 191< on(ar%s+
In a si!ilar (a" letters #o!ing %ire#tl" $ro! &o!e &a% long sin#e been e5er#ising t&eir e$$e#t+ T&ere (as no( no $*rt&er
ne#essit" $or t&e ene!" to broa%#ast s*#& letters in lea$let $or!+ An% also against t&is in$l*en#e $ro! &o!e not&ing (as
%one e5#ept a $e( s*pre!el" st*pi% M(arnings *ttere% b" t&e e5e#*tie goern!ent+ T&e (&ole $ront (as %ren#&e% in t&is
poison (&i#& t&o*g&tless (o!en at &o!e sent o*t, (it&o*t s*spe#ting $or a !o!ent t&at t&e ene!"s #&an#es o$ $inal
i#tor" (ere t&*s strengt&ene% or t&at t&e s*$$erings o$ t&eir o(n !en at t&e $ront (ere t&*s being prolonge% an% ren%ere%
!ore seere+ T&ese st*pi% letters (ritten b" Aer!an (o!en eent*all" #ost t&e lies o$ &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ o*r !en+
T&*s in 191< seeral %istressing p&eno!ena (ere alrea%" !ani$est+ T&e (&ole $ront (as #o!plaining an% gro*sing,
%is#ontente% oer !an" t&ings an% o$ten 0*sti$iabl" so+ 3&ile t&e" (ere &*ngr" an% "et patient, an% t&eir relaties at &o!e
(ere in %istress, in ot&er /*arters t&ere (as $easting an% reelr"+ KesC een on t&e $ront itsel$ eer"t&ing (as not as it
o*g&t to &ae been in t&is regar%+
Een in t&e earl" stages o$ t&e (ar t&e sol%iers (ere so!eti!es prone to #o!plainC b*t s*#& #riti#is! (as #on$ine% to
Minternal a$$airs+ T&e !an (&o at one !o!ent gro*se% an% gr*!ble% #ease% &is !*r!*r a$ter a $e( !o!ents an% (ent
abo*t &is %*t" silentl", as i$ eer"t&ing (ere in or%er+ T&e #o!pan" (&i#& &a% gien signs o$ %is#ontent a !o!ent earlier
&*ng on no( to its bit o$ tren#&, %e$en%ing it toot& an% nail, as i$ Aer!an"s $ate %epen%e% on t&ese $e( &*n%re% "ar%s o$
!*% an% s&ell1&oles+ T&e glorio*s ol% ar!" (as still at its post+ A s*%%en #&ange in !" o(n $ort*nes soon pla#e% !e in a
position (&ere I &a% $irst1&an% e5perien#e o$ t&e #ontrast bet(een t&is ol% ar!" an% t&e &o!e $ront+ At t&e en% o$
Septe!ber 191< !" %iision (as sent into t&e 8attle o$ t&e So!!e+ For *s t&is (as t&e $irst o$ a series o$ &ea"
engage!ents, an% t&e i!pression #reate% (as t&at o$ a eritable in$erno, rat&er t&an (ar+ T&ro*g& (ee,s o$ in#essant
artiller" bo!bar%!ent (e stoo% $ir!, at ti!es #e%ing a little gro*n% b*t t&en ta,ing it ba#, again, an% neer giing (a"+
On O#tober :t&, 191<, I (as (o*n%e% b*t &a% t&e l*#, o$ being able to get ba#, to o*r lines an% (as t&en or%ere% to be
sent b" a!b*lan#e train to Aer!an"+
T(o "ears &a% passe% sin#e I &a% le$t &o!e, an al!ost en%less perio% in s*#& #ir#*!stan#es+ I #o*l% &ar%l" i!agine (&at
Aer!ans loo,e% li,e (it&o*t *ni$or!s+ In t&e #learing &ospital at Her!ies I (as startle% (&en I s*%%enl" &ear% t&e oi#e
o$ a Aer!an (o!an (&o (as a#ting as n*rsing sister an% tal,ing (it& one o$ t&e (o*n%e% !en l"ing near !e+ T(o "earsN
An% t&en t&is oi#e $or t&e $irst ti!eN
T&e nearer o*r a!b*lan#e train approa#&e% t&e Aer!an $rontier t&e !ore restless ea#& one o$ *s be#a!e+ En ro*te (e
re#ognise% all t&ese pla#es t&ro*g& (&i#& (e passe% t(o "ears be$ore as "o*ng ol*nteers 1 8r*ssels, 'o*ain, 'iUge 1 an%
$inall" (e t&o*g&t (e re#ogni>e% t&e $irst Aer!an &o!estea%, (it& its $a!iliar &ig& gables an% pi#t*res/*e (in%o(1
s&*tters+ Ho!eN
3&at a #&angeN Fro! t&e !*% o$ t&e So!!e battle$iel%s to t&e spotless (&ite be%s in t&is (on%er$*l b*il%ing+ One
&esitate% at $irst be$ore entering t&e!+ It (as onl" b" slo( stages t&at one #o*l% gro( a##*sto!e% to t&is ne( (orl% again+
8*t *n$ort*natel" t&ere (ere #ertain ot&er aspe#ts also in (&i#& t&is ne( (orl% (as %i$$erent+
T&e spirit o$ t&e ar!" at t&e $ront appeare% to be o*t o$ pla#e &ere+ For t&e $irst ti!e I en#o*ntere% so!et&ing (&i#& *p to
t&en (as *n,no(n at t&e $ront4 na!el", boasting o$ ones o(n #o(ar%i#e+ For, t&o*g& (e #ertainl" &ear% #o!plaining an%
gro*sing at t&e $ront, t&is (as neer in t&e spirit o$ an" agitation to ins*bor%ination an% #ertainl" not an atte!pt to glori$"
ones $ear+ .oC t&ere at t&e $ront a #o(ar% (as a #o(ar% an% not&ing else, An% t&e #onte!pt (&i#& &is (ea,ness aro*se%
in t&e ot&ers (as /*ite general, 0*st as t&e real &ero (as a%!ire% all ro*n%+ 8*t &ere in &ospital t&e spirit (as /*ite
%i$$erent in so!e respe#ts+ 'o*%!o*t&e% agitators (ere b*s" &ere in &eaping ri%i#*le on t&e goo% sol%ier an% painting t&e
(ea,1,nee% poltroon in glorio*s #olo*rs+ A #o*ple o$ !iserable &*!an spe#i!ens (ere t&e ringlea%ers in t&is pro#ess o$
%e$a!ation+ One o$ t&e! boaste% o$ &aing intentionall" in0*re% &is &an% in barbe%1(ire entangle!ents in or%er to get
sent to &ospital+ Alt&o*g& &is (o*n% (as onl" a slig&t one, it appeare% t&at &e &a% been &ere $or a er" long ti!e an%
(o*l% be &ere inter!inabl"+ So!e arrange!ent $or &i! see!e% to be (or,e% b" so!e sort o$ s(in%le, 0*st as &e got sent
&ere in t&e a!b*lan#e train t&ro*g& a s(in%le+ T&is pestilential spe#i!en a#t*all" &a% t&e a*%a#it" to para%e &is ,naer"
as t&e !ani$estation o$ a #o*rage (&i#& (as s*perior to t&at o$ t&e brae sol%ier (&o %ies a &eros %eat&+ T&ere (ere !an"
(&o &ear% t&is tal, in silen#eC b*t t&ere (ere ot&ers (&o e5presse% t&eir assent to (&at t&e $ello( sai%+
Personall" I (as %isg*ste% at t&e t&o*g&t t&at a se%itio*s agitator o$ t&is ,in% s&o*l% be allo(e% to re!ain in s*#& an
instit*tion+ 3&at #o*l% be %one@ T&e &ospital a*t&orities &ere !*st &ae ,no(n (&o an% (&at &e (asC an% a#t*all" t&e"
%i% ,no(+ 8*t still t&e" %i% not&ing abo*t it+
As soon as I (as able to (al, on#e again I obtaine% leae to isit 8erlin+
8itter (ant (as in ei%en#e eer"(&ere+ T&e !etropolis, (it& its tee!ing !illions, (as s*$$ering $ro! &*nger+ T&e tal,
t&at (as #*rrent in t&e ario*s pla#es o$ re$res&!ent an% &ospi#es isite% b" t&e sol%iers (as !*#& t&e sa!e as t&at in o*r
&ospital+ T&e i!pression gien (as t&at t&ese agitators p*rposel" single% o*t s*#& pla#es in or%er to sprea% t&eir ie(s+
8*t in )*ni#& #on%itions (ere $ar (orse+ A$ter !" %is#&arge $ro! &ospital, I (as sent to a resere battalion t&ere+ I $elt as
in so!e strange to(n+ Anger, %is#ontent, #o!plaints !et ones ears (&ereer one (ent+ To a #ertain e5tent t&is (as %*e to
t&e in$initel" !ala%roit !anner in (&i#& t&e sol%iers (&o &a% ret*rne% $ro! t&e $ront (ere treate% b" t&e non1
#o!!issione% o$$i#ers (&o &a% neer seen a %a"s a#tie seri#e an% (&o on t&at a##o*nt (ere partl" in#apable o$
a%opting t&e proper attit*%e to(ar%s t&e ol% sol%iers+ .at*rall" t&ose ol% sol%iers %ispla"e% #ertain #&ara#teristi#s (&i#&
&a% been %eelope% $ro! t&e e5perien#es in t&e tren#&es+ T&e o$$i#ers o$ t&e resere *nits #o*l% not *n%erstan% t&ese
pe#*liarities, (&ereas t&e o$$i#er &o!e $ro! a#tie seri#e (as at least in a position to *n%erstan% t&e! $or &i!sel$+ As a
res*lt &e re#eie% !ore respe#t $ro! t&e !en t&an o$$i#ers at t&e &o!e &ea%/*arters+ 8*t, apart $ro! all t&is, t&e general
spirit (as %eplorable+ T&e art o$ s&ir,ing (as loo,e% *pon as al!ost a proo$ o$ &ig&er intelligen#e, an% %eotion to %*t"
(as #onsi%ere% a sign o$ (ea,ness or bigotr"+ Aoern!ent o$$i#es (ere sta$$e% b" -e(s+ Al!ost eer" #ler, (as a -e( an%
eer" -e( (as a #ler,+ I (as a!a>e% at t&is !*ltit*%e o$ #o!batants (&o belonge% to t&e #&osen people an% #o*l% not &elp
#o!paring it (it& t&eir slen%er n*!bers in t&e $ig&ting lines+
In t&e b*siness (orl% t&e sit*ation (as een (orse+ Here t&e -e(s &a% a#t*all" be#o!e Min%ispensable+ 'i,e lee#&es, t&e"
(ere slo(l" s*#,ing t&e bloo% $ro! t&e pores o$ t&e national bo%"+ 8" !eans o$ ne(l" $loate% 3ar Co!panies an
instr*!ent &a% been %is#oere% (&ereb" all national tra%e (as t&rottle% so t&at no b*siness #o*l% be #arrie% on $reel"
Spe#ial e!p&asis (as lai% on t&e ne#essit" $or *n&a!pere% #entrali>ation+ Hen#e as earl" as 191<11: pra#ti#all" all
pro%*#tion (as *n%er t&e #ontrol o$ -e(is& $inan#e+
8*t against (&o! (as t&e anger o$ t&e people %ire#te%@ It (as t&en t&at I alrea%" sa( t&e $ate$*l %a" approa#&ing (&i#&
!*st $inall" bring t&e %eba#le, *nless ti!el" preentie !eas*res (ere ta,en+
3&ile -e(r" (as b*s" %espoiling t&e nation an% tig&tening t&e s#re(s o$ its %espotis!, t&e (or, o$ in#iting t&e people
against t&e Pr*ssians in#rease%+ An% 0*st as not&ing (as %one at t&e $ront to p*t a stop to t&e eno!o*s propagan%a, so
&ere at &o!e no o$$i#ial steps (ere ta,en against it+ .obo%" see!e% #apable o$ *n%erstan%ing t&at t&e #ollapse o$ Pr*ssia
#o*l% neer bring abo*t t&e rise o$ 8aaria+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e #ollapse o$ t&e one !*st ne#essaril" %rag t&e ot&er %o(n
(it& it+
T&is ,in% o$ be&aio*r a$$e#te% !e er" %eepl"+ In it I #o*l% see onl" a #leer -e(is& tri#, $or %ierting p*bli# attention
$ro! t&e!seles to ot&ers+ 3&ile Pr*ssians an% 8aarians (ere s/*abbling, t&e -e(s (ere ta,ing a(a" t&e s*stenan#e o$
bot& $ro! *n%er t&eir er" noses+ 3&ile Pr*ssians (ere being ab*se% in 8aaria t&e -e(s organi>e% t&e reol*tion an%
(it& one stro,e s!as&e% bot& Pr*ssia an% 8aaria+
I #o*l% not tolerate t&is e5e#rable s/*abbling a!ong people o$ t&e sa!e Aer!an sto#, an% pre$erre% to be at t&e $ront on#e
again+ T&ere$ore, 0*st a$ter !" arrial in )*ni#& I reporte% !"sel$ $or seri#e again+ At t&e beginning o$ )ar#& 191: I
re0oine% !" ol% regi!ent at t&e $ront+
To(ar%s t&e en% o$ 191: it see!e% as i$ (e &a% got oer t&e (orst p&ases o$ !oral %epression at t&e $ront+ A$ter t&e
R*ssian #ollapse t&e (&ole ar!" re#oere% its #o*rage an% &ope, an% all (ere gra%*all" be#o!ing !ore an% !ore
#onin#e% t&at t&e str*ggle (o*l% en% in o*r $ao*r+ 3e #o*l% sing on#e again+ T&e raens (ere #easing to #roa,+ Fait& in
t&e $*t*re o$ t&e Fat&erlan% (as on#e !ore in t&e as#en%ant+
T&e Italian #ollapse in t&e a*t*!n o$ 191: &a% a (on%er$*l e$$e#tC $or t&is i#tor" proe% t&at it (as possible to brea,
t&ro*g& anot&er $ront besi%es t&e R*ssian+ T&is inspiring t&o*g&t no( be#a!e %o!inant in t&e !in%s o$ !illions at t&e
$ront an% en#o*rage% t&e! to loo, $or(ar% (it& #on$i%en#e to t&e spring o$ 1919+ It (as /*ite obio*s t&at t&e ene!" (as
in a state o$ %epression+ =*ring t&is (inter t&e $ront (as so!e(&at /*ieter t&an *s*al+ 8*t t&at (as t&e #al! be$ore t&e
-*st (&en preparations (ere being !a%e to la*n#& a $inal o$$ensie (&i#& (o*l% bring t&is see!ingl" eternal str*ggle to
an en%, (&ile en%less #ol*!ns o$ transports (ere bringing !en an% !*nitions to t&e $ront, an% (&ile t&e !en (ere being
traine% $or t&at $inal onsla*g&t, t&en it (as t&at t&e greatest a#t o$ trea#&er" %*ring t&e (&ole 3ar (as a##o!plis&e% in
Aer!an" !*st not (in t&e 3ar+ At t&at !o!ent (&en i#tor" see!e% rea%" to alig&t on t&e Aer!an stan%ar%s, a
#onspira#" (as arrange% $or t&e p*rpose o$ stri,ing at t&e &eart o$ t&e Aer!an spring o$$ensie (it& one blo( $ro! t&e
rear an% t&*s !a,ing i#tor" i!possible+ A general stri,e in t&e !*nition $a#tories (as organi>e%+
I$ t&is #onspira#" #o*l% a#&iee its p*rpose t&e Aer!an $ront (o*l% &ae #ollapse% an% t&e (is&es o$ t&e Bor(Irts Ft&e
organ o$ t&e So#ial1=e!o#rati# Part"G t&at t&is ti!e i#tor" s&o*l% not ta,e t&e si%e o$ t&e Aer!an banners, (o*l% &ae
been $*l$ille%+ For (ant o$ !*nitions t&e $ront (o*l% be bro,en t&ro*g& (it&in a $e( (ee,s, t&e o$$ensie (o*l% be
e$$e#tiel" stoppe% an% t&e Entente sae%+ T&en International Finan#e (o*l% ass*!e #ontrol oer Aer!an" an% t&e
internal ob0e#tie o$ t&e )ar5ist national betra"al (o*l% be a#&iee%+ T&at ob0e#tie (as t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e national
e#ono!i# s"ste! an% t&e establis&!ent o$ international #apitalisti# %o!ination in its stea%+ An% t&is goal &as reall" been
rea#&e%, t&an,s to t&e st*pi% #re%*lit" o$ t&e one si%e an% t&e *nspea,able trea#&er" o$ t&e ot&er+
T&e !*nition stri,e, &o(eer, %i% not bring t&e $inal s*##ess t&at &a% been &ope% $or4 na!el", to stare t&e $ront o$
a!!*nition+ It laste% too s&ort a ti!e $or t&e la#, o$ a!!*nitions as s*#& to bring %isaster to t&e ar!", as (as originall"
planne%+ 8*t t&e !oral %a!age (as !*#& !ore terrible+
In t&e $irst pla#e+ (&at (as t&e ar!" $ig&ting $or i$ t&e people at &o!e %i% not (is& it to be i#torio*s@ For (&o! t&en
(ere t&ese enor!o*s sa#ri$i#es an% priations being !a%e an% en%*re%@ )*st t&e sol%iers $ig&t $or i#tor" (&ile t&e &o!e
$ront goes on stri,e against it@
In t&e se#on% pla#e, (&at e$$e#t %i% t&is !oe &ae on t&e ene!"@
In t&e (inter o$ 191:119 %ar, #lo*%s &oere% in t&e $ir!a!ent o$ t&e Entente+ For nearl" $o*r "ears onsla*g&t a$ter
onsla*g&t &as been !a%e against t&e Aer!an giant, b*t t&e" $aile% to bring &i! to t&e gro*n%+ He &a% to ,eep t&e! at ba"
(it& one ar! t&at &el% t&e %e$ensie s&iel% be#a*se &is ot&er ar! &a% to be $ree to (iel% t&e s(or% against &is ene!ies,
no( in t&e East an% no( in t&e So*t&+ 8*t at last t&ese ene!ies (ere oer#o!e an% &is rear (as no( $ree $or t&e #on$li#t
in t&e 3est+ Riers o$ bloo% &a% been s&e% $or t&e a##o!plis&!ent o$ t&at tas,C b*t no( t&e s(or% (as $ree to #o!bine in
battle (it& t&e s&iel% on t&e 3estern Front+ An% sin#e t&e ene!" &a% &it&erto $aile% to brea, t&e Aer!an %e$en#e &ere,
t&e Aer!ans t&e!seles &a% no( to la*n#& t&e atta#,+ T&e ene!" $eare% an% tre!ble% be$ore t&e prospe#t o$ t&is Aer!an
At Paris an% 'on%on #on$eren#es $ollo(e% one anot&er in *nen%ing series+ Een t&e ene!" propagan%a en#o*ntere%
%i$$i#*lties+ It (as no longer so eas" to %e!onstrate t&at t&e prospe#t o$ a Aer!an i#tor" (as &opeless+ A pr*%ent silen#e
reigne% at t&e $ront, een a!ong t&e troops o$ t&e Entente+ T&e insolen#e o$ t&eir !asters &a% s*%%enl" s*bsi%e%+ A
%ist*rbing tr*t& began to %a(n on t&e!+ T&eir opinion o$ t&e Aer!an sol%ier &a% #&ange%+ Hit&erto t&e" (ere able to
pi#t*re &i! as a ,in% o$ $ool (&ose en% (o*l% be %estr*#tionC b*t no( t&e" $o*n% t&e!seles $a#e to $a#e (it& t&e sol%ier
(&o &a% oer#o!e t&eir R*ssian all"+ T&e poli#" o$ restri#ting t&e o$$ensie to t&e East, (&i#& &a% been i!pose% on t&e
Aer!an !ilitar" a*t&orities b" t&e ne#essities o$ t&e sit*ation, no( see!e% to t&e Entente as a ta#ti#al stro,e o$ geni*s+
For t&ree "ears t&ese Aer!ans &a% been battering a(a" at t&e R*ssian $ront (it&o*t an" apparent s*##ess at $irst+ T&ose
$r*itless e$$orts (ere al!ost sneere% atC $or it (as t&o*g&t t&at in t&e long r*n t&e R*ssian giant (o*l% tri*!p& t&ro*g&
s&eer $or#e o$ n*!bers+ Aer!an" (o*l% be (orn o*t t&ro*g& s&e%%ing so !*#& bloo%+ An% $a#ts appeare% to #on$ir! t&is
Sin#e t&e Septe!ber %a"s o$ 1914, (&en $or t&e $irst ti!e inter!inable #ol*!ns o$ R*ssian (ar prisoners po*re% into
Aer!an" a$ter t&e 8attle o$ Tannenberg, it see!e% as i$ t&e strea! (o*l% neer en% b*t t&at as soon as one ar!" (as
%e$eate% an% ro*te% anot&er (o*l% ta,e its pla#e+ T&e s*ppl" o$ sol%iers (&i#& t&e giganti# E!pire pla#e% at t&e %isposal
o$ t&e C>ar see!e% ine5&a*stibleC ne( i#ti!s (ere al(a"s at &an% $or t&e &olo#a*st o$ (ar+ Ho( long #o*l% Aer!an"
&ol% o*t in t&is #o!petition@ 3o*l% not t&e %a" $inall" &ae to #o!e (&en, a$ter t&e last i#tor" (&i#& t&e Aer!ans (o*l%
a#&iee, t&ere (o*l% still re!ain resere ar!ies in R*ssia to be !*stere% $or t&e $inal battle@ An% (&at t&en@ A##or%ing to
&*!an stan%ar%s a R*ssian i#tor" oer Aer!an" !ig&t be %ela"e% b*t it (o*l% &ae to #o!e in t&e long r*n+
All t&e &opes t&at &a% been base% on R*ssia (ere no( lost+ T&e All" (&o &a% sa#ri$i#e% t&e !ost bloo% on t&e altar o$
t&eir !*t*al interests &a% #o!e to t&e en% o$ &is reso*r#es an% la" prostrate be$ore &is *nrelenting $oe+ A $eeling o$ terror
an% %is!a" #a!e oer t&e Entente sol%iers (&o &a% &it&erto been b*o"e% *p b" blin% $ait&+ T&e" $eare% t&e #o!ing
spring+ For, seeing t&at &it&erto t&e" &a% $aile% to brea, t&e Aer!ans (&en t&e latter #o*l% #on#entrate onl" part o$ t&e
$ig&ting strengt& on t&e 3estern Front, &o( #o*l% t&e" #o*nt on i#tor" no( t&at t&e *n%ii%e% $or#es o$ t&at a!a>ing
lan% o$ &eroes appeare% to be gat&ere% $or a !asse% atta#, in t&e 3est@
T&e s&a%o( o$ t&e eents (&i#& &a% ta,en pla#e in So*t& T"rol, t&e spe#tre o$ Aeneral Ca%ornas %e$eate% ar!ies, (ere
re$le#te% in t&e gloo!" $a#es o$ t&e Entente troops in Flan%ers+ Fait& in i#tor" gae (a" to $ear o$ %e$eat to #o!e+
T&en, on t&ose #ol% nig&ts, (&en one al!ost &ear% t&e trea% o$ t&e Aer!an ar!ies a%an#ing to t&e great assa*lt, an% t&e
%e#ision (as being a(aite% in $ear an% tre!bling, s*%%enl" a l*ri% lig&t (as set aglo( in Aer!an" an% sent its ra"s into
t&e last s&ell1&ole on t&e ene!"s $ront+ At t&e er" !o!ent (&en t&e Aer!an %iisions (ere re#eiing t&eir $inal or%ers
$or t&e great o$$ensie a general stri,e bro,e o*t in Aer!an"+
At $irst t&e (orl% (as %*!b$o*n%e%+ T&en t&e ene!" propagan%a began a#tiities on#e again an% po*n#e% on t&is t&e!e
at t&e eleent& &o*r+ All o$ a s*%%en a !eans &a% #o!e (&i#& #o*l% be *tili>e% to reie t&e sin,ing #on$i%en#e o$ t&e
Entente sol%iers+ T&e probabilities o$ i#tor" #o*l% no( be presente% as #ertain, an% t&e an5io*s $orebo%ing in regar% to
#o!ing eents #o*l% no( be trans$or!e% into a $eeling o$ resol*te ass*ran#e+ T&e regi!ents t&at &a% to bear t&e br*nt o$
t&e Areatest Aer!an onsla*g&t in &istor" #o*l% no( be inspire% (it& t&e #oni#tion t&at t&e $inal %e#ision in t&is (ar
(o*l% not be (on b" t&e a*%a#it" o$ t&e Aer!an assa*lt b*t rat&er b" t&e po(ers o$ en%*ran#e on t&e si%e o$ t&e %e$en#e+
'et t&e Aer!ans no( &ae (&ateer i#tories t&e" li,e%, t&e reol*tion an% not t&e i#torio*s ar!" (as (el#o!e% in t&e
8ritis&, Fren#& an% A!eri#an ne(spapers began to sprea% t&is belie$ a!ong t&eir rea%ers (&ile a er" abl" !anage%
propagan%a en#o*rage% t&e !orale o$ t&eir troops at t&e $ront+
MAer!an" Fa#ing Reol*tionN An Allie% Bi#tor" IneitableN T&at (as t&e best !e%i#ine to set t&e staggering Poil* an%
To!!" on t&eir $eet on#e again+ O*r ri$les an% !a#&ine1g*ns #o*l% no( open $ire on#e againC b*t instea% o$ e$$e#ting a
pani#1stri#,en retreat t&e" (ere no( !et (it& a %eter!ine% resistan#e t&at (as $*ll o$ #on$i%en#e+
T&at (as t&e res*lt o$ t&e stri,e in t&e !*nitions $a#tories+ T&ro*g&o*t t&e ene!" #o*ntries $ait& in i#tor" (as t&*s
reie% an% strengt&ene%, an% t&at paral"sing $eeling o$ %espair (&i#& &a% &it&erto !a%e itsel$ $elt on t&e Entente $ront
(as banis&e%+ Conse/*entl" t&e stri,e #ost t&e lies o$ t&o*san%s o$ Aer!an sol%iers+ 8*t t&e %espi#able instigators o$ t&at
%astar%l" stri,e (ere #an%i%ates $or t&e &ig&est p*bli# positions in t&e Aer!an" o$ t&e Reol*tion+
At $irst it (as apparentl" possible to oer#o!e t&e reper#*ssion o$ t&ese eents on t&e Aer!an sol%iers, b*t on t&e ene!"s
si%e t&e" &a% a lasting e$$e#t+ Here t&e resistan#e &a% lost all t&e #&ara#ter o$ an ar!" $ig&ting $or a lost #a*se+ In its pla#e
t&ere (as no( a gri! %eter!ination to str*ggle t&ro*g& to i#tor"+ For, a##or%ing to all &*!an r*les o$ 0*%g!ent, i#tor"
(o*l% no( be ass*re% i$ t&e 3estern $ront #o*l% &ol% o*t against t&e Aer!an o$$ensie een $or onl" a $e( !ont&s+ T&e
Allie% parlia!ents re#ogni>e% t&e possibilities o$ a better $*t*re an% ote% &*ge s*!s o$ !one" $or t&e #ontin*ation o$ t&e
propagan%a (&i#& (as e!plo"e% $or t&e p*rpose o$ brea,ing *p t&e internal #o&esion o$ Aer!an"+
It (as !" l*#, t&at I (as able to ta,e part in t&e $irst t(o o$$ensies an% in t&e $inal o$$ensie+ T&ese &ae le$t on !e t&e
!ost st*pen%o*s i!pressions o$ !" li$e 1 st*pen%o*s, be#a*se no( $or t&e last ti!e t&e str*ggle lost its %e$ensie #&ara#ter
an% ass*!e% t&e #&ara#ter o$ an o$$ensie, 0*st as it (as in 1914+ A sig& o$ relie$ (ent *p $ro! t&e Aer!an tren#&es an%
%*g1o*ts (&en $inall", a$ter t&ree "ears o$ en%*ran#e in t&at in$erno, t&e %a" $or t&e settling o$ a##o*nts &a% #o!e+ On#e
again t&e l*st" #&eering o$ i#torio*s battalions (as &ear%, as t&e" &*ng t&e last #ro(ns o$ t&e i!!ortal la*rel on t&e
stan%ar%s (&i#& t&e" #onse#rate% to Bi#tor"+ On#e again t&e strains o$ patrioti# songs soare% *p(ar%s to t&e &eaens
aboe t&e en%less #ol*!ns o$ !ar#&ing troops, an% $or t&e last ti!e t&e 'or% s!ile% on &is *ngrate$*l #&il%ren+
In t&e !i%s*!!er o$ 1919 a $eeling o$ s*ltr" oppression &*ng oer t&e $ront+ At &o!e t&e" (ere /*arrelling+ Abo*t (&at@
3e &ear% a great %eal a!ong ario*s *nits at t&e $ront+ T&e 3ar (as no( a &opeless a$$air, an% onl" t&e $ool&ar%" #o*l%
t&in, o$ i#tor"+ It (as not t&e people b*t t&e #apitalists an% t&e )onar#&" (&o (ere intereste% in #arr"ing on+ S*#& (ere
t&e i%eas t&at #a!e $ro! &o!e an% (ere %is#*sse% at t&e $ront+
At $irst t&is gae rise to onl" er" slig&t rea#tion+ 3&at %i% *niersal s*$$rage !atter to *s@ Is t&is (&at (e &a% been
$ig&ting $or %*ring $o*r "ears@ It (as a %astar%l" pie#e o$ robber" t&*s to $il#& $ro! t&e graes o$ o*r &eroes t&e i%eals $or
(&i#& t&e" &a% $allen+ It (as not to t&e slogan, M'ong 'ie Uniersal S*$$rage, t&at o*r troops in Flan%ers on#e $a#e%
#ertain %eat& b*t (it& t&e #r", M=e*ts#&lan% Hber Alles in %er 3elt+ A s!all b*t b" no !eans an *ni!portant %i$$eren#e+
An% t&e !a0orit" o$ t&ose (&o (ere s&o*ting $or t&is s*$$rage (ere absent (&en it #a!e to $ig&ting $or it+ All t&is politi#al
rabble (ere strangers to *s at t&e $ront+ =*ring t&ose %a"s onl" a $ra#tion o$ t&ese parlia!entarian gentr" (ere to be seen
(&ere &onest Aer!ans $oregat&ere%+
T&e ol% sol%iers (&o &a% $o*g&t at t&e $ront &a% little li,ing $or t&ose ne( (ar ai!s o$ )essrs+ Ebert, S#&ei%e!ann,
8art&, 'ieb,ne#&t an% ot&ers+ 3e #o*l% not *n%erstan% (&", all o$ a s*%%en, t&e s&ir,ers s&o*l% abrogate all e5e#*tie
po(ers to t&e!seles, (it&o*t &aing an" regar% to t&e ar!"+
Fro! t&e er" beginning I &a% !" o(n %e$inite personal ie(s+ I intensel" loat&e% t&e (&ole gang o$ !iserable part"
politi#ians (&o &a% betra"e% t&e people+ I &a% long ago reali>e% t&at t&e interests o$ t&e nation pla"e% onl" a er" s!all
part (it& t&is %isrep*table #re( an% t&at (&at #o*nte% (it& t&e! (as t&e possibilit" o$ $illing t&eir o(n e!pt" po#,ets+
)" opinion (as t&at t&ose people t&oro*g&l" %esere% to be &ange%, be#a*se t&e" (ere rea%" to sa#ri$i#e t&e pea#e an% i$
ne#essar" allo( Aer!an" to be %e$eate% 0*st to sere t&eir o(n en%s+ To #onsi%er t&eir (is&es (o*l% !ean to sa#ri$i#e t&e
interests o$ t&e (or,ing #lasses $or t&e bene$it o$ a gang o$ t&iees+ To !eet t&eir (is&es !eant t&at one s&o*l% agree to
sa#ri$i#e Aer!an"+
S*#&, too, (as t&e opinion still &el% b" t&e !a0orit" o$ t&e ar!"+ 8*t t&e rein$or#e!ents (&i#& #a!e $ro! &o!e (ere $ast
be#o!ing (orse an% (orseC so !*#& so t&at t&eir arrial (as a so*r#e o$ (ea,ness rat&er t&an o$ strengt& to o*r $ig&ting
$or#es+ T&e "o*ng re#r*its in parti#*lar (ere $or t&e !ost part *seless+ So!eti!es it (as &ar% to beliee t&at t&e" (ere
sons o$ t&e sa!e nation t&at sent its "o*t& into t&e battles t&at (ere $o*g&t ro*n% Kpres+
In A*g*st an% Septe!ber t&e s"!pto!s o$ !oral %isintegration in#rease% !ore an% !ore rapi%l", alt&o*g& t&e ene!"s
o$$ensie (as not at all #o!parable to t&e $rig&t$*lness o$ o*r o(n $or!er %e$ensie battles+ In #o!parison (it& t&is
o$$ensie t&e battles $o*g&t on t&e So!!e an% in Flan%ers re!aine% in o*r !e!ories as t&e !ost terrible o$ all &orrors+
At t&e en% o$ Septe!ber !" %iision o##*pie%, $or t&e t&ir% ti!e, t&ose positions (&i#& (e &a% on#e ta,en b" stor! as
"o*ng ol*nteers+ 3&at a !e!or"N
Here (e &a% re#eie% o*r baptis! o$ $ire, in O#tober an% .oe!ber 1914+ 3it& a b*rning loe o$ t&e &o!elan% in t&eir
&earts an% a song on t&eir lips, o*r "o*ng regi!ent (ent into a#tion as i$ going to a %an#e+ T&e %earest bloo% (as gien
$reel" &ere in t&e belie$ t&at it (as s&e% to prote#t t&e $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e o$ t&e Fat&erlan%+
In -*l" 191: (e set $oot $or t&e se#on% ti!e on (&at (e regar%e% as sa#re% soil+ 3ere not o*r best #o!ra%es at rest &ere,
so!e o$ t&e! little !ore t&an bo"s 1 t&e sol%iers (&o &a% r*s&e% into %eat& $or t&eir #o*ntr"s sa,e, t&eir e"es glo(ing
(it& ent&*siasti# loe+
T&e ol%er ones a!ong *s, (&o &a% been (it& t&e regi!ent $ro! t&e beginning, (ere %eepl" !oe% as (e stoo% on t&is
sa#re% spot (&ere (e &a% s(orn M'o"alt" an% =*t" *nto =eat&+ T&ree "ears ago t&e regi!ent &a% ta,en t&is position b"
stor!C no( it (as #alle% *pon to %e$en% it in a gr*elling str*ggle+
3it& an artiller" bo!bar%!ent t&at laste% t&ree (ee,s t&e Englis& prepare% $or t&eir great o$$ensie in Flan%ers+ T&ere
t&e spirits o$ t&e %ea% see!e% to lie again+ T&e regi!ent %*g itsel$ into t&e !*%, #l*ng to its s&ell1&oles an% #raters,
neit&er $lin#&ing nor (aering, b*t gro(ing s!aller in n*!bers %a" a$ter %a"+ Finall" t&e 8ritis& la*n#&e% t&eir atta#, on
-*l" 21st, 191:+
3e (ere reliee% in t&e beginning o$ A*g*st+ T&e regi!ent &a% %(in%le% %o(n to a $e( #o!panies, (&o staggere% ba#,,
!*%1#r*ste%, !ore li,e p&anto!s t&an &*!an beings+ 8esi%es a $e( &*n%re% "ar%s o$ s&ell1&oles, %eat& (as t&e onl"
re(ar% (&i#& t&e Englis& gaine%+
.o( in t&e a*t*!n o$ 1919 (e stoo% $or t&e t&ir% ti!e on t&e gro*n% (e &a% stor!e% in 1914+ T&e illage o$ Co!ines,
(&i#& $or!erl" &a% sere% *s as a base, (as no( (it&in t&e $ig&ting >one+ Alt&o*g& little &a% #&ange% in t&e s*rro*n%ing
%istri#t itsel$, "et t&e !en &a% be#o!e %i$$erent, so!e&o( or ot&er+ T&e" no( tal,e% politi#s+ 'i,e eer"(&ere else, t&e
poison $ro! &o!e (as &aing its e$$e#t &ere also+ T&e "o*ng %ra$ts s*##*!be% to it #o!pletel"+ T&e" &a% #o!e %ire#tl"
$ro! &o!e+
=*ring t&e nig&t o$ O#tober 12t&114t&, t&e 8ritis& opene% an atta#, (it& gas on t&e $ront so*t& o$ Kpres+ T&e" *se% t&e
"ello( gas (&ose e$$e#t (as *n,no(n to *s, at least $ro! personal e5perien#e+ I (as %estine% to e5perien#e it t&at er"
nig&t+ On a &ill so*t& o$ 3er(i#,, in t&e eening o$ O#tober 12t&, (e (ere s*b0e#te% $or seeral &o*rs to a &ea"
bo!bar%!ent (it& gas bo!bs, (&i#& #ontin*e% t&ro*g&o*t t&e nig&t (it& !ore or less intensit"+ Abo*t !i%nig&t a
n*!ber o$ *s (ere p*t o*t o$ a#tion, so!e $or eer+ To(ar%s !orning I also began to $eel pain+ It in#rease% (it& eer"
/*arter o$ an &o*rC an% abo*t seen o#lo#, !" e"es (ere s#or#&ing as I staggere% ba#, an% %eliere% t&e last %ispat#& I
(as %estine% to #arr" in t&is (ar+ A $e( &o*rs later !" e"es (ere li,e glo(ing #oals an% all (as %ar,ness aro*n% !e+
I (as sent into &ospital at Pase(al, in Po!erania, an% t&ere it (as t&at I &a% to &ear o$ t&e Reol*tion+
For a long ti!e t&ere &a% been so!et&ing in t&e air (&i#& (as in%e$inable an% rep*lsie+ People (ere sa"ing t&at
so!et&ing (as bo*n% to &appen (it&in t&e ne5t $e( (ee,s, alt&o*g& I #o*l% not i!agine (&at t&is !eant+ In t&e $irst
instan#e I t&o*g&t o$ a stri,e si!ilar to t&e one (&i#& &a% ta,en pla#e in spring+ Un$ao*rable r*!o*rs (ere #onstantl"
#o!ing $ro! t&e .a", (&i#& (as sai% to be in a state o$ $er!ent+ 8*t t&is see!e% to be a $an#i$*l #reation o$ a $e(
isolate% "o*ng people+ It is tr*e t&at at t&e &ospital t&e" (ere all tal,ing ab*t t&e en% o$ t&e (ar an% &oping t&at t&is (as
not $ar o$$, b*t nobo%" t&o*g&t t&at t&e %e#ision (o*l% #o!e i!!e%iatel"+ I (as not able to rea% t&e ne(spapers+
In .oe!ber t&e general tension in#rease%+ T&en one %a" %isaster bro,e in *pon *s s*%%enl" an% (it&o*t (arning+ Sailors
#a!e in !otor1lorries an% #alle% on *s to rise in reolt+ A $e( -e(1bo"s (ere t&e lea%ers in t&at #o!bat $or t&e M'ibert",
8ea*t", an% =ignit" o$ o*r .ational 8eing+ .ot one o$ t&e! &a% seen a#tie seri#e at t&e $ront+ T&ro*g& t&e !e%i*! o$ a
&ospital $or enereal %iseases t&ese t&ree Orientals &a% been sent ba#, &o!e+ .o( t&eir re% rags (ere being &oiste% &ere+
=*ring t&e last $e( %a"s I &a% beg*n to $eel so!e(&at better+ T&e b*rning pain in t&e e"e1so#,ets &a% be#o!e less seere+
Ara%*all" I (as able to %isting*is& t&e general o*tlines o$ !" i!!e%iate s*rro*n%ings+ An% it (as per!issible to &ope
t&at at least I (o*l% re#oer !" sig&t s*$$i#ientl" to be able to ta,e *p so!e pro$ession later on+ T&at I (o*l% eer be able
to %ra( or %esign on#e again (as nat*rall" o*t o$ t&e /*estion+ T&*s I (as on t&e (a" to re#oer" (&en t&e $rig&t$*l &o*r
)" $irst t&o*g&t (as t&at t&is o*tbrea, o$ &ig& treason (as onl" a lo#al a$$air+ I trie% to en$or#e t&is belie$ a!ong !"
#o!ra%es+ )" 8aarian &ospital !ates, in parti#*lar, (ere rea%il" responsie+ T&eir in#linations (ere an"t&ing b*t
reol*tionar"+ I #o*l% not i!agine t&is !a%ness brea,ing o*t in )*ni#&C $or it see!e% to !e t&at lo"alt" to t&e Ho*se o$
3ittelsba#& (as, a$ter all, stronger t&an t&e (ill o$ a $e( -e(s+ An% so I #o*l% not &elp belieing t&at t&is (as !erel" a
reolt in t&e .a" an% t&at it (o*l% be s*ppresse% (it&in t&e ne5t $e( %a"s+
3it& t&e ne5t $e( %a"s #a!e t&e !ost asto*n%ing in$or!ation o$ !" li$e+ T&e r*!o*rs gre( !ore an% !ore persistent+ I
(as tol% t&at (&at I &a% #onsi%ere% to be a lo#al a$$air (as in realit" a general reol*tion+ In a%%ition to t&is, $ro! t&e
$ront #a!e t&e s&a!e$*l ne(s t&at t&e" (is&e% to #apit*lateN 3&atN 3as s*#& a t&ing possible@
On .oe!ber 17t& t&e lo#al pastor isite% t&e &ospital $or t&e p*rpose o$ %eliering a s&ort a%%ress+ An% t&at (as &o( (e
#a!e to ,no( t&e (&ole stor"+
I (as in a $eer o$ e5#ite!ent as I listene% to t&e a%%ress+ T&e reeren% ol% gentle!an see!e% to be tre!bling (&en &e
in$or!e% *s t&at t&e Ho*se o$ Ho&en1>ollern s&o*l% no longer (ear t&e I!perial Cro(n, t&at t&e Fat&erlan% &a% be#o!e a
MRep*bli#, t&at (e s&o*l% pra" to t&e Al!ig&t" not to (it&&ol% His blessing $ro! t&e ne( or%er o$ t&ings an% not to
aban%on o*r people in t&e %a"s to #o!e+ In %eliering t&is !essage &e #o*l% not %o !ore t&an brie$l" e5press appre#iation
o$ t&e Ro"al Ho*se, its seri#es to Po!erania, to Pr*ssia, in%ee%, to t&e (&ole o$ t&e Aer!an Fat&erlan%, an% 1 &ere &e
began to (eep+ A $eeling o$ pro$o*n% %is!a" $ell on t&e people in t&at asse!bl", an% I %o not t&in, t&ere (as a single e"e
t&at (it&&el% its tears+ As $or !"sel$, I bro,e %o(n #o!pletel" (&en t&e ol% gentle!an trie% to res*!e &is stor" b"
in$or!ing *s t&at (e !*st no( en% t&is long (ar, be#a*se t&e (ar (as lost, &e sai%, an% (e (ere at t&e !er#" o$ t&e
i#tor+ T&e Fat&erlan% (o*l% &ae to bear &ea" b*r%ens in t&e $*t*re+ 3e (ere to a##ept t&e ter!s o$ t&e Ar!isti#e an%
tr*st to t&e !agnani!it" o$ o*r $or!er ene!ies+ It (as i!possible $or !e to sta" an% listen an" longer+ =ar,ness
s*rro*n%e% !e as I staggere% an% st*!ble% ba#, to !" (ar% an% b*rie% !" a#&ing &ea% bet(een t&e blan,ets an% pillo(+
I &a% not #rie% sin#e t&e %a" t&at I stoo% besi%e !" !ot&ers grae+ 3&eneer Fate %ealt #r*ell" (it& !e in !" "o*ng %a"s
t&e spirit o$ %eter!ination (it&in !e gre( stronger an% stronger+ =*ring all t&ose long "ears o$ (ar, (&en =eat& #lai!e%
!an" a tr*e $rien% an% #o!ra%e $ro! o*r ran,s, to !e it (o*l% &ae appeare% sin$*l to &ae *ttere% a (or% o$ #o!plaint+
=i% t&e" not %ie $or Aer!an"@ An%, $inall", al!ost in t&e last $e( %a"s o$ t&at titani# str*ggle, (&en t&e (aes o$ poison
gas enelope% !e an% began to penetrate !" e"es, t&e t&o*g&t o$ be#o!ing per!anentl" blin% *nnere% !eC b*t t&e oi#e
o$ #ons#ien#e #rie% o*t i!!e%iatel"4 Poor !iserable $ello(, (ill "o* start &o(ling (&en t&ere are t&o*san%s o$ ot&ers
(&ose lot is a &*n%re% ti!es (orse t&an "o*rs@ An% so I a##epte% !" !is$ort*ne in silen#e, reali>ing t&at t&is (as t&e
onl" t&ing to be %one an% t&at personal s*$$ering (as not&ing (&en #o!pare% (it& t&e !is$ort*ne o$ ones #o*ntr"+
So all &a% been in ain+ In ain all t&e sa#ri$i#es an% priations, in ain t&e &*nger an% t&irst $or en%less !ont&s, in ain
t&ose &o*rs t&at (e st*#, to o*r posts t&o*g& t&e $ear o$ %eat& grippe% o*r so*ls, an% in ain t&e %eat&s o$ t(o !illions
(&o $ell in %is#&arging t&is %*t"+ T&in, o$ t&ose &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s (&o set o*t (it& &earts $*ll o$ $ait& in t&eir
$at&erlan%, an% neer ret*rne%C o*g&t not t&eir graes to open, so t&at t&e spirits o$ t&ose &eroes bespattere% (it& !*% an%
bloo% s&o*l% #o!e &o!e an% ta,e engean#e on t&ose (&o &a% so %espi#abl" betra"e% t&e greatest sa#ri$i#e (&i#& a
&*!an being #an !a,e $or &is #o*ntr"@ 3as it $or t&is t&at t&e sol%iers %ie% in A*g*st an% Septe!ber 1914, $or t&is t&at
t&e ol*nteer regi!ents $ollo(e% t&e ol% #o!ra%es in t&e a*t*!n o$ t&e sa!e "ear@ 3as it $or t&is t&at t&ose bo"s o$
seenteen "ears o$ age (ere !ingle% (it& t&e eart& o$ Flan%ers@ 3as t&is !eant to be t&e $r*its o$ t&e sa#ri$i#e (&i#&
Aer!an !ot&ers !a%e $or t&eir Fat&erlan% (&en, (it& &ea" &earts, t&e" sai% goo%1b"e to t&eir sons (&o neer ret*rne%@
Has all t&is been %one in or%er to enable a gang o$ %espi#able #ri!inals to la" &an%s on t&e Fat&erlan%@
3as t&is t&en (&at t&e Aer!an sol%ier str*ggle% $or t&ro*g& s(eltering &eat an% blin%ing sno(stor!, en%*ring &*nger
an% t&irst an% #ol%, $atig*e% $ro! sleepless nig&ts an% en%less !ar#&es@ 3as it $or t&is t&at &e lie% t&ro*g& an in$erno o$
artiller" bo!bar%!ents, la" gasping an% #&o,ing %*ring gas atta#,s, neit&er $lin#&ing nor $altering, b*t re!aining sta*n#&
to t&e t&o*g&t o$ %e$en%ing t&e Fat&erlan% against t&e ene!"@ Certainl" t&ese &eroes also %esere% t&e epitap&4 Traeller,
(&en "o* #o!e to Aer!an", tell t&e Ho!elan% t&at (e lie &ere, tr*e to t&e Fat&erlan% an% $ait&$*l to o*r %*t"+
An% at Ho!e@ 8*t 1 (as t&is t&e onl" sa#ri$i#e t&at (e &a% to #onsi%er@ 3as t&e Aer!an" o$ t&e past a #o*ntr" o$ little
(ort&@ =i% s&e not o(e a #ertain %*t" to &er o(n &istor"@ 3ere (e still (ort&" to parta,e in t&e glor" o$ t&e past@ Ho(
#o*l% (e 0*sti$" t&is a#t to $*t*re generations@
3&at a gang o$ %espi#able an% %eprae% #ri!inalsN
T&e !ore I trie% t&en to glean so!e %e$inite in$or!ation o$ t&e terrible eents t&at &a% &appene% t&e !ore !" &ea%
be#a!e a$ire (it& rage an% s&a!e+ 3&at (as all t&e pain I s*$$ere% in !" e"es #o!pare% (it& t&is trage%"@
T&e $ollo(ing %a"s (ere terrible to bear, an% t&e nig&ts still (orse+ To %epen% on t&e !er#" o$ t&e ene!" (as a pre#ept
(&i#& onl" $ools or #ri!inal liars #o*l% re#o!!en%+ =*ring t&ose nig&ts !" &atre% in#rease% 1 &atre% $or t&e orignators o$
t&is %astar%l" #ri!e+
=*ring t&e $ollo(ing %a"s !" o(n $ate be#a!e #lear to !e+ I (as $or#e% no( to s#o$$ at t&e t&o*g&t o$ !" personal $*t*re,
(&i#& &it&erto &a% been t&e #a*se o$ so !*#& (orr" to !e+ 3as it not l*%i#ro*s to t&in, o$ b*il%ing *p an"t&ing on s*#& a
$o*n%ation@ Finall", it also be#a!e #lear to !e t&at it (as t&e ineitable t&at &a% &appene%, so!et&ing (&i#& I &a% $eare%
$or a long ti!e, t&o*g& I reall" %i% not &ae t&e &eart to beliee it+
E!peror 3illia! II (as t&e $irst Aer!an E!peror to o$$er t&e &an% o$ $rien%s&ip to t&e )ar5ist lea%ers, not s*spe#ting
t&at t&e" (ere s#o*n%rels (it&o*t an" sense o$ &ono*r+ 3&ile t&e" &el% t&e i!perial &an% in t&eirs, t&e ot&er &an% (as
alrea%" $eeling $or t&e %agger+
T&ere is no s*#& t&ing as #o!ing to an *n%erstan%ing (it& t&e -e(s+ It !*st be t&e &ar%1an%1$ast MEit&er1Or+
For !" part I t&en %e#i%e% t&at I (o*l% ta,e *p politi#al (or,+
C&apter Eig&t4
To(ar%s t&e en% o$ .oe!ber I ret*rne% to )*ni#&+ I (ent to t&e %epot o$ !" regi!ent, (&i#& (as no( in t&e &an%s o$
t&e MSol%iers Co*n#ils+ As t&e (&ole a%!inistration (as /*ite rep*lsie to !e, I %e#i%e% to leae it as soon as I possibl"
#o*l%+ 3it& !" $ait&$*l (ar1#o!ra%e, Ernst1S#&!i%t, I #a!e to Tra*nstein an% re!aine% t&ere *ntil t&e #a!p (as bro,en
*p+ In )ar#& 1919 (e (ere ba#, again in )*ni#&+
T&e sit*ation t&ere #o*l% not last as it (as+ It ten%e% irresistibl" to a $*rt&er e5tension o$ t&e Reol*tion+ Eisners %eat&
sere% onl" to &asten t&is %eelop!ent an% $inall" le% to t&e %i#tators&ip o$ t&e Co*n#ils 1 or, to p*t it !ore #orre#tl", to a
-e(is& &ege!on", (&i#& t*rne% o*t to be transitor" b*t (&i#& (as t&e original ai! o$ t&ose (&o &a% #ontrie% t&e
At t&at 0*n#t*re inn*!erable plans too, s&ape in !" !in%+ I spent (&ole %a"s pon%ering on t&e proble! o$ (&at #o*l% be
%one, b*t *n$ort*natel" eer" pro0e#t &a% to gie (a" be$ore t&e &ar% $a#t t&at I (as /*ite *n,no(n an% t&ere$ore %i% not
&ae een t&e $irst pre1re/*isite ne#essar" $or e$$e#tie a#tion+ 'ater on I s&all e5plain t&e reasons (&" I #o*l% not %e#i%e
to 0oin an" o$ t&e parties t&en in e5isten#e+
As t&e ne( Soiet Reol*tion began to r*n its #o*rse in )*ni#& !" $irst a#tiities %re( *pon !e t&e ill1(ill o$ t&e Central
Co*n#il+ In t&e earl" !orning o$ April 2:t&, 1919, I (as to &ae been arreste%C b*t t&e t&ree $ello(s (&o #a!e to arrest
!e %i% not &ae t&e #o*rage to $a#e !" ri$le an% (it&%re( 0*st as t&e" &a% arrie%+
A $e( %a"s a$ter t&e liberation o$ )*ni#& I (as or%ere% to appear be$ore t&e In/*ir" Co!!ission (&i#& &a% been set *p in
t&e 2n% In$antr" Regi!ent $or t&e p*rpose o$ (at#&ing reol*tionar" a#tiities+ T&at (as !" $irst in#*rsion into t&e !ore
or less politi#al $iel%+
A$ter anot&er $e( (ee,s I re#eie% or%ers to atten% a #o*rse o$ le#t*res (&i#& (ere being gien to !e!bers o$ t&e ar!"+
T&is #o*rse (as !eant to in#*l#ate #ertain $*n%a!ental prin#iples on (&i#& t&e sol%ier #o*l% base &is politi#al i%eas+ For
!e t&e a%antage o$ t&is organi>ation (as t&at it gae !e a #&an#e o$ !eeting $ello( sol%iers (&o (ere o$ t&e sa!e (a"
o$ t&in,ing an% (it& (&o! I #o*l% %is#*ss t&e a#t*al sit*ation+ 3e (ere all !ore or less $ir!l" #onin#e% t&at Aer!an"
#o*l% not be sae% $ro! i!!inent %isaster b" t&ose (&o &a% parti#ipate% in t&e .oe!ber trea#&er" 1 t&at is to sa", t&e
Centre an% t&e So#ial1=e!o#ratsC an% also t&at t&e so1#alle% 8o*rgeois1.ational gro*p #o*l% not !a,e goo% t&e %a!age
t&at &a% been %one, een i$ t&e" &a% t&e best intentions+ T&e" la#,e% a n*!ber o$ re/*isites (it&o*t (&i#& s*#& a tas,
#o*l% neer be s*##ess$*ll" *n%erta,en+ T&e "ears t&at $ollo(e% &ae 0*sti$ie% t&e opinions (&i#& (e &el% at t&at ti!e+
In o*r s!all #ir#le (e %is#*sse% t&e pro0e#t o$ $or!ing a ne( part"+ T&e lea%ing i%eas (&i#& (e t&en propose% (ere t&e
sa!e as t&ose (&i#& (ere #arrie% into e$$e#t a$ter(ar%s, (&en t&e Aer!an 'abo*r Part" (as $o*n%e%+ T&e na!e o$ t&e
ne( !oe!ent (&i#& (as to be $o*n%e% s&o*l% be s*#& t&at o$ itsel$, it (o*l% appeal to t&e !ass o$ t&e peopleC $or all o*r
e$$orts (o*l% t*rn o*t ain an% *seless i$ t&is #on%ition (ere la#,ing+ An% t&at (as t&e reason (&" (e #&ose t&e na!e
MSo#ial1Reol*tionar" Part", parti#*larl" be#a*se t&e so#ial prin#iples o$ o*r ne( organi>ation (ere in%ee% reol*tionar"+
8*t t&ere (as also a !ore $*n%a!ental reason+ T&e attention (&i#& I &a% gien to e#ono!i# proble!s %*ring !" earlier
"ears (as !ore or less #on$ine% to #onsi%erations arising %ire#tl" o*t o$ t&e so#ial proble!+ S*bse/*entl" t&is o*tloo,
broa%ene% as I #a!e to st*%" t&e Aer!an poli#" o$ t&e Triple Allian#e+ T&is poli#" (as er" largel" t&e res*lt o$ an
erroneo*s al*ation o$ t&e e#ono!i# sit*ation, toget&er (it& a #on$*se% notion as to t&e basis on (&i#& t&e $*t*re
s*bsisten#e o$ t&e Aer!an people #o*l% be g*arantee%+ All t&ese i%eas (ere base% on t&e prin#iple t&at #apital is
e5#l*siel" t&e pro%*#t o$ labo*r an% t&at, 0*st li,e labo*r, it (as s*b0e#t to all t&e $a#tors (&i#& #an &in%er or pro!ote
&*!an a#tiit"+ Hen#e, $ro! t&e national stan%point, t&e signi$i#an#e o$ #apital %epen%e% on t&e greatness an% $ree%o!
an% po(er o$ t&e State, t&at is to sa", o$ t&e nation, an% t&at it is t&is %epen%en#e alone (&i#& lea%s #apital to pro!ote t&e
interests o$ t&e State an% t&e nation, $ro! t&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration an% $or t&e sa,e o$ its o(n %eelop!ent+
On s*#& prin#iples t&e attit*%e o$ t&e State to(ar%s #apital (o*l% be #o!paratiel" si!ple an% #lear+ Its onl" ob0e#t (o*l%
be to !a,e s*re t&at #apital re!aine% s*bserient to t&e State an% %i% not allo#ate to itsel$ t&e rig&t to %o!inate national
interests+ T&*s it #o*l% #on$ine its a#tiities (it&in t&e t(o $ollo(ing li!its4 on t&e one si%e, to ass*re a ital an%
in%epen%ent s"ste! o$ national e#ono!" an%, on t&e ot&er, to sa$eg*ar% t&e so#ial rig&ts o$ t&e (or,ers+
Preio*sl" I %i% not re#ogni>e (it& a%e/*ate #learness t&e %i$$eren#e bet(een #apital (&i#& is p*rel" t&e pro%*#t o$
#reatie labo*r an% t&e e5isten#e an% nat*re o$ #apital (&i#& is e5#l*siel" t&e res*lt o$ $inan#ial spe#*lation+ Here I
nee%e% an i!p*lse to set !" !in% t&in,ing in t&is %ire#tionC b*t t&at i!p*lse &a% &it&erto been la#,ing+
T&e re/*isite i!p*lse no( #a!e $ro! one o$ t&e !en (&o %eliere% le#t*res in t&e #o*rse I &ae alrea%" !entione%+ T&is
(as Aott$rie% Fe%er+
For t&e $irst ti!e in !" li$e I &ear% a %is#*ssion (&i#& %ealt (it& t&e prin#iples o$ sto#,1e5#&ange #apital an% #apital
(&i#& (as *se% $or loan a#tiities+ A$ter &earing t&e $irst le#t*re %eliere% b" Fe%er, t&e i%ea i!!e%iatel" #a!e into !"
&ea% t&at I &a% no( $o*n% a (a" to one o$ t&e !ost essential pre1re/*isites $or t&e $o*n%ing o$ a ne( part"+
To !" !in%, Fe%ers !erit #onsiste% in t&e r*t&less an% tren#&ant (a" in (&i#& &e %es#ribe% t&e %o*ble #&ara#ter o$ t&e
#apital engage% in sto#,1e5#&ange an% loan transa#tion, la"ing bare t&e $a#t t&at t&is #apital is eer an% al(a"s %epen%ent
on t&e pa"!ent o$ interest+ In $*n%a!ental /*estions &is state!ents (ere so $*ll o$ #o!!on sense t&at t&ose (&o #riti#i>e%
&i! %i% not %en" t&at a* $on% &is i%eas (ere so*n% b*t t&e" %o*bte% (&et&er it be possible to p*t t&ese i%eas into pra#ti#e+
To !e t&is see!e% t&e strongest point in Fe%ers tea#&ing, t&o*g& ot&ers #onsi%ere% it a (ea, point+
It is not t&e b*siness o$ &i! (&o la"s %o(n a t&eoreti#al progra!!e to e5plain t&e ario*s (a"s in (&i#& so!et&ing #an
be p*t into pra#ti#e+ His tas, is to %eal (it& t&e proble! as s*#&C an%, t&ere$ore, &e &as to loo, to t&e en% rat&er t&an t&e
!eans+ T&e i!portant /*estion is (&et&er an i%ea is $*n%a!entall" rig&t or not+ T&e /*estion o$ (&et&er or not it !a" be
%i$$i#*lt to #arr" it o*t in pra#ti#e is /*ite anot&er !atter+ 3&en a !an (&ose tas, it is to la" %o(n t&e prin#iples o$ a
progra!!e or poli#" begins to b*s" &i!sel$ (it& t&e /*estion as to (&et&er it is e5pe%ient an% pra#ti#al, instea% o$
#on$ining &i!sel$ to t&e state!ent o$ t&e absol*te tr*t&, &is (or, (ill #ease to be a g*i%ing star to t&ose (&o are loo,ing
abo*t $or lig&t an% lea%ing an% (ill be#o!e !erel" a re#ipe $or eer"1%a" ii$e+ T&e !an (&o la"s %o(n t&e progra!!e o$
a !oe!ent !*st #onsi%er onl" t&e goal+ It is $or t&e politi#al lea%er to point o*t t&e (a" in (&i#& t&at goal !a" be
rea#&e%+ T&e t&o*g&t o$ t&e $or!er (ill, t&ere$ore, be %eter!ine% b" t&ose tr*t&s t&at are eerlasting, (&ereas t&e a#tiit"
o$ t&e latter !*st al(a"s be g*i%e% b" ta,ing pra#ti#al a##o*nt o$ t&e #ir#*!stan#es *n%er (&i#& t&ose tr*t&s &ae to be
#arrie% into e$$e#t+
T&e greatness o$ t&e one (ill %epen% on t&e absol*te tr*t& o$ &is i%ea, #onsi%ere% in t&e abstra#tC (&ereas t&at o$ t&e ot&er
(ill %epen% on (&et&er or not &e #orre#tl" 0*%ges t&e gien realities an% &o( t&e" !a" be *tili>e% *n%er t&e g*i%an#e o$
t&e tr*t&s establis&e% b" t&e $or!er+ T&e test o$ greatness as applie% to a politi#al lea%er is t&e s*##ess o$ &is plans an% &is
enterprises, (&i#& !eans &is abilit" to rea#& t&e goal $or (&i#& &e sets o*tC (&ereas t&e $inal goal set *p b" t&e politi#al
p&ilosop&er #an neer be rea#&e%C $or &*!an t&o*g&t !a" grasp tr*t&s an% pi#t*re en%s (&i#& it sees li,e #lear #r"stal,
t&o*g& s*#& en%s #an neer be #o!pletel" $*l$ille% be#a*se &*!an nat*re is (ea, an% i!per$e#t+ T&e !ore an i%ea is
#orre#t in t&e abstra#t, an%, t&ere$ore, all t&e !ore po(er$*l, t&e s!aller is t&e possibilit" o$ p*tting it into pra#ti#e, at least
as $ar as t&is latter %epen%s on &*!an beings+ T&e signi$i#an#e o$ a politi#al p&ilosop&er %oes not %epen% on t&e pra#ti#al
s*##ess o$ t&e plans &e la"s %o(n b*t rat&er on t&eir absol*te tr*t& an% t&e in$l*en#e t&e" e5ert on t&e progress o$
!an,in%+ I$ it (ere ot&er(ise, t&e $o*n%ers o$ religions #o*l% not be #onsi%ere% as t&e greatest !en (&o &ae eer lie%,
be#a*se t&eir !oral ai!s (ill neer be #o!pletel" or een appro5i!atel" #arrie% o*t in pra#ti#e+ Een t&at religion (&i#&
is #alle% t&e Religion o$ 'oe is reall" no !ore t&an a $aint re$le5 o$ t&e (ill o$ its s*bli!e Fo*n%er+ 8*t its signi$i#an#e
lies in t&e orientation (&i#& it en%eao*re% to gie to &*!an #iili>ation, an% &*!an irt*e an% !orals+
T&is er" (i%e %i$$eren#e bet(een t&e $*n#tions o$ a politi#al p&ilosop&er an% a pra#ti#al politi#al lea%er is t&e reason (&"
t&e /*ali$i#ations ne#essar" $or bot& $*n#tions are s#ar#el" eer $o*n% asso#iate% in t&e sa!e person+ T&is applies
espe#iall" to t&e so1#alle% s*##ess$*l politi#ian o$ t&e s!aller ,in%, (&ose a#tiit" is in%ee% &ar%l" !ore t&an pra#tising
t&e art o$ %oing t&e possible, as 8is!ar#, !o%estl" %e$ine% t&e art o$ politi#s in general+ I$ s*#& a politi#ian resol*tel"
aoi%s great i%eas &is s*##ess (ill be all t&e easier to attainC it (ill be attaine% !ore e5pe%itel" an% $re/*entl" (ill be !ore
tangible+ 8" reason o$ t&is er" $a#t, &o(eer, s*#& s*##ess is %oo!e% to $*tilit" an% so!eti!es %oes not een s*rie t&e
%eat& o$ its a*t&or+ Aenerall" spea,ing, t&e (or, o$ politi#ians is (it&o*t signi$i#an#e $or t&e $ollo(ing generation,
be#a*se t&eir te!porar" s*##ess (as base% on t&e e5pe%ien#" o$ aoi%ing all reall" great %e#isie proble!s an% i%eas
(&i#& (o*l% be ali% also $or $*t*re generations+
To p*rs*e i%eals (&i#& (ill still be o$ al*e an% signi$i#an#e $or t&e $*t*re is generall" not a er" pro$itable *n%erta,ing
an% &e (&o $ollo(s s*#& a #o*rse is onl" er" rarel" *n%erstoo% b" t&e !ass o$ t&e people, (&o $in% beer an% !il, a !ore
pers*asie in%e5 o$ politi#al al*es t&an $ar1sig&te% plans $or t&e $*t*re, t&e reali>ation o$ (&i#& #an onl" ta,e pla#e later
on an% t&e a%antages o$ (&i#& #an be reape% onl" b" posterit"+
8e#a*se o$ a #ertain anit", (&i#& is al(a"s one o$ t&e bloo%1relations o$ *nintelligen#e, t&e general r*n o$ politi#ians (ill
al(a"s es#&e( t&ose s#&e!es $or t&e $*t*re (&i#& are reall" %i$$i#*lt to p*t into pra#ti#eC an% t&e" (ill pra#tise t&is
aoi%an#e so t&at t&e" !a" not lose t&e i!!e%iate $ao*r o$ t&e !ob+ T&e i!portan#e an% t&e s*##ess o$ s*#& politi#ians
belong e5#l*siel" to t&e present an% (ill be o$ no #onse/*en#e $or t&e $*t*re+ 8*t t&at %oes not (orr" s!all1!in%e%
peopleC t&e" are /*ite #ontent (it& !o!entar" res*lts+
T&e position o$ t&e #onstr*#tie politi#al p&ilosop&er is /*ite %i$$erent+ T&e i!portan#e o$ &is (or, !*st al(a"s be 0*%ge%
$ro! t&e stan%point o$ t&e $*t*reC an% &e is $re/*entl" %es#ribe% b" t&e (or% 3elt$re!%, or %rea!er+ 3&ile t&e abilit" o$
t&e politi#ian #onsists in !astering t&e art o$ t&e possible, t&e $o*n%er o$ a politi#al s"ste! belongs to t&ose (&o are sai% to
please t&e go%s onl" be#a*se t&e" (is& $or an% %e!an% t&e i!possible+ T&e" (ill al(a"s &ae to reno*n#e #onte!porar"
$a!eC b*t i$ t&eir i%eas be i!!ortal, posterit" (ill grant t&e! its a#,no(le%g!ent+
3it&in long spans o$ &*!an progress it !a" o##asionall" &appen t&at t&e pra#ti#al politi#ian an% politi#al p&ilosop&er are
one+ T&e !ore inti!ate t&is *nion is, t&e greater (ill be t&e obsta#les (&i#& t&e a#tiit" o$ t&e politi#ian (ill &ae to
en#o*nter+ S*#& a !an %oes not labo*r $or t&e p*rpose o$ satis$"ing %e!an%s t&at are obio*s to eer" p&ilistine, b*t &e
rea#&es o*t to(ar%s en%s (&i#& #an be *n%erstoo% onl" b" t&e $e(+ His li$e is torn as*n%er b" &atre% an% loe+ T&e protest
o$ &is #onte!poraries, (&o %o not *n%erstan% t&e !an, is in #on$li#t (it& t&e re#ognition o$ posterit", $or (&o! &e also
For t&e greater t&e (or, (&i#& a !an %oes $or t&e $*t*re, t&e less (ill &e be appre#iate% b" &is #onte!poraries+ His
str*ggle (ill a##or%ingl" be all t&e !ore seere, an% &is s*##ess all t&e rarer+ 3&en, in t&e #o*rse o$ #ent*ries, s*#& a !an
appears (&o is blesse% (it& s*##ess t&en, to(ar%s t&e en% o$ &is %a"s, &e !a" &ae a $aint preision o$ &is $*t*re $a!e+
8*t s*#& great !en are onl" t&e )arat&on r*nners o$ &istor"+ T&e la*rels o$ #onte!porar" $a!e are onl" $or t&e bro( o$
t&e %"ing &ero+
T&e great protagonists are t&ose (&o $ig&t $or t&eir i%eas an% i%eals %espite t&e $a#t t&at t&e" re#eie no re#ognition at t&e
&an%s o$ t&eir #onte!poraries+ T&e" are t&e !en (&ose !e!ories (ill be ens&rine% in t&e &earts o$ t&e $*t*re generations+
It see!s t&en as i$ ea#& in%ii%*al $elt it &is %*t" to !a,e retroa#tie atone!ent $or t&e (rong (&i#& great !en &ae
s*$$ere% at t&e &an%s o$ t&eir #onte!poraries+ T&eir lies an% t&eir (or, are t&en st*%ie% (it& to*#&ing an% grate$*l
a%!iration+ Espe#iall" in %ar, %a"s o$ %istress, s*#& !en &ae t&e po(er o$ &ealing bro,en &earts an% eleating t&e
%espairing spirit o$ a people+
To t&is gro*p belong not onl" t&e gen*inel" great states!en b*t all t&e great re$or!ers as (ell+ 8esi%e Fre%eri#, t&e Areat
(e &ae s*#& !en as )artin '*t&er an% Ri#&ar% 3agner+
3&en I &ear% Aott$rie% Fe%ers $irst le#t*re on MT&e Abolition o$ t&e Interest1Serit*%e, I *n%erstoo% i!!e%iatel" t&at
&ere (as a tr*t& o$ trans#en%ental i!portan#e $or t&e $*t*re o$ t&e Aer!an people+ T&e absol*te separation o$ sto#,1
e5#&ange #apital $ro! t&e e#ono!i# li$e o$ t&e nation (o*l% !a,e it possible to oppose t&e pro#ess o$ internationali>ation
in Aer!an b*siness (it&o*t at t&e sa!e ti!e atta#,ing #apital as s*#&, $or to %o t&is (o*l% 0eopar%i>e t&e $o*n%ations o$
o*r national in%epen%en#e+ I #learl" sa( (&at (as %eeloping in Aer!an" an% I reali>e% t&en t&at t&e sti$$est $ig&t (e
(o*l% &ae to (age (o*l% not be against t&e ene!" nations b*t against international #apital+ In Fe%ers spee#& I $o*n% an
e$$e#tie rall"ing1#r" $or o*r #o!ing str*ggle+
Here, again, later eents proe% &o( #orre#t (as t&e i!pression (e t&en &a%+ T&e $ools a!ong o*r bo*rgeois politi#ians
%o not !o#, at *s on t&is point an" !oreC $or een t&ose politi#ians no( see 1 i$ t&e" (o*l% spea, t&e tr*t& 1 t&at
international sto#,1e5#&ange #apital (as not onl" t&e #&ie$ instigating $a#tor in bringing on t&e 3ar b*t t&at no( (&en
t&e 3ar is oer it t*rns t&e pea#e into a &ell+
T&e str*ggle against international $inan#e #apital an% loan1#apital &as be#o!e one o$ t&e !ost i!portant points in t&e
progra!!e on (&i#& t&e Aer!an nation &as base% its $ig&t $or e#ono!i# $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e+
Regar%ing t&e ob0e#tions raise% b" so1#alle% pra#ti#al people, t&e $ollo(ing ans(er !*st s*$$i#e4 All appre&ensions
#on#erning t&e $ear$*l e#ono!i# #onse/*en#es t&at (o*l% $ollo( t&e abolition o$ t&e serit*%e t&at res*lts $ro! interest1
#apital are ill1ti!e%C $or, in t&e $irst pla#e, t&e e#ono!i# prin#iples &it&erto $ollo(e% &ae proe% /*ite $atal to t&e
interests o$ t&e Aer!an people+ T&e attit*%e a%opte% (&en t&e /*estion o$ !aintaining o*r national e5isten#e arose ii%l"
re#alls si!ilar a%i#e on#e gien b" e5perts 1 t&e 8aarian )e%i#al College, $or e5a!ple 1 on t&e /*estion o$ intro%*#ing
railroa%s+ T&e $ears e5presse% b" t&at a*g*st bo%" o$ e5perts (ere not reali>e%+ T&ose (&o traelle% in t&e #oa#&es o$ t&e
ne( MStea!1&orse %i% not s*$$er $ro! ertigo+ T&ose (&o loo,e% on %i% not be#o!e ill an% t&e &oar%ings (&i#& &a% been
ere#te% to #on#eal t&e ne( inention (ere eent*all" ta,en %o(n+ Onl" t&ose blin%s (&i#& obs#*re t&e ision o$ t&e
(o*l%1be Me5perts, &ae re!aine%+ An% t&at (ill be al(a"s so+
In t&e se#on% pla#e, t&e $ollo(ing !*st be borne in !in%4 An" i%ea !a" be a so*r#e o$ %anger i$ it be loo,e% *pon as an
en% in itsel$, (&en reall" it is onl" t&e !eans to an en%+ For !e an% $or all gen*ine .ational1So#ialists t&ere is onl" one
%o#trine+ People an% Fat&erlan%+
3&at (e &ae to $ig&t $or is t&e ne#essar" se#*rit" $or t&e e5isten#e an% in#rease o$ o*r ra#e an% people, t&e s*bsisten#e o$
its #&il%ren an% t&e !aintenan#e o$ o*r ra#ial sto#, *n!i5e%, t&e $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e o$ t&e Fat&erlan%C so t&at o*r
people !a" be enable% to $*l$il t&e !ission assigne% to it b" t&e Creator+
All i%eas an% i%eals, all tea#&ing an% all ,no(le%ge, !*st sere t&ese en%s+ It is $ro! t&is stan%point t&at eer"t&ing !*st
be e5a!ine% an% t*rne% to pra#ti#al *ses or else %is#ar%e%+ T&*s a t&eor" #an neer be#o!e a !ere %ea% %og!a sin#e
eer"t&ing (ill &ae to sere t&e pra#ti#al en%s o$ eer"%a" li$e+
T&*s t&e 0*%g!ent arrie% at b" Aott$rie% Fe%er %eter!ine% !e to !a,e a $*n%a!ental st*%" o$ a /*estion (it& (&i#& I
&a% &it&erto not been er" $a!iliar+
I began to st*%" again an% t&*s it (as t&at I $irst #a!e to *n%erstan% per$e#tl" (&at (as t&e s*bstan#e an% p*rpose o$ t&e
li$e1(or, o$ t&e -e(, ;arl )ar5+ His Capital be#a!e intelligible to !e no( $or t&e $irst ti!e+ An% in t&e lig&t o$ it I no(
e5a#tl" *n%erstoo% t&e $ig&t o$ t&e So#ial1=e!o#rats against national e#ono!i#s, a $ig&t (&i#& (as to prepare t&e gro*n%
$or t&e &ege!on" o$ a real international an% sto#,1e5#&ange #apital+
In anot&er %ire#tion also t&is #o*rse o$ le#t*res &a% i!portant #onse/*en#es $or !e+
One %a" I p*t !" na!e %o(n as (is&ing to ta,e part in t&e %is#*ssion+ Anot&er o$ t&e parti#ipants t&o*g&t t&at &e (o*l%
brea, a lan#e $or t&e -e(s an% entere% into a lengt&" %e$en#e o$ t&e!+ T&is aro*se% !" opposition+ An oer(&el!ing
n*!ber o$ t&ose (&o atten%e% t&e le#t*re #o*rse s*pporte% !" ie(s+ T&e #onse/*en#e o$ it all (as t&at, a $e( %a"s later, I
(as assigne% to a regi!ent t&en statione% at )*ni#& an% gien a position t&ere as Minstr*#tion o$$i#er+
At t&at ti!e t&e spirit o$ %is#ipline (as rat&er (ea, a!ong t&ose troops+ It (as still s*$$ering $ro! t&e a$ter1e$$e#ts o$ t&e
perio% (&en t&e Sol%iers Co*n#ils (ere in #ontrol+ Onl" gra%*all" an% #are$*ll" #o*l% a ne( spirit o$ !ilitar" %is#ipline
an% obe%ien#e be intro%*#e% in pla#e o$ Mol*ntar" obe%ien#e, a ter! (&i#& &a% been *se% to e5press t&e i%eal o$ !ilitar"
%is#ipline *n%er ;*rt Eisners &iggle%"1piggle%" regi!e+ T&e sol%iers &a% to be ta*g&t to t&in, an% $eel in a national an%
patrioti# (a"+ In t&ese t(o %ire#tions la" !" $*t*re line o$ a#tion+
I too, *p !" (or, (it& t&e greatest %elig&t an% %eotion+ Here I (as presente% (it& an opport*nit" o$ spea,ing be$ore
/*ite a large a*%ien#e+ I (as no( able to #on$ir! (&at I &a% &it&erto !erel" $elt, na!el", t&at I &a% a talent $or p*bli#
spea,ing+ )" oi#e &a% be#o!e so !*#& better t&at I #o*l% be (ell *n%erstoo%, at least in all parts o$ t&e s!all &all (&ere
t&e sol%iers asse!ble%+
.o tas, #o*l% &ae been !ore pleasing to !e t&an t&is oneC $or no(, be$ore being %e!obili>e%, I (as in a position to
ren%er *se$*l seri#e to an instit*tion (&i#& &a% been in$initel" %ear to !" &eart4 na!el", t&e ar!"+
I a! able to state t&at !" tal,s (ere s*##ess$*l+ =*ring t&e #o*rse o$ !" le#t*res I &ae le% ba#, &*n%re%s an% een
t&o*san%s o$ !" $ello( #o*ntr"!en to t&eir people an% t&eir $at&erlan%+ I Mnationali>e% t&ese troops an% b" so %oing I
&elpe% to restore general %is#ipline+
Here again I !a%e t&e a#/*aintan#e o$ seeral #o!ra%es (&ose t&o*g&t ran along t&e sa!e lines as !" o(n an% (&o later
be#a!e !e!bers o$ t&e $irst gro*p o*t o$ (&i#& t&e ne( !oe!ent %eelope%+
C&apter .ine4
One %a" I re#eie% an or%er $ro! !" s*periors to inestigate t&e nat*re o$ an asso#iation (&i#& (as apparentl" politi#al+ It
#alle% itsel$ MT&e Aer!an 'abo*r Part" an% (as soon to &ol% a !eeting at (&i#& Aott$rie% Fe%er (o*l% spea,+ I (as
or%ere% to atten% t&is !eeting an% report on t&e sit*ation+
T&e spirit o$ #*riosit" in (&i#& t&e ar!" a*t&orities t&en regar%e% politi#al parties #an be er" (ell *n%erstoo%+ T&e
Reol*tion &a% grante% t&e sol%iers t&e rig&t to ta,e an a#tie part in politi#s an% it (as parti#*larl" t&ose (it& t&e
s!allest e5perien#e (&o &a% aaile% t&e!seles o$ t&is rig&t+ 8*t not *ntil t&e Centre an% t&e So#ial1=e!o#rati# parties
(ere rel*#tantl" $or#e% to re#ogni>e t&at t&e s"!pat&ies o$ t&e sol%iers &a% t*rne% a(a" $ro! t&e reol*tionar" parties
to(ar%s t&e national !oe!ent an% t&e national rea(a,ening, %i% t&e" $eel oblige% to (it&%ra( $ro! t&e ar!" t&e rig&t to
ote an% to $orbi% it all politi#al a#tiit"+
T&e $a#t t&at t&e Centre an% )ar5is! &a% a%opte% t&is poli#" (as instr*#tie, be#a*se i$ t&e" &a% not t&*s #*rtaile% t&e
Mrig&ts o$ t&e #iti>en 1 as t&e" %es#ribe% t&e politi#al rig&ts o$ t&e sol%iers a$ter t&e Reol*tion 1 t&e goern!ent (&i#&
&a% been establis&e% in .oe!ber 1919 (o*l% &ae been oert&ro(n (it&in a $e( "ears an% t&e %is&ono*r an% %isgra#e o$
t&e nation (o*l% not &ae been $*rt&er prolonge%+ At t&at ti!e t&e sol%iers (ere on t&e point o$ ta,ing t&e best (a" to ri%
t&e nation o$ t&e a!pires an% alets (&o sere% t&e #a*se o$ t&e Entente in t&e interior o$ t&e #o*ntr"+ 8*t t&e $a#t t&at
t&e so1#alle% Mnational parties ote% ent&*siasti#all" $or t&e %o#trinaire poli#" o$ t&e #ri!inals (&o organi>e% t&e
Reol*tion in .oe!ber F1919G &elpe% also to ren%er t&e ar!" ine$$e#tie as an instr*!ent o$ national restoration an%
t&*s s&o(e% on#e again (&ere !en !ig&t be le% b" t&e p*rel" abstra#t notions a##epte% b" t&ese !ost g*llible people+
T&e !in%s o$ t&e bo*rgeois !i%%le #lasses &a% be#o!e so $ossili>e% t&at t&e" sin#erel" beliee% t&e ar!" #o*l% on#e again
be#o!e (&at it &a% preio*sl" been, na!el", a ra!part o$ Aer!an alo*rC (&ile t&e Centre Part" an% t&e )ar5ists
inten%e% onl" to e5tra#t t&e poisono*s toot& o$ nationalis!, (it&o*t (&i#& an ar!" !*st al(a"s re!ain 0*st a poli#e $or#e
b*t #an neer be in t&e position o$ a !ilitar" organi>ation #apable o$ $ig&ting against t&e o*tsi%e ene!"+ T&is tr*t& (as
s*$$i#ientl" proe% b" s*bse/*ent eents+
Or %i% o*r Mnational politi#ians beliee, a$ter all, t&at t&e %eelop!ent o$ o*r ar!" #o*l% be ot&er t&an national@ T&is
belie$ !ig&t be possible an% #o*l% be e5plaine% b" t&e $a#t t&at %*ring t&e 3ar t&e" (ere not sol%iers b*t !erel" tal,ers+
In ot&er (or%s, t&e" (ere parlia!entarians, an%, as s*#&, t&e" %i% not &ae t&e slig&test i%ea o$ (&at (as passing in t&e
&earts o$ t&ose !en (&o re!e!bere% t&e greatness o$ t&eir o(n past an% also re!e!bere% t&at t&e" &a% on#e been t&e
$irst sol%iers in t&e (orl%+
I %e#i%e% to atten% t&e !eeting o$ t&is Part", (&i#& &a% &it&erto been entirel" *n,no(n to !e+ 3&en I arrie% t&at
eening in t&e g*est roo! o$ t&e $or!er Sterne#,er 8re(er" 1 (&i#& &as no( be#o!e a pla#e o$ &istori#al signi$i#an#e $or
*s 1 I $o*n% appro5i!atel" 27126 persons present, !ost o$ t&e! belonging to t&e lo(er #lasses+
T&e t&e!e o$ Fe%ers le#t*re (as alrea%" $a!iliar to !eC $or I &a% &ear% it in t&e le#t*re #o*rse I &ae spo,en o$+
T&ere$ore, I #o*l% #on#entrate !" attention on st*%"ing t&e so#iet" itsel$+
T&e i!pression it !a%e *pon !e (as neit&er goo% nor ba%+ I $elt t&at &ere (as 0*st anot&er one o$ t&ese !an" ne(
so#ieties (&i#& (ere being $or!e% at t&at ti!e+ In t&ose %a"s eer"bo%" $elt #alle% *pon to $o*n% a ne( Part" (&eneer &e
$elt %isplease% (it& t&e #o*rse o$ eents an% &a% lost #on$i%en#e in all t&e parties alrea%" e5isting+ T&*s it (as t&at ne(
asso#iations spro*te% *p all ro*n%, to %isappear 0*st as /*i#,l", (it&o*t e5er#ising an" e$$e#t or !a,ing an" noise
(&atsoeer+ Aenerall" spea,ing, t&e $o*n%ers o$ s*#& asso#iations %i% not &ae t&e slig&test i%ea o$ (&at it !eans to bring
toget&er a n*!ber o$ people $or t&e $o*n%ations o$ a part" or a !oe!ent+ T&ere$ore t&ese asso#iations %isappeare%
be#a*se o$ t&eir (oe$*l la#, o$ an"t&ing li,e an a%e/*ate grasp o$ t&e ne#essities o$ t&e sit*ation+
)" opinion o$ t&e MAer!an 'abo*r Part" (as not er" %i$$erent a$ter I &a% listene% to t&eir pro#ee%ings $or abo*t t(o
&o*rs+ I (as gla% (&en Fe%er $inall" #a!e to a #lose+ I &a% obsere% eno*g& an% (as 0*st abo*t to leae (&en it (as
anno*n#e% t&at an"bo%" (&o (is&e% (as $ree to open a %is#*ssion+ T&ere*pon, I %e#i%e% to re!ain+ 8*t t&e %is#*ssion
see!e% to pro#ee% (it&o*t an"t&ing o$ ital i!portan#e being !entione%, (&en s*%%enl" a Mpro$essor #o!!en#e% to
spea,+ He opene% b" t&ro(ing %o*bt on t&e a##*ra#" o$ (&at Fe%er &a% sai%, an% t&en+ a$ter Fe%er &a% replie% er"
e$$e#tiel", t&e pro$essor s*%%enl" too, *p &is position on (&at &e #alle% Mt&e basis o$ $a#ts, b*t be$ore t&is &e
re#o!!en%e% t&e "o*ng part" !ost *rgentl" to intro%*#e t&e se#ession o$ 8aaria $ro! Pr*ssia as one o$ t&e lea%ing
proposals in its progra!!e+ In t&e !ost sel$1ass*re% (a", t&is !an ,ept on insisting t&at Aer!an1A*stria (o*l% 0oin
8aaria an% t&at t&e pea#e (o*l% t&en $*n#tion !*#& better+ He !a%e ot&er si!ilarl" e5traagant state!ents+ At t&is
0*n#t*re I $elt bo*n% to as, $or per!ission to spea, an% to tell t&e learne% gentle!an (&at I t&o*g&t+ T&e res*lt (as t&at
t&e &ono*rable gentle!an (&o &a% last spo,en slippe% o*t o$ &is pla#e, li,e a (&ippe% #*r, (it&o*t *ttering a so*n%+
3&ile I (as spea,ing t&e a*%ien#e listene% (it& an e5pression o$ s*rprise on t&eir $a#es+ 3&en I (as 0*st abo*t to sa"
goo%1nig&t to t&e asse!bl" an% to leae, a !an #a!e a$ter !e /*i#,l" an% intro%*#e% &i!sel$+ I %i% not grasp t&e na!e
#orre#tl"C b*t &e pla#e% a little boo, in !" &an%, (&i#& (as obio*sl" a politi#al pa!p&let, an% as,e% !e er" earnestl" to
rea% it+
I (as /*ite please%C be#a*se in t&is (a", I #o*l% #o!e to ,no( abo*t t&is asso#iation (it&o*t &aing to atten% its tireso!e
!eetings+ )oreoer, t&is !an, (&o &a% t&e appearan#e o$ a (or,!an, !a%e a goo% i!pression on !e+ T&ere*pon, I le$t
t&e &all+
At t&at ti!e I (as liing in one o$ t&e barra#,s o$ t&e 2n% In$antr" Regi!ent+ I &a% a little roo! (&i#& still bore t&e
*n!ista,able tra#es o$ t&e Reol*tion+ =*ring t&e %a" I (as !ostl" o*t, at t&e /*arters o$ 'ig&t In$antr" .o+ 41 or else
atten%ing !eetings or le#t*res, &el% at so!e ot&er bran#& o$ t&e ar!"+ I spent onl" t&e nig&t at t&e /*arters (&ere I
lo%ge%+ Sin#e I *s*all" (o,e *p abo*t $ie o#lo#, eer" !orning I got into t&e &abit o$ a!*sing !"sel$ (it& (at#&ing
little !i#e (&i#& pla"e% aro*n% in !" s!all roo!+ I *se% to pla#e a $e( pie#es o$ &ar% brea% or #r*st on t&e $loor an%
(at#& t&e $*nn" little beasts pla"ing aro*n% an% en0o"ing t&e!seles (it& t&ese %eli#a#ies+ I &a% s*$$ere% so !an"
priations in !" o(n li$e t&at I (ell ,ne( (&at &*nger (as an% #o*l% onl" too (ell pi#t*re to !"sel$ t&e pleas*re t&ese
little #reat*res (ere e5perien#ing+
So on t&e !orning a$ter t&e !eeting I &ae !entione%, it &appene% t&at abo*t $ie o#lo#, I la" $*ll" a(a,e in be%,
(at#&ing t&e !i#e pla"ing an% "ing (it& ea#& ot&er+ As I (as not able to go to sleep again, I s*%%enl" re!e!bere% t&e
pa!p&let t&at one o$ t&e (or,ers &a% gien !e at t&e !eeting+ It (as a s!all pa!p&let o$ (&i#& t&is (or,er (as t&e
a*t&or+ In &is little boo, &e %es#ribe% &o( &is !in% &a% t&ro(n o$$ t&e s&a#,les o$ t&e )ar5ist an% tra%es1*nion
p&raseolog", an% t&at &e &a% #o!e ba#, to t&e nationalist i%eals+ T&at (as t&e reason (&" &e &a% entitle% &is little boo,4
L)" Politi#al A(a,eningL+ T&e pa!p&let se#*re% !" attention t&e !o!ent I began to rea%, an% I rea% it (it& interest to
t&e en%+ T&e pro#ess &ere %es#ribe% (as si!ilar to t&at (&i#& I &a% e5perien#e% in !" o(n #ase ten "ears preio*sl"+
Un#ons#io*sl" !" o(n e5perien#es began to stir again in !" !in%+ =*ring t&at %a" !" t&o*g&ts ret*rne% seeral ti!es to
(&at I &a% rea%C b*t I $inall" %e#i%e% to gie t&e !atter no $*rt&er attention+ A (ee, or so later, &o(eer, I re#eie% a
post#ar% (&i#& in$or!e% !e, to !" astonis&!ent, t&at I &a% been a%!itte% into t&e Aer!an 'abo*r Part"+ I (as as,e% to
ans(er t&is #o!!*ni#ation an% to atten% a !eeting o$ t&e Part" Co!!ittee on 3e%nes%a" ne5t+
T&is !anner o$ getting !e!bers rat&er a!a>e% !e, an% I %i% not ,no( (&et&er to be angr" or la*g& at it+ Hit&erto I &a%
not an" i%ea o$ entering a part" alrea%" in e5isten#e b*t (ante% to $o*n% one o$ !" o(n+ S*#& an initation as I no( &a%
re#eie% I loo,e% *pon as entirel" o*t o$ t&e /*estion $or !e+
I (as abo*t to sen% a (ritten repl" (&en !" #*riosit" got t&e better o$ !e, an% I %e#i%e% to atten% t&e gat&ering at t&e %ate
assigne%, so t&at I !ig&t e5po*n% !" prin#iples to t&ese gentle!en in person+
3e%nes%a" #a!e+ T&e taern in (&i#& t&e !eeting (as to ta,e pla#e (as t&e MAlte Rosenba% in t&e Herrnstrasse, into
(&i#& apparentl" onl" an o##asional g*est (an%ere%+ T&is (as not er" s*rprising in t&e "ear 1919, (&en t&e bills o$ $are
een at t&e larger resta*rants (ere onl" er" !o%est an% s#ant" in t&eir pretensions an% t&*s not er" attra#tie to #lients+
8*t I &a% neer be$ore &ear% o$ t&is resta*rant+
I (ent t&ro*g& t&e ba%l"1lig&te% g*est1roo!, (&ere not a single g*est (as to be seen, an% sear#&e% $or t&e %oor (&i#& le%
to t&e si%e roo!C an% t&ere I (as $a#e1to1$a#e (it& t&e MCongress+ Un%er t&e %i! lig&t s&e% b" a gri!" gas1la!p I #o*l%
see $o*r "o*ng people sitting aro*n% a table, one o$ t&e! t&e a*t&or o$ t&e pa!p&let+ He greete% !e #or%iall" an%
(el#o!e% !e as a ne( !e!ber o$ t&e Aer!an 'abo*r Part"+
I (as ta,en so!e(&at aba#, on being in$or!e% t&at a#t*all" t&e .ational Presi%ent o$ t&e Part" &a% not "et #o!eC so I
%e#i%e% t&at I (o*l% ,eep ba#, !" o(n e5position $or t&e ti!e being+ Finall" t&e Presi%ent appeare%+ He (as t&e !an (&o
&a% been #&air!an o$ t&e !eeting &el% in t&e Sterne#,er 8re(er", (&en Fe%er spo,e+
)" #*riosit" (as sti!*late% ane( an% I sat (aiting $or (&at (as going to &appen+ .o( I got at least as $ar as learning t&e
na!es o$ t&e gentle!en (&o &a% been parties to t&e (&ole a$$air+ T&e Rei#& .ational Presi%ent o$ t&e Asso#iation (as a
#ertain Herr Harrer an% t&e Presi%ent $or t&e )*ni#& %istri#t (as Anton =re5ler+
T&e !in*tes o$ t&e preio*s !eeting (ere rea% o*t an% a ote o$ #on$i%en#e in t&e se#retar" (as passe%+ T&en #a!e t&e
treas*rers report+ T&e So#iet" possesse% a total $*n% o$ seen !ar,s an% $i$t" p$ennigs Fa s*! #orrespon%ing to :s+ <%+ in
Englis& !one" at parG, (&ere*pon t&e treas*rer (as ass*re% t&at &e &a% t&e #on$i%en#e o$ t&e !e!bers+ T&is (as no(
inserte% in t&e !in*tes+ T&en letters o$ repl" (&i#& &a% been (ritten b" t&e C&air!an (ere rea%C $irst, to a letter re#eie%
$ro! ;iel, t&en to one $ro! =Hssel%or$ an% $inall" to one $ro! 8erlin+ All t&ree replies re#eie% t&e approal o$ all
present+ T&en t&e in#o!ing letters (ere rea% 1 one $ro! 8erlin, one $ro! =Hssel%or$ an% one $ro! ;iel+ T&e re#eption o$
t&ese letters see!e% to #a*se great satis$a#tion+ T&is in#reasing b*l, o$ #orrespon%en#e (as ta,en as t&e best an% !ost
obio*s sign o$ t&e gro(ing i!portan#e o$ t&e Aer!an 'abo*r Part"+ An% t&en@ 3ell, t&ere $ollo(e% a long %is#*ssion o$
t&e replies (&i#& (o*l% be gien to t&ese ne(l"1re#eie% letters+
It (as all er" a($*l+ T&is (as t&e (orst ,in% o$ paris&1p*!p #l*bbis!+ An% (as I s*ppose% to be#o!e a !e!ber o$ s*#&
a #l*b@
T&e /*estion o$ ne( !e!bers (as ne5t %is#*sse% 1 t&at is to sa", t&e /*estion o$ #at#&ing !"sel$ in t&e trap+
I no( began to as, /*estions+ 8*t I $o*n% t&at, apart $ro! a $e( general prin#iples, t&ere (as not&ing 1 no progra!!e, no
pa!p&let, not&ing at all in print, no #ar% o$ !e!bers&ip, not een a part" sta!p, not&ing b*t obio*s goo% $ait& an% goo%
I no longer $elt in#line% to la*g&C $or (&at else (as all t&is b*t a t"pi#al sign o$ t&e !ost #o!plete perple5it" an% %eepest
%espair in regar% to all politi#al parties, t&eir progra!!es an% ie(s an% a#tiities@ T&e $eeling (&i#& &a% in%*#e% t&ose
$e( "o*ng people to 0oin in (&at see!e% s*#& a ri%i#*lo*s enterprise (as not&ing b*t t&e #all o$ t&e inner oi#e (&i#& tol%
t&e! 1 t&o*g& !ore int*itiel" t&an #ons#io*sl" 1 t&at t&e (&ole part" s"ste! as it &a% &it&erto e5iste% (as not t&e ,in% o$
$or#e t&at #o*l% restore t&e Aer!an nation or repair t&e %a!ages t&at &a% been %one to t&e Aer!an people b" t&ose (&o
&it&erto #ontrolle% t&e internal a$$airs o$ t&e nation+ I /*i#,l" rea% t&ro*g& t&e list o$ prin#iples t&at $or!e% t&e plat$or!
o$ t&e part"+ T&ese prin#iples (ere state% on t"pe(ritten s&eets+ Here again I $o*n% ei%en#e o$ t&e spirit o$ longing an%
sear#&ing, b*t no sign (&ateer o$ a ,no(le%ge o$ t&e #on$li#t t&at &a% to be $o*g&t+ I !"sel$ &a% e5perien#e% t&e $eelings
(&i#& inspire% t&ose people+ It (as t&e longing $or a !oe!ent (&i#& s&o*l% be !ore t&an a part", in t&e &it&erto
a##epte% !eaning o$ t&at (or%+
3&en I ret*rne% to !" roo! in t&e barra#,s t&at eening I &a% $or!e% a %e$inite opinion on t&is asso#iation an% I (as
$a#ing t&e !ost %i$$i#*lt proble! o$ !" li$e+ S&o*l% I 0oin t&is part" or re$*se@
Fro! t&e si%e o$ t&e intelle#t alone, eer" #onsi%eration *rge% !e to re$*seC b*t !" $eelings tro*ble% !e+ T&e !ore I trie%
to proe to !"sel$ &o( senseless t&is #l*b (as, on t&e (&ole, t&e !ore %i% !" $eelings in#line !e to $ao*r it+ =*ring t&e
$ollo(ing %a"s I (as restless+
I began to #onsi%er all t&e pros an% #ons+ I &a% long ago %e#i%e% to ta,e an a#tie part in politi#s+ T&e $a#t t&at I #o*l% %o
so onl" t&ro*g& a ne( !oe!ent (as /*ite #lear to !eC b*t I &a% &it&erto la#,e% t&e i!p*lse to ta,e #on#rete a#tion+ I a!
not one o$ t&ose people (&o (ill begin so!et&ing to1%a" an% 0*st gie it *p t&e ne5t %a" $or t&e sa,e o$ so!et&ing ne(+
T&at (as t&e !ain reason (&i#& !a%e it so %i$$i#*lt $or !e to %e#i%e in 0oining so!et&ing ne(l" $o*n%e%C $or t&is !*st
be#o!e t&e real $*l$il!ent o$ eer"t&ing I %rea!t, or else it &a% better not be starte% at all+ I ,ne( t&at s*#& a %e#ision
s&o*l% bin% !e $or eer an% t&at t&ere #o*l% be no t*rning ba#,+ For !e t&ere #o*l% be no i%le %all"ing b*t onl" a #a*se to
be #&a!pione% ar%entl"+ I &a% alrea%" an instin#tie $eeling against people (&o too, *p eer"t&ing, b*t neer #arrie%
an"t&ing t&ro*g& to t&e en%+ I loat&e% t&ese -a#,s1o$1all1Tra%es, an% #onsi%ere% t&e a#tiities o$ s*#& people to be (orse
t&an i$ t&e" (ere to re!ain entirel" /*ies#ent+
Fate &ersel$ no( see!e% to s*ppl" t&e $inger1post t&at pointe% o*t t&e (a"+ I s&o*l% neer &ae entere% one o$ t&e big
parties alrea%" in e5isten#e an% s&all e5plain !" reasons $or t&is later on+ T&is l*%i#ro*s little $or!ation, (it& its &an%$*l
o$ !e!bers, see!e% to &ae t&e *ni/*e a%antage o$ not "et being $ossili>e% into an Morgani>ation an% still o$$ere% a
#&an#e $or real personal a#tiit" on t&e part o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ Here it !ig&t still be possible to %o so!e e$$e#tie (or,C
an%, as t&e !oe!ent (as still s!all, one #o*l% all t&e easier gie it t&e re/*ire% s&ape+ Here it (as still possible to
%eter!ine t&e #&ara#ter o$ t&e !oe!ent, t&e ai!s to be a#&iee% an% t&e roa% to be ta,en, (&i#& (o*l% &ae been
i!possible in t&e #ase o$ t&e big parties alrea%" e5isting+
T&e longer I re$le#te% on t&e proble!, t&e !ore !" opinion %eelope% t&at 0*st s*#& a s!all !oe!ent (o*l% best sere as
an instr*!ent to prepare t&e (a" $or t&e national res*rgen#e, b*t t&at t&is #o*l% neer be %one b" t&e politi#al
parlia!entar" parties (&i#& (ere too $ir!l" atta#&e% to obsolete i%eas or &a% an interest in s*pporting t&e ne( regi!e+
3&at &a% to be pro#lai!e% &ere (as a ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng an% not a ne( ele#tion #r"+
It (as, &o(eer, in$initel" %i$$i#*lt to %e#i%e on p*tting t&e intention into pra#ti#e+ 3&at (ere t&e /*ali$i#ations (&i#& I
#o*l% bring to t&e a##o!plis&!ent o$ s*#& a tas,@
T&e $a#t t&at I (as poor an% (it&o*t reso*r#es #o*l%, in !" opinion, be t&e easiest to bear+ 8*t t&e $a#t t&at I (as *tterl"
*n,no(n raise% a !ore %i$$i#*lt proble!+ I (as onl" one o$ t&e !illions (&i#& C&an#e allo(s to e5ist or #ease to e5ist,
(&o! een t&eir ne5t1%oor neig&bo*rs (ill not #onsent to ,no(+ Anot&er %i$$i#*lt" arose $ro! t&e $a#t t&at I &a% not gone
t&ro*g& t&e reg*lar s#&ool #*rri#*l*!+
T&e so1#alle% Mintelle#t*als still loo, %o(n (it& in$inite s*per#ilio*sness on an"one (&o &as not been t&ro*g& t&e
pres#ribe% s#&ools an% allo(e% t&e! to p*!p t&e ne#essar" ,no(le%ge into &i!+ T&e /*estion o$ (&at a !an #an %o is
neer as,e% b*t rat&er, (&at &as &e learne%@ ME%*#ate% people loo, *pon an" i!be#ile (&o is plastere% (it& a n*!ber o$
a#a%e!i# #erti$i#ates as s*perior to t&e ablest "o*ng $ello( (&o la#,s t&ese pre#io*s %o#*!ents+ I #o*l% t&ere$ore easil"
i!agine &o( t&is Me%*#ate% (orl% (o*l% re#eie !e an% I (as (rong onl" in so $ar as I t&en beliee% !en to be $or t&e
!ost part better t&an t&e" proe% to be in t&e #ol% lig&t o$ realit"+ 8e#a*se o$ t&eir being as t&e" are, t&e $e( e5#eptions
stan% o*t all t&e !ore #onspi#*o*sl"+ I learne% !ore an% !ore to %isting*is& bet(een t&ose (&o (ill al(a"s be at s#&ool
an% t&ose (&o (ill one %a" #o!e to ,no( so!et&ing in realit"+
A$ter t(o %a"s o$ #are$*l broo%ing an% re$le#tion I be#a!e #onin#e% t&at I !*st ta,e t&e #onte!plate% step+
It (as t&e !ost $ate$*l %e#ision o$ !" li$e+ .o retreat (as possible+
T&*s I %e#lare% !"sel$ rea%" to a##ept t&e !e!bers&ip ten%ere% !e b" t&e Aer!an 'abo*r Part" an% re#eie% a
proisional #erti$i#ate o$ !e!bers&ip+ I (as n*!bere% seen+
C&apter Ten4
T&e %ept& o$ a $all is al(a"s !eas*re% b" t&e %i$$eren#e bet(een t&e leel o$ t&e original position $ro! (&i#& a bo%" &as
$allen an% t&at in (&i#& it is no( $o*n%+ T&e sa!e &ol%s goo% $or .ations an% States+ T&e !atter o$ greatest i!portan#e
&ere is t&e &eig&t o$ t&e original leel, or rat&er t&e greatest &eig&t t&at &a% been attaine% be$ore t&e %es#ent began+
For onl" t&e pro$o*n% %e#line or #ollapse o$ t&at (&i#& (as #apable o$ rea#&ing e5traor%inar" &eig&ts #an !a,e a stri,ing
i!pression on t&e e"e o$ t&e be&ol%er+ T&e #ollapse o$ t&e Se#on% Rei#& (as all t&e !ore be(il%ering $or t&ose (&o #o*l%
pon%er oer it an% $eel t&e e$$e#t o$ it in t&eir &earts, be#a*se t&e Rei#& &a% $allen $ro! a &eig&t (&i#& #an &ar%l" be
i!agine% in t&ese %a"s o$ !iser" an% &*!iliation+
T&e Se#on% Rei#& (as $o*n%e% in #ir#*!stan#es o$ s*#& %a>>ling splen%o*r t&at t&e (&ole nation &a% be#o!e entran#e%
an% e5alte% b" it+ Follo(ing an *nparallele% series o$ i#tories, t&at E!pire (as &an%e% oer as t&e g*er%on o$ i!!ortal
&erois! to t&e #&il%ren an% gran%#&il%ren o$ t&e &eroes+ 3&et&er t&e" (ere $*ll" #ons#io*s o$ it or not %oes not !atterC
an"&o(, t&e Aer!ans $elt t&at t&is E!pire &a% not been bro*g&t into e5isten#e b" a series o$ able politi#al negotiations
t&ro*g& parlia!entar" #&annels, b*t t&at it (as %i$$erent $ro! politi#al instit*tions $o*n%e% else(&ere b" reason o$ t&e
nobler #ir#*!stan#es t&at &a% a##o!panie% its establis&!ent+ 3&en its $o*n%ations (ere lai% t&e a##o!pan"ing !*si#
(as not t&e #&atter o$ parlia!entar" %ebates b*t t&e t&*n%er an% boo! o$ (ar along t&e battle $ront t&at en#ir#le% Paris+ It
(as t&*s t&at an a#t o$ states!ans&ip (as a##o!plis&e% (&ereb" t&e Aer!ans, prin#es as (ell as people, establis&e% t&e
$*t*re Rei#& an% restore% t&e s"!bol o$ t&e I!perial Cro(n+ 8is!ar#,s State (as not $o*n%e% on treason an%
assassination b" %eserters an% s&ir,ers b*t b" t&e regi!ents t&at &a% $o*g&t at t&e $ront+ T&is *ni/*e birt& an% baptis! o$
$ire s*$$i#e% o$ t&e!seles to s*rro*n% t&e Se#on% E!pire (it& an a*reole o$ &istori#al splen%o*r s*#& as $e( o$ t&e ol%er
States #o*l% la" #lai! to+
An% (&at an as#ension t&en beganN A position o$ in%epen%en#e in regar% to t&e o*tsi%e (orl% g*arantee% t&e !eans o$
lieli&oo% at &o!e+ T&e nation in#rease% in n*!bers an% in (orl%l" (ealt&+ T&e &ono*r o$ t&e State an% t&ere(it& t&e
&ono*r o$ t&e people as a (&ole (ere se#*re% an% prote#te% b" an ar!" (&i#& (as t&e !ost stri,ing (itness o$ t&e
%i$$eren#e bet(een t&is ne( Rei#& an% t&e ol% Aer!an Con$e%eration+
8*t t&e %o(n$all o$ t&e Se#on% E!pire an% t&e Aer!an people &as been so pro$o*n% t&at t&e" all see! to &ae been str*#,
%*!b$o*n%e% an% ren%ere% in#apable o$ $eeling t&e signi$i#an#e o$ t&is %o(n$all or re$le#ting on it+ It see!s as i$ people
(ere *tterl" *nable to pi#t*re in t&eir !in%s t&e &eig&ts to (&i#& t&e E!pire $or!erl" attaine%, so isionar" an% *nreal
appears t&e greatness an% splen%o*r o$ t&ose %a"s in #ontrast to t&e !iser" o$ t&e present+ 8earing t&is in !in% (e #an
*n%erstan% (&" an% &o( people be#o!e so %a>e% (&en t&e" tr" to loo, ba#, to t&e s*bli!e past t&at t&e" $orget to loo, $or
t&e s"!pto!s o$ t&e great #ollapse (&i#& !*st #ertainl" &ae been present in so!e $or! or ot&er+ .at*rall" t&is applies
onl" to t&ose $or (&o! Aer!an" (as !ore t&an !erel" a pla#e o$ abo%e an% a so*r#e o$ lieli&oo%+ T&ese are t&e onl"
people (&o &ae been able to $eel t&e present #on%itions as reall" #atastrop&i#, (&ereas ot&ers &ae #onsi%ere% t&ese
#on%itions as t&e $*l$il!ent o$ (&at t&e" &a% loo,e% $or(ar% to an% &it&erto silentl" (is&e%+
T&e s"!pto!s o$ $*t*re #ollapse (ere %e$initel" to be per#eie% in t&ose earlier %a"s, alt&o*g& er" $e( !a%e an" atte!pt
to %ra( a pra#ti#al lesson $ro! t&eir signi$i#an#e+ 8*t t&is is no( a greater ne#essit" t&an it eer (as be$ore+ For 0*st as
bo%il" ail!ents #an be #*re% onl" (&en t&eir origin &as been %iagnose%, so also politi#al %isease #an be treate% onl" (&en
it &as been %iagnose%+ It is obio*s o$ #o*rse t&at t&e e5ternal s"!pto!s o$ an" %isease #an be !ore rea%il" %ete#te% t&an
its internal #a*ses, $or t&ese s"!pto!s stri,e t&e e"e !ore easil"+ T&is is also t&e reason (&" so !an" people re#ogni>e
onl" e5ternal e$$e#ts an% !ista,e t&e! $or #a*ses+ In%ee% t&e" (ill so!eti!es tr" to %en" t&e e5isten#e o$ s*#& #a*ses+
An% t&at is (&" t&e !a0orit" o$ people a!ong *s re#ogni>e t&e Aer!an #ollapse onl" in t&e preailing e#ono!i# %istress
an% t&e res*lts t&at &ae $ollo(e% t&ere$ro!+ Al!ost eer"one &as to #arr" &is s&are o$ t&is b*r%en, an% t&at is (&" ea#&
one loo,s on t&e e#ono!i# #atastrop&e as t&e #a*se o$ t&e present %eplorable state o$ a$$airs+ T&e broa% !asses o$ t&e
people see little o$ t&e #*lt*ral, politi#al, an% !oral ba#,gro*n% o$ t&is #ollapse+ )an" o$ t&e! #o!pletel" la#, bot& t&e
ne#essar" $eeling an% po(ers o$ *n%erstan%ing $or it+
T&at t&e !asses o$ t&e people s&o*l% t&*s esti!ate t&e #a*ses o$ Aer!an"s %o(n$all is /*ite *n%erstan%able+ 8*t t&e $a#t
t&at intelligent se#tions o$ t&e #o!!*nit" regar% t&e Aer!an #ollapse pri!aril" as an e#ono!i# #atastrop&e, an%
#onse/*entl" t&in, t&at a #*re $or it !a" be $o*n% in an e#ono!i# sol*tion, see!s to !e to be t&e reason (&" &it&erto no
i!proe!ent &as been bro*g&t abo*t+ .o i!proe!ent #an be bro*g&t abo*t *ntil it be *n%erstoo% t&at e#ono!i#s pla"
onl" a se#on% or t&ir% role, (&ile t&e !ain part is pla"e% b" politi#al, !oral an% ra#ial $a#tors+ Onl" (&en t&is is
*n%erstoo% (ill it be possible to *n%erstan% t&e #a*ses o$ t&e present eil an% #onse/*entl" to $in% t&e (a"s an% !eans o$
re!e%"ing t&e!+
T&ere$ore t&e /*estion o$ (&" Aer!an" reall" #ollapse% is one o$ t&e !ost *rgent signi$i#an#e, espe#iall" $or a politi#al
!oe!ent (&i#& ai!s at oer#o!ing t&is %isaster+
In s#r*tini>ing t&e past (it& a ie( to %is#oering t&e #a*ses o$ t&e Aer!an brea,1*p, it is ne#essar" to be #are$*l lest (e
!a" be *n%*l" i!presse% b" e5ternal res*lts t&at rea%il" stri,e t&e e"e an% t&*s ignore t&e less !ani$est #a*ses o$ t&ese
T&e !ost $a#ile, an% t&ere$ore t&e !ost generall" a##epte%, (a" o$ a##o*nting $or t&e present !is$ort*ne is to sa" t&at it is
t&e res*lt o$ a lost (ar, an% t&at t&is is t&e real #a*se o$ t&e present !is$ort*ne+ Probabl" t&ere are !an" (&o &onestl"
beliee in t&is abs*r% e5planation b*t t&ere are !an" !ore in (&ose !o*t&s it is a %eliberate an% #ons#io*s $alse&oo%+
T&is applies to all t&ose (&o are no( $ee%ing at t&e Aoern!ent tro*g&s+ For t&e prop&ets o$ t&e Reol*tion again an%
again %e#lare% to t&e people t&at it (o*l% be i!!aterial to t&e great !asses (&at t&e res*lt o$ t&e 3ar !ig&t be+ On t&e
#ontrar", t&e" sole!nl" ass*re% t&e p*bli# t&at it (as Hig& Finan#e (&i#& (as prin#ipall" intereste% in a i#torio*s
o*t#o!e o$ t&is giganti# str*ggle a!ong t&e nations b*t t&at t&e Aer!an people an% t&e Aer!an (or,ers &a% no interest
(&atsoeer in s*#& an o*t#o!e+ In%ee% t&e apostles o$ (orl% #on#iliation &abit*all" asserte% t&at, $ar $ro! an" Aer!an
%o(n$all, t&e opposite (as bo*n% to ta,e pla#e 1 na!el", t&e res*rgen#e o$ t&e Aer!an people 1 on#e M!ilitaris! &a%
been #r*s&e%+ =i% not t&ese sel$1sa!e #ir#les sing t&e praises o$ t&e Entente an% %i% t&e" not also la" t&e (&ole bla!e $or
t&e sang*inar" str*ggle on t&e s&o*l%ers o$ Aer!an"@ 3it&o*t t&is e5planation, (o*l% t&e" &ae been able to p*t $or(ar%
t&e t&eor" t&at a !ilitar" %e$eat (o*l% &ae no politi#al #onse/*en#es $or t&e Aer!an people@ 3as not t&e (&ole
Reol*tion %resse% *p in gala #olo*rs as blo#,ing t&e i#torio*s a%an#e o$ t&e Aer!an banners an% t&at t&*s t&e Aer!an
people (o*l% be ass*re% its libert" bot& at &o!e an% abroa%@
Is not t&at so, "o* !iserable, l"ing ras#als@
T&at ,in% o$ i!p*%en#e (&i#& is t"pi#al o$ t&e -e(s (as ne#essar" in or%er to pro#lai! t&e %e$eat o$ t&e ar!" as t&e #a*se
o$ t&e Aer!an #ollapse+ In%ee% t&e 8erlin Bor(Irts, t&at organ an% !o*t&pie#e o$ se%ition t&en (rote on t&is o##asion
t&at t&e Aer!an nation s&o*l% not be per!itte% to bring &o!e its banners tri*!p&antl"+
An% "et t&e" attrib*te o*r #ollapse to t&e !ilitar" %e$eat+
O$ #o*rse it (o*l% be o*t o$ t&e /*estion to enter into an arg*!ent (it& t&ese liars (&o %en" at one !o!ent (&at t&e"
sai% t&e !o!ent be$ore+ I s&o*l% (aste no $*rt&er (or%s on t&e! (ere it not $or t&e $a#t t&at t&ere are !an" t&o*g&tless
people (&o repeat all t&is in parrot $as&ion, (it&o*t being ne#essaril" inspire% b" an" eil !oties+ 8*t t&e obserations I
a! !a,ing &ere are also !eant $or o*r $ig&ting $ollo(ers, seeing t&at no(a%a"s ones spo,en (or%s are o$ten $orgotten
an% t(iste% in t&eir !eaning+
T&e assertion t&at t&e loss o$ t&e 3ar (as t&e #a*se o$ t&e Aer!an #ollapse #an best be ans(ere% as $ollo(s4
It is a%!itte%l" a $a#t t&at t&e loss o$ t&e 3ar (as o$ tragi# i!portan#e $or t&e $*t*re o$ o*r #o*ntr"+ 8*t t&at loss (as not
in itsel$ a #a*se+ It (as rat&er t&e #onse/*en#e o$ ot&er #a*ses+ T&at a %isastro*s en%ing to t&is li$e1or1%eat& #on$li#t !*st
&ae inole% #atastrop&es in its train (as #learl" seen b" eer"one o$ insig&t (&o #o*l% t&in, in a straig&t$or(ar%
!anner+ 8*t *n$ort*natel" t&ere (ere also people (&ose po(ers o$ *n%erstan%ing see!e% to $ail t&e! at t&at #riti#al
!o!ent+ An% t&ere (ere ot&er people (&o &a% $irst /*estione% t&at tr*t& an% t&en altoget&er %enie% it+ An% t&ere (ere
people (&o, a$ter t&eir se#ret %esire &a% been $*l$ille%, (ere s*%%enl" $a#e% (it& t&e s*bse/*ent $a#ts t&at res*lte% $ro!
t&eir o(n #ollaboration+ S*#& people are responsible $or t&e #ollapse, an% not t&e lost (ar, t&o*g& t&e" no( (ant to
attrib*te eer"t&ing to t&is+ As a !atter o$ $a#t t&e loss o$ t&e 3ar (as a res*lt o$ t&eir a#tiities an% not t&e res*lt o$ ba%
lea%ers&ip as t&e" no( (o*l% li,e to !aintain+ O*r ene!ies (ere not #o(ar%s+ T&e" also ,no( &o( to %ie+ Fro! t&e er"
$irst %a" o$ t&e 3ar t&e" o*tn*!bere% t&e Aer!an Ar!", an% t&e arsenals an% ar!a!ent $a#tories o$ t&e (&ole (orl%
(ere at t&eir %isposal $or t&e replenis&!ent o$ !ilitar" e/*ip!ent+ In%ee% it is *niersall" a%!itte% t&at t&e Aer!an
i#tories, (&i#& &a% been stea%il" (on %*ring $o*r "ears o$ (ar$are against t&e (&ole (orl%, (ere %*e to s*perior
lea%ers&ip, apart o$ #o*rse $ro! t&e &erois! o$ t&e troops+ An% t&e organi>ation (as solel" %*e to t&e Aer!an !ilitar"
lea%ers&ip+ T&at organi>ation an% lea%ers&ip o$ t&e Aer!an Ar!" (as t&e !ost !ig&t" t&ing t&at t&e (orl% &as eer seen+
An" s&ort#o!ings (&i#& be#a!e ei%ent (ere &*!anl" *naoi%able+ T&e #ollapse o$ t&at ar!" (as not t&e #a*se o$ o*r
present %istress+ It (as itsel$ t&e #onse/*en#e o$ ot&er $a*lts+ 8*t t&is #onse/*en#e in its t*rn *s&ere% in a $*rt&er #ollapse,
(&i#& (as !ore isible+ T&at s*#& (as a#t*all" t&e #ase #an be s&o(n as $ollo(s4
)*st a !ilitar" %e$eat ne#essaril" lea% to s*#& a #o!plete oert&ro( o$ t&e State an% .ation@ 3&eneer &as t&is been t&e
res*lt o$ an *nl*#," (ar@ As a !atter o$ $a#t, are nations eer r*ine% b" a lost (ar an% b" t&at alone@ T&e ans(er to t&is
/*estion #an be brie$l" state% b" re$erring to t&e $a#t t&at !ilitar" %e$eats are t&e res*lt o$ internal %e#a", #o(ar%i#e, (ant
o$ #&ara#ter, an% are a retrib*tion $or s*#& t&ings+ I$ s*#& (ere not t&e #a*ses t&en a !ilitar" %e$eat (o*l% lea% to a
national res*rgen#e an% bring t&e nation to a &ig&er pit#& o$ e$$ort+ A !ilitar" %e$eat is not t&e to!bstone o$ national li$e+
Histor" a$$or%s inn*!erable e5a!ples to #on$ir! t&e tr*t& o$ t&at state!ent+
Un$ort*natel" Aer!an"s !ilitar" oert&ro( (as not an *n%esere% #atastrop&e, b*t a (ell1!erite% p*nis&!ent (&i#&
(as in t&e nat*re o$ an eternal retrib*tion+ T&is %e$eat (as !ore t&an %esere% b" *sC $or it represente% t&e greatest
e5ternal p&eno!enon o$ %e#o!position a!ong a series o$ internal p&eno!ena, (&i#&, alt&o*g& t&e" (ere isible, (ere
not re#ogni>e% b" t&e !a0orit" o$ t&e people, (&o $ollo( t&e ta#ti#s o$ t&e ostri#& an% see onl" (&at t&e" (ant to see+
'et *s e5a!ine t&e s"!pto!s t&at (ere ei%ent in Aer!an" at t&e ti!e t&at t&e Aer!an people a##epte% t&is %e$eat+ Is it
not tr*e t&at in seeral #ir#les t&e !is$ort*nes o$ t&e Fat&erlan% (ere een 0o"$*ll" (el#o!e% in t&e !ost s&a!e$*l
!anner@ 3&o #o*l% a#t in s*#& a (a" (it&o*t t&ereb" !eriting engean#e $or &is attit*%e@ 3ere t&ere not people (&o
een (ent $*rt&er an% boaste% t&at t&e" &a% gone to t&e e5tent o$ (ea,ening t&e $ront an% #a*sing a #ollapse@ T&ere$ore it
(as not t&e ene!" (&o bro*g&t t&is %isgra#e *pon o*r s&o*l%ers b*t rat&er o*r o(n #o*ntr"!en+ I$ t&e" s*$$ere%
!is$ort*ne $or it a$ter(ar%s, (as t&at !is$ort*ne *n%esere%@ 3as t&ere eer a #ase in &istor" (&ere a people %e#lare%
itsel$ g*ilt" o$ a (ar, an% t&at een against its better #ons#ien#e an% its better ,no(le%ge@
.o, an% again no+ In t&e !anner in (&i#& t&e Aer!an nation rea#te% to its %e$eat (e #an see t&at t&e real #a*se o$ o*r
#ollapse !*st be loo,e% $or else(&ere an% not in t&e p*rel" !ilitar" loss o$ a $e( positions or t&e $ail*re o$ an o$$ensie+
For i$ t&e $ront as s*#& &a% gien (a" an% t&*s bro*g&t abo*t a national %isaster, t&en t&e Aer!an nation (o*l% &ae
a##epte% t&e %e$eat in /*ite anot&er spirit+ T&e" (o*l% &ae borne t&e s*bse/*ent !is$ort*ne (it& #len#&e% teet&, or t&e"
(o*l% &ae been oer(&el!e% b" sorro(+ Regret an% $*r" (o*l% &ae $ille% t&eir &earts against an ene!" into (&ose
&an%s i#tor" &a% been gien b" a #&an#e eent or t&e %e#ree o$ FateC an% in t&at #ase t&e nation, $ollo(ing t&e e5a!ple o$
t&e Ro!an Senate, (o*l% &ae $a#e% t&e %e$eate% legions on t&eir ret*rn an% e5presse% t&eir t&an,s $or t&e sa#ri$i#es t&at
&a% been !a%e an% (o*l% &ae re/*este% t&e! not to lose $ait& in t&e E!pire+ Een t&e #apit*lation (o*l% &ae been
signe% *n%er t&e s(a" o$ #al! reason, (&ile t&e &eart (o*l% &ae beaten in t&e &ope o$ t&e #o!ing rean#&e+
T&at is t&e re#eption t&at (o*l% &ae been gien to a !ilitar" %e$eat (&i#& &a% to be attrib*te% onl" to t&e a%erse %e#ree
o$ Fort*ne+ T&ere (o*l% &ae been neit&er 0o"1!a,ing nor %an#ing+ Co(ar%i#e (o*l% not &ae been boaste% o$, an% t&e
%e$eat (o*l% not &ae been &ono*re%+ On ret*rning $ro! t&e Front, t&e troops (o*l% not &ae been !o#,e% at, an% t&e
#olo*rs (o*l% not &ae been %ragge% in t&e %*st+ 8*t aboe all, t&at %isgra#e$*l state o$ a$$airs #o*l% neer &ae arisen
(&i#& in%*#e% a 8ritis& o$$i#er, Colonel Repington, to %e#lare (it& s#orn4 Eer" t&ir% Aer!an is a traitorN .o, in s*#& a
#ase t&is plag*e (o*l% neer &ae ass*!e% t&e proportions o$ a eritable $loo% (&i#&, $or t&e past $ie "ears, &as
s!ot&ere% eer" estige o$ respe#t $or t&e Aer!an nation in t&e o*tsi%e (orl%+
T&is s&o(s onl" too #learl" &o( $alse it is to sa" t&at t&e loss o$ t&e 3ar (as t&e #a*se o$ t&e Aer!an brea,1*p+ .o+ T&e
!ilitar" %e$eat (as itsel$ b*t t&e #onse/*en#e o$ a (&ole series o$ !orbi% s"!pto!s an% t&eir #a*ses (&i#& &a% be#o!e
a#tie in t&e Aer!an nation be$ore t&e 3ar bro,e o*t+ T&e 3ar (as t&e $irst #atastrop&al #onse/*en#e, isible to all, o$
&o( tra%itions an% national !orale &a% been poisone% an% &o( t&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration &a% %egenerate%+ T&ese
(ere t&e preli!inar" #a*ses (&i#& $or !an" "ears &a% been *n%er!ining t&e $o*n%ations o$ t&e nation an% t&e E!pire+
8*t it re!aine% $or t&e -e(s, (it& t&eir *n/*ali$ie% #apa#it" $or $alse&oo%, an% t&eir $ig&ting #o!ra%es, t&e )ar5ists, to
i!p*te responsibilit" $or t&e %o(n$all pre#isel" to t&e !an (&o alone &a% s&o(n a s*per&*!an (ill an% energ" in &is
e$$ort to preent t&e #atastrop&e (&i#& &e &a% $oreseen an% to sae t&e nation $ro! t&at &o*r o$ #o!plete oert&ro( an%
s&a!e+ 8" pla#ing responsibilit" $or t&e loss o$ t&e (orl% (ar on t&e s&o*l%ers o$ '*%en%or$$ t&e" too, a(a" t&e (eapon
o$ !oral rig&t $ro! t&e onl" a%ersar" %angero*s eno*g& to be li,el" to s*##ee% in bringing t&e betra"ers o$ t&e Fat&erlan%
to -*sti#e+ All t&is (as inspire% b" t&e prin#iple 1 (&i#& is /*ite tr*e in itsel$ 1 t&at in t&e big lie t&ere is al(a"s a #ertain
$or#e o$ #re%ibilit"C be#a*se t&e broa% !asses o$ a nation are al(a"s !ore easil" #orr*pte% in t&e %eeper strata o$ t&eir
e!otional nat*re t&an #ons#io*sl" or ol*ntaril"C an% t&*s in t&e pri!itie si!pli#it" o$ t&eir !in%s t&e" !ore rea%il" $all
i#ti!s to t&e big lie t&an t&e s!all lie, sin#e t&e" t&e!seles o$ten tell s!all lies in little !atters b*t (o*l% be as&a!e% to
resort to large1s#ale $alse&oo%s+ It (o*l% neer #o!e into t&eir &ea%s to $abri#ate #olossal *ntr*t&s, an% t&e" (o*l% not
beliee t&at ot&ers #o*l% &ae t&e i!p*%en#e to %istort t&e tr*t& so in$a!o*sl"+ Een t&o*g& t&e $a#ts (&i#& proe t&is to
be so !a" be bro*g&t #learl" to t&eir !in%s, t&e" (ill still %o*bt an% (aer an% (ill #ontin*e to t&in, t&at t&ere !a" be
so!e ot&er e5planation+ For t&e grossl" i!p*%ent lie al(a"s leaes tra#es be&in% it, een a$ter it &as been naile% %o(n, a
$a#t (&i#& is ,no(n to all e5pert liars in t&is (orl% an% to all (&o #onspire toget&er in t&e art o$ l"ing+ T&ese people ,no(
onl" too (ell &o( to *se $alse&oo% $or t&e basest p*rposes+
Fro! ti!e i!!e!orial+ &o(eer, t&e -e(s &ae ,no(n better t&an an" ot&ers &o( $alse&oo% an% #al*!n" #an be
e5ploite%+ Is not t&eir er" e5isten#e $o*n%e% on one great lie, na!el", t&at t&e" are a religio*s #o!!*nit", (&ereas in
realit" t&e" are a ra#e@ An% (&at a ra#eN One o$ t&e greatest t&in,ers t&at !an,in% &as pro%*#e% &as bran%e% t&e -e(s $or
all ti!e (it& a state!ent (&i#& is pro$o*n%l" an% e5a#tl" tr*e+ He FS#&open&a*erG #alle% t&e -e( LT&e Areat )aster o$
'iesL+ T&ose (&o %o not reali>e t&e tr*t& o$ t&at state!ent, or %o not (is& to beliee it, (ill neer be able to len% a &an% in
&elping Tr*t& to preail+
3e !a" regar% it as a great stro,e o$ $ort*ne $or t&e Aer!an nation t&at its perio% o$ lingering s*$$ering (as so s*%%enl"
#*rtaile% an% trans$or!e% into s*#& a terrible #atastrop&e+ For i$ t&ings &a% gone on as t&e" (ere t&e nation (o*l% &ae
!ore slo(l", b*t !ore s*rel", gone to r*in+ T&e %isease (o*l% &ae be#o!e #&roni#C (&ereas, in t&e a#*te $or! o$ t&e
%isaster, it at least s&o(e% itsel$ #learl" to t&e e"es o$ a #onsi%erable n*!ber o$ obserers+ It (as not b" a##i%ent t&at !an
#on/*ere% t&e bla#, plag*e !ore easil" t&an &e #on/*ere% t*ber#*losis+ T&e $irst appeare% in terri$"ing (aes o$ %eat&
t&at s&oo, t&e (&ole o$ !an,in%, t&e ot&er a%an#es insi%io*sl"C t&e $irst in%*#es terror, t&e ot&er gra%*al in%i$$eren#e+
T&e res*lt is, &o(eer, t&at !en oppose% t&e $irst (it& all t&e energ" t&e" (ere #apable o$, (&ilst t&e" tr" to arrest
t*ber#*losis b" $eeble !eans+ T&*s !an &as !astere% t&e bla#, plag*e, (&ile t*ber#*losis still gets t&e better o$ &i!+
T&e sa!e applies to %iseases in nations+ So long as t&ese %iseases are not o$ a #atastrop&i# #&ara#ter, t&e pop*lation (ill
slo(l" a##*sto! itsel$ to t&e! an% later s*##*!b+ It is t&en a stro,e o$ l*#, 1 alt&o*g& a bitter one 1 (&en Fate %e#i%es to
inter$ere in t&is slo( pro#ess o$ %e#a" an% s*%%enl" brings t&e i#ti! $a#e to $a#e (it& t&e $inal stage o$ t&e %isease+ )ore
o$ten t&an not t&e res*lt o$ a #atastrop&e is t&at a #*re is at on#e *n%erta,en an% #arrie% t&ro*g& (it& rigi% %eter!ination+
8*t een in s*#& a #ase t&e essential preli!inar" #on%ition is al(a"s t&e re#ognition o$ t&e internal #a*ses (&i#& &ae
gien rise to t&e %isease in /*estion+
T&e i!portant /*estion &ere is t&e %i$$erentiation o$ t&e root #a*ses $ro! t&e #ir#*!stan#es %eeloping o*t o$ t&e!+ T&is
be#o!es all t&e !ore %i$$i#*lt t&e longer t&e ger!s o$ %isease re!ain in t&e national bo%" an% t&e longer t&e" are allo(e%
to be#o!e an integral part o$ t&at bo%"+ It !a" easil" &appen t&at, as ti!e goes on, it (ill be#o!e so %i$$i#*lt to re#ogni>e
#ertain %e$inite ir*lent poisons as s*#& t&at t&e" are a##epte% as belonging to t&e national beingC or t&e" are !erel"
tolerate% as a ne#essar" eil, so t&at %rasti# atte!pts to lo#ate t&ose alien ger!s are not &el% to be ne#essar"+
=*ring t&e long perio% o$ pea#e prior to t&e last (ar #ertain eils (ere apparent &ere an% t&ere alt&o*g&, (it& one or t(o
e5#eptions, er" little e$$ort (as !a%e to %is#oer t&eir origin+ Here again t&ese e5#eptions (ere $irst an% $ore!ost t&ose
p&eno!ena in t&e e#ono!i# li$e o$ t&e nation (&i#& (ere !ore apparent to t&e in%ii%*al t&an t&e eil #on%itions e5isting
in a goo% !an" ot&er sp&eres+
T&ere (ere !an" signs o$ %e#a" (&i#& o*g&t to &ae been gien serio*s t&o*g&t+ As $ar as e#ono!i#s (ere #on#erne%, t&e
$ollo(ing !a" be sai%4 1
T&e a!a>ing in#rease o$ pop*lation in Aer!an" be$ore t&e (ar bro*g&t t&e /*estion o$ proi%ing %ail" brea% into a !ore
an% !ore pro!inent position in all sp&eres o$ politi#al an% e#ono!i# t&o*g&t an% a#tion+ 8*t *n$ort*natel" t&ose
responsible #o*l% not !a,e *p t&eir !in%s to arrie at t&e onl" #orre#t sol*tion an% pre$erre% to rea#& t&eir ob0e#tie b"
#&eaper !et&o%s+ Rep*%iation o$ t&e i%ea o$ a#/*iring $res& territor" an% t&e s*bstit*tion $or it o$ t&e !a% %esire $or t&e
#o!!er#ial #on/*est o$ t&e (orl% (as bo*n% to lea% eent*all" to *nli!ite% an% in0*rio*s in%*striali>ation+
T&e $irst an% !ost $atal res*lt bro*g&t abo*t in t&is (a" (as t&e (ea,ening o$ t&e agri#*lt*ral #lasses, (&ose %e#line (as
proportionate to t&e in#rease in t&e proletariat o$ t&e *rban areas, *ntil $inall" t&e e/*ilibri*! (as #o!pletel" *pset+
T&e big barrier %ii%ing ri#& an% poor no( be#a!e apparent+ '*5*r" an% poert" lie% so #lose to ea#& ot&er t&at t&e
#onse/*en#es (ere bo*n% to be %eplorable+ 3ant an% $re/*ent *ne!plo"!ent began to pla" &ao# (it& t&e people an% le$t
%is#ontent an% e!bitter!ent be&in% t&e!+ T&e res*lt o$ t&is (as to %ii%e t&e pop*lation into politi#al #lasses+ =is#ontent
in#rease% in spite o$ #o!!er#ial prosperit"+ )atters $inall" rea#&e% t&at stage (&i#& bro*g&t abo*t t&e general #oni#tion
t&at Mt&ings #annot go on as t&e" are, alt&o*g& no one see!e% able to is*ali>e (&at (as reall" going to &appen+
T&ese (ere t"pi#al an% isible signs o$ t&e %ept&s (&i#& t&e preailing %is#ontent &a% rea#&e%+ Far (orse t&an t&ese,
&o(eer, (ere ot&er #onse/*en#es (&i#& be#a!e apparent as a res*lt o$ t&e in%*striali>ation o$ t&e nation+
In proportion to t&e e5tent t&at #o!!er#e ass*!e% %e$inite #ontrol o$ t&e State, !one" be#a!e !ore an% !ore o$ a Ao%
(&o! all &a% to sere an% bo( %o(n to+ Heaenl" Ao%s be#a!e !ore an% !ore ol%1$as&ione% an% (ere lai% a(a" in t&e
#orners to !a,e roo! $or t&e (ors&ip o$ !a!!on+ An% t&*s began a perio% o$ *tter %egeneration (&i#& be#a!e spe#iall"
perni#io*s be#a*se it set in at a ti!e (&en t&e nation (as !ore t&an eer in nee% o$ an e5alte% i%ea, $or a #riti#al &o*r (as
t&reatening+ Aer!an" s&o*l% &ae been prepare% to prote#t (it& t&e s(or% &er e$$orts to (in &er o(n %ail" brea% in a
pea#e$*l (a"+
Un$ort*natel", t&e pre%o!inan#e o$ !one" re#eie% s*pport an% san#tion in t&e er" /*arter (&i#& o*g&t to &ae been
oppose% to it+ His )a0est", t&e ;aiser, !a%e a !ista,e (&en &e raise% representaties o$ t&e ne( $inan#e #apital to t&e
ran,s o$ t&e nobilit"+ A%!itte%l", it !a" be o$$ere% as an e5#*se t&at een 8is!ar#, $aile% to reali>e t&e t&reatening
%anger in t&is respe#t+ In pra#ti#e, &o(eer, all i%eal irt*es be#a!e se#on%ar" #onsi%erations to t&ose o$ !one", $or it (as
#lear t&at &aing on#e ta,en t&is roa%, t&e nobilit" o$ t&e s(or% (o*l% er" soon ran, se#on% to t&at o$ $inan#e+
Finan#ial operations s*##ee% easier t&an (ar operations+ Hen#e it (as no longer an" great attra#tion $or a tr*e &ero or een
a states!an to be bro*g&t into to*#& (it& t&e nearest -e( ban,er+ Real !erit (as not intereste% in re#eiing #&eap
%e#orations an% t&ere$ore %e#line% t&e! (it& t&an,s+ 8*t $ro! t&e stan%point o$ goo% bree%ing s*#& a %eelop!ent (as
%eepl" regrettable+ T&e nobilit" began to lose !ore an% !ore o$ t&e ra#ial /*alities t&at (ere a #on%ition o$ its er"
e5isten#e, (it& t&e res*lt t&at in !an" #ases t&e ter! Mplebeian (o*l% &ae been !ore appropriate+
A serio*s state o$ e#ono!i# %isr*ption (as being bro*g&t abo*t b" t&e slo( eli!ination o$ t&e personal #ontrol o$ este%
interests an% t&e gra%*al trans$eren#e o$ t&e (&ole e#ono!i# str*#t*re into t&e &an%s o$ 0oint sto#, #o!panies+
In t&is (a" labo*r be#a!e %egra%e% into an ob0e#t o$ spe#*lation in t&e &an%s o$ *ns#r*p*lo*s e5ploiters+
T&e %e1personali>ation o$ propert" o(ners&ip in#rease% on a ast s#ale+ Finan#ial e5#&ange #ir#les began to tri*!p& an%
!a%e slo( b*t s*re progress in ass*!ing #ontrol o$ t&e (&ole o$ national li$e+
8e$ore t&e 3ar t&e internationali>ation o$ t&e Aer!an e#ono!i# str*#t*re &a% alrea%" beg*n b" t&e ro*n%abo*t (a" o$
s&are iss*es+ It is tr*e t&at a se#tion o$ t&e Aer!an in%*strialists !a%e a %eter!ine% atte!pt to aert t&e %anger, b*t in t&e
en% t&e" gae (a" be$ore t&e *nite% atta#,s o$ !one"1grabbing #apitalis!, (&i#& (as assiste% in t&is $ig&t b" its $ait&$*l
&en#&!en in t&e )ar5ist !oe!ent+
T&e persistent (ar against Aer!an M&ea" in%*stries (as t&e isible start o$ t&e internationali>ation o$ Aer!an e#ono!i#
li$e as enisage% b" t&e )ar5ists+ T&is, &o(eer, #o*l% onl" be bro*g&t to a s*##ess$*l #on#l*sion b" t&e i#tor" (&i#&
)ar5is! (as able to gain in t&e Reol*tion+ As I (rite t&ese (or%s, s*##ess is atten%ing t&e general atta#, on t&e Aer!an
State Rail(a"s (&i#& are no( to be t*rne% oer to international #apitalists+ T&*s MInternational So#ial1=e!o#ra#" &as
on#e again attaine% one o$ its !ain ob0e#ties+
T&e best ei%en#e o$ &o( $ar t&is M#o!!er#iali>ation o$ t&e Aer!an nation (as able to go #an be plainl" seen in t&e $a#t
t&at (&en t&e 3ar (as oer one o$ t&e lea%ing #aptains o$ Aer!an in%*str" an% #o!!er#e gae it as &is opinion t&at
#o!!er#e as s*#& (as t&e onl" $or#e (&i#& #o*l% p*t Aer!an" on its $eet again+
T&is sort o$ nonsense (as *ttere% 0*st at t&e ti!e (&en Fran#e (as restoring p*bli# e%*#ation on a &*!anitarian basis,
t&*s %oing a(a" (it& t&e i%ea t&at national li$e is %epen%ent on #o!!er#e rat&er t&an i%eal al*es+ T&e state!ent (&i#&
Stinnes broa%#aste% to t&e (orl% at t&at ti!e #a*se% in#re%ible #on$*sion+ It (as i!!e%iatel" ta,en *p an% &as be#o!e t&e
lea%ing !otto o$ all t&ose &*!b*gs an% babblers 1 t&e Mstates!en (&o! Fate let loose on Aer!an" a$ter t&e Reol*tion+
One o$ t&e (orst ei%en#es o$ %e#a%en#e in Aer!an" be$ore t&e 3ar (as t&e eer in#reasing &abit o$ %oing t&ings b"
&ales+ T&is (as one o$ t&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&e inse#*rit" t&at (as $elt all ro*n%+ An% it is to be attrib*te% also to a #ertain
ti!i%it" (&i#& res*lte% $ro! one #a*se or anot&er+ An% t&e latter !ala%" (as aggraate% b" t&e e%*#ational s"ste!+
Aer!an e%*#ation in pre13ar ti!es &a% an e5traor%inar" n*!ber o$ (ea, $eat*res+ It (as si!pl" an% e5#l*siel" li!ite%
to t&e pro%*#tion o$ p*re ,no(le%ge an% pai% little attention to t&e %eelop!ent o$ pra#ti#al abilit"+ Still less attention (as
gien to t&e %eelop!ent o$ in%ii%*al #&ara#ter, in so $ar as t&is is eer possible+ An% &ar%l" an" attention at all (as pai%
to t&e %eelop!ent o$ a sense o$ responsibilit", to strengt&ening t&e (ill an% t&e po(ers o$ %e#ision+ T&e res*lt o$ t&is
!et&o% (as to pro%*#e er*%ite people (&o &a% a passion $or ,no(ing eer"t&ing+ 8e$ore t&e 3ar (e Aer!ans (ere
a##epte% an% esti!ate% a##or%ingl"+ T&e Aer!an (as li,e% be#a*se goo% *se #o*l% be !a%e o$ &i!C b*t t&ere (as little
estee! $or &i! personall", on a##o*nt o$ t&is (ea,ness o$ #&ara#ter+ For t&ose (&o #an rea% its signi$i#an#e arig&t, t&ere
is !*#& instr*#tion in t&e $a#t t&at a!ong all nationalities Aer!ans (ere t&e $irst to part (it& t&eir national #iti>ens&ip
(&en t&e" $o*n% t&e!seles in a $oreign #o*ntr"+ An% t&ere is a (orl% o$ !eaning in t&e sa"ing t&at (as t&en prealent4
M3it& t&e &at in t&e &an% one #an go t&ro*g& t&e (&ole #o*ntr"+
T&is ,in% o$ so#ial eti/*ette t*rne% o*t %isastro*s (&en it pres#ribe% t&e e5#l*sie $or!s t&at &a% to be obsere% in t&e
presen#e o$ His )a0est"+ T&ese $or!s insiste% t&at t&ere s&o*l% be no #ontra%i#tion (&atsoeer, b*t t&at eer"t&ing s&o*l%
be praise% (&i#& His )a0est" #on%es#en%e% to li,e+
It (as 0*st &ere t&at t&e $ran, e5pression o$ !anl" %ignit", an% not s*bserien#e, (as !ost nee%e%+ Serilit" in t&e
presen#e o$ !onar#&s !a" be goo% eno*g& $or t&e pro$essional la#,e" an% pla#e1&*nter, in $a#t $or all t&ose %e#a%ent
beings (&o are !ore please% to be $o*n% !oing in t&e &ig& #ir#les o$ ro"alt" t&an a!ong &onest #iti>ens+ T&ese
e5#ee%ingl" M&*!ble #reat*res &o(eer, t&o*g& t&e" groel be$ore t&eir lor% an% brea%1gier, inariabl" p*t on airs o$
bo*n%less s*per#ilio*sness to(ar%s ot&er !ortals, (&i#& (as parti#*larl" i!p*%ent (&en t&e" pose% as t&e onl" people
(&o &a% t&e rig&t to be #alle% M!onar#&ists+ T&is (as a gross pie#e o$ i!pertinen#e s*#& as onl" %espi#able spe#i!ens
a!ong t&e ne(l"1ennoble% or "et1to1be1ennoble% #o*l% be #apable o$+
An% t&ese &ae al(a"s been 0*st t&e people (&o &ae prepare% t&e (a" $or t&e %o(n$all o$ !onar#&" an% t&e !onar#&i#al
prin#iple+ It #o*l% not be ot&er(ise+ For (&en a !an is prepare% to stan% *p $or a #a*se, #o!e (&at !a", &e neer groels
be$ore its representatie+ A !an (&o is serio*s abo*t t&e !aintenan#e an% (el$are o$ an instit*tion (ill not allo( &i!sel$
to be %is#o*rage% (&en t&e representaties o$ t&at instit*tion s&o( #ertain $a*lts an% $ailings+ An% &e #ertainl" (ill not
r*n aro*n% to tell t&e (orl% abo*t it, as #ertain $alse %e!o#rati# M$rien%s o$ t&e !onar#&" &ae %oneC b*t &e (ill approa#&
His )a0est", t&e bearer o$ t&e Cro(n &i!sel$, to (arn &i! o$ t&e serio*sness o$ a sit*ation an% pers*a%e t&e !onar#& to
a#t+ F*rt&er!ore, &e (ill not ta,e *p t&e stan%point t&at it !*st be le$t to His )a0est" to a#t as t&e latter t&in,s $it, een
t&o*g& t&e #o*rse (&i#& &e (o*l% ta,e !*st plainl" lea% to %isaster+ 8*t t&e !an I a! t&in,ing o$ (ill %ee! it &is %*t" to
prote#t t&e !onar#&" against t&e !onar#& &i!sel$, no !atter (&at personal ris, &e !a" r*n in %oing so+ I$ t&e (ort& o$
t&e !onar#&i#al instit*tion be %epen%ent on t&e person o$ t&e !onar#& &i!sel$, t&en it (o*l% be t&e (orst instit*tion
i!aginableC $or onl" in rare #ases are ,ings $o*n% to be !o%els o$ (is%o! an% *n%erstan%ing, an% integrit" o$ #&ara#ter,
t&o*g& (e !ig&t li,e to t&in, ot&er(ise+ 8*t t&is $a#t is *npalatable to t&e pro$essional ,naes an% la#,e"s+ Ket all *prig&t
!en, an% t&e" are t&e ba#,bone o$ t&e nation, rep*%iate t&e nonsensi#al $i#tion t&at all !onar#&s are (ise, et#+ For s*#&
!en &istor" is &istor" an% tr*t& is tr*t&, een (&ere !onar#&s are #on#erne%+ 8*t i$ a nation s&o*l% &ae t&e goo% l*#, to
possess a great ,ing or a great !an it o*g&t to #onsi%er itsel$ as spe#iall" $ao*re% aboe all t&e ot&er nations, an% t&ese
!a" be t&an,$*l i$ an a%erse $ort*ne &as not allotte% t&e (orst to t&e!+
It is #lear t&at t&e (ort& an% signi$i#an#e o$ t&e !onar#&i#al prin#iple #annot rest in t&e person o$ t&e !onar#& alone,
*nless Heaen %e#rees t&at t&e #ro(n s&o*l% be set on t&e &ea% o$ a brilliant &ero li,e Fre%eri#, t&e Areat, or a saga#io*s
person li,e 3illia! I+ T&is !a" &appen on#e in seeral #ent*ries, b*t &ar%l" o$tener t&an t&at+ T&e i%eal o$ t&e !onar#&"
ta,es pre#e%en#e o$ t&e person o$ t&e !onar#&, inas!*#& as t&e !eaning o$ t&e instit*tion !*st lie in t&e instit*tion it
sel$+ T&*s t&e !onar#&" !a" be re#,one% in t&e #ategor" o$ t&ose (&ose %*t" it is to sere+ He, too, is b*t a (&eel in t&is
!a#&ine an% as s*#& &e is oblige% to %o &is %*t" to(ar%s it+ He &as to a%apt &i!sel$ $or t&e $*l$il!ent o$ &ig& ai!s+ I$,
t&ere$ore , t&ere (ere no signi$i#an#e atta#&e% to t&e i%ea itsel$ an% eer"t&ing !erel" #entre% aro*n% t&e Msa#re% person,
t&en it (o*l% neer be possible to %epose a r*ler (&o &as s&o(n &i!sel$ to be an i!be#ile+
It is essential to insist *pon t&is tr*t& at t&e present ti!e, be#a*se re#entl" t&ose p&eno!ena &ae appeare% again an% (ere
in no s!all !eas*re responsible $or t&e #ollapse o$ t&e !onar#&"+ 3it& a #ertain a!o*nt o$ natie i!p*%en#e t&ese
persons on#e again tal, abo*t Mt&eir ;ing 1 t&at is to sa", t&e !an (&o! t&e" s&a!e$*ll" %eserte% a $e( "ears ago at a
!ost #riti#al &o*r+ T&ose (&o re$rain $ro! parti#ipating in t&is #&or*s o$ lies are s*!!aril" #lassi$ie% as Mba% Aer!ans+
T&e" (&o !a,e t&e #&arge are t&e sa!e #lass o$ /*itters (&o ran a(a" in 1919 an% too, to (earing re% ba%ges+ T&e"
t&o*g&t t&at %is#retion (as t&e better part o$ alo*r+ T&e" (ere in%i$$erent abo*t (&at &appene% to t&e ;aiser+ T&e"
#a!o*$lage% t&e!seles as Mpea#e$*l #iti>ens b*t !ore o$ten t&an not t&e" anis&e% altoget&er+ All o$ a s*%%en t&ese
#&a!pions o$ ro"alt" (ere no(&ere to be $o*n% at t&at ti!e+ Cir#*!spe#tl", one b" one, t&ese Mserants an% #o*nsellors o$
t&e Cro(n reappeare%, to res*!e t&eir lip1seri#e to ro"alt" b*t onl" a$ter ot&ers &a% borne t&e br*nt o$ t&e anti1ro"alist
atta#, an% s*ppresse% t&e Reol*tion $or t&e!+ On#e again t&e" (ere all t&ere+ re!e!bering (ist$*ll" t&e $les&1pots o$
Eg"pt an% al!ost b*rsting (it& %eotion $or t&e ro"al #a*se+ T&is (ent on *ntil t&e %a" #a!e (&en re% ba%ges (ere again
in t&e as#en%ant+ T&en t&is (&ole ra!s&a#,le asse!bl" o$ ro"al (ors&ippers s#*ttle% ane( li,e !i#e $ro! t&e #ats+
I$ !onar#&s (ere not t&e!seles responsible $or s*#& t&ings one #o*l% not &elp s"!pat&i>ing (it& t&e!+ 8*t t&e" !*st
reali>e t&at (it& s*#& #&a!pions t&rones #an be lost b*t #ertainl" neer gaine%+
All t&is %eotion (as a !ista,e an% (as t&e res*lt o$ o*r (&ole s"ste! o$ e%*#ation, (&i#& in t&is #ase bro*g&t abo*t a
parti#*larl" seere retrib*tion+ S*#& la!entable tr*!per" (as ,ept *p at t&e ario*s #o*rts t&at t&e !onar#&" (as slo(l"
be#o!ing *n%er !ine%+ 3&en $inall" it %i% begin to totter, eer"t&ing (as s(ept a(a"+ .at*rall", groellers an% li#,1
spittles are neer (illing to %ie $or t&eir !asters+ T&at !onar#&s neer reali>e t&is, an% al!ost on prin#iple neer reall"
ta,e t&e tro*ble to learn it, &as al(a"s been t&eir *n%oing+
One isible res*lt o$ (rong e%*#ational s"ste! (as t&e $ear o$ s&o*l%ering responsibilit" an% t&e res*ltant (ea,ness in
%ealing (it& obio*s ital proble!s o$ e5isten#e+
T&e starting point o$ t&is epi%e!i#, &o(eer, (as in o*r parlia!entar" instit*tion (&ere t&e s&ir,ing o$ responsibilit" is
parti#*larl" $ostere%+ Un$ort*natel" t&e %isease slo(l" sprea% to all bran#&es o$ eer"%a" li$e b*t parti#*larl" a$$e#te% t&e
sp&ere o$ p*bli# a$$airs+ Responsibilit" (as being s&ir,e% eer"(&ere an% t&is le% to ins*$$i#ient or &al$1&earte% !eas*res
being ta,en, personal responsibilit" $or ea#& a#t being re%*#e% to a !ini!*!+
I$ (e #onsi%er t&e attit*%e o$ ario*s Aoern!ents to(ar%s a (&ole series o$ reall" perni#io*s p&eno!ena in p*bli# li$e,
(e s&all at on#e re#ogni>e t&e $ear$*l signi$i#an#e o$ t&is poli#" o$ &al$1!eas*res an% t&e la#, o$ #o*rage to *n%erta,e
responsibilities+ I s&all single o*t onl" a $e( $ro! t&e large n*!bers o$ instan#es ,no(n to !e+
In 0o*rnalisti# #ir#les it is a pleasing #*sto! to spea, o$ t&e Press as a MAreat Po(er (it&in t&e State+ As a !atter o$ $a#t
its i!portan#e is i!!ense+ One #annot easil" oeresti!ate it, $or t&e Press #ontin*es t&e (or, o$ e%*#ation een in a%*lt
li$e+ Aenerall", rea%ers o$ t&e Press #an be #lassi$ie% into t&ree gro*ps4
First, t&ose (&o beliee eer"t&ing t&e" rea%C
Se#on%, t&ose (&o no longer beliee an"t&ingC
T&ir%, t&ose (&o #riti#all" e5a!ine (&at t&e" rea% an% $or! t&eir 0*%g!ents a##or%ingl"+
.*!eri#all", t&e $irst gro*p is b" $ar t&e strongest, being #o!pose% o$ t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people+ Intelle#t*all", it
$or!s t&e si!plest portion o$ t&e nation+ It #annot be #lassi$ie% a##or%ing to o##*pation b*t onl" into gra%es o$
intelligen#e+ Un%er t&is #ategor" #o!e all t&ose (&o &ae not been born to t&in, $or t&e!seles or (&o &ae not learnt to
%o so an% (&o, partl" t&ro*g& in#o!peten#e an% partl" t&ro*g& ignoran#e, beliee eer"t&ing t&at is set be$ore t&e! in
print+ To t&ese (e !*st a%% t&at t"pe o$ la>" in%ii%*al (&o, alt&o*g& #apable o$ t&in,ing $or &i!sel$ o*t o$ s&eer la>iness
grate$*ll" absorbs eer"t&ing t&at ot&ers &a% t&o*g&t oer, !o%estl" belieing t&is to &ae been t&oro*g&l" %one+ T&e
in$l*en#e (&i#& t&e Press &as on all t&ese people is t&ere$ore enor!o*sC $or a$ter all t&e" #onstit*te t&e broa% !asses o$ a
nation+ 8*t, so!e&o( t&e" are not in a position or are not (illing personall" to si$t (&at is being sere% *p to t&e!C so
t&at t&eir (&ole attit*%e to(ar%s %ail" proble!s is al!ost solel" t&e res*lt o$ e5traneo*s in$l*en#e+ All t&is #an be
a%antageo*s (&ere p*bli# enlig&ten!ent is o$ a serio*s an% tr*t&$*l #&ara#ter, b*t great &ar! is %one (&en s#o*n%rels
an% liars ta,e a &an% at t&is (or,+
T&e se#on% gro*p is n*!eri#all" s!aller, being partl" #o!pose% o$ t&ose (&o (ere $or!erl" in t&e $irst gro*p an% a$ter a
series o$ bitter %isappoint!ents are no( prepare% to beliee not&ing o$ (&at t&e" see in print+ T&e" &ate all ne(spapers+
Eit&er t&e" %o not rea% t&e! at all or t&e" be#o!e e5#eptionall" anno"e% at t&eir #ontents, (&i#& t&e" &ol% to be not&ing
b*t a #ongeries o$ lies an% !isstate!ents+ T&ese people are %i$$i#*lt to &an%leC $or t&e" (ill al(a"s be s#epti#al o$ t&e
tr*t&+ Conse/*entl", t&e" are *seless $or an" $or! o$ positie (or,+
T&e t&ir% gro*p is easil" t&e s!allest, being #o!pose% o$ real intelle#t*als (&o! nat*ral aptit*%e an% e%*#ation &ae
ta*g&t to t&in, $or t&e!seles an% (&o in all t&ings tr" to $or! t&eir o(n 0*%g!ents, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e #are$*ll"
si$ting (&at t&e" rea%+ T&e" (ill not rea% an" ne(spaper (it&o*t *sing t&eir o(n intelligen#e to #ollaborate (it& t&at o$
t&e (riter an% nat*rall" t&is %oes not set (riters an eas" tas,+ -o*rnalists appre#iate t&is t"pe o$ rea%er onl" (it& a #ertain
a!o*nt o$ reseration+
Hen#e t&e tras& t&at ne(spapers are #apable o$ sering *p is o$ little %anger 1 !*#& less o$ i!portan#e 1 to t&e !e!bers o$
t&e t&ir% gro*p o$ rea%ers+ In t&e !a0orit" o$ #ases t&ese rea%ers &ae learnt to regar% eer" 0o*rnalist as $*n%a!entall" a
rog*e (&o so!eti!es spea,s t&e tr*t&+ )ost *n$ort*natel", t&e al*e o$ t&ese rea%ers lies in t&eir intelligen#e an% not in
t&eir n*!eri#al strengt&, an *n&app" state o$ a$$airs in a perio% (&ere (is%o! #o*nts $or not&ing an% !a0orities $or
eer"t&ing+ .o(a%a"s (&en t&e oting papers o$ t&e !asses are t&e %e#i%ing $a#torC t&e %e#ision lies in t&e &an%s o$ t&e
n*!eri#all" strongest gro*pC t&at is to sa" t&e $irst gro*p, t&e #ro(% o$ si!pletons an% t&e #re%*lo*s+
It is an all1i!portant interest o$ t&e State an% a national %*t" to preent t&ese people $ro! $alling into t&e &an%s o$ $alse,
ignorant or een eil1!in%e% tea#&ers+ T&ere$ore it is t&e %*t" o$ t&e State to s*perise t&eir e%*#ation an% preent eer"
$or! o$ o$$en#e in t&is respe#t+ Parti#*lar attention s&o*l% be pai% to t&e PressC $or its in$l*en#e on t&ese people is b" $ar
t&e strongest an% !ost penetrating o$ allC sin#e its e$$e#t is not transitor" b*t #ontin*al+ Its i!!ense signi$i#an#e lies in t&e
*ni$or! an% persistent repetition o$ its tea#&ing+ Here, i$ an"(&ere, t&e State s&o*l% neer $orget t&at all !eans s&o*l%
#onerge to(ar%s t&e sa!e en%+ It !*st not be le% astra" b" t&e (ill1o1t&e1(isp o$ so1#alle% M$ree%o! o$ t&e Press, or be
tal,e% into negle#ting its %*t", an% (it&&ol%ing $ro! t&e nation t&at (&i#& is goo% an% (&i#& %oes goo%+ 3it& r*t&less
%eter!ination t&e State !*st ,eep #ontrol o$ t&is instr*!ent o$ pop*lar e%*#ation an% pla#e it at t&e seri#e o$ t&e State
an% t&e .ation+
8*t (&at sort o$ pab*l*! (as it t&at t&e Aer!an Press sere% *p $or t&e #ons*!ption o$ its rea%ers in pre13ar %a"s@ 3as
it not t&e (orst ir*lent poison i!aginable@ 3as not pa#i$is! in its (orst $or! ino#*late% into o*r people at a ti!e (&en
ot&ers (ere preparing slo(l" b*t s*rel" to po*n#e *pon Aer!an"@ =i% not t&is sel$1sa!e Press o$ o*rs in pea#e ti!e
alrea%" instil into t&e p*bli# !in% a %o*bt as to t&e soereign rig&ts o$ t&e State itsel$, t&ereb" alrea%" &an%i#apping t&e
State in #&oosing its !eans o$ %e$en#e@ 3as it not t&e Aer!an Press t&at *n%er stoo% &o( to !a,e all t&e nonsensi#al tal,
abo*t M3estern %e!o#ra#" palatable to o*r people, *ntil an e5*berant p*bli# (as eent*all" prepare% to entr*st its $*t*re
to t&e 'eag*e o$ .ations@ 3as not t&is Press instr*!ental in bringing in a state o$ !oral %egra%ation a!ong o*r people@
3ere not !orals an% p*bli# %e#en#" !a%e to loo, ri%i#*lo*s an% #lasse% as o*t1o$1%ate an% banal, *ntil $inall" o*r people
also be#a!e !o%erni>e%@ 8" !eans o$ persistent atta#,s, %i% not t&e Press ,eep on *n%er!ining t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State,
*ntil one blo( s*$$i#e% to bring t&is instit*tion tottering to t&e gro*n%@ =i% not t&e Press oppose (it& all its !ig&t eer"
!oe!ent to gie t&e State t&at (&i#& belongs to t&e State, an% b" !eans o$ #onstant #riti#is!, in0*re t&e rep*tation o$ t&e
ar!", sabotage general #ons#ription an% %e!an% re$*sal o$ !ilitar" #re%its, et#+ 1 *ntil t&e s*##ess o$ t&is #a!paign (as
T&e $*n#tion o$ t&e so1#alle% liberal Press (as to %ig t&e grae $or t&e Aer!an people an% Rei#&+ .o !ention nee% be
!a%e o$ t&e l"ing )ar5ist Press+ To t&e! t&e sprea%ing o$ $alse&oo% is as !*#& a ital ne#essit" as t&e !o*se is to a #at+
T&eir sole tas, is to brea, t&e national ba#,bone o$ t&e people, t&*s preparing t&e nation to be#o!e t&e slaes o$
international $inan#e an% its !asters, t&e -e(s+
An% (&at !eas*res %i% t&e State ta,e to #o*ntera#t t&is (&olesale poisoning o$ t&e p*bli# !in%@ .one, absol*tel" not&ing
at all+ 8" t&is poli#" it (as &ope% to (in t&e $ao*r o$ t&is pest 1 b" !eans o$ $latter", b" a re#ognition o$ t&e Mal*e o$ t&e
Press, its Mi!portan#e, its Me%*#atie !ission an% si!ilar nonsense+ T&e -e(s a#,no(le%ge% all t&is (it& a ,no(ing
s!ile an% ret*rne% t&an,s+
T&e reason $or t&is igno!inio*s $ail*re on t&e part o$ t&e State la" not so !*#& in its re$*sal to reali>e t&e %anger as in t&e
o*t1an%1o*t #o(ar%l" (a" o$ !eeting t&e sit*ation b" t&e a%option o$ $a*lt" an% ine$$e#tie !eas*res+ .o one &a% t&e
#o*rage to e!plo" an" energeti# an% ra%i#al !et&o%s+ Eer"one te!porise% in so!e (a" or ot&erC an% instea% o$ stri,ing
at its &eart, t&e iper (as onl" $*rt&er irritate%+ T&e res*lt (as t&at not onl" %i% eer"t&ing re!ain as it (as, b*t t&e po(er
o$ t&is instit*tion (&i#& s&o*l% &ae been #o!bate% gre( greater $ro! "ear to "ear+
T&e %e$en#e p*t *p b" t&e Aoern!ent in t&ose %a"s against a !ainl" -e(1#ontrolle% Press t&at (as slo(l" #orr*pting t&e
nation, $ollo(e% no %e$inite line o$ a#tion, it &a% no %eter!ination be&in% it an% aboe all, no $i5e% ob0e#tie (&atsoeer
in ie(+ T&is is (&ere o$$i#ial *n%erstan%ing o$ t&e sit*ation #o!pletel" $aile% bot& in esti!ating t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e
str*ggle, #&oosing t&e !eans an% %e#i%ing on a %e$inite plan+ T&e" !erel" tin,ere% (it& t&e proble!+ O##asionall", (&en
bitten, t&e" i!prisone% one or anot&er 0o*rnalisti# iper $or a $e( (ee,s or !ont&s, b*t t&e (&ole poisono*s broo% (as
allo(e% to #arr" on in pea#e+
It !*st be a%!itte% t&at all t&is (as partl" t&e res*lt o$ e5traor%inar" #ra$t" ta#ti#s on t&e part o$ -e(r" on t&e one &an%,
an% obio*s o$$i#ial st*pi%it" or naWetQ on t&e ot&er &an%+ T&e -e(s (ere too #leer to allo( a si!*ltaneo*s atta#, to be
!a%e on t&e (&ole o$ t&eir Press+ .o one se#tion $*n#tione% as #oer $or t&e ot&er+ 3&ile t&e )ar5ist ne(spaper, in t&e
!ost %espi#able !anner possible, reile% eer"t&ing t&at (as sa#re%, $*rio*sl" atta#,e% t&e State an% Aoern!ent an%
in#ite% #ertain #lasses o$ t&e #o!!*nit" against ea#& ot&er, t&e bo*rgeois1%e!o#rati# papers, also in -e(is& &an%s, ,ne(
&o( to #a!o*$lage t&e!seles as !o%el e5a!ples o$ ob0e#tiit"+ T&e" st*%io*sl" aoi%e% &ars& lang*age, ,no(ing (ell
t&at blo#,1&ea%s are #apable o$ 0*%ging onl" b" e5ternal appearan#es an% neer able to penetrate to t&e real %ept& an%
!eaning o$ an"t&ing+ T&e" !eas*re t&e (ort& o$ an ob0e#t b" its e5terior an% not b" its #ontent+ T&is $or! o$ &*!an
$railt" (as #are$*ll" st*%ie% an% *n%erstoo% b" t&e Press+
For t&is #lass o$ blo#,&ea%s t&e Fran,$*rter Oeit*ng (o*l% be a#,no(le%ge% as t&e essen#e o$ respe#tabilit"+ It al(a"s
#are$*ll" aoi%e% #alling a spa%e a spa%e+ It %epre#ate% t&e *se o$ eer" $or! o$ p&"si#al $or#e an% persistentl" appeale% to
t&e nobilit" o$ $ig&ting (it& Mintelle#t*al (eapons+ 8*t t&is $ig&t, #*rio*sl" eno*g&, (as !ost pop*lar (it& t&e least
intelle#t*al #lasses+ T&at is one o$ t&e res*lts o$ o*r %e$e#tie e%*#ation, (&i#& t*rns t&e "o*t& a(a" $ro! t&e instin#tie
%i#tates o$ .at*re, p*!ps into t&e! a #ertain a!o*nt o$ ,no(le%ge (it&o*t &o(eer being able to bring t&e! to (&at is
t&e s*pre!e a#t o$ ,no(ing+ To t&is en% %iligen#e an% goo%(ill are o$ no aail, i$ innate *n%erstan%ing $ail+ T&is $inal
,no(le%ge at (&i#& !an !*st ai! is t&e *n%erstan%ing o$ #a*ses (&i#& are instin#tiel" per#eie%+
'et !e e5plain4 )an !*st not $all into t&e error o$ t&in,ing t&at &e (as eer !eant to be#o!e lor% an% !aster o$ .at*re+
A lopsi%e% e%*#ation &as &elpe% to en#o*rage t&at ill*sion+ )an !*st reali>e t&at a $*n%a!ental la( o$ ne#essit" reigns
t&ro*g&o*t t&e (&ole real! o$ .at*re an% t&at &is e5isten#e is s*b0e#t to t&e la( o$ eternal str*ggle an% stri$e+ He (ill t&en
$eel t&at t&ere #annot be a separate la( $or !an,in% in a (orl% in (&i#& planets an% s*ns $ollo( t&eir orbits, (&ere !oons
an% planets tra#e t&eir %estine% pat&s, (&ere t&e strong are al(a"s t&e !asters o$ t&e (ea, an% (&ere t&ose s*b0e#t to s*#&
la(s !*st obe" t&e! or be %estro"e%+ )an !*st also s*b!it to t&e eternal prin#iples o$ t&is s*pre!e (is%o!+ He !a" tr"
to *n%erstan% t&e! b*t &e #an neer $ree &i!sel$ $ro! t&eir s(a"+
It is 0*st $or intelle#t*al %e!i1!on%e t&at t&e -e( (rites t&ose papers (&i#& &e #alls &is Mintelle#t*al Press+ For t&e! t&e
Fran,$*rter Oeit*ng an% 8erliner Tageblatt are (ritten, t&e tone being a%apte% to t&e!, an% it is oer t&ese people t&at
s*#& papers &ae an in$l*en#e+ 3&ile st*%io*sl" aoi%ing all $or!s o$ e5pression t&at !ig&t stri,e t&e rea%er as #r*%e, t&e
poison is in0e#te% $ro! ot&er ials into t&e &earts o$ t&e #lientele+ T&e e$$eres#ent tone an% t&e $ine p&raseolog" l*g t&e
rea%ers into belieing t&at a loe $or ,no(le%ge an% !oral prin#iple is t&e sole %riing $or#e t&at %eter!ines t&e poli#" o$
s*#& papers, (&ereas in realit" t&ese $eat*res represent a #*nning (a" o$ %isar!ing an" opposition t&at !ig&t be %ire#te%
against t&e -e(s an% t&eir Press+
T&e" !a,e s*#& a para%e o$ respe#tabilit" t&at t&e i!be#ile rea%ers are all t&e !ore rea%" to beliee t&at t&e e5#esses
(&i#& ot&er papers in%*lge in are onl" o$ a !il% nat*re an% not s*#& as to (arrant legal a#tion being ta,en against t&e!+
In%ee% s*#& a#tion !ig&t trespass on t&e $ree%o! o$ t&e Press, t&at e5pression being a e*p&e!is! *n%er (&i#& s*#&
papers es#ape legal p*nis&!ent $or %e#eiing t&e p*bli# an% poisoning t&e p*bli# !in%+ Hen#e t&e a*t&orities are er"
slo( in%ee% to ta,e an" steps against t&ese 0o*rnalisti# ban%its $or $ear o$ i!!e%iatel" alienating t&e s"!pat&" o$ t&e so1
#alle% respe#table Press+ A $ear t&at is onl" too (ell $o*n%e%, $or t&e !o!ent an" atte!pt is !a%e to pro#ee% against an"
!e!ber o$ t&e g*tter press all t&e ot&ers r*s& to its assistan#e at on#e, not in%ee% to s*pport its poli#" b*t si!pl" an%
solel" to %e$en% t&e prin#iple o$ $ree%o! o$ t&e Press an% libert" o$ p*bli# opinion+ T&is o*t#r" (ill s*##ee% in #o(ering
t&e !ost stal(artC $or it #o!es $ro! t&e !o*t& o$ (&at is #alle% %e#ent 0o*rnalis!+
An% so t&is poison (as allo(e% to enter t&e national bloo%strea! an% in$e#t p*bli# li$e (it&o*t t&e Aoern!ent ta,ing an"
e$$e#t*al !eas*res to !aster t&e #o*rse o$ t&e %isease+ T&e ri%i#*lo*s &al$1!eas*res t&at (ere ta,en (ere in t&e!seles an
in%i#ation o$ t&e pro#ess o$ %isintegration t&at (as alrea%" t&reatening to brea, *p t&e E!pire+ For an instit*tion
pra#ti#all" s*rren%ers its e5isten#e (&en it is no longer %eter!ine% to %e$en% itsel$ (it& all t&e (eapons at its #o!!an%+
Eer" &al$1!eas*re is t&e o*t(ar% e5pression o$ an internal pro#ess o$ %e#a" (&i#& !*st lea% to an e5ternal #ollapse
sooner or later+
I beliee t&at o*r present generation (o*l% easil" !aster t&is %anger i$ t&e" (ere rig&tl" le%+ For t&is generation &as gone
t&ro*g& #ertain e5perien#es (&i#& !*st &ae strengt&ene% t&e neres o$ all t&ose (&o %i% not be#o!e nero*sl" bro,en b"
t&e!+ Certainl" in %a"s to #o!e t&e -e(s (ill raise a tre!en%o*s #r" t&ro*g&o*t t&eir ne(spapers on#e a &an% is lai% on
t&eir $ao*rite nest, on#e a !oe is !a%e to p*t an en% to t&is s#an%alo*s Press an% on#e t&is instr*!ent (&i#& s&apes
p*bli# opinion is bro*g&t *n%er State #ontrol an% no longer le$t in t&e &an%s o$ aliens an% ene!ies o$ t&e people+ I a!
#ertain t&at t&is (ill be easier $or *s t&an it (as $or o*r $at&ers+ T&e s#rea! o$ t&e t(ele1in#& s&rapnel is !ore
penetrating t&an t&e &iss $ro! a t&o*san% -e(is& ne(spaper ipers+ T&ere$ore let t&e! go on (it& t&eir &issing+
A $*rt&er e5a!ple o$ t&e (ea, an% &esitating (a" in (&i#& ital national proble!s (ere %ealt (it& in pre13ar Aer!an" is
t&e $ollo(ing4 Han% in &an% (it& t&e politi#al an% !oral pro#ess o$ in$e#ting t&e nation, $or !an" "ears an e/*all"
ir*lent pro#ess o$ in$e#tion &a% been atta#,ing t&e p*bli# &ealt& o$ t&e people+ In large #ities, parti#*larl", s"p&ilis
stea%il" in#rease% an% t*ber#*losis ,ept pa#e (it& it in reaping its &arest o$ %eat& al!ost in eer" part o$ t&e #o*ntr"+
Alt&o*g& in bot& #ases t&e e$$e#t on t&e nation (as alar!ing, it see!e% as i$ nobo%" (as in a position to *n%erta,e an"
%e#isie !eas*res against t&ese s#o*rges+
In t&e #ase o$ s"p&ilis espe#iall" t&e attit*%e o$ t&e State an% p*bli# bo%ies (as one o$ absol*te #apit*lation+ To #o!bat t&is
state o$ a$$airs so!et&ing o$ $ar (i%er s(eep s&o*l% &ae been *n%erta,en t&an (as reall" %one+ T&e %is#oer" o$ a re!e%"
(&i#& is o$ a /*estionable nat*re an% t&e e5#ellent (a" in (&i#& it (as pla#e% on t&e !ar,et (ere onl" o$ little assistan#e
in $ig&ting s*#& a s#o*rge+ Here again t&e onl" #o*rse to a%opt is to atta#, t&e %isease in its #a*ses rat&er t&an in its
s"!pto!s+ 8*t in t&is #ase t&e pri!ar" #a*se is to be $o*n% in t&e !anner in (&i#& loe &as been prostit*te%+ Een t&o*g&
t&is %i% not %ire#tl" bring abo*t t&e $ear$*l %isease itsel$, t&e nation !*st still s*$$er serio*s %a!age t&ereb", $or t&e !oral
&ao# res*lting $ro! t&is prostit*tion (o*l% be s*$$i#ient to bring abo*t t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e nation, slo(l" b*t s*rel"+
T&is -*%ai>ing o$ o*r spirit*al li$e an% !a!!oni>ing o$ o*r nat*ral instin#t $or pro#reation (ill sooner or later (or,
&ao# (it& o*r (&ole posterit"+ For instea% o$ strong, &ealt&" #&il%ren, blesse% (it& nat*ral $eelings, (e s&all see
!iserable spe#i!ens o$ &*!anit" res*lting $ro! e#ono!i# #al#*lation+ For e#ono!i# #onsi%erations are be#o!ing !ore
an% !ore t&e $o*n%ations o$ !arriage an% t&e sole preli!inar" #on%ition o$ it+ An% loe loo,s $or an o*tlet else(&ere+
Here, as else(&ere, one !a" %e$" .at*re $or a #ertain perio% o$ ti!eC b*t sooner or later s&e (ill ta,e &er ine5orable
reenge+ An% (&en !an reali>es t&is tr*t& it is o$ten too late+
O*r o(n nobilit" $*rnis&es an e5a!ple o$ t&e %eastating #onse/*en#es t&at $ollo( $ro! a persistent re$*sal to re#ogni>e
t&e pri!ar" #on%itions ne#essar" $or nor!al (e%lo#,+ Here (e are openl" bro*g&t $a#e to $a#e (it& t&e res*lts o$ t&ose
repro%*#tie &abits (&i#& on t&e one &an% are %eter!ine% b" so#ial press*re an%, on t&e ot&er, b" $inan#ial #onsi%erations+
T&e one lea%s to in&erite% %ebilit" an% t&e ot&er to a%*lteration o$ t&e bloo%1strainC $or all t&e -e(is& %a*g&ters o$ t&e
%epart!ent store proprietors are loo,e% *pon as eligible !ates to #o1operate in propagating His 'or%s&ips sto#,+ An% t&e
sto#, #ertainl" loo,s it+ All t&is lea%s to absol*te %egeneration+ .o(a%a"s o*r bo*rgeoise are !a,ing e$$orts to $ollo( in
t&e sa!e pat&, T&e" (ill #o!e to t&e sa!e 0o*rne"s en%+
T&ese *npleasant tr*t&s are &astil" an% non#&alantl" br*s&e% asi%e, as i$ b" so %oing t&e real state o$ a$$airs #o*l% also be
abolis&e%+ 8*t no+ It #annot be %enie% t&at t&e pop*lation o$ o*r great to(ns an% #ities is ten%ing !ore an% !ore to aail
o$ prostit*tion in t&e e5er#ise o$ its a!oro*s instin#ts an% is t&*s be#o!ing !ore an% !ore #onta!inate% b" t&e s#o*rge o$
enereal %isease+ On t&e one &an%, t&e isible e$$e#ts o$ t&is !ass1in$e#tion #an be obsere% in o*r insane as"l*!s an%, on
t&e ot&er &an%, alasN a!ong t&e #&il%ren at &o!e+ T&ese are t&e %ole$*l an% tragi# (itnesses to t&e stea%il" in#reasing
s#o*rge t&at is poisoning o*r se5*al li$e+ T&eir s*$$erings are t&e isible res*lts o$ parental i#e+
T&ere are !an" (a"s o$ be#o!ing resigne% to t&is *npleasant an% terrible $a#t+ )an" people go abo*t seeing not&ing or, to
be !ore #orre#t, not (anting to see an"t&ing+ T&is is b" $ar t&e si!plest an% #&eapest attit*%e to a%opt+ Ot&ers #oer
t&e!seles in t&e sa#re% !antle o$ pr*%er", as ri%i#*lo*s as it is $alse+ T&e" %es#ribe t&e (&ole #on%ition o$ a$$airs as
sin$*l an% are pro$o*n%l" in%ignant (&en bro*g&t $a#e to $a#e (it& a i#ti!+ T&e" #lose t&eir e"es in reeren% ab&orren#e
to t&is go%less s#o*rge an% pra" to t&e Al!ig&t" t&at He 1 i$ possible a$ter t&eir o(n %eat& 1 !a" rain %o(n $ire an%
bri!stone as on So%o! an% Ao!orra& an% so on#e again !a,e an o*t stan%ing e5a!ple o$ t&is s&a!eless se#tion o$
&*!anit"+ Finall", t&ere are t&ose (&o are (ell a(are o$ t&e terrible res*lts (&i#& t&is s#o*rge (ill an% !*st bring abo*t,
b*t t&e" !erel" s&r*g t&eir s&o*l%ers, $*ll" #onin#e% o$ t&eir inabilit" to *n%erta,e an"t&ing against t&is peril+ Hen#e
!atters are allo(e% to ta,e t&eir o(n #o*rse+
Un%o*bte%l" all t&is is er" #onenient an% si!ple, onl" it !*st not be oerloo,e% t&at t&is #onenient (a" o$ approa#&ing
t&ings #an &ae $atal #onse/*en#es $or o*r national li$e+ T&e e5#*se t&at ot&er nations are also not $aring an" better %oes
not alter t&e $a#t o$ o*r o(n %eterioration, e5#ept t&at t&e $eeling o$ s"!pat&" $or ot&er stri#,en nations !a,es o*r o(n
s*$$ering easier to bear+ 8*t t&e i!portant /*estion t&at arises &ere is4 3&i#& nation (ill be t&e $irst to ta,e t&e initiatie
in !astering t&is s#o*rge, an% (&i#& nations (ill s*##*!b to it@ T&is (ill be t&e $inal *ps&ot o$ t&e (&ole sit*ation+ T&e
present is a perio% o$ probation $or ra#ial al*es+ T&e ra#e t&at $ails to #o!e t&ro*g& t&e test (ill si!pl" %ie o*t an% its
pla#e (ill be ta,en b" t&e &ealt&ier an% stronger ra#es, (&i#& (ill be able to en%*re greater &ar%s&ips+ As t&is proble!
pri!aril" #on#erns posterit", it belongs to t&at #ategor" o$ (&i#& it is sai% (it& terrible 0*sti$i#ation t&at t&e sins o$ t&e
$at&ers are isite% on t&eir o$$spring *nto t&e tent& generation+ T&is is a #onse/*en#e (&i#& $ollo(s on an in$ringe!ent o$
t&e la(s o$ bloo% an% ra#e+
T&e sin against bloo% an% ra#e is t&e &ere%itar" sin in t&is (orl% an% it brings %isaster on eer" nation t&at #o!!its it+
T&e attit*%e to(ar%s t&is one ital proble! in pre13ar Aer!an" (as !ost regrettable+ 3&at !eas*res (ere *n%erta,en to
arrest t&e in$e#tion o$ o*r "o*t& in t&e large #ities@ 3&at (as %one to p*t an en% to t&e #onta!ination an% !a!!oni>ation
o$ se5*al li$e a!ong *s@ 3&at (as %one to $ig&t t&e res*ltant sprea%ing o$ s"p&ilis t&ro*g&o*t t&e (&ole o$ o*r national
li$e@ T&e repl" to t&is /*estion #an best be ill*strate% b" s&o(ing (&at s&o*l% &ae been %one+
Instea% o$ ta#,ling t&is proble! in a &ap&a>ar% (a", t&e a*t&orities s&o*l% &ae reali>e% t&at t&e $ort*nes or !is$ort*nes
o$ $*t*re generations %epen%e% on its sol*tion+ 8*t to a%!it t&is (o*l% &ae %e!an%e% t&at a#tie !eas*res be #arrie% o*t
in a r*t&less !anner+ T&e pri!ar" #on%ition (o*l% &ae been t&at t&e enlig&tene% attention o$ t&e (&ole #o*ntr" s&o*l%
be #on#entrate% on t&is terrible %anger, so t&at eer" in%ii%*al (o*l% reali>e t&e i!portan#e o$ $ig&ting against it+ It
(o*l% be $*tile to i!pose obligations o$ a %e$inite #&ara#ter 1 (&i#& are o$ten %i$$i#*lt to bear 1 an% e5pe#t t&e! to be#o!e
generall" e$$e#tie, *nless t&e p*bli# be t&oro*g&l" instr*#te% on t&e ne#essit" o$ i!posing an% a##epting s*#& obligations+
T&is %e!an%s a (i%esprea% an% s"ste!ati# !et&o% o$ enlig&ten!ent an% all ot&er %ail" proble!s t&at !ig&t %istra#t
p*bli# attention $ro! t&is great #entral proble! s&o*l% be relegate% to t&e ba#,gro*n%+
In eer" #ase (&ere t&ere are e5igen#ies or tas,s t&at see! i!possible to %eal (it& s*##ess$*ll" p*bli# opinion !*st be
#on#entrate% on t&e one proble!, *n%er t&e #oni#tion t&at t&e sol*tion o$ t&is proble! alone is a !atter o$ li$e or %eat&+
Onl" in t&is (a" #an p*bli# interest be aro*se% to s*#& a pit#& as (ill *rge people to #o!bine in a great ol*ntar" e$$ort
an% a#&iee i!portant res*lts+
T&is $*n%a!ental tr*t& applies also to t&e in%ii%*al, proi%e% &e is %esiro*s o$ attaining so!e great en%+ He !*st al(a"s
#on#entrate &is e$$orts to one %e$initel" li!ite% stage o$ &is progress (&i#& &as to be #o!plete% be$ore t&e ne5t step be
atte!pte%+ T&ose (&o %o not en%eao*r to reali>e t&eir ai!s step b" step an% (&o %o not #on#entrate t&eir energ" in
rea#&ing t&e in%ii%*al stages, (ill neer attain t&e $inal ob0e#tie+ At so!e stage or ot&er t&e" (ill $alter an% $ail+ T&is
s"ste!ati# (a" o$ approa#&ing an ob0e#tie is an art in itsel$, an% al(a"s #alls $or t&e e5pen%it*re o$ eer" o*n#e o$ energ"
in or%er to #on/*er step a$ter step o$ t&e roa%+
T&ere$ore t&e !ost essential preli!inar" #on%ition ne#essar" $or an atta#, on s*#& a %i$$i#*lt stage o$ t&e &*!an roa% is
t&at t&e a*t&orities s&o*l% s*##ee% in #onin#ing t&e !asses t&at t&e i!!e%iate ob0e#tie (&i#& is no( being $o*g&t $or is
t&e onl" one t&at %eseres to be #onsi%ere% an% t&e onl" one on (&i#& eer"t&ing %epen%s+ T&e broa% !asses are neer
able #learl" to see t&e (&ole stret#& o$ t&e roa% l"ing in $ront o$ t&e! (it&o*t be#o!ing tire% an% t&*s losing $ait& in t&eir
abilit" to #o!plete t&e tas,+ To a #ertain e5tent t&e" (ill ,eep t&e ob0e#tie in !in%, b*t t&e" are onl" able to s*re" t&e
(&ole roa% in s!all stages, as in t&e #ase o$ t&e traeller (&o ,no(s (&ere &is 0o*rne" is going to en% b*t (&o !asters t&e
en%less stret#& $ar better b" atta#,ing it in %egrees+ Onl" in t&is (a" #an &e ,eep *p &is %eter!ination to rea#& t&e $inal
It is in t&is (a", (it& t&e assistan#e o$ eer" $or! o$ propagan%a, t&at t&e proble! o$ $ig&ting enereal %isease s&o*l% be
pla#e% be$ore t&e p*bli# 1 not as a tas, $or t&e nation b*t as t&e !ain tas,+ Eer" possible !eans s&o*l% be e!plo"e% to
bring t&e tr*t& abo*t t&is s#o*rge &o!e to t&e !in%s o$ t&e people, *ntil t&e (&ole nation &as been #onin#e% t&at
eer"t&ing %epen%s on t&e sol*tion o$ t&is proble!C t&at is to sa", a &ealt&" $*t*re or national %e#a"+
Onl" a$ter s*#& preparator" !eas*res 1 i$ ne#essar" sprea% oer a perio% o$ !an" "ears 1 (ill p*bli# attention an% p*bli#
resol*tion be $*ll" aro*se%, an% onl" t&en #an serio*s an% %e$inite !eas*res be *n%erta,en (it&o*t r*nning t&e ris, o$ not
being $*ll" *n%erstoo% or o$ being s*%%enl" $a#e% (it& a sla#,ening o$ t&e p*bli# (ill+ It !*st be !a%e #lear to all t&at a
serio*s $ig&t against t&is s#o*rge #alls $or ast sa#ri$i#es an% an enor!o*s a!o*nt o$ (or,+
To (age (ar against s"p&ilis !eans $ig&ting against prostit*tion, against pre0*%i#e, against ol%1establis&e% #*sto!s,
against #*rrent $as&ion, p*bli# opinion, an%, last b*t not least, against $alse pr*%er" in #ertain #ir#les+
T&e $irst preli!inar" #on%ition to be $*l$ille% be$ore t&e State #an #lai! a !oral rig&t to $ig&t against all t&ese t&ings is
t&at t&e "o*ng generation s&o*l% be a$$or%e% $a#ilities $or #ontra#ting earl" !arriages+ 'ate !arriages &ae t&e san#tion o$
a #*sto! (&i#&, $ro! (&ateer angle (e ie( it, is an% (ill re!ain a %isgra#e to &*!anit"+
Prostit*tion is a %isgra#e to &*!anit" an% #annot be re!oe% si!pl" b" #&aritable or a#a%e!i# !et&o%s+ Its restri#tion an%
$inal e5ter!ination pres*pposes t&e re!oal o$ a (&ole series o$ #ontrib*tor" #ir#*!stan#es+ T&e $irst re!e%" !*st al(a"s
be to establis& s*#& #on%itions as (ill !a,e earl" !arriages possible, espe#iall" $or "o*ng !en 1 $or (o!en are, a$ter all,
onl" passie s*b0e#ts in t&is !atter+
An ill*stration o$ t&e e5tent to (&i#& people &ae so o$ten been le% astra" no(a%a"s is a$$or%e% b" t&e $a#t t&at not
in$re/*entl" one &ears !ot&ers in so1#alle% Mbetter #ir#les openl" e5pressing t&eir satis$a#tion at &aing $o*n% as a
&*sban% $or t&eir %a*g&ter a !an (&o &as alrea%" so(n &is (il% oats, et#+ As t&ere is *s*all" so little s&ortage in !en o$
t&is t"pe, t&e poor girl $in%s no %i$$i#*lt" in getting a !ate o$ t&is %es#ription, an% t&e #&il%ren o$ t&is !arriage are a
isible res*lt o$ s*#& s*ppose%l" sensible *nions+
3&en one reali>es, apart $ro! t&is, t&at eer" possible e$$ort is being !a%e to &in%er t&e pro#ess o$ pro#reation an% t&at
.at*re is being (il$*ll" #&eate% o$ &er rig&ts, t&ere re!ains reall" onl" one /*estion4 3&" is s*#& an instit*tion as
!arriage still in e5isten#e, an% (&at are its $*n#tions@ Is it reall" not&ing better t&an prostit*tion@ =oes o*r %*t" to
posterit" no longer pla" an" part@ Or %o people not reali>e t&e nat*re o$ t&e #*rse t&e" are in$li#ting on t&e!seles an%
t&eir o$$spring b" s*#& #ri!inall" $oolis& negle#t o$ one o$ t&e pri!ar" la(s o$ .at*re@ T&is is &o( #iili>e% nations
%egenerate an% gra%*all" peris&+
)arriage is not an en% in itsel$ b*t !*st sere t&e greater en%, (&i#& is t&at o$ in#reasing an% !aintaining t&e &*!an
spe#ies an% t&e ra#e+ T&is is its onl" !eaning an% p*rpose+
T&is being a%!itte%, t&en it is #lear t&at t&e instit*tion o$ !arriage !*st be 0*%ge% b" t&e !anner in (&i#& its allotte%
$*n#tion is $*l$ille%+ T&ere$ore earl" !arriages s&o*l% be t&e r*le, be#a*se t&*s t&e "o*ng #o*ple (ill still &ae t&at
pristine $or#e (&i#& is t&e $o*ntain &ea% o$ a &ealt&" posterit" (it& *ni!paire% po(ers o$ resistan#e+ O$ #o*rse earl"
!arriages #annot be !a%e t&e r*le *nless a (&ole series o$ so#ial !eas*res are $irst *n%erta,en (it&o*t (&i#& earl"
!arriages #annot be een t&o*g&t o$ + In ot&er (or%s, a sol*tion o$ t&is /*estion, (&i#& see!s a s!all proble! in itsel$,
#annot be bro*g&t abo*t (it&o*t a%opting ra%i#al !eas*res to alter t&e so#ial ba#,gro*n%+ T&e i!portan#e o$ s*#&
!eas*res o*g&t to be st*%ie% an% properl" esti!ate%, espe#iall" at a ti!e (&en t&e so1#alle% Mso#ial Rep*bli# &as s&o(n
itsel$ *nable to sole t&e &o*sing proble! an% t&*s &as !a%e it i!possible $or inn*!erable #o*ples to get !arrie%+ T&at
sort o$ poli#" prepares t&e (a" $or t&e $*rt&er a%an#e o$ prostit*tion+
Anot&er reason (&" earl" !arriages are i!possible is o*r nonsensi#al !et&o% o$ reg*lating t&e s#ale o$ salaries, (&i#&
pa"s $ar too little attention to t&e proble! o$ $a!il" s*pport+ Prostit*tion, t&ere$ore, #an onl" be reall" serio*sl" ta#,le% i$,
b" !eans o$ a ra%i#al so#ial re$or!, earl" !arriage is !a%e easier t&an &it&erto+ T&is is t&e $irst preli!inar" ne#essit" $or
t&e sol*tion o$ t&is proble!+
Se#on%l", a (&ole series o$ $alse notions !*st be era%i#ate% $ro! o*r s"ste! o$ bringing *p an% e%*#ating #&il%ren 1
t&ings (&i#& &it&erto no one see!s to &ae (orrie% abo*t+ In o*r present e%*#ational s"ste! a balan#e (ill &ae to be
establis&e%, $irst an% $ore!ost, bet(een !ental instr*#tion an% p&"si#al training+
3&at is ,no(n as A"!nasi*! FAra!!ar S#&oolG to1%a" is a positie ins*lt to t&e Aree, instit*tion+ O*r s"ste! o$
e%*#ation entirel" loses sig&t o$ t&e $a#t t&at in t&e long r*n a &ealt&" !in% #an e5ist onl" in a &ealt&" bo%"+ T&is
state!ent, (it& $e( e5#eptions, applies parti#*larl" to t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e nation+
In t&e pre13ar Aer!an" t&ere (as a ti!e (&en no one too, t&e tro*ble to t&in, oer t&is tr*t&+ Training o$ t&e bo%" (as
#ri!inall" negle#te%, t&e one1si%e% training o$ t&e !in% being regar%e% as a s*$$i#ient g*arantee $or t&e nations greatness+
T&is !ista,e (as %estine% to s&o( its e$$e#ts sooner t&an &a% been anti#ipate%+ It is not p*re #&an#e t&at t&e 8ols&ei#
tea#&ing $lo*ris&es in t&ose regions (&ose %egenerate pop*lation &as been bro*g&t to t&e erge o$ staration, as, $or
e5a!ple, in t&e #ase o$ Central Aer!an", Sa5on", an% t&e R*&r Balle"+ In all t&ese %istri#ts t&ere is a !ar,e% absen#e o$
an" serio*s resistan#e, een b" t&e so1#alle% intelle#t*al #lasses, against t&is -e(is& #ontagion+ An% t&e si!ple reason is
t&at t&e intelle#t*al #lasses are t&e!seles p&"si#all" %egenerate, not t&ro*g& priation b*t t&ro*g& e%*#ation+ T&e
e5#l*sie intelle#t*alis! o$ t&e e%*#ation in og*e a!ong o*r *pper #lasses !a,es t&e! *n$it $or li$es str*ggle at an
epo#& in (&i#& p&"si#al $or#e an% not !in% is t&e %o!inating $a#tor+ T&*s t&e" are neit&er #apable o$ !aintaining
t&e!seles nor o$ !a,ing t&eir (a" in li$e+ In nearl" eer" #ase p&"si#al %isabilit" is t&e $orer*nner o$ personal #o(ar%i#e+
T&e e5traagant e!p&asis lai% on p*rel" intelle#t*al e%*#ation an% t&e #onse/*ent negle#t o$ p&"si#al training !*st
ne#essaril" lea% to se5*al t&o*g&ts in earl" "o*t&+ T&ose bo"s (&ose #onstit*tions &ae been traine% an% &ar%ene% b"
sports an% g"!nasti#s are less prone to se5*al in%*lgen#e t&an t&ose sta"1at1&o!es (&o &ae been $e% e5#l*siel" (it&
!ental pab*l*!+ So*n% !et&o%s o$ e%*#ation #annot, &o(eer, a$$or% to %isregar% t&is, an% (e !*st not $orget t&at t&e
e5pe#tations o$ a &ealt&" "o*ng !an $ro! a (o!an (ill %i$$er $ro! t&ose o$ a (ea,ling (&o &as been pre!at*rel"
T&*s in eer" bran#& o$ o*r e%*#ation t&e %a"s #*rri#*l*! !*st be arrange% so as to o##*p" a bo"s $ree ti!e in
pro$itable %eelop!ent o$ &is p&"si#al po(ers+ He &as no rig&t in t&ose "ears to loa$ abo*t, be#o!ing a n*isan#e in p*bli#
streets an% in #ine!asC b*t (&en &is %a"s (or, is %one &e o*g&t to &ar%en &is "o*ng bo%" so t&at &is strengt& !a" not be
$o*n% (anting (&en t&e o##asion arises+ To prepare $or t&is an% to #arr" it o*t s&o*l% be t&e $*n#tion o$ o*r e%*#ational
s"ste! an% not e5#l*siel" to p*!p in ,no(le%ge or (is%o!+ O*r s#&ool s"ste! !*st also ri% itsel$ o$ t&e notion t&at t&e
training o$ t&e bo%" is a tas, t&at s&o*l% be le$t to t&e in%ii%*al &i!sel$+ T&ere is no s*#& t&ing as allo(ing $ree%o! o$
#&oi#e to sin against posterit" an% t&*s against t&e ra#e+
T&e $ig&t against poll*tion o$ t&e !in% !*st be (age% si!*ltaneo*sl" (it& t&e training o$ t&e bo%"+ To1%a" t&e (&ole o$
o*r p*bli# li$e !a" be #o!pare% to a &ot1&o*se $or t&e $or#e% gro(t& o$ se5*al notions an% in#ite!ents+ A glan#e at t&e
bill1o$1$are proi%e% b" o*r #ine!as, pla"&o*ses, an% t&eatres s*$$i#es to proe t&at t&is is not t&e rig&t $oo%, espe#iall" $or
o*r "o*ng people+ Hoar%ings an% a%ertise!ents ,ios,s #o!bine to attra#t t&e p*bli# in t&e !ost *lgar !anner+ An"one
(&o &as not altoget&er lost #onta#t (it& a%oles#ent "earnings (ill reali>e t&at all t&is !*st &ae er" grae #onse/*en#es+
T&is se%*#tie an% sens*o*s at!osp&ere p*ts notions into t&e &ea%s o$ o*r "o*t& (&i#&, at t&eir age, o*g&t still to be
*n,no(n to t&e!+ Un$ort*natel", t&e res*lts o$ t&is ,in% o$ e%*#ation #an best be seen in o*r #onte!porar" "o*t& (&o are
pre!at*rel" gro(n *p an% t&ere$ore ol% be$ore t&eir ti!e+ T&e la( #o*rts $ro! ti!e to ti!e t&ro( a %istressing lig&t on
t&e spirit*al li$e o$ o*r 141 an% 161"ear ol% #&il%ren+ 3&o, t&ere$ore, (ill be s*rprise% to learn t&at enereal %isease #lai!s
its i#ti!s at t&is age@ An% is it not a $rig&t$*l s&a!e to see t&e n*!ber o$ p&"si#all" (ea, an% intelle#t*all" spoile%
"o*ng !en (&o &ae been intro%*#e% to t&e !"steries o$ !arriage b" t&e (&ores o$ t&e big #ities@
.oC t&ose (&o (ant serio*sl" to #o!bat prostit*tion !*st $irst o$ all assist in re!oing t&e spirit*al #on%itions on (&i#& it
t&ries+ T&e" (ill &ae to #lean *p t&e !oral poll*tion o$ o*r #it" M#*lt*re $earlessl" an% (it&o*t regar% $or t&e o*t#r" t&at
(ill $ollo(+ I$ (e %o not %rag o*r "o*t& o*t o$ t&e !orass o$ t&eir present eniron!ent t&e" (ill be eng*l$e% b" it+ T&ose
people (&o %o not (ant to see t&ese t&ings are %eliberatel" en#o*raging t&e! an% are g*ilt" o$ sprea%ing t&e e$$e#ts o$
prostit*tion to t&e $*t*re 1 $or t&e $*t*re belongs to o*r "o*ng generation+ T&is pro#ess o$ #leansing o*r M;*lt*r (ill &ae
to be applie% in pra#ti#all" all sp&eres+ T&e stage, art, literat*re, t&e #ine!a, t&e Press an% a%ertise!ent posters, all !*st
&ae t&e stains o$ poll*tion re!oe% an% be pla#e% in t&e seri#e o$ a national an% #*lt*ral i%ea+ T&e li$e o$ t&e people
!*st be $ree% $ro! t&e asp&"5iating per$*!e o$ o*r !o%ern eroti#is! an% also $ro! eer" *n!anl" an% pr*%is& $or! o$
insin#erit"+ In all t&ese t&ings t&e ai! an% t&e !et&o% !*st be %eter!ine% b" t&o*g&t$*l #onsi%eration $or t&e preseration
o$ o*r national (ell1being in bo%" an% so*l+ T&e rig&t to personal $ree%o! #o!es se#on% in i!portan#e to t&e %*t" o$
!aintaining t&e ra#e+
Onl" a$ter s*#& !eas*res &ae been p*t into pra#ti#e #an a !e%i#al #a!paign against t&is s#o*rge begin (it& so!e &ope
o$ s*##ess+ 8*t, &ere again, &al$1!eas*res (ill be al*eless+ Far1rea#&ing an% i!portant %e#isions (ill &ae to be !a%e+ It
(o*l% be %oing t&ings b" &ales i$ in#*rables (ere gien t&e opport*nit" o$ in$e#ting one &ealt&" person a$ter anot&er+
T&is (o*l% be t&at ,in% o$ &*!anitarianis! (&i#& (o*l% allo( &*n%re%s to peris& in or%er to sae t&e s*$$ering o$ one
in%ii%*al+ T&e %e!an% t&at it s&o*l% be !a%e i!possible $or %e$e#tie people to #ontin*e to propagate %e$e#tie o$$spring
is a %e!an% t&at is base% on !ost reasonable gro*n%s, an% its proper $*l$il!ent is t&e !ost &*!ane tas, t&at !an,in% &as
to $a#e+ Un&app" an% *n%esere% s*$$ering in !illions o$ #ases (ill be spare%, (it& t&e res*lt t&at t&ere (ill be a gra%*al
i!proe!ent in national &ealt&+ A %eter!ine% %e#ision to a#t in t&is !anner (ill at t&e sa!e ti!e proi%e an obsta#le
against t&e $*rt&er sprea% o$ enereal %isease+ It (o*l% t&en be a #ase, (&ere ne#essar", o$ !er#ilessl" isolating all
in#*rables 1 per&aps a barbari# !eas*re $or t&ose *n$ort*nates 1 b*t a blessing $or t&e present generation an% $or posterit"+
T&e te!porar" pain t&*s e5perien#e% in t&is #ent*r" #an an% (ill spare $*t*re t&o*san%s o$ generations $ro! s*$$ering+
T&e $ig&t against s"p&ilis an% its pa#e1!a,er, prostit*tion, is one o$ t&e giganti# tas,s o$ !an,in%C giganti#, be#a*se it is
not !erel" a #ase o$ soling a single proble! b*t t&e re!oal o$ a (&ole series o$ eils (&i#& are t&e #ontrib*tor" #a*ses
o$ t&is s#o*rge+ =isease o$ t&e bo%" in t&is #ase is !erel" t&e res*lt o$ a %isease% #on%ition o$ t&e !oral, so#ial, an% ra#ial
8*t i$ $or reasons o$ in%olen#e or #o(ar%i#e t&is $ig&t is not $o*g&t to a $inis& (e !a" i!agine (&at #on%itions (ill be li,e
677 "ears &en#e+ 'ittle o$ Ao%s i!age (ill be le$t in &*!an nat*re, e5#ept to !o#, t&e Creator+
8*t (&at &as been %one in Aer!an" to #o*ntera#t t&is s#o*rge@ I$ (e t&in, #al!l" oer t&e ans(er (e s&all $in% it
%istressing+ It is tr*e t&at in goern!ental #ir#les t&e terrible an% in0*rio*s e$$e#ts o$ t&is %isease (ere (ell ,no(n, b*t t&e
#o*nter1!eas*res (&i#& (ere o$$i#iall" a%opte% (ere ine$$e#tie an% a &opeless $ail*re+ T&e" tin,ere% (it& #*res $or t&e
s"!pto!s, (&oll" regar%less o$ t&e #a*se o$ t&e %isease+ Prostit*tes (ere !e%i#all" e5a!ine% an% #ontrolle% as $ar as
possible, an% (&en signs o$ in$e#tion (ere apparent t&e" (ere sent to &ospital + 3&en o*t(ar%l" #*re%, t&e" (ere on#e
!ore let loose on &*!anit"+
It is tr*e t&at Mprote#tie legislation (as intro%*#e% (&i#& !a%e se5*al inter#o*rse a p*nis&able o$$en#e $or all t&ose not
#o!pletel" #*re%, or t&ose s*$$ering $ro! enereal %isease+ T&is legislation (as #orre#t in t&eor", b*t in pra#ti#e it $aile%
#o!pletel"+ In t&e $irst pla#e, in t&e !a0orit" o$ #ases (o!en (ill %e#line to appear in #o*rt as (itnesses against !en (&o
&ae robbe% t&e! o$ t&eir &ealt&+ 3o!en (o*l% be e5pose% $ar !ore t&an !en to *n#&aritable re!ar,s in s*#& #ases, an%
one #an i!agine (&at t&eir position (o*l% be i$ t&e" &a% been in$e#te% b" t&eir o(n &*sban%s+ S&o*l% (o!en in t&at #ase
la" a #&arge@ Or (&at s&o*l% t&e" %o@
In t&e #ase o$ t&e !an t&ere is t&e a%%itional $a#t t&at &e $re/*entl" is *n$ort*nate eno*g& to r*n *p against t&is %anger
(&en &e is *n%er t&e in$l*en#e o$ al#o&ol+ His #on%ition !a,es it i!possible $or &i! to assess t&e /*alities o$ &is Ma!oro*s
bea*t", a $a#t (&i#& is (ell ,no(n to eer" %isease% prostit*te an% !a,es t&e! single o*t !en in t&is i%eal #on%ition $or
pre$eren#e+ T&e res*lt is t&at t&e *n$ort*nate !an is not able to re#olle#t later on (&o &is #o!passionate bene$a#tress (as,
(&i#& is not s*rprising in #ities li,e 8erlin an% )*ni#&+ )an" o$ s*#& #ases are isitors $ro! t&e proin#es (&o, &el%
spee#&less an% ent&ralle% b" t&e !agi# #&ar! o$ #it" li$e, be#o!e an eas" pre" $or prostit*tes+
In t&e $inal anal"sis (&o is able to sa" (&et&er &e &as been in$e#te% or not@
Are t&ere not inn*!erable #ases on re#or% (&ere an apparentl" #*re% person &as a relapse an% %oes *ntol% &ar! (it&o*t
,no(ing it@
T&ere$ore in pra#ti#e t&e res*lts o$ t&ese legislatie !eas*res are negatie+ T&e sa!e applies to t&e #ontrol o$ prostit*tion,
an%, $inall", een !e%i#al treat!ent an% #*re are no(a%a"s *nsa$e an% %o*bt$*l+ One t&ing onl" is #ertain+ T&e s#o*rge
&as sprea% $*rt&er an% $*rt&er in spite o$ all !eas*res, an% t&is alone s*$$i#es %e$initel" to sta!p an% s*bstantiate t&eir
Eer"t&ing else t&at (as *n%erta,en (as 0*st as ine$$i#ient as it (as abs*r%+ T&e spirit*al prostit*tion o$ t&e people (as
neit&er arreste% nor (as an"t&ing (&atsoeer *n%erta,en in t&is %ire#tion+
T&ose, &o(eer, (&o %o not regar% t&is s*b0e#t as a serio*s one (o*l% %o (ell to e5a!ine t&e statisti#al %ata o$ t&e sprea%
o$ t&is %isease, st*%" its gro(t& in t&e last #ent*r" an% #onte!plate t&e possibilities o$ its $*rt&er %eelop!ent+ T&e
or%inar" obserer, *nless &e (ere parti#*larl" st*pi%, (o*l% e5perien#e a #ol% s&*%%er i$ t&e position (ere !a%e #lear to
T&e &al$1&earte% an% (aering attit*%e a%opte% in pre13ar Aer!an" to(ar%s t&is ini/*ito*s #on%ition #an ass*re%l" be
ta,en as a isible sign o$ national %e#a"+ 3&en t&e #o*rage to $ig&t $or ones o(n &ealt& is no longer in ei%en#e, t&en t&e
rig&t to lie in t&is (orl% o$ str*ggle also #eases+
One o$ t&e isible signs o$ %e#a" in t&e ol% Rei#& (as t&e slo( setba#, (&i#& t&e general #*lt*ral leel e5perien#e%+ 8*t b"
M;*lt*r I %o not !ean t&at (&i#& (e no(a%a"s st"le as #iili>ation, (&i#& on t&e #ontrar" !a" rat&er be regar%e% as
ini!i#al to t&e spirit*al eleation o$ li$e+
At t&e t*rn o$ t&e last #ent*r" a ne( ele!ent began to !a,e its appearan#e in o*r (orl%+ It (as an ele!ent (&i#& &a% been
&it&erto absol*tel" *n,no(n an% $oreign to *s+ In $or!er ti!es t&ere &a% #ertainl" been o$$en#es against goo% tasteC b*t
t&ese (ere !ostl" %epart*res $ro! t&e ort&o%o5 #anons o$ art, an% posterit" #o*l% re#ogni>e a #ertain &istori#al al*e in
t&e!+ 8*t t&e ne( pro%*#ts s&o(e% signs, not onl" o$ artisti# aberration b*t o$ spirit*al %egeneration+ Here, in t&e #*lt*ral
sp&ere, t&e signs o$ t&e #o!ing #ollapse $irst be#a!e !ani$est+
T&e 8ols&ei>ation o$ art is t&e onl" #*lt*ral $or! o$ li$e an% t&e onl" spirit*al !ani$estation o$ (&i#& 8ols&eis! is
An"one to (&o! t&is state!ent !a" appear strange nee% onl" ta,e a glan#e at t&ose l*#," States (&i#& &ae be#o!e
8ols&ei>e% an%, to &is &orror, &e (ill t&ere re#ogni>e t&ose !orbi% !onstrosities (&i#& &ae been pro%*#e% b" insane
an% %egenerate people+ All t&ose artisti# aberrations (&i#& are #lassi$ie% *n%er t&e na!es o$ #*bis! an% %a%is!, sin#e t&e
opening o$ t&e present #ent*r", are !ani$estations o$ art (&i#& &ae #o!e to be o$$i#iall" re#ogni>e% b" t&e State itsel$+
T&is p&eno!enon !a%e its appearan#e een %*ring t&e s&ort1lie% perio% o$ t&e Soiet Rep*bli# in 8aaria+ At t&at ti!e
one !ig&t easil" &ae re#ogni>e% &o( all t&e o$$i#ial posters, propagan%ist pi#t*res an% ne(spapers, et#+, s&o(e% signs not
onl" o$ politi#al b*t also o$ #*lt*ral %e#a%en#e+
Abo*t si5t" "ears ago a politi#al #ollapse s*#& as (e are e5perien#ing to1%a" (o*l% &ae been 0*st as in#on#eiable as t&e
#*lt*ral %e#line (&i#& &as been !ani$este% in #*bist an% $*t*rist pi#t*res eer sin#e 1977+ Si5t" "ears ago an e5&ibition o$
so1#alle% %a%isti# Me5perien#es (o*l% &ae been an absol*tel" prepostero*s i%ea+ T&e organi>ers o$ s*#& an e5&ibition
(o*l% t&en &ae been #erti$ie% $or t&e l*nati# as"l*!, (&ereas, to1%a" t&e" are appointe% presi%ents o$ art so#ieties+ At
t&at ti!e s*#& an epi%e!i# (o*l% neer &ae been allo(e% to sprea%+ P*bli# opinion (o*l% not &ae tolerate% it, an% t&e
Aoern!ent (o*l% not &ae re!aine% silentC $or it is t&e %*t" o$ a Aoern!ent to sae its people $ro! being sta!pe%e%
into s*#& intelle#t*al !a%ness+ 8*t intelle#t*al !a%ness (o*l% &ae res*lte% $ro! a %eelop!ent t&at $ollo(e% t&e
a##eptan#e o$ t&is ,in% o$ art+ It (o*l% &ae !ar,e% one o$ t&e (orst #&anges in &*!an &istor"C $or it (o*l% &ae !eant
t&at a retrogressie pro#ess &a% beg*n to ta,e pla#e in t&e &*!an brain, t&e $inal stages o$ (&i#& (o*l% be *nt&in,able+
I$ (e st*%" t&e #o*rse o$ o*r #*lt*ral li$e %*ring t&e last t(ent"1$ie "ears (e s&all be astonis&e% to note &o( $ar (e &ae
alrea%" gone in t&is pro#ess o$ retrogression+ Eer"(&ere (e $in% t&e presen#e o$ t&ose ger!s (&i#& gie rise to
prot*berant gro(t&s t&at !*st sooner or later bring abo*t t&e r*in o$ o*r #*lt*re+ Here (e $in% *n%o*bte% s"!pto!s o$
slo( #orr*ptionC an% (oe to t&e nations t&at are no longer able to bring t&at !orbi% pro#ess to a &alt+
In al!ost all t&e ario*s $iel%s o$ Aer!an art an% #*lt*re t&ose !orbi% p&eno!ena !a" be obsere%+ Here eer"t&ing
see!s to &ae passe% t&e #*l!inating point o$ its e5#ellen#e an% to &ae entere% t&e #*re o$ a &ast" %e#line+ At t&e
beginning o$ t&e #ent*r" t&e t&eatres see!e% alrea%" %egenerating an% #easing to be #*lt*ral $a#tors, e5#ept t&e Co*rt
t&eatres, (&i#& oppose% t&is prostit*tion o$ t&e national art+ 3it& t&ese e5#eptions, an% also a $e( ot&er %e#ent
instit*tions, t&e pla"s pro%*#e% on t&e stage (ere o$ s*#& a nat*re t&at t&e people (o*l% &ae bene$ite% b" not isiting
t&e! at all+ A sa% s"!pto! o$ %e#line (as !ani$este% b" t&e $a#t t&at in t&e #ase o$ !an" Mart #entres t&e sign (as poste%
on t&e entran#e %oors4 For A%*lts Onl"+
'et it be borne in !in% t&at t&ese pre#a*tions &a% to be ta,en in regar% to instit*tions (&ose !ain p*rpose s&o*l% &ae
been to pro!ote t&e e%*#ation o$ t&e "o*t& an% not !erel" to proi%e a!*se!ent $or sop&isti#ate% a%*lts+ 3&at (o*l% t&e
great %ra!atists o$ ot&er ti!es &ae sai% o$ s*#& !eas*res an%, aboe all, o$ t&e #on%itions (&i#& !a%e t&ese !eas*res
ne#essar"@ Ho( e5asperate% S#&iller (o*l% &ae been, an% &o( Aoet&e (o*l% &ae t*rne% a(a" in %isg*stN
8*t (&at are S#&iller, Aoet&e an% S&a,espeare (&en #on$ronte% (it& t&e &eroes o$ o*r !o%ern Aer!an literat*re@ Ol%
an% $ro(s" an% o*t!o%e% an% $inis&e%+ For it (as t"pi#al o$ t&is epo#& t&at not onl" (ere its o(n pro%*#ts ba% b*t t&at t&e
a*t&ors o$ s*#& pro%*#ts an% t&eir ba#,ers reile% eer"t&ing t&at &a% reall" been great in t&e past+ T&is is a p&eno!enon
t&at is er" #&ara#teristi# o$ s*#& epo#&s+ T&e !ore ile an% !iserable are t&e !en an% pro%*#ts o$ an epo#&, t&e !ore
t&e" (ill &ate an% %enigrate t&e i%eal a#&iee!ents o$ $or!er generations+ 3&at t&ese people (o*l% li,e best (o*l% be
#o!pletel" to %estro" eer" estige o$ t&e past, in or%er to %o a(a" (it& t&at sole stan%ar% o$ #o!parison (&i#& preents
t&eir o(n %a*bs $ro! being loo,e% *pon as art+ T&ere$ore t&e !ore la!entable an% (ret#&e% are t&e pro%*#ts o$ ea#& ne(
era, t&e !ore it (ill tr" to obliterate all t&e !e!orials o$ t&e past+ 8*t an" real innoation t&at is $or t&e bene$it o$
!an,in% #an al(a"s $a#e #o!parison (it& t&e best o$ (&at &as gone be$oreC an% $re/*entl" it &appens t&at t&ose
!on*!ents o$ t&e past g*arantee t&e a##eptan#e o$ t&ose !o%ern pro%*#tions+ T&ere is no $ear t&at !o%ern pro%*#tions o$
real (ort& (ill loo, pale an% (ort&less besi%e t&e !on*!ents o$ t&e past+ 3&at is #ontrib*te% to t&e general treas*r" o$
&*!an #*lt*re o$ten $*l$ils a part t&at is ne#essar" in or%er to ,eep t&e !e!or" o$ ol% a#&iee!ents alie, be#a*se t&is
!e!or" alone is t&e stan%ar% (&ereb" o*r o(n (or,s are properl" appre#iate%+ Onl" t&ose (&o &ae not&ing o$ al*e to
gie to t&e (orl% (ill oppose eer"t&ing t&at alrea%" e5ists an% (o*l% &ae it %estro"e% at all #osts+
An% t&is &ol%s goo% not onl" $or ne( p&eno!ena in t&e #*lt*ral %o!ain b*t also in politi#s+ T&e !ore in$erior ne(
reol*tionar" !oe!ents are, t&e !ore (ill t&e" tr" to %enigrate t&e ol% $or!s+ Here again t&e %esire to pa(n o$$ t&eir
s&o%%" pro%*#ts as great an% original a#&iee!ents lea%s t&e! into a blin% &atre% against eer"t&ing (&i#& belongs to t&e
past an% (&i#& is s*perior to t&eir o(n (or,+ As long as t&e &istori#al !e!or" o$ Fre%eri#, t&e Areat, $or instan#e, still
lies, Fre%eri#, Ebert #an aro*se onl" a proble!ati# a%!iration+ T&e relation o$ t&e &ero o$ Sans So*#i to t&e $or!er
rep*bli#an o$ 8re!en !a" be #o!pare% to t&at o$ t&e s*n to t&e !oonC $or t&e !oon #an s&ine onl" a$ter t&e %ire#t ra"s o$
t&e s*n &ae le$t t&e eart&+ T&*s (e #an rea%il" *n%erstan% (&" it is t&at all t&e ne( !oons in &*!an &istor" &ae &ate%
t&e $i5e% stars+ In t&e $iel% o$ politi#s, i$ Fate s&o*l% &appen te!poraril" to pla#e t&e r*ling po(er in t&e &an%s o$ t&ose
nonentities t&e" are not onl" eager to %e$ile an% reile t&e past b*t at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" (ill *se all !eans to ea%e
#riti#is! o$ t&eir o(n a#ts+ T&e 'a( $or t&e Prote#tion o$ t&e Rep*bli#, (&i#& t&e ne( Aer!an State ena#te%, !a" be
ta,en as one e5a!ple o$ t&is tr*t&+
One &as goo% gro*n%s to be s*spi#io*s in regar% to an" ne( i%ea, or an" %o#trine or p&ilosop&", an" politi#al or
e#ono!i#al !oe!ent, (&i#& tries to %en" eer"t&ing t&at t&e past &as pro%*#e% or to present it as in$erior an% (ort&less+
An" renoation (&i#& is reall" bene$i#ial to &*!an progress (ill al(a"s &ae to begin its #onstr*#tie (or, at t&e leel
(&ere t&e last stones o$ t&e str*#t*re &ae been lai%+ It nee% not bl*s& to *tili>e t&ose tr*t&s (&i#& &ae alrea%" been
establis&e%C $or all &*!an #*lt*re, as (ell as !an &i!sel$, is onl" t&e res*lt o$ one long line o$ %eelop!ent, (&ere ea#&
generation &as #ontrib*te% b*t one stone to t&e b*il%ing o$ t&e (&ole str*#t*re+ T&e !eaning an% p*rpose o$ reol*tions
#annot be to tear %o(n t&e (&ole b*il%ing b*t to ta,e a(a" (&at &as not been (ell $itte% into it or is *ns*itable, an% to
reb*il% t&e $ree spa#e t&*s #a*se%, a$ter (&i#& t&e !ain #onstr*#tion o$ t&e b*il%ing (ill be #arrie% on+
T&*s alone (ill it be possible to tal, o$ &*!an progressC $or ot&er(ise t&e (orl% (o*l% neer be $ree o$ #&aos, sin#e ea#&
generation (o*l% $eel entitle% to re0e#t t&e past an% to %estro" all t&e (or, o$ t&e past, as t&e ne#essar" preli!inar" to an"
ne( (or, o$ its o(n+
T&e sa%%est $eat*re o$ t&e #on%ition in (&i#& o*r (&ole #iili>ation $o*n% itsel$ be$ore t&e 3ar (as t&e $a#t t&at it (as not
onl" barren o$ an" #reatie $or#e to pro%*#e its o(n (or,s o$ art an% #iili>ation b*t t&at it &ate%, %e$ile% an% trie% to
e$$a#e t&e !e!or" o$ t&e s*perior (or,s pro%*#e% in t&e past+ Abo*t t&e en% o$ t&e last #ent*r" people (ere less intereste%
in pro%*#ing ne( signi$i#ant (or,s o$ t&eir o(n 1 parti#*larl" in t&e $iel%s o$ %ra!ati# art an% literat*re 1 t&an in
%e$a!ing t&e best (or,s o$ t&e past an% in presenting t&e! as in$erior an% anti/*ate%+ As i$ t&is perio% o$ %isgra#e$*l
%e#a%en#e &a% t&e slig&test #apa#it" to pro%*#e an"t&ing o$ s*perior /*alit"N T&e e$$orts !a%e to #on#eal t&e past $ro! t&e
e"es o$ t&e present a$$or%e% #lear ei%en#e o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&ese apostles o$ t&e $*t*re a#te% $ro! an eil intent+ T&ese
s"!pto!s s&o*l% &ae !a%e it #lear to all t&at it (as not a /*estion o$ ne(, t&o*g& (rong, #*lt*ral i%eas b*t o$ a pro#ess
(&i#& (as *n%er!ining t&e er" $o*n%ations o$ #iili>ation+ It t&re( t&e artisti# $eeling (&i#& &a% &it&erto been /*ite
sane into *tter #on$*sion, t&*s spirit*all" preparing t&e (a" $or politi#al 8ols&eis!+ I$ t&e #reatie spirit o$ t&e Peri#lean
age be !ani$este% in t&e Part&enon, t&en t&e 8ols&eist era is !ani$este% t&ro*g& its #*bist gri!a#e+
In t&is #onne#tion attention !*st be %ra(n on#e again to t&e (ant o$ #o*rage %ispla"e% b" one se#tion o$ o*r people,
na!el", b" t&ose (&o, in irt*e o$ t&eir e%*#ation an% position, o*g&t to &ae $elt t&e!seles oblige% to ta,e *p a $ir!
stan% against t&is o*trage on o*r #*lt*re+ 8*t t&e" re$raine% $ro! o$$ering serio*s resistan#e an% s*rren%ere% to (&at t&e"
#onsi%ere% t&e ineitable+ T&is ab%i#ation o$ t&eirs (as %*e, &o(eer, to s&eer $*n, lest t&e apostles o$ 8ols&eist art
!ig&t raise a r*!p*sC $or t&ose apostles al(a"s iolentl" atta#,e% eer"one (&o (as not rea%" to re#ogni>e t&e! as t&e
#&oi#e spirits o$ artisti# #reation, an% t&e" trie% to strangle all opposition b" sa"ing t&at it (as t&e pro%*#t o$ p&ilistine an%
ba#,(ater !in%s+ People tre!ble% in $ear lest t&e" !ig&t be a##*se% b" t&ese "a&oos an% s(in%lers o$ la#,ing artisti#
appre#iation, as i$ it (o*l% &ae been a %isgra#e not to be able to *n%erstan% an% appre#iate t&e e$$*sions o$ t&ose !ental
%egenerates or arrant rog*es+ T&ose #*lt*ral %is#iples, &o(eer, &a% a er" si!ple (a" o$ presenting t&eir o(n e$$*sions as
(or,s o$ t&e &ig&est /*alit"+ T&e" o$$ere% in#o!pre&ensible an% !ani$estl" #ra>" pro%*#tions to t&eir a!a>e%
#onte!poraries as (&at t&e" #alle% Man inner e5perien#e+ T&*s t&e" $orestalle% all a%erse #riti#is! at er" little #ost
in%ee%+ O$ #o*rse nobo%" eer %o*bte% t&at t&ere #o*l% &ae been inner e5perien#es li,e t&at, b*t so!e %o*bt o*g&t to
&ae arisen as to (&et&er or not t&ere (as an" 0*sti$i#ation $or e5posing t&ese &all*#inations o$ ps"#&opat&s or #ri!inals
to t&e sane portion o$ &*!an so#iet"+ T&e (or,s pro%*#e% b" a )orit> on S#&(in% or a 8J#,lin (ere also
e5ternali>ations o$ an inner e5perien#e, b*t t&ese (ere t&e e5perien#es o$ %iinel" gi$te% artists an% not o$ b*$$oons+
T&is sit*ation a$$or%e% a goo% opport*nit" o$ st*%"ing t&e !iserable #o(ar%liness o$ o*r so1#alle% intelle#t*als (&o
s&ir,e% t&e %*t" o$ o$$ering serio*s resistan#e to t&e poisoning o$ t&e so*n% instin#ts o$ o*r people+ T&e" le$t it to t&e
people t&e!seles to $or!*late t&eir o(n attit*%e to(ar%s &is i!p*%ent nonsense+ 'est t&e" !ig&t be #onsi%ere% as
*n%erstan%ing not&ing o$ art, t&e" a##epte% eer" #ari#at*re o$ art, *ntil t&e" $inall" lost t&e po(er o$ 0*%ging (&at is
reall" goo% or ba%+
Ta,en all in all, t&ere (ere s*perab*n%ant s"!pto!s to s&o( t&at a %isease% epo#& &a% beg*n+
Still anot&er #riti#al s"!pto! &as to be #onsi%ere%+ In t&e #o*rse o$ t&e nineteent& #ent*r" o*r to(ns an% #ities began
!ore an% !ore to lose t&eir #&ara#ter as #entres o$ #iili>ation an% be#a!e !ore an% !ore #entres o$ &abitation+ In o*r
great !o%ern #ities t&e proletariat %oes not s&o( !*#& atta#&!ent to t&e pla#e (&ere it lies+ T&is $eeling res*lts $ro! t&e
$a#t t&at t&eir %(elling1pla#e is not&ing b*t an a##i%ental abo%e, an% t&at $eeling is also partl" %*e to t&e $re/*ent #&ange
o$ resi%en#e (&i#& is $or#e% *pon t&e! b" so#ial #on%itions+ T&ere is no ti!e $or t&e gro(t& o$ an" atta#&!ent to t&e to(n
in (&i#& t&e" lie+ 8*t anot&er reason lies in t&e #*lt*ral barrenness an% s*per$i#ialit" o$ o*r !o%ern #ities+ At t&e ti!e o$
t&e Aer!an 3ars o$ 'iberation o*r Aer!an to(ns an% #ities (ere not onl" s!all in n*!ber b*t also er" !o%est in si>e+
T&e $e( t&at #o*l% reall" be #alle% great #ities (ere !ostl" t&e resi%ential #ities o$ prin#esC as s*#& t&e" &a% al!ost al(a"s
a %e$inite #*lt*ral al*e an% also a %e$inite #*lt*ral aspe#t+ T&ose $e( to(ns (&i#& &a% !ore t&an $i$t" t&o*san%
in&abitants (ere, in #o!parison (it& !o%ern #ities o$ t&e sa!e si>e, ri#& in s#ienti$i# an% artisti# treas*res+ At t&e ti!e
(&en )*ni#& &a% not !ore t&an si5t" t&o*san% so*ls it (as alrea%" (ell on t&e (a" to be#o!e one o$ t&e $irst Aer!an
#entres o$ art+ .o(a%a"s al!ost eer" in%*strial to(n &as a pop*lation at least as large as t&at, (it&o*t &aing an"t&ing o$
real al*e to #all its o(n+ T&e" are agglo!erations o$ tene!ent &o*ses an% #ongeste% %(elling barra#,s, an% not&ing else+
It (o*l% be a !ira#le i$ an"bo%" s&o*l% gro( senti!entall" atta#&e% to s*#& a !eaningless pla#e+ .obo%" #an gro(
atta#&e% to a pla#e (&i#& o$$ers onl" 0*st as !*#& or as little as an" ot&er pla#e (o*l% o$$er, (&i#& &as no #&ara#ter o$ its
o(n an% (&ere obio*sl" pains &ae been ta,en to aoi% eer"t&ing t&at !ig&t &ae an" rese!blan#e to an artisti#
8*t t&is is not all+ Een t&e great #ities be#o!e !ore barren o$ real (or,s o$ art t&e !ore t&e" in#rease in pop*lation+
T&e" ass*!e !ore an% !ore a ne*tral at!osp&ere an% present t&e sa!e aspe#t, t&o*g& on a larger s#ale, as t&e (ret#&e%
little $a#tor" to(ns+ Eer"t&ing t&at o*r !o%ern age &as #ontrib*te% to t&e #iili>ation o$ o*r great #ities is absol*tel"
%e$i#ient+ All o*r to(ns are liing on t&e glor" an% t&e treas*res o$ t&e past+ I$ (e ta,e a(a" $ro! t&e )*ni#& o$ to1%a"
eer"t&ing t&at (as #reate% *n%er '*%(ig II (e s&o*l% be &orror1stri#,en to see &o( !eagre &as been t&e o*tp*t o$
i!portant artisti# #reations sin#e t&at ti!e+ One !ig&t sa" !*#& t&e sa!e o$ 8erlin an% !ost o$ o*r ot&er great to(ns+
8*t t&e $ollo(ing is t&e essential t&ing to be noti#e%4 O*r great !o%ern #ities &ae no o*tstan%ing !on*!ents t&at
%o!inate t&e general aspe#t o$ t&e #it" an% #o*l% be pointe% to as t&e s"!bols o$ a (&ole epo#&+ Ket al!ost eer" an#ient
to(n &a% a !on*!ent ere#te% to its glor"+ It (as not in priate %(ellings t&at t&e #&ara#teristi# art o$ an#ient #ities (as
%ispla"e% b*t in t&e p*bli# !on*!ents, (&i#& (ere not !eant to &ae a transitor" interest b*t an en%*ring one+ An% t&is
(as be#a*se t&e" %i% not represent t&e (ealt& o$ so!e in%ii%*al #iti>en b*t t&e greatness an% i!portan#e o$ t&e
#o!!*nit"+ It (as *n%er t&is inspiration t&at t&ose !on*!ents arose (&i#& bo*n% t&e in%ii%*al in&abitants to t&eir o(n
to(n in a !anner t&at is o$ten al!ost in#o!pre&ensible to *s to1%a"+ 3&at str*#, t&e e"e o$ t&e in%ii%*al #iti>en (as not
a n*!ber o$ !e%io#re priate b*il%ings, b*t i!posing str*#t*res t&at belonge% to t&e (&ole #o!!*nit"+ In
#ontra%istin#tion to t&ese, priate %(ellings (ere o$ onl" er" se#on%ar" i!portan#e in%ee%+
3&en (e #o!pare t&e si>e o$ t&ose an#ient p*bli# b*il%ings (it& t&at o$ t&e priate %(ellings belonging to t&e sa!e epo#&
t&en (e #an *n%erstan% t&e great i!portan#e (&i#& (as gien to t&e prin#iple t&at t&ose (or,s (&i#& re$le#te% an%
a$$e#te% t&e li$e o$ t&e #o!!*nit" s&o*l% ta,e pre#e%en#e o$ all ot&ers+
A!ong t&e bro,en ar#&es an% ast spa#es t&at are #oere% (it& r*ins $ro! t&e an#ient (orl% t&e #olossal ri#&es t&at still
aro*se o*r (on%er &ae not been le$t to *s $ro! t&e #o!!er#ial pala#es o$ t&ese %a"s b*t $ro! t&e te!ples o$ t&e Ao%s an%
t&e p*bli# e%i$i#es t&at belonge% to t&e State+ T&e #o!!*nit" itsel$ (as t&e o(ner o$ t&ose great e%i$i#es+ Een in t&e
po!p o$ Ro!e %*ring t&e %e#a%en#e it (as not t&e illas an% pala#es o$ so!e #iti>ens t&at $ille% t&e !ost pro!inent pla#e
b*t rat&er t&e te!ples an% t&e bat&s, t&e sta%ia, t&e #ir#*ses, t&e a/*e%*#ts, t&e basili#as, et#+, (&i#& belonge% to t&e State
an% t&ere$ore to t&e people as a (&ole+
In !e%ieal Aer!an" also t&e sa!e prin#iple &el% s(a", alt&o*g& t&e artisti# o*tloo, (as /*ite %i$$erent+ In an#ient ti!es
t&e t&e!e t&at $o*n% its e5pression in t&e A#ropolis or t&e Pant&eon (as no( #lot&e% in t&e $or!s o$ t&e Aot&i#
Cat&e%ral+ In t&e !e%ieal #ities t&ese !on*!ental str*#t*res to(ere% giganti#all" aboe t&e s(ar! o$ s!aller b*il%ings
(it& t&eir $ra!e(or, (alls o$ (oo% an% bri#,+ An% t&e" re!ain t&e %o!inant $eat*re o$ t&ese #ities een to o*r o(n %a",
alt&o*g& t&e" are be#o!ing !ore an% !ore obs#*re% b" t&e apart!ent barra#,s+ T&e" %eter!ine t&e #&ara#ter an%
appearan#e o$ t&e lo#alit"+ Cat&e%rals, #it"1&alls, #orn e5#&anges, %e$en#e to(ers, are t&e o*t(ar% e5pression o$ an i%ea
(&i#& &as its #o*nterpart onl" in t&e an#ient (orl%+
T&e %i!ensions an% /*alit" o$ o*r p*bli# b*il%ings to1%a" are in %eplorable #ontrast to t&e e%i$i#es t&at represent priate
interests+ I$ a si!ilar $ate s&o*l% be$all 8erlin as be$ell Ro!e $*t*re generations !ig&t ga>e *pon t&e r*ins o$ so!e -e(is&
%epart!ent stores or 0oint1sto#, &otels an% t&in, t&at t&ese (ere t&e #&ara#teristi# e5pressions o$ t&e #*lt*re o$ o*r ti!e+
In 8erlin itsel$, #o!pare t&e s&a!e$*l %isproportion bet(een t&e b*il%ings (&i#& belong to t&e Rei#& an% t&ose (&i#&
&ae been ere#te% $or t&e a##o!!o%ation o$ tra%e an% $inan#e+
T&e #re%its t&at are ote% $or p*bli# b*il%ings are in !ost #ases ina%e/*ate an% reall" ri%i#*lo*s+ T&e" are not b*ilt as
str*#t*res t&at (ere !eant to last b*t !ostl" $or t&e p*rpose o$ ans(ering t&e nee% o$ t&e !o!ent+ .o &ig&er i%ea
in$l*en#e% t&ose (&o #o!!issione% s*#& b*il%ings+ At t&e ti!e t&e 8erlin S#&loss (as b*ilt it &a% a /*ite %i$$erent
signi$i#an#e $ro! (&at t&e ne( librar" &as $or o*r ti!e, seeing t&at one battles&ip alone represents an e5pen%it*re o$
abo*t si5t" !illion !ar,s, (&ereas less t&an &al$ t&at s*! (as allotte% $or t&e b*il%ing o$ t&e Rei#&stag, (&i#& is t&e !ost
i!posing str*#t*re ere#te% $or t&e Rei#& an% (&i#& s&o*l% &ae been b*ilt to last $or ages+ Ket, in %e#i%ing t&e /*estion o$
internal %e#oration, t&e Upper Ho*se ote% against t&e *se o$ stone an% or%ere% t&at t&e (alls s&o*l% be #oere% (it&
st*##o+ For on#e, &o(eer, t&e parlia!entarians !a%e an appropriate %e#ision on t&at o##asionC $or plaster &ea%s (o*l% be
o*t o$ pla#e bet(een stone (alls+
T&e #o!!*nit" as s*#& is not t&e %o!inant #&ara#teristi# o$ o*r #onte!porar" #ities, an% t&ere$ore it is not to be
(on%ere% at i$ t&e #o!!*nit" %oes not $in% itsel$ ar#&ite#t*rall" represente%+ T&*s (e !*st eent*all" arrie at a eritable
#ii# %esert (&i#& (ill at last be re$le#te% in t&e total in%i$$eren#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al #iti>en to(ar%s &is o(n #o*ntr"+
T&is is also a sign o$ o*r #*lt*ral %e#a" an% general brea,1*p+ O*r era is entirel" preo##*pie% (it& little t&ings (&i#& are
to no p*rpose, or rat&er it is entirel" preo##*pie% in t&e seri#e o$ !one"+ T&ere$ore it is not to be (on%ere% at i$, (it& t&e
(ors&ip o$ s*#& an i%ol, t&e sense o$ &erois! s&o*l% entirel" %isappear+ 8*t t&e present is onl" reaping (&at t&e past &as
All t&ese s"!pto!s (&i#& pre#e%e% t&e $inal #ollapse o$ t&e Se#on% E!pire !*st be attrib*te% to t&e la#, o$ a %e$inite an%
*ni$or!l" a##epte% 3eltans#&&a**ng an% t&e general *n#ertaint" o$ o*tloo, #onse/*ent on t&at la#,+ T&is *n#ertaint"
s&o(e% itsel$ (&en t&e great /*estions o$ t&e ti!e &a% to be #onsi%ere% one a$ter anot&er an% a %e#isie poli#" a%opte%
to(ar%s t&e!+ T&is la#, is also a##o*ntable $or t&e &abit o$ %oing eer"t&ing b" &ales, beginning (it& t&e e%*#ational
s"ste!, t&e s&ill"1s&all", t&e rel*#tan#e to *n%erta,e responsibilites an%, $inall", t&e #o(ar%l" toleran#e o$ eils t&at (ere
een a%!itte% to be %estr*#tie+ Bisionar" &*!anitarianis!s be#a!e t&e $as&ion+ In (ea,l" s*b!itting to t&ese
aberrations an% sparing t&e $eelings o$ t&e in%ii%*al, t&e $*t*re o$ !illions o$ &*!an beings (as sa#ri$i#e%+
An e5a!ination o$ t&e religio*s sit*ation be$ore t&e 3ar s&o(s t&at t&e general pro#ess o$ %isr*ption &a% e5ten%e% to t&is
sp&ere also+ A great part o$ t&e nation itsel$ &a% $or a long ti!e alrea%" #ease% to &ae an" #oni#tions o$ a *ni$or! an%
pra#ti#al #&ara#ter in t&eir i%eologi#al o*tloo, on li$e+ In t&is !atter t&e point o$ pri!ar" i!portan#e (as b" no !eans t&e
n*!ber o$ people (&o reno*n#e% t&eir #&*r#& !e!bers&ip b*t rat&er t&e (i%esprea% in%i$$eren#e+ 3&ile t&e t(o
C&ristian %eno!inations !aintaine% !issions in Asia an% A$ri#a, $or t&e p*rpose o$ se#*ring ne( a%&erents to t&e Fait&,
t&ese sa!e %eno!inations (ere losing !illions an% !illions o$ t&eir a%&erents at &o!e in E*rope+ T&ese $or!er a%&erents
eit&er gae *p religion (&oll" as a %ire#tie $or#e in t&eir lies or t&e" a%opte% t&eir o(n interpretation o$ it+ T&e
#onse/*en#es o$ t&is (ere spe#iall" $elt in t&e !oral li$e o$ t&e #o*ntr"+ In parent&esis it !a" be re!ar,e% t&at t&e
progress !a%e b" t&e !issions in sprea%ing t&e C&ristian Fait& abroa% (as onl" /*ite !o%est in #o!parison (it& t&e
sprea% o$ )o&a!!e%anis!+
It !*st be note% too t&at t&e atta#, on t&e %og!ati# prin#iples *n%erl"ing e##lesiasti#al tea#&ing in#rease% stea%il" in
iolen#e+ An% "et t&is &*!an (orl% o$ o*rs (o*l% be in#on#eiable (it&o*t t&e pra#ti#al e5isten#e o$ a religio*s belie$+
T&e great !asses o$ a nation are not #o!pose% o$ p&ilosop&ers+ For t&e !asses o$ t&e people, espe#iall" $ait& is absol*tel"
t&e onl" basis o$ a !oral o*tloo, on li$e+ T&e ario*s s*bstit*tes t&at &ae been o$$ere% &ae not s&o(n an" res*lts t&at
!ig&t (arrant *s in t&in,ing t&at t&e" !ig&t *se$*ll" repla#e t&e e5isting %eno!inations+ 8*t i$ religio*s tea#&ing an%
religio*s $ait& (ere on#e a##epte% b" t&e broa% !asses as a#tie $or#es in t&eir lies, t&en t&e absol*te a*t&orit" o$ t&e
%o#trines o$ $ait& (o*l% be t&e $o*n%ation o$ all pra#ti#al e$$ort+ T&ere !a" be a $e( &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ s*perior
!en (&o #an lie (isel" an% intelligentl" (it&o*t %epen%ing on t&e general stan%ar%s t&at preail in eer"%a" li$e, b*t t&e
!illions o$ ot&ers #annot %o so+ .o( t&e pla#e (&i#& general #*sto! $ills in eer"%a" li$e #orrespon%s to t&at o$ general
la(s in t&e State an% %og!a in religion+ T&e p*rel" spirit*al i%ea is o$ itsel$ a #&angeable t&ing t&at !a" be s*b0e#te% to
en%less interpretations+ It is onl" t&ro*g& %og!a t&at it is gien a pre#ise an% #on#rete $or! (it&o*t (&i#& it #o*l% not
be#o!e a liing $ait&+ Ot&er(ise t&e spirit*al i%ea (o*l% neer be#o!e an"t&ing !ore t&an a !ere !etap&"si#al #on#ept,
or rat&er a p&ilosop&i#al opinion+ A##or%ingl" t&e atta#, against %og!a is #o!parable to an atta#, against t&e general
la(s on (&i#& t&e State is $o*n%e%+ An% so t&is atta#, (o*l% $inall" lea% to #o!plete politi#al anar#&" i$ it (ere
s*##ess$*l, 0*st as t&e atta#, on religion (o*l% lea% to a (ort&less religio*s ni&ilis!+
T&e politi#al lea%er s&o*l% not esti!ate t&e (ort& o$ a religion b" ta,ing so!e o$ its s&ort#o!ings into a##o*nt, b*t &e
s&o*l% as, &i!sel$ (&et&er t&ere be an" pra#ti#al s*bstit*te in a ie( (&i#& is %e!onstrabl" better+ Until s*#& a s*bstit*te
be aailable onl" $ools an% #ri!inals (o*l% t&in, o$ abolis&ing t&e e5isting religion+
Un%o*bte%l" no s!all a!o*nt o$ bla!e $or t&e present *nsatis$a#tor" religio*s sit*ation !*st be attrib*te% to t&ose (&o
&ae en#*!bere% t&e i%eal o$ religion (it& p*rel" !aterial a##essories an% &ae t&*s gien rise to an *tterl" $*tile #on$li#t
bet(een religion an% s#ien#e+ In t&is #on$li#t i#tor" (ill nearl" al(a"s be on t&e si%e o$ s#ien#e, een t&o*g& a$ter a bitter
str*ggle, (&ile religion (ill s*$$er &eail" in t&e e"es o$ t&ose (&o #annot penetrate beneat& t&e !ere s*per$i#ial aspe#ts
o$ s#ien#e+
8*t t&e greatest %a!age o$ all &as #o!e $ro! t&e pra#ti#e o$ %ebasing religion as a !eans t&at #an be e5ploite% to sere
politi#al interests, or rat&er #o!!er#ial interests+ T&e i!p*%ent an% lo*%1!o*t&e% liars (&o %o t&is !a,e t&eir pro$ession
o$ $ait& be$ore t&e (&ole (orl% in stentorian tones so t&at all poor !ortals !a" &ear 1 not t&at t&e" are rea%" to %ie $or it i$
ne#essar" b*t rat&er t&at t&e" !a" lie all t&e better+ T&e" are rea%" to sell t&eir $ait& $or an" politi#al /*i% pro /*o+ For
ten parlia!entar" !an%ates t&e" (o*l% all" t&e!seles (it& t&e )ar5ists, (&o are t&e !ortal $oes o$ all religion+ An% $or
a seat in t&e Cabinet t&e" (o*l% go t&e lengt& o$ (e%lo#, (it& t&e %eil, i$ t&e latter &a% not still retaine% so!e tra#es o$
I$ religio*s li$e in pre1(ar Aer!an" &a% a %isagreeable sao*r $or t&e !o*t&s o$ !an" people t&is (as be#a*se C&ristianit"
&a% been lo(ere% to base *ses b" politi#al parties t&at #alle% t&e!seles C&ristian an% be#a*se o$ t&e s&a!e$*l (a" in
(&i#& t&e" trie% to i%enti$" t&e Cat&oli# Fait& (it& a politi#al part"+
T&is s*bstit*tion (as $atal+ It pro#*re% so!e (ort&less parlia!entar" !an%ates $or t&e part" in /*estion, b*t t&e C&*r#&
s*$$ere% %a!age t&ereb"+
T&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&at sit*ation &a% to be borne b" t&e (&ole nationC $or t&e la5it" t&at res*lte% in religio*s li$e set in at
a 0*n#t*re (&en eer"t&ing (as beginning to lose &ol% an% a#illate an% t&e tra%itional $o*n%ations o$ #*sto! an% o$
!oralit" (ere t&reatening to $all as*n%er+
Ket all t&ose #ra#,s an% #le$ts in t&e so#ial organis! !ig&t not &ae been %angero*s i$ no grae b*r%ens &a% been lai%
*pon itC b*t t&e" be#a!e %isastro*s (&en t&e internal soli%arit" o$ t&e nation (as t&e !ost i!portant $a#tor in
(it&stan%ing t&e stor! o$ big eents+
In t&e politi#al $iel% also obserant e"es !ig&t &ae noti#e% #ertain ano!alies o$ t&e Rei#& (&i#& $oretol% %isaster *nless
so!e alteration an% #orre#tion too, pla#e in ti!e+ T&e la#, o$ orientation in Aer!an poli#", bot& %o!esti# an% $oreign,
(as obio*s to eer"one (&o (as not p*rposel" blin%+ T&e best t&ing t&at #o*l% be sai% abo*t t&e pra#ti#e o$ !a,ing
#o!pro!ises is t&at it see!e% o*t(ar%l" to be in &ar!on" (it& 8is!ar#,s a5io! t&at Mpoliti#s is t&e art o$ t&e possible+
8*t 8is!ar#, (as a slig&tl" %i$$erent !an $ro! t&e C&an#ellors (&o $ollo(e% &i!+ T&is %i$$eren#e allo(e% t&e $or!er to
appl" t&at $or!*la to t&e er" essen#e o$ &is poli#", (&ile in t&e !o*t&s o$ t&e ot&ers it too, on an *tterl" %i$$erent
signi$i#an#e+ 3&en &e *ttere% t&at p&rase 8is!ar#, !eant to sa" t&at in or%er to attain a %e$inite politi#al en% all possible
!eans s&o*l% be e!plo"e% or at least t&at all possibilities s&o*l% be trie%+ 8*t &is s*##essors see in t&at p&rase onl" a
sole!n %e#laration t&at one is not ne#essaril" bo*n% to &ae politi#al prin#iples or an" %e$inite politi#al ai!s at all+ An%
t&e politi#al lea%ers o$ t&e Rei#& at t&at ti!e &a% no $ar1seeing poli#"+ Here, again, t&e ne#essar" $o*n%ation (as la#,ing,
na!el", a %e$inite 3eltans#&&a**ng, an% t&ese lea%ers also la#,e% t&at #lear insig&t into t&e la(s o$ politi#al eol*tion
(&i#& is a ne#essar" /*alit" in politi#al lea%ers&ip+
)an" people (&o too, a gloo!" ie( o$ t&ings at t&at ti!e #on%e!ne% t&e la#, o$ i%eas an% la#, o$ orientation (&i#&
(ere ei%ent in %ire#ting t&e poli#" o$ t&e Rei#&+ T&e" re#ogni>e% t&e inner (ea,ness an% $*tilit" o$ t&is poli#"+ 8*t s*#&
people pla"e% onl" a se#on%ar" role in politi#s+ T&ose (&o &a% t&e Aoern!ent o$ t&e #o*ntr" in t&eir &an%s (ere /*ite as
in%i$$erent to prin#iples o$ #iil (is%o! lai% %o(n b" t&in,ers li,e Ho*ston Ste(art C&a!berlain as o*r politi#al lea%ers
no( are+ T&ese people are too st*pi% to t&in, $or t&e!seles, an% t&e" &ae too !*#& sel$1#on#eit to ta,e $ro! ot&ers t&e
instr*#tion (&i#& t&e" nee%+ O5enstierna 14G gae e5pression to a tr*t& (&i#& &as laste% sin#e ti!e i!!e!orial, (&en &e
sai% t&at t&e (orl% is goerne% b" onl" a parti#le o$ (is%o!+ Al!ost eer" #iil serant o$ #o*n#illor ran, !ig&t nat*rall"
be s*ppose% to possess onl" an ato! or so belonging to t&is parti#le+ 8*t sin#e Aer!an" be#a!e a Rep*bli# een t&is
!o%i#*! is (anting+ An% t&at is (&" t&e" &a% to pro!*lgate t&e 'a( $or t&e =e$en#e o$ t&e Rep*bli#, (&i#& pro&ibits t&e
&ol%ing o$ s*#& ie(s or e5pressing t&e!+ It (as $ort*nate $or O5enstierna t&at &e lie% at t&at ti!e an% not in t&is (ise
Rep*bli# o$ o*r ti!e+
Alrea%" be$ore t&e 3ar t&at instit*tion (&i#& s&o*l% &ae represente% t&e strengt& o$ t&e Rei#& 1 t&e Parlia!ent, t&e
Rei#&stag 1 (as (i%el" re#ogni>e% as its (ea,est $eat*re+ Co(ar%liness an% $ear o$ s&o*l%ering responsibilities (ere
asso#iate% toget&er t&ere in a per$e#t $as&ion+
One o$ t&e silliest notions t&at one &ears e5presse% to1%a" is t&at in Aer!an" t&e parlia!entar" instit*tion &as #ease% to
$*n#tion sin#e t&e Reol*tion+ T&is !ig&t easil" be ta,en to i!pl" t&at t&e #ase (as %i$$erent be$ore t&e Reol*tion+ 8*t in
realit" t&e parlia!entar" instit*tion neer $*n#tione% e5#ept to t&e %etri!ent o$ t&e #o*ntr"+ An% it $*n#tione% t&*s in
t&ose %a"s (&en people sa( not&ing or %i% not (is& to see an"t&ing+ T&e Aer!an %o(n$all is to be attrib*te% in no s!all
%egree to t&is instit*tion+ 8*t t&at t&e #atastrop&e %i% not ta,e pla#e sooner is not to be #re%ite% to t&e Parlia!ent b*t
rat&er to t&ose (&o oppose% t&e in$l*en#e o$ t&is instit*tion (&i#&, %*ring pea#e ti!es, (as %igging t&e grae o$ t&e
Aer!an .ation an% t&e Aer!an Rei#&+
Fro! t&e i!!ense !ass o$ %eastating eils t&at (ere %*e eit&er %ire#tl" or in%ire#tl" to t&e Parlia!ent I s&all sele#t one
t&e !ost inti!atel" t"pi#al o$ t&is instit*tion (&i#& (as t&e !ost irresponsible o$ all ti!e+ T&e eil I spea, o$ (as seen in
t&e appalling s&ill"1s&all" an% (ea,ness in #on%*#ting t&e internal an% e5ternal a$$airs o$ t&e Rei#&+ It (as attrib*table in
t&e $irst pla#e to t&e a#tion o$ t&e Rei#&stag an% (as one o$ t&e prin#ipal #a*ses o$ t&e politi#al #ollapse+
Eer"t&ing s*b0e#t to t&e in$l*en#e o$ Parlia!ent (as %one b" &ales, no !atter $ro! (&at aspe#t "o* !a" regar% it+
T&e $oreign poli#" o$ t&e Rei#& in t&e !atter o$ allian#es (as an e5a!ple o$ s&ill"1s&all"+ T&e" (is&e% to !aintain pea#e,
b*t in %oing so t&e" steere% straig&t+ into (ar+
T&eir Polis& poli#" (as also #arrie% o*t b" &al$1!eas*res+ It res*lte% neit&er in a Aer!an tri*!p& nor Polis& #on#iliation,
an% it !a%e ene!ies o$ t&e R*ssians+
T&e" trie% to sole t&e Alsa#e1'orraine /*estion t&ro*g& &al$1!eas*res+ Instea% o$ #r*s&ing t&e &ea% o$ t&e Fren#& &"%ra
on#e an% $or all (it& t&e !aile% $ist an% granting Alsa#e1'orraine e/*al rig&ts (it& t&e ot&er Aer!an States, t&e" %i%
neit&er t&e one nor t&e ot&er+ An"&o(, it (as i!possible $or t&e! to %o ot&er(ise, $or t&e" &a% a!ong t&eir ran,s t&e
greatest traitors to t&e #o*ntr", s*#& as Herr 3etterlQ o$ t&e Centre Part"+
8*t still t&e #o*ntr" !ig&t &ae been able to bear (it& all t&is proi%e% t&e &al$1!eas*re poli#" &a% not i#ti!i>e% t&at
$or#e in (&i#&, as t&e last resort, t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e E!pire %epen%e%4 na!el", t&e Ar!"+
T&e #ri!e #o!!itte% b" t&e so1#alle% Aer!an Rei#&stag in t&is regar% (as s*$$i#ient o$ itsel$ to %ra( %o(n *pon it t&e
#*rses o$ t&e Aer!an .ation $or all ti!e+ On t&e !ost !iserable o$ prete5ts t&ese parlia!entar" part" &en#&!en $il#&e%
$ro! t&e &an%s o$ t&e nation an% t&re( a(a" t&e (eapons (&i#& (ere nee%e% to !aintain its e5isten#e an% t&ere(it&
%e$en% t&e libert" an% in%epen%en#e o$ o*r people+ I$ t&e graes on t&e plains o$ Flan%ers (ere to open to1%a" t&e
bloo%staine% a##*sers (o*l% arise, &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ o*r best Aer!an "o*t& (&o (ere %rien into t&e ar!s o$
%eat& b" t&ose #ons#ien#eless parlia!entar" r*$$ians (&o (ere eit&er (rongl" e%*#ate% $or t&eir tas, or onl" &al$1
e%*#ate%+ T&ose "o*t&s, an% ot&er !illions o$ t&e ,ille% an% !*tilate%, (ere lost to t&e Fat&erlan% si!pl" an% solel" in
or%er t&at a $e( &*n%re% %e#eiers o$ t&e people !ig&t #arr" o*t t&eir politi#al !anoe*res an% t&eir e5a#tions or een
treasonabl" p*rs*e t&eir %o#trinaire t&eories+
8" !eans o$ t&e )ar5ist an% %e!o#rati# Press, t&e -e(s sprea% t&e #olossal $alse&oo% abo*t MAer!an )ilitaris!
t&ro*g&o*t t&e (orl% an% trie% to in#*lpate Aer!an" b" eer" possible !eans, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e )ar5ist an%
%e!o#rati# parties re$*se% to assent to t&e !eas*res t&at (ere ne#essar" $or t&e a%e/*ate training o$ o*r national %e$en#e
$or#es+ T&e appalling #ri!e t&*s #o!!itte% b" t&ese people o*g&t to &ae been obio*s to eer"bo%" (&o $oresa( t&at in
#ase o$ (ar t&e (&ole nation (o*l% &ae to be #alle% to ar!s an% t&at, be#a*se o$ t&e !ean &*#,stering o$ t&ese noble
Mrepresentaties o$ t&e people, as t&e" #alle% t&e!seles, !illions o$ Aer!ans (o*l% &ae to $a#e t&e ene!" ill1e/*ippe%
an% ins*$$i#ientl" traine%+ 8*t een apart $ro! t&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&e #r*%e an% br*tal la#, o$ #ons#ien#e (&i#& t&ese
parlia!entarian ras#als %ispla"e%, it (as /*ite #lear t&at t&e la#, o$ properl" traine% sol%iers at t&e beginning o$ a (ar
(o*l% !ost probabl" lea% to t&e loss o$ s*#& a (arC an% t&is probabilit" (as #on$ir!e% in a !ost terrible (a" %*ring t&e
#o*rse o$ t&e (orl% (ar+
T&ere$ore t&e Aer!an people lost t&e str*ggle $or t&e $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e o$ t&eir #o*ntr" be#a*se o$ t&e &al$1
&earte% an% %e$e#tie poli#" e!plo"e% %*ring ti!es o$ pea#e in t&e organi>ation an% training o$ t&e %e$ensie strengt& o$
t&e nation+
T&e n*!ber o$ re#r*its traine% $or t&e lan% $or#es (as too s!allC b*t t&e sa!e &al$1&earte%ness (as s&o(n in regar% to t&e
na" an% !a%e t&is (eapon o$ national sel$1preseration !ore or less ine$$e#tie+ Un$ort*natel", een t&e naal a*t&orities
t&e!seles (ere #onta!inate% (it& t&is spirit o$ &al$1&earte%ness+ T&e ten%en#" to b*il% t&e s&ip on t&e sto#,s so!e(&at
s!aller t&an t&at 0*st la*n#&e% b" t&e 8ritis& %i% not s&o( !*#& $oresig&t an% less geni*s+ A $leet (&i#& #annot be
bro*g&t to t&e sa!e n*!eri#al strengt& as t&at o$ t&e probable ene!" o*g&t to #o!pensate $or t&is in$eriorit" b" t&e
s*perior $ig&ting po(er o$ t&e in%ii%*al s&ip+ It is t&e (eig&t o$ t&e $ig&ting po(er t&at #o*nts an% not an" sort o$
tra%itional /*alit"+ As a !atter o$ $a#t, !o%ern te#&ni#al %eelop!ent is so a%an#e% an% so (ell proportione% a!ong t&e
ario*s #iili>e% States t&at it !*st be loo,e% on as pra#ti#all" i!possible $or one Po(er to b*il% essels (&i#& (o*l% &ae
a s*perior $ig&ting /*alit" to t&at o$ t&e essels o$ e/*al si>e b*ilt b" t&e ot&er Po(ers+ 8*t it is een less $easible to b*il%
essels o$ s!aller %ispla#e!ent (&i#& (ill be s*perior in a#tion to t&ose o$ larger %ispla#e!ent+
As a !atter o$ $a#t, t&e s!aller proportions o$ t&e Aer!an essels #o*l% be !aintaine% onl" at t&e e5pense o$ spee% an%
ar!a!ent+ T&e p&rase *se% to 0*sti$" t&is poli#" (as in itsel$ an ei%en#e o$ t&e la#, o$ logi#al t&in,ing on t&e part o$ t&e
naal a*t&orities (&o (ere in #&arge o$ t&ese !atters in ti!es o$ pea#e+ T&e" %e#lare% t&at t&e Aer!an g*ns (ere
%e$initel" s*perior to t&e 8ritis& 27+6 #!+ as regar%s stri,ing e$$i#ien#"+
8*t t&at (as 0*st (&" t&e" s&o*l% &ae a%opte% t&e poli#" o$ b*il%ing 27+6 #!+ g*ns alsoC $or it o*g&t to &ae been t&eir
ob0e#t not to a#&iee e/*alit" b*t s*periorit" in $ig&ting strengt&+ I$ t&at (ere not so t&en it (o*l% &ae been s*per$l*o*s to
e/*ip t&e lan% $or#es (it& 42 #!+ !ortarsC $or t&e Aer!an 21 #!+ !ortar #o*l% be $ar s*perior to an" &ig&1angle g*ns
(&i#& t&e Fren#& possesse% at t&at ti!e an% sin#e t&e $ortresses #o*l% probabl" &ae been ta,en b" !eans o$ 27+6 #!+
!ortars+ T&e ar!" a*t&orities *n$ort*natel" $aile% to %o so+ I$ t&e" re$raine% $ro! ass*ring s*perior e$$i#ien#" in t&e
artiller" as in t&e elo#it", t&is (as be#a*se o$ t&e $*n%a!entall" $alse Mprin#iple o$ ris, (&i#& t&e" a%opte%+ T&e naal
a*t&orities, alrea%" in ti!es o$ pea#e, reno*n#e% t&e prin#iple o$ atta#, an% t&*s &a% to $ollo( a %e$ensie poli#" $ro! t&e
er" beginning o$ t&e 3ar+ 8*t b" t&is attit*%e t&e" reno*n#e% also t&e #&an#es o$ $inal s*##ess, (&i#& #an be a#&iee%
onl" b" an o$$ensie poli#"+
A essel (it& slo(er spee% an% (ea,er ar!a!ent (ill be #ripple% an% battere% b" an a%ersar" t&at is $aster an% stronger
an% #an $re/*entl" s&oot $ro! a $ao*rable %istan#e+ A large n*!ber o$ #r*isers &ae been t&ro*g& bitter e5perien#es in
t&is !atter+ Ho( (rong (ere t&e i%eas prealent a!ong t&e naal a*t&orities in ti!es o$ pea#e (as proe% %*ring t&e
3ar+ T&e" (ere #o!pelle% to !o%i$" t&e ar!a!ent o$ t&e ol% essels an% to e/*ip t&e ne( ones (it& better ar!a!ent
(&eneer t&ere (as a #&an#e to %o so+ I$ t&e Aer!an essels in t&e 8attle o$ t&e S,agerra, &a% been o$ e/*al si>e, t&e
sa!e ar!a!ent an% t&e sa!e spee% as t&e Englis&, t&e 8ritis& Fleet (o*l% &ae gone %o(n *n%er t&e te!pest o$ t&e
Aer!an 29 #enti!eter s&ells, (&i#& &it t&eir ai!s !ore a##*ratel" an% (ere !ore e$$e#tie+
-apan &a% $ollo(e% a %i$$erent ,in% o$ naal poli#"+ T&ere, #are (as prin#ipall" ta,en to #reate (it& eer" single ne(
essel a $ig&ting $or#e t&at (o*l% be s*perior to t&ose o$ t&e eent*al a%ersaries+ 8*t, be#a*se o$ t&is poli#", it (as
a$ter(ar%s possible to *se t&e $leet $or t&e o$$ensie+
3&ile t&e ar!" a*t&orities re$*se% to a%opt s*#& $*n%a!entall" erroneo*s prin#iples, t&e na" 1 (&i#& *n$ort*natel" &a%
!ore representaties in Parlia!ent 1 s*##*!be% to t&e spirit t&at r*le% t&ere+ T&e na" (as not organi>e% on a strong
basis, an% it (as later *se% in an *ns"ste!ati# an% irresol*te (a"+ T&e i!!ortal glor" (&i#& t&e na" (on, in spite o$
t&ese %ra(ba#,s, !*st be entirel" #re%ite% to t&e goo% (or, an% t&e e$$i#ien#" an% in#o!parable &erois! o$ o$$i#ers an%
#re(s+ I$ t&e $or!er #o!!an%ers1in1#&ie$ &a% been inspire% (it& t&e sa!e ,in% o$ geni*s all t&e sa#ri$i#es (o*l% not &ae
been in ain+
It (as probabl" t&e er" parlia!entarian s,ill %ispla"e% b" t&e #&ie$ o$ t&e na" %*ring t&e "ears o$ pea#e (&i#& later
be#a!e t&e #a*se o$ t&e $atal #ollapse, sin#e parlia!entarian #onsi%erations &a% beg*n to pla" a !ore i!portant role in t&e
#onstr*#tion o$ t&e na" t&an $ig&ting #onsi%erations+ T&e irresol*tion, t&e (ea,ness an% t&e $ail*re to a%opt a logi#all"
#onsistent poli#", (&i#& is t"pi#al o$ t&e parlia!entar" s"ste!, #onta!inate% t&e naal a*t&orities+
As I &ae alrea%" e!p&asi>e%, t&e !ilitar" a*t&orities %i% not allo( t&e!seles to be le% astra" b" s*#& $*n%a!entall"
erroneo*s i%eas+ '*%en%or$$, (&o (as t&en a Colonel in t&e Aeneral Sta$$, le% a %esperate str*ggle against t&e #ri!inal
a#illations (it& (&i#& t&e Rei#&stag treate% t&e !ost ital proble!s o$ t&e nation an% in !ost #ases ote% against t&e!+
I$ t&e $ig&t (&i#& t&is o$$i#er t&en (age% re!aine% *ns*##ess$*l t&is !*st be %ebite% to t&e Parlia!ent an% partl" also to
t&e (ret#&e% an% (ea, attit*%e o$ t&e C&an#ellor, 8et&!ann1Holl(eg+
Ket t&ose (&o are responsible $or Aer!an"s #ollapse %o not &esitate no( to la" all t&e bla!e on t&e s&o*l%ers o$ t&e one
!an (&o too, a $ir! stan% against t&e negle#t$*l !anner in (&i#& t&e interests o$ t&e nation (ere !anage%+ 8*t one
$alse&oo% !ore or less !a,es no %i$$eren#e to t&ese #ongenital tri#,sters+
An"bo%" (&o t&in,s o$ all t&e sa#ri$i#es (&i#& t&is nation &as &a% to bear, as a res*lt o$ t&e #ri!inal negle#t o$ t&ose
irresponsible in%ii%*alsC an"bo%" (&o t&in,s o$ t&e n*!ber o$ t&ose (&o %ie% or (ere !ai!e% *nne#essaril"C an"bo%"
(&o t&in,s o$ t&e %eplorable s&a!e an% %is&ono*r (&i#& &as been &eape% *pon *s an% o$ t&e illi!itable %istress into
(&i#& o*r people are no( pl*nge% 1 an"bo%" (&o reali>es t&at in or%er to prepare t&e (a" to a $e( seats in Parlia!ent $or
so!e *ns#r*p*lo*s pla#e1&*nters an% arriists (ill *n%erstan% t&at s*#& &irelings #an be #alle% b" no ot&er na!e t&an t&at
o$ ras#al an% #ri!inalC $or ot&er(ise t&ose (or%s #o*l% &ae no !eaning+ In #o!parison (it& traitors (&o betra"e% t&e
nations tr*st eer" ot&er ,in% o$ t(ister !a" be loo,e% *pon as an &ono*rable !an+
It (as a pe#*liar $eat*re o$ t&e sit*ation t&at all t&e real $a*lts o$ t&e ol% Aer!an" (ere e5pose% to t&e p*bli# ga>e onl"
(&en t&e inner soli%arit" o$ t&e nation #o*l% be in0*re% b" %oing so+ T&en, in%ee%, *npleasant tr*t&s (ere openl"
pro#lai!e% in t&e ears o$ t&e broa% !asses, (&ile !an" ot&er t&ings (ere at ot&er ti!es s&a!e$*ll" &*s&e% *p or t&eir
e5isten#e si!pl" %enie%, espe#iall" at ti!es (&en an open %is#*ssion o$ s*#& proble!s !ig&t &ae le% to an i!proe!ent
in t&eir regar%+ T&e &ig&er goern!ent a*t&orities ,ne( little or not&ing o$ t&e nat*re an% *se o$ propagan%a in s*#&
!atters+ Onl" t&e -e( ,ne( t&at b" an able an% persistent *se o$ propagan%a &eaen itsel$ #an be presente% to t&e people
as i$ it (ere &ell an%, i#e ersa, t&e !ost !iserable ,in% o$ li$e #an be presente% as i$ it (ere para%ise+ T&e -e( ,ne( t&is
an% a#te% a##or%ingl"+ 8*t t&e Aer!an, or rat&er &is Aoern!ent, %i% not &ae t&e slig&test s*spi#ion o$ it+ =*ring t&e
3ar t&e &eaiest o$ penalties &a% to be pai% $or t&at ignoran#e+
Oer against t&e inn*!erable %ra(ba#,s (&i#& I &ae !entione% &ere an% (&i#& a$$e#te% Aer!an li$e be$ore t&e 3ar
t&ere (ere !an" o*tstan%ing $eat*res on t&e positie si%e+ I$ (e ta,e an i!partial s*re" (e !*st a%!it t&at !ost o$ o*r
%ra(ba#,s (ere in great !eas*re prealent also in ot&er #o*ntries an% a!ong t&e ot&er nations, an% er" o$ten in a (orse
$or! t&an (it& *sC (&ereas a!ong *s t&ere (ere !an" real a%antages (&i#& t&e ot&er %i% not &ae+
T&e lea%ing p&ase o$ Aer!an"s s*periorit" arose $ro! t&e $a#t t&at, al!ost alone a!ong all t&e ot&er E*ropean nations,
t&e Aer!an nation &a% !a%e t&e strongest e$$ort to presere t&e national #&ara#ter o$ its e#ono!i# str*#t*re an% $or t&is
reason (as less s*b0e#t t&an ot&er #o*ntries to t&e po(er o$ international $inan#e, t&o*g& in%ee% t&ere (ere !an"
*nto(ar% s"!pto!s in t&is regar% also+
An% "et t&is s*periorit" (as a perilo*s one an% t*rne% o*t later to be one o$ t&e #&ie$ #a*ses o$ t&e (orl% (ar+
8*t een i$ (e %isregar% t&is a%antage o$ national in%epen%en#e in e#ono!i# !atters t&ere (ere #ertain ot&er positie
$eat*res o$ o*r so#ial an% politi#al li$e (&i#& (ere o$ o*tstan%ing e5#ellen#e+ T&ese $eat*res (ere represente% b" t&ree
instit*tions (&i#& (ere #onstant so*r#es o$ regeneration+ In t&eir respe#tie sp&eres t&e" (ere !o%els o$ per$e#tion an%
(ere partl" *nrialle%+
T&e $irst o$ t&ese (as t&e statal $or! as s*#& an% t&e !anner in (&i#& it &a% been %eelope% $or Aer!an" in !o%ern
ti!es+ O$ #o*rse (e !*st e5#ept t&ose !onar#&s (&o, as &*!an beings, (ere s*b0e#t to t&e $ailings (&i#& a$$li#t t&is li$e
an% its #&il%ren+ I$ (e (ere not so tolerant in t&ese !atters, t&en t&e #ase o$ t&e present generation (o*l% be &opelessC $or
i$ (e ta,e into #onsi%eration t&e personal #apabilities an% #&ara#ter o$ t&e representatie $ig*res in o*r present regi!e it
(o*l% be %i$$i#*lt to i!agine a !ore !o%est leel o$ intelligen#e an% !oral #&ara#ter+ I$ (e !eas*re t&e Mal*e o$ t&e
Aer!an Reol*tion b" t&e personal (ort& an% #alibre o$ t&e in%ii%*als (&o! t&is reol*tion &as presente% to t&e Aer!an
people sin#e .oe!ber 1919 t&en (e !a" $eel as&a!e% in%ee% in t&in,ing o$ t&e 0*%g!ent (&i#& posterit" (ill pass on
t&ese people, (&en t&e 'a( $or t&e Prote#tion o$ t&e Rep*bli# #an no longer silen#e p*bli# opinion+ Co!ing generations
(ill s*rel" %e#i%e t&at t&e intelligen#e an% integrit" o$ o*r ne( Aer!an lea%ers (ere in a%erse ratio to t&eir boasting an%
t&eir i#es+
It !*st be a%!itte% t&at t&e !onar#&" &a% be#o!e alien in spirit to !an" #iti>ens an% espe#iall" t&e broa% !asses+ T&is
res*lte% $ro! t&e $a#t t&at t&e !onar#&s (ere not al(a"s s*rro*n%e% b" t&e &ig&est intelligen#e 1 so to sa" 1 an% #ertainl"
not al(a"s b" persons o$ t&e !ost *prig&t #&ara#ter+ Un$ort*natel" !an" o$ t&e! pre$erre% $latterers to &onest1spo,en !en
an% &en#e re#eie% t&eir Min$or!ation $ro! t&e $or!er+ T&is (as a so*r#e o$ grae %anger at a ti!e (&en t&e (orl% (as
passing t&ro*g& a perio% in (&i#& !an" o$ t&e ol% #on%itions (ere #&anging an% (&en t&is #&ange (as a$$e#ting een t&e
tra%itions o$ t&e Co*rt+
T&e aerage !an or (o!an #o*l% not &ae $elt a (ae o$ ent&*sias! s*rging (it&in t&e breast (&en, $or e5a!ple, at t&e
t*rn o$ t&e #ent*r", a prin#ess in *ni$or! an% on &orseba#, &a% t&e sol%iers $ile past &er on para%e+ T&ose &ig& #ir#les &a%
apparentl" no i%ea o$ t&e i!pression (&i#& s*#& a para%e !a%e on t&e !in%s o$ or%inar" peopleC else s*#& *n$ort*nate
o##*rren#es (o*l% not &ae ta,en pla#e+ T&e senti!ental &*!anitarianis! 1 not al(a"s er" sin#ere 1 (&i#& (as pro$esse%
in t&ose &ig& #ir#les (as o$ten !ore rep*lsie t&an attra#tie+ 3&en, $or instan#e, t&e Prin#ess X #on%es#en%e% to taste t&e
pro%*#ts o$ a so*p ,it#&en an% $o*n% t&e! e5#ellent, as *s*al, s*#& a gest*re !ig&t &ae !a%e an e5#ellent i!pression in
ti!es long past, b*t on t&is o##asion it &a% t&e opposite e$$e#t to (&at (as inten%e%+ For een i$ (e ta,e it $or grante% t&at
Her Hig&ness %i% not &ae t&e slig&test i%ea, t&at on t&e %a" s&e sa!ple% it, t&e $oo% (as not /*ite t&e sa!e as on ot&er
%a"s, it s*$$i#e% t&at t&e people ,ne( it+ Een t&e best o$ intentions t&*s be#a!e an ob0e#t o$ ri%i#*le or a #a*se o$
=es#riptions o$ t&e proerbial $r*galit" pra#tise% b" t&e !onar#&, &is !*#& too earl" rise in t&e !orning an% t&e %r*%ger"
&e &a% to go t&ro*g& all %a" long *ntil late at nig&t, an% espe#iall" t&e #onstantl" e5presse% $ears lest &e !ig&t be#o!e
*n%erno*ris&e% 1 all t&is gae rise to o!ino*s e5pression on t&e part o$ t&e people+ .obo%" (as ,een to ,no( (&at an%
&o( !*#& t&e !onar#& ate or %ran,+ .obo%" gr*%ge% &i! a $*ll !eal, or t&e ne#essar" a!o*nt o$ sleep+ Eer"bo%" (as
please% (&en t&e !onar#&, as a !an an% a personalit", bro*g&t &ono*r on &is $a!il" an% &is #o*ntr" an% $*l$ille% &is
%*ties as a soereign+ All t&e legen%s (&i#& (ere #ir#*late% abo*t &i! &elpe% little an% %i% !*#& %a!age+
T&ese an% s*#& t&ings, &o(eer, are onl" !ere bagatelle+ 3&at (as !*#& (orse (as t&e $eeling, (&i#& sprea% t&ro*g&o*t
large se#tions o$ t&e nation, t&at t&e a$$airs o$ t&e in%ii%*al (ere being ta,en #are o$ $ro! aboe an% t&at &e %i% not nee%
to bot&er &i!sel$ (it& t&e!+ As long as t&e Aoern!ent (as reall" goo%, or at least !oe% b" goo%(ill, no serio*s
ob0e#tions #o*l% be raise%+
8*t t&e #o*ntr" (as %estine% to %isaster (&en t&e ol% Aoern!ent, (&i#& &a% at least strien $or t&e best, be#a!e repla#e%
b" a ne( regi!e (&i#& (as not o$ t&e sa!e /*alit"+ T&en t&e %o#ile obe%ien#e an% in$antile #re%*lit" (&i#& $or!erl"
o$$ere% no resistan#e (as bo*n% to be one o$ t&e !ost $atal eils t&at #an be i!agine%+
8*t against t&ese an% ot&er %e$e#ts t&ere (ere #ertain /*alities (&i#& *n%o*bte%l" &a% a positie e$$e#t+
First o$ all t&e !onar#&i#al $or! o$ goern!ent g*arantees stabilit" in t&e %ire#tion o$ p*bli# a$$airs an% sa$eg*ar%s p*bli#
o$$i#es $ro! t&e spe#*latie t*r!oil o$ a!bitio*s politi#ians+ F*rt&er!ore, t&e enerable tra%ition (&i#& t&is instit*tion
possesses aro*ses a $eeling (&i#& gies (eig&t to t&e !onar#&i#al a*t&orit"+ 8e"on% t&is t&ere is t&e $a#t t&at t&e (&ole
#orps o$ o$$i#ials, an% t&e ar!" in parti#*lar, are raise% aboe t&e leel o$ politi#al part" obligations+ An% still anot&er
positie $eat*re (as t&at t&e s*pre!e r*lers&ip o$ t&e State (as e!bo%ie% in t&e !onar#&, as an in%ii%*al person, (&o
#o*l% sere as t&e s"!bol o$ responsibilit", (&i#& a !onar#& &as to bear !ore serio*sl" t&an an" anon"!o*s
parlia!entar" !a0orit"+ In%ee%, t&e proerbial &onest" an% integrit" o$ t&e Aer!an a%!inistration !*st be attrib*te%
#&ie$l" to t&is $a#t+ Finall", t&e !onar#&" $*l$ille% a &ig& #*lt*ral $*n#tion a!ong t&e Aer!an people, (&i#& !a%e a!en%s
$or !an" o$ its %e$e#ts+ T&e Aer!an resi%ential #ities &ae re!aine%, een to o*r ti!e, #entres o$ t&at artisti# spirit (&i#&
no( t&reatens to %isappear an% is be#o!ing !ore an% !ore !aterialisti#+ T&e Aer!an prin#es gae a great %eal o$
e5#ellent an% pra#ti#al en#o*rage!ent to art an% s#ien#e, espe#iall" %*ring t&e nineteent& #ent*r"+ O*r present age
#ertainl" &as not&ing o$ e/*al (ort&+
=*ring t&at pro#ess o$ %isintegration (&i#& (as slo(l" e5ten%ing t&ro*g&o*t t&e so#ial or%er t&e !ost positie $or#e o$
resistan#e (as t&at o$$ere% b" t&e ar!"+ T&is (as t&e strongest so*r#e o$ e%*#ation (&i#& t&e Aer!an people possesse%+
For t&at reason all t&e &atre% o$ o*r ene!ies (as %ire#te% against t&e pala%in o$ o*r national sel$1preseration an% o*r
libert"+ T&e strongest testi!on" in $ao*r o$ t&is *ni/*e instit*tion is t&e $a#t t&at it (as %eri%e%, &ate% an% $o*g&t against,
b*t also $eare%, b" (ort&less ele!ents all ro*n%+ T&e $a#t t&at t&e international pro$iteers (&o gat&ere% at Bersailles,
$*rt&er to e5ploit an% pl*n%er t&e nations %ire#te% t&eir en!it" spe#iall" against t&e ol% Aer!an ar!" proe% on#e again
t&at it %esere% to be regar%e% as t&e instit*tion (&i#& prote#te% t&e liberties o$ o*r people against t&e $or#es o$ t&e
international sto#,1e5#&ange+ I$ t&e ar!" &a% not been t&ere to so*n% t&e alar! an% stan% on g*ar%, t&e p*rposes o$ t&e
Bersailles representaties (o*l% &ae been #arrie% o*t !*#& sooner+ T&ere is onl" one (or% to e5press (&at t&e Aer!an
people o(e to t&is ar!" 1 Eer"t&ingN
It (as t&e ar!" t&at still in#*l#ate% a sense o$ responsibilit" a!ong t&e people (&en t&is /*alit" &a% be#o!e er" rare an%
(&en t&e &abit o$ s&ir,ing eer" ,in% o$ responsibilit" (as stea%il" sprea%ing+ T&is &abit &a% gro(n *p *n%er t&e eil
in$l*en#es o$ Parlia!ent, (&i#& (as itsel$ t&e er" !o%el o$ irresponsibilit"+ T&e ar!" traine% t&e people to personal
#o*rage at a ti!e (&en t&e irt*e o$ ti!i%it" t&reatene% to be#o!e an epi%e!i# an% (&en t&e spirit o$ sa#ri$i#ing ones
personal interests $or t&e goo% o$ t&e #o!!*nit" (as #onsi%ere% as so!et&ing t&at a!o*nte% al!ost to (ea,1!in%e%ness+
At a ti!e (&en onl" t&ose (ere esti!ate% as intelligent (&o ,ne( &o( to sa$eg*ar% an% pro!ote t&eir o(n egotisti#
interests, t&e ar!" (as t&e s#&ool t&ro*g& (&i#& in%ii%*al Aer!ans (ere ta*g&t not to see, t&e salation o$ t&eir nation
in t&e $alse i%eolog" o$ international $raterni>ation bet(een negroes, Aer!ans, C&inese, Fren#& an% Englis&, et#+, b*t in
t&e strengt& an% *nit" o$ t&eir o(n national being+
T&e ar!" %eelope% t&e in%ii%*als po(ers o$ resol*te %e#ision, an% t&is at a ti!e (&en a spirit o$ in%e#ision an%
s#epti#is! goerne% &*!an #on%*#t+ At a ti!e (&en t&e (isea#res (ere eer"(&ere setting t&e $as&ion it nee%e% #o*rage
to *p&ol% t&e prin#iple t&at an" #o!!an% is better t&an none+ T&is one prin#iple represents a rob*st an% so*n% st"le o$
t&o*g&t, o$ (&i#& not a tra#e (o*l% &ae been le$t in t&e ot&er bran#&es o$ li$e i$ t&e ar!" &a% not $*rnis&e% a #onstant
re0*enation o$ t&is $*n%a!ental $or#e+ A s*$$i#ient proo$ o$ t&is !a" be $o*n% in t&e appalling la#, o$ %e#ision (&i#& o*r
present goern!ent a*t&orities %ispla"+ T&e" #annot s&a,e o$$ t&eir !ental an% !oral let&arg" an% %e#i%e on so!e
%e$inite line o$ a#tion e5#ept (&en t&e" are $or#e% to sign so!e ne( %i#tate $or t&e e5ploitation o$ t&e Aer!an people+ In
t&at #ase t&e" %e#line all responsibilit" (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" sign eer"t&ing (&i#& t&e ot&er si%e pla#es be$ore
t&e!C an% t&e" sign (it& t&e rea%iness o$ an o$$i#ial stenograp&er+ T&eir #on%*#t is &ere e5pli#able on t&e gro*n% t&at in
t&is #ase t&e" are not *n%er t&e ne#essit" o$ #o!ing to a %e#isionC $or t&e %e#ision is %i#tate% to t&e!+
T&e ar!" i!b*e% its !e!bers (it& a spirit o$ i%ealis! an% %eelope% t&eir rea%iness to sa#ri$i#e t&e!seles $or t&eir
#o*ntr" an% its &ono*r, (&ile gree% an% !aterialis! %o!inate% in all t&e ot&er bran#&es o$ li$e+ T&e ar!" *nite% a people
(&o (ere split *p into #lasses4 an% in t&is respe#t &a% onl" one %e$e#t, (&i#& (as t&e One Kear )ilitar" Seri#e, a
priilege grante% to t&ose (&o &a% passe% t&ro*g& t&e &ig& s#&ools+ It (as a %e$e#t, be#a*se t&e prin#iple o$ absol*te
e/*alit" (as t&ereb" iolate%C an% t&ose (&o &a% a better e%*#ation (ere t&*s pla#e% o*tsi%e t&e #a%res to (&i#& t&e rest
o$ t&eir #o!ra%es belonge%+ T&e reerse (o*l% &ae been better+ Sin#e o*r *pper #lasses (ere reall" ignorant o$ (&at (as
going on in t&e bo%" #orporate o$ t&e nation an% (ere be#o!ing !ore an% !ore estrange% $ro! t&e li$e o$ t&e people, t&e
ar!" (o*l% &ae a##o!plis&e% a er" bene$i#ial !ission i$ it &a% re$*se% to %is#ri!inate in $ao*r o$ t&e so1#alle%
intelle#t*als, espe#iall" (it&in its o(n ran,s+ It (as a !ista,e t&at t&is (as not %oneC b*t in t&is (orl% o$ o*rs #an (e $in%
an" instit*tion t&at &as not at least one %e$e#t@ An% in t&e ar!" t&e goo% $eat*res (ere so absol*tel" pre%o!inant t&at t&e
$e( %e$e#ts it &a% (ere $ar belo( t&e aerage t&at generall" rises $ro! &*!an (ea,ness+
8*t t&e greatest #re%it (&i#& t&e ar!" o$ t&e ol% E!pire %eseres is t&at, at a ti!e (&en t&e person o$ t&e in%ii%*al
#o*nte% $or not&ing an% t&e !a0orit" (as eer"t&ing, it pla#e% in%ii%*al personal al*es aboe !a0orit" al*es+ 8"
insisting on its $ait& in personalit", t&e ar!" oppose% t&at t"pi#all" -e(is& an% %e!o#rati# apot&eosis o$ t&e po(er o$
n*!bers+ T&e ar!" traine% (&at at t&at ti!e (as !ost s*rel" nee%e%4 na!el", real !en+ In a perio% (&en !en (ere
$alling a pre" to e$$e!ina#" an% la5it", 267,777 igoro*sl" traine% "o*ng !en (ent $ro! t&e ran,s o$ t&e ar!" ea#& "ear
to !ingle (it& t&eir $ello(1!en+ In t&e #o*rse o$ t&eir t(o "ears training t&e" &a% lost t&e so$tness o$ t&eir "o*ng %a"s
an% &a% %eelope% bo%ies as to*g& as steel+ T&e "o*ng !an (&o &a% been ta*g&t obe%ien#e $or t(o "ears (as no( $itte% to
#o!!an%+ T&e traine% sol%ier #o*l% be re#ogni>e% alrea%" b" &is (al,+
T&is (as t&e great s#&ool o$ t&e Aer!an nationC an% it (as not (it&o*t reason t&at it %re( *pon its &ea% all t&e bitter
&atre% o$ t&ose (&o (ante% t&e E!pire to be (ea, an% %e$en#eless, be#a*se t&e" (ere 0ealo*s o$ its greatness an% (ere
t&e!seles possesse% b" a spirit o$ rapa#it" an% gree%+ T&e rest o$ t&e (orl% re#ogni>e% a $a#t (&i#& !an" Aer!ans %i%
not (is& to see, eit&er be#a*se t&e" (ere blin% to $a#ts or be#a*se o*t o$ !ali#e t&e" %i% not (is& to see it+ T&is $a#t (as
t&at t&e Aer!an Ar!" (as t&e !ost po(er$*l (eapon $or t&e %e$en#e an% $ree%o! o$ t&e Aer!an nation an% t&e best
g*arantee $or t&e lieli&oo% o$ its #iti>ens+
T&ere (as a t&ir% instit*tion o$ positie (ort&, (&i#& &as to be pla#e% besi%e t&at o$ t&e !onar#&" an% t&e ar!"+ T&is (as
t&e #iil seri#e+
Aer!an a%!inistration (as better organi>e% an% better #arrie% o*t t&an t&e a%!inistration o$ ot&er #o*ntries+ T&ere !a"
&ae been ob0e#tions to t&e b*rea*#rati# ro*tine o$ t&e o$$i#ials, b*t $ro! t&is point o$ ie( t&e state o$ a$$airs (as si!ilar,
i$ not (orse, in t&e ot&er #o*ntries+ 8*t t&e ot&er States %i% not &ae t&e (on%er$*l soli%arit" (&i#& t&is organi>ation
possesse% in Aer!an", nor (ere t&eir #iil serants o$ t&at sa!e &ig& leel o$ s#r*p*lo*s &onest"+ It is #ertainl" better to
be a tri$le oer1b*rea*#rati# an% &onest an% lo"al t&an to be oer1sop&isti#ate% an% !o%ern, t&e latter o$ten i!pl"ing an
in$erior t"pe o$ #&ara#ter an% also ignoran#e an% ine$$i#ien#"+ For i$ it be insin*ate% to1%a" t&at t&e Aer!an a%!inistration
o$ t&e pre13ar perio% !a" &ae been e5#ellent so $ar as b*rea*#rati# te#&ni/*e goes, b*t t&at $ro! t&e pra#ti#al b*siness
point o$ ie( it (as in#o!petent, I #an onl" gie t&e $ollo(ing repl"4 3&at ot&er #o*ntr" in t&e (orl% possesse% a better1
organi>e% an% a%!inistere% b*siness enterprise t&an t&e Aer!an State Rail(a"s, $or instan#e@ It (as le$t to t&e Reol*tion
to %estro" t&is stan%ar% organi>ation, *ntil a ti!e #a!e (&en it (as ta,en o*t o$ t&e &an%s o$ t&e nation an% so#iali>e%, in
t&e sense (&i#& t&e $o*n%ers o$ t&e Rep*bli# &a% gien to t&at (or%, na!el", !a,ing it s*bserient to t&e international
sto#,1e5#&ange #apitalists, (&o (ere t&e (ire1p*llers o$ t&e Aer!an Reol*tion+
T&e !ost o*tstan%ing trait in t&e #iil seri#e an% t&e (&ole bo%" o$ t&e #iil a%!inistration (as its in%epen%en#e o$ t&e
i#issit*%es o$ goern!ent, t&e politi#al !entalit" o$ (&i#& #o*l% e5er#ise no in$l*en#e on t&e attit*%e o$ t&e Aer!an State
o$$i#ials+ Sin#e t&e Reol*tion t&is sit*ation &as been #o!pletel" #&ange%+ E$$i#ien#" an% #apabilit" &ae been repla#e% b"
t&e test o$ part"1a%&eren#eC an% in%epen%en#e o$ #&ara#ter an% initiatie are no longer appre#iate% as positie /*alities in a
p*bli# o$$i#ial+ T&e" rat&er tell against &i!+
T&e (on%er$*l !ig&t an% po(er o$ t&e ol% E!pire (as base% on t&e !onar#&i#al $or! o$ goern!ent, t&e ar!" an% t&e
#iil seri#e+ On t&ese t&ree $o*n%ations reste% t&at great strengt& (&i#& is no( entirel" la#,ingC na!el", t&e a*t&orit" o$
t&e State+ For t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State #annot be base% on t&e babbling t&at goes on in Parlia!ent or in t&e proin#ial
%iets an% not *pon la(s !a%e to prote#t t&e State, or *pon senten#es passe% b" t&e la( #o*rts to $rig&ten t&ose (&o &ae
&a% t&e &ar%i&oo% to %en" t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State, b*t onl" on t&e general #on$i%en#e (&i#& t&e !anage!ent an%
a%!inistration o$ t&e #o!!*nit" establis&es a!ong t&e people+ T&is #on$i%en#e is in its t*rn, not&ing else t&an t&e res*lt
o$ an *ns&a,able inner #oni#tion t&at t&e goern!ent an% a%!inistration o$ a #o*ntr" is inspire% b" %isintereste% an%
&onest goo%(ill an% on t&e $eeling t&at t&e spirit o$ t&e la( is in #o!plete &ar!on" (it& t&e !oral #oni#tions o$ t&e
people+ In t&e long r*n, s"ste!s o$ goern!ent are not !aintaine% b" terroris! b*t on t&e belie$ o$ t&e people in t&e !erits
an% sin#erit" o$ t&ose (&o a%!inister an% pro!ote t&e p*bli# interests+
T&o*g& it be tr*e t&at in t&e perio% pre#e%ing t&e 3ar #ertain grae eils ten%e% to in$e#t an% #orro%e t&e inner strengt&
o$ t&e nation, it !*st be re!e!bere% t&at t&e ot&er States s*$$ere% een !ore t&an Aer!an" $ro! t&ese %ra(ba#,s an% "et
t&ose ot&er States %i% not $ail an% brea, %o(n (&en t&e ti!e o$ #risis #a!e+ I$ (e re!e!ber $*rt&er t&at t&ose %e$e#ts in
pre13ar Aer!an" (ere o*t(eig&e% b" great positie /*alities (e s&all &ae to loo, else(&ere $or t&e e$$e#tie #a*se o$ t&e
#ollapse+ An% else(&ere it la"+
T&e *lti!ate an% !ost pro$o*n% reason o$ t&e Aer!an %o(n$all is to be $o*n% in t&e $a#t t&at t&e ra#ial proble! (as
ignore% an% t&at its i!portan#e in t&e &istori#al %eelop!ent o$ nations (as not graspe%+ For t&e eents t&at ta,e pla#e in
t&e li$e o$ nations are not %*e to #&an#e b*t are t&e nat*ral res*lts o$ t&e e$$ort to #onsere an% !*ltipl" t&e spe#ies an% t&e
ra#e, een t&o*g& !en !a" not be able #ons#io*sl" to pi#t*re to t&eir !in%s t&e pro$o*n% !oties o$ t&eir #on%*#t+
C&apter Eleen4
T&ere are #ertain tr*t&s (&i#& stan% o*t so openl" on t&e roa%si%es o$ li$e, as it (ere, t&at eer" passer1b" !a" see t&e!+
Ket, be#a*se o$ t&eir er" obio*sness, t&e general r*n o$ people %isregar% s*#& tr*t&s or at least t&e" %o not !a,e t&e!
t&e ob0e#t o$ an" #ons#io*s ,no(le%ge+ People are so blin% to so!e o$ t&e si!plest $a#ts in eer"1%a" li$e t&at t&e" are
&ig&l" s*rprise% (&en so!ebo%" #alls attention to (&at eer"bo%" o*g&t to ,no(+ E5a!ples o$ T&e Col*!b*s Egg lie
aro*n% *s in &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%sC b*t obserers li,e Col*!b*s are rare+
3al,ing abo*t in t&e gar%en o$ .at*re, !ost !en &ae t&e sel$1#on#eit to t&in, t&at t&e" ,no( eer"t&ingC "et al!ost all
are blin% to one o$ t&e o*tstan%ing prin#iples t&at .at*re e!plo"s in &er (or,+ T&is prin#iple !a" be #alle% t&e inner
isolation (&i#& #&ara#teri>es ea#& an% eer" liing spe#ies on t&is eart&+
Een a s*per$i#ial glan#e is s*$$i#ient to s&o( t&at all t&e inn*!erable $or!s in (&i#& t&e li$e1*rge o$ .at*re !ani$ests
itsel$ are s*b0e#t to a $*n%a!ental la( 1 one !a" #all it an iron la( o$ .at*re 1 (&i#& #o!pels t&e ario*s spe#ies to ,eep
(it&in t&e %e$inite li!its o$ t&eir o(n li$e1$or!s (&en propagating an% !*ltipl"ing t&eir ,in%+ Ea#& ani!al !ates onl"
(it& one o$ its o(n spe#ies+ T&e tit!o*se #o&abits onl" (it& t&e tit!o*se, t&e $in#& (it& t&e $in#&, t&e stor, (it& t&e stor,,
t&e $iel%1!o*se (it& t&e $iel%1!o*se, t&e &o*se1!o*se (it& t&e &o*se1!o*se, t&e (ol$ (it& t&e s&e1(ol$, et#+
=eiations $ro! t&is la( ta,e pla#e onl" in e5#eptional #ir#*!stan#es+ T&is &appens espe#iall" *n%er t&e #o!p*lsion o$
#aptiit", or (&en so!e ot&er obsta#le !a,es pro#reatie inter#o*rse i!possible bet(een in%ii%*als o$ t&e sa!e spe#ies+
8*t t&en .at*re ab&ors s*#& inter#o*rse (it& all &er !ig&tC an% &er protest is !ost #learl" %e!onstrate% b" t&e $a#t t&at
t&e &"bri% is eit&er sterile or t&e $e#*n%it" o$ its %es#en%ants is li!ite%+ In !ost #ases &"bri%s an% t&eir progen" are %enie%
t&e or%inar" po(ers o$ resistan#e to %isease or t&e nat*ral !eans o$ %e$en#e against o*ter atta#,+
S*#& a %ispensation o$ .at*re is /*ite logi#al+ Eer" #rossing bet(een t(o bree%s (&i#& are not /*ite e/*al res*lts in a
pro%*#t (&i#& &ol%s an inter!e%iate pla#e bet(een t&e leels o$ t&e t(o parents+ T&is !eans t&at t&e o$$spring (ill in%ee%
be s*perior to t&e parent (&i#& stan%s in t&e biologi#all" lo(er or%er o$ being, b*t not so &ig& as t&e &ig&er parent+ For
t&is reason it !*st eent*all" s*##*!b in an" str*ggle against t&e &ig&er spe#ies+ S*#& !ating #ontra%i#ts t&e (ill o$
.at*re to(ar%s t&e sele#tie i!proe!ents o$ li$e in general+ T&e $ao*rable preli!inar" to t&is i!proe!ent is not to
!ate in%ii%*als o$ &ig&er an% lo(er or%ers o$ being b*t rat&er to allo( t&e #o!plete tri*!p& o$ t&e &ig&er or%er+ T&e
stronger !*st %o!inate an% not !ate (it& t&e (ea,er, (&i#& (o*l% signi$" t&e sa#ri$i#e o$ its o(n &ig&er nat*re+ Onl" t&e
born (ea,ling #an loo, *pon t&is prin#iple as #r*el, an% i$ &e %oes so it is !erel" be#a*se &e is o$ a $eebler nat*re an%
narro(er !in%C $or i$ s*#& a la( %i% not %ire#t t&e pro#ess o$ eol*tion t&en t&e &ig&er %eelop!ent o$ organi# li$e (o*l%
not be #on#eiable at all+
T&is *rge $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ t&e *n!i5e% bree%, (&i#& is a p&eno!enon t&at preails t&ro*g&o*t t&e (&ole o$ t&e
nat*ral (orl%, res*lts not onl" in t&e s&arpl" %e$ine% o*t(ar% %istin#tion bet(een one spe#ies an% anot&er b*t also in t&e
internal si!ilarit" o$ #&ara#teristi# /*alities (&i#& are pe#*liar to ea#& bree% or spe#ies+ T&e $o5 re!ains al(a"s a $o5, t&e
goose re!ains a goose, an% t&e tiger (ill retain t&e #&ara#ter o$ a tiger+ T&e onl" %i$$eren#e t&at #an e5ist (it&in t&e
spe#ies !*st be in t&e ario*s %egrees o$ str*#t*ral strengt& an% a#tie po(er, in t&e intelligen#e, e$$i#ien#", en%*ran#e,
et#+, (it& (&i#& t&e in%ii%*al spe#i!ens are en%o(e%+ It (o*l% be i!possible to $in% a $o5 (&i#& &as a ,in%l" an%
prote#tie %isposition to(ar%s geese, 0*st as no #at e5ists (&i#& &as a $rien%l" %isposition to(ar%s !i#e+
T&at is (&" t&e str*ggle bet(een t&e ario*s spe#ies %oes not arise $ro! a $eeling o$ !*t*al antipat&" b*t rat&er $ro!
&*nger an% loe+ In bot& #ases .at*re loo,s on #al!l" an% is een please% (it& (&at &appens+ T&e str*ggle $or t&e %ail"
lieli&oo% leaes be&in% in t&e r*#, eer"t&ing t&at is (ea, or %isease% or (aeringC (&ile t&e $ig&t o$ t&e !ale to possess
t&e $e!ale gies to t&e strongest t&e rig&t, or at least, t&e possibilit" to propagate its ,in%+ An% t&is str*ggle is a !eans o$
$*rt&ering t&e &ealt& an% po(ers o$ resistan#e in t&e spe#ies+ T&*s it is one o$ t&e #a*ses *n%erl"ing t&e pro#ess o$
%eelop!ent to(ar%s a &ig&er /*alit" o$ being+
I$ t&e #ase (ere %i$$erent t&e progressie pro#ess (o*l% #ease, an% een retrogression !ig&t set in+ Sin#e t&e in$erior
al(a"s o*tn*!ber t&e s*perior, t&e $or!er (o*l% al(a"s in#rease !ore rapi%l" i$ t&e" possesse% t&e sa!e #apa#ities $or
s*rial an% $or t&e pro#reation o$ t&eir ,in%C an% t&e $inal #onse/*en#e (o*l% be t&at t&e best in /*alit" (o*l% be $or#e%
to re#e%e into t&e ba#,gro*n%+ T&ere$ore a #orre#tie !eas*re in $ao*r o$ t&e better /*alit" !*st interene+ .at*re
s*pplies t&is b" establis&ing rigoro*s #on%itions o$ li$e to (&i#& t&e (ea,er (ill &ae to s*b!it an% (ill t&ereb" be
n*!eri#all" restri#te%C b*t een t&at portion (&i#& s*ries #annot in%is#ri!inatel" !*ltipl", $or &ere a ne( an% rigoro*s
sele#tion ta,es pla#e, a##or%ing to strengt& an% &ealt&+
I$ .at*re %oes not (is& t&at (ea,er in%ii%*als s&o*l% !ate (it& t&e stronger, s&e (is&es een less t&at a s*perior ra#e
s&o*l% inter!ingle (it& an in$erior oneC be#a*se in s*#& a #ase all &er e$$orts, t&ro*g&o*t &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ "ears,
to establis& an eol*tionar" &ig&er stage o$ being, !a" t&*s be ren%ere% $*tile+
Histor" $*rnis&es *s (it& inn*!erable instan#es t&at proe t&is la(+ It s&o(s, (it& a startling #larit", t&at (&eneer
Ar"ans &ae !ingle% t&eir bloo% (it& t&at o$ an in$erior ra#e t&e res*lt &as been t&e %o(n$all o$ t&e people (&o (ere t&e
stan%ar%1bearers o$ a &ig&er #*lt*re+ In .ort& A!eri#a, (&ere t&e pop*lation is prealentl" Te*toni#, an% (&ere t&ose
ele!ents inter!ingle% (it& t&e in$erior ra#e onl" to a er" s!all %egree, (e &ae a /*alit" o$ !an,in% an% a #iili>ation
(&i#& are %i$$erent $ro! t&ose o$ Central an% So*t& A!eri#a+ In t&ese latter #o*ntries t&e i!!igrants 1 (&o !ainl"
belonge% to t&e 'atin ra#es 1 !ate% (it& t&e aborigines, so!eti!es to a er" large e5tent in%ee%+ In t&is #ase (e &ae a
#lear an% %e#isie e5a!ple o$ t&e e$$e#t pro%*#e% b" t&e !i5t*re o$ ra#es+ 8*t in .ort& A!eri#a t&e Te*toni# ele!ent,
(&i#& &as ,ept its ra#ial sto#, p*re an% %i% not !i5 it (it& an" ot&er ra#ial sto#,, &as #o!e to %o!inate t&e A!eri#an
Continent an% (ill re!ain !aster o$ it as long as t&at ele!ent %oes not $all a i#ti! to t&e &abit o$ a%*lterating its bloo%+
In s&ort, t&e res*lts o$ !is#egenation are al(a"s t&e $ollo(ing4
FaG T&e leel o$ t&e s*perior ra#e be#o!es lo(ere%C
FbG p&"si#al an% !ental %egeneration sets in, t&*s lea%ing slo(l" b*t stea%il" to(ar%s a progressie %r"ing *p o$ t&e ital
T&e a#t (&i#& brings abo*t s*#& a %eelop!ent is a sin against t&e (ill o$ t&e Eternal Creator+ An% as a sin t&is a#t (ill be
)ans e$$ort to b*il% *p so!et&ing t&at #ontra%i#ts t&e iron logi# o$ .at*re brings &i! into #on$li#t (it& t&ose prin#iples
to (&i#& &e &i!sel$ e5#l*siel" o(es &is o(n e5isten#e+ 8" a#ting against t&e la(s o$ .at*re &e prepares t&e (a" t&at
lea%s to &is r*in+
Here (e !eet t&e insolent ob0e#tion, (&i#& is -e(is& in its inspiration an% is t"pi#al o$ t&e !o%ern pa#i$ist+ It sa"s4 L)an
#an #ontrol een .at*re+L
T&ere are !illions (&o repeat b" rote t&at pie#e o$ -e(is& babble an% en% *p b" i!agining t&at so!e&o( t&e" t&e!seles
are t&e #on/*erors o$ .at*re+ An% "et t&eir onl" (eapon is 0*st a !ere i%ea, an% a er" prepostero*s i%ea into t&e bargainC
be#a*se i$ one a##epte% it, t&en it (o*l% be i!possible een to i!agine t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e (orl%+
T&e real tr*t& is t&at, not onl" &as !an $aile% to oer#o!e .at*re in an" sp&ere (&atsoeer b*t t&at at best &e &as !erel"
s*##ee%e% in getting &ol% o$ an% li$ting a tin" #orner o$ t&e enor!o*s eil (&i#& s&e &as sprea% oer &er eternal !"steries
an% se#ret+ He neer #reates an"t&ing+ All &e #an %o is to %is#oer so!et&ing+ He %oes not !aster .at*re b*t &as onl"
#o!e to be t&e !aster o$ t&ose liing beings (&o &ae not gaine% t&e ,no(le%ge &e &as arrie% at b" penetrating into
so!e o$ .at*res la(s an% !"steries+ Apart $ro! all t&is, an i%ea #an neer s*b0e#t to its o(n s(a" t&ose #on%itions (&i#&
are ne#essar" $or t&e e5isten#e an% %eelop!ent o$ !an,in%C $or t&e i%ea itsel$ &as #o!e onl" $ro! !an+ 3it&o*t !an
t&ere (o*l% be no &*!an i%ea in t&is (orl%+ T&e i%ea as s*#& is t&ere$ore al(a"s %epen%ent on t&e e5isten#e o$ !an an%
#onse/*entl" is %epen%ent on t&ose la(s (&i#& $*rnis& t&e #on%itions o$ &is e5isten#e+
An% not onl" t&at+ Certain i%eas are een #on$ine% to #ertain people+ T&is &ol%s tr*e (it& regar% to t&ose i%eas in
parti#*lar (&i#& &ae not t&eir roots in ob0e#tie s#ienti$i# tr*t& b*t in t&e (orl% o$ $eeling+ In ot&er (or%s, to *se a p&rase
(&i#& is #*rrent to1%a" an% (&i#& (ell an% #learl" e5presses t&is tr*t&4 T&e" re$le#t an inner e5perien#e+ All s*#& i%eas,
(&i#& &ae not&ing to %o (it& #ol% logi# as s*#& b*t represent !ere !ani$estations o$ $eeling, s*#& as et&i#al an% !oral
#on#eptions, et#+, are ine5tri#abl" bo*n% *p (it& !ans e5isten#e+ It is to t&e #reatie po(ers o$ !ans i!agination t&at
s*#& i%eas o(e t&eir e5isten#e+
.o(, t&en, a ne#essar" #on%ition $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ s*#& i%eas is t&e e5isten#e o$ #ertain ra#es an% #ertain t"pes o$
!en+ For e5a!ple, an"one (&o sin#erel" (is&es t&at t&e pa#i$ist i%ea s&o*l% preail in t&is (orl% o*g&t to %o all &e is
#apable o$ %oing to &elp t&e Aer!ans #on/*er t&e (orl%C $or in #ase t&e reerse s&o*l% &appen it !a" easil" be t&at t&e
last pa#i$ist (o*l% %isappear (it& t&e last Aer!an+ I sa" t&is be#a*se, *n$ort*natel", onl" o*r people, an% no ot&er people
in t&e (orl%, $ell a pre" to t&is i%ea+ 3&et&er "o* li,e it or not, "o* (o*l% &ae to !a,e *p "o*r !in% to $orget (ars i$ "o*
(o*l% a#&iee t&e pa#i$ist i%eal+ .ot&ing less t&an t&is (as t&e plan o$ t&e A!eri#an (orl%1re%ee!er, 3oo%ro( 3ilson+
An"&o( t&at (as (&at o*r isionaries beliee%, an% t&e" t&o*g&t t&at t&ro*g& &is plans t&eir i%eals (o*l% be attaine%+
T&e pa#i$ist1&*!anitarian i%ea !a" in%ee% be#o!e an e5#ellent one (&en t&e !ost s*perior t"pe o$ !an&oo% (ill &ae
s*##ee%e% in s*b0*gating t&e (orl% to s*#& an e5tent t&at t&is t"pe is t&en sole !aster o$ t&e eart&+ T&is i%ea #o*l% &ae an
in0*rio*s e$$e#t onl" in t&e !eas*re a##or%ing to (&i#& its appli#ation (o*l% be#o!e %i$$i#*lt an% $inall" i!possible+ So,
$irst o$ all, t&e $ig&t an% t&en pa#i$is!+ I$ t&e #ase (ere %i$$erent it (o*l% !ean t&at !an,in% &as alrea%" passe% t&e >enit&
o$ its %eelop!ent, an% a##or%ingl" t&e en% (o*l% not be t&e s*pre!a#" o$ so!e !oral i%eal b*t %egeneration into
barbaris! an% #onse/*ent #&aos+ People !a" la*g& at t&is state!entC b*t o*r planet &as been !oing t&ro*g& t&e spa#es
o$ et&er $or !illions an% !illions o$ "ears, *nin&abite% b" !en, an% at so!e $*t*re %ate !a" easil" begin to %o so again 1 i$
!en s&o*l% $orget t&at (&ereer t&e" &ae rea#&e% a s*perior leel o$ e5isten#e, it (as not t&e res*lt o$ $ollo(ing t&e i%eas
o$ #ra>" isionaries b*t b" a#,no(le%ging an% rigoro*sl" obsering t&e iron la(s o$ .at*re+
All t&at (e a%!ire in t&e (orl% to1%a", its s#ien#e, its art, its te#&ni#al %eelop!ents an% %is#oeries, are t&e pro%*#ts o$
t&e #reatie a#tiities o$ a $e( peoples, an% it !a" be tr*e t&at t&eir $irst beginnings !*st be attrib*te% to one ra#e+ T&e
!aintenan#e o$ #iili>ation is (&oll" %epen%ent on s*#& peoples+ S&o*l% t&e" peris&, all t&at !a,es t&is eart& bea*ti$*l
(ill %es#en% (it& t&e! into t&e grae+
Ho(eer great, $or e5a!ple, be t&e in$l*en#e (&i#& t&e soil e5erts on !en, t&is in$l*en#e (ill al(a"s ar" a##or%ing to t&e
ra#e in (&i#& it pro%*#es its e$$e#t+ =eart& o$ soil !a" sti!*late one ra#e to t&e !ost stren*o*s e$$orts an% &ig&est
a#&iee!entC (&ile, $or anot&er ra#e, t&e poert" o$ t&e soil !a" be t&e #a*se o$ !iser" an% $inall" o$ *n%erno*ris&!ent,
(it& all its #onse/*en#es+ T&e internal #&ara#teristi#s o$ a people are al(a"s t&e #a*ses (&i#& %eter!ine t&e nat*re o$ t&e
e$$e#t t&at o*ter #ir#*!stan#es &ae on t&e!+ 3&at re%*#es one ra#e to staration trains anot&er ra#e to &ar%er (or,+
All t&e great #iili>ations o$ t&e past be#a!e %e#a%ent be#a*se t&e originall" #reatie ra#e %ie% o*t, as a res*lt o$
#onta!ination o$ t&e bloo%+
T&e !ost pro$o*n% #a*se o$ s*#& a %e#line is to be $o*n% in t&e $a#t t&at t&e people ignore% t&e prin#iple t&at all #*lt*re
%epen%s on !en, an% not t&e reerse+ In ot&er (or%s, in or%er to presere a #ertain #*lt*re, t&e t"pe o$ !an&oo% t&at
#reates s*#& a #*lt*re !*st be presere%+ 8*t s*#& a preseration goes &an%1in1&an% (it& t&e ine5orable la( t&at it is t&e
strongest an% t&e best (&o !*st tri*!p& an% t&at t&e" &ae t&e rig&t to en%*re+
He (&o (o*l% lie !*st $ig&t+ He (&o %oes not (is& to $ig&t in t&is (orl%, (&ere per!anent str*ggle is t&e la( o$ li$e, &as
not t&e rig&t to e5ist+
S*#& a sa"ing !a" so*n% &ar%C b*t, a$ter all, t&at is &o( t&e !atter reall" stan%s+ Ket $ar &ar%er is t&e lot o$ &i! (&o
beliees t&at &e #an oer#o!e .at*re an% t&*s in realit" ins*lts &er+ =istress, !iser", an% %isease are &er re0oin%ers+
3&oeer ignores or %espises t&e la(s o$ ra#e reall" %epries &i!sel$ o$ t&e &appiness to (&i#& &e beliees &e #an attain+
For &e pla#es an obsta#le in t&e i#torio*s pat& o$ t&e s*perior ra#e an%, b" so %oing, &e inter$eres (it& a prere/*isite
#on%ition o$ all &*!an progress+ 'oa%e% (it& t&e b*r%en o$ &*!anitarian senti!ent, &e $alls ba#, to t&e leel o$ t&ose (&o
are *nable to raise t&e!seles in t&e s#ale o$ being+
It (o*l% be $*tile to atte!pt to %is#*ss t&e /*estion as to (&at ra#e or ra#es (ere t&e original stan%ar%1bearers o$ &*!an
#*lt*re an% (ere t&ereb" t&e real $o*n%ers o$ all t&at (e *n%erstan% b" t&e (or% &*!anit"+ It is !*#& si!pler to %eal (it&
t&is /*estion in so $ar as it relates to t&e present ti!e+ Here t&e ans(er is si!ple an% #lear+ Eer" !ani$estation o$ &*!an
#*lt*re, eer" pro%*#t o$ art, s#ien#e an% te#&ni#al s,ill, (&i#& (e see be$ore o*r e"es to1%a", is al!ost e5#l*siel" t&e
pro%*#t o$ t&e Ar"an #reatie po(er+ T&is er" $a#t $*ll" 0*sti$ies t&e #on#l*sion t&at it (as t&e Ar"an alone (&o $o*n%e% a
s*perior t"pe o$ &*!anit"C t&ere$ore &e represents t&e ar#&it"pe o$ (&at (e *n%erstan% b" t&e ter!4 )A.+ He is t&e
Pro!et&e*s o$ !an,in%, $ro! (&ose s&ining bro( t&e %iine spar, o$ geni*s &as at all ti!es $las&e% $ort&, al(a"s
,in%ling ane( t&at $ire (&i#&, in t&e $or! o$ ,no(le%ge, ill*!inate% t&e %ar, nig&t b" %ra(ing asi%e t&e eil o$ !"ster"
an% t&*s s&o(ing !an &o( to rise an% be#o!e !aster oer all t&e ot&er beings on t&e eart&+ S&o*l% &e be $or#e% to
%isappear, a pro$o*n% %ar,ness (ill %es#en% on t&e eart&C (it&in a $e( t&o*san% "ears &*!an #*lt*re (ill anis& an% t&e
(orl% (ill be#o!e a %esert+
I$ (e %ii%e !an,in% into t&ree #ategories 1 $o*n%ers o$ #*lt*re, bearers o$ #*lt*re, an% %estro"ers o$ #*lt*re 1 t&e Ar"an
alone #an be #onsi%ere% as representing t&e $irst #ategor"+ It (as &e (&o lai% t&e gro*n%(or, an% ere#te% t&e (alls o$
eer" great str*#t*re in &*!an #*lt*re+ Onl" t&e s&ape an% #olo*r o$ s*#& str*#t*res are to be attrib*te% to t&e in%ii%*al
#&ara#teristi#s o$ t&e ario*s nations+ It is t&e Ar"an (&o &as $*rnis&e% t&e great b*il%ing1stones an% plans $or t&e e%i$i#es
o$ all &*!an progressC onl" t&e (a" in (&i#& t&ese plans &ae been e5e#*te% is to be attrib*te% to t&e /*alities o$ ea#&
in%ii%*al ra#e+ 3it&in a $e( %e#a%es t&e (&ole o$ Eastern Asia, $or instan#e, appropriate% a #*lt*re an% #alle% s*#& a
#*lt*re its o(n, (&ereas t&e basis o$ t&at #*lt*re (as t&e Aree, !in% an% Te*toni# s,ill as (e ,no( it+ Onl" t&e e5ternal
$or! 1 at least to a #ertain %egree 1 s&o(s t&e traits o$ an Asiati# inspiration+ It is not tr*e, as so!e beliee, t&at -apan a%%s
E*ropean te#&ni/*e to a #*lt*re o$ &er o(n+ T&e tr*t& rat&er is t&at E*ropean s#ien#e an% te#&ni#s are 0*st %e#,e% o*t
(it& t&e pe#*liar #&ara#teristi#s o$ -apanese #iili>ation+ T&e $o*n%ations o$ a#t*al li$e in -apan to1%a" are not t&ose o$ t&e
natie -apanese #*lt*re, alt&o*g& t&is #&ara#teri>es t&e e5ternal $eat*res o$ t&e #o*ntr", (&i#& $eat*res stri,e t&e e"e o$
E*ropean obserers on a##o*nt o$ t&eir $*n%a!ental %i$$eren#e $ro! *sC b*t t&e real $o*n%ations o$ #onte!porar" -apanese
li$e are t&e enor!o*s s#ienti$i# an% te#&ni#al a#&iee!ents o$ E*rope an% A!eri#a, t&at is to sa", o$ Ar"an peoples+ Onl"
b" a%opting t&ese a#&iee!ents as t&e $o*n%ations o$ t&eir o(n progress #an t&e ario*s nations o$ t&e Orient ta,e a pla#e
in #onte!porar" (orl% progress+ T&e s#ienti$i# an% te#&ni#al a#&iee!ents o$ E*rope an% A!eri#a proi%e t&e basis on
(&i#& t&e str*ggle $or %ail" lieli&oo% is #arrie% on in t&e Orient+ T&e" proi%e t&e ne#essar" ar!s an% instr*!ents $or
t&is str*ggle, an% onl" t&e o*ter $or!s o$ t&ese instr*!ents &ae be#o!e gra%*all" a%apte% to -apanese (a"s o$ li$e+
I$, $ro! to1%a" on(ar%s, t&e Ar"an in$l*en#e on -apan (o*l% #ease 1 an% i$ (e s*ppose t&at E*rope an% A!eri#a (o*l%
#ollapse 1 t&en t&e present progress o$ -apan in s#ien#e an% te#&ni/*e !ig&t still last $or a s&ort %*rationC b*t (it&in a $e(
%e#a%es t&e inspiration (o*l% %r" *p, an% natie -apanese #&ara#ter (o*l% tri*!p&, (&ile t&e present #iili>ation (o*l%
be#o!e $ossili>e% an% $all ba#, into t&e sleep $ro! (&i#& it (as aro*se% abo*t seent" "ears ago b" t&e i!pa#t o$ Ar"an
#*lt*re+ 3e !a" t&ere$ore %ra( t&e #on#l*sion t&at, 0*st as t&e present -apanese %eelop!ent &as been %*e to Ar"an
in$l*en#e, so in t&e i!!e!orial past an o*tsi%e in$l*en#e an% an o*tsi%e #*lt*re bro*g&t into e5isten#e t&e -apanese
#*lt*re o$ t&at %a"+ T&is opinion is er" strongl" s*pporte% b" t&e $a#t t&at t&e an#ient #iili>ation o$ -apan a#t*all"
be#a!e $ossili>ie% an% petri$ie%+ S*#& a pro#ess o$ senilit" #an &appen onl" i$ a people loses t&e ra#ial #ell (&i#&
originall" &a% been #reatie or i$ t&e o*tsi%e in$l*en#e s&o*l% be (it&%ra(n a$ter &aing a(a,ene% an% !aintaine% t&e
$irst #*lt*ral %eelop!ents in t&at region+ I$ it be s&o(n t&at a people o(es t&e $*n%a!ental ele!ents o$ its #*lt*re to
$oreign ra#es, assi!ilating an% elaborating s*#& ele!ents, an% i$ s*bse/*entl" t&at #*lt*re be#o!es $ossili>e% (&eneer
t&e e5ternal in$l*en#e #eases, t&en s*#& a ra#e !a" be #alle% t&e %epositor" b*t neer t&e #reator o$ a #*lt*re+
I$ (e s*b0e#t t&e %i$$erent peoples to a stri#t test $ro! t&is stan%point (e s&all $in% t&at s#ar#el" an" one o$ t&e! &as
originall" #reate% a #*lt*re, b*t al!ost all &ae been !erel" t&e re#ipients o$ a #*lt*re #reate% else(&ere+
T&is %eelop!ent !a" be %epi#te% as al(a"s &appening so!e(&at in t&e $ollo(ing (a"4
Ar"an tribes, o$ten al!ost ri%i#*lo*sl" s!all in n*!ber, s*b0*gate% $oreign peoples an%, sti!*late% b" t&e #on%itions o$
li$e (&i#& t&eir ne( #o*ntr" o$$ere% t&e! F$ertilit", t&e nat*re o$ t&e #li!ate, et#+G, an% pro$iting also b" t&e ab*n%an#e o$
!an*al labo*r $*rnis&e% t&e! b" t&e in$erior ra#e, t&e" %eelope% intelle#t*al an% organi>ing $a#*lties (&i#& &a% &it&erto
been %or!ant in t&ese #on/*ering tribes+ 3it&in t&e #o*rse o$ a $e( t&o*san% "ears, or een #ent*ries, t&e" gae li$e to
#*lt*res (&ose pri!itie traits #o!pletel" #orrespon%e% to t&e #&ara#ter o$ t&e $o*n%ers, t&o*g& !o%i$ie% b" a%aptation to
t&e pe#*liarities o$ t&e soil an% t&e #&ara#teristi#s o$ t&e s*b0*gate% people+ 8*t $inall" t&e #on/*ering ra#e o$$en%e%
against t&e prin#iples (&i#& t&e" $irst &a% obsere%, na!el", t&e !aintenan#e o$ t&eir ra#ial sto#, *n!i5e%, an% t&e"
began to inter!ingle (it& t&e s*b0*gate% people+ T&*s t&e" p*t an en% to t&eir o(n separate e5isten#eC $or t&e original sin
#o!!itte% in Para%ise &as al(a"s been $ollo(e% b" t&e e5p*lsion o$ t&e g*ilt" parties+
A$ter a t&o*san% "ears or !ore t&e last isible tra#es o$ t&ose $or!er !asters !a" t&en be $o*n% in a lig&ter tint o$ t&e s,in
(&i#& t&e Ar"an bloo% &a% be/*eat&e% to t&e s*b0*gate% ra#e, an% in a $ossili>e% #*lt*re o$ (&i#& t&ose Ar"ans &a% been
t&e original #reators+ For 0*st as t&e bloo%+ o$ t&e #on/*eror, (&o (as a #on/*eror not onl" in bo%" b*t also in spirit, got
s*b!erge% in t&e bloo% o$ t&e s*b0e#t ra#e, so t&e s*bstan#e %isappeare% o*t o$ (&i#& t&e tor#& o$ &*!an #*lt*re an%
progress (as ,in%le%+ In so $ar as t&e bloo% o$ t&e $or!er r*ling ra#e &as le$t a lig&t n*an#e o$ #olo*r in t&e bloo% o$ its
%es#en%ants, as a to,en an% a !e!or", t&e nig&t o$ #*lt*ral li$e is ren%ere% less %i! an% %ar, b" a !il% lig&t ra%iate%
$ro! t&e pro%*#ts o$ t&ose (&o (ere t&e bearers o$ t&e original $ire+ T&eir ra%ian#e s&ines a#ross t&e barbaris! to (&i#&
t&e s*b0e#te% ra#e &as reerte% an% !ig&t o$ten lea% t&e s*per$i#ial obserer to beliee t&at &e sees be$ore &i! an i!age o$
t&e present ra#e (&en &e is reall" loo,ing into a !irror (&erein onl" t&e past is re$le#te%+
It !a" &appen t&at in t&e #o*rse o$ its &istor" s*#& a people (ill #o!e into #onta#t a se#on% ti!e, an% een o$tener, (it&
t&e original $o*n%ers o$ t&eir #*lt*re an% !a" not een re!e!ber t&at %istant asso#iation+ Instin#tiel" t&e re!nants o$
bloo% le$t $ro! t&at ol% r*ling ra#e (ill be %ra(n to(ar%s t&is ne( p&eno!enon an% (&at &a% $or!erl" been possible onl"
*n%er #o!p*lsion #an no( be s*##ess$*ll" a#&iee% in a ol*ntar" (a"+ A ne( #*lt*ral (ae $lo(s in an% lasts *ntil t&e
bloo% o$ its stan%ar%1bearers be#o!es on#e again a%*lterate% b" inter!i5t*re (it& t&e originall" #on/*ere% ra#e+
It (ill be t&e tas, o$ t&ose (&o set t&e!seles to t&e st*%" o$ a *niersal &istor" o$ #iili>ation to inestigate &istor" $ro!
t&is point o$ ie( instea% o$ allo(ing t&e!seles to be s!ot&ere% *n%er t&e !ass o$ e5ternal %ata, as is onl" too o$ten t&e
#ase (it& o*r present &istori#al s#ien#e+
T&is s&ort s,et#& o$ t&e #&anges t&at ta,e pla#e a!ong t&ose ra#es t&at are onl" t&e %epositories o$ a #*lt*re also $*rnis&es
a pi#t*re o$ t&e %eelop!ent an% t&e a#tiit" an% t&e %isappearan#e o$ t&ose (&o are t&e tr*e $o*n%ers o$ #*lt*re on t&is
eart&, na!el" t&e Ar"ans t&e!seles+
-*st as in o*r %ail" li$e t&e so1#alle% !an o$ geni*s nee%s a parti#*lar o##asion, an% so!eti!es in%ee% a spe#ial sti!*l*s,
to bring &is geni*s to lig&t, so too in t&e li$e o$ t&e peoples t&e ra#e t&at &as geni*s in it nee%s t&e o##asion an% sti!*l*s to
bring t&at geni*s to e5pression+ In t&e !onoton" an% ro*tine o$ eer"%a" li$e een persons o$ signi$i#an#e see! 0*st li,e
t&e ot&ers an% %o not rise be"on% t&e aerage leel o$ t&eir $ello(1!en+ 8*t as soon as s*#& !en $in% t&e!seles in a
spe#ial sit*ation (&i#& %is#on#erts an% *nbalan#es t&e ot&ers, t&e &*!ble person o$ apparentl" #o!!on /*alities reeals
traits o$ geni*s, o$ten to t&e a!a>e!ent o$ t&ose (&o &ae &it&erto ,no(n &i! in t&e s!all t&ings o$ eer"%a" li$e+ T&at is
t&e reason (&" a prop&et onl" sel%o! #o*nts $or so!et&ing in &is o(n #o*ntr"+ 3ar o$$ers an e5#ellent o##asion $or
obsering t&is p&eno!enon+ In ti!es o$ %istress, (&en t&e ot&ers %espair, apparentl" &ar!less bo"s s*%%enl" spring *p
an% be#o!e &eroes, $*ll o$ %eter!ination, *n%a*nte% in t&e presen#e o$ =eat& an% !ani$esting (on%er$*l po(ers o$ #al!
re$le#tion *n%er s*#& #ir#*!stan#es+ I$ s*#& an &o*r o$ trial %i% not #o!e nobo%" (o*l% &ae t&o*g&t t&at t&e so*l o$ a
&ero l*r,e% in t&e bo%" o$ t&at bear%less "o*t&+ A spe#ial i!p*lse is al!ost al(a"s ne#essar" to bring a !an o$ geni*s into
t&e $oregro*n%+ T&e sle%ge1&a!!er o$ Fate (&i#& stri,es %o(n t&e one so easil" s*%%enl" $in%s t&e #o*nter1i!pa#t o$ steel
(&en it stri,es at t&e ot&er+ An%, a$ter t&e #o!!on s&ell o$ eer"%a" li$e is bro,en, t&e #ore t&at la" &i%%en in it is
%ispla"e% to t&e e"es o$ an astonis&e% (orl%+ T&is s*rro*n%ing (orl% t&en gro(s obstinate an% (ill not beliee t&at (&at
&a% see!e% so li,e itsel$ is reall" o$ t&at %i$$erent /*alit" so s*%%enl" %ispla"e%+ T&is is a pro#ess (&i#& is repeate%
probabl" eer" ti!e a !an o$ o*tstan%ing signi$i#an#e appears+
T&o*g& an inentor, $or e5a!ple, %oes not establis& &is $a!e *ntil t&e er" %a" t&at &e #arries t&ro*g& &is inention, it
(o*l% be a !ista,e to beliee t&at t&e #reatie geni*s %i% not be#o!e alie in &i! *ntil t&at !o!ent+ Fro! t&e er" &o*r
o$ &is birt& t&e spar, o$ geni*s is liing (it&in t&e !an (&o &as been en%o(e% (it& t&e real #reatie $a#*lt"+ Tr*e geni*s
is an innate /*alit"+ It #an neer be t&e res*lt o$ e%*#ation or training+
As I &ae state% alrea%", t&is &ol%s goo% not !erel" o$ t&e in%ii%*al b*t also o$ t&e ra#e+ T&ose peoples (&o !ani$est
#reatie abilities in #ertain perio%s o$ t&eir &istor" &ae al(a"s been $*n%a!entall" #reatie+ It belongs to t&eir er" nat*re,
een t&o*g& t&is $a#t !a" es#ape t&e e"es o$ t&e s*per$i#ial obserer+ Here also re#ognition $ro! o*tsi%e is onl" t&e
#onse/*en#e o$ pra#ti#al a#&iee!ent+ Sin#e t&e rest o$ t&e (orl% is in#apable o$ re#ogni>ing geni*s as s*#&, it #an onl"
see t&e isible !ani$estations o$ geni*s in t&e $or! o$ inentions, %is#oeries, b*il%ings, painting, et#+C b*t een &ere a
long ti!e passes be$ore re#ognition is gien+ -*st as t&e in%ii%*al person (&o &as been en%o(e% (it& t&e gi$t o$ geni*s,
or at least talent o$ a er" &ig& or%er, #annot bring t&at en%o(!ent to reali>ation *ntil &e #o!es *n%er t&e *rge o$ spe#ial
#ir#*!stan#es, so in t&e li$e o$ t&e nations t&e #reatie #apa#ities an% po(ers $re/*entl" &ae to (ait *ntil #ertain
#on%itions sti!*late t&e! to a#tion+
T&e !ost obio*s e5a!ple o$ t&is tr*t& is $*rnis&e% b" t&at ra#e (&i#& &as been, an% still is, t&e stan%ar%1bearer o$ &*!an
progress4 I !ean t&e Ar"an ra#e+ As soon as Fate brings t&e! $a#e to $a#e (it& spe#ial #ir#*!stan#es t&eir po(ers begin to
%eelop progressiel" an% to be !ani$este% in tangible $or!+ T&e #&ara#teristi# #*lt*res (&i#& t&e" #reate *n%er s*#&
#ir#*!stan#es are al!ost al(a"s #on%itione% b" t&e soil, t&e #li!ate an% t&e people t&e" s*b0*gate+ T&e last $a#tor 1 t&at o$
t&e #&ara#ter o$ t&e people 1 is t&e !ost %e#isie one+ T&e !ore pri!itie t&e te#&ni#al #on%itions *n%er (&i#& t&e
#iili>ing a#tiit" ta,es pla#e, t&e !ore ne#essar" is t&e e5isten#e o$ !an*al labo*r (&i#& #an be organi>e% an% e!plo"e%
so as to ta,e t&e pla#e o$ !e#&ani#al po(er+ Ha% it not been possible $or t&e! to e!plo" !e!bers o$ t&e in$erior ra#e
(&i#& t&e" #on/*ere%, t&e Ar"ans (o*l% neer &ae been in a position to ta,e t&e $irst steps on t&e roa% (&i#& le% t&e! to
a later t"pe o$ #*lt*reC 0*st as, (it&o*t t&e &elp o$ #ertain s*itable ani!als (&i#& t&e" (ere able to ta!e, t&e" (o*l% neer
&ae #o!e to t&e inention o$ !e#&ani#al po(er (&i#& &as s*bse/*entl" enable% t&e! to %o (it&o*t t&ese beasts+ T&e
p&rase, MT&e )oor &as a##o!plis&e% &is $*n#tion, so let &i! no( %epart, &as, *n$ort*natel", a pro$o*n% appli#ation+ For
t&o*san%s o$ "ears t&e &orse &as been t&e $ait&$*l serant o$ !an an% &as &elpe% &i! to la" t&e $o*n%ations o$ &*!an
progress, b*t no( !otor po(er &as %ispense% (it& t&e *se o$ t&e &orse+ In a $e( "ears to #o!e t&e *se o$ t&e &orse (ill
#ease entirel"C an% "et (it&o*t its #ollaboration !an #o*l% s#ar#el" &ae #o!e to t&e stage o$ %eelop!ent (&i#& &e &as
no( #reate%+
For t&e establis&!ent o$ s*perior t"pes o$ #iili>ation t&e !e!bers o$ in$erior ra#es $or!e% one o$ t&e !ost essential pre1
re/*isites+ T&e" alone #o*l% s*ppl" t&e la#, o$ !e#&ani#al !eans (it&o*t (&i#& no progress is possible+ It is #ertain t&at
t&e $irst stages o$ &*!an #iili>ation (ere not base% so !*#& on t&e *se o$ ta!e ani!als as on t&e e!plo"!ent o$ &*!an
beings (&o (ere !e!bers o$ an in$erior ra#e+
Onl" a$ter s*b0*gate% ra#es (ere e!plo"e% as slaes (as a si!ilar $ate allotte% to ani!als, an% not i#e ersa, as so!e
people (o*l% &ae *s beliee+ At $irst it (as t&e #on/*ere% ene!" (&o &a% to %ra( t&e plo*g& an% onl" a$ter(ar%s %i% t&e
o5 an% &orse ta,e &is pla#e+ .obo%" else b*t p*ling pa#i$ists #an #onsi%er t&is $a#t as a sign o$ &*!an %egra%ation+ S*#&
people $ail to re#ogni>e t&at t&is eol*tion &a% to ta,e pla#e in or%er t&at !an !ig&t rea#& t&at %egree o$ #iili>ation
(&i#& t&ese apostles no( e5ploit in an atte!pt to !a,e t&e (orl% pa" attention to t&eir rig!arole+
T&e progress o$ !an,in% !a" be #o!pare% to t&e pro#ess o$ as#en%ing an in$inite la%%er+ One %oes not rea#& t&e &ig&er
leel (it&o*t $irst &aing #li!be% t&e lo(er r*ngs+ T&e Ar"an t&ere$ore &a% to ta,e t&at roa% (&i#& &is sense o$ realit"
pointe% o*t to &i! an% not t&at (&i#& t&e !o%ern pa#i$ist %rea!s o$+ T&e pat& o$ realit" is, &o(eer, %i$$i#*lt an% &ar% to
trea%C "et it is t&e onl" one (&i#& $inall" lea%s to t&e goal (&ere t&e ot&ers enisage !an,in% in t&eir %rea!s+ 8*t t&e real
tr*t& is t&at t&ose %rea!ers &elp onl" to lea% !an a(a" $ro! &is goal rat&er t&an to(ar%s it+
It (as not b" !ere #&an#e t&at t&e $irst $or!s o$ #iili>ation arose t&ere (&ere t&e Ar"an #a!e into #onta#t (it& in$erior
ra#es, s*b0*gate% t&e! an% $or#e% t&e! to obe" &is #o!!an%+ T&e !e!bers o$ t&e in$erior ra#e be#a!e t&e $irst
!e#&ani#al tools in t&e seri#e o$ a gro(ing #iili>ation+
T&ereb" t&e (a" (as #learl" in%i#ate% (&i#& t&e Ar"an &a% to $ollo(+ As a #on/*eror, &e s*b0*gate% in$erior ra#es an%
t*rne% t&eir p&"si#al po(ers into organi>e% #&annels *n%er &is o(n lea%ers&ip, $or#ing t&e! to $ollo( &is (ill an%
p*rpose+ 8" i!posing on t&e! a *se$*l, t&o*g& &ar%, !anner o$ e!plo"ing t&eir po(ers &e not onl" spare% t&e lies o$
t&ose (&o! &e &a% #on/*ere% b*t probabl" !a%e t&eir lies easier t&an t&ese &a% been in t&e $or!er state o$ so1#alle%
M$ree%o!+ 3&ile &e r*t&lessl" !aintaine% &is position as t&eir !aster, &e not onl" re!aine% !aster b*t &e also
!aintaine% an% a%an#e% #iili>ation+ For t&is %epen%e% e5#l*siel" on &is inborn abilities an%, t&ere$ore, on t&e
preseration o$ t&e Ar"an ra#e as s*#&+ As soon, &o(eer, as &is s*b0e#t began to rise an% approa#& t&e leel o$ t&eir
#on/*eror, a p&ase o$ (&i#& as#ension (as probabl" t&e *se o$ &is lang*age, t&e barriers t&at &a% %isting*is&e% !aster
$ro! serant bro,e %o(n+ T&e Ar"an negle#te% to !aintain &is o(n ra#ial sto#, *n!i5e% an% t&ere(it& lost t&e rig&t to
lie in t&e para%ise (&i#& &e &i!sel$ &a% #reate%+ He be#a!e s*b!erge% in t&e ra#ial !i5t*re an% gra%*all" lost &is
#*lt*ral #reatieness, *ntil &e $inall" gre(, not onl" !entall" b*t also p&"si#all", !ore li,e t&e aborigines (&o! &e &a%
s*b0e#te% rat&er t&an &is o(n an#estors+ For so!e ti!e &e #o*l% #ontin*e to lie on t&e #apital o$ t&at #*lt*re (&i#& still
re!aine%C b*t a #on%ition o$ $ossili>ation soon set in an% &e san, into obliion+
T&at is &o( #*lt*res an% e!pires %e#line an% "iel% t&eir pla#es to ne( $or!ations+
T&e a%*lteration o$ t&e bloo% an% ra#ial %eterioration #on%itione% t&ereb" are t&e onl" #a*ses t&at a##o*nt $or t&e %e#line
o$ an#ient #iili>ationsC $or it is neer b" (ar t&at nations are r*ine%, b*t b" t&e loss o$ t&eir po(ers o$ resistan#e, (&i#&
are e5#l*siel" a #&ara#teristi# o$ p*re ra#ial bloo%+ In t&is (orl% eer"t&ing t&at is not o$ so*n% ra#ial sto#, is li,e #&a$$+
Eer" &istori#al eent in t&e (orl% is not&ing !ore nor less t&an a !ani$estation o$ t&e instin#t o$ ra#ial sel$1preseration,
(&et&er $or (eal or (oe+
T&e /*estion as to t&e gro*n% reasons $or t&e pre%o!inant i!portan#e o$ Ar"anis! #an be ans(ere% b" pointing o*t t&at it
is not so !*#& t&at t&e Ar"ans are en%o(e% (it& a stronger instin#t $or sel$1preseration, b*t rat&er t&at t&is !ani$ests
itsel$ in a (a" (&i#& is pe#*liar to t&e!seles+ Consi%ere% $ro! t&e s*b0e#tie stan%point, t&e (ill1to1lie is o$ #o*rse
e/*all" strong all ro*n% an% onl" t&e $or!s in (&i#& it is e5presse% are %i$$erent+ A!ong t&e !ost pri!itie organis!s t&e
instin#t $or sel$1preseration %oes not e5ten% be"on% t&e #are o$ t&e in%ii%*al ego+ Egotis!, as (e #all t&is passion, is so
pre%o!inant t&at it in#l*%es een t&e ti!e ele!entC (&i#& !eans t&at t&e present !o!ent is %ee!e% t&e !ost i!portant
an% t&at not&ing is le$t to t&e $*t*re+ T&e ani!al lies onl" $or itsel$, sear#&ing $or $oo% onl" (&en it $eels &*nger an%
$ig&ting onl" $or t&e preseration o$ its o(n li$e+ As long as t&e instin#t $or sel$1preseration !ani$ests itsel$ e5#l*siel" in
s*#& a (a", t&ere is no basis $or t&e establis&!ent o$ a #o!!*nit"C not een t&e !ost pri!itie $or! o$ all, t&at is to sa"
t&e $a!il"+ T&e so#iet" $or!e% b" t&e !ale (it& t&e $e!ale, (&ere it goes be"on% t&e !ere #on%itions o$ !ating, #alls $or
t&e e5tension o$ t&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration, sin#e t&e rea%iness to $ig&t $or ones o(n ego &as to be e5ten%e% also to
t&e !ate+ T&e !ale so!eti!es proi%es $oo% $or t&e $e!ale, b*t in !ost #ases bot& parents proi%e $oo% $or t&e o$$spring+
Al!ost al(a"s t&e" are rea%" to prote#t an% %e$en% ea#& ot&erC so t&at &ere (e $in% t&e $irst, t&o*g& in$initel" si!ple,
!ani$estation o$ t&e spirit o$ sa#ri$i#e+ As soon as t&is spirit e5ten%s be"on% t&e narro( li!its o$ t&e $a!il", (e &ae t&e
#on%itions *n%er (&i#& larger asso#iations an% $inall" een States #an be $or!e%+
T&e lo(est spe#ies o$ &*!an beings gie ei%en#e o$ t&is /*alit" onl" to a er" s!all %egree, so t&at o$ten t&e" %o not go
be"on% t&e $or!ation o$ t&e $a!il" so#iet"+ 3it& an in#reasing rea%iness to pla#e t&eir i!!e%iate personal interests in t&e
ba#,gro*n%, t&e #apa#it" $or organi>ing !ore e5tensie #o!!*nities %eelops+
T&e rea%iness to sa#ri$i#e ones personal (or, an%, i$ ne#essar", een ones li$e $or ot&ers s&o(s its !ost &ig&l" %eelope%
$or! in t&e Ar"an ra#e+ T&e greatness o$ t&e Ar"an is not base% on &is intelle#t*al po(ers, b*t rat&er on &is (illingness to
%eote all &is $a#*lties to t&e seri#e o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ Here t&e instin#t $or sel$1preseration &as rea#&e% its noblest $or!C
$or t&e Ar"an (illingl" s*bor%inates &is o(n ego to t&e #o!!on (eal an% (&en ne#essit" #alls &e (ill een sa#ri$i#e &is
o(n li$e $or t&e #o!!*nit"+
T&e #onstr*#tie po(ers o$ t&e Ar"an an% t&at pe#*liar abilit" &e &as $or t&e b*il%ing *p o$ a #*lt*re are not gro*n%e% in
&is intelle#t*al gi$ts alone+ I$ t&at (ere so t&e" !ig&t onl" be %estr*#tie an% #o*l% neer &ae t&e abilit" to organi>eC $or
t&e latter essentiall" %epen%s on t&e rea%iness o$ t&e in%ii%*al to reno*n#e &is o(n personal opinions an% interests an% to
la" bot& at t&e seri#e o$ t&e &*!an gro*p+ 8" sering t&e #o!!on (eal &e re#eies &is re(ar% in ret*rn+ For e5a!ple, &e
%oes not (or, %ire#tl" $or &i!sel$ b*t !a,es &is pro%*#tie (or, a part o$ t&e a#tiit" o$ t&e gro*p to (&i#& &e belongs,
not onl" $or &is o(n bene$it b*t $or t&e general+ T&e spirit *n%erl"ing t&is attit*%e is e5presse% b" t&e (or%4 3OR;, (&i#&
to &i! %oes not at all signi$" a !eans o$ earning ones %ail" lieli&oo% b*t rat&er a pro%*#tie a#tiit" (&i#& #annot #las&
(it& t&e interests o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ 3&eneer &*!an a#tiit" is %ire#te% e5#l*siel" to t&e seri#e o$ t&e instin#t $or sel$1
preseration it is #alle% t&e$t or *s*r", robber" or b*rglar", et#+
T&is !ental attit*%e, (&i#& $or#es sel$1interest to re#e%e into t&e ba#,gro*n% in $ao*r o$ t&e #o!!on (eal, is t&e $irst
prere/*isite $or an" ,in% o$ reall" &*!an #iili>ation+ It is o*t o$ t&is spirit alone t&at great &*!an a#&iee!ents &ae
spr*ng $or (&i#& t&e original %oers &ae s#ar#el" eer re#eie% an" re#o!pense b*t (&i#& t*rns o*t to be t&e so*r#e o$
ab*n%ant bene$it $or t&eir %es#en%ants+ It is t&is spirit alone (&i#& #an e5plain (&" it so o$ten &appens t&at people #an
en%*re a &ars& b*t &onest e5isten#e (&i#& o$$ers t&e! no ret*rns $or t&eir toil e5#ept a poor an% !o%est lieli&oo%+ 8*t
s*#& a lieli&oo% &elps to #onsoli%ate t&e $o*n%ations on (&i#& t&e #o!!*nit" e5ists+ Eer" (or,er an% eer" peasant,
eer" inentor, state o$$i#ial, et#+, (&o (or,s (it&o*t eer a#&ieing $ort*ne or prosperit" $or &i!sel$, is a representatie
o$ t&is s*bli!e i%ea, een t&o*g& &e !a" neer be#o!e #ons#io*s o$ t&e pro$o*n% !eaning o$ &is o(n a#tiit"+
Eer"t&ing t&at !a" be sai% o$ t&at ,in% o$ (or, (&i#& is t&e $*n%a!ental #on%ition o$ proi%ing $oo% an% t&e basi#
!eans o$ &*!an progress is tr*e een in a &ig&er sense o$ (or, t&at is %one $or t&e prote#tion o$ !an an% &is #iili>ation+
T&e ren*n#iation o$ ones o(n li$e $or t&e sa,e o$ t&e #o!!*nit" is t&e #ro(ning signi$i#an#e o$ t&e i%ea o$ all sa#ri$i#e+
In t&is (a" onl" is it possible to prote#t (&at &as been b*ilt *p b" !an an% to ass*re t&at t&is (ill not be %estro"e% b" t&e
&an% o$ !an or o$ nat*re+
In t&e Aer!an lang*age (e &ae a (or% (&i#& a%!irabl" e5presses t&is *n%erl"ing spirit o$ all (or,4 It is
P$li#&ter$Hll*ng, (&i#& !eans t&e seri#e o$ t&e #o!!on (eal be$ore t&e #onsi%eration o$ ones o(n interests+ T&e
$*n%a!ental spirit o*t o$ (&i#& t&is ,in% o$ a#tiit" springs is t&e #ontra%istin#tion o$ MEgotis! an% (e #all it MI%ealis!+
8" t&is (e !ean to signi$" t&e (illingness o$ t&e in%ii%*al to !a,e sa#ri$i#es $or t&e #o!!*nit" an% &is $ello(1!en+
It is o$ t&e *t!ost i!portan#e to insist again an% again t&at i%ealis! is not !erel" a s*per$l*o*s !ani$estation o$
senti!ent b*t rat&er so!et&ing (&i#& &as been, is an% al(a"s (ill be, a ne#essar" pre#on%ition o$ &*!an #iili>ationC it is
een o*t o$ t&is t&at t&e er" i%ea o$ t&e (or% MH*!an arises+ To t&is ,in% o$ !entalit" t&e Ar"an o(es &is position in t&e
(orl%+ An% t&e (orl% is in%ebte% to t&e Ar"an !in% $or &aing %eelope% t&e #on#ept o$ M!an,in%C $or it is o*t o$ t&is
spirit alone t&at t&e #reatie $or#e &as #o!e (&i#& in a *ni/*e (a" #o!bine% rob*st !*s#*lar po(er (it& a $irst1#lass
intelle#t an% t&*s #reate% t&e !on*!ents o$ &*!an #iili>ation+
3ere it not $or i%ealis! all t&e $a#*lties o$ t&e intelle#t, een t&e !ost brilliant, (o*l% be not&ing b*t intelle#t itsel$, a
!ere e5ternal p&eno!enon (it&o*t inner al*e an% neer a #reatie $or#e+
Sin#e tr*e i%ealis!, &o(eer, is essentiall" t&e s*bor%ination o$ t&e interests an% li$e o$ t&e in%ii%*al to t&e interests an%
li$e o$ t&e #o!!*nit", an% sin#e t&e #o!!*nit" on its part represents t&e pre1re/*isite #on%ition o$ eer" $or! o$
organi>ation, t&is i%ealis! a##or%s in its inner!ost essen#e (it& t&e $inal p*rpose o$ .at*re+ T&is $eeling alone !a,es
!en ol*ntaril" a#,no(le%ge t&at strengt& an% po(er are entitle% to ta,e t&e lea% an% t&*s !a,es t&e! a #onstit*ent
parti#le in t&at or%er o*t o$ (&i#& t&e (&ole *nierse is s&ape% an% $or!e%+
3it&o*t being #ons#io*s o$ it, t&e p*rest i%ealis! is al(a"s asso#iate% (it& t&e !ost pro$o*n% ,no(le%ge+ Ho( tr*e t&is is
an% &o( little gen*ine i%ealis! &as to %o (it& $antasti# sel$1%ra!ati>ation (ill be#o!e #lear t&e !o!ent (e as, an
*nspoilt #&il%, a &ealt&" bo" $or e5a!ple, to gie &is opinion+ T&e er" sa!e bo" (&o listens to t&e rantings o$ an
Mi%ealisti# pa#i$ist (it&o*t *n%erstan%ing t&e!, an% een re0e#ts t&e!, (o*l% rea%il" sa#ri$i#e &is "o*ng li$e $or t&e i%eal
o$ &is people+
Un#ons#io*sl" &is instin#t (ill s*b!it to t&e ,no(le%ge t&at t&e preseration o$ t&e spe#ies, een at t&e #ost o$ t&e
in%ii%*al li$e, is a pri!al ne#essit" an% &e (ill protest against t&e $antasies o$ pa#i$ist ranters, (&o in realit" are not&ing
better t&an #o(ar%l" egoists, een t&o*g& #a!o*$lage%, (&o #ontra%i#t t&e la(s o$ &*!an %eelop!ent+ For it is a
ne#essit" o$ &*!an eol*tion t&at t&e in%ii%*al s&o*l% be i!b*e% (it& t&e spirit o$ sa#ri$i#e in $ao*r o$ t&e #o!!on
(eal, an% t&at &e s&o*l% not be in$l*en#e% b" t&e !orbi% notions o$ t&ose ,naes (&o preten% to ,no( better t&an .at*re
an% (&o &ae t&e i!p*%en## to #riti#i>e &er %e#rees+
It is 0*st at t&ose 0*n#t*res (&en t&e i%ealisti# attit*%e t&reatens to %isappear t&at (e noti#e a (ea,ening o$ t&is $or#e
(&i#& is a ne#essar" #onstit*ent in t&e $o*n%ing an% !aintenan#e o$ t&e #o!!*nit" an% is t&ereb" a ne#essar" #on%ition
o$ #iili>ation+ As soon as t&e spirit o$ egotis! begins to preail a!ong a people t&en t&e bon%s o$ t&e so#ial or%er brea,
an% !an, b" see,ing &is o(n personal &appiness, eritabl" t*!bles o*t o$ &eaen an% $alls into &ell+
Posterit" (ill not re!e!ber t&ose (&o p*rs*e% onl" t&eir o(n in%ii%*al interests, b*t it (ill praise t&ose &eroes (&o
reno*n#e% t&eir o(n &appiness+
T&e -e( o$$ers t&e !ost stri,ing #ontrast to t&e Ar"an+ T&ere is probabl" no ot&er people in t&e (orl% (&o &ae so
%eelope% t&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration as t&e so1#alle% M#&osen people+ T&e best proo$ o$ t&is state!ent is $o*n% in t&e
si!ple $a#t t&at t&is ra#e still e5ists+ 3&ere #an anot&er people be $o*n% t&at in t&e #o*rse o$ t&e last t(o t&o*san% "ears
&as *n%ergone so $e( #&anges in !ental o*tloo, an% #&ara#ter as t&e -e(is& people@ An% "et (&at ot&er people &as ta,en
s*#& a #onstant part in t&e great reol*tions@ 8*t een a$ter &aing passe% t&ro*g& t&e !ost giganti# #atastrop&es t&at
&ae oer(&el!e% !an,in%, t&e -e(s re!ain t&e sa!e as eer+ 3&at an in$initel" tena#io*s (ill1to1lie, to presere ones
,in%, is %e!onstrate% b" t&at $a#tN
T&e intelle#t*al $a#*lties o$ t&e -e( &ae been traine% t&ro*g& t&o*san%s o$ "ears+ To1%a" t&e -e( is loo,e% *pon as
spe#iall" M#*nningC an% in a #ertain sense &e &as been so t&ro*g&o*t t&e ages+ His intelle#t*al po(ers, &o(eer, are not
t&e res*lt o$ an inner eol*tion b*t rat&er &ae been s&ape% b" t&e ob0e#t1lessons (&i#& t&e -e( &as re#eie% $ro! ot&ers+
T&e &*!an spirit #annot #li!b *p(ar%s (it&o*t ta,ing s*##essie steps+ For eer" step *p(ar%s it nee%s t&e $o*n%ation o$
(&at &as been #onstr*#te% be$ore 1 t&e past 1 (&i#& in, t&e #o!pre&ensie sense &ere e!plo"e%, #an &ae been lai% onl" in
a general #iili>ation+ All t&in,ing originates onl" to a er" s!all %egree in personal e5perien#e+ T&e largest part is base%
on t&e a##*!*late% e5perien#es o$ t&e past+ T&e general leel o$ #iili>ation proi%es t&e in%ii%*al, (&o in !ost #ases is
not #ons#io*sl" a(are o$ t&e $a#t, (it& s*#& an ab*n%an#e o$ preli!inar" ,no(le%ge t&at (it& t&is e/*ip!ent &e #an !ore
easil" ta,e $*rt&er steps on t&e roa% o$ progress+ T&e bo" o$ to1%a", $or e5a!ple, gro(s *p a!ong s*#& an oer(&el!ing
!ass o$ te#&ni#al a#&iee!ent (&i#& &as a##*!*late% %*ring t&e last #ent*r" t&at &e ta,es as grante% !an" t&ings (&i#&
a &*n%re% "ears ago (ere still !"steries een to t&e greatest !in%s o$ t&ose ti!es+ Ket t&ese t&ings t&at are not so !*#& a
!atter o$ #o*rse are o$ enor!o*s i!portan#e to t&ose (&o (o*l% *n%erstan% t&e progress (e &ae !a%e in t&ese !atters
an% (o*l% #arr" on t&at progress a step $art&er+ I$ a !an o$ geni*s belonging to t&e Mt(enties o$ t&e last #ent*r" (ere to
arise $ro! &is grae to1%a" &e (o*l% $in% it !ore %i$$i#*lt to *n%erstan% o*r present age t&an t&e #onte!porar" bo" o$
$i$teen "ears o$ age (&o !a" een &ae onl" an aerage intelligen#e+ T&e !an o$ geni*s, t&*s #o!e ba#, $ro! t&e past,
(o*l% nee% to proi%e &i!sel$ (it& an e5traor%inar" a!o*nt o$ preli!inar" in$or!ation (&i#& o*r #onte!porar" "o*t&
re#eie a*to!ati#all", so to spea,, %*ring t&e ti!e t&e" are gro(ing *p a!ong t&e pro%*#ts o$ o*r !o%ern #iili>ation+
Sin#e t&e -e( 1 $or reasons t&at I s&all %eal (it& i!!e%iatel" 1 neer &a% a #iili>ation o$ &is o(n, &e &as al(a"s been
$*rnis&e% b" ot&ers (it& a basis $or &is4 intelle#t*al (or,+ His intelle#t &as al(a"s %eelope% b" t&e *se o$ t&ose #*lt*ral
a#&iee!ents (&i#& &e &as $o*n% rea%"1to1&an% aro*n% &i!+
T&e pro#ess &as neer been t&e reerse+
For, t&o*g& a!ong t&e -e(s t&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration &as not been (ea,er b*t &as been !*#& stronger t&an a!ong
ot&er peoples, an% t&o*g& t&e i!pression !a" easil" be #reate% t&at t&e intelle#t*al po(ers o$ t&e -e( are at least e/*al to
t&ose o$ ot&er ra#es, t&e -e(s #o!pletel" la#, t&e !ost essential pre1re/*isite o$ a #*lt*ral people, na!el" t&e i%ealisti#
spirit+ 3it& t&e -e(is& people t&e rea%iness $or sa#ri$i#e %oes not e5ten% be"on% t&e si!ple instin#t o$ in%ii%*al
preseration+ In t&eir #ase t&e $eeling o$ ra#ial soli%arit" (&i#& t&e" apparentl" !ani$est is not&ing b*t a er" pri!itie
gregario*s instin#t, si!ilar to t&at (&i#& !a" be $o*n% a!ong ot&er organis!s in t&is (orl%+ It is a re!ar,able $a#t t&at
t&is &er% instin#t brings in%ii%*als toget&er $or !*t*al prote#tion onl" as long as t&ere is a #o!!on %anger (&i#& !a,es
!*t*al assistan#e e5pe%ient or ineitable+ T&e sa!e pa#, o$ (oles (&i#& a !o!ent ago 0oine% toget&er in a #o!!on
atta#, on t&eir i#ti! (ill %issole into in%ii%*al (oles as soon as t&eir &*nger &as been satis$ie%+ T&is is also s*re o$
&orses, (&i#& *nite to %e$en% t&e!seles against an" aggressor b*t separate t&e !o!ent t&e %anger is oer+
It is !*#& t&e sa!e (it& t&e -e(+ His spirit o$ sa#ri$i#e is onl" apparent+ It !ani$ests itsel$ onl" so long as t&e e5isten#e o$
t&e in%ii%*al !a,es t&is a !atter o$ absol*te ne#essit"+ 8*t as soon as t&e #o!!on $oe is #on/*ere% an% t&e %anger (&i#&
t&reatene% t&e in%ii%*al -e(s is oer#o!e an% t&e pre" se#*re%, t&en t&e apparent &ar!on" %isappears an% t&e original
#on%itions set in again+ -e(s a#t in #on#or% onl" (&en a #o!!on %anger t&reatens t&e! or a #o!!on pre" attra#ts t&e!+
3&ere t&ese t(o !oties no longer e5ist t&en t&e !ost br*tal egotis! appears an% t&ese people (&o be$ore &a% lie%
toget&er in *nit" (ill t*rn into a s(ar! o$ rats t&at bitterl" $ig&t against ea#& ot&er+
I$ t&e -e(s (ere t&e onl" people in t&e (orl% t&e" (o*l% be (allo(ing in $ilt& an% !ire an% (o*l% e5ploit one anot&er an%
tr" to e5ter!inate one anot&er in a bitter str*ggle, e5#ept in so $ar as t&eir *tter la#, o$ t&e i%eal o$ sa#ri$i#e, (&i#& s&o(s
itsel$ in t&eir #o(ar%l" spirit, (o*l% preent t&is str*ggle $ro! %eeloping+
T&ere$ore it (o*l% be a #o!plete !ista,e to interpret t&e !*t*al &elp (&i#& t&e -e(s ren%er one anot&er (&en t&e" &ae
to $ig&t 1 or, to p*t it !ore a##*ratel", to e5ploit 1 t&eir $ello( being, as t&e e5pression o$ a #ertain i%ealisti# spirit o$
Here again t&e -e( !erel" $ollo(s t&e #all o$ &is in%ii%*al egotis!+ T&at is (&" t&e -e(is& State, (&i#& o*g&t to be a
ital organi>ation to sere t&e p*rpose o$ presering or in#reasing t&e ra#e, &as absol*tel" no territorial bo*n%aries+ For
t&e territorial %eli!itation o$ a State al(a"s %e!an%s a #ertain i%ealis! o$ spirit on t&e part o$ t&e ra#e (&i#& $or!s t&at
State an% espe#iall" a proper a##eptan#e o$ t&e i%ea o$ (or,+ A State (&i#& is territoriall" %eli!ite% #annot be establis&e%
or !aintaine% *nless t&e general attit*%e to(ar%s (or, be a positie one+ I$ t&is attit*%e be la#,ing, t&en t&e ne#essar"
basis o$ a #iili>ation is also la#,ing+
T&at is (&" t&e -e(is& people, %espite t&e intelle#t*al po(ers (it& (&i#& t&e" are apparentl" en%o(e%, &ae not a #*lt*re
1 #ertainl" not a #*lt*re o$ t&eir o(n+ T&e #*lt*re (&i#& t&e -e( en0o"s to1%a" is t&e pro%*#t o$ t&e (or, o$ ot&ers an% t&is
pro%*#t is %ebase% in t&e &an%s o$ t&e -e(+
In or%er to $or! a #orre#t 0*%g!ent o$ t&e pla#e (&i#& t&e -e( &ol%s in relation to t&e (&ole proble! o$ &*!an
#iili>ation, (e !*st bear in !in% t&e essential $a#t t&at t&ere neer &as been an" -e(is& art an% #onse/*entl" t&at not&ing
o$ t&is ,in% e5ists to1%a"+ 3e !*st reali>e t&at espe#iall" in t&ose t(o ro"al %o!ains o$ art, na!el" ar#&ite#t*re an%
!*si#, t&e -e( &as %one no original #reatie (or,+ 3&en t&e -e( #o!es to pro%*#ing so!et&ing in t&e $iel% o$ art &e
!erel" bo(%ler1i>es so!et&ing alrea%" in e5isten#e or si!pl" steals t&e intelle#t*al (or%, o$ ot&ers+ T&e -e( essentiall"
la#,s t&ose /*alities (&i#& are #&ara#teristi# o$ t&ose #reatie ra#es t&at are t&e $o*n%ers o$ #iili>ation+
To (&at e5tent t&e -e( appropriates t&e #iili>ation b*ilt *p b" ot&ers 1 or rat&er #orr*pts it, to spea, !ore a##*ratel" 1 is
in%i#ate% b" t&e $a#t t&at &e #*ltiates #&ie$l" t&e art (&i#& #alls $or t&e s!allest a!o*nt o$ original inention, na!el" t&e
%ra!ati# art+ An% een &ere &e is not&ing better t&an a ,in% o$ 0*ggler or, per&aps !ore #orre#tl" spea,ing, a ,in% o$
!on,e" i!itatorC $or in t&is %o!ain also &e la#,s t&e #reatie elan (&i#& is ne#essar" $or t&e pro%*#tion o$ all reall" great
(or,+ Een &ere, t&ere$ore, &e is not a #reatie geni*s b*t rat&er a s*per$i#ial i!itator (&o, in spite o$ all &is reto*#&ing
an% tri#,s, #annot %isg*ise t&e $a#t t&at t&ere is no inner italit" in t&e s&ape &e gies &is pro%*#ts+ At t&is 0*n#t*re t&e
-e(is& Press #o!es in an% ren%ers $rien%l" assistan#e b" s&o*ting &osannas oer t&e &ea% o$ een t&e !ost or%inar"
b*ngler o$ a -e(, *ntil t&e rest o$ t&e (orl% is sta!pe%e% into t&in,ing t&at t&e ob0e#t o$ so !*#& praise !*st reall" be an
artist, (&ereas in realit" &e !a" be not&ing !ore t&an a lo(1#lass !i!i#+
.oC t&e -e(s &ae not t&e #reatie abilities (&i#& are ne#essar" to t&e $o*n%ing o$ a #iili>ationC $or in t&e! t&ere is not,
an% neer &as been, t&at spirit o$ i%ealis! (&i#& is an absol*tel" ne#essar" ele!ent in t&e &ig&er %eelop!ent o$
!an,in%+ T&ere$ore t&e -e(is& intelle#t (ill neer be #onstr*#tie b*t al(a"s %estr*#tie+ At best it !a" sere as a
sti!*l*s in rare #ases b*t onl" (it&in t&e !eaning o$ t&e poets lines4 MT&e Po(er (&i#& al(a"s (ills t&e 8a%, an% al(a"s
(or,s t&e Aoo% F;ra$t, %ie stets %as 8Jse (ill *n% stets %as A*te s#&a$$tG+ It is not t&ro*g& &is &elp b*t in spite o$ &is &elp
t&at !an,in% !a,es an" progress+
Sin#e t&e -e( &as neer &a% a State (&i#& (as base% on territorial %eli!itations, an% t&ere$ore neer a #iili>ation o$ &is
o(n, t&e i%ea arose t&at &ere (e (ere %ealing (it& a people (&o &a% to be #onsi%ere% as .o!a%s+ T&at is a great an%
!is#&ieo*s !ista,e+ T&e tr*e no!a% %oes a#t*all" possess a %e$inite %eli!ite% territor" (&ere &e lies+ It is !erel" t&at
&e %oes not #*ltiate it, as t&e settle% $ar!er %oes, b*t t&at &e lies on t&e pro%*#ts o$ &is &er%s, (it& (&i#& &e (an%ers
oer &is %o!ain+ T&e nat*ral reason $or t&is !o%e o$ e5isten#e is to be $o*n% in t&e $a#t t&at t&e soil is not $ertile an% t&at
it %oes not gie t&e stea%" pro%*#e (&i#& !a,es a $i5e% abo%e possible+ O*tsi%e o$ t&is nat*ral #a*se, &o(eer, t&ere is a
!ore pro$o*n% #a*se4 na!el", t&at no !e#&ani#al #iili>ation is at &an% to !a,e *p $or t&e nat*ral poert" o$ t&e region
in /*estion+ T&ere are territories (&ere t&e Ar"an #an establis& $i5e% settle!ents b" !eans o$ t&e te#&ni#al s,ill (&i#& &e
&as %eelope% in t&e #o*rse o$ !ore t&an a t&o*san% "ears, een t&o*g& t&ese territories (o*l% ot&er(ise &ae to be
aban%one%, *nless t&e Ar"an (ere (illing to (an%er abo*t t&e! in no!a%i# $as&ionC b*t &is te#&ni#al tra%ition an% &is
age1long e5perien#e o$ t&e *se o$ te#&ni#al !eans (o*l% probabl" !a,e t&e no!a%i# li$e *nbearable $or &i!+ 3e o*g&t to
re!e!ber t&at %*ring t&e $irst perio% o$ A!eri#an #oloni>ation n*!ero*s Ar"ans earne% t&eir %ail" lieli&oo% as trappers
an% &*nters, et#+, $re/*entl" (an%ering abo*t in large gro*ps (it& t&eir (o!en an% #&il%ren, t&eir !o%e o$ e5isten#e er"
!*#& rese!bling t&at o$ or%inar" no!a%s+ T&e !o!ent, &o(eer, t&at t&e" gre( !ore n*!ero*s an% (ere able to
a##*!*late larger reso*r#es, t&e" #leare% t&e lan% an% %roe o*t t&e aborigines, at t&e sa!e ti!e establis&ing settle!ents
(&i#& rapi%l" in#rease% all oer t&e #o*ntr"+
T&e Ar"an &i!sel$ (as probabl" at $irst a no!a% an% be#a!e a settler in t&e #o*rse o$ ages+ 8*t "et &e (as neer o$ t&e
-e(is& ,in%+ T&e -e( is not a no!a%C $or t&e no!a% &as alrea%" a %e$inite attit*%e to(ar%s t&e #on#ept o$ M(or,, an% t&is
attit*%e sere% as t&e basis o$ a later #*lt*ral %eelop!ent, (&en t&e ne#essar" intelle#t*al #on%itions (ere at &an%+ T&ere
is a #ertain a!o*nt o$ i%ealis! in t&e general attit*%e o$ t&e no!a%, een t&o*g& it be rat&er pri!itie+ His (&ole
#&ara#ter !a", t&ere$ore, be $oreign to Ar"an $eeling b*t it (ill neer be rep*lsie+ 8*t not een t&e slig&test tra#e o$
i%ealis! e5ists in t&e -e(is& #&ara#ter+ T&e -e( &as neer been a no!a%, b*t al(a"s a parasite, battening on t&e s*bstan#e
o$ ot&ers+ I$ &e o##asionall" aban%one% regions (&ere &e &a% &it&erto lie% &e %i% not %o it ol*ntaril"+ He %i% it be#a*se
$ro! ti!e to ti!e &e (as %rien o*t b" people (&o (ere tire% o$ &aing t&eir &ospitalit" ab*se% b" s*#& g*ests+ -e(is&
sel$1e5pansion is a parasiti# p&eno!enon 1 sin#e t&e -e( is al(a"s loo,ing $or ne( past*res $or &is ra#e+
8*t t&is &as not&ing to %o (it& no!a%i# li$e as s*#&C be#a*se t&e -e( %oes not eer t&in, o$ leaing a territor" (&i#& &e
&as on#e o##*pie%+ He sti#,s (&ere &e is (it& s*#& tena#it" t&at &e #an &ar%l" be %rien o*t een b" s*perior p&"si#al
$or#e+ He e5pan%s into ne( territories onl" (&en #ertain #on%itions $or &is e5isten#e are proi%e% t&ereinC b*t een t&en 1
*nli,e t&e no!a% 1 &e (ill not #&ange &is $or!er abo%e+ He is an% re!ains a parasite, a sponger (&o, li,e a perni#io*s
ba#ill*s, sprea%s oer (i%er an% (i%er areas a##or%ing as so!e $ao*rable area attra#ts &i!+ T&e e$$e#t pro%*#e% b" &is
presen#e is also li,e t&at o$ t&e a!pireC $or (&ereer &e establis&es &i!sel$ t&e people (&o grant &i! &ospitalit" are
bo*n% to be ble% to %eat& sooner or later+ T&*s t&e -e( &as at all ti!es lie% in States t&at &ae belonge% to ot&er ra#es
an% (it&in t&e organi>ation o$ t&ose States &e &a% $or!e% a State o$ &is o(n, (&i#& is, &o(eer, &i%%en be&in% t&e !as,
o$ a Mreligio*s #o!!*nit", as long as e5ternal #ir#*!stan#es %o not !a,e it a%isable $or t&is #o!!*nit" to %e#lare its
tr*e nat*re+ As soon as t&e -e( $eels &i!sel$ s*$$i#ientl" establis&e% in &is position to be able to &ol% it (it&o*t a %isg*ise,
&e li$ts t&e !as, an% s*%%enl" appears in t&e #&ara#ter (&i#& so !an" %i% not $or!erl" beliee or (is& to see4 na!el" t&at
o$ t&e -e(+
T&e li$e (&i#& t&e -e( lies as a parasite t&riing on t&e s*bstan#e o$ ot&er nations an% States &as res*lte% in %eeloping
t&at spe#i$i# #&ara#ter (&i#& S#&open&a*er on#e %es#ribe% (&en &e spo,e o$ t&e -e( as MT&e Areat )aster o$ 'ies+ T&e
,in% o$ e5isten#e (&i#& &e lea%s $or#es t&e -e( to t&e s"ste!ati# *se o$ $alse&oo%, 0*st as nat*rall" as t&e in&abitants o$
nort&ern #li!ates are $or#e% to (ear (ar! #lot&es+
He #an lie a!ong ot&er nations an% States onl" as long as &e s*##ee%s in pers*a%ing t&e! t&at t&e -e(s are not a %istin#t
people b*t t&e representaties o$ a religio*s $ait& (&o t&*s #onstit*te a Mreligio*s #o!!*nit", t&o*g& t&is be o$ a pe#*liar
As a !atter o$ $a#t, &o(eer, t&is is t&e $irst o$ &is great $alse&oo%s+
He is oblige% to #on#eal &is o(n parti#*lar #&ara#ter an% !o%e o$ li$e t&at &e !a" be allo(e% to #ontin*e &is e5isten#e as a
parasite a!ong t&e nations+ T&e greater t&e intelligen#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al -e(, t&e better (ill &e s*##ee% in %e#eiing
ot&ers+ His s*##ess in t&is line !a" een go so $ar t&at t&e people (&o grant &i! &ospitalit" !a" be le% to beliee t&at t&e
-e( a!ong t&e! is a gen*ine Fren#&!an, $or instan#e, or Englis&!an or Aer!an or Italian, (&o 0*st &appens to belong
to a religio*s %eno!ination (&i#& is %i$$erent $ro! t&at preailing in t&ese #o*ntries+ Espe#iall" in #ir#les #on#erne% (it&
t&e e5e#*tie a%!inistration o$ t&e State, (&ere t&e o$$i#ials generall" &ae onl" a !ini!*! o$ &istori#al sense, t&e -e( is
able to i!pose &is in$a!o*s %e#eption (it& #o!paratie ease+ In t&ese #ir#les in%epen%ent t&in,ing is #onsi%ere% a sin
against t&e sa#re% r*les a##or%ing to (&i#& o$$i#ial pro!otion ta,es pla#e+ It is t&ere$ore not s*rprising t&at een to1%a" in
t&e 8aarian goern!ent o$$i#es, $or e5a!ple, t&ere is not t&e slig&test s*spi#ion t&at t&e -e(s $or! a %istin#t nation
t&e!seles an% are not !erel" t&e a%&erents o$ a MCon$ession, t&o*g& one glan#e at t&e Press (&i#& belongs to t&e -e(s
o*g&t to $*rnis& s*$$i#ient ei%en#e to t&e #ontrar" een $or t&ose (&o possess onl" t&e s!allest %egree o$ intelligen#e+ T&e
-e(is& E#&o, &o(eer, is not an o$$i#ial ga>ette an% t&ere$ore not a*t&oritatie in t&e e"es o$ t&ose goern!ent potentates+
-e(r" &as al(a"s been a nation o$ a %e$inite ra#ial #&ara#ter an% neer %i$$erentiate% !erel" b" t&e $a#t o$ belonging to a
#ertain religion+ At a er" earl" %ate, *rge% on b" t&e %esire to !a,e t&eir (a" in t&e (orl%, t&e -e(s began to #ast abo*t
$or a !eans (&ereb" t&e" !ig&t %istra#t s*#& attention as !ig&t proe in#onenient $or t&e!+ 3&at #o*l% be !ore
e$$e#tie an% at t&e sa!e ti!e !ore aboe s*spi#ion t&an to borro( an% *tili>e t&e i%ea o$ t&e religio*s #o!!*nit"@ Here
also eer"t&ing is #opie%, or rat&er stolenC $or t&e -e( #o*l% not possess an" religio*s instit*tion (&i#& &a% %eelope% o*t
o$ &is o(n #ons#io*sness, seeing t&at &e la#,s eer" ,in% o$ i%ealis!C (&i#& !eans t&at belie$ in a li$e be"on% t&is
terrestrial e5isten#e is $oreign to &i!+ In t&e Ar"an !in% no religion #an eer be i!agine% *nless it e!bo%ies t&e
#oni#tion t&at li$e in so!e $or! or ot&er (ill #ontin*e a$ter %eat&+ As a !atter o$ $a#t, t&e Tal!*% is not a boo, t&at la"s
%o(n prin#iples a##or%ing to (&i#& t&e in%ii%*al s&o*l% prepare $or t&e li$e to #o!e+ It onl" $*rnis&es r*les $or a
pra#ti#al an% #onenient li$e in t&is (orl%+
T&e religio*s tea#&ing o$ t&e -e(s is prin#ipall" a #olle#tion o$ instr*#tions $or !aintaining t&e -e(is& bloo% p*re an% $or
reg*lating inter#o*rse bet(een -e(s an% t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%4 t&at is to sa", t&eir relation (it& non1-e(s+ 8*t t&e -e(is&
religio*s tea#&ing is not #on#erne% (it& !oral proble!s+ It is rat&er #on#erne% (it& e#ono!i# proble!s, an% er" pett"
ones at t&at+ In regar% to t&e !oral al*e o$ t&e religio*s tea#&ing o$ t&e -e(s t&ere e5ist an% al(a"s &ae e5iste% /*ite
e5&a*stie st*%ies Fnot $ro! t&e -e(is& si%eC $or (&ateer t&e -e(s &ae (ritten on t&is /*estion &as nat*rall" al(a"s been
o$ a ten%entio*s #&ara#terG (&i#& s&o( *p t&e ,in% o$ religion t&at t&e -e(s &ae in a lig&t t&at !a,es it loo, er"
*n#ann" to t&e Ar"an !in%+ T&e -e( &i!sel$ is t&e best e5a!ple o$ t&e ,in% o$ pro%*#t (&i#& t&is religio*s training
eoles+ His li$e is o$ t&is (orl% onl" an% &is !entalit" is as $oreign to t&e tr*e spirit o$ C&ristianit" as &is #&ara#ter (as
$oreign to t&e great Fo*n%er o$ t&is ne( #ree% t(o t&o*san% "ears ago+ An% t&e Fo*n%er o$ C&ristianit" !a%e no se#ret
in%ee% o$ His esti!ation o$ t&e -e(is& people+ 3&en He $o*n% it ne#essar" He %roe t&ose ene!ies o$ t&e &*!an ra#e o*t
o$ t&e Te!ple o$ Ao%C be#a*se t&en, as al(a"s, t&e" *se% religion as a !eans o$ a%an#ing t&eir #o!!er#ial interests+ 8*t
at t&at ti!e C&rist (as naile% to t&e Cross $or &is attit*%e to(ar%s t&e -e(sC (&ereas o*r !o%ern C&ristians enter into
part" politi#s an% (&en ele#tions are being &el% t&e" %ebase t&e!seles to beg $or -e(is& otes+ T&e" een enter into
politi#al intrig*es (it& t&e at&eisti# -e(is& parties against t&e interests o$ t&eir o(n C&ristian nation+
On t&is $irst an% $*n%a!ental lie, t&e p*rpose o$ (&i#& is to !a,e people beliee t&at -e(r" is not a nation b*t a religion,
ot&er lies are s*bse/*entl" base%+ One o$ t&ose $*rt&er lies, $or e5a!ple, is in #onne#tion (it& t&e lang*age spo,en b" t&e
-e(+ For &i! lang*age is not an instr*!ent $or t&e e5pression o$ &is inner t&o*g&ts b*t rat&er a !eans o$ #loa,ing t&e!+
3&en tal,ing Fren#& &is t&o*g&ts are -e(is& an% (&en (riting Aer!an r&"!es &e onl" gies e5pression to t&e #&ara#ter
o$ &is o(n ra#e+
As long as t&e -e( &as not s*##ee%e% in !astering ot&er peoples &e is $or#e% to spea, t&eir lang*age (&et&er &e li,es it or
not+ 8*t t&e !o!ent t&at t&e (orl% (o*l% be#o!e t&e slae o$ t&e -e( it (o*l% &ae to learn so!e ot&er lang*age
FEsperanto, $or e5a!pleG so t&at b" t&is !eans t&e -e( #o*l% %o!inate all t&e !ore easil"+
Ho( !*#& t&e (&ole e5isten#e o$ t&is people is base% on a per!anent $alse&oo% is proe% in a *ni/*e (a" b" MT&e
Proto#ols o$ t&e El%ers o$ Oion, (&i#& are so iolentl" rep*%iate% b" t&e -e(s+ 3it& groans an% !oans, t&e Fran,$*rter
Oeit*ng repeats again an% again t&at t&ese are $orgeries+ T&is alone is ei%en#e in $ao*r o$ t&eir a*t&enti#it"+ 3&at !an"
-e(s *n#ons#io*sl" (is& to %o is &ere #learl" set $ort&+ It is not ne#essar" to as, o*t o$ (&at -e(is& brain t&ese reelations
sprangC b*t (&at is o$ ital interest is t&at t&e" %is#lose, (it& an al!ost terri$"ing pre#ision, t&e !entalit" an% !et&o%s o$
a#tion #&ara#teristi# o$ t&e -e(is& people an% t&ese (ritings e5po*n% in all t&eir ario*s %ire#tions t&e $inal ai!s to(ar%s
(&i#& t&e -e(s are striing+ T&e st*%" o$ real &appenings, &o(eer, is t&e best (a" o$ 0*%ging t&e a*t&enti#it" o$ t&ose
%o#*!ents+ I$ t&e &istori#al %eelop!ents (&i#& &ae ta,en pla#e (it&in t&e last $e( #ent*ries be st*%ie% in t&e lig&t o$
t&is boo, (e s&all *n%erstan% (&" t&e -e(is& Press in#essantl" rep*%iates an% %eno*n#es it+ For t&e -e(is& peril (ill be
sta!pe% o*t t&e !o!ent t&e general p*bli# #o!e into possession o$ t&at boo, an% *n%erstan% it+
In or%er to get to ,no( t&e -e( properl" it is ne#essar" to st*%" t&e roa% (&i#& &e &as been $ollo(ing a!ong t&e ot&er
peoples %*ring t&e last $e( #ent*ries+ One e5a!ple (ill s*$$i#e to gie a #lear insig&t &ere+ Sin#e &is #areer &as been t&e
sa!e at all epo#&s 1 0*st as t&e people at (&ose e5pense &e &as lie% &ae re!aine% t&e sa!e 1 $or t&e p*rposes o$ !a,ing
t&e re/*isite anal"sis it (ill be best to !ar, &is progress b" stages+ For t&e sa,e o$ si!pli#it" (e s&all in%i#ate t&ese stages
b" letters o$ t&e alp&abet+
T&e $irst -e(s #a!e into (&at (as t&en #alle% Aer!ania %*ring t&e perio% o$ t&e Ro!an inasionC an%, as *s*al, t&e"
#a!e as !er#&ants+ =*ring t&e t*r!oil #a*se% b" t&e great !igrations o$ t&e Aer!an tribes t&e -e(s see! to &ae
%isappeare%+ 3e !a" t&ere$ore #onsi%er t&e perio% (&en t&e Aer!ans $or!e% t&e $irst politi#al #o!!*nities as t&e
beginning o$ t&at pro#ess (&ereb" Central an% .ort&ern E*rope (as again, an% t&is ti!e per!anentl", -*%ai>e%+ A
%eelop!ent began (&i#& &as al(a"s been t&e sa!e or si!ilar (&ereer an% (&eneer -e(s #a!e into #onta#t (it& Ar"an
FaG As soon as t&e $irst per!anent settle!ents &a% been establis&e% t&e -e( (as s*%%enl" Mt&ere+ He arrie% as a !er#&ant
an% in t&e beginning %i% not tro*ble to %isg*ise &is nationalit"+ He still re!aine% openl" a -e(, partl" it !a" be be#a*se &e
,ne( too little o$ t&e lang*age+ It !a" also be t&at people o$ ot&er ra#es re$*se% to !i5 (it& &i!, so t&at &e #o*l% not er"
(ell a%opt an" ot&er appearan#e t&an t&at o$ a $oreign !er#&ant+ 8e#a*se o$ &is s*btlet" an% #*nning an% t&e la#, o$
e5perien#e on t&e part o$ t&e people (&ose g*est &e be#a!e, it (as not to &is %isa%antage openl" to retain &is -e(is&
#&ara#ter+ T&is !a" een &ae been a%antageo*s to &i!C $or t&e $oreigner (as re#eie% ,in%l"+
FbG Slo(l" b*t stea%il" &e began to ta,e part in t&e e#ono!i# li$e aro*n% &i!C not as a pro%*#er, &o(eer, b*t onl" as a
!i%%le!an+ His #o!!er#ial #*nning, a#/*ire% t&ro*g& t&o*san%s o$ "ears o$ negotiation as an inter!e%iar", !a%e &i!
s*perior in t&is $iel% to t&e Ar"ans, (&o (ere still /*ite ingen*o*s an% in%ee% #l*!s" an% (&ose &onest" (as *nli!ite%C
so t&at a$ter a s&ort (&ile #o!!er#e see!e% %estine% to be#o!e a -e(is& !onopol"+ T&e -e( began b" len%ing o*t !one"
at *s*rio*s interest, (&i#& is a per!anent tra%e o$ &is+ It (as &e (&o $irst intro%*#e% t&e pa"!ent o$ interest on borro(e%
!one"+ T&e %anger (&i#& t&is innoation inole% (as not at $irst re#ogni>e%C in%ee% t&e innoation (as (el#o!e%,
be#a*se it o$$ere% !o!entar" a%antages+
F#G At t&is stage t&e -e( &a% be#o!e $ir!l" settle% %o(nC t&at is to sa", &e in&abite% spe#ial se#tions o$ t&e #ities an%
to(ns an% &a% &is o(n /*arter in t&e !ar,et1pla#es+ T&*s &e gra%*all" #a!e to $or! a State (it&in a State+ He #a!e to
loo, *pon t&e #o!!er#ial %o!ain an% all !one" transa#tions as a priilege belonging e5#l*siel" to &i!sel$ an% &e
e5ploite% it r*t&lessl"+
F%G At t&is stage $inan#e an% tra%e &a% be#o!e &is #o!plete !onopol"+ Finall", &is *s*rio*s rate o$ interest aro*se%
opposition an% t&e in#reasing i!p*%en#e (&i#& t&e -e( began to !ani$est all ro*n% stirre% *p pop*lar in%ignation, (&ile
&is %ispla" o$ (ealt& gae rise to pop*lar en"+ T&e #*p o$ &is ini/*it" be#a!e $*ll to t&e bri! (&en &e in#l*%e% lan%e%
propert" a!ong &is #o!!er#ial (ares an% %egra%e% t&e soil to t&e leel o$ a !ar,et #o!!o%it"+ Sin#e &e &i!sel$ neer
#*ltiate% t&e soil b*t #onsi%ere% it as an ob0e#t to be e5ploite%, on (&i#& t&e peasant !a" still re!ain b*t onl" on
#on%ition t&at &e s*b!its to t&e !ost &eartless e5a#tions o$ &is ne( !aster, p*bli# antipat&" against t&e -e( stea%il"
in#rease% an% $inall" t*rne% into open ani!osit"+ His e5tortionate t"rann" be#a!e so *nbearable t&at people rebelle%
against &is #ontrol an% *se% p&"si#al iolen#e against &i!+ T&e" began to s#r*tini>e t&is $oreigner so!e(&at !ore #losel",
an% t&en began to %is#oer t&e rep*lsie traits an% #&ara#teristi#s in&erent in &i!, *ntil $inall" an ab"ss opene% bet(een
t&e -e(s an% t&eir &osts, a#ross (&i#& ab"ss t&ere #o*l% be no $*rt&er #onta#t+
In ti!es o$ %istress a (ae o$ p*bli# anger &as *s*all" arisen against t&e -e(C t&e !asses &ae ta,en t&e la( into t&eir o(n
&an%sC t&e" &ae sei>e% -e(is& propert" an% r*ine% t&e -e( in t&eir *rge to prote#t t&e!seles against (&at t&e" #onsi%er
to be a s#o*rge o$ Ao%+ Haing #o!e to ,no( t&e -e( inti!atel" t&ro*g& t&e #o*rse o$ #ent*ries, in ti!es o$ %istress t&e"
loo,e% *pon &is presen#e a!ong t&e! as a p*bli# %anger #o!parable onl" to t&e plag*e+
FeG 8*t t&en t&e -e( began to reeal &is tr*e #&ara#ter+ He pai% #o*rt to goern!ents, (it& serile $latter", *se% &is !one"
to ingratiate &i!sel$ $*rt&er an% t&*s reg*larl" se#*re% $or &i!sel$ on#e again t&e priilege o$ e5ploiting &is i#ti!+
Alt&o*g& p*bli# (rat& $lare% *p against t&is eternal pro$iteer an% %roe &i! o*t, a$ter a $e( "ears &e reappeare% in t&ose
sa!e pla#es an% #arrie% on as be$ore+ .o perse#*tion #o*l% $or#e &i! to gie *p &is tra%e o$ e5ploiting ot&er people an% no
a!o*nt o$ &arr"ing s*##ee%e% in %riing &i! o*t per!anentl"+ He al(a"s ret*rne% a$ter a s&ort ti!e an% it (as al(a"s t&e
ol% stor" (it& &i!+
In an e$$ort to sae at least t&e (orst $ro! &appening, legislation (as passe% (&i#& %ebarre% t&e -e( $ro! obtaining
possession o$ t&e lan%+
F$G In proportion as t&e po(ers o$ ,ings an% prin#es in#rease%, t&e -e( si%le% *p to t&e!+ He begge% $or M#&arters an%
Mpriileges (&i#& t&ose gentle!en, (&o (ere generall" in $inan#ial straits, gla%l" grante% i$ t&e" re#eie% a%e/*ate
pa"!ent in ret*rn+ Ho(eer &ig& t&e pri#e &e &as to pa", t&e -e( (ill s*##ee% in getting it ba#, (it&in a $e( "ears $ro!
operating t&e priilege &e &as a#/*ire%, een (it& interest an% #o!po*n% interest+ He is a real lee#& (&o #lings to t&e
bo%" o$ &is *n$ort*nate i#ti!s an% #annot be re!oe%C so t&at (&en t&e prin#es $o*n% t&e!seles in nee% on#e again t&e"
too, t&e bloo% $ro! &is s(ollen eins (it& t&eir o(n &an%s+
T&is ga!e (as repeate% *nen%ingl"+ In t&e #ase o$ t&ose (&o (ere #alle% MAer!an Prin#es, t&e part t&e" pla"e% (as /*ite
as #onte!ptible as t&at pla"e% b" t&e -e(+ T&e" (ere a real s#o*rge $or t&eir people+ T&eir #o!peers !a" be $o*n% in so!e
o$ t&e goern!ent !inisters o$ o*r ti!e+
It (as %*e to t&e Aer!an prin#es t&at t&e Aer!an nation #o*l% not s*##ee% in %e$initel" $reeing itsel$ $ro! t&e -e(is&
peril+ Un$ort*natel" t&e sit*ation %i% not #&ange at a later perio%+ T&e prin#es $inall" re#eie% t&e re(ar% (&i#& t&e" &a% a
t&o*san%1$ol% %esere% $or all t&e #ri!es #o!!itte% b" t&e! against t&eir o(n people+ T&e" &a% allie% t&e!seles (it&
Satan an% later on t&e" %is#oere% t&at t&e" (ere in Satans e!bra#e+
FgG 8" per!itting t&e!seles to be entangle% in t&e toils o$ t&e -e(, t&e prin#es prepare% t&eir o(n %o(n$all+ T&e position
(&i#& t&e" &el% a!ong t&eir people (as slo(l" b*t stea%il" *n%er!ine% not onl" b" t&eir #ontin*e% $ail*re to g*ar% t&e
interests o$ t&eir s*b0e#ts b*t b" t&e positie e5ploitation o$ t&e!+ T&e -e( #al#*late% e5a#tl" t&e ti!e (&en t&e %o(n$all
o$ t&e prin#es (as approa#&ing an% %i% &is best to &asten it+ He intensi$ie% t&eir $inan#ial %i$$i#*lties b" &in%ering t&e! in
t&e e5er#ise o$ t&eir %*t" to(ar%s t&eir people, b" ineigling t&e! t&ro*g& t&e !ost serile $latteries into $*rt&er personal
%ispla", (&ereb" &e !a%e &i!sel$ !ore an% !ore in%ispensable to t&e!+ His ast*teness, or rat&er &is *tter
*ns#r*p*lo*sness, in !one" a$$airs enable% &i! to e5a#t ne( in#o!e $ro! t&e prin#es, to s/*ee>e t&e !one" o*t o$ t&e!
an% t&en &ae it spent as /*i#,l" as possible+ Eer" Co*rt &a% its MCo*rt -e(s, as t&is plag*e (as #alle%, (&o tort*re% t&e
inno#ent i#ti!s *ntil t&e" (ere %rien to %espairC (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e t&is -e( proi%e% t&e !eans (&i#& t&e prin#es
s/*an%ere% on t&eir o(n pleas*res+ It is not to be (on%ere% at t&at t&ese orna!ents o$ t&e &*!an ra#e be#a!e t&e
re#ipients o$ o$$i#ial &ono*rs an% een (ere a%!itte% into t&e ran,s o$ t&e &ere%itar" nobilit", t&*s #ontrib*ting not onl" to
e5pose t&at so#ial instit*tion to ri%i#*le b*t also to #onta!inate it $ro! t&e insi%e+
.at*rall" t&e -e( #o*l% no( e5ploit t&e position to (&i#& &e &a% attaine% an% p*s& &i!sel$ $or(ar% een !ore rapi%l"
t&an be$ore+ Finall" &e be#a!e bapti>e% an% t&*s entitle% to all t&e rig&ts an% priileges (&i#& belonge% to t&e #&il%ren o$
t&e nation on (&i#& &e pre"e%+ T&is (as a &ig&1#lass stro,e o$ b*siness $or &i!, an% &e o$ten aaile% &i!sel$ o$ it, to t&e
great 0o" o$ t&e C&*r#&, (&i#& (as pro*% o$ &aing gaine% a ne( #&il% in t&e Fait&, an% also to t&e 0o" o$ Israel, (&i#&
(as &app" at seeing t&e tri#, p*lle% o$$ s*##ess$*ll"+
F&G At t&is stage a trans$or!ation began to ta,e pla#e in t&e (orl% o$ -e(r"+ Up to no( t&e" &a% been -e(s 1 t&at is to sa",
t&e" %i% not &it&erto set an" great al*e on preten%ing to be so!et&ing elseC an% an"&o( t&e %istin#tie #&ara#teristi#s
(&i#& separate% t&e! $ro! ot&er ra#es #o*l% not be easil" oer#o!e+ Een as late as t&e ti!e o$ Fre%eri#, t&e Areat
nobo%" loo,e% *pon t&e -e(s as ot&er t&an a M$oreign people, an% Aoet&e rose *p in reolt against t&e $ail*re legall" to
pro&ibit !arriage bet(een C&ristians an% -e(s+ Aoet&e (as #ertainl" no rea#tionar" an% no ti!e1serer+ 3&at &e sai%
#a!e $ro! t&e oi#e o$ t&e bloo% an% t&e oi#e o$ reason+ .ot(it&stan%ing t&e %isgra#e$*l &appenings ta,ing pla#e in
Co*rt #ir#les, t&e people re#ogni>e% instin#tiel" t&at t&e -e( (as t&e $oreign bo%" in t&eir o(n $les& an% t&eir attit*%e
to(ar%s &i! (as %ire#te% b" re#ognition o$ t&at $a#t+
8*t a #&ange (as no( %estine% to ta,e pla#e+ In t&e #o*rse o$ !ore t&an a t&o*san% "ears t&e -e( &a% learne% to !aster
t&e lang*age o$ &is &osts so t&oro*g&l" t&at &e #onsi%ere% &e !ig&t no( la" stress on &is -e(is& #&ara#ter an% e!p&asi>e
t&e MAer!anis! a bit !ore+ T&o*g& it !*st &ae appeare% ri%i#*lo*s an% abs*r% at $irst sig&t, &e (as i!p*%ent eno*g&
to #all &i!sel$ a MTe*ton, (&i#& in t&is #ase !eant a Aer!an+ In t&at (a" began one o$ t&e !ost in$a!o*s i!positions
t&at #an be i!agine%+ T&e -e( %i% not possess t&e slig&test tra#es o$ t&e Aer!an #&ara#ter+ He &a% onl" a#/*ire% t&e art o$
t(isting t&e Aer!an lang*age to &is o(n *ses, an% t&at in a %isg*sting (a", (it&o*t &aing assi!ilate% an" ot&er $eat*re
o$ t&e Aer!an #&ara#ter+ T&ere$ore &is #o!!an% o$ t&e lang*age (as t&e sole gro*n% on (&i#& &e #o*l% preten% to be a
Aer!an+ It is not &o(eer b" t&e tie o$ lang*age, b*t e5#l*siel" b" t&e tie o$ bloo% t&at t&e !e!bers o$ a ra#e are bo*n%
toget&er+ An% t&e -e( &i!sel$ ,no(s t&is better t&an an" ot&er, seeing t&at &e atta#&es so little i!portan#e to t&e
preseration o$ &is o(n lang*age (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e &e stries &is *t!ost to !aintain &is bloo% $ree $ro! inter!i5t*re
(it& t&at o$ ot&er ra#es+ A !an !a" a#/*ire an% *se a ne( lang*age (it&o*t !*#& tro*bleC b*t it is onl" &is ol% i%eas t&at
&e e5presses t&ro*g& t&e ne( lang*age+ His inner nat*re is not !o%i$ie% t&ereb"+ T&e best proo$ o$ t&is is $*rnis&e% b" t&e
-e( &i!sel$+ He !a" spea, a t&o*san% tong*es an% "et &is -e(is& nat*re (ill re!ain al(a"s one an% t&e sa!e+ His
%isting*is&ing #&ara#teristi#s (ere t&e sa!e (&en &e spo,e t&e 'atin lang*age at Ostia t(o t&o*san% "ears ago as a
!er#&ant in grain, as t&e" are to1%a" (&en &e tries to sell a%*lterate% $lo*r (it& t&e ai% o$ &is Aer!an gibberis&+ He is
al(a"s t&e sa!e -e(+ T&at so obio*s a $a#t is not re#ogni>e% b" t&e aerage &ea%1#ler, in a Aer!an goern!ent
%epart!ent, or b" an o$$i#er in t&e poli#e a%!inistration, is also a sel$1ei%ent an% nat*ral $a#tC sin#e it (o*l% be %i$$i#*lt
to $in% anot&er #lass o$ people (&o are so la#,ing in instin#t an% intelligen#e as t&e #iil serants e!plo"e% b" o*r !o%ern
Aer!an State a*t&orities+
T&e reason (&", at t&e stage I a! %ealing (it&, t&e -e( so s*%%enl" %e#i%e% to trans$or! &i!sel$ into a Aer!an is not
%i$$i#*lt to %is#oer+ He $elt t&e po(er o$ t&e prin#es slo(l" #r*!bling an% t&ere$ore loo,e% abo*t to $in% a ne( so#ial
plan, on (&i#& &e !ig&t stan%+ F*rt&er!ore, &is $inan#ial %o!ination oer all t&e sp&eres o$ e#ono!i# li$e &a% be#o!e so
po(er$*l t&at &e $elt &e #o*l% no longer s*stain t&at enor!o*s str*#t*re or a%% to it *nless &e (ere a%!itte% to t&e $*ll
en0o"!ent o$ t&e Mrig&ts o$ #iti>ens&ip+ He ai!e% at bot&, preseration an% e5pansionC $or t&e &ig&er &e #o*l% #li!b t&e
!ore all*ring be#a!e t&e prospe#t o$ rea#&ing t&e ol% goal, (&i#& (as pro!ise% to &i! in an#ient ti!es, na!el" (orl%1
r*lers&ip, an% (&i#& &e no( loo,e% $or(ar% to (it& $eeris& e"es, as &e t&o*g&t &e sa( it isibl" approa#&ing+ T&ere$ore
all &is e$$orts (ere no( %ire#te% to be#o!ing a $*ll"1$le%ge% #iti>en, en%o(e% (it& all #iil an% politi#al rig&ts+
T&at (as t&e reason $or &is e!an#ipation $ro! t&e A&etto+
FiG An% t&*s t&e Co*rt -e( slo(l" %eelope% into t&e national -e(+ 8*t nat*rall" &e still re!aine% asso#iate% (it& persons
in &ig&er /*arters an% &e een atte!pte% to p*s& &is (a" $*rt&er into t&e inner #ir#les o$ t&e r*ling set+ 8*t at t&e sa!e
ti!e so!e ot&er representaties o$ &is ra#e (ere #*rr"ing $ao*r (it& t&e people+ I$ (e re!e!ber t&e #ri!es t&e -e( &a%
#o!!itte% against t&e !asses o$ t&e people in t&e #o*rse o$ so !an" #ent*ries, &o( repeate%l" an% r*t&lessl" &e e5ploite%
t&e! an% &o( &e s*#,e% o*t een t&e er" !arro( o$ t&eir s*bstan#e, an% (&en (e $*rt&er re!e!ber &o( t&e" gra%*all"
#a!e to &ate &i! an% $inall" #onsi%ere% &i! as a p*bli# s#o*rge 1 t&en (e !a" (ell *n%erstan% &o( %i$$i#*lt t&e -e( !*st
&ae $o*n% t&is $inal trans$or!ation+ Kes, in%ee%, it !*st ta5 all t&eir po(ers to be able to present t&e!seles as M$rien%s
o$ &*!anit" to t&e poor i#ti!s (&o! t&e" &ae s,inne% ra(+
T&ere$ore t&e -e( began b" !a,ing p*bli# a!en%s $or t&e #ri!es (&i#& &e &a% #o!!itte% against t&e people in t&e past+
He starte% &is !eta!orp&osis b" $irst appearing as t&e Mbene$a#tor o$ &*!anit"+ Sin#e &is ne( p&ilant&ropi# poli#" &a% a
er" #on#rete ai! in ie(, &e #o*l% not er" (ell appl" to &i!sel$ t&e bibli#al #o*nsel, not to allo( t&e le$t &an% to ,no(
(&at t&e rig&t &an% is giing+ He $elt oblige% to let as !an" people as possible ,no( &o( %eepl" t&e s*$$erings o$ t&e
!asses griee% &i! an% to (&at e5#esses o$ personal sa#ri$i#e &e (as rea%" to go in or%er to &elp t&e!+ 3it& t&is
!ani$estation o$ innate !o%est", so t"pi#al o$ t&e -e(, &e tr*!pete% &is irt*es be$ore t&e (orl% *ntil $inall" t&e (orl%
a#t*all" began to beliee &i!+ T&ose (&o re$*se% to s&are t&is belie$ (ere #onsi%ere% to be %oing &i! an in0*sti#e+ T&*s
a$ter a little (&ile &e began to t(ist t&ings aro*n%, so as to !a,e it appear t&at it (as &e (&o &a% al(a"s been (ronge%,
an% i#e ersa+ T&ere (ere reall" so!e parti#*larl" $oolis& people (&o #o*l% not &elp pit"ing t&is poor *n$ort*nate
#reat*re o$ a -e(+
Attention !a" be #alle% to t&e $a#t t&at, in spite o$ &is pro#lai!e% rea%iness to !a,e personal sa#ri$i#es, t&e -e( neer
be#o!es poor t&ereb"+ He &as a &app" ,na#, o$ al(a"s !a,ing bot& en%s !eet+ O##asionall" &is beneolen#e !ig&t be
#o!pare% to t&e !an*re (&i#& is not sprea% oer t&e $iel% !erel" $or t&e p*rpose o$ getting ri% o$ it, b*t rat&er (it& a
ie( to $*t*re pro%*#e+ An"&o(, a$ter a #o!paratiel" s&ort perio% o$ ti!e, t&e (orl% (as gien to ,no( t&at t&e -e( &a%
be#o!e a general bene$a#tor an% p&ilant&ropist+ 3&at a trans$or!ationN
3&at is loo,e% *pon as !ore or less nat*ral (&en %one b" ot&er people &ere be#a!e an ob0e#t o$ astonis&!ent, an% een
so!eti!es o$ a%!iration, be#a*se it (as #onsi%ere% so *n*s*al in a -e(+ T&at is (&" &e &as re#eie% !ore #re%it $or &is
a#ts o$ beneolen#e t&an or%inar" !ortals+
An% so!et&ing !ore4 T&e -e( be#a!e liberal all o$ a s*%%en an% began to tal, ent&*siasti#all" o$ &o( &*!an progress
!*st be en#o*rage%+ Ara%*all" &e ass*!e% t&e air o$ being t&e &eral% o$ a ne( age+
Ket at t&e sa!e ti!e &e #ontin*e% to *n%er!ine t&e gro*n%1(or, o$ t&at part o$ t&e e#ono!i# s"ste! in (&i#& t&e people
&ae t&e !ost pra#ti#al interest+ He bo*g&t *p sto#, in t&e ario*s national *n%erta,ings an% t&*s p*s&e% &is in$l*en#e
into t&e #ir#*it o$ national pro%*#tion, !a,ing t&is latter an ob0e#t o$ b*"ing an% selling on t&e sto#, e5#&ange, or rat&er
(&at !ig&t be #alle% t&e pa(n in a $inan#ial ga!e o$ #&ess, an% t&*s r*ining t&e basis on (&i#& personal proprietors&ip
alone is possible+ Onl" (it& t&e entran#e o$ t&e -e( %i% t&at $eeling o$ estrange!ent, bet(een e!plo"ers an% e!plo"ees
begin (&i#& le% at a later %ate to t&e politi#al #lass1str*ggle+
Finall" t&e -e( gaine% an in#reasing in$l*en#e in all e#ono!i# *n%erta,ings b" !eans o$ &is pre%o!inan#e in t&e sto#,1
e5#&ange+ I$ not t&e o(ners&ip, at least &e se#*re% #ontrol o$ t&e (or,ing po(er o$ t&e nation+
In or%er to strengt&en &is politi#al position, &e %ire#te% &is e$$orts to(ar%s re!oing t&e barrier o$ ra#ial an% #ii#
%is#ri!ination (&i#& &a% &it&erto &in%ere% &is a%an#e at eer" t*rn+ 3it& #&ara#teristi# tena#it" &e #&a!pione% t&e
#a*se o$ religio*s toleran#e $or t&is p*rposeC an% in t&e $ree!ason organi>ation, (&i#& &a% $allen #o!pletel" into &is
&an%s, &e $o*n% a !agni$i#ent (eapon (&i#& &elpe% &i! to a#&iee &is en%s+ Aoern!ent #ir#les, as (ell as t&e &ig&er
se#tions o$ t&e politi#al an% #o!!er#ial bo*rgeoisie, $ell a pre" to &is plans t&ro*g& &is !anip*lation o$ t&e !asoni# net,
t&o*g& t&e" t&e!seles %i% not een s*spe#t (&at (as &appening+
Onl" t&e people as s*#&, or rat&er t&e !asses (&i#& (ere 0*st be#o!ing #ons#io*s o$ t&eir o(n po(er an% (ere beginning
to *se it in t&e $ig&t $or t&eir rig&ts an% liberties, &a% &it&erto es#ape% t&e grip o$ t&e -e(+ At least &is in$l*en#e &a% not
"et penetrate% to t&e %eeper an% (i%er se#tions o$ t&e people+ T&is (as *nsatis$a#tor" to &i!+ T&e !ost i!portant p&ase o$
&is poli#" (as t&ere$ore to se#*re #ontrol oer t&e people+ T&e -e( reali>e% t&at in &is e$$orts to rea#& t&e position o$
p*bli# %espot &e (o*l% nee% a Mpea#e1!a,er+ An% &e t&o*g&t &e #o*l% $in% a pea#e1!a,er i$ &e #o*l% (&ip1in s*$$i#ient
e5tensie se#tions o$ t&e bo*rgeois+ 8*t t&e $ree!asons $aile% to #at#& t&e gloe1!an*$a#t*rers an% t&e linen1(eaers in
t&e $rail !es&es o$ t&eir net+ An% so it be#a!e ne#essar" to $in% a grosser an% (it&al a !ore e$$e#tie !eans+ T&*s anot&er
(eapon besi%e t&at o$ $ree!asonr" (o*l% &ae to be se#*re%+ T&is (as t&e Press+ T&e -e( e5er#ise% all &is s,ill an%
tena#it" in getting &ol% o$ it+ 8" !eans o$ t&e Press &e began gra%*all" to #ontrol p*bli# li$e in its entiret"+ He began to
%rie it along t&e roa% (&i#& &e &a% #&osen to rea#& &is o(n en%sC $or &e (as no( in a position to #reate an% %ire#t t&at
$or#e (&i#&, *n%er t&e na!e o$ Mp*bli# opinion is better ,no(n to1%a" t&an it (as so!e %e#a%es ago+
Si!*ltaneo*sl" t&e -e( gae &i!sel$ t&e air o$ t&irsting a$ter ,no(le%ge+ He la*%e% eer" p&ase o$ progress, parti#*larl"
t&ose p&ases (&i#& le% to t&e r*in o$ ot&ersC $or &e 0*%ges all progress an% %eelop!ent $ro! t&e stan%point o$ t&e
a%antages (&i#& t&ese bring to &is o(n people+ 3&en it brings &i! no s*#& a%antages &e is t&e %ea%l" ene!" o$
enlig&ten!ent an% &ates all #*lt*re (&i#& is real #*lt*re as s*#&+ All t&e ,no(le%ge (&i#& &e a#/*ires in t&e s#&ools o$
ot&ers is e5ploite% b" &i! e5#l*siel" in t&e seri#e o$ &is o(n ra#e+
Een !ore (at#&$*ll" t&an eer be$ore, &e no( stoo% g*ar% oer &is -e(is& nationalit"+ T&o*g& b*bbling oer (it&
Menlig&ten!ent, Mprogress, Mlibert", M&*!anit", et#+, &is $irst #are (as to presere t&e ra#ial integrit" o$ &is o(n people+
He o##asionall" besto(e% one o$ &is $e!ale !e!bers on an in$l*ential C&ristianC b*t t&e ra#ial sto#, o$ &is !ale
%es#en%ants (as al(a"s presere% *n!i5e% $*n%a!entall"+ He poisons t&e bloo% o$ ot&ers b*t preseres &is o(n bloo%
*na%*lterate%+ T&e -e( s#ar#el" eer !arries a C&ristian girl, b*t t&e C&ristian ta,es a -e(ess to (i$e+ T&e !ongrels t&at
are a res*lt o$ t&is latter *nion al(a"s %e#lare t&e!seles on t&e -e(is& si%e+ T&*s a part o$ t&e &ig&er nobilit" in
parti#*lar be#a!e #o!pletel" %egenerate+ T&e -e( (as (ell a(are o$ t&is $a#t an% s"ste!ati#all" *se% t&is !eans o$
%isar!ing t&e intelle#t*al lea%ers o$ t&e opposite ra#e+ To !as, &is ta#ti#s an% $ool &is i#ti!s, &e tal,s o$ t&e e/*alit" o$
all !en, no !atter (&at t&eir ra#e or #olo*r !a" be+ An% t&e si!pletons begin to beliee &i!+
Sin#e &is (&ole nat*re still retains too $oreign an o%o*r $or t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people to allo( t&e!seles to be
#a*g&t in &is snare, &e *ses t&e Press to p*t be$ore t&e p*bli# a pi#t*re o$ &i!sel$ (&i#& is entirel" *ntr*e to li$e b*t (ell
%esigne% to sere &is p*rpose+ In t&e #o!i# papers spe#ial e$$orts are !a%e to represent t&e -e(s as an ino$$ensie little
ra#e (&i#&, li,e all ot&ers, &as its pe#*liarities+ In spite o$ t&eir !anners, (&i#& !a" see! a bit strange, t&e #o!i# papers
present t&e -e(s as $*n%a!entall" goo%1&earte% an% &ono*rable+ Atte!pts are generall" !a%e to !a,e t&e! appear
insigni$i#ant rat&er t&an %angero*s+
=*ring t&is p&ase o$ &is progress t&e #&ie$ goal o$ t&e -e( (as t&e i#tor" o$ %e!o#ra#", or rat&er t&e s*pre!e &ege!on"
o$ t&e parlia!entar" s"ste!, (&i#& e!bo%ies &is #on#ept o$ %e!o#ra#"+ T&is instit*tion &ar!onises best (it& &is
p*rposesC $or t&*s t&e personal ele!ent is eli!inate% an% in its pla#e (e &ae t&e %*n%er1&ea%e% !a0orit", ine$$i#ien#"
an%, last b*t b" no !eans least, ,naer"+
T&e $inal res*lt !*st ne#essaril" &ae been t&e oert&ro( o$ t&e !onar#&", (&i#& &a% to &appen sooner or later+
F0G A tre!en%o*s e#ono!i# %eelop!ent trans$or!e% t&e so#ial str*#t*re o$ t&e nation+ T&e s!all artisan #lass slo(l"
%isappeare% an% t&e $a#tor" (or,er, (&o too, its pla#e, &a% s#ar#el" an" #&an#e o$ establis&ing an in%epen%ent e5isten#e
o$ &is o(n b*t san, !ore an% !ore to t&e leel o$ a proletariat+ An essential #&ara#teristi# o$ t&e $a#tor" (or,er is t&at &e
is s#ar#el" eer able to proi%e $or an in%epen%ent so*r#e o$ lieli&oo% (&i#& (ill s*pport &i! in later li$e+ In t&e tr*e
sense o$ t&e (or%, &e is M%isin&erite%+ His ol% age is a !iser" to &i! an% #an &ar%l" be #alle% li$e at all+
In earlier ti!es a si!ilar sit*ation &a% been #reate%, (&i#& &a% i!peratiel" %e!an%e% a sol*tion an% $or (&i#& a sol*tion
(as $o*n%+ Si%e b" si%e (it& t&e peasant an% t&e artisan, a ne( #lass (as gra%*all" %eelope%, na!el" t&at o$ o$$i#ials an%
e!plo"ees, espe#iall" t&ose e!plo"e% in t&e ario*s seri#es o$ t&e State+ T&e" also (ere a M%isin&erite% #lass, in t&e tr*e
sense o$ t&e (or%+ 8*t t&e State $o*n% a re!e%" $or t&is *n&ealt&" sit*ation b" ta,ing *pon itsel$ t&e %*t" o$ proi%ing $or
t&e State o$$i#ial (&o #o*l% establis& not&ing t&at (o*l% be an in%epen%ent !eans o$ lieli&oo% $or &i!sel$ in &is ol% age+
T&*s t&e s"ste! o$ pensions an% retiring allo(an#es (as intro%*#e%+ Priate enterprises slo(l" $ollo(e% t&is e5a!ple in
in#reasing n*!bersC so t&at to1%a" eer" per!anent non1!an*al (or,er re#eies a pension in &is later "ears, i$ t&e $ir!
(&i#& &e &as sere% is one t&at &as rea#&e% or gone be"on% a #ertain si>e+ It (as onl" b" irt*e o$ t&e ass*ran#e gien o$
State o$$i#ials, t&at t&e" (o*l% be #are% $or in t&eir ol% age+ t&at s*#& a &ig& %egree o$ *nsel$is& %eotion to %*t" (as
%eelope%, (&i#& in pre1(ar ti!es (as one o$ t&e %isting*ising #&ara#teristi#s o$ Aer!an o$$i#ials+
T&*s a (&ole #lass (&i#& &a% no personal propert" (as sae% $ro! %estit*tion b" an intelligent s"ste! o$ proision, an%
$o*n% a pla#e in t&e so#ial str*#t*re o$ t&e national #o!!*nit"+
T&e proble! is no( p*t be$ore t&e State an% nation, b*t t&is ti!e in a !*#& larger $or!+ 3&en t&e ne( in%*stries sprang
*p an% %eelope%, !illions o$ people le$t t&e #o*ntr"si%e an% t&e illages to ta,e *p e!plo"!ent in t&e big $a#tories+ T&e
#on%itions *n%er (&i#& t&is ne( #lass $o*n% itsel$ $or#e% to lie (ere (orse t&an !iserable+ T&e !ore or less !e#&ani#al
trans$or!ation o$ t&e !et&o%s o$ (or, &it&erto in og*e a!ong t&e artisans an% peasants %i% not $it in (ell (it& t&e &abits
or !entalit" o$ t&is ne( (or,ing1#lass+ T&e (a" in (&i#& t&e peasants an% artisans &a% $or!erl" (or,e% &a% not&ing
#o!parable to t&e intensie labo*r o$ t&e ne( $a#tor" (or,er+ In t&e ol% tra%es ti!e %i% not pla" a &ig&l" i!portant role,
b*t it be#a!e an essential ele!ent in t&e ne( in%*strial s"ste!+ T&e $or!al ta,ing oer o$ t&e ol% (or,ing &o*rs into t&e
!a!!ot& in%*strial enterprises &a% $atal res*lts+ T&e a#t*al a!o*nt o$ (or, &it&erto a##o!plis&e% (it&in a #ertain ti!e
(as #o!paratiel" s!all, be#a*se t&e !o%ern !et&o%s o$ intensie pro%*#tion (ere t&en *n,no(n+ T&ere$ore, t&o*g& in
t&e ol%er s"ste! a (or,ing %a" o$ $o*rteen or een $i$teen &o*rs (as not *nen%*rable, no( it (as be"on% t&e possibilities
o$ &*!an en%*ran#e be#a*se in t&e ne( s"ste! eer" !in*te (as *tili>e% to t&e e5tre!e+ T&is abs*r% trans$eren#e o$ t&e
ol% (or,ing &o*rs to t&e ne( in%*strial s"ste! proe% $atal in t(o %ire#tions+ First, it r*ine% t&e &ealt& o$ t&e (or,ersC
se#on%l", it %estro"e% t&eir $ait& in a s*perior la( o$ 0*sti#e+ Finall", on t&e one &an% a !iserable (age (as re#eie% an%,
on t&e ot&er, t&e e!plo"er &el% a !*#& !ore l*#ratie position t&an be$ore+ Hen#e a stri,ing %i$$eren#e bet(een t&e (a"s
o$ li$e on t&e one si%e an% on t&e ot&er+
In t&e open #o*ntr" t&ere #o*l% be no so#ial proble!, be#a*se t&e !aster an% t&e $ar!1&an% (ere %oing t&e sa!e ,in% o$
(or, an% %oing it toget&er+ T&e" ate t&eir $oo% in #o!!on, an% so!eti!es een o*t o$ t&e sa!e %is&+ 8*t in t&is sp&ere
also t&e ne( s"ste! intro%*#e% an entirel" %i$$erent set o$ #on%itions bet(een !asters an% !en+
T&e %iision #reate% bet(een e!plo"er an% e!plo"ees see!s not to &ae e5ten%e% to all bran#&es o$ li$e+ Ho( $ar t&is
-*%ai>ing pro#ess &as been allo(e% to ta,e e$$e#t a!ong o*r people is ill*strate% b" t&e $a#t t&at !an*al labo*r not onl"
re#eies pra#ti#all" no re#ognition b*t is een #onsi%ere% %egra%ing+ T&at is not a nat*ral Aer!an attit*%e+ It is %*e to t&e
intro%*#tion o$ a $oreign ele!ent into o*r lies, an% t&at $oreign ele!ent is t&e -e(is& spirit, one o$ t&e e$$e#ts o$ (&i#&
&as been to trans$or! t&e &ig& estee! in (&i#& o*r &an%i#ra$ts on#e (ere &el% into a %e$inite $eeling t&at all p&"si#al
labo*r is so!et&ing base an% *n(ort&"+
T&*s a ne( so#ial #lass &as gro(n *p (&i#& stan%s in lo( estee!C an% t&e %a" !*st #o!e (&en (e s&all &ae to $a#e t&e
/*estion o$ (&et&er t&e nation (ill be able to !a,e t&is #lass an integral part o$ t&e so#ial #o!!*nit" or (&et&er t&e
%i$$eren#e o$ stat*s no( e5isting (ill be#o!e a per!anent g*l$ separating t&is #lass $ro! t&e ot&ers+
One t&ing, &o(eer, is #ertain4 T&is #lass %oes not in#l*%e t&e (orst ele!ents o$ t&e #o!!*nit" in its ran,s+ Rat&er t&e
#ontrar" is t&e tr*t&4 it in#l*%es t&e !ost energeti# parts o$ t&e nation+ T&e sop&isti#ation (&i#& is t&e res*lt o$ a so1#alle%
#iili>ation &as not "et e5er#ise% its %isintegrating an% %egenerating in$l*en#e on t&is #lass+ T&e broa% !asses o$ t&is ne(
lo(er #lass, #onstit*te% b" t&e !an*al labo*rers, &ae not "et $allen a pre" to t&e !orbi% (ea,ness o$ pa#i$is!+ T&ese are
still rob*st an%, i$ ne#essar", t&e" #an be br*tal+
3&ile o*r bo*rgeoisie !i%%le #lass pai% no attention at all to t&is !o!ento*s proble! an% in%i$$erentl" allo(e% eents to
ta,e t&eir #o*rse, t&e -e( sei>e% *pon t&e !ani$ol% possibilities (&i#& t&e sit*ation o$$ere% &i! $or t&e $*t*re+ 3&ile on
t&e one &an% &e organi>e% #apitalisti# !et&o%s o$ e5ploitation to t&eir *lti!ate %egree o$ e$$i#ien#", &e #*rrie% $ao*r (it&
t&e i#ti!s o$ &is poli#" an% &is po(er an% in a s&ort (&ile be#a!e t&e lea%er o$ t&eir str*ggle against &i!sel$+ MAgainst
&i!sel$ is &ere onl" a $ig*ratie (a" o$ spea,ingC $or t&is MAreat )aster o$ 'ies ,no(s &o( to appear in t&e g*ise o$ t&e
inno#ent an% t&ro( t&e g*ilt on ot&ers+ Sin#e &e &a% t&e i!p*%en#e to ta,e a personal lea% a!ong t&e !asses, t&e" neer
$or a !o!ent s*spe#te% t&at t&e" (ere $alling a pre" to one o$ t&e !ost in$a!o*s %e#eits eer pra#tise%+ An% "et t&at is
(&at it a#t*all" (as+
T&e !o!ent t&is ne( #lass &a% arisen o*t o$ t&e general e#ono!i# sit*ation an% ta,en s&ape as a %e$inite bo%" in t&e
so#ial or%er, t&e -e( sa( #learl" (&ere &e (o*l% $in% t&e ne#essar" pa#e!a,er $or &is o(n progressie !ar#&+ At $irst &e
&a% *se% t&e bo*rgeois #lass as a battering1ra! against t&e $e*%al or%erC an% no( &e *se% t&e (or,er against t&e bo*rgeois
(orl%+ -*st as &e s*##ee%e% in obtaining #ii# rig&ts b" intrig*es #arrie% on *n%er t&e prote#tion o$ t&e bo*rgeois #lass, &e
no( &ope% t&at b" 0oining in t&e str*ggle (&i#& t&e (or,ers (ere (aging $or t&eir o(n e5isten#e &e (o*l% be able to
obtain $*ll #ontrol oer t&e!+
3&en t&at !o!ent arries, t&en t&e onl" ob0e#tie t&e (or,ers (ill &ae to $ig&t $or (ill be t&e $*t*re o$ t&e -e(is&
people+ 3it&o*t ,no(ing it, t&e (or,er is pla#ing &i!sel$ at t&e seri#e o$ t&e er" po(er against (&i#& &e beliees &e is
$ig&ting+ Apparentl" &e is !a%e to $ig&t against #apital an% t&*s &e is all t&e !ore easil" bro*g&t to $ig&t $or #apitalist
interests+ O*t#ries are s"ste!ati#all" raise% against international #apital b*t in realit" it is against t&e str*#t*re o$ national
e#ono!i#s t&at t&ese slogans are %ire#te%+ T&e i%ea is to %e!olis& t&is str*#t*re an% on its r*ins tri*!p&antl" ere#t t&e
str*#t*re o$ t&e International Sto#, E5#&ange+
In t&is line o$ a#tion t&e pro#e%*re o$ t&e -e( (as as $ollo(s4
He ,o(to(e% to t&e (or,er, &"po#riti#all" preten%e% to $eel pit" $or &i! an% &is lot, an% een to be in%ignant at t&e !iser"
an% poert" (&i#& t&e (or,er &a% to en%*re+ T&at is t&e (a" in (&i#& t&e -e( en%eao*re% to gain t&e #on$i%en#e o$ t&e
(or,ing #lass+ He s&o(e% &i!sel$ eager to st*%" t&eir ario*s &ar%s&ips, (&et&er real or i!aginar", an% stroe to a(a,en
a "earning on t&e part o$ t&e (or,ers to #&ange t&e #on%itions *n%er (&i#& t&e" lie%+ T&e -e( art$*ll" en,in%le% t&at
innate "earning $or so#ial 0*sti#e (&i#& is a t"pi#al Ar"an #&ara#teristi#+ On#e t&at "earning be#a!e alie it (as
trans$or!e% into &atre% against t&ose in !ore $ort*nate #ir#*!stan#es o$ li$e+ T&e ne5t stage (as to gie a pre#ise
p&ilosop&i#al aspe#t to t&e str*ggle $or t&e eli!ination o$ so#ial (rongs+ An% t&*s t&e )ar5ist %o#trine (as inente%+
8" presenting &is %o#trine as part an% par#el o$ a 0*st rein%i#ation o$ so#ial rig&ts, t&e -e( propagate% t&e %o#trine all t&e
!ore e$$e#tiel"+ 8*t at t&e sa!e ti!e &e proo,e% t&e opposition o$ %e#ent people (&o re$*se% to a%!it t&ese %e!an%s
(&i#&, be#a*se o$ t&e $or! an% pse*%o1p&ilosop&i#al tri!!ings in (&i#& t&e" are presente%, see!e% $*n%a!entall" *n0*st
an% i!possible $or reali>ation+ For, *n%er t&e #loa, o$ p*rel" so#ial #on#epts t&ere are &i%%en ai!s (&i#& are o$ a Satani#
#&ara#ter+ T&ese ai!s are een e5po*n%e% in t&e open (it& t&e #larit" o$ *nli!ite% i!p*%en#e+ T&is )ar5ist %o#trine is an
in%ii%*al !i5t*re o$ &*!an reason an% &*!an abs*r%it"C b*t t&e #o!bination is arrange% in s*#& a (a" t&at onl" t&e
abs*r% part o$ it #o*l% eer be p*t into pra#ti#e, b*t neer t&e reasonable part o$ it+ 8" #ategori#all" rep*%iating t&e
personal (ort& o$ t&e in%ii%*al an% also t&e nation an% its ra#ial #onstit*ent, t&is %o#trine %estro"s t&e $*n%a!ental basis
o$ all #iili>ationC $or #iili>ation essentiall" %epen%s on t&ese er" $a#tors+ S*#& is t&e tr*e essen#e o$ t&e )ar5ist
3eltans#&&a**ng, so $ar as t&e (or% 3eltans#&&a**ng #an be applie% at all to t&is p&anto! arising $ro! a #ri!inal
brain+ T&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e #on#ept o$ personalit" an% o$ ra#e re!oes t&e #&ie$ obsta#le (&i#& barre% t&e (a" to
%o!ination o$ t&e so#ial bo%" b" its in$erior ele!ents, (&i#& are t&e -e(s+
T&e er" abs*r%it" o$ t&e e#ono!i# an% politi#al t&eories o$ )ar5is! gies t&e %o#trine its pe#*liar signi$i#an#e+ 8e#a*se
o$ its pse*%o1logi#, intelligent people re$*se to s*pport it, (&ile all t&ose (&o are less a##*sto!e% to *se t&eir intelle#t*al
$a#*lties, or (&o &ae onl" a r*%i!entar" notion o$ e#ono!i# prin#iples, 0oin t&e )ar5ist #a*se (it& $l"ing banners+ T&e
intelligen#e be&in% t&e !oe!ent 1 $or een t&is !oe!ent nee%s intelligen#e i$ it is to s*bsist 1 is s*pplie% b" t&e -e(s
t&e!seles, nat*rall" o$ #o*rse as a grat*ito*s seri#e (&i#& is at t&e sa!e ti!e a sa#ri$i#e on t&eir part+
T&*s arose a !oe!ent (&i#& (as #o!pose% e5#l*siel" o$ !an*al (or,ers *n%er t&e lea%ers&ip o$ -e(s+ To all e5ternal
appearan#es, t&is !oe!ent stries to a!eliorate t&e #on%itions *n%er (&i#& t&e (or,ers lieC b*t in realit" its ai! is to
enslae an% t&ereb" anni&ilate t&e non1-e(is& ra#es+
T&e propagan%a (&i#& t&e $ree!asons &a% #arrie% on a!ong t&e so1#alle% intelligentsia, (&ereb" t&eir pa#i$ist tea#&ing
paral"se% t&e instin#t $or national sel$1preseration, (as no( e5ten%e% to t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e (or,ers an% bo*rgeoisie
b" !eans o$ t&e Press, (&i#& (as al!ost eer"(&ere in -e(is& &an%s+ To t&ose t(o instr*!ents o$ %isintegration a t&ir%
an% still !ore r*t&less one (as a%%e%, na!el", t&e organi>ation o$ br*te p&"si#al $or#e a!ong t&e !asses+ As !asse%
#ol*!ns o$ atta#,s, t&e )ar5ist troops stor!e% t&ose parts o$ t&e so#ial or%er (&i#& &a% been le$t stan%ing a$ter t&e t(o
$or!er *n%er!ining operations &a% %one t&eir (or,+
T&e #o!bine% a#tiit" o$ all t&ese $or#es &as been !arello*sl" !anage%+ An% it (ill not be s*rprising i$ it t*rns o*t t&at
t&ose instit*tions (&i#& &ae al(a"s appeare% as t&e organs o$ t&e !ore or less tra%itional a*t&orit" o$ t&e State s&o*l%
no( $all be$ore t&e )ar5ist atta#,+ A!ong o*r &ig&er an% &ig&est State o$$i#ials, (it& er" $e( e5#eptions, t&e -e( &as
$o*n% t&e #ost #o!pla#ent ba#,ers in &is (or, o$ %estr*#tion+ An attit*%e o$ snea,ing serilit" to(ar%s Ms*periors an%
s*per#ilio*s arrogan#e to(ar%s Min$eriors are t&e #&ara#teristi#s o$ t&is #lass o$ people, as (ell as a gra%e o$ st*pi%it"
(&i#& is reall" $rig&tening an% at t&e sa!e ti!e a to(ering sel$1#on#eit, (&i#& &as been so #onsistentl" %eelope% to !a,e
it a!*sing+
8*t t&ese /*alities are o$ t&e greatest *tilit" to t&e -e( in &is %ealings (it& o*r a*t&orities+ T&ere$ore t&e" are /*alities
(&i#& &e appre#iates !ost in t&e o$$i#ials+
I$ I (ere to s,et#& ro*g&l" t&e a#t*al str*ggle (&i#& is no( beginning I s&o*l% %es#ribe it so!e(&at t&*s4
.ot satis$ie% (it& t&e e#ono!i# #on/*est o$ t&e (orl%, b*t also %e!an%ing t&at it !*st #o!e *n%er &is politi#al #ontrol,
t&e -e( s*b%ii%es t&e organi>e% )ar5ist po(er into t(o parts, (&i#& #orrespon% to t&e *lti!ate ob0e#ties t&at are to be
$o*g&t $or in t&is str*ggle (&i#& is #arrie% on *n%er t&e %ire#tion o$ t&e -e(+ To o*t(ar% appearan#e, t&ese see! to be t(o
in%epen%ent !oe!ents, b*t in realit" t&e" #onstit*te an in%iisible *nit"+ T&e t(o %iisions are4 T&e politi#al !oe!ent
an% t&e tra%es *nion !oe!ent+
T&e tra%es *nion !oe!ent &as to gat&er in t&e re#r*its+ It o$$ers assistan#e an% prote#tion to t&e (or,ers in t&e &ar%
str*ggle (&i#& t&e" &ae to (age $or t&e bare !eans o$ e5isten#e, a str*ggle (&i#& &as been o##asione% b" t&e gree%iness
an% narro(1!in%e%ness o$ !an" o$ t&e in%*strialists+ Unless t&e (or,ers be rea%" to s*rren%er all #lai!s to an e5isten#e
(&i#& t&e %ignit" o$ &*!an nat*re itsel$ %e!an%s, an% *nless t&e" are rea%" to s*b!it t&eir $ate to t&e (ill o$ e!plo"ers
(&o in !an" #ases &ae no sense o$ &*!an responsibilities an% are *tterl" #allo*s to &*!an (ants, t&en t&e (or,er !*st
ne#essaril" ta,e !atters into &is o(n &an%s, seeing t&at t&e organi>e% so#ial #o!!*nit" 1 t&at is to sa", t&e State 1 pa"s no
attention to &is nee%s+
T&e so1#alle% national1!in%e% bo*rgeoisie, blin%e% b" its o(n !aterial interests, opposes t&is li$e1or1%eat& str*ggle o$ t&e
(or,ers an% pla#es t&e !ost %i$$i#*lt obsta#les in t&eir (a"+ .ot onl" %oes t&is bo*rgeoisie &in%er all e$$orts to ena#t
legislation (&i#& (o*l% s&orten t&e in&*!anl" long &o*rs o$ (or,, pro&ibit #&il%1labo*r, grant se#*rit" an% prote#tion to
(o!en an% i!proe t&e &"gieni# #on%itions o$ t&e (or,s&ops an% t&e %(ellings o$ t&e (or,ing1#lass, b*t (&ile t&e
bo*rgeoisie &in%ers all t&is t&e s&re(% -e( ta,es t&e #a*se o$ t&e oppresse% into &is o(n &an%s+ He gra%*all" be#o!es t&e
lea%er o$ t&e tra%es *nion !oe!ents, (&i#& is an eas" tas, $or &i!, be#a*se &e %oes not gen*inel" inten% to $in%
re!e%ies $or t&e so#ial (rong4 &e p*rs*es onl" one ob0e#tie, na!el", to gat&er an% #onsoli%ate a bo%" o$ $ollo(ers (&o
(ill a#t *n%er &is #o!!an%s as an ar!e% (eapon in t&e e#ono!i# (ar $or t&e %estr*#tion o$ national e#ono!i#
in%epen%en#e+ For, (&ile a so*n% so#ial poli#" &as to !oe bet(een t&e t(o poles o$ se#*ring a %e#ent leel o$ p*bli#
&ealt& an% (el$are on t&e one &an% an%, on t&e ot&er, t&at o$ sa$eg*ar%ing t&e in%epen%en#e o$ t&e e#ono!i# li$e o$ t&e
nation, t&e -e( %oes not ta,e t&ese poles into a##o*nt at all+ T&e %estr*#tion o$ bot& is one o$ &is !ain ob0e#ts+ He (o*l%
r*in, rat&er t&an sa$eg*ar%, t&e in%epen%en#e o$ t&e national e#ono!i# s"ste!+ T&ere$ore, as t&e lea%er o$ t&e tra%es *nion
!oe!ent, &e &as no s#r*ples abo*t p*tting $or(ar% %e!an%s (&i#& not onl" go be"on% t&e %e#lare% p*rpose o$ t&e
!oe!ent b*t #o*l% not be #arrie% into e$$e#t (it&o*t r*ining t&e national e#ono!i# str*#t*re+ On t&e ot&er &an%, &e &as
no interest in seeing a &ealt&" an% st*r%" pop*lation %eelopC &e (o*l% be !ore #ontent to see t&e people %egenerate into
an *nt&in,ing &er% (&i#& #o*l% be re%*#e% to total s*b0e#tion+ 8e#a*se t&ese are &is $inal ob0e#ties, &e #an a$$or% to p*t
$or(ar% t&e !ost abs*r% #lai!s+ He ,no(s er" (ell t&at t&ese #lai!s #an neer be reali>e% an% t&at t&ere$ore not&ing in
t&e a#t*al state o$ a$$airs #o*l% be altere% b" t&e!, b*t t&at t&e !ost t&e" #an %o is to aro*se t&e spirit o$ *nrest a!ong t&e
!asses+ T&at is e5a#tl" t&e p*rpose (&i#& &e (is&es s*#& propagan%a to sere an% not a real an% &onest i!proe!ent o$
t&e so#ial #on%itions+
T&e -e(s (ill t&ere$ore re!ain t&e *n/*estione% lea%ers o$ t&e tra%es *nion !oe!ent so long as a #a!paign is not
*n%erta,en, (&i#& !*st be #arrie% o*t on giganti# lines, $or t&e enlig&ten!ent o$ t&e !assesC so t&at t&e" (ill be enable%
better to *n%erstan% t&e #a*ses o$ t&eir !iser"+ Or t&e sa!e en% !ig&t be a#&iee% i$ t&e goern!ent a*t&orities (o*l% get
ri% o$ t&e -e( an% &is (or,+ For as long as t&e !asses re!ain so ill1in$or!e% as t&e" a#t*all" are to1%a", an% as long as t&e
State re!ains as in%i$$erent to t&eir lot as it no( is, t&e !asses (ill $ollo( (&ateer lea%er !a,es t&e! t&e !ost
e5traagant pro!ises in regar% to e#ono!i# !atters+ T&e -e( is a past !aster at t&is art an% &is a#tiities are not
&a!pere% b" !oral #onsi%erations o$ an" ,in%+
.at*rall" it ta,es &i! onl" a s&ort ti!e to %e$eat all &is #o!petitors in t&is $iel% an% %rie t&e! $ro! t&e s#ene o$ a#tion+
In a##or%an#e (it& t&e general br*talit" an% rapa#it" o$ &is nat*re, &e t*rns t&e tra%es *nion !oe!ent into an
organi>ation $or t&e e5er#ise o$ p&"si#al iolen#e+ T&e resistan#e o$ t&ose (&ose #o!!on sense &as &it&erto sae% t&e!
$ro! s*rren%ering to t&e -e(is& %i#tators&ip is no( bro,en %o(n b" terrori>ation+ T&e s*##ess o$ t&at ,in% o$ a#tiit" is
Parallel (it& t&is, +t&e politi#al organi>ation a%an#es+ It operates &an%1in1&an% (it& t&e tra%es *nion !oe!ent,
inas!*#& as t&e latter prepares t&e !asses $or t&e politi#al organi>ation an% een $or#es t&e! into it+ T&is is also t&e
so*r#e t&at proi%es t&e !one" (&i#& t&e politi#al organi>ation nee%s to ,eep its enor!o*s apparat*s in a#tion+ T&e tra%es
*nion organi>ation is t&e organ o$ #ontrol $or t&e politi#al a#tiit" o$ its !e!bers an% (&ips in t&e !asses $or all great
politi#al %e!onstrations+ In t&e en% it #eases to str*ggle $or e#ono!i# interests b*t pla#es its #&ie$ (eapon, t&e re$*sal to
#ontin*e (or, 1 (&i#& ta,es t&e $or! o$ a general stri,e 1 at t&e %isposal o$ t&e politi#al !oe!ent+
8" !eans o$ a Press (&ose #ontents are a%apte% to t&e leel o$ t&e !ost ignorant rea%ers, t&e politi#al an% tra%es *nion
organi>ations are proi%e% (it& an instr*!ent (&i#& prepares t&e lo(est strat*! o$ t&e nation $or a #a!paign o$ r*t&less
%estr*#tion+ It is not #onsi%ere% part o$ t&e p*rpose o$ t&is Press to inspire its rea%ers (it& i%eals (&i#& !ig&t &elp t&e! to
li$t t&eir !in%s aboe t&e sor%i% #on%itions o$ t&eir %ail" liesC b*t, on t&e #ontrar", it pan%ers to t&eir lo(est instin#ts+
A!ong t&e la>"1!in%e% an% sel$1see,ing se#tions o$ t&e !asses t&is ,in% o$ spe#*lation t*rns o*t l*#ratie+
It is t&is Press aboe all (&i#& #arries on a $anati#al #a!paign o$ #al*!n", stries to tear %o(n eer"t&ing t&at !ig&t be
#onsi%ere% as a !ainsta" o$ national in%epen%en#e an% to sabotage all #*lt*ral al*es as (ell as to %estro" t&e a*tono!" o$
t&e national e#ono!i# s"ste!+
It ai!s its atta#, espe#iall" against all !en o$ #&ara#ter (&o re$*se to $all into line (it& t&e -e(is& e$$orts to obtain #ontrol
oer t&e State or (&o appear %angero*s to t&e -e(s !erel" be#a*se o$ t&eir s*perior intelligen#e+ For in or%er to in#*r t&e
en!it" o$ t&e -e( it is not ne#essar" to s&o( an" open &ostilit" to(ar%s &i!+ It is /*ite s*$$i#ient i$ one be #onsi%ere%
#apable o$ opposing t&e -e( so!e ti!e in t&e $*t*re or *sing &is abilities an% #&ara#ter to en&an#e t&e po(er an% position
o$ a nation (&i#& t&e -e( $in%s &ostile to &i!sel$+
T&e -e(is& instin#t, (&i#& neer $ails (&ere t&ese proble!s &ae to be %ealt (it&, rea%il" %is#erns t&e tr*e !entalit" o$
t&ose (&o! t&e -e( !eets in eer"%a" li$eC an% t&ose (&o are not o$ a ,in%re% spirit (it& &i! !a" be s*re o$ being liste%
a!ong &is ene!ies+ Sin#e t&e -e( is not t&e ob0e#t o$ aggression b*t t&e aggressor &i!sel$, &e #onsi%ers as &is ene!ies not
onl" t&ose (&o atta#, &i! b*t also t&ose (&o !a" be #apable o$ resisting &i!+ T&e !eans (&i#& &e e!plo"s to brea,
people o$ t&is ,in%, (&o !a" s&o( t&e!seles %e#ent an% *prig&t, are not t&e open !eans generall" *se% in &ono*rable
#on$li#t, b*t $alse&oo% an% #al*!n"+
He (ill stop at not&ing+ His *tterl" lo(1%o(n #on%*#t is so appalling t&at one reall" #annot be s*rprise% i$ in t&e
i!agination o$ o*r people t&e -e( is pi#t*re% as t&e in#arnation o$ Satan an% t&e s"!bol o$ eil+
T&e ignoran#e o$ t&e broa% !asses as regar%s t&e inner #&ara#ter o$ t&e -e(, an% t&e la#, o$ instin#t an% insig&t t&at o*r
*pper #lasses %ispla", are so!e o$ t&e reasons (&i#& e5plain &o( it is t&at so !an" people $all an eas" pre" to t&e
s"ste!ati# #a!paign o$ $alse&oo% (&i#& t&e -e( #arries on+
3&ile t&e *pper #lasses, (it& t&eir innate #o(ar%liness, t*rn a(a" $ro! an"one (&o! t&e -e( t&*s atta#,s (it& lies an%
#al*!n", t&e #o!!on people are #re%*lo*s o$ eer"t&ing, (&et&er be#a*se o$ t&eir ignoran#e or t&eir si!ple1!in%e%ness+
Aoern!ent a*t&orities (rap t&e!seles *p in a robe o$ silen#e, b*t !ore $re/*entl" t&e" perse#*te t&e i#ti!s o$ -e(is&
atta#,s in or%er to stop t&e #a!paign in t&e -e(is& Press+ To t&e $at*o*s !in% o$ t&e goern!ent o$$i#ial s*#& a line o$
#on%*#t appears to belong to t&e poli#" o$ *p&ol%ing t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State an% presering p*bli# or%er+ Ara%*all" t&e
)ar5ist (eapon in t&e &an%s o$ t&e -e( be#o!es a #onstant bog" to %e#ent people+ So!eti!es t&e $ear o$ it sti#,s in t&e
brain or (eig&s *pon t&e! as a ,in% o$ nig&t!are+ People begin to /*ail be$ore t&is $ear$*l $oe an% t&ere(it& be#o!e &is
F,G T&e -e(is& %o!ination in t&e State see!s no( so $*ll" ass*re% t&at not onl" #an &e no( a$$or% to #all &i!sel$ a -e(
on#e again, b*t &e een a#,no(le%ges $reel" an% openl" (&at &is i%eas are on ra#ial an% politi#al /*estions+ A se#tion o$
t&e -e(s ao(s itsel$ /*ite openl" as an alien people, b*t een &ere t&ere is anot&er $alse&oo%+ 3&en t&e Oionists tr" to
!a,e t&e rest o$ t&e (orl% beliee t&at t&e ne( national #ons#io*sness o$ t&e -e(s (ill be satis$ie% b" t&e establis&!ent o$
a -e(is& State in Palestine, t&e -e(s t&ereb" a%opt anot&er !eans to %*pe t&e si!ple1!in%e% Aentile+ T&e" &ae not t&e
slig&test intention o$ b*il%ing *p a -e(is& State in Palestine so as to lie in it+ 3&at t&e" reall" are ai!ing at is to establis&
a #entral organi>ation $or t&eir international s(in%ling an% #&eating+ As a soereign State, t&is #annot be #ontrolle% b"
an" o$ t&e ot&er States+ T&ere$ore it #an sere as a re$*ge $or s(in%lers (&o &ae been $o*n% o*t an% at t&e sa!e ti!e a
&ig&1s#&ool $or t&e training o$ ot&er s(in%lers+
As a sign o$ t&eir gro(ing pres*!ption an% sense o$ se#*rit", a #ertain se#tion o$ t&e! openl" an% i!p*%entl" pro#lai!
t&eir -e(is& nationalit" (&ile anot&er se#tion &"po#riti#all" preten% t&at t&e" are Aer!an, Fren#& or Englis& as t&e #ase
!a" be+ T&eir blatant be&aio*r in t&eir relations (it& ot&er people s&o(s &o( #learl" t&e" enisage t&eir %a" o$ tri*!p&
in t&e near $*t*re+
T&e bla#,1&aire% -e(is& "o*t& lies in (ait $or &o*rs on en%, satani#all" glaring at an% sp"ing on t&e *ns*spi#io*s girl
(&o! &e plans to se%*#e, a%*lterating &er bloo% an% re!oing &er $ro! t&e boso! o$ &er o(n people+ T&e -e( *ses eer"
possible !eans to *n%er!ine t&e ra#ial $o*n%ations o$ a s*b0*gate% people+ In &is s"ste!ati# e$$orts to r*in girls an%
(o!en &e stries to brea, %o(n t&e last barriers o$ %is#ri!ination bet(een &i! an% ot&er peoples+ T&e -e(s (ere
responsible $or bringing negroes into t&e R&inelan%, (it& t&e *lti!ate i%ea o$ bastar%i>ing t&e (&ite ra#e (&i#& t&e" &ate
an% t&*s lo(ering its #*lt*ral an% politi#al leel so t&at t&e -e( !ig&t %o!inate+ For as long as a people re!ain ra#iall"
p*re an% are #ons#io*s o$ t&e treas*re o$ t&eir bloo%, t&e" #an neer be oer#o!e b" t&e -e(+ .eer in t&is (orl% #an t&e
-e( be#o!e !aster o$ an" people e5#ept a bastar%i>e% people+
T&at is (&" t&e -e( s"ste!ati#all" en%eao*rs to lo(er t&e ra#ial /*alit" o$ a people b" per!anentl" a%*lterating t&e
bloo% o$ t&e in%ii%*als (&o !a,e *p t&at people+
In t&e $iel% o$ politi#s &e no( begins to repla#e t&e i%ea o$ %e!o#ra#" b" intro%*#ing t&e %i#tators&ip o$ t&e proletariat+ In
t&e !asses organi>e% *n%er t&e )ar5ist banners &e &as $o*n% a (eapon (&i#& !a,es it possible $or &i! to %is#ar%
%e!o#ra#", so as to s*b0*gate an% r*le in a %i#tatorial $as&ion b" t&e ai% o$ br*te $or#e+ He is s"ste!ati#all" (or,ing in t(o
(a"s to bring abo*t t&is reol*tion+ T&ese (a"s are t&e e#ono!i# an% t&e politi#al respe#tiel"+
Ai%e% b" international in$l*en#es, &e $or!s a ring o$ ene!ies aro*n% t&ose nations (&i#& &ae proe% t&e!seles too
st*r%" $or &i! in (it&stan%ing atta#,s $ro! (it&in+ He (o*l% li,e to $or#e t&e! into (ar an% t&en, i$ it s&o*l% be
ne#essar" to &is plans, &e (ill *n$*rl t&e banners o$ reolt een (&ile t&e troops are a#t*all" $ig&ting at t&e $ront+
E#ono!i#all" &e brings abo*t t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e State b" a s"ste!ati# !et&o% o$ sabotaging so#ial enterprises *ntil
t&ese be#o!e so #ostl" t&at t&e" are ta,en o*t o$ t&e &an%s o$ t&e State an% t&en s*b!itte% to t&e #ontrol o$ -e(is& $inan#e+
Politi#all" &e (or,s to (it&%ra( $ro! t&e State its !eans o$ s*sbsisten#e, inas!*#& as &e *n%er!ines t&e $o*n%ations o$
national resistan#e an% %e$en#e, %estro"s t&e #on$i%en#e (&i#& t&e people &ae in t&eir Aoern!ent, reiles t&e past an%
its &istor" an% %rags eer"t&ing national %o(n into t&e g*tter+
C*lt*rall" &is a#tiit" #onsists in bo(%leri>ing art, literat*re an% t&e t&eatre, &ol%ing t&e e5pressions o$ national senti!ent
*p to s#orn, oert*rning all #on#epts o$ t&e s*bli!e an% bea*ti$*l, t&e (ort&" an% t&e goo%, $inall" %ragging t&e people to
t&e leel o$ &is o(n lo( !entalit"+
O$ religion &e !a,es a !o#,er"+ )oralit" an% %e#en#" are %es#ribe% as anti/*ate% pre0*%i#es an% t&*s a s"ste!ati# atta#,
is !a%e to *n%er!ine t&ose last $o*n%ations on (&i#& t&e national being !*st rest i$ t&e nation is to str*ggle $or its
e5isten#e in t&is (orl%+
FlG .o( begins t&e great an% $inal reol*tion+ As soon as t&e -e( is in possession o$ politi#al po(er &e %rops t&e last $e(
eils (&i#& &ae &it&erto &elpe% to #on#eal &is $eat*res+ O*t o$ t&e %e!o#rati# -e(, t&e -e( o$ t&e People, arises t&e M-e(
o$ t&e 8loo%, t&e t"rant o$ t&e peoples+ In t&e #o*rse o$ a $e( "ears &e en%eao*rs to e5ter!inate all t&ose (&o represent
t&e national intelligen#e+ An% b" t&*s %epriing t&e peoples o$ t&eir nat*ral intelle#t*al lea%ers &e $its t&e! $or t&eir $ate
as slaes *n%er a lasting %espotis!+
R*ssia $*rnis&es t&e !ost terrible e5a!ple o$ s*#& a slaer"+ In t&at #o*ntr" t&e -e( ,ille% or stare% t&irt" !illions o$ t&e
people, in a bo*t o$ saage $anati#is! an% partl" b" t&e e!plo"!ent o$ in&*!an tort*re+ An% &e %i% t&is so t&at a gang o$
-e(is& literati an% $inan#ial ban%its s&o*l% %o!inate oer a great people+
8*t t&e $inal #onse/*en#e is not !erel" t&at t&e people lose all t&eir $ree%o! *n%er t&e %o!ination o$ t&e -e(s, b*t t&at in
t&e en% t&ese parasites t&e!seles %isappear+ T&e %eat& o$ t&e i#ti! is $ollo(e% sooner or later b" t&at o$ t&e a!pire+
I$ (e reie( all t&e #a*ses (&i#& #ontrib*te% to bring abo*t t&e %o(n$all o$ t&e Aer!an people (e s&all $in% t&at t&e !ost
pro$o*n% an% %e#isie #a*se !*st be attrib*te% to t&e la#, o$ insig&t into t&e ra#ial proble! an% espe#iall" in t&e $ail*re to
re#ogni>e t&e -e(is& %anger+
It (o*l% &ae been eas" eno*g& to en%*re t&e %e$eats s*$$ere% on t&e battle$iel%s in A*g*st 1919+ T&e" (ere not&ing (&en
#o!pare% (it& t&e !ilitar" i#tories (&i#& o*r nation &a% a#&iee%+ O*r %o(n$all (as not t&e res*lt o$ t&ose %e$eatsC b*t
(e (ere oert&ro(n b" t&at $or#e (&i#& &a% prepare% t&ose %e$eats b" s"ste!ati#all" operating $or seeral %e#a%es to
%estro" t&ose politi#al instin#ts an% t&at !oral sta!ina (&i#& alone enable a people to str*ggle $or its e5isten#e an%
t&ere(it& se#*re t&e rig&t to e5ist+
8" negle#ting t&e proble! o$ presering t&e ra#ial $o*n%ations o$ o*r national li$e, t&e ol% E!pire abrogate% t&e sole rig&t
(&i#& entitles a people to lie on t&is planet+ .ations t&at !a,e !ongrels o$ t&eir people, or allo( t&eir people to be
t*rne% into !ongrels, sin against t&e 3ill o$ Eternal Proi%en#e+ An% t&*s t&eir oert&ro( at t&e &an%s o$ a stronger
opponent #annot be loo,e% *pon as a (rong b*t, on t&e #ontrar", as a restoration o$ 0*sti#e+ I$ a people re$*ses to g*ar% an%
*p&ol% t&e /*alities (it& (&i#& it &as been en%o(e% b" .at*re an% (&i#& &ae t&eir roots in t&e ra#ial bloo%, t&en s*#& a
people &as no rig&t to #o!plain oer t&e loss o$ its eart&l" e5isten#e+
Eer"t&ing on t&is eart& #an be !a%e into so!et&ing better+ Eer" %e$eat !a" be !a%e t&e $o*n%ation o$ a $*t*re i#tor"+
Eer" lost (ar !a" be t&e #a*se o$ a later res*rgen#e+ Eer" isitation o$ %istress #an gie a ne( i!pet*s to &*!an energ"+
An% o*t o$ eer" oppression t&ose $or#es #an %eelop (&i#& bring abo*t a ne( re1birt& o$ t&e national so*l 1 proi%e%
al(a"s t&at t&e ra#ial bloo% is ,ept p*re+
8*t t&e loss o$ ra#ial p*rit" (ill (re#, inner &appiness $or eer+ It %egra%es !en $or all ti!e to #o!e+ An% t&e p&"si#al
an% !oral #onse/*en#es #an neer be (ipe% o*t+
I$ t&is *ni/*e proble! be st*%ie% an% #o!pare% (it& t&e ot&er proble!s o$ li$e (e s&all easil" re#ogni>e &o( s!all is t&eir
i!portan#e in #o!parison (it& t&is+ T&e" are all li!ite% to ti!eC b*t t&e proble! o$ t&e !aintenan#e or loss o$ t&e p*rit"
o$ t&e ra#ial bloo% (ill last as long as !an &i!sel$ lasts+
All t&e s"!pto!s o$ %e#line (&i#& !ani$este% t&e!seles alrea%" in pre1(ar ti!es #an be tra#e% ba#, to t&e ra#ial
3&et&er one is %ealing (it& /*estions o$ general la(, or !onstro*s e5#res#en#es in e#ono!i# li$e, o$ p&eno!ena (&i#&
point to a #*lt*ral %e#line or politi#al %egeneration, (&et&er it be a /*estion o$ %e$e#ts in t&e s#&ool1s"ste! or o$ t&e eil
in$l*en#e (&i#& t&e Press e5erts oer t&e a%*lt pop*lation 1 al(a"s an% eer"(&ere t&ese p&eno!ena are at botto! #a*se%
b" a la#, o$ #onsi%eration $or t&e interests o$ t&e ra#e to (&i#& ones o(n nation belongs, or b" t&e $ail*re to re#ogni>e t&e
%anger t&at #o!es $ro! allo(ing a $oreign ra#e to e5ist (it&in t&e national bo%"+
T&at is (&" all atte!pts at re$or!, all instit*tions $or so#ial relie$, all politi#al striing, all e#ono!i# progress an% all
apparent in#rease in t&e general sto#, o$ ,no(le%ge, (ere %oo!e% to be *npro%*#tie o$ an" signi$i#ant res*lts+ T&e
nation, as (ell as t&e organi>ation (&i#& enables it to e5ist 1 na!el", t&e State 1 (ere not %eeloping in inner strengt& an%
stabilit", b*t, on t&e #ontrar", (ere isibl" losing t&eir italit"+ T&e $alse brillian#e o$ t&e Se#on% E!pire #o*l% not
%isg*ise t&e inner (ea,ness+ An% eer" atte!pt to inigorate it ane( $aile% be#a*se t&e !ain an% !ost i!portant proble!
(as le$t o*t o$ #onsi%eration+
It (o*l% be a !ista,e to t&in, t&at t&e $ollo(ers o$ t&e ario*s politi#al parties (&i#& trie% to %o#tor t&e #on%ition o$ t&e
Aer!an people, or een all t&eir lea%ers, (ere ba% in t&e!seles or !eant (rong+ T&eir a#tiit" een at best (as %oo!e%
to $ail, !erel" be#a*se o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e" sa( not&ing b*t t&e s"!pto!s o$ o*r general !ala%" an% t&e" trie% to %o#tor
t&e s"!pto!s (&ile t&e" oerloo,e% t&e real #a*se o$ t&e %isease+ I$ one !a,es a !et&o%i#al st*%" o$ t&e lines along (&i#&
t&e ol% E!pire %eelope% one #annot &elp seeing, a$ter a #are$*l politi#al anal"sis, t&at a pro#ess o$ inner %egeneration
&a% alrea%" set in een at t&e ti!e (&en t&e *nite% E!pire (as $or!e% an% t&e Aer!an nation began to !a,e rapi%
e5ternal progress+ T&e general sit*ation (as %e#lining, in spite o$ t&e apparent politi#al s*##ess an% in spite o$ t&e
in#reasing e#ono!i# (ealt&+ At t&e ele#tions to t&e Rei#&stag t&e gro(ing n*!ber o$ )ar5ist otes in%i#ate% t&at t&e
internal brea,%o(n an% t&e politi#al #ollapse (ere t&en rapi%l" approa#&ing+ All t&e i#tories o$ t&e so1#alle% bo*rgeois
parties (ere $r*itless, not onl" be#a*se t&e" #o*l% not preent t&e n*!eri#al in#rease in t&e gro(ing !ass o$ )ar5ist
otes, een (&en t&e bo*rgeois parties tri*!p&e% at t&e polls, b*t !ainl" be#a*se t&e" t&e!seles (ere alrea%" in$e#te%
(it& t&e ger!s o$ %e#a"+ T&o*g& /*ite *na(are o$ it, t&e bo*rgeois (orl% (as in$e#te% $ro! (it&in (it& t&e %ea%l" ir*s
o$ )ar5ist i%eas+ T&e $a#t t&at t&e" so!eti!es openl" resiste% (as to be e5plaine% b" t&e #o!petitie stri$e a!ong
a!bitio*s politi#al lea%ers, rat&er t&an b" attrib*ting it to an" opposition in prin#iple bet(een a%ersaries (&o (ere
%eter!ine% to $ig&t one anot&er to t&e bitter en%+ =*ring all t&ose "ears onl" one protagonist (as $ig&ting (it& stea%$ast
perseeran#e+ T&is (as t&e -e(+ T&e Star o$ =ai% stea%il" as#en%e% as t&e (ill to national sel$1preseration %e#line%+
T&ere$ore it (as not a soli% national p&alan5 t&at, o$ itsel$ an% o*t o$ its o(n $eeling o$ soli%arit", r*s&e% to t&e battle$iel%s
in A*g*st 1914+ 8*t it (as rat&er t&e !ani$estation o$ t&e last $li#,er $ro! t&e instin#t o$ national sel$1preseration against
t&e progress o$ t&e paral"sis (it& (&i#& t&e pa#i$ist an% )ar5ist %o#trine t&reatene% o*r people+ Een in t&ose %a"s (&en
t&e %estinies o$ t&e nation (ere in t&e balan#e t&e internal ene!" (as not re#ogni>e%C t&ere$ore all e$$orts to resist t&e
e5ternal ene!" (ere bo*n% to be in ain+ Proi%en#e %i% not grant t&e re(ar% to t&e i#torio*s s(or%, b*t $ollo(e% t&e
eternal la( o$ retrib*tie 0*sti#e+ A pro$o*n% re#ognition o$ all t&is (as t&e so*r#e o$ t&ose prin#iples an% ten%en#ies
(&i#& inspire o*r ne( !oe!ent+ 3e (ere #onin#e% t&at onl" b" re#ogni>ing s*#& tr*t&s #o*l% (e stop t&e national
%e#line in Aer!an" an% la" a granite $o*n%ation on (&i#& t&e State #o*l% again be b*ilt *p, a State (&i#& (o*l% not be a
pie#e o$ !e#&anis! alien to o*r people, #onstit*te% $or e#ono!i# p*rposes an% interests, b*t an organis! #reate% $ro! t&e
so*l o$ t&e people t&e!seles+
C&apter T(ele4
Here at t&e #lose o$ t&e ol*!e I s&all %es#ribe t&e $irst stage in t&e progress o$ o*r !oe!ent an% s&all gie a brie$
a##o*nt o$ t&e proble!s (e &a% to %eal (it& %*ring t&at perio%+ In %oing t&is I &ae no intention o$ e5po*n%ing t&e i%eals
(&i#& (e &ae set *p as t&e goal o$ o*r !oe!entC $or t&ese i%eals are so !o!ento*s in t&eir signi$i#an#e t&at an
e5position o$ t&e! (ill nee% a (&ole ol*!e+ T&ere$ore I s&all %eote t&e se#on% ol*!e o$ t&is boo, to a %etaile% s*re"
o$ t&e prin#iples (&i#& $or! t&e progra!!e o$ o*r !oe!ent an% I s&all atte!pt to %ra( a pi#t*re o$ (&at (e !ean b"
t&e (or% MState+ 3&en I sa" M(e in t&is #onne#tion I !ean to in#l*%e all t&ose &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s (&o &ae
$*n%a!entall" t&e sa!e longing, t&o*g& in t&e in%ii%*al #ases t&e" #annot $in% a%e/*ate (or%s to %es#ribe t&e ision t&at
&oers be$ore t&eir e"es+ It is a #&ara#teristi# $eat*re o$ all great re$or!s t&at in t&e beginning t&ere is onl" one single
protagonist to #o!e $or(ar% on be&al$ o$ seeral !illions o$ people+ T&e $inal goal o$ a great re$or!ation &as o$ten been
t&e ob0e#t o$ pro$o*n% longing on t&e parts o$ &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s $or !an" #ent*ries be$ore, *ntil $inall" one a!ong
t&e! #o!es $or(ar% as a &eral% to anno*n#e t&e (ill o$ t&at !*ltit*%e an% be#o!e t&e stan%ar%1bearer o$ t&e ol% "earning,
(&i#& &e no( lea%s to a reali>ation in a ne( i%ea+
T&e $a#t t&at !illions o$ o*r people "earn at &eart $or a ra%i#al #&ange in o*r present #on%itions is proe% b" t&e pro$o*n%
%is#ontent (&i#& e5ists a!ong t&e!+ T&is $eeling is !ani$este% in a t&o*san% (a"s+ So!e e5press it in a $or! o$
%is#o*rage!ent an% %espair+ Ot&ers s&o( it in resent!ent an% anger an% in%ignation+ A!ong so!e t&e pro$o*n%
%is#ontent #alls $ort& an attit*%e o$ in%i$$eren#e, (&ile it *rges ot&ers to iolent !ani$estations o$ (rat&+ Anot&er
in%i#ation o$ t&is $eeling !a" be seen on t&e one &an% in t&e attit*%e o$ t&ose (&o abstain $ro! oting at ele#tions an%, on
t&e ot&er, in t&e large n*!bers o$ t&ose (&o si%e (it& t&e $anati#al e5tre!ists o$ t&e le$t (ing+
To t&ese latter people o*r "o*ng !oe!ent &a% to appeal $irst o$ all+ It (as not !eant to be an organi>ation $or #ontente%
an% satis$ie% people, b*t (as !eant to gat&er in all t&ose (&o (ere s*$$ering $ro! pro$o*n% an5iet" an% #o*l% $in% no
pea#e, t&ose (&o (ere *n&app" an% %is#ontente%+ It (as not !eant to $loat on t&e s*r$a#e o$ t&e nation b*t rat&er to p*s&
its roots %eep a!ong t&e !asses+
'oo,e% at $ro! t&e p*rel" politi#al point o$ ie(, t&e sit*ation in 1919 (as as $ollo(s4 A nation &a% been torn into t(o
parts+ One part, (&i#& (as b" $ar t&e s!aller o$ t&e t(o, #ontaine% t&e intelle#t*al #lasses o$ t&e nation $ro! (&i#& all
t&ose e!plo"e% in p&"si#al labo*r (ere e5#l*%e%+ On t&e s*r$a#e t&ese intelle#t*al #lasses appeare% to be national1!in%e%,
b*t t&at (or% !eant not&ing else to t&e! e5#ept a er" ag*e an% $eeble #on#ept o$ t&e %*t" to %e$en% (&at t&e" #alle% t&e
interests o$ t&e State, (&i#& in t*rn see!e% i%enti#al (it& t&ose o$ t&e %"nasti# regi!e+ T&is #lass trie% to %e$en% its i%eas
an% rea#& its ai!s b" #arr"ing on t&e $ig&t (it& t&e ai% o$ intelle#t*al (eapons, (&i#& #o*l% be *se% onl" &ere an% t&ere
an% (&i#& &a% onl" a s*per$i#ial e$$e#t against t&e br*tal !eas*res e!plo"e% b" t&e a%ersaries, in t&e $a#e o$ (&i#& t&e
intelle#t*al (eapons (ere o$ t&eir er" nat*re bo*n% to $ail+ 3it& one iolent blo( t&e #lass (&i#& &a% &it&erto goerne%
(as no( str*#, %o(n+ It tre!ble% (it& $ear an% a##epte% eer" &*!iliation i!pose% on it b" t&e !er#iless i#tor+
Oer against t&is #lass stoo% t&e broa% !asses o$ !an*al labo*rers (&o (ere organi>e% in !oe!ents (it& a !ore or less
ra%i#all" )ar5ist ten%en#"+ T&ese organi>e% !asses (ere $ir!l" %eter!ine% to brea, an" ,in% o$ intelle#t*al resistan#e b"
t&e *se o$ br*te $or#e+ T&e" &a% no nationalist ten%en#ies (&atsoeer an% %eliberatel" rep*%iate% t&e i%ea o$ a%an#ing t&e
interests o$ t&e nation as s*#&+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e" pro!ote% t&e interests o$ t&e $oreign oppressor+ .*!eri#all" t&is #lass
e!bra#e% t&e !a0orit" o$ t&e pop*lation an%, (&at is !ore i!portant, in#l*%e% all t&ose ele!ents o$ t&e nation (it&o*t
(&ose #ollaboration a national res*rgen#e (as not onl" a pra#ti#al i!possibilit" b*t (as een in#on#eiable+
For alrea%" in 1919 one t&ing &a% to be #learl" re#ogni>e%C na!el", t&at no res*rgen#e o$ t&e Aer!an nation #o*l% ta,e
pla#e *ntil (e &a% $irst restore% o*r national strengt& to $a#e t&e o*tsi%e (orl%+ For t&is p*rpose ar!s are not t&e
preli!inar" ne#essit", t&o*g& o*r bo*rgeois Mstates!en al(a"s blat&ere% abo*t it being soC (&at (as (ante% (as (ill1
po(er+ At one ti!e t&e Aer!an people &a% !ore t&an s*$$i#ient !ilitar" ar!a!ent+ An% "et t&e" (ere not able to %e$en%
t&eir libert" be#a*se t&e" la#,e% t&ose energies (&i#& spring $ro! t&e instin#t o$ national sel$1preseration an% t&e (ill to
&ol% on to ones o(n+ T&e best ar!a!ent is onl" %ea% an% (ort&less !aterial as long as t&e spirit is (anting (&i#& !a,es
!en (illing an% %eter!ine% to aail t&e!seles o$ s*#& (eapons+ Aer!an" (as ren%ere% %e$en#eless not be#a*se s&e
la#,e% ar!s, b*t be#a*se s&e la#,e% t&e (ill to ,eep &er ar!s $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ &er people+
To1%a" o*r 'e$t1(ing politi#ians in parti#*lar are #onstantl" insisting t&at t&eir #raen1&earte% an% obse/*io*s $oreign
poli#" ne#essaril" res*lts $ro! t&e %isar!a!ent o$ Aer!an", (&ereas t&e tr*t& is t&at t&is is t&e poli#" o$ traitors+ To all
t&at ,in% o$ tal, t&e ans(er o*g&t to be4 .o, t&e #ontrar" is t&e tr*t&+ Ko*r a#tion in %eliering *p t&e ar!s (as %i#tate%
b" "o*r anti1national an% #ri!inal poli#" o$ aban%oning t&e interests o$ t&e nation+ An% no( "o* tr" to !a,e people
beliee t&at "o*r !iserable (&ining is $*n%a!entall" %*e to t&e $a#t t&at "o* &ae no ar!s+ -*st li,e eer"t&ing else in
"o*r #on%*#t, t&is is a lie an% a $alsi$i#ation o$ t&e tr*e reason+
8*t t&e politi#ians o$ t&e Rig&t %esere e5a#tl" t&e sa!e reproa#&+ It (as t&ro*g& t&eir !iserable #o(ar%i#e t&at t&ose
r*$$ians o$ -e(s (&o #a!e into po(er in 1919 (ere able to rob t&e nation o$ its ar!s+ T&e #onseratie politi#ians &ae
neit&er rig&t nor reason on t&eir si%e (&en t&e" appeal to %isar!a!ent as t&e #a*se (&i#& #o!pelle% t&e! to a%opt a
poli#" o$ pr*%en#e Ft&at is to sa", #o(ar%i#eG+ Here, again, t&e #ontrar" is t&e tr*t&+ =isar!a!ent is t&e res*lt o$ t&eir la#,
o$ spirit+
T&ere$ore t&e proble! o$ restoring Aer!an"s po(er is not a /*estion o$ &o( #an (e !an*$a#t*re ar!s b*t rat&er a
/*estion o$ &o( (e #an pro%*#e t&at spirit (&i#& enables a people to bear ar!s+ On#e t&is spirit preails a!ong a people
t&en it (ill $in% a t&o*san% (a"s, ea#& o$ (&i#& lea%s to t&e ne#essar" ar!a!ent+ 8*t a #o(ar% (ill not $ire een a single
s&ot (&en atta#,e% t&o*g& &e !a" be ar!e% (it& ten pistols+ For &i! t&e" are o$ less al*e t&an a bla#,t&orn in t&e &an%s
o$ a !an o$ #o*rage+
T&e proble! o$ re1establis&ing t&e politi#al po(er o$ o*r nation is $irst o$ all a proble! o$ restoring t&e instin#t o$ national
sel$1preseration $or i$ no ot&er reason t&an t&at eer" preparator" step in $oreign poli#" an% eer" $oreign 0*%g!ent on t&e
(ort& o$ a State &as been proe% b" e5perien#e to be gro*n%e% not on t&e !aterial si>e o$ t&e ar!a!ent s*#& a State !a"
possess b*t rat&er on t&e !oral #apa#it" $or resistan#e (&i#& s*#& a State &as or is beliee% to &ae+ T&e /*estion (&et&er
or not a nation be %esirable as an all" is not so !*#& %eter!ine% b" t&e inert !ass o$ ar!s (&i#& it &as at &an% b*t b" t&e
obio*s presen#e o$ a st*r%" (ill to national sel$1preseration an% a &eroi# #o*rage (&i#& (ill $ig&t t&ro*g& to t&e last
breat&+ For an allian#e is not !a%e bet(een ar!s b*t bet(een !en+
T&e 8ritis& nation (ill t&ere$ore be #onsi%ere% as t&e !ost al*able all" in t&e (orl% as long as it #an be #o*nte% *pon to
s&o( t&at br*talit" an% tena#it" in its goern!ent, as (ell as in t&e spirit o$ t&e broa% !asses, (&i#& enables it to #arr"
t&ro*g& to i#tor" an" str*ggle t&at it on#e enters *pon, no !atter &o( long s*#& a str*ggle !a" last, or &o(eer great t&e
sa#ri$i#e t&at !a" be ne#essar" or (&ateer t&e !eans t&at &ae to be e!plo"e%C an% all t&is een t&o*g& t&e a#t*al
!ilitar" e/*ip!ent at &an% !a" be *tterl" ina%e/*ate (&en #o!pare% (it& t&at o$ ot&er nations+
On#e it is *n%erstoo% t&at t&e restoration o$ Aer!an" is a /*estion o$ rea(a,ening t&e (ill to politi#al sel$1preseration (e
s&all see /*ite #learl" t&at it (ill not be eno*g& to (in oer t&ose ele!ents t&at are alrea%" national1!in%e% b*t t&at t&e
%eliberatel" anti1national !asses !*st be #onerte% to beliee in t&e national i%eals+
A "o*ng !oe!ent t&at ai!s at re1establis&ing a Aer!an State (it& $*ll soereign po(ers (ill t&ere$ore &ae to !a,e t&e
tas, o$ (inning oer t&e broa% !asses a spe#ial ob0e#tie o$ its plan o$ #a!paign+ O*r so1#alle% Mnational bo*rgeoisie are
so la!entabl" s*pine, generall" spea,ing, an% t&eir national spirit appears so $e#,less, t&at (e !a" $eel s*re t&e" (ill o$$er
no serio*s resistan#e against a igoro*s national $oreign 1 or %o!esti# poli#"+ Een t&o*g& t&e narro(1!in%e% Aer!an
bo*rgeoisie s&o*l% ,eep *p a passie resistan#e (&en t&e &o*r o$ %elieran#e is at &an%, as t&e" %i% in 8is!ar#,s ti!e,
(e s&all neer &ae to $ear an" a#tie resistan#e on t&eir part, be#a*se o$ t&eir re#ogni>e% proerbial #o(ar%i#e+
It is /*ite %i$$erent (it& t&e !asses o$ o*r pop*lation, (&o are i!b*e% (it& i%eas o$ internationalis!+ T&ro*g& t&e
pri!itie ro*g&ness o$ t&eir nat*res t&e" are %ispose% to a##ept t&e prea#&ing o$ iolen#e, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e t&eir
-e(is& lea%ers are !ore br*tal an% r*t&less+ T&e" (ill #r*s& an" atte!pt at a Aer!an reial, 0*st as t&e" s!as&e% t&e
Aer!an Ar!" b" stri,ing at it $ro! t&e rear+ Aboe all, t&ese organi>e% !asses (ill *se t&eir n*!eri#al !a0orit" in t&is
Parlia!entarian State not onl" to &in%er an" national $oreign poli#", b*t also to preent Aer!an" $ro! restoring &er
politi#al po(er an% t&ere(it& &er prestige abroa%+ T&*s s&e be#o!es e5#l*%e% $ro! t&e ran,s o$ %esirable allies+ For it is
not (e o*rseles alone (&o are a(are o$ t&e &an%i#ap t&at res*lts $ro! t&e e5isten#e o$ $i$teen !illion )ar5ists,
%e!o#rats, pa#i$ists an% $ollo(ers o$ t&e Centre, in o*r !i%st, b*t $oreign nations also re#ogni>e t&is internal b*r%en
(&i#& (e &ae to bear an% ta,e it into t&eir #al#*lations (&en esti!ating t&e al*e o$ a possible allian#e (it& *s+ .obo%"
(o*l% (is& to $or! an allian#e (it& a State (&ere t&e a#tie portion o$ t&e pop*lation is at least passiel" oppose% to an"
resol*te $oreign poli#"+
T&e sit*ation is !a%e still (orse b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e lea%ers o$ t&ose parties (&i#& (ere responsible $or t&e
national betra"al are rea%" to oppose an" an% eer" atte!pt at a reial, si!pl" be#a*se t&e" (ant to retain t&e positions
t&e" no( &ol%+ A##or%ing to t&e la(s t&at goern &*!an &istor" it is in#on#eiable t&at t&e Aer!an people #o*l% res*!e
t&e pla#e t&e" $or!erl" &el% (it&o*t retaliating on t&ose (&o (ere bot& #a*se an% o##asion o$ t&e #ollapse t&at inole%
t&e r*in o$ o*r State+ 8e$ore t&e 0*%g!ent seat o$ posterit" .oe!ber 1919 (ill not be regar%e% as a si!ple rebellion b*t
as &ig& treason against t&e #o*ntr"+
T&ere$ore it is not possible to t&in, o$ re1establis&ing Aer!an soereignt" an% politi#al in%epen%en#e (it&o*t at t&e sa!e
ti!e re#onstr*#ting a *nite% $ront (it&in t&e nation, b" a pea#e$*l #onersion o$ t&e pop*lar (ill+
'oo,e% at $ro! t&e stan%point o$ pra#ti#al (a"s an% !eans, it see!s abs*r% to t&in, o$ liberating Aer!an" $ro! $oreign
bon%age as long as t&e !asses o$ t&e people are not (illing to s*pport s*#& an i%eal o$ $ree%o!+ A$ter #are$*ll"
#onsi%ering t&is proble! $ro! t&e p*rel" !ilitar" point o$ ie(, eer"bo%", an% in parti#*lar eer" o$$i#er, (ill agree t&at
a (ar #annot be (age% against an o*tsi%e ene!" b" battalions o$ st*%entsC b*t t&at, toget&er (it& t&e brains o$ t&e nation,
t&e p&"si#al strengt& o$ t&e nation is also ne#essar"+ F*rt&er!ore it !*st be re!e!bere% t&at t&e nation (o*l% be robbe%
o$ its irrepla#eable assets b" a national %e$en#e in (&i#& onl" t&e intelle#t*al #ir#les, as t&e" are #alle%, (ere engage%+ T&e
"o*ng Aer!an intelle#t*als (&o 0oine% t&e ol*nteer regi!ents an% $ell on t&e battle$iel%s o$ Flan%ers in t&e a*t*!n o$
1914 (ere bitterl" !isse% later on+ T&e" (ere t&e %earest treas*re (&i#& t&e nation possesse% an% t&eir loss #o*l% not be
!a%e goo% in t&e #o*rse o$ t&e (ar+ An% it is not onl" t&e str*ggle itsel$ (&i#& #o*l% not be (age% i$ t&e (or,ing !asses
o$ t&e nation %i% not 0oin t&e stor! battalions, b*t t&e ne#essar" te#&ni#al preparations #o*l% not be !a%e (it&o*t a
*ni$ie% (ill an% a #o!!on $ront (it&in t&e nation itsel$+ O*r nation (&i#& &as to e5ist %isar!e%, *n%er t&e t&o*san% e"es
appointe% b" t&e Bersailles Pea#e Treat", #annot !a,e an" te#&ni#al preparations $or t&e re#oer" o$ its $ree%o! an%
&*!an in%epen%en#e *ntil t&e (&ole ar!" o$ spies e!plo"e% (it&in t&e #o*ntr" is #*t %o(n to t&ose $e( (&ose inborn
baseness (o*l% lea% t&e! to betra" an"t&ing an% eer"t&ing $or t&e proerbial t&irt" pie#es o$ siler+ 8*t (e #an %eal (it&
s*#& people+ T&e !illions, &o(eer, (&o are oppose% to eer" ,in% o$ national reial si!pl" be#a*se o$ t&eir politi#al
opinions, #onstit*te an ins*r!o*ntable obsta#le+ At least t&e obsta#le (ill re!ain ins*r!o*ntable as long as t&e #a*se o$
t&eir opposition, (&i#& is international )ar5is!, is not oer#o!e an% its tea#&ings banis&e% $ro! bot& t&eir &earts an%
Fro! (&ateer point o$ ie( (e !a" e5a!ine t&e possibilit" o$ re#oering o*r in%epen%en#e as a State an% a people,
(&et&er (e #onsi%er t&e proble! $ro! t&e stan%point o$ te#&ni#al rear!a!ent or $ro! t&at o$ t&e a#t*al str*ggle itsel$, t&e
ne#essar" pre1re/*isite al(a"s re!ains t&e sa!e+ T&is pre1re/*isite is t&at t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people !*st $irst be
(on oer to a##ept t&e prin#iple o$ o*r national in%epen%en#e+
I$ (e %o not regain o*r e5ternal $ree%o! eer" step $or(ar% in %o!esti# re$or! (ill at best be an a*g!entation o$ o*r
pro%*#tie po(ers $or t&e bene$it o$ t&ose nations t&at loo, *pon *s as a #olon" to be e5ploite%+ T&e s*rpl*s pro%*#e% b"
an" so1#alle% i!proe!ent (o*l% onl" go into t&e &an%s o$ o*r international #ontrollers an% an" so#ial better!ent (o*l%
at best in#rease t&e pro%*#t o$ o*r labo*r in $ao*r o$ t&ose people+ .o #*lt*ral progress #an be !a%e b" t&e Aer!an
nation, be#a*se s*#& progress is too !*#& bo*n% *p (it& t&e politi#al in%epen%en#e an% %ignit" o$ a people+
T&ere$ore, as (e #an $in% a satis$a#tor" sol*tion $or t&e proble! o$ Aer!an"s $*t*re onl" b" (inning oer t&e broa%
!asses o$ o*r people $or t&e s*pport o$ t&e national i%ea, t&is (or, o$ e%*#ation !*st be #onsi%ere% t&e &ig&est an% !ost
i!portant tas, to be a##o!plis&e% b" a !oe!ent (&i#& %oes not strie !erel" to satis$" t&e nee%s o$ t&e !o!ent b*t
#onsi%ers itsel$ bo*n% to e5a!ine in t&e lig&t o$ $*t*re res*lts eer"t&ing it %e#i%es to %o or re$rain $ro! %oing+
As earl" as 1919 (e (ere #onin#e% t&at t&e nationali>ation o$ t&e !asses (o*l% &ae to #onstit*te t&e $irst an%
para!o*nt ai! o$ t&e ne( !oe!ent+ Fro! t&e ta#ti#al stan%point, t&is %e#ision lai% a #ertain n*!ber o$ obligations on
o*r s&o*l%ers+
F1G .o so#ial sa#ri$i#e #o*l% be #onsi%ere% too great in t&is e$$ort to (in oer t&e !asses $or t&e national reial+
In t&e $iel% o$ national e#ono!i#s, (&ateer #on#essions are grante% to1%a" to t&e e!plo"ees are negligible (&en
#o!pare% (it& t&e bene$it to be reape% b" t&e (&ole nation i$ s*#& #on#essions #ontrib*te to bring ba#, t&e !asses o$ t&e
people on#e !ore to t&e boso! o$ t&eir o(n nation+ .ot&ing b*t !eanness an% s&ortsig&te%ness, (&i#& are #&ara#teristi#s
t&at *n$ort*natel" are onl" too prealent a!ong o*r e!plo"ers, #o*l% preent people $ro! re#ogni>ing t&at in t&e long r*n
no e#ono!i# i!proe!ent an% t&ere$ore no rise in pro$its are possible *nless internal soli%arit" be restore% a!ong t&e
b*l, o$ t&e people (&o !a,e *p o*r nation+
I$ t&e Aer!an tra%es *nions &a% %e$en%e% t&e interests o$ t&e (or,ing1#lasses *n#o!pro!isingl" %*ring t&e 3arC i$ een
%*ring t&e 3ar t&e" &a% *se% t&e (eapon o$ t&e stri,e to $or#e t&e in%*strialists 1 (&o (ere gree%" $or &ig&er %ii%en%s 1
to grant t&e %e!an%s o$ t&e (or,ers $or (&o! t&e *nions a#te%C i$ at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" &a% stoo% *p as goo% Aer!ans $or
t&e %e$en#e o$ t&e nation as sto*tl" as $or t&eir o(n #lai!s, an% i$ t&e" &a% gien to t&eir #o*ntr" (&at (as t&eir #o*ntr"s
%*e 1 t&en t&e 3ar (o*l% neer &ae been lost+ Ho( l*%i#ro*sl" insigni$i#ant (o*l% all, an% een t&e greatest, e#ono!i#
#on#ession &ae been in $a#e o$ t&e tre!en%o*s i!portan#e o$ s*#& a i#tor"+
For a !oe!ent (&i#& (o*l% restore t&e Aer!an (or,er to t&e Aer!an people it is t&ere$ore absol*tel" ne#essar" to
*n%erstan% #learl" t&at e#ono!i# sa#ri$i#es !*st be #onsi%ere% lig&t in s*#& #ases, proi%e% o$ #o*rse t&at t&e" %o not go
t&e lengt& o$ en%angering t&e in%epen%en#e an% stabilit" o$ t&e national e#ono!i# s"ste!+
F2G T&e e%*#ation o$ t&e !asses along national lines #an be #arrie% o*t onl" in%ire#tl", b" i!proing t&eir so#ial
#on%itionsC $or onl" b" s*#& a pro#ess #an t&e e#ono!i# #on%itions be #reate% (&i#& enable eer"bo%" to s&are in t&e
#*lt*ral li$e o$ t&e nation+
F2G T&e nationali>ation o$ t&e broa% !asses #an neer be a#&iee% b" &al$1!eas*res 1 t&at is to sa", b" $eebl" insisting on
(&at is #alle% t&e ob0e#tie si%e o$ t&e /*estion 1 b*t onl" b" a r*t&less an% %eote% insisten#e on t&e one ai! (&i#& !*st
be a#&iee%+ T&is !eans t&at a people #annot be !a%e Mnational a##or%ing to t&e signi$i#ation atta#&e% to t&at (or% b"
o*r bo*rgeois #lass to1%a" 1 t&at is to sa", nationalis! (it& !an" reserations 1 b*t national in t&e e&e!ent an% e5tre!e
sense+ Poison #an be oer#o!e onl" b" a #o*nter1poison, an% onl" t&e s*pine bo*rgeois !in% #o*l% t&in, t&at t&e
;ing%o! o$ Heaen #an be attaine% b" a #o!pro!ise+
T&e broa% !asses o$ a nation are not !a%e *p o$ pro$essors an% %iplo!ats+ Sin#e t&ese !asses &ae onl" a poor
a#/*aintan#e (it& abstra#t i%eas, t&eir rea#tions lie !ore in t&e %o!ain o$ t&e $eelings, (&ere t&e roots o$ t&eir positie as
(ell as t&eir negatie attit*%es are i!plante%+ T&e" are s*s#eptible onl" to a !ani$estation o$ strengt& (&i#& #o!es
%e$initel" eit&er $ro! t&e positie or negatie si%e, b*t t&e" are neer s*s#eptible to an" &al$1&earte% attit*%e t&at (aers
bet(een one pole an% t&e ot&er+ T&e e!otional gro*n%s o$ t&eir attit*%e $*rnis& t&e reason $or t&eir e5traor%inar" stabilit"+
It is al(a"s !ore %i$$i#*lt to $ig&t s*##ess$*ll" against Fait& t&an against ,no(le%ge+ 'oe is less s*b0e#t to #&ange t&an
respe#t+ Hatre% is !ore lasting t&an !ere aersion+ An% t&e %riing $or#e (&i#& &as bro*g&t abo*t t&e !ost tre!en%o*s
reol*tions on t&is eart& &as neer been a bo%" o$ s#ienti$i# tea#&ing (&i#& &as gaine% po(er oer t&e !asses, b*t al(a"s
a %eotion (&i#& &as inspire% t&e!, an% o$ten a ,in% o$ &"steria (&i#& &as *rge% t&e! to a#tion+
3&oeer (is&es to (in oer t&e !asses !*st ,no( t&e ,e" t&at (ill open t&e %oor to t&eir &earts+ It is not ob0e#tiit",
(&i#& is a $e#,less attit*%e, b*t a %eter!ine% (ill, ba#,e% *p b" $or#e, (&en ne#essar"+
F4G T&e so*l o$ t&e !asses #an be (on onl" i$ t&ose (&o lea% t&e !oe!ent $or t&at p*rpose are %eter!ine% not !erel" to
#arr" t&ro*g& t&e positie str*ggle $or t&eir o(n ai!s b*t are also %eter!ine% to %estro" t&e ene!" t&at opposes t&e!+
3&en t&e" see an *n#o!pro!ising onsla*g&t against an a%ersar" t&e people &ae at all ti!es ta,en t&is as a proo$ t&at
rig&t is on t&e si%e o$ t&e a#tie aggressorC b*t i$ t&e aggressor s&o*l% go onl" &al$1(a" an% $ail to p*s& &o!e &is s*##ess
b" %riing &is opponent entirel" $ro! t&e s#ene o$ a#tion, t&e people (ill loo, *pon t&is as a sign t&at t&e aggressor is
*n#ertain o$ t&e 0*sti#e o$ &is o(n #a*se an% &is &al$1(a" poli#" !a" een be an a#,no(le%g!ent t&at &is #a*se is *n0*st+
T&e !asses are b*t a part o$ .at*re &ersel$+ T&eir $eeling is s*#& t&at t&e" #annot *n%erstan% !*t*al &an%1s&a,ings
bet(een !en (&o are %e#lare% ene!ies+ T&eir (is& is to see t&e stronger si%e (in an% t&e (ea,er (ipe% o*t or s*b0e#te%
*n#on%itionall" to t&e (ill o$ t&e stronger+
T&e nationali>ation o$ t&e !asses #an be s*##ess$*ll" a#&iee% onl" i$, in t&e positie str*ggle to (in t&e so*l o$ t&e
people, t&ose (&o sprea% t&e international poison a!ong t&e! are e5ter!inate%+
F6G All t&e great proble!s o$ o*r ti!e are proble!s o$ t&e !o!ent an% are onl" t&e res*lts o$ #ertain %e$inite #a*ses+ An%
a!ong all t&ose t&ere is onl" one t&at &as a pro$o*n%l" #a*sal signi$i#an#e+ T&is is t&e proble! o$ presering t&e p*re
ra#ial sto#, a!ong t&e people+ H*!an igo*r or %e#line %epen%s on t&e bloo%+ .ations t&at are not a(are o$ t&e
i!portan#e o$ t&eir ra#ial sto#,, or (&i#& negle#t to presere it, are li,e !en (&o (o*l% tr" to e%*#ate t&e p*g1%og to %o
t&e (or, o$ t&e gre"&o*n%, not *n%erstan%ing t&at neit&er t&e spee% o$ t&e gre"&o*n% nor t&e i!itatie $a#*lties o$ t&e
poo%le are inborn /*alities (&i#& #annot be %rille% into t&e one or t&e ot&er b" an" $or! o$ training+ A people t&at $ails to
presere t&e p*rit" o$ its ra#ial bloo% t&ereb" %estro"s t&e *nit" o$ t&e so*l o$ t&e nation in all its !ani$estations+ A
%isintegrate% national #&ara#ter is t&e ineitable #onse/*en#e o$ a pro#ess o$ %isintegration in t&e bloo%+ An% t&e #&ange
(&i#& ta,es pla#e in t&e spirit*al an% #reatie $a#*lties o$ a people is onl" an e$$e#t o$ t&e #&ange t&at &as !o%i$ie% its
ra#ial s*bstan#e+
I$ (e are to $ree t&e Aer!an people $ro! all t&ose $ailings an% (a"s o$ a#ting (&i#& %o not spring $ro! t&eir original
#&ara#ter, (e !*st $irst get ri% o$ t&ose $oreign ger!s in t&e national bo%" (&i#& are t&e #a*se o$ its $ailings an% $alse
T&e Aer!an nation (ill neer reie *nless t&e ra#ial proble! is ta,en into a##o*nt an% %ealt (it&+ T&e ra#ial proble!
$*rnis&es t&e ,e" not onl" to t&e *n%erstan%ing o$ &*!an &istor" b*t also to t&e *n%erstan%ing o$ eer" ,in% o$ &*!an
F<G 8" in#orporating in t&e national #o!!*nit" t&e !asses o$ o*r people (&o are no( in t&e international #a!p (e %o not
t&ereb" !ean to reno*n#e t&e prin#iple t&at t&e interests o$ t&e ario*s tra%es an% pro$essions !*st be sa$eg*ar%e%+
=iergent interests in t&e ario*s bran#&es o$ labo*r an% in t&e tra%es an% pro$essions are not t&e sa!e as a %iision
bet(een t&e ario*s #lasses, b*t rat&er a $eat*re in&erent in t&e e#ono!i# sit*ation+ Bo#ational gro*ping %oes not #las& in
t&e least (it& t&e i%ea o$ a national #o!!*nit", $or t&is !eans national *nit" in regar% to all t&ose proble!s t&at a$$e#t t&e
li$e o$ t&e nation as s*#&+
To in#orporate in t&e national #o!!*nit", or si!pl" t&e State, a strat*! o$ t&e people (&i#& &as no( $or!e% a so#ial
#lass t&e stan%ing o$ t&e &ig&er #lasses !*st not be lo(ere% b*t t&at o$ t&e lo(er #lasses !*st be raise%+ T&e #lass (&i#&
#arries t&ro*g& t&is pro#ess is neer t&e &ig&er #lass b*t rat&er t&e lo(er one (&i#& is $ig&ting $or e/*alit" o$ rig&ts+ T&e
bo*rgeoisie o$ to1%a" (as not in#orporate% in t&e State t&ro*g& !eas*res ena#te% b" t&e $e*%al nobilit" b*t onl" t&ro*g&
its o(n energ" an% a lea%ers&ip t&at &a% spr*ng $ro! its o(n ran,s+
T&e Aer!an (or,er #annot be raise% $ro! &is present stan%ing an% in#orporate% in t&e Aer!an $ol,1#o!!*nit" b" !eans
o$ goo%"1goo%" !eetings (&ere people tal, abo*t t&e brot&er&oo% o$ t&e people, b*t rat&er b" a s"ste!ati# i!proe!ent in
t&e so#ial an% #*lt*ral li$e o$ t&e (or,er *ntil t&e "a(ning ab"ss bet(een &i! an% t&e ot&er #lasses #an be $ille% in+ A
!oe!ent (&i#& &as t&is $or its ai! !*st tr" to re#r*it its $ollo(ers !ainl" $ro! t&e ran,s o$ t&e (or,ing #lass+ It !*st
in#l*%e !e!bers o$ t&e intelle#t*al #lasses onl" in so $ar as s*#& !e!bers &ae rig&tl" *n%erstoo% an% a##epte% (it&o*t
resere t&e i%eal to(ar%s (&i#& t&e !oe!ent is striing+ T&is pro#ess o$ trans$or!ation an% re*nion #annot be #o!plete%
(it&in ten or t(ent" "ears+ It (ill ta,e seeral generations, as t&e &istor" o$ s*#& !oe!ents &as s&o(n+
T&e !ost %i$$i#*lt obsta#le to t&e re*nion o$ o*r #onte!porar" (or,er in t&e national $ol,1#o!!*nit" %oes not #onsist so
!*#& in t&e $a#t t&at &e $ig&ts $or t&e interests o$ &is $ello(1(or,ers, b*t rat&er in t&e international i%eas (it& (&i#& &e is
i!b*e% an% (&i#& are o$ t&eir nat*re at arian#e (it& t&e i%eas o$ nation&oo% an% $at&erlan%+ T&is &ostile attit*%e to
nation an% $at&erlan% &as been in#*l#ate% b" t&e lea%ers o$ t&e (or,ing #lass+ I$ t&e" (ere inspire% b" t&e prin#iple o$
%eotion to t&e nation in all t&at #on#erns its politi#al an% so#ial (el$are, t&e tra%es *nions (o*l% !a,e t&ose !illions o$
(or,ers !ost al*able !e!bers o$ t&e national #o!!*nit", (it&o*t t&ereb" a$$e#ting t&eir o(n #onstant str*ggle $or t&eir
e#ono!i# %e!an%s+
A !oe!ent (&i#& sin#erel" en%eao*rs to bring t&e Aer!an (or,er ba#, into &is $ol,1#o!!*nit", an% res#*e &i! $ro!
t&e $oll" o$ internationalis!, !*st (age a igoro*s #a!paign against #ertain notions t&at are prealent a!ong t&e
in%*strialists+ One o$ t&ese notions is t&at a##or%ing to t&e #on#ept o$ t&e $ol,1#o!!*nit", t&e e!plo"ee is oblige% to
s*rren%er all &is e#ono!i# rig&ts to t&e e!plo"er an%, $*rt&er, t&at t&e (or,ers (o*l% #o!e into #on$li#t (it& t&e $ol,1
#o!!*nit" i$ t&e" s&o*l% atte!pt to %e$en% t&eir o(n 0*st an% ital interests+ T&ose (&o tr" to propagate s*#& a notion are
%eliberate liars+ T&e i%ea o$ a $ol,1#o!!*nit" %oes not i!pose an" obligations on t&e one si%e t&at are not i!pose% on t&e
A (or,er #ertainl" %oes so!et&ing (&i#& is #ontrar" to t&e spirit o$ $ol,1#o!!*nit" i$ &e a#ts entirel" on &is o(n
initiatie an% p*ts $or(ar% e5aggerate% %e!an%s (it&o*t ta,ing t&e #o!!on goo% into #onsi%eration or t&e !aintenan#e
o$ t&e national e#ono!i# str*#t*re+ 8*t an in%*strialist also a#ts against t&e spirit o$ t&e $ol,1#o!!*nit" i$ &e a%opts
in&*!an !et&o%s o$ e5ploitation an% !is*ses t&e (or,ing $or#es o$ t&e nation to !a,e !illions *n0*stl" $or &i!sel$ $ro!
t&e s(eat o$ t&e (or,ers+ He &as no rig&t to #all &i!sel$ Mnational an% no rig&t to tal, o$ a $ol,1#o!!*nit", $or &e is onl"
an *ns#r*p*lo*s egoist (&o so(s t&e see%s o$ so#ial %is#ontent an% proo,es a spirit o$ #on$li#t (&i#& sooner or later !*st
be in0*rio*s to t&e interests o$ t&e #o*ntr"+
T&e reseroir $ro! (&i#& t&e "o*ng !oe!ent &as to %ra( its !e!bers (ill $irst o$ all be t&e (or,ing !asses+ T&ose
!asses !*st be %eliere% $ro! t&e #l*t#&es o$ t&e international !ania+ T&eir so#ial %istress !*st be eli!inate%+ T&e" !*st
be raise% aboe t&eir present #*lt*ral leel, (&i#& is %eplorable, an% trans$or!e% into a resol*te an% al*able $a#tor in t&e
$ol,1#o!!*nit", inspire% b" national i%eas an% national senti!ent+
I$ a!ong t&ose intelle#t*al #ir#les t&at are nationalist in t&eir o*tloo, !en #an be $o*n% (&o gen*inel" loe t&e people
an% loo, $or(ar% eagerl" to t&e $*t*re o$ Aer!an", an% at t&e sa!e ti!e &ae a so*n% grasp o$ t&e i!portan#e o$ a
str*ggle (&ose ai! is to (in oer t&e so*l o$ t&e !asses, s*#& !en are #or%iall" (el#o!e% in t&e ran,s o$ o*r !oe!ent,
be#a*se t&e" #an sere as a al*able intelle#t*al $or#e in t&e (or, t&at &as to be %one+ 8*t t&is !oe!ent #an neer ai! at
re#r*iting its !e!bers&ip $ro! t&e *nt&in,ing &er% o$ bo*rgeois oters+ I$ it %i% so t&e !oe!ent (o*l% be b*r%ene% (it&
a !ass o$ people (&ose (&ole !entalit" (o*l% onl" &elp to paral"se t&e e$$ort o$ o*r #a!paign to (in t&e !ass o$ t&e
people+ In t&eor" it !a" be er" $ine to sa" t&at t&e broa% !asses o*g&t to be in$l*en#e% b" a #o!bine% lea%ers&ip o$ t&e
*pper an% lo(er so#ial strata (it&in t&e $ra!e(or, o$ t&e one !oe!entC b*t, not(it&stan%ing all t&is, t&e $a#t re!ains
t&at t&o*g& it !a" be possible to e5er#ise a ps"#&ologi#al in$l*en#e on t&e bo*rgeois #lasses an% to aro*se so!e
ent&*sias! or een a(a,en so!e *n%erstan%ing a!ong t&e! b" o*r p*bli# %e!onstrations, t&eir tra%itional
#&ara#teristi#s #annot be #&ange%+ In ot&er (or%s, (e #o*l% not eli!inate $ro! t&e bo*rgeois #lasses t&e ine$$i#ien#" an%
s*pineness (&i#& are part o$ a tra%ition t&at &as %eelope% t&ro*g& #ent*ries+ T&e %i$$eren#e bet(een t&e #*lt*ral leels o$
t&e t(o gro*ps an% bet(een t&eir respe#tie attit*%es to(ar%s so#ial1e#ono!i# /*estions is still so great t&at it (o*l% t*rn
o*t a &in%ran#e to t&e !oe!ent t&e !o!ent t&e $irst ent&*sias! aro*se% b" o*r %e!onstrations #al!e% %o(n+
Finall", it is not part o$ o*r progra!!e to trans$or! t&e nationalist #a!p itsel$, b*t rat&er to (in oer t&ose (&o are anti1
national in t&eir o*tloo,+ It is $ro! t&is ie(point t&at t&e strateg" o$ t&e (&ole !oe!ent !*st $inall" be %e#i%e%+
F:G T&is one1si%e% b*t a##or%ingl" #lear an% %e$inite attit*%e !*st be !ani$este% in t&e propagan%a o$ t&e !oe!entC an%,
on t&e ot&er &an%, t&is is absol*tel" ne#essar" to !a,e t&e propagan%a itsel$ e$$e#tie+
I$ propagan%a is to be o$ seri#e to t&e !oe!ent it !*st be a%%resse% to one si%e aloneC $or i$ it s&o*l% ar" t&e %ire#tion
o$ its appeal it (ill not be *n%erstoo% in t&e one #a!p or !a" be re0e#te% b" t&e ot&er, as !erel" insisting on obio*s an%
*ninteresting tr*is!sC $or t&e intelle#t*al training o$ t&e t(o #a!ps t&at #o!e into /*estion &ere &as been er" %i$$erent+
Een t&e !anner in (&i#& so!et&ing is presente% an% t&e tone in (&i#& parti#*lar %etails are e!p&asi>e% #annot &ae t&e
sa!e e$$e#t in t&ose t(o strata t&at belong respe#tiel" to t&e opposite e5tre!es o$ t&e so#ial str*#t*re+ I$ t&e propagan%a
s&o*l% re$rain $ro! *sing pri!itie $or!s o$ e5pression it (ill not appeal to t&e senti!ents o$ t&e !asses+ I$, on t&e ot&er
&an%, it #on$or!s to t&e #r*%e senti!ents o$ t&e !asses in its (or%s an% gest*res t&e intelle#t*al #ir#les (ill be aerse to it
be#a*se o$ its ro*g&ness an% *lgarit"+ A!ong a &*n%re% !en (&o #all t&e!seles orators t&ere are s#ar#el" ten (&o are
#apable o$ spea,ing (it& e$$e#t be$ore an a*%ien#e o$ street1s(eepers, lo#,s!it&s an% naies, et#+, to1%a" an% e5po*n% t&e
sa!e s*b0e#t (it& e/*al e$$e#t to1!orro( be$ore an a*%ien#e o$ *niersit" pro$essors an% st*%ents+ A!ong a t&o*san%
p*bli# spea,ers t&ere !a" be onl" one (&o #an spea, be$ore a #o!posite a*%ien#e o$ lo#,s!it&s an% pro$essors in t&e
sa!e &all in s*#& a (a" t&at &is state!ents #an be $*ll" #o!pre&en%e% b" ea#& gro*p (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e &e e$$e#tiel"
in$l*en#es bot& an% a(a,ens ent&*sias!, on t&e one si%e as (ell as on t&e ot&er, to &eart" appla*se+ 8*t it !*st be
re!e!bere% t&at in !ost #ases een t&e !ost bea*ti$*l i%ea e!bo%ie% in a s*bli!e t&eor" #an be bro*g&t &o!e to t&e
p*bli# onl" t&ro*g& t&e !e%i*! o$ s!aller !in%s+ T&e t&ing t&at !atters &ere is not t&e ision o$ t&e !an o$ geni*s (&o
#reate% t&e great i%ea b*t rat&er t&e s*##ess (&i#& &is apostles a#&iee in s&aping t&e e5pression o$ t&is i%ea so as to bring
it &o!e to t&e !in%s o$ t&e !asses+
So#ial1=e!o#ra#" an% t&e (&ole )ar5ist !oe!ent (ere parti#*larl" /*ali$ie% to attra#t t&e great !asses o$ t&e nation,
be#a*se o$ t&e *ni$or!it" o$ t&e p*bli# to (&i#& t&e" a%%resse% t&eir appeal+ T&e !ore li!ite% an% narro( t&eir i%eas an%
arg*!ents, t&e easier it (as $or t&e !asses to grasp an% assi!ilate t&e!C $or t&ose i%eas an% arg*!ents (ere (ell a%apte%
to a lo( leel o$ intelligen#e+
T&ese #onsi%erations le% t&e ne( !oe!ent to a%opt a #lear an% si!ple line o$ poli#", (&i#& (as as $ollo(s4
In its !essage as (ell as in its $or!s o$ e5pression t&e propagan%a !*st be ,ept on a leel (it& t&e intelligen#e o$ t&e
!asses, an% its al*e !*st be !eas*re% onl" b" t&e a#t*al s*##ess it a#&iees+
At a p*bli# !eeting (&ere t&e great !asses are gat&ere% toget&er t&e best spea,er is not &e (&ose (a" o$ approa#&ing a
s*b0e#t is !ost a,in to t&e spirit o$ t&ose intelle#t*als (&o !a" &appen to be present, b*t t&e spea,er (&o ,no(s &o( to
(in t&e &earts o$ t&e !asses+
An e%*#ate% !an (&o is present an% (&o $in%s $a*lt (it& an a%%ress be#a*se &e #onsi%ers it to be on an intelle#t*al plane
t&at is too lo(, t&o*g& &e &i!sel$ &as (itnesse% its e$$e#t on t&e lo(er intelle#t*al gro*ps (&ose a%&eren#e &as to be (on,
onl" s&o(s &i!sel$ #o!pletel" in#apable o$ rig&tl" 0*%ging t&e sit*ation an% t&ere(it& proes t&at &e #an be o$ no *se in
t&e ne( !oe!ent+ Onl" intelle#t*als #an be o$ *se to a !oe!ent (&o *n%erstan% its !ission an% its ai!s so (ell t&at
t&e" &ae learne% to 0*%ge o*r !et&o%s o$ propagan%a e5#l*siel" b" t&e s*##ess obtaine% an% neer b" t&e i!pression
(&i#& t&ose !et&o%s !a%e on t&e intelle#t*als t&e!seles+ For o*r propagan%a is not !eant to sere as an entertain!ent
$or t&ose people (&o alrea%" &ae a nationalist o*tloo,, b*t its p*rpose is to (in t&e a%&esion o$ t&ose (&o &ae &it&erto
been &ostile to national i%eas an% (&o are neert&eless o$ o*r o(n bloo% an% ra#e+
In general, t&ose #onsi%erations o$ (&i#& I &ae gien a brie$ s*!!ar" in t&e #&apter on M3ar Propagan%a be#a!e t&e
g*i%ing r*les an% prin#iples (&i#& %eter!ine% t&e ,in% o$ propagan%a (e (ere to a%opt in o*r #a!paign an% t&e !anner
in (&i#& (e (ere to p*t it into pra#ti#e+ T&e s*##ess t&at &as been obtaine% proes t&at o*r %e#ision (as rig&t+
F9G T&e en%s (&i#& an" politi#al re$or! !oe!ent sets o*t to attain #an neer be rea#&e% b" tr"ing to e%*#ate t&e p*bli#
or in$l*en#e t&ose in po(er b*t onl" b" getting politi#al po(er into its &an%s+ Eer" i%ea t&at is !eant to !oe t&e (orl%
&as not onl" t&e rig&t b*t also t&e obligation o$ se#*ring #ontrol o$ t&ose !eans (&i#& (ill enable t&e i%ea to be #arrie%
into e$$e#t+ In t&is (orl% s*##ess is t&e onl" r*le o$ 0*%g!ent (&ereb" (e #an %e#i%e (&et&er s*#& an *n%erta,ing (as
rig&t or (rong+ An% b" t&e (or% Ms*##ess in t&is #onne#tion I %o not !ean s*#& a s*##ess as t&e !ere #on/*est o$ po(er
in 1919 b*t t&e s*##ess$*l iss*e (&ereb" t&e #o!!on interests o$ t&e nation &ae been sere%+ A #o*p %etat #annot be
#onsi%ere% s*##ess$*l i$, as !an" e!pt"1&ea%e% goern!ent la("ers in Aer!an" no( beliee, t&e reol*tionaries
s*##ee%e% in getting #ontrol o$ t&e State into t&eir &an%s b*t onl" i$, in #o!parison (it& t&e state o$ a$$airs *n%er t&e ol%
regi!e, t&e lot o$ t&e nation &as been i!proe% (&en t&e ai!s an% intentions on (&i#& t&e reol*tion (as base% &ae
been p*t into pra#ti#e+ T&is #ertainl" %oes not appl" to t&e Aer!an Reol*tion, as t&at !oe!ent (as #alle%, (&i#&
bro*g&t a gang o$ ban%its into po(er in t&e a*t*!n o$ 1919+
8*t i$ t&e #on/*est o$ politi#al po(er be a re/*isite preli!inar" $or t&e pra#ti#al reali>ation o$ t&e i%eals t&at inspire a
re$or! !oe!ent, t&en an" !oe!ent (&i#& ai!s at re$or! !*st, $ro! t&e er" $irst %a" o$ its a#tiit", be #onsi%ere% b"
its lea%ers as a !oe!ent o$ t&e !asses an% not as a literar" tea #l*b or an asso#iation o$ p&ilistines (&o !eet to pla"
F9G T&e nat*re an% internal organi>ation o$ t&e ne( !oe!ent !a,e it anti1parlia!entarian+ T&at is to sa", it re0e#ts in
general an% in its o(n str*#t*re all t&ose prin#iples a##or%ing to (&i#& %e#isions are to be ta,en on t&e ote o$ t&e
!a0orit" an% a##or%ing to (&i#& t&e lea%er is onl" t&e e5e#*tor o$ t&e (ill an% opinion o$ ot&ers+ T&e !oe!ent la"s %o(n
t&e prin#iple t&at, in t&e s!allest as (ell as in t&e greatest proble!s, one person !*st &ae absol*te a*t&orit" an% bear all
In o*r !oe!ent t&e pra#ti#al #onse/*en#es o$ t&is prin#iple are t&e $ollo(ing4
T&e presi%ent o$ a large gro*p is appointe% b" t&e &ea% o$ t&e gro*p i!!e%iatel" aboe &is in a*t&orit"+ He is t&en t&e
responsible lea%er o$ &is gro*p+ All t&e #o!!ittees are s*b0e#t to &is a*t&orit" an% not &e to t&eirs+ T&ere is no s*#& t&ing
as #o!!ittees t&at ote b*t onl" #o!!ittees t&at (or,+ T&is (or, is allotte% b" t&e responsible lea%er, (&o is t&e presi%ent
o$ t&e gro*p+ T&e sa!e prin#iple applies to t&e &ig&er organi>ations 1 t&e 8e>ir, F%istri#tG, t&e ;reis F*rban #ir#*itG an%
t&e Aa* Ft&e regionG+ In ea#& #ase t&e presi%ent is appointe% $ro! aboe an% is ineste% (it& $*ll a*t&orit" an% e5e#*tie
po(er+ Onl" t&e lea%er o$ t&e (&ole part" is ele#te% at t&e general !eeting o$ t&e !e!bers+ 8*t &e is t&e sole lea%er o$ t&e
!oe!ent+ All t&e #o!!ittees are responsible to &i!, b*t &e is not responsible to t&e #o!!ittees+ His %e#ision is $inal, b*t
&e bears t&e (&ole responsibilit" o$ it+ T&e !e!bers o$ t&e !oe!ent are entitle% to #all &i! to a##o*nt b" !eans o$ a
ne( ele#tion, or to re!oe &i! $ro! o$$i#e i$ &e &as iolate% t&e prin#iples o$ t&e !oe!ent or &as not sere% its interests
a%e/*atel"+ He is t&en repla#e% b" a !ore #apable !an+ (&o is ineste% (it& t&e sa!e a*t&orit" an% oblige% to bear t&e
sa!e responsibilit"+
One o$ t&e &ig&est %*ties o$ t&e !oe!ent is to !a,e t&is prin#iple i!peratie not onl" (it&in its o(n ran,s b*t also $or
t&e (&ole State+
T&e !an (&o be#o!es lea%er is ineste% (it& t&e &ig&est an% *nli!ite% a*t&orit", b*t &e also &as to bear t&e last an%
graest responsibilit"+
T&e !an (&o &as not t&e #o*rage to s&o*l%er responsibilit" $or &is a#tions is not $itte% to be a lea%er+ Onl" a !an o$
&eroi# !o*l% #an &ae t&e o#ation $or s*#& a tas,+
H*!an progress an% &*!an #*lt*res are not $o*n%e% b" t&e !*ltit*%e+ T&e" are e5#l*siel" t&e (or, o$ personal geni*s
an% personal e$$i#ien#"+
8e#a*se o$ t&is prin#iple, o*r !oe!ent !*st ne#essaril" be anti1parlia!entarian, an% i$ it ta,es part in t&e parlia!entar"
instit*tion it is onl" $or t&e p*rpose o$ %estro"ing t&is instit*tion $ro! (it&inC in ot&er (or%s, (e (is& to %o a(a" (it& an
instit*tion (&i#& (e !*st loo, *pon as one o$ t&e graest s"!pto!s o$ &*!an %e#line+
F17G T&e !oe!ent stea%$astl" re$*ses to ta,e *p an" stan% in regar% to t&ose proble!s (&i#& are eit&er o*tsi%e o$ its
sp&ere o$ politi#al (or, or see! to &ae no $*n%a!ental i!portan#e $or *s+ It %oes not ai! at bringing abo*t a religio*s
re$or!ation, b*t rat&er a politi#al reorgani>ation o$ o*r people+ It loo,s *pon t&e t(o religio*s %eno!inations as e/*all"
al*able !ainsta"s $or t&e e5isten#e o$ o*r people, an% t&ere$ore it !a,es (ar on all t&ose parties (&i#& (o*l% %egra%e
t&is $o*n%ation, on (&i#& t&e religio*s an% !oral stabilit" o$ o*r people is base%, to an instr*!ent in t&e seri#e o$ part"
Finall", t&e !oe!ent %oes not ai! at establis&ing an" one $or! o$ State or tr"ing to %estro" anot&er, b*t rat&er to !a,e
t&ose $*n%a!ental prin#iples preail (it&o*t (&i#& no rep*bli# an% no !onar#&" #an e5ist $or an" lengt& o$ ti!e+ T&e
!oe!ent %oes not #onsi%er its !ission to be t&e establis&!ent o$ a !onar#&" or t&e preseration o$ t&e Rep*bli# b*t
rat&er to #reate a Aer!an State+
T&e proble! #on#erning t&e o*ter $or! o$ t&is State, t&at is to sa", its $inal s&ape, is not o$ $*n%a!ental i!portan#e+ It is a
proble! (&i#& !*st be sole% in t&e lig&t o$ (&at see!s pra#ti#al an% opport*ne at t&e !o!ent+
On#e a nation &as *n%erstoo% an% appre#iate% t&e great proble!s t&at a$$e#t its inner e5isten#e, t&e /*estion o$ o*ter
$or!alities (ill neer lea% to an" internal #on$li#t+
F11G T&e proble! o$ t&e inner organi>ation o$ t&e !oe!ent is not one o$ prin#iple b*t o$ e5pe%ien#"+
T&e best ,in% o$ organi>ation is not t&at (&i#& pla#es a large inter!e%iar" apparat*s bet(een t&e lea%ers&ip o$ t&e
!oe!ent an% t&e in%ii%*al $ollo(ers b*t rat&er t&at (&i#& (or,s s*##ess$*ll" (it& t&e s!allest possible inter!e%iar"
apparat*s+ For it is t&e tas, o$ s*#& an organi>ation to trans!it a #ertain i%ea (&i#& originate% in t&e brain o$ one
in%ii%*al to a !*ltit*%e o$ people an% to s*perise t&e !anner in (&i#& t&is i%ea is being p*t into pra#ti#e+
T&ere$ore, $ro! an" an% eer" ie(point, t&e organi>ation is onl" a ne#essar" eil+ At best it is onl" a !eans o$ rea#&ing
#ertain en%s+ T&e (orst &appens (&en it be#o!es an en% in itsel$+
Sin#e t&e (orl% pro%*#es !ore !e#&ani#al t&an intelligent beings, it (ill al(a"s be easier to %eelop t&e $or! o$ an
organi>ation t&an its s*bstan#eC t&at is to sa", t&e i%eas (&i#& it is !eant to sere+
T&e !ar#& o$ an" i%ea (&i#& stries to(ar%s pra#ti#al $*l$il!ent, an% in parti#*lar t&ose i%eas (&i#& are o$ a re$or!ator"
#&ara#ter, !a" be ro*g&l" s,et#&e% as $ollo(s4
A #reatie i%ea ta,es s&ape in t&e !in% o$ so!ebo%" (&o t&ere*pon $eels &i!sel$ #alle% *pon to trans!it t&is i%ea to t&e
(orl%+ He propo*n%s &is $ait& be$ore ot&ers an% t&ereb" gra%*all" (ins a #ertain n*!ber o$ $ollo(ers+ T&is %ire#t an%
personal (a" o$ pro!*lgating ones i%eas a!ong ones #onte!poraries is t&e !ost nat*ral an% t&e !ost i%eal+ 8*t as t&e
!oe!ent %eelops an% se#*res a large n*!ber o$ $ollo(ers it gra%*all" be#o!es i!possible $or t&e original $o*n%er o$
t&e %o#trine on (&i#& t&e !oe!ent is base% to #arr" on &is propagan%a personall" a!ong &is inn*!erable $ollo(ers an%
at t&e sa!e ti!e g*i%e t&e #o*rse o$ t&e !oe!ent+
A##or%ing as t&e #o!!*nit" o$ $ollo(ers in#reases, %ire#t #o!!*ni#ation bet(een t&e &ea% an% t&e in%ii%*al $ollo(ers
be#o!es i!possible+ T&is inter#o*rse !*st t&en ta,e pla#e t&ro*g& an inter!e%iar" apparat*s intro%*#e% into t&e
$ra!e(or, o$ t&e !oe!ent+ T&*s i%eal #on%itions o$ inter1#o!!*ni#ation #ease, an% organi>ation &as to be intro%*#e%
as a ne#essar" eil+ S!all s*bsi%iar" gro*ps #o!e into e5isten#e, as in t&e politi#al !oe!ent, $or e5a!ple, (&ere t&e
lo#al gro*ps represent t&e ger!1#ells o*t o$ (&i#& t&e organi>ation %eelops later on+
8*t s*#& s*b1%iisions !*st not be intro%*#e% into t&e !oe!ent *ntil t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e spirit*al $o*n%er an% o$ t&e
s#&ool &e &as #reate% are a##epte% (it&o*t reseration+ Ot&er(ise t&e !oe!ent (o*l% r*n t&e ris, o$ be#o!ing split *p
b" %iergent %o#trines+ In t&is #onne#tion too !*#& e!p&asis #annot be lai% on t&e i!portan#e o$ &aing one geograp&i#
#entre as t&e #&ie$ seat o$ t&e !oe!ent+ Onl" t&e e5isten#e o$ s*#& a seat or #entre, aro*n% (&i#& a !agi# #&ar! s*#& as
t&at o$ )e##a or Ro!e is (oen, #an s*ppl" a !oe!ent (it& t&at per!anent %riing $or#e (&i#& &as its so*r#es in t&e
internal *nit" o$ t&e !oe!ent an% t&e re#ognition o$ one &ea% as representing t&is *nit"+
3&en t&e $irst ger!inal #ells o$ t&e organi>ation are being $or!e% #are !*st al(a"s be ta,en to insist on t&e i!portan#e
o$ t&e pla#e (&ere t&e i%ea originate%+ T&e #reatie, !oral an% pra#ti#al greatness o$ t&e pla#e (&en#e t&e !oe!ent (ent
$ort& an% $ro! (&i#& it is goerne% !*st be e5alte% to a s*pre!e s"!bol, an% t&is !*st be &ono*re% all t&e !ore
a##or%ing as t&e original #ells o$ t&e !oe!ent be#o!e so n*!ero*s t&at t&e" &ae to be regro*pe% into larger *nits in t&e
str*#t*re o$ t&e organi>ation+
3&en t&e n*!ber o$ in%ii%*al $ollo(ers be#a!e so large t&at %ire#t personal #onta#t (it& t&e &ea% o$ t&e !oe!ent (as
o*t o$ t&e /*estion, t&en (e &a% to $or! t&ose $irst lo#al gro*ps+ As t&ose gro*ps !*ltiplie% to an e5traor%inar" n*!ber it
(as ne#essar" to establis& &ig&er #a%res into (&i#& t&e lo#al gro*ps (ere %istrib*te%+ E5a!ples o$ s*#& #a%res in t&e
politi#al organi>ation are t&ose o$ t&e region FAa*G an% t&e %istri#t F8e>ir,G+
T&o*g& it !a" be eas" eno*g& to !aintain t&e original #entral a*t&orit" oer t&e lo(est gro*ps, it is !*#& !ore %i$$i#*lt
to %o so in relation to t&e &ig&er *nits o$ organi>ation (&i#& &ae no( %eelope%+ An% "et (e !*st s*##ee% in %oing t&is,
$or t&is is an in%ispensable #on%ition i$ t&e *nit" o$ t&e !oe!ent is to be g*arantee% an% t&e i%ea o$ it #arrie% into e$$e#t+
Finall", (&en t&ose larger inter!e%iar" organi>ations &ae to be #o!bine% in ne( an% still &ig&er *nits it be#o!es
in#reasingl" %i$$i#*lt to !aintain oer t&e! t&e absol*te s*pre!a#" o$ t&e original seat o$ t&e !oe!ent an% t&e s#&ool
atta#&e% to it+
Conse/*entl" t&e !e#&ani#al $or!s o$ an organi>ation !*st onl" be intro%*#e% i$ an% in so $ar as t&e spirit*al a*t&orit"
an% t&e i%eals o$ t&e #entral seat o$ t&e organi>ation are s&o(n to be $ir!l" establis&e%+ In t&e politi#al sp&ere it !a" o$ten
&appen t&at t&is s*pre!a#" #an be !aintaine% onl" (&en t&e !oe!ent &as ta,en oer s*pre!e politi#al #ontrol o$ t&e
Haing ta,en all t&ese #onsi%erations into a##o*nt, t&e $ollo(ing prin#iples (ere lai% %o(n $or t&e inner str*#t*re o$ t&e
FaG T&at at t&e beginning all a#tiit" s&o*l% be #on#entrate% in one to(n4 na!el", )*ni#&+ T&at a ban% o$ absol*tel"
reliable $ollo(ers s&o*l% be traine% an% a s#&ool $o*n%e% (&i#& (o*l% s*bse/*entl" &elp to propagate t&e i%ea o$ t&e
!oe!ent+ T&at t&e prestige o$ t&e !oe!ent, $or t&e sa,e o$ its s*bse/*ent e5tension, s&o*l% $irst be establis&e% &ere
t&ro*g& gaining as !an" s*##ess$*l an% isible res*lts as possible in t&is one pla#e+ To se#*re na!e an% $a!e $or t&e
!oe!ent an% its lea%er it (as ne#essar", not onl" to gie in t&is one to(n a stri,ing e5a!ple to s&atter t&e belie$ t&at t&e
)ar5ist %o#trine (as inin#ible b*t also to s&o( t&at a #o*nter1%o#trine (as possible+
FbG T&at lo#al gro*ps s&o*l% not be establis&e% be$ore t&e s*pre!a#" o$ t&e #entral a*t&orit" in )*ni#& (as %e$initel"
establis&e% an% a#,no(le%ge%+
F#G T&at =istri#t, Regional, an% Proin#ial gro*ps s&o*l% be $or!e% onl" a$ter t&e nee% $or t&e! &as be#o!e ei%ent an%
onl" a$ter t&e s*pre!a#" o$ t&e #entral a*t&orit" &as been satis$a#toril" g*arantee%+
F*rt&er, t&at t&e #reation o$ s*bor%inate organis!s !*st %epen% on (&et&er or not t&ose persons #an be $o*n% (&o are
/*ali$ie% to *n%erta,e t&e lea%ers&ip o$ t&e!+
Here t&ere (ere onl" t(o sol*tions4
FaG T&at t&e !oe!ent s&o*l% a#/*ire t&e ne#essar" $*n%s to attra#t an% train intelligent people (&o (o*l% be #apable o$
be#o!ing lea%ers+ T&e personnel t&*s obtaine% #o*l% t&en be s"ste!ati#all" e!plo"e% a##or%ing as t&e ta#ti#al sit*ation
an% t&e ne#essit" $or e$$i#ien#" %e!an%e%+
T&is sol*tion (as t&e easier an% t&e !ore e5pe%ite+ 8*t it %e!an%e% large $inan#ial reso*r#esC $or t&is gro*p o$ lea%ers
#o*l% (or, in t&e !oe!ent onl" i$ t&e" #o*l% be pai% a salar"+
FbG 8e#a*se t&e !oe!ent is not in a position to e!plo" pai% o$$i#ials it !*st begin b" %epen%ing on &onorar" &elpers+
.at*rall" t&is sol*tion is slo(er an% !ore %i$$i#*lt+
It !eans t&at t&e lea%ers o$ t&e !oe!ent &ae to allo( ast territories to lie $allo( *nless in t&ese respe#tie %istri#ts one
o$ t&e !e!bers #o!es $or(ar% (&o is #apable an% (illing to pla#e &i!sel$ at t&e seri#e o$ t&e #entral a*t&orit" $or t&e
p*rpose o$ organi>ing an% %ire#ting t&e !oe!ent in t&e region #on#erne%+
It !a" &appen t&at in e5tensie regions no s*#& lea%er #an be $o*n%, b*t t&at at t&e sa!e ti!e in ot&er regions t(o or
t&ree or een !ore persons appear (&ose #apabilities are al!ost on a leel+ T&e %i$$i#*lt" (&i#& t&is sit*ation inoles is
er" great an% #an be oer#o!e onl" (it& t&e passing o$ t&e "ears+
For t&e establis&!ent o$ an" bran#& o$ t&e organi>ation t&e %e#isie #on%ition !*st al(a"s be t&at a person #an be $o*n%
(&o is #apable o$ $*l$illing t&e $*n#tions o$ a lea%er+
-*st as t&e ar!" an% all its ario*s *nits o$ organi>ation are *seless i$ t&ere are no o$$i#ers, so an" politi#al organi>ation is
(ort&less i$ it &as not t&e rig&t ,in% o$ lea%ers+
I$ an inspiring personalit" (&o &as t&e gi$t o$ lea%ers&ip #annot be $o*n% $or t&e organi>ation an% %ire#tion o$ a lo#al
gro*p it is better $or t&e !oe!ent to re$rain $ro! establis&ing s*#& a gro*p t&an to r*n t&e ris, o$ $ail*re a$ter t&e gro*p
&as been $o*n%e%+
T&e (ill to be a lea%er is not a s*$$i#ient /*ali$i#ation $or lea%ers&ip+ For t&e lea%er !*st &ae t&e ot&er ne#essar"
/*alities+ A!ong t&ese /*alities (ill1po(er an% energ" !*st be #onsi%ere% as !ore seri#eable t&an t&e intelle#t o$ a
geni*s+ T&e !ost al*able asso#iation o$ /*alities is to be $o*n% in a #o!bination o$ talent, %eter!ination an%
F12G T&e $*t*re o$ a !oe!ent is %eter!ine% b" t&e %eotion, an% een intoleran#e, (it& (&i#& its !e!bers $ig&t $or t&eir
#a*se+ T&e" !*st $eel #onin#e% t&at t&eir #a*se alone is 0*st, an% t&e" !*st #arr" it t&ro*g& to s*##ess, as against ot&er
si!ilar organi>ations in t&e sa!e $iel%+
It is /*ite erroneo*s to beliee t&at t&e strengt& o$ a !oe!ent !*st in#rease i$ it be #o!bine% (it& ot&er !oe!ents o$ a
si!ilar ,in%+ An" e5pansion res*lting $ro! s*#& a #o!bination (ill o$ #o*rse !ean an in#rease in e5ternal %eelop!ent,
(&i#& s*per$i#ial obserers !ig&t #onsi%er as also an in#rease o$ po(erC b*t in realit" t&e !oe!ent t&*s a%!its o*tsi%e
ele!ents (&i#& (ill s*bse/*entl" (ea,en its #onstit*tional igo*r+
T&o*g& it !a" be sai% t&at one !oe!ent is i%enti#al in #&ara#ter (it& anot&er, in realit" no s*#& i%entit" e5ists+ I$ it %i%
e5ist t&en pra#ti#all" t&ere (o*l% not be t(o !oe!ents b*t onl" one+ An% (&ateer t&e %i$$eren#e !a" be, een i$ it
#onsist onl" o$ t&e !eas*re in (&i#& t&e #apabilities o$ t&e one set o$ lea%ers %i$$er $ro! t&ose o$ t&e ot&er, t&ere it is+ It is
against t&e nat*ral la( o$ all %eelop!ent to #o*ple %issi!ilar organis!s,or t&e la( is t&at t&e stronger !*st oer#o!e t&e
(ea,er an%, t&ro*g& t&e str*ggle ne#essar" $or s*#& a #on/*est, in#rease t&e #onstit*tional igo*r an% e$$e#tie strengt& o$
t&e i#tor+
8" a!alga!ating politi#al organi>ations t&at are appro5i!atel" ali,e, #ertain i!!e%iate a%antages !a" be gaine%, b*t
a%antages t&*s gaine% are bo*n% in t&e long r*n to be#o!e t&e #a*se o$ internal (ea,nesses (&i#& (ill !a,e t&eir
appearan#e later on+
A !oe!ent #an be#o!e great onl" i$ t&e *n&a!pere% %eelop!ent o$ its internal strengt& be sa$eg*ar%e% an% stea%$astl"
a*g!ente%, *ntil i#tor" oer all its #o!petitors be se#*re%+
One !a" sa$el" sa" t&at t&e strengt& o$ a !oe!ent an% its rig&t to e5isten#e #an be %eelope% onl" as long as it re!ains
tr*e to t&e prin#iple t&at str*ggle is a ne#essar" #on%ition o$ its progress an% t&at its !a5i!*! strengt& (ill be rea#&e%
onl" as soon as #o!plete i#tor" &as been (on+
T&ere$ore a !oe!ent !*st not strie to obtain s*##esses t&at (ill be onl" i!!e%iate an% transitor", b*t it !*st s&o( a
spirit o$ *n#o!pro!ising perseeran#e in #arr"ing t&ro*g& a long str*ggle (&i#& (ill se#*re $or it a long perio% o$ inner
All t&ose !oe!ents (&i#& o(e t&eir e5pansion to a so1#alle% #o!bination o$ si!ilar organis!s, (&i#& !eans t&at t&eir
e5ternal strengt& is %*e to a poli#" o$ #o!pro!ise, are li,e plants (&ose gro(t& is $or#e% in a &ot&o*se+ T&e" s&oot *p
e5ternall" b*t t&e" la#, t&at inner strengt& (&i#& enables t&e nat*ral plant to gro( into a tree t&at (ill (it&stan% t&e
stor!s o$ #ent*ries+
T&e greatness o$ eer" po(er$*l organi>ation (&i#& e!bo%ies a #reatie i%ea lies in t&e spirit o$ religio*s %eotion an%
intoleran#e (it& (&i#& it stan%s o*t against all ot&ers, be#a*se it &as an ar%ent $ait& in its o(n rig&t+ I$ an i%ea is rig&t in
itsel$ an%, $*rnis&e% (it& t&e $ig&ting (eapons I &ae !entione%, (ages (ar on t&is eart&, t&en it is inin#ible an%
perse#*tion (ill onl" a%% to its internal strengt&+
T&e greatness o$ C&ristianit" %i% not arise $ro! atte!pts to !a,e #o!pro!ises (it& t&ose p&ilosop&i#al opinions o$ t&e
an#ient (orl% (&i#& &a% so!e rese!blan#e to its o(n %o#trine, b*t in t&e *nrelenting an% $anati#al pro#la!ation an%
%e$en#e o$ its o(n tea#&ing+
T&e apparent a%an#e t&at a !oe!ent !a,es b" asso#iating itsel$ (it& ot&er !oe!ents (ill be easil" rea#&e% an%
s*rpasse% b" t&e stea%" in#rease o$ strengt& (&i#& a %o#trine an% its organi>ation a#/*ires i$ it re!ains in%epen%ent an%
$ig&ts its o(n #a*se alone+
F12G T&e !oe!ent o*g&t to e%*#ate its a%&erents to t&e prin#iple t&at str*ggle !*st not be #onsi%ere% a ne#essar" eil b*t
as so!et&ing to be %esire% in itsel$+ T&ere$ore t&e" !*st not be a$rai% o$ t&e &ostilit" (&i#& t&eir a%ersaries !ani$est
to(ar%s t&e! b*t t&e" !*st ta,e it as a ne#essar" #on%ition on (&i#& t&eir (&ole rig&t to e5isten#e is base%+ T&e" !*st
not tr" to aoi% being &ate% b" t&ose (&o are t&e ene!ies o$ o*r people an% o*r p&ilosop&" o$ li$e, b*t !*st (el#o!e s*#&
&atre%+ 'ies an% #al*!nies are part o$ t&e !et&o% (&i#& t&e ene!" e!plo"s to e5press &is #&agrin+
T&e !an (&o is not oppose% an% ili$ie% an% slan%ere% in t&e -e(is& Press is not a sta*n#& Aer!an an% not a tr*e
.ational So#ialist+ T&e best r*le (&ereb" t&e sin#erit" o$ &is #oni#tions, &is #&ara#ter an% strengt& o$ (ill, #an be
!eas*re% is t&e &ostilit" (&i#& &is na!e aro*ses a!ong t&e !ortal ene!ies o$ o*r people+
T&e $ollo(ers o$ t&e !oe!ent, an% in%ee% t&e (&ole nation, !*st be re!in%e% again an% again o$ t&e $a#t t&at, t&ro*g&
t&e !e%i*! o$ &is ne(spapers, t&e -e( is al(a"s sprea%ing $alse&oo% an% t&at i$ &e tells t&e tr*t& on so!e o##asions it is
onl" $or t&e p*rpose o$ !as,ing so!e greater %e#eit, (&i#& t*rns t&e apparent tr*t& into a %eliberate $alse&oo%+ T&e -e( is
t&e Areat )aster o$ 'ies+ False&oo% an% %*pli#it" are t&e (eapons (it& (&i#& &e $ig&ts+
Eer" #al*!n" an% $alse&oo% p*blis&e% b" t&e -e(s are to,ens o$ &ono*r (&i#& #an be (orn b" o*r #o!ra%es+ He (&o!
t&e" %e#r" !ost is nearest to o*r &earts an% &e (&o! t&e" !ortall" &ate is o*r best $rien%+
I$ a #o!ra%e o$ o*rs opens a -e(is& ne(spaper in t&e !orning an% %oes not $in% &i!sel$ ili$ie% t&ere, t&en &e &as spent
"ester%a" to no a##o*nt+ For i$ &e &a% a#&iee% so!et&ing &e (o*l% be perse#*te%, slan%ere%, %eri%e% an% ab*se%+ T&ose
(&o e$$e#tiel" #o!bat t&is !ortal ene!" o$ o*r people, (&o is at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e ene!" o$ all Ar"an peoples an% all
#*lt*re, #an onl" e5pe#t to aro*se opposition on t&e part o$ t&is ra#e an% be#o!e t&e ob0e#t o$ its slan%ero*s atta#,s+
3&en t&ese tr*t&s be#o!e part o$ t&e $les& an% bloo%, as it (ere, o$ o*r !e!bers, t&en t&e !oe!ent (ill be i!pregnable
an% inin#ible+
F14G T&e !oe!ent !*st *se all possible !eans to #*ltiate respe#t $or t&e in%ii%*al personalit"+ It !*st neer $orget t&at
all &*!an al*es are base% on personal al*es, an% t&at eer" i%ea an% a#&iee!ent is t&e $r*it o$ t&e #reatie po(er o$
one !an+ 3e !*st neer $orget t&at a%!iration $or eer"t&ing t&at is great is not onl" a trib*te to one #reatie personalit"
b*t t&at all t&ose (&o $eel s*#& a%!iration be#o!e t&ereb" *nite% *n%er one #oenant+
.ot&ing #an ta,e t&e pla#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al, espe#iall" i$ t&e in%ii%*al e!bo%ies in &i!sel$ not t&e !e#&ani#al ele!ent
b*t t&e ele!ent o$ #*lt*ral #reatieness+ .o p*pil #an ta,e t&e pla#e o$ t&e !aster in #o!pleting a great pi#t*re (&i#& &e
&as le$t *n$inis&e%C an% 0*st in t&e sa!e (a" no s*bstit*te #an ta,e t&e pla#e o$ t&e great poet or t&in,er, or t&e great
states!an or !ilitar" general+ For t&e so*r#e o$ t&eir po(er is in t&e real! o$ artisti# #reatieness+ It #an neer be
!e#&ani#all" a#/*ire%, be#a*se it is an innate pro%*#t o$ %iine gra#e+
T&e greatest reol*tions an% t&e greatest a#&iee!ents o$ t&is (orl%, its greatest #*lt*ral (or,s an% t&e i!!ortal #reations
o$ great states!en, are inseparabl" bo*n% *p (it& one na!e (&i#& stan%s as a s"!bol $or t&e! in ea#& respe#tie #ase+
T&e $ail*re to pa" trib*te to one o$ t&ose great spirits signi$ies a negle#t o$ t&at enor!o*s so*r#e o$ po(er (&i#& lies in t&e
re!e!bran#e o$ all great !en an% (o!en+
T&e -e( &i!sel$ ,no(s t&is best+ He, (&ose great !en &ae al(a"s been great onl" in t&eir e$$orts to %estro" !an,in% an%
its #iili>ation, ta,es goo% #are t&at t&e" are (ors&ippe% as i%ols+ 8*t t&e -e( tries to %egra%e t&e &ono*r in (&i#& nations
&ol% t&eir great !en an% (o!en+ He stig!ati>es t&is &ono*r as Mt&e #*lt o$ personalit"+
As soon as a nation &as so $ar lost its #o*rage as to s*b!it to t&is i!p*%ent %e$a!ation on t&e part o$ t&e -e(s it reno*n#es
t&e !ost i!portant so*r#e o$ its o(n inner strengt&+ T&is inner $or#e #annot arise $ro! a poli#" o$ pan%ering to t&e !asses
b*t onl" $ro! t&e (ors&ip o$ !en o$ geni*s, (&ose lies &ae *pli$te% an% ennoble% t&e nation itsel$+
3&en !ens &earts are brea,ing an% t&eir so*ls are pl*nge% into t&e %ept&s o$ %espair, t&eir great $orebears t*rn t&eir e"es
to(ar%s t&e! $ro! t&e %i! s&a%o(s o$ t&e past 1 t&ose $orebears (&o ,ne( &o( to tri*!p& oer an5iet" an% a$$li#tion,
!ental serit*%e an% p&"si#al bon%age 1 an% e5ten% t&eir eternal &an%s in a gest*re o$ en#o*rage!ent to %espairing so*ls+
3oe to t&e nation t&at is as&a!e% to #lasp t&ose &an%s+
=*ring t&e initial p&ase o$ o*r !oe!ent o*r greatest &an%i#ap (as t&e $a#t t&at none o$ *s (ere ,no(n an% o*r na!es
!eant not&ing, a $a#t (&i#& t&en see!e% to so!e o$ *s to !a,e t&e #&an#es o$ $inal s*##ess proble!ati#al+ O*r !ost
%i$$i#*lt tas, t&en (as to !a,e o*r !e!bers $ir!l" beliee t&at t&ere (as a tre!en%o*s $*t*re in store $or t&e !oe!ent
an% to !aintain t&is belie$ as a liing $ait&C $or at t&at ti!e onl" si5, seen or eig&t persons #a!e to &ear one o$ o*r
Consi%er t&at onl" si5 or seen poor %eils (&o (ere entirel" *n,no(n #a!e toget&er to $o*n% a !oe!ent (&i#& s&o*l%
s*##ee% in %oing (&at t&e great !ass1parties &a% $aile% to %o4 na!el", to re#onstr*#t t&e Aer!an Rei#&, een in greater
po(er an% glor" t&an be$ore+ 3e s&o*l% &ae been er" please% i$ (e (ere atta#,e% or een ri%i#*le%+ 8*t t&e !ost
%epressing $a#t (as t&at nobo%" pai% an" attention to *s (&ateer+ T&is *tter la#, o$ interest in *s #a*se% !e great !ental
pain at t&at ti!e+
3&en I entere% t&e #ir#le o$ t&ose !en t&ere (as not "et an" /*estion o$ a part" or a !oe!ent+ I &ae alrea%" %es#ribe%
t&e i!pression (&i#& (as !a%e on !e (&en I $irst #a!e into #onta#t (it& t&at s!all organi>ation+ S*bse/*entl" I &a%
ti!e, an% also t&e o##asion, to st*%" t&e $or! o$ t&is so1#alle% part" (&i#& at $irst &a% !a%e s*#& a (oe$*l i!pression+ T&e
pi#t*re (as in%ee% /*ite %epressing an% %is#o*raging+ T&ere (as not&ing, absol*tel" not&ing at all+ T&ere (as onl" t&e
na!e o$ a part"+ An% t&e #o!!ittee #onsiste% o$ all t&e part" !e!bers+ So!e&o( or ot&er it see!e% 0*st t&e ,in% o$ t&ing
(e (ere abo*t to $ig&t against 1 a !iniat*re parlia!ent+ T&e oting s"ste! (as e!plo"e%+ 3&en t&e great parlia!ent
#rie% *ntil t&e" (ere &oarse 1 at least t&e" s&o*te% oer proble!s o$ i!portan#e 1 &ere t&is s!all #ir#le engage% in
inter!inable %is#*ssions as to t&e $or! in (&i#& t&e" !ig&t ans(er t&e letters (&i#& t&e" (ere %elig&te% to &ae re#eie%+
.ee%less to sa", t&e p*bli# ,ne( not&ing o$ all t&is+ In )*ni#& nobo%" ,ne( o$ t&e e5isten#e o$ s*#& a part", not een b"
na!e, e5#ept o*r $e( !e!bers an% t&eir s!all #ir#le o$ a#/*aintan#es+
Eer" 3e%nes%a" (&at (as #alle% a #o!!ittee !eeting (as &el% in one o$ t&e #a$Qs, an% a %ebate (as arrange% $or one
eening ea#& (ee,+ In t&e beginning all t&e !e!bers o$ t&e !oe!ent (ere also !e!bers o$ t&e #o!!ittee, t&ere$ore t&e
sa!e persons al(a"s t*rne% *p at bot& !eetings+ T&e $irst step t&at &a% to be ta,en (as to e5ten% t&e narro( li!its o$ t&is
s!all #ir#le an% get ne( !e!bers, b*t t&e prin#ipal ne#essit" (as to *tili>e all t&e !eans at o*r #o!!an% $or t&e p*rpose
o$ !a,ing t&e !oe!ent ,no(n+
3e #&ose t&e $ollo(ing !et&o%s4 3e %e#i%e% to &ol% a !ont&l" !eeting to (&i#& t&e p*bli# (o*l% be inite%+ So!e o$ t&e
initations (ere t"pe(ritten, an% so!e (ere (ritten b" &an%+ For t&e $irst $e( !eetings (e %istrib*te% t&e! in t&e streets
an% %eliere% t&e! personall" at #ertain &o*ses+ Ea#& one #anasse% a!ong &is o(n a#/*aintan#es an% trie% to pers*a%e
so!e o$ t&e! to atten% o*r !eetings+ T&e res*lt (as la!entable+
I still re!e!ber on#e &o( I personall" %eliere% eig&t" o$ t&ese initations an% &o( (e (aite% in t&e eening $or t&e
#ro(%s to #o!e+ A$ter (aiting in ain $or a (&ole &o*r t&e #&air!an $inall" &a% to open t&e !eeting+ Again t&ere (ere
onl" seen people present, t&e ol% $a!iliar seen+
3e t&en #&ange% o*r !et&o%s+ 3e &a% t&e initations (ritten (it& a t"pe(riter in a )*ni#& stationers s&op an% t&en
!*ltigrap&e% t&e!+
T&e res*lt (as t&at a $e( !ore people atten%e% o*r ne5t !eeting+ T&e n*!ber in#rease% gra%*all" $ro! eleen to t&irteen
to seenteen, to t(ent"1t&ree an% $inall" to t&irt"1$o*r+ 3e #olle#te% so!e !one" (it&in o*r o(n #ir#le, ea#& poor %eil
giing a s!all #ontrib*tion, an% in t&at (a" (e raise% s*$$i#ient $*n%s to be able to a%ertise one o$ o*r !eetings in t&e
)*ni#& Obserer, (&i#& (as still an in%epen%ent paper+
T&is ti!e (e &a% an astonis&ing s*##ess+ 3e &a% #&osen t&e )*ni#& Ho$brI*&a*s ;eller F(&i#& !*st not be #on$o*n%e%
(it& t&e )*ni#& Ho$brI*&a*s FestsaalG as o*r !eeting1pla#e+ It (as a s!all &all an% (o*l% a##o!!o%ate s#ar#el" !ore
t&an 127 people+ To !e, &o(eer, t&e &all see!e% enor!o*s, an% (e (ere all tre!bling lest t&is tre!en%o*s e%i$i#e (o*l%
re!ain partl" e!pt" on t&e nig&t o$ t&e !eeting+
At seen o#lo#, 111 persons (ere present, an% t&e !eeting (as opene%+ A )*ni#& pro$essor %eliere% t&e prin#ipal
a%%ress, an% I spo,e a$ter &i!+ T&at (as !" $irst appearan#e in t&e role o$ p*bli# orator+ T&e (&ole t&ing see!e% a er"
%aring a%ent*re to Herr Harrer, (&o (as t&en #&air!an o$ t&e part"+ He (as a er" %e#ent $ello(C b*t &e &a% an a priori
#oni#tion t&at, alt&o*g& I !ig&t &ae /*ite a n*!ber o$ goo% /*alities, I #ertainl" %i% not &ae a talent $or p*bli#
spea,ing+ Een later &e #o*l% not be pers*a%e% to #&ange &is opinion+ 8*t &e (as !ista,en+ T(ent" !in*tes &a% been
allotte% to !e $or !" spee#& on t&is o##asion, (&i#& !ig&t be loo,e% *pon as o*r $irst p*bli# !eeting+
I tal,e% $or t&irt" !in*tes, an% (&at I al(a"s &a% $elt %eep %o(n in !" &eart, (it&o*t being able to p*t it to t&e test, (as
&ere proe% to be tr*e4 I #o*l% !a,e a goo% spee#&+ At t&e en% o$ t&e t&irt" !in*tes it (as /*ite #lear t&at all t&e people in
t&e little &all &a% been pro$o*n%l" i!presse%+ T&e ent&*sias! aro*se% a!ong t&e! $o*n% its $irst e5pression in t&e $a#t
t&at !" appeal to t&ose present bro*g&t *s %onations (&i#& a!o*nte% to t&ree &*n%re% !ar,s+ T&at (as a great relie$ $or
*s+ O*r $inan#es (ere at t&at ti!e so !eagre t&at (e #o*l% not a$$or% to &ae o*r part" prospe#t*s printe%, or een lea$lets+
.o( (e possesse% at least t&e n*#le*s o$ a $*n% $ro! (&i#& (e #o*l% pa" t&e !ost *rgent an% ne#essar" e5penses+
8*t t&e s*##ess o$ t&is $irst larger !eeting (as also i!portant $ro! anot&er point o$ ie(+ I &a% alrea%" beg*n to intro%*#e
so!e "o*ng an% $res& !e!bers into t&e #o!!ittee+ =*ring t&e long perio% o$ !" !ilitar" seri#e I &a% #o!e to ,no( a
large n*!ber o$ goo% #o!ra%es (&o! I (as no( able to pers*a%e to 0oin o*r part"+ All o$ t&e! (ere energeti# an%
%is#ipline% "o*ng !en (&o, t&ro*g& t&eir "ears o$ !ilitar" seri#e, &a% been i!b*e% (it& t&e prin#iple t&at not&ing is
i!possible an% t&at (&ere t&eres a (ill t&eres a (a"+
T&e nee% $or t&is $res& bloo% s*ppl" be#a!e ei%ent to !e a$ter a $e( (ee,s o$ #ollaboration (it& t&e ne( !e!bers+ Herr
Harrer, (&o (as t&en #&air!an o$ t&e part", (as a 0o*rnalist b" pro$ession, an% as s*#& &e (as a !an o$ general
,no(le%ge+ 8*t as lea%er o$ t&e part" &e &a% one er" serio*s &an%i#ap4 &e #o*l% not spea, to t&e #ro(%+ T&o*g& &e %i%
&is (or, #ons#ientio*sl", it la#,e% t&e ne#essar" %riing $or#e, probabl" $or t&e reason t&at &e &a% no oratori#al gi$ts
(&atsoeer+ Herr =re5ler, at t&at ti!e #&air!an o$ t&e )*ni#& lo#al gro*p, (as a si!ple (or,ing !an+ He, too, (as not
o$ an" great i!portan#e as a spea,er+ )oreoer, &e (as not a sol%ier+ He &a% neer %one !ilitar" seri#e, een %*ring t&e
3ar+ So t&at t&is !an (&o (as $eeble an% %i$$i%ent b" nat*re &a% !isse% t&e onl" s#&ool (&i#& ,no(s &o( to trans$or!
%i$$i%ent an% (ea,l" nat*res into real !en+ T&ere$ore neit&er o$ t&ose t(o !en (ere o$ t&e st*$$ t&at (o*l% &ae enable%
t&e! to stir *p an ar%ent an% in%o!itable $ait& in t&e *lti!ate tri*!p& o$ t&e !oe!ent an% to br*s& asi%e, (it& obstinate
$or#e an% i$ ne#essar" (it& br*tal r*t&lessness, all obsta#les t&at stoo% in t&e pat& o$ t&e ne( i%ea+ S*#& a tas, #o*l% be
#arrie% o*t onl" b" !en (&o &a% been traine%, bo%" an% so*l, in t&ose !ilitar" irt*es (&i#& !a,e a !an, so to spea,,
agile as a gre"&o*n%, to*g& as leat&er, an% &ar% as ;r*pp steel+
At t&at ti!e I (as still a sol%ier+ P&"si#all" an% !entall" I &a% t&e polis& o$ si5 "ears o$ seri#e, so t&at in t&e beginning
t&is #ir#le !*st &ae loo,e% on !e as /*ite a stranger+ In #o!!on (it& !" ar!" #o!ra%es, I &a% $orgotten s*#& p&rases
as4 LT&at (ill not goL, or LT&at is not possibleL, or L3e o*g&t not to ta,e s*#& a ris,C it is too %angero*sL+
T&e (&ole *n%erta,ing (as o$ its er" nat*re %angero*s+ At t&at ti!e t&ere (ere !an" parts o$ Aer!an" (&ere it (o*l%
&ae been absol*tel" i!possible openl" to inite people to a national !eeting t&at %are% to !a,e a %ire#t appeal to t&e
!asses+ T&ose (&o atten%e% s*#& !eetings (ere *s*all" %isperse% an% %rien a(a" (it& bro,en &ea%s+ It #ertainl" %i% not
#all $or an" great /*alities to be able to %o t&ings in t&at (a"+ T&e largest so1#alle% bo*rgeois !ass !eetings (ere
a##*sto!e% to %issole, an% t&ose in atten%an#e (o*l% r*n a(a" li,e rabbits (&en $rig&tene% b" a %og as soon as a %o>en
#o!!*nists appeare% on t&e s#ene+ T&e Re%s *se% to pa" little attention to t&ose bo*rgeois organi>ations (&ere onl"
babblers tal,e%+ T&e" re#ogni>e% t&e inner triialit" o$ s*#& asso#iations !*#& better t&an t&e !e!bers t&e!seles an%
t&ere$ore $elt t&at t&e" nee% not be a$rai% o$ t&e!+ On t&e #ontrar", &o(eer, t&e" (ere all t&e !ore %eter!ine% to *se
eer" possible !eans o$ anni&ilating on#e an% $or all an" !oe!ent t&at appeare% to t&e! to be a %anger to t&eir o(n
interests+ T&e !ost e$$e#tie !eans (&i#& t&e" al(a"s e!plo"e% in s*#& #ases (ere terror an% br*te $or#e+
T&e )ar5ist lea%ers, (&ose b*siness #onsiste% in %e#eiing an% !islea%ing t&e p*bli#, nat*rall" &ate% !ost o$ all a
!oe!ent (&ose %e#lare% ai! (as to (in oer t&ose !asses (&i#& &it&erto &a% been e5#l*siel" at t&e seri#e o$
international )ar5is! in t&e -e(is& an% Sto#, E5#&ange parties+ T&e title alone, MAer!an 'abo*r part", irritate% t&e!+ It
#o*l% easil" be $oreseen t&at at t&e $irst opport*ne !o!ent (e s&o*l% &ae to $a#e t&e opposition o$ t&e )ar5ist %espots,
(&o (ere still into5i#ate% (it& t&eir tri*!p& in 1919+
People in t&e s!all #ir#les o$ o*r o(n !oe!ent at t&at ti!e s&o(e% a #ertain a!o*nt o$ an5iet" at t&e prospe#t o$ s*#& a
#on$li#t+ T&e" (ante% to re$rain as !*#& as possible $ro! #o!ing o*t into t&e open, be#a*se t&e" $eare% t&at t&e" !ig&t be
atta#,e% an% beaten+ In t&eir !in%s t&e" sa( o*r $irst p*bli# !eetings bro,en *p an% $eare% t&at t&e !oe!ent !ig&t t&*s
be r*ine% $or eer+ I $o*n% it %i$$i#*lt to %e$en% !" o(n position, (&i#& (as t&at t&e #on$li#t s&o*l% not be ea%e% b*t t&at
it s&o*l% be $a#e% openl" an% t&at (e s&o*l% be ar!e% (it& t&ose (eapons (&i#& are t&e onl" prote#tion against br*te
$or#e+ Terror #annot be oer#o!e b" t&e (eapons o$ t&e !in% b*t onl" b" #o*nter1terror+ T&e s*##ess o$ o*r $irst p*bli#
!eeting strengt&ene% !" o(n position+ T&e !e!bers $elt en#o*rage% to arrange $or a se#on% !eeting, een on a larger
So!e ti!e in O#tober 1919 t&e se#on% larger !eeting too, pla#e in t&e Eberl1brI* ;eller+ T&e t&e!e o$ o*r spee#&es (as
M8rest1'ito(s, an% Bersailles+ T&ere (ere $o*r spea,ers+ I tal,e% $or al!ost an &o*r, an% t&e s*##ess (as een !ore
stri,ing t&an at o*r $irst !eeting+ T&e n*!ber o$ people (&o atten%e% &a% gro(n to !ore t&an 127+ An atte!pt to %ist*rb
t&e pro#ee%ings (as i!!e%iatel" $r*strate% b" !" #o!ra%es+ T&e (o*l%1be %ist*rbers (ere t&ro(n %o(n t&e stairs,
bearing i!prints o$ iolen#e on t&eir &ea%s+
A $ortnig&t later anot&er !eeting too, pla#e in t&e sa!e &all+ T&e n*!ber in atten%an#e &a% no( in#rease% to !ore t&an
1:7, (&i#& !eant t&at t&e roo! (as $airl" (ell $ille%+ I spo,e again, an% on#e !ore t&e s*##ess obtaine% (as greater t&an
at t&e preio*s !eeting+
T&en I propose% t&at a larger &all s&o*l% be $o*n%+ A$ter loo,ing aro*n% $or so!e ti!e (e %is#oere% one at t&e ot&er en%
o$ t&e to(n, in t&e M=e*ts#&en Rei#& in t&e =a#&a*er Strasse+ T&e $irst !eeting at t&is ne( ren%e>o*s &a% a s!aller
atten%an#e t&an t&e preio*s !eeting+ T&ere (ere 0*st less t&an 147 present+ T&e !e!bers o$ t&e #o!!ittee began to be
%is#o*rage%, an% t&ose (&o &a% al(a"s been s#epti#al (ere no( #onin#e% t&at t&is $alling1o$$ in t&e atten%an#e (as %*e
to t&e $a#t t&at (e (ere &ol%ing t&e !eetings at too s&ort interals+ T&ere (ere liel" %is#*ssions, in (&i#& I *p&el% !"
o(n opinion t&at a #it" (it& :77,777 in&abitants o*g&t to be able not onl" to stan% one !eeting eer" $ortnig&t b*t ten
!eetings eer" (ee,+ I &el% t&at (e s&o*l% not be %is#o*rage% b" one #o!paratie setba#,, t&at t&e ta#ti#s (e &a% #&osen
(ere #orre#t, an% t&at sooner or later s*##ess (o*l% be o*rs i$ (e onl" #ontin*e% (it& %eter!ine% perseeran#e to p*s&
$or(ar% on o*r roa%+ T&is (&ole (inter o$ 1919127 (as one #ontin*al str*ggle to strengt&en #on$i%en#e in o*r abilit" to
#arr" t&e !oe!ent t&ro*g& to s*##ess an% to intensi$" t&is #on$i%en#e *ntil it be#a!e a b*rning $ait& t&at #o*l% !oe
O*r ne5t !eeting in t&e s!all &all proe% t&e tr*t& o$ !" #ontention+ O*r a*%ien#e &a% in#rease% to !ore t&an 277+ T&e
p*bli#it" e$$e#t an% t&e $inan#ial s*##ess (ere splen%i%+ I i!!e%iatel" *rge% t&at a $*rt&er !eeting s&o*l% be &el%+ It too,
pla#e in less t&an a $ortnig&t, an% t&ere (ere !ore t&an 2:7 people present+ T(o (ee,s later (e inite% o*r $ollo(ers an%
t&eir $rien%s, $or t&e seent& ti!e, to atten% o*r !eeting+ T&e sa!e &all (as s#ar#el" large eno*g& $or t&e n*!ber t&at
#a!e+ T&e" a!o*nte% to !ore t&an $o*r &*n%re%+
=*ring t&is p&ase t&e "o*ng !oe!ent %eelope% its inner $or!+ So!eti!es (e &a% !ore or less &e$t" %is#*ssions (it&in
o*r s!all #ir#le+ Fro! ario*s si%es 1 it (as t&en 0*st t&e sa!e as it is to1%a" 1 ob0e#tions (ere !a%e against t&e i%ea o$
#alling t&e "o*ng !oe!ent a part"+ I &ae al(a"s #onsi%ere% s*#& #riti#is! as a %e!onstration o$ pra#ti#al in#apabilit"
an% narro(1!in%e%ness on t&e part o$ t&e #riti#+ T&ose ob0e#tions &ae al(a"s been raise% b" !en (&o #o*l% not
%i$$erentiate bet(een e5ternal appearan#es an% inner strengt&, b*t trie% to 0*%ge t&e !oe!ent b" t&e &ig&1so*n%ing
#&ara#ter o$ t&e na!e atta#&e% to it+ To t&is en% t&e" ransa#,e% t&e o#ab*lar" o$ o*r an#estors, (it& *n$ort*nate res*lts+
At t&at ti!e it (as er" %i$$i#*lt to !a,e t&e people *n%erstan% t&at eer" !oe!ent is a part" as long as it &as not
bro*g&t its i%eals to $inal tri*!p& an% t&*s a#&iee% its p*rpose+ It is a part" een i$ it gie itsel$ a t&o*san% %i$terent
An" person (&o tries to #arr" into pra#ti#e an original i%ea (&ose reali>ation (o*l% be $or t&e bene$it o$ &is $ello( !en
(ill $irst &ae to loo, $or %is#iples (&o are rea%" to $ig&t $or t&e en%s &e &as in ie(+ An% i$ t&ese en%s %i% not go be"on%
t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e part" s"ste! an% t&ere(it& p*t a stop to t&e pro#ess o$ %isintegration, t&en all t&ose (&o #o!e
$or(ar% as protagonists an% apostles o$ s*#& an i%eal are a part" in t&e!seles as long as t&eir $inal goal is rea#&e%+ It is
onl" &air1splitting an% pla"ing (it& (or%s (&en t&ese anti/*ate% t&eorists, (&ose pra#ti#al s*##ess is in reerse ratio to
t&eir (is%o!, pres*!e to t&in, t&e" #an #&ange t&e #&ara#ter o$ a !oe!ent (&i#& is at t&e sa!e ti!e a part", b" !erel"
#&anging its na!e+
On t&e #ontrar", it is entirel" o*t o$ &ar!on" (it& t&e spirit o$ t&e nation to ,eep &arping on t&at $ar1o$$ an% $orgotten
no!en#lat*re (&i#& belongs to t&e an#ient Aer!ani# ti!es an% %oes not a(a,en an" %istin#t asso#iation in o*r age+ T&is
&abit o$ borro(ing (or%s $ro! t&e %ea% past ten%s to !islea% t&e people into t&in,ing t&at t&e e5ternal trappings o$ its
o#ab*lar" are t&e i!portant $eat*re o$ a !oe!ent+ It is reall" a !is#&ieo*s &abitC b*t it is /*ite prealent no(a%a"s+
At t&at ti!e, an% s*bse/*entl", I &a% to (arn $ollo(ers repeate%l" against t&ese (an%ering s#&olars (&o (ere pe%%ling
Aer!ani# $ol,1lore an% (&o neer a##o!plis&e% an"t&ing positie or pra#ti#al, e5#ept to #*ltiate t&eir o(n
s*perab*n%ant sel$1#on#eit+ T&e ne( !oe!ent !*st g*ar% itsel$ against an in$l*5 o$ people (&ose onl" re#o!!en%ation
is t&eir o(n state!ent t&at t&e" &ae been $ig&ting $or t&ese er" sa!e i%eals %*ring t&e last t&irt" or $ort" "ears+
.o( i$ so!ebo%" &as $o*g&t $or $ort" "ears to #arr" into e$$e#t (&at &e #alls an i%ea, an% i$ t&ese allege% e$$orts not onl"
s&o( no positie res*lts b*t &ae not een been able to &in%er t&e s*##ess o$ t&e opposing part", t&en t&e stor" o$ t&ose
$ort" "ears o$ $*tile e$$ort $*rnis&es s*$$i#ient proo$ $or t&e in#o!peten#e o$ s*#& a protagonist+ People o$ t&at ,in% are
spe#iall" %angero*s be#a*se t&e" %o not (ant to parti#ipate in t&e !oe!ent as or%inar" !e!bers+ T&e" tal, rat&er o$ t&e
lea%ing positions (&i#& (o*l% be t&e onl" $itting posts $or t&e!, in ie( o$ t&eir past (or, an% also so t&at t&e" !ig&t be
enable% to #arr" on t&at (or, $*rt&er+ 8*t (oe to a "o*ng !oe!ent i$ t&e #on%*#t o$ it s&o*l% $all into t&e &an%s o$ s*#&
people+ A b*siness !an (&o &as been in #&arge o$ a great $ir! $or $ort" "ears an% (&o &as #o!pletel" r*ine% it t&ro*g&
&is !is!anage!ent is not t&e ,in% o$ person one (o*l% re#o!!en% $or t&e $o*n%ing o$ a ne( $ir!+ An% it is 0*st t&e sa!e
(it& a ne( national !oe!ent+ .obo%" o$ #o!!on sense (o*l% appoint to a lea%ing post in s*#& a !oe!ent so!e
Te*toni# )et&*sela& (&o &a% been ine$$e#tiel" prea#&ing so!e i%ea $or a perio% o$ $ort" "ears, *ntil &i!sel$ an% &is i%ea
&a% entere% t&e stage o$ senile %e#a"+
F*rt&er!ore, onl" a er" s!all per#entage o$ s*#& people 0oin a ne( !oe!ent (it& t&e intention o$ sering its en%
*nsel$is&l" an% &elping in t&e sprea% o$ its prin#iples+ In !ost #ases t&e" #o!e be#a*se t&e" t&in, t&at, *n%er t&e Tgis o$
t&e ne( !oe!ent, it (ill be possible $or t&e! to pro!*lgate t&eir ol% i%eas to t&e !is$ort*ne o$ t&eir ne( listeners+
An"&o(, nobo%" eer see!s able to %es#ribe (&at e5a#tl" t&ese i%eas are+
It is t"pi#al o$ s*#& persons t&at t&e" rant abo*t an#ient Te*toni# &eroes o$ t&e %i! an% %istant ages, stone a5es, battle
spears an% s&iel%s, (&ereas in realit" t&e" t&e!seles are t&e (oe$*llest poltroons i!aginable+ For t&ose er" sa!e people
(&o bran%is& Te*toni# tin s(or%s t&at &ae been $as&ione% #are$*ll" a##or%ing to an#ient !o%els an% (ear pa%%e% bear1
s,ins, (it& t&e &orns o$ o5en !o*nte% oer t&eir bear%e% $a#es, pro#lai! t&at all #onte!porar" #on$li#ts !*st be %e#i%e%
b" t&e (eapons o$ t&e !in% alone+ An% t&*s t&e" s,e%a%%le (&en t&e $irst #o!!*nist #*%gel appears+ Posterit" (ill &ae
little o##asion to (rite a ne( epi# on t&ese &eroi# gla%iators+
I &ae seen too !*#& o$ t&at ,in% o$ people not to $eel a pro$o*n% #onte!pt $or t&eir !iserable pla"1a#ting+ To t&e !asses
o$ t&e nation t&e" are 0*st an ob0e#t o$ ri%i#*leC b*t t&e -e( $in%s it to &is o(n interest to treat t&ese $ol,1lore #o!e%ians
(it& respe#t an% to pre$er t&e! to real !en (&o are $ig&ting to establis& a Aer!an State+ An% "et t&ese #o!e%ians are
e5tre!el" pro*% o$ t&e!seles+ .ot(it&stan%ing t&eir #o!plete $e#,lessness, (&i#& is an establis&e% $a#t, t&e" preten% to
,no( eer"t&ing better t&an ot&er peopleC so !*#& so t&at t&e" !a,e t&e!seles a eritable n*isan#e to all sin#ere an%
&onest patriots, to (&o! not onl" t&e &erois! o$ t&e past is (ort&" o$ &ono*r b*t (&o also $eel bo*n% to leae e5a!ples o$
t&eir o(n (or, $or t&e inspiration o$ t&e #o!ing generation+
A!ong t&ose people t&ere (ere so!e (&ose #on%*#t #an be e5plaine% b" t&eir innate st*pi%it" an% in#o!peten#eC b*t
t&ere are ot&ers (&o &ae a %e$inite *lterior p*rpose in ie(+ O$ten it is %i$$i#*lt to %isting*is& bet(een t&e t(o #lasses+
T&e i!pression (&i#& I o$ten get, espe#iall" o$ t&ose so1#alle% religio*s re$or!ers (&ose #ree% is gro*n%e% on an#ient
Aer!ani# #*sto!s, is t&at t&e" are t&e !issionaries an% protQgQs o$ t&ose $or#es (&i#& %o not (is& to see a national
reial ta,ing pla#e in Aer!an"+ All t&eir a#tiities ten% to t*rn t&e attention o$ t&e people a(a" $ro! t&e ne#essit" o$
$ig&ting toget&er in a #o!!on #a*se against t&e #o!!on ene!", na!el" t&e -e(+ )oreoer, t&at ,in% o$ prea#&ing
in%*#es t&e people to *se *p t&eir energies, not in $ig&ting $or t&e #o!!on #a*se, b*t in abs*r% an% r*ino*s religio*s
#ontroersies (it&in t&eir o(n ran,s+ T&ere are %e$inite gro*n%s t&at !a,e it absol*tel" ne#essar" $or t&e !oe!ent to be
%o!inate% b" a strong #entral $or#e (&i#& is e!bo%ie% in t&e a*t&oritatie lea%ers&ip+ In t&is (a" alone is it possible to
#o*ntera#t t&e a#tiit" o$ s*#& $atal ele!ents+ An% t&at is 0*st t&e reason (&" t&ese $ol,1lore A&as*er*ses are igoro*sl"
&ostile to an" !oe!ent (&ose !e!bers are $ir!l" *nite% *n%er one lea%er an% one %is#ipline+ T&ose people o$ (&o! I
&ae spo,en &ate s*#& a !oe!ent be#a*se it is #apable o$ p*tting a stop to t&eir !is#&ie$+
It (as not (it&o*t goo% reason t&at (&en (e lai% %o(n a #learl" %e$ine% progra!!e $or t&e ne( !oe!ent (e e5#l*%e%
t&e (or% Jl,is#& $ro! it+ T&e #on#ept *n%erl"ing t&e ter! Jl,is#& #annot sere as t&e basis o$ a !oe!ent, be#a*se it is
too in%e$inite an% general in its appli#ation+ T&ere$ore, i$ so!ebo%" #alle% &i!sel$ Jl,is#& s*#& a %esignation #o*l% not
be ta,en as t&e &all1!ar, o$ so!e %e$inite, part" a$$iliation+
8e#a*se t&is #on#ept is so in%e$inite $ro! t&e pra#ti#al ie(point, it gies rise to ario*s interpretations an% t&*s people
#an appeal to it all t&e !ore easil" as a sort o$ personal re#o!!en%ation+ 3&eneer s*#& a ag*e #on#ept, (&i#& is s*b0e#t
to so !an" interpretations, is a%!itte% into a politi#al !oe!ent it ten%s to brea, *p t&e %is#ipline% soli%arit" o$ t&e
$ig&ting $or#es+ .o s*#& soli%arit" #an be !aintaine% i$ ea#& in%ii%*al !e!ber be allo(e% to %e$ine $or &i!sel$ (&at &e
beliees an% (&at &e is (illing to %o+
One $eels it a %isgra#e (&en one noti#es t&e ,in% o$ people (&o $loat abo*t no(a%a"s (it& t&e Jl,is#& s"!bol st*#, in
t&eir b*tton&oles, an% at t&e sa!e ti!e to noti#e &o( !an" people &ae ario*s i%eas o$ t&eir o(n as to t&e signi$i#an#e o$
t&at s"!bol+ A (ell1,no(n pro$essor in 8aaria, a $a!o*s #o!batant (&o $ig&ts onl" (it& t&e (eapons o$ t&e !in% an%
(&o boasts o$ &aing !ar#&e% against 8erlin 1 b" s&o*l%ering t&e (eapons o$ t&e !in%, o$ #o*rse 1 beliees t&at t&e (or%
Jl,is#& is s"non"!o*s (it& M!onar#&i#al+ 8*t t&is learne% a*t&orit" &as &it&erto negle#te% to e5plain &o( o*r Aer!an
!onar#&s o$ t&e past #an be i%enti$ie% (it& (&at (e generall" !ean b" t&e (or% Jl,is#& to1%a"+ I a! a$rai% &e (ill $in%
&i!sel$ at a loss i$ &e is as,e% to gie a pre#ise ans(er+ For it (o*l% be er" %i$$i#*lt in%ee% to i!agine an"t&ing less
Jl,is#& t&an !ost o$ t&ose Aer!an !onar#&i#al States (ere+ Ha% t&e" been ot&er(ise t&e" (o*l% not &ae %isappeare%C
or i$ t&e" (ere Jl,is#&, t&en t&e $a#t o$ t&eir %o(n$all !a" be ta,en as ei%en#e t&at t&e Jl,is#& o*tloo, on t&e (orl%
F3eltans#&&a**ngG is a $alse o*tloo,+
Eer"bo%" interprets t&is #on#ept in &is o(n (a"+ 8*t s*#& !*lti$ario*s opinions #annot be a%opte% as t&e basis o$ a
!ilitant politi#al !oe!ent+ I nee% not #all attention to t&e absol*te la#, o$ (orl%l" (is%o!, an% espe#iall" t&e $ail*re to
*n%erstan% t&e so*l o$ t&e nation, (&i#& is %ispla"e% b" t&ese )essiani# Pre#*rsors o$ t&e T(entiet& Cent*r"+ S*$$i#ient
attention &as been #alle% to t&ose people b" t&e ri%i#*le (&i#& t&e le$t1(ing parties &ae besto(e% on t&e!+ T&e" allo(
t&e! to babble on an% sneer at t&e!+
I %o not set !*#& al*e on t&e $rien%s&ip o$ people (&o %o not s*##ee% in getting %isli,e% b" t&eir ene!ies+ T&ere$ore, (e
#onsi%ere% t&e $rien%s&ip o$ s*#& people as not onl" (ort&less b*t een %angero*s to o*r "o*ng !oe!ent+ T&at (as t&e
prin#ipal reason (&" (e $irst #alle% o*rseles a Part"+ 3e &ope% t&at b" giing o*rseles s*#& a na!e (e !ig&t s#are
a(a" a (&ole &ost o$ Jl,is#& %rea!ers+ An% t&at (as t&e reason also (&" (e na!e% o*r Part", T&e .ational So#ialist
Aer!an 'abo*r Part"+
T&e $irst ter!, Part", ,ept a(a" all t&ose %rea!ers (&o lie in t&e past an% all t&e loers o$ bo!basti# no!en#lat*re, as
(ell as t&ose (&o (ent aro*n% beating t&e big %r*! $or t&e Jl,is#& i%ea+ T&e $*ll na!e o$ t&e Part" ,ept a(a" all t&ose
&eroes (&ose (eapon is t&e s(or% o$ t&e spirit an% all t&ose (&ining poltroons (&o ta,e re$*ge be&in% t&eir so1#alle%
Mintelligen#e as i$ it (ere a ,in% o$ s&iel%+
It (as onl" to be e5pe#te% t&at t&is latter #lass (o*l% la*n#& a !asse% atta#, against *s a$ter o*r !oe!ent &a% starte%C
b*t, o$ #o*rse, it (as onl" a pen1an%1in, atta#,, $or t&e goose1/*ill is t&e onl" (eapon (&i#& t&ese Jl,is#& lan#ers (iel%+
3e &a% %e#lare% one o$ o*r prin#iples t&*s4 L3e s&all !eet iolen#e (it& iolen#e in o*r o(n %e$en#eL+ .at*rall" t&at
prin#iple %ist*rbe% t&e e/*ani!it" o$ t&e ,nig&ts o$ t&e pen+ T&e" reproa#&e% *s bitterl" not onl" $or (&at t&e" #alle% o*r
#r*%e (ors&ip o$ t&e #*%gel b*t also be#a*se, a##or%ing to t&e!, (e &a% no intelle#t*al $or#es on o*r si%e+ T&ese
#&arlatans %i% not t&in, $or a !o!ent t&at a =e!ost&enes #o*l% be re%*#e% to silen#e at a !ass1!eeting b" $i$t" i%iots
(&o &a% #o!e t&ere to s&o*t &i! %o(n an% *se t&eir $ists against &is s*pporters+ T&e innate #o(ar%i#e o$ t&e pen1an%1in,
#&arlatan preents &i! $ro! e5posing &i!sel$ to s*#& a %anger, $or &e al(a"s (or,s in sa$e retire!ent an% neer %ares to
!a,e a noise or #o!e $or(ar% in p*bli#+
Een to1%a" I !*st (arn t&e !e!bers o$ o*r "o*ng !oe!ent in t&e strongest possible ter!s to g*ar% against t&e %anger
o$ $alling into t&e snare o$ t&ose (&o #all t&e!seles Msilent (or,ers+ T&ese Msilent (or,ers are not onl" a (&iteliere%
lot b*t are also, an% al(a"s (ill be, ignorant %o1not&ings+ A !an (&o is a(are o$ #ertain &appenings an% ,no(s t&at a
#ertain %anger t&reatens, an% at t&e sa!e ti!e sees a #ertain re!e%" (&i#& #an be e!plo"e% against it, is in %*t" bo*n%
not to (or, in silen#e b*t to #o!e into t&e open an% p*bli#l" $ig&t $or t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e eil an% t&e a##eptan#e o$ &is
o(n re!e%"+ I$ &e %oes not %o so, t&en &e is negle#ting &is %*t" an% s&o(s t&at &e is (ea, in #&ara#ter an% t&at &e $ails to
a#t eit&er be#a*se o$ &is ti!i%it", or in%olen#e or in#o!peten#e+ )ost o$ t&ese Msilent (or,ers generall" preten% to ,no(
Ao% ,no(s (&at+ .ot one o$ t&e! is #apable o$ an" real a#&iee!ent, b*t t&e" ,eep on tr"ing to $ool t&e (orl% (it& t&eir
anti#s+ T&o*g& /*ite in%olent, t&e" tr" to #reate t&e i!pression t&at t&eir Msilent (or, ,eeps t&e! er" b*s"+ To p*t it
brie$l", t&e" are s&eer s(in%lers, politi#al 0obbers (&o $eel #&agrine% b" t&e &onest (or, (&i#& ot&ers are %oing+ 3&en
"o* $in% one o$ t&ese Jl,is#& !ot&s b*>>ing oer t&e al*e o$ &is Msilent (or, "o* !a" be s*re t&at "o* are %ealing (it&
a $ello( (&o %oes no pro%*#tie (or, at all b*t steals $ro! ot&ers t&e $r*its o$ t&eir &onest labo*r+
In a%%ition to all t&is one o*g&t to note t&e arrogan#e an% #on#eite% i!p*%en#e (it& (&i#& t&ese obs#*rantist i%lers tr" to
tear to pie#es t&e (or, o$ ot&er people, #riti#i>ing it (it& an air o$ s*periorit", an% t&*s pla"ing into t&e &an%s o$ t&e
!ortal ene!" o$ o*r people+
Een t&e si!plest $ollo(er (&o &as t&e #o*rage to stan% on t&e table in so!e beer1&all (&ere &is ene!ies are gat&ere%,
an% !an$*ll" an% openl" %e$en% &is position against t&e!, a#&iees a t&o*san% ti!es !ore t&an t&ese slin,ing &"po#rites+
He at least (ill #onert one or t(o people to beliee in t&e !oe!ent+ One #an e5a!ine &is (or, an% test its e$$e#tieness
b" its a#t*al res*lts+ 8*t t&ose ,nais& s(in%lers 1 (&o praise t&eir o(n Msilent (or, an% s&elter t&e!seles *n%er t&e
#loa, o$ anon"!it", are 0*st (ort&less %rones, in t&e tr*est sense o$ t&e ter!, an% are *tterl" *seless $or t&e p*rpose o$ o*r
national re#onstr*#tion+
In t&e beginning o$ 1927 I p*t $or(ar% t&e i%ea o$ &ol%ing o*r $irst !ass !eeting+ On t&is proposal t&ere (ere %i$$eren#es
o$ opinion a!ongst *s+ So!e lea%ing !e!bers o$ o*r part" t&o*g&t t&at t&e ti!e (as not ripe $or s*#& a !eeting an% t&at
t&e res*lt !ig&t be %etri!ental+ T&e Press o$ t&e 'e$t &a% beg*n to ta,e noti#e o$ *s an% (e (ere l*#," eno*g& in being
able gra%*all" to aro*se t&eir (rat&+ 3e &a% beg*n to appear at ot&er !eetings an% to as, /*estions or #ontra%i#t t&e
spea,ers, (it& t&e nat*ral res*lt t&at (e (ere s&o*te% %o(n $ort&(it&+ 8*t still (e t&ereb" gaine% so!e o$ o*r en%s+
People began to ,no( o$ o*r e5isten#e an% t&e better t&e" *n%erstoo% *s, t&e stronger be#a!e t&eir aersion an% t&eir
en!it"+ T&ere$ore (e !ig&t e5pe#t t&at a large #ontingent o$ o*r $rien%s $ro! t&e Re% Ca!p (o*l% atten% o*r $irst !ass
I $*ll" reali>e% t&at o*r !eeting (o*l% probabl" be bro,en *p+ 8*t (e &a% to $a#e t&e $ig&tC i$ not no(, t&en so!e !ont&s
later+ Sin#e t&e $irst %a" o$ o*r $o*n%ation (e (ere resole% to se#*re t&e $*t*re o$ t&e !oe!ent b" $ig&ting o*r (a"
$or(ar% in a spirit o$ blin% $ait& an% r*t&less %eter!ination+ I (as (ell a#/*ainte% (it& t&e !entalit" o$ all t&ose (&o
belonge% to t&e Re% Ca!p, an% I ,ne( /*ite (ell t&at i$ (e oppose% t&e! toot& an% nail not onl" (o*l% (e !a,e an
i!pression on t&e! b*t t&at (e een !ig&t (in ne( $ollo(ers $or o*rseles+ T&ere$ore I $elt t&at (e !*st %e#i%e on a
poli#" o$ a#tie opposition+
Herr Harrer (as t&en #&air!an o$ o*r part"+ He %i% not see e"e to e"e (it& !e as to t&e opport*ne ti!e $or o*r $irst !ass
!eeting+ A##or%ingl" &e $elt &i!sel$ oblige% to resign $ro! t&e lea%ers&ip o$ t&e !oe!ent, as an *prig&t an% &onest
!an+ Herr Anton =re5ler too, &is pla#e+ I ,ept t&e (or, o$ organi>ing t&e propagan%a in !" o(n &an%s an% I listene% to
no #o!pro!ise in #arr"ing it o*t+
3e %e#i%e% on Febr*ar" 24t& 1927 as t&e %ate $or t&e $irst great pop*lar !eeting to be &el% *n%er t&e Tgis o$ t&is
!oe!ent (&i#& (as &it&erto *n,no(n+
I !a%e all t&e preparator" arrange!ents personall"+ T&e" %i% not ta,e er" long+ T&e (&ole apparat*s o$ o*r organi>ation
(as set in !otion $or t&e p*rpose o$ being able to se#*re a rapi% %e#ision as to o*r poli#"+ 3it&in t(ent"1$o*r &o*rs (e
&a% to %e#i%e on t&e attit*%e (e s&o*l% ta,e in regar% to t&e /*estions o$ t&e %a" (&i#& (o*l% be p*t $or(ar% at t&e !ass
!eeting+ T&e noti#es (&i#& a%ertise% t&e !eeting &a% to bring t&ese points be$ore t&e p*bli#+ In t&is %ire#tion (e (ere
$or#e% to %epen% on t&e *se o$ posters an% lea$lets, t&e #ontents o$ (&i#& an% t&e !anner in (&i#& t&e" (ere %ispla"e%
(ere %e#i%e% *pon in a##or%an#e (it& t&e prin#iples (&i#& I &ae alrea%" lai% %o(n in %ealing (it& propagan%a in
general+ T&e" (ere pro%*#e% in a $or! (&i#& (o*l% appeal to t&e #ro(%+ T&e" #on#entrate% on a $e( points (&i#& (ere
repeate% again an% again+ T&e te5t (as #on#ise an% %e$inite, an absol*tel" %og!ati# $or! o$ e5pression being *se%+ 3e
%istrib*te% t&ese posters an% lea$lets (it& a %ogge% energ" an% t&en (e patientl" (aite% $or t&e e$$e#t t&e" (o*l% pro%*#e+
For o*r prin#ipal #olo*r (e #&ose re%, as it &as an e5#iting e$$e#t on t&e e"e an% (as t&ere$ore #al#*late% to aro*se t&e
attention o$ o*r opponents an% irritate t&e!+ T&*s t&e" (o*l% &ae to ta,e noti#e o$ *s 1 (&et&er t&e" li,e% it or not 1 an%
(o*l% not $orget *s+
One res*lt o$ o*r ta#ti#s (as to s&o( *p #learl" t&e #lose politi#al $raterni>ation t&at e5iste% also &ere in 8aaria bet(een
t&e )ar5ists an% t&e Centre Part"+ T&e politi#al part" t&at &el% po(er in 8aaria, (&i#& (as t&e 8aarian Peoples Part"
Fa$$iliate% (it& t&e Centre Part"G %i% its best to #o*ntera#t t&e e$$e#t (&i#& o*r pla#ar%s (ere &aing on t&e MRe% !asses+
T&*s t&e" !a%e a %e$inite step to $etter o*r a#tiities+ I$ t&e poli#e #o*l% $in% no ot&er gro*n%s $or pro&ibiting o*r
pla#ar%s, t&en t&e" !ig&t #lai! t&at (e (ere %ist*rbing t&e tra$$i# in t&e streets+ An% t&*s t&e so1#alle% Aer!an .ational
Peoples Part" #al!e% t&e an5ieties o$ t&eir MRe% allies b" #o!pletel" pro&ibiting t&ose pla#ar%s (&i#& pro#lai!e% a
!essage t&at (as bringing ba#, to t&e boso! o$ t&eir o(n people &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ (or,ers (&o &a% been !isle%
b" international agitators an% in#ense% against t&eir o(n nation+ T&ese pla#ar%s bear (itness to t&e bitterness o$ t&e
str*ggle in (&i#& t&e "o*ng !oe!ent (as t&en engage%+ F*t*re generations (ill $in% in t&ese pla#ar%s a %o#*!entar"
proo$ o$ o*r %eter!ination an% t&e 0*sti#e o$ o*r o(n #a*se+ An% t&ese pla#ar%s (ill also proe &o( t&e so1#alle% national
o$$i#ials too, arbitrar" a#tion to strangle a !oe!ent t&at %i% not please t&e!, be#a*se it (as nationali>ing t&e broa%
!asses o$ t&e people an% (inning t&e! ba#, to t&eir o(n ra#ial sto#,+
T&ese pla#ar%s (ill also &elp to re$*te t&e t&eor" t&at t&ere (as t&en a national goern!ent in 8aaria an% t&e" (ill a$$or%
%o#*!entar" #on$ir!ation o$ t&e $a#t t&at i$ 8aaria re!aine% nationall"1!in%e% %*ring t&e "ears 1919, 1927, 1921, 1922
an% 1922, t&is (as not %*e to a national goern!ent b*t it (as be#a*se t&e national spirit gra%*all" gaine% a %eeper &ol%
on t&e people an% t&e Aoern!ent (as $or#e% to $ollo( p*bli# $eeling+ T&e Aoern!ent a*t&orities t&e!seles %i%
eer"t&ing in t&eir po(er to &a!per t&is pro#ess o$ re#oer" an% !a,e it i!possible+ 8*t in t&is #onne#tion t(o o$$i#ials
!*st be !entione% as o*tstan%ing e5#eptions+
Ernst PJ&ner (as C&ie$ o$ Poli#e at t&e ti!e+ He &a% a lo"al #o*nsellor in =r+ Fri#,, (&o (as &is #&ie$ e5e#*tie o$$i#ial+
T&ese (ere t&e onl" !en a!ong t&e &ig&er o$$i#ials (&o &a% t&e #o*rage to pla#e t&e interests o$ t&eir #o*ntr" be$ore t&eir
o(n interests in &ol%ing on to t&eir 0obs+ O$ t&ose in responsible positions Ernst PJ&ner (as t&e onl" one (&o %i% not pa"
#o*rt to t&e !ob b*t $elt t&at &is %*t" (as to(ar%s t&e nation as s*#& an% (as rea%" to ris, an% sa#ri$i#e eer"t&ing, een
&is personal lieli&oo%, to &elp in t&e restoration o$ t&e Aer!an people, (&o! &e %earl" loe%+ For t&at reason &e (as a
bitter t&orn in t&e si%e o$ t&e enal gro*p o$ Aoern!ent o$$i#ials+ It (as not t&e interests o$ t&e nation or t&e ne#essit" o$
a national reial t&at inspire% or %ire#te% t&eir #on%*#t+ T&e" si!pl" tr*#,le% to t&e (is&es o$ t&e Aoern!ent, so as to
se#*re t&eir %ail" brea% $or t&e!seles, b*t t&e" &a% no t&o*g&t (&atsoeer $or t&e national (el$are t&at &a% been
entr*ste% to t&eir #are+
Aboe all, PJ&ner (as one o$ t&ose people (&o, in #ontra%istin#tion to t&e !a0orit" o$ o*r so1#alle% %e$en%ers o$ t&e
a*t&orit" o$ t&e State, %i% not $ear to in#*r t&e en!it" o$ t&e traitors to t&e #o*ntr" an% t&e nation b*t rat&er #o*rte% it as a
!ar, o$ &ono*r an% &onest"+ For s*#& !en t&e &atre% o$ t&e -e(s an% )ar5ists an% t&e lies an% #al*!nies t&e" sprea%,
(ere t&eir onl" so*r#e o$ &appiness in t&e !i%st o$ t&e national !iser"+ PJ&ner (as a !an o$ granite lo"alt"+ He (as li,e
one o$ t&e as#eti# #&ara#ters o$ t&e #lassi#al era an% (as at t&e sa!e ti!e t&at ,in% o$ straig&t$or(ar% Aer!an $or (&o!
t&e sa"ing M8etter %ea% t&an a slae is not an e!pt" p&rase b*t a eritable &earts #r"+
In !" opinion &e an% &is #ollaborator, =r+ Fri#,, are t&e onl" !en &ol%ing positions t&en in 8aaria (&o &ae t&e rig&t to
be #onsi%ere% as &aing ta,en a#tie part in t&e #reation o$ a national 8aaria+
8e$ore &ol%ing o*r $irst great !ass !eeting it (as ne#essar" not onl" to &ae o*r propagan%a !aterial rea%" b*t also to
&ae t&e !ain ite!s o$ o*r progra!!e printe%+
In t&e se#on% ol*!e o$ t&is boo, I s&all gie a %etaile% a##o*nt o$ t&e g*i%ing prin#iples (&i#& (e t&en $ollo(e% in
%ra(ing *p o*r progra!!e+ Here I (ill onl" sa" t&at t&e progra!!e (as arrange% not !erel" to set $ort& t&e $or! an%
#ontent o$ t&e "o*ng !oe!ent b*t also (it& an e"e to !a,ing it *n%erstoo% a!ong t&e broa% !asses+ T&e so1#alle%
intelle#t*al #ir#les !a%e 0o,es an% sneere% at it an% t&en trie% to #riti#i>e it+ 8*t t&e e$$e#t o$ o*r progra!!e proe% t&at
t&e i%eas (&i#& (e t&en &el% (ere rig&t+
=*ring t&ose "ears I sa( %o>ens o$ ne( !oe!ents arise an% %isappear (it&o*t leaing a tra#e be&in%+ Onl" one
!oe!ent &as s*rie%+ It is t&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part"+ To1%a" I a! !ore #onin#e% t&an eer be$ore
t&at, t&o*g& t&e" !a" #o!bat *s an% tr" to paral"se o*r !oe!ent, an% t&o*g& petti$ogging part" !inisters !a" $orbi% *s
t&e rig&t o$ $ree spee#&, t&e" #annot preent t&e tri*!p& o$ o*r i%eas+ 3&en t&e present s"ste! o$ statal a%!inistration
an% een t&e na!es o$ t&e politi#al parties t&at represent it (ill be $orgotten, t&e progra!!ati# basis o$ t&e .ational
So#ialist !oe!ent (ill s*ppl" t&e gro*n%(or, on (&i#& t&e $*t*re State (ill be b*ilt+
T&e !eetings (&i#& (e &el% be$ore -an*ar" 1927 &a% enable% *s to #olle#t t&e $inan#ial !eans t&at (ere ne#essar" to &ae
o*r $irst pa!p&lets an% posters an% progra!!es printe%+
I s&all bring t&e $irst part o$ t&is boo, to a #lose b" re$erring to o*r $irst great !ass !eeting, be#a*se t&at !eeting !ar,e%
t&e o##asion on (&i#& o*r $ra!e(or, as a s!all part" &a% to be bro,en *p an% (e starte% to be#o!e t&e !ost po(er$*l
$a#tor o$ t&is epo#& in t&e in$l*en#e (e e5er#ise% on p*bli# opinion+ At t&at ti!e !" #&ie$ an5iet" (as t&at (e !ig&t not
$ill t&e &all an% t&at (e !ig&t &ae to $a#e e!pt" ben#&es+ I !"sel$ (as $ir!l" #onin#e% t&at i$ onl" t&e people (o*l%
#o!e t&is %a" (o*l% t*rn o*t a great s*##ess $or t&e "o*ng !oe!ent+ T&at (as !" $eeling as I (aite% i!patientl" $or t&e
&o*r to #o!e+
It &a% been anno*n#e% t&at t&e !eeting (o*l% begin at :+27+ A /*arter1o$1an1&o*r be$ore t&e opening ti!e I (al,e%
t&ro*g& t&e #&ie$ &all o$ t&e Ho$brI*&a*s on t&e Plat> in )*ni#& an% !" &eart (as nearl" b*rsting (it& 0o"+ T&e great
&all 1 $or at t&at ti!e it see!e% er" big to !e 1 (as $ille% to oer$lo(ing+ .earl" 2,777 people (ere present+ An%, aboe
all, t&ose people &a% #o!e (&o! (e &a% al(a"s (is&e% to rea#&+ )ore t&an &al$ t&e a*%ien#e #onsiste% o$ persons (&o
see!e% to be #o!!*nists or in%epen%ents+ O*r $irst great %e!onstration (as %estine%, in t&eir ie(, to #o!e to an abr*pt
8*t t&ings &appene% ot&er(ise+ 3&en t&e $irst spea,er &a% $inis&e% I got *p to spea,+ A$ter a $e( !in*tes I (as !et (it&
a &ailstor! o$ interr*ptions an% iolent en#o*nters bro,e o*t in t&e bo%" o$ t&e &all+ A &an%$*l o$ !" lo"al (ar #o!ra%es
an% so!e ot&er $ollo(ers grapple% (it& t&e %ist*rbers an% restore% or%er in a little (&ile+ I (as able to #ontin*e !"
spee#&+ A$ter &al$ an &o*r t&e appla*se began to %ro(n t&e interr*ptions an% t&e &ootings+ T&en interr*ptions gra%*all"
#ease% an% appla*se too, t&eir pla#e+ 3&en I $inall" #a!e to e5plain t&e t(ent"1$ie points an% lai% t&e!, point a$ter
point, be$ore t&e !asses gat&ere% t&ere an% as,e% t&e! to pass t&eir o(n 0*%g!ent on ea#& point, one point a$ter anot&er
(as a##epte% (it& in#reasing ent&*sias!+ 3&en t&e last point (as rea#&e% I &a% be$ore !e a &all $*ll o$ people *nite% b" a
ne( #oni#tion, a ne( $ait& an% a ne( (ill+
.earl" $o*r &o*rs &a% passe% (&en t&e &all began to #lear+ As t&e !asses strea!e% to(ar%s t&e e5its, #ra!!e% s&o*l%er
to s&o*l%er, s&oing an% p*s&ing, I ,ne( t&at a !oe!ent (as no( set a$oot a!ong t&e Aer!an people (&i#& (o*l%
neer pass into obliion+
A $ire (as en,in%le% $ro! (&ose glo(ing &eat t&e s(or% (o*l% be $as&ione% (&i#& (o*l% restore $ree%o! to t&e Aer!an
Sieg$rie% an% bring ba#, li$e to t&e Aer!an nation+
8esi%e t&e reial (&i#& I t&en $oresa(, I also $elt t&at t&e Ao%%ess o$ Bengean#e (as no( getting rea%" to re%ress t&e
treason o$ t&e 9t& o$ .oe!ber, 1919+ T&e &all (as e!ptie%+ T&e !oe!ent (as on t&e !ar#&+
Bol*!e T(o4 T&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent
C&apter One
On Febr*ar" 24t&, 1927, t&e $irst great !ass !eeting *n%er t&e a*spi#es o$ t&e ne( !oe!ent too, pla#e+ In t&e 8an/*et
Hall o$ t&e Ho$brI*&a*s in )*ni#& t&e t(ent"1$ie t&eses (&i#& #onstit*te% t&e progra!!e o$ o*r ne( part" (ere
e5po*n%e% to an a*%ien#e o$ nearl" t(o t&o*san% people an% ea#& t&esis (as ent&*siasti#all" re#eie%+
T&*s (e bro*g&t to t&e ,no(le%ge o$ t&e p*bli# t&ose $irst prin#iples an% lines o$ a#tion along (&i#& t&e ne( str*ggle (as
to be #on%*#te% $or t&e abolition o$ a #on$*se% !ass o$ obsolete i%eas an% opinions (&i#& &a% obs#*re an% o$ten perni#io*s
ten%en#ies+ A ne( $or#e (as to !a,e its appearan#e a!ong t&e ti!i% an% $e#,less bo*rgeoisie+ T&is $or#e (as %estine% to
i!pe%e t&e tri*!p&ant a%an#e o$ t&e )ar5ists an% bring t&e C&ariot o$ Fate to a stan%still 0*st as it see!e% abo*t to rea#&
its goal+
It (as ei%ent t&at t&is ne( !oe!ent #o*l% gain t&e p*bli# signi$i#an#e an% s*pport (&i#& are ne#essar" pre1re/*isites in
s*#& a giganti# str*ggle onl" i$ it s*##ee%e% $ro! t&e er" o*tset in a(a,ening a sa#rosan#t #oni#tion in t&e &earts o$ its
$ollo(ers, t&at &ere it (as not a #ase o$ intro%*#ing a ne( ele#toral slogan into t&e politi#al $iel% b*t t&at an entirel" ne(
3eltans#&&a**ng, (&i#& (as o$ a ra%i#al signi$i#an#e, &a% to be pro!ote%+
One !*st tr" to re#all t&e !iserable 0*!ble o$ opinions t&at *se% to be arra"e% si%e b" si%e to $or! t&e *s*al Part"
Progra!!e, as it (as #alle%, an% one !*st re!e!ber &o( t&ese opinions *se% to be br*s&e% *p or %resse% in a ne( $or!
$ro! ti!e to ti!e+ I$ (e (o*l% properl" *n%erstan% t&ese progra!!ati# !onstrosities (e !*st #are$*ll" inestigate t&e
!oties (&i#& inspire% t&e aerage bo*rgeois Mprogra!!e #o!!ittee+
T&ose people are al(a"s in$l*en#e% b" one an% t&e sa!e preo##*pation (&en t&e" intro%*#e so!et&ing ne( into t&eir
progra!!e or !o%i$" so!et&ing alrea%" #ontaine% in it+ T&at preo##*pation is %ire#te% to(ar%s t&e res*lts o$ t&e ne5t
ele#tion+ T&e !o!ent t&ese artists in parlia!entar" goern!ent &ae t&e $irst gli!!ering o$ a s*spi#ion t&at t&eir %arling
p*bli# !a" be rea%" to ,i#, *p its &eels an% es#ape $ro! t&e &arness o$ t&e ol% part" (agon t&e" begin to paint t&e s&a$ts
(it& ne( #olo*rs+ On s*#& o##asions t&e part" astrologists an% &oros#ope rea%ers, t&e so1#alle% Me5perien#e% !en an%
Me5perts, #o!e $or(ar%+ For t&e !ost part t&e" are ol% parlia!entar" &an%s (&ose politi#al s#&ooling &as $*rnis&e% t&e!
(it& a!ple e5perien#e+ T&e" #an re!e!ber $or!er o##asions (&en t&e !asses s&o(e% signs o$ losing patien#e an% t&e"
no( %iagnose t&e !ena#e o$ a si!ilar sit*ation arising+ Resorting to t&eir ol% pres#ription, t&e" $or! a M#o!!ittee+ T&e"
go aro*n% a!ong t&e %arling p*bli# an% listen to (&at is being sai%+ T&e" %ip t&eir noses into t&e ne(spapers an%
gra%*all" begin to s#ent (&at it is t&at t&eir %arlings, t&e broa% !asses, are (is&ing $or, (&at t&e" re0e#t an% (&at t&e" are
&oping $or+ T&e gro*ps t&at belong to ea#& tra%e or b*siness, an% een o$$i#e e!plo"ees, are #are$*ll" st*%ie% an% t&eir
inner!ost %esires are inestigate%+ T&e M!ali#io*s slogans o$ t&e opposition $ro! (&i#& %anger is t&reatene% are no(
s*%%enl" loo,e% *pon as (ort&" o$ re#onsi%eration, an% it o$ten &appens t&at t&ese slogans, to t&e great astonis&!ent o$
t&ose (&o originall" #oine% an% #ir#*late% t&e!, no( appear to be /*ite &ar!less an% in%ee% are to be $o*n% a!ong t&e
%og!as o$ t&e ol% parties+
So t&e #o!!ittees !eet to reise t&e ol% progra!!e an% %ra( *p a ne( one+
For t&ese people #&ange t&eir #oni#tions 0*st as t&e sol%ier #&anges &is s&irt in (ar 1 (&en t&e ol% one is b*g1eaten+ In
t&e ne( progra!!e eer"one gets eer"t&ing &e (ants+ T&e $ar!er is ass*re% t&at t&e interests o$ agri#*lt*re (ill be
sa$eg*ar%e%+ T&e in%*strialist is ass*re% o$ prote#tion $or &is pro%*#ts+ T&e #ons*!er is ass*re% t&at &is interests (ill be
prote#te% in t&e !ar,et pri#es+ Tea#&ers are gien &ig&er salaries an% #iil serants (ill &ae better pensions+ 3i%o(s an%
orp&ans (ill re#eie genero*s assistan#e $ro! t&e State+ Tra%e (ill be pro!ote%+ T&e tari$$ (ill be lo(ere% an% een t&e
ta5es, t&o*g& t&e" #annot be entirel" abolis&e%, (ill be al!ost abolis&e%+ It so!eti!es &appens t&at one se#tion o$ t&e
p*bli# is $orgotten or t&at one o$ t&e %e!an%s !oote% a!ong t&e p*bli# &as not rea#&e% t&e ears o$ t&e part"+ T&is is also
&*rrie%l" pat#&e% on to t&e (&ole, s&o*l% t&ere be an" spa#e aailable $or it4 *ntil $inall" it is $elt t&at t&ere are goo%
gro*n%s $or &oping t&at t&e (&ole nor!al &ost o$ p&ilistines, in#l*%ing t&eir (ies, (ill &ae t&eir an5ieties lai% to rest
an% (ill bea! (it& satis$a#tion on#e again+ An% so, internall" ar!e% (it& $ait& in t&e goo%ness o$ Ao% an% t&e
i!penetrable st*pi%it" o$ t&e ele#torate, t&e str*ggle $or (&at is #alle% Mt&e re#onstr*#tion o$ t&e Rei#& #an no( begin+
3&en t&e ele#tion %a" is oer an% t&e parlia!entarians &ae &el% t&eir last p*bli# !eeting $or t&e ne5t $ie "ears, (&en
t&e" #an leae t&eir 0ob o$ getting t&e pop*la#e to toe t&e line an% #an no( %eote t&e!seles to &ig&er an% !ore pleasing
tas,s 1 t&en t&e progra!!e #o!!ittee is %issole% an% t&e str*ggle $or t&e progressie reorgani>ation o$ p*bli# a$$airs
be#o!es on#e again a b*siness o$ earning ones %ail" brea%, (&i#& $or t&e parlia!entarians !eans !erel" t&e atten%an#e
t&at is re/*ire% in or%er to be able to %ra( t&eir %ail" re!*nerations+ )orning a$ter !orning t&e &ono*rable %ep*t" (en%s
&is (a" to t&e Ho*se, an% t&o*g& &e !a" not enter t&e C&a!ber itsel$ &e gets at least as $ar as t&e $ront &all, (&ere &e (ill
$in% t&e register on (&i#& t&e na!es o$ t&e %ep*ties in atten%an#e &ae to be ins#ribe%+ As a part o$ &is onero*s seri#e to
&is #onstit*ents &e enters &is na!e, an% in ret*rn re#eies a s!all in%e!nit" as a (ell1earne% re(ar% $or &is *n#easing
an% e5&a*sting labo*rs+
3&en $o*r "ears &ae passe%, or in t&e !eanti!e i$ t&ere s&o*l% be so!e #riti#al (ee,s %*ring (&i#& t&e parlia!entar"
#orporations &ae to $a#e t&e %anger o$ being %issole%, t&ese &ono*rable gentle!en be#o!e s*%%enl" sei>e% b" an
irresistible %esire to a#t+ -*st as t&e gr*b1(or! #annot &elp gro(ing into a #o#,1#&a$er, t&ese parlia!entarian (or!s leae
t&e great Ho*se o$ P*ppets an% $l*tter on ne( (ings o*t a!ong t&e beloe% p*bli#+ T&e" a%%ress t&e ele#tors on#e again,
gie an a##o*nt o$ t&e enor!o*s labo*rs t&e" &ae a##o!plis&e% an% e!p&asi>e t&e !ali#io*s obstina#" o$ t&eir
opponents+ T&e" %o not al(a"s !eet (it& grate$*l appla*seC $or o##asionall" t&e *nintelligent !asses t&ro( r*%e an%
*n$rien%l" re!ar,s in t&eir $a#es+ 3&en t&is spirit o$ p*bli# ingratit*%e rea#&es a #ertain pit#& t&ere is onl" one (a" o$
saing t&e sit*ation+ T&e prestige o$ t&e part" !*st be b*rnis&e% *p again+ T&e progra!!e &as to be a!en%e%+ T&e
#o!!ittee is #alle% into e5isten#e on#e again+ An% t&e s(in%le begins ane(+ On#e (e *n%erstan% t&e i!penetrable
st*pi%it" o$ o*r p*bli# (e #annot be s*rprise% t&at s*#& ta#ti#s t*rn o*t s*##ess$*l+ 'e% b" t&e Press an% blin%e% on#e again
b" t&e all*ring appearan#e o$ t&e ne( progra!!e, t&e bo*rgeois as (ell as t&e proletarian &er%s o$ oters $ait&$*ll" ret*rn
to t&e #o!!on stall an% re1ele#t t&eir ol% %e#eiers+ T&e Mpeoples !an an% labo*r #an%i%ate no( #&ange ba#, again into
t&e parlia!entarian gr*b an% be#o!e $at an% rot*n% as t&e" batten on t&e leaes t&at gro( on t&e tree o$ p*bli# li$e 1 to be
retrans$or!e% into t&e glittering b*tter$l" a$ter anot&er $o*r "ears &ae passe%+
S#ar#el" an"t&ing else #an be so %epressing as to (at#& t&is pro#ess in sober realit" an% to be t&e e"e(itness o$ t&is
repeate%l" re#*rring $ra*%+ On a spirit*al training gro*n% o$ t&at ,in% it is not possible $or t&e bo*rgeois $or#es to %eelop
t&e strengt& (&i#& is ne#essar" to #arr" on t&e $ig&t against t&e organi>e% !ig&t o$ )ar5is!+ In%ee% t&e" &ae neer
serio*sl" t&o*g&t o$ %oing so+ T&o*g& t&ese parlia!entar" /*a#,s (&o represent t&e (&ite ra#e are generall" re#ogni>e%
as persons o$ /*ite in$erior !ental #apa#it", t&e" are s&re(% eno*g& to ,no( t&at t&e" #o*l% not serio*sl" entertain t&e
&ope o$ being able to *se t&e (eapon o$ 3estern =e!o#ra#" to $ig&t a %o#trine $or t&e a%an#e o$ (&i#& 3estern
=e!o#ra#", (it& all its a##essories, is e!plo"e% as a !eans to an en%+ =e!o#ra#" is e5ploite% b" t&e )ar5ists $or t&e
p*rpose o$ paral"sing t&eir opponents an% gaining $or t&e!seles a $ree &an% to p*t t&eir o(n !et&o%s into a#tion+ 3&en
#ertain gro*ps o$ )ar5ists *se all t&eir ingen*it" $or t&e ti!e being to !a,e it be beliee% t&at t&e" are inseparabl"
atta#&e% to t&e prin#iples o$ %e!o#ra#", it !a" be (ell to re#all t&e $a#t t&at (&en #riti#al o##asions arose t&ese sa!e
gentle!en snappe% t&eir $ingers at t&e prin#iple o$ %e#ision b" !a0orit" ote, as t&at prin#iple is *n%erstoo% b" 3estern
=e!o#ra#"+ S*#& (as t&e #ase in t&ose %a"s (&en t&e bo*rgeois parlia!entarians, in t&eir !on*!ental s&ortsig&te%ness,
beliee% t&at t&e se#*rit" o$ t&e Rei#& (as g*arantee% be#a*se it &a% an oer(&el!ing n*!eri#al !a0orit" in its $ao*r,
an% t&e )ar5ists %i% not &esitate s*%%enl" to grasp s*pre!e po(er in t&eir o(n &an%s, ba#,e% b" a !ob o$ loa$ers,
%eserters, politi#al pla#e1&*nters an% -e(is& %ilettanti+ T&at (as a blo( in t&e $a#e $or t&at %e!o#ra#" in (&i#& so !an"
parlia!entarians beliee%+ Onl" t&ose #re%*lo*s parlia!entar" (i>ar%s (&o represente% bo*rgeois %e!o#ra#" #o*l% &ae
beliee% t&at t&e br*tal %eter!ination o$ t&ose (&ose interest it is to sprea% t&e )ar5ist (orl%1pest, o$ (&i#& t&e" are t&e
#arriers, #o*l% $or a !o!ent, no( or in t&e $*t*re, be &el% in #&e#, b" t&e !agi#al $or!*las o$ 3estern
Parlia!entarianis!+ )ar5is! (ill !ar#& s&o*l%er to s&o*l%er (it& %e!o#ra#" *ntil it s*##ee%s in%ire#tl" in se#*ring $or
its o(n #ri!inal p*rposes een t&e s*pport o$ t&ose (&ose !in%s are nationall" orientate% an% (&o! )ar5is! stries to
e5ter!inate+ 8*t i$ t&e )ar5ists s&o*l% one %a" #o!e to beliee t&at t&ere (as a %anger t&at $ro! t&is (it#&s #a*l%ron o$
o*r parlia!entar" %e!o#ra#" a !a0orit" ote !ig&t be #on#o#te%, (&i#& b" reason o$ its n*!eri#al !a0orit" (o*l% be
e!po(ere% to ena#t legislation an% !ig&t *se t&at po(er serio*sl" to #o!bat )ar5is!, t&en t&e (&ole parlia!entarian
&o#*s1po#*s (o*l% be at an en%+ Instea% o$ appealing to t&e %e!o#rati# #ons#ien#e, t&e stan%ar% bearers o$ t&e Re%
International (o*l% i!!e%iatel" sen% $ort& a $*rio*s rall"ing1#r" a!ong t&e proletarian !asses an% t&e ens*ing $ig&t
(o*l% not ta,e pla#e in t&e se%ate at!osp&ere o$ Parlia!ent b*t in t&e $a#tories an% t&e streets+ T&en %e!o#ra#" (o*l% be
anni&ilate% $ort&(it&+ An% (&at t&e intelle#t*al pro(ess o$ t&e apostles (&o represente% t&e people in Parlia!ent &a%
$aile% to a##o!plis& (o*l% no( be s*##ess$*ll" #arrie% o*t b" t&e #ro(1bar an% t&e sle%ge1&a!!er o$ t&e e5asperate%
proletarian !asses 1 0*st as in t&e a*t*!n o$ 1919+ At a blo( t&e" (o*l% a(a,en t&e bo*rgeois (orl% to see t&e !a%ness o$
t&in,ing t&at t&e -e(is& %rie to(ar%s (orl%1#on/*est #an be e$$e#t*all" oppose% b" !eans o$ 3estern =e!o#ra#"+
As I &ae sai%, onl" a er" #re%*lo*s so*l #o*l% t&in, o$ bin%ing &i!sel$ to obsere t&e r*les o$ t&e ga!e (&en &e &as to
$a#e a pla"er $or (&o! t&ose r*les are not&ing b*t a !ere bl*$$ or a !eans o$ sering &is o(n interests, (&i#& !eans &e
(ill %is#ar% t&e! (&en t&e" proe no longer *se$*l $or &is p*rpose+
All t&e parties t&at pro$ess so1#alle% bo*rgeois prin#iples loo, *pon politi#al li$e as in realit" a str*ggle $or seats in
Parlia!ent+ T&e !o!ent t&eir prin#iples an% #oni#tions are o$ no $*rt&er *se in t&at str*ggle t&e" are t&ro(n oerboar%,
as i$ t&e" (ere san% ballast+ An% t&e progra!!es are #onstr*#te% in s*#& a (a" t&at t&e" #an be %ealt (it& in li,e !anner+
8*t s*#& pra#ti#e &as a #orrespon%ingl" (ea,ening e$$e#t on t&e strengt& o$ t&ose parties+ T&e" la#, t&e great !agneti#
$or#e (&i#& alone attra#ts t&e broa% !assesC $or t&ese !asses al(a"s respon% to t&e #o!pelling $or#e (&i#& e!anates $ro!
absol*te $ait& in t&e i%eas p*t $or(ar%, #o!bine% (it& an in%o!itable >est to $ig&t $or an% %e$en% t&e!+
At a ti!e in (&i#& t&e one si%e, ar!e% (it& all t&e $ig&ting po(er t&at springs $ro! a s"ste!ati# #on#eption o$ li$e 1 een
t&o*g& it be #ri!inal in a t&o*san% (a"s 1 !a,es an atta#, against t&e establis&e% or%er t&e ot&er si%e (ill be able to resist
(&en it %ra(s its strengt& $ro! a ne( $ait&, (&i#& in o*r #ase is a politi#al $ait&+ T&is $ait& !*st s*perse%e t&e (ea, an%
#o(ar%l" #o!!an% to %e$en%+ In its stea% (e !*st raise t&e battle1#r" o$ a #o*rageo*s an% r*t&less atta#,+ O*r present
!oe!ent is a##*se%, espe#iall" b" t&e so1#alle% national bo*rgeois #abinet !inisters 1 t&e 8aarian representaties o$ t&e
Centre, $or e5a!ple 1 o$ &ea%ing to(ar%s a reol*tion+ 3e &ae one ans(er to gie to t&ose politi#al pig!ies+ 3e sa" to
t&e!4 3e are tr"ing to !a,e *p $or t&at (&i#& "o*, in "o*r #ri!inal st*pi%it", &ae $aile% to #arr" o*t+ 8" "o*r
parlia!entarian 0obbing "o* &ae &elpe% to %rag t&e nation into r*in+ 8*t (e, b" o*r aggressie poli#", are setting *p a
ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& (e s&all %e$en% (it& in%o!itable %eotion+ T&*s (e are b*il%ing t&e steps on (&i#& o*r
nation on#e again !a" as#en% to t&e te!ple o$ $ree%o!+
An% so %*ring t&e $irst stages o$ $o*n%ing o*r !oe!ent (e &a% to ta,e spe#ial #are t&at o*r !ilitant gro*p (&i#& $o*g&t
$or t&e establis&!ent o$ a ne( an% e5alte% politi#al $ait& s&o*l% not %egenerate into a so#iet" $or t&e pro!otion o$
parlia!entarian interests+
T&e $irst preentie !eas*re (as to la" %o(n a progra!!e (&i#& o$ itsel$ (o*l% ten% to(ar%s %eeloping a #ertain !oral
greatness t&at (o*l% s#are a(a" all t&e pett" an% (ea,ling spirits (&o !a,e *p t&e b*l, o$ o*r present part" politi#ians+
T&ose $atal %e$e#ts (&i#& $inall" le% to Aer!an"s %o(n$all a$$or% t&e #learest proo$ o$ &o( rig&t (e (ere in #onsi%ering
it absol*tel" ne#essar" to set *p progra!!ati# ai!s (&i#& (ere s&arpl" an% %istin#tl" %e$ine%+
8e#a*se (e re#ogni>e% t&e %e$e#ts aboe !entione%, (e reali>e% t&at a ne( #on#eption o$ t&e State &a% to be $or!e%,
(&i#& in itsel$ be#a!e a part o$ o*r ne( #on#eption o$ li$e in general+
In t&e $irst ol*!e o$ t&is boo, I &ae alrea%" %ealt (it& t&e ter! Jl,is#&, an% I sai% t&en t&at t&is ter! &as not a
s*$$i#ientl" pre#ise !eaning to $*rnis& t&e ,ernel aro*n% (&i#& a #losel" #onsoli%ate% !ilitant #o!!*nit" #o*l% be
$or!e%+ All ,in%s o$ people, (it& all ,in%s o$ %iergent opinions, are para%ing abo*t at t&e present !o!ent *n%er t&e
%ei#e Jl,is#& on t&eir banners+ 8e$ore I #o!e to %eal (it& t&e p*rposes an% ai!s o$ t&e .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part" I
(ant to establis& a #lear *n%erstan%ing o$ (&at is !eant b" t&e #on#ept Jl,is#& an% &ere(it& e5plain its relation to o*r
part" !oe!ent+ T&e (or% Jl,is#& %oes not e5press an" #learl" spe#i$ie% i%ea+ It !a" be interprete% in seeral (a"s an%
in pra#ti#al appli#ation it is 0*st as general as t&e (or% Mreligio*s, $or instan#e+ It is %i$$i#*lt to atta#& an" pre#ise !eaning
to t&is latter (or%, eit&er as a t&eoreti#al #on#ept or as a g*i%ing prin#iple in pra#ti#al li$e+ T&e (or% Mreligio*s a#/*ires a
pre#ise !eaning onl" (&en it is asso#iate% (it& a %istin#t an% %e$inite $or! t&ro*g& (&i#& t&e #on#ept is p*t into pra#ti#e+
To sa" t&at a person is M%eepl" religio*s !a" be er" $ine p&raseolog"C b*t, generall" spea,ing, it tells *s little or not&ing+
T&ere !a" be so!e $e( people (&o are #ontent (it& s*#& a ag*e %es#ription an% t&ere !a" een be so!e to (&o! t&e
(or% #one"s a !ore or less %e$inite pi#t*re o$ t&e inner /*alit" o$ a person t&*s %es#ribe%+ 8*t, sin#e t&e !asses o$ t&e
people are not #o!pose% o$ p&ilosop&ers or saints, s*#& a ag*e religio*s i%ea (ill !ean $or t&e! not&ing else t&an to
0*sti$" ea#& in%ii%*al in t&in,ing an% a#ting a##or%ing to &is o(n bent+ It (ill not lea% to t&at pra#ti#al $ait& into (&i#&
t&e inner religio*s "earning is trans$or!e% onl" (&en it leaes t&e sp&ere o$ general !etap&"si#al i%eas an% is !o*l%e% to
a %e$inite %og!ati# belie$+ S*#& a belie$ is #ertainl" not an en% in itsel$, b*t t&e !eans to an en%+ Ket it is a !eans (it&o*t
(&i#& t&e en% #o*l% neer be rea#&e% at all+ T&is en%, &o(eer, is not !erel" so!et&ing i%ealC $or at t&e botto! it is
e!inentl" pra#ti#al+ 3e !*st al(a"s bear in !in% t&e $a#t t&at, generall" spea,ing, t&e &ig&est i%eals are al(a"s t&e
o*t#o!e o$ so!e pro$o*n% ital nee%, 0*st as t&e !ost s*bli!e bea*t" o(es its nobilit" o$ s&ape, in t&e last anal"sis, to t&e
$a#t t&at t&e !ost bea*ti$*l $or! is t&e $or! t&at is best s*ite% to t&e p*rpose it is !eant to sere+
8" &elping to li$t t&e &*!an being aboe t&e leel o$ !ere ani!al e5isten#e, Fait& reall" #ontrib*tes to #onsoli%ate an%
sa$eg*ar% its o(n e5isten#e+ Ta,ing &*!anit" as it e5ists to1%a" an% ta,ing into #onsi%eration t&e $a#t t&at t&e religio*s
belie$s (&i#& it generall" &ol%s an% (&i#& &ae been #onsoli%ate% t&ro*g& o*r e%*#ation, so t&at t&e" sere as !oral
stan%ar%s in pra#ti#al li$e, i$ (e s&o*l% no( abolis& religio*s tea#&ing an% not repla#e it b" an"t&ing o$ e/*al al*e t&e
res*lt (o*l% be t&at t&e $o*n%ations o$ &*!an e5isten#e (o*l% be serio*sl" s&a,en+ 3e !a" sa$el" sa" t&at !an %oes not
lie !erel" to sere &ig&er i%eals, b*t t&at t&ese i%eals, in t&eir t*rn, $*rnis& t&e ne#essar" #on%itions o$ &is e5isten#e as a
&*!an being+ An% t&*s t&e #ir#le is #lose%+
O$ #o*rse, t&e (or% Mreligio*s i!plies so!e i%eas an% belie$s t&at are $*n%a!ental+ A!ong t&ese (e !a" re#,on t&e
belie$ in t&e i!!ortalit" o$ t&e so*l, its $*t*re e5isten#e in eternit", t&e belie$ in t&e e5isten#e o$ a Hig&er 8eing, an% so
on+ 8*t all t&ese i%eas, no !atter &o( $ir!l" t&e in%ii%*al beliees in t&e!, !a" be #riti#all" anal"se% b" an" person an%
a##epte% or re0e#te% a##or%ingl", *ntil t&e e!otional #on#ept or "earning &as been trans$or!e% into an a#tie seri#e t&at
is goerne% b" a #learl" %e$ine% %o#trinal $ait&+ S*#& a $ait& $*rnis&es t&e pra#ti#al o*tlet $or religio*s $eeling to e5press
itsel$ an% t&*s opens t&e (a" t&ro*g& (&i#& it #an be p*t into pra#ti#e+
3it&o*t a #learl" %e$ine% belie$, t&e religio*s $eeling (o*l% not onl" be (ort&less $or t&e p*rposes o$ &*!an e5isten#e b*t
een !ig&t #ontrib*te to(ar%s a general %isorgani>ation, on a##o*nt o$ its ag*e an% !*lti$ario*s ten%en#ies+
3&at I &ae sai% abo*t t&e (or% Mreligio*s #an also be applie% to t&e ter! Jl,is#&+ T&is (or% also i!plies #ertain
$*n%a!ental i%eas+ T&o*g& t&ese i%eas are er" i!portant in%ee%, t&e" ass*!e s*#& ag*e an% in%e$inite $or!s t&at t&e"
#annot be esti!ate% as &aing a greater al*e t&an !ere opinions, *ntil t&e" be#o!e #onstit*ent ele!ents in t&e str*#t*re
o$ a politi#al part"+ For in or%er to gie pra#ti#al $or#e to t&e i%eals t&at gro( o*t o$ a 3eltans#&&a**ng an% to ans(er t&e
%e!an%s (&i#& are a logi#al #onse/*en#e o$ s*#& i%eals, !ere senti!ent an% inner longing are o$ no pra#ti#al assistan#e,
0*st as $ree%o! #annot be (on b" a *niersal "earning $or it+ .o+ Onl" (&en t&e i%ealisti# longing $or in%epen%en#e is
organi>e% in s*#& a (a" t&at it #an $ig&t $or its i%eal (it& !ilitar" $or#e, onl" t&en #an t&e *rgent (is& o$ a people be
trans$or!e% into a potent realit"+
An" 3eltans#&&a**ng, t&o*g& a t&o*san%$ol% rig&t an% s*pre!el" bene$i#ial to &*!anit", (ill be o$ no pra#ti#al seri#e
$or t&e !aintenan#e o$ a people as long as its prin#iples &ae not "et be#o!e t&e rall"ing point o$ a !ilitant !oe!ent+
An%, on its o(n si%e, t&is !oe!ent (ill re!ain a !ere part" *ntil is &as bro*g&t its i%eals to i#tor" an% trans$or!e% its
part" %o#trines into t&e ne( $o*n%ations o$ a State (&i#& gies t&e national #o!!*nit" its $inal s&ape+
I$ an abstra#t #on#eption o$ a general nat*re is to sere as t&e basis o$ a $*t*re %eelop!ent, t&en t&e $irst prere/*isite is to
$or! a #lear *n%erstan%ing o$ t&e nat*re an% #&ara#ter an% s#ope o$ t&is #on#eption+ For onl" on s*#& a basis #an a
!oe!ent &e $o*n%e% (&i#& (ill be able to %ra( t&e ne#essar" $ig&ting strengt& $ro! t&e internal #o&esion o$ its
prin#iples an% #oni#tions+ Fro! general i%eas a politi#al progra!!e !*st be #onstr*#te% an% a general 3eltans#&&a**ng
!*st re#eie t&e sta!p o$ a %e$inite politi#al $ait&+ Sin#e t&is $ait& !*st be %ire#te% to(ar%s en%s t&at &ae to be attaine%
in t&e (orl% o$ pra#ti#al realit", not onl" !*st it sere t&e general i%eal as s*#& b*t it !*st also ta,e into #onsi%eration t&e
!eans t&at &ae to be e!plo"e% $or t&e tri*!p& o$ t&e i%eal+ Here t&e pra#ti#al (is%o! o$ t&e states!an !*st #o!e to t&e
assistan#e o$ t&e abstra#t i%ea, (&i#& is #orre#t in itsel$+ In t&at (a" an eternal i%eal, (&i#& &as eerlasting signi$i#an#e as
a g*i%ing star to !an,in%, !*st be a%apte% to t&e e5igen#ies o$ &*!an $railt" so t&at its pra#ti#al e$$e#t !a" not be
$r*strate% at t&e er" o*tset t&ro*g& t&ose s&ort#o!ings (&i#& are general to !an,in%+ T&e e5ponent o$ tr*t& !*st &ere go
&an% in &an% (it& &i! (&o &as a pra#ti#al ,no(le%ge o$ t&e so*l o$ t&e people, so t&at $ro! t&e real! o$ eternal erities
an% i%eals (&at is s*ite% to t&e #apa#ities o$ &*!an nat*re !a" be sele#te% an% gien pra#ti#al $or!+ To ta,e abstra#t an%
general prin#iples, %erie% $ro! a 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& is base% on a soli% $o*n%ation o$ tr*t&, an% trans$or! t&e!
into a !ilitant #o!!*nit" (&ose !e!bers &ae t&e sa!e politi#al $ait& 1 a #o!!*nit" (&i#& is pre#isel" %e$ine%, rigi%l"
organi>e%, o$ one !in% an% one (ill 1 s*#& a trans$or!ation is t&e !ost i!portant tas, o$ allC $or t&e possibilit" o$
s*##ess$*ll" #arr"ing o*t t&e i%ea is %epen%ent on t&e s*##ess$*l $*l$il!ent o$ t&at tas,+ O*t o$ t&e ar!" o$ !illions (&o
$eel t&e tr*t& o$ t&ese i%eas, an% een !a" *n%erstan% t&e! to so!e e5tent, one !an !*st arise+ T&is !an !*st &ae t&e
gi$t o$ being able to e5po*n% general i%eas in a #lear an% %e$inite $or!, an%, $ro! t&e (orl% o$ ag*e i%eas s&i!!ering
be$ore t&e !in%s o$ t&e !asses, &e !*st $or!*late prin#iples t&at (ill be as #lear1#*t an% $ir! as granite+ He !*st $ig&t $or
t&ese prin#iples as t&e onl" tr*e ones, *ntil a soli% ro#, o$ #o!!on $ait& an% #o!!on (ill e!erges aboe t&e tro*ble%
(aes o$ agrant i%eas+ T&e general 0*sti$i#ation o$ s*#& a#tion is to be so*g&t in t&e ne#essit" $or it an% t&e in%ii%*al (ill
be 0*sti$ie% b" &is s*##ess+
I$ (e tr" to penetrate to t&e inner !eaning o$ t&e (or% Jl,is#& (e arrie at t&e $ollo(ing #on#l*sions4
T&e #*rrent politi#al #on#eption o$ t&e (orl% is t&at t&e State, t&o*g& it possesses a #reatie $or#e (&i#& #an b*il% *p
#iili>ations, &as not&ing in #o!!on (it& t&e #on#ept o$ ra#e as t&e $o*n%ation o$ t&e State+ T&e State is #onsi%ere% rat&er
as so!et&ing (&i#& &as res*lte% $ro! e#ono!i# ne#essit", or, at best, t&e nat*ral o*t#o!e o$ t&e pla" o$ politi#al $or#es
an% i!p*lses+ S*#& a #on#eption o$ t&e $o*n%ations o$ t&e State, toget&er (it& all its logi#al #onse/*en#es, not onl"
ignores t&e pri!or%ial ra#ial $or#es t&at *n%erlie t&e State, b*t it also lea%s to a poli#" in (&i#& t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e
in%ii%*al is !ini!i>e%+ I$ it be %enie% t&at ra#es %i$$er $ro! one anot&er in t&eir po(ers o$ #*lt*ral #reatieness, t&en t&is
sa!e erroneo*s notion !*st ne#essaril" in$l*en#e o*r esti!ation o$ t&e al*e o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ T&e ass*!ption t&at all
ra#es are ali,e lea%s to t&e ass*!ption t&at nations an% in%ii%*als are e/*al to one anot&er+ An% international )ar5is! is
not&ing b*t t&e appli#ation 1 e$$e#te% b" t&e -e(, ;arl )ar5 1 o$ a general #on#eption o$ li$e to a %e$inite pro$ession o$
politi#al $ait&C b*t in realit" t&at general #on#ept &a% e5iste% long be$ore t&e ti!e o$ ;arl )ar5+ I$ it &a% not alrea%"
e5iste% as a (i%el" %i$$*se% in$e#tion t&e a!a>ing politi#al progress o$ t&e )ar5ist tea#&ing (o*l% neer &ae been
possible+ In realit" (&at %isting*is&e% ;arl )ar5 $ro! t&e !illions (&o (ere a$$e#te% in t&e sa!e (a" (as t&at, in a
(orl% alrea%" in a state o$ gra%*al %e#o!position, &e *se% &is ,een po(ers o$ prognosis to %ete#t t&e essential poisons, so
as to e5tra#t t&e! an% #on#entrate t&e!, (it& t&e art o$ a ne#ro!an#er, in a sol*tion (&i#& (o*l% bring abo*t t&e rapi%
%estr*#tion o$ t&e in%epen%ent nations on t&e globe+ 8*t all t&is (as %one in t&e seri#e o$ &is ra#e+
T&*s t&e )ar5ist %o#trine is t&e #on#entrate% e5tra#t o$ t&e !entalit" (&i#& *n%erlies t&e general #on#ept o$ li$e to1%a"+
For t&is reason alone it is o*t o$ t&e /*estion an% een ri%i#*lo*s to t&in, t&at (&at is #alle% o*r bo*rgeois (orl% #an p*t
*p an" e$$e#tie $ig&t against )ar5is!+ For t&is bo*rgeois (orl% is per!eate% (it& all t&ose sa!e poisons an% its
#on#eption o$ li$e in general %i$$ers $ro! )ar5is! onl" in %egree an% in t&e #&ara#ter o$ t&e persons (&o &ol% it+ T&e
bo*rgeois (orl% is )ar5ist b*t beliees in t&e possibilit" o$ a #ertain gro*p o$ people 1 t&at is to sa", t&e bo*rgeoisie 1
being able to %o!inate t&e (orl%, (&ile )ar5is! itsel$ s"ste!ati#all" ai!s at %eliering t&e (orl% into t&e &an%s o$ t&e
Oer against all t&is, t&e Jl,is#& #on#ept o$ t&e (orl% re#ogni>es t&at t&e pri!or%ial ra#ial ele!ents are o$ t&e greatest
signi$i#an#e $or !an,in%+ In prin#iple, t&e State is loo,e% *pon onl" as a !eans to an en% an% t&is en% is t&e #onseration
o$ t&e ra#ial #&ara#teristi#s o$ !an,in%+ T&ere$ore on t&e Jl,is#& prin#iple (e #annot a%!it t&at one ra#e is e/*al to
anot&er+ 8" re#ogni>ing t&at t&e" are %i$$erent, t&e Jl,is#& #on#ept separates !an,in% into ra#es o$ s*perior an% in$erior
/*alit"+ On t&e basis o$ t&is re#ognition it $eels bo*n% in #on$or!it" (it& t&e eternal 3ill t&at %o!inates t&e *nierse, to
post*late t&e i#tor" o$ t&e better an% stronger an% t&e s*bor%ination o$ t&e in$erior an% (ea,er+ An% so it pa"s &o!age to
t&e tr*t& t&at t&e prin#iple *n%erl"ing all .at*res operations is t&e aristo#rati# prin#iple an% it beliees t&at t&is la( &ol%s
goo% een %o(n to t&e last in%ii%*al organis!+ It sele#ts in%ii%*al al*es $ro! t&e !ass an% t&*s operates as an
organi>ing prin#iple, (&ereas )ar5is! a#ts as a %isintegrating solent+ T&e Jl,is#& belie$ &ol%s t&at &*!anit" !*st &ae
its i%eals, be#a*se i%eals are a ne#essar" #on%ition o$ &*!an e5isten#e itsel$+ 8*t, on t&e ot&er &an%, it %enies t&at an
et&i#al i%eal &as t&e rig&t to preail i$ it en%angers t&e e5isten#e o$ a ra#e t&at is t&e stan%ar%1bearer o$ a &ig&er et&i#al
i%eal+ For in a (orl% (&i#& (o*l% be #o!pose% o$ !ongrels an% negroi%s all i%eals o$ &*!an bea*t" an% nobilit" an% all
&opes o$ an i%eali>e% $*t*re $or o*r &*!anit" (o*l% be lost $oreer+
On t&is planet o$ o*rs &*!an #*lt*re an% #iili>ation are in%issol*bl" bo*n% *p (it& t&e presen#e o$ t&e Ar"an+ I$ &e
s&o*l% be e5ter!inate% or s*b0*gate%, t&en t&e %ar, s&ro*% o$ a ne( barbarian era (o*l% en$ol% t&e eart&+
To *n%er!ine t&e e5isten#e o$ &*!an #*lt*re b" e5ter!inating its $o*n%ers an% #*sto%ians (o*l% be an e5e#rable #ri!e in
t&e e"es o$ t&ose (&o beliee t&at t&e $ol,1i%ea lies at t&e basis o$ &*!an e5isten#e+ 3&oeer (o*l% %are to raise a pro$ane
&an% against t&at &ig&est i!age o$ Ao% a!ong His #reat*res (o*l% sin against t&e bo*nti$*l Creator o$ t&is !arel an%
(o*l% #ollaborate in t&e e5p*lsion $ro! Para%ise+
Hen#e t&e $ol, #on#ept o$ t&e (orl% is in pro$o*n% a##or% (it& .at*res (illC be#a*se it restores t&e $ree pla" o$ t&e $or#es
(&i#& (ill lea% t&e ra#e t&ro*g& stages o$ s*staine% re#ipro#al e%*#ation to(ar%s a &ig&er t"pe, *ntil $inall" t&e best
portion o$ !an,in% (ill possess t&e eart& an% (ill be $ree to (or, in eer" %o!ain all oer t&e (orl% an% een rea#&
sp&eres t&at lie o*tsi%e t&e eart&+
3e all $eel t&at in t&e %istant $*t*re !an" !a" be $a#e% (it& proble!s (&i#& #an be sole% onl" b" a s*perior ra#e o$
&*!an beings, a ra#e %estine% to be#o!e !aster o$ all t&e ot&er peoples an% (&i#& (ill &ae at its %isposal t&e !eans an%
reso*r#es o$ t&e (&ole (orl%+
It is ei%ent t&at s*#& a general s,et#& o$ t&e i%eas i!plie% in t&e $ol, #on#ept o$ t&e (orl% !a" easil" be interprete% in a
t&o*san% %i$$erent (a"s+ As a !atter o$ $a#t t&ere is s#ar#el" one o$ o*r re#ent politi#al !oe!ents t&at %oes not re$er at
so!e point to t&is #on#eption o$ t&e (orl%+ 8*t t&e $a#t t&at t&is #on#eption o$ t&e (orl% still !aintains its in%epen%ent
e5isten#e in $a#e o$ all t&e ot&ers proes t&at t&eir (a"s o$ loo,ing at li$e are /*ite %i$ierent $ro! t&is+ T&*s t&e )ar5ist
#on#eption, %ire#te% b" a #entral organi>ation en%o(e% (it& s*pre!e a*t&orit", is oppose% b" a !otle" #re( o$ opinions
(&i#& is not er" i!pressie in $a#e o$ t&e soli% p&alan5 presente% b" t&e ene!"+ Bi#tor" #annot be a#&iee% (it& s*#&
(ea, (eapons+ Onl" (&en t&e international i%ea, politi#all" organi>e% b" )ar5is!, is #on$ronte% b" t&e $ol, i%ea, e/*all"
(ell organi>e% in a s"ste!ati# (a" an% e/*all" (ell le% 1 onl" t&en (ill t&e $ig&ting energ" in t&e one #a!p be able to
!eet t&at o$ t&e ot&er on an e/*al $ootingC an% i#tor" (ill be $o*n% on t&e si%e o$ eternal tr*t&+
8*t a general #on#eption o$ li$e #an neer be gien an organi# e!bo%i!ent *ntil it is pre#isel" an% %e$initel" $or!*late%+
T&e $*n#tion (&i#& %og!a $*l$ils in religio*s belie$ is parallel to t&e $*n#tion (&i#& part" prin#iples $*l$il $or a politi#al
part" (&i#& is in t&e pro#ess o$ being b*ilt *p+ T&ere$ore, $or t&e #on#eption o$ li$e t&at is base% on t&e $ol, i%ea it is
ne#essar" t&at an instr*!ent be $orge% (&i#& #an be *se% in $ig&ting $or t&is i%eal, si!ilar to t&e )ar5ist part"
organi>ation (&i#& #lears t&e (a" $or internationalis!+
An% t&is is t&e ai! (&i#& t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r )oe!ent p*rs*es+
T&e $ol, #on#eption !*st t&ere$ore be %e$initel" $or!*late% so t&at it !a" be organi#all" in#orporate% in t&e part"+ T&at is
a ne#essar" prere/*isite $or t&e s*##ess o$ t&is i%ea+ An% t&at it is so is er" #learl" proe% een b" t&e in%ire#t
a#,no(le%g!ent o$ t&ose (&o oppose s*#& an a!alga!ation o$ t&e $ol, i%ea (it& part" prin#iples+ T&e er" people (&o
neer tire o$ insisting again an% again t&at t&e #on#eption o$ li$e base% on t&e $ol, i%ea #an neer be t&e e5#l*sie propert"
o$ a single gro*p, be#a*se it lies %or!ant or Mlies in !"ria%s o$ &earts, onl" #on$ir! b" t&eir o(n state!ents t&e si!ple
$a#t t&at t&e general presen#e o$ s*#& i%eas in t&e &earts o$ !illions o$ !en &as not proe% s*$$i#ient to i!pe%e t&e i#tor"
o$ t&e opposing i%eas, (&i#& are #&a!pione% b" a politi#al part" organi>e% on t&e prin#iple o$ #lass #on$li#t+ I$ t&at (ere
not so, t&e Aer!an people o*g&t alrea%" to &ae gaine% a giganti# i#tor" instea% o$ $in%ing t&e!seles on t&e brin, o$ t&e
ab"ss+ T&e international i%eolog" a#&iee% s*##ess be#a*se it (as organi>e% in a !ilitant politi#al part" (&i#& (as al(a"s
rea%" to ta,e t&e o$$ensie+ I$ &it&erto t&e i%eas oppose% to t&e international #on#ept &ae &a% to gie (a" be$ore t&e latter
t&e reason is t&at t&e" la#,e% a *nite% $ront to $ig&t $or t&eir #a*se+ A %o#trine (&i#& $or!s a %e$inite o*tloo, on li$e
#annot str*ggle an% tri*!p& b" allo(ing t&e rig&t o$ $ree interpretation o$ its general tea#&ing, b*t onl" b" %e$ining t&at
tea#&ing in #ertain arti#les o$ $ait& t&at &ae to be a##epte% an% in#orporating it in a politi#al organi>ation+
T&ere$ore I #onsi%ere% it !" spe#ial %*t" to e5tra#t $ro! t&e e5tensie b*t ag*e #ontents o$ a general 3eltans#&&a**ng
t&e i%eas (&i#& (ere essential an% gie t&e! a !ore or less %og!ati# $or!+ 8e#a*se o$ t&eir pre#ise an% #lear !eaning,
t&ese i%eas are s*ite% to t&e p*rpose o$ *niting in a #o!!on $ront all t&ose (&o are rea%" to a##ept t&e! as prin#iples+ In
ot&er (or%s4 T&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part" e5tra#ts t&e essential prin#iples $ro! t&e general #on#eption o$
t&e (orl% (&i#& is base% on t&e $ol, i%ea+ On t&ese prin#iples it establis&es a politi#al %o#trine (&i#& ta,es into a##o*nt
t&e pra#ti#al realities o$ t&e %a", t&e nat*re o$ t&e ti!es, t&e aailable &*!an !aterial an% all its %e$i#ien#ies+ T&ro*g& t&is
politi#al %o#trine it is possible to bring great !asses o$ t&e people into an organi>ation (&i#& is #onstr*#te% as rigi%l" as it
#o*l% be+ S*#& an organi>ation is t&e !ain preli!inar" t&at is ne#essar" $or t&e $inal tri*!p& o$ t&is i%eal+
C&apter T(o
Alrea%" in 192711921 #ertain #ir#les belonging to t&e e$$ete bo*rgeois #lass a##*se% o*r !oe!ent again an% again o$
ta,ing *p a negatie attit*%e to(ar%s t&e !o%ern State+ For t&at reason t&e !otle" gang o$ #a!p $ollo(ers atta#&e% to t&e
ario*s politi#al parties, representing a &eterogeneo*s #onglo!eration o$ politi#al ie(s, ass*!e% t&e rig&t o$ *tili>ing all
aailable !eans to s*ppress t&e protagonists o$ t&is "o*ng !oe!ent (&i#& (as prea#&ing a ne( politi#al gospel+ O*r
opponents %eliberatel" ignore% t&e $a#t t&at t&e bo*rgeois #lass itsel$ stoo% $or no *ni$or! opinion as to (&at t&e State
reall" !eant an% t&at t&e bo*rgeoisie %i% not an% #o*l% not gie an" #o&erent %e$inition o$ t&is instit*tion+ T&ose (&ose
%*t" it is to e5plain (&at is !eant (&en (e spea, o$ t&e State, &ol% #&airs in State *niersities, o$ten in t&e %epart!ent o$
#onstit*tional la(, an% #onsi%er it t&eir &ig&est %*t" to $in% e5planations an% 0*sti$i#ations $or t&e !ore or less $ort*nate
e5isten#e o$ t&at parti#*lar $or! o$ State (&i#& proi%es t&e! (it& t&eir %ail" brea%+ T&e !ore abs*r% s*#& a $or! o$ State
is t&e !ore obs#*re an% arti$i#ial an% in#o!pre&ensible are t&e %e$initions (&i#& are a%an#e% to e5plain t&e p*rpose o$
its e5isten#e+ 3&at, $or instan#e, #o*l% a ro"al an% i!perial *niersit" pro$essor (rite abo*t t&e !eaning an% p*rpose o$ a
State in a #o*ntr" (&ose statal $or! represente% t&e greatest !onstrosit" o$ t&e t(entiet& #ent*r"@ T&at (o*l% be a
%i$$i#*lt *n%erta,ing in%ee%, in ie( o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e #onte!porar" pro$essor o$ #onstit*tional la( is oblige% not so
!*#& to sere t&e #a*se o$ tr*t& b*t rat&er to sere a #ertain %e$inite p*rpose+ An% t&is p*rpose is to %e$en% at all #osts t&e
e5isten#e o$ t&at !onstro*s &*!an !e#&anis! (&i#& (e no( #all t&e State+ .obo%" #an be s*rprise% i$ #on#rete $a#ts are
ea%e% as $ar as possible (&en t&e proble! o$ t&e State is *n%er %is#*ssion an% i$ pro$essors a%opt t&e ta#ti#s o$ #on#ealing
t&e!seles in !orass o$ abstra#t al*es an% %*ties an% p*rposes (&i#& are %es#ribe% as Met&i#al an% M!oral+
Aenerall" spea,ing, t&ese ario*s t&eorists !a" be #lasse% in t&ree gro*ps4
1+ T&ose (&o &ol% t&at t&e State is a !ore or less ol*ntar" asso#iation o$ !en (&o &ae agree% to set *p an% obe" a
r*ling a*t&orit"+
T&is is n*!eri#all" t&e largest gro*p+ In its ran,s are to be $o*n% t&ose (&o (ors&ip o*r present prin#iple o$ legali>e%
a*t&orit"+ In t&eir e"es t&e (ill o$ t&e people &as no part (&ateer in t&e (&ole a$$air+ For t&e! t&e $a#t t&at t&e State
e5ists is s*$$i#ient reason to #onsi%er it sa#re% an% iniolable+ To a##ept t&is aberration o$ t&e &*!an brain one (o*l% &ae
to &ae a sort o$ #anine a%oration $or (&at is #alle% t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State+ In t&e !in%s o$ t&ese people t&e !eans is
s*bstit*te% $or t&e en%, b" a sort o$ sleig&t1o$1&an% !oe!ent+ T&e State no longer e5ists $or t&e p*rpose o$ sering !en
b*t !en e5ist $or t&e p*rpose o$ a%oring t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State, (&i#& is este% in its $*n#tionaries, een %o(n to t&e
s!allest o$$i#ial+ So as to preent t&is pla#i% an% e#stati# a%oration $ro! #&anging into so!et&ing t&at !ig&t be#o!e in
an" (a" %ist*rbing, t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State is li!ite% si!pl" to t&e tas, o$ presering or%er an% tran/*illit"+ T&ere(it& it
is no longer eit&er a !eans or an en%+ T&e State !*st see t&at p*bli# pea#e an% or%er are presere% an%, in t&eir t*rn,
or%er an% pea#e !*st !a,e t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e State possible+ All li$e !*st !oe bet(een t&ese t(o poles+ In 8aaria t&is
ie( is *p&el% b" t&e art$*l politi#ians o$ t&e 8aarian Centre, (&i#& is #alle% t&e M8aarian Pop*list Part"+ In A*stria t&e
8la#,1an%1Kello( legiti!ists a%opt a si!ilar attit*%e+ In t&e Rei#&, *n$ort*natel", t&e so1#alle% #onseratie ele!ents
$ollo( t&e sa!e line o$ t&o*g&t+
2+ T&e se#on% gro*p is so!e(&at s!aller in n*!bers+ It in#l*%es t&ose (&o (o*l% !a,e t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e State
%epen%ent on so!e #on%itions at least+ T&e" insist t&at not onl" s&o*l% t&ere be a *ni$or! s"ste! o$ goern!ent b*t also,
i$ possible, t&at onl" one lang*age s&o*l% be *se%, t&o*g& solel" $or te#&ni#al reasons o$ a%!inistration+ In t&is ie( t&e
a*t&orit" o$ t&e State is no longer t&e sole an% e5#l*sie en% $or (&i#& t&e State e5ists+ It !*st also pro!ote t&e goo% o$ its
s*b0e#ts+ I%eas o$ M$ree%o!, !ostl" base% on a !is*n%erstan%ing o$ t&e !eaning o$ t&at (or%, enter into t&e #on#ept o$ t&e
State as it e5ists in t&e !in%s o$ t&is gro*p+ T&e $or! o$ goern!ent is no longer #onsi%ere% iniolable si!pl" be#a*se it
e5ists+ It !*st s*b!it to t&e test o$ pra#ti#al e$$i#ien#"+ Its enerable age no longer prote#ts it $ro! being #riti#i>e% in t&e
lig&t o$ !o%ern e5igen#ies+ )oreoer, in t&is ie( t&e $irst %*t" lai% *pon t&e State is to g*arantee t&e e#ono!i# (ell1
being o$ t&e in%ii%*al #iti>ens+ Hen#e it is 0*%ge% $ro! t&e pra#ti#al stan%point an% a##or%ing to general prin#iples base%
on t&e i%ea o$ e#ono!i# ret*rns+ T&e #&ie$ representaties o$ t&is t&eor" o$ t&e State are to be $o*n% a!ong t&e aerage
Aer!an bo*rgeoisie, espe#iall" o*r liberal %e!o#rats+
2+ T&e t&ir% gro*p is n*!eri#all" t&e s!allest+ In t&e State t&e" %is#oer a !eans $or t&e reali>ation o$ ten%en#ies t&at
arise $ro! a poli#" o$ po(er, on t&e part o$ a people (&o are et&ni#all" &o!ogeneo*s an% spea, t&e sa!e lang*age+ 8*t
t&ose (&o &ol% t&is ie( are not #lear abo*t (&at t&e" !ean b" Mten%en#ies arising $ro! a poli#" o$ po(er+ A #o!!on
lang*age is post*late% not onl" be#a*se t&e" &ope t&at t&ereb" t&e State (o*l% be $*rnis&e% (it& a soli% basis $or t&e
e5tension o$ its po(er o*tsi%e its o(n $rontiers, b*t also be#a*se t&e" t&in, 1 t&o*g& $alling into a $*n%a!ental error b"
%oing so 1 t&at s*#& a #o!!on lang*age (o*l% enable t&e! to #arr" o*t a pro#ess o$ nationali>ation in a %e$inite %ire#tion+
=*ring t&e last #ent*r" it (as la!entable $or t&ose (&o &a% to (itness it, to noti#e &o( in t&ese #ir#les I &ae 0*st
!entione% t&e (or% MAer!ani>ation (as $riolo*sl" pla"e% (it&, t&o*g& t&e pra#ti#e (as o$ten (ell inten%e%+ I (ell
re!e!ber &o( in t&e %a"s o$ !" "o*t& t&is er" ter! *se% to gie rise to notions (&i#& (ere $alse to an in#re%ible %egree+
Een in Pan1Aer!an #ir#les one &ear% t&e opinion e5presse% t&at t&e A*strian Aer!ans !ig&t er" (ell s*##ee% in
Aer!ani>ing t&e A*strian Slas, i$ onl" t&e Aoern!ent (o*l% be rea%" to #o1operate+ T&ose people %i% not *n%erstan%
t&at a poli#" o$ Aer!ani>ation #an be #arrie% o*t onl" as regar%s &*!an beings+ 3&at t&e" !ostl" !eant b"
Aer!ani>ation (as a pro#ess o$ $or#ing ot&er people to spea, t&e Aer!an lang*age+ 8*t it is al!ost in#on#eiable &o(
s*#& a !ista,e #o*l% be !a%e as to t&in, t&at a .igger or a C&ina!an (ill be#o!e a Aer!an be#a*se &e &as learne% t&e
Aer!an lang*age an% is (illing to spea, Aer!an $or t&e $*t*re, an% een to #ast &is ote $or a Aer!an politi#al part"+
O*r bo*rgeois nationalists #o*l% neer #learl" see t&at s*#& a pro#ess o$ Aer!ani>ation is in realit" %e1Aer!ani>ationC $or
een i$ all t&e o*tstan%ing an% isible %i$$eren#es bet(een t&e ario*s peoples #o*l% be bri%ge% oer an% $inall" (ipe% o*t
b" t&e *se o$ a #o!!on lang*age, t&at (o*l% pro%*#e a pro#ess o$ bastar%i>ation (&i#& in t&is #ase (o*l% not signi$"
Aer!ani>ation b*t t&e anni&ilation o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent+ In t&e #o*rse o$ &istor" it &as &appene% onl" too o$ten t&at a
#on/*ering ra#e s*##ee%e% b" e5ternal $or#e in #o!pelling t&e people (&o! t&e" s*b0e#te% to spea, t&e tong*e o$ t&e
#on/*eror an% t&at a$ter a t&o*san% "ears t&eir lang*age (as spo,en b" anot&er people an% t&at t&*s t&e #on/*eror $inall"
t*rne% o*t to be t&e #on/*ere%+
3&at !a,es a people or, to be !ore #orre#t, a ra#e, is not lang*age b*t bloo%+ T&ere$ore it (o*l% be 0*sti$iable to spea, o$
Aer!ani>ation onl" i$ t&at pro#ess #o*l% #&ange t&e bloo% o$ t&e people (&o (o*l% be s*b0e#te% to it, (&i#& is obio*sl"
i!possible+ A #&ange (o*l% be possible onl" b" a !i5t*re o$ bloo%, b*t in t&is #ase t&e /*alit" o$ t&e s*perior ra#e (o*l%
be %ebase%+ T&e $inal res*lt o$ s*#& a !i5t*re (o*l% be t&at pre#isel" t&ose /*alities (o*l% be %estro"e% (&i#& &a%
enable% t&e #on/*ering ra#e to a#&iee i#tor" oer an in$erior people+ It is espe#iall" t&e #*lt*ral #reatieness (&i#&
%isappears (&en a s*perior ra#e inter!i5es (it& an in$erior one, een t&o*g& t&e res*ltant !ongrel ra#e s&o*l% e5#el a
t&o*san%$ol% in spea,ing t&e lang*age o$ t&e ra#e t&at on#e &a% been s*perior+ For a #ertain ti!e t&ere (ill be a #on$li#t
bet(een t&e %i$$erent !entalities, an% it !a" be t&at a nation (&i#& is in a state o$ progressie %egeneration (ill at t&e last
!o!ent rall" its #*lt*ral #reatie po(er an% on#e again pro%*#e stri,ing e5a!ples o$ t&at po(er+ 8*t t&ese res*lts are %*e
onl" to t&e a#tiit" o$ ele!ents t&at &ae re!aine% oer $ro! t&e s*perior ra#e or &"bri%s o$ t&e $irst #rossing in (&o! t&e
s*perior bloo% &as re!aine% %o!inant an% see,s to assert itsel$+ 8*t t&is (ill neer &appen (it& t&e $inal %es#en%ants o$
s*#& &"bri%s+ T&ese are al(a"s in a state o$ #*lt*ral retrogression+
3e !*st #onsi%er it as $ort*nate t&at a Aer!ani>ation o$ A*stria a##or%ing to t&e plan o$ -osep& II %i% not s*##ee%+
Probabl" t&e res*lt (o*l% &ae been t&at t&e A*strian State (o*l% &ae been able to s*rie, b*t at t&e sa!e ti!e
parti#ipation in t&e *se o$ a #o!!on lang*age (o*l% &ae %ebase% t&e ra#ial /*alit" o$ t&e Aer!an ele!ent+ In t&e #o*rse
o$ #ent*ries a #ertain &er% instin#t !ig&t &ae been %eelope% b*t t&e &er% itsel$ (o*l% &ae %eteriorate% in /*alit"+ A
national State !ig&t &ae arisen, b*t a people (&o &a% been #*lt*rall" #reatie (o*l% &ae %isappeare%+
For t&e Aer!an nation it (as better t&at t&is pro#ess o$ inter!i5t*re %i% not ta,e pla#e, alt&o*g& it (as not reno*n#e% $or
an" &ig&1!in%e% reasons b*t si!pl" t&ro*g& t&e s&ort1sig&te% pettiness o$ t&e Habsb*rgs+ I$ it &a% ta,en pla#e t&e Aer!an
people #o*l% not no( be loo,e% *pon as a #*lt*ral $a#tor+
.ot onl" in A*stria, &o(eer, b*t also in t&e Rei#&, t&ese so1#alle% national #ir#les (ere, an% still are, *n%er t&e in$l*en#e
o$ si!ilar erroneo*s i%eas+ Un$ort*natel", a poli#" to(ar%s Polan%, (&ereb" t&e East (as to be Aer!ani>e%, (as
%e!an%e% b" !an" an% (as base% on t&e sa!e $alse reasoning+ Here again it (as beliee% t&at t&e Polis& people #o*l% be
Aer!ani>e% b" being #o!pelle% to *se t&e Aer!an lang*age+ T&e res*lt (o*l% &ae been $atal+ A people o$ $oreign ra#e
(o*l% &ae &a% to *se t&e Aer!an lang*age to e5press !o%es o$ t&o*g&t t&at (ere $oreign to t&e Aer!an, t&*s
#o!pro!ising b" its o(n in$eriorit" t&e %ignit" an% nobilit" o$ o*r nation+
It is reolting to t&in, &o( !*#& %a!age is in%ire#tl" %one to Aer!an prestige to1%a" t&ro*g& t&e $a#t t&at t&e Aer!an
patois o$ t&e -e(s (&en t&e" enter t&e Unite% States enables t&e! to be #lasse% as Aer!ans, be#a*se !an" A!eri#ans are
/*ite ignorant o$ Aer!an #on%itions+ A!ong *s, nobo%" (o*l% t&in, o$ ta,ing t&ese *n&"gieni# i!!igrants $ro! t&e East
$or !e!bers o$ t&e Aer!an ra#e an% nation !erel" be#a*se t&e" !ostl" spea, Aer!an+
3&at &as been bene$i#iall" Aer!ani>e% in t&e #o*rse o$ &istor" (as t&e lan% (&i#& o*r an#estors #on/*ere% (it& t&e
s(or% an% #oloni>e% (it& Aer!an tillers o$ t&e soil+ To t&e e5tent t&at t&e" intro%*#e% $oreign bloo% into o*r national
bo%" in t&is #oloni>ation, t&e" &ae &elpe% to %isintegrate o*r ra#ial #&ara#ter, a pro#ess (&i#& &as res*lte% in o*r Aer!an
&"per1in%ii%*alis!, t&o*g& t&is latter #&ara#teristi# is een no( $re/*entl" praise%+
In t&is t&ir% gro*p also t&ere are people (&o, to a #ertain %egree, #onsi%er t&e State as an en% in itsel$+ Hen#e t&e" #onsi%er
its preseration as one o$ t&e &ig&est ai!s o$ &*!an e5isten#e+ O*r anal"sis !a" be s*!!e% *p as $ollo(s4
All t&ese opinions &ae t&is #o!!on $eat*re an% $ailing4 t&at t&e" are not gro*n%e% in a re#ognition o$ t&e pro$o*n% tr*t&
t&at t&e #apa#it" $or #reating #*lt*ral al*es is essentiall" base% on t&e ra#ial ele!ent an% t&at, in a##or%an#e (it& t&is
$a#t, t&e para!o*nt p*rpose o$ t&e State is to presere an% i!proe t&e ra#eC $or t&is is an in%ispensable #on%ition o$ all
progress in &*!an #iili>ation+
T&*s t&e -e(, ;arl )ar5, (as able to %ra( t&e $inal #on#l*sions $ro! t&ese $alse #on#epts an% i%eas on t&e nat*re an%
p*rpose o$ t&e State+ 8" eli!inating $ro! t&e #on#ept o$ t&e State all t&o*g&t o$ t&e obligation (&i#& t&e State bears
to(ar%s t&e ra#e, (it&o*t $in%ing an" ot&er $or!*la t&at !ig&t be *niersall" a##epte%, t&e bo*rgeois tea#&ing prepare%
t&e (a" $or t&at %o#trine (&i#& re0e#ts t&e State as s*#&+
T&at is (&" t&e bo*rgeois str*ggle against )ar5ist internationalis! is absol*tel" %oo!e% to $ail in t&is $iel%+ T&e
bo*rgeois #lasses &ae alrea%" sa#ri$i#e% t&e basi# prin#iples (&i#& alone #o*l% $*rnis& a soli% $ooting $or t&eir i%eas+
T&eir #ra$t" opponent &as per#eie% t&e %e$e#ts in t&eir str*#t*re an% a%an#es to t&e assa*lt on it (it& t&ose (eapons
(&i#& t&e" t&e!seles &ae pla#e% in &is &an%s t&o*g& not !eaning to %o so+
T&ere$ore an" ne( !oe!ent (&i#& is base% on t&e ra#ial #on#ept o$ t&e (orl% (ill $irst o$ all &ae to p*t $or(ar% a #lear
an% logi#al %o#trine o$ t&e nat*re an% p*rpose o$ t&e State+
T&e $*n%a!ental prin#iple is t&at t&e State is not an en% in itsel$ b*t t&e !eans to an en%+ It is t&e preli!inar" #on%ition
*n%er (&i#& alone a &ig&er $or! o$ &*!an #iili>ation #an be %eelope%, b*t it is not t&e so*r#e o$ s*#& a %eelop!ent+
T&is is to be so*g&t e5#l*siel" in t&e a#t*al e5isten#e o$ a ra#e (&i#& is en%o(e% (it& t&e gi$t o$ #*lt*ral #reatieness+
T&ere !a" be &*n%re%s o$ e5#ellent States on t&is eart&, an% "et i$ t&e Ar"an, (&o is t&e #reator an% #*sto%ian o$
#iili>ation, s&o*l% %isappear, all #*lt*re t&at is on an a%e/*ate leel (it& t&e spirit*al nee%s o$ t&e s*perior nations to1%a"
(o*l% also %isappear+ 3e !a" go still $*rt&er an% sa" t&at t&e $a#t t&at States &ae been #reate% b" &*!an beings %oes not
in t&e least e5#l*%e t&e possiblit" t&at t&e &*!an ra#e !a" be#o!e e5tin#t, be#a*se t&e s*perior intelle#t*al $a#*lties an%
po(ers o$ a%aptation (o*l% be lost (&en t&e ra#ial bearer o$ t&ese $a#*lties an% po(ers %isappeare%+
I$, $or instan#e, t&e s*r$a#e o$ t&e globe s&o*l% be s&a,en to1%a" b" so!e seis!i# #on*lsion an% i$ a ne( Hi!ala"a (o*l%
e!erge $ro! t&e (aes o$ t&e sea, t&is one #atastrop&e alone !ig&t anni&ilate &*!an #iili>ation+ .o State #o*l% e5ist an"
longer+ All or%er (o*l% be s&attere%+ An% all estiges o$ #*lt*ral pro%*#ts (&i#& &a% been eole% t&ro*g& t&o*san%s o$
"ears (o*l% %isappear+ .ot&ing (o*l% be le$t b*t one tre!en%o*s $iel% o$ %eat& an% %estr*#tion s*b!erge% in $loo%s o$
(ater an% !*%+ I$, &o(eer, 0*st a $e( people (o*l% s*rie t&is terrible &ao#, an% i$ t&ese people belonge% to a %e$inite
ra#e t&at &a% t&e innate po(ers to b*il% *p a #iili>ation, (&en t&e #o!!otion &a% passe%, t&e eart& (o*l% again bear
(itness to t&e #reatie po(er o$ t&e &*!an spirit, een t&o*g& a span o$ a t&o*san% "ears !ig&t interene+ Onl" (it& t&e
e5ter!ination o$ t&e last ra#e t&at possesses t&e gi$t o$ #*lt*ral #reatieness, an% in%ee% onl" i$ all t&e in%ii%*als o$ t&at
ra#e &a% %isappeare%, (o*l% t&e eart& %e$initel" be t*rne% into a %esert+ On t&e ot&er &an%, !o%ern &istor" $*rnis&es
e5a!ples to s&o( t&at statal instit*tions (&i#& o(e t&eir beginnings to !e!bers o$ a ra#e (&i#& la#,s #reatie geni*s are
not !a%e o$ st*$$ t&at (ill en%*re+ -*st as !an" arieties o$ pre&istori# ani!als &a% to gie (a" to ot&ers an% leae no
tra#e be&in% t&e!, so !an (ill also &ae to gie (a", i$ &e loses t&at %e$inite $a#*lt" (&i#& enables &i! to $in% t&e
(eapons t&at are ne#essar" $or &i! to !aintain &is o(n e5isten#e+
It is not t&e State as s*#& t&at brings abo*t a #ertain %e$inite a%an#e in #*lt*ral progress+ T&e State #an onl" prote#t t&e
ra#e t&at is t&e #a*se o$ s*#& progress+ T&e State as s*#& !a" (ell e5ist (it&o*t *n%ergoing an" #&ange $or &*n%re%s o$
"ears, t&o*g& t&e #*lt*ral $a#*lties an% t&e general li$e o$ t&e people, (&i#& is s&ape% b" t&ese $a#*lties, !a" &ae s*$$ere%
pro$o*n% #&anges b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e State %i% not preent a pro#ess o$ ra#ial !i5t*re $ro! ta,ing pla#e+ T&e
present State, $or instan#e, !a" #ontin*e to e5ist in a !ere !e#&ani#al $or!, b*t t&e poison o$ !is#egenation per!eating
t&e national bo%" brings abo*t a #*lt*ral %e#a%en#e (&i#& !ani$ests itsel$ alrea%" in ario*s s"!pto!s t&at are o$ a
%etri!ental #&ara#ter+
T&*s t&e in%ispensable prere/*isite $or t&e e5isten#e o$ a s*perior /*alit" o$ &*!an beings is not t&e State b*t t&e ra#e,
(&i#& is alone #apable o$ pro%*#ing t&at &ig&er &*!an /*alit"+
T&is #apa#it" is al(a"s t&ere, t&o*g& it (ill lie %or!ant *nless e5ternal #ir#*!stan#es a(a,en it to a#tion+ .ations, or
rat&er ra#es, (&i#& are en%o(e% (it& t&e $a#*lt" o$ #*lt*ral #reatieness possess t&is $a#*lt" in a latent $or! %*ring
perio%s (&en t&e e5ternal #ir#*!stan#es are *n$ao*rable $or t&e ti!e being an% t&ere$ore %o not allo( t&e $a#*lt" to
e5press itsel$ e$$e#tiel"+ It is t&ere$ore o*trageo*sl" *n0*st to spea, o$ t&e pre1C&ristian Aer!ans as barbarians (&o &a%
no #iili>ation+ T&e" neer &ae been s*#&+ 8*t t&e seerit" o$ t&e #li!ate t&at preaile% in t&e nort&ern regions (&i#&
t&e" in&abite% i!pose% #on%itions o$ li$e (&i#& &a!pere% a $ree %eelop!ent o$ t&eir #reatie $a#*lties+ I$ t&e" &a% #o!e
to t&e $airer #li!ate o$ t&e So*t&, (it& no preio*s #*lt*re (&atsoeer, an% i$ t&e" a#/*ire% t&e ne#essar" &*!an !aterial
1 t&at is to sa", !en o$ an in$erior ra#e 1 to sere t&e! as (or,ing i!ple!ents, t&e #*lt*ral $a#*lt" %or!ant in t&e! (o*l%
&ae splen%i%l" blosso!e% $ort&, as &appene% in t&e #ase o$ t&e Aree,s, $or e5a!ple+ 8*t t&is pri!or%ial #reatie $a#*lt"
in #*lt*ral t&ings (as not solel" %*e to t&eir nort&ern #li!ate+ For t&e 'aplan%ers or t&e Es,i!os (o*l% not &ae be#o!e
#reators o$ a #*lt*re i$ t&e" (ere transplante% to t&e So*t&+ .o, t&is (on%er$*l #reatie $a#*lt" is a spe#ial gi$t besto(e% on
t&e Ar"an, (&et&er it lies %or!ant in &i! or be#o!es a#tie, a##or%ing as t&e a%erse #on%itions o$ nat*re preent t&e
a#tie e5pression o$ t&at $a#*lt" or $ao*rable #ir#*!stan#es per!it it+
Fro! t&ese $a#ts t&e $ollo(ing #on#l*sions !a" be %ra(n4
T&e State is onl" a !eans to an en%+ Its en% an% its p*rpose is to presere an% pro!ote a #o!!*nit" o$ &*!an beings (&o
are p&"si#all" as (ell as spirit*all" ,in%re%+ Aboe all, it !*st presere t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e ra#e, t&ereb" proi%ing t&e
in%ispensable #on%ition $or t&e $ree %eelop!ent o$ all t&e $or#es %or!ant in t&is ra#e+ A great part o$ t&ese $a#*lties (ill
al(a"s &ae to be e!plo"e% in t&e $irst pla#e to !aintain t&e p&"si#al e5isten#e o$ t&e ra#e, an% onl" a s!all portion (ill
be $ree to (or, in t&e $iel% o$ intelle#t*al progress+ 8*t, as a !atter o$ $a#t, t&e one is al(a"s t&e ne#essar" #o*nterpart o$
t&e ot&er+
T&ose States (&i#& %o not sere t&is p*rpose &ae no 0*sti$i#ation $or t&eir e5isten#e+ T&e" are !onstrosities+ T&e $a#t t&at
t&e" %o e5ist is no !ore o$ a 0*sti$i#ation t&an t&e s*##ess$*l rai%s #arrie% o*t b" a ban% o$ pirates #an be #onsi%ere% a
0*sti$i#ation o$ pira#"+
3e .ational So#ialists, (&o are $ig&ting $or a ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng, !*st neer ta,e o*r stan% on t&e $a!o*s Mbasis o$
$a#ts, an% espe#iall" not on !ista,en $a#ts+ I$ (e %i% so, (e s&o*l% #ease to be t&e protagonists o$ a ne( an% great i%ea
an% (o*l% be#o!e slaes in t&e seri#e o$ t&e $alla#" (&i#& is %o!inant to1%a"+ 3e !*st !a,e a #lear1#*t %istin#tion
bet(een t&e essel an% its #ontents+ T&e State is onl" t&e essel an% t&e ra#e is (&at it #ontains+ T&e essel #an &ae a
!eaning onl" i$ it preseres an% sa$eg*ar%s t&e #ontents+ Ot&er(ise it is (ort&less+
Hen#e t&e s*pre!e p*rpose o$ t&e et&ni#al State is to g*ar% an% presere t&ose ra#ial ele!ents (&i#&, t&ro*g& t&eir (or,
in t&e #*lt*ral $iel%, #reate t&at bea*t" an% %ignit" (&i#& are #&ara#teristi# o$ a &ig&er !an,in%+ As Ar"ans, (e #an
#onsi%er t&e State onl" as t&e liing organis! o$ a people, an organis! (&i#& %oes not !erel" !aintain t&e e5isten#e o$ a
people, b*t $*n#tions in s*#& a (a" as to lea% its people to a position o$ s*pre!e libert" b" t&e progressie %eelop!ent o$
t&e intelle#t*al an% #*lt*ral $a#*lties+
3&at t&e" (ant to i!pose *pon *s as a State to1%a" is in !ost #ases not&ing b*t a !onstrosit", t&e pro%*#t o$ a pro$o*n%
&*!an aberration (&i#& brings *ntol% s*$$ering in its train+
3e .ational So#ialists ,no( t&at in &ol%ing t&ese ie(s (e ta,e *p a reol*tionar" stan% in t&e (orl% o$ to1%a" an% t&at
(e are bran%e% as reol*tionaries+ 8*t o*r ie(s an% o*r #on%*#t (ill not be %eter!ine% b" t&e approbation or
%isapprobation o$ o*r #onte!poraries, b*t onl" b" o*r %*t" to $ollo( a tr*t& (&i#& (e &ae a#,no(le%ge%+ In %oing t&is
(e &ae reason to beliee t&at posterit" (ill &ae a #learer insig&t, an% (ill not onl" *n%erstan% t&e (or, (e are %oing to1
%a", b*t (ill also rati$" it as t&e rig&t (or, an% (ill e5alt it a##or%ingl"+
On t&ese prin#iples (e .ational So#ialists base o*r stan%ar%s o$ al*e in appraising a State+ T&is al*e (ill be relatie
(&en ie(e% $ro! t&e parti#*lar stan%point o$ t&e in%ii%*al nation, b*t it (ill be absol*te (&en #onsi%ere% $ro! t&e
stan%point o$ &*!anit" as a (&ole+ In ot&er (or%s, t&is !eans4
T&at t&e e5#ellen#e o$ a State #an neer be 0*%ge% b" t&e leel o$ its #*lt*re or t&e %egree o$ i!portan#e (&i#& t&e o*tsi%e
(orl% atta#&es to its po(er, b*t t&at its e5#ellen#e !*st be 0*%ge% b" t&e %egree to (&i#& its instit*tions sere t&e ra#ial
sto#, (&i#& belongs to it+
A State !a" be #onsi%ere% as a !o%el e5a!ple i$ it a%e/*atel" seres not onl" t&e ital nee%s o$ t&e ra#ial sto#, it
represents b*t i$ it a#t*all" ass*res b" its o(n e5isten#e t&e preseration o$ t&is sa!e ra#ial sto#,, no !atter (&at general
#*lt*ral signi$i#an#e t&is statal instit*tion !a" &ae in t&e e"es o$ t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%+ For it is not t&e tas, o$ t&e State to
#reate &*!an #apabilities, b*t onl" to ass*re $ree s#ope $or t&e e5er#ise o$ #apabilities t&at alrea%" e5ist+ On t&e ot&er
&an%, a State !a" be #alle% ba% i$, in spite o$ t&e e5isten#e o$ a &ig& #*lt*ral leel, it %oo!s to %estr*#tion t&e bearers o$
t&at #*lt*re b" brea,ing *p t&eir ra#ial *ni$or!it"+ For t&e pra#ti#al e$$e#t o$ s*#& a poli#" (o*l% be to %estro" t&ose
#on%itions t&at are in%ispensable $or t&e *lterior e5isten#e o$ t&at #*lt*re, (&i#& t&e State %i% not #reate b*t (&i#& is t&e
$r*it o$ t&e #reatie po(er in&erent in t&e ra#ial sto#, (&ose e5isten#e is ass*re% b" being *nite% in t&e liing organis! o$
t&e State+ On#e again let !e e!p&asi>e t&e $a#t t&at t&e State itsel$ is not t&e s*bstan#e b*t t&e $or!+ T&ere$ore, t&e
#*lt*ral leel is not t&e stan%ar% b" (&i#& (e #an 0*%ge t&e al*e o$ t&e State in (&i#& t&at people lies+ It is ei%ent t&at a
people (&i#& is en%o(e% (it& &ig& #reatie po(ers in t&e #*lt*ral sp&ere is o$ !ore (ort& t&an a tribe o$ negroes+ An% "et
t&e statal organi>ation o$ t&e $or!er, i$ 0*%ge% $ro! t&e stan%point o$ e$$i#ien#", !a" be (orse t&an t&at o$ t&e negroes+
.ot een t&e best o$ States an% statal instit*tions #an eole $a#*lties $ro! a people (&i#& t&e" la#, an% (&i#& t&e" neer
possesse%, b*t a ba% State !a" gra%*all" %estro" t&e $a#*lties (&i#& on#e e5iste%+ T&is it #an %o b" allo(ing or $ao*ring
t&e s*ppression o$ t&ose (&o are t&e bearers o$ a ra#ial #*lt*re+
T&ere$ore, t&e (ort& o$ a State #an be %eter!ine% onl" b" as,ing &o( $ar it a#t*all" s*##ee%s in pro!oting t&e (ell1being
o$ a %e$inite ra#e an% not b" t&e role (&i#& it pla"s in t&e (orl% at large+ Its relatie (ort& #an be esti!ate% rea%il" an%
a##*ratel"C b*t it is %i$$i#*lt to 0*%ge its absol*te (ort&, be#a*se t&e latter is #on%itione% not onl" b" t&e State b*t also b"
t&e /*alit" an% #*lt*ral leel o$ t&e people t&at belong to t&e in%ii%*al State in /*estion+
T&ere$ore, (&en (e spea, o$ t&e &ig& !ission o$ t&e State (e !*st not $orget t&at t&e &ig& !ission belongs to t&e people
an% t&at t&e b*siness o$ t&e State is to *se its organi>ing po(ers $or t&e p*rpose o$ $*rnis&ing t&e ne#essar" #on%itions
(&i#& allo( t&is people $reel" to *n$ol% its #reatie $a#*lties+ An% i$ (e as, (&at ,in% o$ statal instit*tion (e Aer!ans
nee%, (e !*st $irst &ae a #lear notion as to t&e people (&i#& t&at State !*st e!bra#e an% (&at p*rpose it !*st sere+
Un$ort*natel" t&e Aer!an national being is not base% on a *ni$or! ra#ial t"pe+ T&e pro#ess o$ (el%ing t&e original
ele!ents toget&er &as not gone so $ar as to (arrant *s in sa"ing t&at a ne( ra#e &as e!erge%+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e poison
(&i#& &as ina%e% t&e national bo%", espe#iall" sin#e t&e T&irt" Kears 3ar, &as %estro"e% t&e *ni$or! #onstit*tion not
onl" o$ o*r bloo% b*t also o$ o*r national so*l+ T&e open $rontiers o$ o*r natie #o*ntr", t&e asso#iation (it& non1Aer!an
$oreign ele!ents in t&e territories t&at lie all along t&ose $rontiers, an% espe#iall" t&e strong in$l*5 o$ $oreign bloo% into
t&e interior o$ t&e Rei#& itsel$, &as preente% an" #o!plete assi!ilation o$ t&ose ario*s ele!ents, be#a*se t&e in$l*5 &as
#ontin*e% stea%il"+ O*t o$ t&is !elting1pot no ne( ra#e arose+ T&e &eterogeneo*s ele!ents #ontin*e to e5ist si%e b" si%e+
An% t&e res*lt is t&at, espe#iall" in ti!es o$ #risis, (&en t&e &er% *s*all" $lo#,s toget&er, t&e Aer!ans %isperse in all
%ire#tions+ T&e $*n%a!ental ra#ial ele!ents are not onl" %i$$erent in %i$$erent %istri#ts, b*t t&ere are also ario*s ele!ents
in t&e single %istri#ts+ 8esi%e t&e .or%i# t"pe (e $in% t&e East1E*ropean t"pe, besi%e t&e Eastern t&ere is t&e =inari#, t&e
3estern t"pe inter!ingling (it& bot&, an% &"bri%s a!ong t&e! all+ T&at is a grae %ra(ba#, $or *s+ T&ro*g& it t&e
Aer!ans la#, t&at strong &er% instin#t (&i#& arises $ro! *nit" o$ bloo% an% saes nations $ro! r*in in %angero*s an%
#riti#al ti!esC be#a*se on s*#& o##asions s!all %i$$eren#es %isappear, so t&at a *nite% &er% $a#es t&e ene!"+ 3&at (e
*n%erstan% b" t&e (or% &"per1in%ii%*alis! arises $ro! t&e $a#t t&at o*r pri!or%ial ra#ial ele!ents &ae e5iste% si%e b"
si%e (it&o*t eer #onsoli%ating+ =*ring ti!es o$ pea#e s*#& a sit*ation !a" o$$er so!e a%antages, b*t, ta,en all in all, it
&as preente% *s $ro! gaining a !aster" in t&e (orl%+ I$ in its &istori#al %eelop!ent t&e Aer!an people &a% possesse%
t&e *nit" o$ &er% instin#t b" (&i#& ot&er peoples &ae so !*#& bene$ite%, t&en t&e Aer!an Rei#& (o*l% probabl" be
!istress o$ t&e globe to1%a"+ 3orl% &istor" (o*l% &ae ta,en anot&er #o*rse an% in t&is #ase no !an #an tell i$ (&at !an"
blin%e% pa#i$ists &ope to attain b" petitioning, (&ining an% #r"ing, !a" not &ae been rea#&e% in t&is (a"4 na!el", a
pea#e (&i#& (o*l% not be base% *pon t&e (aing o$ olie bran#&es an% tear$*l !iser"1!ongering o$ pa#i$ist ol% (o!en,
b*t a pea#e t&at (o*l% be g*arantee% b" t&e tri*!p&ant s(or% o$ a people en%o(e% (it& t&e po(er to !aster t&e (orl%
an% a%!inister it in t&e seri#e o$ a &ig&er #iili>ation+
T&e $a#t t&at o*r people %i% not &ae a national being base% on a *nit" o$ bloo% &as been t&e so*r#e o$ *ntol% !iser" $or
*s+ To !an" pett" Aer!an potentates it gae resi%ential #apital #ities, b*t t&e Aer!an people as a (&ole (as %eprie% o$
its rig&t to r*lers&ip+
Een to1%a" o*r nation still s*$$ers $ro! t&is la#, o$ inner *nit"C b*t (&at &as been t&e #a*se o$ o*r past an% present
!is$ort*nes !a" t*rn o*t a blessing $or *s in t&e $*t*re+ T&o*g& on t&e one &an% it !a" be a %ra(ba#, t&at o*r ra#ial
ele!ents (ere not (el%e% toget&er, so t&at no &o!ogeneo*s national bo%" #o*l% %eelop, on t&e ot&er &an%, it (as
$ort*nate t&at, sin#e at least a part o$ o*r best bloo% (as t&*s ,ept p*re, its ra#ial /*alit" (as not %ebase%+
A #o!plete assi!ilation o$ all o*r ra#ial ele!ents (o*l% #ertainl" &ae bro*g&t abo*t a &o!ogeneo*s national organis!C
b*t, as &as been proe% in t&e #ase o$ eer" ra#ial !i5t*re, it (o*l% &ae been less #apable o$ #reating a #iili>ation t&an
b" ,eeping inta#t its best original ele!ents+ A bene$it (&i#& res*lts $ro! t&e $a#t t&at t&ere (as no all1ro*n% assi!ilation
is to be seen in t&at een no( (e &ae large gro*ps o$ Aer!an .or%i# people (it&in o*r national organi>ation, an% t&at
t&eir bloo% &as not been !i5e% (it& t&e bloo% o$ ot&er ra#es+ 3e !*st loo, *pon t&is as o*r !ost al*able treas*re $or t&e
sa,e o$ t&e $*t*re+ =*ring t&at %ar, perio% o$ absol*te ignoran#e in regar% to all ra#ial la(s, (&en ea#& in%ii%*al (as
#onsi%ere% to be on a par (it& eer" ot&er, t&ere #o*l% be no #lear appre#iation o$ t&e %i$$eren#e bet(een t&e ario*s
$*n%a!ental ra#ial #&ara#teristi#s+ 3e ,no( to1%a" t&at a #o!plete assi!ilation o$ all t&e ario*s ele!ents (&i#&
#onstit*te t&e national being !ig&t &ae res*lte% in giing *s a larger s&are o$ e5ternal po(er4 b*t, on t&e ot&er &an%, t&e
&ig&est o$ &*!an ai!s (o*l% not &ae been attaine%, be#a*se t&e onl" ,in% o$ people (&i#& $ate &as obio*sl" #&osen to
bring abo*t t&is per$e#tion (o*l% &ae been lost in s*#& a general !i5t*re o$ ra#es (&i#& (o*l% #onstit*te s*#& a ra#ial
8*t (&at &as been preente% b" a $rien%l" =estin", (it&o*t an" assistan#e on o*r part, !*st no( be re#onsi%ere% an%
*tili>e% in t&e lig&t o$ o*r ne( ,no(le%ge+
He (&o tal,s o$ t&e Aer!an people as &aing a !ission to $*l$il on t&is eart& !*st ,no( t&at t&is #annot be $*l$ille%
e5#ept b" t&e b*il%ing *p o$ a State (&ose &ig&est p*rpose is to presere an% pro!ote t&ose nobler ele!ents o$ o*r ra#e
an% o$ t&e (&ole o$ !an,in% (&i#& &ae re!aine% *ni!paire%+
T&*s $or t&e $irst ti!e a &ig& inner p*rpose is a##re%ite% to t&e State+ In $a#e o$ t&e ri%i#*lo*s p&rase t&at t&e State s&o*l%
%o no !ore t&an a#t as t&e g*ar%ian o$ p*bli# or%er an% tran/*illit", so t&at eer"bo%" #an pea#e$*ll" %*pe eer"bo%" else,
it is gien a er" &ig& !ission in%ee% to presere an% en#o*rage t&e &ig&est t"pe o$ &*!anit" (&i#& a bene$i#ent Creator
&as besto(e% on t&is eart&+ O*t o$ a %ea% !e#&anis! (&i#& #lai!s to be an en% in itsel$ a liing organis! s&all arise
(&i#& &as to sere one p*rpose e5#l*siel"4 an% t&at, in%ee%, a p*rpose (&i#& belongs to a &ig&er or%er o$ i%eas+
As a State t&e Aer!an Rei#& s&all in#l*%e all Aer!ans+ Its tas, is not onl" to gat&er in an% $oster t&e !ost al*able
se#tions o$ o*r people b*t to lea% t&e! slo(l" an% s*rel" to a %o!inant position in t&e (orl%+
T&*s a perio% o$ stagnation is s*perse%e% b" a perio% o$ e$$ort+ An% &ere, as in eer" ot&er sp&ere, t&e proerb &ol%s goo%
t&at to rest is to r*stC an% $*rt&er!ore t&e proerb t&at i#tor" (ill al(a"s be (on b" &i! (&o atta#,s+ T&e &ig&er t&e $inal
goal (&i#& (e strie to rea#&, an% t&e less it be *n%erstoo% at t&e ti!e b" t&e broa% !asses, t&e !ore !agni$i#ent (ill be
its s*##ess+ T&at is (&at t&e lesson o$ &istor" tea#&es+ An% t&e a#&iee!ent (ill be all t&e !ore signi$i#ant i$ t&e en% is
#on#eie% in t&e rig&t (a" an% t&e $ig&t #arrie% t&ro*g& (it& *ns(ering persisten#e+ )an" o$ t&e o$$i#ials (&o %ire#t t&e
a$$airs o$ State no(a%a"s !a" $in% it easier to (or, $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ t&e present or%er t&an to $ig&t $or a ne( one+
T&e" (ill $in% it !ore #o!$ortable to loo, *pon t&e State as a !e#&anis!, (&ose p*rpose is its o(n preseration, an% to
sa" t&at Mt&eir lies belong to t&e State, as i$ an"t&ing t&at gre( $ro! t&e inner li$e o$ t&e nation #an logi#all" sere
an"t&ing b*t t&e national being, an% as i$ !an #o*l% be !a%e $or an"t&ing else t&an $or &is $ello( beings+ .at*rall", it is
easier, as I &ae sai%, to #onsi%er t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State as not&ing b*t t&e $or!al !e#&anis! o$ an organi>ation, rat&er
t&an as t&e soereign in#arnation o$ a peoples instin#t $or sel$1preseration on t&is eart&+ For t&ese (ea, !in%s t&e State
an% t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State is not&ing b*t an ai! in itsel$, (&ile $or *s it is an e$$e#tie (eapon in t&e seri#e o$ t&e
great an% eternal str*ggle $or e5isten#e, a (eapon (&i#& eer"one !*st a%opt, not be#a*se it is a !ere $or!al !e#&anis!,
b*t be#a*se it is t&e !ain e5pression o$ o*r #o!!on (ill to e5ist+
T&ere$ore, in t&e $ig&t $or o*r ne( i%ea, (&i#& #on$or!s #o!pletel" to t&e pri!al !eaning o$ li$e, (e s&all $in% onl" a
s!all n*!ber o$ #o!ra%es in a so#ial or%er (&i#& &as be#o!e %e#repit not onl" p&"si#all" b*t !entall" also+ Fro! t&ese
strata o$ o*r pop*lation onl" a $e( e5#eptional people (ill 0oin o*r ran,s, onl" t&ose $e( ol% people (&ose &earts &ae
re!aine% "o*ng an% (&ose #o*rage is still igoro*s, b*t not t&ose (&o #onsi%er it t&eir %*t" to !aintain t&e state o$ a$$airs
t&at e5ists+
Against *s (e &ae t&e inn*!erable ar!" o$ all t&ose (&o are la>"1!in%e% an% in%i$$erent rat&er t&an eil, an% t&ose
(&ose sel$1interest lea%s t&e! to *p&ol% t&e present state o$ a$$airs+ On t&e apparent &opelessness o$ o*r great str*ggle is
base% t&e !agnit*%e o$ o*r tas, an% t&e possibilities o$ s*##ess+ A battle1#r" (&i#& $ro! t&e er" start (ill s#are o$$ all t&e
pett" spirits, or at least %is#o*rage t&e!, (ill be#o!e t&e signal $or a rall" o$ all t&ose te!pera!ents t&at are o$ t&e real
$ig&ting !etal+ An% it !*st be #learl" re#ogni>e% t&at i$ a &ig&l" energeti# an% a#tie bo%" o$ !en e!erge $ro! a nation
an% *nite in t&e $ig&t $or one goal, t&ereb" *lti!atel" rising aboe t&e inert !asses o$ t&e people, t&is s!all per#entage
(ill be#o!e !asters o$ t&e (&ole+ 3orl% &istor" is !a%e b" !inorities i$ t&ese n*!eri#al !inorities represent in
t&e!seles t&e (ill an% energ" an% initiatie o$ t&e people as a (&ole+
3&at see!s an obsta#le to !an" persons is reall" a preli!inar" #on%ition o$ o*r i#tor"+ -*st be#a*se o*r tas, is so great
an% be#a*se so !an" %i$$i#*lties &ae to be oer#o!e, t&e &ig&est probabilit" is t&at onl" t&e best ,in% o$ protagonists (ill
0oin o*r ran,s+ T&is sele#tion is t&e g*arantee o$ o*r s*##ess+ .at*re generall" ta,es #ertain !eas*res to #orre#t t&e e$$e#t
(&i#& ra#ial !i5t*re pro%*#es in li$e+ S&e is not !*#& in $ao*r o$ t&e !ongrel+ T&e later pro%*#ts o$ #ross1bree%ing &ae
to s*$$er bitterl", espe#iall" t&e t&ir%, $o*rt& an% $i$t& generations+ .ot onl" are t&e" %eprie% o$ t&e &ig&er /*alities t&at
belonge% to t&e parents (&o parti#ipate% in t&e $irst !i5t*re, b*t t&e" also la#, %e$inite (ill1po(er an% igoro*s ital
energies o(ing to t&e la#, o$ &ar!on" in t&e /*alit" o$ t&eir bloo%+ At all #riti#al !o!ents in (&i#& a person o$ p*re
ra#ial bloo% !a,es #orre#t %e#isions, t&at is to sa", %e#isions t&at are #o&erent an% *ni$or!, t&e person o$ !i5e% bloo% (ill
be#o!e #on$*se% an% ta,e !eas*res t&at are in#o&erent+ Hen#e (e see t&at a person o$ !i5e% bloo% is not onl" relatiel"
in$erior to a person o$ p*re bloo%, b*t is also %oo!e% to be#o!e e5tin#t !ore rapi%l"+ In inn*!erable #ases (&erein t&e
p*re ra#e &ol%s its gro*n% t&e !ongrel brea,s %o(n+ T&erein (e (itness t&e #orre#tie proision (&i#& .at*re a%opts+
S&e restri#ts t&e possibilities o$ pro#reation, t&*s i!pe%ing t&e $ertilit" o$ #ross1bree%s an% bringing t&e! to e5tin#tion+
For instan#e, i$ an in%ii%*al !e!ber o$ a ra#e s&o*l% !ingle &is bloo% (it& t&e !e!ber o$ a s*perior ra#e t&e $irst res*lt
(o*l% be a lo(ering o$ t&e ra#ial leel, an% $*rt&er!ore t&e %es#en%ants o$ t&is #ross1bree%ing (o*l% be (ea,er t&an t&ose
o$ t&e people aro*n% t&e! (&o &a% !aintaine% t&eir bloo% *na%*lterate%+ 3&ere no ne( bloo% $ro! t&e s*perior ra#e
enters t&e ra#ial strea! o$ t&e !ongrels, an% (&ere t&ose !ongrels #ontin*e to #ross1bree% a!ong t&e!seles, t&e latter
(ill eit&er %ie o*t be#a*se t&e" &ae ins*$$i#ient po(ers o$ resistan#e, (&i#& is .at*res (ise proision, or in t&e #o*rse o$
!an" t&o*san%s o$ "ears t&e" (ill $or! a ne( !ongrel ra#e in (&i#& t&e original ele!ents (ill be#o!e so (&oll" !i5e%
t&ro*g& t&is !illennial #rossing t&at tra#es o$ t&e original ele!ents (ill be no longer re#ogni>able+ An% t&*s a ne( people
(o*l% be %eelope% (&i#& possesse% a #ertain resistan#e #apa#it" o$ t&e &er% t"pe, b*t its intelle#t*al al*e an% its #*lt*ral
signi$i#an#e (o*l% be essentiall" in$erior to t&ose (&i#& t&e $irst #ross1bree%s possesse%+ 8*t een in t&is last #ase t&e
!ongrel pro%*#t (o*l% s*##*!b in t&e !*t*al str*ggle $or e5isten#e (it& a &ig&er ra#ial gro*p t&at &a% !aintaine% its
bloo% *n!i5e%+ T&e &er% soli%arit" (&i#& t&is !ongrel ra#e &a% %eelope% t&ro*g& t&o*san%s o$ "ears (ill not be e/*al to
t&e str*ggle+ An% t&is is be#a*se it (o*l% la#, elasti#it" an% #onstr*#tie #apa#it" to preail oer a ra#e o$ &o!ogeneo*s
bloo% t&at (as !entall" an% #*lt*rall" s*perior+
T&ere(it& (e !a" la" %o(n t&e $ollo(ing prin#iple as ali%4 eer" ra#ial !i5t*re lea%s, o$ ne#essit", sooner or later to t&e
%o(n$all o$ t&e !ongrel pro%*#t, proi%e% t&e &ig&er ra#ial strata o$ t&is #ross1bree% &as not retaine% (it&in itsel$ so!e
sort o$ ra#ial &o!ogeneit"+ T&e %anger to t&e !ongrels #eases onl" (&en t&is &ig&er strat*!, (&i#& &as !aintaine%
#ertain stan%ar%s o$ &o!ogeneo*s bree%ing, #eases to be tr*e to its pe%igree an% inter!ingles (it& t&e !ongrels+
T&is prin#iple is t&e so*r#e o$ a slo( b*t #onstant regeneration (&ereb" all t&e poison (&i#& &as ina%e% t&e ra#ial bo%" is
gra%*all" eli!inate% so long as t&ere still re!ains a $*n%a!ental sto#, o$ p*re ra#ial ele!ents (&i#& resists $*rt&er
S*#& a pro#ess !a" set in a*to!ati#all" a!ong t&ose people (&ere a strong ra#ial instin#t &as re!aine%+ A!ong s*#&
people (e !a" #o*nt t&ose ele!ents (&i#&, $or so!e parti#*lar #a*se s*#& as #oer#ion, &ae been t&ro(n o*t o$ t&e
nor!al (a" o$ repro%*#tion along stri#t ra#ial lines+ As soon as t&is #o!p*lsion #eases, t&at part o$ t&e ra#e (&i#& &as
re!aine% inta#t (ill ten% to !arr" (it& its o(n ,in% an% t&*s i!pe%e $*rt&er inter!ingling+ T&en t&e !ongrels re#e%e
/*ite nat*rall" into t&e ba#,gro*n% *nless t&eir n*!bers &a% in#rease% so !*#& as to be able to (it&stan% all serio*s
resistan#e $ro! t&ose ele!ents (&i#& &a% presere% t&e p*rit" o$ t&eir ra#e+
3&en !en &ae lost t&eir nat*ral instin#ts an% ignore t&e obligations i!pose% on t&e! b" .at*re, t&en t&ere is no &ope
t&at .at*re (ill #orre#t t&e loss t&at &as been #a*se%, *ntil re#ognition o$ t&e lost instin#ts &as been restore%+ T&en t&e
tas, o$ bringing ba#, (&at &as been lost (ill &ae to be a##o!plis&e%+ 8*t t&ere is serio*s %anger t&at t&ose (&o &ae
be#o!e blin% on#e in t&is respe#t (ill #ontin*e !ore an% !ore to brea, %o(n ra#ial barriers an% $inall" lose t&e last
re!nants o$ (&at is best in t&e!+ 3&at t&en re!ains is not&ing b*t a *ni$or! !is&1!as&, (&i#& see!s to be t&e %rea! o$
o*r $ine Utopians+ 8*t t&at !is&1!as& (o*l% soon banis& all i%eals $ro! t&e (orl%+ Certainl" a great &er% #o*l% t&*s be
$or!e%+ One #an bree% a &er% o$ ani!alsC b*t $ro! a !i5t*re o$ t&is ,in% !en s*#& as &ae #reate% an% $o*n%e%
#iili>ations (o*l% not be pro%*#e%+ T&e !ission o$ &*!anit" !ig&t t&en be #onsi%ere% at an en%+
T&ose (&o %o not (is& t&at t&e eart& s&o*l% $all into s*#& a #on%ition !*st reali>e t&at it is t&e tas, o$ t&e Aer!an State
in parti#*lar to see to it t&at t&e pro#ess o$ bastar%i>ation is bro*g&t to a stop+
O*r #onte!porar" generation o$ (ea,lings (ill nat*rall" %e#r" s*#& a poli#" an% (&ine an% #o!plain abo*t it as an
en#roa#&!ent on t&e !ost sa#re% o$ &*!an rig&ts+ 8*t t&ere is onl" one rig&t t&at is sa#rosan#t an% t&is rig&t is at t&e
sa!e ti!e a !ost sa#re% %*t"+ T&is rig&t an% obligation are4 t&at t&e p*rit" o$ t&e ra#ial bloo% s&o*l% be g*ar%e%, so t&at
t&e best t"pes o$ &*!an beings !a" be presere% an% t&at t&*s (e s&o*l% ren%er possible a !ore noble %eelop!ent o$
&*!anit" itsel$+
A $ol,1State s&o*l% in t&e $irst pla#e raise !atri!on" $ro! t&e leel o$ being a #onstant s#an%al to t&e ra#e+ T&e State
s&o*l% #onse#rate it as an instit*tion (&i#& is #alle% *pon to pro%*#e #reat*res !a%e in t&e li,eness o$ t&e 'or% an% not
#reate !onsters t&at are a !i5t*re o$ !an an% ape+ T&e protest (&i#& is p*t $or(ar% in t&e na!e o$ &*!anit" %oes not $it
t&e !o*t& o$ a generation t&at !a,es it possible $or t&e !ost %eprae% %egenerates to propagate t&e!seles, t&ereb"
i!posing *nspea,able s*$$ering on t&eir o(n pro%*#ts an% t&eir #onte!poraries, (&ile on t&e ot&er &an% #ontra#epties
are per!itte% an% sol% in eer" %r*g store an% een b" street &a(,ers, so t&at babies s&o*l% not be born een a!ong t&e
&ealt&iest o$ o*r people+ In t&is present State o$ o*rs, (&ose $*n#tion it is to be t&e g*ar%ian o$ pea#e an% goo% or%er, o*r
national bo*rgeoisie loo, *pon it as a #ri!e to !a,e pro#reation i!possible $or s"p&iliti#s an% t&ose (&o s*$$er $ro!
t*ber#*losis or ot&er &ere%itar" %iseases, also #ripples an% i!be#iles+ 8*t t&e pra#ti#al preention o$ pro#reation a!ong
!illions o$ o*r er" best people is not #onsi%ere% as an eil, nor %oes it o$$en% against t&e noble !oralit" o$ t&is so#ial
#lass b*t rat&er en#o*rages t&eir s&ort1sig&te%ness an% !ental let&arg"+ For ot&er(ise t&e" (o*l% at least stir t&eir brains
to $in% an ans(er to t&e /*estion o$ &o( to #reate #on%itions $or t&e $ee%ing an% !aintaining o$ t&ose $*t*re beings (&o
(ill be t&e &ealt&" representaties o$ o*r nation an% !*st also proi%e t&e #on%itions on (&i#& t&e generation t&at is to
$ollo( t&e! (ill &ae to s*pport itsel$ an% lie+
Ho( %eoi% o$ i%eals an% &o( ignoble is t&e (&ole #onte!porar" s"ste!N T&e $a#t t&at t&e #&*r#&es 0oin in #o!!itting
t&is sin against t&e i!age o$ Ao%, een t&o*g& t&e" #ontin*e to e!p&asi>e t&e %ignit" o$ t&at i!age, is /*ite in ,eeping
(it& t&eir present a#tiities+ T&e" tal, abo*t t&e Spirit, b*t t&e" allo( !an, as t&e e!bo%i!ent o$ t&e Spirit, to %egenerate
to t&e proletarian leel+ T&en t&e" loo, on (it& a!a>e!ent (&en t&e" reali>e &o( s!all is t&e in$l*en#e o$ t&e C&ristian
Fait& in t&eir o(n #o*ntr" an% &o( %eprae% an% *ngo%l" is t&is ri$$1ra$$ (&i#& is p&"si#all" %egenerate an% t&ere$ore
!orall" %egenerate also+ To balan#e t&is state o$ a$$airs t&e" tr" to #onert t&e Hottentots an% t&e O*l*s an% t&e ;a$$irs an%
to besto( on t&e! t&e blessings o$ t&e C&*r#&+ 3&ile o*r E*ropean people, Ao% be praise% an% t&an,e%, are le$t to
be#o!e t&e i#ti!s o$ !oral %eprait", t&e pio*s !issionar" goes o*t to Central A$ri#a an% establis&es !issionar" stations
$or negroes+ Finall", so*n% an% &ealt&" 1 t&o*g& pri!itie an% ba#,(ar% 1 people (ill be trans$or!e%, *n%er t&e na!e o$
o*r M&ig&er #iili>ation, into a !otle" o$ la>" an% br*tali>e% !ongrels+
It (o*l% better a##or% (it& noble &*!an aspirations i$ o*r t(o C&ristian %eno!inations (o*l% #ease to bot&er t&e negroes
(it& t&eir prea#&ing, (&i#& t&e negroes %o not (ant an% %o not *n%erstan%+ It (o*l% be better i$ t&e" le$t t&is (or, alone,
an% i$, in its stea%, t&e" trie% to tea#& people in E*rope, ,in%l" an% serio*sl", t&at it is !*#& !ore pleasing to Ao% i$ a
#o*ple t&at is not o$ &ealt&" sto#, (ere to s&o( loing ,in%ness to so!e poor orp&an an% be#o!e a $at&er an% !ot&er to
&i!, rat&er t&an gie li$e to a si#,l" #&il% t&at (ill be a #a*se o$ s*$$ering an% *n&appiness to all+
In t&is $iel% t&e Peoples State (ill &ae to repair t&e %a!age t&at arises $ro! t&e $a#t t&at t&e proble! is at present
negle#te% b" all t&e ario*s parties #on#erne%+ It (ill be t&e tas, o$ t&e Peoples State to !a,e t&e ra#e t&e #entre o$ t&e li$e
o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ It !*st !a,e s*re t&at t&e p*rit" o$ t&e ra#ial strain (ill be presere%+ It !*st pro#lai! t&e tr*t& t&at
t&e #&il% is t&e !ost al*able possession a people #an &ae+ It !*st see to it t&at onl" t&ose (&o are &ealt&" s&all beget
#&il%renC t&at t&ere is onl" one in$a!", na!el", $or parents t&at are ill or s&o( &ere%itar" %e$e#ts to bring #&il%ren into t&e
(orl% an% t&at in s*#& #ases it is a &ig& &ono*r to re$rain $ro! %oing so+ 8*t, on t&e ot&er &an%, it !*st be #onsi%ere% as
repre&ensible #on%*#t to re$rain $ro! giing &ealt&" #&il%ren to t&e nation+ In t&is !atter t&e State !*st assert itsel$ as t&e
tr*stee o$ a !illennial $*t*re, in $a#e o$ (&i#& t&e egotisti# %esires o$ t&e in%ii%*al #o*nt $or not&ing an% (ill &ae to gie
(a" be$ore t&e r*ling o$ t&e State+ In or%er to $*l$il t&is %*t" in a pra#ti#al !anner t&e State (ill &ae to aail itsel$ o$
!o%ern !e%i#al %is#oeries+ It !*st pro#lai! as *n$it $or pro#reation all t&ose (&o are in$li#te% (it& so!e isible
&ere%itar" %isease or are t&e #arriers o$ itC an% pra#ti#al !eas*res !*st be a%opte% to &ae s*#& people ren%ere% sterile+ On
t&e ot&er &an%, proision !*st be !a%e $or t&e nor!all" $ertile (o!an so t&at s&e (ill not be restri#te% in #&il%1bearing
t&ro*g& t&e $inan#ial an% e#ono!i# s"ste! operating in a politi#al regi!e t&at loo,s *pon t&e blessing o$ &aing #&il%ren
as a #*rse to t&eir parents+ T&e State (ill &ae to abolis& t&e #o(ar%l" an% een #ri!inal in%i$$eren#e (it& (&i#& t&e
proble! o$ so#ial a!enities $or large $a!ilies is treate%, an% it (ill &ae to be t&e s*pre!e prote#tor o$ t&is greatest
blessing t&at a people #an boast o$+ Its attention an% #are !*st be %ire#te% to(ar%s t&e #&il% rat&er t&an t&e a%*lt+
T&ose (&o are p&"si#all" an% !entall" *n&ealt&" an% *n$it !*st not perpet*ate t&eir o(n s*$$ering in t&e bo%ies o$ t&eir
#&il%ren+ Fro! t&e e%*#ational point o$ ie( t&ere is &ere a &*ge tas, $or t&e Peoples State to a##o!plis&+ 8*t in a $*t*re
era t&is (or, (ill appear greater an% !ore signi$i#ant t&an t&e i#torio*s (ars o$ o*r present bo*rgeois epo#&+ T&ro*g&
e%*#ational !eans t&e State !*st tea#& in%ii%*als t&at illness is not a %isgra#e b*t an *n$ort*nate a##i%ent (&i#& &as to
be pitie%, "et t&at it is a #ri!e an% a %isgra#e to !a,e t&is a$$li#tion all t&e (orse b" passing on %isease an% %e$e#ts to
inno#ent #reat*res o*t o$ !ere egotis!+
An% t&e State !*st also tea#& t&e people t&at it is an e5pression o$ a reall" noble nat*re an% t&at it is a &*!anitarian a#t
(ort&" o$ a%!iration i$ a person (&o inno#entl" s*$$ers $ro! &ere%itar" %isease re$rains $ro! &aing a #&il% o$ &is o(n
b*t gies &is loe an% a$$e#tion to so!e *n,no(n #&il% (&o, t&ro*g& its &ealt&, pro!ises to be#o!e a rob*st !e!ber o$ a
&ealt&" #o!!*nit"+ In a##o!plis&ing s*#& an e%*#ational tas, t&e State integrates its $*n#tion b" t&is a#tiit" in t&e !oral
sp&ere+ It !*st a#t on t&is prin#iple (it&o*t pa"ing an" attention to t&e /*estion o$ (&et&er its #on%*#t (ill be *n%erstoo%
or !is#onstr*e%, bla!e% or praise%+
I$ $or a perio% o$ onl" <77 "ears t&ose in%ii%*als (o*l% be sterili>e% (&o are p&"si#all" %egenerate or !entall" %isease%,
&*!anit" (o*l% not onl" be %eliere% $ro! an i!!ense !is$ort*ne b*t also restore% to a state o$ general &ealt& s*#& as (e
at present #an &ar%l" i!agine+ I$ t&e $e#*n%it" o$ t&e &ealt&" portion o$ t&e nation s&o*l% be !a%e a pra#ti#al !atter in a
#ons#ientio*s an% !et&o%i#al (a", (e s&o*l% &ae at least t&e beginnings o$ a ra#e $ro! (&i#& all t&ose ger!s (o*l% be
eli!inate% (&i#& are to1%a" t&e #a*se o$ o*r !oral an% p&"si#al %e#a%en#e+ I$ a people an% a State ta,e t&is #o*rse to
%eelop t&at n*#le*s o$ t&e nation (&i#& is !ost al*able $ro! t&e ra#ial stan%point an% t&*s in#rease its $e#*n%it", t&e
people as a (&ole (ill s*bse/*entl" en0o" t&at !ost pre#io*s o$ gi$ts (&i#& #onsists in a ra#ial /*alit" $as&ione% on tr*l"
noble lines+
To a#&iee t&is t&e State s&o*l% $irst o$ all not leae t&e #oloni>ation o$ ne(l" a#/*ire% territor" to a &ap&a>ar% poli#" b*t
s&o*l% &ae it #arrie% o*t *n%er t&e g*i%an#e o$ %e$inite prin#iples+ Spe#iall" #o!petent #o!!ittees o*g&t to iss*e
#erti$i#ates to in%ii%*als entitling t&e! to engage in #oloni>ation (or,, an% t&ese #erti$i#ates s&o*l% g*arantee t&e ra#ial
p*rit" o$ t&e in%ii%*als in /*estion+ In t&is (a" $rontier #olonies #o*l% gra%*all" be $o*n%e% (&ose in&abitants (o*l% be
o$ t&e p*rest ra#ial sto#,, an% &en#e (o*l% possess t&e best /*alities o$ t&e ra#e+ S*#& #olonies (o*l% be a al*able asset to
t&e (&ole nation+ T&eir %eelop!ent (o*l% be a so*r#e o$ 0o" an% #on$i%en#e an% pri%e to ea#& #iti>en o$ t&e nation,
be#a*se t&e" (o*l% #ontain t&e p*re ger! (&i#& (o*l% *lti!atel" bring abo*t a great %eelop!ent o$ t&e nation an%
in%ee% o$ !an,in% itsel$+
T&e 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& bases t&e State on t&e ra#ial i%ea !*st $inall" s*##ee% in bringing abo*t a nobler era, in
(&i#& !en (ill no longer pa" e5#l*sie attention to bree%ing an% rearing pe%igree %ogs an% &orses an% #ats, b*t (ill
en%eao*r to i!proe t&e bree% o$ t&e &*!an ra#e itsel$+ T&at (ill be an era o$ silen#e an% ren*n#iation $or one #lass o$
people, (&ile t&e ot&ers (ill gie t&eir gi$ts an% !a,e t&eir sa#ri$i#es 0o"$*ll"+
T&at s*#& a !entalit" !a" be possible #annot be %enie% in a (orl% (&ere &*n%re%s an% t&o*san%s a##ept t&e prin#iple o$
#eliba#" $ro! t&eir o(n #&oi#e, (it&o*t being oblige% or ple%ge% to %o so b" an"t&ing e5#ept an e##lesiasti#al pre#ept+
3&" s&o*l% it not be possible to in%*#e people to !a,e t&is sa#ri$i#e i$, instea% o$ s*#& a pre#ept, t&e" (ere si!pl" tol%
t&at t&e" o*g&t to p*t an en% to t&is tr*l" original sin o$ ra#ial #orr*ption (&i#& is stea%il" being passe% on $ro! one
generation to anot&er+ An%, $*rt&er, t&e" o*g&t to be bro*g&t to reali>e t&at it is t&eir bo*n%en %*t" to gie to t&e Al!ig&t"
Creator beings s*#& as He &i!sel$ !a%e to His o(n i!age+
.at*rall", o*r (ret#&e% ar!" o$ #onte!porar" p&ilistines (ill not *n%erstan% t&ese t&ings+ T&e" (ill ri%i#*le t&e! or
s&r*g t&eir ro*n% s&o*l%ers an% groan o*t t&eir eerlasting e5#*ses4 LO$ #o*rse it is a $ine t&ing, b*t t&e pit" is t&at it
#annot be #arrie% o*t+L An% (e repl"4 L3it& "o* in%ee% it #annot be %one, $or "o*r (orl% is in#apable o$ s*#& an i%ea+ Ko*
,no( onl" one an5iet" an% t&at is $or "o*r o(n personal e5isten#e+ Ko* &ae one Ao%, an% t&at is "o*r !one"+ 3e %o not
t*rn to "o*, &o(eer, $or &elp, b*t to t&e great ar!" o$ t&ose (&o are too poor to #onsi%er t&eir personal e5isten#e as t&e
&ig&est goo% on eart&+ T&e" %o not pla#e t&eir tr*st in !one" b*t in ot&er go%s, into (&ose &an%s t&e" #on$i%e t&eir lies+
Aboe all (e t*rn to t&e ast ar!" o$ o*r Aer!an "o*t&+ T&e" are #o!ing to !at*rit" in a great epo#&, an% t&e" (ill $ig&t
against t&e eils (&i#& (ere %*e to t&e la>iness an% in%i$$eren#e o$ t&eir $at&ers+L Eit&er t&e Aer!an "o*t& (ill one %a"
#reate a ne( State $o*n%e% on t&e ra#ial i%ea or t&e" (ill be t&e last (itnesses o$ t&e #o!plete brea,%o(n an% %eat& o$ t&e
bo*rgeois (orl%+
For i$ a generation s*$$ers $ro! %e$e#ts (&i#& it re#ogni>es an% een a%!its an% is neert&eless /*ite please% (it& itsel$,
as t&e bo*rgeois (orl% is to1%a", resorting to t&e #&eap e5#*se t&at not&ing #an be %one to re!e%" t&e sit*ation, t&en s*#&
a generation is %oo!e% to %isaster+ A !ar,e% #&ara#teristi# o$ o*r bo*rgeois (orl% is t&at t&e" no longer #an %en" t&e eil
#on%itions t&at e5ist+ T&e" &ae to a%!it t&at t&ere is !*#& (&i#& is $o*l an% (rongC b*t t&e" are not able to !a,e *p
t&eir !in%s to $ig&t against t&at eil, (&i#& (o*l% !ean p*tting $ort& t&e energ" to !obili>e t&e $or#es o$ <7 or :7 !illion
people an% t&*s oppose t&is !ena#e+ T&e" %o 0*st t&e opposite+ 3&en s*#& an e$$ort is !a%e else(&ere t&e" onl" in%*lge
in sill" #o!!ent an% tr" $ro! a sa$e %istan#e to s&o( t&at s*#& an enterprise is t&eoreti#all" i!possible an% %oo!e% to
$ail*re+ .o arg*!ents are too st*pi% to be e!plo"e% in t&e seri#e o$ t&eir o(n petti$ogging opinions an% t&eir ,nais&
!oral attit*%e+ I$, $or instan#e, a (&ole #ontinent (ages (ar against al#o&oli# into5i#ation, so as to $ree a (&ole people
$ro! t&is %eastating i#e, o*r bo*rgeois E*ropean %oes not ,no( better t&an to loo, si%e(a"s st*pi%l", s&a,e t&e &ea% in
%o*bt an% ri%i#*le t&e !oe!ent (it& a s*perior sneer 1 a state o$ !in% (&i#& is e$$e#tie in a so#iet" t&at is so ri%i#*lo*s+
8*t (&en all t&ese st*pi%ities !iss t&eir ai! an% in t&at part o$ t&e (orl% t&is s*bli!e an% intangible attit*%e is treate%
e$$e#tiel" an% s*##ess atten%s t&e !oe!ent, t&en s*#& s*##ess is #alle% into /*estion or its i!portan#e !ini!i>e%+ Een
!oral prin#iples are *se% in t&is slan%ero*s #a!paign against a !oe!ent (&i#& ai!s at s*ppressing a great so*r#e o$
.o+ 3e !*st not per!it o*rseles to be %e#eie% b" an" ill*sions on t&is point+ O*r #onte!porar" bo*rgeois (orl% &as
be#o!e *seless $or an" s*#& noble &*!an tas, be#a*se it &as lost all &ig& /*alit" an% is eil, not so !*#& 1 as I t&in, 1
be#a*se eil is (is&e% b*t rat&er be#a*se t&ese people are too in%olent to rise *p against it+ T&at is (&" t&ose politi#al
so#ieties (&i#& #all t&e!seles Mbo*rgeois parties are not&ing b*t asso#iations to pro!ote t&e interests o$ #ertain
pro$essional gro*ps an% #lasses+ T&eir &ig&est ai! is to %e$en% t&eir o(n egoisti# interests as best t&e" #an+ It is obio*s
t&at s*#& a g*il%, #onsisting o$ bo*rgeois politi#ians, !a" be #onsi%ere% $it $or an"t&ing rat&er t&an a str*ggle, espe#iall"
(&en t&e a%ersaries are not #a*tio*s s&op,eepers b*t t&e proletarian !asses, goa%e% on to e5tre!ities an% %eter!ine% not
to &esitate be$ore %ee%s o$ iolen#e+
I$ (e #onsi%er it t&e $irst %*t" o$ t&e State to sere an% pro!ote t&e general (el$are o$ t&e people, b" presering an%
en#o*raging t&e %eelop!ent o$ t&e best ra#ial ele!ents, t&e logi#al #onse/*en#e is t&at t&is tas, #annot be li!ite% to
!eas*res #on#erning t&e birt& o$ t&e in$ant !e!bers o$ t&e ra#e an% nation b*t t&at t&e State (ill also &ae to a%opt
e%*#ational !eans $or !a,ing ea#& #iti>en a (ort&" $a#tor in t&e $*rt&er propagation o$ t&e ra#ial sto#,+
-*st as, in general, t&e ra#ial /*alit" is t&e preli!inar" #on%ition $or t&e !ental e$$i#ien#" o$ an" gien &*!an !aterial,
t&e training o$ t&e in%ii%*al (ill $irst o$ all &ae to be %ire#te% to(ar%s t&e %eelop!ent o$ so*n% bo%il" &ealt&+ For t&e
general r*le is t&at a strong an% &ealt&" !in% is $o*n% onl" in a strong an% &ealt&" bo%"+ T&e $a#t t&at !en o$ geni*s are
so!eti!es not rob*st in &ealt& an% stat*re, or een o$ a si#,l" #onstit*tion, is no proo$ against t&e prin#iple I &ae
en*n#iate%+ T&ese #ases are onl" e5#eptions (&i#&, as eer"(&ere else, proe t&e r*le+ 8*t (&en t&e b*l, o$ a nation is
#o!pose% o$ p&"si#al %egenerates it is rare $or a great spirit to arise $ro! s*#& a !iserable !otle"+ An% in an" #ase &is
a#tiities (o*l% neer !eet (it& great s*##ess+ A %egenerate !ob (ill eit&er be in#apable o$ *n%erstan%ing &i! at all or
t&eir (ill1po(er is so $eeble t&at t&e" #annot $ollo( t&e soaring o$ s*#& an eagle+
T&e State t&at is gro*n%e% on t&e ra#ial prin#iple an% is alie to t&e signi$i#an#e o$ t&is tr*t& (ill $irst o$ all &ae to base
its e%*#ational (or, not on t&e !ere i!parting o$ ,no(le%ge b*t rat&er on p&"si#al training an% %eelop!ent o$ &ealt&"
bo%ies+ T&e #*ltiation o$ t&e intelle#t*al $a#ilities #o!es onl" in t&e se#on% pla#e+ An% &ere again it is #&ara#ter (&i#&
&as to be %eelope% $irst o$ all, strengt& o$ (ill an% %e#ision+ An% t&e e%*#ational s"ste! o*g&t to $oster t&e spirit o$
rea%iness to a##ept responsibilities gla%l"+ For!al instr*#tion in t&e s#ien#es !*st be #onsi%ere% last in i!portan#e+
A##or%ingl" t&e State (&i#& is gro*n%e% on t&e ra#ial i%ea !*st start (it& t&e prin#iple t&at a person (&ose $or!al
e%*#ation in t&e s#ien#es is relatiel" s!all b*t (&o is p&"si#all" so*n% an% rob*st, o$ a stea%$ast an% &onest #&ara#ter,
rea%" an% able to !a,e %e#isions an% en%o(e% (it& strengt& o$ (ill, is a !ore *se$*l !e!ber o$ t&e national #o!!*nit"
t&an a (ea,ling (&o is s#&olarl" an% re$ine%+ A nation #o!pose% o$ learne% !en (&o are p&"si#al (ea,lings, &esitant
abo*t %e#isions o$ t&e (ill, an% ti!i% pa#i$ists, is not #apable o$ ass*ring een its o(n e5isten#e on t&is eart&+ In t&e bitter
str*ggle (&i#& %e#i%es t&e %estin" o$ !an it is er" rare t&at an in%ii%*al &as s*##*!be% be#a*se &e la#,e% learning+
T&ose (&o $ail are t&e" (&o tr" to ignore t&ese #onse/*en#es an% are too $aint1&earte% abo*t p*tting t&e! into e$$e#t+
T&ere !*st be a #ertain balan#e bet(een !in% an% bo%"+ An ill1,ept bo%" is not !a%e a !ore bea*ti$*l sig&t b" t&e
in%(elling o$ a ra%iant spirit+ 3e s&o*l% not be a#ting 0*stl" i$ (e (ere to besto( t&e &ig&est intelle#t*al training on t&ose
(&o are p&"si#all" %e$or!e% an% #ripple%, (&o la#, %e#ision an% are (ea,1(ille% an% #o(ar%l"+ 3&at &as !a%e t&e
Aree, i%eal o$ bea*t" i!!ortal is t&e (on%er$*l *nion o$ a splen%i% p&"si#al bea*t" (it& nobilit" o$ !in% an% spirit+
)olt,es sa"ing, t&at in t&e long r*n $ort*ne $ao*rs onl" t&e e$$i#ient, is #ertainl" ali% $or t&e relations&ip bet(een bo%"
an% spirit+ A !in% (&i#& is so*n% (ill generall" !aintain its %(elling in a bo%" t&at is so*n%+
A##or%ingl", in t&e Peoples State p&"si#al training is not a !atter $or t&e in%ii%*al alone+ .or is it a %*t" (&i#& $irst
%eoles on t&e parents an% onl" se#on%l" or t&ir%l" a p*bli# interestC b*t it is ne#essar" $or t&e preseration o$ t&e people,
(&o are represente% an% prote#te% b" t&e State+ As regar%s p*rel" $or!al e%*#ation t&e State een no( inter$eres (it& t&e
in%ii%*als rig&t o$ sel$1%eter!ination an% insists *pon t&e rig&t o$ t&e #o!!*nit" b" s*b!itting t&e #&il% to an
obligator" s"ste! o$ training, (it&o*t pa"ing attention to t&e approal or %isapproal o$ t&e parents+ In a si!ilar (a" an%
to a &ig&er %egree t&e ne( Peoples State (ill one %a" !a,e its a*t&orit" preail oer t&e ignoran#e an% in#o!pre&ension
o$ in%ii%*als in proble!s appertaining to t&e sa$et" o$ t&e nation+ It !*st organi>e its e%*#ational (or, in s*#& a (a" t&at
t&e bo%ies o$ t&e "o*ng (ill be s"ste!ati#all" traine% $ro! in$an#" on(ar%s, so as to be te!pere% an% &ar%ene% $or t&e
%e!an%s to be !a%e on t&e! in later "ears+ Aboe all, t&e State !*st see to it t&at a generation o$ sta"1at1&o!es is not
T&e (or, o$ e%*#ation an% &"giene &as to begin (it& t&e "o*ng !ot&er+ T&e painsta,ing e$$orts #arrie% on $or seeral
%e#a%es &ae s*##ee%e% in abolis&ing septi# in$e#tion at #&il%birt& an% re%*#ing p*erperal $eer to a relatiel" s!all
n*!ber o$ #ases+ An% so it o*g&t to be possible b" !eans o$ instr*#ting sisters an% !ot&ers in an opport*ne (a", to
instit*te a s"ste! o$ training t&e #&il% $ro! earl" in$an#" on(ar%s so t&at t&is !a" sere as an e5#ellent basis $or $*t*re
T&e Peoples State o*g&t to allo( !*#& !ore ti!e $or p&"si#al training in t&e s#&ool+ It is nonsense to b*r%en "o*ng
brains (it& a loa% o$ !aterial o$ (&i#&, as e5perien#e s&o(s, t&e" retain onl" a s!all part, an% !ostl" not t&e essentials,
b*t onl" t&e se#on%ar" an% *seless portionC be#a*se t&e "o*ng !in% is in#apable o$ si$ting t&e rig&t ,in% o$ learning o*t o$
all t&e st*$$ t&at is p*!pe% into it+ To1%a", een in t&e #*rri#*l*! o$ t&e &ig& s#&ools, onl" t(o s&ort &o*rs in t&e (ee, are
resere% $or g"!nasti#sC an% (orse still, it is le$t to t&e p*pils to %e#i%e (&et&er or not t&e" (ant to ta,e part+ T&is s&o(s
a grae %isproportion bet(een t&is bran#& o$ e%*#ation an% p*rel" intelle#t*al instr*#tion+ .ot a single %a" s&o*l% be
allo(e% to pass in (&i#& t&e "o*ng p*pil %oes not &ae one &o*r o$ p&"si#al training in t&e !orning an% one in t&e
eeningC an% eer" ,in% o$ sport an% g"!nasti#s s&o*l% be in#l*%e%+ T&ere is one ,in% o$ sport (&i#& s&o*l% be spe#iall"
en#o*rage%, alt&o*g& !an" people (&o #all t&e!seles Jl,is#& #onsi%er it br*tal an% *lgar, an% t&at is bo5ing+ It is
in#re%ible &o( !an" $alse notions preail a!ong t&e M#*ltiate% #lasses+ T&e $a#t t&at t&e "o*ng !an learns &o( to $en#e
an% t&en spen%s &is ti!e in %*els is #onsi%ere% /*ite nat*ral an% respe#table+ 8*t bo5ing 1 t&at is br*tal+ 3&"@ T&ere is no
ot&er sport (&i#& e/*als t&is in %eeloping t&e !ilitant spirit, none t&at %e!an%s s*#& a po(er o$ rapi% %e#ision or (&i#&
gies t&e bo%" t&e $le5ibilit" o$ goo% steel+ It is no !ore *lgar (&en t(o "o*ng people settle t&eir %i$$eren#es (it& t&eir
$ists t&an (it& s&arp1pointe% pie#es o$ steel+ One (&o is atta#,e% an% %e$en%s &i!sel$ (it& &is $ists s*rel" %oes not a#t less
!anl" t&an one (&o r*ns o$$ an% "ells $or t&e assistan#e o$ a poli#e!an+ 8*t, aboe all, a &ealt&" "o*t& &as to learn to
en%*re &ar% ,no#,s+ T&is prin#iple !a" appear saage to o*r #onte!porar" #&a!pions (&o $ig&t onl" (it& t&e (eapons o$
t&e intelle#t+ 8*t it is not t&e p*rpose o$ t&e Peoples State to e%*#ate a #olon" o$ Tst&eti# pa#i$ists an% p&"si#al
%egenerates+ T&is State %oes not #onsi%er t&at t&e &*!an i%eal is to be $o*n% in t&e &ono*rable p&ilistine or t&e !ai%enl"
spinster, b*t in a %are$*l personi$i#ation o$ !anl" $or#e an% in (o!en #apable o$ bringing !en into t&e (orl%+
Aenerall" spea,ing, t&e $*n#tion o$ sport is not onl" to !a,e t&e in%ii%*al strong, alert an% %aring, b*t also to &ar%en t&e
bo%" an% train it to en%*re an a%erse eniron!ent+
I$ o*r s*perior #lass &a% not re#eie% s*#& a %isting*is&e% e%*#ation, an% i$, on t&e #ontrar", t&e" &a% learne% bo5ing, it
(o*l% neer &ae been possible $or b*llies an% %eserters an% ot&er s*#& #anaille to #arr" t&ro*g& a Aer!an reol*tion+ For
t&e s*##ess o$ t&is reol*tion (as not %*e to t&e #o*rageo*s, energeti# an% a*%a#io*s a#tiities o$ its a*t&ors b*t to t&e
la!entable #o(ar%i#e an% irresol*tion o$ t&ose (&o r*le% t&e Aer!an State at t&at ti!e an% (ere responsible $or it+ 8*t
o*r e%*#ate% lea%ers &a% re#eie% onl" an Mintelle#t*al training an% t&*s $o*n% t&e!seles %e$en#eless (&en t&eir
a%ersaries *se% iron bars instea% o$ intelle#t*al (eapons+ All t&is #o*l% &appen onl" be#a*se o*r s*perior s#&olasti#
s"ste! %i% not train !en to be real !en b*t !erel" to be #iil serants, engineers, te#&ni#ians, #&e!ists, litterate*rs,
0*rists an%, $inall", pro$essorsC so t&at intelle#t*alis! s&o*l% not %ie o*t+
O*r lea%ers&ip in t&e p*rel" intelle#t*al sp&ere &as al(a"s been brilliant, b*t as regar%s (ill1po(er in pra#ti#al a$$airs o*r
lea%ers&ip &as been beneat& #riti#is!+
O$ #o*rse e%*#ation #annot !a,e a #o*rageo*s !an o*t o$ one (&o is te!pera!entall" a #o(ar%+ 8*t a !an (&o nat*rall"
possesses a #ertain %egree o$ #o*rage (ill not be able to %eelop t&at /*alit" i$ &is %e$e#tie e%*#ation &as !a%e &i!
in$erior to ot&ers $ro! t&e er" start as regar%s p&"si#al strengt& an% pro(ess+ T&e ar!" o$$ers t&e best e5a!ple o$ t&e $a#t
t&at t&e ,no(le%ge o$ ones p&"si#al abilit" %eelops a !ans #o*rage an% !ilitant spirit+ O*tstan%ing &eroes are not t&e
r*le in t&e ar!", b*t t&e aerage represents !en o$ &ig& #o*rage+ T&e e5#ellent s#&ooling (&i#& t&e Aer!an sol%iers
re#eie% be$ore t&e 3ar i!b*e% t&e !e!bers o$ t&e (&ole giganti# organis! (it& a %egree o$ #on$i%en#e in t&eir o(n
s*periorit" s*#& as een o*r opponents neer t&o*g&t possible+ All t&e i!!ortal e5a!ples o$ %a*ntless #o*rage an% %aring
(&i#& t&e Aer!an ar!ies gae %*ring t&e late s*!!er an% a*t*!n o$ 1914, as t&e" a%an#e% $ro! tri*!p& to tri*!p&,
(ere t&e res*lt o$ t&at e%*#ation (&i#& &a% been p*rs*e% s"ste!ati#all"+ =*ring t&ose long "ears o$ pea#e be$ore t&e last
3ar !en (&o (ere al!ost p&"si#al (ea,lings (ere !a%e #apable o$ in#re%ible %ee%s, an% t&*s a sel$1#on$i%en#e (as
%eelope% (&i#& %i% not $ail een in t&e !ost terrible battles+
It is o*r Aer!an people, (&i#& bro,e %o(n an% (ere %eliere% oer to be ,i#,e% b" t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%, t&at &a% nee% o$
t&e po(er t&at #o!es b" s*ggestion $ro! sel$1#on$i%en#e+ 8*t t&is #on$i%en#e in ones sel$ !*st be instille% into o*r
#&il%ren $ro! t&eir er" earl" "ears+ T&e (&ole s"ste! o$ e%*#ation an% training !*st be %ire#te% to(ar%s $ostering in t&e
#&il% t&e #oni#tion t&at &e is *n/*estionabl" a !at#& $or an"1 an% eer"bo%"+ T&e in%ii%*al &as to regain &is o(n
p&"si#al strengt& an% pro(ess in or%er to beliee in t&e inin#ibilit" o$ t&e nation to (&i#& &e belongs+ 3&at &as $or!erl"
le% t&e Aer!an ar!ies to i#tor" (as t&e s*! total o$ t&e #on$i%en#e (&i#& ea#& in%ii%*al &a% in &i!sel$, an% (&i#& all
o$ t&e! &a% in t&ose (&o &el% t&e positions o$ #o!!an%+ 3&at (ill restore t&e national strengt& o$ t&e Aer!an people is
t&e #oni#tion t&at t&e" (ill be able to re#on/*er t&eir libert"+ 8*t t&is #oni#tion #an onl" be t&e $inal pro%*#t o$ an e/*al
$eeling in t&e !illions o$ in%ii%*als+ An% &ere again (e !*st &ae no ill*sions+
T&e #ollapse o$ o*r people (as oer(&el!ing, an% t&e e$$orts to p*t an en% to so !*#& !iser" !*st also be oer(&el!ing+
It (o*l% be a bitter an% grae error to beliee t&at o*r people #o*l% be !a%e strong again si!pl" b" !eans o$ o*r present
bo*rgeois training in goo% or%er an% obe%ien#e+ T&at (ill not s*$$i#e i$ (e are to brea, *p t&e present or%er o$ t&ings,
(&i#& no( san#tions t&e a#,no(le%g!ent o$ o*r %e$eat an% #ast t&e bro,en #&ains o$ o*r slaer" in t&e $a#e o$ o*r
opponents+ Onl" b" a s*perab*n%an#e o$ national energ" an% a passionate t&irst $or libert" #an (e re#oer (&at &as been
Also t&e !anner o$ #lot&ing t&e "o*ng s&o*l% be s*#& as &ar!oni>es (it& t&is p*rpose+ It is reall" la!entable to see &o(
o*r "o*ng people &ae $allen i#ti!s to a $as&ion !ania (&i#& pererts t&e !eaning o$ t&e ol% a%age t&at #lot&es !a,e t&e
Espe#iall" in regar% to "o*ng people #lot&es s&o*l% ta,e t&eir pla#e in t&e seri#e o$ e%*#ation+ T&e bo" (&o (al,s abo*t
in s*!!er1ti!e (earing long bagg" tro*sers an% #la% *p to t&e ne#, is &a!pere% een b" &is #lot&es in $eeling an"
in#lination to(ar%s stren*o*s p&"si#al e5er#ise+ A!bition an%, to spea, /*ite $ran,l", een anit" !*st be appeale% to+ I
%o not !ean s*#& anit" as lea%s people to (ant to (ear $ine #lot&es, (&i#& not eer"bo%" #an a$$or%, b*t rat&er t&e anit"
(&i#& in#lines a person to(ar%s %eeloping a $ine bo%il" p&"si/*e+ An% t&is is so!et&ing (&i#& eer"bo%" #an &elp to %o+
T&is (ill #o!e in *se$*l also $or later "ears+ T&e "o*ng girl !*st be#o!e a#/*ainte% (it& &er s(eet&eart+ I$ t&e bea*t" o$
t&e bo%" (ere not #o!pletel" $or#e% into t&e ba#,gro*n% to1%a" t&ro*g& o*r st*pi% !anner o$ %ressing, it (o*l% not be
possible $or t&o*san%s o$ o*r girls to be le% astra" b" -e(is& !ongrels, (it& t&eir rep*lsie #roo,e% (a%%le+ It is also in
t&e interests o$ t&e nation t&at t&ose (&o &ae a bea*ti$*l p&"si/*e s&o*l% be bro*g&t into t&e $oregro*n%, so t&at t&e"
!ig&t en#o*rage t&e %eelop!ent o$ a bea*ti$*l bo%il" $or! a!ong t&e people in general+
)ilitar" training is e5#l*%e% a!ong *s to1%a", an% t&ere(it& t&e onl" instit*tion (&i#& in pea#e1ti!es at least partl" !a%e
*p $or t&e la#, o$ p&"si#al training in o*r e%*#ation+ T&ere$ore (&at I &ae s*ggeste% is all t&e !ore ne#essar" in o*r ti!e+
T&e s*##ess o$ o*r ol% !ilitar" training not onl" s&o(e% itsel$ in t&e e%*#ation o$ t&e in%ii%*al b*t also in t&e in$l*en#e
(&i#& it e5er#ise% oer t&e !*t*al relations&ip bet(een t&e se5es+ T&e "o*ng girl pre$erre% t&e sol%ier to one (&o (as not
a sol%ier+ T&e Peoples State !*st not #on$ine its #ontrol o$ p&"si#al training to t&e o$$i#ial s#&ool perio%, b*t it !*st
%e!an% t&at, a$ter leaing s#&ool an% (&ile t&e a%oles#ent bo%" is still %eeloping, t&e bo" #ontin*es t&is training+ For on
s*#& proper p&"si#al %eelop!ent s*##ess in a$ter1li$e largel" %epen%s+ It is st*pi% to t&in, t&at t&e rig&t o$ t&e State to
s*perise t&e e%*#ation o$ its "o*ng #iti>ens s*%%enl" #o!es to an en% t&e !o!ent t&e" leae s#&ool an% re#o!!en#es
onl" (it& !ilitar" seri#e+ T&is rig&t is a %*t", an% as s*#& it !*st #ontin*e *ninterr*pte%l"+ T&e present State, (&i#& %oes
not interest itsel$ in %eeloping &ealt&" !en, &as #ri!inall" negle#te% t&is %*t"+ It leaes o*r #onte!porar" "o*t& to be
#orr*pte% on t&e streets an% in t&e brot&els, instea% o$ ,eeping &ol% o$ t&e reins an% #ontin*ing t&e p&"si#al training o$
t&ese "o*t&s *p to t&e ti!e (&en t&e" are gro(n into &ealt&" "o*ng !en an% (o!en+
For t&e present it is a !atter o$ in%i$$eren#e (&at $or! t&e State #&ooses $or #arr"ing on t&is training+ T&e essential !atter
is t&at it s&o*l% be %eelope% an% t&at t&e !ost s*itable (a"s o$ %oing so s&o*l% be inestigate%+ T&e Peoples State (ill
&ae to #onsi%er t&e p&"si#al training o$ t&e "o*t& a$ter t&e s#&ool perio% 0*st as !*#& a p*bli# %*t" as t&eir intelle#t*al
trainingC an% t&is training (ill &ae to be #arrie% o*t t&ro*g& p*bli# instit*tions+ Its general lines #an be a preparation $or
s*bse/*ent seri#e in t&e ar!"+ An% t&en it (ill no longer be t&e tas, o$ t&e ar!" to tea#& t&e "o*ng re#r*it t&e !ost
ele!entar" %rill reg*lations+ In $a#t t&e ar!" (ill no longer &ae to %eal (it& re#r*its in t&e present sense o$ t&e (or%, b*t
it (ill rat&er &ae to trans$or! into a sol%ier t&e "o*t& (&ose bo%il" pro(ess &as been alrea%" $*ll" traine%+
In t&e Peoples State t&e ar!" (ill no longer be oblige% to tea#& bo"s &o( to (al, an% stan% ere#t, b*t it (ill be t&e $inal
an% s*pre!e s#&ool o$ patrioti# e%*#ation+ In t&e ar!" t&e "o*ng re#r*it (ill learn t&e art o$ bearing ar!s, b*t at t&e sa!e
ti!e &e (ill be e/*ippe% $or &is ot&er %*ties in later li$e+ An% t&e s*pre!e ai! o$ !ilitar" e%*#ation !*st al(a"s be to
a#&iee t&at (&i#& (as attrib*te% to t&e ol% ar!" as its &ig&est !erit4 na!el", t&at t&ro*g& &is !ilitar" s#&ooling t&e bo"
!*st be trans$or!e% into a !an, t&at &e !*st not onl" learn to obe" b*t also a#/*ire t&e $*n%a!entals t&at (ill enable &i!
one %a" to #o!!an%+ He !*st learn to re!ain silent not onl" (&en &e is rig&tl" reb*,e% b*t also (&en &e is (rongl"
F*rt&er!ore, on t&e sel$1#ons#io*sness o$ &is o(n strengt& an% on t&e basis o$ t&at esprit %e #orps (&i#& inspires &i! an%
&is #o!ra%es, &e !*st be#o!e #onin#e% t&at &e belongs to a people (&o are inin#ible+
A$ter &e &as #o!plete% &is !ilitar" training t(o #erti$i#ates s&all be &an%e% to t&e sol%ier+ T&e one (ill be &is %iplo!a as
a #iti>en o$ t&e State, a 0*ri%i#al %o#*!ent (&i#& (ill enable &i! to ta,e part in p*bli# a$$airs+ T&e se#on% (ill be an
attestation o$ &is p&"si#al &ealt&, (&i#& g*arantees &is $itness $or !arriage+
T&e Peoples State (ill &ae to %ire#t t&e e%*#ation o$ girls 0*st as t&at o$ bo"s an% a##or%ing to t&e sa!e $*n%a!ental
prin#iples+ Here again spe#ial i!portan#e !*st be gien to p&"si#al training, an% onl" a$ter t&at !*st t&e i!portan#e o$
spirit*al an% !ental training be ta,en into a##o*nt+ In t&e e%*#ation o$ t&e girl t&e $inal goal al(a"s to be ,ept in !in% is
t&at s&e is one %a" to be a !ot&er+
It is onl" in t&e se#on% pla#e t&at t&e Peoples State !*st b*s" itsel$ (it& t&e training o$ #&ara#ter, *sing all t&e !eans
a%apte% to t&at p*rpose+
O$ #o*rse t&e essential traits o$ t&e in%ii%*al #&ara#ter are alrea%" t&ere $*n%a!entall" be$ore an" e%*#ation ta,es pla#e+
A person (&o is $*n%a!entall" egoisti# (ill al(a"s re!ain $*n%a!entall" egoisti#, an% t&e i%ealist (ill al(a"s re!ain
$*n%a!entall" an i%ealist+ 8esi%es t&ose, &o(eer, (&o alrea%" possess a %e$inite sta!p o$ #&ara#ter t&ere are !illions o$
people (it& #&ara#ters t&at are in%e$inite an% ag*e+ T&e born %elin/*ent (ill al(a"s re!ain a %elin/*ent, b*t n*!ero*s
people (&o s&o( onl" a #ertain ten%en#" to #o!!it #ri!inal a#ts !a" be#o!e *se$*l !e!bers o$ t&e #o!!*nit" i$ rig&tl"
traine%C (&ereas, on t&e ot&er &an%, (ea, an% *nstable #&ara#ters !a" easil" be#o!e eil ele!ents i$ t&e s"ste! o$
e%*#ation &as been ba%+
=*ring t&e 3ar it (as o$ten la!ente% t&at o*r people #o*l% be so little reti#ent+ T&is $ailing !a%e it er" %i$$i#*lt to ,eep
een &ig&l" i!portant se#rets $ro! t&e ,no(le%ge o$ t&e ene!"+ 8*t let *s as, t&is /*estion4 3&at %i% t&e Aer!an
e%*#ational s"ste! %o in pre13ar ti!es to tea#& t&e Aer!ans to be %is#reet@ =i% it not er" o$ten &appen in s#&ool%a"s
t&at t&e little tell1tale (as pre$erre% to &is #o!panions (&o ,ept t&eir !o*t&s s&*t@ Is it not tr*e t&at t&en, as (ell as no(,
#o!plaining abo*t ot&ers (as #onsi%ere% praise(ort&" M#an%o*r, (&ile silent %is#retion (as ta,en as obstina#"@ Has an"
atte!pt eer been !a%e to tea#& t&at %is#retion is a pre#io*s an% !anl" irt*e@ .o, $or s*#& !atters are tri$les in t&e e"es
o$ o*r e%*#ators+ 8*t t&ese tri$les #ost o*r State inn*!erable !illions in legal e5pensesC $or 97 per #ent o$ all t&e pro#esses
$or %e$a!ation an% s*#& li,e #&arges arise onl" $ro! a la#, o$ %is#retion+ Re!ar,s t&at are !a%e (it&o*t an" sense o$
responsibilit" are t&o*g&tlessl" repeate% $ro! !o*t& to !o*t&C an% o*r e#ono!i# (el$are is #ontin*all" %a!age% be#a*se
i!portant !et&o%s o$ pro%*#tion are t&*s %is#lose%+ Se#ret preparations $or o*r national %e$en#e are ren%ere% ill*sor"
be#a*se o*r people &ae neer learne% t&e %*t" o$ silen#e+ T&e" repeat eer"t&ing t&e" &appen to &ear+ In ti!es o$ (ar
s*#& tal,atie &abits !a" een #a*se t&e loss o$ battles an% t&ere$ore !a" #ontrib*te essentiall" to t&e *ns*##ess$*l
o*t#o!e o$ a #a!paign+ Here, as in ot&er !atters, (e !a" rest ass*re% t&at a%*lts #annot %o (&at t&e" &ae not learnt to
%o in "o*t&+ A tea#&er !*st not tr" to %is#oer t&e (il% tri#,s o$ t&e bo"s b" en#o*raging t&e eil pra#ti#e o$ tale1bearing+
Ko*ng people $or! a sort o$ State a!ong t&e!seles an% $a#e a%*lts (it& a #ertain soli%arit"+ T&at is /*ite nat*ral+ T&e
ties (&i#& *nite t&e ten1"ear bo"s to one anot&er are stronger an% !ore nat*ral t&an t&eir relations&ip to a%*lts+ A bo"
(&o tells on &is #o!ra%es #o!!its an a#t o$ treason an% s&o(s a bent o$ #&ara#ter (&i#& is, to spea, bl*ntl", si!ilar to
t&at o$ a !an (&o #o!!its &ig& treason+ S*#& a bo" !*st not be #lasse% as Mgoo%, Mreliable, an% so on, b*t rat&er as one
(it& *n%esirable traits o$ #&ara#ter+ It !a" be rat&er #onenient $or t&e tea#&er to !a,e *se o$ s*#& *n(ort&" ten%en#ies in
or%er to &elp &is o(n (or,, b*t b" s*#& an attit*%e t&e ger! o$ a !oral &abit is so(n in "o*ng &earts an% !a" one %a"
s&o( $atal #onse/*en#es+ It &as &appene% !ore o$ten t&an on#e t&at a "o*ng in$or!er %eelope% into a big s#o*n%rel+
T&is is onl" one e5a!ple a!ong !an"+ T&e %eliberate training o$ $ine an% noble traits o$ #&ara#ter in o*r s#&ools to1%a" is
al!ost negatie+ In t&e $*t*re !*#& !ore e!p&asis (ill &ae to be lai% on t&is si%e o$ o*r e%*#ational (or,+ 'o"alt", sel$1
sa#ri$i#e an% %is#retion are irt*es (&i#& a great nation !*st possess+ An% t&e tea#&ing an% %eelop!ent o$ t&ese in t&e
s#&ool is a !ore i!portant !atter t&an !an" ot&ers t&ings no( in#l*%e% in t&e #*rri#*l*!+ To !a,e t&e #&il%ren gie *p
&abits o$ #o!plaining an% (&ining an% &o(ling (&en t&e" are &*rt, et#+, also belongs to t&is part o$ t&eir training+ I$ t&e
e%*#ational s"ste! $ails to tea#& t&e #&il% at an earl" age to en%*re pain an% in0*r" (it&o*t #o!plaining (e #annot be
s*rprise% i$ at a later age, (&en t&e bo" &as gro(n to be t&e !an an% is, $or e5a!ple, in t&e tren#&es, t&e postal seri#e is
*se% $or not&ing else t&an to sen% &o!e letters o$ (eeping an% #o!plaint+ I$ o*r "o*t&s, %*ring t&eir "ears in t&e pri!ar"
s#&ools, &a% &a% t&eir !in%s #ra!!e% (it& a little less ,no(le%ge, an% i$ instea% t&e" &a% been better ta*g&t &o( to be
!asters o$ t&e!seles, it (o*l% &ae sere% *s (ell %*ring t&e "ears 191411919+
In its e%*#ational s"ste! t&e Peoples State (ill &ae to atta#& t&e &ig&est i!portan#e to t&e %eelop!ent o$ #&ara#ter,
&an%1in1&an% (it& p&"si#al training+ )an" !ore %e$e#ts (&i#& o*r national organis! s&o(s at present #o*l% be at least
a!eliorate%, i$ not #o!pletel" eli!inate%, b" e%*#ation o$ t&e rig&t ,in%+
E5tre!e i!portan#e s&o*l% be atta#&e% to t&e training o$ (ill1po(er an% t&e &abit o$ !a,ing $ir! %e#isions, also t&e &abit
o$ being al(a"s rea%" to a##ept responsibilities+
In t&e training o$ o*r ol% ar!" t&e prin#iple (as in og*e t&at an" or%er is al(a"s better t&an no or%er+ Applie% to o*r
"o*t& t&is prin#iple o*g&t to ta,e t&e $or! t&at an" ans(er is better t&an no ans(er+ T&e $ear o$ repl"ing, be#a*se one
$ears to be (rong, o*g&t to be #onsi%ere% !ore &*!iliating t&an giing t&e (rong repl"+ On t&is si!ple an% pri!itie
basis o*r "o*t& s&o*l% be traine% to &ae t&e #o*rage to a#t+
It &as been o$ten la!ente% t&at in .oe!ber an% =e#e!ber 1919 all t&e a*t&orities lost t&eir &ea%s an% t&at, $ro! t&e
!onar#& %o(n to t&e last %iisional #o!!an%er, nobo%" &a% s*$$i#ient !ettle to !a,e a %e#ision on &is o(n
responsibilit"+ T&at terrible $a#t #onstit*tes a grae reb*,e to o*r e%*#ational s"ste!C be#a*se (&at (as t&en reeale% on a
#olossal s#ale at t&at !o!ent o$ #atastrop&e (as onl" (&at &appens on a s!aller s#ale eer"(&ere a!ong *s+ It is t&e la#,
o$ (ill1po(er, an% not t&e la#, o$ ar!s, (&i#& ren%ers *s in#apable o$ o$$ering an" serio*s resistan#e to1%a"+ T&is %e$e#t is
$o*n% eer"(&ere a!ong o*r people an% preents %e#isie a#tion (&ereer ris,s &ae to be ta,en, as i$ an" great a#tion
#an be ta,en (it&o*t also ta,ing t&e ris,+ P*ite *ns*spe#tingl", a Aer!an Aeneral $o*n% a $or!*la $or t&is la!entable
la#, o$ t&e (ill1to1a#t (&en &e sai%4 LI a#t onl" (&en I #an #o*nt on a 61 per #ent probabilit" o$ s*##ess+L In t&at M61 per
#ent probabilit" (e $in% t&e er" root o$ t&e Aer!an #ollapse+ T&e !an (&o %e!an%s $ro! Fate a g*arantee o$ &is s*##ess
%eliberatel" %enies t&e signi$i#an#e o$ an &eroi# a#t+ For t&is signi$i#an#e #onsists in t&e er" $a#t t&at, in t&e %e$inite
,no(le%ge t&at t&e sit*ation in /*estion is $ra*g&t (it& !ortal %anger, an a#tion is *n%erta,en (&i#& !a" lea% to s*##ess+
A patient s*$$ering $ro! #an#er an% (&o ,no(s t&at &is %eat& is #ertain i$ &e %oes not *n%ergo an operation, nee%s no 61
per #ent probabilit" o$ a #*re be$ore $a#ing t&e operation+ An% i$ t&e operation pro!ises onl" &al$ o$ one per #ent
probabilit" o$ s*##ess a !an o$ #o*rage (ill ris, it an% (o*l% not (&ine i$ it t*rne% o*t *ns*##ess$*l+
All in all, t&e #o(ar%l" la#, o$ (ill1po(er an% t&e in#apa#it" $or !a,ing %e#isions are #&ie$l" res*lts o$ t&e erroneo*s
e%*#ation gien *s in o*r "o*t&+ T&e %isastro*s e$$e#ts o$ t&is are no( (i%esprea% a!ong *s+ T&e #ro(ning e5a!ples o$
t&at tragi# #&ain o$ #onse/*en#es are s&o(n in t&e la#, o$ #iil #o*rage (&i#& o*r lea%ing states!en %ispla"+
T&e #o(ar%i#e (&i#& lea%s no(a%a"s to t&e s&ir,ing o$ eer" ,in% o$ responsibilit" springs $ro! t&e sa!e roots+ Here
again it is t&e $a*lt o$ t&e e%*#ation gien o*r "o*ng people+ T&is %ra(ba#, per!eates all se#tions o$ p*bli# li$e an% $in%s
its i!!ortal #ons*!!ation in t&e instit*tions o$ goern!ent t&at $*n#tion *n%er t&e parlia!entar" regi!e+
Alrea%" in t&e s#&ool, *n$ort*natel", !ore al*e is pla#e% on M#on$ession an% $*ll repentan#e an% M#ontrite
reno*n#e!ent, on t&e part o$ little sinners, t&an on a si!ple an% $ran, ao(al+ 8*t t&is latter see!s to1%a", in t&e e"es o$
!an" an e%*#ator, to sao*r o$ a spirit o$ *tter in#orrigibilit" an% %epraation+ An%, t&o*g& it !a" see! in#re%ible, !an"
a bo" is tol% t&at t&e gallo(s tree is (aiting $or &i! be#a*se &e &as s&o(n #ertain traits (&i#& !ig&t be o$ inesti!able
al*e in t&e nation as a (&ole+
-*st as t&e Peoples State !*st one %a" gie its attention to training t&e (ill1po(er an% #apa#it" $or %e#ision a!ong t&e
"o*t&, so too it !*st in#*l#ate in t&e &earts o$ t&e "o*ng generation $ro! earl" #&il%&oo% on(ar%s a rea%iness to a##ept
responsibilities, an% t&e #o*rage o$ open an% $ran, ao(al+ I$ it re#ogni>es t&e $*ll signi$i#an#e o$ t&is ne#essit", $inall" 1
a$ter a #ent*r" o$ e%*#atie (or, 1 it (ill s*##ee% in b*il%ing *p a nation (&i#& (ill no longer be s*b0e#t to t&ose %e$eats
t&at &ae #ontrib*te% so %isastro*sl" to bring abo*t o*r present oert&ro(+
T&e $or!al i!parting o$ ,no(le%ge, (&i#& #onstit*tes t&e #&ie$ (or, o$ o*r e%*#ational s"ste! to1%a", (ill be ta,en oer
b" t&e Peoples State (it& onl" $e( !o%i$i#ations+ T&ese !o%i$i#ations !*st be !a%e in t&ree bran#&es+
First o$ all, t&e brains o$ t&e "o*ng people !*st not generall" be b*r%ene% (it& s*b0e#ts o$ (&i#& ninet"1$ie per #ent are
*seless to t&e! an% are t&ere$ore $orgotten again+ T&e #*rri#*l*! o$ t&e pri!ar" an% se#on%ar" s#&ools presents an o%%
!i5t*re at t&e present ti!e+ In !an" bran#&es o$ st*%" t&e s*b0e#t !atter to be learne% &as be#o!e so enor!o*s t&at onl"
a er" s!all $ra#tion o$ it #an be re!e!bere% later on, an% in%ee% onl" a er" s!all $ra#tion o$ t&is (&ole !ass o$
,no(le%ge #an be *se%+ On t&e ot&er &an%, (&at is learne% is ins*$$i#ient $or an"bo%" (&o (is&es to spe#iali>e in an"
#ertain bran#& $or t&e p*rpose o$ earning &is %ail" brea%+ Ta,e, $or e5a!ple, t&e aerage #iil serant (&o &as passe%
t&ro*g& t&e A"!nasi*! or Hig& S#&ool, an% as, &i! at t&e age o$ t&irt" or $ort" &o( !*#& &e &as retaine% o$ t&e
,no(le%ge t&at (as #ra!!e% into &i! (it& so !*#& pains+
Ho( !*#& is retaine% $ro! all t&at (as st*$$e% into &is brain@ He (ill #ertainl" ans(er4 L3ell, i$ a !ass o$ st*$$ (as t&en
ta*g&t, it (as not $or t&e sole p*rpose o$ s*ppl"ing t&e st*%ent (it& a great sto#, o$ ,no(le%ge $ro! (&i#& &e #o*l% %ra(
in later "ears, b*t it sere% to %eelop t&e *n%erstan%ing, t&e !e!or", an% aboe all it &elpe% to strengt&en t&e t&in,ing
po(ers o$ t&e brain+L T&at is partl" tr*e+ An% "et it is so!e(&at %angero*s to s*b!erge a "o*ng brain in a $loo% o$
i!pressions (&i#& it #an &ar%l" !aster an% t&e single ele!ents o$ (&i#& it #annot %is#ern or appre#iate at t&eir 0*st al*e+
It is !ostl" t&e essential part o$ t&is ,no(le%ge, an% not t&e a##i%ental, t&at is $orgotten an% sa#ri$i#e%+ T&*s t&e prin#ipal
p*rpose o$ t&is #opio*s instr*#tion is $r*strate%, $or t&at p*rpose #annot be to !a,e t&e brain #apable o$ learning b" si!pl"
o$$ering it an enor!o*s an% arie% a!o*nt o$ s*b0e#ts $or a#/*isition, b*t rat&er to $*rnis& t&e in%ii%*al (it& t&at sto#,
o$ ,no(le%ge (&i#& &e (ill nee% in later li$e an% (&i#& &e #an *se $or t&e goo% o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ T&is ai!, &o(eer, is
ren%ere% ill*sor" i$, be#a*se o$ t&e s*perab*n%an#e o$ s*b0e#ts t&at &ae been #ra!!e% into &is &ea% in #&il%&oo%, a
person is able to re!e!ber not&ing, or at least not t&e essential portion, o$ all t&is in later li$e+ T&ere is no reason (&"
!illions o$ people s&o*l% learn t(o or t&ree lang*ages %*ring t&e s#&ool "ears, (&en onl" a er" s!all $ra#tion (ill &ae
t&e opport*nit" to *se t&ese lang*ages in later li$e an% (&en !ost o$ t&e! (ill t&ere$ore $orget t&ose lang*ages
#o!pletel"+ To ta,e an instan#e4 O*t o$ 177,777 st*%ents (&o learn Fren#& t&ere are probabl" not 2,777 (&o (ill be in a
position to !a,e *se o$ t&is a##o!plis&!ent in later li$e, (&ile 99,777 (ill neer &ae a #&an#e to *tili>e in pra#ti#e (&at
t&e" &ae learne% in "o*t&+ T&e" &ae spent t&o*san%s o$ &o*rs on a s*b0e#t (&i#& (ill a$ter(ar%s be (it&o*t an" al*e or
i!portan#e to t&e!+ T&e arg*!ent t&at t&ese !atters $or! part o$ t&e general pro#ess o$ e%*#ating t&e !in% is inali%+ It
(o*l% be so*n% i$ all t&ese people (ere able to *se t&is learning in a$ter li$e+ 8*t, as t&e sit*ation stan%s, 99,777 are
tort*re% to no p*rpose an% (aste t&eir al*able ti!e, onl" $or t&e sa,e o$ t&e 2,777 to (&o! t&e lang*age (ill be o$ an"
In t&e #ase o$ t&at lang*age (&i#& I &ae #&osen as an e5a!ple it #annot be sai% t&at t&e learning o$ it e%*#ates t&e
st*%ent in logi#al t&in,ing or s&arpens &is !ental a#*!en, as t&e learning o$ 'atin, $or instan#e, !ig&t be sai% to %o+ It
(o*l% t&ere$ore be !*#& better to tea#& "o*ng st*%ents onl" t&e general o*tline, or, better, t&e inner str*#t*re o$ s*#& a
lang*age4 t&at is to sa", to allo( t&e! to %is#ern t&e #&ara#teristi# $eat*res o$ t&e lang*age, or per&aps to !a,e t&e!
a#/*ainte% (it& t&e r*%i!ents o$ its gra!!ar, its pron*n#iation, its s"nta5, st"le, et#+ T&at (o*l% be s*$$i#ient $or aerage
st*%ents, be#a*se it (o*l% proi%e a #learer ie( o$ t&e (&ole an% #o*l% be !ore easil" re!e!bere%+ An% it (o*l% be
!ore pra#ti#al t&an t&e present1%a" atte!pt to #ra! into t&eir &ea%s a %etaile% ,no(le%ge o$ t&e (&ole lang*age, (&i#&
t&e" #an neer !aster an% (&i#& t&e" (ill rea%il" $orget+ I$ t&is !et&o% (ere a%opte%, t&en (e s&o*l% aoi% t&e %anger
t&at, o*t o$ t&e s*perab*n%an#e o$ !atter ta*g&t, onl" so!e $rag!ents (ill re!ain in t&e !e!or"C $or t&e "o*t& (o*l%
t&en &ae to learn (&at is (ort& (&ile, an% t&e sele#tion bet(een t&e *se$*l an% t&e *seless (o*l% t&*s &ae been !a%e
As regar%s t&e !a0orit" o$ st*%ents t&e ,no(le%ge an% *n%erstan%ing o$ t&e r*%i!ents o$ a lang*age (o*l% be /*ite
s*$$i#ient $or t&e rest o$ t&eir lies+ An% t&ose (&o reall" %o nee% t&is lang*age s*bse/*entl" (o*l% t&*s &ae a $o*n%ation
on (&i#& to start, s&o*l% t&e" #&oose to !a,e a !ore t&oro*g& st*%" o$ it+
8" a%opting s*#& a #*rri#*l*! t&e ne#essar" a!o*nt o$ ti!e (o*l% be gaine% $or p&"si#al e5er#ises as (ell as $or a !ore
intense training in t&e ario*s e%*#ational $iel%s t&at &ae alrea%" been !entione%+
A re$or! o$ parti#*lar i!portan#e is t&at (&i#& o*g&t to ta,e pla#e in t&e present !et&o%s o$ tea#&ing &istor"+ S#ar#el"
an" ot&er people are !a%e to st*%" as !*#& o$ &istor" as t&e Aer!ans, an% s#ar#el" an" ot&er people !a,e s*#& a ba% *se
o$ t&eir &istori#al ,no(le%ge+ I$ politi#s !eans &istor" in t&e !a,ing, t&en o*r (a" o$ tea#&ing &istor" stan%s #on%e!ne%
b" t&e (a" (e &ae #on%*#te% o*r politi#s+ 8*t t&ere (o*l% be no point in be(ailing t&e la!entable res*lts o$ o*r politi#al
#on%*#t *nless one is no( %eter!ine% to gie o*r people a better politi#al e%*#ation+ In 99 o*t o$ 177 #ases t&e res*lts o$
o*r present tea#&ing o$ &istor" are %eplorable+ Us*all" onl" a $e( %ates, "ears o$ birt& an% na!es, re!ain in t&e !e!or",
(&ile a ,no(le%ge o$ t&e !ain an% #learl" %e$ine% lines o$ &istori#al %eelop!ent is #o!pletel" la#,ing+ T&e essential
$eat*res (&i#& are o$ real signi$i#an#e are not ta*g&t+ It is le$t to t&e !ore or less brig&t intelligen#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al to
%is#oer t&e inner !otiating *rge a!i% t&e !ass o$ %ates an% #&ronologi#al s*##ession o$ eents+
Ko* !a" ob0e#t as strongl" as "o* li,e to t&is *npleasant state!ent+ 8*t rea% (it& attention t&e spee#&es (&i#& o*r
parlia!entarians !a,e %*ring one session alone on politi#al proble!s an% on /*estions o$ $oreign poli#" in parti#*lar+
Re!e!ber t&at t&ose gentle!en are, or #lai! to be, t&e elite o$ t&e Aer!an nation an% t&at at least a great n*!ber o$ t&e!
&ae sat on t&e ben#&es o$ o*r se#on%ar" s#&ools an% t&at !an" o$ t&e! &ae passe% t&ro*g& o*r *niersities+ T&en "o*
(ill reali>e &o( %e$e#tie t&e &istori#al e%*#ation o$ t&ese people &as been+ I$ t&ese gentle!en &a% neer st*%ie% &istor" at
all b*t &a% possesse% a so*n% instin#t $or p*bli# a$$airs, t&ings (o*l% &ae gone better, an% t&e nation (o*l% &ae
bene$ite% greatl" t&ereb"+
T&e s*b0e#t !atter o$ o*r &istori#al tea#&ing !*st be #*rtaile%+ T&e #&ie$ al*e o$ t&at tea#&ing is to !a,e t&e prin#ipal
lines o$ &istori#al %eelop!ent *n%erstoo%+ T&e !ore o*r &istori#al tea#&ing is li!ite% to t&is tas,, t&e !ore (e !a" &ope
t&at it (ill t*rn o*t s*bse/*entl" to be o$ a%antage to t&e in%ii%*al an%, t&ro*g& t&e in%ii%*al, to t&e #o!!*nit" as a
(&ole+ For &istor" !*st not be st*%ie% !erel" (it& a ie( to ,no(ing (&at &appene% in t&e past b*t as a g*i%e $or t&e
$*t*re, an% to tea#& *s (&at poli#" (o*l% be t&e best to $ollo( $or t&e preseration o$ o*r o(n people+ T&at is t&e real en%C
an% t&e tea#&ing o$ &istor" is onl" a !eans to attain t&is en%+ 8*t &ere again t&e !eans &as s*perse%e% t&e en% in o*r
#onte!porar" e%*#ation+ T&e goal is #o!pletel" $orgotten+ =o not repl" t&at a pro$o*n% st*%" o$ &istor" %e!an%s a
%etaile% ,no(le%ge o$ all t&ese %ates be#a*se ot&er(ise (e #o*l% not $i5 t&e great lines o$ %eelop!ent+ T&at tas, belongs
to t&e pro$essional &istorians+ 8*t t&e aerage !an is not a pro$essor o$ &istor"+ For &i! &istor" &as onl" one !ission an%
t&at is to proi%e &i! (it& s*#& an a!o*nt o$ &istori#al ,no(le%ge as is ne#essar" in or%er to enable &i! to $or! an
in%epen%ent opinion on t&e politi#al a$$airs o$ &is o(n #o*ntr"+ T&e !an (&o (ants to be#o!e a pro$essor o$ &istor" #an
%eote &i!sel$ to all t&e %etails later on+ .at*rall" &e (ill &ae to o##*p" &i!sel$ een (it& t&e s!allest %etails+ O$ #o*rse
o*r present tea#&ing o$ &istor" is not a%e/*ate to all t&is+ Its s#ope is too ast $or t&e aerage st*%ent an% too li!ite% $or
t&e st*%ent (&o (is&es to be an &istori#al e5pert+
Finall", it is t&e b*siness o$ t&e Peoples State to arrange $or t&e (riting o$ a (orl% &istor" in (&i#& t&e ra#e proble! (ill
o##*p" a %o!inant position+
To s*! *p4 T&e Peoples State !*st re#onstr*#t o*r s"ste! o$ general instr*#tion in s*#& a (a" t&at it (ill e!bra#e onl"
(&at is essential+ 8e"on% t&is it (ill &ae to !a,e proision $or a !ore a%an#e% tea#&ing in t&e ario*s s*b0e#ts $or t&ose
(&o (ant to spe#iali>e in t&e!+ It (ill s*$$i#e $or t&e aerage in%ii%*al to be a#/*ainte% (it& t&e $*n%a!entals o$ t&e
ario*s s*b0e#ts to sere as t&e basis o$ (&at !a" be #alle% an all1ro*n% e%*#ation+ He o*g&t to st*%" e5&a*stiel" an% in
%etail onl" t&at s*b0e#t in (&i#& &e inten%s to (or, %*ring t&e rest o$ &is li$e+ A general instr*#tion in all s*b0e#ts s&o*l%
be obligator", an% spe#iali>ation s&o*l% be le$t to t&e #&oi#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al+
In t&is (a" t&e s#&olasti# progra!!e (o*l% be s&ortene%, an% t&*s seeral s#&ool &o*rs (o*l% be gaine% (&i#& #o*l% be
*tili>e% $or p&"si#al training an% #&ara#ter training, in (ill1po(er, t&e #apa#it" $or !a,ing pra#ti#al 0*%g!ents, %e#isions,
T&e little a##o*nt ta,en b" o*r s#&ool training to1%a", espe#iall" in t&e se#on%ar" s#&ools, o$ t&e #allings t&at &ae to be
$ollo(e% in a$ter li$e is %e!onstrate% b" t&e $a#t t&at !en (&o are %estine% $or t&e sa!e #alling in li$e are e%*#ate% in
t&ree %i$$erent ,in%s o$ s#&ools+ 3&at is o$ %e#isie i!portan#e is general e%*#ation onl" an% not t&e spe#ial tea#&ing+
3&en spe#ial ,no(le%ge is nee%e% it #annot be gien in t&e #*rri#*l*! o$ o*r se#on%ar" s#&ools as t&e" stan% to1%a"+
T&ere$ore t&e Peoples State (ill one %a" &ae to abolis& s*#& &al$1!eas*res+
T&e se#on% !o%i$i#ation in t&e #*rri#*l*! (&i#& t&e Peoples State (ill &ae to !a,e is t&e $ollo(ing4
It is a #&ara#teristi# o$ o*r !aterialisti# epo#& t&at o*r s#ienti$i# e%*#ation s&o(s a gro(ing e!p&asis on (&at is real an%
pra#ti#al4 s*#& s*b0e#ts, $or instan#e, as applie% !at&e!ati#s, p&"si#s, #&e!istr", et#+ O$ #o*rse t&e" are ne#essar" in an
age t&at is %o!inate% b" in%*strial te#&nolog" an% #&e!istr", an% (&ere eer"%a" li$e s&o(s at least t&e e5ternal
!ani$estations o$ t&ese+ 8*t it is a perilo*s t&ing to base t&e general #*lt*re o$ a nation on t&e ,no(le%ge o$ t&ese s*b0e#ts+
On t&e #ontrar", t&at general #*lt*re o*g&t al(a"s to be %ire#te% to(ar%s i%eals+ It o*g&t to be $o*n%e% on t&e &*!anist
%is#iplines an% s&o*l% ai! at giing onl" t&e gro*n% (or, o$ $*rt&er spe#iali>e% instr*#tion in t&e ario*s pra#ti#al
s#ien#es+ Ot&er(ise (e s&o*l% sa#ri$i#e t&ose $or#es t&at are !ore i!portant $or t&e preseration o$ t&e nation t&an an"
te#&ni#al ,no(le%ge+ In t&e &istori#al %epart!ent t&e st*%" o$ an#ient &istor" s&o*l% not be o!itte%+ Ro!an &istor", along
general lines, is an% (ill re!ain t&e best tea#&er, not onl" $or o*r o(n ti!e b*t also $or t&e $*t*re+ An% t&e i%eal o$
Helleni# #*lt*re s&o*l% be presere% $or *s in all its !arello*s bea*t"+ T&e %i$$eren#es bet(een t&e ario*s peoples s&o*l%
not preent *s $ro! re#ogni>ing t&e #o!!*nit" o$ ra#e (&i#& *nites t&e! on a &ig&er plane+ T&e #on$li#t o$ o*r ti!es is
one t&at is being (age% aro*n% great ob0e#ties+ A #iili>ation is $ig&ting $or its e5isten#e+ It is a #iili>ation t&at is t&e
pro%*#t o$ t&o*san%s o$ "ears o$ &istori#al %eelop!ent, an% t&e Aree, as (ell as t&e Aer!an $or!s part o$ it+
A #lear1#*t %iision !*st be !a%e bet(een general #*lt*re an% t&e spe#ial bran#&es+ To1%a" t&e latter t&reaten !ore an%
!ore to %eote t&e!seles e5#l*siel" to t&e seri#e o$ )a!!on+ To #o*nterbalan#e t&is ten%en#", general #*lt*re s&o*l%
be presere%, at least in its i%eal $or!s+ T&e prin#iple s&o*l% be repeate%l" e!p&asi>e%, t&at in%*strial an% te#&ni#al
progress, tra%e an% #o!!er#e, #an $lo*ris& onl" so long as a $ol, #o!!*nit" e5ists (&ose general s"ste! o$ t&o*g&t is
inspire% b" i%eals, sin#e t&at is t&e preli!inar" #on%ition $or a $lo*ris&ing %eelop!ent o$ t&e enterprises I &ae spo,en o$+
T&at #on%ition is not #reate% b" a spirit o$ !aterialist egotis! b*t b" a spirit o$ sel$1%enial an% t&e 0o" o$ giing ones sel$
in t&e seri#e o$ ot&ers+
T&e s"ste! o$ e%*#ation (&i#& preails to1%a" sees its prin#ipal ob0e#t in p*!ping into "o*ng people t&at ,no(le%ge
(&i#& (ill &elp t&e! to !a,e t&eir (a" in li$e+ T&is prin#iple is e5presse% in t&e $ollo(ing ter!s4 LT&e "o*ng !an !*st
one %a" be#o!e a *se$*l !e!ber o$ &*!an so#iet"+L 8" t&at p&rase t&e" !ean t&e abilit" to gain an &onest %ail"
lieli&oo%+ T&e s*per$i#ial training in t&e %*ties o$ goo% #iti>ens&ip, (&i#& &e a#/*ires !erel" as an a##i%ental t&ing, &as
er" (ea, $o*n%ations+ For in itsel$ t&e State represents onl" a $or!, an% t&ere$ore it is %i$$i#*lt to train people to loo,
*pon t&is $or! as t&e i%eal (&i#& t&e" (ill &ae to sere an% to(ar%s (&i#& t&e" !*st $eel responsible+ A $or! #an be too
easil" bro,en+ 8*t, as (e &ae seen, t&e i%ea (&i#& people &ae o$ t&e State to1%a" %oes not represent an"t&ing #learl"
%e$ine%+ T&ere$ore, t&ere is not&ing b*t t&e *s*al stereot"pe% Mpatrioti# training+ In t&e ol% Aer!an" t&e greatest
e!p&asis (as pla#e% on t&e %iine rig&t o$ t&e s!all an% een t&e s!allest potentates+ T&e (a" in (&i#& t&is %iine rig&t
(as $or!*late% an% presente% (as neer er" #leer an% o$ten er" st*pi%+ 8e#a*se o$ t&e large n*!bers o$ t&ose s!all
potentates, it (as i!possible to gie a%e/*ate biograp&i#al a##o*nts o$ t&e reall" great personalities t&at s&e% t&eir l*stre
on t&e &istor" o$ t&e Aer!an people+ T&e res*lt (as t&at t&e broa% !asses re#eie% a er" ina%e/*ate ,no(le%ge o$
Aer!an &istor"+ Here, too, t&e great lines o$ %eelop!ent (ere !issing+
It is ei%ent t&at in s*#& a (a" no real national ent&*sias! #o*l% be aro*se%+ O*r e%*#ational s"ste! proe% in#apable o$
sele#ting $ro! t&e general !ass o$ o*r &istori#al personages t&e na!es o$ a $e( personalities (&i#& t&e Aer!an people
#o*l% be pro*% to loo, *pon as t&eir o(n+ T&*s t&e (&ole nation !ig&t &ae been *nite% b" t&e ties o$ a #o!!on
,no(le%ge o$ t&is #o!!on &eritage+ T&e reall" i!portant $ig*res in Aer!an &istor" (ere not presente% to t&e present
generation+ T&e attention o$ t&e (&ole nation (as not #on#entrate% on t&e! $or t&e p*rpose o$ a(a,ening a #o!!on
national spirit+ Fro! t&e ario*s s*b0e#ts t&at (ere ta*g&t, t&ose (&o &a% #&arge o$ o*r training see!e% in#apable o$
sele#ting (&at re%o*n%e% !ost to t&e national &ono*r an% li$ting t&at aboe t&e #o!!on ob0e#tie leel, in or%er to
in$la!e t&e national pri%e in t&e lig&t o$ s*#& brilliant e5a!ples+ At t&at ti!e s*#& a #o*rse (o*l% &ae been loo,e% *pon
as ran, #&a*inis!, (&i#& %i% not t&en &ae a er" pleasant sao*r+ Petti$ogging %"nasti# patriotis! (as !ore a##eptable
an% !ore easil" tolerate% t&an t&e glo(ing $ire o$ a s*pre!e national pri%e+ T&e $or!er #o*l% be al(a"s presse% into
seri#e, (&ereas t&e latter !ig&t one %a" be#o!e a %o!inating $or#e+ )onar#&ist patriotis! ter!inate% in Asso#iations o$
Beterans, (&ereas passionate national patriotis! !ig&t &ae opene% a roa% (&i#& (o*l% be %i$$i#*lt to %eter!ine+ T&is
national passion is li,e a &ig&l" te!pere% t&oro*g&bre% (&o is %is#ri!inate abo*t t&e sort o$ ri%er &e (ill tolerate in t&e
sa%%le+ .o (on%er t&at !ost people pre$erre% to s&ir, s*#& a %anger+ .obo%" see!e% to t&in, it possible t&at one %a" a
(ar !ig&t #o!e (&i#& (o*l% p*t t&e !ettle o$ t&is ,in% o$ patriotis! to t&e test, in artiller" bo!bar%!ent an% (aes o$
atta#,s (it& poison gas+ 8*t (&en it %i% #o!e o*r la#, o$ t&is patrioti# passion (as aenge% in a terrible (a"+ .one (ere
er" ent&*siasti# abo*t %"ing $or t&eir i!perial an% ro"al soereignsC (&ile on t&e ot&er &an% t&e M.ation (as not
re#ogni>e% b" t&e greater n*!ber o$ t&e sol%iers+
Sin#e t&e reol*tion bro,e o*t in Aer!an" an% t&e !onar#&ist patriotis! (as t&ere$ore e5ting*is&e%, t&e p*rpose o$
tea#&ing &istor" (as not&ing !ore t&an to a%% to t&e sto#, o$ ob0e#tie ,no(le%ge+ T&e present State &as no *se $or
patrioti# ent&*sias!C b*t it (ill neer obtain (&at it reall" %esires+ For i$ %"nasti# patriotis! $aile% to pro%*#e a s*pre!e
po(er o$ resistan#e at a ti!e (&en t&e prin#iple o$ nationalis! %o!inate%, it (ill be still less possible to aro*se rep*bli#an
ent&*sias!+ T&ere #an be no %o*bt t&at t&e Aer!an people (o*l% not &ae stoo% on t&e $iel% o$ battle $or $o*r an% a &al$
"ears to $ig&t *n%er t&e battle slogan MFor t&e Rep*bli#, an% least o$ all t&ose (&o #reate% t&is gran% instit*tion+
In realit" t&is Rep*bli# &as been allo(e% to e5ist *n%ist*rbe% onl" b" gra#e o$ its rea%iness an% its pro!ise to all an%
s*n%r", to pa" trib*te an% reparations to t&e stranger an% to p*t its signat*re to an" ,in% o$ territorial ren*n#iation+ T&e
rest o$ t&e (orl% $in%s it s"!pat&eti#, 0*st as a (ea,ling is al(a"s !ore pleasing to t&ose (&o (ant to ben% &i! to t&eir
o(n *ses t&an is a !an (&o is !a%e o$ &ar%er !etal+ 8*t t&e $a#t t&at t&e ene!" li,es t&is $or! o$ goern!ent is t&e
(orst ,in% o$ #on%e!nation+ T&e" loe t&e Aer!an Rep*bli# an% tolerate its e5isten#e be#a*se no better instr*!ent #o*l%
be $o*n% (&i#& (o*l% &elp t&e! to ,eep o*r people in slaer"+ It is to t&is $a#t alone t&at t&is !agnani!o*s instit*tion
o(es its s*rial+ An% t&at is (&" it #an reno*n#e an" real s"ste! o$ national e%*#ation an% #an $eel satis$ie% (&en t&e
&eroes o$ t&e Rei#& banner s&o*t t&eir &*rra&s, b*t in realit" t&ese sa!e &eroes (o*l% s#a!per a(a" li,e rabbits i$ #alle%
*pon to %e$en% t&at banner (it& t&eir bloo%+
T&e Peoples State (ill &ae to $ig&t $or its e5isten#e+ It (ill not gain or se#*re t&is e5isten#e b" signing %o#*!ents li,e
t&at o$ t&e =a(es Plan+ 8*t $or its e5isten#e an% %e$en#e it (ill nee% pre#isel" t&ose t&ings (&i#& o*r present s"ste!
beliees #an be rep*%iate%+ T&e !ore (ort&" its $or! an% its inner national being+ t&e greater (ill be t&e en" an%
opposition o$ its a%ersaries+ T&e best %e$en#e (ill not be in t&e ar!s it possesses b*t in its #iti>ens+ 8astions o$ $ortresses
(ill not sae it, b*t t&e liing (all o$ its !en an% (o!en, $ille% (it& an ar%ent loe $or t&eir #o*ntr" an% a passionate
spirit o$ national patriotis!+
T&ere$ore t&e t&ir% point (&i#& (ill &ae to be #onsi%ere% in relation to o*r e%*#ational s"ste! is t&e $ollo(ing4
T&e Peoples State !*st reali>e t&at t&e s#ien#es !a" also be !a%e a !eans o$ pro!oting a spirit o$ pri%e in t&e nation+
.ot onl" t&e &istor" o$ t&e (orl% b*t t&e &istor" o$ #iili>ation as a (&ole !*st be ta*g&t in t&e lig&t o$ t&is prin#iple+ An
inentor !*st appear great not onl" as an inentor b*t also, an% een !ore so, as a !e!ber o$ t&e nation+ T&e a%!iration
aro*se% b" t&e #onte!plation o$ a great a#&iee!ent !*st be trans$or!e% into a $eeling o$ pri%e an% satis$a#tion t&at a
!an o$ ones o(n ra#e &as been #&osen to a##o!plis& it+ 8*t o*t o$ t&e ab*n%an#e o$ great na!es in Aer!an &istor" t&e
greatest (ill &ae to be sele#te% an% presente% to o*r "o*ng generation in s*#& a (a" as to be#o!e soli% pillars o$ strengt&
to s*pport t&e national spirit+
T&e s*b0e#t !atter o*g&t to be s"ste!ati#all" organi>e% $ro! t&e stan%point o$ t&is prin#iple+ An% t&e tea#&ing s&o*l% be
so orientate% t&at t&e bo" or girl, a$ter leaing s#&ool, (ill not be a se!i1pa#i$ist, a %e!o#rat or o$ so!et&ing else o$ t&at
,in%, b*t a (&ole1&earte% Aer!an+ So t&at t&is national $eeling be sin#ere $ro! t&e er" beginning, an% not a !ere
preten#e, t&e $ollo(ing $*n%a!ental an% in$le5ible prin#iple s&o*l% be i!presse% on t&e "o*ng brain (&ile it is "et
!alleable4 T&e !an (&o loes &is nation #an proe t&e sin#erit" o$ t&is senti!ent onl" b" being rea%" to !a,e sa#ri$i#es
$or t&e nations (el$are+ T&ere is no s*#& t&ing as a national senti!ent (&i#& is %ire#te% to(ar%s personal interests+ An%
t&ere is no s*#& t&ing as a nationalis! t&at e!bra#es onl" #ertain #lasses+ H*rra&ing proes not&ing an% %oes not #on$er
t&e rig&t to #all onesel$ national i$ be&in% t&at s&o*t t&ere is no sin#ere preo##*pation $or t&e #onseration o$ t&e nations
(ell1being+ One #an be pro*% o$ ones people onl" i$ t&ere is no #lass le$t o$ (&i#& one nee% to be as&a!e%+ 3&en one &al$
o$ a nation is s*n, in !iser" an% (orn o*t b" &ar% %istress, or een %eprae% or %egenerate, t&at nation presents s*#& an
*nattra#tie pi#t*re t&at nobo%" #an $eel pro*% to belong to it+ It is onl" (&en a nation is so*n% in all its !e!bers,
p&"si#all" an% !orall", t&at t&e 0o" o$ belonging to it #an properl" be intensi$ie% to t&e s*pre!e $eeling (&i#& (e #all
national pri%e+ 8*t t&is pri%e, in its &ig&est $or!, #an be $elt onl" b" t&ose (&o ,no( t&e greatness o$ t&eir nation+
T&e spirit o$ nationalis! an% a $eeling $or so#ial 0*sti#e !*st be $*se% into one senti!ent in t&e &earts o$ t&e "o*t&+ T&en a
%a" (ill #o!e (&en a nation o$ #iti>ens (ill arise (&i#& (ill be (el%e% toget&er t&ro*g& a #o!!on loe an% a #o!!on
pri%e t&at s&all be inin#ible an% in%estr*#tible $or eer+
T&e %rea% o$ #&a*inis!, (&i#& is a s"!pto! o$ o*r ti!e, is a sign o$ its i!poten#e+ Sin#e o*r epo#& not onl" la#,s
eer"t&ing in t&e nat*re o$ e5*berant energ" b*t een $in%s s*#& a !ani$estation %isagreeable, $ate (ill neer ele#t it $or
t&e a##o!plis&!ent o$ an" great %ee%s+ For t&e greatest #&anges t&at &ae ta,en pla#e on t&is eart& (o*l% &ae been
in#on#eiable i$ t&e" &a% not been inspire% b" ar%ent an% een &"steri#al passions, b*t onl" b" t&e bo*rgeois irt*es o$
pea#e$*lness an% or%er+
One t&ing is #ertain4 o*r (orl% is $a#ing a great reol*tion+ T&e onl" /*estion is (&et&er t&e o*t#o!e (ill be propitio*s
$or t&e Ar"an portion o$ !an,in% or (&et&er t&e eerlasting -e( (ill pro$it b" it+
8" e%*#ating t&e "o*ng generation along t&e rig&t lines, t&e Peoples State (ill &ae to see to it t&at a generation o$
!an,in% is $or!e% (&i#& (ill be a%e/*ate to t&is s*pre!e #o!bat t&at (ill %e#i%e t&e %estinies o$ t&e (orl%+
T&at nation (ill #on/*er (&i#& (ill be t&e $irst to ta,e t&is roa%+
T&e (&ole organi>ation o$ e%*#ation an% training (&i#& t&e Peoples State is to b*il% *p !*st ta,e as its #ro(ning tas,
t&e (or, o$ instilling into t&e &earts an% brains o$ t&e "o*t& entr*ste% to it t&e ra#ial instin#t an% *n%erstan%ing o$ t&e
ra#ial i%ea+ .o bo" or girl !*st leae s#&ool (it&o*t &aing attaine% a #lear insig&t into t&e !eaning o$ ra#ial p*rit" an%
t&e i!portan#e o$ !aintaining t&e ra#ial bloo% *na%*lterate%+ T&*s t&e $irst in%ispensable #on%ition $or t&e preseration o$
o*r ra#e (ill &ae been establis&e% an% t&*s t&e $*t*re #*lt*ral progress o$ o*r people (ill be ass*re%+
For in t&e last anal"sis all p&"si#al an% !ental training (o*l% be in ain *nless it sere% an entit" (&i#& is rea%" an%
%eter!ine% to #arr" on its o(n e5isten#e an% !aintain its o(n #&ara#teristi# /*alities+
I$ it (ere ot&er(ise, so!et&ing (o*l% res*lt (&i#& (e Aer!ans &ae #a*se to regret alrea%", (it&o*t per&aps &aing
&it&erto re#ogni>e% t&e e5tent o$ t&e tragi# #ala!it"+ 3e s&o*l% be %oo!e% to re!ain also in t&e $*t*re onl" !an*re $or
#iili>ation+ An% t&at not in t&e banal sense o$ t&e #onte!porar" bo*rgeois !in%, (&i#& sees in a lost $ello( !e!ber o$
o*r people onl" a lost #iti>en, b*t in a sense (&i#& (e s&o*l% &ae pain$*ll" to re#ogni>e4 na!el", t&at o*r ra#ial bloo%
(o*l% be %estine% to %isappear+ 8" #ontin*all" !i5ing (it& ot&er ra#es (e !ig&t li$t t&e! $ro! t&eir $or!er lo(er leel o$
#iili>ation to a &ig&er gra%eC b*t (e o*rseles s&o*l% %es#en% $or eer $ro! t&e &eig&ts (e &a% rea#&e%+
Finall", $ro! t&e ra#ial stan%point t&is training also !*st $in% its #*l!ination in t&e !ilitar" seri#e+ T&e ter! o$ !ilitar"
seri#e is to be a $inal stage o$ t&e nor!al training (&i#& t&e aerage Aer!an re#eies+
3&ile t&e Peoples State atta#&es t&e greatest i!portan#e to p&"si#al an% !ental training, it &as also to #onsi%er, an% no
less i!portantl", t&e tas, o$ sele#ting !en $or t&e seri#e o$ t&e State itsel$+ T&is i!portant !atter is passe% oer lig&tl" at
t&e present ti!e+ Aenerall" t&e #&il%ren o$ parents (&o are $or t&e ti!e being in &ig&er sit*ations are in t&eir t*rn
#onsi%ere% (ort&" o$ a &ig&er e%*#ation+ Here talent pla"s a s*bor%inate part+ 8*t talent #an be esti!ate% onl" relatiel"+
T&o*g& in general #*lt*re &e !a" be in$erior to t&e #it" #&il%, a peasant bo" !a" be !ore talente% t&an t&e son o$ a $a!il"
t&at &as o##*pie% &ig& positions t&ro*g& !an" generations+ 8*t t&e s*perior #*lt*re o$ t&e #it" #&il% &as in itsel$ not&ing
to %o (it& a greater or lesser %egree o$ talentC $or t&is #*lt*re &as its roots in t&e !ore #opio*s !ass o$ i!pressions (&i#&
arise $ro! t&e !ore arie% e%*#ation an% t&e s*rro*n%ings a!ong (&i#& t&is #&il% lies+ I$ t&e intelligent son o$ peasant
parents (ere e%*#ate% $ro! #&il%&oo% in si!ilar s*rro*n%ings &is intelle#t*al a##o!plis&!ents (o*l% be /*ite ot&er(ise+
In o*r %a" t&ere is onl" one sp&ere (&ere t&e $a!il" in (&i#& a person &as been born !eans less t&an &is innate gi$ts+ T&at
is t&e sp&ere o$ art+ Here, (&ere a person #annot 0*st Mlearn, b*t !*st &ae innate gi$ts t&at later on !a" *n%ergo a !ore
or less &app" %eelop!ent Fin t&e sense o$ a (ise %eelop!ent o$ (&at is alrea%" t&ereG, !one" an% parental propert" are
o$ no a##o*nt+ T&is is a goo% proo$ t&at geni*s is not ne#essaril" #onne#te% (it& t&e &ig&er so#ial strata or (it& (ealt&+
.ot rarel" t&e greatest artists #o!e $ro! poor $a!ilies+ An% !an" a bo" $ro! t&e #o*ntr" illage &as eent*all" be#o!e a
#elebrate% !aster+
It %oes not sa" !*#& $or t&e !ental a#*!en o$ o*r ti!e t&at a%antage is not ta,en o$ t&is tr*t& $or t&e sa,e o$ o*r (&ole
intelle#t*al li$e+ T&e opinion is a%an#e% t&at t&is prin#iple, t&o*g& *n%o*bte%l" ali% in t&e $iel% o$ art, &as not t&e sa!e
ali%it" in regar% to (&at are #alle% t&e applie% s#ien#es+ It is tr*e t&at a !an #an be traine% to a #ertain a!o*nt o$
!e#&ani#al %e5terit", 0*st as a poo%le #an be ta*g&t in#re%ible tri#,s b" a #leer !aster+ 8*t s*#& training %oes not bring
t&e ani!al to *se &is intelligen#e in or%er to #arr" o*t t&ose tri#,s+ An% t&e sa!e &ol%s goo% in regar% to !an+ It is
possible to tea#& !en, irrespe#tie o$ talent or no talent, to go t&ro*g& #ertain s#ienti$i# e5er#ises, b*t in s*#& #ases t&e
res*lts are /*ite as inani!ate an% !e#&ani#al as in t&e #ase o$ t&e ani!al+ It (o*l% een be possible to $or#e a person o$
!e%io#re intelligen#e, b" !eans o$ a seere #o*rse o$ intelle#t*al %rilling, to a#/*ire !ore t&an t&e aerage a!o*nt o$
,no(le%geC b*t t&at ,no(le%ge (o*l% re!ain sterile+ T&e res*lt (o*l% be a !an (&o !ig&t be a (al,ing %i#tionar" o$
,no(le%ge b*t (&o (ill $ail !iserabl" on eer" #riti#al o##asion in li$e an% at eer" 0*n#t*re (&ere ital %e#isions &ae to
be ta,en+ S*#& people nee% to be %rille% spe#iall" $or eer" ne( an% een !ost insigni$i#ant tas, an% (ill neer be #apable
o$ #ontrib*ting in t&e least to t&e general progress o$ !an,in%+ ;no(le%ge t&at is !erel" %rille% into people #an at best
/*ali$" t&e! to $ill goern!ent positions *n%er o*r present regi!e+
It goes (it&o*t sa"ing t&at, a!ong t&e s*! total o$ in%ii%*als (&o !a,e *p a nation, gi$te% people are al(a"s to be $o*n%
in eer" sp&ere o$ li$e+ It is also /*ite nat*ral t&at t&e al*e o$ ,no(le%ge (ill be all t&e greater t&e !ore itall" t&e %ea%
!ass o$ learning is ani!ate% b" t&e innate talent o$ t&e in%ii%*al (&o possesses it+ Creatie (or, in t&is $iel% #an be %one
onl" t&ro*g& t&e !arriage o$ ,no(le%ge an% talent+
One e5a!ple (ill s*$$i#e to s&o( &o( !*#& o*r #onte!porar" (orl% is at $a*lt in t&is !atter+ Fro! ti!e to ti!e o*r
ill*strate% papers p*blis&, $or t&e e%i$i#ation o$ t&e Aer!an p&ilistine, t&e ne(s t&at in so!e /*arter or ot&er o$ t&e globe,
an% $or t&e $irst ti!e in t&at lo#alit", a .egro &as be#o!e a la("er, a tea#&er, a pastor, een a gran% opera tenor or
so!et&ing else o$ t&at ,in%+ 3&ile t&e bo*rgeois blo#,&ea% stares (it& a!a>e% a%!iration at t&e noti#e t&at tells &i! &o(
!arello*s are t&e a#&iee!ents o$ o*r !o%ern e%*#ational te#&ni/*e, t&e !ore #*nning -e( sees in t&is $a#t a ne( proo$
to be *tili>e% $or t&e t&eor" (it& (&i#& &e (ants to in$e#t t&e p*bli#, na!el" t&at all !en are e/*al+ It %oes not %a(n on
t&e !*r," bo*rgeois !in% t&at t&e $a#t (&i#& is p*blis&e% $or &i! is a sin against reason itsel$, t&at it is an a#t o$ #ri!inal
insanit" to train a being (&o is onl" an ant&ropoi% b" birt& *ntil t&e preten#e #an be !a%e t&at &e &as been t*rne% into a
la("erC (&ile, on t&e ot&er &an%, !illions (&o belong to t&e !ost #iili>e% ra#es &ae to re!ain in positions (&i#& are
*n(ort&" o$ t&eir #*lt*ral leel+ T&e bo*rgeois !in% %oes not reali>e t&at it is a sin against t&e (ill o$ t&e eternal Creator
to allo( &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ &ig&l" gi$te% people to re!ain $lo*n%ering in t&e s(a!p o$ proletarian !iser" (&ile
Hottentots an% O*l*s are %rille% to $ill positions in t&e intelle#t*al pro$essions+ For &ere (e &ae t&e pro%*#t onl" o$ a
%rilling te#&ni/*e, 0*st as in t&e #ase o$ t&e per$or!ing %og+ I$ t&e sa!e a!o*nt o$ #are an% e$$ort (ere applie% a!ong
intelligent ra#es ea#& in%ii%*al (o*l% be#o!e a t&o*san% ti!es !ore #apable in s*#& !atters+
T&is state o$ a$$airs (o*l% be#o!e intolerable i$ a %a" s&o*l% arrie (&en it no longer re$ers to e5#eptional #ases+ 8*t t&e
sit*ation is alrea%" intolerable (&ere talent an% nat*ral gi$ts are not ta,en as %e#isie $a#tors in /*ali$"ing $or t&e rig&t to
a &ig&er e%*#ation+ It is in%ee% intolerable to t&in, t&at "ear a$ter "ear &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ "o*ng people (it&o*t a
single estige o$ talent are %ee!e% (ort&" o$ a &ig&er e%*#ation, (&ile ot&er &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s (&o possess &ig&
nat*ral gi$ts &ae to go (it&o*t an" sort o$ &ig&er s#&ooling at all+ T&e pra#ti#al loss t&*s #a*se% to t&e nation is
in#al#*lable+ I$ t&e n*!ber o$ i!portant %is#oeries (&i#& &ae been !a%e in A!eri#a &as gro(n #onsi%erabl" in re#ent
"ears one o$ t&e reasons is t&at t&e n*!ber o$ gi$te% persons belonging to t&e lo(est so#ial #lasses (&o (ere gien a &ig&er
e%*#ation in t&at #o*ntr" is proportionatel" !*#& larger t&an in E*rope+
A sto#, o$ ,no(le%ge pa#,e% into t&e brain (ill not s*$$i#e $or t&e !a,ing o$ %is#oeries+ 3&at #o*nts &ere is onl" t&at
,no(le%ge (&i#& is ill*!inate% b" nat*ral talent+ 8*t (it& *s at t&e present ti!e no al*e is pla#e% on s*#& gi$ts+ Onl"
goo% s#&ool reports #o*nt+
Here is anot&er e%*#atie (or, t&at is (aiting $or t&e Peoples State to %o+ It (ill not be its tas, to ass*re a %o!inant
in$l*en#e to a #ertain so#ial #lass alrea%" e5isting, b*t it (ill be its %*t" to attra#t t&e !ost #o!petent brains in t&e total
!ass o$ t&e nation an% pro!ote t&e! to pla#e an% &ono*r+ It is not !erel" t&e %*t" o$ t&e State to gie to t&e aerage #&il%
a #ertain %e$inite e%*#ation in t&e pri!ar" s#&ool, b*t it is also its %*t" to open t&e roa% to talent in t&e proper %ire#tion+
An% aboe all, it !*st open t&e %oors o$ t&e &ig&er s#&ools *n%er t&e State to talent o$ eer" sort, no !atter in (&at so#ial
#lass it !a" appear+ T&is is an i!peratie ne#essit"C $or t&*s alone (ill it be possible to %eelop a talente% bo%" o$ p*bli#
lea%ers $ro! t&e #lass (&i#& represents learning t&at in itsel$ is onl" a %ea% !ass+
T&ere is still anot&er reason (&" t&e State s&o*l% proi%e $or t&is sit*ation+ O*r intelle#t*al #lass, parti#*larl" in
Aer!an", is so s&*t *p in itsel$ an% $ossili>e% t&at it la#,s liing #onta#t (it& t&e #lasses beneat& it+ T(o eil
#onse/*en#es res*lt $ro! t&is4 First, t&e intelle#t*al #lass neit&er *n%erstan%s nor s"!pat&i>es (it& t&e broa% !asses+ It
&as been so long #*t o$$ $ro! all #onne#tion (it& t&e! t&at it #annot no( &ae t&e ne#essar" ps"#&ologi#al ties t&at (o*l%
enable it to *n%erstan% t&e!+ It &as be#o!e estrange% $ro! t&e people+ Se#on%l", t&e intelle#t*al #lass la#,s t&e ne#essar"
(ill1po(erC $or t&is $a#*lt" is al(a"s (ea,er in #*ltiate% #ir#les, (&i#& lie in se#l*sion, t&an a!ong t&e pri!itie !asses
o$ t&e people+ Ao% ,no(s (e Aer!ans &ae neer been la#,ing in ab*n%ant s#ienti$i# #*lt*re, b*t (e &ae al(a"s &a% a
#onsi%erable la#, o$ (ill1po(er an% t&e #apa#it" $or !a,ing %e#isions+ For e5a!ple, t&e !ore Mintelle#t*al o*r states!en
&ae been t&e !ore la#,ing t&e" &ae been, $or t&e !ost part, in pra#ti#al a#&iee!ent+ O*r politi#al preparation an% o*r
te#&ni#al e/*ip!ent $or t&e (orl% (ar (ere %e$e#tie, #ertainl" not be#a*se t&e brains goerning t&e nation (ere too little
e%*#ate%, b*t be#a*se t&e !en (&o %ire#te% o*r p*bli# a$$airs (ere oer1e%*#ate%, $ille% to oer1$lo(ing (it& ,no(le%ge
an% intelligen#e, "et (it&o*t an" so*n% instin#t an% si!pl" (it&o*t energ", or an" spirit o$ %aring+ It (as o*r nations
trage%" to &ae to $ig&t $or its e5isten#e *n%er a C&an#ellor (&o (as a %ill"%all"ing p&ilosop&er+ I$ instea% o$ a 8et&!ann
on Holl(eg (e &a% &a% a ro*g& !an o$ t&e people as o*r lea%er t&e &eroi# bloo% o$ t&e #o!!on grena%ier (o*l% not
&ae been s&e% in ain+ T&e e5aggerate%l" intelle#t*al !aterial o*t o$ (&i#& o*r lea%ers (ere !a%e proe% to be t&e best
all" o$ t&e s#o*n%rels (&o #arrie% o*t t&e .oe!ber reol*tion+ T&ese intelle#t*als sa$eg*ar%e% t&e national (ealt& in a
!iserl" $as&ion, instea% o$ la*n#&ing it $ort& an% ris,ing it, an% t&*s t&e" set t&e #on%itions on (&i#& t&e ot&ers (on
Here t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#& presents an instr*#tie e5a!ple+ Cleri#al #eliba#" $or#es t&e C&*r#& to re#r*it its priests not
$ro! t&eir o(n ran,s b*t progressiel" $ro! t&e !asses o$ t&e people+ Ket t&ere are not !an" (&o re#ogni>e t&e
signi$i#an#e o$ #eliba#" in t&is relation+ 8*t t&erein lies t&e #a*se o$ t&e ine5&a*stible igo*r (&i#& #&ara#teri>es t&at
an#ient instit*tion+ For b" t&*s *n#easingl" re#r*iting t&e e##lesiasti#al %ignitaries $ro! t&e lo(er #lasses o$ t&e people,
t&e C&*r#& is enable% not onl" to !aintain t&e #onta#t o$ instin#tie *n%erstan%ing (it& t&e !asses o$ t&e pop*lation b*t
also to ass*re itsel$ o$ al(a"s being able to %ra( *pon t&at $*n% o$ energ" (&i#& is present in t&is $or! onl" a!ong t&e
pop*lar !asses+ Hen#e t&e s*rprising "o*t&$*lness o$ t&at giganti# organis!, its !ental $le5ibilit" an% its iron (ill1po(er+
It (ill be t&e tas, o$ t&e Peoples State so to organi>e an% a%!inister its e%*#ational s"ste! t&at t&e e5isting intelle#t*al
#lass (ill be #onstantl" $*rnis&e% (it& a s*ppl" o$ $res& bloo% $ro! beneat&+ Fro! t&e b*l, o$ t&e nation t&e State !*st si$t
o*t (it& #are$*l s#r*tin" t&ose persons (&o are en%o(e% (it& nat*ral talents an% see t&at t&e" are e!plo"e% in t&e seri#e
o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ For neit&er t&e State itsel$ nor t&e ario*s %epart!ents o$ State e5ist to $*rnis& reen*es $or !e!bers o$
a spe#ial #lass, b*t to $*l$il t&e tas,s allotte% to t&e!+ T&is (ill be possible, &o(eer, onl" i$ t&e State trains in%ii%*als
spe#iall" $or t&ese o$$i#es+ S*#& in%ii%*als !*st &ae t&e ne#essar" $*n%a!ental #apabilities an% (ill1po(er+ T&e
prin#iple %oes not &ol% tr*e onl" in regar% to t&e #iil seri#e b*t also in regar% to all t&ose (&o are to ta,e part in t&e
intelle#t*al an% !oral lea%ers&ip o$ t&e people, no !atter in (&at sp&ere t&e" !a" be e!plo"e%+ T&e greatness o$ a people
is partl" %epen%ent on t&e #on%ition t&at it !*st s*##ee% in training t&e best brains $or t&ose bran#&es o$ t&e p*bli# seri#e
$or (&i#& t&e" s&o( a spe#ial nat*ral aptit*%e an% in pla#ing t&e! in t&e o$$i#es (&ere t&e" #an %o t&eir best (or, $or t&e
goo% o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ I$ t(o nations o$ e/*al strengt& an% /*alit" engage in a !*t*al #on$li#t t&at nation (ill #o!e o*t
i#torio*s (&i#& &as entr*ste% its intelle#t*al an% !oral lea%ers&ip to its best talents an% t&at nation (ill go *n%er (&ose
goern!ent represents onl" a #o!!on $oo% tro*g& $or priilege% gro*ps or #lasses an% (&ere t&e inner talents o$ its
in%ii%*al !e!bers are not aaile% o$+
O$ #o*rse s*#& a re$or! see!s i!possible in t&e (orl% as it is to1%a"+ T&e ob0e#tion (ill at on#e be raise%, t&at it is too
!*#& to e5pe#t $ro! t&e $ao*rite son o$ a &ig&l"1pla#e% #iil serant, $or instan#e, t&at &e s&all (or, (it& &is &an%s
si!pl" be#a*se so!ebo%" else (&ose parents belong to t&e (or,ing1#lass see!s !ore #apable $or a 0ob in t&e #iil seri#e+
T&at arg*!ent !a" be ali% as long as !an*al (or, is loo,e% *pon in t&e sa!e (a" as it is loo,e% *pon to1%a"+ Hen#e t&e
Peoples State (ill &ae to ta,e *p an attit*%e to(ar%s t&e appre#iation o$ !an*al labo*r (&i#& (ill be $*n%a!entall"
%i$$erent $ro! t&at (&i#& no( e5ists+ I$ ne#essar", it (ill &ae to organi>e a persistent s"ste! o$ tea#&ing (&i#& (ill ai!
at abolis&ing t&e present1%a" st*pi% &abit o$ loo,ing %o(n on p&"si#al labo*r as an o##*pation to be as&a!e% o$+
T&e in%ii%*al (ill &ae to be al*e%, not b" t&e #lass o$ (or, &e %oes b*t b" t&e (a" in (&i#& &e %oes it an% b" its
*se$*lness to t&e #o!!*nit"+ T&is state!ent !a" so*n% !onstro*s in an epo#& (&en t&e !ost brainless #ol*!nist on a
ne(spaper sta$$ is !ore estee!e% t&an t&e !ost e5pert !e#&ani#, !erel" be#a*se t&e $or!er p*s&es a pen+ 8*t, as I &ae
sai%, t&is $alse al*ation %oes not #orrespon% to t&e nat*re o$ t&ings+ It &as been arti$i#iall" intro%*#e%, an% t&ere (as a
ti!e (&en it %i% not e5ist at all+ T&e present *nnat*ral state o$ a$$airs is one o$ t&ose general !orbi% p&eno!ena t&at &ae
arisen $ro! o*r !aterialisti# epo#&+ F*n%a!entall" eer" ,in% o$ (or, &as a %o*ble al*eC t&e one !aterial, t&e ot&er
i%eal+ T&e !aterial al*e %epen%s on t&e pra#ti#al i!portan#e o$ t&e (or, to t&e li$e o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ T&e greater t&e
n*!ber o$ t&e pop*lation (&o bene$it $ro! t&e (or,, %ire#tl" or in%ire#tl", t&e &ig&er (ill be its !aterial al*e+ T&is
eal*ation is e5presse% in t&e !aterial re#o!pense (&i#& t&e in%ii%*al re#eies $or &is labo*r+ In #ontra%istin#tion to t&is
p*rel" !aterial al*e t&ere is t&e i%eal al*e+ Here t&e (or, per$or!e% is not 0*%ge% b" its !aterial i!portan#e b*t b" t&e
%egree to (&i#& it ans(ers a ne#essit"+ Certainl" t&e !aterial *tilit" o$ an inention !a" be greater t&an t&at o$ t&e seri#e
ren%ere% b" an eer"%a" (or,!anC b*t it is also #ertain t&at t&e #o!!*nit" nee%s ea#& o$ t&ose s!all %ail" seri#es 0*st as
!*#& as t&e greater seri#es+ Fro! t&e !aterial point o$ ie( a %istin#tion #an be !a%e in t&e eal*ation o$ %i$$erent ,in%s
o$ (or, a##or%ing to t&eir *tilit" to t&e #o!!*nit", an% t&is %istin#tion is e5presse% b" t&e %i$$erentiation in t&e s#ale o$
re#o!penseC b*t on t&e i%eal or abstra#t plans all (or,!en be#o!e e/*al t&e !o!ent ea#& stries to %o &is best in &is o(n
$iel%, no !atter (&at t&at $iel% !a" be+ It is on t&is t&at a !ans al*e !*st be esti!ate%, an% not on t&e a!o*nt o$
re#o!pense re#eie%+
In a reasonabl" %ire#te% State #are !*st be ta,en t&at ea#& in%ii%*al is gien t&e ,in% o$ (or, (&i#& #orrespon%s to &is
#apabilities+ In ot&er (or%s, people (ill be traine% $or t&e positions in%i#ate% b" t&eir nat*ral en%o(!entsC b*t t&ese
en%o(!ents or $a#*lties are innate an% #annot be a#/*ire% b" an" a!o*nt o$ training, being a gi$t $ro! .at*re an% not
!erite% b" !en+ T&ere$ore, t&e (a" in (&i#& !en are generall" estee!e% b" t&eir $ello(1#iti>ens !*st not be a##or%ing to
t&e ,in% o$ (or, t&e" %o, be#a*se t&at &as been !ore or less assigne% to t&e in%ii%*al+ Seeing t&at t&e ,in% o$ (or, in
(&i#& t&e in%ii%*al is e!plo"e% is to be a##o*nte% to &is inborn gi$ts an% t&e res*ltant training (&i#& &e &as re#eie%
$ro! t&e #o!!*nit", &e (ill &ae to be 0*%ge% b" t&e (a" in (&i#& &e per$or!s t&is (or, entr*ste% to &i! b" t&e
#o!!*nit"+ For t&e (or, (&i#& t&e in%ii%*al per$or!s is not t&e p*rpose o$ &is e5isten#e, b*t onl" a !eans+ His real
p*rpose in li$e is to better &i!sel$ an% raise &i!sel$ to a &ig&er leel as a &*!an beingC b*t t&is &e #an onl" %o in an%
t&ro*g& t&e #o!!*nit" (&ose #*lt*ral li$e &e s&ares+ An% t&is #o!!*nit" !*st al(a"s e5ist on t&e $o*n%ations on (&i#&
t&e State is base%+ He o*g&t to #ontrib*te to t&e #onseration o$ t&ose $o*n%ations+ .at*re %eter!ines t&e $or! o$ t&is
#ontrib*tion+ It is t&e %*t" o$ t&e in%ii%*al to ret*rn to t&e #o!!*nit", >ealo*sl" an% &onestl", (&at t&e #o!!*nit" &as
gien &i!+ He (&o %oes t&is %eseres t&e &ig&est respe#t an% estee!+ )aterial re!*neration !a" be gien to &i! (&ose
(or, &as a #orrespon%ing *tilit" $or t&e #o!!*nit"C b*t t&e i%eal re#o!pense !*st lie in t&e estee! to (&i#& eer"bo%"
&as a #lai! (&o seres &is people (it& (&ateer po(ers .at*re &as besto(e% *pon &i! an% (&i#& &ae been %eelope%
b" t&e training &e &as re#eie% $ro! t&e national #o!!*nit"+ T&en it (ill no longer be %is&ono*rable to be an &onest
#ra$ts!anC b*t it (ill be a #a*se o$ %isgra#e to be an ine$$i#ient State o$$i#ial, (asting Ao%s %a" an% $il#&ing %ail" brea%
$ro! an &onest p*bli#+ T&en it (ill be loo,e% *pon as /*ite nat*ral t&at positions s&o*l% not be gien to persons (&o o$
t&eir er" nat*re are in#apable o$ $illing t&e!+
F*rt&er!ore, t&is personal e$$i#ien#" (ill be t&e sole #riterion o$ t&e rig&t to ta,e part on an e/*al 0*ri%i#al $ooting in
general #iil a$$airs+
T&e present epo#& is (or,ing o*t its o(n r*in+ It intro%*#es *niersal s*$$rage, #&atters abo*t e/*al rig&ts b*t #an $in% no
$o*n%ation $or t&is e/*alit"+ It #onsi%ers t&e !aterial (age as t&e e5pression o$ a !ans al*e an% t&*s %estro"s t&e basis
o$ t&e noblest ,in% o$ e/*alit" t&at #an e5ist+ For e/*alit" #annot an% %oes not %epen% on t&e (or, a !an %oes, b*t onl" on
t&e !anner in (&i#& ea#& one %oes t&e parti#*lar (or, allotte% to &i!+ T&*s alone (ill !ere nat*ral #&an#e be set asi%e in
%eter!ining t&e (or, o$ a !an an% t&*s onl" %oes t&e in%ii%*al be#o!e t&e arti$i#er o$ &is o(n so#ial (ort&+
At t&e present ti!e, (&en (&ole gro*ps o$ people esti!ate ea#& ot&ers al*e onl" b" t&e si>e o$ t&e salaries (&i#& t&e"
respe#tiel" re#eie, t&ere (ill be no *n%erstan%ing o$ all t&is+ 8*t t&at is no reason (&" (e s&o*l% #ease to #&a!pion
t&ose i%eas+ P*ite t&e opposite4 in an epo#& (&i#& is in(ar%l" %isease% an% %e#a"ing an"one (&o (o*l% &eal it !*st &ae
t&e #o*rage $irst to la" bare t&e real roots o$ t&e %isease+ An% t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent !*st ta,e t&at %*t" on its
s&o*l%ers+ It (ill &ae to li$t its oi#e aboe t&e &ea%s o$ t&e s!all bo*rgeoisie an% rall" toget&er an% #o1or%inate all t&ose
pop*lar $or#es (&i#& are rea%" to be#o!e t&e protagonists o$ a ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng+
O$ #o*rse t&e ob0e#tion (ill be !a%e t&at in general it is %i$$i#*lt to %i$$erentiate bet(een t&e !aterial an% i%eal al*es o$
(or, an% t&at t&e lo(er prestige (&i#& is atta#&e% to p&"si#al labo*r is %*e to t&e $a#t t&at s!aller (ages are pai% $or t&at
,in% o$ (or,+ It (ill be sai% t&at t&e lo(er (age is in its t*rn t&e reason (&" t&e !an*al (or,er &as less #&an#e to
parti#ipate in t&e #*lt*re o$ t&e nationC so t&at t&e i%eal si%e o$ &*!an #*lt*re is less open to &i! be#a*se it &as not&ing to
%o (it& &is %ail" a#tiities+ It !a" be a%%e% t&at t&e rel*#tan#e to %o p&"si#al (or, is 0*sti$ie% b" t&e $a#t t&at, on a##o*nt
o$ t&e s!all in#o!e, t&e #*lt*ral leel o$ !an*al labo*rers !*st nat*rall" be lo(, an% t&at t&is in t*rn is a 0*sti$i#ation $or
t&e lo(er esti!ation in (&i#& !an*al labo*r is generall" &el%+
T&ere is /*ite a goo% %eal o$ tr*t& in all t&is+ 8*t t&at is t&e er" reason (&" (e o*g&t to see t&at in t&e $*t*re t&ere s&o*l%
not be s*#& a (i%e %i$$eren#e in t&e s#ale o$ re!*neration+ =ont sa" t&at *n%er s*#& #on%itions poorer (or, (o*l% be
%one+ It (o*l% be t&e sa%%est s"!pto! o$ %e#a%en#e i$ $iner intelle#t*al (or, #o*l% be obtaine% onl" t&ro*g& t&e sti!*l*s
o$ &ig&er pa"!ent+ I$ t&at point o$ ie( &a% r*le% t&e (orl% *p to no( &*!anit" (o*l% neer &ae a#/*ire% its greatest
s#ienti$i# an% #*lt*ral &eritage+ For all t&e greatest inentions, t&e greatest %is#oeries, t&e !ost pro$o*n%l" reol*tionar"
s#ienti$i# (or,, an% t&e !ost !agni$i#ent !on*!ents o$ &*!an #*lt*re, (ere neer gien to t&e (orl% *n%er t&e i!p*lse
or #o!p*lsion o$ !one"+ P*ite t&e #ontrar"4 not rarel" (as t&eir origin asso#iate% (it& a ren*n#iation o$ t&e (orl%l"
pleas*res t&at (ealt& #an p*r#&ase+
It !a" be t&at !one" &as be#o!e t&e one po(er t&at goerns li$e to1%a"+ Ket a ti!e (ill #o!e (&en !en (ill again bo( to
&ig&er go%s+ )*#& t&at (e &ae to1%a" o(es its e5isten#e to t&e %esire $or !one" an% propert"C b*t t&ere is er" little
a!ong all t&is (&i#& (o*l% leae t&e (orl% poorer b" its la#,+
It is also one o$ t&e ai!s be$ore o*r !oe!ent to &ol% o*t t&e prospe#t o$ a ti!e (&en t&e in%ii%*al (ill be gien (&at &e
nee%s $or t&e p*rposes o$ &is li$e an% it (ill be a ti!e in (&i#&, on t&e ot&er &an%, t&e prin#iple (ill be *p&el% t&at !an
%oes not lie $or !aterial en0o"!ent alone+ T&is prin#iple (ill $in% e5pression in a (iser s#ale o$ (ages an% salaries (&i#&
(ill enable eer"one, in#l*%ing t&e &*!blest (or,!an (&o $*l$ils &is %*ties #ons#ientio*sl", to lie an &ono*rable an%
%e#ent li$e bot& as a !an an% as a #iti>en+ 'et it not be sai% t&at t&is is !erel" a isionar" i%eal, t&at t&is (orl% (o*l%
neer tolerate it in pra#ti#e an% t&at o$ itsel$ it is i!possible to attain+
Een (e are not so si!ple as to beliee t&at t&ere (ill eer be an age in (&i#& t&ere (ill be no %ra(ba#,s+ 8*t t&at %oes
not release *s $ro! t&e obligation to $ig&t $or t&e re!oal o$ t&e %e$e#ts (&i#& (e &ae re#ogni>e%, to oer#o!e t&e
s&ort#o!ings an% to strie to(ar%s t&e i%eal+ In an" #ase t&e &ar% realit" o$ t&e $a#ts to be $a#e% (ill al(a"s pla#e onl" too
!an" li!its to o*r aspirations+ 8*t t&at is pre#isel" (&" !an !*st strie again an% again to sere t&e *lti!ate ai! an% no
$ail*res !*st in%*#e &i! to reno*n#e &is intentions, 0*st as (e #annot sp*rn t&e s(a" o$ 0*sti#e be#a*se !ista,es #reep
into t&e a%!inistration o$ t&e la(, an% 0*st as (e #annot %espise !e%i#al s#ien#e be#a*se, in spite o$ it, t&ere (ill al(a"s
be %iseases+
)an s&o*l% ta,e #are not to &ae too lo( an esti!ate o$ t&e po(er o$ an i%eal+ I$ t&ere are so!e (&o !a" $eel %is&eartene%
oer t&e present #on%itions, an% i$ t&e" &appen to &ae sere% as sol%iers, I (o*l% re!in% t&e! o$ t&e ti!e (&en t&eir
&erois! (as t&e !ost #onin#ing e5a!ple o$ t&e po(er in&erent in i%eal !oties+ It (as not preo##*pation abo*t t&eir
%ail" brea% t&at le% !en to sa#ri$i#e t&eir lies, b*t t&e loe o$ t&eir #o*ntr", t&e $ait& (&i#& t&e" &a% in its greatness, an%
an all ro*n% $eeling $or t&e &ono*r o$ t&e nation+ Onl" a$ter t&e Aer!an people &a% be#o!e estrange% $ro! t&ese i%eals, to
$ollo( t&e !aterial pro!ises o$$ere% b" t&e Reol*tion, onl" a$ter t&e" t&re( a(a" t&eir ar!s to ta,e *p t&e r*#,sa#,, onl"
t&en 1 instea% o$ entering an eart&l" para%ise 1 %i% t&e" sin, into t&e p*rgator" o$ *niersal #onte!pt an% at t&e sa!e ti!e
*niersal (ant+
T&at is (&" (e !*st $a#e t&e #al#*lators o$ t&e !aterialist Rep*bli# (it& $ait& in an i%ealist Rei#&+
C&apter T&ree
T&e instit*tion t&at is no( erroneo*sl" #alle% t&e State generall" #lassi$ies people onl" into t(o gro*ps4 #iti>ens an%
aliens+ Citi>ens are all t&ose (&o possess $*ll #ii# rig&ts, eit&er b" reason o$ t&eir birt& or b" an a#t o$ nat*rali>ation+
Aliens are t&ose (&o en0o" t&e sa!e rig&ts in so!e ot&er State+ 8et(een t&ese t(o #ategories t&ere are #ertain beings (&o
rese!ble a sort o$ !eteori# p&eno!ena+ T&e" are people (&o &ae no #iti>ens&ip in an" State an% #onse/*entl" no #ii#
rig&ts an"(&ere+
In !ost #ases no(a%a"s a person a#/*ires #ii# rig&ts b" being born (it&in t&e $rontiers o$ a State+ T&e ra#e or nationalit"
to (&i#& &e !a" belong pla"s no role (&atsoeer+ T&e #&il% o$ a .egro (&o on#e lie% in one o$ t&e Aer!an prote#torates
an% no( ta,es *p &is resi%en#e in Aer!an" a*to!ati#all" be#o!es a MAer!an Citi>en in t&e e"es o$ t&e (orl%+ In t&e
sa!e (a" t&e #&il% o$ an" -e(, Pole, A$ri#an or Asian !a" a*to!ati#all" be#o!e a Aer!an Citi>en+
8esi%es nat*rali>ation t&at is a#/*ire% t&ro*g& t&e $a#t o$ &aing been born (it&in t&e #on$ines o$ a State t&ere e5ists
anot&er ,in% o$ nat*rali>ation (&i#& #an be a#/*ire% later+ T&is pro#ess is s*b0e#t to ario*s preli!inar" re/*ire!ents+
For e5a!ple one #on%ition is t&at, i$ possible, t&e appli#ant !*st not be a b*rglar or a #o!!on street t&*g+ It is re/*ire% o$
&i! t&at &is politi#al attit*%e is not s*#& as to gie #a*se $or *neasinessC in ot&er (or%s &e !*st be a &ar!less si!pleton
in politi#s+ It is re/*ire% t&at &e s&all not be a b*r%en to t&e State o$ (&i#& &e (is&es to be#o!e a #iti>en+ In t&is realisti#
epo#& o$ o*rs t&is last #on%ition nat*rall" onl" !eans t&at &e !*st not be a $inan#ial b*r%en+ I$ t&e a$$airs o$ t&e #an%i%ate
are s*#& t&at it appears li,el" &e (ill t*rn o*t to be a goo% ta5pa"er, t&at is a er" i!portant #onsi%eration an% (ill &elp
&i! to obtain #ii# rig&ts all t&e !ore rapi%l"+
T&e /*estion o$ ra#e pla"s no part at all+
T&e (&ole pro#ess o$ a#/*iring #ii# rig&ts is not er" %i$$erent $ro! t&at o$ being a%!itte% to !e!bers&ip o$ an
a*to!obile #l*b, $or instan#e+ A person $iles &is appli#ation+ It is e5a!ine%+ It is san#tione%+ An% one %a" t&e !an re#eies
a #ar% (&i#& in$or!s &i! t&at &e &as be#o!e a #iti>en+ T&e in$or!ation is gien in an a!*sing (a"+ An appli#ant (&o
&as &it&erto been a O*l* or ;a$$ir is tol%4 L8" t&ese presents "o* are no( be#o!e a Aer!an Citi>en+L
T&e Presi%ent o$ t&e State #an per$or! t&is pie#e o$ !agi#+ 3&at Ao% Hi!sel$ #o*l% not %o is a#&iee% b" so!e
T&eop&rast*s Para#els*s 1<G o$ a #iil serant t&ro*g& a !ere t(irl o$ t&e &an%+ .ot&ing b*t a stro,e o$ t&e pen, an% a
)ongolian slae is $ort&(it& t*rne% into a real Aer!an+ .ot onl" is no /*estion as,e% regar%ing t&e ra#e to (&i#& t&e ne(
#iti>en belongsC een t&e !atter o$ &is p&"si#al &ealt& is not in/*ire% into+ His $les& !a" be #orr*pte% (it& s"p&ilisC b*t &e
(ill still be (el#o!e in t&e State as it e5ists to1%a" so long as &e !a" not be#o!e a $inan#ial b*r%en or a politi#al %anger+
In t&is (a", "ear a$ter "ear, t&ose organis!s (&i#& (e #all States ta,e *p poisono*s !atter (&i#& t&e" #an &ar%l" eer
Anot&er point o$ %istin#tion bet(een a #iti>en an% an alien is t&at t&e $or!er is a%!itte% to all p*bli# o$$i#es, t&at &e !a"
possibl" &ae to %o !ilitar" seri#e an% t&at in ret*rn &e is per!itte% to ta,e a passie or a#tie part at p*bli# ele#tions+
T&ose are &is #&ie$ priileges+ For in regar% to personal rig&ts an% personal libert" t&e alien en0o"s t&e sa!e a!o*nt o$
prote#tion as t&e #iti>en, an% $re/*entl" een !ore+ An"&o( t&at is &o( it &appens in o*r present Aer!an Rep*bli#+
I reali>e $*ll" t&at nobo%" li,es to &ear t&ese t&ings+ 8*t it (o*l% be %i$$i#*lt to $in% an"t&ing !ore illogi#al or !ore
insane t&an o*r #onte!porar" la(s in regar% to State #iti>ens&ip+
At present t&ere e5ists one State (&i#& !ani$ests at least so!e !o%est atte!pts t&at s&o( a better appre#iation o$ &o(
t&ings o*g&t to be %one in t&is !atter+ It is not, &o(eer, in o*r !o%el Aer!an Rep*bli# b*t in t&e U+S+A+ t&at e$$orts are
!a%e to #on$or! at least partl" to t&e #o*nsels o$ #o!!onsense+ 8" re$*sing i!!igrants to enter t&ere i$ t&e" are in a ba%
state o$ &ealt&, an% b" e5#l*%ing #ertain ra#es $ro! t&e rig&t to be#o!e nat*rali>e% as #iti>ens, t&e" &ae beg*n to
intro%*#e prin#iples si!ilar to t&ose on (&i#& (e (is& to gro*n% t&e Peoples State+
T&e Peoples State (ill #lassi$" its pop*lation in t&ree gro*ps4 Citi>ens, s*b0e#ts o$ t&e State, an% aliens+
T&e prin#iple is t&at birt& (it&in t&e #on$ines o$ t&e State gies onl" t&e stat*s o$ a s*b0e#t+ It %oes not #arr" (it& it t&e
rig&t to $ill an" position *n%er t&e State or to parti#ipate in politi#al li$e, s*#& as ta,ing an a#tie or passie part in
ele#tions+ Anot&er prin#iple is t&at t&e ra#e an% nationalit" o$ eer" s*b0e#t o$ t&e State (ill &ae to be proe%+ A s*b0e#t is
at an" ti!e $ree to #ease being a s*b0e#t an% to be#o!e a #iti>en o$ t&at #o*ntr" to (&i#& &e belongs in irt*e o$ &is
nationalit"+ T&e onl" %i$$eren#e bet(een an alien an% a s*b0e#t o$ t&e State is t&at t&e $or!er is a #iti>en o$ anot&er
T&e "o*ng bo" or girl (&o is o$ Aer!an nationalit" an% is a s*b0e#t o$ t&e Aer!an State is bo*n% to #o!plete t&e perio% o$
s#&ool e%*#ation (&i#& is obligator" $or eer" Aer!an+ T&ereb" &e s*b!its to t&e s"ste! o$ training (&i#& (ill !a,e &i!
#ons#io*s o$ &is ra#e an% a !e!ber o$ t&e $ol,1#o!!*nit"+ T&en &e &as to $*l$il all t&ose re/*ire!ents lai% %o(n b" t&e
State in regar% to p&"si#al training a$ter &e &as le$t s#&oolC an% $inall" &e enters t&e ar!"+ T&e training in t&e ar!" is o$ a
general ,in%+ It !*st be gien to ea#& in%ii%*al Aer!an an% (ill ren%er &i! #o!petent to $*l$il t&e p&"si#al an% !ental
re/*ire!ents o$ !ilitar" seri#e+ T&e rig&ts o$ #iti>ens&ip s&all be #on$erre% on eer" "o*ng !an (&ose &ealt& an%
#&ara#ter &ae been #erti$ie% as goo%, a$ter &aing #o!plete% &is perio% o$ !ilitar" seri#e+ T&is a#t o$ ina*g*ration in
#iti>ens&ip s&all be a sole!n #ere!on"+ An% t&e %iplo!a #on$erring t&e rig&ts o$ #iti>ens&ip (ill be presere% b" t&e
"o*ng !an as t&e !ost pre#io*s testi!onial o$ &is (&ole li$e+ It entitles &i! to e5er#ise all t&e rig&ts o$ a #iti>en an% to
en0o" all t&e priileges atta#&e% t&ereto+ For t&e State !*st %ra( a s&arp line o$ %istin#tion bet(een t&ose (&o, as
!e!bers o$ t&e nation, are t&e $o*n%ation an% t&e s*pport o$ its e5isten#e an% greatness, an% t&ose (&o are %o!i#ile% in
t&e State si!pl" as earners o$ t&eir lieli&oo% t&ere+
On t&e o##asion o$ #on$erring a %iplo!a o$ #iti>ens&ip t&e ne( #iti>en !*st ta,e a sole!n oat& o$ lo"alt" to t&e national
#o!!*nit" an% t&e State+ T&is %iplo!a !*st be a bon% (&i#& *nites toget&er all t&e ario*s #lasses an% se#tions o$ t&e
nation+ It s&all be a greater &ono*r to be a #iti>en o$ t&is Rei#&, een as a street1s(eeper, t&an to be t&e ;ing o$ a $oreign
T&e #iti>en &as priileges (&i#& are not a##or%e% to t&e alien+ He is t&e !aster in t&e Rei#&+ 8*t t&is &ig& &ono*r &as also
its obligations+ T&ose (&o s&o( t&e!seles (it&o*t personal &ono*r or #&ara#ter, or #o!!on #ri!inals, or traitors to t&e
$at&erlan%, #an at an" ti!e be %eprie% o$ t&e rig&ts o$ #iti>ens&ip+ T&ere(it& t&e" be#o!e !erel" s*b0e#ts o$ t&e State+
T&e Aer!an girl is a s*b0e#t o$ t&e State b*t (ill be#o!e a #iti>en (&en s&e !arries+ At t&e sa!e ti!e t&ose (o!en (&o
earn t&eir lieli&oo% in%epen%entl" &ae t&e rig&t to a#/*ire #iti>ens&ip i$ t&e" are Aer!an s*b0e#ts+
C&apter Fo*r
I$ t&e prin#ipal %*t" o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Peoples State be to e%*#ate an% pro!ote t&e e5isten#e o$ t&ose (&o are t&e
!aterial o*t o$ (&i#& t&e State is $or!e%, it (ill not be s*$$i#ient to pro!ote t&ose ra#ial ele!ents as s*#&, e%*#ate t&e!
an% $inall" train t&e! $or pra#ti#al li$e, b*t t&e State !*st also a%apt its o(n organi>ation to !eet t&e %e!an%s o$ t&is
It (o*l% be abs*r% to appraise a !ans (ort& b" t&e ra#e to (&i#& &e belongs an% at t&e sa!e ti!e to !a,e (ar against
t&e )ar5ist prin#iple, t&at all !en are e/*al, (it&o*t being %eter!ine% to p*rs*e o*r o(n prin#iple to its *lti!ate
#onse/*en#es+ I$ (e a%!it t&e signi$i#an#e o$ bloo%, t&at is to sa", i$ (e re#ogni>e t&e ra#e as t&e $*n%a!ental ele!ent on
(&i#& all li$e is base%, (e s&all &ae to appl" to t&e in%ii%*al t&e logi#al #onse/*en#es o$ t&is prin#iple+ In general I !*st
esti!ate t&e (ort& o$ nations %i$$erentl", on t&e basis o$ t&e %i$$erent ra#es $ro! (&i#& t&e" spring, an% I !*st also
%i$$erentiate in esti!ating t&e (ort& o$ t&e in%ii%*al (it&in &is o(n ra#e+ T&e prin#iple, t&at one people is not t&e sa!e
as anot&er, applies also to t&e in%ii%*al !e!bers o$ a national #o!!*nit"+ .o one brain, $or instan#e, is e/*al to
anot&erC be#a*se t&e #onstit*ent ele!ents belonging to t&e sa!e bloo% ar" in a t&o*san% s*btle %etails, t&o*g& t&e" are
$*n%a!entall" o$ t&e sa!e /*alit"+
T&e $irst #onse/*en#e o$ t&is $a#t is #o!paratiel" si!ple+ It %e!an%s t&at t&ose ele!ents (it&in t&e $ol,1#o!!*nit"
(&i#& s&o( t&e best ra#ial /*alities o*g&t to be en#o*rage% !ore t&an t&e ot&ers an% espe#iall" t&e" s&o*l% be en#o*rage%
to in#rease an% !*ltipl"+
T&is tas, is #o!paratiel" si!ple be#a*se it #an be re#ogni>e% an% #arrie% o*t al!ost !e#&ani#all"+ It is !*#& !ore
%i$$i#*lt to sele#t $ro! a!ong a (&ole !*ltit*%e o$ people all t&ose (&o a#t*all" possess t&e &ig&est intelle#t*al an%
spirit*al #&ara#teristi#s an% assign t&e! to t&at sp&ere o$ in$l*en#e (&i#& not onl" #orrespon%s to t&eir o*tstan%ing talents
b*t in (&i#& t&eir a#tiities (ill aboe all t&ings be o$ bene$it to t&e nation+ T&is sele#tion a##or%ing to #apa#it" an%
e$$i#ien#" #annot be e$$e#te% in a !e#&ani#al (a"+ It is a (or, (&i#& #an be a##o!plis&e% onl" t&ro*g& t&e per!anent
str*ggle o$ eer"%a" li$e itsel$+
A 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& rep*%iates t&e %e!o#rati# prin#iple o$ t&e r*le o$ t&e !asses an% ai!s at giing t&is (orl% to
t&e best people 1 t&at is, to t&e &ig&est /*alit" o$ !an,in% 1 !*st also appl" t&at sa!e aristo#rati# post*late to t&e
in%ii%*als (it&in t&e $ol,1#o!!*nit"+ It !*st ta,e #are t&at t&e positions o$ lea%ers&ip an% &ig&est in$l*en#e are gien to
t&e best !en+ Hen#e it is not base% on t&e i%ea o$ t&e !a0orit", b*t on t&at o$ personalit"+
An"one (&o beliees t&at t&e Peoples .ational So#ialist State s&o*l% %isting*is& itsel$ $ro! t&e ot&er States onl"
!e#&ani#all", as it (ere, t&ro*g& t&e better #onstr*#tion o$ its e#ono!i# li$e 1 t&an,s to a better e/*ilibri*! bet(een
poert" an% ri#&es, or to t&e e5tension to broa%er !asses o$ t&e po(er to %eter!ine t&e e#ono!i# pro#ess, or to a $airer
(age, or to t&e eli!ination o$ ast %i$$eren#es in t&e s#ale o$ salaries 1 an"one (&o t&in,s t&is *n%erstan%s onl" t&e
s*per$i#ial $eat*res o$ o*r !oe!ent an% &as not t&e least i%ea o$ (&at (e !ean (&en (e spea, o$ o*r 3eltans#&&a**ng+
All t&ese $eat*res 0*st !entione% #o*l% not in t&e least g*arantee *s a lasting e5isten#e an% #ertainl" (o*l% be no (arrant"
o$ greatness+ A nation t&at #o*l% #ontent itsel$ (it& e5ternal re$or!s (o*l% not &ae t&e slig&test #&an#e o$ s*##ess in t&e
general str*ggle $or li$e a!ong t&e nations o$ t&e (orl%+ A !oe!ent t&at (o*l% #on$ine its !ission to s*#& a%0*st!ents,
(&i#& are #ertainl" rig&t an% e/*itable, (o*l% e$$e#t no $ar1rea#&ing or pro$o*n% re$or! in t&e e5isting or%er+ T&e (&ole
e$$e#t o$ s*#& !eas*res (o*l% be li!ite% to e5ternals+ T&e" (o*l% not $*rnis& t&e nation (it& t&at !oral ar!a!ent (&i#&
alone (ill enable it e$$e#tiel" to oer#o!e t&e (ea,nesses $ro! (&i#& (e are s*$$ering to1%a"+
In or%er to el*#i%ate t&is point o$ ie( it !a" be (ort& (&ile to glan#e on#e again at t&e real origins an% #a*ses o$ t&e
#*lt*ral eol*tion o$ !an,in%+
T&e $irst step (&i#& isibl" bro*g&t !an,in% a(a" $ro! t&e ani!al (orl% (as t&at (&i#& le% to t&e $irst inention+ T&e
inention itsel$ o(es its origin to t&e r*ses an% stratage!s (&i#& !an e!plo"e% to assist &i! in t&e str*ggle (it& ot&er
#reat*res $or &is e5isten#e an% o$ten to proi%e &i! (it& t&e onl" !eans &e #o*l% a%opt to a#&iee s*##ess in t&e str*ggle+
T&ose $irst er" #r*%e inentions #annot be attrib*te% to t&e in%ii%*alC $or t&e s*bse/*ent obserer, t&at is to sa" t&e
!o%ern obserer, re#ogni>es t&e! onl" as #olle#tie p&eno!ena+ Certain tri#,s an% s,il$*l ta#ti#s (&i#& #an be obsere%
in *se a!ong t&e ani!als stri,e t&e e"e o$ t&e obserer as establis&e% $a#ts (&i#& !a" be seen eer"(&ereC an% !an is no
longer in a position to %is#oer or e5plain t&eir pri!ar" #a*se an% so &e #ontents &i!sel$ (it& #alling s*#& p&eno!ena
In o*r #ase t&is ter! &as no !eaning+ 8e#a*se eer"one (&o beliees in t&e &ig&er eol*tion o$ liing organis!s !*st
a%!it t&at eer" !ani$estation o$ t&e ital *rge an% str*ggle to lie !*st &ae &a% a %e$inite beginning in ti!e an% t&at
one s*b0e#t alone !*st &ae !ani$este% it $or t&e $irst ti!e+ It (as t&en repeate% again an% againC an% t&e pra#ti#e o$ it
sprea% oer a (i%ening area, *ntil $inall" it passe% into t&e s*b#ons#ien#e o$ eer" !e!ber o$ t&e spe#ies, (&ere it
!ani$este% itsel$ as Minstin#t+
T&is is !ore easil" *n%erstoo% an% !ore eas" to beliee in t&e #ase o$ !an+ His $irst s,ille% ta#ti#s in t&e str*ggle (it& t&e
rest o$ t&e ani!als *n%o*bte%l" originate% in &is !anage!ent o$ #reat*res (&i#& possesse% spe#ial #apabilities+
T&ere #an be no %o*bt t&at personalit" (as t&en t&e sole $a#tor in all %e#isions an% a#&iee!ents, (&i#& (ere a$ter(ar%s
ta,en oer b" t&e (&ole o$ &*!anit" as a !atter o$ #o*rse+ An e5a#t e5e!pli$i#ation o$ t&is !a" be $o*n% in t&ose
$*n%a!ental !ilitar" prin#iples (&i#& &ae no( be#o!e t&e basis o$ all strateg" in (ar+ Originall" t&e" sprang $ro! t&e
brain o$ a single in%ii%*al an% in t&e #o*rse o$ !an" "ears, !a"be een t&o*san%s o$ "ears, t&e" (ere a##epte% all ro*n%
as a !atter o$ #o*rse an% t&is gaine% *niersal ali%it"+
)an #o!plete% &is $irst %is#oer" b" !a,ing a se#on%+ A!ong ot&er t&ings &e learne% &o( to !aster ot&er liing beings
an% !a,e t&e! sere &i! in &is str*ggle $or e5isten#e+ An% t&*s began t&e real inentie a#tiit" o$ !an,in%, as it is no(
isible be$ore o*r e"es+ T&ose !aterial inentions, beginning (it& t&e *se o$ stones as (eapons, (&i#& le% to t&e
%o!esti#ation o$ ani!als, t&e pro%*#tion o$ $ire b" arti$i#ial !eans, %o(n to t&e !arello*s inentions o$ o*r o(n %a"s,
s&o( #learl" t&at an in%ii%*al (as t&e originator in ea#& #ase+ T&e nearer (e #o!e to o*r o(n ti!e an% t&e !ore
i!portant an% reol*tionar" t&e inentions be#o!e, t&e !ore #learl" %o (e re#ogni>e t&e tr*t& o$ t&at state!ent+ All t&e
!aterial inentions (&i#& (e see aro*n% *s &ae been pro%*#e% b" t&e #reatie po(ers an% #apabilities o$ in%ii%*als+
An% all t&ese inentions &elp !an to raise &i!sel$ &ig&er an% &ig&er aboe t&e ani!al (orl% an% to separate &i!sel$ $ro!
t&at (orl% in an absol*tel" %e$inite (a"+ Hen#e t&e" sere to eleate t&e &*!an spe#ies an% #ontin*all" to pro!ote its
progress+ An% (&at t&e !ost pri!itie arti$i#e on#e %i% $or !an in &is str*ggle $or e5isten#e, as &e (ent &*nting t&ro*g&
t&e pri!eal $orest, t&at sa!e sort o$ assistan#e is ren%ere% &i! to1%a" in t&e $or! o$ !arello*s s#ienti$i# inentions
(&i#& &elp &i! in t&e present %a" str*ggle $or li$e an% to $orge (eapons $or $*t*re str*ggles+ In t&eir $inal #onse/*en#es
all &*!an t&o*g&t an% inention &elp !an in &is li$e1str*ggle on t&is planet, een t&o*g& t&e so1#alle% pra#ti#al *tilit" o$
an inention, a %is#oer" or a pro$o*n% s#ienti$i# t&eor", !a" not be ei%ent at $irst sig&t+ Eer"t&ing #ontrib*tes to raise
!an &ig&er an% &ig&er aboe t&e leel o$ all t&e ot&er #reat*res t&at s*rro*n% &i!, t&ereb" strengt&ening an%
#onsoli%ating &is positionC so t&at &e %eelops !ore an% !ore in eer" %ire#tion as t&e r*ling being on t&is eart&+
Hen#e all inentions are t&e res*lt o$ t&e #reatie $a#*lt" o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ An% all s*#& in%ii%*als, (&et&er t&e" &ae
(ille% it or not, are t&e bene$a#tors o$ !an,in%, bot& great an% s!all+ T&ro*g& t&eir (or, !illions an% in%ee% billions o$
&*!an beings &ae been proi%e% (it& !eans an% reso*r#es (&i#& $a#ilitate t&eir str*ggle $or e5isten#e+
T&*s at t&e origin o$ t&e !aterial #iili>ation (&i#& $lo*ris&es to1%a" (e al(a"s see in%ii%*al persons+ T&e" s*pple!ent
one anot&er an% one o$ t&e! bases &is (or, on t&at o$ t&e ot&er+ T&e sa!e is tr*e in regar% to t&e pra#ti#al appli#ation o$
t&ose inentions an% %is#oeries+ For all t&e ario*s !et&o%s o$ pro%*#tion are in t&eir t*rn inentions also an%
#onse/*entl" %epen%ent on t&e #reatie $a#*lt" o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ Een t&e p*rel" t&eoreti#al (or,, (&i#& #annot be
!eas*re% b" a %e$inite r*le an% is preli!inar" to all s*bse/*ent te#&ni#al %is#oeries, is e5#l*siel" t&e pro%*#t o$ t&e
in%ii%*al brain+ T&e broa% !asses %o not inent, nor %oes t&e !a0orit" organi>e or t&in,C b*t al(a"s an% in eer" #ase t&e
in%ii%*al !an, t&e person+
A##or%ingl" a &*!an #o!!*nit" is (ell organi>e% onl" (&en it $a#ilitates to t&e &ig&est possible %egree in%ii%*al
#reatie $or#es an% *tili>es t&eir (or, $or t&e bene$it o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+ T&e !ost al*able $a#tor o$ an inention, (&et&er
it be in t&e (orl% o$ !aterial realities or in t&e (orl% o$ abstra#t i%eas, is t&e personalit" o$ t&e inentor &i!sel$+ T&e $irst
an% s*pre!e %*t" o$ an organi>e% $ol, #o!!*nit" is to pla#e t&e inentor in a position (&ere &e #an be o$ t&e greatest
bene$it to all+ In%ee% t&e er" p*rpose o$ t&e organi>ation is to p*t t&is prin#iple into pra#ti#e+ Onl" b" so %oing #an it
(ar% o$$ t&e #*rse o$ !e#&ani>ation an% re!ain a liing t&ing+ In itsel$ it !*st personi$" t&e e$$ort to pla#e !en o$ brains
aboe t&e !*ltit*%e an% to !a,e t&e latter obe" t&e $or!er+
T&ere$ore not onl" %oes t&e organi>ation possess no rig&t to preent !en o$ brains $ro! rising aboe t&e !*ltit*%e b*t, on
t&e #ontrar", it !*st *se its organi>ing po(ers to enable an% pro!ote t&at as#ension as $ar as it possibl" #an+ It !*st start
o*t $ro! t&e prin#iple t&at t&e blessings o$ !an,in% neer #a!e $ro! t&e !asses b*t $ro! t&e #reatie brains o$
in%ii%*als, (&o are t&ere$ore t&e real bene$a#tors o$ &*!anit"+ It is in t&e interest o$ all to ass*re !en o$ #reatie brains a
%e#isie in$l*en#e an% $a#ilitate t&eir (or,+ T&is #o!!on interest is s*rel" not sere% b" allo(ing t&e !*ltit*%e to r*le,
$or t&e" are not #apable o$ t&in,ing nor are t&e" e$$i#ient an% in no #ase (&atsoeer #an t&e" be sai% to be gi$te%+ Onl"
t&ose s&o*l% r*le (&o &ae t&e nat*ral te!pera!ent an% gi$ts o$ lea%ers&ip+
S*#& !en o$ brains are sele#te% !ainl", as I &ae alrea%" sai%, t&ro*g& t&e &ar% str*ggle $or e5isten#e itsel$+ In t&is
str*ggle t&ere are !an" (&o brea, %o(n an% #ollapse an% t&ereb" s&o( t&at t&e" are not #alle% b" =estin" to $ill t&e
&ig&est positionsC an% onl" er" $e( are le$t (&o #an be #lasse% a!ong t&e ele#t+ In t&e real! o$ t&o*g&t an% o$ artisti#
#reation, an% een in t&e e#ono!i# $iel%, t&is sa!e pro#ess o$ sele#tion ta,es pla#e, alt&o*g& 1 espe#iall" in t&e e#ono!i#
$iel% 1 its operation is &eail" &an%i#appe%+ T&is sa!e prin#iple o$ sele#tion r*les in t&e a%!inistration o$ t&e State an% in
t&at %epart!ent o$ po(er (&i#& personi$ies t&e organi>e% !ilitar" %e$en#e o$ t&e nation+ T&e i%ea o$ personalit" r*les
eer"(&ere, t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e in%ii%*al oer &is s*bor%inates an% t&e responsibilit" o$ t&e in%ii%*al to(ar%s t&e
persons (&o are pla#e% oer &i!+ It is onl" in politi#al li$e t&at t&is er" nat*ral prin#iple &as been #o!pletel" e5#l*%e%+
T&o*g& all &*!an #iili>ation &as res*lte% e5#l*siel" $ro! t&e #reatie a#tiit" o$ t&e in%ii%*al, t&e prin#iple t&at it is
t&e !ass (&i#& #o*nts 1 t&ro*g& t&e %e#ision o$ t&e !a0orit" 1 !a,es its appearan#e onl" in t&e a%!inistration o$ t&e
national #o!!*nit" espe#iall" in t&e &ig&er gra%esC an% $ro! t&ere %o(n(ar%s t&e poison gra%*all" $ilters into all
bran#&es o$ national li$e, t&*s #a*sing a eritable %e#o!position+ T&e %estr*#tie (or,ings o$ -*%ais! in %i$$erent parts o$
t&e national bo%" #an be as#ribe% $*n%a!entall" to t&e persistent -e(is& e$$orts at *n%er!ining t&e i!portan#e o$
personalit" a!ong t&e nations t&at are t&eir &osts an%, in pla#e o$ personalit", s*bstit*ting t&e %o!ination o$ t&e !asses+
T&e #onstr*#tie prin#iple o$ Ar"an &*!anit" is t&*s %ispla#e% b" t&e %estr*#tie prin#iple o$ t&e -e(s, T&e" be#o!e t&e
M$er!ent o$ %e#o!position a!ong nations an% ra#es an%, in a broa% sense, t&e (re#,ers o$ &*!an #iili>ation+
)ar5is! represents t&e !ost stri,ing p&ase o$ t&e -e(is& en%eao*r to eli!inate t&e %o!inant signi$i#an#e o$ personalit"
in eer" sp&ere o$ &*!an li$e an% repla#e it b" t&e n*!eri#al po(er o$ t&e !asses+ In politi#s t&e parlia!entar" $or! o$
goern!ent is t&e e5pression o$ t&is e$$ort+ 3e #an obsere t&e $atal e$$e#ts o$ it eer"(&ere, $ro! t&e s!allest paris&
#o*n#il *p(ar%s to t&e &ig&est goerning #ir#les o$ t&e nation+ In t&e $iel% o$ e#ono!i#s (e see t&e tra%e *nion !oe!ent,
(&i#& %oes not sere t&e real interests o$ t&e e!plo"ees b*t t&e %estr*#tie ai!s o$ international -e(r"+ -*st to t&e sa!e
%egree in (&i#& t&e prin#iple o$ personalit" is e5#l*%e% $ro! t&e e#ono!i# li$e o$ t&e nation, an% t&e in$l*en#e an%
a#tiities o$ t&e !asses s*bstit*te% in its stea%, national e#ono!", (&i#& s&o*l% be $or t&e seri#e an% bene$it o$ t&e
#o!!*nit" as a (&ole, (ill gra%*all" %eteriorate in its #reatie #apa#it"+ T&e s&op #o!!ittees (&i#&, instea% o$ #aring $or
t&e interests o$ t&e e!plo"ees, strie to in$l*en#e t&e pro#ess o$ pro%*#tion, sere t&e sa!e %estr*#tie p*rpose+ T&e"
%a!age t&e general pro%*#tie s"ste! an% #onse/*entl" in0*re t&e in%ii%*al engage% in in%*str"+ For in t&e long r*n it is
i!possible to satis$" pop*lar %e!an%s !erel" b" &ig&1so*n%ing t&eoreti#al p&rases+ T&ese #an be satis$ie% onl" b"
s*ppl"ing goo%s to !eet t&e in%ii%*al nee%s o$ %ail" li$e an% b" so %oing #reate t&e #oni#tion t&at, t&ro*g& t&e
pro%*#tie #ollaboration o$ its !e!bers, t&e $ol, #o!!*nit" seres t&e interests o$ t&e in%ii%*al+
Een i$, on t&e basis o$ its !ass1t&eor", )ar5is! s&o*l% proe itsel$ #apable o$ ta,ing oer an% %eeloping t&e present
e#ono!i# s"ste!, t&at (o*l% not signi$" an"t&ing+ T&e /*estion as to (&et&er t&e )ar5ist %o#trine be rig&t or (rong
#annot be %e#i%e% b" an" test (&i#& (o*l% s&o( t&at it #an a%!inister $or t&e $*t*re (&at alrea%" e5ists to1%a", b*t onl"
b" as,ing (&et&er it &as t&e #reatie po(er to b*il% *p a##or%ing to its o(n prin#iples a #iili>ation (&i#& (o*l% be a
#o*nterpart o$ (&at alrea%" e5ists+ Een i$ )ar5is! (ere a t&o*san%$ol% #apable o$ ta,ing oer t&e e#ono!i# li$e as (e
no( &ae it an% !aintaining it in operation *n%er )ar5ist %ire#tion, s*#& an a#&iee!ent (o*l% proe not&ingC be#a*se,
on t&e basis o$ its o(n prin#iples, )ar5is! (o*l% neer be able to #reate so!et&ing (&i#& #o*l% s*pplant (&at e5ists to1
An% )ar5is! itsel$ &as $*rnis&e% t&e proo$ t&at it #annot %o t&is+ .ot onl" &as it been *nable an"(&ere to #reate a #*lt*ral
or e#ono!i# s"ste! o$ its o(nC b*t it (as not een able to %eelop, a##or%ing to its o(n prin#iples, t&e #iili>ation an%
e#ono!i# s"ste! it $o*n% rea%" at &an%+ It &as &a% to !a,e #o!pro!ises, b" (a" o$ a ret*rn to t&e prin#iple o$
personalit", 0*st as it #annot %ispense (it& t&at prin#iple in its o(n organi>ation+
T&e ra#ial 3eltans#&&a**ng is $*n%a!entall" %isting*is&e% $ro! t&e )ar5ist b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e $or!er
re#ogni>es t&e signi$i#an#e o$ ra#e an% t&ere$ore also personal (ort& an% &as !a%e t&ese t&e pillars o$ its str*#t*re+ T&ese
are t&e !ost i!portant $a#tors o$ its 3eltans#&&a**ng+
I$ t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent s&o*l% $ail to *n%erstan% t&e $*n%a!ental i!portan#e o$ t&is essential prin#iple, i$ it
s&o*l% !erel" arnis& t&e e5ternal appearan#e o$ t&e present State an% a%opt t&e !a0orit" prin#iple, it (o*l% reall" %o
not&ing !ore t&an #o!pete (it& )ar5is! on its o(n gro*n%+ For t&at reason it (o*l% not &ae t&e rig&t to #all itsel$ a
3eltans#&&a**ng+ I$ t&e so#ial progra!!e o$ t&e !oe!ent #onsiste% in eli!inating personalit" an% p*tting t&e
!*ltit*%e in its pla#e, t&en .ational So#ialis! (o*l% be #orr*pte% (it& t&e poison o$ )ar5is!, 0*st as o*r national1
bo*rgeois parties are+
T&e Peoples State !*st ass*re t&e (el$are o$ its #iti>ens b" re#ogni>ing t&e i!portan#e o$ personal al*es *n%er all
#ir#*!stan#es an% b" preparing t&e (a" $or t&e !a5i!*! o$ pro%*#tie e$$i#ien#" in all t&e ario*s bran#&es o$ e#ono!i#
li$e, t&*s se#*ring to t&e in%ii%*al t&e &ig&est possible s&are in t&e general o*tp*t+
Hen#e t&e Peoples State !*st !er#ilessl" e5p*rgate $ro! all t&e lea%ing #ir#les in t&e goern!ent o$ t&e #o*ntr" t&e
parlia!entarian prin#iple, a##or%ing to (&i#& %e#isie po(er t&ro*g& t&e !a0orit" ote is ineste% in t&e !*ltit*%e+
Personal responsibilit" !*st be s*bstit*te% in its stea%+
Fro! t&is t&e $ollo(ing #on#l*sion res*lts4
T&e best #onstit*tion an% t&e best $or! o$ goern!ent is t&at (&i#& !a,es it /*ite nat*ral $or t&e best brains to rea#& a
position o$ %o!inant i!portan#e an% in$l*en#e in t&e #o!!*nit"+
-*st as in t&e $iel% o$ e#ono!i#s !en o$ o*tstan%ing abilit" #annot be %esignate% $ro! aboe b*t !*st #o!e $or(ar% in
irt*e o$ t&eir o(n e$$orts, an% 0*st as t&ere is an *n#easing e%*#atie pro#ess t&at lea%s $ro! t&e s!allest s&op to t&e
largest *n%erta,ing, an% 0*st as li$e itsel$ is t&e s#&ool in (&i#& t&ose lessons are ta*g&t, so in t&e politi#al $iel% it is not
possible to M%is#oer politi#al talent all in a !o!ent+ Aeni*s o$ an e5traor%inar" sta!p is not to be 0*%ge% b" nor!al
stan%ar%s (&ereb" (e 0*%ge ot&er !en+
In its organi>ation t&e State !*st be establis&e% on t&e prin#iple o$ personalit", starting $ro! t&e s!allest #ell an%
as#en%ing *p to t&e s*pre!e goern!ent o$ t&e #o*ntr"+
T&ere are no %e#isions !a%e b" t&e !a0orit" ote, b*t onl" b" responsible persons+ An% t&e (or% M#o*n#il is on#e !ore
restore% to its original !eaning+ Eer" !an in a position o$ responsibilit" (ill &ae #o*n#illors at &is si%e, b*t t&e %e#ision
is !a%e b" t&at in%ii%*al person alone+
T&e prin#iple (&i#& !a%e t&e $or!er Pr*ssian Ar!" an a%!irable instr*!ent o$ t&e Aer!an nation (ill &ae to be#o!e
t&e basis o$ o*r statal #onstit*tion, t&at is to sa", $*ll a*t&orit" oer &is s*bor%inates !*st be ineste% in ea#& lea%er an% &e
!*st be responsible to t&ose aboe &i!+
Een t&en (e s&all not be able to %o (it&o*t t&ose #orporations (&i#& at present (e #all parlia!ents+ 8*t t&e" (ill be real
#o*n#ils, in t&e sense t&at t&e" (ill &ae to gie a%i#e+ T&e responsibilit" #an an% !*st be borne b" one in%ii%*al, (&o
alone (ill be este% (it& a*t&orit" an% t&e rig&t to #o!!an%+
Parlia!ents as s*#& are ne#essar" be#a*se t&e" alone $*rnis& t&e opport*nit" $or lea%ers to rise gra%*all" (&o (ill be
entr*ste% s*bse/*entl" (it& positions o$ spe#ial responsibilit"+
T&e $ollo(ing is an o*tline o$ t&e pi#t*re (&i#& t&e organi>ation (ill present4
Fro! t&e !*ni#ipal a%!inistration *p to t&e goern!ent o$ t&e Rei#&, t&e Peoples State (ill not &ae an" bo%" o$
representaties (&i#& !a,es its %e#isions t&ro*g& t&e !a0orit" ote+ It (ill &ae onl" a%isor" bo%ies to assist t&e #&osen
lea%er $or t&e ti!e being an% &e (ill %istrib*te a!ong t&e! t&e ario*s %*ties t&e" are to per$or!+ In #ertain $iel%s t&e"
!a", i$ ne#essar", &ae to ass*!e $*ll responsibilit", s*#& as t&e lea%er or presi%ent o$ ea#& #orporation possesses on a
larger s#ale+
In prin#iple t&e Peoples State !*st $orbi% t&e #*sto! o$ ta,ing a%i#e on #ertain politi#al proble!s 1 e#ono!i#s, $or
instan#e 1 $ro! persons (&o are entirel" in#o!petent be#a*se t&e" la#, spe#ial training an% pra#ti#al e5perien#e in s*#&
!atters+ Conse/*entl" t&e State !*st %ii%e its representatie bo%ies into a politi#al #&a!ber an% a #orporatie #&a!ber
t&at represents t&e respe#tie tra%es an% pro$essions+
To ass*re an e$$e#tie #o1operation bet(een t&ose t(o bo%ies, a sele#te% bo%" (ill be pla#e% oer t&e!+ T&is (ill be a
spe#ial senate+
.o ote (ill be ta,en in t&e #&a!bers or senate+ T&e" are to be organi>ations $or (or, an% not oting !a#&ines+ T&e
in%ii%*al !e!bers (ill &ae #ons*ltie otes b*t no rig&t o$ %e#ision (ill be atta#&e% t&ereto+ T&e rig&t o$ %e#ision
belongs e5#l*siel" to t&e presi%ent, (&o !*st be entirel" responsible $or t&e !atter *n%er %is#*ssion+
T&is prin#iple o$ #o!bining absol*te a*t&orit" (it& absol*te responsibilit" (ill gra%*all" #a*se a sele#te% gro*p o$ lea%ers
to e!ergeC (&i#& is not een t&in,able in o*r present epo#& o$ irresponsible parlia!entarianis!+
T&e politi#al #onstr*#tion o$ t&e nation (ill t&ereb" be bro*g&t into &ar!on" (it& t&ose la(s to (&i#& t&e nation alrea%"
o(es its greatness in t&e e#ono!i# an% #*lt*ral sp&eres+
Regar%ing t&e possibilit" o$ p*tting t&ese prin#iples into pra#ti#e, I s&o*l% li,e to #all attention to t&e $a#t t&at t&e
prin#iple o$ parlia!entarian %e!o#ra#", (&ereb" %e#isions are ena#te% t&ro*g& t&e !a0orit" ote, &as not al(a"s r*le% t&e
(orl%+ On t&e #ontrar", (e $in% it prealent onl" %*ring s&ort perio%s o$ &istor", an% t&ose &ae al(a"s been perio%s o$
%e#line in nations an% States+
One !*st not beliee, &o(eer, t&at s*#& a ra%i#al #&ange #o*l% be e$$e#te% b" !eas*res o$ a p*rel" t&eoreti#al #&ara#ter,
operating $ro! aboe %o(n(ar%sC $or t&e #&ange I &ae been %es#ribing #o*l% not be li!ite% to trans$or!ing t&e
#onstit*tion o$ a State b*t (o*l% &ae to in#l*%e t&e ario*s $iel%s o$ legislation an% #ii# e5isten#e as a (&ole+ S*#& a
reol*tion #an be bro*g&t abo*t onl" b" !eans o$ a !oe!ent (&i#& is itsel$ organi>e% *n%er t&e inspiration o$ t&ese
prin#iples an% t&*s bears t&e ger! o$ t&e $*t*re State in its o(n organis!+
T&ere$ore it is (ell $or t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent to !a,e itsel$ #o!pletel" $a!iliar (it& t&ose prin#iples to1%a" an%
a#t*all" to p*t t&e! into pra#ti#e (it&in its o(n organi>ation, so t&at not onl" (ill it be in a position to sere as a g*i%e
$or t&e $*t*re State b*t (ill &ae its o(n organi>ation s*#& t&at it #an s*bse/*entl" be pla#e% at t&e %isposal o$ t&e State
C&apter Fie
T&e Peoples State, (&i#& I &ae trie% to s,et#& in general o*tline, (ill not be#o!e a realit" in irt*e o$ t&e si!ple $a#t
t&at (e ,no( t&e in%ispensable #on%itions o$ its e5isten#e+ It %oes not s*$$i#e to ,no( (&at aspe#t s*#& a State (o*l%
present+ T&e proble! o$ its $o*n%ation is $ar !ore i!portant+ T&e parties (&i#& e5ist at present an% (&i#& %ra( t&eir
pro$its $ro! t&e State as it no( is #annot be e5pe#te% to bring abo*t a ra%i#al #&ange in t&e regi!e or to #&ange t&eir
attit*%e on t&eir o(n initiatie+ T&is is ren%ere% all t&e !ore i!possible be#a*se t&e $or#es (&i#& no( &ae t&e %ire#tion
o$ a$$airs in t&eir &an%s are -e(s &ere an% -e(s t&ere an% -e(s eer"(&ere+ T&e tren% o$ %eelop!ent (&i#& (e are no(
e5perien#ing (o*l%, i$ allo(e% to go on *n&a!pere%, lea% to t&e reali>ation o$ t&e Pan1-e(is& prop&e#" t&at t&e -e(s (ill
one %a" %eo*r t&e ot&er nations an% be#o!e lor%s o$ t&e eart&+
In #ontrast to t&e !illions o$ Mbo*rgeois an% Mproletarian Aer!ans, (&o are st*!bling to t&eir r*in, !ostl" t&ro*g&
ti!i%it", in%olen#e an% st*pi%it", t&e -e( p*rs*es &is (a" persistentl" an% ,eeps &is e"e al(a"s $i5e% on &is $*t*re goal+
An" part" t&at is le% b" &i! #an $ig&t $or no ot&er interests t&an &is, an% &is interests #ertainl" &ae not&ing in #o!!on
(it& t&ose o$ t&e Ar"an nations+
I$ (e (o*l% trans$or! o*r i%eal pi#t*re o$ t&e Peoples State into a realit" (e s&all &ae to ,eep in%epen%ent o$ t&e $or#es
t&at no( #ontrol p*bli# li$e an% see, $or ne( $or#es t&at (ill be rea%" an% #apable o$ ta,ing *p t&e $ig&t $or s*#& an i%eal+
For a $ig&t it (ill &ae to be, sin#e t&e $irst ob0e#tie (ill not be to b*il% *p t&e i%ea o$ t&e Peoples State b*t rat&er to (ipe
o*t t&e -e(is& State (&i#& is no( in e5isten#e+ As so o$ten &appens in t&e #o*rse o$ &istor", t&e !ain %i$$i#*lt" is not to
establis& a ne( or%er o$ t&ings b*t to #lear t&e gro*n% $or its establis&!ent+ Pre0*%i#es an% egotisti# interests 0oin toget&er
in $or!ing a #o!!on $ront against t&e ne( i%ea an% in tr"ing b" eer" !eans to preent its tri*!p&, be#a*se it is
%isagreeable to t&e! or t&reatens t&eir e5isten#e+
T&at is (&" t&e protagonist o$ t&e ne( i%ea is *n$ort*natel", in spite o$ &is Y264Z%esire $or #onstr*#tie (or,, #o!pelle%
to (age a %estr*#tie battle $irst, in or%er to abolis& t&e e5isting state o$ a$$airs+
A %o#trine (&ose prin#iples are ra%i#all" ne( an% o$ essential i!portan#e !*st a%opt t&e s&arp probe o$ #riti#is! as its
(eapon, t&o*g& t&is !a" s&o( itsel$ %isagreeable to t&e in%ii%*al $ollo(ers+
It is ei%en#e o$ a er" s*per$i#ial insig&t into &istori#al %eelop!ents i$ t&e so1#alle% $ol,ists e!p&asi>e again an% again
t&at t&e" (ill a%opt t&e *se o$ negatie #riti#is! *n%er no #ir#*!stan#es b*t (ill engage onl" in #onstr*#tie (or,+ T&at is
not&ing b*t p*erile #&atter an% is t"pi#al o$ t&e (&ole lot o$ $ol,ists+ It is anot&er proo$ t&at t&e &istor" o$ o*r o(n ti!es
&as !a%e no i!pression on t&ese !in%s+ )ar5is! too &as &a% its ai!s to p*rs*e an% it also re#ogni>es #onstr*#tie (or,,
t&o*g& b" t&is it *n%erstan%s onl" t&e establis&!ent o$ %espoti# r*le in t&e &an%s o$ international -e(is& $inan#e+
.eert&eless $or seent" "ears its prin#ipal (or, still re!ains in t&e $iel% o$ #riti#is!+ An% (&at %isr*ptie an% %estr*#tie
#riti#is! it &as beenN Criti#is! repeate% again an% again, *ntil t&e #orrosie a#i% ate into t&e ol% State so t&oro*g&l" t&at
it $inall" #r*!ble% to pie#es+ Onl" t&en %i% t&e so1#alle% M#onstr*#tie #riti#al (or, o$ )ar5is! begin+ An% t&at (as
nat*ral, rig&t an% logi#al+ An e5isting or%er o$ t&ings is not abolis&e% b" !erel" pro#lai!ing an% insisting on a ne( one+
It !*st not be &ope% t&at t&ose (&o are t&e partisans o$ t&e e5isting or%er an% &ae t&eir interests bo*n% *p (it& it (ill be
#onerte% an% (on oer to t&e ne( !oe!ent si!pl" b" being s&o(n t&at so!et&ing ne( is ne#essar"+ On t&e #ontrar",
(&at !a" easil" &appen is t&at t(o %i$$erent sit*ations (ill e5ist si%e b" si%e an% t&at a 3eltans#&&a**ng is trans$or!e%
into a part", aboe (&i#& leel it (ill not be able to raise itsel$ a$ter(ar%s+ For a 3eltans#&&a**ng is intolerant an% #annot
per!it anot&er to e5ist si%e b" si%e (it& it+ It i!perio*sl" %e!an%s its o(n re#ognition as *ni/*e an% e5#l*sie an% a
#o!plete trans$or!ation in a##or%an#e (it& its ie(s t&ro*g&o*t all t&e bran#&es o$ p*bli# li$e+ It #an neer allo( t&e
preio*s state o$ a$$airs to #ontin*e in e5isten#e b" its si%e+
An% t&e sa!e &ol%s tr*e o$ religions+
C&ristianit" (as not #ontent (it& ere#ting an altar o$ its o(n+ It &a% $irst to %estro" t&e pagan altars+ It (as onl" in irt*e
o$ t&is passionate intoleran#e t&at an apo%i#ti# $ait& #o*l% gro( *p+ An% intoleran#e is an in%ispensable #on%ition $or t&e
gro(t& o$ s*#& a $ait&+
It !a" be ob0e#te% &ere t&at in t&ese p&eno!ena (&i#& (e $in% t&ro*g&o*t t&e &istor" o$ t&e (orl% (e &ae to re#ogni>e
!ostl" a spe#i$i#all" -e(is& !o%e o$ t&o*g&t an% t&at s*#& $anati#is! an% intoleran#e are t"pi#al s"!pto!s o$ -e(is&
!entalit"+ T&at !a" be a t&o*san%$ol% tr*eC an% it is a $a#t %eepl" to be regrette%+ T&e appearan#e o$ intoleran#e an%
$anati#is! in t&e &istor" o$ !an,in% !a" be %eepl" regrettable, an% it !a" be loo,e% *pon as $oreign to &*!an nat*re, b*t
t&e $a#t %oes not #&ange #on%itions as t&e" e5ist to1%a"+ T&e !en (&o (is& to liberate o*r Aer!an nation $ro! t&e
#on%itions in (&i#& it no( e5ists #annot #*%gel t&eir brains (it& t&in,ing &o( e5#ellent it (o*l% be i$ t&is or t&at &a%
neer arisen+ T&e" !*st strie to $in% (a"s an% !eans o$ abolis&ing (&at a#t*all" e5ists+ A p&ilosop&" o$ li$e (&i#& is
inspire% b" an in$ernal spirit o$ intoleran#e #an onl" be set asi%e b" a %o#trine t&at is a%an#e% in an e/*all" ar%ent spirit
an% $o*g&t $or (it& as %eter!ine% a (ill an% (&i#& is itsel$ a ne( i%ea, p*re an% absol*tel" tr*e+
Ea#& one o$ *s to1%a" !a" regret t&e $a#t t&at t&e a%ent o$ C&ristianit" (as t&e $irst o##asion on (&i#& spirit*al terror
(as intro%*#e% into t&e !*#& $reer an#ient (orl%, b*t t&e $a#t #annot be %enie% t&at eer sin#e t&en t&e (orl% is pera%e%
an% %o!inate% b" t&is ,in% o$ #oer#ion an% t&at iolen#e is bro,en onl" b" iolen#e an% terror b" terror+ Onl" t&en #an a
ne( regi!e be #reate% b" !eans o$ #onstr*#tie (or,+ Politi#al parties are prone to enter #o!pro!isesC b*t a
3eltans#&&a**ng neer %oes t&is+ A politi#al part" is in#line% to a%0*st its tea#&ings (it& a ie( to !eeting t&ose o$ its
opponents, b*t a 3eltans#&&a**ng pro#lai!s its o(n in$allibilit"+
In t&e beginning, politi#al parties &ae also an% nearl" al(a"s t&e intention o$ Y266Zse#*ring an e5#l*sie an% %espoti#
%o!ination $or t&e!seles+ T&e" al(a"s s&o( a slig&t ten%en#" to be#o!e 3eltans#&&a**ngen+ 8*t t&e li!ite% nat*re o$
t&eir progra!!e is in itsel$ eno*g& to rob t&e! o$ t&at &eroi# spirit (&i#& a 3eltans#&&a**ng %e!an%s+ T&e spirit o$
#on#iliation (&i#& ani!ates t&eir (ill attra#ts t&ose pett" an% #&i#,en1&earte% people (&o are not $it to be protagonists in
an" #r*sa%e+ T&at is t&e reason (&" t&e" !ostl" be#o!e str*#, in t&eir !iserable pettiness er" earl" on t&e !ar#&+ T&e"
gie *p $ig&ting $or t&eir i%eolog" an%, b" (a" o$ (&at t&e" #all Mpositie #ollaboration, t&e" tr" as /*i#,l" as possible to
(e%ge t&e!seles into so!e tin" pla#e at t&e tro*g& o$ t&e e5istent regi!e an% to sti#, t&ere as long as possible+ T&eir
(&ole e$$ort en%s at t&at+ An% i$ t&e" s&o*l% get s&o*l%ere% a(a" $ro! t&e #o!!on !anger b" a #o!petition o$ !ore
br*tal !anners t&en t&eir onl" i%ea is to $or#e t&e!seles in again, b" $or#e or #&i#aner", a!ong t&e &er% o$ all t&e ot&ers
(&o &ae si!ilar appetites, in or%er to get ba#, into t&e $ront ro(, an% $inall" 1 een at t&e e5pense o$ t&eir !ost sa#re%
#oni#tions 1 parti#ipate ane( in t&at beloe% spot (&ere t&e" $in% t&eir $o%%er+ T&e" are t&e 0a#,als o$ politi#s+
8*t a general 3eltans#&&a**ng (ill neer s&are its pla#e (it& so!et&ing else+ T&ere$ore it #an neer agree to #ollaborate
in an" or%er o$ t&ings t&at it #on%e!ns+ On t&e #ontrar" it $eels oblige% to e!plo" eer" !eans in $ig&ting against t&e ol%
or%er an% t&e (&ole (orl% o$ i%eas belonging to t&at or%er an% prepare t&e (a" $or its %estr*#tion+
T&ese p*rel" %estr*#tie ta#ti#s, t&e %anger o$ (&i#& is so rea%il" per#eie% b" t&e ene!" t&at &e $or!s a *nite% $ront
against t&e! $or &is #o!!on %e$en#e, an% also t&e #onstr*#tie ta#ti#s, (&i#& !*st be aggressie in or%er to #arr" t&e ne(
(orl% o$ i%eas to s*##ess 1 bot& t&ese p&ases o$ t&e str*ggle #all $or a bo%" o$ resol*te $ig&ters+ An" ne( p&ilosop&" o$ li$e
(ill bring its i%eas to i#tor" onl" i$ t&e !ost #o*rageo*s an% a#tie ele!ents o$ its epo#& an% its people are enrolle% *n%er
its stan%ar%s an% gro*pe% $ir!l" toget&er in a po(er$*l $ig&ting organi>ation+ To a#&iee t&is p*rpose it is absol*tel"
ne#essar" to sele#t $ro! t&e general s"ste! o$ %o#trine a #ertain n*!ber o$ i%eas (&i#& (ill appeal to s*#& in%ii%*als an%
(&i#&, on#e t&e" are e5presse% in a pre#ise an% #lear1#*t $or!, (ill sere as arti#les o$ $ait& $or a ne( asso#iation o$ !en+
3&ile t&e progra!!e o$ t&e or%inar" politi#al part" is not&ing b*t t&e re#ipe $or #oo,ing *p $ao*rable res*lts o*t o$ t&e
ne5t general ele#tions, t&e progra!!e o$ a 3eltans#&&a**ng represents a %e#laration o$ (ar against an e5isting or%er o$
t&ings, against present #on%itions, in s&ort, against t&e establis&e% 3eltans#&&a**ng+
It is not ne#essar", &o(eer, t&at eer" in%ii%*al $ig&ter $or s*#& a ne( %o#trine nee% &ae a $*ll grasp o$ t&e *lti!ate
i%eas an% plans o$ t&ose (&o are t&e lea%ers o$ t&e !oe!ent+ It is onl" ne#essar" t&at ea#& s&o*l% &ae a #lear notion o$
t&e $*n%a!ental i%eas an% t&at &e s&o*l% t&oro*g&l" assi!ilate a $e( o$ t&e !ost $*n%a!ental prin#iples, so t&at &e (ill
be #onin#e% o$ t&e ne#essit" o$ #arr"ing t&e !oe!ent an% its %o#trines to s*##ess+ T&e in%ii%*al sol%ier is not initiate%
in t&e ,no(le%ge o$ &ig& strategi#al plans+ 8*t &e is traine% to s*b!it to a rigi% %is#ipline, to be passionatel" #onin#e% o$
t&e 0*sti#e an% inner (ort& o$ &is #a*se an% t&at &e !*st %eote &i!sel$ to it (it&o*t resere+ So, too, t&e in%ii%*al
$ollo(er o$ a !oe!ent !*st be !a%e a#/*ainte% (it& its $ar1rea#&ing p*rpose, &o( it is inspire% b" a po(er$*l (ill an%
&as a great $*t*re be$ore it+
S*pposing t&at ea#& sol%ier in an ar!" (ere a general, an% &a% t&e training an% #apa#it" $or generals&ip, t&at ar!" (o*l%
not be an e$$i#ient $ig&ting instr*!ent+ Si!ilarl" a politi#al !oe!ent (o*l% not be er" e$$i#ient in $ig&ting $or a
3eltans#&&a**ng i$ it (ere !a%e *p e5#l*siel" o$ intelle#t*als+ .o, (e nee% t&e si!ple sol%ier also+ 3it&o*t &i! no
%is#ipline #an be establis&e%+
8" its er" nat*re, an organi>ation #an e5ist onl" i$ lea%ers o$ &ig& intelle#t*al abilit" are sere% b" a large !ass o$ !en
(&o are e!otionall" %eote% to t&e #a*se+ To !aintain %is#ipline in a #o!pan" o$ t(o &*n%re% !en (&o are e/*all"
intelligent an% #apable (o*l% t*rn o*t !ore %i$$i#*lt in t&e long r*n t&an in a #o!pan" o$ one &*n%re% an% ninet" less
gi$te% !en an% ten (&o &ae &a% a &ig&er e%*#ation+
Y26<ZT&e So#ial1=e!o#rats &ae pro$ite% er" !*#& b" re#ogni>ing t&is tr*t&+ T&e" too, t&e broa% !asses o$ o*r people
(&o &a% 0*st #o!plete% !ilitar" seri#e an% learne% to s*b!it to %is#ipline, an% t&e" s*b0e#te% t&is !ass o$ !en to t&e
%is#ipline o$ t&e So#ial1=e!o#rati# organi>ation, (&i#& (as no less rigi% t&an t&e %is#ipline t&ro*g& (&i#& t&e "o*ng
!en &a% passe% in t&eir !ilitar" training+ T&e So#ial1=e!o#rati# organi>ation #onsiste% o$ an ar!" %ii%e% into o$$i#ers
an% !en+ T&e Aer!an (or,er (&o &a% passe% t&ro*g& &is !ilitar" seri#e be#a!e t&e priate sol%ier in t&at ar!", an%
t&e -e(is& intelle#t*al (as t&e o$$i#er+ T&e Aer!an tra%e *nion $*n#tionaries !a" be #o!pare% to t&e non1#o!!issione%
o$$i#ers+ T&e $a#t, (&i#& (as al(a"s loo,e% *pon (it& in%i$$eren#e b" o*r !i%%le1#lasses, t&at onl" t&e so1#alle%
*ne%*#ate% #lasses 0oine% )ar5is! (as t&e er" gro*n% on (&i#& t&is part" a#&iee% its s*##ess+ For (&ile t&e bo*rgeois
parties, be#a*se t&e" !ostl" #onsiste% o$ intelle#t*als, (ere onl" a $e#,less ban% o$ *n%is#ipline% in%ii%*als, o*t o$ !*#&
less intelligent &*!an !aterial t&e )ar5ist lea%ers $or!e% an ar!" o$ part" #o!batants (&o obe" t&eir -e(is& !asters
0*st as blin%l" as t&e" $or!erl" obe"e% t&eir Aer!an o$$i#ers+ T&e Aer!an !i%%le1#lasses, (&o neerC bot&ere% t&eir &ea%s
abo*t ps"#&ologi#al proble!s be#a*se t&e" $elt t&e!seles s*perior to s*#& !atters, %i% not t&in, it ne#essar" to re$le#t on
t&e pro$o*n% signi$i#an#e o$ t&is $a#t an% t&e se#ret %anger inole% in it+ In%ee% t&e" beliee%+ t&at a politi#al !oe!ent
(&i#& %ra(s its $ollo(ers e5#l*siel" $ro! intelle#t*al #ir#les !*st, $or t&at er" reason, be o$ greater i!portan#e an%
&ae better gro*n%s+ $or its #&an#es o$ s*##ess, an% een a greater probabilit" o$ ta,ing oer t&e goern!ent o$ t&e #o*ntr"
t&an a part" !a%e *p o$ t&e ignorant !asses+ T&e" #o!pletel" $aile% to reali>e t&e $a#t t&at t&e strengt& o$ a politi#al part"
neer #onsists in t&e intelligen#e an% in%epen%ent spirit o$ t&e ran,1an%1$ile o$ its !e!bers b*t rat&er in t&e spirit o$
(illing obe%ien#e (it& (&i#& t&e" $ollo( t&eir intelle#t*al lea%ers+ 3&at is o$ %e#isie i!portan#e is t&e lea%ers&ip itsel$+
3&en t(o bo%ies o$ troops are arra"e% in !*t*al #o!bat i#tor" (ill not $all to t&at si%e in (&i#& eer" sol%ier &as an
e5pert ,no(le%ge o$ t&e r*les o$ strateg", b*t rat&er to t&at si%e (&i#& &as t&e best lea%ers an% at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e best
%is#ipline%, !ost blin%l" obe%ient an% best %rille% troops+
T&at is a $*n%a!ental pie#e o$ ,no(le%ge (&i#& (e !*st al(a"s bear in !in% (&en (e e5a!ine t&e possibilit" o$
trans$or!ing a 3eltans#&&a**ng into a pra#ti#al realit"+
I$ (e agree t&at in or%er to #arr" a 3eltans#&&a**ng into pra#ti#al e$$e#t it !*st be in#orporate% in a $ig&ting !oe!ent,
t&en t&e logi#al #onse/*en#e is t&at t&e progra!!e o$ s*#& a !oe!ent !*st ta,e a##o*nt o$ t&e &*!an !aterial at its
%isposal+ -*st as t&e *lti!ate ai!s an% $*n%a!ental prin#iples !*st be absol*tel" %e$inite an% *n!ista,able, so t&e
propagan%ist progra!!e !*st be (ell %ra(n *p an% !*st be inspire% b" a ,een sense o$ its ps"#&ologi#al appeals to t&e
!in%s o$ t&ose (it&o*t (&ose &elp t&e noblest i%eas (ill be %oo!e% to re!ain in t&e eternal, real! o$ i%eas+
I$ t&e i%ea o$ t&e Peoples State, (&i#& is at present an obs#*re (is&, is one %a" to attain a #lear an% %e$inite s*##ess, $ro!
its ag*e an% ast !ass o$ t&o*g&t it (ill &ae to p*t $or(ar% #ertain %e$inite prin#iples (&i#& o$ t&eir er" nat*re an%
#ontent are #al#*late% to attra#t a broa% !ass o$ a%&erentsC in ot&er (or%s, s*#& a gro*p o$ people as #an g*arantee t&at
t&ese prin#iples (ill be $o*g&t $or+ T&at gro*p o$ people are t&e Aer!an (or,ers+
T&at is (&" t&e progra!!e o$ t&e ne( !oe!ent (as #on%ense% into a $e( $*n%a!ental post*lates, t(ent"1$ie in all+
T&e" are !eant $irst o$ all to gie t&e or%inar" !an a ro*g& s,et#& o$ (&at t&e !oe!ent is ai!ing at+ T&e" are, so to sa",
a pro$ession o$ $ait& (&i#& on t&e one &an% is !eant to (in a%&erents to t&e !oe!ent an%, on t&e ot&er, t&e" are !eant
to *nite s*#& a%&erents toget&er in a #oenant to (&i#& all &ae s*bs#ribe%+
In t&ese !atters (e !*st neer lose sig&t o$ t&e $ollo(ing4 3&at (e #all t&e progra!!e o$ t&e !oe!ent is absol*tel"
rig&t as $ar as its *lti!ate ai!s are #on#erne%, b*t as regar%s t&e !anner in (&i#& t&at progra!!e is $or!*late%
Y26:Z#ertain ps"#&ologi#a1 #onsi%erations &a% to be ta,en into a##o*nt+ Hen#e, in t&e #o*rse o$ ti!e, t&e opinion !a"
(ell arise t&at #ertain prin#iples s&o*l% be e5presse% %i$$erentl" an% !ig&t be better $or!*late%+ 8*t an" atte!pt at a
%i$$erent $or!*lation &as a $atal e$$e#t in !ost #ases+ For so!et&ing t&at o*g&t to be $i5e% an% *ns&a,able t&ereb" be#o!es
t&e s*b0e#t o$ %is#*ssion+ As soon as one point alone is re!oe% $ro! t&e sp&ere o$ %og!ati# #ertaint", t&e %is#*ssion (ill
not si!pl" res*lt in a ne( an% better $or!*lation (&i#& (ill &ae greater #onsisten#" b*t !a" easil" lea% to en%less
%ebates an% general #on$*sion+ In s*#& #ases t&e /*estion !*st al(a"s be #are$*ll" #onsi%ere% as to (&et&er a ne( an%
!ore a%e/*ate $or!*lation is to be pre$erre%, t&o*g& it !a" #a*se a #ontroers" (it&in t&e !oe!ent, or (&et&er it !a"
not be better to retain t&e ol% $or!*la (&i#&, t&o*g& probabl" not t&e best, represents an organis! en#lose% in itsel$, soli%
an% internall" &o!ogeneo*s+ All e5perien#e s&o(s t&at t&e se#on% o$ t&ese alternaties is pre$erable+ For sin#e in t&ese
#&anges one is %ealing onl" (it& e5ternal $or!s s*#& #orre#tions (ill al(a"s appear %esirable an% possible+ 8*t in t&e last
anal"sis t&e generalit" o$ people t&in, s*per$i#iall" an% t&ere$ore t&e great %anger is t&at in (&at is !erel" an e5ternal
$or!*lation o$ t&e progra!!e people (ill see an essential ai! o$ t&e !oe!ent+ In t&at (a" t&e (ill an% t&e #o!batie
$or#e at t&e seri#e o$ t&e i%eas are (ea,ene% an% t&e energies t&at o*g&t to be %ire#te% to(ar%s t&e o*ter (orl% are
%issipate% in progra!!ati# %is#*ssions (it&in t&e ran,s o$ t&e !oe!ent+
For a %o#trine t&at is a#t*all" rig&t in its !ain $eat*res it is less %angero*s to retain a $or!*lation (&i#& !a" no longer be
/*ite a%e/*ate instea% o$ tr"ing to i!proe it an% t&ereb" allo(ing a $*n%a!ental prin#iple o$ t&e !oe!ent, (&i#& &a%
&it&erto been #onsi%ere% as soli% as granite, to be#o!e t&e s*b0e#t o$ a general %is#*ssion (&i#& !a" &ae *n$ort*nate
#onse/*en#es+ T&is is parti#*larl" to be aoi%e% as long as a !oe!ent is still $ig&ting $or i#tor"+ For (o*l% it be possible
to inspire people (it& blin% $ait& in t&e tr*t& o$ a %o#trine i$ %o*bt an% *n#ertaint" are en#o*rage% b" #ontin*al alterations
in its e5ternal $or!*lation@
T&e essentials o$ a tea#&ing !*st neer be loo,e% $or in its e5ternal $or!*las, b*t al(a"s in its inner !eaning+ An% t&is
!eaning is *n#&angeable+ An% in its interest one #an onl" (is& t&at a !oe!ent s&o*l% e5#l*%e eer"t&ing t&at ten%s
to(ar%s %isintegration an% *n#ertaint" in or%er to presere t&e *ni$ie% $or#e t&at is ne#essar" $or its tri*!p&+
Here again t&e Cat&oli# C&*r#& &as a lesson to tea#& *s+ T&o*g& so!eti!es, an% o$ten /*ite *nne#essaril", its %og!ati#
s"ste! is in #on$li#t (it& t&e e5a#t s#ien#es an% (it& s#ienti$i# %is#oeries, it is not %ispose% to sa#ri$i#e a s"llable o$ its
tea#&ings+ It &as rig&tl" re#ogni>e% t&at its po(ers o$ resistan#e (o*l% be (ea,ene% b" intro%*#ing greater or less
%o#trinal a%aptations to !eet t&e te!porar" #on#l*sions o$ s#ien#e, (&i#& in realit" are al(a"s a#illating+ An% t&*s it
&ol%s $ast to its $i5e% an% establis&e% %og!as (&i#& alone #an gie to t&e (&ole s"ste! t&e #&ara#ter o$ a $ait&+ An% t&at is
t&e reason (&" it stan%s $ir!er to1%a" t&an eer be$ore+ 3e !a" prop&es" t&at, as a $i5e% pole a!i% $leeting p&eno!ena, it
(ill #ontin*e to attra#t in#reasing n*!bers o$ people (&o (ill be blin%l" atta#&e% to it t&e !ore rapi% t&e r&"t&! o$
#&anging p&eno!ena aro*n% it+
T&ere$ore (&oeer reall" an% serio*sl" %esires t&at t&e i%ea o$ t&e Peoples State s&o*l% tri*!p& !*st reali>e t&at t&is
tri*!p& #an be ass*re% onl" t&ro*g& a !ilitant !oe!ent an% t&at t&is !oe!ent !*st gro*n% its strengt& onl" on t&e
granite $ir!ness o$ an i!pregnable an% $ir!l" #o&erent progra!!e+ In regar% to its $or!*las it !*st neer !a,e
#on#essions to t&e spirit o$ t&e ti!e b*t !*st !aintain t&e $or! t&at &as on#e an% $or all been %e#i%e% *pon as t&e rig&t
oneC in an" #ase *ntil i#tor" &as #ro(ne% its e$$orts+ 8e$ore t&is goal &as been rea#&e% an" atte!pt to open a %is#*ssion
on t&e opport*neness o$ t&is or t&at point in t&e progra!!e !ig&t ten% to %isintegrate t&e soli%it" an% $ig&ting strengt& o$
t&e !oe!ent, a##or%ing to t&e !eas*res in (&i#& its $ollo(ers !ig&t ta,e part in s*#& an internal %isp*te+ So!e
Mi!proe!ents intro%*#e% to1%a" !ig&t be s*b0e#te% to a #riti#al e5a!ination to1!orro(, in or%er to s*bstit*te it (it&
so!et&ing better Y269Zt&e %a" a$ter+ On#e t&e barrier &as been ta,en %o(n t&e roa% is opene% an% (e ,no( onl" t&e
beginning, b*t (e %o not ,no( to (&at s&oreless sea it !a" lea%+
T&is i!portant prin#iple &a% to be a#,no(le%ge% in pra#ti#e b" t&e !e!bers o$ t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent at its
er" beginning+ In its progra!!e o$ t(ent"1$ie points t&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part" &as been $*rnis&e%
(it& a basis t&at !*st re!ain *ns&a,able+ T&e !e!bers o$ t&e !oe!ent, bot& present an% $*t*re, !*st neer $eel
t&e!seles #alle% *pon to *n%erta,e a #riti#al reision o$ t&ese lea%ing post*lates, b*t rat&er $eel t&e!seles oblige% to p*t
t&e! into pra#ti#e as t&e" stan%+ Ot&er(ise t&e ne5t generation (o*l%, in its t*rn an% (it& e/*al rig&t, e5pen% its energ"
in s*#& p*rel" $or!al (or, (it&in t&e part", instea% o$ (inning ne( a%&erents to t&e !oe!ent an% t&*s a%%ing to its
po(er+ For t&e !a0orit" o$ o*r $ollo(ers t&e essen#e o$ t&e !oe!ent (ill #onsist not so !*#& in t&e letter o$ o*r t&eses
b*t in t&e !eaning t&at (e attrib*te to t&e!+
T&e ne( !oe!ent o(es its na!e to t&ese #onsi%erations, an% later on its progra!!e (as %ra(n *p in #on$or!it" (it&
t&e!+ T&e" are t&e basis o$ o*r propagan%a+ In or%er to #arr" t&e i%ea o$ t&e Peoples State to i#tor", a pop*lar part" &a%
to be $o*n%e%, a part" t&at %i% not #onsist o$ intelle#t*al lea%ers onl" b*t also o$ !an*al labo*rers+ An" atte!pt to #arr"
t&ese t&eories into e$$e#t (it&o*t t&e ai% o$ a !ilitant organi>ation (o*l% be %oo!e% to $ail*re to1%a", as it &as $aile% in
t&e past an% !*st $ail in t&e $*t*re+ T&at is (&" t&e !oe!ent is not onl" 0*sti$ie% b*t it is also oblige% to #onsi%er itsel$ as
t&e #&a!pion an% representatie o$ t&ese i%eas+ -*st as t&e $*n%a!ental prin#iples o$ t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent are
base% on t&e $ol, i%ea, $ol, i%eas are .ational So#ialist+ I$ .ational So#ialis! (o*l% tri*!p& it (ill &ae to &ol% $ir! to
t&is $a#t *nresere%l", an% &ere again it &as not onl" t&e rig&t b*t also t&e %*t" to e!p&asi>e !ost rigi%l" t&at an" atte!pt
to represent t&e $ol, i%ea o*tsi%e o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part" is $*tile an% in !ost #ases $ra*%*lent+
I$ t&e reproa#& s&o*l% be la*n#&e% against o*r !oe!ent t&at it &as M!onopoli>e% t&e $ol, i%ea, t&ere is onl" one ans(er
to gie+
.ot onl" &ae (e !onopoli>e% t&e $ol, i%ea b*t, to all pra#ti#al intents an% p*rposes, (e &ae #reate% it+
For (&at &it&erto e5iste% *n%er t&is na!e (as not in t&e least #apable o$ in$l*en#ing t&e %estin" o$ o*r people, sin#e all
t&ose i%eas la#,e% a politi#al an% #o&erent $or!*lation+ In !ost #ases t&e" are not&ing b*t isolate% an% in#o&erent notions
(&i#& are !ore or less rig&t+ P*ite $re/*entl" t&ese (ere in open #ontra%i#tion to one anot&er an% in no #ase (as t&ere
an" internal #o&esion a!ong t&e!+ An% een i$ t&is internal #o&esion e5iste% it (o*l% &ae been !*#& too (ea, to $or!
t&e basis o$ an" !oe!ent+
Onl" t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent proe% #apable o$ $*l$illing t&is tas,+
All ,in%s o$ asso#iations an% gro*ps, big as (ell as little, no( #lai! t&e title Jl,is#&+ T&is is one res*lt o$ t&e (or, (&i#&
.ational So#ialis! &as %one+ 3it&o*t t&is (or,, not one o$ all t&ese parties (o*l% &ae t&o*g&t o$ a%opting t&e (or%
Jl,is#& at all+ T&at e5pression (o*l% &ae !eant not&ing to t&e! an% espe#iall" t&eir %ire#tors (o*l% neer &ae &a%
an"t&ing to %o (it& s*#& an i%ea+ .ot *ntil t&e (or, o$ t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part" &a% gien t&is i%ea a
pregnant !eaning %i% it appear in t&e !o*t&s o$ all ,in%s o$ people+ O*r part" aboe all, b" t&e s*##ess o$ its propagan%a,
&as s&o(n t&e $or#e o$ t&e $ol, i%eaC so !*#& so t&at t&e ot&ers, in an e$$ort to gain prosel"tes, $in% t&e!seles $or#e% to
#op" o*r e5a!ple, at least in (or%s+
-*st as &ereto$ore t&e" e5ploite% eer"t&ing to sere t&eir pett" ele#toral p*rposes, to1%a" t&e" *se t&e (or% Jl,is#& onl"
as an e5ternal an% &ollo(1so*n%ing p&rase $or t&e p*rpose o$ #o*ntera#ting t&e $or#e o$ t&e i!pression (&i#& t&e .ational
So#ialist Part" !a,es on t&e !e!bers o$ t&ose ot&er parties+ Onl" t&e %esire to !aintain t&eir e5isten#e an% t&e $ear t&at
o*r !oe!ent !a" preail, be#a*se it is base% on a 3eltans#&&a**ng t&at is o$ *niersal i!portan#e, an% be#a*se t&e"
$eel t&at t&e e5#l*sie #&ara#ter o$ o*r !oe!ent beto,ens %anger $or t&e! 1 onl" $or t&ese reasons %o t&e" *se (or%s
(&i#& t&e" rep*%iate% eig&t Y269Z"ears ago, %eri%e% seen "ears ago, bran%e% as st*pi% si5 "ears ago, #o!bate% $ie "ears
ago, &ate% $o*r "ears ago, an% $inall", t(o "ears ago, anne5e% an% in#orporate% t&e! in t&eir present politi#al o#ab*lar",
e!plo"ing t&e! as (ar slogans in t&eir str*ggle+
An% so it is ne#essar" een no( not to #ease #alling attention to t&e $a#t t&at not one o$ t&ose parties &as t&e slig&test i%ea
o$ (&at t&e Aer!an nation nee%s+ T&e !ost stri,ing proo$ o$ t&is is represente% b" t&e s*per$i#ial (a" in (&i#& t&e" *se
t&e (or% Jl,is#&+
.ot less %angero*s are t&ose (&o r*n abo*t as se!i1$ol,ists $or!*lating $antasti# s#&e!es (&i#& are !ostl" base% on
not&ing else t&an a $i5e% i%ea (&i#& in itsel$ !ig&t be rig&t b*t (&i#&, be#a*se it is an isolate% notion, is o$ no *se
(&atsoeer $or t&e $or!ation o$ a great &o!ogeneo*s $ig&ting asso#iation an% #o*l% b" no !eans sere as t&e basis o$ its
organi>ation+ T&ose people (&o #on#o#t a progra!!e (&i#& #onsists partl" o$ t&eir o(n i%eas an% partl" o$ i%eas ta,en
$ro! ot&ers, abo*t (&i#& t&e" &ae rea% so!e(&ere, are o$ten !ore %angero*s t&an t&e o*tspo,en ene!ies o$ t&e Jl,is#&
i%ea+ At best t&e" are sterile t&eorists b*t !ore $re/*entl" t&e" are !is#&ieo*s agitators o$ t&e p*bli# !in%+ T&e" beliee
t&at t&e" #an !as, t&eir intelle#t*al anit", t&e $*tilit" o$ t&eir e$$orts, an% t&eir la#, o$ stabilit", b" sporting $lo(ing
bear%s an% in%*lging in an#ient Aer!an gest*res+
In $a#e o$ all t&ose $*tile atte!pts, it is t&ere$ore (ort& (&ile to re#all t&e ti!e (&en t&e ne( .ational So#ialist )oe!ent
began its $ig&t+
C&apter Si5
T&e e#&oes o$ o*r $irst great !eeting, in t&e ban/*et &all o$ t&e Ho$brI*&a*s on Febr*ar" 24t&, 1927, &a% not "et %ie%
a(a" (&en (e began preparations $or o*r ne5t !eeting+ Up to t&at ti!e (e &a% to #onsi%er #are$*ll" t&e ent*re o$
&ol%ing a s!all !eeting eer" !ont& or at !ost eer" $ortnig&t in a #it" li,e )*ni#&C b*t no( it (as %e#i%e% t&at (e
s&o*l% &ol% a !ass !eeting eer" (ee,+ I nee% not sa" t&at (e an5io*sl" as,e% o*rseles on ea#& o##asion again an%
again4 3ill t&e people #o!e an% (ill t&e" listen@ Personall" I (as $ir!l" #onin#e% t&at i$ on#e t&e" #a!e t&e" (o*l%
re!ain an% listen+
=*ring t&at perio% t&e &all o$ t&e Ho$bra* Ha*s in )*ni#& a#/*ire% $or *s, .ational So#ialists, a sort o$ !"sti#
signi$i#an#e+ Eer" (ee, t&ere (as a !eeting, al!ost al(a"s in t&at &all, an% ea#& ti!e t&e &all (as better $ille% t&an on
t&e $or!er o##asion, an% o*r p*bli# !ore attentie+
Starting (it& t&e t&e!e, MResponsibilit" $or t&e 3ar, (&i#& nobo%" at t&at ti!e #are% abo*t, an% passing on to t&e
%is#*ssion o$ t&e pea#e treaties, (e %ealt (it& al!ost eer"t&ing t&at sere% to sti!*late t&e !in%s o$ o*r a*%ien#e an%
!a,e t&e! intereste% in o*r i%eas+ 3e %re( attention to t&e pea#e treaties+ 3&at t&e ne( !oe!ent prop&esie% again an%
again be$ore t&ose great !asses o$ people &as been $*l$ille% al!ost in eer" %etail+ To1%a" it is eas" to tal, an% (rite abo*t
t&ese t&ings+ 8*t in t&ose %a"s a p*bli# !ass !eeting (&i#& (as atten%e% not b" t&e s!all bo*rgeoisie b*t b" proletarians
(&o &a% been aro*se% b" agitators, to #riti#i>e t&e Pea#e Treat" o$ Bersailles !eant an atta#, on t&e Rep*bli# an% an
ei%en#e o$ rea#tion, i$ not o$ !onar#&ist ten%en#ies+ T&e !o!ent one *ttere% t&e $irst #riti#is! o$ t&e Bersailles Treat"
one #o*l% e5pe#t an i!!e%iate repl", (&i#& be#a!e al!ost stereot"pe%4 MAn% 8rest1'ito(s,@ M8rest1'ito(s,N An% t&en
t&e #ro(% (o*l% !*r!*r an% t&e !*r!*r (o*l% gra%*all" s(ell into a roar, *ntil t&e spea,er (o*l% &ae to gie *p &is
atte!pt to pers*a%e t&e!+ It (o*l% be li,e ,no#,ing ones &ea% against a (all, so %esperate (ere t&ese people+ T&e" (o*l%
not listen nor *n%erstan% t&at Bersailles (as a s#an%al an% a %isgra#e an% t&at t&e %i#tate signi$ie% an a#t o$ &ig&(a"
robber" against o*r people+ T&e %isr*ptie (or, %one b" t&e )ar5ists an% t&e poisono*s propagan%a o$ t&e e5ternal ene!"
&a% robbe% t&ese people o$ t&eir reason+ An% one &a% no rig&t to #o!plain+ For t&e g*ilt on t&is si%e (as enor!o*s+ 3&at
&a% t&e Aer!an bo*rgeoisie %one to #all a &alt to t&is terrible #a!paign o$ %isintegration, to oppose it an% open a (a" to a
re#ognition o$ t&e tr*t& b" giing a better an% !ore t&oro*g& e5planation o$ t&e sit*ation t&an t&at o$ t&e )ar5ists@
.ot&ing, not&ing+ At t&at ti!e I neer sa( t&ose (&o are no( t&e great apostles o$ t&e people+ Per&aps t&e" spo,e to sele#t
gro*ps, at tea parties o$ t&eir o(n little #oteriesC b*t t&ere (&ere t&e" s&o*l% &ae been, (&ere t&e (oles (ere at (or,,
t&e" neer ris,e% t&eir appearan#e, *nless it gae t&e! t&e opport*nit" o$ "elling in #on#ert (it& t&e (oles+
As $or !"sel$, I t&en sa( #learl" t&at $or t&e s!all gro*p (&i#& $irst #o!pose% o*r !oe!ent t&e /*estion o$ (ar g*ilt
&a% to be #leare% *p, an% #leare% *p in t&e lig&t o$ &istori#al tr*t&+ A preli!inar" #on%ition $or t&e $*t*re s*##ess o$ o*r
!oe!ent (as t&at it s&o*l% bring ,no(le%ge o$ t&e !eaning o$ t&e pea#e treaties to t&e !in%s o$ t&e pop*lar !asses+ In
t&e opinion o$ t&e !asses, t&e pea#e treaties t&en signi$ie% a %e!o#rati# s*##ess+ T&ere$ore, it (as ne#essar" to ta,e t&e
opposite si%e an% %ig o*rseles into t&e !in%s o$ t&e people as t&e ene!ies o$ t&e pea#e treatiesC so t&at later on, (&en t&e
na,e% tr*t& o$ t&is %espi#able s(in%le (o*l% be %is#lose% in all its &i%eo*sness, t&e people (o*l% re#all t&e position (&i#&
(e t&en too, an% (o*l% gie *s t&eir #on$i%en#e+
Alrea%" at t&at ti!e I too, *p !" stan% on t&ose i!portant $*n%a!ental /*estions (&ere p*bli# opinion &a% gone (rong
as a (&ole+ I oppose% t&ese (rong notions (it&o*t regar% eit&er $or pop*larit" or $or &atre%, an% I (as rea%" to $a#e t&e
$ig&t+ T&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part" o*g&t not to be t&e bea%le b*t rat&er t&e !aster o$ p*bli# opinion+ It
!*st not sere t&e !asses b*t rat&er %o!inate t&e!+
In t&e #ase o$ eer" !oe!ent, espe#iall" %*ring its str*ggling stages, t&ere is nat*rall" a te!ptation to #on$or! to t&e
ta#ti#s o$ an opponent an% *se t&e sa!e battle1#ries, (&en &is ta#ti#s &ae s*##ee%e% in lea%ing t&e people to #ra>"
#on#l*sions or to a%opt !ista,en attit*%es to(ar%s t&e /*estions at iss*e+ T&is te!ptation is parti#*larl" strong (&en
!oties #an be $o*n%, t&o*g& t&e" are entirel" ill*sor", t&at see! to point to(ar%s t&e sa!e en%s (&i#& t&e "o*ng
!oe!ent is ai!ing at+ H*!an poltrooner" (ill t&en all t&e !ore rea%il" a%opt t&ose arg*!ents (&i#& gie it a
se!blan#e o$ 0*sti$i#ation, M$ro! its o(n point o$ ie(, in parti#ipating in t&e #ri!inal poli#" (&i#& t&e a%ersar" is
On seeral o##asions I &ae e5perien#e% s*#& #ases, in (&i#& t&e greatest energ" &a% to be e!plo"e% to preent t&e s&ip o$
o*r !oe!ent $ro! being %ra(n into a general #*rrent (&i#& &a% been starte% arti$i#iall", an% in%ee% $ro! sailing (it& it+
T&e last o##asion (as (&en o*r Aer!an Press, t&e He#*ba o$ t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e Aer!an nation, s*##ee%e% in bringing
t&e /*estion o$ So*t& T"rol into a position o$ i!portan#e (&i#& (as serio*sl" %a!aging to t&e interests o$ t&e Aer!an
people+ 3it&o*t #onsi%ering (&at interests t&e" (ere sering, seeral so1#alle% Mnational !en, parties an% leag*es, 0oine%
in t&e general #r", si!pl" $or $ear o$ p*bli# opinion (&i#& &a% been e5#ite% b" t&e -e(s, an% $oolis&l" #ontrib*te% to &elp
in t&e str*ggle against a s"ste! (&i#& (e Aer!ans o*g&t, parti#*larl" in t&ose %a"s, to #onsi%er as t&e one ra" o$ lig&t in
t&is %istra#te% (orl%+ 3&ile t&e international 3orl%1-e( is slo(l" b*t s*rel" strangling *s, o*r so1#alle% patriots o#i$erate
against a !an an% &is s"ste! (&i#& &ae &a% t&e #o*rage to liberate t&e!seles $ro! t&e s&a#,les o$ -e(is& Free!asonr"
at least in one /*arter o$ t&e globe an% to set t&e $or#es o$ national resistan#e against t&e international (orl%1poison+ 8*t
(ea, #&ara#ters (ere te!pte% to set t&eir sails a##or%ing to t&e %ire#tion o$ t&e (in% an% #apit*late be$ore t&e s&o*t o$
p*bli# opinion+ For it (as eritabl" a #apit*lation+ T&e" are so !*#& in t&e &abit o$ l"ing an% so !orall" base t&at !en
!a" not a%!it t&is een to t&e!seles, b*t t&e tr*t& re!ains t&at onl" #o(ar%i#e an% $ear o$ t&e p*bli# $eeling aro*se% b"
t&e -e(s in%*#e% #ertain people to 0oin in t&e &*e an% #r"+ All t&e ot&er reasons p*t $or(ar% (ere onl" !iserable e5#*ses
o$ paltr" #*lprits (&o (ere #ons#io*s o$ t&eir o(n #ri!e+
T&ere it (as ne#essar" to grasp t&e r*%%er (it& an iron &an% an% t*rn t&e !oe!ent abo*t, so as to sae it $ro! a #o*rse
t&at (o*l% &ae le% it on t&e ro#,s+ Certainl" to atte!pt s*#& a #&ange o$ #o*rse (as not a pop*lar !anoe*re at t&at ti!e,
be#a*se all t&e lea%ing $or#es o$ p*bli# opinion &a% been a#tie an% a great $la!e o$ p*bli# $eeling ill*!inate% onl" one
%ire#tion+ S*#& a %e#ision al!ost al(a"s brings %is$ao*r on t&ose (&o %are to ta,e it+ In t&e #o*rse o$ &istor" not a $e(
!en &ae been stone% $or an a#t $or (&i#& posterit" &as a$ter(ar%s t&an,e% t&e! on its ,nees+
8*t a !oe!ent !*st #o*nt on posterit" an% not on t&e pla*%its o$ t&e !oe!ent+ It !a" (ell be t&at at s*#& !o!ents
#ertain in%ii%*als &ae to en%*re &o*rs o$ ang*is&C b*t t&e" s&o*l% not $orget t&at t&e !o!ent o$ liberation (ill #o!e an%
t&at a !oe!ent (&i#& p*rposes to res&ape t&e (orl% !*st sere t&e $*t*re an% not t&e passing &o*r+
On t&is point it !a" be asserte% t&at t&e greatest an% !ost en%*ring s*##esses in &istor" are !ostl" t&ose (&i#& (ere least
*n%erstoo% at t&e beginning, be#a*se t&e" (ere in strong #ontrast to p*bli# opinion an% t&e ie(s an% (is&es o$ t&e ti!e+
3e &a% e5perien#e o$ t&is (&en (e !a%e o*r o(n $irst p*bli# appearan#e+ In all tr*t& it #an be sai% t&at (e %i% not #o*rt
p*bli# $ao*r b*t !a%e an onsla*g&t on t&e $ollies o$ o*r people+ In t&ose %a"s t&e $ollo(ing &appene% al!ost al(a"s4 I
presente% !"sel$ be$ore an asse!bl" o$ !en (&o beliee% t&e opposite o$ (&at I (is&e% to sa" an% (&o (ante% t&e
opposite o$ (&at I beliee% in+ T&en I &a% to spen% a #o*ple o$ &o*rs in pers*a%ing t(o or t&ree t&o*san% people to gie *p
t&e opinions t&e" &a% $irst &el%, in %estro"ing t&e $o*n%ations o$ t&eir ie(s (it& one blo( a$ter anot&er an% $inall" in
lea%ing t&e! oer to ta,e t&eir stan% on t&e gro*n%s o$ o*r o(n #oni#tions an% o*r 3eltans#&&a**ng+
I learne% so!et&ing t&at (as i!portant at t&at ti!e, na!el", to snat#& $ro! t&e &an%s o$ t&e ene!" t&e (eapons (&i#& &e
(as *sing in &is repl"+ I soon noti#e% t&at o*r a%ersaries, espe#iall" in t&e persons o$ t&ose (&o le% t&e %is#*ssion against
*s, (ere $*rnis&e% (it& a %e$inite repertoire o$ arg*!ents o*t o$ (&i#& t&e" too, points against o*r #lai!s (&i#& (ere
being #onstantl" repeate%+ T&e *ni$or! #&ara#ter o$ t&is !o%e o$ pro#e%*re pointe% to a s"ste!ati# an% *ni$ie% training+
An% so (e (ere able to re#ogni>e t&e in#re%ible (a" in (&i#& t&e ene!"s propagan%ists &a% been %is#ipline%, an% I a!
pro*% to1%a" t&at I %is#oere% a !eans not onl" o$ !a,ing t&is propagan%a ine$$e#tie b*t o$ beating t&e arti$i#ers o$ it at
t&eir o(n (or,+ T(o "ears later I (as !aster o$ t&at art+
In eer" spee#& (&i#& I !a%e it (as i!portant to get a #lear i%ea be$ore&an% o$ t&e probable $or! an% !atter o$ t&e
#o*nter1arg*!ents (e &a% to e5pe#t in t&e %is#*ssion, so t&at in t&e #o*rse o$ !" o(n spee#& t&ese #o*l% be %ealt (it&
an% re$*te%+ To t&is en% it (as ne#essar" to !ention all t&e possible ob0e#tions an% s&o( t&eir in#onsisten#"C it (as all t&e
easier to (in oer an &onest listener b" e5p*nging $ro! &is !e!or" t&e arg*!ents (&i#& &a% been i!presse% *pon it, so
t&at (e anti#ipate% o*r replies+ 3&at &e &a% learne% (as re$*te% (it&o*t &aing been !entione% b" &i! an% t&at !a%e
&i! all t&e !ore attentie to (&at I &a% to sa"+
T&at (as t&e reason (&", a$ter !" $irst le#t*re on t&e MPea#e Treat" o$ Bersailles, (&i#& I %eliere% to t&e troops (&ile I
(as still a politi#al instr*#tor in !" regi!ent, I !a%e an alteration in t&e title an% s*b0e#t an% &en#e$ort& spo,e on MT&e
Treaties o$ 8rest1'ito(s, an% Bersailles+ For a$ter t&e %is#*ssion (&i#& $ollo(e% !" $irst le#t*re I /*i#,l" as#ertaine%
t&at in realit" people ,ne( not&ing abo*t t&e Treat" o$ 8rest1'ito(s, an% t&at able part" propagan%a &a% s*##ee%e% in
presenting t&at Treat" as one o$ t&e !ost s#an%alo*s a#ts o$ iolen#e in t&e &istor" o$ t&e (orl%+
As a res*lt o$ t&e persisten#" (it& (&i#& t&is $alse&oo% (as repeate% again an% again be$ore t&e !asses o$ t&e people,
!illions o$ Aer!ans sa( in t&e Treat" o$ Bersailles a 0*st #astigation $or t&e #ri!e (e &a% #o!!itte% at 8rest1'ito(s,+
T&*s t&e" #onsi%ere% all opposition to Bersailles as *n0*st an% in !an" #ases t&ere (as an &onest !oral %isli,e to s*#& a
pro#ee%ing+ An% t&is (as also t&e reason (&" t&e s&a!eless an% !onstro*s (or% MReparations #a!e into #o!!on *se in
Aer!an"+ T&is &"po#riti#al $alse&oo% appeare% to !illions o$ o*r e5asperate% $ello( #o*ntr"!en as t&e $*l$il!ent o$ a
&ig&er 0*sti#e+ It is a terrible t&o*g&t, b*t t&e $a#t (as so+ T&e best proo$ o$ t&is (as t&e propagan%a (&i#& I initiate%
against Bersailles b" e5plaining t&e Treat" o$ 8rest1'ito(s,+ I #o!pare% t&e t(o treaties (it& one anot&er, point b" point,
an% s&o(e% &o( in tr*t& t&e one treat" (as i!!ensel" &*!ane, in #ontra%istin#tion to t&e in&*!an barbarit" o$ t&e ot&er+
T&e e$$e#t (as er" stri,ing+ T&en I spo,e on t&is t&e!e be$ore an asse!bl" o$ t(o t&o*san% persons, %*ring (&i#& I o$ten
sa( t&ree t&o*san% si5 &*n%re% &ostile e"es $i5e% on !e+ An% t&ree &o*rs later I &a% in $ront o$ !e a s(a"ing !ass o$
rig&teo*s in%ignation an% $*r"+ A great lie &a% been *proote% $ro! t&e &earts an% brains o$ a #ro(% #o!pose% o$
t&o*san%s o$ in%ii%*als an% a tr*t& &a% been i!plante% in its pla#e+
T&e t(o le#t*res 1 t&at MOn t&e Ca*ses o$ t&e 3orl% 3ar an% MOn t&e Pea#e Treaties o$ 8rest1'ito(s, an% Bersailles
respe#tiel" 1 I t&en #onsi%ere% as t&e !ost i!portant o$ all+ T&ere$ore I repeate% t&e! %o>ens o$ ti!es, al(a"s giing
t&e! a ne( intonationC *ntil at least on t&ose points a %e$initel" #lear an% *nani!o*s opinion reigne% a!ong t&ose $ro!
(&o! o*r !oe!ent re#r*ite% its $irst !e!bers+
F*rt&er!ore, t&ese gat&erings bro*g&t !e t&e a%antage t&at I slo(l" be#a!e a plat$or! orator at !ass !eetings, an%
gae !e pra#ti#e in t&e pat&os an% gest*re re/*ire% in large &alls t&at &el% t&o*san%s o$ people+
O*tsi%e o$ t&e s!all #ir#les (&i#& I &ae !entione%, at t&at ti!e I $o*n% no part" engage% in e5plaining t&ings to t&e
people in t&is (a"+ .ot one o$ t&ese parties (as t&en a#tie (&i#& tal, to1%a" as i$ it (as t&e" (&o &a% bro*g&t abo*t t&e
#&ange in p*bli# opinion+ I$ a politi#al lea%er, #alling &i!sel$ a nationalist, prono*n#e% a %is#o*rse so!e(&ere or ot&er on
t&is t&e!e it (as onl" be$ore #ir#les (&i#& $or t&e !ost part (ere alrea%" o$ &is o(n #oni#tion an% a!ong (&o! t&e
!ost t&at (as %one (as to #on$ir! t&e! in t&eir opinions+ 8*t t&at (as not (&at (as nee%e% t&en+ 3&at (as nee%e% (as
to (in oer t&ro*g& propagan%a an% e5planation t&ose (&ose opinions an% !ental attit*%es &el% t&e! bo*n% to t&e
ene!"s #a!p+
T&e one1page #ir#*lar (as also a%opte% b" *s to &elp in t&is propagan%a+ 3&ile still a sol%ier I &a% (ritten a #ir#*lar in
(&i#& I #ontraste% t&e Treat" o$ 8rest1'ito(s, (it& t&at o$ Bersailles+ T&at #ir#*lar (as printe% an% %istrib*te% in large
n*!bers+ 'ater on I *se% it $or t&e part", an% also (it& goo% s*##ess+ O*r $irst !eetings (ere %isting*is&e% b" t&e $a#t t&at
t&ere (ere tables #oere% (it& lea$lets, papers, an% pa!p&lets o$ eer" ,in%+ 8*t (e relie% prin#ipall" on t&e spo,en (or%+
An%, in $a#t, t&is is t&e onl" !eans #apable o$ pro%*#ing reall" great reol*tions, (&i#& #an be e5plaine% on general
ps"#&ologi#al gro*n%s+
In t&e $irst ol*!e I &ae alrea%" state% t&at all t&e $or!i%able eents (&i#& &ae #&ange% t&e aspe#t o$ t&e (orl% (ere
#arrie% t&ro*g&, not b" t&e (ritten b*t b" t&e spo,en (or%+ On t&at point t&ere (as a long %is#*ssion in a #ertain se#tion
o$ t&e Press %*ring t&e #o*rse o$ (&i#& o*r s&re(% bo*rgeois people strongl" oppose% !" t&esis+ 8*t t&e reason $or t&is
attit*%e #on$o*n%e% t&e s#epti#s+ T&e bo*rgeois intelle#t*als proteste% against !" attit*%e si!pl" be#a*se t&e" t&e!seles
%i% not &ae t&e $or#e or abilit" to in$l*en#e t&e !asses t&ro*g& t&e spo,en (or%C $or t&e" al(a"s relie% e5#l*siel" on t&e
&elp o$ (riters an% %i% not enter t&e arena t&e!seles as orators $or t&e p*rpose o$ aro*sing t&e people+ T&e %eelop!ent
o$ eents ne#essaril" le% to t&at #on%ition o$ a$$airs (&i#& is #&ara#teristi# o$ t&e bo*rgeoisie to1%a", na!el", t&e loss o$ t&e
ps"#&ologi#al instin#t to a#t *pon an% in$l*en#e t&e !asses+
An orator re#eies #ontin*o*s g*i%an#e $ro! t&e people be$ore (&o! &e spea,s+ T&is &elps &i! to #orre#t t&e %ire#tion o$
&is spee#&C $or &e #an al(a"s ga*ge, b" t&e $a#es o$ &is &earers, &o( $ar t&e" $ollo( an% *n%erstan% &i!, an% (&et&er &is
(or%s are pro%*#ing t&e %esire% e$$e#t+ 8*t t&e (riter %oes not ,no( &is rea%er at all+ T&ere$ore, $ro! t&e o*tset &e %oes
not a%%ress &i!sel$ to a %e$inite &*!an gro*p o$ persons (&i#& &e &as be$ore &is e"es b*t !*st (rite in a general (a"+
Hen#e, *p to a #ertain e5tent &e !*st $ail in ps"#&ologi#al $inesse an% $le5ibilit"+ T&ere$ore, in general it !a" be sai% t&at
a brilliant orator (rites better t&an a brilliant (riter #an spea,, *nless t&e latter &as #ontin*al pra#ti#e in p*bli# spea,ing+
One !*st also re!e!ber t&at o$ itsel$ t&e !*ltit*%e is !entall" inert, t&at it re!ains atta#&e% to its ol% &abits an% t&at it is
not nat*rall" prone to rea% so!et&ing (&i#& %oes not #on$or! (it& its o(n pre1establis&e% belie$s (&en s*#& (riting %oes
not #ontain (&at t&e !*ltit*%e &opes to $in% t&ere+ T&ere$ore, so!e pie#e o$ (riting (&i#& &as a parti#*lar ten%en#" is $or
t&e !ost part rea% onl" b" t&ose (&o are in s"!pat&" (it& it+ Onl" a lea$let or a pla#ar%, on a##o*nt o$ its breit", #an
&ope to aro*se a !o!entar" interest in t&ose (&ose opinions %i$$er $ro! it+ T&e pi#t*re, in all its $or!s, in#l*%ing t&e
$il!, &as better prospe#ts+ Here t&ere is less nee% o$ elaborating t&e appeal to t&e intelligen#e+ It is s*$$i#ient i$ one be
#are$*l to &ae /*ite s&ort te5ts, be#a*se !an" people are !ore rea%" to a##ept a pi#torial presentation t&an to rea% a long
(ritten %es#ription+ In a !*#& s&orter ti!e, at one stro,e I !ig&t sa", people (ill *n%erstan% a pi#torial presentation o$
so!et&ing (&i#& it (o*l% ta,e t&e! a long an% laborio*s e$$ort o$ rea%ing to *n%erstan%+
T&e !ost i!portant #onsi%eration, &o(eer, is t&at one neer ,no(s into (&at &an%s a pie#e o$ (ritten !aterial #o!es
an% "et t&e $or! in (&i#& its s*b0e#t is presente% !*st re!ain t&e sa!e+ In general t&e e$$e#t is greater (&en t&e $or! o$
treat!ent #orrespon%s to t&e !ental leel o$ t&e rea%er an% s*its &is nat*re+ T&ere$ore, a boo, (&i#& is !eant $or t&e
broa% !asses o$ t&e people !*st tr" $ro! t&e er" start to gain its e$$e#ts t&ro*g& a st"le an% leel o$ i%eas (&i#& (o*l% be
/*ite %i$$erent $ro! a boo, inten%e% to be rea% b" t&e &ig&er intelle#t*al #lasses+
Onl" t&ro*g& &is #apa#it" $or a%aptabilit" %oes t&e $or#e o$ t&e (ritten (or% approa#& t&at o$ oral spee#&+ T&e orator !a"
%eal (it& t&e sa!e s*b0e#t as a boo, %eals (it&C b*t i$ &e &as t&e geni*s o$ a great an% pop*lar orator &e (ill s#ar#el" eer
repeat t&e sa!e arg*!ent or t&e sa!e !aterial in t&e sa!e $or! on t(o #onse#*tie o##asions+ He (ill al(a"s $ollo( t&e
lea% o$ t&e great !ass in s*#& a (a" t&at $ro! t&e liing e!otion o$ &is &earers t&e apt (or% (&i#& &e nee%s (ill be
s*ggeste% to &i! an% in its t*rn t&is (ill go straig&t to t&e &earts o$ &is &earers+ S&o*l% &e !a,e een a slig&t !ista,e &e
&as t&e liing #orre#tion be$ore &i!+ As I &ae alrea%" sai%, &e #an rea% t&e pla" o$ e5pression on t&e $a#es o$ &is &earers,
$irst to see i$ t&e" *n%erstan% (&at &e sa"s, se#on%l" to see i$ t&e" ta,e in t&e (&ole o$ &is arg*!ent, an%, t&ir%l", in &o(
$ar t&e" are #onin#e% o$ t&e 0*sti#e o$ (&at &as been pla#e% be$ore t&e!+ S&o*l% &e obsere, $irst, t&at &is &earers %o not
*n%erstan% &i! &e (ill !a,e &is e5planation so ele!entar" an% #lear t&at t&e" (ill be able to grasp it, een to t&e last
in%ii%*al+ Se#on%l", i$ &e $eels t&at t&e" are not #apable o$ $ollo(ing &i! &e (ill !a,e one i%ea $ollo( anot&er #are$*ll"
an% slo(l" *ntil t&e !ost slo(1(itte% &earer no longer lags be&in%+ T&ir%l", as soon as &e &as t&e $eeling t&at t&e" %o not
see! #onin#e% t&at &e is rig&t in t&e (a" &e &as p*t t&ings to t&e! &e (ill repeat &is arg*!ent oer an% oer again,
al(a"s giing $res& ill*strations, an% &e &i!sel$ (ill state t&eir *nspo,en ob0e#tion+ He (ill repeat t&ese ob0e#tions,
%isse#ting t&e! an% re$*ting t&e!, *ntil t&e last gro*p o$ t&e opposition s&o( &i! b" t&eir be&aio*r an% pla" o$
e5pression t&at t&e" &ae #apit*late% be$ore &is e5position o$ t&e #ase+
.ot in$re/*entl" it is a #ase o$ oer#o!ing ingraine% pre0*%i#es (&i#& are !ostl" *n#ons#io*s an% are s*pporte% b"
senti!ent rat&er t&an reason+ It is a t&o*san% ti!es !ore %i$$i#*lt to oer#o!e t&is barrier o$ instin#tie aersion,
e!otional &atre% an% preentie %issent t&an to #orre#t opinions (&i#& are $o*n%e% on %e$e#tie or erroneo*s ,no(le%ge+
False i%eas an% ignoran#e !a" be set asi%e b" !eans o$ instr*#tion, b*t e!otional resistan#e neer #an+ .ot&ing b*t an
appeal to t&ese &i%%en $or#es (ill be e$$e#tie &ere+ An% t&at appeal #an be !a%e b" s#ar#el" an" (riter+ Onl" t&e orator
#an &ope to !a,e it+
A er" stri,ing proo$ o$ t&is is $o*n% in t&e $a#t t&at, t&o*g& (e &a% a bo*rgeois Press (&i#& in !an" #ases (as (ell
(ritten an% pro%*#e% an% &a% a #ir#*lation o$ !illions a!ong t&e people, it #o*l% not preent t&e broa% !asses $ro!
be#o!ing t&e i!pla#able ene!ies o$ t&e bo*rgeois #lass+ T&e %el*ge o$ papers an% boo,s p*blis&e% b" t&e intelle#t*al
#ir#les "ear a$ter "ear passe% oer t&e !illions o$ t&e lo(er so#ial strata li,e (ater oer gla>e% leat&er+ T&is proes t&at
one o$ t(o t&ings !*st be tr*e4 eit&er t&at t&e !atter o$$ere% in t&e bo*rgeois Press (as (ort&less or t&at it is i!possible to
rea#& t&e &earts o$ t&e broa% !asses b" !eans o$ t&e (ritten (or% alone+ O$ #o*rse, t&e latter (o*l% be spe#iall" tr*e
(&ere t&e (ritten !aterial s&o(s s*#& little ps"#&ologi#al insig&t as &as &it&erto been t&e #ase+
It is *seless to ob0e#t &ere, as #ertain big 8erlin papers o$ Aer!an1.ational ten%en#ies &ae atte!pte% to %o, t&at t&is
state!ent is re$*te% b" t&e $a#t t&at t&e )ar5ists &ae e5er#ise% t&eir greatest in$l*en#e t&ro*g& t&eir (ritings, an%
espe#iall" t&ro*g& t&eir prin#ipal boo,, p*blis&e% b" ;arl )ar5+ Sel%o! &as a !ore s*per$i#ial arg*!ent been base% on a
$alse ass*!ption+ 3&at gae )ar5is! its a!a>ing in$l*en#e oer t&e broa% !asses (as not t&at $or!al printe% (or,
(&i#& sets $ort& t&e -e(is& s"ste! o$ i%eas, b*t t&e tre!en%o*s oral propagan%a #arrie% on $or "ears a!ong t&e !asses+
O*t o$ one &*n%re% t&o*san% Aer!an (or,ers s#ar#el" one &*n%re% ,no( o$ )ar5s boo,+ It &as been st*%ie% !*#& !ore
in intelle#t*al #ir#les an% espe#iall" b" t&e -e(s t&an b" t&e gen*ine $ollo(ers o$ t&e !oe!ent (&o #o!e $ro! t&e lo(er
#lasses+ T&at (or, (as not (ritten $or t&e !asses, b*t e5#l*siel" $or t&e intelle#t*al lea%ers o$ t&e -e(is& !a#&ine $or
#on/*ering t&e (orl%+ T&e engine (as &eate% (it& /*ite %i$$erent st*$$4 na!el", t&e 0o*rnalisti# Press+ 3&at %i$$erentiates
t&e bo*rgeois Press $ro! t&e )ar5ist Press is t&at t&e latter is (ritten b" agitators, (&ereas t&e bo*rgeois Press (o*l% li,e
to #arr" on agitation b" !eans o$ pro$essional (riters+ T&e So#ial1=e!o#rat s*b1e%itor, (&o al!ost al(a"s #a!e %ire#tl"
$ro! t&e !eeting to t&e e%itorial o$$i#es o$ &is paper, $elt &is 0ob on &is $inger1tips+ 8*t t&e bo*rgeois (riter (&o le$t &is
%es, to appear be$ore t&e !asses alrea%" $elt ill (&en &e s!elle% t&e er" o%o*r o$ t&e #ro(% an% $o*n% t&at (&at &e &a%
(ritten (as *seless to &i!+
3&at (on oer !illions o$ (or,people to t&e )ar5ist #a*se (as not t&e e5 #at&e%ra st"le o$ t&e )ar5ist (riters b*t t&e
$or!i%able propagan%ist (or, %one b" tens o$ t&o*san%s o$ in%e$atigable agitators, #o!!en#ing (it& t&e lea%ing $ier"
agitator %o(n to t&e s!allest o$$i#ial in t&e s"n%i#ate, t&e tr*ste% %elegate an% t&e plat$or! orator+ F*rt&er!ore, t&ere
(ere t&e &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ !eetings (&ere t&ese orators, stan%ing on tables in s!o," taerns, &a!!ere% t&eir
i%eas into t&e &ea%s o$ t&e !asses, t&*s a#/*iring an a%!irable ps"#&ologi#al ,no(le%ge o$ t&e &*!an !aterial t&e" &a%
to %eal (it&+ An% in t&is (a" t&e" (ere enable% to sele#t t&e best (eapons $or t&eir assa*lt on t&e #ita%el o$ p*bli# opinion+
In a%%ition to all t&is t&ere (ere t&e giganti# !ass1%e!onstrations (it& pro#essions in (&i#& a &*n%re% t&o*san% !en
too, part+ All t&is (as #al#*late% to i!press on t&e pett"1&earte% in%ii%*al t&e pro*% #oni#tion t&at, t&o*g& a s!all
(or!, &e (as at t&e sa!e ti!e a #ell o$ t&e great %ragon be$ore (&ose %eastating breat& t&e &ate% bo*rgeois (orl% (o*l%
one %a" be #ons*!e% in $ire an% $la!e, an% t&e %i#tators&ip o$ t&e proletariat (o*l% #elebrate its #on#l*sie i#tor"+
T&is ,in% o$ propagan%a in$l*en#e% !en in s*#& a (a" as to gie t&e! a taste $or rea%ing t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# Press an%
prepare t&eir !in%s $or its tea#&ing+ T&at Press, in its t*rn, (as a e&i#le o$ t&e spo,en (or% rat&er t&an o$ t&e (ritten
(or%+ 3&ereas in t&e bo*rgeois #a!p pro$essors an% learne% (riters, t&eorists an% a*t&ors o$ all ,in%s, !a%e atte!pts at
tal,ing, in t&e )ar5ist #a!p real spea,ers o$ten !a%e atte!pts at (riting+ An% it (as pre#isel" t&e -e( (&o (as !ost
pro!inent &ere+ In general an% be#a*se o$ &is s&re(% %iale#ti#al s,ill an% &is ,na#, o$ t(isting t&e tr*t& to s*it &is o(n
p*rposes, &e (as an e$$e#tie (riter b*t in realit" &is !Qtier (as t&at o$ a reol*tionar" orator rat&er t&an a (riter+
For t&is reason t&e 0o*rnalisti# bo*rgeois (orl%, setting asi%e t&e $a#t t&at &ere also t&e -e( &el% t&e (&ip &an% an% t&at
t&ere$ore t&is press %i% not reall" interest itsel$ in t&e instr*#ttion o$ t&e broa% !asses, (as not able to e5er#ise een t&e
least in$l*en#e oer t&e opinions &el% b" t&e great !asses o$ o*r people+
It is %i$$i#*lt to re!oe e!otional pre0*%i#es, ps"#&ologi#al bias, $eelings, et#+, an% to p*t ot&ers in t&eir pla#e+ S*##ess
%epen%s &ere on i!pon%erable #on%itions an% in$l*en#es+ Onl" t&e orator (&o is gi$te% (it& t&e !ost sensitie insig&t #an
esti!ate all t&is+ Een t&e ti!e o$ %a" at (&i#& t&e spee#& is %eliere% &as a %e#isie in$l*en#e on its res*lts+ T&e sa!e
spee#&, !a%e b" t&e sa!e orator an% on t&e sa!e t&e!e, (ill &ae er" %i$$erent res*lts a##or%ing as it is %eliere% at ten
o#lo#, in t&e $orenoon, at t&ree in t&e a$ternoon, or in t&e eening+ 3&en I $irst engage% in p*bli# spea,ing I arrange% $or
!eetings to ta,e pla#e in t&e $orenoon an% I re!e!ber parti#*larl" a %e!onstration t&at (e &el% in t&e )*ni#& ;in%l
;eller MAgainst t&e Oppression o$ Aer!an =istri#ts+ T&at (as t&e biggest &all t&en in )*ni#& an% t&e a*%a#it" o$ o*r
*n%erta,ing (as great+ In or%er to !a,e t&e &o*r o$ t&e !eeting attra#tie $or all t&e !e!bers o$ o*r !oe!ent an% t&e
ot&er people (&o !ig&t #o!e, I $i5e% it $or ten o#lo#, on a S*n%a" !orning+ T&e res*lt (as %epressing+ 8*t it (as er"
instr*#tie+ T&e &all (as $ille%+ T&e i!pression (as pro$o*n%, b*t t&e general $eeling (as #ol% as i#e+ .obo%" got (ar!e%
*p, an% I !"sel$, as t&e spea,er o$ t&e o##asion, $elt pro$o*n%l" *n&app" at t&e t&o*g&t t&at I #o*l% not establis& t&e
slig&test #onta#t (it& !" a*%ien#e+ I %o not t&in, I spo,e (orse t&an be$ore, b*t t&e e$$e#t see!e% absol*tel" negatie+ I
le$t t&e &all er" %is#ontente%, b*t also $eeling t&at I &a% gaine% a ne( e5perien#e+ 'ater on I trie% t&e sa!e ,in% o$
e5peri!ent, b*t al(a"s (it& t&e sa!e res*lts+
T&at (as not&ing to be (on%ere% at+ I$ one goes to a t&eatre to see a !atinQe per$or!an#e an% t&en atten%s an eening
per$or!an#e o$ t&e sa!e pla" one is asto*n%e% at t&e %i$$eren#e in t&e i!pressions #reate%+ A sensitie person re#ogni>es
$or &i!sel$ t&e $a#t t&at t&ese t(o states o$ !in% #a*se% b" t&e !atinee an% t&e eening per$or!an#e respe#tiel" are /*ite
%i$$erent in t&e!seles+ T&e sa!e is tr*e o$ #ine!a pro%*#tions+ T&is latter point is i!portantC $or one !a" sa" o$ t&e
t&eatre t&at per&aps in t&e a$ternoon t&e a#tor %oes not !a,e t&e sa!e e$$ort as in t&e eening+ 8*t s*rel" it #annot be sai%
t&at t&e #ine!a is %i$$erent in t&e a$ternoon $ro! (&at it is at nine o#lo#, in t&e eening+ .o, &ere t&e ti!e e5er#ises a
%istin#t in$l*en#e, 0*st as a roo! e5er#ises a %istin#t in$l*en#e on a person+ T&ere are roo!s (&i#& leae one #ol%, $or
reasons (&i#& are %i$$i#*lt to e5plain+ T&ere are roo!s (&i#& re$*se stea%$astl" to allo( an" $ao*rable at!osp&ere to be
#reate% in t&e!+ )oreoer, #ertain !e!ories an% tra%itions (&i#& are present as pi#t*res in t&e &*!an !in% !a" &ae a
%eter!ining in$l*en#e on t&e i!pression pro%*#e%+ T&*s, a representation o$ Parsi$al at 8a"re*t& (ill &ae an e$$e#t /*ite
%i$$erent $ro! t&at (&i#& t&e sa!e opera pro%*#es in an" ot&er part o$ t&e (orl%+ T&e !"sterio*s #&ar! o$ t&e Ho*se on
t&e MFestial Heig&ts in t&e ol% #it" o$ T&e )argrae #annot be e/*alle% or s*bstit*te% an"(&ere else+
In all t&ese #ases one %eals (it& t&e proble! o$ in$l*en#ing t&e $ree%o! o$ t&e &*!an (ill+ An% t&at is tr*e espe#iall" o$
!eetings (&ere t&ere are !en (&ose (ills are oppose% to t&e spea,er an% (&o !*st be bro*g&t aro*n% to a ne( (a" o$
t&in,ing+ In t&e !orning an% %*ring t&e %a" it see!s t&at t&e po(er o$ t&e &*!an (ill rebels (it& its strongest energ"
against an" atte!pt to i!pose *pon it t&e (ill or opinion o$ anot&er+ On t&e ot&er &an%, in t&e eening it easil" s*##*!bs
to t&e %o!ination o$ a stronger (ill+ 8e#a*se reall" in s*#& asse!blies t&ere is a #ontest bet(een t(o opposite $or#es+ T&e
s*perior oratori#al art o$ a !an (&o &as t&e #o!pelling #&ara#ter o$ an apostle (ill s*##ee% better in bringing aro*n% to a
ne( (a" o$ t&in,ing t&ose (&o &ae nat*rall" been s*b0e#te% to a (ea,ening o$ t&eir $or#es o$ resistan#e rat&er t&an in
#onerting t&ose (&o are in $*ll possession o$ t&eir olitional an% intelle#t*al energies+
T&e !"sterio*s arti$i#ial %i!ness o$ t&e Cat&oli# #&*r#&es also seres t&is p*rpose, t&e b*rning #an%les, t&e in#ense, t&e
t&*rible, et#+
In t&is str*ggle bet(een t&e orator an% t&e opponent (&o! &e !*st #onert to &is #a*se t&is !arello*s sensibilit"
to(ar%s t&e ps"#&ologi#al in$l*en#es o$ propagan%a #an &ar%l" eer be aaile% o$ b" an a*t&or+ Aenerall" spea,ing, t&e
e$$e#t o$ t&e (riters (or, &elps rat&er to #onsere, rein$or#e an% %eepen t&e $o*n%ations o$ a !entalit" alrea%" e5isting+
All reall" great &istori#al reol*tions (ere not pro%*#e% b" t&e (ritten (or%+ At !ost, t&e" (ere a##o!panie% b" it+
It is o*t o$ t&e /*estion to t&in, t&at t&e Fren#& Reol*tion #o*l% &ae been #arrie% into e$$e#t b" p&ilosop&i>ing t&eories
i$ t&e" &a% not $o*n% an ar!" o$ agitators le% b" %e!agog*es o$ t&e gran% st"le+ T&ese %e!agog*es in$la!e% pop*lar
passion t&at &a% been alrea%" aro*se%, *ntil t&at ol#ani# er*ption $inall" bro,e o*t an% #on*lse% t&e (&ole o$ E*rope+
An% t&e sa!e &appene% in t&e #ase o$ t&e giganti# 8ols&ei, reol*tion (&i#& re#entl" too, pla#e in R*ssia+ It (as not
%*e to t&e (riters on 'enins si%e b*t to t&e oratori#al a#tiities o$ t&ose (&o prea#&e% t&e %o#trine o$ &atre% an% t&at o$
t&e inn*!erable s!all an% great orators (&o too, part in t&e agitation+
T&e !asses o$ illiterate R*ssians (ere not $ire% to Co!!*nist reol*tionar" ent&*sias! b" rea%ing t&e t&eories o$ ;arl
)ar5 b*t b" t&e pro!ises o$ para%ise !a%e to t&e people b" t&o*san%s o$ agitators in t&e seri#e o$ an i%ea+
It (as al(a"s so, an% it (ill al(a"s be so+
It is 0*st t"pi#al o$ o*r pig1&ea%e% intelle#t*als, (&o lie apart $ro! t&e pra#ti#al (orl%, to t&in, t&at a (riter !*st o$
ne#essit" be s*perior to an orator in intelligen#e+ T&is point o$ ie( (as on#e e5/*isitel" ill*strate% b" a #riti/*e,
p*blis&e% in a #ertain .ational paper (&i#& I &ae alrea%" !entione%, (&ere it (as state% t&at one is o$ten %isill*sione%
b" rea%ing t&e spee#& o$ an a#,no(le%ge% great orator in print+ T&at re!in%e% !e o$ anot&er arti#le (&i#& #a!e into !"
&an%s %*ring t&e 3ar+ It %ealt (it& t&e spee#&es o$ 'lo"% Aeorge, (&o (as t&en )inister o$ )*nitions, an% e5a!ine%
t&e! in a painsta,ing (a" *n%er t&e !i#ros#ope o$ #riti#is!+ T&e (riter !a%e t&e brilliant state!ent t&at t&ese spee#&es
s&o(e% in$erior intelligen#e an% learning an% t&at, !oreoer, t&e" (ere banal an% #o!!onpla#e pro%*#tions+ I !"sel$
pro#*re% so!e o$ t&ese spee#&es, p*blis&e% in pa!p&let $or!, an% &a% to la*g& at t&e $a#t t&at a nor!al Aer!an /*ill1
%rier %i% not in t&e least *n%erstan% t&ese ps"#&ologi#al !asterpie#es in t&e art o$ in$l*en#ing t&e !asses+ T&is !an
#riti#i>e% t&ese spee#&es e5#l*siel" a##or%ing to t&e i!pression t&e" !a%e on &is o(n blasQ !in%, (&ereas t&e great
8ritis& =e!agog*e &a% pro%*#e% an i!!ense e$$e#t on &is a*%ien#e t&ro*g& t&e!, an% in t&e (i%est sense on t&e (&ole
o$ t&e 8ritis& pop*la#e+ 'oo,e% at $ro! t&is point o$ ie(, t&at Englis&!ans spee#&es (ere !ost (on%er$*l a#&iee!ents,
pre#isel" be#a*se t&e" s&o(e% an asto*n%ing ,no(le%ge o$ t&e so*l o$ t&e broa% !asses o$ t&e people+ For t&at reason t&eir
e$$e#t (as reall" penetrating+ Co!pare (it& t&e! t&e $*tile sta!!erings o$ a 8et&!ann1Holl(eg+ On t&e s*r$a#e &is
spee#&es (ere *n%o*bte%l" !ore intelle#t*al, b*t t&e" 0*st proe% t&is !ans inabilit" to spea, to t&e people, (&i#& &e
reall" #o*l% not %o+ .eert&eless, to t&e aerage st*pi% brain o$ t&e Aer!an (riter, (&o is, o$ #o*rse, en%o(e% (it& a lot
o$ s#ienti$i# learning, it #a!e /*ite nat*ral to 0*%ge t&e spee#&es o$ t&e Englis& )inister 1 (&i#& (ere !a%e $or t&e
p*rpose o$ in$l*en#ing t&e !asses 1 b" t&e i!pression (&i#& t&e" !a%e on &is o(n !in%, $ossili>e% in its abstra#t
learning+ An% it (as !ore nat*ral $or &i! to #o!pare t&e! in t&e lig&t o$ t&at i!pression (it& t&e brilliant b*t $*tile tal,
o$ t&e Aer!an states!an, (&i#& o$ #o*rse appeale% to t&e (riters !in% !*#& !ore $ao*rabl"+ T&at t&e geni*s o$ 'lo"%
Aeorge (as not onl" e/*al b*t a t&o*san%$ol% s*perior to t&at o$ a 8et&!ann1Holl(eg is proe% b" t&e $a#t t&at &e $o*n%
$or &is spee#&es t&at $or! an% e5pression (&i#& opene% t&e &earts o$ &is people to &i! an% !a%e t&ese people #arr" o*t
&is (ill absol*tel"+ T&e pri!itie /*alit" itsel$ o$ t&ose spee#&es, t&e originalit" o$ &is e5pressions, &is #&oi#e o$ #lear an%
si!ple ill*stration, are e5a!ples (&i#& proe t&e s*perior politi#al #apa#it" o$ t&is Englis&!an+ For one !*st neer 0*%ge
t&e spee#& o$ a states!an to &is people b" t&e i!pression (&i#& it leaes on t&e !in% o$ a *niersit" pro$essor b*t b" t&e
e$$e#t it pro%*#es on t&e people+ An% t&is is t&e sole #riterion o$ t&e orators geni*s+
T&e astonis&ing %eelop!ent o$ o*r !oe!ent, (&i#& (as #reate% $ro! not&ing a $e( "ears ago an% is to1%a" single% o*t
$or perse#*tion b" all t&e internal an% e5ternal ene!ies o$ o*r nation, !*st be attrib*te% to t&e #onstant re#ognition an%
pra#ti#al appli#ation o$ t&ose prin#iples+
3ritten !atter also pla"e% an i!portant part in o*r !oe!entC b*t at t&e stage o$ (&i#& I a! (riting it sere% to gie an
e/*al an% *ni$or! e%*#ation to t&e %ire#tors o$ t&e !oe!ent, in t&e *pper as (ell as in t&e lo(er gra%es, rat&er t&an to
#onert t&e !asses o$ o*r a%ersaries+ It (as onl" in er" rare #ases t&at a #onin#e% an% %eote% So#ial =e!o#rat or
Co!!*nist (as in%*#e% to a#/*ire an *n%erstan%ing o$ o*r 3eltans#&&a**ng or to st*%" a #riti#is! o$ &is o(n b"
pro#*ring an% rea%ing one o$ o*r pa!p&lets or een one o$ o*r boo,s+ Een a ne(spaper is rarel" rea% i$ it %oes not bear
t&e sta!p o$ a part" a$$iliation+ )oreoer, t&e rea%ing o$ ne(spapers &elps littleC be#a*se t&e general pi#t*re gien b" a
single n*!ber o$ a ne(spaper is so #on$*se% an% pro%*#es s*#& a $rag!entar" i!pression t&at it reall" %oes not in$l*en#e
t&e o##asional rea%er+ An% (&ere a !an &as to #o*nt &is pennies it #annot be ass*!e% t&at, e5#l*siel" $or t&e p*rpose o$
being ob0e#tiel" in$or!e%, &e (ill be#o!e a reg*lar rea%er or s*bs#riber to a paper (&i#& opposes &is ie(s+ Onl" one
(&o &as alrea%" 0oine% a !oe!ent (ill reg*larl" rea% t&e part" organ o$ t&at !oe!ent, an% espe#iall" $or t&e p*rpose o$
,eeping &i!sel$ in$or!e% o$ (&at is &appening in t&e !oe!ent+
It is /*ite %i$$erent (it& t&e Mspo,en lea$let+ Espe#iall" i$ it be %istrib*te% gratis it (ill be ta,en *p b" one person or
anot&er, all t&e !ore (illingl" i$ its %ispla" title re$ers to a /*estion abo*t (&i#& eer"bo%" is tal,ing at t&e !o!ent+
Per&aps t&e rea%er, a$ter &aing rea% t&ro*g& s*#& a lea$let !ore or less t&o*g&t$*ll", (ill &ae ne( ie(points an%
!ental attit*%es an% !a" gie &is attention to a ne( !oe!ent+ 8*t (it& t&ese, een in t&e best o$ #ases, onl" a s!all
i!p*lse (ill be gien, b*t no %e$inite #oni#tion (ill be #reate%C be#a*se t&e lea$let #an %o not&ing !ore t&an %ra(
attention to so!et&ing an% #an be#o!e e$$e#tie onl" b" bringing t&e rea%er s*bse/*entl" into a sit*ation (&ere &e is !ore
$*n%a!entall" in$or!e% an% instr*#te%+ S*#& instr*#tion !*st al(a"s be gien at t&e !ass asse!bl"+
)ass asse!blies are also ne#essar" $or t&e reason t&at, in atten%ing t&e!, t&e in%ii%*al (&o $elt &i!sel$ $or!erl" onl" on
t&e point o$ 0oining t&e ne( !oe!ent, no( begins to $eel isolate% an% in $ear o$ being le$t alone as &e a#/*ires $or t&e
$irst ti!e t&e pi#t*re o$ a great #o!!*nit" (&i#& &as a strengt&ening an% en#o*raging e$$e#t on !ost people+ 8riga%e% in
a #o!pan" or battalion, s*rro*n%e% b" &is #o!panions, &e (ill !ar#& (it& a lig&ter &eart to t&e atta#, t&an i$ &e &a% to
!ar#& alone+ In t&e #ro(% &e $eels &i!sel$ in so!e (a" t&*s s&eltere%, t&o*g& in realit" t&ere are a t&o*san% arg*!ents
against s*#& a $eeling+
)ass %e!onstrations on t&e gran% s#ale not onl" rein$or#e t&e (ill o$ t&e in%ii%*al b*t t&e" %ra( &i! still #loser to t&e
!oe!ent an% &elp to #reate an esprit %e #orps+ T&e !an (&o appears $irst as t&e representatie o$ a ne( %o#trine in &is
pla#e o$ b*siness or in &is $a#tor" is bo*n% to $eel &i!sel$ e!barrasse% an% &as nee% o$ t&at rein$or#e!ent (&i#& #o!es
$ro! t&e #ons#io*sness t&at &e is a !e!ber o$ a great #o!!*nit"+ An% onl" a !ass %e!onstration #an i!press *pon &i!
t&e greatness o$ t&is #o!!*nit"+ I$, on leaing t&e s&op or !a!!ot& $a#tor", in (&i#& &e $eels er" s!all in%ee%, &e
s&o*l% enter a ast asse!bl" $or t&e $irst ti!e an% see aro*n% &i! t&o*san%s an% t&o*san%s o$ !en (&o &ol% t&e sa!e
opinionsC i$, (&ile still see,ing &is (a", &e is grippe% b" t&e $or#e o$ !ass1s*ggestion (&i#& #o!es $ro! t&e e5#ite!ent
an% ent&*sias! o$ t&ree or $o*r t&o*san% ot&er !en in (&ose !i%st &e $in%s &i!sel$C i$ t&e !ani$est s*##ess an% t&e
#on#ens*s o$ t&o*san%s #on$ir! t&e tr*t& an% 0*sti#e o$ t&e ne( tea#&ing an% $or t&e $irst ti!e raise %o*bt in &is !in% as
to t&e tr*t& o$ t&e opinions &el% b" &i!sel$ *p to no( 1 t&en &e s*b!its &i!sel$ to t&e $as#ination o$ (&at (e #all !ass1
s*ggestion+ T&e (ill, t&e "earning an% in%ee% t&e strengt& o$ t&o*san%s o$ people are in ea#& in%ii%*al+ A !an (&o
enters s*#& a !eeting in %o*bt an% &esitation leaes it in(ar%l" $orti$ie%C &e &as be#o!e a !e!ber o$ a #o!!*nit"+
T&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent s&o*l% neer $orget t&is, an% it s&o*l% neer allo( itsel$ to be in$l*en#e% b" t&ese
bo*rgeois %*$$ers (&o t&in, t&e" ,no( eer"t&ing b*t (&o &ae $oolis&l" ga!ble% a(a" a great State, toget&er (it& t&eir
o(n e5isten#e an% t&e s*pre!a#" o$ t&eir o(n #lass+ T&e" are oer$lo(ing (it& abilit"C t&e" #an %o eer"t&ing, an% t&e"
,no( eer"t&ing+ 8*t t&ere is one t&ing t&e" &ae not ,no(n &o( to %o, an% t&at is &o( to sae t&e Aer!an people $ro!
$alling into t&e ar!s o$ )ar5is!+ In t&at t&e" &ae s&o(n t&e!seles !ost pitiabl" an% !iserabl" i!potent+ So t&at t&e
present opinion t&e" &ae o$ t&e!seles is onl" e/*al to t&eir #on#eit+ T&eir pri%e an% st*pi%it" are $r*its o$ t&e sa!e tree+
I$ t&ese people tr" to %isparage t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e spo,en (or% to1%a", t&e" %o it onl" be#a*se t&e" reali>e 1 Ao% be
praise% an% t&an,e% 1 &o( $*tile all t&eir o(n spee#&i$"ing &as been+
C&apter Seen
In 1919127 an% also in 1921 I atten%e% so!e o$ t&e bo*rgeois !eetings+ Inariabl" I &a% t&e sa!e $eeling to(ar%s t&ese as
to(ar%s t&e #o!p*lsor" %ose o$ #astor oil in !" bo"&oo% %a"s+ It 0*st &a% to be ta,en be#a*se it (as goo% $or one4 b*t it
#ertainl" taste% *npleasant+ I$ it (ere possible to tie ropes ro*n% t&e Aer!an people an% $or#ibl" %rag t&e! to t&ese
bo*rgeois !eetings, ,eeping t&e! t&ere be&in% barre% %oors an% allo(ing nobo%" to es#ape *ntil t&e !eeting #lose%, t&en
t&is pro#e%*re !ig&t proe s*##ess$*l in t&e #o*rse o$ a $e( &*n%re% "ears+ For !" o(n part, I !*st $ran,l" a%!it t&at,
*n%er s*#& #ir#*!stan#es, I #o*l% not $in% li$e (ort& liingC an% in%ee% I s&o*l% no longer (is& to be a Aer!an+ 8*t,
t&an, Ao%, all t&is is i!possible+ An% so it is not s*rprising t&at t&e sane an% *nspoilt !asses s&*n t&ese Mbo*rgeois !ass
!eetings as t&e %eil s&*ns &ol" (ater+
I #a!e to ,no( t&e prop&ets o$ t&e bo*rgeois 3eltans#&&a**ng, an% I (as not s*rprise% at (&at I learne%, as I ,ne( t&at
t&e" atta#&e% little i!portan#e to t&e spo,en (or%+ At t&at ti!e I atten%e% !eetings o$ t&e =e!o#rats, t&e Aer!an
.ationalists, t&e Aer!an Peoples Part" an% t&e 8aarian Peoples Part" Ft&e Centre Part" o$ 8aariaG+ 3&at str*#, !e at
on#e (as t&e &o!ogeneo*s *ni$or!it" o$ t&e a*%ien#es+ .earl" al(a"s t&e" (ere !a%e *p e5#l*siel" o$ part" !e!bers+
T&e (&ole a$$air (as !ore li,e a "a(ning #ar% part" t&an an asse!bl" o$ people (&o &a% 0*st passe% t&ro*g& a great
reol*tion+ T&e spea,ers %i% all t&e" #o*l% to !aintain t&is tran/*il at!osp&ere+ T&e" %e#lai!e%, or rat&er rea% o*t, t&eir
spee#&es in t&e st"le o$ an intelle#t*al ne(spaper arti#le or a learne% treatise, aoi%ing all stri,ing e5pressions+ Here an%
t&ere a $eeble pro$essorial 0o,e (o*l% be intro%*#e%, (&ere*pon t&e people sitting at t&e spea,ers table $elt t&e!seles
oblige% to la*g& 1 not lo*%l" b*t en#o*ragingl" an% (it& (ell1bre% resere+
An% t&ere (ere al(a"s t&ose people at t&e spea,ers table+ I on#e atten%e% a !eeting in t&e 3agner Hall in )*ni#&+ It (as
a %e!onstration to #elebrate t&e anniersar" o$ t&e 8attle o$ 'eip>ig+1:G T&e spee#& (as %eliere% or rat&er rea% o*t b" a
enerable ol% pro$essor $ro! one or ot&er o$ t&e *niersities+ T&e #o!!ittee sat on t&e plat$or!4 one !ono#le on t&e rig&t,
anot&er !ono#le on t&e le$t, an% in t&e #entre a gentle!an (it& no !ono#le+ All t&ree o$ t&e! (ere p*n#tilio*sl" attire%
in !orning #oats, an% I &a% t&e i!pression o$ being present be$ore a 0*%ges ben#& 0*st as t&e %eat& senten#e (as abo*t to
be prono*n#e% or at a #&ristening or so!e !ore sole!n religio*s #ere!on"+ T&e so1#alle% spee#&, (&i#& in printe% $or!
!a" &ae rea% /*ite (ell, &a% a %isastro*s e$$e#t+ A$ter t&ree /*arters o$ an &o*r t&e a*%ien#e $ell into a sort o$ &"pnoti#
tran#e, (&i#& (as interr*pte% onl" (&en so!e !an or (o!an le$t t&e &all, or b" t&e #latter (&i#& t&e (aitresses !a%e, or
b" t&e in#reasing "a(ns o$ sl*!bering in%ii%*als+ I &a% poste% !"sel$ be&in% t&ree (or,!en (&o (ere present eit&er o*t
o$ #*riosit" or be#a*se t&e" (ere sent t&ere b" t&eir parties+ Fro! ti!e to ti!e t&e" glan#e% at one anot&er (it& an ill1
#on#eale% grin, n*%ge% one anot&er (it& t&e elbo(, an% t&en silentl" le$t t&e &all+ One #o*l% see t&at t&e" &a% no intention
(&atsoeer o$ interr*pting t&e pro#ee%ings, nor in%ee% (as it ne#essar" to interr*pt t&e!+ At long last t&e #elebration
s&o(e% signs o$ %ra(ing to a #lose+ A$ter t&e pro$essor, (&ose oi#e &a% !ean(&ile be#o!e !ore an% !ore ina*%ible,
$inall" en%e% &is spee#&, t&e gentle!an (it&o*t t&e !ono#le %eliere% a ro*sing peroration to t&e asse!ble% MAer!an
sisters an% brot&ers+ On be&al$ o$ t&e a*%ien#e an% &i!sel$ &e e5presse% gratit*%e $or t&e !agni$i#ent le#t*re (&i#& t&e"
&a% 0*st &ear% $ro! Pro$essor X an% e!p&asi>e% &o( %eepl" t&e Pro$essors (or%s &a% !oe% t&e! all+ I$ a general
%is#*ssion on t&e le#t*re (ere to ta,e pla#e it (o*l% be tanta!o*nt to pro$anit", an% &e t&o*g&t &e (as oi#ing t&e
opinion o$ all present in s*ggesting t&at s*#& a %is#*ssion s&o*l% not be &el%+ T&ere$ore, &e (o*l% as, t&e asse!bl" to rise
$ro! t&eir seats an% 0oin in singing t&e patrioti# song, 3ir sin% ein einig Bol, on 8rH%ern+ T&e pro#ee%ings $inall"
#lose% (it& t&e ant&e!, =e*ts#&lan% Hber Alles+
An% t&en t&e" all sang+ It appeare% to !e t&at (&en t&e se#on% erse (as rea#&e% t&e oi#es (ere $e(er an% t&at onl"
(&en t&e re$rain #a!e on t&e" s(elle% lo*%l"+ 3&en (e rea#&e% t&e t&ir% erse !" belie$ (as #on$ir!e% t&at a goo% !an"
o$ t&ose present (ere not er" $a!iliar (it& t&e te5t+
8*t (&at &as all t&is to %o (it& t&e !atter (&en s*#& a song is s*ng (&ole&earte%l" an% $eri%l" b" an asse!bl" o$
Aer!an nationals@
A$ter t&is t&e !eeting bro,e *p an% eer"one &*rrie% to get o*tsi%e, one to &is glass o$ beer, one to a #a$e, an% ot&ers
si!pl" into t&e $res& air+
O*t into t&e $res& airN T&at (as also !" $eeling+ An% (as t&is t&e (a" to &ono*r an &eroi# str*ggle in (&i#& &*n%re%s o$
t&o*san%s o$ Pr*ssians an% Aer!ans &a% $o*g&t@ To t&e %eil (it& it allN
T&at sort o$ t&ing !ig&t $in% $ao*r (it& t&e Aoern!ent, it being !erel" a Mpea#e$*l !eeting+ T&e )inister responsible
$or la( an% or%er nee% not $ear t&at ent&*sias! !ig&t s*%%enl" get t&e better o$ p*bli# %e#or*! an% in%*#e t&ese people to
po*r o*t o$ t&e roo! an%, instea% o$ %ispersing to beer &alls an% #a$es, !ar#& in ro(s o$ $o*r t&ro*g& t&e to(n singing
=e*ts#&lan% &o#& in E&ren an% #a*sing so!e *npleasantness to a poli#e $or#e in nee% o$ rest+
.o+ T&at t"pe o$ #iti>en is o$ no *se to an"one+
On t&e ot&er &an% t&e .ational So#ialist !eetings (ere b" no !eans Mpea#eable a$$airs+ T(o %istin#t 3eltans#&&a**ngen
rage% in bitter opposition to one anot&er, an% t&ese !eetings %i% not #lose (it& t&e !e#&ani#al ren%ering o$ a %*ll
patrioti# song b*t rat&er (it& a passionate o*tbrea, o$ pop*lar national $eeling+
It (as i!peratie $ro! t&e start to intro%*#e rigi% %is#ipline into o*r !eetings an% establis& t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e #&air!an
absol*tel"+ O*r p*rpose (as not to po*r o*t a !i5t*re o$ so$t1soap bo*rgeois tal,C (&at (e &a% to sa" (as !eant to aro*se
t&e opponents at o*r !eetingsN Ho( o$ten %i% t&e" not t*rn *p in !asses (it& a $e( in%ii%*al agitators a!ong t&e! an%,
0*%ging b" t&e e5pression on all t&eir $a#es, rea%" to $inis& *s o$$ t&ere an% t&en+
Kes, &o( o$ten %i% t&e" not t*rn *p in &*ge n*!bers, t&ose s*pporters o$ t&e Re% Flag, all preio*sl" instr*#te% to s!as&
*p eer"t&ing on#e an% $or all an% p*t an en% to t&ese !eetings+ )ore o$ten t&an not eer"t&ing &*ng on a !ere t&rea%,
an% onl" t&e #&air!ans r*t&less %eter!ination an% t&e ro*g& &an%ling b" o*r *s&ers ba$$le% o*r a%ersaries intentions+
An% in%ee% t&e" &a% eer" reason $or being irritate%+
T&e $a#t t&at (e &a% #&osen re% as t&e #olo*r $or o*r posters s*$$i#e% to attra#t t&e! to o*r !eetings+ T&e or%inar"
bo*rgeoisie (ere er" s&o#,e% to see t&at, (e &a% also #&osen t&e s"!boli# re% o$ 8ols&eis! an% t&e" regar%e% t&is as
so!et&ing a!big*o*sl" signi$i#ant+ T&e s*spi#ion (as (&ispere% in Aer!an .ationalist #ir#les t&at (e also (ere !erel"
anot&er ariet" o$ )ar5is!, per&aps een )ar5ists s*itabl" %isg*ise%, or better still, So#ialists+ T&e a#t*al %i$$eren#e
bet(een So#ialis! an% )ar5is! still re!ains a !"ster" to t&ese people *p to t&is %a"+ T&e #&arge o$ )ar5is! (as
#on#l*siel" proe% (&en it (as %is#oere% t&at at o*r !eetings (e %eliberatel" s*bstit*te% t&e (or%s MFello(1#o*ntr"!en
an% 3o!en $or M'a%ies an% Aentle!en an% a%%resse% ea#& ot&er as MPart" Co!ra%e+ 3e *se% to roar (it& la*g&ter at
t&ese sill" $aint1&earte% bo*rgeoisie an% t&eir e$$orts to p*>>le o*t o*r origin, o*r intentions an% o*r ai!s+
3e #&ose re% $or o*r posters a$ter parti#*lar an% #are$*l %eliberation, o*r intention being to irritate t&e 'e$t, so as to
aro*se t&eir attention an% te!pt t&e! to #o!e to o*r !eetings 1 i$ onl" in or%er to brea, t&e! *p 1 so t&at in t&is (a" (e
got a #&an#e o$ tal,ing to t&e people+
In t&ose "ears it (as in%ee% a %elig&t$*l e5perien#e to $ollo( t&e #onstantl" #&anging ta#ti#s o$ o*r perple5e% an% &elpless
a%ersaries+ First o$ all t&e" appeale% to t&eir $ollo(ers to ignore *s an% ,eep a(a" $ro! o*r !eetings+ Aenerall" spea,ing
t&is appeal (as &ee%e%+ 8*t, as ti!e (ent on, !ore an% !ore o$ t&eir $ollo(ers gra%*all" $o*n% t&eir (a" to *s an%
a##epte% o*r tea#&ing+ T&en t&e lea%ers be#a!e nero*s an% *neas"+ T&e" #l*ng to t&eir belie$ t&at s*#& a %eelop!ent
s&o*l% not be ignore% $or eer, an% t&at terror !*st be applie% in or%er to p*t an en% to it+
Appeals (ere t&en !a%e to t&e M#lass1#ons#io*s proletariat to atten% o*r !eetings in !asses an% stri,e (it& t&e #len#&e%
&an% o$ t&e proletarian at t&e representaties o$ a M!onar#&ist an% rea#tionar" agitation+
O*r !eetings s*%%enl" be#a!e pa#,e% (it& (or,1people $*ll" t&ree1/*arters o$ an &o*r be$ore t&e pro#ee%ings (ere
s#&e%*le% to begin+ T&ese gat&erings rese!ble% a po(%er #as, rea%" to e5plo%e at an" !o!entC an% t&e $*se (as
#onenientl" at &an%+ 8*t !atters al(a"s t*rne% o*t %i$$erentl"+ People #a!e as ene!ies an% le$t, not per&aps prepare% to
0oin *s, "et in a re$le#tie !oo% an% %ispose% #riti#all" to e5a!ine t&e #orre#tness o$ t&eir o(n %o#trine+ Ara%*all" as ti!e
(ent on !" t&ree1&o*r le#t*res res*lte% in s*pporters an% opponents be#o!ing *nite% in one single ent&*siasti# gro*p o$
people+ Eer" signal $or t&e brea,ing1*p o$ t&e !eeting $aile%+ T&e res*lt (as t&at t&e opposition lea%ers be#a!e
$rig&tene% an% on#e again loo,e% $or &elp to t&ose /*arters t&at &a% $or!erl" %is#o*ntenan#e% t&ese ta#ti#s an%, (it& so!e
s&o( o$ rig&t, &a% been o$ t&e opinion t&at on prin#iple t&e (or,ers s&o*l% be $orbi%%en to atten% o*r !eetings+
T&en t&e" %i% not #o!e an" !ore, or onl" in s!all n*!bers+ 8*t a$ter a s&ort ti!e t&e (&ole ga!e starte% all oer again+
T&e instr*#tions to ,eep a(a" $ro! *s (ere ignore%C t&e #o!ra%es #a!e in stea%il" in#reasing n*!bers, *ntil $inall" t&e
a%o#ates o$ t&e ra%i#al ta#ti#s (on t&e %a"+ 3e (ere to be bro,en *p+
Ket (&en, a$ter t(o, t&ree an% een eig&t !eetings, it (as reali>e% t&at to brea, *p t&ese gat&erings (as easier sai% t&an
%one an% t&at eer" !eeting res*lte% in a %e#isie (ea,ening o$ t&e re% $ig&ting $or#es, t&en s*%%enl" t&e ot&er pass(or%
(as intro%*#e%4 MProletarians, #o!ra%es an% #o!ra%esses, aoi% !eetings o$ t&e .ational So#ialist agitators+
T&e sa!e eternall" alternating ta#ti#s (ere also to be obsere% in t&e Re% Press+ Soon t&e" trie% to silen#e *s b*t
%is#oere% t&e *selessness o$ s*#& an atte!pt+ A$ter t&at t&e" s(*ng ro*n% to t&e opposite ta#ti#s+ =ail" Mre$eren#e (as
!a%e to *s solel" $or t&e p*rpose o$ absol*tel" ri%i#*ling *s in t&e e"es o$ t&e (or,ing1#lasses+ A$ter a ti!e t&ese
gentle!en !*st &ae $elt t&at no &ar! (as being %one to *s, b*t t&at, on t&e #ontrar", (e (ere reaping an a%antage in
t&at people (ere as,ing t&e!seles (&" so !*#& spa#e (as being %eote% to a s*b0e#t (&i#& (as s*ppose% to be so
l*%i#ro*s+ People be#a!e #*rio*s+ S*%%enl" t&ere (as a #&ange o$ ta#ti#s an% $or a ti!e (e (ere treate% as eritable
#ri!inals against !an,in%+ One arti#le $ollo(e% t&e ot&er, in (&i#& o*r #ri!inal intentions (ere e5plaine% an% ne(
proo$s bro*g&t $or(ar% to s*pport (&at (as sai%+ S#an%alo*s tales, all o$ t&e! $abri#ate% $ro! start to $inis&, (ere
p*blis&e% in or%er to &elp to poison t&e p*bli# !in%+ 8*t in a s&ort ti!e een t&ese atta#,s also proe% $*tileC an% in $a#t
t&e" assiste% !ateriall" be#a*se t&e" attra#te% p*bli# attention to *s+
In t&ose %a"s I too, *p t&e stan%point t&at it (as i!!aterial (&et&er t&e" la*g&e% at *s or reile% *s, (&et&er t&e"
%epi#te% *s as $ools or #ri!inalsC t&e i!portant point (as t&at t&e" too, noti#e o$ *s an% t&at in t&e e"es o$ t&e (or,ing1
#lasses (e #a!e to be regar%e% as t&e onl" $or#e #apable o$ p*tting *p a $ig&t+ I sai% to !"sel$ t&at t&e $ollo(ers o$ t&e
-e(is& Press (o*l% #o!e to ,no( all abo*t *s an% o*r real ai!s+
One reason (&" t&e" neer got so $ar as brea,ing *p o*r !eetings (as *n%o*bte%l" t&e in#re%ible #o(ar%i#e %ispla"e% b"
t&e lea%ers o$ t&e opposition+ On eer" #riti#al o##asion t&e" le$t t&e %irt" (or, to t&e s!aller $r" (&ilst t&e" (aite%
o*tsi%e t&e &alls $or t&e res*lts o$ t&e brea, *p+
3e (ere e5#eptionall" (ell in$or!e% in regar% to o*r opponents intentions, not onl" be#a*se (e allo(e% seeral o$ o*r
part" #olleag*es to re!ain !e!bers o$ t&e Re% organi>ations $or reasons o$ e5pe%ien#", b*t also be#a*se t&e Re% (ire1
p*llers, $ort*natel" $or *s, (ere a$$li#te% (it& a %egree o$ tal,atieness t&at is still *n$ort*natel" er" prealent a!ong
Aer!ans+ T&e" #o*l% not ,eep t&eir o(n #o*nsel, an% !ore o$ten t&an not t&e" starte% #a#,ling be$ore t&e proerbial egg
(as lai%+ Hen#e, ti!e an% again o*r pre#a*tions (ere s*#& t&at Re% agitators &a% no in,ling o$ &o( near t&e" (ere to
being t&ro(n o*t o$ t&e !eetings+
T&is state o$ a$$airs #o!pelle% *s to ta,e t&e (or, o$ sa$eg*ar%ing o*r !eetings into o*r o(n &an%s+ .o relian#e #o*l% be
pla#e% on o$$i#ial prote#tion+ On t&e #ontrar"C e5perien#e s&o(e% t&at s*#& prote#tion al(a"s $ao*re% onl" t&e %ist*rbers+
T&e onl" real o*t#o!e o$ poli#e interention (o*l% be t&at t&e !eeting (o*l% be %issole%, t&at is to sa", #lose%+ An% t&at
is pre#isel" (&at o*r opponents grante%+
Aenerall" spea,ing, t&is le% t&e poli#e to a%opt a pro#e%*re (&i#&, to sa" t&e least, (as a !ost in$a!o*s sa!ple o$ o$$i#ial
!alpra#ti#e+ T&e !o!ent t&e" re#eie% in$or!ation o$ a t&reat t&at t&e one or ot&er !eeting (as to be bro,en *p, instea%
o$ arresting t&e (o*l%1be %ist*rbers, t&e" pro!ptl" a%ise% t&e inno#ent parties t&at t&e !eeting (as $orbi%%en+ T&is step
t&e poli#e pro#lai!e% as a Mpre#a*tionar" !eas*re in t&e interests o$ la( an% or%er+
T&e politi#al (or, an% a#tiities o$ %e#ent people #o*l% t&ere$ore al(a"s be &in%ere% b" %esperate r*$$ians (&o &a% t&e
!eans at t&eir %isposal+ In t&e na!e o$ pea#e an% or%er State a*t&orit" bo(e% %o(n to t&ese r*$$ians an% %e!an%e% t&at
ot&ers s&o*l% not proo,e t&e!+ 3&en .ational So#ialis! %esire% to &ol% !eetings in #ertain parts an% t&e labo*r *nions
%e#lare% t&at t&eir !e!bers (o*l% resist, t&en it (as not t&ese bla#,!ailers t&at (ere arreste% an% gaole%+ .o+ O*r
!eetings (ere $orbi%%en b" t&e poli#e+ Kes, t&is organ o$ t&e la( &a% t&e *nspea,able i!p*%en#e to a%ise *s in (riting to
t&is e$$e#t in inn*!erable instan#es+ To aoi% s*#& eent*alities, it (as ne#essar" to see to it t&at eer" atte!pt to %ist*rb a
!eeting (as nippe% in t&e b*%+ Anot&er $eat*re to be ta,en into a##o*nt in t&is respe#t is t&at all !eetings (&i#& rel" on
poli#e prote#tion !*st ne#essaril" bring %is#re%it to t&eir pro!oters in t&e e"es o$ t&e general p*bli#+ )eetings t&at are
onl" possible (it& t&e prote#tie assistan#e o$ a strong $or#e o$ poli#e #onert nobo%"C be#a*se in or%er to (in oer t&e
lo(er strata o$ t&e people t&ere !*st be a isible s&o( o$ strengt& on ones o(n si%e+ In t&e sa!e (a" t&at a !an o$
#o*rage (ill (in a (o!ans a$$e#tion !ore easil" t&an a #o(ar%, so a &eroi# !oe!ent (ill be !ore s*##ess$*l in (inning
oer t&e &earts o$ a people t&an a (ea, !oe!ent (&i#& relies on poli#e s*pport $or its er" e5isten#e+
It is $or t&is latter reason in parti#*lar t&at o*r "o*ng !oe!ent (as to be #&arge% (it& t&e responsibilit" o$ ass*ring its
o(n e5isten#e, %e$en%ing itsel$C an% #on%*#ting its o(n (or, o$ s!as&ing t&e Re% opposition+
T&e (or, o$ organi>ing t&e prote#tie !eas*res $or o*r !eetings (as base% on t&e $ollo(ing4
F1G An energeti# an% ps"#&ologi#all" 0*%i#io*s (a" o$ #on%*#ting t&e !eeting+
F2G An organi>e% s/*a% o$ troops to !aintain or%er+
In t&ose %a"s (e an% no one else (ere !asters o$ t&e sit*ation at o*r !eetings an% on no o##asion %i% (e $ail to e!p&asi>e
t&is+ O*r opponents $*ll" reali>e% t&at an" proo#ation (o*l% be t&e o##asion o$ t&ro(ing t&e! o*t o$ t&e &all at on#e,
(&ateer t&e o%%s against *s+ At !eetings, parti#*larl" o*tsi%e )*ni#&, (e &a% in t&ose %a"s $ro! $ie to eig&t &*n%re%
opponents against $i$teen to si5teen .ational So#ialistsC "et (e broo,e% no inter$eren#e, $or (e (ere rea%" to be ,ille%
rat&er t&an #apit*late+ )ore t&an on#e a &an%$*l o$ part" #olleag*es o$$ere% a &eroi# resistan#e to a raging an% iolent !ob
o$ Re%s+ T&ose $i$teen or t(ent" !en (o*l% #ertainl" &ae been oer(&el!e% in t&e en% &a% not t&e opponents ,no(n t&at
t&ree or $o*r ti!es as !an" o$ t&e!seles (o*l% $irst get t&eir s,*lls #ra#,e%+ Ari% t&at ris, t&e" (ere not (illing to r*n+
3e &a% %one o*r best to st*%" )ar5ist an% bo*rgeois !et&o%s o$ #on%*#ting !eetings, an% (e &a% #ertainl" learnt
T&e )ar5ists &a% al(a"s e5er#ise% a !ost rigi% %is#ipline so t&at t&e /*estion o$ brea,ing *p t&eir !eetings #o*l% neer
&ae originate% in bo*rgeois /*arters+ T&is gae t&e Re%s all t&e !ore reason $or a#ting on t&is plan+ In ti!e t&e" not onl"
be#a!e past1!asters in t&is art b*t in #ertain large %istri#ts o$ t&e Rei#& t&e" (ent so $ar as to %e#lare t&at non1)ar5ist
!eetings (ere not&ing less t&an a #a*se o$ proo#ation against t&e proletariat+ T&is (as parti#*larl" t&e #ase (&en t&e
(ire1p*llers s*spe#te% t&at a !eeting !ig&t #all attention to t&eir o(n transgressions an% t&*s e5pose t&eir o(n trea#&er"
an% #&i#aner"+ T&ere$ore t&e !o!ent s*#& a !eeting (as anno*n#e% to be &el% a &o(l o$ rage (ent *p $ro! t&e Re%
Press+ T&ese %etra#tors o$ t&e la( nearl" al(a"s t*rne% $irst to t&e a*t&orities an% re/*este% in i!peratie an% t&reatening
lang*age t&at t&is Mproo#ation o$ t&e proletariat be stoppe% $ort&(it& in t&e Minterests o$ la( an% or%er+ T&eir lang*age
(as #&osen a##or%ing to t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e o$$i#ial blo#,&ea% t&e" (ere %ealing (it& an% t&*s s*##ess (as ass*re%+ I$
b" #&an#e t&e o$$i#ial &appene% to be a tr*e Aer!an 1 an% not a !ere $ig*re&ea% 1 an% &e %e#line% t&e i!p*%ent re/*est,
t&en t&e ti!e1&ono*re% appeal to stop Mproo#ation o$ t&e proletariat (as iss*e% toget&er (it& instr*#tions to atten% s*#&
an% s*#& a !eeting on a #ertain %ate in $*ll strengt& $or t&e p*rpose o$ Mp*tting a stop to t&e %isgra#e$*l !a#&inations o$
t&e bo*rgeoisie b" !eans o$ t&e proletarian $ist+
T&e piti$*l an% $rig&tene% !anner in (&i#& t&ese bo*rgeois !eetings are #on%*#te% !*st be seen in or%er to be beliee%+
Ber" $re/*entl" t&ese t&reats (ere s*$$i#ient to #all o$$ s*#& a !eeting at on#e+ T&e $eeling o$ $ear (as so !ar,e% t&at t&e
!eeting, instea% o$ #o!!en#ing at eig&t o#lo#,, er" sel%o! (as opene% be$ore a /*arter to nine or nine o#lo#,+ T&e
C&air!an t&ere*pon %i% &is best, b" s&o(ering #o!pli!ents on t&e Mgentle!an o$ t&e opposition to proe &o( &e an% all
ot&ers present (ere please% Fa palpable lieG to (el#o!e a isit $ro! !en (&o as "et (ere not in s"!pat&" (it& t&e! $or
t&e reason t&at onl" b" !*t*al %is#*ssion Fi!!e%iatel" agree% toG #o*l% t&e" be bro*g&t #loser toget&er in !*t*al
*n%erstan%ing+ Apart $ro! t&is t&e C&air!an also ass*re% t&e! t&at t&e !eeting &a% no intention (&atsoeer o$
inter$ering (it& t&e pro$esse% #oni#tions o$ an"bo%"+ In%ee% no+ Eer"one &a% t&e rig&t to $or! an% &ol% &is o(n
politi#al ie(s, b*t ot&ers s&o*l% be allo(e% to %o li,e(ise+ He t&ere$ore re/*este% t&at t&e spea,er be allo(e% to %elier
&is spee#& (it&o*t interr*ption 1 t&e spee#& in an" #ase not being a long a$$air+ People abroa%, &e #ontin*e%, (o*l% t&*s
not #o!e to regar% t&is !eeting as anot&er s&a!e$*l e5a!ple o$ t&e bitter $raternal stri$e t&at is raging in Aer!an"+ An%
so on an% so $ort&
T&e brot&ers o$ t&e 'e$t &a% little i$ an" appre#iation $or t&at sort o$ tal,C t&e spea,er &a% &ar%l" #o!!en#e% (&en &e (as
s&o*te% %o(n+ One gat&ere% t&e i!pression at ti!es t&at t&ese spea,ers (ere gra#e$*l $or being pere!ptoril" #*t s&ort in
t&eir !art"r1li,e %is#o*rse+ T&ese bo*rgeois torea%ors le$t t&e arena in t&e !i%st o$ a ast *proar, t&at is to sa", proi%e%
t&at t&e" (ere not t&ro(n %o(n t&e stairs (it& #ra#,e% s,*lls, (&i#& (as er" o$ten t&e #ase+
T&ere$ore, o*r !et&o%s o$ organi>ation at .ational So#ialist !eetings (ere so!et&ing /*ite strange to t&e )ar5ists+ T&e"
#a!e to o*r !eetings in t&e belie$ t&at t&e little ga!e (&i#& t&e" &a% so o$ten pla"e% #o*l% as a !atter o$ #o*rse be also
repeate% on *s+ LTo1%a" (e s&all $inis& t&e! o$$+L Ho( o$ten %i% t&e" ba(l t&is o*t to ea#& ot&er on entering t&e !eeting
&all, onl" to be t&ro(n o*t (it& lig&tning spee% be$ore t&e" &a% ti!e to repeat it+
In t&e $irst pla#e o*r !et&o% o$ #on%*#ting a !eeting (as entirel" %i$$erent+ 3e %i% not beg an% pra" to be allo(e% to
spea,, an% (e %i% not straig&t(a" gie eer"bo%" t&e rig&t to &ol% en%less %is#*ssions+ 3e #*rtl" gae eer"one to
*n%erstan% t&at (e (ere !asters o$ t&e !eeting an% t&at (e (o*l% %o as it please% *s an% t&at eer"one (&o %are% to
interr*pt (o*l% be *n#ere!onio*sl" t&ro(n o*t+ 3e state% #learl" o*r re$*sal to a##ept responsibilit" $or an"one treate% in
t&is !anner+ I$ ti!e per!itte% an% i$ it s*ite% *s, a %is#*ssion (o*l% be allo(e% to ta,e pla#e+ O*r part" #olleag*e (o*l%
no( !a,e &is spee#&++++ T&at ,in% o$ tal, (as s*$$i#ient in itsel$ to astonis& t&e )ar5ists+
Se#on%l", (e &a% at o*r %isposal a (ell1traine% an% organi>e% bo%" o$ !en $or !aintaining or%er at o*r !eetings+ On t&e
ot&er &an% t&e bo*rgeois parties prote#te% t&eir !eetings (it& a bo%" o$ !en better #lassi$ie% as *s&ers (&o b" irt*e o$
t&eir age t&o*g&t t&e" (ere entitle% to1a*t&orit" an% respe#t+ 8*t as )ar5is! &as little or no respe#t $or t&ese t&ings, t&e
/*estion o$ s*itable sel$1prote#tion at t&ese bo*rgeois !eetings (as, so to spea,, in pra#ti#e non1e5istent+
3&en o*r politi#al !eetings $irst starte% I !a%e it a spe#ial point to organi>e a s*itable %e$ensie s/*a% 1 a s/*a%
#o!pose% #&ie$l" o$ "o*ng !en+ So!e o$ t&e! (ere #o!ra%es (&o &a% seen a#tie seri#e (it& !eC ot&ers (ere "o*ng
part" !e!bers (&o, rig&t $ro! t&e start, &a% been traine% an% bro*g&t *p to reali>e t&at onl" terror is #apable o$ s!as&ing
terror 1 t&at onl" #o*rageo*s an% %eter!ine% people &a% !a%e a s*##ess o$ t&ings in t&is (orl% an% t&at, $inall", (e (ere
$ig&ting $or an i%ea so lo$t" t&at it (as (ort& t&e last %rop o$ o*r bloo%+ T&ese "o*ng !en &a% been bro*g&t *p to reali>e
t&at (&ere $or#e repla#e% #o!!on sense in t&e sol*tion o$ a proble!, t&e best !eans o$ %e$en#e (as atta#, an% t&at t&e
rep*tation o$ o*r &all1g*ar% s/*a%s s&o*l% sta!p *s as a politi#al $ig&ting $or#e an% not as a %ebating so#iet"+
An% it (as e5traor%inar" &o( eagerl" t&ese bo"s o$ t&e 3ar generation respon%e% to t&is or%er+ T&e" &a% in%ee% goo%
reason $or being bitterl" %isappointe% an% in%ignant at t&e !iserable !il,sop !et&o%s e!plo"e% b" t&e bo*rgeoise+
T&*s it be#a!e #lear to eer"one t&at t&e Reol*tion &a% onl" been possible t&an,s to t&e %astar%l" !et&o%s o$ a bo*rgeois
goern!ent+ At t&at ti!e t&ere (as #ertainl" no la#, o$ !an1po(er to s*ppress t&e reol*tion, b*t *n$ort*natel" t&ere (as
an entire la#, o$ %ire#tie brain po(er+ Ho( o$ten %i% t&e e"es o$ !" "o*ng !en lig&t *p (it& ent&*sias! (&en I
e5plaine% to t&e! t&e ital $*n#tions #onne#te% (it& t&eir tas, an% ass*re% t&e! ti!e an% again t&at all eart&l" (is%o! is
*seless *nless it be s*pporte% b" a !eas*re o$ strengt&, t&at t&e gentle go%%ess o$ Pea#e #an onl" (al, in #o!pan" (it&
t&e go% o$ 3ar, an% t&at eer" great a#t o$ pea#e !*st be prote#te% an% assiste% b" $or#e+ In t&is (a" t&e i%ea o$ !ilitar"
seri#e #a!e to t&e! in a $ar !ore realisti# $or! 1 not in t&e $ossili>e% sense o$ t&e so*ls o$ %e#repit o$$i#ials sering t&e
%ea% a*t&orit" o$ a %ea% State, b*t in t&e liing reali>ation o$ t&e %*t" o$ ea#& !an to sa#ri$i#e &is li$e at all ti!es so t&at
&is #o*ntr" !ig&t lie+
Ho( t&ose "o*ng !en %i% t&eir 0obN
'i,e a s(ar! o$ &ornets t&e" ta#,le% %ist*rbers at o*r !eetings, regar%less o$ s*periorit" o$ n*!bers, &o(eer great,
in%i$$erent to (o*n%s an% bloo%s&e%, inspire% (it& t&e great i%ea o$ bla>ing a trail $or t&e sa#re% !ission o$ o*r
As earl" as t&e s*!!er o$ 1927 t&e organi>ation o$ s/*a%s o$ !en as &all g*ar%s $or !aintaining or%er at o*r !eetings
(as gra%*all" ass*!ing %e$inite s&ape+ 8" t&e spring o$ 1921 t&is bo%" o$ !en (ere se#tione% o$$ into s/*a%s o$ one
&*n%re%, (&i#& in t*rn (ere s*b1%ii%e% into s!aller gro*ps+
T&e *rgen#" $or t&is (as apparent, as !ean(&ile t&e n*!ber o$ o*r !eetings &a% stea%il" in#rease%+ 3e still $re/*entl"
!et in t&e )*ni#& Ho$brI*&a*s b*t !ore $re/*entl" in t&e large !eeting &alls t&ro*g&o*t t&e #it" itsel$+ In t&e a*t*!n
an% (inter o$ 192711921 o*r !eetings in t&e 8HrgerbrI* an% )*ni#& ;in%lbrI* &a% ass*!e% ast proportions an% it (as
al(a"s t&e sa!e pi#t*re t&at presente% itsel$C na!el", !eetings o$ t&e .S=AP FT&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r
Part"G (ere al(a"s #ro(%e% o*t so t&at t&e poli#e (ere #o!pelle% to #lose an% bar t&e %oors long be$ore pro#ee%ings
T&e organi>ation o$ %e$en#e g*ar%s $or ,eeping or%er at o*r !eetings #leare% *p a er" %i$$i#*lt /*estion+ Up till t&en t&e
!oe!ent &a% possesse% no part" ba%ge an% no part" $lag+ T&e la#, o$ t&ese to,ens (as not onl" a %isa%antage at t&at
ti!e b*t (o*l% proe intolerable in t&e $*t*re+ T&e %isa%antages (ere #&ie$l" t&at !e!bers o$ t&e part" possesse% no
o*t(ar% bro,en o$ !e!bers&ip (&i#& lin,e% t&e! toget&er, an% it (as absol*tel" *nt&in,able t&at $or t&e $*t*re t&e"
s&o*l% re!ain (it&o*t so!e to,en (&i#& (o*l% be a s"!bol o$ t&e !oe!ent an% #o*l% be set against t&at o$ t&e
)ore t&an on#e in !" "o*t& t&e ps"#&ologi#al i!portan#e o$ s*#& a s"!bol &a% be#o!e #learl" ei%ent to !e an% $ro! a
senti!ental point o$ ie( also it (as a%isable+ In 8erlin, a$ter t&e 3ar, I (as present at a !ass1%e!onstration o$ )ar5ists
in $ront o$ t&e Ro"al Pala#e an% in t&e '*stgarten+ A sea o$ re% $lags, re% ar!lets an% re% $lo(ers (as in itsel$ s*$$i#ient to
gie t&at &*ge asse!bl" o$ abo*t 127,777 persons an o*t(ar% appearan#e o$ strengt&+ I (as no( able to $eel an%
*n%erstan% &o( easil" t&e !an in t&e street s*##*!bs to t&e &"pnoti# !agi# o$ s*#& a gran%iose pie#e o$ t&eatri#al
T&e bo*rgeoisie, (&i#& as a part" neit&er possesses or stan%s $or an" 3eltans#&&a**ng, &a% t&ere$ore not a single banner+
T&eir part" (as #o!pose% o$ Mpatriots (&o (ent abo*t in t&e #olo*rs o$ t&e Rei#&+ I$ t&ese #olo*rs (ere t&e s"!bol o$ a
%e$inite 3eltans#&&a**ng t&en one #o*l% *n%erstan% t&e r*lers o$ t&e State regar%ing t&is $lag as e5pressie o$ t&eir o(n
3eltans#&&a**ng, seeing t&at t&ro*g& t&eir e$$orts t&e o$$i#ial Rei#& $lag (as e5pressie o$ t&eir o(n 3eltans#&&a**ng+
8*t in realit" t&e position (as ot&er(ise+
T&e Rei#& (as !orti#e% toget&er (it&o*t t&e ai% o$ t&e Aer!an bo*rgeoisie an% t&e $lag itsel$ (as born o$ t&e 3ar an%
t&ere$ore !erel" a State $lag possessing no i!portan#e in t&e sense o$ an" parti#*lar i%eologi#al !ission+
Onl" in one part o$ t&e Aer!an1spea,ing territor" 1 in Aer!an1A*stria 1 (as t&ere an"t&ing li,e a bo*rgeois part" $lag in
ei%en#e+ Here a se#tion o$ t&e national bo*rgeoisie sele#te% t&e 1949 #olo*rs Fbla#,, re% an% gol%G as t&eir part" $lag an%
t&ere(it& #reate% a s"!bol (&i#&, t&o*g& o$ no i!portan#e $ro! a (eltans#&a*li#&e ie(point, &a%, neert&eless, a
reol*tionar" #&ara#ter $ro! a national point o$ ie(+ T&e !ost bitter opponents o$ t&is $lag at t&at ti!e, an% t&is s&o*l%
not be $orgotten to1%a", (ere t&e So#ial =e!o#rats an% t&e C&ristian So#ialists or #leri#als+ T&e", in parti#*lar, (ere t&e
ones (&o %egra%e% an% bes!ir#&e% t&ese #olo*rs in t&e sa!e (a" as in 1919 t&e" %ragge% bla#,, (&ite an% re% into t&e
g*tter+ O$ #o*rse, t&e bla#,, re% an% gol% o$ t&e Aer!an parties in t&e ol% A*stria (ere t&e #olo*rs o$ t&e "ear 19494 t&at is
to sa", o$ a perio% li,el" to be regar%e% as so!e(&at isionar", b*t it (as a perio% t&at &a% &onest Aer!an so*ls as its
representaties, alt&o*g& t&e -e(s (ere l*r,ing *nseen as (ire1p*llers in t&e ba#,gro*n%+ It (as &ig& treason an% t&e
s&a!e$*l enslae!ent o$ t&e Aer!an territor" t&at $irst o$ all !a%e t&ese #olo*rs so attra#tie to t&e )ar5ists o$ t&e Centre
Part"C so !*#& so t&at to1%a" t&e" reere t&e! as t&eir !ost #&eris&e% possession an% *se t&e! as t&eir o(n banners $or
t&e prote#tion o$ t&e $lag t&e" on#e $o*ll" bes!ir#&e%+
It is a $a#t, t&ere$ore, t&at, *p till 1927, in opposition to t&e )ar5ists t&ere (as no $lag t&at (o*l% &ae stoo% $or a
#onsoli%ate% resistan#e to t&e!+ For een i$ t&e better politi#al ele!ents o$ t&e Aer!an bo*rgeoisie (ere loat& to a##ept
t&e s*%%enl" %is#oere% bla#,, re% an% gol% #olo*rs as t&eir s"!bol a$ter t&e "ear 1919, t&e" neert&eless (ere in#apable
o$ #o*ntera#ting t&is (it& a $*t*re progra!!e o$ t&eir o(n t&at (o*l% #orrespon% to t&e ne( tren% o$ a$$airs+ At t&e !ost,
t&e" &a% a re#onstr*#tion o$ t&e ol% Rei#& in !in%+
An% it is to t&is (a" o$ t&in,ing t&at t&e bla#,, (&ite an% re% #olo*rs o$ t&e ol% Rei#& are in%ebte% $or t&eir res*rre#tion as
t&e $lag o$ o*r so1#alle% national bo*rgeois parties+
It (as obio*s t&at t&e s"!bol o$ a rQgi!e (&i#& &a% been oert&ro(n b" t&e )ar5ists *n%er inglorio*s #ir#*!stan#es
(as not no( (ort&" to sere as a banner *n%er (&i#& t&e sa!e )ar5is! (as to be #r*s&e% in its t*rn+ Ho(eer !*#& an"
%e#ent Aer!an !a" loe an% reere t&ose ol% #olo*rs, glorio*s (&en pla#e% si%e b" si%e in t&eir "o*t&$*l $res&ness, (&en
&e &a% $o*g&t *n%er t&e! an% seen t&e sa#ri$i#e o$ so !an" lies, t&at $lag &a% little al*e $or t&e str*ggle o$ t&e $*t*re+
In o*r )oe!ent I &ae al(a"s a%opte% t&e stan%point t&at it (as a reall" l*#," t&ing $or t&e Aer!an nation t&at it &a%
lost its ol% $lag 19G+ T&is stan%point o$ !ine (as in strong #ontrast to t&at o$ t&e bo*rgeois politi#ians+ It !a" be
i!!aterial to *s (&at t&e Rep*bli# %oes *n%er its $lag+ 8*t let *s be %eepl" grate$*l to $ate $or &aing so gra#io*sl" spare%
t&e !ost glorio*s (ar $lag $or all ti!e $ro! be#o!ing an igno!inio*s rag+ T&e Rei#& o$ to1%a", (&i#& sells itsel$ an% its
people, !*st neer be allo(e% to a%opt t&e &ono*rable an% &eroi# bla#,, (&ite an% re% #olo*rs+
As long as t&e .oe!ber o*trage en%*res, t&at o*trage !a" #ontin*e to bear its o(n e5ternal sign an% not steal t&at o$ an
&ono*rable past+ O*r bo*rgeois politi#ians s&o*l% a(a,en t&eir #ons#ien#es to t&e $a#t t&at (&oeer %esires t&is State to
&ae t&e bla#,, (&ite an% re% #olo*rs is pil$ering $ro! t&e past+ T&e ol% $lag (as s*itable onl" $or t&e ol% Rei#& an%, t&an,
Heaen, t&e Rep*bli# #&ose t&e #olo*rs best s*ite% to itsel$+
T&is (as also t&e reason (&" (e .ational So#ialists re#ogni>e% t&at &oisting t&e ol% #olo*rs (o*l% be no s"!bol o$ o*r
spe#ial ai!sC $or (e &a% no (is& to res*rre#t $ro! t&e %ea% t&e ol% Rei#& (&i#& &a% been r*ine% t&ro*g& its o(n bl*n%ers,
b*t to b*il% *p a ne( State+
T&e )oe!ent (&i#& is $ig&ting )ar5is! to1%a" along t&ese lines !*st %ispla" on its banner t&e s"!bol o$ t&e ne( State+
T&e /*estion o$ t&e ne( $lag, t&at is to sa" t&e $or! an% appearan#e it !*st ta,e, ,ept *s er" b*s" in t&ose %a"s+
S*ggestions po*re% in $ro! all /*arters, (&i#& alt&o*g& (ell !eant (ere !ore or less i!possible in pra#ti#e+ T&e ne(
$lag &a% not onl" to be#o!e a s"!bol e5pressing o*r o(n str*ggle b*t on t&e ot&er &an% it (as ne#essar" t&at it s&o*l%
proe e$$e#tie as a large poster+ All t&ose (&o b*s" t&e!seles (it& t&e tastes o$ t&e p*bli# (ill re#ogni>e an% appre#iate
t&e great i!portan#e o$ t&ese apparentl" pett" !atters+ In &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ #ases a reall" stri,ing e!ble! !a" be
t&e $irst #a*se o$ a(a,ening interest in a !oe!ent+
For t&is reason (e %e#line% all s*ggestions $ro! ario*s /*arters $or i%enti$"ing o*r !oe!ent b" !eans o$ a (&ite $lag
(it& t&e ol% State or rat&er (it& t&ose %e#repit parties (&ose sole politi#al ob0e#tie is t&e restoration o$ past #on%itions+
An%, apart $ro! t&is, (&ite is not a #olo*r #apable o$ attra#ting an% $o#*sing p*bli# attention+ It is a #olo*r s*itable onl"
$or "o*ng (o!ens asso#iations an% not $or a !oe!ent t&at stan%s $or re$or! in a reol*tionar" perio%+
8la#, (as also s*ggeste% 1 #ertainl" (ell1s*ite% to t&e ti!es, b*t e!bo%"ing no signi$i#an#e to e!press t&e (ill be&in% o*r
!oe!ent+ An%, $inall", bla#, is in#apable o$ attra#ting attention+
3&ite an% bl*e (as %is#ar%e%, %espite its a%!irable Tst&eti# appeal 1 as being t&e #olo*rs o$ an in%ii%*al Aer!an
Fe%eral State 1 a State t&at, *n$ort*natel", t&ro*g& its politi#al attit*%e o$ parti#*larist narro(1!in%e%ness %i% not en0o" a
goo% rep*tation+ An%, generall" spea,ing, (it& t&ese #olo*rs it (o*l% &ae been %i$$i#*lt to attra#t attention to o*r
!oe!ent+ T&e sa!e applies to bla#, an% (&ite+
8la#,, re% an% gol% %i% not enter t&e /*estion at all+
An% t&is also applies to bla#,, (&ite an% re% $or reasons alrea%" state%+ At least, not in t&e $or! &it&erto in *se+ 8*t t&e
e$$e#tieness o$ t&ese t&ree #olo*rs is $ar s*perior to all t&e ot&ers an% t&e" are #ertainl" t&e !ost stri,ingl" &ar!onio*s
#o!bination to be $o*n%+
I !"sel$ (as al(a"s $or ,eeping t&e ol% #olo*rs, not onl" be#a*se I, as a sol%ier, regar%e% t&e! as !" !ost sa#re%
possession, b*t be#a*se in t&eir aest&eti# e$$e#t, t&e" #on$or!e% !ore t&an an"t&ing else to !" personal taste+ A##or%ingl"
I &a% to %is#ar% all t&e inn*!erable s*ggestions an% %esigns (&i#& &a% been propose% $or t&e ne( !oe!ent, a!ong
(&i#& (ere !an" t&at &a% in#orporate% t&e s(asti,a into t&e ol% #olo*rs+ I, as lea%er, (as *n(illing to !a,e p*bli# !"
o(n %esign, as it (as possible t&at so!eone else #o*l% #o!e $or(ar% (it& a %esign 0*st as goo%, i$ not better, t&an !"
o(n+ As a !atter o$ $a#t, a %ental s*rgeon $ro! Starnberg s*b!itte% a goo% %esign er" si!ilar to !ine, (it& onl" one
!ista,e, in t&at &is s(asti,a (it& #*re% #orners (as set *pon a (&ite ba#,gro*n%+
A$ter inn*!erable trials I %e#i%e% *pon a $inal $or! 1 a $lag o$ re% !aterial (it& a (&ite %is# bearing in its #entre a bla#,
s(asti,a+ A$ter !an" trials I obtaine% t&e #orre#t proportions bet(een t&e %i!ensions o$ t&e $lag an% o$ t&e (&ite #entral
%is#, as (ell as t&at o$ t&e s(asti,a+ An% t&is is &o( it &as re!aine% eer sin#e+
At t&e sa!e ti!e (e i!!e%iatel" or%ere% t&e #orrespon%ing ar!lets $or o*r s/*a% o$ !en (&o ,ept or%er at !eetings,
ar!lets o$ re% !aterial, a #entral (&ite %is# (it& t&e bla#, s(asti,a *pon it+ Herr FHss, a )*ni#& gol%s!it&, s*pplie% t&e
$irst pra#ti#al an% per!anent %esign+
T&e ne( $lag appeare% in p*bli# in t&e !i%s*!!er o$ 1927+ It s*ite% o*r !oe!ent a%!irabl", bot& being ne( an% "o*ng+
.ot a so*l &a% seen t&is $lag be$oreC its e$$e#t at t&at ti!e (as so!et&ing a,in to t&at o$ a bla>ing tor#&+ 3e o*rseles
e5perien#e% al!ost a bo"is& %elig&t (&en one o$ t&e la%ies o$ t&e part" (&o &a% been entr*ste% (it& t&e !a,ing o$ t&e
$lag $inall" &an%e% it oer to *s+ An% a $e( !ont&s later t&ose o$ *s in )*ni#& (ere in possession o$ si5 o$ t&ese $lags+ T&e
stea%il" in#reasing strengt& o$ o*r &all g*ar%s (as a !ain $a#tor in pop*lari>ing t&e s"!bol+
An% in%ee% a s"!bol it proe% to be+
.ot onl" be#a*se it in#orporate% t&ose reere% #olo*rs e5pressie o$ o*r &o!age to t&e glorio*s past an% (&i#& on#e
bro*g&t so !*#& &ono*r to t&e Aer!an nation, b*t t&is s"!bol (as also an elo/*ent e5pression o$ t&e (ill be&in% t&e
!oe!ent+ 3e .ational So#ialists regar%e% o*r $lag as being t&e e!bo%i!ent o$ o*r part" progra!!e+ T&e re% e5presse%
t&e so#ial t&o*g&t *n%erl"ing t&e !oe!ent+ 3&ite t&e national t&o*g&t+ An% t&e s(asti,a signi$ie% t&e !ission allotte%
to *s 1 t&e str*ggle $or t&e i#tor" o$ Ar"an !an,in% an% at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e tri*!p& o$ t&e i%eal o$ #reatie (or, (&i#&
is in itsel$ an% al(a"s (ill be anti1Se!iti#+
T(o "ears later, (&en o*r s/*a% o$ &all g*ar%s &a% long sin#e gro(n into stor! %eta#&!ents, it see!e% ne#essar" to gie
t&is %e$ensie organi>ation o$ a "o*ng 3eltans#&&a**ng a parti#*lar s"!bol o$ i#tor", na!el" a Stan%ar%+ I also %esigne%
t&is an% entr*ste% t&e e5e#*tion o$ it to an ol% part" #o!ra%e, Herr Aa&r, (&o (as a gol%s!it&+ Eer sin#e t&at ti!e t&is
Stan%ar% &as been t&e %istin#tie to,en o$ t&e .ational So#ialist str*ggle+
T&e in#reasing interest ta,en in o*r !eetings, parti#*larl" %*ring 1927, #o!pelle% *s at ti!es to &ol% t(o !eetings a
(ee,+ Cro(%s gat&ere% ro*n% o*r postersC t&e large !eeting &alls in t&e to(n (ere al(a"s $ille% an% tens o$ t&o*san%s o$
people, (&o &a% been le% astra" b" t&e tea#&ings o$ )ar5is!, $o*n% t&eir (a" to *s an% assiste% in t&e (or, o$ $ig&ting $or
t&e liberation o$ t&e Rei#&+ T&e p*bli# in )*ni#& &a% got to ,no( *s+ 3e (ere being spo,en abo*t+ T&e (or%s M.ational
So#ialist &a% be#o!e #o!!on propert" to !an" an% signi$ie% $or t&e! a %e$inite part" progra!!e+ O*r #ir#le o$
s*pporters an% een o$ !e!bers (as #onstantl" in#reasing, so t&at in t&e (inter o$ 1927121 (e (ere able to appear as a
strong part" in )*ni#&+
At t&at ti!e t&ere (as no part" in )*ni#& (it& t&e e5#eption o$ t&e )ar5ist parties 1 #ertainl" no nationalist part" 1 (&i#&
(as able to &ol% s*#& !ass %e!onstrations as o*rs+ T&e )*ni#& ;in%l Hall, (&i#& &el% 6,777 people, (as !ore t&an on#e
oer#ro(%e% an% *p till t&en t&ere (as onl" one ot&er &all, t&e ;rone Cir#*s Hall, into (&i#& (e &a% not ent*re%+
At t&e en% o$ -an*ar" 1921 t&ere (as again great #a*se $or an5iet" in Aer!an"+ T&e Paris Agree!ent, b" (&i#& Aer!an"
ple%ge% &ersel$ to pa" t&e #ra>" s*! o$ a &*n%re% !illiar%s o$ gol% !ar,s, (as to be #on$ir!e% b" t&e 'on%on Ulti!at*!+
T&ere*pon an ol%1establis&e% )*ni#& (or,ing #o!!ittee, representatie o$ so1#alle% Jl,is#& gro*ps, %ee!e% it a%isable
to #all $or a p*bli# !eeting o$ protest+ I be#a!e nero*s an% restless (&en I sa( t&at a lot o$ ti!e (as being (aste% an%
not&ing *n%erta,en+ At $irst a !eeting (as s*ggeste% in t&e ;Jnig Plat>C on se#on% t&o*g&ts t&is (as t*rne% %o(n, as
so!eone $eare% t&e pro#ee%ings !ig&t be (re#,e% b" Re% ele!ents+ Anot&er s*ggestion (as a %e!onstration in $ront o$
t&e Fel%&errn Hall, b*t t&is also #a!e to not&ing+ Finall" a #o!bine% !eeting in t&e )*ni#& ;in%l Hall (as s*ggeste%+
)ean(&ile, %a" a$ter %a" &a% gone b"C t&e big parties &a% entirel" ignore% t&e terrible eent, an% t&e (or,ing #o!!ittee
#o*l% not %e#i%e on a %e$inite %ate $or &ol%ing t&e %e!onstration+
On T*es%a", Febr*ar" 1st, I p*t $or(ar% an *rgent %e!an% $or a $inal %e#ision+ I (as p*t o$$ *ntil 3e%nes%a"+ On t&at %a"
I %e!an%e% to be tol% #learl" i$ an% (&en t&e !eeting (as to ta,e pla#e+ T&e repl" (as again *n#ertain an% easie, it
being state% t&at it (as Minten%e% to arrange a %e!onstration t&at %a" (ee,+
At t&at I lost all patien#e an% %e#i%e% to #on%*#t a %e!onstration o$ protest on !" o(n+ At noon on 3e%nes%a" I %i#tate%
in ten !in*tes t&e te5t o$ t&e poster an% at t&e sa!e ti!e &ire% t&e ;rone Cir#*s Hall $or t&e ne5t %a", Febr*ar" 2r%+
In t&ose %a"s t&is (as a tre!en%o*s ent*re+ .ot onl" be#a*se o$ t&e *n#ertaint" o$ $illing t&at ast &all, b*t also be#a*se
o$ t&e ris, o$ t&e !eeting being (re#,e%+
.*!eri#all" o*r s/*a% o$ &all g*ar%s (as not strong eno*g& $or t&is ast &all+ I (as also *n#ertain abo*t (&at to %o in
#ase t&e !eeting (as bro,en *p 1 a &*ge #ir#*s b*il%ing being a %i$$erent proposition $ro! an or%inar" !eeting &all+ 8*t
eents s&o(e% t&at !" $ears (ere !ispla#e%, t&e opposite being t&e #ase+ In t&at ast b*il%ing a s/*a% o$ (re#,ers #o*l%
be ta#,le% an% s*b%*e% !ore easil" t&an in a #ra!pe% &all+
One t&ing (as #ertain4 A $ail*re (o*l% t&ro( *s ba#, $or a long ti!e to #o!e+ I$ one !eeting (as (re#,e% o*r prestige
(o*l% be serio*sl" in0*re% an% o*r opponents (o*l% be en#o*rage% to repeat t&eir s*##ess+ T&at (o*l% lea% to sabotage o$
o*r (or, in #onne#tion (it& $*rt&er !eetings an% !ont&s o$ %i$$i#*lt str*ggle (o*l% be ne#essar" to oer#o!e t&is+
3e &a% onl" one %a" in (&i#& to post o*r bills, T&*rs%a"+ Un$ort*natel" it raine% on t&e !orning o$ t&at %a" an% t&ere
(as reason to $ear t&at !an" people (o*l% pre$er to re!ain at &o!e rat&er t&an &*rr" to a !eeting t&ro*g& rain an% sno(,
espe#iall" (&en t&ere (as li,el" to be iolen#e an% bloo%s&e%+
An% in%ee% on t&at T&*rs%a" !orning I (as s*%%enl" str*#, (it& $ear t&at t&e &all !ig&t neer be $ille% to #apa#it",
(&i#& (o*l% &ae !a%e !e ri%i#*lo*s in t&e e"es o$ t&e (or,ing #o!!ittee+ I t&ere$ore i!!e%iatel" %i#tate% ario*s
lea$lets, &a% t&e! printe% an% %istrib*te% in t&e a$ternoon+ O$ #o*rse t&e" #ontaine% an initation to atten% t&e !eeting+
T(o lorries (&i#& I &ire% (ere %rape% as !*#& as possible in re%, ea#& &a% o*r ne( $lag &oiste% on it an% (as t&en $ille%
(it& $i$teen or t(ent" !e!bers o$ o*r part"+ Or%ers (ere gien t&e !e!bers to #anas t&e streets t&oro*g&l", %istrib*te
lea$lets an% #on%*#t propagan%a $or t&e !ass !eeting to be &el% t&at eening+ It (as t&e $irst ti!e t&at lorries &a% %rien
t&ro*g& t&e streets bearing $lags an% not !anne% b" )ar5ists+ T&e p*bli# stare% open1!o*t&e% at t&ese re%1%rape% #ars,
an% in t&e o*tl"ing %istri#ts #len#&e% $ists (ere angril" raise% at t&is ne( ei%en#e o$ Mproo#ation o$ t&e proletariat+
3ere not t&e )ar5ists t&e onl" ones entitle% to &ol% !eetings an% %rie abo*t in !otor lorries@
At seen o#lo#, in t&e eening onl" a $e( &a% gat&ere% in t&e #ir#*s &all+ I (as being ,ept in$or!e% b" telep&one eer"
ten !in*tes an% (as be#o!ing *neas"+ Us*all" at seen or a /*arter past o*r !eeting &alls (ere alrea%" &al$ $ille%C
so!eti!es een pa#,e%+ 8*t I soon $o*n% o*t t&e reason (&" I (as *neas"+ I &a% entirel" $orgotten to ta,e into a##o*nt t&e
&*ge %i!ensions o$ t&is ne( !eeting pla#e+ A t&o*san% people in t&e Ho$brI*&a*s (as /*ite an i!pressie sig&t, b*t t&e
sa!e n*!ber in t&e Cir#*s b*il%ing (as s(allo(e% *p in its %i!ensions an% (as &ar%l" noti#eable+ S&ortl" a$ter(ar%s I
re#eie% !ore &ope$*l reports an% at a /*arter to eig&t I (as in$or!e% t&at t&e &all (as t&ree1/*arters $ille%, (it& &*ge
#ro(%s still line% *p at t&e pa" bo5es+ I t&en le$t $or t&e !eeting+
I arrie% at t&e Cir#*s b*il%ing at t(o !in*tes past eig&t+ T&ere (as still a #ro(% o$ people o*tsi%e, partl" in/*isitie
people an% !an" opponents (&o pre$erre% to (ait o*tsi%e $or %eelop!ents+
3&en I entere% t&e great &all I $elt t&e sa!e 0o" I &a% $elt a "ear preio*sl" at t&e $irst !eeting in t&e )*ni#& Ho$brI*
8an/*et HallC b*t it (as not *ntil I &a% $or#e% !" (a" t&ro*g& t&e soli% (all o$ people an% rea#&e% t&e plat$or! t&at I
per#eie% t&e $*ll !eas*re o$ o*r s*##ess+ T&e &all (as be$ore !e, li,e a &*ge s&ell, pa#,e% (it& t&o*san%s an% t&o*san%s
o$ people+ Een t&e arena (as %ensel" #ro(%e%+ )ore t&an 6,<77 ti#,ets &a% been sol% an%, allo(ing $or t&e *ne!plo"e%,
poor st*%ents an% o*r o(n %eta#&!ents o$ !en $or ,eeping or%er, a #ro(% o$ abo*t <,677 !*st &ae been present+
)" t&e!e (as MF*t*re or =o(n$all an% I (as $ille% (it& 0o" at t&e #oni#tion t&at t&e $*t*re (as represente% b" t&e
#ro(%s t&at I (as a%%ressing+
I began, an% spo,e $or abo*t t(o an% a &al$ &o*rs+ I &a% t&e $eeling a$ter t&e $irst &al$1&o*r t&at t&e !eeting (as going to
be a big s*##ess+ Conta#t &a% been at on#e establis&e% (it& all t&ose t&o*san%s o$ in%ii%*als+ A$ter t&e $irst &o*r t&e
spee#& (as alrea%" being re#eie% b" spontaneo*s o*tbrea,s o$ appla*se, b*t a$ter t&e se#on% &o*r t&is %ie% %o(n to a
sole!n stillness (&i#& I (as to e5perien#e so o$ten later on in t&is sa!e &all, an% (&i#& (ill $or eer be re!e!bere% b"
all t&ose present+ .ot&ing bro,e t&is i!pressie silen#e an% onl" (&en t&e last (or% &a% been spo,en %i% t&e !eeting gie
ent to its $eelings b" singing t&e national ant&e!+
I (at#&e% t&e s#ene %*ring t&e ne5t t(ent" !in*tes, as t&e ast &all slo(l" e!ptie% itsel$, an% onl" t&en %i% I leae t&e
plat$or!, a &app" !an, an% !a%e !" (a" &o!e+
P&otograp&s (ere ta,en o$ t&is $irst !eeting in t&e ;rone Cir#*s Hall in )*ni#&+ T&e" are !ore elo/*ent t&an (or%s to
%e!onstrate t&e s*##ess o$ t&is %e!onstration+ T&e bo*rgeois papers repro%*#e% p&otograp&s an% reporte% t&e !eeting as
&aing been !erel" Mnationalist in #&ara#terC in t&eir *s*al !o%est $as&ion t&e" o!itte% all !ention o$ its pro!oters+
T&*s $or t&e $irst ti!e (e &a% %eelope% $ar be"on% t&e %i!ensions o$ an or%inar" part"+ 3e #o*l% no longer be ignore%+
An% to %ispel all %o*bt t&at t&e !eeting (as !erel" an isolate% s*##ess, I i!!e%iatel" arrange% $or anot&er at t&e Cir#*s
Hall in t&e $ollo(ing (ee,, an% again (e &a% t&e sa!e s*##ess+ On#e !ore t&e ast &all (as oer$lo(ing (it& peopleC so
!*#& so t&at I %e#i%e% to &ol% a t&ir% !eeting %*ring t&e $ollo(ing (ee,, (&i#& also proe% a si!ilar s*##ess+
A$ter t&ese initial s*##esses earl" in 1921 I in#rease% o*r a#tiit" in )*ni#& still $*rt&er+ I not onl" &el% !eetings on#e a
(ee,, b*t %*ring so!e (ee,s een t(o (ere reg*larl" &el% an% er" o$ten %*ring !i%s*!!er an% a*t*!n t&is in#rease%
to t&ree+ 3e !et reg*larl" at t&e Cir#*s Hall an% it gae *s great satis$a#tion to see t&at eer" !eeting bro*g&t *s t&e sa!e
!eas*re o$ s*##ess+
T&e res*lt (as s&o(n in an eer1in#reasing n*!ber o$ s*pporters an% !e!bers into o*r part"+
.at*rall", s*#& s*##ess %i% not allo( o*r opponents to sleep so*n%l"+ At $irst t&eir ta#ti#s $l*#t*ate% bet(een t&e *se o$
terror an% silen#e in o*r regar%+ T&en t&e" re#ogni>e% t&at neit&er terror nor silen#e #o*l% &in%er t&e progress o$ o*r
!oe!ent+ So t&e" &a% re#o*rse to a s*pre!e a#t o$ terror (&i#& (as inten%e% to p*t a %e$inite en% to o*r a#tiities in t&e
&ol%ing o$ !eetings+
As a prete5t $or a#tion along t&is line t&e" aaile% t&e!seles o$ a er" !"sterio*s atta#, on one o$ t&e 'an%tag %ep*ties,
na!e% Er&ar% A*er+ It (as %e#lare% t&at so!eone &a% $ire% seeral s&ots at t&is !an one eening+ T&is !eant t&at &e (as
not s&ot b*t t&at an atte!pt &a% been !a%e to s&oot &i!+ A $ab*lo*s presen#e o$ !in% an% &eroi# #o*rage on t&e part o$
So#ial =e!o#rati# lea%ers not onl" preente% t&e sa#rilegio*s intention $ro! ta,ing e$$e#t b*t also p*t t&e #ra>" (o*l%1be
assassins to $lig&t, li,e t&e #o(ar%s t&at t&e" (ere+ T&e" (ere so /*i#, an% $le% so $ar t&at s*bse/*entl" t&e poli#e #o*l%
not $in% een t&e slig&test tra#es o$ t&e!+ T&is !"sterio*s episo%e (as *se% b" t&e organ o$ t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# Part" to
aro*se p*bli# $eeling against t&e !oe!ent, an% (&ile %oing t&is it %eliere% its ol% rig!arole abo*t t&e ta#ti#s t&at (ere
to be e!plo"e% t&e ne5t ti!e+ T&eir p*rpose (as to see to it t&at o*r !oe!ent s&o*l% not gro( b*t s&o*l% be i!!e%iatel"
&e(n %o(n root an% bran#& b" t&e &e$t" ar! o$ t&e proletariat+
A $e( %a"s later t&e real atta#, #a!e+ It (as %e#i%e% $inall" to interr*pt one o$ o*r !eetings (&i#& (as bille% to ta,e pla#e
in t&e )*ni#& Ho$brI*&a*s, an% at (&i#& I !"sel$ (as to spea,+
On .oe!ber 4t&, 1921, in t&e eening bet(een si5 an% seen o#lo#, I re#eie% t&e $irst pre#ise ne(s t&at t&e !eeting
(o*l% positiel" be bro,en *p an% t&at to #arr" o*t t&is a#tion o*r a%ersaries &a% %e#i%e% to sen% to t&e !eeting great
!asses o$ (or,!en e!plo"e% in #ertain MRe% $a#tories+
It (as %*e to an *n$ort*nate a##i%ent t&at (e %i% not re#eie t&is ne(s sooner+ On t&at %a" (e &a% gien *p o*r ol%
b*siness o$$i#e in t&e Sterne#,er Aasse in )*ni#& an% !oe% into ot&er /*artersC or rat&er (e &a% gien *p t&e ol% o$$i#es
an% o*r ne( /*arters (ere not "et in $*n#tioning or%er+ T&e telep&one arrange!ents &a% been #*t o$$ b" t&e $or!er
tenants an% &a% not "et been reinstalle%+ Hen#e it &appene% t&at seeral atte!pts !a%e t&at %a" to in$or! *s b" telep&one
o$ t&e brea,1*p (&i#& &a% been planne% $or t&e eening %i% not rea#& *s+
Conse/*entl" o*r or%er troops (ere not present in strong $or#e at t&at !eeting+ T&ere (as onl" one s/*a% present, (&i#&
%i% not #onsist o$ t&e *s*al one &*n%re% !en, b*t onl" o$ abo*t $ort"1si5+ An% o*r telep&one #onne#tions (ere not "et
s*$$i#ientl" organi>e% to be able to gie t&e alar! in t&e #o*rse o$ an &o*r or so, so t&at a s*$$i#ientl" po(er$*l n*!ber o$
or%er troops to %eal (it& t&e sit*ation #o*l% be #alle%+ It !*st also be a%%e% t&at on seeral preio*s o##asions (e &a%
been $ore(arne%, b*t not&ing spe#ial &appene%+ T&e ol% proerb, MReol*tions (&i#& (ere anno*n#e% &ae s#ar#el" eer
#o!e o$$, &a% &it&erto been proe% tr*e in o*r regar%+
Possibl" $or t&is reason also s*$$i#ientl" strong pre#a*tions &a% not been ta,en on t&at %a" to #ope (it& t&e br*tal
%eter!ination o$ o*r opponents to brea, *p o*r !eeting+
Finall", (e %i% not beliee t&at t&e Ho$brI*&a*s in )*ni#& (as s*itable $or t&e interr*ptie ta#ti#s o$ o*r a%ersaries+ 3e
&a% $eare% s*#& a t&ing $ar !ore in t&e bigger &alls, espe#iall" t&at o$ t&e ;rone Cir#*s+ 8*t on t&is point (e learne% a
er" seri#eable lesson t&at eening+ 'ater, (e st*%ie% t&is (&ole /*estion a##or%ing to a s#ienti$i# s"ste! an% arrie% at
res*lts, bot& interesting an% in#re%ible, an% (&i#& s*bse/*entl" (ere an essential $a#tor in t&e %ire#tion o$ o*r
organi>ation an% in t&e ta#ti#s o$ o*r Stor! Troops+
3&en I arrie% in t&e entran#e &alt o$ t&e Ho$brI*&a*s at :+46 t&at eening I reali>#% t&at t&ere #o*l% be no %o*bt as to
(&at t&e MRe%s inten%e%+ T&e &all (as $ille%, an% $or t&at reason t&e poli#e &a% barre% t&e entran#es+ O*r a%ersaries,
(&o &a% arrie% er" earl", (ere in t&e &all, an% o*r $ollo(ers (ere $or t&e !ost part o*tsi%e+ T&e s!all bo%"g*ar%
a(aite% !e at t&e entran#e+ I &a% t&e %oors lea%ing to t&e prin#ipal &all #lose% an% t&en as,e% t&e bo%"g*ar% o$ $ort"1$ie
or $ort"1si5 !en to #o!e $or(ar%+ I !a%e it #lear to t&e bo"s t&at per&aps on t&at eening $or t&e $irst ti!e t&e" (o*l%
&ae to s&o( t&eir *nben%ing an% *nbrea,able lo"alt" to t&e !oe!ent an% t&at not one o$ *s s&o*l% leae t&e &all *nless
#arrie% o*t %ea%+ I a%%e% t&at I (o*l% re!ain in t&e &all an% t&at I %i% not beliee t&at one o$ t&e! (o*l% aban%on !e,
an% t&at i$ I sa( an" one o$ t&e! a#t t&e #o(ar% I !"sel$ (o*l% personall" tear o$$ &is ar!let an% &is ba%ge+ I %e!an%e%
o$ t&e! t&at t&e" s&o*l% #o!e $or(ar% i$ t&e slig&test atte!pt to sabotage t&e !eeting (ere !a%e an% t&at t&e" !*st
re!e!ber t&at t&e best %e$en#e is al(a"s atta#,+
I (as greete% (it& a triple MHeil (&i#& so*n%e% !ore &oarse an% iolent t&an *s*al+
T&en I a%an#e% t&ro*g& t&e &all an% #o*l% ta,e in t&e sit*ation (it& !" o(n e"es+ O*r opponents sat #losel" &*%%le%
toget&er an% trie% to pier#e !e t&ro*g& (it& t&eir loo,s+ Inn*!erable $a#es glo(ing (it& &atre% an% rage (ere $i5e% on
!e, (&ile ot&ers (it& sneering gri!a#es s&o*te% at !e toget&er+ .o( t&e" (o*l% MFinis& (it& *s+ 3e !*st loo, o*t $or
o*r entrails+ To1%a" t&e" (o*l% s!as& in o*r $a#es on#e an% $or all+ An% t&ere (ere ot&er e5pressions o$ an e/*all"
elegant #&ara#ter+ T&e" ,ne( t&at t&e" (ere t&ere in s*perior n*!bers an% t&e" a#te% a##or%ingl"+
Ket (e (ere able to open t&e !eetingC an% I began to spea,+ In t&e Hall o$ t&e Ho$brI*&a*s I stoo% al(a"s at t&e si%e,
a(a" $ro! t&e entr" an% on top o$ a beer table+ T&ere$ore I (as al(a"s rig&t in t&e !i%st o$ t&e a*%ien#e+ Per&aps t&is
#ir#*!stan#e (as responsible $or #reating a #ertain $eeling an% a sense o$ agree!ent (&i#& I neer $o*n% else(&ere+
8e$ore !e, an% espe#iall" to(ar%s !" le$t, t&ere (ere onl" opponents, seate% or stan%ing+ T&e" (ere !ostl" rob*st "o*t&s
an% !en $ro! t&e )a$$ei Fa#tor", $ro! ;*ster!anns, an% $ro! t&e $a#tories on t&e Isar, et#+ Along t&e rig&t1&an% (all o$
t&e &all t&e" (ere t&i#,l" !asse% /*ite #lose to !" table+ T&e" no( began to or%er litre !*gs o$ beer, one a$ter t&e ot&er,
an% to t&ro( t&e e!pt" !*gs *n%er t&e table+ In t&is (a" (&ole batteries (ere #olle#te%+ I s&o*l% &ae been s*rprise% &a%
t&is !eeting en%e% pea#e$*ll"+
In spite o$ all t&e interr*ptions, I (as able to spea, $or abo*t an &o*r an% a &al$ an% I $elt as i$ I (ere !aster o$ t&e
sit*ation+ Een t&e ringlea%ers o$ t&e %ist*rbers appeare% to be #onin#e% o$ t&isC $or t&e" stea%il" be#a!e !ore *neas",
o$ten le$t t&e &all, ret*rne% an% spo,e to t&eir !en in an obio*sl" nero*s (a"+
A s!all ps"#&ologi#al error (&i#& I #o!!itte% in repl"ing to an interr*ption, an% t&e !ista,e o$ (&i#& I !"sel$ (as
#ons#io*s t&e !o!ent t&e (or%s &a% le$t !" !o*t&, gae t&e sign $or t&e o*tbrea,+
T&ere (ere a $e( $*rio*s o*tb*rsts an% all in a !o!ent a !an 0*!pe% on a seat an% s&o*te% L'ibert"L+ At t&at signal t&e
#&a!pions o$ libert" began t&eir (or,+
In a $e( !o!ents t&e &all (as $ille% (it& a "elling an% s&rie,ing !ob+ .*!ero*s beer1!*gs $le( li,e &o(it>ers aboe
t&eir &ea%s+ A!i% t&is *proar one &ear% t&e #ras& o$ #&air legs, t&e #ras&ing o$ !*gs, groans an% "ells an% s#rea!s+
It (as a !a% spe#ta#le+ I stoo% (&ere I (as an% #o*l% obsere !" bo"s %oing t&eir %*t", eer" one o$ t&e!+
T&ere I &a% t&e #&an#e o$ seeing (&at a bo*rgeois !eeting #o*l% be+
T&e %an#e &a% &ar%l" beg*n (&en !" Stor! Troops, as t&e" (ere #alle% $ro! t&at %a" on(ar%s, la*n#&e% t&eir atta#,+
'i,e (oles t&e" t&re( t&e!seles on t&e ene!" again an% again in parties o$ eig&t or ten an% began stea%il" to t&ras&
t&e! o*t o$ t&e &all+ A$ter $ie !in*tes I #o*l% see &ar%l" one o$ t&e! t&at (as not strea!ing (it& bloo%+ T&en I reali>e%
(&at ,in% o$ !en !an" o$ t&e! (ere, aboe all !" brae )a*ri#e Hess, (&o is !" priate se#retar" to1%a", an% !an"
ot&ers (&o, een t&o*g& serio*sl" (o*n%e%, atta#,e% again an% again as long as t&e" #o*l% stan% on t&eir $eet+ T(ent"
!in*tes long t&e pan%e!oni*! #ontin*e%+ T&en t&e opponents, (&o &a% n*!bere% seen or eig&t &*n%re%, &a% been
%rien $ro! t&e &all or &*rle% o*t &ea%long b" !" !en, (&o &a% not n*!bere% $i$t"+ Onl" in t&e le$t #orner a big #ro(%
still stoo% o*t against o*r !en an% p*t *p a bitter $ig&t+ T&en t(o pistol s&ots rang o*t $ro! t&e entran#e to t&e &all in t&e
%ire#tion o$ t&e plat$or! an% no( a (il% %in o$ s&ooting bro,e o*t $ro! all si%es+ Ones &eart al!ost re0oi#e% at t&is
spe#ta#le (&i#& re#alle% !e!ories o$ t&e 3ar+
At t&at !o!ent it (as not possible to i%enti$" t&e person (&o &a% $ire% t&e s&ots+ 8*t at an" rate I #o*l% see t&at !" bo"s
rene(e% t&e atta#, (it& in#rease% $*r" *ntil $inall" t&e last %ist*rbers (ere oer#o!e an% $l*ng o*t o$ t&e &all+
Abo*t t(ent"1$ie !in*tes &a% passe% sin#e it all began+ T&e &all loo,e% as i$ a bo!b &a% e5plo%e% t&ere+ )an" o$ !"
#o!ra%es &a% to be ban%age% an% ot&ers ta,en a(a"+ 8*t (e re!aine% !asters o$ t&e sit*ation+ Her!ann Essen, (&o (as
#&air!an o$ t&e !eeting, anno*n#e%4 LT&e !eeting (ill #ontin*e+ T&e spea,er s&all pro#ee%+L So I (ent on (it& !"
3&en (e o*rseles %e#lare% t&e !eeting at an en% an e5#ite% poli#e o$$i#er r*s&e% in, (ae% &is &an%s an% %e#lare%4 LT&e
!eeting is %issole%+L
3it&o*t (is&ing to %o so I &a% to la*g& at t&is e5a!ple o$ t&e la(s %ela"+ It (as t&e a*t&enti# #onstab*lar"
o$$i#iosio*sness+ T&e s!aller t&e" are t&e greater t&e" !*st al(a"s appear+
T&at eening (e learne% a real lesson+ An% o*r a%ersaries neer $orgot t&e lesson t&e" &a% re#eie%+
Up to t&e a*t*!n o$ 1922 t&e )Hn#&ener post %i% not again !ention t&e #len#&e% $ists o$ t&e Proletariat+
C&apter Eig&t
In t&e pre#e%ing #&apter I !entione% t&e e5isten#e o$ a #o1operatie *nion bet(een t&e Aer!an patrioti# asso#iations+
Here I s&all %eal brie$l" (it& t&is /*estion+
In spea,ing o$ a #o1operatie *nion (e generall" !ean a gro*p o$ asso#iations (&i#&, $or t&e p*rpose o$ $a#ilitating t&eir
(or,, establis& !*t*al relations $or #ollaborating (it& one anot&er along #ertain lines, appointing a #o!!on %ire#torate
(it& ar"ing po(ers an% t&en#e$ort& #arr"ing o*t a #o!!on line o$ a#tion+ T&e aerage #iti>en is please% an% reass*re%
(&en &e &ears t&at t&ese asso#iations, b" establis&ing a #o1operatie *nion a!ong one anot&er, &ae at long last
%is#oere% a #o!!on plat$or! on (&i#& t&e" #an stan% *nite% an% &ae eli!inate% all gro*n%s o$ !*t*al %i$$eren#e+
T&ere(it& a general #oni#tion arises, to t&e e$$e#t t&at s*#& a *nion is an i!!ense gain in strengt& an% t&at s!all gro*ps
(&i#& (ere (ea, as long as t&e" stoo% alone &ae no( s*%%enl" be#o!e strong+ Ket t&is #oni#tion is $or t&e !ost part a
!ista,en one+
It (ill be interesting an%, in !" opinion, i!portant $or t&e better *n%erstan%ing o$ t&is /*estion i$ (e tr" to get a #lear
notion o$ &o( it #o!es abo*t t&at t&ese asso#iations, *nions, et#+, are establis&e%, (&en all o$ t&e! %e#lare t&at t&e" &ae
t&e sa!e en%s in ie(+ In itsel$ it (o*l% be logi#al to e5pe#t t&at one ai! s&o*l% be $o*g&t $or b" a single asso#iation an%
it (o*l% be !ore reasonable i$ t&ere (ere not a n*!ber o$ asso#iations $ig&ting $or t&e sa!e ai!+ In t&e beginning t&ere
(as *n%o*bte%l" onl" one asso#iation (&i#& &a% t&is one $i5e% ai! in ie(+ One !an pro#lai!e% a tr*t& so!e(&ere an%,
#alling $or t&e sol*tion o$ a %e$inite /*estion, $i5e% &is ai! an% $o*n%e% a !oe!ent $or t&e p*rpose o$ #arr"ing &is ie(s
into e$$e#t+
T&at is &o( an asso#iation or a part" is $o*n%e%, t&e s#ope o$ (&ose progra!!e is eit&er t&e abolition o$ e5isting eils or
t&e positie establis&!ent o$ a #ertain or%er o$ t&ings in t&e $*t*re+
On#e s*#& a !oe!ent &as #o!e into e5isten#e it !a" la" pra#ti#al #lai! to #ertain priorit" rig&ts+ T&e nat*ral #o*rse o$
t&ings (o*l% no( be t&at all t&ose (&o (is& to $ig&t $or t&e sa!e ob0e#tie as t&is !oe!ent is striing $or s&o*l% i%enti$"
t&e!seles (it& it an% t&*s in#rease its strengt&, so t&at t&e #o!!on p*rpose in ie( !a" be all t&e better sere%+
Espe#iall" !en o$ s*perior intelligen#e !*st $eel, one an% all, t&at b" 0oining t&e !oe!ent t&e" are establis&ing pre#isel"
t&ose #on%itions (&i#& are ne#essar" $or pra#ti#al s*##ess in t&e #o!!on str*ggle+ A##or%ingl" it is reasonable an%, in a
#ertain sense, &onest 1 (&i#& &onest", as I s&all s&o( later, is an ele!ent o$ er" great i!portan#e 1 t&at onl" one
!oe!ent s&o*l% be $o*n%e% $or t&e p*rpose o$ attaining t&e one ai!+
T&e $a#t t&at t&is %oes not &appen !*st be attrib*te% to t(o #a*ses+ T&e $irst !a" al!ost be %es#ribe% as tragi#+ T&e
se#on% is a !atter $or pit", be#a*se it &as its $o*n%ation in t&e (ea,nesses o$ &*!an nat*re+ 8*t, on going to t&e botto! o$
t&ings, I see in bot& #a*ses onl" $a#ts (&i#& gie still anot&er gro*n% $or strengt&ening o*r (ill, o*r energ" an% intensit"
o$ p*rposeC so t&at $inall", t&ro*g& t&e &ig&er %eelop!ent o$ t&e &*!an $a#*lties, t&e sol*tion o$ t&e proble! in /*estion
!a" be ren%ere% possible+
T&e tragi# reason (&" it so o$ten &appens t&at t&e p*rs*it o$ one %e$inite tas, is not le$t to one asso#iation alone is as
$ollo(s4 Aenerall" spea,ing, eer" a#tion #arrie% o*t on t&e gran% st"le in t&is (orl% is t&e e5pression o$ a %esire t&at &as
alrea%" e5iste% $or a long ti!e in !illions o$ &*!an &earts, a longing (&i#& !a" &ae been no*ris&e% in silen#e+ Kes, it
!a" &appen t&at t&ro*g&o*t #ent*ries !en !a" &ae been "earning $or t&e sol*tion o$ a %e$inite proble!, be#a*se t&e"
&ae been s*$$ering *n%er an *nen%*rable or%er o$ a$$airs, (it&o*t seeing on t&e $ar &ori>on t&e #o!ing $*l$il!ent o$ t&e
*niersal longing+ .ations (&i#& are no longer #apable o$ $in%ing an &eroi# %elieran#e $ro! s*#& a sorro($*l $ate !a" be
loo,e% *pon as e$$ete+ 8*t, on t&e ot&er &an%, not&ing gies better proo$ o$ t&e ital $or#es o$ a people an% t&e #onse/*ent
g*arantee o$ its rig&t to e5ist t&an t&at one %a", t&ro*g& a &app" %e#ree o$ =estin", a !an arises (&o is #apable o$
liberating &is people $ro! so!e great oppression, or o$ (iping o*t so!e bitter %istress, or o$ #al!ing t&e national so*l
(&i#& &a% been tor!ente% t&ro*g& its sense o$ inse#*rit", an% t&*s $*l$illing (&at &a% long been t&e *niersal "earning o$
t&e people+
An essential #&ara#teristi# o$ (&at are #alle% t&e great /*estions o$ t&e ti!e is t&at t&o*san%s *n%erta,e t&e tas, o$ soling
t&e! an% t&at !an" $eel t&e!seles #alle% to t&is tas,4 "ea, een t&at =estin" itsel$ &as propose% !an" $or t&e #&oi#e, so
t&at t&ro*g& t&e $ree pla" o$ $or#es t&e stronger an% bol%er s&all $inall" be i#torio*s an% to &i! s&all be entr*ste% t&e tas,
o$ soling t&e proble!+
T&*s it !a" &appen t&at $or #ent*ries !an" are %is#ontente% (it& t&e $or! in (&i#& t&eir religio*s li$e e5presses itsel$ an%
"earn $or a renoation o$ itC an% so it !a" &appen t&at t&ro*g& t&is i!p*lse o$ t&e so*l so!e %o>ens o$ !en !a" arise (&o
beliee t&at, b" irt*e o$ t&eir *n%erstan%ing an% t&eir ,no(le%ge, t&e" are #alle% to sole t&e religio*s %i$$i#*lties o$ t&e
ti!e an% a##or%ingl" present t&e!seles as t&e prop&ets o$ a ne( tea#&ing or at least as %e#lare% a%ersaries o$ t&e
stan%ing belie$s+
Here also it is #ertain t&at t&e nat*ral la( (ill ta,e its #o*rse, inas!*#& as t&e strongest (ill be %estine% to $*l$il t&e great
!ission+ 8*t *s*all" t&e ot&ers are slo( to a#,no(le%ge t&at onl" one !an is #alle%+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e" all beliee t&at
t&e" &ae an e/*al rig&t to engage in t&e sol*tion o$ t&e %i$$#*lties in /*estion an% t&at t&e" are e/*all" #alle% to t&at tas,+
T&eir #onte!porar" (orl% is generall" /*ite *nable to %e#i%e (&i#& o$ all t&ese possesses t&e &ig&est gi$ts an% a##or%ingl"
!erits t&e s*pport o$ all+
So in t&e #o*rse o$ #ent*ries, or in%ee% o$ten (it&in t&e sa!e epo#&, %i$$erent !en establis& %i$$erent !oe!ents to
str*ggle to(ar%s t&e sa!e en%+ At least t&e en% is %e#lare% b" t&e $o*n%ers o$ t&e !oe!ents to be t&e sa!e, or !a" be
loo,e% *pon as s*#& b" t&e !asses o$ t&e people+ T&e pop*la#e no*ris&es ag*e %esires an% &as onl" general opinions,
(it&o*t &aing an" pre#ise notion o$ t&eir o(n i%eals an% %esires or o$ t&e /*estion (&et&er an% &o( it is i!possible $or
t&ese i%eals an% %esires to be $*l$ille%+
T&e trage%" lies in t&e $a#t t&at !an" !en str*ggle to rea#& t&e sa!e ob0e#tie b" %i$$erent roa%s, ea#& one gen*inel"
belieing in &is o(n !ission an% &ol%ing &i!sel$ in %*t" bo*n% to $ollo( &is o(n roa% (it&o*t an" regar% $or t&e ot&ers+
T&ese !oe!ents, parties, religio*s gro*ps, et#+, originate entirel" in%epen%entl" o$ one anot&er o*t o$ t&e general *rge o$
t&e ti!e, an% all (it& a ie( to (or,ing to(ar%s t&e sa!e goal+ It !a" see! a tragi# t&ing, at least at $irst sig&t, t&at t&is
s&o*l% be so, be#a*se people are too o$ten in#line% to t&in, t&at $or#es (&i#& are %isperse% in %i$$erent %ire#tions (o*l%
attain t&eir en%s $ar !ore /*i#,l" an% !ore s*rel" i$ t&e" (ere *nite% in one #o!!on e$$ort+ 8*t t&at is not so+ For .at*re
&ersel$ %e#i%es a##or%ing to t&e r*les o$ &er ine5orable logi#+ S&e leaes t&ese %ierse gro*ps to #o!pete (it& one anot&er
an% %isp*te t&e pal! o$ i#tor" an% t&*s s&e #&ooses t&e #learest, s&ortest an% s*rest (a" along (&i#& s&e lea%s t&e
!oe!ent to its $inal goal+
Ho( #o*l% one %e#i%e $ro! o*tsi%e (&i#& is t&e best (a", i$ t&e $or#es at &an% (ere not allo(e% $ree pla", i$ t&e $inal
%e#ision (ere to rest (it& t&e %o#trinaire 0*%g!ent o$ !en (&o are so in$at*ate% (it& t&eir o(n s*perior ,no(le%ge t&at
t&eir !in%s are not open to a##ept t&e in%isp*table proo$ presente% b" !ani$est s*##ess, (&i#& in t&e last anal"sis al(a"s
gies t&e $inal #on$ir!ation o$ t&e 0*sti#e o$ a #o*rse o$ a#tion+
Hen#e, t&o*g& %ierse gro*ps !ar#& along %i$$erent ro*tes to(ar%s t&e sa!e ob0e#tie, as soon as t&e" #o!e to ,no( t&at
analogo*s e$$orts are being !a%e aro*n% t&e!, t&e" (ill &ae to st*%" all t&e !ore #are$*ll" (&et&er t&e" &ae #&osen t&e
best (a" an% (&et&er a s&orter (a" !a" not be $o*n% an% &o( t&eir e$$orts #an best be e!plo"e% to rea#& t&e ob0e#tie
!ore /*i#,l"+
T&ro*g& t&is rialr" ea#& in%ii%*al protagonist %eelops &is $a#*lties to a still &ig&er pit#& o$ per$e#tion an% t&e &*!an
ra#e &as $re/*entl" o(e% its progress to t&e lessons learne% $ro! t&e !is$ort*nes o$ $or!er atte!pts (&i#& &ae #o!e to
grie$+ T&ere$ore (e !a" #on#l*%e t&at (e #o!e to ,no( t&e better (a"s o$ rea#&ing $inal res*lts t&ro*g& a state o$ t&ings
(&i#& at $irst sig&t appeare% tragi#C na!el", t&e initial %ispersion o$ in%ii%*al e$$orts, (&erein ea#& gro*p (as
*n#ons#io*sl" responsible $or s*#& %ispersion+
In st*%"ing t&e lessons o$ &istor" (it& a ie( to $in%ing a (a" $or t&e sol*tion o$ t&e Aer!an proble!, t&e preailing
opinion at one ti!e (as t&at t&ere (ere t(o possible pat&s along (&i#& t&at proble! !ig&t be sole% an% t&at t&ese t(o
pat&s s&o*l% &ae *nite% $ro! t&e er" beginning+ T&e #&ie$ representaties an% #&a!pions o$ t&ese t(o pat&s (ere
A*stria an% Pr*ssia respe#tiel", Habsb*rg an% Ho&en>ollern+ All t&e rest, a##or%ing to t&is prealent opinion, o*g&t to
&ae entr*ste% t&eir *nite% $or#es to t&e one or t&e ot&er part"+ 8*t at t&at ti!e t&e pat& o$ t&e !ost pro!inent
representatie, t&e Habsb*rg, (o*l% &ae been ta,en, t&o*g& t&e A*strian poli#" (o*l% neer &ae le% to t&e $o*n%ation o$
a *nite% Aer!an Rei#&+
Finall", a strong an% *nite% Aer!an Rei#& arose o*t o$ t&at (&i#& !an" !illions o$ Aer!ans %eplore% in t&eir &earts as
t&e last an% !ost terrible !ani$estation o$ o*r $ratri#i%al stri$e+ T&e tr*t& is t&at t&e Aer!an I!perial Cro(n (as retriee%
on t&e battle $iel% o$ ;JniggrIt> an% not in t&e $ig&ts t&at (ere (age% be$ore Paris, as (as #o!!onl" asserte% a$ter(ar%s+
T&*s t&e $o*n%ation o$ t&e Aer!an Rei#& (as not t&e #onse/*en#e o$ an" #o!!on (ill (or,ing along #o!!on lines, b*t
it (as !*#& !ore t&e o*t#o!e o$ a %eliberate str*ggle $or &ege!on", t&o*g& t&e protagonists (ere o$ten &ar%l" #ons#io*s
o$ t&is+ An% $ro! t&is str*ggle Pr*ssia $inall" #a!e o*t i#torio*s+ An"bo%" (&o is not so blin%e% b" partisan politi#s as to
%en" t&is tr*t& (ill &ae to agree t&at t&e so1#alle% (is%o! o$ !en (o*l% neer &ae #o!e to t&e sa!e (ise %e#ision as
t&e (is%o! o$ 'i$e itsel$, t&at is to sa", t&e $ree pla" o$ $or#es, $inall" bro*g&t to reali>ation+ For in t&e Aer!an lan%s o$
t(o &*n%re% "ears be$ore (&o (o*l% serio*sl" &ae beliee% t&at Ho&en>ollern Pr*ssia, an% not Habsb*rg, (o*l% be#o!e
t&e ger! #ell, t&e $o*n%er an% t&e t*tor o$ t&e ne( Rei#&@ An%, on t&e ot&er &an%, (&o (o*l% %en" to1%a" t&at =estin"
t&*s a#te% (iser t&an &*!an (is%o!+ 3&o #o*l% no( i!agine a Aer!an Rei#& base% on t&e $o*n%ations o$ an e$$ete an%
%egenerate %"nast"@
.o+ T&e general eol*tion o$ t&ings, een t&o*g& it too, a #ent*r" o$ str*ggle, pla#e% t&e best in t&e position t&at it &a%
An% t&at (ill al(a"s be so+ T&ere$ore it is not to be regrette% i$ %i$$erent !en set o*t to attain t&e sa!e ob0e#tie+ In t&is
(a" t&e strongest an% s(i$test be#o!es re#ogni>e% an% t*rns o*t to be t&e i#tor+
.o( t&ere is a se#on% #a*se $or t&e $a#t t&at o$ten in t&e lies o$ nations seeral !oe!ents (&i#& s&o( t&e sa!e
#&ara#teristi#s strie along %i$$erent (a"s to rea#& (&at appears to be t&e sa!e goal+ T&is se#on% #a*se is not at all tragi#,
b*t 0*st so!et&ing t&at rig&tl" #alls $ort& pit"+ It arises $ro! a sa% !i5t*re o$ en", 0ealo*s", a!bition, an% t&e it#& $or
ta,ing (&at belongs to ot&ers+ Un$ort*natel" t&ese $ailings are o$ten $o*n% *nite% in single spe#i!ens o$ t&e &*!an
T&e !o!ent a !an arises (&o pro$o*n%l" *n%erstan%s t&e %istress o$ &is people an%, &aing %iagnose% t&e eil (it&
per$e#t a##*ra#", ta,es !eas*res to #*re itC t&e !o!ent &e $i5es &is ai! an% #&ooses t&e !eans to rea#& it 1 t&en paltr"
an% petti$ogging people be#o!e all attention an% eagerl" $ollo( t&e %oings o$ t&is !an (&o &as t&*s #o!e be$ore t&e
p*bli# ga>e+ -*st li,e sparro(s (&o are apparentl" in%i$$erent, b*t in realit" are $ir!l" intent on t&e !oe!ents o$ t&e
$ort*nate #o!panion (it& t&e !orsel o$ brea% so t&at t&e" !a" snat#& it $ro! &i! i$ &e s&o*l% !o!entaril" rela5 &is &ol%
on it, so it is also (it& t&e &*!an spe#ies+ All t&at is nee%e% is t&at one !an s&o*l% stri,e o*t on a ne( roa% an% t&en a
#ro(% o$ poltroons (ill pri#, *p t&eir ears an% begin to sni$$ $or (&ateer little boot" !a" possibl" lie at t&e en% o$ t&at
roa%+ T&e !o!ent t&e" t&in, t&e" &ae %is#oere% (&ere t&e boot" is to be gat&ere% t&e" &*rr" to $in% anot&er (a" (&i#&
!a" proe to be /*i#,er in rea#&ing t&at goal+
As soon as a ne( !oe!ent is $o*n%e% an% &as $or!*late% a %e$inite progra!!e, people o$ t&at ,in% #o!e $or(ar% an%
pro#lai! t&at t&e" are $ig&ting $or t&e sa!e #a*se+ T&is %oes not i!pl" t&at t&e" are rea%" &onestl" to 0oin t&e ran,s o$
s*#& a !oe!ent an% t&*s re#ogni>e its rig&t o$ priorit"+ It i!plies rat&er t&at t&e" inten% to steal t&e progra!!e an%
$o*n% a ne( part" on it+ In %oing t&is t&e" are s&a!eless eno*g& to ass*re t&e *nt&in,ing p*bli# t&at $or a long ti!e t&e"
&a% inten%e% to ta,e t&e sa!e line o$ a#tion as t&e ot&er &as no( ta,en, an% $re/*entl" t&e" s*##ee% in t&*s pla#ing
t&e!seles in a $ao*rable lig&t, instea% o$ aro*sing t&e general %isapprobation (&i#& t&e" 0*stl" %esere+ For it is a pie#e
o$ gross i!p*%en#e to ta,e (&at &as alrea%" been ins#ribe% on anot&ers $lag an% %ispla" it on ones o(n, to steal t&e
progra!!e o$ anot&er, an% t&en to $or! a separate gro*p as i$ all &a% been #reate% b" t&e ne( $o*n%er o$ t&is gro*p+ T&e
i!p*%en#e o$ s*#& #on%*#t is parti#*larl" %e!onstrate% (&en t&e in%ii%*als (&o $irst #a*se% %ispersion an% %isr*ption
b" t&eir ne( $o*n%ation are t&ose (&o 1 as e5perien#e &as s&o(n 1 are !ost e!p&ati# in pro#lai!ing t&e ne#essit" o$
*nion an% *nit" t&e !o!ent t&e" $in% t&e" #annot #at#& *p (it& t&eir a%ersar"s a%an#e+
It is to t&at ,in% o$ #on%*#t t&at t&e so1#alle% Mpatrioti# %isintegration is to be attrib*te%+
Certainl" in t&e "ears 1919 1 1919 t&e $o*n%ing o$ a !*ltit*%e o$ ne( gro*ps, parties, et#+, #alling t&e!seles MPatrioti#,
(as a nat*ral p&eno!enon o$ t&e ti!e, $or (&i#& t&e $o*n%ers (ere not at all responsible+ 8" 1927 t&e .ational So#ialist
Aer!an 'abo*r Part" &a% slo(l" #r"stalli>e% $ro! all t&ese parties an% &a% be#o!e s*pre!e+ T&ere #o*l% be no better
proo$ o$ t&e sterling &onest" o$ #ertain in%ii%*al $o*n%ers t&an t&e $a#t t&at !an" o$ t&e! %e#i%e%, in a reall" a%!irable
!anner, to sa#ri$i#e t&eir !ani$estl" less s*##ess$*l !oe!ents to t&e stronger !oe!ent, b" 0oining it *n#on%itionall"
an% %issoling t&eir o(n+
T&is is spe#iall" tr*e in regar% to -*li*s Strei#&er, (&o (as at t&at ti!e t&e protagonist o$ t&e Aer!an So#ialist part" in
.Hrnberg+ T&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part" &a% been $o*n%e% (it& si!ilar ai!s in ie(, b*t /*ite
in%epen%entl" o$ t&e ot&er+ I &ae alrea%" sai% t&at Strei#&er, t&en a tea#&er in .Hrnberg, (as t&e #&ie$ protagonist o$ t&e
Aer!an So#ialist Part"+ He &a% a sa#re% #oni#tion o$ t&e !ission an% $*t*re o$ &is o(n !oe!ent+ As soon, &o(eer, as
t&e s*perior strengt& an% stronger gro(t& o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Part" be#a!e #lear an% *n/*estionable to &is !in%, &e
gae *p &is (or, in t&e Aer!an So#ialist Part" an% #alle% *pon &is $ollo(ers to $all into line (it& t&e .ational So#ialist
Aer!an 'abo*r Part", (&i#& &a% #o!e o*t i#torio*s $ro! t&e !*t*al #ontest, an% #arr" on t&e $ig&t (it&in its ran,s $or
t&e #o!!on #a*se+ T&e %e#ision (as personall" a %i$$i#*lt one $or &i!, b*t it s&o(e% a pro$o*n% sense o$ &onest"+
3&en t&at $irst perio% o$ t&e !oe!ent (as oer t&ere re!aine% no $*rt&er %ispersion o$ $or#es4 $or t&eir &onest intentions
&a% le% t&e !en o$ t&at ti!e to t&e sa!e &ono*rable, straig&t$or(ar% an% 0*st #on#l*sion+ 3&at (e no( #all t&e Mpatrioti#
%isintegration o(es its e5isten#e e5#l*siel" to t&e se#on% o$ t&e t(o #a*ses (&i#& I &ae !entione%+ A!bitio*s !en (&o
at $irst &a% no i%eas o$ t&eir o(n, an% still less an" #on#ept o$ ai!s to be p*rs*e%, $elt t&e!seles M#alle% e5a#tl" at t&at
!o!ent in (&i#& t&e s*##ess o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part" be#a!e *n/*estionable+
S*%%enl" progra!!es appeare% (&i#& (ere !ere trans#ripts o$ o*rs+ I%eas (ere pro#lai!e% (&i#& &a% been ta,en $ro!
*s+ Ai!s (ere set *p on be&al$ o$ (&i#& (e &a% been $ig&ting $or seeral "ears, an% (a"s (ere !appe% o*t (&i#& t&e
.ational So#ialists &a% $or a long ti!e tro%%en+ All ,in%s o$ !eans (ere resorte% to $or t&e p*rpose o$ tr"ing to #onin#e
t&e p*bli# t&at, alt&o*g& t&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part" &a% no( been $or a long ti!e in e5isten#e, it (as
$o*n% ne#essar" to establis& t&ese ne( parties+ 8*t all t&ese p&rases (ere 0*st as insin#ere as t&e !oties be&in% t&e!
(ere ignoble+
In realit" all t&is (as gro*n%e% onl" on one %o!inant !otie+ T&at !otie (as t&e personal a!bition o$ t&e $o*n%ers, (&o
(is&e% to pla" a part in (&i#& t&eir o(n pig!" talents #o*l% #ontrib*te not&ing original e5#ept t&e gross e$$ronter" (&i#&
t&e" %ispla"e% in appropriating t&e i%eas o$ ot&ers, a !o%e o$ #on%*#t (&i#& in or%inar" li$e is loo,e% *pon as t&ieing+
At t&at ti!e t&ere (as not an i%ea or #on#ept la*n#&e% b" ot&er people (&i#& t&ese politi#al ,lepto!ania#s %i% not sei>e
*pon at on#e $or t&e p*rpose o$ appl"ing to t&eir o(n base *ses+ T&ose (&o %i% all t&is (ere t&e sa!e people (&o
s*bse/*entl", (it& tears in t&eir e"es, pro$o*n%l" %eplore% t&e Mpatrioti# %isintegration an% spo,e *n#easingl" abo*t t&e
Mne#essit" o$ *nit"+ In %oing t&is t&e" n*rt*re% t&e se#ret &ope t&at t&e" !ig&t be able to #r" %o(n t&e ot&ers, (&o (o*l%
tire o$ &earing t&ese lo*%1!o*t&e% a##*sations an% (o*l% en% *p b" aban%oning all #lai! to t&e i%eas t&at &a% been stolen
$ro! t&e! an% (o*l% aban%on to t&e t&iees not onl" t&e tas, o$ #arr"ing t&ese i%eas into e$$e#t b*t also t&e tas, o$
#arr"ing on t&e !oe!ents o$ (&i#& t&e" t&e!seles (ere t&e original $o*n%ers+
3&en t&at %i% not s*##ee%, an% t&e ne( enterprises, t&an,s to t&e paltr" !entalit" o$ t&eir pro!oters, %i% not s&o( t&e
$ao*rable res*lts (&i#& &a% been pro!ise% be$ore&an%, t&en t&e" be#a!e !ore !o%est in t&eir preten#es an% (ere &app"
i$ t&e" #o*l% lan% t&e!seles in one o$ t&e so1#alle% M#o1operatie *nions+
At t&at perio% eer"t&ing (&i#& #o*l% not stan% on its o(n $eet 0oine% one o$ t&ose #o1operatie *nions, belieing t&at
eig&t la!e people &anging on to one anot&er #o*l% $or#e a gla%iator to s*rren%er to t&e!+
8*t i$ a!ong all t&ese #ripples t&ere (as one (&o (as so*n% o$ li!b &e &a% to *se all &is strengt& to s*stain t&e ot&ers
an% t&*s &e &i!sel$ (as pra#ti#all" paral"se%+
3e o*g&t to loo, *pon t&e /*estion o$ 0oining t&ese (or,ing #oalitions as a ta#ti#al proble!, b*t, in #o!ing to a %e#ision,
(e !*st neer $orget t&e $ollo(ing $*n%a!ental prin#iple4
T&ro*g& t&e $or!ation o$ a (or,ing #oalition asso#iations (&i#& are (ea, in t&e!seles #an neer be !a%e strong,
(&ereas it #an an% %oes &appen not in$re/*entl" t&at a strong asso#iation loses its strengt& b" 0oining in a #oalition (it&
(ea,er ones+ It is a !ista,e to beliee t&at a $a#tor o$ strengt& (ill res*lt $ro! t&e #oalition o$ (ea, gro*psC be#a*se
e5perien#e s&o(s t&at *n%er all $or!s an% all #on%itions t&e !a0orit" represents t&e %*$$ers an% poltroons+ Hen#e a
!*ltipli#it" o$ asso#iations, *n%er a %ire#torate o$ !an" &ea%s, ele#te% b" t&ese sa!e asso#iations, is aban%one% to t&e
#ontrol o$ poltroons an% (ea,lings+ T&ro*g& s*#& a #oalition t&e $ree pla" o$ $or#es is paral"se%, t&e str*ggle $or t&e
sele#tion o$ t&e best is abolis&e% an% t&ere(it& t&e ne#essar" an% $inal i#tor" o$ t&e &ealt&ier an% stronger is i!pe%e%+
Coalitions o$ t&at ,in% are ini!i#al to t&e pro#ess o$ nat*ral %eelop!ent, be#a*se $or t&e !ost part t&e" &in%er rat&er
t&an a%an#e t&e sol*tion o$ t&e proble! (&i#& is being $o*g&t $or+
It !a" &appen t&at, $ro! #onsi%erations o$ a p*rel" ta#ti#al ,in%, t&e s*pre!e #o!!an% o$ a !oe!ent (&ose goal is set
in t&e $*t*re (ill enter into a #oalition (it& s*#& asso#iations $or t&e treat!ent o$ spe#ial /*estions an% !a" also stan% on
a #o!!on plat$or! (it& t&e!, b*t t&is #an be onl" $or a s&ort an% li!ite% perio%+ S*#& a #oalition !*st not be per!anent,
i$ t&e !oe!ent %oes not (is& to reno*n#e its liberating !ission+ 8e#a*se i$ it s&o*l% be#o!e in%issol*bl" tie% *p in s*#&
a #o!bination it (o*l% lose t&e #apa#it" an% t&e rig&t to allo( its o(n $or#es to (or, $reel" in $ollo(ing o*t a nat*ral
%eelop!ent, so as to oer#o!e rials an% attain its o(n ob0e#tie tri*!p&antl"+
It !*st neer be $orgotten t&at not&ing reall" great in t&is (orl% &as eer been a#&iee% t&ro*g& #oalitions, b*t t&at s*#&
a#&iee!ents &ae al(a"s been %*e to t&e tri*!p& o$ t&e in%ii%*al+ S*##esses a#&iee% t&ro*g& #oalitions, o(ing to t&e
er" nat*re o$ t&eir so*r#e, #arr" t&e ger!s o$ $*t*re %isintegration in t&e! $ro! t&e er" startC so !*#& so t&at t&e" &ae
alrea%" $or$eite% (&at &as been a#&iee%+ T&e great reol*tions (&i#& &ae ta,en pla#e in &*!an t&o*g&t an% &ae
eritabl" trans$or!e% t&e aspe#t o$ t&e (orl% (o*l% &ae been in#on#eiable an% i!possible to #arr" o*t e5#ept t&ro*g&
titani# str*ggles (age% bet(een in%ii%*al nat*res, b*t neer as t&e enterprises o$ #oalitions+
An%, aboe all t&ings, t&e Peoples State (ill neer be #reate% b" t&e %esire $or #o!pro!ise in&erent in a patrioti#
#oalition, b*t onl" b" t&e iron (ill o$ a single !oe!ent (&i#& &as s*##ess$*ll" #o!e t&ro*g& in t&e str*ggle (it& all t&e
C&apter .ine
T&e strengt& o$ t&e ol% state reste% on t&ree pillars4 t&e !onar#&i#al $or! o$ goern!ent, t&e #iil seri#e, an% t&e ar!"+
T&e Reol*tion o$ 1919 abolis&e% t&e $or! o$ goern!ent, %issole% t&e ar!" an% aban%one% t&e #iil seri#e to t&e
#orr*ption o$ part" politi#s+ T&*s t&e essential s*pports o$ (&at is #alle% t&e A*t&orit" o$ t&e State (ere s&attere%+ T&is
a*t&orit" nearl" al(a"s %epen%s on t&ree ele!ents, (&i#& are t&e essential $o*n%ations o$ all a*t&orit"+
Pop*lar s*pport is t&e $irst ele!ent (&i#& is ne#essar" $or t&e #reation o$ a*t&orit"+ 8*t an a*t&orit" resting on t&at
$o*n%ation alone is still /*ite $rail, *n#ertain an% a#illating+ Hen#e eer"one (&o $in%s &i!sel$ este% (it& an a*t&orit"
t&at is base% onl" on pop*lar s*pport !*st ta,e !eas*res to i!proe an% #onsoli%ate t&e $o*n%ations o$ t&at a*t&orit" b"
t&e #reation o$ $or#e+ A##or%ingl" (e !*st loo, *pon po(er, t&at is to sa", t&e #apa#it" to *se $or#e, as t&e se#on%
$o*n%ation on (&i#& all a*t&orit" is base%+ T&is $o*n%ation is !ore stable an% se#*re, b*t not al(a"s stronger, t&an t&e
$irst+ I$ pop*lar s*pport an% po(er are *nite% toget&er an% #an en%*re $or a #ertain ti!e, t&en an a*t&orit" !a" arise
(&i#& is base% on a still stronger $o*n%ation, na!el", t&e a*t&orit" o$ tra%ition+ An%, $inall", i$ pop*lar s*pport, po(er,
an% tra%ition are *nite% toget&er, t&en t&e a*t&orit" base% on t&e! !a" be loo,e% *pon as inin#ible+
In Aer!an" t&e Reol*tion abolis&e% t&is last $o*n%ation+ T&ere (as no longer een a tra%itional a*t&orit"+ 3it& t&e
#ollapse o$ t&e ol% Rei#&, t&e s*ppression o$ t&e !onar#&i#al $or! o$ goern!ent, t&e %estr*#tion o$ all t&e ol% insignia o$
greatness an% t&e i!perial s"!bols, tra%ition (as s&attere% at a blo(+ T&e res*lt (as t&at t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State (as
s&a,en to its $o*n%ations+
T&e se#on% pillar o$ statal a*t&orit", na!el" po(er, also #ease% to e5ist+ In or%er to #arr" t&ro*g& t&e Reol*tion it (as
ne#essar" to %issole t&at bo%" (&i#& &a% &it&erto in#orporate% t&e organi>e% $or#e an% po(er o$ t&e State, na!el", t&e
Ar!"+ In%ee%, so!e %eta#&e% $rag!ents o$ t&e Ar!" itsel$ &a% to be e!plo"e% as $ig&ting ele!ents in t&e Reol*tion+ T&e
Ar!ies at t&e $ront (ere not s*b0e#te% in t&e sa!e !eas*re to t&is pro#ess o$ %isr*ptionC b*t as t&e" gra%*all" le$t $art&er
be&in% t&e! t&e $iel%s o$ glor" on (&i#& t&e" &a% $o*g&t &eroi#all" $or $o*r1an%1&al$ "ears, t&e" (ere atta#,e% b" t&e
solent a#i% t&at &a% per!eate% t&e Fat&erlan%C an% (&en t&e" arrie% at t&e %e!obili>ing #entres t&e" $ell into t&at state
o$ #on$*sion (&i#& (as st"le% ol*ntar" obe%ien#e in t&e ti!e o$ t&e Sol%iers Co*n#ils+
O$ #o*rse it (as o*t o$ t&e /*estion to t&in, o$ $o*n%ing an" ,in% o$ a*t&orit" on t&is #ro(% o$ !*tineering sol%iers, (&o
loo,e% *pon !ilitar" seri#e as a (or, o$ eig&t &o*rs per %a"+ T&ere$ore t&e se#on% ele!ent, t&at (&i#& g*arantees t&e
stabilit" o$ a*t&orit", (as also abolis&e% an% t&e Reol*tion &a% onl" t&e original ele!ent, pop*lar s*pport, on (&i#& to
b*il% *p its a*t&orit"+ 8*t t&is basis (as e5traor%inaril" inse#*re+ 8" !eans o$ a $e( iolent t&r*sts t&e Reol*tion &a%
s&attere% t&e ol% statal e%i$i#e to its %eepest $o*n%ations, b*t onl" be#a*se t&e nor!al e/*ilibri*! (it&in t&e so#ial
str*#t*re o$ t&e nation &a% alrea%" been %estro"e% b" t&e (ar+
Eer" national bo%" is !a%e *p o$ t&ree !ain #lasses+ At one e5tre!e (e &ae t&e best o$ t&e people, ta,ing t&e (or%
Mbest &ere to in%i#ate t&ose (&o are &ig&l" en%o(e% (it& t&e #ii# irt*es an% are note% $or t&eir #o*rage an% t&eir
rea%iness to sa#ri$i#e t&eir priate interests+ At t&e ot&er e5tre!e are t&e (orst %regs o$ &*!anit", in (&o! i#e an%
egotisti# interests preail+ 8et(een t&ese t(o e5tre!es stan%s t&e t&ir% #lass, (&i#& is !a%e *p o$ t&e broa% !i%%le
strat*!, (&o %o not represent ra%iant &erois! or *lgar i#e+
T&e stages o$ a nations rise are a##o!plis&e% e5#l*siel" *n%er t&e lea%ers&ip o$ t&e best e5tre!e+
Ti!es o$ nor!al an% s"!!etri#al %eelop!ent, or o$ stable #on%itions, o(e t&eir e5isten#e an% o*t(ar%l" isible
#&ara#teristi#s to t&e prepon%erating in$l*en#e o$ t&e !i%%le strat*!+ In t&is stage t&e t(o e5tre!e #lasses are balan#e%
against one anot&erC in ot&er (or%s, t&e" are relatiel" #an#elle% o*t+
Ti!es o$ national #ollapse are %eter!ine% b" t&e prepon%erating in$l*en#e o$ t&e (orst ele!ents+
It !*st be note% &ere, &o(eer, t&at t&e broa% !asses, (&i#& #onstit*te (&at I &ae #alle% t&e !i%%le se#tion, #o!e
$or(ar% an% !a,e t&eir in$l*en#e $elt onl" (&en t&e t(o e5tre!e se#tions are engage% in !*t*al stri$e+ In #ase one o$ t&e
e5tre!e se#tions #o!es o*t i#torio*s t&e !i%%le se#tion (ill rea%il" s*b!it to its %o!ination+ I$ t&e best %o!inate, t&e
broa% !asses (ill $ollo( it+ S&o*l% t&e (orst e5tre!e t*rn o*t tri*!p&ant, t&en t&e !i%%le se#tion (ill at least o$$er no
opposition to itC $or t&e !asses t&at #onstit*te t&e !i%%le #lass neer $ig&t t&eir o(n battles+
T&e o*tpo*ring o$ bloo% $or $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears %*ring t&e (ar %estro"e% t&e inner e/*ilibri*! bet(een t&ese t&ree
se#tions in so $ar as it #an be sai% 1 t&o*g& a%!itting t&e sa#ri$i#es !a%e b" t&e !i%%le se#tion 1 t&at t&e #lass (&i#&
#onsiste% o$ t&e best &*!an ele!ents al!ost #o!pletel" %isappeare% t&ro*g& t&e loss o$ so !*#& o$ its bloo% in t&e (ar,
be#a*se it (as i!possible to repla#e t&e tr*l" enor!o*s /*antit" o$ &eroi# Aer!an bloo% (&i#& &a% been s&e% %*ring
t&ose $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears+ In &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ #ases it (as al(a"s a !atter o$ Mol*nteers to t&e $ront,
ol*nteers $or patrol an% %*t", ol*nteer %ispat#& #arriers, ol*nteers $or establis&ing an% (or,ing telep&oni#
#o!!*ni#ations, ol*nteers $or bri%ge1b*il%ing, ol*nteers $or t&e s*b!arines, ol*nteers $or t&e air seri#e, ol*nteers
$or t&e stor! battalions, an% so on, an% so on+ =*ring $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears, an% on t&o*san%s o$ o##asions, t&ere (as
al(a"s t&e #all $or ol*nteers an% again $or ol*nteers+ An% t&e res*lt (as al(a"s t&e sa!e+ 8ear%less "o*ng $ello(s or
$*ll" %eelope% !en, all $ille% (it& an ar%ent loe $or t&eir #o*ntr", *rge% on b" t&eir o(n #o*rageo*s spirit or b" a lo$t"
sense o$ t&eir %*t" 1 it (as al(a"s s*#& !en (&o ans(ere% t&e #all $or ol*nteers+ Tens o$ t&o*san%s, in%ee% &*n%re%s o$
t&o*san%s, o$ s*#& !en #a!e $or(ar%, so t&at t&at ,in% o$ &*!an !aterial stea%il" gre( s#ar#er an% s#ar#er+ 3&at %i% not
a#t*all" $all (as !ai!e% in t&e $ig&t or gra%*all" &a% to 0oin t&e ran,s o$ t&e #ripple% be#a*se o$ t&e (o*n%s t&e" (ere
#onstantl" re#eiing, an% t&*s t&e" &a% to #arr" on inter!inabl" o(ing to t&e stea%" %e#rease in t&e s*ppl" o$ s*#& !en+ In
1914 (&ole ar!ies (ere #o!pose% o$ ol*nteers (&o, o(ing to a #ri!inal la#, o$ #ons#ien#e on t&e part o$ o*r $e#,less
parlia!entarians, &a% not re#eie% an" proper training in ti!es o$ pea#e, an% so (ere t&ro(n as %e$en#eless #annon1$o%%er
to t&e ene!"+ T&e $o*r &*n%re% t&o*san% (&o t&*s $ell or (ere per!anentl" !ai!e% on t&e battle$iel%s o$ Flan%ers #o*l%
not be repla#e% an" !ore+ T&eir loss (as so!et&ing $ar !ore t&an !erel" n*!eri#al+ 3it& t&eir %eat& t&e s#ales, (&i#&
(ere alrea%" too lig&tl" (eig&e% at t&at en% o$ t&e so#ial str*#t*re (&i#& represente% o*r best &*!an /*alit", no( !oe%
*p(ar%s rapi%l", be#o!ing &eaier on t&e ot&er en% (it& t&ose *lgar ele!ents o$ in$a!" an% #o(ar%i#e 1 in s&ort, t&ere
(as an in#rease in t&e ele!ents t&at #onstit*te% t&e (orst e5tre!e o$ o*r pop*lation+
An% t&ere (as so!et&ing !ore4 3&ile $or $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears o*r best &*!an !aterial (as being t&inne% to an
e5#eptional %egree on t&e battle$iel%s, o*r (orst people (on%er$*ll" s*##ee%e% in saing t&e!seles+ For ea#& &ero (&o
!a%e t&e s*pre!e sa#ri$i#e an% as#en%e% t&e steps o$ Bal&alla, t&ere (as a s&ir,er (&o #*nningl" %o%ge% %eat& on t&e
plea o$ being engage% in b*siness t&at (as !ore or less *se$*l at &o!e+
An% so t&e pi#t*re (&i#& presente% itsel$ at t&e en% o$ t&e (ar (as t&is4 T&e great !i%%le strat*! o$ t&e nation &a%
$*l$ille% its %*t" an% pai% its toll o$ bloo%+ One e5tre!e o$ t&e pop*lation, (&i#& (as #onstit*te% o$ t&e best ele!ents, &a%
gien a t"pi#al e5a!ple o$ its &erois! an% &a% sa#ri$i#e% itsel$ al!ost to a !an+ T&e ot&er e5tre!e, (&i#& (as #onstit*te%
o$ t&e (orst ele!ents o$ t&e pop*lation, &a% presere% itsel$ al!ost inta#t, t&ro*g& ta,ing a%antage o$ abs*r% la(s an%
also be#a*se t&e a*t&orities $aile% to en$or#e #ertain arti#les o$ t&e !ilitar" #o%e+
T&is #are$*ll" presere% s#*! o$ o*r nation t&en !a%e t&e Reol*tion+ An% t&e reason (&" it #o*l% %o so (as t&at t&e
e5tre!e se#tion #o!pose% o$ t&e best ele!ents (as no longer t&ere to oppose it+ It no longer e5iste%+
Hen#e t&e Aer!an Reol*tion, $ro! t&e er" beginning, %epen%e% on onl" one se#tion o$ t&e pop*lation+ T&is a#t o$ Cain
(as not #o!!itte% b" t&e Aer!an people as s*#&, b*t b" an obs#*re #anaille o$ %eserters, &ooligans, et#+
T&e !an at t&e $ront gla%l" (el#o!e% t&e en% o$ t&e stri$e in (&i#& so !*#& bloo% &a% been s&e%+ He (as &app" to be able
to ret*rn &o!e an% see &is (i$e an% #&il%ren on#e again+ 8*t &e &a% no !oral #onne#tion (it& t&e Reol*tion+ He %i% not
li,e it, nor %i% &e li,e t&ose (&o &a% proo,e% an% organi>e% it+ =*ring t&e $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears o$ t&at bitter str*ggle at
t&e $ront &e &a% #o!e to $orget t&e part" &"enas at &o!e an% all t&eir (rangling &a% be#o!e $oreign to &i!+
T&e Reol*tion (as reall" pop*lar onl" (it& a s!all se#tion o$ t&e Aer!an people4 na!el", t&at #lass an% t&eir
a##o!pli#es (&o &a% sele#te% t&e r*#,sa#, as t&e &all1!ar, o$ all &ono*rable #iti>ens in t&is ne( State+ T&e" %i% not li,e
t&e Reol*tion $or its o(n sa,e, t&o*g& !an" people still erroneo*sl" beliee t&e #ontrar", b*t $or t&e #onse/*en#es (&i#&
$ollo(e% in its train+
8*t it (as er" %i$$i#*lt to establis& an" abi%ing a*t&orit" on t&e pop*lar s*pport gien to t&ese )ar5ist $reebooters+ An%
"et t&e "o*ng Rep*bli# stoo% in nee% o$ a*t&orit" at an" #ost, *nless it (as rea%" to agree to be oert&ro(n a$ter a s&ort
perio% o$ #&aos b" an ele!entar" $or#e asse!ble% $ro! t&ose last ele!ents t&at still re!aine% a!ong t&e best e5tre!e o$
t&e pop*lation+
T&e %anger (&i#& t&ose (&o (ere responsible $or t&e Reol*tion $eare% !ost at t&at ti!e (as t&at, in t&e t*r!oil o$ t&e
#on$*sion (&i#& t&e" t&e!seles &a% #reate%, t&e gro*n% (o*l% s*%%enl" be ta,en $ro! *n%er t&eir $eet, t&at t&e" !ig&t
be s*%%enl" sei>e% an% transporte% to anot&er terrain b" an iron grip, s*#& as &as o$ten appeare% at t&ese 0*n#t*res in t&e
&istor" o$ nations+ T&e Rep*bli# !*st be #onsoli%ate% at all #osts+
Hen#e it (as $or#e% al!ost i!!e%iatel" a$ter its $o*n%ation to ere#t anot&er pillar besi%e t&at (aering pillar o$
pop*larit"+ T&e" $o*n% t&at po(er !*st be organi>e% on#e again in or%er to pro#*re a $ir!er $o*n%ation $or t&eir
3&en t&ose (&o &a% been t&e !ata%ors o$ t&e Reol*tion in =e#e!ber 1919, an% -an*ar" an% Febr*ar" 1919, $elt t&e
gro*n% tre!bling beneat& t&eir $eet t&e" loo,e% aro*n% t&e! $or !en (&o (o*l% be rea%" to rein$or#e t&e! (it& !ilitar"
s*pportC $or t&eir $eeble position (as %epen%ent onl" on (&ateer pop*lar $ao*r t&e" en0o"e%+ T&e Manti1!ilitarist
Rep*bli# &a% nee% o$ sol%iers+ 8*t t&e $irst an% onl" pillar on (&i#& t&e a*t&orit" o$ t&e State reste%, na!el", its
pop*larit", (as gro*n%e% onl" on a #onglo!eration o$ ro(%ies an% t&iees, b*rglars, %eserters, s&ir,ers, et#+ T&ere$ore in
t&at se#tion o$ t&e nation (&i#& (e &ae #alle% t&e eil e5tre!e it (as *seless to loo, $or !en (&o (o*l% be (illing to
sa#ri$i#e t&eir lies on be&al$ o$ a ne( i%eal+ T&e se#tion (&i#& &a% no*ris&e% t&e reol*tionar" i%ea an% #arrie% o*t t&e
Reol*tion (as neit&er able nor (illing to #all on t&e sol%iers to prote#t it+ For t&at se#tion &a% no (is& (&atsoeer to
organi>e a rep*bli#an State, b*t to %isorgani>e (&at alrea%" e5iste% an% t&*s satis$" its o(n instin#ts all t&e better+ T&eir
pass(or% (as not t&e organi>ation an% #onstr*#tion o$ t&e Aer!an Rep*bli#, b*t rat&er t&e pl*n%ering o$ it+
Hen#e t&e #r" $or &elp sent o*t b" t&e p*bli# representaties, (&o (ere beset b" a t&o*san% an5ieties, %i% not $in% an"
response a!ong t&is #lass o$ people, b*t rat&er proo,e% a $eeling o$ bitterness an% rep*%iation+ For t&e" loo,e% *pon t&is
step as t&e beginning o$ a brea#& o$ $ait& an% tr*st, an% in t&e b*il%ing *p o$ an a*t&orit" (&i#& (as no longer base% on
pop*lar s*pport b*t also on $or#e t&e" sa( t&e beginning o$ a &ostile !oe against (&at t&e Reol*tion !eant essentiall"
$or t&ose ele!ents+ T&e" $eare% t&at !eas*res !ig&t be ta,en against t&e rig&t to robber" an% absol*te %o!ination on t&e
part o$ a &or%e o$ t&iees an% pl*n%erers 1 in s&ort, t&e (orst rabble 1 (&o &a% bro,en o*t o$ t&e #oni#t prisons an% le$t
t&eir #&ains be&in%+
T&e representaties o$ t&e people !ig&t #r" o*t as !*#& as t&e" li,e%, b*t t&e" #o*l% get no &elp $ro! t&at rabble+ T&e
#ries $or &elp (ere !et (it& t&e #o*nter1#r" Mtraitors b" t&ose er" people on (&ose s*pport t&e pop*larit" o$ t&e regi!e
(as $o*n%e%+
T&en $or t&e $irst ti!e large n*!bers o$ "o*ng Aer!ans (ere $o*n% (&o (ere rea%" to b*tton on t&e !ilitar" *ni$or!
on#e again in t&e seri#e o$ MPea#e an% Or%er, as t&e" beliee%, s&o*l%ering t&e #arbine an% ri$le an% %onning t&e steel
&el!et to %e$en% t&e (re#,ers o$ t&e Fat&erlan%+ Bol*nteer #orps (ere asse!ble% an%, alt&o*g& &ating t&e Reol*tion,
t&e" began to %e$en% it+ T&e pra#ti#al e$$e#t o$ t&eir a#tion (as to ren%er t&e Reol*tion $ir! an% stable+ In %oing t&is t&e"
a#te% in per$e#t goo% $ait&+
T&e real organi>er o$ t&e Reol*tion an% t&e a#t*al (ire1p*ller be&in% it, t&e international -e(, &a% si>e% *p t&e sit*ation
#orre#tl"+ T&e Aer!an people (ere not "et ripe to be %ra(n into t&e bloo% s(a!p o$ 8ols&eis!, as t&e R*ssian people
&a% been %ra(n+ An% t&at (as be#a*se t&ere (as a #loser ra#ial *nion bet(een t&e intelle#t*al #lasses in Aer!an" an% t&e
!an*al (or,ers, an% also be#a*se broa% so#ial strata (ere per!eate% (it& #*lt*re% people, s*#& as (as t&e #ase also in t&e
ot&er States o$ 3estern E*ropeC b*t t&is state o$ a$$airs (as #o!pletel" la#,ing in R*ssia+ In t&at #o*ntr" t&e intelle#t*al
#lasses (ere !ostl" not o$ R*ssian nationalit", or at least t&e" %i% not &ae t&e ra#ial #&ara#teristi#s o$ t&e Sla+ T&e t&in
*pper la"er o$ intelle#t*als (&i#& t&en e5iste% in R*ssia !ig&t be abolis&e% at an" ti!e, be#a*se t&ere (as no inter!e%iate
strat*! #onne#ting it organi#all" (it& t&e great !ass o$ t&e people+ T&ere t&e !ental an% !oral leel o$ t&e great !ass o$
t&e people (as $rig&t$*ll" lo(+
In R*ssia t&e !o!ent t&e agitators (ere s*##ess$*l in in#iting broa% !asses o$ t&e people, (&o #o*l% not rea% or (rite,
against t&e *pper la"er o$ intelle#t*als (&o (ere not in #onta#t (it& t&e !asses or per!anentl" lin,e% (it& t&e! in an"
(a" 1 at t&at !o!ent t&e %estin" o$ R*ssia (as %e#i%e%, t&e s*##ess o$ t&e Reol*tion (as ass*re%+ T&ere*pon t&e
analp&abeti# R*ssian be#a!e t&e slae o$ &is -e(is& %i#tators (&o, on t&eir si%e, (ere s&re(% eno*g& to na!e t&eir
%i#tators&ip MT&e =i#tators&ip o$ t&e People+
In t&e #ase o$ Aer!an" an a%%itional $a#tor !*st be ta,en into a##o*nt+ Here t&e Reol*tion #o*l% be #arrie% into e$$e#t
onl" i$ t&e Ar!" #o*l% $irst be gra%*all" %is!e!bere%+ 8*t t&e real a*t&or o$ t&e Reol*tion an% o$ t&e pro#ess o$
%isintegration in t&e Ar!" (as not t&e sol%ier (&o &a% $o*g&t at t&e $ront b*t t&e #anaille (&i#& !ore or less s&*nne% t&e
lig&t an% (&i#& (ere eit&er /*artere% in t&e &o!e garrisons or (ere o$$i#iating as Min%ispensables so!e(&ere in t&e
b*siness (orl% at &o!e+ T&is ar!" (as rein$or#e% b" ten t&o*san% %eserters (&o, (it&o*t r*nning an" parti#*lar ris,,
#o*l% t*rn t&eir ba#,s on t&e Front+ At all ti!es t&e real poltroon $ears not&ing so !*#& as %eat&+ 8*t at t&e Front &e &a%
%eat& be$ore &is e"es eer" %a" in a t&o*san% %i$$erent s&apes+ T&ere &as al(a"s been one possible (a", an% one onl", o$
!a,ing (ea, or (aering !en, or een %o(nrig&t poltroons, $a#e t&eir %*t" stea%$astl"+ T&is !eans t&at t&e %eserter !*st
be gien to *n%erstan% t&at &is %esertion (ill bring *pon &i! 0*st t&e er" t&ing &e is $l"ing $ro!+ At t&e Front a !an !a"
%ie, b*t t&e %eserter !*st %ie+ Onl" t&is %ra#onian t&reat against eer" atte!pt to %esert t&e $lag #an &ae a terri$"ing
e$$e#t, not !erel" on t&e in%ii%*al b*t also on t&e !ass+ T&erein la" t&e !eaning an% p*rpose o$ t&e !ilitar" penal #o%e+
It (as a $ine belie$ to t&in, t&at t&e great str*ggle $or t&e li$e o$ a nation #o*l% be #arrie% t&ro*g& i$ it (ere base% solel" on
ol*ntar" $i%elit" arising $ro! an% s*staine% b" t&e ,no(le%ge t&at s*#& a str*ggle (as ne#essar"+ T&e ol*ntar"
$*l$il!ent o$ ones %*t" is a !otie t&at %eter!ines t&e a#tions o$ onl" t&e best !en, b*t not o$ t&e aerage t"pe o$ !en+
Hen#e spe#ial la(s are ne#essar"C 0*st as, $or instan#e, t&e la( against stealing, (&i#& (as not !a%e $or !en (&o are
&onest on prin#iple b*t $or t&e (ea, an% *nstable ele!ents+ S*#& la(s are !eant to &in%er t&e eil1%oer t&ro*g& t&eir
%eterrent e$$e#t an% t&*s preent a state o$ a$$airs $ro! arising in (&i#& t&e &onest !an is #onsi%ere% t&e !ore st*pi%, an%
(&i#& (o*l% en% in t&e belie$ t&at it is better to &ae a s&are in t&e robber" t&an to stan% b" (it& e!pt" &an%s or allo(
onesel$ to be robbe%+
It (as a !ista,e to beliee t&at in a str*ggle (&i#&, a##or%ing to all &*!an $oresig&t, !ig&t last $or seeral "ears it (o*l%
be possible to %ispense (it& t&ose e5pe%ients (&i#& t&e e5perien#e o$ &*n%re%s an% een o$ t&o*san%s o$ "ears &a% proe%
to be e$$e#tie in !a,ing (ea, an% *nstable !en $a#e an% $*l$il t&eir %*t" in %i$$i#*lt ti!es an% at !o!ents o$ great
nero*s stress+
For t&e ol*ntar" (ar &ero it is, o$ #o*rse, not ne#essar" to &ae t&e %eat& penalt" in t&e !ilitar" #o%e, b*t it is ne#essar"
$or t&e #o(ar%l" egoists (&o al*e t&eir o(n lies !ore t&an t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e #o!!*nit" in t&e &o*r o$ national nee%+
S*#& (ea, an% #&ara#terless people #an be &el% ba#, $ro! s*rren%ering to t&eir #o(ar%i#e onl" b" t&e appli#ation o$ t&e
&eaiest penalties+ 3&en !en &ae to str*ggle (it& %eat& eer" %a" an% re!ain $or (ee,s in tren#&es o$ !ire, o$ten er"
ba%l" s*pplie% (it& $oo%, t&e !an (&o is *ns*re o$ &i!sel$ an% begins to (aer #annot be !a%e to sti#, to &is post b"
t&reats o$ i!prison!ent or een penal serit*%e+ Onl" b" a r*t&less en$or#e!ent o$ t&e %eat& penalt" #an t&is be e$$e#te%+
For e5perien#e s&o(s t&at at s*#& a ti!e t&e re#r*it #onsi%ers prison a t&o*san% ti!es !ore pre$erable t&an t&e battle$iel%+
In prison at least &is pre#io*s li$e is not in %anger+ T&e pra#ti#al abolition o$ t&e %eat& penalt" %*ring t&e (ar (as a
!ista,e $or (&i#& (e &a% to pa" %earl"+ S*#& o!ission reall" !eant t&at t&e !ilitar" penal #o%e (as no longer re#ogni>e%
as ali%+ An ar!" o$ %eserters po*re% into t&e stations at t&e rear or ret*rne% &o!e, espe#iall" in 1919, an% t&ere began to
$or! t&at &*ge #ri!inal organi>ation (it& (&i#& (e (ere s*%%enl" $a#e%, a$ter .oe!ber :t&, 1919, an% (&i#&
perpetrate% t&e Reol*tion+
T&e Front &a% not&ing to %o (it& all t&is+ .at*rall", t&e sol%iers at t&e Front (ere "earning $or pea#e+ 8*t it (as pre#isel"
t&at $a#t (&i#& represente% a spe#ial %anger $or t&e Reol*tion+ For (&en t&e Aer!an sol%iers began to %ra( near &o!e,
a$ter t&e Ar!isti#e, t&e reol*tionaries (ere in trepi%ation an% as,e% t&e sa!e /*estion again an% again4 3&at (ill t&e
troops $ro! t&e Front %o@ 3ill t&e $iel%1gre"s stan% $or it@
=*ring t&ose (ee,s t&e Reol*tion (as $or#e% to gie itsel$ at least an e5ternal appearan#e o$ !o%eration, i$ it (ere not to
r*n t&e ris, o$ being (re#,e% in a !o!ent b" a $e( Aer!an %iisions+ For at t&at ti!e, een i$ t&e #o!!an%er o$ one
%iision alone &a% !a%e *p &is !in% to rall" t&e sol%iers o$ &is %iision, (&o &a% al(a"s re!aine% $ait&$*l to &i!, in an
onsla*g&t to tear %o(n t&e re% $lag an% p*t t&e M#o*n#ils *p against t&e (all, or, i$ t&ere (as an" resistan#e, to brea, it
(it& tren#&1!ortars an% &an% grena%es, t&at %iision (o*l% &ae gro(n into an ar!" o$ si5t" %iisions in less t&an $o*r
(ee,s+ T&e -e( (ire1p*llers (ere terri$ie% b" t&is prospe#t !ore t&an b" an"t&ing elseC an% to $orestall t&is parti#*lar
%anger t&e" $o*n% it ne#essar" to gie t&e Reol*tion a #ertain aspe#t o$ !o%eration+ T&e" %are% not allo( it to %egenerate
into 8ols&eis!, so t&e" &a% to $a#e t&e e5isting #on%itions b" p*tting *p t&e &"po#riti#al pi#t*re o$ Mor%er an%
tran/*illit"+ Hen#e !an" i!portant #on#essions, t&e appeal to t&e ol% #iil seri#e an% to t&e &ea%s o$ t&e ol% Ar!"+ T&e"
(o*l% be nee%e% at least $or a #ertain ti!e, an% onl" (&en t&e" &a% sere% t&e p*rpose o$ T*r,s Hea%s #o*l% t&e %esere%
,i#,1o*t be a%!inistere% (it& i!p*nit"+ T&en t&e Rep*bli# (o*l% be ta,en entirel" o*t o$ t&e &an%s o$ t&e ol% serants o$
t&e State an% %eliere% into t&e #la(s o$ t&e reol*tionaries+
T&e" t&o*g&t t&at t&is (as t&e onl" plan (&i#& (o*l% s*##ee% in %*ping t&e ol% generals an% #iil serants an% %isar!
an" eent*al opposition be$ore&an% t&ro*g& t&e apparentl" &ar!less an% !il% #&ara#ter o$ t&e ne( regi!e+
Pra#ti#al e5perien#e &as s&o(n to (&at e5tent t&e plan s*##ee%e%+
T&e Reol*tion, &o(eer, (as not !a%e b" t&e pea#e$*l an% or%erl" ele!ents o$ t&e nation b*t rat&er b" rioters, t&iees
an% robbers+ An% t&e (a" in (&i#& t&e Reol*tion (as %eeloping %i% not a##or% (it& t&e intentions o$ t&ese latter
ele!entsC still, on ta#ti#al gro*n%s, it (as not possible to e5plain to t&e! t&e reasons $or t&e #o*rse t&ings (ere ta,ing an%
!a,e t&at #o*rse a##eptable+
As So#ial =e!o#ra#" gra%*all" gaine% po(er it lost !ore an% !ore t&e #&ara#ter o$ a #r*%e reol*tionar" part"+ O$ #o*rse
in t&eir inner &earts t&e So#ial =e!o#rats (ante% a reol*tionC an% t&eir lea%ers &a% no ot&er en% in ie(+ Certainl" not+
8*t (&at $inall" res*lte% (as onl" a reol*tionar" progra!!eC b*t not a bo%" o$ !en (&o (o*l% be able to #arr" it o*t+ A
reol*tion #annot be #arrie% t&ro*g& b" a part" o$ ten !illion !e!bers+ I$ s*#& a !oe!ent (ere atte!pte% t&e lea%ers
(o*l% $in% t&at it (as not an e5tre!e se#tion o$ t&e pop*lation on (&i#& t&e" &a% to %epen% b*trat&er t&e broa% !asses o$
t&e !i%%le strat*!C &en#e t&e inert !asses+
Re#ogni>ing all t&is, alrea%" %*ring t&e (ar, t&e -e(s #a*se% t&e $a!o*s split in t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# Part"+ 3&ile t&e
So#ial =e!o#rati# Part", #on$or!ing to t&e inertia o$ its !ass $ollo(ing, #l*ng li,e a lea%en (eig&t on t&e ne#, o$ t&e
national %e$en#e, t&e a#tiel" ra%i#al ele!ents (ere e5tra#te% $ro! it an% $or!e% into ne( aggressie #ol*!ns $or
p*rposes o$ atta#,+ T&e In%epen%ent So#ialist Part" an% t&e Sparta#ist 'eag*e (ere t&e stor! battalions o$ reol*tionar"
)ar5is!+ T&e ob0e#tie assigne% to t&e! (as to #reate a $ait a##o!pli, on t&e gro*n%s o$ (&i#& t&e !asses o$ t&e So#ial
=e!o#rati# Part" #o*l% ta,e t&eir stan%, &aing been prepare% $or t&is eent long be$ore&an%+ T&e $e#,less bo*rgeoisie
&a% been esti!ate% at its 0*st al*e b" t&e )ar5ists an% treate% en #anaille+ .obo%" bot&ere% abo*t it, ,no(ing (ell t&at in
t&eir #anine serilit" t&e representaties o$ an ol% an% (orn1o*t generation (o*l% not be able to o$$er an" serio*s
3&en t&e Reol*tion &a% s*##ee%e% an% its arti$i#ers beliee% t&at t&e !ain pillars o$ t&e ol% State &a% been bro,en %o(n,
t&e Ar!" ret*rning $ro! t&e Front began to appear in t&e lig&t o$ a sinister sp&in5 an% t&*s !a%e it ne#essar" to slo(
%o(n t&e national #o*rse o$ t&e Reol*tion+ T&e !ain bo%" o$ t&e So#ial =e!o#rati# &or%e o##*pie% t&e #on/*ere%
positions, an% t&e In%epen%ent So#ialist an% Sparta#ist stor! battalions (ere si%e1tra#,e%+
8*t t&at %i% not &appen (it&o*t a str*ggle+
T&e a#tiist assa*lt $or!ations t&at &a% starte% t&e Reol*tion (ere %issatis$ie% an% $elt t&at t&e" &a% been betra"e%+ T&e"
no( (ante% to #ontin*e t&e $ig&t on t&eir o(n a##o*nt+ 8*t t&eir illi!itable ra#,eteering be#a!e o%io*s een to t&e (ire1
p*llers o$ t&e Reol*tion+ For t&e Reol*tion itsel$ &a% s#ar#el" been a##o!plis&e% (&en t(o #a!ps appeare%+ In t&e one
#a!p (ere t&e ele!ents o$ pea#e an% or%erC in t&e ot&er (ere t&ose o$ bloo% an% terror+ 3as it not per$e#tl" nat*ral t&at
o*r bo*rgeoisie s&o*l% r*s& (it& $l"ing #olo*rs to t&e #a!p o$ pea#e an% or%er@ For on#e in t&eir lies t&eir piteo*s
politi#al organi>ations $o*n% it possible to a#t, inas!*#& as t&e gro*n% &a% been prepare% $or t&e! on (&i#& t&e" (ere
gla% to get a ne( $ootingC an% t&*s to a #ertain e5tent t&e" $o*n% t&e!seles in #oalition (it& t&at po(er (&i#& t&e" &ate%
b*t $eare%+ T&e Aer!an politi#al bo*rgeoisie a#&iee% t&e &ig& &ono*r o$ being able to asso#iate itsel$ (it& t&e a##*rse%
)ar5ist lea%ers $or t&e p*rpose o$ #o!bating 8ols&eis!+
T&*s t&e $ollo(ing state o$ a$$airs too, s&ape as earl" as =e#e!ber 1919 an% -an*ar" 19194
A !inorit" #onstit*te% o$ t&e (orst ele!ents &a% !a%e t&e Reol*tion+ An% be&in% t&is !inorit" all t&e )ar5ist parties
i!!e%iatel" $ell into step+ T&e Reol*tion itsel$ &a% an o*t(ar% appearan#e o$ !o%eration, (&i#& aro*se% against it t&e
en!it" o$ t&e $anati#al e5tre!ists+ T&ese began to la*n#& &an%1grena%es an% $ire !a#&ine1g*ns, o##*p"ing p*bli#
b*il%ings, t&*s t&reatening to %estro" t&e !o%erate appearan#e o$ t&e Reol*tion+ To preent t&is terror $ro! %eeloping
$*rt&er a tr*#e (as #on#l*%e% bet(een t&e representaties o$ t&e ne( regi!e an% t&e a%&erents o$ t&e ol% or%er, so as to be
able to (age a #o!!on $ig&t against t&e e5tre!ists+ T&e res*lt (as t&at t&e ene!ies o$ t&e Rep*bli# #ease% to oppose t&e
Rep*bli# as s*#& an% &elpe% to s*b0*gate t&ose (&o (ere also ene!ies o$ t&e Rep*bli#, t&o*g& $or /*ite %i$$erent reasons+
8*t a $*rt&er res*lt (as t&at all %anger o$ t&e a%&erents o$ t&e ol% State p*tting *p a $ig&t against t&e ne( (as no(
%e$initel" aerte%+
T&is $a#t !*st al(a"s be #learl" ,ept in !in%+ Onl" b" re!e!bering it #an (e *n%erstan% &o( it (as possible t&at a
nation in (&i#& nine1tent&s o$ t&e people &a% not 0oine% in a reol*tion, (&ere seen1tent&s rep*%iate% it an% si51tent&s
%eteste% it 1 &o( t&is nation allo(e% t&e Reol*tion to be i!pose% *pon it b" t&e re!aining one1tent& o$ t&e pop*lation+
Ara%*all" t&e barri#a%e &eroes in t&e Sparta#ist #a!p petere% o*t, an% so %i% t&e nationalist patriots an% i%ealists on t&e
ot&er si%e+ As t&ese t(o gro*ps stea%il" %(in%le%, t&e !asses o$ t&e !i%%le strat*!, as al(a"s &appens, tri*!p&e%+ T&e
8o*rgeoisie an% t&e )ar5ists !et toget&er on t&e gro*n%s o$ a##o!plis&e% $a#ts, an% t&e Rep*bli# began to be
#onsoli%ate%+ At $irst, &o(eer, t&at %i% not preent t&e bo*rgeois parties $ro! propo*n%ing t&eir !onar#&ist i%eas $or
so!e ti!e $*rt&er, espe#iall" at t&e ele#tions, (&ereb" t&e" en%eao*re% to #on0*re *p t&e spirits o$ t&e %ea% past to
en#o*rage t&eir o(n $eeble1&earte% $ollo(ers+ It (as not an &onest pro#ee%ing+ In t&eir &earts t&e" &a% bro,en (it& t&e
!onar#&" long agoC b*t t&e $o*lness o$ t&e ne( regi!e &a% beg*n to e5ten% its #orr*ptie a#tion an% !a,e itsel$ $elt in t&e
#a!p o$ t&e bo*rgeois parties+ T&e #o!!on bo*rgeois politi#ian no( $elt better in t&e sli!e o$ rep*bli#an #orr*ption t&an
in t&e seere %e#en#" o$ t&e %e$*n#t State, (&i#& still lie% in &is !e!or"+
As I &ae alrea%" pointe% o*t, a$ter t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e ol% Ar!" t&e reol*tionar" lea%ers (ere $or#e% to strengt&en
statal a*t&orit" b" #reating a ne( $a#tor o$ po(er+ In t&e #on%itions t&at e5iste% t&e" #o*l% %o t&is onl" b" (inning oer to
t&eir si%e t&e a%&erents o$ a 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& (as a %ire#t #ontra%i#tion o$ t&eir o(n+ Fro! t&ose ele!ents alone it
(as possible slo(l" to #reate a ne( ar!" (&i#&, li!ite% n*!eri#all" b" t&e pea#e treaties, &a% to be s*bse/*entl"
trans$or!e% in spirit so as to be#o!e an instr*!ent o$ t&e ne( regi!e+
Setting asi%e t&e %e$e#ts o$ t&e ol% State, (&i#& reall" be#a!e t&e #a*se o$ t&e Reol*tion, i$ (e as, &o( it (as possible to
#arr" t&e Reol*tion to a s*##ess$*l iss*e as a politi#al a#t, (e arrie at t&e $ollo(ing #on#l*sions4
l+ It (as %*e to a pro#ess o$ %r" rot in o*r #on#eptions o$ %*t" an% obe%ien#e+
2+ It (as %*e also to t&e passie ti!i%it" o$ t&e Parties (&o (ere s*ppose% to *p&ol% t&e State+
To t&is t&e $ollo(ing !*st be a%%e%4 T&e %r" rot (&i#& atta#,e% o*r #on#epts o$ %*t" an% obe%ien#e (as $*n%a!entall"
%*e to o*r (&oll" non1national an% p*rel" State e%*#ation+ Fro! t&is #a!e t&e &abit o$ #on$*sing !eans an% en%s+
Cons#io*sness o$ %*t", $*l$il!ent o$ %*t", an% obe%ien#e, are not en%s in t&e!seles no !ore t&an t&e State is an en% in
itsel$C b*t t&e" all o*g&t to be e!plo"e% as !eans to $a#ilitate an% ass*re t&e e5isten#e o$ a #o!!*nit" o$ people (&o are
,in%re% bot& p&"si#all" an% spirit*all"+ At a !o!ent (&en a nation is !ani$estl" #ollapsing an% (&en all o*t(ar% signs
s&o( t&at it is on t&e point o$ be#o!ing t&e i#ti! o$ r*t&less oppression, t&an,s to t&e #on%*#t o$ a $e( !is#reants, to
obe" t&ese people an% $*l$il ones %*t" to(ar%s t&e! is !erel" %o#trinaire $or!alis!, an% in%ee% p*re $oll"C (&ereas, on
t&e ot&er &an%, t&e re$*sal o$ obe%ien#e an% $*l$il!ent o$ %*t" in s*#& a #ase !ig&t sae t&e nation $ro! #ollapse+
A##or%ing to o*r #*rrent bo*rgeois i%ea o$ t&e State, i$ a %iisional general re#eie% $ro! aboe t&e or%er not to s&oot &e
$*l$ille% &is %*t" an% t&ere$ore a#te% rig&tl" in not s&ooting, be#a*se to t&e bo*rgeois !in% blin% $or!al obe%ien#e is a
!ore al*able t&ing t&an t&e li$e o$ a nation+ 8*t a##or%ing to t&e .ational So#ialist #on#ept it is not obe%ien#e to (ea,
s*periors t&at s&o*l% preail at s*#& !o!ents, in s*#& an &o*r t&e %*t" o$ ass*!ing personal responsibilit" to(ar%s t&e
(&ole nation !a,es its appearan#e+
T&e Reol*tion s*##ee%e% be#a*se t&at #on#ept &a% #ease% to be a ital $or#e (it& o*r people, or rat&er (it& o*r
goern!ents, an% %ie% %o(n to so!et&ing t&at (as !erel" $or!al an% %o#trinaire+
As regar%s t&e se#on% point, it !a" be sai% t&at t&e !ore pro$o*n% #a*se o$ t&e $e#,lessness o$ t&e bo*rgeois parties !*st
be attrib*te% to t&e $a#t t&at t&e !ost a#tie an% *prig&t se#tion o$ o*r people &a% lost t&eir lies in t&e (ar+ Apart $ro!
t&at, t&e bo*rgeois parties, (&i#& !a" be #onsi%ere% as t&e onl" politi#al $or!ations t&at stoo% b" t&e ol% State, (ere
#onin#e% t&at t&e" o*g&t to %e$en% t&eir prin#iples onl" b" intelle#t*al (a"s an% !eans, sin#e t&e *se o$ p&"si#al $or#e
(as per!itte% onl" to t&e State+ T&at o*tloo, (as a sign o$ t&e (ea,ness an% %e#a%en#e (&i#& &a% been gra%*all"
%eeloping+ An% it (as also senseless at a perio% (&en t&ere (as a politi#al a%ersar" (&o &a% long ago aban%one% t&at
stan%point an%, instea% o$ t&is, &a% openl" %e#lare% t&at &e !eant to attain &is politi#al en%s b" $or#e (&eneer t&at
be#a!e possible+ 3&en )ar5is! e!erge% in t&e (orl% o$ bo*rgeois %e!o#ra#", as a #onse/*en#e o$ t&at %e!o#ra#" itsel$,
t&e appeal sent o*t b" t&e bo*rgeois %e!o#ra#" to $ig&t )ar5is! (it& intelle#t*al (eapons (as a pie#e o$ $oll" $or (&i#& a
terrible e5piation &a% to be !a%e later on+ For )ar5is! al(a"s pro$esse% t&e %o#trine t&at t&e *se o$ ar!s (as a !atter
(&i#& &a% to be 0*%ge% $ro! t&e stan%point o$ e5pe%ien#" an% t&at s*##ess 0*sti$ie% t&e *se o$ ar!s+
T&is i%ea (as proe% #orre#t %*ring t&e %a"s $ro! .oe!ber : to 17, 1919+ T&e )ar5ists %i% not t&en bot&er t&e!seles
in t&e least abo*t parlia!ent or %e!o#ra#", b*t t&e" gae t&e %eat& blo( to bot& b" t*rning loose t&eir &or%e o$ #ri!inals
to s&oot an% raise &ell+
3&en t&e Reol*tion (as oer t&e bo*rgeois parties #&ange% t&e title o$ t&eir $ir! an% s*%%enl" reappeare%, t&e &eroi#
lea%ers e!erging $ro! %ar, #ellars or !ore lig&tso!e store&o*ses (&ere t&e" &a% so*g&t re$*ge+ 8*t, 0*st as &appens in
t&e #ase o$ all representaties o$ anti/*ate% instit*tions, t&e" &a% not $orgotten t&eir errors or learne% an"t&ing ne(+ T&eir
politi#al progra!!e (as gro*n%e% in t&e past, een t&o*g& t&e" t&e!seles &a% be#o!e re#on#ile% to t&e ne( regi!e+
T&eir ai! (as to se#*re a s&are in t&e ne( establis&!ent, an% so t&e" #ontin*e% t&e *se o$ (or%s as t&eir sole (eapon+
T&ere$ore a$ter t&e Reol*tion t&e bo*rgeois parties also #apit*late% to t&e street in a !iserable $as&ion+
3&en t&e la( $or t&e Prote#tion o$ t&e Rep*bli# (as intro%*#e% t&e !a0orit" (as not at $irst in $ao*r o$ it+ 8*t, #on$ronte%
(it& t(o &*n%re% t&o*san% )ar5ists %e!onstrating in t&e streets, t&e bo*rgeois Mstates!en (ere so terror1stri#,en t&at
t&e" ote% $or t&e 'a( against t&eir (ills, $or t&e e%i$"ing reason t&at ot&er(ise t&e" $eare% t&e" !ig&t get t&eir &ea%s
s!as&e% b" t&e enrage% !asses on leaing t&e Rei#&stag+
An% so t&e ne( State %eelope% along its o(n #o*rse, as i$ t&ere &a% been no national opposition at all+
T&e onl" organi>ations (&i#& at t&at ti!e &a% t&e strengt& an% #o*rage to $a#e )ar5is! an% its enrage% !asses (ere $irst
o$ all t&e ol*nteer #orps 19G, an% s*bse/*entl" t&e organi>ations $or sel$1%e$en#e, t&e #ii# g*ar%s an% $inall" t&e
asso#iations $or!e% b" t&e %e!obili>e% sol%iers o$ t&e ol% Ar!"+
8*t t&e e5isten#e o$ t&ese bo%ies %i% not appre#iabl" #&ange t&e #o*rse o$ Aer!an &istor"C an% t&at $or t&e $ollo(ing
As t&e so1#alle% national parties (ere (it&o*t in$l*en#e, be#a*se t&e" &a% no $or#e (&i#& #o*l% e$$e#tiel" %e!onstrate in
t&e street, t&e 'eag*es o$ =e$en#e #o*l% not e5er#ise an" in$l*en#e be#a*se t&e" &a% no politi#al i%ea an% espe#iall"
be#a*se t&e" &a% no %e$inite politi#al ai! in ie(+
T&e s*##ess (&i#& )ar5is! on#e attaine% (as %*e to per$e#t #o1operation bet(een politi#al p*rposes an% r*t&less $or#e+
3&at %eprie% nationalist Aer!an" o$ all pra#ti#al &opes o$ s&aping Aer!an %eelop!ent (as t&e la#, o$ a %eter!ine%
#o1operation bet(een br*te $or#e an% politi#al ai!s (isel" #&osen+
3&ateer !a" &ae been t&e aspirations o$ t&e Mnational parties, t&e" &a% no $or#e (&atsoeer to $ig&t $or t&ese
aspirations, least o$ all in t&e streets+
T&e =e$en#e 'eag*es &a% $or#e at t&eir %isposal+ T&e" (ere !asters o$ t&e street an% o$ t&e State, b*t t&e" la#,e% politi#al
i%eas an% ai!s on be&al$ o$ (&i#& t&eir $or#es !ig&t &ae been or #o*l% &ae been e!plo"e% in t&e interests o$ t&e
Aer!an nation+ T&e #*nning -e( (as able in bot& #ases, b" &is ast*te po(ers o$ pers*asion, in rein$or#ing an alrea%"
e5isting ten%en#" to !a,e t&is *n$ort*nate state o$ a$$airs per!anent an% at t&e sa!e ti!e to %rie t&e roots o$ it still
T&e -e( s*##ee%e% brilliantl" in *sing &is Press $or t&e p*rpose o$ sprea%ing abroa% t&e i%ea t&at t&e %e$en#e asso#iations
(ere o$ a Mnon1politi#al #&ara#ter 0*st as in politi#s &e (as al(a"s ast*te eno*g& to praise t&e p*rel" intelle#t*al #&ara#ter
o$ t&e str*ggle an% %e!an% t&at it !*st al(a"s be ,ept on t&at plane
)illions o$ Aer!an i!be#iles t&en repeate% t&is $oll" (it&o*t &aing t&e slig&test s*spi#ion t&at b" so %oing t&e" (ere, $or
all pra#ti#al p*rposes, %isar!ing t&e!seles an% %eliering t&e!seles %e$en#eless into t&e &an%s o$ t&e -e(+
8*t t&ere is a nat*ral e5planation o$ t&is also+ T&e la#, o$ a great i%ea (&i#& (o*l% re1s&ape t&ings ane( &as al(a"s
!eant a li!itation in $ig&ting po(er+ T&e #oni#tion o$ t&e rig&t to e!plo" een t&e !ost br*tal (eapons is al(a"s
asso#iate% (it& an ar%ent $ait& in t&e ne#essit" $or a ne( an% reol*tionar" trans$or!ation o$ t&e (orl%+
A !oe!ent (&i#& %oes not $ig&t $or s*#& &ig& ai!s an% i%eals (ill neer &ae re#o*rse to e5tre!e !eans+
T&e appearan#e o$ a ne( an% great i%ea (as t&e se#ret o$ s*##ess in t&e Fren#& Reol*tion+ T&e R*ssian Reol*tion o(es
its tri*!p& to an i%ea+ An% it (as onl" t&e i%ea t&at enable% Fas#is! tri*!p&antl" to s*b0e#t a (&ole nation to a pro#ess o$
#o!plete renoation+
8o*rgeois parties are not #apable o$ s*#& an a#&iee!ent+ An% it (as not t&e bo*rgeois parties alone t&at $i5e% t&eir ai!
in a restoration o$ t&e past+ T&e %e$en#e asso#iations also %i% so, in so $ar as t&e" #on#erne% t&e!seles (it& politi#al ai!s
at all+ T&e spirit o$ t&e ol% (ar legions an% ;"$$a*ser ten%en#ies lie% in t&e! an% t&ere(it& &elpe% politi#all" to bl*nt t&e
s&arpest (eapons (&i#& t&e Aer!an nation t&en possesse% an% allo( t&e! to r*st in t&e &an%s o$ rep*bli#an ser$s+ T&e
$a#t t&at t&ese asso#iations (ere inspire% b" t&e best o$ intentions in so %oing, an% #ertainl" a#te% in goo% $ait&, %oes not
alter in t&e slig&test %egree t&e $oolis&ness o$ t&e #o*rse t&e" a%opte%+
In t&e #onsoli%ate% Rei#&s(e&r )ar5is! gra%*all" a#/*ire% t&e s*pport o$ $or#e, (&i#& it nee%e% $or its a*t&orit"+ As a
logi#al #onse/*en#e it pro#ee%e% to abolis& t&ose %e$en#e asso#iations (&i#& it #onsi%ere% %angero*s, %e#laring t&at t&e"
(ere no( no longer ne#essar"+ So!e ras& lea%ers (&o %e$ie% t&e )ar5ist or%ers (ere s*!!one% to #o*rt an% sent to
prison+ 8*t t&e" all got (&at t&e" &a% %esere%+
T&e $o*n%ing o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Aer!an 'abo*r Part" in#ite% a !oe!ent (&i#& (as t&e $irst to $i5 its ai!, not in a
!e#&ani#al restoration o$ t&e past 1 as t&e bo*rgeois parties %i% 1 b*t in t&e s*bstit*tion o$ an organi# Peoples State $or t&e
present abs*r% statal !e#&anis!+
Fro! t&e $irst %a" o$ its $o*n%ation t&e ne( !oe!ent too, its stan% on t&e prin#iple t&at its i%eas &a% to be propagate% b"
intelle#t*al !eans b*t t&at, (&ereer ne#essar", !*s#*lar $or#e !*st be e!plo"e% to s*pport t&is propagan%a+ In
a##or%an#e (it& t&eir #oni#tion o$ t&e para!o*nt i!portan#e o$ t&e ne( %o#trine, t&e lea%ers o$ t&e ne( !oe!ent
nat*rall" beliee t&at no sa#ri$i#e #an be #onsi%ere% too great (&en it is a /*estion o$ #arr"ing t&ro*g& t&e p*rpose o$ t&e
I &ae e!p&asi>e% t&at in #ertain #ir#*!stan#es a !oe!ent (&i#& is !eant to (in oer t&e &earts o$ t&e people !*st be
rea%" to %e$en% itsel$ (it& its o(n $or#es against terrorist atte!pts on t&e part o$ its a%ersaries+ It &as inariabl" &appene%
in t&e &istor" o$ t&e (orl% t&at $or!al State a*t&orit" &as $aile% to brea, a reign o$ terror (&i#& (as inspire% b" a
3eltans#&&a**ng+ It #an onl" be #on/*ere% b" a ne( an% %i$$erent 3eltans#&&a**ng (&ose representaties are /*ite as
a*%a#io*s an% %eter!ine%+ T&e a#,no(le%g!ent o$ t&is $a#t &as al(a"s been er" *npleasant $or t&e b*rea*#rats (&o are
t&e prote#tors o$ t&e State, b*t t&e $a#t re!ains neert&eless+ T&e r*lers o$ t&e State #an g*arantee tran/*illit" an% or%er
onl" in #ase t&e State e!bo%ies a 3eltans#&&a**ng (&i#& is s&are% in b" t&e people as a (&oleC so t&at ele!ents o$
%ist*rban#e #an be treate% as isolate% #ri!inals, instea% o$ being #onsi%ere% as t&e #&a!pions o$ an i%ea (&i#& is
%ia!etri#all" oppose% to o$$i#ial opinions+ I$ s*#& s&o*l% be t&e #ase t&e State !a" e!plo" t&e !ost iolent !eas*res $or
#ent*ries long against t&e terror t&at t&reatens itC b*t in t&e en% all t&ese !eas*res (ill proe $*tile, an% t&e State (ill &ae
to s*##*!b+
T&e Aer!an State is intensel" oerr*n b" )ar5is!+ In a str*ggle t&at (ent on $or seent" "ears t&e State (as not able to
preent t&e tri*!p& o$ t&e )ar5ist i%ea+ Een t&o*g& t&e senten#es to penal serit*%e an% i!prison!ent a!o*nte% in all
to t&o*san%s o$ "ears, an% een t&o*g& t&e !ost sang*inar" !et&o%s o$ repression (ere in inn*!erable instan#es
t&reatene% against t&e #&a!pions o$ t&e )ar5ist 3eltans#&&a**ng, in t&e en% t&e State (as $or#e% to #apit*late al!ost
#o!pletel"+ T&e or%inar" bo*rgeois politi#al lea%ers (ill %en" all t&is, b*t t&eir protests are $*tile+
Seeing t&at t&e State #apit*late% *n#on%itionall" to )ar5is! on .oe!ber 9t&, 1919, it (ill not s*%%enl" rise *p
to!orro( as t&e #on/*eror o$ )ar5is!+ On t&e #ontrar"+ 8o*rgeois si!pletons sitting on o$$i#e stools in t&e ario*s
!inistries babble abo*t t&e ne#essit" o$ not goerning against t&e (is&es o$ t&e (or,ers, an% b" t&e (or% M(or,ers t&e"
!ean t&e )ar5ists+ 8" i%enti$"ing t&e Aer!an (or,er (it& )ar5is! not onl" are t&e" g*ilt" o$ a ile $alsi$i#ation o$ t&e
tr*t&, b*t t&e" t&*s tr" to &i%e t&eir o(n #ollapse be$ore t&e )ar5ist i%ea an% t&e )ar5ist organi>ation+
In ie( o$ t&e #o!plete s*bor%ination o$ t&e present State to )ar5is!, t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent $eels all t&e !ore
bo*n% not onl" to prepare t&e (a" $or t&e tri*!p& o$ its i%ea b" appealing to t&e reason an% *n%erstan%ing o$ t&e p*bli#
b*t also to ta,e *pon itsel$ t&e responsibilit" o$ organi>ing its o(n %e$en#e against t&e terror o$ t&e International, (&i#& is
into5i#ate% (it& its o(n i#tor"+
I &ae alrea%" %es#ribe% &o( pra#ti#al e5perien#e in o*r "o*ng !oe!ent le% *s slo(l" to organi>e a s"ste! o$ %e$en#e
$or o*r !eetings+ T&is gra%*all" ass*!e% t&e #&ara#ter o$ a !ilitar" bo%" spe#iall" traine% $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ or%er,
an% ten%e% to %eelop into a seri#e (&i#& (o*l% &ae its properl" organi>e% #a%res+
T&is ne( $or!ation !ig&t rese!ble t&e %e$en#e asso#iations e5ternall", b*t in realit" t&ere (ere no gro*n%s o$ #o!parison
bet(een t&e one an% t&e ot&er+
As I &ae alrea%" sai%, t&e Aer!an %e$en#e organi>ations %i% not &ae an" %e$inite politi#al i%eas o$ t&eir o(n+ T&e"
reall" (ere onl" asso#iations $or !*t*al prote#tion, an% t&e" (ere traine% an% organi>e% a##or%ingl", so t&at t&e" (ere an
illegal #o!ple!ent or a*5iliar" to t&e legal $or#es o$ t&e State+ T&eir #&ara#ter as $ree #orps arose onl" $ro! t&e (a" in
(&i#& t&e" (ere #onstr*#te% an% t&e sit*ation in (&i#& t&e State $o*n% itsel$ at t&at ti!e+ 8*t t&e" #ertainl" #o*l% not
#lai! to be $ree #orps on t&e gro*n%s t&at t&e" (ere asso#iations $or!e% $reel" an% priatel" $or t&e p*rpose o$ $ig&ting $or
t&eir o(n $reel" $or!e% politi#al #oni#tions+ S*#& t&e" (ere not, %espite t&e $a#t t&at so!e o$ t&eir lea%ers an% so!e
asso#iations as s*#& (ere %e$initel" oppose% to t&e Rep*bli#+ For be$ore (e #an spea, o$ politi#al #oni#tions in t&e &ig&er
sense (e !*st be so!et&ing !ore t&an !erel" #onin#e% t&at t&e e5isting regi!e is %e$e#tie+ Politi#al #oni#tions in t&e
&ig&er sense !ean t&at one &as t&e pi#t*re o$ a ne( regi!e #learl" be$ore ones !in%, $eels t&at t&e establis&!ent o$ t&is
regi!e is an absol*te ne#essit" an% sets &i!sel$ to #arr" o*t t&at p*rpose as t&e &ig&est tas, to (&i#& &is li$e #an be
T&e troops $or t&e preseration o$ or%er, (&i#& (ere t&en $or!e% *n%er t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent, (ere
$*n%a!entall" %i$$erent $ro! all t&e ot&er %e$en#e asso#iations b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at o*r $or!ations (ere not !eant in
an" (a" to %e$en% t&e state o$ t&ings #reate% b" t&e Reol*tion, b*t rat&er t&at t&e" (ere !eant e5#l*siel" to s*pport o*r
str*ggle $or t&e #reation o$ a ne( Aer!an"+
In t&e beginning t&is bo%" (as !erel" a g*ar% to !aintain or%er at o*r !eetings+ Its $irst tas, (as li!ite% to !a,ing it
possible $or *s to &ol% o*r !eetings, (&i#& ot&er(ise (o*l% &ae been #o!pletel" preente% b" o*r opponents+ T&ese !en
(ere at t&at ti!e traine% !erel" $or p*rposes o$ atta#,, b*t t&e" (ere not ta*g&t to a%ore t&e big sti#, e5#l*siel", as (as
t&en preten%e% in st*pi% Aer!an patrioti# #ir#les+ T&e" *se% t&e #*%gel be#a*se t&e" ,ne( t&at it #an be !a%e i!possible
$or &ig& i%eals to be p*t $or(ar% i$ t&e !an (&o en%eao*rs to propagate t&e! #an be str*#, %o(n (it& t&e #*%gel+ As a
!atter o$ $a#t, it &as &appene% in &istor" not in$re/*entl" t&at so!e o$ t&e greatest !in%s &ae peris&e% *n%er t&e blo(s o$
t&e !ost insigni$i#ant &elots+ O*r bo%"g*ar%s %i% not loo, *pon iolen#e as an en% in itsel$, b*t t&e" prote#te% t&e
e5positors o$ i%eal ai!s an% p*rposes against &ostile #oer#ion b" iolen#e+ T&e" also *n%erstoo% t&at t&ere (as no
obligation to *n%erta,e t&e %e$en#e o$ a State (&i#& %i% not g*arantee t&e %e$en#e o$ t&e nation, b*t t&at, on t&e #ontrar",
t&e" &a% to %e$en% t&e nation against t&ose (&o (ere t&reatening to %estro" nation an% State+
A$ter t&e $ig&t (&i#& too, pla#e at t&e !eeting in t&e )*ni#& Ho$brI*&a*s, (&ere t&e s!all n*!ber o$ o*r g*ar%s (&o
(ere present (on eerlasting $a!e $or t&e!seles b" t&e &eroi# !anner in (&i#& t&e" stor!e% t&e a%ersariesC t&ese
g*ar%s (ere #alle% T&e Stor! =eta#&!ent+ As t&e na!e itsel$ in%i#ates, t&e" represent onl" a %eta#&!ent o$ t&e
)oe!ent+ T&e" are one #onstit*ent ele!ent o$ it, 0*st as is t&e Press, t&e propagan%a, e%*#ational instit*tes, an% ot&er
se#tions o$ t&e Part"+
3e learne% &o( ne#essar" (as t&e $or!ation o$ s*#& a bo%", not onl" $ro! o*r e5perien#e on t&e o##asion o$ t&at
!e!orable !eeting b*t also (&en (e so*g&t gra%*all" to #arr" t&e )oe!ent be"on% )*ni#& an% e5ten% it to t&e ot&er
parts o$ Aer!an"+ On#e (e &a% beg*n to appear as a %anger to )ar5is! t&e )ar5ists lost no opport*nit" o$ tr"ing to
#r*s& be$ore&an% all preparations $or t&e &ol%ing o$ .ational So#ialist !eetings+ 3&en t&e" %i% not s*##ee% in t&is t&e"
trie% to brea, *p t&e !eeting itsel$+ It goes (it&o*t sa"ing t&at all t&e )ar5ist organi>ations, no !atter o$ (&at gra%e or
ie(, blin%l" s*pporte% t&e poli#" an% a#tiities o$ t&eir representations in eer" #ase+ 8*t (&at is to be sai% o$ t&e
bo*rgeois parties (&o, (&en t&e" (ere re%*#e% to silen#e b" t&ese sa!e )ar5ists an% in !an" pla#es %i% not %are to sen%
t&eir spea,ers to appear be$ore t&e p*bli#, "et s&o(e% t&e!seles please%, in a st*pi% an% in#o!pre&ensible !anner, eer"
ti!e (e re#eie% an" ,in% o$ set1ba#, in o*r $ig&t against )ar5is!+ T&e bo*rgeois parties (ere &app" to t&in, t&at t&ose
(&o! t&e" t&e!seles #o*l% not stan% *p against, b*t &a% to ,n*#,le %o(n to, #o*l% not be bro,en b" *s+ 3&at !*st be
sai% o$ t&ose State o$$i#ials, #&ie$s o$ poli#e, an% een #abinet !inisters, (&o s&o(e% a s#an%alo*s la#, o$ prin#iple in
presenting t&e!seles e5ternall" to t&e p*bli# as Mnational an% "et s&a!elessl" a#te% as t&e &en#&!en o$ t&e )ar5ists in
t&e %isp*tes (&i#& (e, .ational So#ialists, &a% (it& t&e latter+ 3&at #an be sai% o$ persons (&o %ebase% t&e!seles so $ar,
$or t&e sa,e o$ a little ab0e#t praise in t&e -e(is& Press, t&at t&e" perse#*te% t&ose !en to (&ose &eroi# #o*rage an%
interention, regar%less o$ ris,, t&e" (ere partl" in%ebte% $or not &aing been torn to pie#es b" t&e Re% !ob a $e( "ears
preio*sl" an% str*ng *p to t&e la!p1posts@
One %a" t&ese la!entable p&eno!ena $ire% t&e late b*t *n$orgotten Pre$e#t PJ&ner 1 a !an (&ose *nben%ing
straig&t$or(ar%ness $or#e% &i! to &ate all t(isters an% to &ate t&e! as onl" a !an (it& an &onest &eart #an &ate 1 to sa"4
LIn all !" li$e I (is&e% to be $irst a Aer!an an% t&en an o$$i#ial, an% I neer (ante% to !i5 *p (it& t&ese #reat*res (&o,
as i$ t&e" (ere ,ept o$$i#ials, prostit*te% t&e!seles be$ore an"bo%" (&o #o*l% pla" lor% an% !aster $or t&e ti!e being+L
It (as a spe#iall" sa% t&ing t&at gra%*all" tens o$ t&o*san%s o$ &onest an% lo"al serants o$ t&e State %i% not onl" #o!e
*n%er t&e po(er o$ s*#& people b*t (ere also slo(l" #onta!inate% b" t&eir *nprin#iple% !orals+ )oreoer, t&ese ,in% o$
!en p*rs*e% &onest o$$i#ials (it& a $*rio*s &atre%, %egra%ing t&e! an% %riing t&e! $ro! t&eir positions, an% "et passe%
t&e!seles o$$ as Mnational b" t&e ai% o$ t&eir l"ing &"po#ris"+
Fro! o$$i#ials o$ t&at ,in% (e #o*l% e5pe#t no s*pport, an% onl" in er" rare instan#es (as it gien+ Onl" b" b*il%ing *p
its o(n %e$en#e #o*l% o*r !oe!ent be#o!e se#*re an% attra#t t&at a!o*nt o$ p*bli# attention an% general respe#t (&i#&
is gien to t&ose (&o #an %e$en% t&e!seles (&en atta#,e%+
As an *n%erl"ing prin#iple in t&e internal %eelop!ent o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent, (e #a!e to t&e %e#ision t&at not onl"
s&o*l% it be per$e#tl" traine% in bo%il" e$$i#ien#" b*t t&at t&e !en s&o*l% be so instr*#te% as to !a,e t&e! in%o!itabl"
#onin#e% #&a!pions o$ t&e .ational So#ialist i%eas an%, $inall", t&at t&e" s&o*l% be s#&oole% to obsere t&e stri#test
%is#ipline+ T&is bo%" (as to &ae not&ing to %o (it& t&e %e$en#e organi>ations o$ t&e bo*rgeois t"pe an% espe#iall" not
(it& an" se#ret organi>ation+
)" reasons at t&at ti!e $or g*ar%ing stri#tl" against letting t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent o$ t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist
'abo*r Part" appear as a %e$en#e asso#iation (ere as $ollo(s4
On p*rel" pra#ti#al gro*n%s it is i!possible to b*il% *p a national %e$en#e organi>ation b" !eans o$ priate asso#iations,
*nless t&e State !a,es an enor!o*s #ontrib*tion to it+ 3&oeer t&in,s ot&er(ise oeresti!ates &is o(n po(ers+ .o( it is
entirel" o*t o$ t&e /*estion to $or! organi>ations o$ an" !ilitar" al*e $or a %e$inite p*rpose on t&e prin#iple o$ so1#alle%
Mol*ntar" %is#ipline+ Here t&e #&ie$ s*pport $or en$or#ing or%ers, na!el", t&e po(er o$ in$li#ting p*nis&!ent, is la#,ing+
In t&e a*t*!n, or rat&er in t&e spring, o$ 1919 it (as still possible to raise Mol*nteer #orps, not onl" be#a*se !ost o$ t&e
!en (&o #a!e $or(ar% at t&at ti!e &a% been t&ro*g& t&e s#&ool o$ t&e ol% Ar!", b*t also be#a*se t&e ,in% o$ %*t"
i!pose% t&ere #onstraine% t&e in%ii%*al to absol*te obe%ien#e at least $or a %e$inite perio% o$ ti!e+
T&at spirit is entirel" la#,ing in t&e ol*nteer %e$en#e organi>ations o$ to1%a"+ T&e !ore t&e %e$en#e asso#iation gro(s,
t&e (ea,er its %is#ipline be#o!es an% so !*#& t&e less #an one %e!an% $ro! t&e in%ii%*al !e!bers+ T&*s t&e (&ole
organi>ation (ill !ore an% !ore ass*!e t&e #&ara#ter o$ t&e ol% non1politi#al asso#iations o$ (ar #o!ra%es an% eterans+
It is i!possible to #arr" t&ro*g& a ol*ntar" training in !ilitar" seri#e $or larger !asses *nless one is ass*re% absol*te
po(er o$ #o!!an%+ T&ere (ill al(a"s be $e( !en (&o (ill ol*ntaril" an% spontaneo*sl" s*b!it to t&at ,in% o$
obe%ien#e (&i#& is #onsi%ere% nat*ral an% ne#essar" in t&e Ar!"+
)oreoer, a proper s"ste! o$ !ilitar" training #annot be %eelope% (&ere t&ere are s*#& ri%i#*lo*sl" s#ant" !eans as
t&ose at t&e %isposal o$ t&e %e$en#e asso#iations+ T&e prin#ipal tas, o$ s*#& an instit*tion !*st be to i!part t&e best an%
!ost reliable ,in% o$ instr*#tion+ Eig&t "ears &ae passe% sin#e t&e en% o$ t&e 3ar, an% %*ring t&at ti!e none o$ o*r
Aer!an "o*t&, at an age (&en $or!erl" t&e" (o*l% &ae &a% to %o !ilitar" seri#e, &ae re#eie% an" s"ste!ati# training
at all+ T&e ai! o$ a %e$en#e asso#iation #annot be to enlist &ere an% no( all t&ose (&o &ae alrea%" re#eie% a !ilitar"
trainingC $or in t&at #ase it #o*l% be re#,one% (it& !at&e!ati#al a##*ra#" (&en t&e last !e!ber (o*l% leae t&e
asso#iation+ Een t&e "o*nger sol%ier $ro! 1919 (ill no longer be $it $or $ront1line seri#e t(ent" "ears later, an% (e are
approa#&ing t&at state o$ t&ings (it& a rapi%it" t&at gies #a*se $or an5iet"+ T&*s t&e %e$en#e asso#iations !*st ass*!e
!ore an% !ore t&e aspe#t o$ t&e ol% e51seri#e !ens so#ieties+ 8*t t&at #annot be t&e !eaning an% p*rpose o$ an
instit*tion (&i#& #alls itsel$, not an asso#iation o$ e51seri#e !en b*t a %e$en#e asso#iation, in%i#ating b" t&is title t&at it
#onsi%ers its tas, to be, not onl" to presere t&e tra%ition o$ t&e ol% sol%iers an% &ol% t&e! toget&er b*t also to propagate
t&e i%ea o$ national %e$en#e an% be able to #arr" t&is i%ea into pra#ti#al e$$e#t, (&i#& !eans t&e #reation o$ a bo%" o$ !en
(&o are $it an% traine% $or !ilitar" %e$en#e+
8*t t&is i!plies t&at t&ose ele!ents (ill re#eie a !ilitar" training (&i#& *p to no( &ae re#eie% none+ T&is is
so!et&ing t&at in pra#ti#e is i!possible $or t&e %e$en#e asso#iations+ Real sol%iers #annot be !a%e b" a training o$ one or
t(o &o*rs per (ee,+ In ie( o$ t&e enor!o*sl" in#reasing %e!an%s (&i#& !o%ern (ar$are i!poses on ea#& in%ii%*al
sol%ier to1%a", a !ilitar" seri#e o$ t(o "ears is barel" s*$$i#ient to trans$or! a ra( re#r*it into a traine% sol%ier+ At t&e
Front %*ring t&e 3ar (e all sa( t&e $ear$*l #onse/*en#es (&i#& o*r "o*ng re#r*its &a% to s*$$er $ro! t&eir la#, o$ a
t&oro*g& !ilitar" training+ Bol*nteer $or!ations (&i#& &a% been %rille% $or $i$teen or t(ent" (ee,s *n%er an iron
%is#ipline an% s&o(n *nli!ite% sel$1%enial proe% neert&eless to be no better t&an #annon $o%%er at t&e Front+ Onl" (&en
%istrib*te% a!ong t&e ran,s o$ t&e ol% an% e5perien#e% sol%iers #o*l% t&e "o*ng re#r*its, (&o &a% been traine% $or $o*r or
si5 !ont&s, be#o!e *se$*l !e!bers o$ a regi!ent+ A*i%e% b" t&e Mol% !en, t&e" a%apte% t&e!seles gra%*all" to t&eir
In t&e lig&t o$ all t&is, &o( &opeless !*st t&e atte!pt be to #reate a bo%" o$ $ig&ting troops b" a so1#alle% training o$ one
or t(o &o*rs in t&e (ee,, (it&o*t an" %e$inite po(er o$ #o!!an% an% (it&o*t an" #onsi%erable !eans+ In t&at (a"
per&aps one #o*l% re$res& !ilitar" training in ol% sol%iers, b*t ra( re#r*its #annot t&*s be trans$or!e% into e5pert sol%iers+
Ho( s*#& a pro#ee%ing pro%*#es *tterl" (ort&less res*lts !a" also be %e!onstrate% b" t&e $a#t t&at at t&e sa!e ti!e as
t&ese so1#alle% ol*nteer %e$en#e asso#iations, (it& great e$$ort an% o*t#r" an% *n%er %i$$i#*lties an% la#, o$ ne#essities,
tr" to e%*#ate an% train a $e( t&o*san% !en o$ goo%(ill Ft&e ot&ers nee% not be ta,en into a##o*ntG $or p*rposes o$
national %e$en#e, t&e State tea#&es o*r "o*ng !en %e!o#rati# an% pa#i$ist i%eas an% t&*s %epries !illions an% !illions o$
t&eir national instin#ts, poisons t&eir logi#al sense o$ patriotis! an% gra%*all" t*rns t&e! into a &er% o$ s&eep (&o (ill
patientl" $ollo( an" arbitrar" #o!!an%+ T&*s t&e" ren%er ri%i#*lo*s all t&ose atte!pts !a%e b" t&e %e$en#e asso#iations to
in#*l#ate t&eir i%eas in t&e !in%s o$ t&e Aer!an "o*t&+
Al!ost !ore i!portant is t&e $ollo(ing #onsi%eration, (&i#& &as al(a"s !a%e !e ta,e *p a stan% against all atte!pts at a
so1#alle% !ilitar" training on t&e basis o$ t&e ol*nteer asso#iations+
Ass*!ing t&at, in spite o$ all t&e %i$$i#*lties 0*st !entione%, a %e$en#e asso#iation (ere s*##ess$*l in training a #ertain
n*!ber o$ Aer!ans eer" "ear to be e$$i#ient sol%iers, not onl" as regar%s t&eir !ental o*tloo, b*t also as regar%s bo%il"
e$$i#ien#" an% t&e e5pert &an%ling o$ ar!s, t&e res*lt !*st ne#essaril" be n*ll an% oi% in a State (&ose (&ole ten%en#"
!a,es it not onl" loo, *pon s*#& a %e$ensie $or!ation as *n%esirable b*t een positiel" &ate it, be#a*se s*#& an
asso#iation (o*l% #o!pletel" #ontra%i#t t&e inti!ate ai!s o$ t&e politi#al lea%ers, (&o are t&e #orr*pters o$ t&is State+
8*t an"&o(, s*#& a res*lt (o*l% be (ort&less *n%er goern!ents (&i#& &ae %e!onstrate% b" t&eir o(n a#ts t&at t&e" %o
not la" t&e slig&test i!portan#e on t&e !ilitar" po(er o$ t&e nation an% are not %ispose% to per!it an appeal to t&at po(er
onl" in #ase t&at it (ere ne#essar" $or t&e prote#tion o$ t&eir o(n !alignant e5isten#e+
An% t&at is t&e state o$ a$$airs to1%a"+ It is not ri%i#*lo*s to t&in, o$ training so!e ten t&o*san% !en in t&e *se o$ ar!s,
an% #arr" on t&at training s*rreptitio*sl", (&en a $e( "ears preio*sl" t&e State, &aing s&a!e$*ll" sa#ri$i#e% eig&t1an%1a1
&al$ !illion &ig&l" traine% sol%iers, not !erel" %i% not re/*ire t&eir seri#es an" !ore, b*t, as a !ar, o$ gratit*%e $or t&eir
sa#ri$i#es, &el% t&e! *p to p*bli# #ont*!el"+ S&all (e train sol%iers $or a regi!e (&i#& bes!ir#&e% an% spat *pon o*r
!ost glorio*s sol%iers, tore t&e !e%als an% ba%ges $ro! t&eir breasts, tra!ple% on t&eir $lags an% %eri%e% t&eir
a#&iee!ents@ Has t&e present regi!e ta,en one step to(ar%s restoring t&e &ono*r o$ t&e ol% ar!" an% bringing t&ose (&o
%estro"e% an% o*trage% it to ans(er $or t&eir %ee%s@ .ot in t&e least+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e people I &ae 0*st re$erre% to
!a" be seen ent&rone% in t&e &ig&est positions *n%er t&e State to1%a"+ An% "et it (as sai% at 'eip>ig4 LRig&t goes (it&
!ig&t+L Sin#e, &o(eer, in o*r Rep*bli# to1%a" !ig&t is in t&e &an%s o$ t&e er" !en (&o arrange% $or t&e Reol*tion,
an% sin#e t&at Reol*tion represents a !ost %espi#able a#t o$ &ig& treason against t&e nation 1 "ea, t&e ilest a#t in
Aer!an &istor" 1 t&ere #an s*rel" be no gro*n%s $or sa"ing t&at !ig&t o$ t&is #&ara#ter s&o*l% be en&an#e% b" t&e
$or!ation o$ a ne( "o*ng ar!"+ It is against all so*n% reason+
T&e i!portan#e (&i#& t&is State atta#&e%, a$ter t&e Reol*tion o$ 1919, to t&e rein$or#e!ent o$ its position $ro! t&e
!ilitar" point o$ ie( is #learl" an% *n!ista,abl" %e!onstrate% b" its attit*%e to(ar%s t&e large sel$1%e$en#e organi>ations
(&i#& e5iste% in t&at perio%+ T&e" (ere not *n(el#o!e as long as t&e" (ere o$ *se $or t&e personal prote#tion o$ t&e
!iserable #reat*res #ast *p b" t&e Reol*tion+
8*t t&e %anger to t&ese #reat*res see!e% to %isappear as t&e %ebase!ent o$ o*r people gra%*all" in#rease%+ As t&e
e5isten#e o$ t&e %e$en#e asso#iations no longer i!plie% a rein$or#e!ent o$ t&e national poli#" t&e" be#a!e s*per$l*o*s+
Hen#e eer" e$$ort (as !a%e to %isar! t&e! an% s*ppress t&e! (&ereer t&at (as possible+
Histor" re#or%s onl" a $e( e5a!ples o$ gratit*%e on t&e part o$ prin#es+ 8*t t&ere is not one patriot a!ong t&e ne(
bo*rgeoisie (&o #an #o*nt on t&e gratit*%e o$ reol*tionar" in#en%iaries an% assassins, persons (&o &ae enri#&e%
t&e!seles $ro! t&e p*bli# spoil an% betra"e% t&e nation+ In e5a!ining t&e proble! as to t&e (is%o! o$ $or!ing t&ese
%e$en#e asso#iations I &ae neer #ease% to as,4 MFor (&o! s&all I train t&ese "o*ng !en@ For (&at p*rpose (ill t&e" be
e!plo"e% (&en t&e" (ill &ae to be #alle% o*t@ T&e ans(er to t&ese /*estions la"s %o(n at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e best r*le $or
*s to $ollo(+
I$ t&e present State s&o*l% one %a" &ae to #all *pon traine% troops o$ t&is ,in% it (o*l% neer be $or t&e p*rpose o$
%e$en%ing t&e interests o$ t&e nation is1R1is t&ose o$ t&e stranger b*t rat&er to prote#t t&e oppressors o$ t&e nation insi%e
t&e #o*ntr" against t&e %anger o$ a general o*tbrea, o$ (rat& on t&e part o$ a nation (&i#& &as been %e#eie% an% betra"e%
an% (&ose interests &ae been bartere% a(a"+
For t&is reason it (as %e#i%e% t&at t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent o$ t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part" o*g&t not to be in
t&e nat*re o$ a !ilitar" organi>ation+ It &a% to be an instr*!ent o$ prote#tion an% e%*#ation $or t&e .ational So#ialist
)oe!ent an% its %*ties s&o*l% be in /*ite a %i$$erent sp&ere $ro! t&at o$ t&e !ilitar" %e$en#e asso#iation+
An%, o$ #o*rse, t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent s&o*l% not be in t&e nat*re o$ a se#ret organi>ation+ Se#ret organi>ations are
establis&e% onl" $or p*rposes t&at are against t&e la(+ T&ere(it& t&e p*rpose o$ s*#& an organi>ation is li!ite% b" its er"
nat*re+ Consi%ering t&e lo/*a#io*s propensities o$ t&e Aer!an people, it is not possible to b*il% *p an" ast organi>ation,
,eeping it se#ret at t&e sa!e ti!e an% #loa,ing its p*rpose+ Eer" atte!pt o$ t&at ,in% is %estine% to t*rn o*t absol*tel"
$*tile+ It is not !erel" t&at o*r poli#e o$$i#ials to1%a" &ae at t&eir %isposal a sta$$ o$ eaes1%roppers an% ot&er s*#& rabble
(&o are rea%" to pla" traitor, li,e -*%as, $or t&irt" pie#es o$ siler an% (ill betra" (&ateer se#rets t&e" #an %is#oer an%
(ill inent (&at t&e" (o*l% li,e to reeal+ In or%er to $orestall s*#& eent*alities, it is neer possible to bin% ones o(n
$ollo(ers to t&e silen#e t&at is ne#essar"+ Onl" s!all gro*ps #an be#o!e reall" se#ret so#ieties, an% t&at onl" a$ter long
"ears o$ $iltration+ 8*t t&e er" s!allness o$ s*#& gro*ps (o*l% %eprie t&e! o$ all al*e $or t&e .ational So#ialist
)oe!ent+ 3&at (e nee%e% t&en an% nee% no( is not one or t(o &*n%re% %are1%eil #onspirators b*t a &*n%re% t&o*san%
%eote% #&a!pions o$ o*r 3eltans#&&a**ng+ T&e (or, !*st not be %one t&ro*g& se#ret #onenti#les b*t t&ro*g&
$or!i%able !ass %e!onstrations in p*bli#+ =agger an% pistol an% poison1ial #annot #lear t&e (a" $or t&e progress o$ t&e
!oe!ent+ T&at #an be %one onl" b" (inning oer t&e !an in t&e street+ 3e !*st oert&ro( )ar5is!, so t&at $or t&e
$*t*re .ational So#ialis! (ill be !aster o$ t&e street, 0*st as it (ill one %a" be#o!e !aster o$ t&e State+
T&ere is anot&er %anger #onne#te% (it& se#ret so#ieties+ It lies in t&e $a#t t&at t&eir !e!bers o$ten #o!pletel"
!is*n%erstan% t&e greatness o$ t&e tas, in &an% an% are apt to beliee t&at a $ao*rable %estin" #an be ass*re% $or t&e
nation all at on#e b" !eans o$ a single !*r%er+ S*#& a belie$ !a" $in% &istori#al 0*sti$i#ation b" appealing to #ases (&ere a
nation &a% been s*$$ering *n%er t&e t"rann" o$ so!e oppressor (&o at t&e sa!e ti!e (as a !an o$ geni*s an% (&ose
e5traor%inar" personalit" g*arantee% t&e internal soli%it" o$ &is position an% enable% &i! to !aintain &is $ear$*l
oppression+ In s*#& #ases a !an !a" s*%%enl" arise $ro! t&e ran,s o$ t&e people (&o is rea%" to sa#ri$i#e &i!sel$ an%
pl*nge t&e %ea%l" steel into t&e &eart o$ t&e &ate% in%ii%*al+ In or%er to loo, *pon s*#& a %ee% as ab&orrent one !*st &ae
t&e rep*bli#an !entalit" o$ t&at pett" #anaille (&o are #ons#io*s o$ t&eir o(n #ri!e+ 8*t t&e greatest #&a!pion 27G o$
libert" t&at t&e Aer!an people &ae eer &a% &as glori$ie% s*#& a %ee% in 3illia! Tell+
=*ring 1919 an% 1927 t&ere (as %anger t&at t&e !e!bers o$ se#ret organi>ations, *n%er t&e in$l*en#e o$ great &istori#al
e5a!ples an% oer#o!e b" t&e i!!ensit" o$ t&e nations !is$ort*nes, !ig&t atte!pt to (rea, engean#e on t&e %estro"ers
o$ t&eir #o*ntr", *n%er t&e belie$ t&at t&is (o*l% en% t&e !iseries o$ t&e people+ All s*#& atte!pts (ere s&eer $oll", $or t&e
reason t&at t&e )ar5ist tri*!p& (as not %*e to t&e s*perior geni*s o$ one re!ar,able person b*t rat&er to i!!eas*rable
in#o!peten#e an% #o(ar%l" s&ir,ing on t&e part o$ t&e bo*rgeoisie+ T&e &ar%est #riti#is! t&at #an be *ttere% against o*r
bo*rgeoisie is si!pl" to state t&e $a#t t&at it s*b!itte% to t&e Reol*tion, een t&o*g& t&e Reol*tion %i% not pro%*#e one
single !an o$ e!inent (ort&+ One #an al(a"s *n%erstan% &o( it (as possible to #apit*late be$ore a Robespierre, a =anton,
or a )aratC b*t it (as *tterl" s#an%alo*s to go %o(n on all $o*rs be$ore t&e (it&ere% S#&ei%e!ann, t&e obese Herr
Er>berger, Fre%eri#, Ebert, an% t&e inn*!erable ot&er politi#al pig!ies o$ t&e Reol*tion+ T&ere (as not a single !an o$
parts in (&o! one #o*l% see t&e reol*tionar" !an o$ geni*s+ T&erein la" t&e #o*ntr"s !is$ort*neC $or t&e" (ere onl"
reol*tionar" b*gs, Sparta#ists (&olesale an% retail+ To s*ppress one o$ t&e! (o*l% be an a#t o$ no #onse/*en#e+ T&e onl"
res*lt (o*l% be t&at anot&er pair o$ bloo%s*#,ers, e/*all" $at an% t&irst", (o*l% be rea%" to ta,e &is pla#e+
=*ring t&ose "ears (e &a% to ta,e *p a %eter!ine% stan% against an i%ea (&i#& o(e% its origin an% $o*n%ation to
&istori#al episo%es t&at (ere reall" great, b*t to (&i#& o*r o(n %espi#able epo#& %i% not bear t&e slig&test si!ilarit"+
T&e sa!e repl" !a" be gien (&en t&ere is /*estion o$ p*tting so!ebo%" Mon t&e spot (&o &as a#te% as a traitor to &is
#o*ntr"+ It (o*l% be ri%i#*lo*s an% illogi#al to s&oot a poor (ret#& 21G (&o &a% betra"e% t&e position o$ a &o(it>er to t&e
ene!" (&ile t&e &ig&est positions o$ t&e goern!ent are o##*pie% b" a rabble (&o bartere% a(a" a (&ole e!pire, (&o
&ae on t&eir #ons#ien#es t&e %eat&s o$ t(o !illion !en (&o (ere sa#ri$i#e% in ain, $ello(s (&o (ere responsible $or t&e
!illions !ai!e% in t&e (ar an% (&o !a,e a t&riing b*siness o*t o$ t&e rep*bli#an regi!e (it&o*t allo(ing t&eir so*ls to
be %ist*rbe% in an" (a"+ It (o*l% be abs*r% to %o a(a" (it& s!all traitors in a State (&ose goern!ent &as absole% t&e
great traitors $ro! all p*nis&!ent+ For it !ig&t easil" &appen t&at one %a" an &onest i%ealist, (&o, o*t o$ loe $or &is
#o*ntr", &a% re!oe% $ro! #ir#*lation so!e !iserable in$or!er t&at &a% gien in$or!ation abo*t se#ret stores o$ ar!s
!ig&t no( be #alle% to ans(er $or &is a#t be$ore t&e #&ie$ traitors o$ t&e #o*ntr"+ An% t&ere is still an i!portant /*estion4
S&all so!e s!all traitoro*s #reat*re be s*ppresse% b" anot&er s!all traitor, or b" an i%ealist@ In t&e $or!er #ase t&e res*lt
(o*l% be %o*bt$*l an% t&e %ee% (o*l% al!ost s*rel" be reeale% later on+ In t&e se#on% #ase a pett" ras#al is p*t o*t o$ t&e
(a" an% t&e li$e o$ an i%ealist (&o !a" be irrepla#eable is in 0eopar%"+
For !"sel$, I beliee t&at s!all t&iees s&o*l% not be &ange% (&ile big t&iees are allo(e% to go $ree+ One %a" a national
trib*nal (ill &ae to 0*%ge an% senten#e so!e tens o$ t&o*san%s o$ organi>ers (&o (ere responsible $or t&e #ri!inal
.oe!ber betra"al an% all t&e #onse/*en#es t&at $ollo(e% on it+ S*#& an e5a!ple (ill tea#& t&e ne#essar" lesson, on#e
an% $or eer, to t&ose paltr" traitors (&o reeale% to t&e ene!" t&e pla#es (&ere ar!s (ere &i%%en+
On t&e gro*n%s o$ t&ese #onsi%erations I stea%$astl" $orba%e all parti#ipation in se#ret so#ieties, an% I too, #are t&at t&e
Stor! =eta#&!ent s&o*l% not ass*!e s*#& a #&ara#ter+ =*ring t&ose "ears I ,ept t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent a(a"
$ro! t&ose e5peri!ents (&i#& (ere being *n%erta,en b" "o*ng Aer!ans (&o $or t&e !ost part (ere inspire% (it& a
s*bli!e i%ealis! b*t (&o be#a!e t&e i#ti!s o$ t&eir o(n %ee%s, be#a*se t&e" #o*l% not a!eliorate t&e lot o$ t&eir
$at&erlan% to t&e slig&test %egree+
I$ t&en t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent !*st not be eit&er a !ilitar" %e$en#e organi>ation or a se#ret so#iet", t&e $ollo(ing
#on#l*sions !*st res*lt4
1+ Its training !*st not be organi>e% $ro! t&e !ilitar" stan%point b*t $ro! t&e stan%point o$ (&at is !ost pra#ti#al $or
part" p*rposes+ Seeing t&at its !e!bers !*st *n%ergo a goo% p&"si#al training, t&e pla#e o$ #&ie$ i!portan#e !*st not be
gien to !ilitar" %rill b*t rat&er to t&e pra#ti#e o$ sports+ I &ae al(a"s #onsi%ere% bo5ing an% 0*10its* !ore i!portant t&an
so!e ,in% o$ ba%, be#a*se !e%io#re, training in ri$le1s&ooting+ I$ t&e Aer!an nation (ere presente% (it& a bo%" o$ "o*ng
!en (&o &a% been per$e#tl" traine% in at&leti# sports, (&o (ere i!b*e% (it& an ar%ent loe $or t&eir #o*ntr" an% a
rea%iness to ta,e t&e initiatie in a $ig&t, t&en t&e national State #o*l% !a,e an ar!" o*t o$ t&at bo%" (it&in less t&an t(o
"ears i$ it (ere ne#essar", proi%e% t&e #a%res alrea%" e5iste%+ In t&e a#t*al state o$ a$$airs onl" t&e Rei#&s(e&r #o*l%
$*rnis& t&e #a%res an% not a %e$en#e organi>ation t&at (as neit&er one t&ing nor t&e ot&er+ 8o%il" e$$i#ien#" (o*l% %eelop
in t&e in%ii%*al a #oni#tion o$ &is s*periorit" an% (o*l% gie &i! t&at #on$i%en#e (&i#& is al(a"s base% onl" on t&e
#ons#io*sness o$ ones o(n po(ers+ T&e" !*st also %eelop t&at at&leti# agilit" (&i#& #an be e!plo"e% as a %e$ensie
(eapon in t&e seri#e o$ t&e )oe!ent+
2+ In or%er to sa$eg*ar% t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent against an" ten%en#" to(ar%s se#re#", not onl" !*st t&e *ni$or! be s*#&
t&at it #an i!!e%iatel" be re#ogni>e% b" eer"bo%", b*t t&e large n*!ber o$ its e$$e#ties s&o( t&e %ire#tion in (&i#& t&e
)oe!ent is going an% (&i#& !*st be ,no(n to t&e (&ole p*bli#+ T&e !e!bers o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent !*st not &ol%
se#ret gat&erings b*t !*st !ar#& in t&e open an% t&*s, b" t&eir a#tions, p*t an en% to all legen%s abo*t a se#ret
organi>ation+ In or%er to ,eep t&e! a(a" $ro! all te!ptations to(ar%s $in%ing an o*tlet $or t&eir a#tiities in s!all
#onspira#ies, $ro! t&e er" beginning (e &a% to in#*l#ate in t&eir !in%s t&e great i%ea o$ t&e )oe!ent an% e%*#ate t&e!
so t&oro*g&l" to t&e tas, o$ %e$en%ing t&is i%ea t&at t&eir &ori>on be#a!e enlarge% an% t&at t&e in%ii%*al no longer
#onsi%ere% it &is !ission to re!oe $ro! #ir#*lation so!e ras#al or ot&er, (&et&er big or s!all, b*t to %eote &i!sel$
entirel" to t&e tas, o$ bringing abo*t t&e establis&!ent o$ a ne( .ational So#ialist Peoples State+ In t&is (a" t&e str*ggle
against t&e present State (as pla#e% on a &ig&er plane t&an t&at o$ pett" reenge an% s!all #onspira#ies+ It (as eleate% to
t&e leel o$ a spirit*al str*ggle on be&al$ o$ a 3eltans#&&a**ng, $or t&e %estr*#tion o$ )ar5is! in all its s&apes an% $or!s+
2+ T&e $or! o$ organi>ation a%opte% $or t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent, as (ell as its *ni$or! an% e/*ip!ent, &a% to $ollo(
%i$$erent !o%els $ro! t&ose o$ t&e ol% Ar!"+ T&e" &a% to be spe#iall" s*ite% to t&e re/*ire!ents o$ t&e tas, t&at (as
assigne% to t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent+
T&ese (ere t&e i%eas I $ollo(e% in 1927 an% 1921+ I en%eao*re% to instil t&e! gra%*all" into t&e !e!bers o$ t&e "o*ng
organi>ation+ An% t&e res*lt (as t&at b" t&e !i%s*!!er o$ 1922 (e &a% a goo%l" n*!ber o$ $or!ations (&i#& #onsiste%
o$ a &*n%re% !en ea#&+ 8" t&e late a*t*!n o$ t&at "ear t&ese $or!ations re#eie% t&eir %istin#tie *ni$or!s+ T&ere (ere
t&ree eents (&i#& t*rne% o*t to be o$ s*pre!e i!portan#e $or t&e s*bse/*ent %eelop!ent o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent+
1+ T&e great !ass %e!onstration against t&e 'a( $or t&e Prote#tion o$ t&e Rep*bli#+ T&is %e!onstration (as &el% in t&e
late s*!!er o$ 1922 on t&e ;Jnigs1plat> in )*ni#&, b" all t&e patrioti# so#ieties+ T&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent also
parti#ipate% in it+ T&e !ar#&1past o$ o*r part", in serrie% ran,s, (as le% b" si5 )*ni#& #o!panies o$ a &*n%re% !en ea#&,
$ollo(e% b" t&e politi#al se#tions o$ t&e Part"+ T(o ban%s !ar#&e% (it& *s an% abo*t $i$teen $lags (ere #arrie%+ 3&en t&e
.ational So#ialists arrie% at t&e great s/*are it (as alrea%" &al$ $*ll, b*t no $lag (as $l"ing+ O*r entr" aro*se% *nbo*n%e%
ent&*sias!+ I !"sel$ &a% t&e &ono*r o$ being one o$ t&e spea,ers (&o a%%resse% t&at !ass o$ abo*t si5t" t&o*san% people+
T&e %e!onstration (as an oer(&el!ing s*##essC espe#iall" be#a*se it (as proe% $or t&e $irst ti!e t&at nationalist
)*ni#& #o*l% !ar#& on t&e streets, in spite o$ all t&reats $ro! t&e Re%s+ )e!bers o$ t&e organi>ation $or t&e %e$en#e o$
t&e Re% Rep*bli# en%eao*re% to &in%er t&e !ar#&ing #ol*!ns b" t&eir terrorist a#tiities, b*t t&e" (ere s#attere% b" t&e
#o!panies o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent (it&in a $e( !in*tes an% sent o$$ (it& blee%ing s,*lls+ T&e .ational So#ialist
)oe!ent &a% t&en s&o(n $or t&e $irst ti!e t&at in $*t*re it (as %eter!ine% to e5er#ise t&e rig&t to !ar#& on t&e streets
an% t&*s ta,e t&is !onopol" a(a" $ro! t&e international traitors an% ene!ies o$ t&e #o*ntr"+
T&e res*lt o$ t&at %a" (as an in#ontestable proo$ t&at o*r i%eas $or t&e #reation o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent (ere rig&t, bot&
$ro! t&e ps"#&ologi#al ie(point an% as to t&e !anner in (&i#& t&is bo%" (as organi>e%+
On t&e basis o$ t&is s*##ess t&e enlist!ent progresse% so rapi%l" t&at (it&in a $e( (ee,s t&e n*!ber o$ )*ni#& #o!panies
o$ a &*n%re% !en ea#& be#a!e %o*ble%+
2+ T&e e5pe%ition to Cob*rg in O#tober 1922+
Certain Peoples So#ieties &a% %e#i%e% to &ol% a Aer!an =a" at Cob*rg+ I (as inite% to ta,e part, (it& t&e inti!ation
t&at t&e" (is&e% !e to bring a $ollo(ing along+ T&is initation, (&i#& I re#eie% at eleen o#lo#, in t&e !orning, arrie%
0*st in ti!e+ 3it&in an &o*r t&e arrange!ents $or o*r parti#ipation in t&e Aer!an Congress (ere rea%"+ I pi#,e% eig&t
&*n%re% !en o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent to a##o!pan" !e+ T&ese (ere %ii%e% into abo*t $o*rteen #o!panies an% &a% to be
bro*g&t b" spe#ial train $ro! )*ni#& to Cob*rg, (&i#& &a% 0*st ote% b" plebis#ite to be anne5e% to 8aaria+
Correspon%ing or%ers (ere gien to ot&er gro*ps o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Stor! =eta#&!ent (&i#& &a% !ean(&ile been
$or!e% in ario*s ot&er lo#alities+
T&is (as t&e $irst ti!e t&at s*#& a spe#ial train ran in Aer!an"+ At all t&e pla#es (&ere t&e ne( !e!bers o$ t&e Stor!
=eta#&!ent 0oine% *s o*r train #a*se% a sensation+ )an" o$ t&e people &a% neer seen o*r $lag+ An% it !a%e a er" great
As (e arrie% at t&e station in Cob*rg (e (ere re#eie% b" a %ep*tation o$ t&e organi>ing #o!!ittee o$ t&e Aer!an =a"+
T&e" anno*n#e% t&at it &a% been Marrange% at t&e or%ers o$ lo#al tra%es *nions 1 t&at is to sa", t&e In%epen%ent an%
Co!!*nist Parties 1 t&at (e s&o*l% not enter t&e to(n (it& o*r $lags *n$*rle% an% o*r ban% pla"ing F(e &a% a ban%
#onsisting o$ $ort"1t(o !*si#ians (it& *sG an% t&at (e s&o*l% not !ar#& (it& #lose% ran,s+
I i!!e%iatel" re0e#te% t&ese *n!ilitar" #on%itions an% %i% not $ail to %e#lare be$ore t&e gentle!en (&o &a% arrange% t&is
M%a" &o( astonis&e% I (as at t&e i%ea o$ t&eir negotiating (it& s*#& people an% #o!ing to an agree!ent (it& t&e!+ T&en
I anno*n#e% t&at t&e Stor! Troops (o*l% i!!e%iatel" !ar#& into t&e to(n in #o!pan" $or!ation, (it& o*r $lags $l"ing
an% t&e ban% pla"ing+
An% t&at is (&at &appene%+
As (e #a!e o*t into t&e station "ar% (e (ere !et b" a gro(ling an% "elling !ob o$ seeral t&o*san%, t&at s&o*te% at *s4
MAssassins, M8an%its, MRobbers, MCri!inals+ T&ese (ere t&e #&oi#e na!es (&i#& t&ese e5e!plar" $o*n%ers o$ t&e
Aer!an Rep*bli# s&o(ere% on *s+ T&e "o*ng Stor! =eta#&!ent gae a !o%el e5a!ple o$ or%er+ T&e #o!panies $ell into
$or!ation on t&e s/*are in $ront o$ t&e station an% at $irst too, no noti#e o$ t&e ins*lts &*rle% at t&e! b" t&e !ob+ T&e
poli#e (ere an5io*s+ T&e" %i% not pilot *s to t&e /*arters assigne% to *s on t&e o*ts,irts o$ Cob*rg, a #it" /*ite *n,no(n
to *s, b*t to t&e Ho$brI*&a*s ;eller in t&e #entre o$ t&e to(n+ Rig&t an% le$t o$ o*r !ar#& t&e t*!*lt raise% b" t&e
a##o!pan"ing !ob stea%il" in#rease%+ S#ar#el" &a% t&e last #o!pan" entere% t&e #o*rt"ar% o$ t&e Ho$brI*&a*s (&en t&e
&*ge !ass !a%e a r*s& to get in a$ter t&e!, s&o*ting !a%l"+ In or%er to preent t&is, t&e poli#e #lose% t&e gates+ Seeing
t&e position (as *ntenable I #alle% t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent to attention an% t&en as,e% t&e poli#e to open t&e gates
i!!e%iatel"+ A$ter a goo% %eal o$ &esitation, t&e" #onsente%+
3e no( !ar#&e% ba#, along t&e sa!e ro*te as (e &a% #o!e, in t&e %ire#tion o$ o*r /*arters, an% t&ere (e &a% to !a,e a
stan% against t&e #ro(%+ As t&eir #ries an% "ells all along t&e ro*te &a% $aile% to %ist*rb t&e e/*ani!it" o$ o*r #o!panies,
t&e #&a!pions o$ tr*e So#ialis!, E/*alit", an% Fraternit" no( too, to t&ro(ing stones+ T&at bro*g&t o*r patien#e to an
en%+ For ten !in*tes long, blo(s $ell rig&t an% le$t, li,e a %eastating s&o(er o$ &ail+ Fi$teen !in*tes later t&ere (ere no
!ore Re%s to be seen in t&e street+
T&e #ollisions (&i#& too, pla#e (&en t&e nig&t #a!e on (ere !ore serio*s+ Patrols o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent &a%
%is#oere% .ational So#ialists (&o &a% been atta#,e% singl" an% (ere in an atro#io*s state+ T&ere*pon (e !a%e s&ort
(or, o$ t&e opponents+ 8" t&e $ollo(ing !orning t&e Re% terror, *n%er (&i#& Cob*rg &a% been s*$$ering $or "ears, (as
%e$initel" s!as&e%+
A%opting t&e t"pi#all" )ar5ist an% -e(is& !et&o% o$ sprea%ing $alse&oo%s, lea$lets (ere %istrib*te% b" &an% on t&e streets,
bearing t&e #aption4 LCo!ra%es an% Co!ra%esses o$ t&e International Proletariat+L T&ese lea$lets (ere !eant to aro*se t&e
(rat& o$ t&e pop*la#e+ T(isting t&e $a#ts #o!pletel" aro*n%, t&e" %e#lare% t&at o*r Mban%s o$ assasins &a% #o!!en#e% Ma
(ar o$ e5ter!ination against t&e pea#e$*l (or,ers o$ Cob*rg+ At &al$1past one t&at %a" t&ere (as to be a Mgreat pop*lar
%e!onstration, at (&i#& it (as &ope% t&at t&e (or,ers o$ t&e (&ole %istri#t (o*l% t*rn *p+ I (as %eter!ine% $inall" to
#r*s& t&is Re% terror an% so I s*!!one% t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent to !eet at !i%%a"+ T&eir n*!ber &a% no( in#rease% to
1,677+ I %e#i%e% to !ar#& (it& t&ese !en to t&e Cob*rg Festial an% to #ross t&e big s/*are (&ere t&e Re% %e!onstration
(as to ta,e pla#e+ I (ante% to see i$ t&e" (o*l% atte!pt to assa*lt *s again+ 3&en (e entere% t&e s/*are (e $o*n% t&at
instea% o$ t&e ten t&o*san% t&at &a% been a%ertise%, t&ere (ere onl" a $e( &*n%re% people present+ As (e approa#&e% t&e"
re!aine% silent $or t&e !ost part, an% so!e ran a(a"+ Onl" at #ertain points along t&e ro*te so!e bo%ies o$ Re%s, (&o &a%
arrie% $ro! o*tsi%e t&e #it" an% &a% not "et #o!e to ,no( *s, atte!pte% to start a ro(+ 8*t a $e( $isti#*$$s p*t t&e! to
$lig&t+ An% no( one #o*l% see &o( t&e pop*lation, (&i#& &a% $or s*#& a long ti!e been so (ret#&e%l" inti!i%ate%, slo(l"
(o,e *p an% re#oere% t&eir #o*rage+ T&e" (el#o!e% *s openl", an% in t&e eening, on o*r ret*rn !ar#&, spontaneo*s
s&o*ts o$ 0*bilation bro,e o*t at seeral points along t&e ro*te+
At t&e station t&e rail(a" e!plo"ees in$or!e% *s all o$ a s*%%en t&at o*r train (o*l% not !oe+ T&ere*pon I &a% so!e o$
t&e ringlea%ers tol% t&at i$ t&is (ere t&e #ase I (o*l% &ae all t&e Re% Part" &eroes arreste% t&at $ell into o*r &an%s, t&at
(e (o*l% %rie t&e train o*rseles, b*t t&at (e (o*l% ta,e a(a" (it& *s, in t&e lo#o!otie an% ten%er an% in so!e o$ t&e
#arriages, a $e( %o>en !e!bers o$ t&is brot&er&oo% o$ international soli%arit"+ I %i% not o!it to let t&ose gentr" ,no( t&at
i$ (e &a% to #on%*#t t&e train t&e 0o*rne" (o*l% *n%o*bte%l" be a er" ris," a%ent*re an% t&at (e !ig&t all brea, o*r
ne#,s+ It (o*l% be a #onsolation, &o(eer, to ,no( t&at (e s&o*l% not go to Eternit" alone, b*t in e/*alit" an% $raternit"
(it& t&e Re% gentr"+
T&ere*pon t&e train %eparte% p*n#t*all" an% (e arrie% ne5t !orning in )*ni#& sa$e an% so*n%+
T&*s at Cob*rg, $or t&e $irst ti!e sin#e 1914, t&e e/*alit" o$ all #iti>ens be$ore t&e la( (as re1establis&e%+ For een i$
so!e #o5#o!b o$ a &ig&er o$$i#ial s&o*l% assert to1%a" t&at t&e State prote#ts t&e lies o$ its #iti>ens, at least in t&ose %a"s
it (as not so+ For at t&at ti!e t&e #iti>ens &a% to %e$en% t&e!seles against t&e representaties o$ t&e present State+
At $irst it (as not possible $*ll" to esti!ate t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e #onse/*en#es (&i#& res*lte% $ro! t&at %a"+ T&e
i#torio*s Stor! Troops &a% t&eir #on$i%en#e in t&e!seles #onsi%erabl" rein$or#e% an% also t&eir $ait& in t&e saga#it" o$
t&eir lea%ers+ O*r #onte!poraries began to pa" *s spe#ial attention an% $or t&e $irst ti!e !an" re#ogni>e% t&e .ational
So#ialist )oe!ent as an organi>ation t&at in all probabilit" (as %estine% to bring t&e )ar5ist $oll" to a %esering en%+
Onl" t&e %e!o#rats la!ente% t&e $a#t t&at (e &a% not t&e #o!plaisan#e to allo( o*r s,*lls to be #ra#,e% an% t&at (e &a%
%are%, in a %e!o#rati# Rep*bli#, to &it ba#, (it& $ists an% sti#,s at a br*tal assa*lt, rat&er t&an (it& pa#i$ist #&ants+
Aenerall" spea,ing, t&e bo*rgeois Press (as partl" %istresse% an% partl" *lgar, as al(a"s+ Onl" a $e( %e#ent ne(spapers
e5presse% t&eir satis$a#tion t&at at least in one lo#alit" t&e )ar5ist street b*llies &a% been e$$e#tiel" %ealt (it&+
An% in Cob*rg itsel$ at least a part o$ t&e )ar5ist (or,ers (&o !*st be loo,e% *pon as !isle%, learne% $ro! t&e blo(s o$
.ational So#ialist $ists t&at t&ese (or,ers (ere also $ig&ting $or i%eals, be#a*se e5perien#e tea#&es t&at t&e &*!an being
$ig&ts onl" $or so!et&ing in (&i#& &e beliees an% (&i#& &e loes+
T&e Stor! =eta#&!ent itsel$ bene$ite% !ost $ro! t&e Cob*rg eents+ It gre( so /*i#,l" in n*!bers t&at at t&e Part"
Congress in -an*ar" 1922 si5 t&o*san% !en parti#ipate% in t&e #ere!on" o$ #onse#rating t&e $lags an% t&e $irst #o!panies
(ere $*ll" #la% in t&eir ne( *ni$or!+
O*r e5perien#e in Cob*rg proe% &o( essential it is to intro%*#e one %istin#tie *ni$or! $or t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent, not
onl" $or t&e p*rpose o$ strengt&ening t&e esprit %e #orps b*t also to aoi% #on$*sion an% t&e %anger o$ not re#ogni>ing t&e
opponent in a s/*abble+ Up to t&at ti!e t&e" &a% !erel" (orn t&e ar!let, b*t no( t&e t*ni# an% t&e (ell1,no(n #ap (ere
8*t t&e Cob*rg e5perien#e &a% also anot&er i!portant res*lt+ 3e no( %eter!ine% to brea, t&e Re% Terror in all t&ose
lo#alities (&ere $or !an" "ears it &a% preente% !en o$ ot&er ie(s $ro! &ol%ing t&eir !eetings+ 3e (ere %eter!ine% to
restore t&e rig&t o$ $ree asse!bl"+ Fro! t&at ti!e on(ar%s (e bro*g&t o*r battalions toget&er in s*#& pla#es an% little b"
little t&e re% #ita%els o$ 8aaria, one a$ter anot&er, $ell be$ore t&e .ational So#ialist propagan%a+ T&e Stor! Troops
be#a!e !ore an% !ore a%ept at t&eir 0ob+ T&e" in#reasingl" lost all se!blan#e o$ an ai!less an% li$eless %e$en#e
!oe!ent an% #a!e o*t into t&e lig&t as an a#tie !ilitant organi>ation, $ig&ting $or t&e establis&!ent o$ a ne( Aer!an
T&is logi#al %eelop!ent #ontin*e% *ntil )ar#& 1922+ T&en an eent o##*rre% (&i#& !a%e !e %iert t&e )oe!ent $ro!
t&e #o*rse &it&erto $ollo(e% an% intro%*#e so!e #&anges in its o*ter $or!ation+
In t&e $irst !ont&s o$ 1922 t&e Fren#& o##*pie% t&e R*&r %istri#t+ T&e #onse/*en#e o$ t&is (as o$ great i!portan#e in t&e
%eelop!ent o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent+
It is not "et possible, nor (o*l% it be in t&e interest o$ t&e nation, to (rite or spea, openl" an% $reel" on t&e s*b0e#t+ I s&all
spea, o$ it onl" as $ar as t&e !atter &as been %ealt (it& in p*bli# %is#*ssions an% t&*s bro*g&t to t&e ,no(le%ge o$
T&e o##*pation o$ t&e R*&r %istri#t, (&i#& %i% not #o!e as a s*rprise to *s, gae gro*n%s $or &oping t&at Aer!an" (o*l%
at last aban%on its #o(ar%l" poli#" o$ s*b!ission an% t&ere(it& gie t&e %e$ensie asso#iations a %e$inite tas, to $*l$il+ T&e
Stor! =eta#&!ent also, (&i#& no( n*!bere% seeral t&o*san% o$ rob*st an% igoro*s "o*ng !en, s&o*l% not be e5#l*%e%
$ro! t&is national seri#e+ =*ring t&e spring an% s*!!er o$ 1922 it (as trans$or!e% into a $ig&ting !ilitar" organi>ation+
It is to t&is reorgani>ation t&at (e !*st in great part attrib*te t&e later %eelop!ents t&at too, pla#e %*ring 1922, in so $ar
as it a$$e#te% o*r )oe!ent+
Else(&ere I s&all %eal in broa% o*tline (it& t&e %eelop!ent o$ eents in 1922+ Here I (is& onl" to state t&at t&e
trans$or!ation o$ t&e Stor! =eta#&!ent at t&at ti!e !*st &ae been %etri!ental to t&e interests o$ t&e )oe!ent i$ t&e
#on%itions t&at &a% !otiate% t&e #&ange (ere not to be #arrie% into e$$e#t, na!el", t&e a%option o$ a poli#" o$ a#tie
resistan#e against Fran#e+
T&e eents (&i#& too, pla#e at t&e #lose o$ 1922, terrible as t&e" !a" appear at $irst sig&t, (ere al!ost a ne#essit" i$
loo,e% at $ro! a &ig&er stan%pointC be#a*se, in ie( o$ t&e attit*%e ta,en b" t&e Aoern!ent o$ t&e Aer!an Rei#&,
#onersion o$ t&e Stor! Troops into a !ilitar" $or#e (o*l% be !eaningless an% t&*s a trans$or!ation (&i#& (o*l% also be
&ar!$*l to t&e )oe!ent (as en%e% at one stro,e+ At t&e sa!e ti!e it (as !a%e possible $or *s to re#onstr*#t at t&e point
(&ere (e &a% been %ierte% $ro! t&e proper #o*rse+
In t&e "ear 1926 t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part" (as re1$o*n%e% an% &a% to organi>e an% train its Stor!
=eta#&!ent on#e again a##or%ing to t&e prin#iples I &ae lai% %o(n+ It !*st ret*rn to t&e original i%ea an% on#e !ore it
!*st #onsi%er its !ost essential tas, to $*n#tion as t&e instr*!ent o$ %e$en#e an% rein$or#e!ent in t&e spirit*al str*ggle to
establis& t&e i%eals o$ t&e )oe!ent+
T&e Stor! =eta#&!ent !*st not be allo(e% to sin, to t&e leel o$ so!et&ing in t&e nat*re o$ a %e$en#e organi>ation or a
se#ret so#iet"+ Steps !*st be ta,en rat&er to !a,e it a ang*ar% o$ 177,777 !en in t&e str*ggle $or t&e .ational So#ialist
i%eal (&i#& is base% on t&e pro$o*n% prin#iple o$ a Peoples State+
C&apter Ten
In t&e (inter o$ 1919, an% still !ore in t&e spring an% s*!!er o$ 1927, t&e "o*ng Part" $elt bo*n% to ta,e *p a %e$inite
stan% on a /*estion (&i#& alrea%" &a% be#o!e /*ite serio*s %*ring t&e 3ar+ In t&e $irst ol*!e o$ t&is boo, I &ae brie$l"
re#or%e% #ertain $a#ts (&i#& I &a% personall" (itnesse% an% (&i#& $orebo%e% t&e brea,1*p o$ Aer!an"+ In %es#ribing t&ese
$a#ts I !a%e re$eren#e to t&e spe#ial nat*re o$ t&e propagan%a (&i#& (as %ire#te% b" t&e Englis& as (ell as t&e Fren#&
to(ar%s reopening t&e brea#& t&at &a% e5iste% bet(een .ort& an% So*t& in Aer!an"+ In t&e spring o$ 1916 t&ere appeare%
t&e $irst o$ a series o$ lea$lets (&i#& (as s"ste!ati#all" $ollo(e% *p an% t&e ai! o$ (&i#& (as to aro*se $eeling against
Pr*ssia as being solel" responsible $or t&e (ar+ Up to 191< t&is s"ste! &a% been %eelope% an% per$e#te% in a #*nning an%
s&a!eless !anner+ Appealing to t&e basest o$ &*!an instin#ts, t&is propagan%a en%eao*re% to aro*se t&e (rat& o$ t&e
So*t& Aer!ans against t&e .ort& Aer!ans an% a$ter a s&ort ti!e it bore $r*it+ Persons (&o (ere t&en in &ig& positions
*n%er t&e Aoern!ent an% in t&e Ar!", espe#iall" t&ose atta#&e% to &ea%/*arters in t&e 8aarian Ar!", !erite% t&e 0*st
reproo$ o$ &aing blin%l" negle#te% t&eir %*t" an% $aile% to ta,e t&e ne#essar" steps to #o*nter s*#& propagan%a+ 8*t
not&ing (as %one+ On t&e #ontrar", in so!e /*arters it %i% not appear to be /*ite *n(el#o!e an% probabl" t&e" (ere
s&ort1sig&te% eno*g& to t&in, t&at s*#& propagan%a !ig&t &elp along t&e %eelop!ent o$ *ni$i#ation in Aer!an" b*t een
t&at it !ig&t a*to!ati#all" bring abo*t #onsoli%ation o$ t&e $e%eratie $or#es+ S#ar#el" eer in &istor" (as s*#& a (i#,e%
negle#t !ore (i#,e%l" aenge%+ T&e (ea,ening o$ Pr*ssia, (&i#& t&e" beliee% (o*l% res*lt $ro! t&is propagan%a,
a$$e#te% t&e (&ole o$ Aer!an"+ It res*lte% in &astening t&e #ollapse (&i#& not onl" (re#,e% Aer!an" as a (&ole b*t een
!ore parti#*larl" t&e $e%eral states+
In t&at to(n (&ere t&e arti$i#iall" #reate% &atre% against Pr*ssia rage% !ost iolentl" t&e reolt against t&e reigning Ho*se
(as t&e beginning o$ t&e Reol*tion+
It (o*l% be a !ista,e to t&in, t&at t&e ene!" propagan%a (as e5#l*siel" responsible $or #reating an anti1Pr*ssian $eeling
an% t&at t&ere (ere no reasons (&i#& !ig&t e5#*se t&e people $or &aing listene% to t&is propagan%a+ T&e in#re%ible
$as&ion in (&i#& t&e national e#ono!i# interests (ere organi>e% %*ring t&e 3ar, t&e absol*tel" #ra>" s"ste! o$
#entrali>ation (&i#& !a%e t&e (&ole Rei#& its (ar% an% e5ploite% t&e Rei#&, $*rnis&e% t&e prin#ipal gro*n%s $or t&e
gro(t& o$ t&at anti1Pr*ssian $eeling+ T&e aerage #iti>en loo,e% *pon t&e #o!panies $or t&e pla#ing o$ (ar #ontra#ts, all o$
(&i#& &a% t&eir &ea%/*arters in 8erlin, as i%enti#al (it& 8erlin an% 8erlin itsel$ as i%enti#al (it& Pr*ssia+ T&e aerage
#iti>en %i% not ,no( t&at t&e organi>ation o$ t&ese robber #o!panies, (&i#& (ere #alle% 3ar Co!panies, (as not in t&e
&an%s o$ 8erlin or Pr*ssia an% not een in Aer!an &an%s at all+ People re#ogni>e% onl" t&e gross irreg*larities an% t&e
#ontin*al en#roa#&!ents o$ t&at &ate% instit*tion in t&e )etropolis o$ t&e Rei#& an% %ire#te% t&eir anger to(ar%s 8erlin
an% Pr*ssia, all t&e !ore be#a*se in #ertain /*arters Ft&e 8aarian Aoern!entG not&ing (as %one to #orre#t t&is attit*%e,
b*t it (as een (el#o!e% (it& silent r*bbing o$ &an%s+
T&e -e( (as $ar too s&re(% not to *n%erstan% t&at t&e in$a!o*s #a!paign (&i#& &e &a% organi>e%, *n%er t&e #loa, o$
3ar Co!panies, $or pl*n%ering t&e Aer!an nation (o*l% an% !*st eent*all" aro*se opposition+ As long as t&at
opposition %i% not spring %ire#tl" at &is o(n t&roat &e &a% no reason to be a$rai%+ Hen#e &e %e#i%e% t&at t&e best (a" o$
$orestalling an o*tbrea, on t&e part o$ t&e enrage% an% %esperate !asses (o*l% be to in$la!e t&eir (rat& an% at t&e sa!e
ti!e gie it anot&er o*tlet+
'et 8aaria /*arrel as !*#& as it li,e% (it& Pr*ssia an% Pr*ssia (it& 8aaria+ T&e !ore, t&e !errier+ T&is bitter stri$e
bet(een t&e t(o states ass*re% pea#e to t&e -e(+ T&*s p*bli# attention (as #o!pletel" %ierte% $ro! t&e international
!aggot in t&e bo%" o$ t&e nationC in%ee%, &e see!e% to &ae been $orgotten+ T&en (&en t&ere #a!e a %anger t&at leel1
&ea%e% people, o$ (&o! t&ere are !an" to be $o*n% also in 8aaria, (o*l% a%ise a little !ore resere an% a !ore
0*%i#io*s eal*ation o$ t&ings, t&*s #al!ing t&e rage against Pr*ssia, all t&e -e( &a% to %o in 8erlin (as to stage a ne(
proo#ation an% a(ait res*lts+ Eer" ti!e t&at (as %one all t&ose (&o &a% pro$iteere% o*t o$ t&e #on$li#t bet(een .ort&
an% So*t& $ille% t&eir l*ngs an% again $anne% t&e $la!e o$ in%ignation *ntil it be#a!e a bla>e+
It (as a s&re(% an% e5pert !anoe*re on t&e part o$ t&e -e(, to set t&e %i$$erent bran#&es o$ t&e Aer!an people
/*arrelling (it& one anot&er, so t&at t&eir attention (o*l% be t*rne% a(a" $ro! &i!sel$ an% &e #o*l% pl*n%er t&e! all t&e
!ore #o!pletel"+
T&en #a!e t&e Reol*tion+
Until t&e "ear 1919, or rat&er *ntil t&e .oe!ber o$ t&at "ear, t&e aerage Aer!an #iti>en, parti#*larl" t&e less e%*#ate%
lo(er !i%%le1#lass an% t&e (or,ers, %i% not rig&tl" *n%erstan% (&at (as &appening an% %i% not reali>e (&at !*st be t&e
ineitable #onse/*en#es, espe#iall" $or 8aaria, o$ t&is interne#ine stri$e bet(een t&e bran#&es o$ t&e Aer!an peopleC b*t
at least t&ose se#tions (&i#& #alle% t&e!seles M.ational o*g&t to &ae #learl" per#eie% t&ese #onse/*en#es on t&e %a"
t&at t&e Reol*tion bro,e o*t+ For t&e !o!ent t&e #o*p %Qtat &a% s*##ee%e%, t&e lea%er an% organi>er o$ t&e Reol*tion
in 8aaria p*t &i!sel$ $or(ar% as t&e %e$en%er o$ M8aarian interests+ T&e international -e(, ;*rt Eisner, began to pla"
o$$ 8aaria against Pr*ssia+ T&is Oriental (as 0*st abo*t t&e last person in t&e (orl% t&at #o*l% be pointe% to as t&e logi#al
%e$en%er o$ 8aarian interests+ In &is tra%e as ne(spaper reporter &e &a% (an%ere% $ro! pla#e to pla#e all oer Aer!an"
an% to &i! it (as a !atter o$ s&eer in%i$$eren#e (&et&er 8aaria or an" ot&er parti#*lar part o$ Ao%s (&ole (orl%
#ontin*e% to e5ist+
In %eliberatel" giing t&e reol*tionar" rising in 8aaria t&e #&ara#ter o$ an o$$ensie against Pr*ssia, ;*rt Eisner (as not
a#ting in t&e slig&test %egree $ro! t&e stan%point o$ 8aarian interests, b*t !erel" as t&e #o!!issione% representatie o$
-e(r"+ He e5ploite% e5isting instin#ts an% antipat&ies in 8aaria as a !eans (&i#& (o*l% &elp to !a,e t&e
%is!e!ber!ent o$ Aer!an" all t&e !ore eas"+ 3&en on#e %is!e!bere%, t&e Rei#& (o*l% $all an eas" pre" to 8ols&eis!+
T&e ta#ti#s e!plo"e% b" &i! (ere #ontin*e% $or a ti!e a$ter &is %eat&+ T&e )ar5ists, (&o &a% al(a"s %eri%e% an%
e5ploite% t&e in%ii%*al Aer!an states an% t&eir prin#es, no( s*%%enl" appeale%, as an MIn%epen%ent Part" to t&ose
senti!ents an% instin#ts (&i#& &a% t&eir strongest roots in t&e $a!ilies o$ t&e reigning prin#es an% t&e in%ii%*al states+
T&e $ig&t (age% b" t&e 8aarian Soiet Rep*bli# against t&e !ilitar" #ontingents t&at (ere sent to $ree 8aaria $ro! its
grasp (as represente% b" t&e )ar5ist propagan%ists as $irst o$ all t&e MStr*ggle o$ t&e 8aarian 3or,er against MPr*ssian
)ilitaris!+ T&is e5plains (&" it (as t&at t&e s*ppression o$ t&e Soiet Rep*bli# in )*ni#& %i% not &ae t&e sa!e e$$e#t
t&ere as in t&e ot&er Aer!an %istri#ts+ Instea% o$ re#alling t&e !asses to a sense o$ reason, it le% to in#rease% bitterness an%
anger against Pr*ssia+
T&e art o$ t&e 8ols&ei, agitators, in representing t&e s*ppression o$ t&e 8aarian Soiet Rep*bli# as a i#tor" o$
MPr*ssian )ilitaris! oer t&e MAnti1!ilitarists an% MAnti1Pr*ssian people o$ 8aaria, bore ri#& $r*it+ 3&ereas on t&e
o##asion o$ t&e ele#tions to t&e 8aarian 'egislatie =iet, ;*rt Eisner %i% not &ae ten t&o*san% $ollo(ers in )*ni#& an%
t&e Co!!*nist part" less t&an t&ree t&o*san%, a$ter t&e $all o$ t&e 8aarian Rep*bli# t&e otes gien to t&e t(o parties
toget&er a!o*nte% to nearl" one &*n%re% t&o*san%+
It (as t&en t&at I personall" began to #o!bat t&at #ra>" in#ite!ent o$ so!e bran#&es o$ t&e Aer!an people against ot&er
I beliee t&at neer in !" li$e %i% I *n%erta,e a !ore *npop*lar tas, t&an I %i% (&en I too, !" stan% against t&e anti1
Pr*ssian in#ite!ent+ =*ring t&e Soiet regi!e in )*ni#& great p*bli# !eetings (ere &el% at (&i#& &atre% against t&e rest
o$ Aer!an", b*t parti#*larl" against Pr*ssia, (as ro*se% *p to s*#& a pit#& t&at a .ort& Aer!an (o*l% &ae ris,e% &is li$e
in atten%ing one o$ t&ose !eetings+ T&ese !eetings o$ten en%e% in (il% s&o*ts4 LA(a" $ro! Pr*ssiaL, L=o(n (it& t&e
Pr*ssiansL, L3ar against Pr*ssiaL, an% so on+ T&is $eeling (as openl" e5presse% in t&e Rei#&stag b" a parti#*larl" brilliant
%e$en%er o$ 8aarian soereign rig&ts (&en &e sai%4 LRat&er %ie as a 8aarian t&an rot as a Pr*ssianL+
One s&o*l% &ae atten%e% so!e o$ t&e !eetings &el% at t&at ti!e in or%er to *n%erstan% (&at it !eant $or one (&en, $or
t&e $irst ti!e an% s*rro*n%e% b" onl" a &an%$*l o$ $rien%s, I raise% !" oi#e against t&is $oll" at a !eeting &el% in t&e
)*ni#& 'J(enbrI* ;eller+ So!e o$ !" 3ar #o!ra%es stoo% b" !e t&en+ An% it is eas" to i!agine &o( (e $elt (&en t&at
raging #ro(%, (&i#& &a% lost all #ontrol o$ its reason, roare% at *s an% t&reatene% to ,ill *s+ =*ring t&e ti!e t&at (e (ere
$ig&ting $or t&e #o*ntr" t&e sa!e #ro(% (ere $or t&e !ost part sa$el" ens#on#e% in t&e rear positions or (ere pea#e$*ll"
#ir#*lating at &o!e as %eserters an% s&ir,ers+ It is tr*e t&at t&at s#ene t*rne% o*t to be o$ a%antage to !e+ )" s!all ban%
o$ #o!ra%es $elt $or t&e $irst ti!e absol*tel" *nite% (it& !e an% rea%il" s(ore to sti#, b" !e t&ro*g& li$e an% %eat&+
T&ese #on$li#ts, (&i#& (ere #onstantl" repeate% in 1919, see!e% to be#o!e !ore iolent soon a$ter t&e beginning o$ 1927+
T&ere (ere !eetings 1 I re!e!ber espe#iall" one in t&e 3agner Hall in t&e Sonnenstrasse in )*ni#& 1 %*ring t&e #o*rse
o$ (&i#& !" gro*p, no( gro(n !*#& larger, &a% to %e$en% t&e!seles against assa*lts o$ t&e !ost iolent #&ara#ter+ It
&appene% !ore t&an on#e t&at %o>ens o$ !" $ollo(ers (ere !is&an%le%, t&ro(n to t&e $loor an% sta!pe% *pon b" t&e
atta#,ers an% (ere $inall" t&ro(n o*t o$ t&e &all !ore %ea% t&an alie+
T&e str*ggle (&i#& I &a% *n%erta,en, $irst b" !"sel$ alone an% a$ter(ar%s (it& t&e s*pport o$ !" (ar #o!ra%es, (as no(
#ontin*e% b" t&e "o*ng !oe!ent, I !ig&t sa" al!ost as a sa#re% !ission+
I a! pro*% o$ being able to sa" to1%a" t&at (e 1 %epen%ing al!ost e5#l*siel" on o*r $ollo(ers in 8aaria 1 (ere
responsible $or p*tting an en%, slo(l" b*t s*rel", to t&e #oalition o$ $oll" an% treason+ I sa" $oll" an% treason be#a*se,
alt&o*g& #onin#e% t&at t&e !asses (&o 0oine% in it !eant (ell b*t (ere st*pi%, I #annot attrib*te s*#& si!pli#it" as an
e5ten*ating #ir#*!stan#e in t&e #ase o$ t&e organi>ers an% t&eir abetters+ I t&en loo,e% *pon t&e!,an% still loo, *pon
t&e! to1%a", as traitors in t&e pa"!ent o$ Fran#e+ In one #ase, t&at o$ =orten, &istor" &as alrea%" prono*n#e% its 0*%g!ent+
T&e sit*ation be#a!e spe#iall" %angero*s at t&at ti!e b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e" (ere er" ast*te in t&eir abilit" to
#loa, t&eir real ten%en#ies, b" insisting pri!aril" on t&eir $e%eratie intentions an% #lai!ing t&at t&ose (ere t&e sole
!oties o$ t&e agitation+ O$ #o*rse it is /*ite obio*s t&at t&e agitation against Pr*ssia &a% not&ing to %o (it& $e%eralis!+
S*rel" MFe%eral A#tiities is not t&e p&rase (it& (&i#& to %es#ribe an e$$ort to %issole an% %is!e!ber anot&er $e%eral
state+ For an &onest $e%eralist, $or (&o! t&e $or!*la *se% b" 8is!ar#, to %e$ine &is i%ea o$ t&e Rei#& is not a #o*nter$eit
p&rase, #o*l% not in t&e sa!e breat& e5press t&e %esire to #*t o$$ portions o$ t&e Pr*ssian State, (&i#& (as #reate% or at
least #o!plete% b" 8is!ar#,+ .or #o*l% &e p*bli#l" s*pport s*#& a separatist atte!pt+
3&at an o*t#r" (o*l% be raise% in )*ni#& i$ so!e pr*ssian #onseratie part" %e#lare% itsel$ in $ao*r o$ %eta#&ing
Fran#onia $ro! 8aaria or too, p*bli# a#tion in %e!an%ing an% pro!oting s*#& a separatist poli#"+ .eert&eless, one #an
onl" &ae s"!pat&" $or all t&ose real an% &onest $e%eralists (&o %i% not see t&ro*g& t&is in$a!o*s s(in%le, $or t&e" (ere
its prin#ipal i#ti!s+ 8" %istorting t&e $e%eralist i%ea in s*#& a (a" its o(n #&a!pions prepare% its grae+ One #annot
!a,e propagan%a $or a $e%eralist #on$ig*ration o$ t&e Rei#& b" %ebasing an% ab*sing an% bes!ir#&ing t&e essential
ele!ent o$ s*#& a politi#al str*#t*re, na!el" Pr*ssia, an% t&*s !a,ing s*#& a Con$e%eration i!possible, i$ it eer &a% been
possible+ It is all t&e !ore in#re%ible b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e $ig&t #arrie% on b" t&ose so1#alle% $e%eralists (as
%ire#te% against t&at se#tion o$ t&e Pr*ssian people (&i#& (as t&e last t&at #o*l% be loo,e% *pon as #onne#te% (it& t&e
.oe!ber %e!o#ra#"+ For t&e ab*se an% atta#,s o$ t&ese so1#alle% $e%eralists (ere not leelle% against t&e $at&ers o$ t&e
3ei!ar Constit*tion 1 t&e !a0orit" o$ (&o! (ere So*t& Aer!ans or -e(s 1 b*t against t&ose (&o represente% t&e ol%
#onseratie Pr*ssia, (&i#& (as t&e antipo%es o$ t&e 3ei!ar Constit*tion+ T&e $a#t t&at t&e %ire#tors o$ t&is #a!paign
(ere #are$*l not to to*#& t&e -e(s is not to be (on%ere% at an% per&aps gies t&e ,e" to t&e (&ole ri%%le+
8e$ore t&e Reol*tion t&e -e( (as s*##ess$*l in %istra#ting attention $ro! &i!sel$ an% &is 3ar Co!panies b" in#iting t&e
!asses, an% espe#iall" t&e 8aarians, against Pr*ssia+ Si!ilarl" &e $elt oblige%, a$ter t&e Reol*tion, to $in% so!e (a" o$
#a!o*$laging &is ne( pl*n%er #a!paign (&i#& (as nine or ten ti!es greater+ An% again &e s*##ee%e%, in t&is #ase b"
proo,ing t&e so1#alle% Mnational ele!ents against one anot&er4 t&e #onseratie 8aarians against t&e Pr*ssians, (&o
(ere 0*st as #onseratie+ He a#te% again (it& e5tre!e #*nning, inas!*#& as &e (&o &el% t&e reins o$ Pr*ssias %estin" in
&is &an%s proo,e% s*#& #r*%e an% ta#tless aggressions t&at again an% again t&e" set t&e bloo% boiling in t&ose (&o (ere
being #ontin*all" %*pe%+ .eer against t&e -e(, &o(eer, b*t al(a"s t&e Aer!an against &is o(n brot&er+ T&e 8aarian
%i% not see t&e 8erlin o$ $o*r !illion in%*strio*s an% e$$i#ient (or,ing people, b*t onl" t&e la>" an% %e#a%ent 8erlin
(&i#& is to be $o*n% in t&e (orst /*arters o$ t&e 3est En%+ An% &is antipat&" (as not %ire#te% against t&is 3est En% o$
8erlin b*t against t&e MPr*ssian #it"+
In !an" #ases it te!pte% one to %espair+
T&e abilit" (&i#& t&e -e( &as %ispla"e% in t*rning p*bli# attention a(a" $ro! &i!sel$ an% giing it anot&er %ire#tion !a"
be st*%ie% also in (&at is &appening to1%a"+
In 1919 t&ere (as not&ing li,e an organi>e% anti1Se!iti# $eeling+ I still re!e!ber t&e %i$$i#*lties (e en#o*ntere% t&e
!o!ent (e !entione% t&e -e(+ 3e (ere eit&er #on$ronte% (it& %*!b1str*#, $a#es or else a liel" an% &e$t" antagonis!+
T&e e$$orts (e !a%e at t&e ti!e to point o*t t&e real ene!" to t&e p*bli# see!e% to be %oo!e% to $ail*re+ 8*t t&en t&ings
began to #&ange $or t&e better, t&o*g& onl" er" slo(l"+ T&e M'eag*e $or =e$en#e an% O$$en#e (as %e$e#tiel" organi>e%
b*t at least it &a% t&e great !erit o$ opening *p t&e -e(is& /*estion on#e again+ In t&e (inter o$ 191911919 a ,in% o$ anti1
se!itis! began slo(l" to ta,e root+ 'ater on t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent presente% t&e -e(is& proble! in a ne(
lig&t+ Ta,ing t&e /*estion be"on% t&e restri#te% #ir#les o$ t&e *pper #lasses an% s!all bo*rgeoisie (e s*##ee%e% in
trans$or!ing it into t&e %riing !otie o$ a great pop*lar !oe!ent+ 8*t t&e !o!ent (e (ere s*##ess$*l in pla#ing t&is
proble! be$ore t&e Aer!an people in t&e lig&t o$ an i%ea t&at (o*l% *nite t&e! in one str*ggle t&e -e( rea#te%+ He
resorte% to &is ol% ta#ti#s+ 3it& a!a>ing ala#rit" &e &*rle% t&e tor#& o$ %is#or% into t&e patrioti# !oe!ent an% opene% a
ri$t t&ere+ In bringing $or(ar% t&e *ltra!ontane /*estion an% in t&e !*t*al /*arrels t&at it gae rise to bet(een
Cat&oli#is! an% Protestantis! la" t&e sole possibilit", as #on%itions t&en (ere, o$ o##*p"ing p*bli# attention (it& ot&er
proble!s an% t&*s (ar% o$$ t&e atta#, (&i#& &a% been #on#entrate% against -e(r"+ T&e !en (&o %ragge% o*r people into
t&is #ontroers" #an neer !a,e a!en%s $or t&e #ri!e t&e" t&en #o!!itte% against t&e nation+ An"&o(, t&e -e( &as
attaine% t&e en%s &e %esire%+ Cat&oli#s an% Protestants are $ig&ting (it& one anot&er to t&eir &earts #ontent, (&ile t&e
ene!" o$ Ar"an &*!anit" an% all C&risten%o! is la*g&ing *p &is sleee+
On#e it (as possible to o##*p" t&e attention o$ t&e p*bli# $or seeral "ears (it& t&e str*ggle bet(een $e%eralis! an%
*ni$i#ation, (earing o*t t&eir energies in t&is !*t*al $ri#tion (&ile t&e -e( tra$$i#,e% in t&e $ree%o! o$ t&e nation an% sol%
o*r #o*ntr" to t&e !asters o$ international &ig& $inan#e+ So in o*r %a" &e &as s*##ee%e% again, t&is ti!e b" raising
r*#tions bet(een t&e t(o Aer!an religio*s %eno!inations (&ile t&e $o*n%ations on (&i#& bot& rest are being eaten a(a"
an% %estro"e% t&ro*g& t&e poison in0e#te% b" t&e international an% #os!opolitan -e(+
'oo, at t&e raages $ro! (&i#& o*r people are s*$$ering %ail" as a res*lt o$ being #onta!inate% (it& -e(is& bloo%+ 8ear in
!in% t&e $a#t t&at t&is poisono*s #onta!ination #an be eli!inate% $ro! t&e national bo%" onl" a$ter #ent*ries, or per&aps
neer+ T&in, $*rt&er o$ &o( t&e pro#ess o$ ra#ial %e#o!position is %ebasing an% in so!e #ases een %estro"ing t&e
$*n%a!ental Ar"an /*alities o$ o*r Aer!an people, so t&at o*r #*lt*ral #reatieness as a nation is gra%*all" be#o!ing
i!potent an% (e are r*nning t&e %anger, at least in o*r great #ities, o$ $alling to t&e leel (&ere So*t&ern Ital" is to1%a"+
T&is pestilential a%*lteration o$ t&e bloo%, o$ (&i#& &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ o*r people ta,e no a##o*nt, is being
s"ste!ati#all" pra#tise% b" t&e -e( to1%a"+ S"ste!ati#all" t&ese negroi% parasites in o*r national bo%" #orr*pt o*r inno#ent
$air1&aire% girls an% t&*s %estro" so!et&ing (&i#& #an no longer be repla#e% in t&is (orl%+
T&e t(o C&ristian %eno!inations loo, on (it& in%i$$eren#e at t&e pro$anation an% %estr*#tion o$ a noble an% *ni/*e
#reat*re (&o (as gien to t&e (orl% as a gi$t o$ Ao%s gra#e+ For t&e $*t*re o$ t&e (orl%, &o(eer, it %oes not !atter
(&i#& o$ t&e t(o tri*!p&s oer t&e ot&er, t&e Cat&oli# or t&e Protestant+ 8*t it %oes !atter (&et&er Ar"an &*!anit"
s*ries or peris&es+ An% "et t&e t(o C&ristian %eno!inations are not #onten%ing against t&e %estro"er o$ Ar"an &*!anit"
b*t are tr"ing to %estro" one anot&er+ Eer"bo%" (&o &as t&e rig&t ,in% o$ $eeling $or &is #o*ntr" is sole!nl" bo*n%, ea#&
(it&in &is o(n %eno!ination, to see to it t&at &e is not #onstantl" tal,ing abo*t t&e 3ill o$ Ao% !erel" $ro! t&e lips b*t
t&at in a#t*al $a#t &e $*l$ils t&e 3ill o$ Ao% an% %oes not allo( Ao%s &an%i(or, to be %ebase%+ For it (as b" t&e 3ill o$
Ao% t&at !en (ere !a%e o$ a #ertain bo%il" s&ape, (ere gien t&eir nat*res an% t&eir $a#*lties+ 3&oeer %estro"s His
(or, (ages (ar against Ao%s Creation an% Ao%s 3ill+ T&ere$ore eer"one s&o*l% en%eao*r, ea#& in &is o(n
%eno!ination o$ #o*rse, an% s&o*l% #onsi%er it as &is $irst an% !ost sole!n %*t" to &in%er an" an% eer"one (&ose
#on%*#t ten%s, eit&er b" (or% or %ee%, to go o*tsi%e &is o(n religio*s bo%" an% pi#, a /*arrel (it& t&ose o$ anot&er
%eno!ination+ For, in ie( o$ t&e religio*s s#&is! t&at e5ists in Aer!an", to atta#, t&e essential #&ara#teristi#s o$ one
%eno!ination !*st ne#essaril" lea% to a (ar o$ e5ter!ination bet(een t&e t(o C&ristian %eno!inations+ Here t&ere #an be
no #o!parison bet(een o*r position an% t&at o$ Fran#e, or Spain or Ital"+ In t&ose t&ree #o*ntries one !a", $or instan#e,
!a,e propagan%a $or t&e si%e t&at is $ig&ting against *ltra!ontanis! (it&o*t t&ereb" in#*rring t&e %anger o$ a national
ri$t a!ong t&e Fren#&, or Spanis& or Italian people+ In Aer!an", &o(eer, t&at #annot be so, $or &ere t&e Protestants
(o*l% also ta,e part in s*#& propagan%a+ An% t&*s t&e %e$en#e (&i#& else(&ere onl" Cat&oli#s organi>e against #leri#al
aggression in politi#al !atters (o*l% ass*!e (it& *s t&e #&ara#ter o$ a Protestant atta#, against Cat&oli#is!+ 3&at !a"
be tolerate% b" t&e $ait&$*l in one %eno!ination een (&en it see!s *n0*st to t&e!, (ill at on#e be in%ignantl" re0e#te%
an% oppose% on a priori gro*n%s i$ it s&o*l% #o!e $ro! t&e !ilitant lea%ers o$ anot&er %eno!ination+ T&is is so tr*e t&at
een !en (&o (o*l% be rea%" an% (illing to $ig&t $or t&e re!oal o$ !ani$est griean#es (it&in t&eir o(n religio*s
%eno!ination (ill %rop t&eir o(n $ig&t an% t*rn t&eir a#tiities against t&e o*tsi%er t&e !o!ent t&e abolition o$ s*#&
griean#es is #o*nselle% or %e!an%e% b" one (&o is not o$ t&e sa!e $ait&+ T&e" #onsi%er it *n0*sti$ie% an% ina%!issible
an% in#orre#t $or o*tsi%ers to !e%%le in !atters (&i#& %o not a$$e#t t&e! at all+ S*#& atte!pts are not e5#*se% een (&en
t&e" are inspire% b" a $eeling $or t&e s*pre!e interests o$ t&e national #o!!*nit"C be#a*se een in o*r %a" religio*s
$eelings still &ae %eeper roots t&an all $eeling $or politi#al an% national e5pe%ien#"+ T&at #annot be #&ange% b" setting
one %eno!ination against anot&er in bitter #on$li#t+ It #an be #&ange% onl" i$, t&ro*g& a spirit o$ !*t*al toleran#e, t&e
nation #an be ass*re% o$ a $*t*re t&e greatness o$ (&i#& (ill gra%*all" operate as a #on#iliating $a#tor in t&e sp&ere o$
religion also+ I &ae no &esitation in sa"ing t&at in t&ose !en (&o see, to1%a" to e!broil t&e patrioti# !oe!ent in
religio*s /*arrels I see (orse ene!ies o$ !" #o*ntr" t&an t&e international #o!!*nists are+ For t&e .ational So#ialist
)oe!ent &as set itsel$ to t&e tas, o$ #onerting t&ose #o!!*nists+ 8*t an"one (&o goes o*tsi%e t&e ran,s o$ &is o(n
)oe!ent an% ten%s to t*rn it a(a" $ro! t&e $*l$il!ent o$ its !ission is a#ting in a !anner t&at %eseres t&e seerest
#on%e!nation+ He is a#ting as a #&a!pion o$ -e(is& interests, (&et&er #ons#io*sl" or *n#ons#io*sl" %oes not !atter+ For
it is in t&e interests o$ t&e -e(s to1%a" t&at t&e energies o$ t&e patrioti# !oe!ent s&o*l% be s/*an%ere% in a religio*s
#on$li#t, be#a*se it is beginning to be %angero*s $or t&e -e(s+ I &ae p*rposel" *se% t&e p&rase abo*t s/*an%ering t&e
energies o$ t&e )oe!ent, be#a*se nobo%" b*t so!e person (&o is entirel" ignorant o$ &istor" #o*l% i!agine t&at t&is
!oe!ent #an sole a /*estion (&i#& t&e greatest states!en &ae trie% $or #ent*ries to sole, an% trie% in ain+
An"&o( t&e $a#ts spea, $or t&e!seles+ T&e !en (&o s*%%enl" %is#oere%, in 1924, t&at t&e &ig&est !ission o$ t&e
patrioti# !oe!ent (as to $ig&t *ltra!ontanis!, &ae not s*##ee%e% in s!as&ing *ltra!ontanis!, b*t t&e" s*##ee%e% in
splitting t&e patrioti# !oe!ent+ I &ae to g*ar% against t&e possibilit" o$ so!e i!!at*re brain arising in t&e patrioti#
!oe!ent (&i#& t&in,s t&at it #an %o (&at een a 8is!ar#, $aile% to %o+ It (ill be al(a"s one o$ t&e $irst %*ties o$ t&ose
(&o are %ire#ting t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent to oppose *n#on%itionall" an" atte!pt to pla#e t&e .ational So#ialist
)oe!ent at t&e seri#e o$ s*#& a #on$li#t+ An% an"bo%" (&o #on%*#ts a propagan%a (it& t&at en% in ie( !*st be
e5pelle% $ort&(it& $ro! its ran,s+
As a !atter o$ $a#t (e s*##ee%e% *ntil t&e a*t*!n o$ 1922 in ,eeping o*r !oe!ent a(a" $ro! s*#& #ontroersies+ T&e
!ost %eote% Protestant #o*l% stan% si%e b" si%e (it& t&e !ost %eote% Cat&oli# in o*r ran,s (it&o*t &aing &is
#ons#ien#e %ist*rbe% in t&e slig&test as $ar as #on#erne% &is religio*s #oni#tions+ T&e bitter str*ggle (&i#& bot& (age% in
#o!!on against t&e (re#,er o$ Ar"an &*!anit" ta*g&t t&e! nat*ral respe#t an% estee!+ An% it (as 0*st in t&ose "ears
t&at o*r !oe!ent &a% to engage in a bitter stri$e (it& t&e Centre Part" not $or religio*s en%s b*t $or national, ra#ial,
politi#al an% e#ono!i# en%s+ T&e s*##ess (e t&en a#&iee% s&o(e% t&at (e (ere rig&t, b*t it %oes not spea, to1%a" in
$ao*r o$ t&ose (&o t&o*g&t t&e" ,ne( better+
In re#ent "ears t&ings &ae gone so $ar t&at patrioti# #ir#les, in go%1$orsa,en blin%ness o$ t&eir religio*s stri$e, #o*l% not
re#ogni>e t&e $oll" o$ t&eir #on%*#t een $ro! t&e $a#t t&at at&eist )ar5ist ne(spapers a%o#ate% t&e #a*se o$ one religio*s
%eno!ination or t&e ot&er, a##or%ing as it s*ite% )ar5ist interests, so as to #reate #on$*sion t&ro*g& slogans an%
%e#larations (&i#& (ere o$ten i!!eas*rabl" st*pi%, no( !olesting t&e one part" an% again t&e ot&er, an% t&*s po,ing t&e
$ire to ,eep t&e bla>e at its &ig&est+
8*t in t&e #ase o$ a people li,e t&e Aer!ans, (&ose &istor" &as so o$ten s&o(n t&e! #apable o$ $ig&ting $or p&anto!s to
t&e point o$ #o!plete e5&a*stion, eer" (ar1#r" is a !ortal %anger+ 8" t&ese slogans o*r people &ae o$ten been %ra(n
a(a" $ro! t&e real proble!s o$ t&eir e5isten#e+ 3&ile (e (ere e5&a*sting o*r energies in religio*s (ars t&e ot&ers (ere
a#/*iring t&eir s&are o$ t&e (orl%+ An% (&ile t&e patrioti# !oe!ent is %ebating (it& itsel$ (&et&er t&e *ltra!ontane
%anger be greater t&an t&e -e(is&, or i#e ersa, t&e -e( is %estro"ing t&e ra#ial basis o$ o*r e5isten#e an% t&ereb"
anni&ilating o*r people+ As $ar as regar%s t&at ,in% o$ Mpatrioti# (arrior, on be&al$ o$ t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent
an% t&ere$ore o$ t&e Aer!an people I pra" (it& all !" &eart4 L'or%, presere *s $ro! s*#& $rien%s, an% t&en (e #an easil"
%eal (it& o*r ene!ies+L
T&e #ontroers" oer $e%eration an% *ni$i#ation, so #*nningl" propagan%i>e% b" t&e -e(s in 191911927 an% on(ar%s,
$or#e% .ational So#ialis!, (&i#& rep*%iate% t&e /*arrel, to ta,e *p a %e$inite stan% in relation to t&e essential proble!
#on#erne% in it+ O*g&t Aer!an" to be a #on$e%era#" or a !ilitar" State@ 3&at is t&e pra#ti#al signi$i#an#e o$ t&ese ter!s@
To !e it see!s t&at t&e se#on% /*estion is !ore i!portant t&an t&e $irst, be#a*se it is $*n%a!ental to t&e *n%erstan%ing o$
t&e (&ole proble! an% also be#a*se t&e ans(er to it !a" &elp to #lear *p #on$*sion an% t&ere(it& &ae a #on#iliating
3&at is a Con$e%era#"@ 22G
8" a Con$e%era#" (e !ean a *nion o$ soereign states (&i#& o$ t&eir o(n $ree (ill an% in irt*e o$ t&eir soereignt" #o!e
toget&er an% #reate a #olle#tie *nit, #e%ing to t&at *nit as !*#& o$ t&eir o(n soereign rig&ts as (ill ren%er t&e e5isten#e
o$ t&e *nion possible an% (ill g*arantee it+
8*t t&e t&eoreti#al $or!*la is not (&oll" p*t into pra#ti#e b" an" #on$e%era#" t&at e5ists to1%a"+ An% least o$ all b" t&e
A!eri#an Union, (&ere it is i!possible to spea, o$ original soereignt" in regar% to t&e !a0orit" o$ t&e states+ )an" o$
t&e! (ere not in#l*%e% in t&e $e%eral #o!ple5 *ntil long a$ter it &a% been establis&e%+ T&e states t&at !a,e *p t&e
A!eri#an Union are !ostl" in t&e nat*re o$ territories, !ore or less, $or!e% $or te#&ni#al a%!inistratie p*rposes, t&eir
bo*n%aries &aing in !an" #ases been $i5e% in t&e !apping o$$i#e+ Originall" t&ese states %i% not an% #o*l% not possess
soereign rig&ts o$ t&eir o(n+ 8e#a*se it (as t&e Union t&at #reate% !ost o$ t&e so1#alle% states+ T&ere$ore t&e soereign
rig&ts, o$ten er" #o!pre&ensie, (&i#& (ere le$t, or rat&er grante%, to t&e ario*s territories #orrespon% not onl" to t&e
(&ole #&ara#ter o$ t&e Con$e%eration b*t also to its ast spa#e, (&i#& is e/*ialent to t&e si>e o$ a Continent+
Conse/*entl", in spea,ing o$ t&e Unite% States o$ A!eri#a one !*st not #onsi%er t&e! as soereign states b*t as en0o"ing
rig&ts or, better per&aps, a*tar#&i# po(ers, grante% to t&e! an% g*arantee% b" t&e Constit*tion+
.or %oes o*r %e$inition a%e/*atel" e5press t&e #on%ition o$ a$$airs in Aer!an"+ It is tr*e t&at in Aer!an" t&e in%ii%*al
states e5iste% as states be$ore t&e Rei#& an% t&at t&e Rei#& (as $or!e% $ro! t&e!+ T&e Rei#&, &o(eer, (as not $or!e% b"
t&e ol*ntar" an% e/*al #o1operation o$ t&e in%ii%*al states, b*t rat&er be#a*se t&e state o$ Pr*ssia gra%*all" a#/*ire% a
position o$ &ege!on" oer t&e ot&ers+ T&e %i$$eren#e in t&e territorial area alone bet(een t&e Aer!an states preents an"
#o!parison (it& t&e A!eri#an Union+ T&e great %i$$eren#e in territorial area bet(een t&e er" s!all Aer!an states t&at
t&en e5iste% an% t&e larger, or een still !ore t&e largest, %e!onstrates t&e ine/*alit" o$ t&eir a#&iee!ents an% s&o(s t&at
t&e" #o*l% not ta,e an e/*al part in $o*n%ing an% s&aping t&e $e%eral E!pire+ In t&e #ase o$ !ost o$ t&ese in%ii%*al states
it #annot be !aintaine% t&at t&e" eer en0o"e% real soereignt"C an% t&e ter! MState Soereignt" (as reall" not&ing !ore
t&an an a%!inistratie $or!*la (&i#& &a% no inner !eaning+ As a !atter o$ $a#t, not onl" %eelop!ents in t&e past b*t
also in o*r o(n ti!e (ipe% o*t seeral o$ t&ese so1#alle% MSoereign States an% t&*s proe% in t&e !ost %e$inite (a" &o(
$rail t&ese Msoereign state $or!ations (ere+
I #annot %eal &ere (it& t&e &istori#al /*estion o$ &o( t&ese in%ii%*al states #a!e to be establis&e%, b*t I !*st #all
attention to t&e $a#t t&at &ar%l" in an" #ase %i% t&eir $rontiers #oin#i%e (it& et&i#al $rontiers o$ t&e in&abitants+ T&e" (ere
p*rel" politi#al p&eno!ena (&i#& $or t&e !ost part e!erge% %*ring t&e sa% epo#& (&en t&e Aer!an E!pire (as in a state
o$ e5&a*stion an% (as %is!e!bere%+ T&e" represente% bot& #a*se an% e$$e#t in t&e pro#ess o$ e5&a*stion an% partition o$
o*r $at&erlan%+
T&e Constit*tion o$ t&e ol% Rei#& too, all t&is into a##o*nt, at least *p to a #ertain %egree, in so $ar as t&e in%ii%*al states
(ere not a##or%e% e/*al representation in t&e Rei#&stag, b*t a representation proportionate to t&eir respe#tie areas, t&eir
a#t*al i!portan#e an% t&e role (&i#& t&e" pla"e% in t&e $or!ation o$ t&e Rei#&+
T&e soereign rig&ts (&i#& t&e in%ii%*al states reno*n#e% in or%er to $or! t&e Rei#& (ere ol*ntaril" #e%e% onl" to a
er" s!all %egree+ For t&e !ost part t&e" &a% no pra#ti#al e5isten#e or t&e" (ere si!pl" ta,en b" Pr*ssia *n%er t&e
press*re o$ &er prepon%erant po(er+ T&e prin#iple $ollo(e% b" 8is!ar#, (as not to gie t&e Rei#& (&at &e #o*l% ta,e
$ro! t&e in%ii%*al states b*t to %e!an% $ro! t&e in%ii%*al states onl" (&at (as absol*tel" ne#essar" $or t&e Rei#&+ A
!o%erate an% (ise poli#"+ On t&e one si%e 8is!ar#, s&o(e% t&e greatest regar% $or #*sto!s an% tra%itionsC on t&e ot&er
si%e &is poli#" se#*re% $or t&e ne( Rei#& $ro! its $o*n%ation on(ar%s a great !eas*re o$ loe an% (illing #o1operation+
8*t it (o*l% be a $*n%a!ental error to attrib*te 8is!ar#,s %e#ision to an" #oni#tion on &is part t&at t&e Rei#& (as t&*s
a#/*iring all t&e rig&ts o$ soereignt" (&i#& (o*l% s*$li#e $or all ti!e+ T&at (as $ar $ro! 8is!ar#,s i%ea+ On t&e
#ontrar", &e (is&e% to leae oer $or t&e $*t*re (&at it (o*l% be %i$$i#*lt to #arr" t&ro*g& at t&e !o!ent an% !ig&t not
&ae been rea%il" agree% to b" t&e in%ii%*al states+ He tr*ste% to t&e leelling e$$e#t o$ ti!e an% to t&e press*re e5er#ise%
b" t&e pro#ess o$ eol*tion, t&e stea%" a#tion o$ (&i#& appeare% !ore e$$e#tie t&an an atte!pt to brea, t&e resistan#e
(&i#& t&e in%ii%*al states o$$ere% at t&e !o!ent+ 8" t&is poli#" &e s&o(e% &is great abilit" in t&e art o$ states!ans&ip+
An%, as a !atter o$ $a#t, t&e soereignt" o$ t&e Rei#& &as #ontin*all" in#rease% at t&e #ost o$ t&e soereignt" o$ t&e
in%ii%*al states+ T&e passing o$ ti!e &as a#&iee% (&at 8is!ar#, &ope% it (o*l%+
T&e Aer!an #ollapse an% t&e abolition o$ t&e !onar#&i#al $or! o$ goern!ent ne#essaril" &astene% t&is %eelop!ent+ T&e
Aer!an $e%eral states, (&i#& &a% not been gro*n%e% on et&ni#al $o*n%ations b*t arose rat&er o*t o$ politi#al #on%itions,
(ere bo*n% to lose t&eir i!portan#e t&e !o!ent t&e !onar#&i#al $or! o$ goern!ent an% t&e %"nasties #onne#te% (it& it
(ere abolis&e%, $or it (as to t&e spirit in&erent in t&ese t&at t&e in%ii%*al states o(ne% t&eir politi#al origin an%
%eelop!ent+ T&*s %eprie% o$ t&eir internal raison %Vtre, t&e" reno*n#e% all rig&t to s*rial an% (ere in%*#e% b" p*rel"
pra#ti#al reasons to $*se (it& t&eir neig&bo*rs or else t&e" 0oine% t&e !ore po(er$*l states o*t o$ t&eir o(n $ree (ill+ T&at
proe% in a stri,ing !anner &o( e5traor%inaril" $rail (as t&e a#t*al soereignt" t&ese s!all p&anto! states en0o"e%, an% it
proe% too &o( lig&tl" t&e" (ere esti!ate% b" t&eir o(n #iti>ens+
T&o*g& t&e abolition o$ t&e !onar#&i#al regi!e an% its representaties &a% %ealt a &ar% blo( to t&e $e%eral #&ara#ter o$
t&e Rei#&, still !ore %estr*#tie, $ro! t&e $e%eral point o$ ie(, (as t&e a##eptan#e o$ t&e obligations t&at res*lte% $ro!
t&e Mpea#e treat"+
It (as onl" nat*ral an% logi#al t&at t&e $e%eral states s&o*l% lose all soereign #ontrol oer t&e $inan#es t&e !o!ent t&e
Rei#&, in #onse/*en#e o$ a lost (ar, (as s*b0e#te% to $inan#ial obligations (&i#& #o*l% neer be g*arantee% t&ro*g&
separate treaties (it& t&e in%ii%*al states+ T&e s*bse/*ent steps (&i#& le% t&e Rei#& to ta,e oer t&e posts an% rail(a"s
(ere an en$or#e% a%an#e in t&e pro#ess o$ enslaing o*r people, a pro#ess (&i#& t&e pea#e treaties gra%*all" %eelope%+
T&e Rei#& (as $or#e% to se#*re possession o$ reso*r#es (&i#& &a% to be #onstantl" in#rease% in or%er to satis$" t&e
%e!an%s !a%e b" $*rt&er e5tortions+
T&e $or! in (&i#& t&e po(ers o$ t&e Rei#& (ere t&*s e5ten%e% to e!bra#e t&e $e%eral states (as o$ten ri%i#*lo*sl" st*pi%,
b*t in itsel$ t&e pro#e%*re (as logi#al an% nat*ral+ T&e bla!e $or it !*st be lai% at t&e %oor o$ t&ese !en an% t&ose parties
t&at $aile% in t&e &o*r o$ nee% to #on#entrate all t&eir energies in an e$$ort to bring t&e (ar to a i#torio*s iss*e+ T&e g*ilt
lies on t&ose parties (&i#&, espe#iall" in 8aaria, #atere% $or t&eir o(n egotisti# interests %*ring t&e (ar an% re$*se% to t&e
Rei#& (&at t&e Rei#& &a% to re/*isition to a ten$ol% greater !eas*re (&en t&e (ar (as lost+ T&e retrib*tion o$ Histor"N
Rarel" &as t&e engean#e o$ Heaen $ollo(e% so #losel" on t&e #ri!e as it %i% in t&is #ase+ T&ose sa!e parties (&i#&, a
$e( "ears preio*sl", pla#e% t&e interests o$ t&eir o(n states 1 espe#iall" in 8aaria 1 be$ore t&ose o$ t&e Rei#& &a% no( to
loo, on passiel" (&ile t&e press*re o$ eents $or#e% t&e Rei#&, in its o(n interests, to abolis& t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e
in%ii%*al states+ T&e" (ere t&e i#ti!s o$ t&eir o(n %e$a*lts+
It (as an *nparallele% e5a!ple o$ &"po#ris" to raise t&e #r" o$ la!entation oer t&e loss (&i#& t&e $e%eral states s*$$ere%
in being %eprie% o$ t&eir soereign rig&ts+ T&is #r" (as raise% be$ore t&e ele#torate, $or it is onl" to t&e ele#torate t&at o*r
#onte!porar" parties a%%ress t&e!seles+ 8*t t&ese parties, (it&o*t e5#eption, o*tbi% one anot&er in a##epting a poli#" o$
$*l$il!ent (&i#&, b" t&e s&eer $or#e o$ #ir#*!stan#es an% in its *lti!ate #onse/*en#es, #o*l% not b*t lea% to a pro$o*n%
alteration in t&e internal str*#t*re o$ t&e Rei#&+ 8is!ar#,s Rei#& (as $ree an% *n&a!pere% b" an" obligations to(ar%s t&e
o*tsi%e (orl%+
8is!ar#,s Rei#& neer &a% to s&o*l%er s*#& &ea" an% entirel" *npro%*#tie obligations as t&ose to (&i#& Aer!an" (as
s*b0e#te% *n%er t&e =a(es Plan+ Also in %o!esti# a$$airs 8is!ar#,s Rei#& (as able to li!it its po(ers to a $e( !atters
t&at (ere absol*tel" ne#essar" $or its e5isten#e+ T&ere$ore it #o*l% %ispense (it& t&e ne#essit" o$ a $inan#ial #ontrol oer
t&ese states an% #o*l% lie $ro! t&eir #ontrib*tions+ On t&e ot&er si%e t&e relatiel" s!all $inan#ial trib*te (&i#& t&e
$e%eral states &a% to pa" to t&e Rei#& in%*#e% t&e! to (el#o!e its e5isten#e+ 8*t it is *ntr*e an% *n0*st to state no(, as
#ertain propagan%ists %o, t&at t&e $e%eral states are %isplease% (it& t&e Rei#& !erel" be#a*se o$ t&eir $inan#ial s*b0e#tion
to it+ .o, t&at is not &o( t&e !atter reall" stan%s+ T&e la#, o$ s"!pat&" $or t&e politi#al i%ea e!bo%ie% in t&e Rei#& is not
%*e to t&e loss o$ soereign rig&ts on t&e part o$ t&e in%ii%*al states+ It is !*#& !ore t&e res*lt o$ t&e %eplorable $as&ion
in (&i#& t&e present rQgi!e #ares $or t&e interests o$ t&e Aer!an people+ =espite all t&e #elebrations in &ono*r o$ t&e
national $lag an% t&e Constit*tion, eer" se#tion o$ t&e Aer!an people $eels t&at t&e present Rei#& is not in a##or%an#e
(it& its &earts %esire+ An% t&e 'a( $or t&e Prote#tion o$ t&e Rep*bli# !a" preent o*trages against rep*bli#an
instit*tions, b*t it (ill not gain t&e loe o$ one single Aer!an+ In its #onstant an5iet" to prote#t itsel$ against its o(n
#iti>ens b" !eans o$ la(s an% senten#es o$ i!prison!ent, t&e Rep*bli# &as aro*se% s&arp an% &*!iliating #riti#is! o$ all
rep*bli#an instit*tions as s*#&+
For anot&er reason also it is *ntr*e to sa", as #ertain parties a$$ir! to1%a", t&at t&e Rei#& &as #ease% to be pop*lar on
a##o*nt o$ its oerbearing #on%*#t in regar% to #ertain soereign rig&ts (&i#& t&e in%ii%*al states &a% &ereto$ore en0o"e%+
S*pposing t&e Rei#& &a% not e5ten%e% its a*t&orit" oer t&e in%ii%*al states, t&ere is no reason to beliee t&at it (o*l%
$in% !ore $ao*r a!ong t&ose states i$ t&e general obligations re!aine% so &ea" as t&e" no( are+ On t&e #ontrar", i$ t&e
in%ii%*al states &a% to pa" t&eir respe#tie s&ares o$ t&e &ig&l" in#rease% trib*te (&i#& t&e Rei#& &as to !eet to1%a" in
or%er to $*l$il t&e proisions o$ t&e Bersailles =i#tate, t&e &ostilit" to(ar%s t&e Rei#& (o*l% be in$initel" greater+ For t&en
not onl" (o*l% it proe %i$$i#*lt to #olle#t t&e respe#tie #ontrib*tions %*e to t&e Rei#& $ro! t&e $e%eral states, b*t #oer#ie
!et&o%s (o*l% &ae to be e!plo"e% in !a,ing t&e #olle#tions+ T&e Rep*bli# stan%s on t&e $ooting o$ t&e pea#e treaties
an% &as neit&er t&e #o*rage nor t&e intention to brea, t&e!+ T&at being so, it !*st obsere t&e obligations (&i#& t&e pea#e
treaties &ae i!pose% on it+ T&e responsibilit" $or t&is sit*ation is to be attrib*te% solel" to t&ose parties (&o prea#&
*n#easingl" to t&e patient ele#toral !asses on t&e ne#essit" o$ !aintaining t&e a*tono!" o$ t&e $e%eral states, (&ile at t&e
sa!e ti!e t&e" #&a!pion an% %e!an% o$ t&e Rei#& a poli#" (&i#& !*st ne#essaril" lea% to t&e s*ppression o$ een t&e
er" last o$ t&ose so1#alle% Msoereign rig&ts+
I sa" ne#essaril" be#a*se t&e present Rei#& &as no ot&er possible !eans o$ bearing t&e b*r%en o$ #&arges (&i#& an insane
%o!esti# an% $oreign poli#" &as lai% on it+ Here still anot&er (e%ge is pla#e% on t&e $or!er, to %rie it in still %eeper+
Eer" ne( %ebt (&i#& t&e Rei#& #ontra#ts, t&ro*g& t&e #ri!inal (a" in (&i#& t&e interests o$ Aer!an" are represente%
is1R1is $oreign #o*ntries, ne#essitates a ne( an% stronger blo( (&i#& %ries t&e *n%er (e%ges still %eeper, T&at blo(
%e!an%s anot&er step in t&e progressie abolition o$ t&e soereign rig&ts o$ t&e in%ii%*al states, so as not to allo( t&e
ger!s o$ opposition to rise *p into a#tiit" or een to e5ist+
T&e #&ie$ #&ara#teristi# %i$$eren#e bet(een t&e poli#" o$ t&e present Rei#& an% t&at o$ $or!er ti!es lies in t&is4 T&e ol%
Rei#& gae $ree%o! to its people at &o!e an% s&o(e% itsel$ strong to(ar%s t&e o*tsi%e (orl%, (&ereas t&e Rep*bli# s&o(s
itsel$ (ea, to(ar%s t&e stranger an% oppresses its o(n #iti>ens at &o!e+ In bot& #ases one attit*%e %eter!ines t&e ot&er+ A
igoro*s national State %oes not nee% to !a,e !an" la(s $or t&e interior, be#a*se o$ t&e a$$e#tion an% atta#&!ent o$ its
#iti>ens+ T&e international serile State #an lie onl" b" #oer#ing its #iti>ens to ren%er it t&e seri#es it %e!an%s+ An% it is
a pie#e o$ i!p*%ent $alse&oo% $or t&e present regi!e to spea, o$ MFree #iti>ens+ Onl" t&e ol% Aer!an" #o*l% spea, in t&at
!anner+ T&e present Rep*bli# is a #olon" o$ slaes at t&e seri#e o$ t&e stranger+ At best it &as s*b0e#ts, b*t not #iti>ens+
Hen#e it %oes not possess a national $lag b*t onl" a tra%e !ar,, intro%*#e% an% prote#te% b" o$$i#ial %e#ree an% legislatie
!eas*res+ T&is s"!bol, (&i#& is t&e Aesslers #ap o$ Aer!an =e!o#ra#", (ill al(a"s re!ain alien to t&e spirit o$ o*r
people+ On its si%e, t&e Rep*bli# &aing no sense o$ tra%ition or respe#t $or past greatness, %ragge% t&e s"!bol o$ t&e past
in t&e !*%, b*t it (ill be s*rprise% one %a" to %is#oer &o( s*per$i#ial is t&e %eotion o$ its #iti>ens to its o(n s"!bol+ T&e
Rep*bli# &as gien to itsel$ t&e #&ara#ter o$ an inter!e>>o in Aer!an &istor"+ An% so t&is State is bo*n% #onstantl" to
restri#t !ore an% !ore t&e soereign rig&ts o$ t&e in%ii%*al states, not onl" $or general reasons o$ a $inan#ial #&ara#ter
b*t also on prin#iple+ For b" en$or#ing a poli#" o$ $inan#ial bla#,!ail, to s/*ee>e t&e last o*n#e o$ s*bstan#e o*t o$ its
people, it is $or#e% also to ta,e t&eir last rig&ts a(a" $ro! t&e!, lest t&e general %is#ontent !a" one %a" $la!e *p into
open rebellion+
3e, .ational So#ialists, (o*l% reerse t&is $or!*la an% (o*l% a%opt t&e $ollo(ing a5io!4 A strong national Rei#& (&i#&
re#ogni>es an% prote#ts to t&e largest possible !eas*re t&e rig&ts o$ its #iti>ens bot& (it&in an% o*tsi%e its $rontiers #an
allo( $ree%o! to reign at &o!e (it&o*t tre!bling $or t&e sa$et" o$ t&e State+ On t&e ot&er &an%, a strong national
Aoern!ent #an interene to a #onsi%erable %egree in t&e liberties o$ t&e in%ii%*al s*b0e#t as (ell as in t&e liberties o$ t&e
#onstit*ent states (it&o*t t&ereb" (ea,ening t&e i%eal o$ t&e Rei#&C an% it #an %o t&is (&ile re#ogni>ing its responsibilit"
$or t&e i%eal o$ t&e Rei#&, be#a*se in t&ese parti#*lar a#ts an% !eas*res t&e in%ii%*al #iti>en re#ogni>es a !eans o$
pro!oting t&e prestige o$ t&e nation as a (&ole+
O$ #o*rse, eer" State in t&e (orl% &as to $a#e t&e /*estion o$ *ni$i#ation in its internal organi>ation+ An% Aer!an" is no
e5#eption in t&is !atter+ .o(a%a"s it is abs*r% to spea, o$ Mstatal soereignt" $or t&e #onstit*ent states o$ t&e Rei#&,
be#a*se t&at &as alrea%" be#o!e i!possible on a##o*nt o$ t&e ri%i#*lo*sl" s!all si>e o$ so !an" o$ t&ese states+ In t&e
sp&ere o$ #o!!er#e as (ell as t&at o$ a%!inistration t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al states &as been stea%il" %e#reasing+
)o%ern !eans o$ #o!!*ni#ation an% !e#&ani#al progress &ae been in#reasingl" restri#ting %istan#e an% spa#e+ 3&at
(as on#e a State is to1%a" onl" a proin#e an% t&e territor" #oere% b" a !o%ern State &a% on#e t&e i!portan#e o$ a
#ontinent+ T&e p*rel" te#&ni#al %i$$i#*lt" o$ a%!inistering a State li,e Aer!an" is not greater t&an t&at o$ goerning a
proin#e li,e 8ran%enb*rg a &*n%re% "ears ago+ An% to1%a" it is easier to #oer t&e %istan#e $ro! )*ni#& to 8erlin t&an it
(as to #oer t&e %istan#e $ro! )*ni#& to Starnberg a &*n%re% "ears ago+ In ie( o$ t&e !o%ern !eans o$ transport, t&e
(&ole territor" o$ t&e Rei#& to1%a" is s!aller t&an t&at o$ #ertain Aer!an $e%eral states at t&e ti!e o$ t&e .apoleoni# (ars+
To #lose ones e"es to t&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&ese $a#ts !eans to lie in t&e past+ T&ere al(a"s (ere, t&ere are an% al(a"s
(ill be, !en (&o %o t&is+ T&e" !a" retar% b*t t&e" #annot stop t&e reol*tions o$ &istor"+
3e, .ational So#ialists, !*st not allo( t&e #onse/*en#es o$ t&at tr*t& to pass b" *s *nnoti#e%+ In t&ese !atters also (e
!*st not per!it o*rseles to be !isle% b" t&e p&rases o$ o*r so1#alle% national bo*rgeois parties+ I sa" Mp&rases, be#a*se
t&ese sa!e paro%ies %o not serio*sl" beliee t&at it is possible $or t&e! to #arr" o*t t&eir proposals, an% be#a*se t&e"
t&e!seles are t&e #&ie$ #*lprits an% also t&e a##o!pli#es responsible $or t&e present state o$ a$$airs+ Espe#iall" in 8aaria,
t&e %e!an%s $or a &alt in t&e pro#ess o$ #entrali>ation #an be no !ore t&an a part" !oe be&in% (&i#& t&ere is no serio*s
i%ea+ I$ t&ese parties eer &a% to pass $ro! t&e real! o$ p&rase1!a,ing into t&at o$ pra#ti#al %ee%s t&e" (o*l% present a
sorr" spe#ta#le+ Eer" so1#alle% MRobber" o$ Soereign Rig&ts $ro! 8aaria b" t&e Rei#& &as !et (it& no pra#ti#al
resistan#e, e5#ept $or so!e $at*o*s bar,ing b" (a" o$ protest+ In%ee%, (&en an"one serio*sl" oppose% t&e !a%ness t&at
(as s&o(n in #arr"ing o*t t&is s"ste! o$ #entrali>ation &e (as tol% b" t&ose sa!e parties t&at &e *n%erstoo% not&ing o$ t&e
nat*re an% nee%s o$ t&e State to1%a"+ T&e" slan%ere% &i! an% prono*n#e% &i! anat&e!a an% perse#*te% &i! *ntil &e (as
eit&er s&*t *p in prison or illegall" %eprie% o$ t&e rig&t o$ p*bli# spee#&+ In t&e lig&t o$ t&ese $a#ts o*r $ollo(ers s&o*l%
be#o!e all t&e !ore #onin#e% o$ t&e pro$o*n% &"po#ris" (&i#& #&ara#teri>es t&ese so1#alle% $e%eralist #ir#les+ To a
#ertain e5tent t&e" *se t&e $e%eralist %o#trine 0*st as t&e" *se t&e na!e o$ religion, !erel" as a !eans o$ pro!oting t&eir
o(n base part" interests+
A #ertain *ni$i#ation, espe#iall" in t&e $iel% o$ transport+, appears logi#al+ 8*t (e, .ational So#ialists, $eel it o*r %*t" to
oppose (it& all o*r !ig&t s*#& a %eelop!ent in t&e !o%ern State, espe#iall" (&en t&e !eas*res propose% are solel" $or
t&e p*rpose o$ s#reening a %isastro*s $oreign poli#" an% !a,ing it possible+ An% 0*st be#a*se t&e present Rei#& &as
t&reatene% to ta,e oer t&e rail(a"s, t&e posts, t&e $inan#es, et#+, not $ro! t&e &ig& stan%point o$ a national poli#", b*t in
or%er to &ae in its &an%s t&e !eans an% ple%ges $or an *nli!ite% poli#" o$ $*l$il!ent 1 $or t&at reason (e, .ational
So#ialists, !*st ta,e eer" step t&at see!s s*itable to obstr*#t an%, i$ possible, %e$initel" to preent s*#& a poli#"+ 3e !*st
$ig&t against t&e present s"ste! o$ a!alga!ating instit*tions t&at are itall" i!portant $or t&e e5isten#e o$ o*r people,
be#a*se t&is s"ste! is being a%opte% solel" to $a#ilitate t&e pa"!ent o$ !illiar%s an% t&e trans$eren#e o$ ple%ges to t&e
stranger, *n%er t&e post13ar proisions (&i#& o*r politi#ians &ae a##epte%+
For t&ese reasons also t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent &as to ta,e *p a stan% against s*#& ten%en#ies+
)oreoer, (e !*st oppose s*#& #entrali>ation be#a*se in %o!esti# a$$airs it &elps to rein$or#e a s"ste! o$ goern!ent
(&i#& in all its !ani$estations &as bro*g&t t&e greatest !is$ort*nes on t&e Aer!an nation+ T&e present -e(is&1=e!o#rati#
Rei#&, (&i#& &as be#o!e a eritable #*rse $or t&e Aer!an people, is see,ing to negatie t&e $or#e o$ t&e #riti#is! o$$ere%
b" all t&e $e%eral states (&i#& &ae not "et be#o!e i!b*e% (it& t&e spirit o$ t&e age, an% is tr"ing to #arr" o*t t&is poli#"
b" #r*s&ing t&e! to t&e point o$ anni&ilation+ In $a#e o$ t&is (e .ational So#ialists !*st tr" to gro*n% t&e opposition o$
t&e in%ii%*al states on s*#& a basis t&at it (ill be able to operate (it& a goo% pro!ise o$ s*##ess+ 3e !*st %o t&is b"
trans$or!ing t&e str*ggle against #entrali>ation into so!et&ing t&at (ill be an e5pression o$ t&e &ig&er interests o$ t&e
Aer!an nation as s*#&+ T&ere$ore, (&ile t&e 8aarian Pop*list Part", a#ting $ro! its o(n narro( an% parti#*larist
stan%point, $ig&ts to !aintain t&e Mspe#ial rig&ts o$ t&e 8aarian State, (e o*g&t to stan% on /*ite a %i$$erent gro*n% in
$ig&ting $or t&e sa!e rig&ts+ O*r gro*n%s o*g&t to be t&ose o$ t&e &ig&er national interests in opposition to t&e .oe!ber
A still $*rt&er reason $or opposing a #entrali>ing pro#ess o$ t&at ,in% arises $ro! t&e #ertain #oni#tion t&at in great part
t&is so1#alle% nationali>ation %oes not !a,e $or *ni$i#ation at all an% still less $or si!pli$i#ation+ In !an" #ases it is
a%opte% si!pl" as a !eans o$ re!oing $ro! t&e soereign #ontrol o$ t&e in%ii%*al states #ertain instit*tions (&i#& t&e"
(is& to pla#e in t&e &an%s o$ t&e reol*tionar" parties+ In Aer!an Histor" $ao*ritis! &as neer been o$ so base a
#&ara#ter as in t&e %e!o#rati# rep*bli#+ A great portion o$ t&is #entrali>ation to1%a" is t&e (or, o$ parties (&i#& on#e
pro!ise% t&at t&e" (o*l% open t&e (a" $or t&e pro!otion o$ talent, !eaning t&ereb" t&at t&e" (o*l% $ill t&ose posts an%
o$$i#es entirel" (it& t&eir o(n partisans+ Sin#e t&e $o*n%ation o$ t&e Rep*bli# t&e -e(s espe#iall" &ae been obtaining
positions in t&e e#ono!i# instit*tions ta,en oer b" t&e Rei#& an% also positions in t&e national a%!inistration, so t&at t&e
one an% t&e ot&er &ae be#o!e preseres o$ -e(r"+
For ta#ti#al reasons, t&is last #onsi%eration obliges *s to (at#& (it& t&e greatest attention eer" $*rt&er atte!pt at
#entrali>ation an% $ig&t it at ea#& step+ 8*t in %oing t&is o*r stan%point !*st al(a"s be t&at o$ a lo$t" national poli#" an%
neer a petti$ogging parti#*laris!+
T&is last obseration is ne#essar", lest an opinion !ig&t arise a!ong o*r o(n $ollo(ers t&at (e %o not a##re%it to t&e
Rei#& t&e rig&t o$ in#orporating in itsel$ a soereignt" (&i#& is s*perior to t&at o$ t&e #onstit*ent states+ As regar%s t&is
rig&t (e #annot an% !*st not entertain t&e slig&test %o*bt+ 8e#a*se $or *s t&e State is not&ing b*t a $or!+ Its s*bstan#e, or
#ontent, is t&e essential t&ing+ An% t&at is t&e nation, t&e people+ It is #lear t&ere$ore t&at eer" ot&er interest !*st be
s*bor%inate% to t&e s*pre!e interests o$ t&e nation+ In parti#*lar (e #annot a##re%it to an" ot&er state a soereign po(er
an% soereign rig&ts (it&in t&e #on$ines o$ t&e nation an% t&e Rei#&, (&i#& represents t&e nation+ T&e abs*r%it" (&i#&
so!e $e%eral states #o!!it b" !aintaining Mrepresentations abroa% an% #orrespon%ing $oreign Mrepresentations a!ong
t&e!seles 1 t&at !*st #ease an% (ill #ease+ Until t&is &appens (e #annot be s*rprise% i$ #ertain $oreign #o*ntries are
%*bio*s abo*t t&e politi#al *nit" o$ t&e Rei#& an% a#t a##or%ingl"+ T&e abs*r%it" o$ t&ese Mrepresentations is all t&e greater
be#a*se t&e" %o &ar! an% %o not bring t&e slig&test a%antage+ I$ t&e interests o$ a Aer!an abroa% #annot be prote#te% b"
t&e a!bassa%or o$ t&e Rei#&, !*#& less #an t&e" be prote#te% b" t&e !inister $ro! so!e s!all $e%eral state (&i#& appears
ri%i#*lo*s in t&e $ra!e(or, o$ t&e present (orl% or%er+ T&e real tr*t& is t&at t&ese s!all $e%eral states are enisage% as
points o$ atta#, $or atte!pts at se#ession, (&i#& prospe#t is al(a"s pleasing to a #ertain $oreign State+ 3e, .ational
So#ialists, !*st not allo( so!e noble #aste (&i#& &as be#o!e e$$ete (it& age to o##*p" an a!bassa%orial post abroa%,
(it& t&e i%ea t&at b" engra$ting one o$ its (it&ere% bran#&es in ne( soil t&e green leaes !a" spro*t again+ Alrea%" in t&e
ti!e o$ t&e ol% Rei#& o*r %iplo!ati# representaties abroa% (ere s*#& a sorr" lot t&at a $*rt&er trial o$ t&at e5perien#e
(o*l% be o*t o$ t&e /*estion+
It is #ertain t&at in t&e $*t*re t&e i!portan#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al states (ill be trans$erre% to t&e sp&ere o$ o*r #*lt*ral poli#"+
T&e !onar#& (&o %i% !ost to !a,e 8aaria an i!portant #entre (as not an obstinate parti#*larist (it& anti1Aer!an
ten%en#ies, b*t '*%(ig I (&o (as as !*#& %eote% to t&e i%eal o$ Aer!an greatness as &e (as to t&at o$ art+ His $irst
#onsi%eration (as to *se t&e po(ers o$ t&e state to %eelop t&e #*lt*ral position o$ 8aaria an% not its politi#al po(er+ An%
in %oing t&is &e pro%*#e% better an% !ore %*rable res*lts t&an i$ &e &a% $ollo(e% an" ot&er line o$ #on%*#t+ Up to t&is ti!e
)*ni#& (as a proin#ial resi%en#e to(n o$ onl" s!all i!portan#e, b*t &e trans$or!e% it into t&e !etropolis o$ Aer!an art
an% b" %oing so &e !a%e it an intelle#t*al #entre (&i#& een to1%a" &ol%s Fran#onia to 8aaria, t&o*g& t&e Fran#onians
are o$ /*ite a %i$$erent te!pera!ent+ I$ )*ni#& &a% re!aine% as it &a% been earlier, (&at &as &appene% in Sa5on" (o*l%
&ae been repeate% in 8aaria, (it& t&e %iAeren#e t&at 'eip>ig an% 8aarian .Hrnberg (o*l% &ae be#o!e, not 8aarian
b*t Fran#onian #ities+ It (as not t&e #r" o$ L=o(n (it& Pr*ssiaL t&at !a%e )*ni#& great+ 3&at !a%e t&is a #it" o$
i!portan#e (as t&e ;ing (&o (is&e% to present it to t&e Aer!an nation as an artisti# 0e(el t&at (o*l% &ae to be seen an%
appre#iate%, an% so it &as t*rne% o*t in $a#t+ T&erein lies a lesson $or t&e $*t*re+ T&e i!portan#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al states in
t&e $*t*re (ill no longer lie in t&eir politi#al or statal po(er+ I loo, to t&e! rat&er as i!portant et&ni#al an% #*lt*ral
#entres+ 8*t een in t&is respe#t ti!e (ill %o its leelling (or,+ )o%ern traelling $a#ilities s&*$$le people a!ong one
anot&er in s*#& a (a" t&at tribal bo*n%aries (ill $a%e o*t an% een t&e #*lt*ral pi#t*re (ill gra%*all" be#o!e !ore o$ a
*ni$or! pattern+
T&e ar!" !*st %e$initel" be ,ept #lear o$ t&e in$l*en#e o$ t&e in%ii%*al states+ T&e #o!ing .ational So#ialist State !*st
not $all ba#, into t&e error o$ t&e past b" i!posing on t&e ar!" a tas, (&i#& is not (it&in its sp&ere an% neer s&o*l% &ae
been assigne% to it+ T&e Aer!an ar!" %oes not e5ist $or t&e p*rpose o$ being a s#&ool in (&i#& tribal parti#*laris!s are to
be #*ltiate% an% presere%, b*t rat&er as a s#&ool $or tea#&ing all t&e Aer!ans to *n%erstan% an% a%apt t&eir &abits to one
anot&er+ 3&ateer ten%s to &ae a separating in$l*en#e in t&e li$e o$ t&e nation o*g&t to be !a%e a *ni$"ing in$l*en#e in
t&e ar!"+ T&e ar!" !*st raise t&e Aer!an bo" aboe t&e narro( &ori>on o$ &is o(n little natie proin#e an% set &i!
(it&in t&e broa% pi#t*re o$ t&e nation+ T&e "o*t& !*st learn to ,no(, not t&e #on$ines o$ &is o(n region b*t t&ose o$ t&e
$at&erlan%, be#a*se it is t&e latter t&at &e (ill &ae to %e$en% one %a"+ It is t&ere$ore abs*r% to &ae t&e Aer!an "o*t& %o
&is !ilitar" training in &is o(n natie region+ =*ring t&at perio% &e o*g&t to learn to ,no( Aer!an"+ T&is is all t&e !ore
i!portant to1%a", sin#e "o*ng Aer!ans no longer trael on t&eir o(n a##o*nt as t&e" on#e *se% to %o an% t&*s enlarge
t&eir &ori>on+ In ie( o$ t&is, is it not abs*r% to leae t&e "o*ng 8aarian re#r*it at )*ni#&, t&e re#r*it $ro! 8a%en at
8a%en itsel$ an% t&e 3Hrtte!berger at St*ttgart an% so on@ An% (o*l% it not be !ore reasonable to s&o( t&e R&ine an%
t&e .ort& Sea to t&e 8aarian, t&e Alps to t&e natie o$ Ha!b*rg an% t&e !o*ntains o$ Central Aer!an" to t&e bo" $ro!
East Pr*ssia@ T&e #&ara#ter proper to ea#& region o*g&t to be !aintaine% in t&e troops b*t not in t&e training garrisons+
3e !a" %isapproe o$ eer" atte!pt at *ni$i#ation b*t not t&at o$ *ni$"ing t&e ar!"+ On t&e #ontrar", een t&o*g& (e
s&o*l% (is& to (el#o!e no ot&er ,in% o$ *ni$i#ation, t&is !*st be greete% (it& 0o"+ In ie( o$ t&e si>e o$ t&e present ar!"
o$ t&e Rei#&, it (o*l% be abs*r% to !aintain t&e $e%eral %iisions a!ong t&e troops+ )oreoer, in t&e *ni$i#ation o$ t&e
Aer!an ar!" (&i#& &as a#t*all" been e$$e#te% (e see a $a#t (&i#& (e !*st not reno*n#e b*t restore in t&e $*t*re national
Finall" a ne( an% tri*!p&ant i%ea s&o*l% b*rst eer" #&ain (&i#& ten%s to paral"se its e$$orts to p*s& $or(ar%+ .ational
So#ialis! !*st #lai! t&e rig&t to i!pose its prin#iples on t&e (&ole Aer!an nation, (it&o*t regar% to (&at (ere &it&erto
t&e #on$ines o$ $e%eral states+ An% (e !*st e%*#ate t&e Aer!an nation in o*r i%eas an% prin#iples+ As t&e C&*r#&es %o not
$eel t&e!seles bo*n% or li!ite% b" politi#al #on$ines, so t&e .ational So#ialist I%ea #annot $eel itsel$ li!ite% to t&e
territories o$ t&e in%ii%*al $e%eral states t&at belong to o*r Fat&erlan%+
T&e .ational So#ialist %o#trine is not &an%!ai% to t&e politi#al interests o$ t&e single $e%eral states+ One %a" it !*st
be#o!e tea#&er to t&e (&ole Aer!an nation+ It !*st %eter!ine t&e li$e o$ t&e (&ole people an% s&ape t&at li$e ane(+ For
t&is reason (e !*st i!peratiel" %e!an% t&e rig&t to oerstep bo*n%aries t&at &ae been tra#e% b" a politi#al %eelop!ent
(&i#& (e rep*%iate+
T&e !ore #o!pletel" o*r i%eas tri*!p&, t&e !ore libert" #an (e #on#e%e in parti#*lar a$$airs to o*r #iti>ens at &o!e+
C&apter Eleen
T&e "ear 1921 (as spe#iall" i!portant $or !e $ro! !an" points o$ ie(+
3&en I entere% t&e Aer!an 'abo*r Part" I at on#e too, #&arge o$ t&e propagan%a, belieing t&is bran#& to be $ar t&e !ost
i!portant $or t&e ti!e being+ -*st t&en it (as not a !atter o$ pressing ne#essit" to #*%gel ones brains oer proble!s o$
organi>ation+ T&e $irst ne#essit" (as to sprea% o*r i%eas a!ong as !an" people as possible+ Propagan%a s&o*l% go (ell
a&ea% o$ organi>ation an% gat&er toget&er t&e &*!an !aterial $or t&e latter to (or, *p+ I &ae neer been in $ao*r o$
&ast" an% pe%anti# !et&o%s o$ organi>ation, be#a*se in !ost #ases t&e res*lt is !erel" a pie#e o$ %ea% !e#&anis! an%
onl" rarel" a liing organi>ation+ Organi>ation is a t&ing t&at %eries its e5isten#e $ro! organi# li$e, organi# eol*tion+
3&en t&e sa!e set o$ i%eas &ae $o*n% a lo%ge!ent in t&e !in%s o$ a #ertain n*!ber o$ people t&e" ten% o$ t&e!seles to
$or! a #ertain %egree o$ or%er a!ong t&ose people an% o*t o$ t&is inner $or!ation so!et&ing t&at is er" al*able arises+
O$ #o*rse &ere, as eer"(&ere else, one !*st ta,e a##o*nt o$ t&ose &*!an (ea,nesses (&i#& !a,e !en &esitate,
espe#iall" at t&e beginning, to s*b!it to t&e #ontrol o$ a s*perior !in%+ I$ an organi>ation is i!pose% $ro! aboe
%o(n(ar%s in a !e#&ani#al $as&ion, t&ere is al(a"s t&e %anger t&at so!e in%ii%*al !a" p*s& &i!sel$ $or(ar% (&o is not
,no(n $or (&at &e is an% (&o, o*t o$ 0ealo*s", (ill tr" to &in%er abler persons $ro! ta,ing a lea%ing pla#e in t&e
!oe!ent+ T&e %a!age t&at res*lts $ro! t&at ,in% o$ t&ing !a" &ae $atal #onse/*en#es, espe#iall" in a ne( !oe!ent+
For t&is reason it is a%isable $irst to propagate an% p*bli#l" e5po*n% t&e i%eas on (&i#& t&e !oe!ent is $o*n%e%+ T&is
(or, o$ propagan%a s&o*l% #ontin*e $or a #ertain ti!e an% s&o*l% be %ire#te% $ro! one #entre+ 3&en t&e i%eas &ae
gra%*all" (on oer a n*!ber o$ people t&is &*!an !aterial s&o*l% be #are$*ll" si$te% $or t&e p*rpose o$ sele#ting t&ose
(&o &ae abilit" in lea%ers&ip an% p*tting t&at abilit" to t&e test+ It (ill o$ten be $o*n% t&at apparentl" insigni$i#ant
persons (ill neert&eless t*rn o*t to be born lea%ers+
O$ #o*rse, it is /*ite a !ista,e to s*ppose t&at t&ose (&o s&o( a er" intelligent grasp o$ t&e t&eor" *n%erl"ing a
!oe!ent are $or t&at reason /*ali$ie% to $ill responsible positions on t&e %ire#torate+ T&e #ontrar" is er" $re/*entl" t&e
Areat !asters o$ t&eor" are onl" er" rarel" great organi>ers also+ An% t&is is be#a*se t&e greatness o$ t&e t&eorist an%
$o*n%er o$ a s"ste! #onsists in being able to %is#oer an% la" %o(n t&ose la(s t&at are rig&t in t&e abstra#t, (&ereas t&e
organi>er !*st $irst o$ all be a !an o$ ps"#&ologi#al insig&t+ He !*st ta,e !en as t&e" are, an% $or t&at reason &e !*st
,no( t&e!, not &aing too &ig& or too lo( an esti!ate o$ &*!an nat*re+ He !*st ta,e a##o*nt o$ t&eir (ea,nesses, t&eir
baseness an% all t&e ot&er ario*s #&ara#teristi#s, so as to $or! so!et&ing o*t o$ t&e! (&i#& (ill be a liing organis!,
en%o(e% (it& strong po(ers o$ resistan#e, $itte% to be t&e #arrier o$ an i%ea an% strong eno*g& to ens*re t&e tri*!p& o$
t&at i%ea+
8*t it is still !ore rare to $in% a great t&eorist (&o is at t&e sa!e ti!e a great lea%er+ For t&e latter !*st be !ore o$ an
agitator, a tr*t& t&at (ill not be rea%il" a##epte% b" !an" o$ t&ose (&o %eal (it& proble!s onl" $ro! t&e s#ienti$i#
stan%point+ An% "et (&at I sa" is onl" nat*ral+ For an agitator (&o s&o(s &i!sel$ #apable o$ e5po*n%ing i%eas to t&e great
!asses !*st al(a"s be a ps"#&ologist, een t&o*g& &e !a" be onl" a %e!agog*e+ T&ere$ore &e (ill al(a"s be a !*#&
!ore #apable lea%er t&an t&e #onte!platie t&eorist (&o !e%itates on &is i%eas, $ar $ro! t&e &*!an t&rong an% t&e (orl%+
For to be a lea%er !eans to be able to !oe t&e !asses+ T&e gi$t o$ $or!*lating i%eas &as not&ing (&atsoeer to %o (it&
t&e #apa#it" $or lea%ers&ip+ It (o*l% be entirel" $*tile to %is#*ss t&e /*estion as to (&i#& is t&e !ore i!portant4 t&e $a#*lt"
o$ #on#eiing i%eals an% &*!an ai!s or t&at o$ being able to &ae t&e! p*t into pra#ti#e+ Here, as so o$ten &appens in li$e,
t&e one (o*l% be entirel" !eaningless (it&o*t t&e ot&er+ T&e noblest #on#eptions o$ t&e &*!an *n%erstan%ing re!ain
(it&o*t p*rpose or al*e i$ t&e lea%er #annot !oe t&e !asses to(ar%s t&e!+ An%, #onersel", (&at (o*l% it aail to &ae
all t&e geni*s an% elan o$ a lea%er i$ t&e intelle#t*al t&eorist %oes not $i5 t&e ai!s $or (&i#& !an,in% !*st str*ggle+ 8*t
(&en t&e abilities o$ t&eorist an% organi>er an% lea%er are *nite% in t&e one person, t&en (e &ae t&e rarest p&eno!enon
on t&is eart&+ An% it is t&at *nion (&i#& pro%*#es t&e great !an+
As I &ae alrea%" sai%, %*ring !" $irst perio% in t&e Part" I %eote% !"sel$ to t&e (or, o$ propagan%a+ I &a% to s*##ee% in
gra%*all" gat&ering toget&er a s!all n*#le*s o$ !en (&o (o*l% a##ept t&e ne( tea#&ing an% be inspire% b" it+ An% in t&is
(a" (e s&o*l% proi%e t&e &*!an !aterial (&i#& s*bse/*entl" (o*l% $or! t&e #onstit*ent ele!ents o$ t&e organi>ation+
T&*s t&e goal o$ t&e propagan%ist is nearl" al(a"s $i5e% $ar be"on% t&at o$ t&e organi>er+
I$ a !oe!ent proposes to oert&ro( a #ertain or%er o$ t&ings an% #onstr*#t a ne( one in its pla#e, t&en t&e $ollo(ing
prin#iples !*st be #learl" *n%erstoo% an% !*st %o!inate in t&e ran,s o$ its lea%ers&ip4 Eer" !oe!ent (&i#& &as gaine%
its &*!an !aterial !*st $irst %ii%e t&is !aterial into t(o gro*ps4 na!el", $ollo(ers an% !e!bers+
It is t&e tas, o$ t&e propagan%ist to re#r*it t&e $ollo(ers an% it is t&e tas, o$ t&e organi>er to sele#t t&e !e!bers+
T&e $ollo(er o$ a !oe!ent is &e (&o *n%erstan%s an% a##epts its ai!sC t&e !e!ber is &e (&o $ig&ts $or t&e!+
T&e $ollo(er is one (&o! t&e propagan%a &as #onerte% to t&e %o#trine o$ t&e !oe!ent+ T&e !e!ber is &e (&o (ill be
#&arge% b" t&e organi>ation to #ollaborate in (inning oer ne( $ollo(ers $ro! (&i#& in t*rn ne( !e!bers #an be $or!e%+
To be a $ollo(er nee%s onl" t&e passie re#ognition o$ t&e i%ea+ To be a !e!ber !eans to represent t&at i%ea an% $ig&t $or
it+ Fro! ten $ollo(ers one #an &ae s#ar#el" !ore t&an t(o !e!bers+ To be a $ollo(er si!pl" i!plies t&at a !an &as
a##epte% t&e tea#&ing o$ t&e !oe!entC (&ereas to be a !e!ber !eans t&at a !an &as t&e #o*rage to parti#ipate a#tiel"
in %i$$*sing t&at tea#&ing in (&i#& &e &as #o!e to beliee+
8e#a*se o$ its passie #&ara#ter, t&e si!ple e$$ort o$ belieing in a politi#al %o#trine is eno*g& $or t&e !a0orit", $or t&e
!a0orit" o$ !an,in% is !entall" la>" an% ti!i%+ To be a !e!ber one !*st be intelle#t*all" a#tie, an% t&ere$ore t&is
applies onl" to t&e !inorit"+
S*#& being t&e #ase, t&e propagan%ist !*st see, *ntiringl" to a#/*ire ne( $ollo(ers $or t&e !oe!ent, (&ereas t&e
organi>er !*st %iligentl" loo, o*t $or t&e best ele!ents a!ong s*#& $ollo(ers, so t&at t&ese ele!ents !a" be trans$or!e%
into !e!bers+ T&e propagan%ist nee% not tro*ble too !*#& abo*t t&e personal (ort& o$ t&e in%ii%*al prosel"tes &e &as
(on $or t&e !oe!ent+ He nee% not in/*ire into t&eir abilities, t&eir intelligen#e or #&ara#ter+ Fro! t&ese prosel"tes,
&o(eer, t&e organi>er (ill &ae to sele#t t&ose in%ii%*als (&o are !ost #apable o$ a#tiel" &elping to bring t&e
!oe!ent to i#tor"+
T&e propagan%ist ai!s at in%*#ing t&e (&ole people to a##ept &is tea#&ing+ T&e organi>er in#l*%es in &is bo%" o$
!e!bers&ip onl" t&ose (&o, on ps"#&ologi#al gro*n%s, (ill not be an i!pe%i!ent to t&e $*rt&er %i$$*sion o$ t&e %o#trines
o$ t&e !oe!ent+
T&e propagan%ist in#*l#ates &is %o#trine a!ong t&e !asses, (it& t&e i%ea o$ preparing t&e! $or t&e ti!e (&en t&is
%o#trine (ill tri*!p&, t&ro*g& t&e bo%" o$ #o!batant !e!bers (&i#& &e &as $or!e% $ro! t&ose $ollo(ers (&o &ae gien
proo$ o$ t&e ne#essar" abilit" an% (ill1po(er to #arr" t&e str*ggle to i#tor"+
T&e $inal tri*!p& o$ a %o#trine (ill be !a%e all t&e !ore eas" i$ t&e propagan%ist &as e$$e#tiel" #onerte% large bo%ies o$
!en to t&e belie$ in t&at %o#trine an% i$ t&e organi>ation t&at a#tiel" #on%*#ts t&e $ig&t be e5#l*sie, igoro*s an% soli%+
3&en t&e propagan%a (or, &as #onerte% a (&ole people to beliee in a %o#trine, t&e organi>ation #an t*rn t&e res*lts o$
t&is into pra#ti#al e$$e#t t&ro*g& t&e (or, o$ a !ere &an%$*l o$ !en+ Propagan%a an% organi>ation, t&ere$ore $ollo(er an%
!e!ber, t&en stan% to(ar%s one anot&er in a %e$inite !*t*al relations&ip+ T&e better t&e propagan%a &as (or,e%, t&e
s!aller (ill t&e organi>ation be+ T&e greater t&e n*!ber o$ $ollo(ers, so !*#& t&e s!aller #an be t&e n*!ber o$ !e!bers+
An% #onersel"+ I$ t&e propagan%a be ba%, t&e organi>ation !*st be large+ An% i$ t&ere be onl" a s!all n*!ber o$
$ollo(ers, t&e !e!bers&ip !*st be all t&e larger 1 i$ t&e !oe!ent reall" #o*nts on being s*##ess$*l+
T&e $irst %*t" o$ t&e propagan%ist is to (in oer people (&o #an s*bse/*entl" be ta,en into t&e organi>ation+ An% t&e $irst
%*t" o$ t&e organi>ation is to sele#t an% train !en (&o (ill be #apable o$ #arr"ing on t&e propagan%a+ T&e se#on% %*t" o$
t&e organi>ation is to %isr*pt t&e e5isting or%er o$ t&ings an% t&*s !a,e roo! $or t&e penetration o$ t&e ne( tea#&ing
(&i#& it represents, (&ile t&e %*t" o$ t&e organi>er !*st be to $ig&t $or t&e p*rpose o$ se#*ring po(er, so t&at t&e %o#trine
!a" $inall" tri*!p&+
A reol*tionar" #on#eption o$ t&e (orl% an% &*!an e5isten#e (ill al(a"s a#&iee %e#isie s*##ess (&en t&e ne(
3eltans#&&a**ng &as been ta*g&t to a (&ole people, or s*bse/*entl" $or#e% *pon t&e! i$ ne#essar", an% (&en, on t&e
ot&er &an%, t&e #entral organi>ation, t&e !oe!ent itsel$, is in t&e &an%s o$ onl" t&ose $e( !en (&o are absol*tel"
in%ispensable to $or! t&e nere1#entres o$ t&e #o!ing State+
P*t in anot&er (a", t&is !eans t&at in eer" great reol*tionar" !oe!ent t&at is o$ (orl% i!portan#e t&e i%ea o$ t&is
!oe!ent !*st al(a"s be sprea% abroa% t&ro*g& t&e operation o$ propagan%a+ T&e propagan%ist !*st neer tire in &is
e$$orts to !a,e t&e ne( i%eas #learl" *n%erstoo%, in#*l#ating t&e! a!ong ot&ers, or at least &e !*st pla#e &i!sel$ in t&e
position o$ t&ose ot&ers an% en%eao*r to *pset t&eir #on$i%en#e in t&e #oni#tions t&e" &ae &it&erto &el%+ In or%er t&at
s*#& propagan%a s&o*l% &ae ba#,bone to it, it !*st be base% on an organi>ation+ T&e organi>ation #&ooses its !e!bers
$ro! a!ong t&ose $ollo(ers (&o! t&e propagan%a &as (on+ T&at organi>ation (ill be#o!e all t&e !ore igoro*s i$ t&e
(or, o$ propagan%a be p*s&e% $or(ar% intensiel"+ An% t&e propagan%a (ill (or, all t&e better (&en t&e organi>ation
ba#, o$ it is igoro*s an% strong in itsel$+
Hen#e t&e s*pre!e tas, o$ t&e organi>er is to see to it t&at an" %is#or% or %i$$eren#es (&i#& !a" arise a!ong t&e !e!bers
o$ t&e !oe!ent (ill not lea% to a split an% t&ereb" #ra!p t&e (or, (it&in t&e !oe!ent+ )oreoer, it is t&e %*t" o$ t&e
organi>ation to see t&at t&e $ig&ting spirit o$ t&e !oe!ent %oes not $lag or %ie o*t b*t t&at it is #onstantl" reinigorate%
an% restrengt&ene%+ It is not ne#essar" t&e n*!ber o$ !e!bers s&o*l% in#rease in%e$initel"+ P*ite t&e #ontrar" (o*l% be
better+ In ie( o$ t&e $a#t t&at onl" a $ra#tion o$ &*!anit" &as energ" an% #o*rage, a !oe!ent (&i#& in#reases its o(n
organi>ation in%e$initel" !*st o$ ne#essit" one %a" be#o!e plet&ori# an% ina#tie+ Organi>ations, t&at is to sa", gro*ps o$
!e!bers, (&i#& in#rease t&eir si>e be"on% #ertain %i!ensions gra%*all" lose t&eir $ig&ting $or#e an% are no longer in $or!
to ba#, *p t&e propagation o$ a %o#trine (it& aggressie elan an% %eter!ination+
.o( t&e greater an% !ore reol*tionar" a %o#trine is, so !*#& t&e !ore a#tie (ill be t&e spirit inspiring its bo%" o$
!e!bers, be#a*se t&e s*bersie energ" o$ s*#& a %o#trine (ill $rig&ten (a" t&e #&i#,en1&earte% an% s!all1!in%e%
bo*rgeoisie+ In t&eir &earts t&e" !a" beliee in t&e %o#trine b*t t&e" are a$rai% to a#,no(le%ge t&eir belie$ openl"+ 8"
reason o$ t&is er" $a#t, &o(eer, an organi>ation inspire% b" a eritable reol*tionar" i%ea (ill attra#t into t&e bo%" o$ its
!e!bers&ip onl" t&e !ost a#tie o$ t&ose belieers (&o &ae been (on $or it b" its propagan%a+ It is in t&is a#tiit" on t&e
part o$ t&e !e!bers&ip bo%", g*arantee% b" t&e pro#ess o$ nat*ral sele#tion, t&at (e are to see, t&e prere/*isite #on%itions
$or t&e #ontin*ation o$ an a#tie an% spirite% propagan%a an% also t&e i#torio*s str*ggle $or t&e s*##ess o$ t&e i%ea on
(&i#& t&e !oe!ent is base%+
T&e greatest %anger t&at #an t&reaten a !oe!ent is an abnor!al in#rease in t&e n*!ber o$ its !e!bers, o(ing to its too
rapi% s*##ess+ So long as a !oe!ent &as to #arr" on a &ar% an% bitter $ig&t, people o$ (ea, an% $*n%a!entall" egotisti#
te!pera!ent (ill steer er" #lear o$ itC b*t t&ese (ill tr" to be a##epte% as !e!bers t&e !o!ent t&e part" a#&iees a
!ani$est s*##ess in t&e #o*rse o$ its %eelop!ent+
It is on t&ese gro*n%s t&at (e are to e5plain (&" so !an" !oe!ents (&i#& (ere at $irst s*##ess$*l slo(e% %o(n be$ore
rea#&ing t&e $*l$il!ent o$ t&eir p*rpose an%, $ro! an inner (ea,ness (&i#& #o*l% not ot&er(ise be e5plaine%, gae *p t&e
str*ggle an% $inall" %isappeare% $ro! t&e $iel%+ As a res*lt o$ t&e earl" s*##esses a#&iee%, so !an" *n%esirable, *n(ort&"
an% espe#iall" ti!i% in%ii%*als be#a!e !e!bers o$ t&e !oe!ent t&at t&e" $inall" se#*re% t&e !a0orit" an% sti$le% t&e
$ig&ting spirit o$ t&e ot&ers+ T&ese in$erior ele!ents t&en t*rne% t&e !oe!ent to t&e seri#e o$ t&eir personal interests
an%, %ebasing it to t&e leel o$ t&eir o(n !iserable &erois!, no longer str*ggle% $or t&e tri*!p& o$ t&e original i%ea+ T&e
$ire o$ t&e $irst $ero*r %ie% o*t, t&e $ig&ting spirit $lagge% an%, as t&e bo*rgeois (orl% is a##*sto!e% to sa" er" 0*stl" in
s*#& #ases, t&e part" !i5e% (ater (it& its (ine+
For t&is reason it is ne#essar" t&at a !oe!ent s&o*l%, $ro! t&e s&eer instin#t o$ sel$1preseration, #lose its lists to ne(
!e!bers&ip t&e !o!ent it be#o!es s*##ess$*l+ An% an" $*rt&er in#rease in its organi>ation s&o*l% be allo(e% to ta,e
pla#e onl" (it& t&e !ost #are$*l $oresig&t an% a$ter a painsta,ing si$ting o$ t&ose (&o appl" $or !e!bers&ip+ Onl" t&*s
(ill it be possible to ,eep t&e ,ernel o$ t&e !oe!ent inta#t an% $res& an% so*n%+ Care !*st be ta,en t&at t&e #on%*#t o$
t&e !oe!ent is !aintaine% e5#l*siel" in t&e &an%s o$ t&is original n*#le*s+ T&is !eans t&at t&e n*#le*s !*st %ire#t t&e
propagan%a (&i#& ai!s at se#*ring general re#ognition $or t&e !oe!ent+ An% t&e !oe!ent itsel$, (&en it &as se#*re%
po(er in its &an%s, !*st #arr" o*t all t&ose a#ts an% !eas*res (&i#& are ne#essar" in or%er t&at its i%eas s&o*l% be $inall"
establis&e% in pra#ti#e+
3it& t&ose ele!ents t&at originall" !a%e t&e !oe!ent, t&e organi>ation s&o*l% o##*p" all t&e i!portant positions t&at
&ae been #on/*ere% an% $ro! t&ose ele!ents t&e (&ole %ire#torate s&o*l% be $or!e%+ T&is s&o*l% #ontin*e *ntil t&e
!a5i!s an% %o#trines o$ t&e part" &ae be#o!e t&e $o*n%ation an% poli#" o$ t&e ne( State+ Onl" t&en (ill it be
per!issible gra%*all" to gie t&e reins into t&e &an%s o$ t&e Constit*tion o$ t&at State (&i#& t&e spirit o$ t&e !oe!ent &as
#reate%+ 8*t t&is *s*all" &appens t&ro*g& a pro#ess o$ !*t*al rialr", $or &ere it is less a /*estion o$ &*!an intelligen#e
t&an o$ t&e pla" an% e$$e#t o$ t&e $or#es (&ose %eelop!ent !a" in%ee% be $oreseen $ro! t&e start b*t not perpet*all"
All great !oe!ents, (&et&er o$ a politi#al or religio*s nat*re, o(e t&eir i!posing s*##ess to t&e re#ognition an% a%option
o$ t&ose prin#iples+ An% no %*rable s*##ess is #on#eiable i$ t&ese la(s are not obsere%+
As %ire#tor o$ propagan%a $or t&e part", I too, #are not !erel" to prepare t&e gro*n% $or t&e greatness o$ t&e !oe!ent in
its s*bse/*ent stages, b*t I also a%opte% t&e !ost ra%i#al !eas*res against allo(ing into t&e organi>ation an" ot&er t&an
t&e best !aterial+ For t&e !ore ra%i#al an% e5#iting !" propagan%a (as, t&e !ore %i% it $rig&ten (ea, an% (aering
#&ara#ters a(a", t&*s preenting t&e! $ro! entering t&e $irst n*#le*s o$ o*r organi>ation+ Per&aps t&e" re!aine%
$ollo(ers, b*t t&e" %i% not raise t&eir oi#es+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e" !aintaine% a %is#reet silen#e on t&e $a#t+ )an"
t&o*san%s o$ persons t&en ass*re% !e t&at t&e" (ere in $*ll agree!ent (it& *s b*t t&e" #o*l% not on an" a##o*nt be#o!e
!e!bers o$ o*r part"+ T&e" sai% t&at t&e !oe!ent (as so ra%i#al t&at to ta,e part in it as !e!bers (o*l% e5pose t&e! to
grae #ens*res an% grae %angers, so t&at t&e" (o*l% rat&er #ontin*e to be loo,e% *pon as &onest an% pea#e$*l #iti>ens
an% re!ain asi%e, $or t&e ti!e being at least, t&o*g& %eote% to o*r #a*se (it& all t&eir &earts+
An% t&at (as all to t&e goo%+ I$ all t&ese !en (&o in t&eir &earts %i% not approe o$ reol*tionar" i%eas #a!e into o*r
!oe!ent as !e!bers at t&at ti!e, (e s&o*l% be loo,e% *pon as a pio*s #on$raternit" to1%a" an% not as a "o*ng
!oe!ent inspire% (it& t&e spirit o$ #o!bat+
T&e liel" an% #o!batie $or! (&i#& I gae to all o*r propagan%a $orti$ie% an% g*arantee% t&e ra%i#al ten%en#" o$ o*r
!oe!ent, an% t&e res*lt (as t&at, (it& a $e( e5#eptions, onl" !en o$ ra%i#al ie(s (ere %ispose% to be#o!e !e!bers+
It (as %*e to t&e e$$e#t o$ o*r propagan%a t&at (it&in a s&ort perio% o$ ti!e &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ #iti>ens be#a!e
#onin#e% in t&eir &earts t&at (e (ere rig&t an% (is&e% *s i#tor", alt&o*g& personall" t&e" (ere too ti!i% to !a,e
sa#ri$i#es $or o*r #a*se or een parti#ipate in it+
Up to t&e !i%%le o$ 1921 t&is si!ple a#tiit" o$ gat&ering in $ollo(ers (as s*$$i#ient an% (as o$ al*e to t&e !oe!ent+
8*t in t&e s*!!er o$ t&at "ear #ertain eents &appene% (&i#& !a%e it see! opport*ne $or *s to bring o*r organi>ation
into line (it& t&e !ani$est s*##esses (&i#& t&e propagan%a &a% a#&iee%+
An atte!pt !a%e b" a gro*p o$ patrioti# isionaries, s*pporte% b" t&e #&air!an o$ t&e part" at t&at ti!e, to ta,e oer t&e
%ire#tion o$ t&e part" le% to t&e brea, *p o$ t&is little intrig*e an%, b" a *nani!o*s ote at a general !eeting, entr*ste% t&e
entire %ire#tion o$ t&e part" to !" o(n &an%s+ At t&e sa!e ti!e a ne( stat*te (as passe% (&i#& ineste% sole
responsibilit" in t&e #&air!an o$ t&e !oe!ent, abolis&e% t&e s"ste! o$ resol*tions in #o!!ittee an% in its stea%
intro%*#e% t&e prin#iple o$ %iision o$ labo*r (&i#& sin#e t&at ti!e &as (or,e% e5#ellentl"+
Fro! A*g*st 1st, 1921, on(ar%s I *n%ertoo, t&is internal reorgani>ation o$ t&e part" an% (as s*pporte% b" a n*!ber o$
e5#ellent !en+ I s&all !ention t&e! an% t&eir (or, in%ii%*all" later on+
In !" en%eao*r to t*rn t&e res*lts gaine% b" t&e propagan%a to t&e a%antage o$ t&e organi>ation an% t&*s stabili>e t&e!,
I &a% to abolis& #o!pletel" a n*!ber o$ ol% #*sto!s an% intro%*#e reg*lations (&i#& none o$ t&e ot&er parties possesse%
or &a% a%opte%+
In t&e "ears 1927121 t&e !oe!ent (as #ontrolle% b" a #o!!ittee ele#te% b" t&e !e!bers at a general !eeting+ T&e
#o!!ittee (as #o!pose% o$ a $irst an% se#on% treas*rer, a $irst an% se#on% se#retar", an% a $irst an% se#on% #&air!an at
t&e &ea% o$ it+ In a%%ition to t&ese t&ere (as a representatie o$ t&e !e!bers, t&e %ire#tor o$ propagan%a, an% ario*s
Co!i#all" eno*g&, t&e #o!!ittee e!bo%ie% t&e er" prin#iple against (&i#& t&e !oe!ent itsel$ (ante% to $ig&t (it& all
its energ", na!el", t&e prin#iple o$ parlia!entarianis!+ Here (as a prin#iple (&i#& personi$ie% eer"t&ing t&at (as being
oppose% b" t&e !oe!ent, $ro! t&e s!allest lo#al gro*ps to t&e %istri#t an% regional gro*ps, t&e state gro*ps an% $inall"
t&e national %ire#torate itsel$+ It (as a s"ste! *n%er (&i#& (e all s*$$ere% an% are still s*$$ering+
It (as i!peratie to #&ange t&is state o$ a$$airs $ort&(it&, i$ t&is ba% $o*n%ation in t&e internal organi>ation (as not to
,eep t&e !oe!ent inse#*re an% ren%er t&e $*l$il!ent o$ its &ig& !ission i!possible+
T&e sessions o$ t&e #o!!ittee, (&i#& (ere r*le% b" a proto#ol, an% in (&i#& %e#isions (ere !a%e a##or%ing to t&e ote o$
t&e !a0orit", presente% t&e pi#t*re o$ a !iniat*re parlia!ent+ Here also t&ere (as no s*#& t&ing as personal responsibilit"+
An% &ere reigne% t&e sa!e abs*r%ities an% illogi#al state o$ a$$airs as $lo*ris& in o*r great representatie bo%ies o$ t&e
State+ .a!es (ere presente% to t&is #o!!ittee $or ele#tion as se#retaries, treas*rers, representaties o$ t&e !e!bers o$ t&e
organi>ation, propagan%a agents an% Ao% ,no(s (&at else+ An% t&en t&e" all a#te% in #o!!on on eer" parti#*lar
/*estion an% %e#i%e% it b" ote+ A##or%ingl", t&e %ire#tor o$ propagan%a ote% on a /*estion t&at #on#erne% t&e !an (&o
&a% to %o (it& t&e $inan#es an% t&e latter in &is t*rn ote% on a /*estion t&at #on#erne% onl" t&e organi>ation as s*#&, t&e
organi>er oting on a s*b0e#t t&at &a% to %o (it& t&e se#retarial %epart!ent, an% so on+
3&" sele#t a spe#ial !an $or propagan%a i$ treas*rers an% s#ribes an% #o!!issaries, et#+, &a% to %elier 0*%g!ent on
/*estions #on#erning it@ To a person o$ #o!!onsense t&at sort o$ t&ing see!e% as in#o!pre&ensible as it (o*l% be i$ in a
great !an*$a#t*ring #on#ern t&e boar% o$ %ire#tors (ere to %e#i%e on te#&ni#al /*estions o$ pro%*#tion or i$, inersel", t&e
engineers (ere to %e#i%e on /*estions o$ a%!inistration+
I re$*se% to #o*ntenan#e t&at ,in% o$ $oll" an% a$ter a s&ort ti!e I #ease% to appear at t&e !eetings o$ t&e #o!!ittee+ I %i%
not&ing else e5#ept atten% to !" o(n %epart!ent o$ propagan%a an% I %i% not per!it an" o$ t&e ot&ers to po,e t&eir &ea%s
into !" a#tiities+ Conersel", I %i% not inter$ere in t&e a$$airs o$ ot&ers+
3&en t&e ne( stat*te (as approe% an% I (as appointe% as presi%ent, I &a% t&e ne#essar" a*t&orit" in !" &an%s an% also
t&e #orrespon%ing rig&t to !a,e s&ort s&ri$t o$ all t&at nonsense+ In t&e pla#e o$ %e#isions b" t&e !a0orit" ote o$ t&e
#o!!ittee, t&e prin#iple o$ absol*te responsibilit" (as intro%*#e%+
T&e #&air!an is responsible $or t&e (&ole #ontrol o$ t&e !oe!ent+ He apportions t&e (or, a!ong t&e !e!bers o$ t&e
#o!!ittee s*bor%inate to &i! an% $or spe#ial (or, &e sele#ts ot&er in%ii%*als+ Ea#& o$ t&ese gentle!en !*st bear sole
responsibilit" $or t&e tas, assigne% to &i!+ He is s*bor%inate onl" to t&e #&air!an, (&ose %*t" is to s*perise t&e general
#ollaboration, sele#ting t&e personnel an% giing general %ire#tions $or t&e #o1or%ination o$ t&e #o!!on (or,+
T&is prin#iple o$ absol*te responsibilit" is being a%opte% little b" little t&ro*g&o*t t&e !oe!ent+ In t&e s!all lo#al gro*ps
an% per&aps also in t&e regional an% %istri#t gro*ps it (ill ta,e "et a long ti!e be$ore t&e prin#iple #an be t&oro*g&l"
i!pose%, be#a*se ti!i% an% &esitant #&ara#ters are nat*rall" oppose% to it+ For t&e! t&e i%ea o$ bearing absol*te
responsibilit" $or an a#t opens *p an *npleasant prospe#t+ T&e" (o*l% li,e to &i%e be&in% t&e s&o*l%ers o$ t&e !a0orit" in
t&e so1#alle% #o!!ittee, &aing t&eir a#ts #oere% b" %e#isions passe% in t&at (a"+ 8*t it see!s to !e a !atter o$ absol*te
ne#essit" to ta,e a %e#isie stan% against t&at ie(, to !a,e no #on#essions (&atsoeer to t&is $ear o$ responsibilit", een
t&o*g& it ta,es so!e ti!e be$ore (e #an p*t $*ll" into e$$e#t t&is #on#ept o$ %*t" an% abilit" in lea%ers&ip, (&i#& (ill
$inall" bring $or(ar% lea%ers (&o &ae t&e re/*isite abilities to o##*p" t&e #&ie$ posts+
In an" #ase, a !oe!ent (&i#& !*st $ig&t against t&e abs*r%it" o$ parlia!entar" instit*tions !*st be i!!*ne $ro! t&is
sort o$ t&ing+ Onl" t&*s (ill it &ae t&e re/*isite strengt& to #arr" on t&e str*ggle+
At a ti!e (&en t&e !a0orit" %o!inates eer"(&ere else a !oe!ent (&i#& is base% on t&e prin#iple o$ one lea%er (&o &as
to bear personal responsibilit" $or t&e %ire#tion o$ t&e o$$i#ial a#ts o$ t&e !oe!ent itsel$ (ill one %a" oert&ro( t&e
present sit*ation an% tri*!p& oer t&e e5isting regi!e+ T&at is a !at&e!ati#al #ertaint"+
T&is i%ea !a%e it ne#essar" to reorgani>e o*r !oe!ent internall"+ T&e logi#al %eelop!ent o$ t&is reorgani>ation
bro*g&t abo*t a #lear1#*t %istin#tion bet(een t&e e#ono!i# se#tion o$ t&e !oe!ent an% t&e general politi#al %ire#tion+
T&e prin#iple o$ personal responsibilit" (as e5ten%e% to all t&e a%!inistratie bran#&es o$ t&e part" an% it bro*g&t abo*t a
&ealt&" renoation, b" liberating t&e! $ro! politi#al in$l*en#es an% allo(ing t&e! to operate solel" on e#ono!i#
In t&e a*t*!n o$ 1921, (&en t&e part" (as $o*n%e%, t&ere (ere onl" si5 !e!bers+ T&e part" %i% not &ae an"
&ea%/*arters, nor o$$i#ials, nor $or!*laries, nor a sta!p, nor printe% !aterial o$ an" sort+ T&e #o!!ittee $irst &el% its
sittings in a resta*rant on t&e Herrengasse an% t&en in a #a$Q at Aasteig+ T&is state o$ a$$airs #o*l% not last+ So I at on#e
too, a#tion in t&e !atter+ I (ent aro*n% to seeral resta*rants an% &otels in )*ni#&, (it& t&e i%ea o$ renting a roo! in one
o$ t&e! $or t&e *se o$ t&e Part"+ In t&e ol% Sterne#,erbrI* i! Tal, t&ere (as a s!all roo! (it& ar#&e% roo$, (&i#& in
earlier ti!es (as *se% as a sort o$ $estie taern (&ere t&e 8aarian Co*nsellors o$ t&e Hol" Ro!an E!pire $oregat&ere%+
It (as %ar, an% %is!al an% a##or%ingl" (ell s*ite% to its an#ient *ses, t&o*g& less s*ite% to t&e ne( p*rpose it (as no(
%estine% to sere+ T&e little street on (&i#& its one (in%o( loo,e% o*t (as so narro( t&at een on t&e brig&test s*!!er
%a" t&e roo! re!aine% %i! an% so!bre+ Here (e too, *p o*r $irst $i5e% abo%e+ T&e rent #a!e to $i$t" !ar,s per !ont&,
(&i#& (as t&en an enor!o*s s*! $or *s+ 8*t o*r e5igen#ies &a% to be er" !o%est+ 3e %are% not #o!plain een (&en
t&e" re!oe% t&e (oo%en (ains#oting a $e( %a"s a$ter (e &a% ta,en possession+ T&is panelling &a% been spe#iall" p*t *p
$or t&e I!perial Co*nsellors+ T&e pla#e began to loo, !ore li,e a grotto t&an an o$$i#e+
Still it !ar,e% an i!portant step $or(ar%+ Slo(l" (e &a% ele#tri# lig&t installe% an% later on a telep&one+ A table an% so!e
borro(e% #&airs (ere bro*g&t, an open paper1stan% an% later on a #*pboar%+ T(o si%eboar%s, (&i#& belonge% to t&e
lan%lor%, sere% to store o*r lea$lets, pla#ar%s, et#+
As ti!e (ent on it t*rne% o*t i!possible to %ire#t t&e #o*rse o$ t&e !oe!ent !erel" b" &ol%ing a #o!!ittee !eeting
on#e a (ee,+ T&e #*rrent b*siness a%!inistration o$ t&e !oe!ent #o*l% not be reg*larl" atten%e% to e5#ept (e &a% a
salarie% o$$i#ial+
8*t t&at (as t&en er" %i$$i#*lt $or *s+ T&e !oe!ent &a% still so $e( !e!bers t&at it (as &ar% to $in% a!ong t&e! a
s*itable person $or t&e 0ob (&o (o*l% be #ontent (it& er" little $or &i!sel$ an% at t&e sa!e ti!e (o*l% be rea%" to !eet
t&e !ani$ol% %e!an%s (&i#& t&e !oe!ent (o*l% !a,e on &is ti!e an% energ"+
A$ter long sear#&ing (e %is#oere% a sol%ier (&o #onsente% to be#o!e o*r $irst a%!inistrator+ His na!e (as S#&Hssler, an
ol% (ar #o!ra%e o$ !ine+ At $irst &e #a!e to o*r ne( o$$i#e eer" %a" bet(een si5 an% eig&t o#lo#, in t&e eening+ 'ater
on &e #a!e $ro! $ie to eig&t an% s*bse/*entl" $or t&e (&ole a$ternoon+ Finall" it be#a!e a $*ll1ti!e 0ob an% &e (or,e% in
t&e o$$i#e $ro! !orning *ntil late at nig&t+ He (as an in%*strio*s, *prig&t an% t&oro*g&l" &onest !an, $ait&$*l an%
%eote% to t&e !oe!ent+ He bro*g&t (it& &i! a s!all A%ler t"pe(riter o$ &is o(n+ It (as t&e $irst !a#&ine to be *se% in
t&e seri#e o$ t&e part"+ S*bse/*entl" t&e part" bo*g&t it b" pa"ing $or it in install!ents+ 3e nee%e% a s!all sa$e in or%er
to ,eep o*r papers an% register o$ !e!bers&ip $ro! %anger o$ being stolen 1 not to g*ar% o*r $*n%s, (&i#& %i% not t&en
e5ist+ On t&e #ontrar", o*r $inan#ial position (as so !iserable t&at I o$ten &a% to %ip !" &an% into !" o(n personal
A$ter eig&teen !ont&s o*r b*siness /*arters &a% be#o!e too s!all, so (e !oe% to a ne( pla#e in t&e Corneli*s Strasse+
Again o*r o$$i#e (as in a resta*rant, b*t instea% o$ one roo! (e no( &a% t&ree s!aller roo!s an% one large roo! (it&
great (in%o(s+ At t&at ti!e t&is appeare% a (on%er$*l t&ing to *s+ 3e re!aine% t&ere *ntil t&e en% o$ .oe!ber 1922+
In =e#e!ber 1927, (e a#/*ire% t&e BJl,is#&er 8eoba#&ter+ T&is ne(spaper (&i#&, as its na!e i!plies, #&a!pione% t&e
#lai!s o$ t&e people, (as no( to be#o!e t&e organ o$ t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part"+ At $irst it appeare%
t(i#e (ee,l"C b*t at t&e beginning o$ 1929 it be#a!e a %ail" paper, an% at t&e en% o$ A*g*st in t&e sa!e "ear it began to
appear in t&e large $or!at (&i#& is no( (ell ,no(n+
As a #o!plete noi#e in 0o*rnalis! I t&en learne% !an" a lesson $or (&i#& I &a% to pa" %earl"+
In #ontra%istin#tion to t&e enor!o*s n*!ber o$ papers in -e(is& &an%s, t&ere (as at t&at ti!e onl" one i!portant
ne(spaper t&at %e$en%e% t&e #a*se o$ t&e people+ T&is (as a !atter $or grae #onsi%eration+ As I &ae o$ten learne% b"
e5perien#e, t&e reason $or t&at state o$ t&ings !*st be attrib*te% to t&e in#o!petent (a" in (&i#& t&e b*siness si%e o$ t&e
so1#alle% pop*lar ne(spapers (as !anage%+ T&ese (ere #on%*#te% too !*#& a##or%ing to t&e r*le t&at opinion s&o*l%
preail oer a#tion t&at pro%*#es res*lts+ P*ite a (rong stan%point, $or opinion is o$ itsel$ so!et&ing internal an% $in%s its
best e5pression in pro%*#tie a#tiit"+ T&e !an (&o %oes al*able (or, $or &is people e5presses t&ereb" &is e5#ellent
senti!ents, (&ereas anot&er (&o !erel" tal,s abo*t &is opinions an% %oes not&ing t&at is o$ real al*e or *se to t&e people
is a person (&o pererts all rig&t t&in,ing+ An% t&at attit*%e o$ &is is also perni#io*s $or t&e #o!!*nit"+
T&e BJl,is#&e 8eoba#&ter (as a so1#alle% Mpop*lar organ, as its na!e in%i#ate%+ It &a% all t&e goo% /*alities, b*t still
!ore t&e errors an% (ea,nesses, in&erent in all pop*lar instit*tions+ T&o*g& its #ontents (ere e5#ellent, its !anage!ent
as a b*siness #on#ern (as si!pl" i!possible+ Here also t&e *n%erl"ing i%ea (as t&at pop*lar ne(spapers o*g&t to be
s*bsi%i>e% b" pop*lar #ontrib*tions, (it&o*t re#ogni>ing t&at it &a% to !a,e its (a" in #o!petition (it& t&e ot&ers an%
t&at it (as %is&onest to e5pe#t t&e s*bs#riptions o$ goo% patriots to !a,e *p $or t&e !ista,en !anage!ent o$ t&e
I too, #are to alter t&ose #on%itions pro!ptl", $or I re#ogni>e% t&e %anger l*r,ing in t&e!+ '*#, (as on !" si%e &ere,
inas!*#& as it bro*g&t !e t&e !an (&o sin#e t&at ti!e &as ren%ere% inn*!erable seri#es to t&e !oe!ent, not onl" as
b*siness !anager o$ t&e ne(spaper b*t also as b*siness !anager o$ t&e part"+ In 1914, in t&e 3ar, I !a%e t&e
a#/*aintan#e o$ )a5 A!ann, (&o (as t&en !" s*perior an% is to1%a" general b*siness =ire#tor o$ t&e Part"+ =*ring $o*r
"ears in t&e 3ar I &a% o##asion to obsere al!ost #ontin*all" t&e *n*s*al abilit", t&e %iligen#e an% t&e rigoro*s
#ons#ientio*sness o$ !" $*t*re #ollaborator+
In t&e s*!!er o$ 1921 I applie% to !" ol% regi!ental #o!ra%e, (&o! I !et one %a" b" #&an#e, an% as,e% &i! to be#o!e
b*siness !anager o$ t&e !oe!ent+ At t&at ti!e t&e !oe!ent (as passing t&ro*g& a grae #risis an% I &a% reason to be
%issatis$ie% (it& seeral o$ o*r o$$i#ials, (it& one o$ (&o! I &a% &a% a er" bitter e5perien#e+ A!ann t&en &el% a goo%
sit*ation in (&i#& t&ere (ere also goo% prospe#ts $or &i!+
A$ter long &esitation &e agree% to !" re/*est, b*t onl" on #on%ition t&at &e !*st not be at t&e !er#" o$ in#o!petent
#o!!ittees+ He !*st be responsible to one !aster, an% onl" one+
It is to t&e inesti!able #re%it o$ t&is $irst b*siness !anager o$ t&e part", (&ose #o!!er#ial ,no(le%ge is e5tensie an%
pro$o*n%, t&at &e bro*g&t or%er an% probit" into t&e ario*s o$$i#es o$ t&e part"+ Sin#e t&at ti!e t&ese &ae re!aine%
e5e!plar" an% #annot be e/*alle% or e5#elle% in t&is b" an" ot&er bran#&es o$ t&e !oe!ent+ 8*t, as o$ten &appens in li$e,
great abilit" proo,es en" an% %is$ao*r+ T&at &a% also to be e5pe#te% in t&is #ase an% borne patientl"+
Sin#e 1922 rigoro*s reg*lations &ae been in $or#e, not onl" $or t&e #o!!er#ial #onstr*#tion o$ t&e !oe!ent b*t also in
t&e organi>ation o$ it as s*#&+ T&ere e5ists no( a #entral $iling s"ste!, (&ere t&e na!es an% parti#*lars o$ all t&e
!e!bers are enrolle%+ T&e $inan#ing o$ t&e part" &as been pla#e% on so*n% lines+ T&e #*rrent e5pen%it*re !*st be #oere%
b" t&e #*rrent re#eipts an% spe#ial re#eipts #an be *se% onl" $or spe#ial e5pen%it*res+ T&*s, not(it&stan%ing t&e %i$$i#*lties
o$ t&e ti!e t&e !oe!ent re!aine% pra#ti#all" (it&o*t an" %ebts, e5#ept $or a $e( s!all #*rrent a##o*nts+ In%ee%, t&ere
(as a per!anent in#rease in t&e $*n%s+ T&ings are !anage% as in a priate b*siness+ T&e e!plo"e% personnel &ol% t&eir
0obs in irt*e o$ t&eir pra#ti#al e$$i#ien#" an% #o*l% not in an" !anner ta,e #oer be&in% t&eir pro$esse% lo"alt" to t&e
part"+ A goo% .ational So#ialist proes &is so*n%ness b" t&e rea%iness, %iligen#e an% #apabilit" (it& (&i#& &e %is#&arges
(&ateer %*ties are assigne% to &i! in (&ateer sit*ation &e &ol%s (it&in t&e national #o!!*nit"+ T&e !an (&o %oes not
$*l$il &is %*t" in t&e 0ob &e &ol%s #annot boast o$ a lo"alt" against (&i#& &e &i!sel$ reall" sins+
A%a!ant against all ,in%s o$ o*ter in$l*en#e, t&e ne( b*siness %ire#tor o$ t&e part" $ir!l" !aintaine% t&e stan%point t&at
t&ere (ere no sine#*re posts in t&e part" a%!inistration $or $ollo(ers an% !e!bers o$ t&e !oe!ent (&ose pleas*re is not
(or,+ A !oe!ent (&i#& $ig&ts so energeti#all" against t&e #orr*ption intro%*#e% into o*r #iil seri#e b" t&e ario*s
politi#al parties !*st be i!!*ne $ro! t&at i#e in its o(n a%!inistratie %epart!ent+ It &appene% t&at so!e !en (ere
ta,en on t&e sta$$ o$ t&e paper (&o &a% $or!erl" been a%&erents o$ t&e 8aarian Peoples Part", b*t t&eir (or, s&o(e% t&at
t&e" (ere e5#ellentl" /*ali$ie% $or t&e 0ob+ T&e res*lt o$ t&is e5peri!ent (as generall" e5#ellent+ It (as o(ing to t&is
&onest an% $ran, re#ognition o$ in%ii%*al e$$i#ien#" t&at t&e !oe!ent (on t&e &earts o$ its e!plo"ees !ore s(i$tl" an%
!ore pro$o*n%l" t&an &a% eer been t&e #ase be$ore+ S*bse/*entl" t&e" be#a!e goo% .ational So#ialists an% re!aine% so+
.ot in (or% onl", b*t t&e" proe% it b" t&e stea%" an% &onest an% #ons#ientio*s (or, (&i#& t&e" per$or!e% in t&e seri#e
o$ t&e ne( !oe!ent+ .at*rall" a (ell /*ali$ie% part" !e!ber (as pre$erre% to anot&er (&o &a% e/*al /*ali$i#ations b*t
%i% not belong to t&e part"+ T&e rigi% %eter!ination (it& (&i#& o*r ne( b*siness #&ie$ applie% t&ese prin#iples an%
gra%*all" p*t t&e! into $or#e, %espite all !is*n%erstan%ings, t*rne% o*t to be o$ great a%antage to t&e !oe!ent+ To t&is
(e o(e t&e $a#t t&at it (as possible $or *s 1 %*ring t&e %i$$i#*lt perio% o$ t&e in$lation, (&en t&o*san%s o$ b*sinesses $aile%
an% t&o*san%s o$ ne(spapers &a% to #ease p*bli#ation 1 not onl" to ,eep t&e #o!!er#ial %epart!ent o$ t&e !oe!ent
going an% !eet all its obligations b*t also to !a,e stea%" progress (it& t&e BJl,is#&e 8eoba#&ter+ At t&at ti!e it #a!e to
be ran,e% a!ong t&e great ne(spapers+
T&e "ear 1921 (as o$ $*rt&er i!portan#e $or !e b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at in !" position as #&air!an o$ t&e part" I slo(l"
b*t stea%il" s*##ee%e% in p*tting a stop to t&e #riti#is!s an% t&e intr*sions o$ so!e !e!bers o$ t&e #o!!ittee in regar% to
t&e %etaile% a#tiities o$ t&e part" a%!inistration+ T&is (as i!portant, be#a*se (e #o*l% not get a #apable !an to ta,e on a
0ob i$ nin#o!poops (ere #onstantl" allo(e% to b*tt in, preten%ing t&at t&e" ,ne( eer"t&ing !*#& betterC (&ereas in
realit" t&e" &a% le$t onl" general #&aos be&in% t&e!+ T&en t&ese (ise1a#res retire%, $or t&e !ost part /*ite !o%estl", to
see, anot&er $iel% $or t&eir a#tiities (&ere t&e" #o*l% s*perise an% tell &o( t&ings o*g&t to be %one+ So!e !en see!e%
to &ae a !ania $or sni$$ing be&in% eer"t&ing an% (ere, so to sa", al(a"s in a per!anent state o$ pregnan#" (it&
!agni$i#ent plans an% i%eas an% pro0e#ts an% !et&o%s+ .at*rall" t&eir noble ai! an% i%eal (ere al(a"s t&e $or!ation o$ a
#o!!ittee (&i#& #o*l% preten% to be an organ o$ #ontrol in or%er to be able to sni$$ as e5perts into t&e reg*lar (or, %one
b" ot&ers+ 8*t it is o$$ensie an% #ontrar" to t&e spirit o$ .ational So#ialis! (&en in#o!petent people #onstantl" inter$ere
in t&e (or, o$ #apable persons+ 8*t t&ese !a,ers o$ #o!!ittees %o not ta,e t&at er" !*#& into a##o*nt+ In t&ose "ears I
$elt it !" %*t" to sa$eg*ar% against s*#& anno"an#e all t&ose (&o (ere entr*ste% (it& reg*lar an% responsible (or,, so
t&at t&ere s&o*l% be no sp"ing oer t&e s&o*l%er an% t&e" (o*l% be g*arantee% a $ree &an% in t&eir %a"s (or,+
T&e best !eans o$ !a,ing #o!!ittees inno#*o*s, (&i#& eit&er %i% not&ing or #oo,e% *p i!pra#ti#able %e#isions, (as to
gie t&e! so!e real (or, to %o+ It (as t&en a!*sing to see &o( t&e !e!bers (o*l% silentl" $a%e a(a" an% (ere soon
no(&ere to be $o*n%+ It !a%e !e t&in, o$ t&at great instit*tion o$ t&e sa!e ,in%, t&e Rei#&stag+ Ho( /*i#,l" t&e" (o*l%
eanes#e i$ t&e" (ere p*t to so!e real (or, instea% o$ tal,ing, espe#iall" i$ ea#& !e!ber (ere !a%e personall"
responsible $or t&e (or, assigne% to &i!+
I al(a"s %e!an%e% t&at, 0*st as in priate li$e so also in t&e !oe!ent, one s&o*l% not tire o$ see,ing *ntil t&e best an%
&onestest an% !ani$estl" t&e !ost #o!petent person #o*l% be $o*n% $or t&e position o$ lea%er or a%!inistrator in ea#&
se#tion o$ t&e !oe!ent+ On#e installe% in &is position &e (as gien absol*te a*t&orit" an% $*ll $ree%o! o$ a#tion to(ar%s
&is s*bor%inates an% $*ll responsibilit" to(ar%s &is s*periors+ .obo%" (as pla#e% in a position o$ a*t&orit" to(ar%s &is
s*bor%inates *nless &e &i!sel$ (as #o!petent in t&e (or, entr*ste% to t&e!+ In t&e #o*rse o$ t(o "ears I bro*g&t !" ie(s
!ore an% !ore into pra#ti#eC so t&at to1%a", at least as $ar as t&e &ig&er %ire#tion o$ t&e !oe!ent is #on#erne%, t&e" are
a##epte% as a !atter o$ #o*rse+
T&e !ani$est s*##ess o$ t&is attit*%e (as s&o(n on .oe!ber 9t&, 1922+ Fo*r "ears preio*sl", (&en I entere% t&e
!oe!ent, it %i% not &ae een a r*bber sta!p+ On .oe!ber 9t&, 1922, t&e part" (as %issole% an% its propert"
#on$is#ate%+ T&e total s*! reali>e% b" all t&e ob0e#ts o$ al*e an% t&e paper a!o*nte% to !ore t&an 1:7,777 gol% !ar,s+
C&apter T(ele
O(ing to t&e rapi% gro(t& o$ t&e !oe!ent, in 1922 (e $elt #o!pelle% to ta,e a %e$inite stan% on a /*estion (&i#& &as
not been $*ll" sole% een "et+
In o*r e$$orts to %is#oer t&e /*i#,est an% easiest (a" $or t&e !oe!ent to rea#& t&e &eart o$ t&e broa% !asses (e (ere
al(a"s #on$ronte% (it& t&e ob0e#tion t&at t&e (or,er #o*l% neer #o!pletel" belong to *s (&ile &is interests in t&e p*rel"
o#ational an% e#ono!i# sp&ere (ere #are% $or b" a politi#al organi>ation #on%*#te% b" !en (&ose prin#iples (ere /*ite
%i$$erent $ro! o*rs+
T&at (as /*ite a serio*s ob0e#tion+ T&e general belie$ (as t&at a (or,!an engage% in so!e tra%e or ot&er #o*l% not e5ist
i$ &e %i% not belong to a tra%e *nion+ .ot onl" (ere &is pro$essional interests t&*s prote#te% b*t a g*arantee o$ per!anent
e!plo"!ent (as si!pl" in#on#eiable (it&o*t !e!bers&ip in a tra%e *nion+ T&e !a0orit" o$ t&e (or,ers (ere in t&e
tra%es *nions+ Aenerall" spea,ing, t&e *nions &a% s*##ess$*ll" #on%*#te% t&e battle $or t&e establis&!ent o$ a %e$inite s#ale
o$ (ages an% &a% #on#l*%e% agree!ents (&i#& g*arantee% t&e (or,er a stea%" in#o!e+ Un%o*bte%l" t&e (or,ers in t&e
ario*s tra%es bene$ite% b" t&e res*lts o$ t&at #a!paign an%, $or &onest !en espe#iall", #on$li#ts o$ #ons#ien#e !*st &ae
arisen i$ t&e" too, t&e (ages (&i#& &a% been ass*re% t&ro*g& t&e str*ggle $o*g&t b" t&e tra%es *nions an% i$ at t&e sa!e
ti!e t&e !en t&e!seles (it&%re( $ro! t&e $ig&t+
It (as %i$$i#*lt to %is#*ss t&is proble! (it& t&e aerage bo*rgeois e!plo"er+ He &a% no *n%erstan%ing For %i% not (is& to
&ae an"G $or eit&er t&e !aterial or !oral si%e o$ t&e /*estion+ Finall" &e %e#lare% t&at &is o(n e#ono!i# interests (ere in
prin#iple oppose% to eer" ,in% o$ organi>ation (&i#& 0oine% toget&er t&e (or,!en t&at (ere %epen%ent on &i!+ Hen#e it
(as $or t&e !ost part i!possible to bring t&ese bo*rgeois e!plo"ers to ta,e an i!partial ie( o$ t&e sit*ation+ Here,
t&ere$ore, as in so !an" ot&er #ases, it (as ne#essar" to appeal to %isintereste% o*tsi%ers (&o (o*l% not be s*b0e#t to t&e
te!ptation o$ $i5ing t&eir attention on t&e trees an% $ailing to see t&e $orest+ 3it& a little goo% (ill on t&eir part, t&e" #o*l%
!*#& !ore easil" *n%erstan% a state o$ a$$airs (&i#& is o$ t&e &ig&est i!portan#e $or o*r present an% $*t*re e5isten#e+
In t&e $irst ol*!e o$ t&is boo, I &ae alrea%" e5presse% !" ie(s on t&e nat*re an% p*rpose an% ne#essit" o$ tra%e *nions+
T&ere I too, *p t&e stan%point t&at *nless !eas*res are *n%erta,en b" t&e State F*s*all" $*tile in s*#& #asesG or a ne(
i%eal is intro%*#e% in o*r e%*#ation, (&i#& (o*l% #&ange t&e attit*%e o$ t&e e!plo"er to(ar%s t&e (or,er, no ot&er #o*rse
(o*l% be open to t&e latter e5#ept to %e$en% &is o(n interests &i!sel$ b" appealing to &is e/*al rig&ts as a #ontra#ting
part" (it&in t&e e#ono!i# sp&ere o$ t&e nations e5isten#e+ I state% $*rt&er t&at t&is (o*l% #on$or! to t&e interests o$ t&e
national #o!!*nit" i$ t&ereb" so#ial in0*sti#es #o*l% be re%resse% (&i#& ot&er(ise (o*l% #a*se serio*s %a!age to t&e
(&ole so#ial str*#t*re+ I state%, !oreoer, t&at t&e (or,er (o*l% al(a"s $in% it ne#essar" to *n%erta,e t&is prote#tie
a#tion as long as t&ere (ere !en a!ong t&e e!plo"ers (&o &a% no sense o$ t&eir so#ial obligations nor een o$ t&e !ost
ele!entar" &*!an rig&ts+ An% I #on#l*%e% b" sa"ing t&at i$ s*#& sel$1%e$en#e be #onsi%ere% ne#essar" its $or! o*g&t to be
t&at o$ an asso#iation !a%e *p o$ t&e (or,ers t&e!seles on t&e basis o$ tra%es *nions+
T&is (as !" general i%ea an% it re!aine% t&e sa!e in 1922+ 8*t a #lear an% pre#ise $or!*la (as still to be %is#oere%+ 3e
#o*l% not be satis$ie% (it& !erel" *n%erstan%ing t&e proble!+ It (as ne#essar" to #o!e to so!e #on#l*sions t&at #o*l% be
p*t into pra#ti#e+ T&e $ollo(ing /*estions &a% to be ans(ere%4
F1G Are tra%e *nions ne#essar"@
F2G S&o*l% t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part" itsel$ operate on a tra%e *nionist basis or &ae its !e!bers ta,e
part in tra%e *nionist a#tiities in so!e $or! or ot&er@
F2G 3&at $or! s&o*l% a .ational So#ialist Tra%es Union ta,e@ 3&at are t&e tas,s #on$ronting *s an% t&e en%s (e !*st tr"
to attain@
F4G Ho( #an (e establis& tra%e *nions $or s*#& tas,s an% ai!s@
I t&in, t&at I &ae alrea%" ans(ere% t&e $irst /*estion a%e/*atel"+ In t&e present state o$ a$$airs I a! #onin#e% t&at (e
#annot possibl" %ispense (it& t&e tra%es *nions+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e" are a!ong t&e !ost i!portant instit*tions in t&e
e#ono!i# li$e o$ t&e nation+ .ot onl" are t&e" i!portant in t&e sp&ere o$ so#ial poli#" b*t also, an% een !ore so, in t&e
national politi#al sp&ere+ For (&en t&e great !asses o$ a nation see t&eir ital nee%s satis$ie% t&ro*g& a 0*st tra%e *nionist
!oe!ent t&e sta!ina o$ t&e (&ole nation in its str*ggle $or e5isten#e (ill be enor!o*sl" rein$or#e% t&ereb"+
8e$ore eer"t&ing else, t&e tra%es *nions are ne#essar" as b*il%ing stones $or t&e $*t*re e#ono!i# parlia!ent, (&i#& (ill
be !a%e *p o$ #&a!bers representing t&e ario*s pro$essions an% o##*pations+
T&e se#on% /*estion is also eas" to ans(er+ I$ t&e tra%e *nionist !oe!ent is i!portant, t&en it is #lear t&at .ational
So#ialis! o*g&t to ta,e a %e$inite stan% on t&at /*estion, not onl" t&eoreti#all" b*t also in pra#ti#e+ 8*t &o(@ T&at is !ore
%i$$i#*lt to see #learl"+
T&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent, (&i#& ai!s at establis&ing t&e .ational So#ialist Peoples State, !*st al(a"s bear
stea%$astl" in !in% t&e prin#iple t&at eer" $*t*re instit*tion *n%er t&at State !*st be roote% in t&e !oe!ent itsel$+ It is a
great !ista,e to beliee t&at b" a#/*iring possession o$ s*pre!e politi#al po(er (e #an bring abo*t a %e$inite
reorgani>ation, s*%%enl" starting $ro! not&ing, (it&o*t t&e &elp o$ a #ertain resere sto#, o$ !en (&o &ae been traine%
be$ore&an%, espe#iall" in t&e spirit o$ t&e !oe!ent+ Here also t&e prin#iple &ol%s goo% t&at t&e spirit is al(a"s !ore
i!portant t&an t&e e5ternal $or! (&i#& it ani!atesC sin#e t&is $or! #an be #reate% !e#&ani#all" an% /*i#,l"+ For instan#e,
t&e lea%ers&ip prin#iple !a" be i!pose% on an organi>e% politi#al #o!!*nit" in a %i#tatorial (a"+ 8*t t&is prin#iple #an
be#o!e a liing realit" onl" b" passing t&ro*g& t&e stages t&at are ne#essar" $or its o(n eol*tion+ T&ese stages lea% $ro!
t&e s!allest #ell o$ t&e State organis! *p(ar%s+ As its bearers an% representaties, t&e lea%ers&ip prin#iple !*st &ae a
bo%" o$ !en (&o &ae passe% t&ro*g& a pro#ess o$ sele#tion lasting oer seeral "ears, (&o &ae been te!pere% b" t&e
&ar% realities o$ li$e an% t&*s ren%ere% #apable o$ #arr"ing t&e prin#iple into pra#ti#al e$$e#t+
It is o*t o$ t&e /*estion to t&in, t&at a s#&e!e $or t&e Constit*tion o$ a State #an be p*lle% o*t o$ a port$olio at a !o!ents
noti#e an% Mintro%*#e% b" i!peratie or%ers $ro! aboe+ One !a" tr" t&at ,in% o$ t&ing b*t t&e res*lt (ill al(a"s be
so!et&ing t&at &as not s*$$i#ient italit" to en%*re+ It (ill be li,e a stillborn in$ant+ T&e i%ea o$ it #alls to !in% t&e origin
o$ t&e 3ei!ar Constit*tion an% t&e atte!pt to i!pose on t&e Aer!an people a ne( Constit*tion an% a ne( $lag, neit&er o$
(&i#& &a% an" inner relation to t&e i#issit*%es o$ o*r peoples &istor" %*ring t&e last &al$ #ent*r"+
T&e .ational So#ialist State !*st g*ar% against all s*#& e5peri!ents+ It !*st gro( o*t o$ an organi>ation (&i#& &as
alrea%" e5iste% $or a long ti!e+ T&is organi>ation !*st possess .ational So#ialist li$e in itsel$, so t&at $inall" it !a" be
able to establis& a .ational So#ialist State t&at (ill be a liing realit"+
As I &ae alrea%" sai%, t&e ger! #ells o$ t&is State !*st lie in t&e a%!inistratie #&a!bers (&i#& (ill represent t&e
ario*s o##*pations an% pro$essions, t&ere$ore $irst o$ all in t&e tra%es *nions+ I$ t&is s*bse/*ent o#ational representation
an% t&e Central E#ono!i# Parlia!ent are to be .ational So#ialist instit*tions, t&ese i!portant ger! #ells !*st be e&i#les
o$ t&e .ational So#ialist #on#ept o$ li$e+ T&e instit*tions o$ t&e !oe!ent are to be bro*g&t oer into t&e StateC $or t&e
State #annot #all into e5isten#e all o$ a s*%%en an% as i$ b" !agi# t&ose instit*tions (&i#& are ne#essar" to its e5isten#e,
*nless it (is&es to &ae instit*tions t&at are bo*n% to re!ain #o!pletel" li$eless+
'oo,ing at t&e !atter $ro! t&e &ig&est stan%point, t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent (ill &ae to re#ogni>e t&e ne#essit" o$
a%opting its o(n tra%e1*nionist poli#"+
It !*st %o t&is $or a $*rt&er reason, na!el" be#a*se a real .ational So#ialist e%*#ation $or t&e e!plo"er as (ell as $or t&e
e!plo"ee, in t&e spirit o$ a !*t*al #o1operation (it&in t&e #o!!on $ra!e(or, o$ t&e national #o!!*nit", #annot be
se#*re% b" t&eoreti#al instr*#tion, appeals an% e5&ortations, b*t t&ro*g& t&e str*ggles o$ %ail" li$e+ In t&is spirit an%
t&ro*g& t&is spirit t&e !oe!ent !*st e%*#ate t&e seeral large e#ono!i# gro*ps an% bring t&e! #loser to one anot&er
*n%er a (i%er o*tloo,+ 3it&o*t t&is preparator" (or, it (o*l% be s&eer ill*sion to &ope t&at a real national #o!!*nit" #an
be bro*g&t into e5isten#e+ T&e great i%eal represente% b" its p&ilosop&" o$ li$e an% $or (&i#& t&e !oe!ent $ig&ts #an
alone $or! a general st"le o$ t&o*g&t stea%il" an% slo(l"+ An% t&is st"le (ill s&o( t&at t&e ne( state o$ t&ings rests on
$o*n%ations t&at are internall" so*n% an% not !erel" an e5ternal $a[a%e+
Hen#e t&e !oe!ent !*st a%opt a positie attit*%e to(ar%s t&e tra%e1*nionist i%ea+ 8*t it !*st go $*rt&er t&an t&is+ For
t&e enor!o*s n*!ber o$ !e!bers an% $ollo(ers o$ t&e tra%e1*nionist !oe!ent it !*st proi%e a pra#ti#al e%*#ation
(&i#& (ill !eet t&e e5igen#ies o$ t&e #o!ing .ational So#ialist State+
T&e ans(er to t&e t&ir% /*estion $ollo(s $ro! (&at &as been alrea%" sai%+
T&e .ational So#ialist Tra%es Union is not an instr*!ent $or #lass (ar$are, b*t a representatie organ o$ t&e ario*s
o##*pations an% #allings+ T&e .ational So#ialist State re#ogni>es no M#lasses+ 8*t, *n%er t&e politi#al aspe#t, it re#ogni>es
onl" #iti>ens (it& absol*tel" e/*al rig&ts an% e/*al obligations #orrespon%ing t&ereto+ An%, si%e b" si%e (it& t&ese, it
re#ogni>es s*b0e#ts o$ t&e State (&o &ae no politi#al rig&ts (&atsoeer+
A##or%ing to t&e .ational So#ialist #on#ept, it is not t&e tas, o$ t&e tra%es *nion to ban% toget&er #ertain !en (it&in t&e
national #o!!*nit" an% t&*s gra%*all" trans$or! t&ese !en into a #lass, so as to *se t&e! in a #on$li#t against ot&er
gro*ps si!ilarl" organi>e% (it&in t&e national #o!!*nit"+ 3e #ertainl" #annot assign t&is tas, to t&e tra%es *nion as
s*#&+ T&is (as t&e tas, assigne% to it t&e !o!ent it be#a!e a $ig&ting (eapon in t&e &an%s o$ t&e )ar5ists+ T&e tra%es
*nion is not nat*rall" an instr*!ent o$ #lass (ar$areC b*t t&e )ar5ists trans$or!e% it into an instr*!ent $or *se in t&eir
o(n #lass str*ggle+ T&e" #reate% t&e e#ono!i# (eapon (&i#& t&e international -e( *ses $or t&e p*rpose o$ %estro"ing t&e
e#ono!i# $o*n%ations o$ $ree an% in%epen%ent national States, $or r*ining t&eir national in%*str" an% tra%e an% t&ereb"
enslaing $ree nations to sere -e(is& (orl%1$inan#e, (&i#& trans#en%s all State bo*n%aries+
In #ontra%istin#tion to t&is, t&e .ational So#ialist Tra%es Union !*st organi>e %e$inite gro*ps an% t&ose (&o parti#ipate
in t&e e#ono!i# li$e o$ t&e nation an% t&*s en&an#e t&e se#*rit" o$ t&e national e#ono!i# s"ste! itsel$, rein$or#ing it b" t&e
eli!ination o$ all t&ose ano!alies (&i#& *lti!atel" e5er#ise a %estr*#tie in$l*en#e on t&e so#ial bo%" o$ t&e nation,
%a!aging t&e ital $or#es o$ t&e national #o!!*nit", pre0*%i#ing t&e (el$are o$ t&e State an%, b" no !eans as a last
#onse/*en#e, bringing eil an% %estr*#tion on e#ono!i# li$e itsel$+
T&ere$ore in t&e &an%s o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Tra%es Union t&e stri,e is not an instr*!ent $or %ist*rbing an% %islo#ating
t&e national pro%*#tion, b*t $or in#reasing it an% !a,ing it r*n s!oot&l", b" $ig&ting against all t&ose anno"an#es (&i#&
b" reason o$ t&eir *nso#ial #&ara#ter &in%er e$$i#ien#" in b*siness an% t&ereb" &a!per t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e (&ole nation+
For in%ii%*al e$$i#ien#" stan%s al(a"s in #as*al relation to t&e general so#ial an% 0*ri%i#al position o$ t&e in%ii%*al in
t&e e#ono!i# pro#ess+ In%ii%*al e$$i#ien#" is also t&e sole root o$ t&e #oni#tion t&at t&e e#ono!i# prosperit" o$ t&e nation
!*st ne#essaril" re%o*n% to t&e bene$it o$ t&e in%ii%*al #iti>en+
T&e .ational So#ialist e!plo"ee (ill &ae to re#ogni>e t&e $a#t t&at t&e e#ono!i# prosperit" o$ t&e nation brings (it& it
&is o(n !aterial &appiness+
T&e .ational So#ialist e!plo"er !*st re#ogni>e t&at t&e &appiness an% #ontent!ent o$ &is e!plo"ees are ne#essar" pre1
re/*isites $or t&e e5isten#e an% %eelop!ent o$ &is o(n e#ono!i# prosperit"+
.ational So#ialist (or,ers an% e!plo"ers are bot& toget&er t&e %elegates an% !an%atories o$ t&e (&ole national
#o!!*nit"+ T&e large !eas*re o$ personal $ree%o! (&i#& is a##or%e% to t&e! $or t&eir a#tiities !*st be e5plaine% b" t&e
$a#t t&at e5perien#e &as s&o(n t&at t&e pro%*#tie po(ers o$ t&e in%ii%*al are !ore en&an#e% b" being a##or%e% a
genero*s !eas*re o$ $ree%o! t&an b" #oer#ion $ro! aboe+ )oreoer, b" a##or%ing t&is $ree%o! (e gie $ree pla" to t&e
nat*ral pro#ess o$ sele#tion (&i#& brings $or(ar% t&e ablest an% !ost #apable an% !ost in%*strio*s+ For t&e .ational
So#ialist Tra%es Union, t&ere$ore, t&e stri,e is a !eans t&at !a", an% in%ee% !*st, be resorte% to as long as t&ere is not a
.ational So#ialist State "et+ 8*t (&en t&at State is establis&e% it (ill, as a !atter o$ #o*rse, abolis& t&e !ass str*ggle
bet(een t&e t(o great gro*ps !a%e *p o$ e!plo"ers an% e!plo"ees respe#tiel", a str*ggle (&i#& &as al(a"s res*lte% in
lessening t&e national pro%*#tion an% in0*ring t&e national #o!!*nit"+ In pla#e o$ t&is str*ggle, t&e .ational So#ialist
State (ill ta,e oer t&e tas, o$ #aring $or an% %e$en%ing t&e rig&ts o$ all parties #on#erne%+ It (ill be t&e %*t" o$ t&e
E#ono!i# C&a!ber itsel$ to ,eep t&e national e#ono!i# s"ste! in s!oot& (or,ing or%er an% to re!oe (&ateer %e$e#ts
or errors it !a" s*$$er $ro!+ P*estions t&at are no( $o*g&t oer t&ro*g& a /*arrel t&at inoles !illions o$ people (ill
t&en be settle% in t&e Representatie C&a!bers o$ Tra%es an% Pro$essions an% in t&e Central E#ono!i# Parlia!ent+ T&*s
e!plo"ers an% e!plo"ees (ill no longer $in% t&e!seles %ra(n into a !*t*al #on$li#t oer (ages an% &o*rs o$ (or,,
al(a"s to t&e %etri!ent o$ t&eir !*t*al interests+ 8*t t&e" (ill sole t&ese proble!s toget&er on a &ig&er plane, (&ere t&e
(el$are o$ t&e national #o!!*nit" an% o$ t&e State (ill be as a s&ining i%eal to t&ro( lig&t on all t&eir negotiations+
Here again, as eer"(&ere else, t&e in$le5ible prin#iple !*st be obsere%, t&at t&e interests o$ t&e #o*ntr" !*st #o!e
be$ore part" interests+
T&e tas, o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Tra%es Union (ill be to e%*#ate an% prepare its !e!bers to #on$or! to t&ese i%eals+
T&at tas, !a" be state% as $ollo(s4 All !*st (or, toget&er $or t&e !aintenan#e an% se#*rit" o$ o*r people an% t&e Peoples
State, ea#& one a##or%ing to t&e abilities an% po(ers (it& (&i#& .at*re &as en%o(e% &i! an% (&i#& &ae been %eelope%
an% traine% b" t&e national #o!!*nit"+
O*r $o*rt& /*estion (as4 Ho( s&all (e establis& tra%es *nions $or s*#& tas,s an% ai!s@ T&at is $ar !ore %i$$i#*lt to
Aenerall" spea,ing, it is easier to establis& so!et&ing in ne( territor" t&an in ol% territor" (&i#& alrea%" &as its
establis&e% instit*tions+ In a %istri#t (&ere t&ere is no e5isting b*siness o$ a spe#ial #&ara#ter one #an easil" establis& a
ne( b*siness o$ t&is #&ara#ter+ 8*t it is !ore %i$$i#*lt i$ t&e sa!e ,in% o$ enterprise alrea%" e5ists an% it is !ost %i$$i#*lt o$
all (&en t&e #on%itions are s*#& t&at onl" one enterprise o$ t&is ,in% #an prosper+ For &ere t&e pro!oters o$ t&e ne(
enterprise $in% t&e!seles #on$ronte% not onl" (it& t&e proble! o$ intro%*#ing t&eir o(n b*siness b*t also t&at o$ &o( to
bring abo*t t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&e ot&er b*siness alrea%" e5isting in t&e %istri#t, so t&at t&e ne( enterprise !a" be able to
It (o*l% be senseless to &ae a .ational So#ialist Tra%es Union si%e b" si%e (it& ot&er tra%es *nions+ For t&is Tra%es
Union !*st be t&oro*g&l" i!b*e% (it& a $eeling $or t&e i%eologi#al nat*re o$ its tas, an% o$ t&e res*lting obligation not to
tolerate ot&er si!ilar or &ostile instit*tions+ It !*st also insist t&at itsel$ alone is ne#essar", to t&e e5#l*sion o$ all t&e rest+
It #an #o!e to no arrange!ent an% no #o!pro!ise (it& ,in%re% ten%en#ies b*t !*st assert its o(n absol*te an% e5#l*sie
T&ere (ere t(o (a"s (&i#& !ig&t lea% to s*#& a %eelop!ent4
F1G 3e #o*l% establis& o*r Tra%es Union an% t&en gra%*all" ta,e *p t&e $ig&t against t&e )ar5ist International Tra%es
F2G Or (e #o*l% enter t&e )ar5ist Tra%es Union an% in#*l#ate a ne( spirit in it, (it& t&e i%ea o$ trans$or!ing it into an
instr*!ent in t&e seri#e o$ t&e ne( i%eal+
T&e $irst (a" (as not a%isable, b" reason o$ t&e $a#t t&at o*r $inan#ial sit*ation (as still t&e #a*se o$ !*#& (orr" to *s at
t&at ti!e an% o*r reso*r#es (ere /*ite slen%er+ T&e e$$e#ts o$ t&e in$lation (ere stea%il" sprea%ing an% !a%e t&e parti#*lar
sit*ation still !ore %i$$i#*lt $or *s, be#a*se in t&ose "ears one #o*l% s#ar#el" spea, o$ an" !aterial &elp (&i#& t&e tra%es
*nions #o*l% e5ten% to t&eir !e!bers+ Fro! t&is point o$ ie(, t&ere (as no reason (&" t&e in%ii%*al (or,er s&o*l% pa"
&is %*es to t&e *nion+ Een t&e )ar5ist *nions t&en e5isting (ere alrea%" on t&e point o$ #ollapse *ntil, as t&e res*lt o$
Herr C*nos enlig&tene% R*&r poli#", !illions (ere s*%%enl" po*re% into t&eir #o$$ers+ T&is so1#alle% Mnational
C&an#ellor o$ t&e Rei#& s&o*l% go %o(n in &istor" as t&e Re%ee!er o$ t&e )ar5ist tra%es *nions+
3e #o*l% not #o*nt on si!ilar $inan#ial $a#ilities+ An% nobo%" #o*l% be in%*#e% to enter a ne( Tra%es Union (&i#&, on
a##o*nt o$ its $inan#ial (ea,ness, #o*l% not o$$er &i! t&e slig&test !aterial bene$it+ On t&e ot&er &an%, I $elt bo*n%
absol*tel" to g*ar% against t&e #reation o$ s*#& an organi>ation (&i#& (o*l% onl" be a s&elter $or s&ir,ers o$ t&e !ore or
less intelle#t*al t"pe+
At t&at ti!e t&e /*estion o$ personnel pla"e% t&e !ost i!portant role+ I %i% not &ae a single !an (&o! I !ig&t #all *pon
to #arr" o*t t&is i!portant tas,+ 3&oeer #o*l% &ae s*##ee%e% at t&at ti!e in oert&ro(ing t&e )ar5ist *nions to !a,e
(a" $or t&e tri*!p& o$ t&e .ational So#ialist #orporatie i%ea, (&i#& (o*l% t&en ta,e t&e pla#e o$ t&e r*ino*s #lass
(ar$are 1 s*#& a person (o*l% be $it to ran, (it& t&e er" greatest !en o*r nation &as pro%*#e% an% &is b*st s&o*l% be
installe% in t&e Bal&alla at Regensb*rg $or t&e a%!iration o$ posterit"+
8*t I ,ne( o$ no person (&o #o*l% /*ali$" $or s*#& a pe%estal+
In t&is #onne#tion (e !*st not be le% astra" b" t&e $a#t t&at t&e international tra%es *nions are #on%*#te% b" !en o$ onl"
!e%io#re signi$i#an#e, $or (&en t&ose *nions (ere $o*n%e% t&ere (as not&ing else o$ a si!ilar ,in% alrea%" in e5isten#e+
To1%a" t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent !*st $ig&t against a !onster organi>ation (&i#& &as e5iste% $or a long ti!e, rests
on giganti# $o*n%ations an% is #are$*ll" #onstr*#te% een in t&e s!allest %etails+ An assailant !*st al(a"s e5er#ise !ore
intelligen#e t&an t&e %e$en%er, i$ &e is to oert&ro( t&e latter+ T&e )ar5ist tra%e1*nionist #ita%el !a" be goerne% to1%a"
b" !e%io#re lea%ers, b*t it #annot be ta,en b" assa*lt e5#ept t&ro*g& t&e %a*ntless energ" an% geni*s o$ a s*perior lea%er
on t&e ot&er si%e+ I$ s*#& a lea%er #annot be $o*n% it is $*tile to str*ggle (it& Fate an% een !ore $oolis& to tr" to
oert&ro( t&e e5isting state o$ t&ings (it&o*t being able to #onstr*#t a better in its pla#e+
Here one !*st appl" t&e !a5i! t&at in li$e it is o$ten better to allo( so!et&ing to go b" t&e boar% rat&er t&an tr" to &al$ %o
it or %o it ba%l", o(ing to a la#, o$ s*itable !eans+
To t&is (e !*st a%% anot&er #onsi%eration, (&i#& is not at all o$ a %e!agogi# #&ara#ter+ At t&at ti!e I &a%, an% I still &ae
to1%a", a $ir!l" roote% #oni#tion t&at (&en one is engage% in a great i%eologi#al str*ggle in t&e politi#al $iel% it (o*l% be
a grae !ista,e to !i5 *p e#ono!i# /*estions (it& t&is str*ggle in its earlier stages+ T&is applies parti#*larl" to o*r
Aer!an people+ For i$ s*#& (ere to &appen in t&eir #ase t&e e#ono!i# str*ggle (o*l% i!!e%iatel" %istra#t t&e energ"
ne#essar" $or t&e politi#al $ig&t+ On#e t&e people are bro*g&t to beliee t&at t&e" #an b*" a little &o*se (it& t&eir saings
t&e" (ill %eote t&e!seles to t&e tas, o$ in#reasing t&eir saings an% no spare ti!e (ill be le$t to t&e! $or t&e politi#al
str*ggle against t&ose (&o, in one (a" or anot&er, (ill one %a" se#*re possession o$ t&e pennies t&at &ae been sae%+
Instea% o$ parti#ipating in t&e politi#al #on$li#t on be&al$ o$ t&e opinions an% #oni#tions (&i#& t&e" &ae been bro*g&t to
a##ept t&e" (ill no( go $*rt&er (it& t&eir Msettle!ent i%ea an% in t&e en% t&e" (ill $in% t&e!seles $or t&e !ost part
sitting on t&e gro*n% a!i%st all t&e stools+
To1%a" t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent is at t&e beginning o$ its str*ggle+ In great part it !*st $irst o$ all s&ape an%
%eelop its i%eals+ It !*st e!plo" eer" o*n#e o$ its energ" in t&e str*ggle to &ae its great i%eal a##epte%, an% t&e s*##ess
o$ t&is e$$ort is not #on#eiable *nless t&e #o!bine% energies o$ t&e !oe!ent be entirel" at t&e seri#e o$ t&is str*ggle+
To1%a" (e &ae a #lassi#al e5a!ple o$ &o( t&e a#tie strengt& o$ a people be#o!es paral"se% (&en t&at people is too !*#&
ta,en *p (it& p*rel" e#ono!i# proble!s+
T&e Reol*tion (&i#& too, pla#e in .oe!ber 1919 (as not !a%e b" t&e tra%es *nions, b*t it (as #arrie% o*t in spite o$
t&e!+ An% t&e people o$ Aer!an" %i% not (age an" politi#al $ig&t $or t&e $*t*re o$ t&eir #o*ntr" be#a*se t&e" t&o*g&t t&at
t&e $*t*re #o*l% be s*$$i#ientl" se#*re% b" #onstr*#tie (or, in t&e e#ono!i# $iel%+
3e !*st learn a lesson $ro! t&is e5perien#e, be#a*se in o*r #ase t&e sa!e t&ing !*st &appen *n%er t&e sa!e
#ir#*!stan#es+ T&e !ore t&e #o!bine% strengt& o$ o*r !oe!ent is #on#entrate% in t&e politi#al str*ggle, t&e !ore
#on$i%entl" !a" (e #o*nt on being s*##ess$*l along o*r (&ole $ront+ 8*t i$ (e b*s" o*rseles pre!at*rel" (it& tra%e
*nionist proble!s, settle!ent proble!s, et#+, it (ill be to t&e %isa%antage o$ o*r o(n #a*se, ta,en as a (&ole+ For, t&o*g&
t&ese proble!s !a" be i!portant, t&e" #annot be sole% in an a%e/*ate !anner *ntil (e &ae politi#al po(er in o*r &an%
an% are able to *se it in t&e seri#e o$ t&is i%ea+ Until t&at %a" #o!es t&ese proble!s #an &ae onl" a paral"sing e$$e#t on
t&e !oe!ent+ An% i$ it ta,es t&e! *p too soon t&e" (ill onl" be a &in%ran#e in t&e e$$ort to attain its o(n i%eologi#al
ai!s+ It !a" t&en easil" &appen t&at tra%e *nionist #onsi%erations (ill #ontrol t&e politi#al %ire#tion o$ t&e !oe!ent,
instea% o$ t&e i%eologi#al ai!s o$ t&e !oe!ent %ire#ting t&e (a" t&at t&e tra%es *nions are to ta,e+
T&e !oe!ent an% t&e nation #an %erie a%antage $ro! a .ational So#ialist tra%e *nionist organi>ation onl" i$ t&e latter
be so t&oro*g&l" inspire% b" .ational So#ialist i%eas t&at it r*ns no %anger o$ $alling into step be&in% t&e )ar5ist
!oe!ent+ For a .ational So#ialist Tra%es Union (&i#& (o*l% #onsi%er itsel$ onl" as a #o!petitor against t&e )ar5ist
*nions (o*l% be (orse t&an none+ It !*st %e#lare (ar against t&e )ar5ist Tra%es Union, not onl" as an organi>ation b*t,
aboe all, as an i%ea+ It !*st %e#lare itsel$ &ostile to t&e i%ea o$ #lass an% #lass (ar$are an%, in pla#e o$ t&is, it !*st %e#lare
itsel$ as t&e %e$en%er o$ t&e ario*s o##*pational an% pro$essional interests o$ t&e Aer!an people+
Consi%ere% $ro! all t&ese points o$ ie( it (as not t&en a%isable, nor is it "et a%isable, to t&in, o$ $o*n%ing o*r o(n
Tra%es Union+ T&at see!e% #lear to !e, at least *ntil so!ebo%" appeare% (&o (as obio*sl" #alle% b" $ate to sole t&is
parti#*lar proble!+
T&ere$ore t&ere re!aine% onl" t(o possible (a"s+ Eit&er to re#o!!en% o*r o(n part" !e!bers to leae t&e tra%es *nions
in (&i#& t&e" (ere enrolle% or to re!ain in t&e! $or t&e !o!ent, (it& t&e i%ea o$ #a*sing as !*#& %estr*#tion in t&e! as
In general, I re#o!!en%e% t&e latter alternatie+
Espe#iall" in t&e "ear 1922122 (e #o*l% easil" %o t&at+ For, %*ring t&e perio% o$ in$lation, t&e $inan#ial a%antages (&i#&
!ig&t be reape% $ro! a tra%es *nion organi>ation (o*l% be negligible, be#a*se (e #o*l% e5pe#t to enroll onl" a $e(
!e!bers o(ing to t&e *n%eelope% #on%ition o$ o*r !oe!ent+ T&e %a!age (&i#& !ig&t res*lt $ro! s*#& a poli#" (as all
t&e greater be#a*se its bitterest #riti#s an% opponents (ere to be $o*n% a!ong t&e $ollo(ers o$ t&e .ational So#ialist Part"+
I &a% alrea%" entirel" %is#o*ntenan#e% all e5peri!ents (&i#& (ere %estine% $ro! t&e er" beginning to be *ns*##ess$*l+ I
(o*l% &ae #onsi%ere% it #ri!inal to r*n t&e ris, o$ %epriing a (or,er o$ &is s#ant earnings in or%er to &elp an
organi>ation (&i#&, a##or%ing to !" inner #oni#tion, #o*l% not pro!ise real a%antages to its !e!bers+
S&o*l% a ne( politi#al part" $a%e o*t o$ e5isten#e one %a" nobo%" (o*l% be in0*re% t&ereb" an% so!e (o*l% &ae pro$ite%,
b*t none (o*l% &ae a rig&t to #o!plain+ For (&at ea#& in%ii%*al #ontrib*tes to a politi#al !oe!ent is gien (it& t&e
i%ea t&at it !a" *lti!atel" #o!e to not&ing+ 8*t t&e !an (&o pa"s &is %*es to a tra%e *nion &as t&e rig&t to e5pe#t so!e
g*arantee in ret*rn+ I$ t&is is not %one, t&en t&e %ire#tors o$ s*#& a tra%e *nion are s(in%lers or at least #areless people
(&o o*g&t to be bro*g&t to a sense o$ t&eir responsibilities+
3e too, all t&ese ie(points into #onsi%eration be$ore !a,ing o*r %e#ision in 1922+ Ot&ers t&o*g&t ot&er(ise an%
$o*n%e% tra%es *nions+ T&e" *pbrai%e% *s $or being s&ort1sig&te% an% $ailing to see into t&e $*t*re+ 8*t it %i% not ta,e long
$or t&ese organi>ations to %isappear an% t&e res*lt (as (&at (o*l% &ae &appene% in o*r o(n #ase+ 8*t t&e %i$$eren#e (as
t&at (e s&o*l% &ae %e#eie% neit&er o*rseles nor t&ose (&o beliee% in *s+
C&apter T&irteen
T&e errati# !anner in (&i#& t&e $oreign a$$airs o$ t&e Rei#& (ere #on%*#te% (as %*e to a la#, o$ so*n% g*i%ing prin#iples
$or t&e $or!ation o$ pra#ti#al an% *se$*l allian#es+ .ot onl" (as t&is state o$ a$$airs #ontin*e% a$ter t&e Reol*tion, b*t it
be#a!e een (orse+
For t&e #on$*se% state o$ o*r politi#al i%eas in general be$ore t&e 3ar !a" be loo,e% *pon as t&e #&ie$ #a*se o$ o*r
%e$e#tie states!ans&ipC b*t in t&e post13ar perio% t&is #a*se !*st be attrib*te% to a la#, o$ &onest intentions+ It (as
nat*ral t&at t&ose parties (&o &a% $*ll" a#&iee% t&eir %estr*#tie p*rpose b" !eans o$ t&e Reol*tion s&o*l% $eel t&at it
(o*l% not sere t&eir interests i$ a poli#" o$ allian#es (ere a%opte% (&i#& !*st *lti!atel" res*lt in t&e restoration o$ a $ree
Aer!an State+ A %eelop!ent in t&is %ire#tion (o*l% not be in #on$or!it" (it& t&e p*rposes o$ t&e .oe!ber #ri!e+ It
(o*l% &ae interr*pte% an% in%ee% p*t an en% to t&e internationali>ation o$ Aer!an national e#ono!" an% Aer!an
'abo*r+ 8*t (&at (as $eare% !ost o$ all (as t&at a s*##ess$*l e$$ort to !a,e t&e Rei#& in%epen%ent o$ $oreign #o*ntries
!ig&t &ae an in$l*en#e in %o!esti# politi#s (&i#& one %a" (o*l% t*rn o*t %isastro*s $or t&ose (&o no( &ol% s*pre!e
po(er in t&e goern!ent o$ t&e Rei#&+ One #annot i!agine t&e reial o$ a nation *nless t&at reial be pre#e%e% b" a
pro#ess o$ nationali>ation+ Conersel", eer" i!portant s*##ess in t&e $iel% o$ $oreign politi#s !*st #all $ort& a $ao*rable
rea#tion at &o!e+ E5perien#e proes t&at eer" str*ggle $or libert" in#reases t&e national senti!ent an% national sel$1
#ons#io*sness an% t&ere(it& gies rise to a ,eener sensibilit" to(ar%s anti1national ele!ents an% ten%en#ies+ A state o$
t&ings, an% persons also, t&at !a" be tolerate% an% een pass *nnoti#e% in ti!es o$ pea#e (ill not onl" be#o!e t&e ob0e#t
o$ aersion (&en national ent&*sias! is aro*se% b*t (ill een proo,e positie opposition, (&i#& $re/*entl" t*rns o*t
%isastro*s $or t&e!+ In t&is #onne#tion (e !a" re#all t&e sp"1s#are t&at be#a!e prealent (&en t&e (ar bro,e o*t, (&en
&*!an passion s*%%enl" !ani$este% itsel$ to s*#& a &eig&tene% %egree as to lea% to t&e !ost br*tal perse#*tions, o$ten
(it&o*t an" 0*sti$iable gro*n%s, alt&o*g& eer"bo%" ,ne( t&at t&e %anger res*lting $ro! spies is greater %*ring t&e long
perio%s o$ pea#eC b*t, $or obio*s reasons, t&e" %o not t&en attra#t a si!ilar a!o*nt o$ p*bli# attention+ For t&is reason t&e
s*btle instin#t o$ t&e State parasites (&o #a!e to t&e s*r$a#e o$ t&e national bo%" t&ro*g& t&e .oe!ber &appenings !a,es
t&e! $eel at on#e t&at a poli#" o$ allian#es (&i#& (o*l% restore t&e $ree%o! o$ o*r people an% a(a,en national senti!ent
!ig&t possibl" r*in t&eir o(n #ri!inal e5isten#e+
T&*s (e !a" e5plain t&e $a#t t&at sin#e 1919 t&e !en (&o &ae &el% t&e reins o$ goern!ent a%opte% an entirel" negatie
attit*%e to(ar%s $oreign a$$airs an% t&at t&e b*siness o$ t&e State &as been al!ost #onstantl" #on%*#te% in a s"ste!ati# (a"
against t&e interests o$ t&e Aer!an nation+ For t&at (&i#& at $irst sig&t see!e% a !atter o$ #&an#e proe%, on #loser
e5a!ination, to be a logi#al a%an#e along t&e roa% (&i#& (as $irst p*bli#l" entere% *pon b" t&e .oe!ber Reol*tion o$
Un%o*bte%l" a %istin#tion o*g&t to be !a%e bet(een F1G t&e responsible a%!inistrators o$ o*r a$$airs o$ State, or rat&er
t&ose (&o o*g&t to be responsibleC F2G t&e aerage r*n o$ o*r parlia!entar" politi#asters, an% F2G t&e !asses o$ o*r people,
(&ose s&eepis& %o#ilit" #orrespon%s to t&eir (ant o$ intelligen#e+
T&e $irst ,no( (&at t&e" (ant+ T&e se#on% $all into line (it& t&e!, eit&er be#a*se t&e" &ae been alrea%" s#&oole% in
(&at is a$oot or be#a*se t&e" &ae not t&e #o*rage to ta,e an *n#o!pro!ising stan% against a #o*rse (&i#& t&e" ,no( an%
$eel to be %etri!ental+ T&e t&ir% 0*st s*b!it to it be#a*se t&e" are too st*pi% to *n%erstan%+
3&ile t&e Aer!an .ational So#ialist 'abo*r Part" (as onl" a s!all an% pra#ti#all" *n,no(n so#iet", proble!s o$ $oreign
poli#" #o*l% &ae onl" a se#on%ar" i!portan#e in t&e e"es o$ !an" o$ its !e!bers+ T&is (as t&e #ase espe#iall" be#a*se
o*r !oe!ent &as al(a"s pro#lai!e% t&e prin#iple, an% !*st pro#lai! it, t&at t&e $ree%o! o$ t&e #o*ntr" in its $oreign
relations is not a gi$t t&at (ill be besto(e% *pon *s b" Heaen or b" an" eart&l" Po(ers, b*t #an onl" be t&e $r*it o$ a
%eelop!ent o$ o*r inner $or#es+ 3e !*st $irst root o*t t&e #a*ses (&i#& le% to o*r #ollapse an% (e !*st eli!inate all
t&ose (&o are pro$iting b" t&at #ollapse+ T&en (e s&all be in a position to ta,e *p t&e $ig&t $or t&e restoration o$ o*r
$ree%o! in t&e !anage!ent o$ o*r $oreign relations+
It (ill be easil" *n%erstoo% t&ere$ore (&" (e %i% not atta#& so !*#& i!portan#e to $oreign a$$airs %*ring t&e earl" stages
o$ o*r "o*ng !oe!ent, b*t pre$erre% to #on#entrate on t&e proble! o$ internal re$or!+
8*t (&en t&e s!all an% insigni$i#ant so#iet" e5pan%e% an% $inall" gre( too large $or its $irst $ra!e(or,, t&e "o*ng
organi>ation ass*!e% t&e i!portan#e o$ a great asso#iation an% (e t&en $elt it in#*!bent on *s to ta,e a %e$inite stan% on
proble!s regar%ing t&e %eelop!ent o$ a $oreign poli#"+ It (as ne#essar" to la" %o(n t&e !ain lines o$ a#tion (&i#& (o*l%
not onl" be in a##or% (it& t&e $*n%a!ental i%eas o$ o*r 3eltans#&&a**ng b*t (o*l% a#t*all" be an e5pansion o$ it in t&e
pra#ti#al (orl% o$ $oreign a$$airs+
-*st be#a*se o*r people &ae &a% no politi#al e%*#ation in !atters #on#erning o*r relations abroa%, it (as ne#essar" to
tea#& t&e lea%ers in t&e ario*s se#tions o$ o*r !oe!ent, an% also t&e !asses o$ t&e people, t&e #&ie$ prin#iples (&i#&
o*g&t to g*i%e t&e %eelop!ent o$ o*r $oreign relations+ T&at (as one o$ t&e $irst tas,s to be a##o!plis&e% in or%er to
prepare t&e gro*n% $or t&e pra#ti#al #arr"ing o*t o$ a $oreign poli#" (&i#& (o*l% (in ba#, t&e in%epen%en#e o$ t&e nation
in !anaging its e5ternal a$$airs an% t&*s restore t&e real soereignt" o$ t&e Rei#&+
T&e $*n%a!ental an% g*i%ing prin#iples (&i#& (e !*st al(a"s bear in !in% (&en st*%"ing t&is /*estion is t&at $oreign
poli#" is onl" a !eans to an en% an% t&at t&e sole en% to be p*rs*e% is t&e (el$are o$ o*r o(n people+ Eer" proble! in
$oreign politi#s !*st be #onsi%ere% $ro! t&is point o$ ie(, an% t&is point o$ ie( alone+ S&all s*#& an% s*#& a sol*tion
proe a%antageo*s to o*r people no( or in t&e $*t*re, or (ill it in0*re t&eir interests@ T&at is t&e /*estion+
T&is is t&e sole preo##*pation t&at !*st o##*p" o*r !in%s in %ealing (it& a /*estion+ Part" politi#s, religio*s
#onsi%erations, &*!anitarian i%eals 1 all s*#& an% all ot&er preo##*pations !*st absol*tel" gie (a" to t&is+
8e$ore t&e 3ar t&e p*rpose to (&i#& Aer!an $oreign poli#" s&o*l% &ae been %eote% (as to ass*re t&e s*ppl" o$ !aterial
ne#essities $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ o*r people an% t&eir #&il%ren+ An% t&e (a" s&o*l% &ae been prepare% (&i#& (o*l%
lea% to t&is goal+ Allian#es s&o*l% &ae been establis&e% (&i#& (o*l% &ae proe% bene$i#ial to *s $ro! t&is point o$ ie(
an% (o*l% &ae bro*g&t *s t&e ne#essar" a*5iliar" s*pport+ T&e tas, to be a##o!plis&e% is t&e sa!e to1%a", b*t (it& t&is
%i$$eren#e4 In pre13ar ti!es it (as a /*estion o$ #aring $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ t&e Aer!an people, ba#,e% *p b" t&e
po(er (&i#& a strong an% in%epen%ent State t&en possesse%, b*t o*r tas, to1%a" is to !a,e o*r nation po(er$*l on#e again
b" re1establis&ing a strong an% in%epen%ent State+ T&e re1establis&!ent o$ s*#& a State is t&e prere/*isite an% ne#essar"
#on%ition (&i#& !*st be $*l$ille% in or%er t&at (e !a" be able s*bse/*entl" to p*t into pra#ti#e a $oreign poli#" (&i#& (ill
sere to g*arantee t&e e5isten#e o$ o*r people in t&e $*t*re, $*l$illing t&eir nee%s an% $*rnis&ing t&e! (it& t&ose
ne#essities o$ li$e (&i#& t&e" la#,+ In ot&er (or%s, t&e ai! (&i#& Aer!an" o*g&t to p*rs*e to1%a" in &er $oreign poli#" is
to prepare t&e (a" $or t&e re#oer" o$ &er libert" to1!orro(+ In t&is #onne#tion t&ere is a $*n%a!ental prin#iple (&i#& (e
!*st ,eep stea%il" be$ore o*r !in%s+ It is t&is4 T&e possibilit" o$ (inning ba#, t&e in%epen%en#e o$ a nation is not
absol*tel" bo*n% *p (it& t&e /*estion o$ territorial reintegration b*t it (ill s*$$i#e i$ a s!all re!nant, no !atter &o(
s!all, o$ t&is nation an% State (ill e5ist, proi%e% it possesses t&e ne#essar" in%epen%en#e to be#o!e not onl" t&e e&i#le
o$ t&e #o!!on spirit o$ t&e (&ole people b*t also to prepare t&e (a" $or t&e !ilitar" $ig&t to re#on/*er t&e nations
3&en a people (&o a!o*nt to a &*n%re% !illion so*ls tolerate t&e "o,e o$ #o!!on slaer" in or%er to preent t&e
territor" belonging to t&eir State $ro! being bro,en *p an% %ii%e%, t&at is (orse t&an i$ s*#& a State an% s*#& a people
(ere %is!e!bere% (&ile one $rag!ent still retaine% its #o!plete in%epen%en#e+ O$ #o*rse, t&e nat*ral proiso &ere is t&at
t&is $rag!ent !*st be inspire% (it& a #ons#io*sness o$ t&e sole!n %*t" t&at %eoles *pon it, not onl" to pro#lai!
persistentl" t&e iniolable *nit" o$ its spirit*al an% #*lt*ral li$e (it& t&at o$ its %eta#&e% !e!bers b*t also to prepare t&e
!eans t&at are ne#essar" $or t&e !ilitar" #on$li#t (&i#& (ill $inall" liberate an% re1*nite t&e $rag!ents t&at are s*$$ering
*n%er oppression+
One !*st also bear in !in% t&e $a#t t&at t&e restoration o$ lost %istri#ts (&i#& (ere $or!erl" parts o$ t&e State, bot&
et&ni#all" an% politi#all", !*st in t&e $irst instan#e be a /*estion o$ (inning ba#, politi#al po(er an% in%epen%en#e $or t&e
!ot&erlan% itsel$, an% t&at in s*#& #ases t&e spe#ial interests o$ t&e lost %istri#ts !*st be *n#o!pro!isingl" regar%e% as a
!atter o$ se#on%ar" i!portan#e in t&e $a#e o$ t&e one !ain tas,, (&i#& is to (in ba#, t&e $ree%o! o$ t&e #entral territor"+
For t&e %eta#&e% an% oppresse% $rag!ents o$ a nation or an i!perial proin#e #annot a#&iee t&eir liberation t&ro*g& t&e
e5pression o$ "earnings an% protests on t&e part o$ t&e oppresse% an% aban%one%, b*t onl" (&en t&e portion (&i#& &as
!ore or less retaine% its soereign in%epen%en#e #an resort to t&e *se o$ $or#e $or t&e p*rpose o$ re#on/*ering t&ose
territories t&at on#e belonge% to t&e #o!!on $at&erlan%+
T&ere$ore, in or%er to re#on/*er lost territories t&e $irst #on%ition to be $*l$ille% is to (or, energeti#all" $or t&e in#rease%
(el$are an% rein$or#e!ent o$ t&e strengt& o$ t&at portion o$ t&e State (&i#& &as re!aine% oer a$ter t&e partition+ T&*s t&e
*n/*en#&able "earning (&i#& sl*!bers in t&e &earts o$ t&e people !*st be a(a,ene% an% restrengt&ene% b" bringing ne(
$or#es to its ai%, so t&at (&en t&e &o*r #o!es all (ill be %eote% to t&e one p*rpose o$ liberating an% *niting t&e (&ole
people+ T&ere$ore, t&e interests o$ t&e separate% territories !*st be s*bor%inate% to t&e one p*rpose+ T&at one p*rpose !*st
ai! at obtaining $or t&e #entral re!aining portion s*#& a !eas*re o$ po(er an% !ig&t t&at (ill enable it to en$or#e its (ill
on t&e &ostile (ill o$ t&e i#tor an% t&*s re%ress t&e (rong+ For $la!ing protests (ill not restore t&e oppresse% territories to
t&e boso! o$ a #o!!on Rei#&+ T&at #an be %one onl" t&ro*g& t&e !ig&t o$ t&e s(or%+
T&e $orging o$ t&is s(or% is a (or, t&at &as to be %one t&ro*g& t&e %o!esti# poli#" (&i#& !*st be a%opte% b" a national
goern!ent+ To see t&at t&e (or, o$ $orging t&ese ar!s is ass*re%, an% to re#r*it t&e !en (&o (ill bear t&e!, t&at is t&e
tas, o$ t&e $oreign poli#"+
In t&e $irst ol*!e o$ t&is boo, I %is#*sse% t&e ina%e/*a#" o$ o*r poli#" o$ allian#es be$ore t&e 3ar+ T&ere (ere $o*r
possible (a"s to se#*re t&e ne#essar" $oo%st*$$s $or t&e !aintenan#e o$ o*r people+ O$ t&ese (a"s t&e $o*rt&, (&i#& (as t&e
!ost *n$ao*rable, (as #&osen+ Instea% o$ a so*n% poli#" o$ territorial e5pansion in E*rope, o*r r*lers e!bar,e% on a
poli#" o$ #olonial an% tra%e e5pansion+ T&at poli#" (as all t&e !ore !ista,en inas!*#& as t&e" pres*!e% t&at in t&is (a"
t&e %anger o$ an ar!e% #on$li#t (o*l% be aerte%+ T&e res*lt o$ t&e atte!pt to sit on !an" stools at t&e sa!e ti!e !ig&t
&ae been $oreseen+ It let *s $all to t&e gro*n% in t&e !i%st o$ t&e! all+ An% t&e 3orl% 3ar (as onl" t&e last re#,oning
presente% to t&e Rei#& to pa" $or t&e $ail*re o$ its $oreign poli#"+
T&e rig&t (a" t&at s&o*l% &ae been ta,en in t&ose %a"s (as t&e t&ir% (a" I in%i#ate%4 na!el", to in#rease t&e strengt& o$
t&e Rei#& as a Continental Po(er b" t&e a#/*isition o$ ne( territor" in E*rope+ An% at t&e sa!e ti!e a $*rt&er e5pansion,
t&ro*g& t&e s*bse/*ent a#/*isition o$ #olonial territor", !ig&t t&*s be bro*g&t (it&in t&e range o$ pra#ti#al politi#s+ O$
#o*rse, t&is poli#" #o*l% not &ae been #arrie% t&ro*g& e5#ept in allian#e (it& Englan%, or b" %eoting s*#& abnor!al
e$$orts to t&e in#rease o$ !ilitar" $or#e an% ar!a!ent t&at, $or $ort" or $i$t" "ears, all #*lt*ral *n%erta,ings (o*l% &ae to
be #o!pletel" relegate% to t&e ba#,gro*n%+ T&is responsibilit" !ig&t er" (ell &ae been *n%erta,en+ T&e #*lt*ral
i!portan#e o$ a nation is al!ost al(a"s %epen%ent on its politi#al $ree%o! an% in%epen%en#e+ Politi#al $ree%o! is a
prere/*isite #on%ition $or t&e e5isten#e, or rat&er t&e #reation, o$ great #*lt*ral *n%erta,ings+ A##or%ingl" no sa#ri$i#e #an
be too great (&en t&ere is /*estion o$ se#*ring t&e politi#al $ree%o! o$ a nation+ 3&at !ig&t &ae to be %e%*#te% $ro! t&e
b*%get e5penses $or #*lt*ral p*rposes, in or%er to !eet abnor!al %e!an%s $or in#reasing t&e !ilitar" po(er o$ t&e State,
#an be genero*sl" pai% ba#, later on+ In%ee%, it !a" be sai% t&at a$ter a State &as #on#entrate% all its reso*r#es in one
e$$ort $or t&e p*rpose o$ se#*ring its politi#al in%epen%en#e a #ertain perio% o$ ease an% rene(e% e/*ilibri*! sets in+ An%
it o$ten &appens t&at t&e #*lt*ral spirit o$ t&e nation, (&i#& &a% been &ereto$ore #ra!pe% an% #on$ine%, no( s*%%enl"
bloo!s $ort&+ T&*s Aree#e e5perien#e% t&e great Peri#lean era a$ter t&e !iseries it &a% s*$$ere% %*ring t&e Persian 3ars+
An% t&e Ro!an Rep*bli# t*rne% its energies to t&e #*ltiation o$ a &ig&er #iili>ation (&en it (as $ree% $ro! t&e stress
an% (orr" o$ t&e P*ni# 3ars+
O$ #o*rse, it #o*l% not be e5pe#te% t&at a parlia!entar" !a0orit" o$ $e#,less an% st*pi% people (o*l% be #apable o$
%e#i%ing on s*#& a resol*te poli#" $or t&e absol*te s*bor%ination o$ all ot&er national interests to t&e one sole tas, o$
preparing $or a $*t*re #on$li#t o$ ar!s (&i#& (o*l% res*lt in establis&ing t&e se#*rit" o$ t&e State+ T&e $at&er o$ Fre%eri#,
t&e Areat sa#ri$i#e% eer"t&ing in or%er to be rea%" $or t&at #on$li#tC b*t t&e $at&ers o$ o*r abs*r% parlia!entarian
%e!o#ra#", (it& t&e -e(is& &all1!ar,, #o*l% not %o it+
T&at is (&", in pre13ar ti!es, t&e !ilitar" preparation ne#essar" to enable *s to #on/*er ne( territor" in E*rope (as onl"
er" !e%io#re, so t&at it (as %i$$i#*lt to obtain t&e s*pport o$ reall" &elp$*l allies+
T&ose (&o %ire#te% o*r $oreign a$$airs (o*l% not entertain een t&e i%ea o$ s"ste!ati#all" preparing $or (ar+ T&e" re0e#te%
eer" plan $or t&e a#/*isition o$ territor" in E*rope+ An% b" pre$erring a poli#" o$ #olonial an% tra%e e5pansion, t&e"
sa#ri$i#e% t&e allian#e (it& Englan%, (&i#& (as t&en possible+ At t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" negle#te% to see, t&e s*pport o$
R*ssia, (&i#& (o*l% &ae been a logi#al pro#ee%ing+ Finall" t&e" st*!ble% into t&e 3orl% 3ar, aban%one% b" all e5#ept
t&e ill1starre% Habsb*rgs+
T&e #&ara#teristi# o$ o*r present $oreign poli#" is t&at it $ollo(s no %is#ernible or een intelligible lines o$ a#tion+ 3&ereas
be$ore t&e 3ar a !ista,e (as !a%e in ta,ing t&e $o*rt& (a" t&at I &ae !entione%, an% t&is (as p*rs*e% onl" in a
&al$&earte% !anner, sin#e t&e Reol*tion not een t&e s&arpest e"e #an %ete#t an" (a" t&at is being $ollo(e%+ Een !ore
t&an be$ore t&e 3ar, t&ere is absol*tel" no s*#& t&ing as a s"ste!ati# plan, e5#ept t&e s"ste!ati# atte!pts t&at are !a%e to
%estro" t&e last possibilit" o$ a national reial+
I$ (e !a,e an i!partial e5a!ination o$ t&e sit*ation e5isting in E*rope to1%a" as $ar as #on#erns t&e relation o$ t&e
ario*s Po(ers to one anot&er, (e s&all arrie at t&e $ollo(ing res*lts4
For t&e past t&ree &*n%re% "ears t&e &istor" o$ o*r Continent &as been %e$initel" %eter!ine% b" Englan%s e$$orts to ,eep
t&e E*ropean States oppose% to one anot&er in an e/*ilibri*! o$ $or#es, t&*s ass*ring t&e ne#essar" prote#tion o$ &er o(n
rear (&ile s&e p*rs*e% t&e great ai!s o$ 8ritis& (orl%1poli#"+
T&e tra%itional ten%en#" o$ 8ritis& %iplo!a#" eer sin#e t&e reign o$ P*een Eli>abet& &as been to e!plo" s"ste!ati#all"
eer" possible !eans to preent an" one Po(er $ro! attaining a prepon%erant position oer t&e ot&er E*ropean Po(ers
an%, i$ ne#essar", to brea, t&at prepon%eran#e b" !eans o$ ar!e% interention+ T&e onl" parallel to t&is &as been t&e
tra%ition o$ t&e Pr*ssian Ar!"+ Englan% &as !a%e *se o$ ario*s $or#es to #arr" o*t its p*rpose, #&oosing t&e! a##or%ing
to t&e a#t*al sit*ation or t&e tas, to be $a#e%C b*t t&e (ill an% %eter!ination to *se t&e! &as al(a"s been t&e sa!e+ T&e
!ore %i$$i#*lt Englan%s position be#a!e in t&e #o*rse o$ &istor" t&e !ore t&e 8ritis& I!perial Aoern!ent #onsi%ere% it
ne#essar" to !aintain a #on%ition o$ politi#al paral"sis a!ong t&e ario*s E*ropean States, as a res*lt o$ t&eir !*t*al
rialries+ 3&en t&e .ort& A!eri#an #olonies obtaine% t&eir politi#al in%epen%en#e it be#a!e still !ore ne#essar" $or
Englan% to *se eer" e$$ort to establis& an% !aintain t&e %e$en#e o$ &er $lan, in E*rope+ In a##or%an#e (it& t&is poli#" s&e
re%*#e% Spain an% t&e .et&erlan%s to t&e position o$ in$erior naal Po(ers+ Haing a##o!plis&e% t&is, Englan%
#on#entrate% all &er $or#es against t&e in#reasing strengt& o$ Fran#e, *ntil s&e bro*g&t abo*t t&e %o(n$all o$ .apoleon
8onaparte an% t&ere(it& %estro"e% t&e !ilitar" &ege!on" o$ Fran#e, (&i#& (as t&e !ost %angero*s rial t&at Englan%
&a% to $ear+
T&e #&ange o$ attit*%e in 8ritis& states!ans&ip to(ar%s Aer!an" too, pla#e onl" er" slo(l", not onl" be#a*se t&e
Aer!an nation %i% not represent an obio*s %anger $or Englan% as long as it la#,e% national *ni$i#ation, b*t also be#a*se
p*bli# opinion in Englan%, (&i#& &a% been %ire#te% to ot&er /*arters b" a s"ste! o$ propagan%a t&at &a% been #arrie% o*t
$or a long ti!e, #o*l% be t*rne% to a ne( %ire#tion onl" b" slo( %egrees+ In or%er to rea#& t&e propose% en%s t&e #al!l"
re$le#ting states!an &a% to bo( to pop*lar senti!ent, (&i#& is t&e !ost po(er$*l !otie1$or#e an% is at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e
!ost lasting in its energ"+ 3&en t&e states!an &as attaine% one o$ &is en%s, &e !*st i!!e%iatel" t*rn &is t&o*g&ts to
ot&ersC b*t onl" b" %egrees an% t&e slo( (or, o$ propagan%a #an t&e senti!ent o$ t&e !asses be s&ape% into an instr*!ent
$or t&e attain!ent o$ t&e ne( ai!s (&i#& t&eir lea%ers &ae %e#i%e% on+
As earl" as 19:71:1 Englan% &a% %e#i%e% on t&e ne( stan% it (o*l% ta,e+ On #ertain o##asions !inor os#illations in t&at
poli#" (ere #a*se% b" t&e gro(ing in$l*en#e o$ A!eri#a in t&e #o!!er#ial !ar,ets o$ t&e (orl% an% also b" t&e in#reasing
politi#al po(er o$ R*ssiaC b*t, *n$ort*natel", Aer!an" %i% not ta,e a%antage o$ t&ese an%, t&ere$ore, t&e original
ten%en#" o$ 8ritis& %iplo!a#" (as onl" rein$or#e%+
Englan% loo,e% *pon Aer!an" as a Po(er (&i#& (as o$ (orl% i!portan#e #o!!er#iall" an% politi#all" an% (&i#&, partl"
be#a*se o$ its enor!o*s in%*strial %eelop!ent, ass*!e% s*#& t&reatening proportions t&at t&e t(o #o*ntries alrea%"
#onten%e% against one anot&er in t&e sa!e sp&ere an% (it& e/*al energ"+ T&e so1#alle% pea#e$*l #on/*est o$ t&e (orl% b"
#o!!er#ial enterprise, (&i#&, in t&e e"es o$ t&ose (&o goerne% o*r p*bli# a$$airs at t&at ti!e, represente% t&e &ig&est
pea, o$ &*!an (is%o!, (as 0*st t&e t&ing t&at le% Englis& states!en to a%opt a poli#" o$ resistan#e+ T&at t&is resistan#e
ass*!e% t&e $or! o$ an organi>e% aggression on a ast s#ale (as in $*ll #on$or!it" (it& a t"pe o$ states!ans&ip (&i#& %i%
not ai! at t&e !aintenan#e o$ a %*bio*s (orl% pea#e b*t ai!e% at t&e #onsoli%ation o$ 8ritis& (orl%1&ege!on"+ In
#arr"ing o*t t&is poli#", Englan% allie% &ersel$ (it& t&ose #o*ntries (&i#& &a% a %e$inite !ilitar" i!portan#e+ An% t&at
(as in ,eeping (it& &er tra%itional #a*tion in esti!ating t&e po(er o$ &er a%ersar" an% also in re#ogni>ing &er o(n
te!porar" (ea,ness+ T&at line o$ #on%*#t #annot be #alle% *ns#r*p*lo*sC be#a*se s*#& a #o!pre&ensie organi>ation $or
(ar p*rposes !*st not be 0*%ge% $ro! t&e &eroi# point o$ ie( b*t $ro! t&at o$ e5pe%ien#"+ T&e ob0e#t o$ a %iplo!ati#
poli#" !*st not be to see t&at a nation goes %o(n &eroi#all" b*t rat&er t&at it s*ries in a pra#ti#al (a"+ Hen#e eer" roa%
t&at lea%s to t&is goal is opport*ne an% t&e $ail*re to ta,e it !*st be loo,e% *pon as a #ri!inal negle#t o$ %*t"+
3&en t&e Aer!an Reol*tion too, pla#e Englan%s $ears o$ a Aer!an (orl% &ege!on" #a!e to a satis$a#tor" en%+
Fro! t&at ti!e it (as not an Englis& interest to see Aer!an" totall" #an#elle% $ro! t&e geograp&i# !ap o$ E*rope+ On t&e
#ontrar", t&e asto*n%ing #ollapse (&i#& too, pla#e in .oe!ber 1919 $o*n% 8ritis& %iplo!a#" #on$ronte% (it& a sit*ation
(&i#& at $irst appeare% *ntenable+
For $o*r1an%1a1&al$ "ears t&e 8ritis& E!pire &a% $o*g&t to brea, t&e pres*!e% prepon%eran#e o$ a Continental Po(er+ A
s*%%en #ollapse no( &appene% (&i#& re!oe% t&is Po(er $ro! t&e $oregro*n% o$ E*ropean a$$airs+ T&at #ollapse
%is#lose% itsel$ $inall" in t&e la#, o$ een t&e pri!or%ial instin#t o$ sel$1preseration, so t&at E*ropean e/*ilibri*! (as
%estro"e% (it&in $ort"1eig&t &o*rs+ Aer!an" (as anni&ilate% an% Fran#e be#a!e t&e $irst politi#al Po(er on t&e Continent
o$ E*rope+
T&e tre!en%o*s propagan%a (&i#& (as #arrie% on %*ring t&is (ar $or t&e p*rpose o$ en#o*raging t&e 8ritis& p*bli# to
sti#, it o*t to t&e en% aro*se% all t&e pri!itie instin#ts an% passions o$ t&e pop*la#e an% (as bo*n% eent*all" to &ang as
a lea%en (eig&t on t&e %e#isions o$ 8ritis& states!en+ 3it& t&e #olonial, e#ono!i#al an% #o!!er#ial %estr*#tion o$
Aer!an", Englan%s (ar ai!s (ere attaine%+ 3&ateer (ent be"on% t&ose ai!s (as an obsta#le to t&e $*rt&eran#e o$
8ritis& interests+ Onl" t&e ene!ies o$ Englan% #o*l% pro$it b" t&e %isappearan#e o$ Aer!an" as a Areat Continental Po(er
in E*rope+ In .oe!ber 1919, &o(eer, an% *p to t&e s*!!er o$ 1919, it (as not possible $or Englan% to #&ange its
%iplo!ati# attit*%eC be#a*se %*ring t&e long (ar it &a% appeale%, !ore t&an it &a% eer %one be$ore, to t&e $eelings o$ t&e
pop*la#e+ In ie( o$ t&e $eeling prealent a!ong its o(n people, Englan% #o*l% not #&ange its $oreign poli#"C an% anot&er
reason (&i#& !a%e t&at i!possible (as t&e !ilitar" strengt& to (&i#& ot&er E*ropean Po(ers &a% no( attaine%+ Fran#e
&a% ta,en t&e %ire#tion o$ pea#e negotiations into &er o(n &an%s an% #o*l% i!pose &er la( *pon t&e ot&ers+ =*ring t&ose
!ont&s o$ negotiations an% bargaining t&e onl" Po(er t&at #o*l% &ae altere% t&e #o*rse (&i#& t&ings (ere ta,ing (as
Aer!an" &ersel$C b*t Aer!an" (as torn as*n%er b" a #iil (ar, an% &er so1#alle% states!en &a% %e#lare% t&e!seles rea%"
to a##ept an" an% eer" %i#tate i!pose% on t&e!+
.o(, in t&e #o!it" o$ nations, (&en one nation loses its instin#t $or sel$1preseration an% #eases to be an a#tie !e!ber it
sin,s to t&e leel o$ an enslae% nation an% its territor" (ill &ae to s*$$er t&e $ate o$ a #olon"+
To preent t&e po(er o$ Fran#e $ro! be#o!ing too great, t&e onl" $or! (&i#& Englis& negotiations #o*l% ta,e (as t&at o$
parti#ipating in Fran#es l*st $or aggran%i>e!ent+
As a !atter o$ $a#t, Englan% %i% not attain t&e en%s $or (&i#& s&e (ent to (ar+ .ot onl" %i% it t*rn o*t i!possible to
preent a Continental Po(er $ro! obtaining a prepon%eran#e oer t&e ratio o$ strengt& in t&e Continental State s"ste! o$
E*rope, b*t a large !eas*re o$ prepon%eran#e &a% been obtaine% an% $ir!l" establis&e%+
In 1914 Aer!an", #onsi%ere% as a !ilitar" State, (as (e%ge% in bet(een t(o #o*ntries, one o$ (&i#& &a% e/*al !ilitar"
$or#es at its %isposal an% t&e ot&er &a% greater !ilitar" reso*r#es+ T&en t&ere (as Englan%s oer(&el!ing s*pre!a#" at
sea+ Fran#e an% R*ssia alone &in%ere% an% oppose% t&e e5#essie aggran%i>e!ent o$ Aer!an"+ T&e *n$ao*rable
geograp&i#al sit*ation o$ t&e Rei#&, $ro! t&e !ilitar" point o$ ie(, !ig&t be loo,e% *pon as anot&er #oe$$i#ient o$
se#*rit" against an e5aggerate% in#rease o$ Aer!an po(er+ Fro! t&e naal point o$ ie(, t&e #on$ig*ration o$ t&e #oast1
line (as *n$ao*rable in #ase o$ a #on$li#t (it& Englan%+ An% t&o*g& t&e !ariti!e $rontier (as s&ort an% #ra!pe%, t&e
lan% $rontier (as (i%el" e5ten%e% an% open+
Fran#es position is %i$$erent to1%a"+ It is t&e $irst !ilitar" Po(er (it&o*t a serio*s rial on t&e Continent+ It is al!ost
entirel" prote#te% b" its so*t&ern $rontier against Spain an% Ital"+ Against Aer!an" it is sa$eg*ar%e% b" t&e prostrate
#on%ition o$ o*r #o*ntr"+ A long stret#& o$ its #oast1line $a#es t&e ital nero*s s"ste! o$ t&e 8ritis& E!pire+ .ot onl"
#o*l% Fren#& aeroplanes an% long1range batteries atta#, t&e ital #entres o$ t&e 8ritis& s"ste!, b*t s*b!arines #an
t&reaten t&e great 8ritis& #o!!er#ial ro*tes+ A s*b!arine #a!paign base% on Fran#es long Atlanti# #oast an% on t&e
E*ropean an% .ort& A$ri#an #oasts o$ t&e )e%iterranean (o*l% &ae %isastro*s #onse/*en#es $or Englan%+
T&*s t&e politi#al res*lts o$ t&e (ar to preent t&e %eelop!ent o$ Aer!an po(er (as t&e #reation o$ a Fren#& &ege!on"
on t&e Continent+ T&e !ilitar" res*lt (as t&e #onsoli%ation o$ Fran#e as t&e $irst Continental Po(er an% t&e re#ognition o$
A!eri#an e/*alit" on t&e sea+ T&e e#ono!i# res*lt (as t&e #ession o$ great sp&eres o$ 8ritis& interests to &er $or!er allies
an% asso#iates+
T&e 8al,ani>ation o$ E*rope, *p to a #ertain %egree, (as %esirable an% in%ee% ne#essar" in t&e lig&t o$ t&e tra%itional
poli#" o$ Areat 8ritain, 0*st as Fran#e %esire% t&e 8al,ani>ation o$ Aer!an"+
3&at Englan% &as al(a"s %esire%, an% (ill #ontin*e to %esire, is to preent an" one Continental Po(er in E*rope $ro!
attaining a position o$ (orl% i!portan#e+ T&ere$ore Englan% (is&es to !aintain a %e$inite e/*ilibri*! o$ $or#es a!ong t&e
E*ropean States 1 $or t&is e/*ilibri*! see!s a ne#essar" #on%ition o$ Englan%s (orl%1&ege!on"+
3&at Fran#e &as al(a"s %esire%, an% (ill #ontin*e to %esire, is to preent Aer!an" $ro! be#o!ing a &o!ogeneo*s Po(er+
T&ere$ore Fran#e (ants to !aintain a s"ste! o$ s!all Aer!an States (&ose $or#es (o*l% balan#e one anot&er an% oer
(&i#& t&ere s&o*l% be no #entral goern!ent+ T&en, b" a#/*iring possession o$ t&e le$t ban, o$ t&e R&ine, s&e (o*l% &ae
$*l$ille% t&e pre1re/*isite #on%itions $or t&e establis&!ent an% se#*rit" o$ &er &ege!on" in E*rope+
T&e $inal ai!s o$ Fren#& %iplo!a#" !*st be in perpet*al opposition to t&e $inal ten%en#ies o$ 8ritis& states!ans&ip+
Ta,ing t&ese #onsi%erations as a starting1point, an"one (&o inestigates t&e possibilities t&at e5ist $or Aer!an" to $in%
allies !*st #o!e to t&e #on#l*sion t&at t&ere re!ains no ot&er (a" o$ $or!ing an allian#e e5#ept to approa#& Englan%+
T&e #onse/*en#es o$ Englan%s (ar poli#" (ere an% are %isastro*s $or Aer!an"+ Ho(eer, (e #annot #lose o*r e"es to t&e
$a#t t&at, as t&ings stan% to1%a", t&e ne#essar" interests o$ Englan% no longer %e!an% t&e %estr*#tion o$ Aer!an"+ On t&e
#ontrar", 8ritis& %iplo!a#" !*st ten% !ore an% !ore, $ro! "ear to "ear, to(ar%s #*rbing Fran#es *nbri%le% l*st a$ter
&ege!on"+ .o(, a poli#" o$ allian#es #annot be p*rs*e% b" bearing past griean#es in !in%, b*t it #an be ren%ere% $r*it$*l
b" ta,ing a##o*nt o$ past e5perien#es+ E5perien#e s&o*l% &ae ta*g&t *s t&at allian#es $or!e% $or negatie p*rposes s*$$er
$ro! intrinsi# (ea,ness+ T&e %estinies o$ nations #an be (el%e% toget&er onl" *n%er t&e prospe#t o$ a #o!!on s*##ess, o$
#o!!on gain an% #on/*est, in s&ort, a #o!!on e5tension o$ po(er $or bot& #ontra#ting parties+
T&e ignoran#e o$ o*r people on /*estions o$ $oreign politi#s is #learl" %e!onstrate% b" t&e reports in t&e %ail" Press (&i#&
tal, abo*t L$rien%s&ip to(ar%s Aer!an"L on t&e part o$ one or t&e ot&er $oreign states!an, (&ereb" t&is pro$esse%
$rien%s&ip is ta,en as a spe#ial g*arantee t&at s*#& persons (ill #&a!pion a poli#" t&at (ill be a%antageo*s to o*r people+
T&at ,in% o$ tal, is abs*r% to an in#re%ible %egree+ It !eans spe#*lating on t&e *nparallele% si!pli#it" o$ t&e aerage
Aer!an p&ilistine (&en &e #o!es to tal,ing politi#s+ T&ere is not an" 8ritis&, A!eri#an, or Italian states!an (&o #o*l%
eer be %es#ribe% as Mpro1Aer!an+ Eer" Englis&!an !*st nat*rall" be 8ritis& $irst o$ all+ T&e sa!e is tr*e o$ eer"
A!eri#an+ An% no Italian states!an (o*l% be prepare% to a%opt a poli#" t&at (as not pro1Italian+ T&ere$ore, an"one (&o
e5pe#ts to $or! allian#es (it& $oreign nations on t&e basis o$ a pro1Aer!an $eeling a!ong t&e states!en o$ ot&er #o*ntries
is eit&er an ass or a %e#eier+ T&e ne#essar" #on%ition $or lin,ing toget&er t&e %estinies o$ nations is neer !*t*al estee!
or !*t*al s"!pat&", b*t rat&er t&e prospe#t o$ a%antages a##r*ing to t&e #ontra#ting parties+ It is tr*e t&at a 8ritis&
states!an (ill al(a"s $ollo( a pro18ritis& an% not a pro1Aer!an poli#"C b*t it is also tr*e t&at #ertain %e$inite interests
inole% in t&is pro18ritis& poli#" !a" #oin#i%e on ario*s gro*n%s (it& Aer!an interests+ .at*rall" t&at #an be so onl" to
a #ertain %egree an% t&e sit*ation !a" one %a" be #o!pletel" reerse%+ 8*t t&e art o$ states!ans&ip is s&o(n (&en at
#ertain perio%s t&ere is /*estion o$ rea#&ing a #ertain en% an% (&en allies are $o*n% (&o !*st ta,e t&e sa!e roa% in or%er
to %e$en% t&eir o(n interests+
T&e pra#ti#al appli#ation o$ t&ese prin#iples at t&e present ti!e !*st %epen% on t&e ans(er gien to t&e $ollo(ing
/*estions4 3&at States are not itall" intereste% in t&e $a#t t&at, b" t&e #o!plete abolition o$ a Aer!an Central E*rope, t&e
e#ono!i# an% !ilitar" po(er o$ Fran#e &as rea#&e% a position o$ absol*te &ege!on"@ 3&i#& are t&e States t&at, in
#onsi%eration o$ t&e #on%itions (&i#& are essential to t&eir o(n e5isten#e an% in ie( o$ t&e tra%ition t&at &as &it&erto
been $ollo(e% in #on%*#ting t&eir $oreign poli#", enisage s*#& a %eelop!ent as a !ena#e to t&eir o(n $*t*re@
Finall", (e !*st be /*ite #lear on t&e $ollo(ing point4 Fran#e is an% (ill re!ain t&e i!pla#able ene!" o$ Aer!an"+ It
%oes not !atter (&at Aoern!ents &ae r*le% or (ill r*le in Fran#e, (&et&er 8o*rbon or -a#obin, .apoleoni# or
8o*rgeois1=e!o#rati#, Cleri#al Rep*bli#an or Re% 8ols&ei,, t&eir $oreign poli#" (ill al(a"s be %ire#te% to(ar%s
a#/*iring possession o$ t&e R&ine $rontier an% #onsoli%ating Fran#es position on t&is rier b" %is*niting an%
%is!e!bering Aer!an"+
Englan% %i% not (ant Aer!an" to be a (orl% Po(er+ Fran#e %esire% t&at t&ere s&o*l% be no Po(er #alle% Aer!an"+
T&ere$ore t&ere (as a er" essential %i$$eren#e+ To1%a" (e are not $ig&ting $or o*r position as a 3orl%1Po(er b*t onl" $or
t&e e5isten#e o$ o*r #o*ntr", $or national *nit" an% t&e %ail" brea% o$ o*r #&il%ren+ Ta,ing t&is point o$ ie( into
#onsi%eration, onl" t(o States re!ain to *s as possible allies in E*rope 1 Englan% an% Ital"+
Englan% is not please% to see a Fran#e on (&ose !ilitar" po(er t&ere is no #&e#, in E*rope, so t&at one %a" s&e !ig&t
*n%erta,e t&e s*pport o$ a poli#" (&i#& in so!e (a" or ot&er !ig&t #o!e into #on$li#t (it& 8ritis& interests+ .or #an
Englan% be please% to see Fran#e in possession o$ s*#& enor!o*s #oal an% iron !ines in 3estern E*rope as (o*l% !a,e it
possible $or &er one %a" to pla" a role in (orl%1#o!!er#e (&i#& !ig&t t&reaten %anger to 8ritis& interests+ )oreoer,
Englan% #an neer be please% to see a Fran#e (&ose politi#al position on t&e Continent, o(ing to t&e %is!e!ber!ent o$
t&e rest o$ E*rope, see!s so absol*tel" ass*re% t&at s&e is not onl" able to res*!e a Fren#& (orl%1poli#" on great lines b*t
(o*l% een $in% &ersel$ #o!pelle% to %o so+ T&e bo!bs (&i#& (ere on#e %roppe% b" t&e Oeppelins !ig&t be !*ltiplie% b"
t&e t&o*san% eer" nig&t+ T&e !ilitar" pre%o!inan#e o$ Fran#e is a (eig&t t&at presses &eail" on t&e &earts o$ t&e 3orl%
E!pire oer (&i#& Areat 8ritain r*les+
.or #an Ital" %esire, nor (ill s&e %esire, an" $*rt&er strengt&ening o$ Fran#es po(er in E*rope+ T&e $*t*re o$ Ital" (ill be
#on%itione% b" t&e %eelop!ent o$ eents in t&e )e%iterranean an% b" t&e politi#al sit*ation in t&e area s*rro*n%ing t&at
sea+ T&e reason t&at le% Ital" into t&e 3ar (as not a %esire to #ontrib*te to(ar%s t&e aggran%i>e!ent o$ Fran#e b*t rat&er
to %eal &er &ate% A%riati# rial a !ortal blo(+ An" $*rt&er in#rease o$ Fran#es po(er on t&e Continent (o*l% &a!per t&e
%eelop!ent o$ Ital"s $*t*re, an% Ital" %oes not %e#eie &ersel$ b" t&in,ing t&at ra#ial ,in%re% bet(een t&e nations (ill in
an" (a" eli!inate rialries+
Serio*s an% i!partial #onsi%eration proes t&at it is t&ese t(o States, Areat 8ritain an% Ital", (&ose nat*ral interests not
onl" %o not #ontrast (it& t&e #on%itions essential to t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e Aer!an nation b*t are i%enti#al (it& t&e!, to a
#ertain e5tent+
8*t (&en (e #onsi%er t&e possibilities o$ allian#es (e !*st be #are$*l not to lose sig&t o$ t&ree $a#tors+ T&e $irst $a#tor
#on#erns o*rselesC t&e ot&er t(o #on#ern t&e t(o States I &ae !entione%+
Is it at all possible to #on#l*%e an allian#e (it& Aer!an" as it is to1%a"@ Can a Po(er (&i#& (o*l% enter into an allian#e
$or t&e p*rpose o$ se#*ring assistan#e in an e$$ort to #arr" o*t its o(n o$$ensie ai!s 1 #an s*#& a Po(er $or! an allian#e
(it& a State (&ose r*lers &ae $or "ears long presente% a spe#ta#le o$ %eplorable in#o!peten#e an% pa#i$ist #o(ar%i#e an%
(&ere t&e !a0orit" o$ t&e people, blin%e% b" %e!o#rati# an% )ar5ist tea#&ings, betra" t&e interests o$ t&eir o(n people an%
#o*ntr" in a !anner t&at #ries to Heaen $or engean#e@ As t&ings stan% to1%a", #an an" Po(er &ope to establis& *se$*l
relations an% &ope to $ig&t toget&er $or t&e $*rt&eran#e o$ t&eir #o!!on interests (it& t&is State (&i#& !ani$estl" &as
neit&er t&e (ill nor t&e #o*rage to !oe a $inger een in t&e %e$en#e o$ its bare e5isten#e@ Ta,e t&e #ase o$ a Po(er $or
(&i#& an allian#e !*st be !*#& !ore t&an a pa#t to g*arantee a state o$ slo( %e#o!position, s*#& as &appene% (it& t&e
ol% an% %isastro*s Triple Allian#e+ Can s*#& a Po(er asso#iate itsel$ $or li$e or %eat& (it& a State (&ose !ost
#&ara#teristi# signs o$ a#tiit" #onsist o$ a ra!pant serilit" in e5ternal relations an% a s#an%alo*s repression o$ t&e
national spirit at &o!e@ Can s*#& a Po(er be asso#iate% (it& a State in (&i#& t&ere is not&ing o$ greatness, be#a*se its
(&ole poli#" %oes not %esere it@ Or #an allian#es be !a%e (it& Aoern!ents (&i#& are in t&e &an%s o$ !en (&o are
%espise% b" t&eir o(n $ello(1#iti>ens an% #onse/*entl" are not respe#te% abroa%@
.o+ A sel$1respe#ting Po(er (&i#& e5pe#ts so!et&ing !ore $ro! allian#es t&an #o!!issions $or gree%" Parlia!entarians
(ill not an% #annot enter into an allian#e (it& o*r present1%a" Aer!an"+ O*r present inabilit" to $or! allian#es $*rnis&es
t&e prin#iple an% !ost soli% basis $or t&e #o!bine% a#tion o$ t&e ene!ies (&o are robbing *s+ 8e#a*se Aer!an" %oes not
%e$en% itsel$ in an" ot&er (a" e5#ept b" t&e $la!bo"ant protests o$ o*r parlia!entarian ele#t, t&ere is no reason (&" t&e
rest o$ t&e (orl% s&o*l% ta,e *p t&e $ig&t in o*r %e$en#e+ An% Ao% %oes not $ollo( t&e prin#iple o$ granting $ree%o! to a
nation o$ #o(ar%s, %espite all t&e i!pli#ations o$ o*r Mpatrioti# asso#iations+ T&ere$ore, $or t&ose States (&i#& &ae not a
%ire#t interest in o*r anni&ilation no ot&er #o*rse re!ains open e5#ept to parti#ipate in Fran#es #a!paign o$ pl*n%er, at
least to !a,e it i!possible $or t&e strengt& o$ Fran#e to be e5#l*siel" aggran%i>e% t&ereb"+
In t&e se#on% pla#e, (e !*st not $orget t&at a!ong t&e nations (&i#& (ere $or!erl" o*r ene!ies !ass1propagan%a &as
t*rne% t&e opinions an% $eelings o$ large se#tions o$ t&e pop*lation in a $i5e% %ire#tion+ 3&en $or "ears long a $oreign
nation &as been presente% to t&e p*bli# as a &or%e o$ MH*ns, MRobbers, MBan%als, et#+, t&e" #annot s*%%enl" be presente%
as so!et&ing %i$$erent, an% t&e ene!" o$ "ester%a" #annot be re#o!!en%e% as t&e all" o$ to!orro(+
8*t t&e t&ir% $a#tor %eseres greater attention, sin#e it is o$ essential i!portan#e $or establis&ing $*t*re allian#es in
Fro! t&e politi#al point o$ ie( it is not in t&e interests o$ Areat 8ritain t&at Aer!an" s&o*l% be r*ine% een still !ore,
b*t s*#& a pro#ee%ing (o*l% be er" !*#& in t&e interests o$ t&e international !one"1!ar,ets !anip*late% b" t&e -e(+
T&e #leaage bet(een t&e o$$i#ial, or rat&er tra%itional, 8ritis& states!ans&ip an% t&e #ontrolling in$l*en#e o$ t&e -e( on
t&e !one"1!ar,ets is no(&ere so #learl" !ani$este% as in t&e ario*s attit*%es ta,en to(ar%s proble!s o$ 8ritis& $oreign
poli#"+ Contrar" to t&e interests an% (el$are o$ t&e 8ritis& State, -e(is& $inan#e %e!an%s not onl" t&e absol*te e#ono!i#
%estr*#tion o$ Aer!an" b*t its #o!plete politi#al enslae!ent+ T&e internationali>ation o$ o*r Aer!an e#ono!i# s"ste!,
t&at is to sa", t&e trans$eren#e o$ o*r pro%*#tie $or#es to t&e #ontrol o$ -e(is& international $inan#e, #an be #o!pletel"
#arrie% o*t onl" in a State t&at &as been politi#all" 8ols&ei>e%+ 8*t t&e )ar5ist $ig&ting $or#es, #o!!an%e% b"
international an% -e(is& sto#,1e5#&ange #apital, #annot $inall" s!as& t&e national resistan#e in Aer!an" (it&o*t $rien%l"
&elp $ro! o*tsi%e+ For t&is p*rpose Fren#& ar!ies (o*l% $irst &ae to ina%e an% oer#o!e t&e territor" o$ t&e Aer!an
Rei#& *ntil a state o$ international #&aos (o*l% set in, an% t&en t&e #o*ntr" (o*l% &ae to s*##*!b to 8ols&ei, stor!
troops in t&e seri#e o$ -e(is& international $inan#e+
Hen#e it is t&at at t&e present ti!e t&e -e( is t&e great agitator $or t&e #o!plete %estr*#tion o$ Aer!an"+ 3&eneer (e
rea% o$ atta#,s against Aer!an" ta,ing pla#e in an" part o$ t&e (orl% t&e -e( is al(a"s t&e instigator+ In pea#e1ti!e, as
(ell as %*ring t&e 3ar, t&e -e(is&1)ar5ist sto#,1e5#&ange Press s"ste!ati#all" stirre% *p &atre% against Aer!an", *ntil
one State a$ter anot&er aban%one% its ne*tralit" an% pla#e% itsel$ at t&e seri#e o$ t&e (orl% #oalition, een against t&e real
interests o$ its o(n people+
T&e -e(is& (a" o$ reasoning t&*s be#o!es /*ite #lear+ T&e 8ols&ei>ation o$ Aer!an", t&at is to sa", t&e e5ter!ination o$
t&e patrioti# an% national Aer!an intelle#t*als, t&*s !a,ing it possible to $or#e Aer!an 'abo*r to bear t&e "o,e o$
international -e(is& $inan#e 1 t&at is onl" t&e oert*re to t&e !oe!ent $or e5pan%ing -e(is& po(er on a (i%er s#ale an%
$inall" s*b0*gating t&e (orl% to its r*le+ As &as so o$ten &appene% in &istor", Aer!an" is t&e #&ie$ piot o$ t&is $or!i%able
str*ggle+ I$ o*r people an% o*r State s&o*l% $all i#ti!s to t&ese oppressors o$ t&e nations, l*sting a$ter bloo% an% !one",
t&e (&ole eart& (o*l% be#o!e t&e pre" o$ t&at &"%ra+ S&o*l% Aer!an" be $ree% $ro! its grip, a great !ena#e $or t&e
nations o$ t&e (orl% (o*l% t&ereb" be eli!inate%+
It is #ertain t&at -e(r" *ses all its s*bterranean a#tiities not onl" $or t&e p*rpose o$ ,eeping alie ol% national en!ities
against Aer!an" b*t een to sprea% t&e! $art&er an% ren%er t&e! !ore a#*te (&ereer possible+ It is no less #ertain t&at
t&ese a#tiities are onl" er" partiall" in ,eeping (it& t&e tr*e interests o$ t&e nations a!ong (&ose people t&e poison is
sprea%+ As a general prin#iple, -e(r" #arries on its #a!paign in t&e ario*s #o*ntries b" t&e *se o$ arg*!ents t&at are best
#al#*late% to appeal to t&e !entalit" o$ t&e respe#tie nations an% are !ost li,el" to pro%*#e t&e %esire% res*ltsC $or -e(r"
,no(s (&at t&e p*bli# $eeling is in ea#& #o*ntr"+ O*r national sto#, &as been so !*#& a%*lterate% b" t&e !i5t*re o$ alien
ele!ents t&at, in its $ig&t $or po(er, -e(r" #an !a,e *se o$ t&e !ore or less M#os!opolitan #ir#les (&i#& e5ist a!ong *s,
inspire% b" t&e pa#i$ist an% international i%eologies+ In Fran#e t&e" e5ploit t&e (ell1,no(n an% a##*ratel" esti!ate%
#&a*inisti# spirit+ In Englan% t&e" e5ploit t&e #o!!er#ial an% (orl%1politi#al o*tloo,+ In s&ort, t&e" al(a"s (or, *pon
t&e essential #&ara#teristi#s t&at belong to t&e !entalit" o$ ea#& nation+ 3&en t&e" &ae in t&is (a" a#&iee% a %e#isie
in$l*en#e in t&e politi#al an% e#ono!i# sp&eres t&e" #an %rop t&e li!itations (&i#& t&eir $or!er ta#ti#s ne#essitate%, no(
%is#losing t&eir real intentions an% t&e en%s $or (&i#& t&e" are $ig&ting+ T&eir (or, o$ %estr*#tion no( goes a&ea% !ore
/*i#,l", re%*#ing one State a$ter anot&er to a !ass o$ r*ins on (&i#& t&e" (ill ere#t t&e eerlasting an% soereign -e(is&
In Englan%, an% in Ital", t&e #ontrast bet(een t&e better ,in% o$ soli% states!ans&ip an% t&e poli#" o$ t&e -e(is& sto#,1
e5#&ange o$ten be#o!es stri,ingl" ei%ent+
Onl" in Fran#e t&ere e5ists to1%a" !ore t&an eer be$ore a pro$o*n% a##or% bet(een t&e ie(s o$ t&e sto#,1e5#&ange,
#ontrolle% b" t&e -e(s, an% t&e #&a*inisti# poli#" p*rs*e% b" Fren#& states!en+ T&is i%entit" o$ ie(s #onstit*tes an
i!!ense, %anger $or Aer!an"+ An% it is 0*st $or t&is reason t&at Fran#e is an% (ill re!ain b" $ar t&e !ost %angero*s
ene!"+ T&e Fren#& people, (&o are be#o!ing !ore an% !ore obsesse% b" negroi% i%eas, represent a t&reatening !ena#e
to t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e (&ite ra#e in E*rope, be#a*se t&e" are bo*n% *p (it& t&e -e(is& #a!paign $or (orl%1%o!ination+
For t&e #onta!ination #a*se% b" t&e in$l*5 o$ negroi% bloo% on t&e R&ine, in t&e er" &eart o$ E*rope, is in a##or% (it&
t&e sa%ist an% pererse l*st $or engean#e on t&e part o$ t&e &ere%itar" ene!" o$ o*r people, 0*st as it s*its t&e p*rpose o$
t&e #ool #al#*lating -e( (&o (o*l% *se t&is !eans o$ intro%*#ing a pro#ess o$ bastar%i>ation in t&e er" #entre o$ t&e
E*ropean Continent an%, b" in$e#ting t&e (&ite ra#e (it& t&e bloo% o$ an in$erior sto#,, (o*l% %estro" t&e $o*n%ations o$
its in%epen%ent e5isten#e+
Fran#es a#tiities in E*rope to1%a", sp*rre% on b" t&e Fren#& l*st $or engean#e an% s"ste!ati#all" %ire#te% b" t&e -e(,
are a #ri!inal atta#, against t&e li$e o$ t&e (&ite ra#e an% (ill one %a" aro*se against t&e Fren#& people a spirit o$
engean#e a!ong a generation (&i#& (ill &ae re#ogni>e% t&e original sin o$ !an,in% in t&is ra#ial poll*tion+
As $ar as #on#erns Aer!an", t&e %anger (&i#& Fran#e represents inoles t&e %*t" o$ relegating all senti!ent to a
s*bor%inate pla#e an% e5ten%ing t&e &an% to t&ose (&o are t&reatene% (it& t&e sa!e !ena#e an% (&o are not (illing to
s*$$er or tolerate Fran#es l*st $or &ege!on"+
For a long ti!e "et to #o!e t&ere (ill be onl" t(o Po(ers in E*rope (it& (&i#& it !a" be possible $or Aer!an" to
#on#l*%e an allian#e+ T&ese Po(ers are Areat 8ritain an% Ital"+
I$ (e ta,e t&e tro*ble to #ast a glan#e ba#,(ar%s on t&e (a" in (&i#& Aer!an $oreign poli#" &as been #on%*#te% sin#e t&e
Reol*tion (e !*st, in ie( o$ t&e #onstant an% in#o!pre&ensible a#ts o$ s*b!ission on t&e part+ o$ o*r goern!ents,
eit&er lose &eart or be#o!e $ire% (it& rage an% ta,e *p t&e #*%gels against s*#& a regi!e+ T&eir (a" o$ a#ting #annot be
attrib*te% to a (ant o$ *n%erstan%ing, be#a*se (&at see!e% to eer" t&in,ing !an to be in#on#eiable (as a##o!plis&e%
b" t&e lea%ers o$ t&e .oe!ber parties (it& t&eir C"#lopean intelle#ts+ T&e" bo(e% to Fran#e an% begge% &er $ao*r+ Kes,
%*ring all t&ese re#ent "ears, (it& t&e to*#&ing si!pli#it" o$ in#orrigible isionaries, t&e" (ent on t&eir ,nees to Fran#e
again an% again+ T&e" perpet*ail" (agge% t&eir tails be$ore t&e Aran%e .ation+ An% in ea#& tri#,1o1t&e1loop (&i#& t&e
Fren#& &ang!en per$or!e% (it& &is rope t&e" re#ogni>e% a isible #&ange o$ $eeling+ O*r real politi#al (ire1p*llers neer
s&are% in t&is abs*r% #re%*lit"+ T&e i%ea o$ establis&ing a $rien%s&ip (it& Fran#e (as $or t&e! onl" a !eans o$ t&(arting
eer" atte!pt on Aer!an"s part to a%opt a pra#ti#al poli#" o$ allian#es+ T&e" &a% no ill*sions abo*t Fren#& ai!s or t&ose
o$ t&e !en be&in% t&e s#enes in Fran#e+ 3&at in%*#e% t&e! to ta,e *p s*#& an attit*%e an% to a#t as i$ t&e" &onestl"
beliee% t&at t&e $ate o$ Aer!an" #o*l% possibl" be #&ange% in t&is (a" (as t&e #ool #al#*lation t&at i$ t&is %i% not &appen
o*r people !ig&t ta,e t&e reins into t&eir o(n &an%s an% #&oose anot&er roa%+
O$ #o*rse it is %i$$i#*lt $or *s to propose Englan% as o*r possible all" in t&e $*t*re+ O*r -e(is& Press &as al(a"s been a%ept
in #on#entrating &atre% against Englan% parti#*larl"+ An% !an" o$ o*r goo% Aer!an si!pletons per#& on t&ese bran#&es
(&i#& t&e -e(s &ae li!e% to #apt*re t&e!+ T&e" babble abo*t a restoration o$ Aer!an sea po(er an% protest against t&e
robber" o$ o*r #olonies+ T&*s t&e" $*rnis& !aterial (&i#& t&e #ontriing -e( trans!its to &is #lans!en in Englan%, so t&at
it #an be *se% t&ere $or p*rposes o$ pra#ti#al propagan%a+ For o*r si!ple1!in%e% bo*rgeoisie (&o in%*lge in politi#s #an
ta,e in onl" little b" little t&e i%ea t&at to1%a" (e &ae not to $ig&t $or Msea1po(er an% s*#& t&ings+ Een be$ore t&e 3ar it
(as abs*r% to %ire#t t&e national energies o$ Aer!an" to(ar%s t&is en% (it&o*t $irst &aing se#*re% o*r position in
E*rope+ S*#& a &ope to1%a" rea#&es t&at pea, o$ abs*r%it" (&i#& !a" be #alle% #ri!inal in t&e %o!ain o$ politi#s+
O$ten one be#o!es reall" %esperate on seeing &o( t&e -e(is& (ire1p*llers s*##ee%e% in #on#entrating t&e attention o$ t&e
people on t&ings (&i#& are onl" o$ se#on%ar" i!portan#e to1%a", T&e" in#ite% t&e people to %e!onstrations an% protests
(&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e Fran#e (as tearing o*r nation as*n%er bit b" bit an% s"ste!ati#all" re!oing t&e er" $o*n%ations
o$ o*r national in%epen%en#e+
In t&is #onne#tion I &ae to t&in, o$ t&e 3oo%en Horse in t&e ri%ing o$ (&i#& t&e -e( s&o(e% e5traor%inar" s,ill %*ring
t&ese "ears+ I !ean So*t& T"rol+
Kes, So*t& T"rol+ T&e reason (&" I ta,e *p t&is /*estion &ere is 0*st be#a*se I (ant to #all to a##o*nt t&at s&a!e$*l
#anaille (&o relie% on t&e ignoran#e an% s&ort !e!ories o$ large se#tions o$ o*r people an% sti!*late% a national
in%ignation (&i#& is as $oreign to t&e real #&ara#ter o$ o*r parlia!entar" i!postors as t&e i%ea o$ respe#t $or priate
propert" is to a !agpie+
I s&o*l% li,e to state &ere t&at I (as one o$ t&ose (&o, at t&e ti!e (&en t&e $ate o$ So*t& T"rol (as being %e#i%e% 1 t&at is
to sa", $ro! A*g*st 1914 to .oe!ber 1919 1 too, !" pla#e (&ere t&at #o*ntr" also #o*l% &ae been e$$e#tiel" %e$en%e%,
na!el", in t&e Ar!"+ I %i% !" s&are in t&e $ig&ting %*ring t&ose "ears, not !erel" to sae So*t& T"rol $ro! being lost b*t
also to sae eer" ot&er Aer!an proin#e $or t&e Fat&erlan%+
T&e parlia!entar" s&arpers %i% not ta,e part in t&at #o!bat+ T&e (&ole #anaille pla"e% part" politi#s+ On t&e ot&er &an%,
(e #arrie% on t&e $ig&t in t&e belie$ t&at a i#torio*s iss*e o$ t&e 3ar (o*l% enable t&e Aer!an nation to ,eep So*t& T"rol
alsoC b*t t&e lo*%1!o*t&e% traitor #arrie% on a se%itio*s agitation against s*#& a i#torio*s iss*e, *ntil t&e $ig&ting
Sieg$rie% s*##*!be% to t&e %agger pl*nge% in &is ba#,+ It (as onl" nat*ral t&at t&e in$la!!ator" an% &"po#riti#al
spee#&es o$ t&e elegantl" %resse% parlia!entarians on t&e Bienna Rat&a*s Plat> or in $ront o$ t&e Fel%&errn&alle in
)*ni#& #o*l% not sae So*t& T"rol $or Aer!an"+ T&at #o*l% be %one onl" b" t&e $ig&ting battalions at t&e Front+ T&ose
(&o bro,e *p t&at $ig&ting $ront betra"e% So*t& T"rol, as (ell as t&e ot&er %istri#ts o$ Aer!an"+
An"one (&o t&in,s t&at t&e So*t& T"rol /*estion #an be sole% to1%a" b" protests an% !ani$estations an% pro#essions
organi>e% b" ario*s asso#iations is eit&er a &*!b*g or !erel" a Aer!an p&ilistine+
In t&is regar% it !*st be /*ite #learl" *n%erstoo% t&at (e #annot get ba#, t&e territories (e &ae lost i$ (e %epen% on
sole!n i!pre#ations be$ore t&e t&rone o$ t&e Al!ig&t" Ao% or on pio*s &opes in a 'eag*e o$ .ations, b*t onl" b" t&e
$or#e o$ ar!s+
T&ere$ore t&e onl" re!aining /*estion is4 3&o is rea%" to ta,e *p ar!s $or t&e restoration o$ t&e lost territories@
As $ar as #on#erns !"sel$ personall", I #an state (it& a goo% #ons#ien#e t&at I (o*l% &ae #o*rage eno*g& to ta,e part in a
#a!paign $or t&e re#on/*est o$ So*t& T"rol, at t&e &ea% o$ parlia!entarian stor! battalions #onsisting o$ parlia!entarian
gas#ona%ers an% all t&e part" lea%ers, also t&e ario*s Co*n#illors o$ State+ Onl" t&e =eil ,no(s (&et&er I !ig&t &ae
t&e l*#, o$ seeing a $e( s&ells s*%%enl" b*rst oer t&is Mb*rning %e!onstration o$ protest+ I t&in, t&at i$ a $o5 (ere to
brea, into a po*ltr" "ar% &is presen#e (o*l% not proo,e s*#& a &elter1s,elter an% r*s& to #oer as (e s&o*l% (itness in
t&e ban% o$ Mprotesters+
T&e ilest part o$ it all is t&at t&ese tal,ers t&e!seles %o not beliee t&at an"t&ing #an be a#&iee% in t&is (a"+ Ea#& one
o$ t&e! ,no(s er" (ell &o( &ar!less an% ine$$e#tie t&eir (&ole preten#e is+ T&e" %o it onl" be#a*se it is easier no( to
babble abo*t t&e restoration o$ So*t& T"rol t&an to $ig&t $or its preseration in %a"s gone b"+
Ea#& one pla"s t&e part t&at &e is best #apable o$ pla"ing in li$e+ In t&ose %a"s (e o$$ere% o*r bloo%+ To1%a" t&ese people
are engage% in (&etting t&eir t*s,s+
It is parti#*larl" interesting to note to1%a" &o( legiti!ist #ir#les in Bienna preen t&e!seles on t&eir (or, $or t&e
restoration o$ So*t& T"rol+ Seen "ears ago t&eir a*g*st an% ill*strio*s ="nast" &elpe%, b" an a#t o$ per0*r" an% treason, to
!a,e it possible $or t&e i#torio*s (orl%1#oalition to ta,e a(a" So*t& T"rol+ At t&at ti!e t&ese #ir#les s*pporte% t&e
per$i%io*s poli#" a%opte% b" t&eir ="nast" an% %i% not tro*ble t&e!seles in t&e least abo*t t&e $ate o$ So*t& T"rol or an"
ot&er proin#e+ .at*rall" it is easier to1%a" to ta,e *p t&e $ig&t $or t&is territor", sin#e t&e present str*ggle is (age% (it&
Mt&e (eapons o$ t&e !in%+ An"&o(, it is easier to 0oin in a M!eeting o$ protestation an% tal, "o*rsel$ &oarse in giing
ent to t&e noble in%ignation t&at $ills "o*r breast, or stain "o*r $inger (it& t&e (riting o$ a ne(spaper arti#le, t&an to
blo( *p a bri%ge, $or instan#e, %*ring t&e o##*pation o$ t&e R*&r+
T&e reason (&" #ertain #ir#les &ae !a%e t&e /*estion o$ So*t& T"rol t&e piot o$ Aer!an1Italian relations %*ring t&e past
$e( "ears is /*ite ei%ent+ -e(s an% Habsb*rg legiti!ists are greatl" intereste% in preenting Aer!an" $ro! p*rs*ing a
poli#" o$ allian#e (&i#& !ig&t lea% one %a" to t&e res*rgen#e o$ a $ree Aer!an $at&erlan%+ It is not o*t o$ loe $or So*t&
T"rol t&at t&e" pla" t&is role to1%a" 1 $or t&eir poli#" (o*l% t*rn o*t %etri!ental rat&er t&an &elp$*l to t&e interests o$ t&at
proin#e 1 b*t t&ro*g& $ear o$ an agree!ent being establis&e% bet(een Aer!an" an% Ital"+
A ten%en#" to(ar%s l"ing an% #al*!n" lies in t&e nat*re o$ t&ese people, an% t&at e5plains &o( t&e" #an #al!l" an%
bra>enl" atte!pt to t(ist t&ings in s*#& a (a" as to !a,e it appear t&at (e &ae Mbetra"e% So*t& T"rol+
T&ere is one #lear ans(er t&at !*st be gien to t&ese gentle!en+ It is t&is4 T"rol &as been betra"e%, in t&e $irst pla#e, b"
eer" Aer!an (&o (as so*n% in li!b an% bo%" an% %i% not o$$er &i!sel$ $or seri#e at t&e Front %*ring 191411919 to %o
&is %*t" to(ar%s &is #o*ntr"+
In t&e se#on% pla#e, T"rol (as betra"e% b" eer" !an (&o, %*ring t&ose "ears %i% not &elp to rein$or#e t&e national spirit
an% t&e national po(ers o$ resistan#e, so as to enable t&e #o*ntr" to #arr" t&ro*g& t&e 3ar an% ,eep *p t&e $ig&t to t&e
er" en%+
In t&e t&ir% pla#e, So*t& T"rol (as betra"e% b" eer"one (&o too, part in t&e .oe!ber Reol*tion, eit&er %ire#tl" b" &is
a#t or in%ire#tl" b" a #o(ar%l" toleration o$ it, an% t&*s bro,e t&e sole (eapon t&at #o*l% &ae sae% So*t& T"rol+
In t&e $o*rt& pla#e, So*t& T"rol (as betra"e% b" t&ose parties an% t&eir a%&erents (&o p*t t&eir signat*res to t&e
%isgra#e$*l treaties o$ Bersailles an% St+ Aer!ain+
An% so t&e !atter stan%s, !" brae gentle!en, (&o !a,e "o*r protests onl" (it& (or%s+
To1%a" I a! g*i%e% b" a #al! an% #ool re#ognition o$ t&e $a#t t&at t&e lost territories #annot be (on ba#, b" t&e (&ette%
tong*es o$ parlia!entar" spo*ters b*t onl" b" t&e (&ette% s(or%C in ot&er (or%s, t&ro*g& a $ig&t (&ere bloo% (ill &ae to
be s&e%+
.o(, I &ae no &esitations in sa"ing t&at to1%a", on#e t&e %ie &as been #ast, it is not onl" i!possible to (in ba#, So*t&
T"rol t&ro*g& a (ar b*t I s&o*l% %e$initel" ta,e !" stan% against s*#& a !oe!ent, be#a*se I a! #onin#e% t&at it (o*l%
not be possible to aro*se t&e national ent&*sias! o$ t&e Aer!an people an% !aintain it in s*#& a (a" as (o*l% be
ne#essar" in or%er to #arr" t&ro*g& s*#& a (ar to a s*##ess$*l iss*e+ On t&e #ontrar", I beliee t&at i$ (e &ae to s&e%
Aer!an bloo% on#e again it (o*l% be #ri!inal to %o so $or t&e sa,e o$ liberating 277,777 Aer!ans, (&en !ore t&an seen
!illion neig&bo*ring Aer!ans are s*$$ering *n%er $oreign %o!ination an% a ital arter" o$ t&e Aer!an nation &as be#o!e
a pla"gro*n% $or &or%es o$ A$ri#an niggers+
I$ t&e Aer!an nation is to p*t an en% to a state o$ t&ings (&i#& t&reatens to (ipe it o$$ t&e !ap o$ E*rope it !*st not $all
into t&e errors o$ t&e pre13ar perio% an% !a,e t&e (&ole (orl% its ene!"+ 8*t it !*st as#ertain (&o is its !ost %angero*s
ene!" so t&at it #an #on#entrate all its $or#es in a str*ggle to beat &i!+ An% i$, in or%er to #arr" t&ro*g& t&is str*ggle to
i#tor", sa#ri$i#es s&o*l% be !a%e in ot&er /*arters, $*t*re generations (ill not #on%e!n *s $or t&at+ T&e" (ill ta,e
a##o*nt o$ t&e !iseries an% an5ieties (&i#& le% *s to !a,e s*#& a bitter %e#ision, an% in t&e lig&t o$ t&at #onsi%eration
t&e" (ill !ore #learl" re#ogni>e t&e brillian#" o$ o*r s*##ess+
Again I !*st sa" &ere t&at (e !*st al(a"s be g*i%e% b" t&e $*n%a!ental prin#iple t&at, as a preli!inar" to (inning ba#,
lost proin#es, t&e politi#al in%epen%en#e an% strengt& o$ t&e !ot&erlan% !*st $irst be restore%+
T&e $irst tas, (&i#& &as to be a##o!plis&e% is to !a,e t&at in%epen%en#e possible an% to se#*re it b" a (ise poli#" o$
allian#es, (&i#& pres*pposes an energeti# !anage!ent o$ o*r p*bli# a$$airs+
8*t it is 0*st on t&is point t&at (e, .ational So#ialists, &ae to g*ar% against being %ragge% into t&e to( o$ o*r ranting
bo*rgeois patriots (&o ta,e t&eir #*e $ro! t&e -e(+ It (o*l% be a %isaster i$, instea% o$ preparing $or t&e #o!ing str*ggle,
o*r )oe!ent also (ere to b*s" itsel$ (it& !ere protests b" (or% o$ !o*t&+
It (as t&e $antasti# i%ea o$ a .ibel*ngen allian#e (it& t&e %e#o!pose% bo%" o$ t&e Habsb*rg State t&at bro*g&t abo*t
Aer!an"s r*in+ Fantasti# senti!entalit" in %ealing (it& t&e possibilities o$ $oreign poli#" to1%a" (o*l% be t&e best !eans
o$ preenting o*r reial $or inn*!erable "ears to #o!e+
Here I !*st brie$l" ans(er t&e ob0e#tions (&i#& !a" be raise% in regar% to t&e t&ree /*estions I &ae p*t+
1+ Is it possible at all to $or! an allian#e (it& t&e present Aer!an", (&ose (ea,ness is so isible to all e"es@
2+ Can t&e e51ene!" nations #&ange t&eir attit*%e to(ar%s Aer!an"@
2+ In ot&er nations is not t&e in$l*en#e o$ -e(r" stronger t&an t&e re#ognition o$ t&eir o(n interests, an% %oes not t&is
in$l*en#e t&(art all t&eir goo% intentions an% ren%er all t&eir plans $*tile@
I t&in, t&at I &ae alrea%" %ealt a%e/*atel" (it& one o$ t&e t(o aspe#ts o$ t&e $irst point+ O$ #o*rse nobo%" (ill enter into
an allian#e (it& t&e present Aer!an"+ .o Po(er in t&e (orl% (o*l% lin, its $ort*nes (it& a State (&ose goern!ent %oes
not a$$or% gro*n%s $or t&e slig&test #on$i%en#e+ As regar%s t&e atte!pt (&i#& &as been !a%e b" !an" o$ o*r #o!patriots to
e5plain t&e #on%*#t o$ t&e Aoern!ent b" re$erring to t&e (oe$*l state o$ p*bli# $eeling an% t&*s e5#*se s*#& #on%*#t, I
!*st strongl" ob0e#t to t&at (a" o$ loo,ing at t&ings+
T&e la#, o$ #&ara#ter (&i#& o*r people &ae s&o(n %*ring t&e last si5 "ears is %eepl" %istressing+ T&e in%i$$eren#e (it&
(&i#& t&e" &ae treate% t&e !ost *rgent ne#essities o$ o*r nation !ig&t eritabl" lea% one to %espair+ T&eir #o(ar%i#e is
s*#& t&at it o$ten #ries to &eaen $or engean#e+ 8*t one !*st neer $orget t&at (e are %ealing (it& a people (&o gae to
t&e (orl%, a $e( "ears preio*sl", an a%!irable e5a!ple o$ t&e &ig&est &*!an /*alities+ Fro! t&e $irst %a"s o$ A*g*st
1914 to t&e en% o$ t&e tre!en%o*s str*ggle bet(een t&e nations, no people in t&e (orl% gae a better proo$ o$ !anl"
#o*rage, tena#it" an% patient en%*ran#e, t&an t&is people gae (&o are so #ast %o(n an% %ispirite% to1%a"+ .obo%" (ill
%are to assert t&at t&e la#, o$ #&ara#ter a!ong o*r people to1%a" is t"pi#al o$ t&e!+ 3&at (e &ae to en%*re to1%a", a!ong
*s an% aro*n% *s, is %*e onl" to t&e in$l*en#e o$ t&e sa% an% %istressing e$$e#ts t&at $ollo(e% t&e &ig& treason #o!!itte%
on .oe!ber 9t&, 1919+ )ore t&an eer be$ore t&e (or% o$ t&e poet is tr*e4 t&at eil #an onl" gie rise to eil+ 8*t een in
t&is epo#& t&ose /*alities a!ong o*r people (&i#& are $*n%a!entall" so*n% are not entirel" lost+ T&e" sl*!ber in t&e
%ept&s o$ t&e national #ons#ien#e, an% so!eti!es in t&e #lo*%e% $ir!a!ent (e see #ertain /*alities li,e s&ining lig&ts
(&i#& Aer!an" (ill one %a" re!e!ber as t&e $irst s"!pto!s o$ a reial+ 3e o$ten see "o*ng Aer!ans asse!bling an%
$or!ing %eter!ine% resol*tions, as t&e" %i% in 1914, $reel" an% (illingl" to o$$er t&e!seles as a sa#ri$i#e on t&e altar o$
t&eir beloe% Fat&erlan%+ )illions o$ !en &ae res*!e% (or,, (&ole1&earte%l" an% >ealo*sl", as i$ no reol*tion &a% eer
a$$e#te% t&e!+ T&e s!it& is at &is anil on#e again+ An% t&e $ar!er %ries &is plo*g&+ T&e s#ientist is in &is laborator"+
An% eer"bo%" is on#e again atten%ing to &is %*t" (it& t&e sa!e >eal an% %eotion as $or!erl"+
T&e oppression (&i#& (e s*$$er $ro! at t&e &an%s o$ o*r ene!ies is no longer ta,en, as it $or!erl" (as, as a !atter $or
la*g&terC b*t it is resente% (it& bitterness an% anger+ T&ere #an be no %o*bt t&at a great #&ange o$ attit*%e &as ta,en pla#e+
T&is eol*tion &as not "et ta,en t&e s&ape o$ a #ons#io*s intention an% !oe!ent to restore t&e politi#al po(er an%
in%epen%en#e o$ o*r nationC b*t t&e bla!e $or t&is !*st be attrib*te% to t&ose *tterl" in#o!petent people (&o &ae no
nat*ral en%o(!ents to /*ali$" t&e! $or states!ans&ip an% "et &ae been goerning o*r nation sin#e 1919 an% lea%ing it to
Kes+ I$ an"bo%" a##*ses o*r people to1%a" &e o*g&t to be as,e%4 3&at is being %one to &elp t&e!@ 3&at are (e to sa" o$
t&e poor s*pport (&i#& t&e people gie to an" !eas*res intro%*#e% b" t&e Aoern!ent@ Is it not tr*e t&at s*#& a t&ing as a
Aoern!ent &ar%l" e5ists at all@ An% !*st (e #onsi%er t&e poor s*pport (&i#& it re#eies as a sign o$ a la#, o$ italit" in
t&e nation itsel$C or is it not rat&er a proo$ o$ t&e #o!plete $ail*re o$ t&e !et&o%s e!plo"e% in t&e !anage!ent o$ t&is
al*able tr*st@ 3&at &ae o*r Aoern!ents %one to re1a(a,en in t&e nation a pro*% spirit o$ sel$1assertion, *p1stan%ing
!anliness, an% a spirit o$ rig&teo*s %e$ian#e to(ar%s its ene!ies@
In 1919, (&en t&e Pea#e Treat" (as i!pose% on t&e Aer!an nation, t&ere (ere gro*n%s $or &oping t&at t&is instr*!ent o$
*nrestri#te% oppression (o*l% &elp to rein$or#e t&e o*t#r" $or t&e $ree%o! o$ Aer!an"+ Pea#e treaties (&i#& !a,e
%e!an%s t&at $all li,e a (&ip1las& on t&e people t*rn o*t not in$re/*entl" to be t&e signal o$ a $*t*re reial+
To (&at p*rpose #o*l% t&e Treat" o$ Bersailles &ae been e5ploite%@
In t&e &an%s o$ a (illing Aoern!ent, &o( #o*l% t&is instr*!ent o$ *nli!ite% bla#,!ail an% s&a!e$*l &*!iliation &ae
been applie% $or t&e p*rpose o$ aro*sing national senti!ent to its &ig&est pit#&@ Ho( #o*l% a (ell1%ire#te% s"ste! o$
propagan%a &ae *tili>e% t&e sa%ist #r*elt" o$ t&at treat" so as to #&ange t&e in%i$$eren#e o$ t&e people to a $eeling o$
in%ignation an% trans$or! t&at in%ignation into a spirit o$ %a*ntless resistan#e@
Ea#& point o$ t&at Treat" #o*l% &ae been engrae% on t&e !in%s an% &earts o$ t&e Aer!an people an% b*rne% into t&e!
*ntil si5t" !illion !en an% (o!en (o*l% $in% t&eir so*ls a$la!e (it& a $eeling o$ rage an% s&a!eC an% a torrent o$ $ire
(o*l% b*rst $ort& as $ro! a $*rna#e, an% one #o!!on (ill (o*l% be $orge% $ro! it, li,e a s(or% o$ steel+ T&en t&e people
(o*l% 0oin in t&e #o!!on #r"4 LTo ar!s againNL
Kes+ A treat" o$ t&at ,in% #an be *se% $or s*#& a p*rpose+ Its *nbo*n%e% oppression an% its i!p*%ent %e!an%s (ere an
e5#ellent propagan%a (eapon to aro*se t&e sl*ggis& spirit o$ t&e nation an% restore its italit"+
T&en, $ro! t&e #&il%s stor"1boo, to t&e last ne(spaper in t&e #o*ntr", an% eer" t&eatre an% #ine!a, eer" pillar (&ere
pla#ar%s are poste% an% eer" $ree spa#e on t&e &oar%ings s&o*l% be *tili>e% in t&e seri#e o$ t&is one great !ission, *ntil
t&e $aint1&earte% #r", L'or%, %elier *s,L (&i#& o*r patrioti# asso#iations sen% *p to Heaen to1%a" (o*l% be trans$or!e%
into an ar%ent pra"er4 LAl!ig&t" Ao%, bless o*r ar!s (&en t&e &o*r #o!es+ 8e 0*st, as T&o* &ast al(a"s been 0*st+ -*%ge
no( i$ (e %esere o*r $ree%o!+ 'or%, bless o*r str*ggle+L
All opport*nities (ere negle#te% an% not&ing (as %one+
3&o (ill be s*rprise% no( i$ o*r people are not s*#& as t&e" s&o*l% be or !ig&t be@ T&e rest o$ t&e (orl% loo,s *pon *s
onl" as its alet, or as a ,in%l" %og t&at (ill li#, its !asters &an% a$ter &e &as been (&ippe%+
O$ #o*rse t&e possibilities o$ $or!ing allian#es (it& ot&er nations are &a!pere% b" t&e in%i$$eren#e o$ o*r o(n people, b*t
!*#& !ore b" o*r Aoern!ents+ T&e" &ae been an% are so #orr*pt t&at no(, a$ter eig&t "ears o$ in%es#ribable
oppression, t&ere e5ists onl" a $aint %esire $or libert"+
In or%er t&at o*r nation !a" *n%erta,e a poli#" o$ allian#es, it !*st restore its prestige a!ong ot&er nations, an% it !*st
&ae an a*t&oritatie Aoern!ent t&at is not a %r*%ge in t&e seri#e o$ $oreign States an% t&e tas,!aster o$ its o(n people,
b*t rat&er t&e &eral% o$ t&e national (ill+
I$ o*r people &a% a goern!ent (&i#& (o*l% loo, *pon t&is as its !ission, si5 "ears (o*l% not &ae passe% be$ore a
#o*rageo*s $oreign poli#" on t&e part o$ t&e Rei#& (o*l% $in% a #orrespon%ing s*pport a!ong t&e people, (&ose %esire $or
$ree%o! (o*l% be en#o*rage% an% intensi$ie% t&ereb"+
T&e t&ir% ob0e#tion re$erre% to t&e %i$$i#*lt" o$ #&anging t&e e51ene!" nations into $rien%l" allies+ T&at ob0e#tion !a" be
ans(ere% as $ollo(s4
T&e general anti1Aer!an ps"#&osis (&i#& &as %eelope% in ot&er #o*ntries t&ro*g& t&e (ar propagan%a !*st o$ ne#essit"
#ontin*e to e5ist as long as t&ere is not a renaissan#e o$ t&e national #ons#ien#e a!ong t&e Aer!an people, so t&at t&e
Aer!an Rei#& !a" on#e again be#o!e a State (&i#& is able to pla" its part on t&e #&ess1boar% o$ E*ropean politi#s an%
(it& (&o! t&e ot&ers $eel t&at t&e" #an pla"+ Onl" (&en t&e Aoern!ent an% t&e people $eel absol*tel" #ertain o$ being
able to *n%erta,e a poli#" o$ allian#es #an one Po(er or anot&er, (&ose interests #oin#i%e (it& o*rs, t&in, o$ instit*ting a
s"ste! o$ propagan%a $or t&e p*rpose o$ #&anging p*bli# opinion a!ong its o(n people+ .at*rall" it (ill ta,e seeral
"ears o$ perseering an% abl" %ire#te% (or, to rea#& s*#& a res*lt+ -*st be#a*se a long perio% is nee%e% in or%er to #&ange
t&e p*bli# opinion o$ a #o*ntr", it is ne#essar" to re$le#t #al!l" be$ore s*#& an enterprise be *n%erta,en+ T&is !eans t&at
one !*st not enter *pon t&is ,in% o$ (or, *nless one is absol*tel" #onin#e% t&at it is (ort& t&e tro*ble an% t&at it (ill
bring res*lts (&i#& (ill be al*able in t&e $*t*re+ One !*st not tr" to #&ange t&e opinions an% $eelings o$ a people b"
basing ones a#tions on t&e ain #a0oler" o$ a !ore or less brilliant Foreign )inister, b*t onl" i$ t&ere be a tangible
g*arantee t&at t&e ne( orientation (ill be reall" *se$*l+ Ot&er(ise p*bli# opinion in t&e #o*ntr" %ealt (it& !a" be 0*st
t&ro(n into a state o$ #o!plete #on$*sion+ T&e !ost reliable g*arantee t&at #an be gien $or t&e possibilit" o$ s*bse/*entl"
entering into an allian#e (it& a #ertain State #annot be $o*n% in t&e lo/*a#io*s s*ait" o$ so!e in%ii%*al !e!ber o$ t&e
Aoern!ent, b*t in t&e !ani$est stabilit" o$ a %e$inite an% pra#ti#al poli#" on t&e part o$ t&e Aoern!ent as a (&ole, an%
in t&e s*pport (&i#& is gien to t&at poli#" b" t&e p*bli# opinion o$ t&e #o*ntr"+ T&e $ait& o$ t&e p*bli# in t&is poli#" (ill
be strengt&ene% all t&e !ore i$ t&e Aoern!ent organi>e one a#tie propagan%a to e5plain its e$$orts an% se#*re p*bli#
s*pport $or t&e!, an% i$ p*bli# opinion $ao*rabl" respon%s to t&e Aoern!ents poli#"+
T&ere$ore a nation in s*#& a position as o*rs (ill be loo,e% *pon as a possible all" i$ p*bli# opinion s*pports t&e
Aoern!ents poli#" an% i$ bot& are *nite% in t&e sa!e ent&*siasti# %eter!ination to #arr" t&ro*g& t&e $ig&t $or national
$ree%o!+ T&at #on%ition o$ a$$airs !*st be $ir!l" establis&e% be$ore an" atte!pt #an be !a%e to #&ange p*bli# opinion in
ot&er #o*ntries (&i#&, $or t&e sa,e o$ %e$en%ing t&eir !ost ele!entar" interests, are %ispose% to ta,e t&e roa% s&o*l%er1to1
s&o*l%er (it& a #o!panion (&o see!s able to pla" &is part in %e$en%ing t&ose interests+ In ot&er (or%s, t&is !eans t&at
t&e" (ill be rea%" to establis& an allian#e+
For t&is p*rpose, &o(eer, one t&ing is ne#essar"+ Seeing t&at t&e tas, o$ bringing abo*t a ra%i#al #&ange in t&e p*bli#
opinion o$ a #o*ntr" #alls $or &ar% (or,, an% !an" %o not at $irst *n%erstan% (&at it !eans, it (o*l% be bot& $oolis& an%
#ri!inal to #o!!it !ista,es (&i#& #o*l% be *se% as (eapons in t&e &an%s o$ t&ose (&o are oppose% to s*#& a #&ange+
One !*st re#ogni>e t&e $a#t t&at it ta,es a long ti!e $or a people to *n%erstan% #o!pletel" t&e inner p*rposes (&i#& a
Aoern!ent &as in ie(, be#a*se it is not possible to e5plain t&e *lti!ate ai!s o$ t&e preparations t&at are being !a%e to
#arr" t&ro*g& a #ertain poli#"+ In s*#& #ases t&e Aoern!ent &as to #o*nt on t&e blin% $ait& o$ t&e !asses or t&e int*itie
instin#t o$ t&e r*ling #aste t&at is !ore %eelope% intelle#t*all"+ 8*t sin#e !an" people la#, t&is insig&t, t&is politi#al
a#*!en an% $a#*lt" $or seeing into t&e tren% o$ a$$airs, an% sin#e politi#al #onsi%erations $orbi% a p*bli# e5planation o$
(&" s*#& an% s*#& a #o*rse is being $ollo(e%, a #ertain n*!ber o$ lea%ers in intelle#t*al #ir#les (ill al(a"s oppose ne(
ten%en#ies (&i#&, be#a*se t&e" are not easil" graspe%, #an be pointe% to as !ere e5peri!ents+ An% t&at attit*%e aro*ses
opposition a!ong #onseratie #ir#les regar%ing t&e !eas*res in /*estion+
For t&is reason a stri#t %*t" %eoles *pon eer"bo%" not to allo( an" (eapon to $all into t&e &an%s o$ t&ose (&o (o*l%
inter$ere (it& t&e (or, o$ bringing abo*t a !*t*al *n%erstan%ing (it& ot&er nations+ T&is is spe#iall" so in o*r #ase,
(&ere (e &ae to %eal (it& t&e pretentions an% $antasti# tal, o$ o*r patrioti# asso#iations an% o*r s!all bo*rgeoisie (&o
tal, politi#s in t&e #a$es+ T&at t&e #r" $or a ne( (ar $leet, t&e restoration o$ o*r #olonies, et#+, &as no #&an#e o$ eer being
#arrie% o*t in pra#ti#e (ill not be %enie% b" an"one (&o t&in,s oer t&e !atter #al!l" an% serio*sl"+ T&ese &ar!less an%
so!eti!es &al$1#ra>" spo*ters in t&e (ar o$ protests are sering t&e interests o$ o*r !ortal ene!", (&ile t&e !anner in
(&i#& t&eir apo*rings are e5ploite% $or politi#al p*rposes in Englan% #annot be #onsi%ere% as a%antageo*s to Aer!an"+
T&e" s/*an%er t&eir energies in $*tile %e!onstrations against t&e (&ole (orl%+ T&ese %e!onstrations are &ar!$*l to o*r
interests an% t&ose (&o in%*lge in t&e! $orget t&e $*n%a!ental prin#iple (&i#& is a preli!inar" #on%ition o$ all s*##ess+
3&at t&o* %oest, %o it t&oro*g&l"+ 8e#a*se (e ,eep on &o(ling against $ie or ten States (e $ail to #on#entrate all t&e
$or#es o$ o*r national (ill an% o*r p&"si#al strengt& $or a blo( at t&e &eart o$ o*r bitterest ene!"+ An% in t&is (a" (e
sa#ri$i#e t&e possibilit" o$ se#*ring an allian#e (&i#& (o*l% rein$or#e o*r strengt& $or t&at %e#isie #on$li#t+
Here, too, t&ere is a !ission $or .ational So#ialis! to $*l$il+ It !*st tea#& o*r people not to $i5 t&eir attention on t&e little
t&ings b*t rat&er on t&e great t&ings, not to e5&a*st t&eir energies on se#on%ar" ob0e#ts, an% not to $orget t&at t&e ob0e#t (e
s&all &ae to $ig&t $or one %a" is t&e bare e5isten#e o$ o*r people an% t&at t&e sole ene!" (e s&all &ae to stri,e at is t&at
Po(er (&i#& is robbing *s o$ t&is e5isten#e+
It !a" be t&at (e s&all &ae !an" a &ea" b*r%en to bear+ 8*t t&is is b" no !eans an e5#*se $or re$*sing to listen to
reason an% raise nonsensi#al o*t#ries against t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%, instea% o$ #on#entrating all o*r $or#es against t&e !ost
%ea%l" ene!"+
)oreoer, t&e Aer!an people (ill &ae no !oral rig&t to #o!plain o$ t&e !anner in (&i#& t&e rest o$ t&e (orl% a#ts
to(ar%s t&e!, as long as t&e" t&e!seles &ae not #alle% to a##o*nt t&ose #ri!inals (&o sol% an% betra"e% t&eir o(n
#o*ntr"+ 3e #annot &ope to be ta,en er" serio*sl" i$ (e in%*lge in long1range ab*se an% protests against Englan% an%
Ital" an% t&en allo( t&ose s#o*n%rels to #ir#*late *n%ist*rbe% in o*r o(n #o*ntr" (&o (ere in t&e pa" o$ t&e ene!" (ar
propagan%a, too, t&e (eapons o*t o$ o*r &an%s, bro,e t&e ba#,bone o$ o*r resistan#e an% bartere% a(a" t&e Rei#& $or
t&irt" pie#es o$ siler+
T&e ene!" %i% onl" (&at (as e5pe#te%+ An% (e o*g&t to learn $ro! t&e stan% &e too, an% t&e (a" &e a#te%+
An"one (&o #annot rise to t&e leel o$ t&is o*tloo, !*st re$le#t t&at ot&er(ise t&ere (o*l% re!ain not&ing else t&an to
reno*n#e t&e i%ea o$ a%opting an" poli#" o$ allian#es $or t&e $*t*re+ For i$ (e #annot $or! an allian#e (it& Englan%
be#a*se s&e &as robbe% *s o$ o*r #olonies, or (it& Ital" be#a*se s&e &as ta,en possession o$ So*t& T"rol, or (it& Polan% or
C>e#&osloa,ia, t&en t&ere re!ains no ot&er possibilit" o$ an allian#e in E*rope e5#ept (it& Fran#e (&i#&, inter alia, &as
robbe% *s o$ Alsa#e an% 'orraine+
T&ere #an s#ar#el" be an" %o*bt as to (&et&er t&is last alternatie (o*l% be a%antageo*s to t&e interests o$ t&e Aer!an
people+ 8*t i$ it be %e$en%e% b" so!ebo%" one is al(a"s %o*bt$*l (&et&er t&at person be !erel" a si!pleton or an ast*te
As $ar as #on#erns t&e lea%ers in t&ese a#tiities, I t&in, t&e latter &"pot&esis is tr*e+
A #&ange in p*bli# $eeling a!ong t&ose nations (&i#& &ae &it&erto been ene!ies an% (&ose tr*e interests (ill
#orrespon% in t&e $*t*re (it& o*rs #o*l% be e$$e#te%, as $ar as &*!an #al#*lation goes, i$ t&e internal strengt& o$ o*r State
an% o*r !ani$est %eter!ination to se#*re o*r o(n e5isten#e !a%e it #lear t&at (e s&o*l% be al*able allies+ )oreoer, it is
ne#essar" t&at o*r in#o!petent (a" o$ %oing t&ings an% o*r #ri!inal #on%*#t in so!e !atters s&o*l% not $*rnis& gro*n%s
(&i#& !a" be *tili>e% $or p*rposes o$ propagan%a b" t&ose (&o (o*l% oppose o*r pro0e#ts o$ establis&ing an allian#e (it&
one or ot&er o$ o*r $or!er ene!ies+
T&e ans(er to t&e t&ir% /*estion is still !ore %i$$i#*lt4 Is it #on#eiable t&at t&e" (&o represent t&e tr*e interests o$ t&ose
nations (&i#& !a" possibl" $or! an allian#e (it& *s #o*l% p*t t&eir ie(s into pra#ti#e against t&e (ill o$ t&e -e(, (&o is
t&e !ortal ene!" o$ national an% in%epen%ent pop*lar States@
For instan#e, #o*l% t&e !otie1$or#es o$ Areat 8ritains tra%itional states!ans&ip s!as& t&e %isastro*s in$l*en#e o$ t&e
-e(, or #o*l% t&e" not@
T&is /*estion, as I &ae alrea%" sai%, is er" %i$$i#*lt to ans(er+ T&e ans(er %epen%s on so !an" $a#tors t&at it is
i!possible to $or! a #on#l*sie 0*%g!ent+ An"&o(, one t&ing is #ertain4 T&e po(er o$ t&e Aoern!ent in a gien State
an% at a %e$inite perio% !a" be so $ir!l" establis&e% in t&e p*bli# esti!ation an% so absol*tel" at t&e seri#e o$ t&e
#o*ntr"s interests t&at t&e $or#es o$ international -e(r" #o*l% not possibl" organi>e a real an% e$$e#tie obstr*#tion against
!eas*res #onsi%ere% to be politi#all" ne#essar"+
T&e $ig&t (&i#& Fas#ist Ital" (age% against -e(r"s t&ree prin#ipal (eapons, t&e pro$o*n% reasons $or (&i#& !a" not &ae
been #ons#io*sl" *n%erstoo% Ft&o*g& I %o not beliee t&is !"sel$G $*rnis&es t&e best proo$ t&at t&e poison $angs o$ t&at
Po(er (&i#& trans#en%s all State bo*n%aries are being %ra(n, een t&o*g& in an in%ire#t (a"+ T&e pro&ibition o$
Free!asonr" an% se#ret so#ieties, t&e s*ppression o$ t&e s*pernational Press an% t&e %e$inite abolition o$ )ar5is!,
toget&er (it& t&e stea%il" in#reasing #onsoli%ation o$ t&e Fas#ist #on#ept o$ t&e State 1 all t&is (ill enable t&e Italian
Aoern!ent, in t&e #o*rse o$ so!e "ears, to a%an#e !ore an% !ore t&e interests o$ t&e Italian people (it&o*t pa"ing an"
attention to t&e &issing o$ t&e -e(is& (orl%1&"%ra+
T&e Englis& sit*ation is not so $ao*rable+ In t&at #o*ntr" (&i#& &as Mt&e $reest %e!o#ra#" t&e -e( %i#tates &is (ill,
al!ost *nrestraine% b*t in%ire#tl", t&ro*g& &is in$l*en#e on p*bli# opinion+ An% "et t&ere is a perpet*al str*ggle in
Englan% bet(een t&ose (&o are entr*ste% (it& t&e %e$en#e o$ State interests an% t&e protagonists o$ -e(is& (orl%1
A$ter t&e 3ar it be#a!e #lear $or t&e $irst ti!e &o( s&arp t&is #ontrast is, (&en 8ritis& states!ans&ip too, one stan% on
t&e -apanese proble! an% t&e Press too, a %i$$erent stan%+
-*st a$ter t&e 3ar &a% #ease% t&e ol% !*t*al antipat&" bet(een A!eri#a an% -apan began to reappear+ .at*rall" t&e great
E*ropean Po(ers #o*l% not re!ain in%i$$erent to t&is ne( (ar !ena#e+ In Englan%, %espite t&e ties o$ ,ins&ip, t&ere (as a
#ertain a!o*nt o$ 0ealo*s" an% an5iet" oer t&e gro(ing i!portan#e o$ t&e Unite% States in all sp&eres o$ international
e#ono!i#s an% politi#s+ 3&at (as $or!erl" a #olonial territor", t&e %a*g&ter o$ a great !ot&er, see!e% abo*t to be#o!e
t&e ne( !istress o$ t&e (orl%+ It is /*ite *n%erstan%able t&at to1%a" Englan% s&o*l% re1e5a!ine &er ol% allian#es an% t&at
8ritis& states!ans&ip s&o*l% loo, an5io*sl" to t&e %anger o$ a #o!ing !o!ent (&en t&e #r" (o*l% no longer be4 L8ritain
r*les t&e (aesL, b*t rat&er4 LT&e Seas belong to t&e Unite% StatesL+
T&e giganti# .ort& A!eri#an State, (it& t&e enor!o*s reso*r#es o$ its irgin soil, is !*#& !ore in*lnerable t&an t&e
en#ir#le% Aer!an Rei#&+ S&o*l% a %a" #o!e (&en t&e %ie (&i#& (ill $inall" %e#i%e t&e %estinies o$ t&e nations (ill &ae
to be #ast in t&at #o*ntr", Englan% (o*l% be %oo!e% i$ s&e stoo% alone+ T&ere$ore s&e eagerl" rea#&es o*t &er &an% to a
!e!ber o$ t&e "ello( ra#e an% enters an allian#e (&i#&, $ro! t&e ra#ial point o$ ie( is per&aps *npar%onableC b*t $ro!
t&e politi#al ie(point it represents t&e sole possibilit" o$ rein$or#ing 8ritains (orl% position in $a#e o$ t&e stren*o*s
%eelop!ents ta,ing pla#e on t&e A!eri#an #ontinent+
=espite t&e $a#t t&at t&e" $o*g&t si%e b" si%e on t&e E*ropean battle$iel%s, t&e 8ritis& Aoern!ent %i% not %e#i%e to
#on#l*%e an allian#e (it& t&e Asiati# partner, "et t&e (&ole -e(is& Press oppose% t&e i%ea o$ a -apanese allian#e+
Ho( #an (e e5plain t&e $a#t t&at *p to 1919 t&e -e(is& Press #&a!pione% t&e poli#" o$ t&e 8ritis& Aoern!ent against t&e
Aer!an Rei#& an% t&en s*%%enl" began to ta,e its o(n (a" an% s&o(e% itsel$ %islo"al to t&e Aoern!ent@
It (as not in t&e interests o$ Areat 8ritain to &ae Aer!an" anni&ilate%, b*t pri!aril" a -e(is& interest+ An% to1%a" t&e
%estr*#tion o$ -apan (o*l% sere 8ritis& politi#al interests less t&an it (o*l% sere t&e $ar1rea#&ing intentions o$ t&ose (&o
are lea%ing t&e !oe!ent t&at &opes to establis& a -e(is& (orl%1e!pire+ 3&ile Englan% is *sing all &er en%eao*rs to
!aintain &er position in t&e (orl%, t&e -e( is organi>ing &is aggressie plans $or t&e #on/*est o$ it+
He alrea%" sees t&e present E*ropean States as pliant instr*!ents in &is &an%s, (&et&er in%ire#tl" t&ro*g& t&e po(er o$
so1#alle% 3estern =e!o#ra#" or in t&e $or! o$ a %ire#t %o!ination t&ro*g& R*ssian 8ols&eis!+ 8*t it is not onl" t&e ol%
(orl% t&at &e &ol%s in &is snareC $or a li,e $ate t&reatens t&e ne( (orl%+ -e(s #ontrol t&e $inan#ial $or#es o$ A!eri#a on
t&e sto#, e5#&ange+ Kear a$ter "ear t&e -e( in#reases &is &ol% on 'abo*r in a nation o$ 127 !illion so*ls+ 8*t a er" s!all
se#tion still re!ains /*ite in%epen%ent an% is t&*s t&e #a*se o$ #&agrin to t&e -e(+
T&e -e(s s&o( #ons*!!ate s,ill in !anip*lating p*bli# opinion an% *sing it as an instr*!ent in $ig&ting $or t&eir o(n
T&e great lea%ers o$ -e(r" are #on$i%ent t&at t&e %a" is near at &an% (&en t&e #o!!an% gien in t&e Ol% Testa!ent (ill
be #arrie% o*t an% t&e -e(s (ill %eo*r t&e ot&er nations o$ t&e eart&+
A!ong t&is great !ass o$ %enationali>e% #o*ntries (&i#& &ae be#o!e -e(is& #olonies one in%epen%ent State #o*l% bring
abo*t t&e r*in o$ t&e (&ole str*#t*re at t&e last !o!ent+ T&e reason $or %oing t&is (o*l% be t&at 8ols&eis! as a (orl%1
s"ste! #annot #ontin*e to e5ist *nless it en#o!passes t&e (&ole eart&+ S&o*l% one State presere its national strengt& an%
its national greatness t&e e!pire o$ t&e -e(is& satrap", li,e eer" ot&er t"rann", (o*l% &ae to s*##*!b to t&e $or#e o$ t&e
national i%ea+
As a res*lt o$ &is !illennial e5perien#e in a##o!!o%ating &i!sel$ to s*rro*n%ing #ir#*!stan#es, t&e -e( ,no(s er" (ell
t&at &e #an *n%er!ine t&e e5isten#e o$ E*ropean nations b" a pro#ess o$ ra#ial bastar%i>ation, b*t t&at &e #o*l% &ar%l" %o
t&e sa!e to a national Asiati# State li,e -apan+ To1%a" &e #an ape t&e (a"s o$ t&e Aer!an an% t&e Englis&!an, t&e
A!eri#an an% t&e Fren#&!an, b*t &e &as no !eans o$ approa#& to t&e "ello( Asiati#+ T&ere$ore &e see,s to %estro" t&e
-apanese national State b" *sing ot&er national States as &is instr*!ents, so t&at &e !a" ri% &i!sel$ o$ a %angero*s
opponent be$ore &e ta,es oer s*pre!e #ontrol o$ t&e last national State an% trans$or!s t&at #ontrol into a t"rann" $or t&e
oppression o$ t&e %e$en#eless+
He %oes not (ant to see a national -apanese State in e5isten#e (&en &e $o*n%s &is !illennial e!pire o$ t&e $*t*re, an%
t&ere$ore &e (ants to %estro" it be$ore establis&ing &is o(n %i#tators&ip+
An% so &e is b*s" to1%a" in stirring *p antipat&" to(ar%s -apan a!ong t&e ot&er nations, as &e stirre% it *p against
Aer!an"+ T&*s it !a" &appen t&at (&ile 8ritis& states!ans&ip is still en%eao*ring to gro*n% its poli#" in t&e allian#e
(it& -apan, t&e -e(is& Press in Areat 8ritain !a" be at t&e sa!e ti!e lea%ing a &ostile !oe!ent against t&at all" an%
preparing $or a (ar o$ %estr*#tion b" preten%ing t&at it is $or t&e tri*!p& o$ %e!o#ra#" an% at t&e sa!e ti!e raising t&e
(ar1#r"4 =o(n (it& -apanese !ilitaris! an% i!perialis!+
T&*s in Englan% to1%a" t&e -e( opposes t&e poli#" o$ t&e State+ An% $or t&is reason t&e str*ggle against t&e -e(is& (orl%1
%anger (ill one %a" begin also in t&at #o*ntr"+
An% &ere again t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent &as a tre!en%o*s tas, be$ore it+
It !*st open t&e e"es o$ o*r people in regar% to $oreign nations an% it !*st #ontin*all" re!in% t&e! o$ t&e real ene!" (&o
!ena#es t&e (orl% to1%a"+ In pla#e o$ prea#&ing &atre% against Ar"ans $ro! (&o! (e !a" be separate% on al!ost eer"
ot&er gro*n% b*t (it& (&o! t&e bon% o$ ,in%re% bloo% an% t&e !ain $eat*res o$ a #o!!on #iili>ation *nite *s, (e !*st
%eote o*rseles to aro*sing general in%ignation against t&e !ale$i#ent ene!" o$ &*!anit" an% t&e real a*t&or o$ all o*r
T&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent !*st see to it t&at at least in o*r o(n #o*ntr" t&e !ortal ene!" is re#ogni>e% an% t&at
t&e $ig&t against &i! !a" be a bea#on lig&t pointing to a ne( an% better perio% $or ot&er nations as (ell as s&o(ing t&e
(a" o$ salation $or Ar"an &*!anit" in t&e str*ggle $or its e5isten#e+
Finall", !a" reason be o*r g*i%e an% (ill1po(er o*r strengt&+ An% !a" t&e sa#re% %*t" o$ %ire#ting o*r #on%*#t as I &ae
pointe% o*t gie *s perseeran#e an% tena#it"C an% !a" o*r $ait& be o*r s*pre!e prote#tion+
C&apter Fo*rteen
T&ere are t(o #onsi%erations (&i#& in%*#e !e to !a,e a spe#ial anal"sis o$ Aer!an"s position in regar% to R*ssia+ T&ese
F1G T&is !a" proe to be t&e !ost %e#isie point in %eter!ining Aer!an"s $oreign poli#"+
F2G T&e proble! (&i#& &as to be sole% in t&is #onne#tion is also a to*#&stone to test t&e politi#al #apa#it" o$ t&e "o*ng
.ational So#ialist )oe!ent $or #lear t&in,ing an% a#ting along t&e rig&t lines+
I !*st #on$ess t&at t&e se#on% #onsi%eration &as o$ten been a so*r#e o$ great an5iet" to !e+ T&e !e!bers o$ o*r !oe!ent
are not re#r*ite% $ro! #ir#les (&i#& are &abit*all" in%i$$erent to p*bli# a$$airs, b*t !ostl" $ro! a!ong !en (&o &ol% !ore
or less e5tre!e ie(s+ S*#& being t&e #ase, it is onl" nat*ral t&at t&eir *n%erstan%ing o$ $oreign politi#s s&o*l% s*$$er $ro!
t&e pre0*%i#e an% ina%e/*ate ,no(le%ge o$ t&ose #ir#les to (&i#& t&e" (ere $or!erl" atta#&e% b" politi#al an% i%eologi#al
ties+ An% t&is is tr*e not !erel" o$ t&e !en (&o #o!e to *s $ro! t&e 'e$t+ On t&e #ontrar", &o(eer s*bersie !a" &ae
been t&e ,in% o$ tea#&ing t&e" $or!erl" re#eie% in regar% to t&ese proble!s, in er" !an" #ases t&is (as at least partl"
#o*nterbalan#e% b" t&e resi%*e o$ so*n% an% nat*ral instin#ts (&i#& re!aine%+ In s*#& #ases it is onl" ne#essar" to
s*bstit*te a better tea#&ing in pla#e o$ t&e earlier in$l*en#es, in or%er to trans$or! t&e instin#t o$ sel$1preseration an%
ot&er so*n% instin#ts into al*able assets+
On t&e ot&er &an%, it is !*#& !ore %i$$i#*lt to i!press %e$inite politi#al i%eas on t&e !in%s o$ !en (&ose earlier politi#al
e%*#ation (as not less nonsensi#al an% illogi#al t&an t&at gien to t&e partisans o$ t&e 'e$t+ T&ese !en &ae sa#ri$i#e% t&e
last resi%*e o$ t&eir nat*ral instin#ts to t&e (ors&ip o$ so!e abstra#t an% entirel" ob0e#tie t&eor"+ It is parti#*larl" %i$$i#*lt
to in%*#e t&ese representaties o$ o*r so1#alle% intelle#t*al #ir#les to ta,e a realisti# an% logi#al ie( o$ t&eir o(n interests
an% t&e interests o$ t&eir nation in its relations (it& $oreign #o*ntries+ T&eir !in%s are oerla%en (it& a &*ge b*r%en o$
pre0*%i#es an% abs*r% i%eas an% t&e" &ae lost or reno*n#e% eer" instin#t o$ sel$1preseration+ 3it& t&ose !en also t&e
.ational So#ialist )oe!ent &as to $ig&t a &ar% battle+ An% t&e str*ggle is all t&e &ar%er be#a*se, t&o*g& er" o$ten t&e"
are *tterl" in#o!petent, t&e" are so sel$1#on#eite% t&at, (it&o*t t&e slig&test 0*sti$i#ation, t&e" loo, %o(n (it& %is%ain on
or%inar" #o!!onsense people+ T&ese arrogant snobs (&o preten% to ,no( better t&an ot&er people, are (&oll" in#apable
o$ #al!l" an% #ooll" anal"sing a proble! an% (eig&ing its pros an% #ons, (&i#& are t&e ne#essar" preli!inaries o$ an"
%e#ision or a#tion in t&e $iel% o$ $oreign politi#s+
It is 0*st t&is #ir#le (&i#& is beginning to1%a" to %iert o*r $oreign poli#" into !ost %isastro*s %ire#tions an% t*rn it a(a"
$ro! t&e tas, o$ pro!oting t&e real interests o$ t&e nation+ Seeing t&at t&e" %o t&is in or%er to sere t&eir o(n $antasti#
i%eologies, I $eel !"sel$ oblige% to ta,e t&e greatest pains in la"ing be$ore !" o(n #olleag*es a #lear e5position o$ t&e
!ost i!portant proble! in o*r $oreign poli#", na!el", o*r position in relation to R*ssia+ I s&all %eal (it& it,as t&oro*g&l"
as !a" be ne#essar" to !a,e it generall" *n%erstoo% an% as $ar as t&e li!its o$ t&is boo, per!it+ 'et !e begin b" la"ing
%o(n t&e $ollo(ing post*late4
3&en (e spea, o$ $oreign politi#s (e *n%erstan% t&at %o!ain o$ goern!ent (&i#& &as set be$ore it t&e tas, o$ !anaging
t&e a$$airs o$ a nation in its relations (it& t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%+ .o( t&e g*i%ing prin#iples (&i#& !*st be $ollo(e% in
!anaging t&ese a$$airs !*st be base% on t&e %e$inite $a#ts t&at are at &an%+ )oreoer, as .ational So#ialists, (e !*st la"
%o(n t&e $ollo(ing a5io! regar%ing t&e !anner in (&i#& t&e $oreign poli#" o$ a Peoples State s&o*l% be #on%*#te%4
T&e $oreign poli#" o$ a Peoples State !*st $irst o$ all bear in !in% t&e %*t" o$ se#*ring t&e e5isten#e o$ t&e ra#e (&i#& is
in#orporate% in t&is State+ An% t&is !*st be %one b" establis&ing a &ealt&" an% nat*ral proportion bet(een t&e n*!ber an%
gro(t& o$ t&e pop*lation on t&e one &an% an% t&e e5tent an% reso*r#es o$ t&e territor" t&e" in&abit, on t&e ot&er+ T&at
balan#e !*st be s*#& t&at it a##or%s (it& t&e ital ne#essities o$ t&e people+
3&at I #all a &ealt&" proportion is t&at in (&i#& t&e s*pport o$ a people is g*arantee% b" t&e reso*r#es o$ its o(n soil an%
s*b1soil+ An" sit*ation (&i#& $alls s&ort o$ t&is #on%ition is none t&e less *n&ealt&" een t&o*g& it !a" en%*re $or
#ent*ries or een a t&o*san% "ears+ Sooner or later, t&is la#, o$ proportion !*st o$ ne#essit" lea% to t&e %e#line or een
anni&ilation o$ t&e people #on#erne%+
Onl" a s*$$i#ientl" large spa#e on t&is eart& #an ass*re t&e in%epen%ent e5isten#e o$ a people+
T&e e5tent o$ t&e territorial e5pansion t&at !a" be ne#essar" $or t&e settle!ent o$ t&e national pop*lation !*st not be
esti!ate% b" present e5igen#ies nor een b" t&e !agnit*%e o$ its agri#*lt*ral pro%*#tiit" in relation to t&e n*!ber o$ t&e
pop*lation+ In t&e $irst ol*!e o$ t&is boo,, *n%er t&e &ea%ing LAer!an"s Poli#" o$ Allian#es be$ore t&e 3ar,L I &ae
alrea%" e5plaine% t&at t&e geo!etri#al %i!ensions o$ a State are o$ i!portan#e not onl" as t&e so*r#e o$ t&e nations
$oo%st*$$s an% ra( !aterials, b*t also $ro! t&e politi#al an% !ilitar" stan%points+ On#e a people is ass*re% o$ being able to
!aintain itsel$ $ro! t&e reso*r#es o$ t&e national territor", it !*st t&in, o$ &o( t&is national territor" #an be %e$en%e%+
.ational se#*rit" %epen%s on t&e politi#al strengt& o$ a State, an% t&is strengt&, in its t*rn, %epen%s on t&e !ilitar"
possibilities in&erent in t&e geograp&i#al sit*ation+
T&*s t&e Aer!an nation #o*l% ass*re its o(n $*t*re onl" b" being a 3orl% Po(er+ For nearl" t(o t&o*san% "ears t&e
%e$en#e o$ o*r national interests (as a !atter o$ (orl% &istor", as #an be seen $ro! o*r !ore or less s*##ess$*l a#tiities in
t&e $iel% o$ $oreign politi#s+ 3e o*rseles &ae been (itnesses to t&is, seeing t&at t&e giganti# str*ggle t&at (ent on $ro!
1914 to 1919 (as onl" t&e str*ggle o$ t&e Aer!an people $or t&eir e5isten#e on t&is eart&, an% it (as #arrie% o*t in s*#& a
(a" t&at it &as be#o!e ,no(n in &istor" as t&e 3orl% 3ar+
3&en Aer!an" entere% t&is str*ggle it (as pres*!e% t&at s&e (as a 3orl% Po(er+ I sa" pres*!e%, be#a*se in realit" s&e
(as no s*#& t&ing+ In 1914, i$ t&ere &a% been a %i$$erent proportion bet(een t&e Aer!an pop*lation an% its territorial area,
Aer!an" (o*l% &ae been reall" a 3orl% Po(er an%, i$ (e leae ot&er $a#tors o*t o$ #o*nt, t&e 3ar (o*l% &ae en%e% in
o*r $ao*r+
It is not !" tas, nor !" intention &ere to %is#*ss (&at (o*l% &ae &appene% i$ #ertain #on%itions &a% been $*l$ille%+ 8*t I
$eel it absol*tel" in#*!bent on !e to s&o( t&e present #on%itions in t&eir bare an% *na%orne% realit", insisting on t&e
(ea,ness in&erent in t&e!, so t&at at least in t&e ran,s o$ t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent t&e" s&o*l% re#eie t&e
ne#essar" re#ognition+
Aer!an" is not at all a 3orl% Po(er to1%a"+ Een t&o*g& o*r present !ilitar" (ea,ness #o*l% be oer#o!e, (e still (o*l%
&ae no #lai! to be #alle% a 3orl% Po(er+ 3&at i!portan#e on eart& &as a State in (&i#& t&e proportion bet(een t&e si>e
o$ t&e pop*lation an% t&e territorial area is so !iserable as in t&e present Aer!an Rei#&@ At an epo#& in (&i#& t&e (orl%
is being gra%*all" portione% o*t a!ong States !an" o$ (&o! al!ost e!bra#e (&ole #ontinents one #annot spea, o$ a
3orl% Po(er in t&e #ase o$ a State (&ose politi#al !ot&erlan% is #on$ine% to a territorial area o$ barel" $ie1&*n%re%1
t&o*san% s/*are ,ilo!etres+
'oo,e% at p*rel" $ro! t&e territorial point o$ ie(, t&e area #o!prise% in t&e Aer!an Rei#& is insigni$i#ant in #o!parison
(it& t&e ot&er States t&at are #alle% 3orl% Po(ers+ Englan% !*st not be #ite% &ere as an e5a!ple to #ontra%i#t t&is
state!entC $or t&e Englis& !ot&erlan% is in realit" t&e great !etropolis o$ t&e 8ritis& 3orl% E!pire, (&i#& o(ns al!ost a
$o*rt& o$ t&e eart&s s*r$a#e+ .e5t to t&is (e !*st #onsi%er t&e A!eri#an Union as one o$ t&e $ore!ost a!ong t&e #olossal
States, also R*ssia an% C&ina+ T&ese are enor!o*s spa#es, so!e o$ (&i#& are !ore t&an ten ti!es greater in territorial
e5tent t&an t&e present Aer!an Rei#&+ Fran#e !*st also be ran,e% a!ong t&ese #olossal States+ .ot onl" be#a*se s&e is
a%%ing to t&e strengt& o$ &er ar!" in a #onstantl" in#reasing !eas*re b" re#r*iting #olo*re% troops $ro! t&e pop*lation o$
&er giganti# e!pire, b*t also be#a*se Fran#e is ra#iall" be#o!ing !ore an% !ore negroi%, so !*#& so t&at no( one #an
a#t*all" spea, o$ t&e #reation o$ an A$ri#an State on E*ropean soil+ T&e #onte!porar" #olonial poli#" o$ Fran#e #annot be
#o!pare% (it& t&at o$ Aer!an" in t&e past+ I$ Fran#e %eelops along t&e lines it &as ta,en in o*r %a", an% s&o*l% t&at
%eelop!ent #ontin*e $or t&e ne5t t&ree &*n%re% "ears, all tra#es o$ Fren#& bloo% (ill $inall" be s*b!erge% in t&e
$or!ation o$ a E*ro1A$ri#an )*latto State+ T&is (o*l% represent a $or!i%able an% #o!pa#t #olonial territor" stret#&ing
$ro! t&e R&ine to t&e Congo, in&abite% b" an in$erior ra#e (&i#& &a% %eelope% t&ro*g& a slo( an% stea%" pro#ess o$
T&at pro#ess %isting*is&es Fren#& #olonial poli#" $ro! t&e poli#" $ollo(e% b" t&e ol% Aer!an"+
T&e $or!er Aer!an #olonial poli#" (as #arrie% o*t b" &al$1!eas*res, as (as al!ost eer"t&ing t&e" %i% at t&at ti!e+ T&e"
%i% not gain an e5panse o$ territor" $or t&e settle!ent o$ Aer!an nationals nor %i% t&e" atte!pt to rein$or#e t&e po(er o$
t&e Rei#& t&ro*g& t&e enlist!ent o$ bla#, troops, (&i#& (o*l% &ae been a #ri!inal *n%erta,ing+ T&e As,ari in Aer!an
East A$ri#a represente% a s!all an% &esitant step along t&is roa%C b*t in realit" t&e" sere% onl" $or t&e %e$en#e o$ t&e
#olon" itsel$+ T&e i%ea o$ i!porting bla#, troops to a E*ropean t&eatre o$ (ar 1 apart entirel" $ro! t&e pra#ti#al
i!possibilit" o$ t&is in t&e 3orl% 3ar 1 (as neer entertaine% as a proposal to be #arrie% o*t *n%er $ao*rable
#ir#*!stan#esC (&ereas, on t&e #ontrar", t&e Fren#& al(a"s loo,e% on s*#& an i%ea as $*n%a!ental in t&eir #olonial
T&*s (e $in% in t&e (orl% to1%a" not onl" a n*!ber o$ States t&at are !*#& greater t&an t&e Aer!an in t&e !ere
n*!eri#al si>e o$ t&eir pop*lations, b*t also possess a greater s*pport $or t&eir politi#al po(er+ T&e proportion bet(een t&e
territorial %i!ensions o$ t&e Aer!an Rei#& an% t&e n*!eri#al si>e o$ its pop*lation (as neer so *n$ao*rable in
#o!parison (it& t&e ot&er (orl% States as at t&e beginning o$ o*r &istor" t(o t&o*san% "ears ago an% again to1%a"+ At t&e
$or!er 0*n#t*re (e (ere a "o*ng people an% (e stor!e% a (orl% (&i#& (as !a%e *p o$ great States t&at (ere alrea%" in a
%e#a%ent #on%ition, o$ (&i#& t&e last giant (as Ro!e, to (&ose oert&ro( (e #ontrib*te%+ To1%a" (e $in% o*rseles in a
(orl% o$ great an% po(er$*l States, a!ong (&i#& t&e i!portan#e o$ o*r o(n Rei#& is #onstantl" %e#lining !ore an% !ore+
3e !*st al(a"s $a#e t&is bitter tr*t& (it& #lear an% #al! !in%s+ 3e !*st st*%" t&e area an% pop*lation o$ t&e Aer!an
Rei#& in relation to t&e ot&er States an% #o!pare t&e! %o(n t&ro*g& t&e #ent*ries+ T&en (e s&all $in% t&at, as I &ae sai%,
Aer!an" is not a 3orl% Po(er (&et&er its !ilitar" strengt& be great or not+
T&ere is no proportion bet(een o*r position an% t&at o$ t&e ot&er States t&ro*g&o*t t&e (orl%+ An% t&is la#, o$ proportion
is to be attrib*te% to t&e $a#t t&at o*r $oreign poli#" neer &a% a %e$inite ai! to attain, an% also to t&e $a#t t&at (e lost
eer" so*n% i!p*lse an% instin#t $or sel$1preseration+
I$ t&e &istorians (&o are to (rite o*r national &istor" at so!e $*t*re %ate are to gie t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent t&e
#re%it o$ &aing %eote% itsel$ to a sa#re% %*t" in t&e seri#e o$ o*r people, t&is !oe!ent (ill &ae to re#ogni>e t&e real
tr*t& o$ o*r sit*ation in regar% to t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%+ Ho(eer pain$*l t&is re#ognition !a" be, t&e !oe!ent !*st %ra(
#o*rage $ro! it an% a sense o$ pra#ti#al realities in $ig&ting against t&e ai!lessness an% in#o!peten#e (&i#& &as &it&erto
been s&o(n b" o*r people in t&e #on%*#t o$ t&eir $oreign poli#"+ 3it&o*t respe#t $or Mtra%ition, an% (it&o*t an"
pre#on#eie% notions, t&e !oe!ent !*st $in% t&e #o*rage to organi>e o*r national $or#es an% set t&e! on t&e pat& (&i#&
(ill lea% t&e! a(a" $ro! t&at territorial restri#tion (&i#& is t&e bane o$ o*r national li$e to1%a", an% (in ne( territor" $or
t&e!+ T&*s t&e !oe!ent (ill sae t&e Aer!an people $ro! t&e %anger o$ peris&ing or o$ being slaes in t&e seri#e o$
an" ot&er people+
O*r !oe!ent !*st see, to abolis& t&e present %isastro*s proportion bet(een o*r pop*lation an% t&e area o$ o*r national
territor", #onsi%ering national territor" as t&e so*r#e o$ o*r !aintenan#e or as a basis o$ politi#al po(er+ An% it o*g&t to
strie to abolis& t&e #ontrast bet(een past &istor" an% t&e &opelessl" po(erless sit*ation in (&i#& (e are to1%a"+ In
striing $or t&is it !*st bear in !in% t&e $a#t t&at (e are !e!bers o$ t&e &ig&est spe#ies o$ &*!anit" on t&is eart&, t&at (e
&ae a #orrespon%ingl" &ig& %*t", an% t&at (e s&all $*l$il t&is %*t" onl" i$ (e inspire t&e Aer!an people (it& t&e ra#ial
i%ea, so t&at t&e" (ill o##*p" t&e!seles not !erel" (it& t&e bree%ing o$ goo% %ogs an% &orses an% #ats, b*t also #are $or
t&e p*rit" o$ t&eir o(n bloo%+
3&en I sa" t&at t&e $oreign poli#" &it&erto $ollo(e% b" Aer!an" &as been (it&o*t ai! an% ine$$e#t*al, t&e proo$ o$ !"
state!ent (ill be $o*n% in t&e a#t*al $ail*res o$ t&is poli#"+ 3ere o*r people intelle#t*all" ba#,(ar%, or i$ t&e" la#,e%
#o*rage, t&e $inal res*lts o$ t&eir e$$orts #o*l% not &ae been (orse t&an (&at (e see to1%a"+ 3&at &appene% %*ring t&e
last %e#a%es be$ore t&e 3ar %oes not per!it o$ an" ill*sions on t&is pointC be#a*se (e !*st not !eas*re t&e strengt& o$ a
State ta,en b" itsel$, b*t in #o!parison (it& ot&er States+ .o(, t&is #o!parison s&o(s t&at t&e ot&er States in#rease% t&eir
strengt& in s*#& a !eas*re t&at not onl" %i% it balan#e t&at o$ Aer!an" b*t t*rne% o*t in t&e en% to be greaterC so t&at,
#ontrar" to appearan#es, (&en #o!pare% (it& t&e ot&er States Aer!an" %e#line% !ore an% !ore in po(er *ntil t&ere (as
a large !argin in &er %is$ao*r+ Kes, een in t&e si>e o$ o*r pop*lation (e re!aine% $ar be&in%, an% ,ept on losing
gro*n%+ T&o*g& it is tr*e t&at t&e #o*rage o$ o*r people (as not s*rpasse% b" t&at o$ an" ot&er in t&e (orl% an% t&at t&e"
po*re% o*t !ore bloo% t&an an" ot&er nation in %e$en#e o$ t&eir e5isten#e, t&eir $ail*re (as %*e onl" to t&e erroneo*s (a"
in (&i#& t&at #o*rage (as t*rne% to pra#ti#al p*rposes+
In t&is #onne#tion, i$ (e e5a!ine t&e #&ain o$ politi#al i#issit*%es t&ro*g& (&i#& o*r people &ae passe% %*ring !ore
t&an a t&o*san% "ears, re#alling t&e inn*!erable str*ggles an% (ars an% s#r*tini>ing it all in t&e lig&t o$ t&e res*lts t&at
are be$ore o*r e"es to1%a", (e !*st #on$ess t&at $ro! t&e o#ean o$ bloo% onl" t&ree p&eno!ena &ae e!erge% (&i#& (e
!*st #onsi%er as lasting $r*its o$ politi#al &appenings %e$initel" %eter!ine% b" o*r $oreign poli#"+
F1G T&e #oloni>ation o$ t&e Eastern )ar,, (&i#& (as !ostl" t&e (or, o$ t&e 8a0*ari+
F2G T&e #on/*est an% settle!ent o$ t&e territor" east o$ t&e Elbe+
F2G T&e organi>ation o$ t&e 8ran%enb*rg1Pr*ssian State, (&i#& (as t&e (or, o$ t&e Ho&en>ollerns an% (&i#& be#a!e t&e
!o%el $or t&e #r"stalli>ation o$ a ne( Rei#&+
An instr*#tie lesson $or t&e $*t*re+
T&ese $irst t(o great s*##esses o$ o*r $oreign poli#" t*rne% o*t to be t&e !ost en%*ring+ 3it&o*t t&e! o*r people (o*l%
pla" no role in t&e (orl% to1%a"+ T&ese a#&iee!ents (ere t&e $irst an% *n$ort*natel" t&e onl" s*##ess$*l atte!pts to
establis& a &ar!on" bet(een o*r in#reasing pop*lation an% t&e territor" $ro! (&i#& it %re( its lieli&oo%+ An% (e !*st
loo, *pon it as o$ reall" $atal i!port t&at o*r Aer!an &istorians &ae neer #orre#tl" appre#iate% t&ese $or!i%able $a#ts
(&i#& (ere so $*ll o$ i!portan#e $or t&e $ollo(ing generations+ In #ontra%istin#tion to t&is, t&e" (rote paneg"ri#s on !an"
ot&er t&ings, $antasti# &erois!, inn*!erable a%ent*res an% (ars, (it&o*t *n%erstan%ing t&at t&ese latter &a% no
signi$i#an#e (&atsoeer $or t&e !ain line o$ o*r national %eelop!ent+
T&e t&ir% great s*##ess a#&iee% b" o*r politi#al a#tiit" (as t&e establis&!ent o$ t&e Pr*ssian State an% t&e %eelop!ent
o$ a parti#*lar State #on#ept (&i#& gre( o*t o$ t&is+ To t&e sa!e so*r#e (e are to attrib*te t&e organi>ation o$ t&e instin#t
o$ national sel$1preseration an% sel$1%e$en#e in t&e Aer!an Ar!", an a#&iee!ent (&i#& s*ite% t&e !o%ern (orl%+ T&e
trans$or!ation o$ t&e i%ea o$ sel$1%e$en#e on t&e part o$ t&e in%ii%*al into t&e %*t" o$ national %e$en#e is %erie% $ro! t&e
Pr*ssian State an% t&e ne( statal #on#ept (&i#& it intro%*#e%+ It (o*l% be i!possible to oer1esti!ate t&e i!portan#e o$
t&is &istori#al pro#ess+ =isr*pte% b" e5#essie in%ii%*alis!, t&e Aer!an nation be#a!e %is#ipline% *n%er t&e
organi>ation o$ t&e Pr*ssian Ar!" an% in t&is (a" re#oere% at least so!e o$ t&e #apa#it" to $or! a national #o!!*nit",
(&i#& in t&e #ase o$ ot&er people &a% originall" arisen t&ro*g& t&e #onstr*#tie *rge o$ t&e &er% instin#t+ Conse/*entl" t&e
abolition o$ #o!p*lsor" national !ilitar" seri#e 1 (&i#& !a" &ae no !eaning $or %o>ens o$ ot&er nations 1 &a% $atal
#onse/*en#es $or *s+ Ten generations o$ Aer!ans le$t (it&o*t t&e #orre#tie an% e%*#atie e$$e#t o$ !ilitar" training an%
%eliere% oer to t&e eil e$$e#ts o$ t&ose %issensions an% %iisions t&e roots o$ (&i#& lie in t&eir bloo% an% %ispla" t&eir
$or#e also in a %is*nit" o$ (orl%1o*tloo, 1 t&ese ten generations (o*l% be s*$$i#ient to allo( o*r people to lose t&e last
reli#s o$ an in%epen%ent e5isten#e on t&is eart&+
T&e Aer!an spirit #o*l% t&en !a,e its #ontrib*tion to #iili>ation onl" t&ro*g& in%ii%*als liing *n%er t&e r*le o$ $oreign
nations an% t&e origin o$ t&ose in%ii%*als (o*l% re!ain *n,no(n+ T&e" (o*l% re!ain as t&e $ertili>ing !an*re o$
#iili>ation, *ntil t&e last resi%*e o$ .or%i#1Ar"an bloo% (o*l% be#o!e #orr*pte% or %raine% o*t+
It is a re!ar,able $a#t t&at t&e real politi#al s*##esses a#&iee% b" o*r people %*ring t&eir !illennial str*ggles are better
appre#iate% an% *n%erstoo% a!ong o*r a%ersaries t&an a!ong o*rseles+ Een still to1%a" (e gro( ent&*siasti# abo*t a
&erois! (&i#& robbe% o*r people o$ !illions o$ t&eir best ra#ial sto#, an% t*rne% o*t #o!pletel" $r*itless in t&e en%+
T&e %istin#tion bet(een t&e real politi#al s*##esses (&i#& o*r people a#&iee% in t&e #o*rse o$ t&eir long &istor" an% t&e
$*tile en%s $or (&i#& t&e bloo% o$ t&e nation &as been s&e% is o$ s*pre!e i!portan#e $or t&e %eter!ination o$ o*r poli#"
no( an% in t&e $*t*re+
3e, .ational So#ialists, !*st neer allo( o*rseles to re1e#&o t&e &*rra& patriotis! o$ o*r #onte!porar" bo*rgeois
#ir#les+ It (o*l% be a $atal %anger $or *s to loo, on t&e i!!e%iate %eelop!ents be$ore t&e 3ar as #onstit*ting a pre#e%ent
(&i#& (e s&o*l% be oblige% to ta,e into a##o*nt, een t&o*g& onl" to t&e er" s!allest %egree, in #&oosing o*r o(n (a"+
3e #an re#ogni>e no obligation %eoling on *s (&i#& !a" &ae its &istori#al roots in an" part o$ t&e nineteent& #ent*r"+
In #ontra%istin#tion to t&e poli#" o$ t&ose (&o represente% t&at perio%, (e !*st ta,e o*r stan% on t&e prin#iples alrea%"
!entione% in regar% to $oreign poli#"4 na!el", t&e ne#essit" o$ bringing o*r territorial area into 0*st proportion (it& t&e
n*!ber o$ o*r pop*lation+ Fro! t&e past (e #an learn onl" one lesson+ An% t&is is t&at t&e ai! (&i#& is to be p*rs*e% in
o*r politi#al #on%*#t !*st be t(o$ol%4 na!el" F1G t&e a#/*isition o$ territor" as t&e ob0e#tie o$ o*r $oreign poli#" an% F2G
t&e establis&!ent o$ a ne( an% *ni$or! $o*n%ation+as t&e ob0e#tie o$ o*r politi#al a#tiities at &o!e, in a##or%an#e (it&
o*r %o#trine o$ nation&oo%+
I s&all brie$l" %eal (it& t&e /*estion o$ &o( $ar o*r territorial ai!s are 0*sti$ie% a##or%ing to et&i#al an% !oral prin#iples+
T&is is all t&e !ore ne#essar" &ere be#a*se, in o*r so1#alle% nationalist #ir#les, t&ere are all ,in%s o$ pla*sible p&rase1
!ongers (&o tr" to pers*a%e t&e Aer!an people t&at t&e great ai! o$ t&eir $oreign poli#" o*g&t to be to rig&t t&e (rongs
o$ 1919, (&ile at t&e sa!e ti!e t&e" #onsi%er it in#*!bent on t&e! to ass*re t&e (&ole (orl% o$ t&e brot&erl" spirit an%
s"!pat&" o$ t&e Aer!an people to(ar%s all ot&er nations+
In regar% to t&is point I s&o*l% li,e to !a,e t&e $ollo(ing state!ent4 To %e!an% t&at t&e 1914 $rontiers s&o*l% be restore%
is a glaring politi#al abs*r%it" t&at is $ra*g&t (it& s*#& #onse/*en#es as to !a,e t&e #lai! itsel$ appear #ri!inal+ T&e
#on$ines o$ t&e Rei#& as t&e" e5iste% in 1914 (ere t&oro*g&l" illogi#alC be#a*se t&e" (ere not reall" #o!plete, in t&e sense
o$ in#l*%ing all t&e !e!bers o$ t&e Aer!an nation+ .or (ere t&e" reasonable, in ie( o$ t&e geograp&i#al e5igen#ies o$
!ilitar" %e$en#e+ T&e" (ere not t&e #onse/*en#e o$ a politi#al plan (&i#& &a% been (ell #onsi%ere% an% #arrie% o*t+ 8*t
t&e" (ere te!porar" $rontiers establis&e% in irt*e o$ a politi#al str*ggle t&at &a% not been bro*g&t to a $inis&C an% in%ee%
t&e" (ere partl" t&e #&an#e res*lt o$ #ir#*!stan#es+ One (o*l% &ae 0*st as goo% a rig&t, an% in !an" #ases a better rig&t,
to #&oose so!e ot&er o*tstan%ing "ear t&an 1914 in t&e #o*rse o$ o*r &istor" an% %e!an% t&at t&e ob0e#tie o$ o*r $oreign
poli#" s&o*l% be t&e re1establis&!ent o$ t&e #on%itions t&en e5isting+ T&e %e!an%s I &ae !entione% are /*ite
#&ara#teristi# o$ o*r bo*rgeois #o!patriots, (&o in s*#& !atters ta,e no politi#al t&o*g&t o$ t&e $*t*re, T&e" lie onl" in
t&e past an% in%ee% onl" in t&e i!!e%iate pastC $or t&eir retrospe#t %oes not go ba#, be"on% t&eir o(n ti!es+ T&e la( o$
inertia bin%s t&e! to t&e present or%er o$ t&ings, lea%ing t&e! to oppose eer" atte!pt to #&ange t&is+ T&eir opposition,
&o(eer, neer passes oer into an" ,in% o$ a#tie %e$en#e+ It is onl" !ere passie obstina#"+ T&ere$ore, (e !*st regar% it
as /*ite nat*ral t&at t&e politi#al &ori>on o$ s*#& people s&o*l% not rea#& be"on% 1914+ In pro#lai!ing t&at t&e ai! o$
t&eir politi#al a#tiities is to &ae t&e $rontiers o$ t&at ti!e restore%, t&e" onl" &elp to #lose *p t&e ri$ts t&at are alrea%"
be#o!ing apparent in t&e leag*e (&i#& o*r ene!ies &ae $or!e% against *s+ Onl" on t&ese gro*n%s #an (e e5plain t&e
$a#t t&at eig&t "ears a$ter a (orl% #on$lagration in (&i#& a n*!ber o$ Allie% belligerents &a% aspirations an% ai!s t&at
(ere partl" in #on$li#t (it& one anot&er, t&e #oalition o$ t&e i#tors still re!ains !ore or less soli%+
Ea#& o$ t&ose States in its t*rn pro$ite% b" t&e Aer!an #ollapse+ In t&e $ear (&i#& t&e" all $elt be$ore t&e proo$ o$ strengt&
t&at (e &a% gien, t&e Areat Po(ers !aintaine% a !*t*al silen#e abo*t t&eir in%ii%*al $eelings o$ en" an% en!it"
to(ar%s one anot&er+ T&e" $elt t&at t&e best g*arantee against a res*rgen#e o$ o*r strengt& in t&e $*t*re (o*l% be to brea,
*p an% %is!e!ber o*r Rei#& as t&oro*g&l" as possible+ A ba% #ons#ien#e an% $ear o$ t&e strengt& o$ o*r people !a%e *p
t&e %*rable #e!ent (&i#& &as &el% t&e !e!bers o$ t&at leag*e toget&er, een *p to t&e present !o!ent+
An% o*r #on%*#t %oes not ten% to #&ange t&is state o$ a$$airs+ Inas!*#& as o*r bo*rgeoisie sets *p t&e restoration o$ t&e
1914 $rontiers as t&e ai! o$ Aer!an"s politi#al progra!!e, ea#& !e!ber o$ t&e ene!" #oalition (&o ot&er(ise !ig&t be
in#line% to (it&%ra( $ro! t&e #o!bination sti#,s to it, o*t o$ $ear lest &e !ig&t be atta#,e% b" *s i$ &e isolate% &i!sel$ an%
in t&at #ase (o*l% not &ae t&e s*pport o$ &is allies+ Ea#& in%ii%*al State $eels itsel$ ai!e% at an% t&reatene% b" t&is
progra!!e+ An% t&e progra!!e is abs*r%, $or t&e $ollo(ing t(o reasons4
F1G 8e#a*se t&ere are no aailable !eans o$ e5tri#ating it $ro! t&e t(ilig&t at!osp&ere o$ politi#al soirees an%
trans$or!ing it into realit"+
F2G Een i$ it #o*l% be reall" #arrie% into e$$e#t t&e res*lt (o*l% be so !iserable t&at, s*rel" to Ao%, it (o*l% not be (ort&
(&ile to ris, t&e bloo% o$ o*r people on#e again $or s*#& a p*rpose+
For t&ere #an be s#ar#el" an" %o*bt (&atsoeer t&at onl" t&ro*g& bloo%s&e% #o*l% (e a#&iee t&e restoration o$ t&e 1914
$rontiers+ One !*st &ae t&e si!ple !in% o$ a #&il% to beliee t&at t&e reision o$ t&e Bersailles Treat" #an be obtaine% b"
in%ire#t !eans an% b" besee#&ing t&e #le!en#" o$ t&e i#torsC (it&o*t ta,ing into a##o*nt t&e $a#t t&at $or t&is (e s&o*l%
nee% so!ebo%" (&o &a% t&e #&ara#ter o$ a Talle"ran%,an% t&ere is no Talle"ran% a!ong *s+ Fi$t" per#ent o$ o*r politi#ians
#onsists o$ art$*l %o%gers (&o &ae no #&ara#ter an% are /*ite &ostile to t&e s"!pat&ies o$ o*r people, (&ile t&e ot&er $i$t"
per #ent is !a%e *p o$ (ell1!eaning, &ar!less, an% #o!plaisant in#o!petents+ Ti!es &ae #&ange% sin#e t&e Congress o$
Bienna+ It is no longer prin#es or t&eir #o*rtesans (&o #onten% an% bargain abo*t State $rontiers, b*t t&e ine5orable
#os!opolitan -e( (&o is $ig&ting $or &is o(n %o!inion oer t&e nations+ T&e s(or% is t&e onl" !eans (&ereb" a nation
#an t&r*st t&at #l*t#& $ro! its t&roat+ Onl" (&en national senti!ent is organi>e% an% #on#entrate% into an e$$e#tie $or#e
#an it %e$" t&at international !ena#e (&i#& ten%s to(ar%s an enslae!ent o$ t&e nations+ 8*t t&is roa% is an% (ill al(a"s
be !ar,e% (it& bloo%s&e%+
I$ (e are on#e #onin#e% t&at t&e $*t*re o$ Aer!an" #alls $or t&e sa#ri$i#e, in one (a" or anot&er, o$ all t&at (e &ae an%
are, t&en (e !*st set asi%e #onsi%erations o$ politi#al pr*%en#e an% %eote o*rseles (&oll" to t&e str*ggle $or a $*t*re
t&at (ill be (ort&" o$ o*r #o*ntr"+
For t&e $*t*re o$ t&e Aer!an nation t&e 1914 $rontiers are o$ no signi$i#an#e+ T&e" %i% not sere to prote#t *s in t&e past,
nor %o t&e" o$$er an" g*arantee $or o*r %e$en#e in t&e $*t*re+ 3it& t&ese $rontiers t&e Aer!an people #annot !aintain
t&e!seles as a #o!pa#t *nit, nor #an t&e" be ass*re% o$ t&eir !aintenan#e+ Fro! t&e !ilitar" ie(point t&ese $rontiers
are not a%antageo*s or een s*#& as not to #a*se an5iet"+ An% (&ile (e are bo*n% to s*#& $rontiers it (ill not be possible
$or *s to i!proe o*r present position in relation to t&e ot&er 3orl% Po(ers, or rat&er in relation to t&e real 3orl% Po(ers+
3e s&all not lessen t&e %is#repan#" bet(een o*r territor" an% t&at o$ Areat 8ritain, nor s&all (e rea#& t&e !agnit*%e o$
t&e Unite% States o$ A!eri#a+ .ot onl" t&at, b*t (e #annot s*bstantiall" lessen t&e i!portan#e o$ Fran#e in international
One t&ing alone is #ertain4 T&e atte!pt to restore t&e $rontiers o$ 1914, een i$ it t*rne% o*t s*##ess$*l, (o*l% %e!an% so
!*#& bloo%s&e% on t&e part o$ o*r people t&at no $*t*re sa#ri$i#e (o*l% be possible to #arr" o*t e$$e#tiel" s*#& !eas*res
as (o*l% be ne#essar" to ass*re t&e $*t*re e5isten#e o$ t&e nation+ On t&e #ontrar", *n%er t&e into5i#ation o$ s*#& a
s*per$i#ial s*##ess $*rt&er ai!s (o*l% be reno*n#e%, all t&e !ore so be#a*se t&e so1#alle% Mnational &ono*r (o*l% see! to
be rein%i#ate% an% ne( ports (o*l% be opene%, at least $or a #ertain ti!e, to o*r #o!!er#ial %eelop!ent+
Against all t&is (e, .ational So#ialists, !*st sti#, $ir!l" to t&e ai! t&at (e &ae set $or o*r $oreign poli#"C na!el", t&at
t&e Aer!an people !*st be ass*re% t&e territorial area (&i#& is ne#essar" $or it to e5ist on t&is eart&+ An% onl" $or s*#&
a#tion as is *n%erta,en to se#*re t&ose en%s #an it be la($*l in t&e e"es o$ Ao% an% o*r Aer!an posterit" to allo( t&e
bloo% o$ o*r people to be s&e% on#e again+ 8e$ore Ao%, be#a*se (e are sent into t&is (orl% (it& t&e #o!!ission to str*ggle
$or o*r %ail" brea%, as #reat*res to (&o! not&ing is %onate% an% (&o !*st be able to (in an% &ol% t&eir position as lor%s
o$ t&e eart& onl" t&ro*g& t&eir o(n intelligen#e an% #o*rage+ An% t&is 0*sti$i#ation !*st be establis&e% also be$ore o*r
Aer!an posterit", on t&e gro*n%s t&at $or ea#& one (&o &as s&e% &is bloo% t&e li$e o$ a t&o*san% ot&ers (ill be g*arantee%
to posterit"+ T&e territor" on (&i#& one %a" o*r Aer!an peasants (ill be able to bring $ort& an% no*ris& t&eir st*r%" sons
(ill 0*sti$" t&e bloo% o$ t&e sons o$ t&e peasants t&at &as to be s&e% to1%a"+ An% t&e states!en (&o (ill &ae %e#ree% t&is
sa#ri$i#e !a" be perse#*te% b" t&eir #onte!poraries, b*t posterit" (ill absole t&e! $ro! all g*ilt $or &aing %e!an%e%
t&is o$$ering $ro! t&eir people+
Here I !*st protest as s&arpl" as possible against t&ose nationalist s#ribes (&o preten% t&at s*#& territorial e5tension
(o*l% be a Liolation o$ t&e sa#re% rig&ts o$ !anL an% a##or%ingl" po*r o*t t&eir literar" e$$*sions against it+ One neer
,no(s (&at are t&e &i%%en $or#es be&in% t&e a#tiities o$ s*#& persons+ 8*t it is #ertain t&at t&e #on$*sion (&i#& t&e"
proo,e s*its t&e ga!e o*r ene!ies are pla"ing against o*r nation an% is in a##or%an#e (it& t&eir (is&es+ 8" ta,ing s*#&
an attit*%e t&ese s#ribes #ontrib*te #ri!inall" to (ea,en $ro! t&e insi%e an% to %estro" t&e (ill o$ o*r people to pro!ote
t&eir o(n ital interests b" t&e onl" e$$e#tie !eans t&at #an be *se% $or t&at p*rpose+ For no nation on eart& possesses a
s/*are "ar% o$ gro*n% an% soil b" %e#ree o$ a &ig&er 3ill an% in irt*e o$ a &ig&er Rig&t+ T&e Aer!an $rontiers are t&e
o*t#o!e o$ #&an#e, an% are onl" te!porar" $rontiers t&at &ae been establis&e% as t&e res*lt o$ politi#al str*ggles (&i#&
too, pla#e at ario*s ti!es+ T&e sa!e is also tr*e o$ t&e $rontiers (&i#& %e!ar#ate t&e territories on (&i#& ot&er nations
lie+ An% 0*st as onl" an i!be#ile #o*l% loo, on t&e p&"si#al geograp&" o$ t&e globe as $i5e% an% *n#&angeable 1 $or in
realit" it represents a %e$inite stage in a gien eol*tionar" epo#& (&i#& is %*e to t&e $or!i%able $or#es o$ .at*re an% !a"
be altere% to1!orro( b" !ore po(er$*l $or#es o$ %estr*#tion an% #&ange 1 so, too, in t&e lies o$ t&e nations t&e #on$ines
(&i#& are ne#essar" $or t&eir s*stenan#e are s*b0e#t to #&ange+
State $rontiers are establis&e% b" &*!an beings an% !a" be #&ange% b" &*!an beings+
T&e $a#t t&at a nation &as a#/*ire% an enor!o*s territorial area is no reason (&" it s&o*l% &ol% t&at territor" perpet*all"+
At !ost, t&e possession o$ s*#& territor" is a proo$ o$ t&e strengt& o$ t&e #on/*eror an% t&e (ea,ness o$ t&ose (&o s*b!it
to &i!+ An% in t&is strengt& alone lies t&e rig&t o$ possession+ I$ t&e Aer!an people are i!prisone% (it&in an i!possible
territorial area an% $or t&at reason are $a#e to $a#e (it& a !iserable $*t*re, t&is is not b" t&e #o!!an% o$ =estin", an% t&e
re$*sal to a##ept s*#& a sit*ation is b" no !eans a iolation o$ =estin"s la(s+ For 0*st as no Hig&er Po(er &as pro!ise%
!ore territor" to ot&er nations t&an to t&e Aer!an, so it #annot be bla!e% $or an *n0*st %istrib*tion o$ t&e soil+ T&e soil on
(&i#& (e no( lie (as not a gi$t besto(e% b" Heaen on o*r $ore$at&ers+ 8*t t&e" &a% to #on/*er it b" ris,ing t&eir lies+
So also in t&e $*t*re o*r people (ill not obtain territor", an% t&ere(it& t&e !eans o$ e5isten#e, as a $ao*r $ro! an" ot&er
people, b*t (ill &ae to (in it b" t&e po(er o$ a tri*!p&ant s(or%+
To1%a" (e are all #onin#e% o$ t&e ne#essit" o$ reg*lating o*r sit*ation in regar% to Fran#eC b*t o*r s*##ess &ere (ill be
ine$$e#tie in its broa% res*lts i$ t&e general ai!s o$ o*r $oreign poli#" (ill &ae to stop at t&at+ It #an &ae signi$i#an#e $or
*s onl" i$ it seres to #oer o*r $lan, in t&e str*ggle $or t&at e5tension o$ territor" (&i#& is ne#essar" $or t&e e5isten#e o$
o*r people in E*rope+ For #olonial a#/*isitions (ill not sole t&at /*estion+ It #an be sole% onl" b" t&e (inning o$ s*#&
territor" $or t&e settle!ent o$ o*r people as (ill e5ten% t&e area o$ t&e !ot&erlan% an% t&ereb" (ill not onl" ,eep t&e ne(
settlers in t&e #losest #o!!*nion (it& t&e lan% o$ t&eir origin, b*t (ill g*arantee to t&is territorial ense!ble t&e
a%antages (&i#& arise $ro! t&e $a#t t&at in t&eir e5pansion oer greater territor" t&e people re!ain *nite% as a politi#al
T&e .ational )oe!ent !*st not be t&e a%o#ate $or ot&er nations, b*t t&e protagonist $or its o(n nation+ Ot&er(ise it
(o*l% be so!et&ing s*per$l*o*s an%, aboe all, it (o*l% &ae no rig&t to #la!o*r against t&e a#tion o$ t&e pastC $or t&en it
(o*l% be repeating t&e a#tion o$ t&e past+ T&e ol% Aer!an poli#" s*$$ere% $ro! t&e !ista,e o$ &aing been %eter!ine% b"
%"nasti# #onsi%erations+ T&e ne( Aer!an poli#" !*st not $ollo( t&e senti!entalit" o$ #os!opolitan patriotis!+ Aboe all,
(e !*st not $or! a poli#e g*ar% $or t&e $a!o*s Mpoor s!all nationsC b*t (e !*st be t&e sol%iers o$ t&e Aer!an nation+
3e .ational So#ialists &ae to go still $*rt&er+ T&e rig&t to territor" !a" be#o!e a %*t" (&en a great nation see!s
%estine% to go *n%er *nless its territor" be e5ten%e%+ An% t&at is parti#*larl" tr*e (&en t&e nation in /*estion is not so!e
little gro*p o$ negro people b*t t&e Aer!ani# !ot&er o$ all t&e li$e (&i#& &as gien #*lt*ral s&ape to t&e !o%ern (orl%+
Aer!an" (ill eit&er be#o!e a 3orl% Po(er or (ill not #ontin*e to e5ist at all+ 8*t in or%er to be#o!e a 3orl% Po(er it
nee%s t&at territorial !agnit*%e (&i#& gies it t&e ne#essar" i!portan#e to1%a" an% ass*res t&e e5isten#e o$ its #iti>ens+
T&ere$ore (e .ational So#ialists &ae p*rposel" %ra(n a line t&ro*g& t&e line o$ #on%*#t $ollo(e% b" pre13ar Aer!an" in
$oreign poli#"+ 3e p*t an en% to t&e perpet*al Aer!ani# !ar#& to(ar%s t&e So*t& an% 3est o$ E*rope an% t*rn o*r e"es
to(ar%s t&e lan%s o$ t&e East+ 3e $inall" p*t a stop to t&e #olonial an% tra%e poli#" o$ pre13ar ti!es an% pass oer to t&e
territorial poli#" o$ t&e $*t*re+
8*t (&en (e spea, o$ ne( territor" in E*rope to1%a" (e !*st prin#ipall" t&in, o$ R*ssia an% t&e bor%er States s*b0e#t to
=estin" itsel$ see!s to (is& to point o*t t&e (a" $or *s &ere+ In %eliering R*ssia oer to 8ols&eis!, Fate robbe% t&e
R*ssian people o$ t&at intelle#t*al #lass (&i#& &a% on#e #reate% t&e R*ssian State an% (ere t&e g*arantee o$ its e5isten#e+
For t&e R*ssian State (as not organi>e% b" t&e #onstr*#tie politi#al talent o$ t&e Sla ele!ent in R*ssia, b*t (as !*#&
!ore a !arello*s e5e!pli$i#ation o$ t&e #apa#it" $or State1b*il%ing possesse% b" t&e Aer!ani# ele!ent in a ra#e o$
in$erior (ort&+ T&*s (ere !an" po(er$*l E!pires #reate% all oer t&e eart&+ )ore o$ten t&an on#e in$erior ra#es (it&
Aer!ani# organi>ers an% r*lers as t&eir lea%ers be#a!e $or!i%able States an% #ontin*e% to e5ist as long as t&e ra#ial
n*#le*s re!aine% (&i#& &a% originall" #reate% ea#& respe#tie State+ For #ent*ries R*ssia o(e% t&e so*r#e o$ its lieli&oo%
as a State to t&e Aer!ani# n*#le*s o$ its goerning #lass+ 8*t t&is n*#le*s is no( al!ost (&oll" bro,en *p an% abolis&e%+
T&e -e( &as ta,en its pla#e+ -*st as it is i!possible $or t&e R*ssian to s&a,e o$$ t&e -e(is& "o,e b" e5erting &is o(n
po(ers, so, too, it is i!possible $or t&e -e( to ,eep t&is $or!i%able State in e5isten#e $or an" long perio% o$ ti!e+ He
&i!sel$ is b" no !eans an organi>ing ele!ent, b*t rat&er a $er!ent o$ %e#o!position+ T&is #olossal E!pire in t&e East is
ripe $or %issol*tion+ An% t&e en% o$ t&e -e(is& %o!ination in R*ssia (ill also be t&e en% o$ R*ssia as a State+ 3e are
#&osen b" =estin" to be t&e (itnesses o$ a #atastrop&e (&i#& (ill a$$or% t&e strongest #on$ir!ation o$ t&e nationalist
t&eor" o$ ra#e+
8*t it is o*r tas,, an% it is t&e !ission o$ t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent, to %eelop in o*r people t&at politi#al !entalit"
(&i#& (ill enable t&e! to reali>e t&at t&e ai! (&i#& t&e" !*st set to t&e!seles $or t&e $*l$il!ent o$ t&eir $*t*re !*st not
be so!e (il%l" ent&*siasti# a%ent*re in t&e $ootsteps o$ Ale5an%er t&e Areat b*t in%*strio*s labo*r (it& t&e Aer!an
plo*g&, $or (&i#& t&e Aer!an s(or% (ill proi%e t&e soil+
T&at t&e -e( s&o*l% %e#lare &i!sel$ bitterl" &ostile to s*#& a poli#" is onl" /*ite nat*ral+ For t&e -e(s ,no( better t&an
an" ot&ers (&at t&e a%option o$ t&is line o$ #on%*#t !*st !ean $or t&eir o(n $*t*re+ T&at $a#t alone o*g&t to tea#& all
gen*ine nationalists t&at t&is ne( orientation is t&e rig&t an% 0*st one+ 8*t, *n$ort*natel", t&e opposite is t&e #ase+ .ot
onl" a!ong t&e !e!bers o$ t&e Aer!an1.ational Part" b*t also in p*rel" nationalist #ir#les iolent opposition is raise%
against t&is Eastern poli#"+ An% in #onne#tion (it& t&at opposition, as in all s*#& #ases, t&e a*t&orit" o$ great na!es is
appeale% to+ T&e spirit o$ 8is!ar#, is eo,e% in %e$en#e o$ a poli#" (&i#& is as st*pi% as it is i!possible, an% is in t&e
&ig&est %egree %etri!ental to t&e interests o$ t&e Aer!an people+ T&e" sa" t&at 8is!ar#, lai% great i!portan#e on t&e
al*e o$ goo% relations (it& R*ssia+ To a #ertain e5tent, t&at is tr*e+ 8*t t&e" /*ite $orget to a%% t&at &e lai% e/*al stress
on t&e i!portan#e o$ goo% relations (it& Ital", $or e5a!ple+ In%ee%, t&e sa!e Herr on 8is!ar#, on#e #on#l*%e% an
allian#e (it& Ital" so t&at &e !ig&t !ore easil" settle a##o*nts (it& A*stria+ 3&" is not t&is poli#" no( a%o#ate%@ T&e"
(ill repl" t&at t&e Ital" o$ to1%a" is not t&e Ital" o$ t&at ti!e+ Aoo%+ 8*t t&en, &ono*rable sirs, per!it !e to re!in% "o*
t&at t&e R*ssia o$ to1%a" is no longer t&e R*ssia o$ t&at ti!e+ 8is!ar#, neer lai% %o(n a poli#" (&i#& (o*l% be
per!anentl" bin%ing *n%er all #ir#*!stan#es an% s&o*l% be a%&ere% to on prin#iple+ He (as too !*#& t&e !aster o$ t&e
!o!ent to b*r%en &i!sel$ (it& t&at ,in% o$ obligation+ T&ere$ore, t&e /*estion o*g&t not to be (&at 8is!ar#, t&en %i%,
b*t rat&er (&at &e (o*l% %o to1%a"+ An% t&at /*estion is er" eas" to ans(er+ His politi#al saga#it" (o*l% neer allo( &i!
to all" &i!sel$ (it& a State t&at is %oo!e% to %isappear+
)oreoer, 8is!ar#, loo,e% *pon t&e #olonial an% tra%e poli#" o$ &is ti!e (it& !i5e% $eelings, be#a*se (&at &e !ost
%esire% (as to ass*re t&e best possibilities o$ #onsoli%ating an% internall" strengt&ening t&e state s"ste! (&i#& &e &i!sel$
&a% #reate%+ T&at (as t&e sole gro*n% on (&i#& &e t&en (el#o!e% t&e R*ssian %e$en#e in &is rear, so as to gie &i! a $ree
&an% $or &is a#tiities in t&e 3est+ 8*t (&at (as a%antageo*s t&en to Aer!an" (o*l% no( be %etri!ental+
As earl" as 1927121, (&en t&e "o*ng !oe!ent began slo(l" to appear on t&e politi#al &ori>on an% !oe!ents $or t&e
liberation o$ t&e Aer!an nation (ere $or!e% &ere an% t&ere, t&e Part" (as approa#&e% $ro! ario*s /*arters in an atte!pt
to bring it into %e$inite #onne#tion (it& t&e liberationist !oe!ents in ot&er #o*ntries+ T&is (as in line (it& t&e plans o$
t&e M'eag*e o$ Oppresse% .ations, (&i#& &a% been a%ertise% in !an" /*arters an% (as #o!pose% prin#ipall" o$
representaties o$ so!e o$ t&e 8al,an States an% also o$ Eg"pt an% In%ia+ T&ese al(a"s i!presse% !e as #&arlatans (&o
gae t&e!seles big airs b*t &a% no real ba#,gro*n% at all+ .ot a $e( Aer!ans, &o(eer, espe#iall" in t&e nationalist
#a!p, allo(e% t&e!seles to be ta,en in b" t&ese po!po*s Orientals, an% in t&e person o$ so!e (an%ering In%ian or
Eg"ptian st*%ent t&e" beliee% at on#e t&at t&e" (ere $a#e to $a#e (it& a Mrepresentatie o$ In%ia or Eg"pt+ T&e" %i% not
reali>e t&at in !ost #ases t&e" (ere %ealing (it& persons (&o &a% no ba#,ing (&atsoeer, (&o (ere not a*t&ori>e% b"
an"bo%" to #on#l*%e an" sort o$ agree!ent (&atsoeerC so t&at t&e pra#ti#al res*lt o$ eer" negotiation (it& s*#&
in%ii%*als (as negatie an% t&e ti!e spent in s*#& %ealings &a% to be re#,one% as *tterl" lost+ I (as al(a"s on !" g*ar%
against t&ese atte!pts+ .ot onl" t&at I &a% so!et&ing better to %o t&an to (aste (ee,s in s*#& sterile M%is#*ssions, b*t
also be#a*se I beliee% t&at een i$ one (ere %ealing (it& gen*ine representaties t&at (&ole a$$air (o*l% be bo*n% to t*rn
o*t $*tile, i$ not positiel" &ar!$*l+
In pea#e1ti!e it (as alrea%" la!entable eno*g& t&at t&e poli#" o$ allian#es, be#a*se it &a% no a#tie an% aggressie ai!s
in ie(, en%e% in a %e$ensie asso#iation (it& anti/*ate% States t&at &a% been pensione% o$$ b" t&e &istor" o$ t&e (orl%+
T&e allian#e (it& A*stria, as (ell as t&at (it& T*r,e", (as not !*#& to be 0o"$*l abo*t+ 3&ile t&e great !ilitar" an%
in%*strial States o$ t&e eart& &a% #o!e toget&er in a leag*e $or p*rposes o$ a#tie aggression, a $e( ol% an% e$$ete States
(ere #olle#te%, an% (it& t&is anti/*e bri#1R1bra# an atte!pt (as !a%e to $a#e an a#tie (orl% #oalition+ Aer!an" &a% to
pa" %earl" $or t&at !ista,en $oreign poli#" an% "et not %earl" eno*g& to preent o*r in#orrigible isionaries $ro! $alling
ba#, into t&e sa!e error again+ For t&e atte!pt to !a,e possible t&e %isar!a!ent o$ t&e all1po(er$*l i#torio*s States
t&ro*g& a M'eag*e o$ Oppresse% .ations is not onl" ri%i#*lo*s b*t %isastro*s+ It is %isastro*s be#a*se in t&at (a" t&e
Aer!an people are again being %ierte% $ro! real possibilities, (&i#& t&e" aban%on $or t&e sa,e o$ $r*itless &opes an%
ill*sions+ In realit" t&e Aer!an o$ to1%a" is li,e a %ro(ning !an t&at #l*t#&es at an" stra( (&i#& !a" $loat besi%e &i!+
An% one $in%s people %oing t&is (&o are ot&er(ise &ig&l" e%*#ate%+ 3&ereer so!e (ill1o1t&e1(isp o$ a $antasti# &ope
appears t&ese people set o$$ i!!e%iatel" to #&ase it+ 'et t&is be a 'eag*e o$ Oppresse% .ations, a 'eag*e o$ .ations, or
so!e ot&er $antasti# inention, t&o*san%s o$ ingen*o*s so*ls (ill al(a"s be $o*n% to beliee in it+
I re!e!ber (ell t&e #&il%is& an% in#o!pre&ensible &opes (&i#& arose s*%%enl" in nationalist #ir#les in t&e "ears 1927121
to t&e e$$e#t t&at Englan% (as 0*st nearing its %o(n$all in In%ia+ A $e( Asiati# !o*nteban,s, (&o p*t t&e!seles $or(ar%
as Lt&e #&a!pions o$ In%ian Free%o!L, t&en began to peregrinate t&ro*g&o*t E*rope an% s*##ee%e% in inspiring ot&er(ise
/*ite reasonable people (it& t&e $i5e% notion t&at t&e 8ritis& 3orl% E!pire, (&i#& &a% its piot in In%ia, (as 0*st abo*t to
#ollapse t&ere+ T&e" neer reali>e% t&at t&eir o(n (is& (as t&e $at&er o$ all t&ese i%eas+ .or %i% t&e" stop to t&in, &o(
abs*r% t&eir (is&es (ere+ For inas!*#& as t&e" e5pe#te% t&e en% o$ t&e 8ritis& E!pire an% o$ Englan%s po(er to $ollo(
t&e #ollapse o$ its %o!inion oer In%ia, t&e" t&e!seles a%!itte% t&at In%ia (as o$ t&e !ost o*tstan%ing i!portan#e $or
.o( in all li,eli&oo% t&e %eep !"steries o$ t&is !ost i!portant proble! !*st &ae been ,no(n not onl" to t&e Aer!an1
.ational prop&ets b*t also to t&ose (&o &a% t&e %ire#tion o$ 8ritis& &istor" in t&eir &an%s+ It is rig&t %o(n p*erile to
s*ppose t&at in Englan% itsel$ t&e i!portan#e o$ In%ia $or t&e 8ritis& E!pire (as not a%e/*atel" appre#iate%+ An% it is a
proo$ o$ &aing learne% not&ing $ro! t&e (orl% (ar an% o$ t&oro*g&l" !is*n%erstan%ing or ,no(ing not&ing abo*t
Anglo1Sa5on %eter!ination, (&en t&e" i!agine t&at Englan% #o*l% lose In%ia (it&o*t $irst &aing p*t $ort& t&e last o*n#e
o$ &er strengt& in t&e str*ggle to &ol% it+ )oreoer, it s&o(s &o( #o!plete is t&e ignoran#e preailing in Aer!an" as to
t&e !anner in (&i#& t&e spirit o$ Englan% per!eates an% a%!inisters &er E!pire+ Englan% (ill neer lose In%ia *nless
s&e a%!its ra#ial %isr*ption in t&e !a#&iner" o$ &er a%!inistration F(&i#& at present is entirel" o*t o$ t&e /*estion in
In%iaG or *nless s&e is oer#o!e b" t&e s(or% o$ so!e po(er$*l ene!"+ 8*t In%ian risings (ill neer bring t&is abo*t+ 3e
Aer!ans &ae &a% s*$$i#ient e5perien#e to ,no( &o( &ar% it is to #oer#e Englan%+ An%, apart $ro! all t&is, I as a Aer!an
(o*l% $ar rat&er see In%ia *n%er 8ritis& %o!ination t&an *n%er t&at o$ an" ot&er nation+
T&e &opes o$ an epi# rising in Eg"pt (ere 0*st as #&i!eri#al+ T&e MHol" 3ar !a" bring t&e pleasing ill*sion to o*r
Aer!an nin#o!poops t&at ot&ers are no( rea%" to s&e% t&eir bloo% $or t&e!+ In%ee%, t&is #o(ar%l" spe#*lation is al!ost
al(a"s t&e $at&er o$ s*#& &opes+ 8*t in realit" t&e ill*sion (o*l% soon be bro*g&t to an en% *n%er t&e $*silla%e $ro! a $e(
#o!panies o$ 8ritis& !a#&ine1g*ns an% a &ail o$ 8ritis& bo!bs+
A #oalition o$ #ripples #annot atta#, a po(er$*l State (&i#& is %eter!ine%, i$ ne#essar", to s&e% t&e last %rop o$ its bloo% to
!aintain its e5isten#e+ To !e, as a nationalist (&o appre#iates t&e (ort& o$ t&e ra#ial basis o$ &*!anit", I !*st re#ogni>e
t&e ra#ial in$eriorit" o$ t&e so1#alle% MOppresse% .ations, an% t&at is eno*g& to preent !e $ro! lin,ing t&e %estin" o$ !"
people (it& t&e %estin" o$ t&ose in$erior ra#es+
To1%a" (e !*st ta,e *p t&e sa!e sort o$ attit*%e also to(ar%s R*ssia+ T&e R*ssia o$ to1%a", %eprie% o$ its Aer!ani#
r*ling #lass, is not a possible all" in t&e str*ggle $or Aer!an libert", setting asi%e entirel" t&e inner %esigns o$ its ne(
r*lers+ Fro! t&e p*rel" !ilitar" ie(point a R*sso1Aer!an #oalition (aging (ar against 3estern E*rope, an% probabl"
against t&e (&ole (orl% on t&at a##o*nt, (o*l% be #atastrop&i# $or *s+ T&e str*ggle (o*l% &ae to be $o*g&t o*t, not on
R*ssian b*t on Aer!an territor", (it&o*t Aer!an" being able to re#eie $ro! R*ssia t&e slig&test e$$e#tie s*pport+ T&e
!eans o$ po(er at t&e %isposal o$ t&e present Aer!an Rei#& are so !iserable an% so ina%e/*ate to t&e (aging o$ a $oreign
(ar t&at it (o*l% be i!possible to %e$en% o*r $rontiers against 3estern E*rope, Englan% in#l*%e%+ An% t&e in%*strial area
o$ Aer!an" (o*l% &ae to be aban%one% *n%e$en%e% to t&e #on#entrate% atta#, o$ o*r a%ersaries+ It !*st be a%%e% t&at
bet(een Aer!an" an% R*ssia t&ere is t&e Polis& State, #o!pletel" in t&e &an%s o$ t&e Fren#&+ In #ase Aer!an" an% R*ssia
toget&er s&o*l% (age (ar against 3estern E*rope, R*ssia (o*l% &ae to oert&ro( Polan% be$ore t&e $irst R*ssian sol%ier
#o*l% arrie on t&e Aer!an $ront+ 8*t it is not so !*#& a /*estion o$ sol%iers as o$ te#&ni#al e/*ip!ent+ In t&is regar% (e
s&o*l% &ae o*r sit*ation in t&e (orl% (ar repeate%, b*t in a !ore terrible !anner+ At t&at ti!e Aer!an in%*str" &a% to be
%raine% to &elp o*r glorio*s allies, an% $ro! t&e te#&ni#al si%e Aer!an" &a% to #arr" on t&e (ar al!ost alone+ In t&is ne(
&"pot&eti#al (ar R*ssia, as a te#&ni#al $a#tor, (o*l% #o*nt $or not&ing+ 3e s&o*l% &ae pra#ti#all" not&ing to oppose to
t&e general !otori>ation o$ t&e (orl%, (&i#& in t&e ne5t (ar (ill !a,e its appearan#e in an oer(&el!ing an% %e#isie
$or!+ In t&is i!portant $iel% Aer!an" &as not onl" s&a!e$*ll" lagge% be&in%, b*t (it& t&e little it &as it (o*l% &ae to
rein$or#e R*ssia, (&i#& at t&e present !o!ent %oes not possess a single $a#tor" #apable o$ pro%*#ing a !otor g*n1(agon+
Un%er s*#& #on%itions t&e pres*ppose% #o!ing str*ggle (o*l% ass*!e t&e #&ara#ter o$ s&eer sla*g&ter+ T&e Aer!an "o*t&
(o*l% &ae to s&e% !ore o$ its bloo% t&an it %i% een in t&e (orl% (arC $or, as al(a"s, t&e &ono*r o$ $ig&ting (ill $all on *s
alone, an% t&e res*lt (o*l% be an ineitable #atastrop&e+ 8*t een a%!itting t&at a !ira#le (ere pro%*#e% an% t&at t&is
(ar %i% not en% in t&e total anni&ilation o$ Aer!an", t&e $inal res*lt (o*l% be t&at t&e Aer!an nation (o*l% be ble%
(&ite, an%, s*rro*n%e% b" great !ilitar" States, its real sit*ation (o*l% be in no (a" a!eliorate%+
It is *seless to ob0e#t &ere t&at in #ase o$ an allian#e (it& R*ssia (e s&o*l% not t&in, o$ an i!!e%iate (ar or t&at, an"&o(,
(e s&o*l% &ae !eans o$ !a,ing t&oro*g& preparations $or (ar+ .o+ An allian#e (&i#& is not $or t&e p*rpose o$ (aging
(ar &as no !eaning an% no al*e+ Een t&o*g& at t&e !o!ent (&en an allian#e is #on#l*%e% t&e prospe#t o$ (ar is a
%istant one, still t&e i%ea o$ t&e sit*ation %eeloping to(ar%s (ar is t&e pro$o*n% reason $or entering into an allian#e+ It is
o*t o$ t&e /*estion to t&in, t&at t&e ot&er Po(ers (o*l% be %e#eie% as to t&e p*rpose o$ s*#& an allian#e+ A R*sso1
Aer!an #oalition (o*l% re!ain eit&er a !atter o$ so !*#& paper 1 an% in t&is #ase it (o*l% &ae no !eaning $or *s 1 or
t&e letter o$ t&e treat" (o*l% be p*t into pra#ti#e isibl", an% in t&at #ase t&e rest o$ t&e (orl% (o*l% be (arne%+ It (o*l%
be #&il%is& to t&in, t&at in s*#& #ir#*!stan#es Englan% an% Fran#e (o*l% (ait $or ten "ears to gie t&e R*sso1Aer!an
allian#e ti!e to #o!plete its te#&ni#al preparations+ .o+ T&e stor! (o*l% brea, oer Aer!an" i!!e%iatel"+
T&ere$ore t&e $a#t o$ $or!ing an allian#e (it& R*ssia (o*l% be t&e signal $or a ne( (ar+ An% t&e res*lt o$ t&at (o*l% be
t&e en% o$ Aer!an"+
To t&ese #onsi%erations t&e $ollo(ing !*st be a%%e%4
F1G T&ose (&o are in po(er in R*ssia to1%a" &ae no i%ea o$ $or!ing an &ono*rable allian#e or o$ re!aining tr*e to it, i$
t&e" %i%+
It !*st neer be $orgotten t&at t&e present r*lers o$ R*ssia are bloo%1staine% #ri!inals, t&at &ere (e &ae t&e %regs o$
&*!anit" (&i#&, $ao*re% b" t&e #ir#*!stan#es o$ a tragi# !o!ent, oerran a great State, %egra%e% an% e5tirpate%
!illions o$ e%*#ate% people o*t o$ s&eer bloo%1l*st, an% t&at no( $or nearl" ten "ears t&e" &ae r*le% (it& s*#& a saage
t"rann" as (as neer ,no(n be$ore+ It !*st not be $orgotten t&at t&ese r*lers belong to a people in (&o! t&e !ost bestial
#r*elt" is allie% (it& a #apa#it" $or art$*l !en%a#it" an% beliees itsel$ to1%a" !ore t&an eer #alle% to i!pose its
sang*inar" %espotis! on t&e rest o$ t&e (orl%+ It !*st not be $orgotten t&at t&e international -e(, (&o is to1%a" t&e
absol*te !aster o$ R*ssia, %oes not loo, *pon Aer!an" as an all" b*t as a State #on%e!ne% to t&e sa!e %oo! as R*ssia+
One %oes not $or! an allian#e (it& a partner (&ose onl" ai! is t&e %estr*#tion o$ &is $ello(1partner+ Aboe all, one %oes
not enter into allian#es (it& people $or (&o! no treat" is sa#re%C be#a*se t&e" %o not !oe abo*t t&is eart& as !en o$
&ono*r an% sin#erit" b*t as t&e representaties o$ lies an% %e#eption, t&ieer" an% pl*n%er an% robber"+ T&e !an (&o
t&in,s t&at &e #an bin% &i!sel$ b" treat" (it& parasites is li,e t&e tree t&at beliees it #an $or! a pro$itable bargain (it&
t&e i" t&at s*rro*n%s it+
F2G T&e !ena#e to (&i#& R*ssia on#e s*##*!be% is &anging stea%il" oer Aer!an"+ Onl" a bo*rgeois si!pleton #o*l%
i!agine t&at 8ols&eis! #an be ta!e%+ In &is s*per$i#ial (a" o$ t&in,ing &e %oes not s*spe#t t&at &ere (e are %ealing (it&
a p&eno!enon t&at is %*e to an *rge o$ t&e bloo%4 na!el", t&e aspiration o$ t&e -e(is& people to be#o!e t&e %espots o$ t&e
(orl%+ T&at aspiration is /*ite as nat*ral as t&e i!p*lse o$ t&e Anglo1Sa5on to sit in t&e seats o$ r*lers&ip all oer t&e
eart&+ An% as t&e Anglo1Sa5on #&ooses &is o(n (a" o$ rea#&ing t&ose en%s an% $ig&ts $or t&e! (it& &is #&ara#teristi#
(eapons, so also %oes t&e -e(+ T&e -e( (riggles &is (a" in a!ong t&e bo%" o$ t&e nations an% bores t&e! &ollo( $ro!
insi%e+ T&e (eapons (it& (&i#& &e (or,s are lies an% #al*!n", poisono*s in$e#tion an% %isintegration, *ntil &e &as r*ine%
&is &ate% a%ersar"+ In R*ssian 8ols&eis! (e o*g&t to re#ogni>e t&e ,in% o$ atte!pt (&i#& is being !a%e b" t&e -e( in
t&e t(entiet& #ent*r" to se#*re %o!inion oer t&e (orl%+ In ot&er epo#&s &e (or,e% to(ar%s t&e sa!e goal b*t (it&
%i$$erent, t&o*g& at botto! si!ilar, !eans+ T&e ,in% o$ e$$ort (&i#& t&e -e( p*ts $ort& springs $ro! t&e %eepest roots in
t&e nat*re o$ &is being+ A people %oes not o$ itsel$ reno*n#e t&e i!p*lse to in#rease its sto#, an% po(er+ Onl" e5ternal
#ir#*!stan#es or senile i!poten#e #an $or#e t&e! to reno*n#e t&is *rge+ In t&e sa!e (a" t&e -e( (ill neer spontaneo*sl"
gie *p &is !ar#& to(ar%s t&e goal o$ (orl% %i#tators&ip or repress &is e5ternal *rge+ He #an be t&ro(n ba#, on &is roa%
onl" b" $or#es t&at are e5terior to &i!, $or &is instin#t to(ar%s (orl% %o!ination (ill %ie o*t onl" (it& &i!sel$+ T&e
i!poten#e o$ nations an% t&eir e5tin#tion t&ro*g& senilit" #an #o!e onl" (&en t&eir bloo% &as re!aine% no longer p*re+
An% t&e -e(is& people presere t&e p*rit" o$ t&eir bloo% better t&an an" ot&er nation on eart&+ T&ere$ore t&e -e( $ollo(s
&is %estine% roa% *ntil &e is oppose% b" a $or#e s*perior to &i!+ An% t&en a %esperate str*ggle ta,es pla#e to sen% ba#, to
'*#i$er &i! (&o (o*l% assa*lt t&e &eaens+
To1%a" Aer!an" is t&e ne5t battle$iel% $or R*ssian 8ols&eis!+ All t&e $or#e o$ a $res& !issionar" i%ea is nee%e% to raise
*p o*r nation on#e !ore, to res#*e it $ro! t&e #oils o$ t&e international serpent an% stop t&e pro#ess o$ #orr*ption (&i#& is
ta,ing pla#e in t&e internal #onstit*tion o$ o*r bloo%C so t&at t&e $or#es o$ o*r nation, on#e liberate%, !a" be e!plo"e% to
presere o*r nationalit" an% preent t&e repetition o$ t&e re#ent #atastrop&e $ro! ta,ing pla#e een in t&e !ost %istant
$*t*re+ I$ t&is be t&e goal (e set to o*rseles it (o*l% be $oll" to all" o*rseles (it& a #o*ntr" (&ose !aster is t&e !ortal
ene!" o$ o*r $*t*re+ Ho( #an (e release o*r people $ro! t&is poisono*s grip i$ (e a##ept t&e sa!e grip o*rseles@ Ho(
#an (e tea#& t&e Aer!an (or,er t&at 8ols&eis! is an in$a!o*s #ri!e against &*!anit" i$ (e all" o*rseles (it& t&is
in$ernal abortion an% re#ogni>e its e5isten#e as legiti!ate+ 3it& (&at rig&t s&all (e #on%e!n t&e !e!bers o$ t&e broa%
!asses (&ose s"!pat&ies lie (it& a #ertain 3eltans#&&a**ng i$ t&e r*lers o$ o*r State #&oose t&e representaties o$ t&at
3eltans#&&a**ng as t&eir allies@ T&e str*ggle against t&e -e(is& 8ols&ei>ation o$ t&e (orl% %e!an%s t&at (e s&o*l%
%e#lare o*r position to(ar%s Soiet R*ssia+ 3e #annot #ast o*t t&e =eil t&ro*g& 8eel>eb*b+ I$ nationalist #ir#les to1%a"
gro( ent&*siasti# abo*t t&e i%ea o$ an allian#e (it& 8ols&eis!, t&en let t&e! loo, aro*n% onl" in Aer!an" an% re#ogni>e
$ro! (&at /*arter t&e" are being s*pporte%+ =o t&ese nationalists beliee t&at a poli#" (&i#& is re#o!!en%e% an%
a##lai!e% b" t&e )ar5ist international Press #an be bene$i#ial $or t&e Aer!an people@ Sin#e (&en &as t&e -e( a#te% as
s&iel%1bearer $or t&e !ilitant nationalist@
One spe#ial reproa#& (&i#& #o*l% be !a%e against t&e ol% Aer!an Rei#& (it& regar% to its poli#" o$ allian#es (as t&at it
spoile% its relations to(ar%s all ot&ers b" #ontin*all" s(inging no( t&is (a" an% no( t&at (a" an% b" its (ea,ness in
tr"ing to presere (orl% pea#e at all #osts+ 8*t one reproa#& (&i#& #annot be !a%e against it is t&at it %i% not #ontin*e to
!aintain goo% relations (it& R*ssia+
I a%!it $ran,l" t&at be$ore t&e 3ar I t&o*g&t it (o*l% &ae been better i$ Aer!an" &a% aban%one% &er senseless #olonial
poli#" an% &er naal poli#" an% &a% 0oine% Englan% in an allian#e against R*ssia, t&ere(it& reno*n#ing &er (ea, (orl%
poli#" $or a %eter!ine% E*ropean poli#", (it& t&e i%ea o$ a#/*iring ne( territor" on t&e Continent+ I %o not $orget t&e
#onstant insolent t&reats (&i#& Pan1Slaist R*ssia !a%e against Aer!an"+ I %o not $orget t&e #ontin*al trial
!obili>ations, t&e sole ob0e#t o$ (&i#& (as to irritate Aer!an"+ I #annot $orget t&e tone o$ p*bli# opinion in R*ssia (&i#&
in pre13ar %a"s e5#elle% itsel$ in &ate1inspire% o*tb*rsts against o*r nation an% Rei#&+ .or #an I $orget t&e big R*ssian
Press (&i#& (as al(a"s !ore $ao*rable to Fran#e t&an to *s+
8*t, in spite o$ eer"t&ing, t&ere (as still a se#on% (a" possible be$ore t&e 3ar+ 3e !ig&t &ae (on t&e s*pport o$ R*ssia
an% t*rne% against Englan%+ Cir#*!stan#es are entirel" %i$$erent to1%a"+ I$, be$ore t&e 3ar, t&ro(ing all senti!ent to t&e
(in%s, (e #o*l% &ae !ar#&e% b" t&e si%e o$ R*ssia, t&at is no longer possible $or *s to1%a"+ Sin#e t&en t&e &an% o$ t&e
(orl%1#lo#, &as !oe% $or(ar%+ T&e &o*r &as str*#, an% str*#, lo*%l", (&en t&e %estin" o$ o*r people !*st be %e#i%e%
one (a" or anot&er+
T&e present #onsoli%ation o$ t&e great States o$ t&e (orl% is t&e last (arning signal $or *s to loo, to o*rseles an% bring
o*r people ba#, $ro! t&eir lan% o$ isions to t&e lan% o$ &ar% tr*t& an% point t&e (a" into t&e $*t*re, on (&i#& alone t&e
ol% Rei#& #an !ar#& tri*!p&antl" on#e again+
I$, in ie( o$ t&is great an% !ost i!portant tas, pla#e% be$ore it, t&e .ational So#ialist )oe!ent sets asi%e all ill*sions
an% ta,es reason as its sole e$$e#tie g*i%e t&e #atastrop&e o$ 1919 !a" t*rn o*t to be an in$inite blessing $or t&e $*t*re o$
o*r nation+ Fro! t&e lesson o$ t&at #ollapse it !a" $or!*late an entirel" ne( orientation $or t&e #on%*#t o$ its $oreign
poli#"+ Internall" rein$or#e% t&ro*g& its ne( 3eltans#&&a**ng, t&e Aer!an nation !a" rea#& a $inal stabili>ation o$ its
poli#" to(ar%s t&e o*tsi%e (orl%+ It !a" en% b" gaining (&at Englan% &as, (&at een R*ssia &a%, an% (&at Fran#e again
an% again *tili>e% as t&e *lti!ate gro*n%s on (&i#& s&e (as able to base #orre#t %e#isions $or &er o(n interests4 na!el", A
Politi#al Testa!ent+ Politi#al Testa!ent o$ t&e Aer!an .ation o*g&t to la" %o(n t&e $ollo(ing r*les, (&i#& (ill be al(a"s
ali% $or its #on%*#t to(ar%s t&e o*tsi%e (orl%4
.eer per!it t(o Continental Po(ers to arise in E*rope+ S&o*l% an" atte!pt be !a%e to organi>e a se#on% !ilitar" Po(er
on t&e Aer!an $rontier b" t&e #reation o$ a State (&i#& !a" be#o!e a )ilitar" Po(er, (it& t&e prospe#t o$ an aggression
against Aer!an" in ie(, s*#& an eent #on$ers on Aer!an" not onl" t&e rig&t b*t t&e %*t" to preent b" eer" !eans,
in#l*%ing !ilitar" !eans, t&e #reation o$ s*#& a State an% to #r*s& it i$ #reate%+ See to it t&at t&e strengt& o$ o*r nation
%oes not rest on #olonial $o*n%ations b*t on t&ose o$ o*r o(n natie territor" in E*rope+ .eer #onsi%er t&e Rei#& se#*re
*nless, $or #ent*ries to #o!e, it is in a position to gie eer" %es#en%ant o$ o*r ra#e a pie#e o$ gro*n% an% soil t&at &e #an
#all &is o(n+ .eer $orget t&at t&e !ost sa#re% o$ all rig&ts in t&is (orl% is !ans rig&t to t&e eart& (&i#& &e (is&es to
#*ltiate $or &i!sel$ an% t&at t&e &oliest o$ all sa#ri$i#es is t&at o$ t&e bloo% po*re% o*t $or it+
I s&o*l% not li,e to #lose t&is #&apter (it&o*t re$erring on#e again to t&e one sole possibilit" o$ allian#es t&at e5ists $or *s
in E*rope at t&e present !o!ent+ In spea,ing o$ t&e Aer!an allian#e proble! in t&e present #&apter I !entione% Englan%
an% Ital" as t&e onl" #o*ntries (it& (&i#& it (o*l% be (ort& (&ile $or *s to strie to $or! a #lose allian#e an% t&at t&is
allian#e (o*l% be a%antageo*s+ I s&o*l% li,e &ere to *n%erline again t&e !ilitar" i!portan#e o$ s*#& an allian#e+
T&e !ilitar" #onse/*en#es o$ $or!ing t&is allian#e (o*l% be t&e %ire#t opposite o$ t&e #onse/*en#es o$ an allian#e (it&
R*ssia+ )ost i!portant o$ all is t&e $a#t t&at a rappro#&e!ent (it& Englan% an% Ital" (o*l% in no (a" inole a %anger o$
(ar+ T&e onl" Po(er t&at #o*l% oppose s*#& an arrange!ent (o*l% be Fran#eC an% Fran#e (o*l% not be in a position to
!a,e (ar+ 8*t t&e allian#e s&o*l% allo( to Aer!an" t&e possibilit" o$ !a,ing t&ose preparations in all tran/*illit" (&i#&,
(it&in t&e $ra!e(or, o$ s*#& a #oalition, !ig&t in one (a" or anot&er be re/*isite in ie( o$ a reg*lation o$ a##o*nts (it&
Fran#e+ For t&e $*ll signi$i#an#e o$ s*#& an allian#e lies in t&e $a#t t&at on its #on#l*sion Aer!an" (o*l% no longer be
s*b0e#t to t&e t&reat o$ a s*%%en inasion+ T&e #oalition against &er (o*l% %isappear a*to!ati#all"C t&at is to sa", t&e
Entente (&i#& bro*g&t s*#& %isaster to *s+ T&*s Fran#e, t&e !ortal ene!" o$ o*r people, (o*l% be isolate%+ An% een
t&o*g& at $irst t&is s*##ess (o*l% &ae onl" a !oral e$$e#t, it (o*l% be s*$$i#ient to gie Aer!an" s*#& libert" o$ a#tion as
(e #annot no( i!agine+ For t&e ne( Anglo1Aer!an1Italian allian#e (o*l% &ol% t&e politi#al initiatie an% no longer
A $*rt&er s*##ess (o*l% be t&at at one stro,e Aer!an" (o*l% be %eliere% $ro! &er *n$ao*rable strategi#al sit*ation+ On
t&e one si%e &er $lan, (o*l% be strongl" prote#te%C an%, on t&e ot&er, t&e ass*ran#e o$ being able to i!port &er $oo%st*$$s
an% ra( !aterials (o*l% be a bene$i#ial res*lt o$ t&is ne( align!ent o$ States+ 8*t al!ost o$ greater i!portan#e (o*l% be
t&e $a#t t&at t&is ne( 'eag*e (o*l% in#l*%e States t&at possess te#&ni#al /*alities (&i#& !*t*all" s*pple!ent ea#& ot&er+
For t&e $irst ti!e Aer!an" (o*l% &ae allies (&o (o*l% not be as a!pires on &er e#ono!i# bo%" b*t (o*l% #ontrib*te
t&eir part to #o!plete o*r te#&ni#al e/*ip!ent+ An% (e !*st not $orget a $inal $a#t4 na!el", t&at in t&is #ase (e s&o*l% not
&ae allies rese!bling T*r,e" an% R*ssia to1%a"+ T&e greatest 3orl% Po(er on t&is eart& an% a "o*ng national State
(o*l% s*ppl" $ar ot&er ele!ents $or a str*ggle in E*rope t&an t&e p*tres#ent #ar#asses o$ t&e States (it& (&i#& Aer!an"
(as allie% in t&e last (ar+
As I &ae alrea%" sai%, great %i$$i#*lties (o*l% nat*rall" be !a%e to &in%er t&e #on#l*sion o$ s*#& an allian#e+ 8*t (as not
t&e $or!ation o$ t&e Entente so!e(&at !ore %i$$i#*lt@ 3&ere ;ing E%(ar% BII s*##ee%e% partl" against interests t&at
(ere o$ t&eir nat*re oppose% to &is (or, (e !*st an% (ill s*##ee%, i$ t&e re#ognition o$ t&e ne#essit" o$ s*#& a
%eelop!ent so inspires *s t&at (e s&all be able to a#t (it& s,ill an% #on/*er o*r o(n $eelings in #arr"ing t&e poli#"
t&ro*g&+ T&is (ill be possible (&en, in#ite% to a#tion b" t&e !iseries o$ o*r sit*ation, (e s&all a%opt a %e$inite p*rpose
an% $ollo( it o*t s"ste!ati#all" instea% o$ t&e %e$e#tie $oreign poli#" o$ t&e last %e#a%es, (&i#& neer &a% a $i5e% p*rpose
in ie(+
T&e $*t*re goal o$ o*r $oreign poli#" o*g&t not to inole an orientation to t&e East or t&e 3est, b*t it o*g&t to be an
Eastern poli#" (&i#& (ill &ae in ie( t&e a#/*isition o$ s*#& territor" as is ne#essar" $or o*r Aer!an people+ To #arr" o*t
t&is poli#" (e nee% t&at $or#e (&i#& t&e !ortal ene!" o$ o*r nation, Fran#e, no( %epries *s o$ b" &ol%ing *s in &er grip
an% pitilessl" robbing *s o$ o*r strengt&+ T&ere$ore (e !*st stop at no sa#ri$i#e in o*r e$$ort to %estro" t&e Fren#& striing
to(ar%s &ege!on" oer E*rope+ As o*r nat*ral all" to1%a" (e &ae eer" Po(er on t&e Continent t&at $eels Fran#es l*st
$or &ege!on" in E*rope *nbearable+ .o atte!pt to approa#& t&ose Po(ers o*g&t to appear too %i$$i#*lt $or *s, an% no
sa#ri$i#e s&o*l% be #onsi%ere% too &ea", i$ t&e $inal o*t#o!e (o*l% be to !a,e it possible $or *s to oert&ro( o*r bitterest
ene!"+ T&e !inor (o*n%s (ill be #*re% b" t&e bene$i#ent in$l*en#e o$ ti!e, on#e t&e gro*n% (o*n%s &ae been #a*teri>e%
an% #lose%+
.at*rall" t&e internal ene!ies o$ o*r people (ill &o(l (it& rage+ 8*t t&is (ill not s*##ee% in $or#ing *s as .ational
So#ialists to #ease o*r prea#&ing in $ao*r o$ t&at (&i#& o*r !ost pro$o*n% #oni#tion tells *s to be ne#essar"+ 3e !*st
oppose t&e #*rrent o$ p*bli# opinion (&i#& (ill be %rien !a% b" -e(is& #*nning in e5ploiting o*r Aer!an
t&o*g&tlessness+ T&e (aes o$ t&is p*bli# opinion o$ten rage an% roar against *sC b*t t&e !an (&o s(i!s (it& t&e #*rrent
attra#ts less attention t&an &e (&o b*$$ets it+ To1%a" (e are b*t a ro#, in t&e rier+ In a $e( "ears Fate !a" raise *s *p as a
%a! against (&i#& t&e general #*rrent (ill be bro,en, onl" to $lo( $or(ar% in a ne( be%+ T&ere$ore it is ne#essar" t&at in
t&e e"es o$ t&e rest o$ t&e (orl% o*r !oe!ent s&o*l% be re#ogni>e% as representing a %e$inite an% %eter!ine% politi#al
progra!!e+ 3e o*g&t to bear on o*r isors t&e %isting*is&ing sign o$ t&at tas, (&i#& Heaen e5pe#ts *s to $*l$il+
3&en (e o*rseles are $*ll" a(are o$ t&e inel*#table ne#essit" (&i#& %eter!ines o*r e5ternal poli#" t&is ,no(le%ge (ill
$ill *s (it& t&e grit (&i#& (e nee% in or%er to stan% *p (it& e/*ani!it" *n%er t&e bo!bar%!ent la*n#&e% against *s b"
t&e ene!" Press an% to &ol% $ir! (&en so!e insin*ating oi#e (&ispers t&at (e o*g&t to gie gro*n% &ere an% t&ere in
or%er not to &ae all against *s an% t&at (e !ig&t so!eti!es &o(l (it& t&e (oles+
C&apter Fi$teen
A$ter (e &a% lai% %o(n o*r ar!s, in .oe!ber 1919, a poli#" (as a%opte% (&i#& in all &*!an probabilit" (as bo*n% to
lea% gra%*all" to o*r #o!plete s*b0*gation+ Analogo*s e5a!ples $ro! &istor" s&o( t&at t&ose nations (&i#& la" %o(n
t&eir ar!s (it&o*t being absol*tel" $or#e% to %o so s*bse/*entl" pre$er to s*b!it to t&e greatest &*!iliations an% e5a#tions
rat&er t&an tr" to #&ange t&eir $ate b" resorting to ar!s again+
T&at is intelligible on p*rel" &*!an gro*n%s+ A s&re(% #on/*eror (ill al(a"s en$or#e &is e5a#tions on t&e #on/*ere% onl"
b" stages, as $ar as t&at is possible+ T&en &e !a" e5pe#t t&at a people (&o &ae lost all strengt& o$ #&ara#ter 1 (&i#& is
al(a"s t&e #ase (it& eer" nation t&at ol*ntaril" s*b!its to t&e t&reats o$ an opponent 1 (ill not $in% in an" o$ t&ese a#ts
o$ oppression, i$ one be en$or#e% apart $ro! t&e ot&er, s*$$i#ient gro*n%s $or ta,ing *p ar!s again+ T&e !ore n*!ero*s t&e
e5tortions t&*s passiel" a##epte% so !*#& t&e less (ill resistan#e appear 0*sti$ie% in t&e e"es o$ ot&er people, i$ t&e
an/*is&e% nation s&o*l% en% b" reolting against t&e last a#t o$ oppression in a long series+ An% t&at is spe#iall" so i$ t&e
nation &as alrea%" patientl" an% silentl" a##epte% i!positions (&i#& (ere !*#& !ore e5a#ting+
T&e $all o$ Cart&age is a terrible e5a!ple o$ t&e slo( agon" o$ a people (&i#& en%e% in %estr*#tion an% (&i#& (as t&e
$a*lt o$ t&e people t&e!seles+
In &is T&ree Arti#les o$ Fait& Cla*se(it> e5presse% t&is i%ea a%!irabl" an% gae it a %e$inite $or! (&en &e sai%4 LT&e
stig!a o$ s&a!e in#*rre% b" a #o(ar%l" s*b!ission #an neer be e$$a#e%+ T&e %rop o$ poison (&i#& t&*s enters t&e bloo%
o$ a nation (ill be trans!itte% to posterit"+ It (ill *n%er!ine an% paral"se t&e strengt& o$ later generations+L 8*t, on t&e
#ontrar", &e a%%e%4 LEen t&e loss o$ its libert" a$ter a sang*inar" an% &ono*rable str*ggle ass*res t&e res*rgen#e o$ t&e
nation an% is t&e ital n*#le*s $ro! (&i#& one %a" a ne( tree #an %ra( $ir! roots+
.at*rall" a nation (&i#& &as lost all sense o$ &ono*r an% all strengt& o$ #&ara#ter (ill not $eel t&e $or#e o$ s*#& a %o#trine+
8*t an" nation t&at ta,es it to &eart (ill neer $all er" lo(+ Onl" t&ose (&o $orget it or %o not (is& to a#,no(le%ge it (ill
#ollapse+ Hen#e t&ose responsible $or a #o(ar%l" s*b!ission #annot be e5pe#te% s*%%enl" to ta,e t&o*g&t (it& t&e!seles,
$or t&e p*rpose o$ #&anging t&eir $or!er #on%*#t an% %ire#ting it in t&e (a" pointe% o*t b" &*!an reason an% e5perien#e+
On t&e #ontrar", t&e" (ill rep*%iate s*#& a %o#trine, *ntil t&e people eit&er be#o!e per!anentl" &abit*ate% to t&e "o,e o$
slaer" or t&e better ele!ents o$ t&e nation p*s& t&eir (a" into t&e $oregro*n% an% $or#ibl" ta,e po(er a(a" $ro! t&e
&an%s o$ an in$a!o*s an% #orr*pt regi!e+ In t&e $irst #ase t&ose (&o &ol% po(er (ill be please% (it& t&e state o$ a$$airs,
be#a*se t&e #on/*erors o$ten entr*st t&e! (it& t&e tas, o$ s*perising t&e slaes+ An% t&ese *tterl" #&ara#terless beings
t&en e5er#ise t&at po(er to t&e %etri!ent o$ t&eir o(n people, !ore #r*ell" t&an t&e !ost #r*el1&earte% stranger t&at !ig&t
be no!inate% b" t&e ene!" &i!sel$+
T&e eents (&i#& &appene% s*bse/*ent to 1919 in Aer!an" proe &o( t&e &ope o$ se#*ring t&e #le!en#" o$ t&e i#tor b"
!a,ing a ol*ntar" s*b!ission &a% t&e !ost %isastro*s in$l*en#e on t&e politi#al ie(s an% #on%*#t o$ t&e broa% !asses+ I
sa" t&e broa% !asses e5pli#itl", be#a*se I #annot pers*a%e !"sel$ t&at t&e t&ings (&i#& (ere %one or le$t *n%one b" t&e
lea%ers o$ t&e people are to be attrib*te% to a si!ilar %isastro*s ill*sion+ Seeing t&at t&e %ire#tion o$ o*r &istori#al %estin"
a$ter t&e (ar (as no( openl" #ontrolle% b" t&e -e(s, it is i!possible to a%!it t&at a %e$e#tie ,no(le%ge o$ t&e state o$
a$$airs (as t&e sole #a*se o$ o*r !is$ort*nes+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e #on#l*sion t&at !*st be %ra(n $ro! t&e $a#ts is t&at o*r
people (ere intentionall" %rien to r*in+ I$ (e e5a!ine it $ro! t&is point o$ ie( (e s&all $in% t&at t&e %ire#tion o$ t&e
nations $oreign poli#" (as not so $oolis& as it appeare%C $or on s#r*tini>ing t&e !atter #losel" (e see #learl" t&at t&is
#on%*#t (as a pro#e%*re (&i#& &a% been #al!l" #al#*late%, s&re(%l" %e$ine% an% logi#all" #arrie% o*t in t&e seri#e o$ t&e
-e(is& i%ea an% t&e -e(is& en%eao*r to se#*re t&e !aster" o$ t&e (orl%+
Fro! 197< to 1912 Pr*ssia (as in a state o$ #ollapse+ 8*t t&at perio% s*$$i#e% to rene( t&e ital energies o$ t&e nation an%
inspire it on#e !ore (it& a resol*te %eter!ination to $ig&t+ An e/*al perio% o$ ti!e &as passe% oer o*r &ea%s $ro! 1919
*ntil to1%a", an% no a%antage &as been %erie% $ro! it+ On t&e #ontrar", t&e ital strengt& o$ o*r State &as been stea%il"
Seen "ears a$ter .oe!ber 1919 t&e 'o#arno Treat" (as signe%+
T&*s t&e %eelop!ent (&i#& too, pla#e (as (&at I &ae in%i#ate% aboe+ On#e t&e s&a!e$*l Ar!isti#e &a% been signe%
o*r people (ere *nable to pl*#, *p s*$$i#ient #o*rage an% energ" to #all a &alt s*%%enl" to t&e #on%*#t o$ o*r a%ersar" as
t&e oppressie !eas*res (ere being #onstantl" rene(e%+ T&e ene!" (as too s&re(% to p*t $or(ar% all &is %e!an%s at
on#e+ He #on$ine% &is %*ress al(a"s to t&ose e5a#tions (&i#&, in &is opinion an% t&at o$ o*r Aer!an Aoern!ent, #o*l%
be s*b!itte% to $or t&e !o!ent4 so t&at in t&is (a" t&e" %i% not ris, #a*sing an e5plosion o$ p*bli# $eeling+ 8*t a##or%ing
as t&e single i!positions (ere in#reasingl" s*bs#ribe% to an% tolerate% it appeare% less 0*sti$iable to %o no( in t&e #ase o$
one sole i!position or a#t o$ %*ress (&at &a% not been preio*sl" %one in t&e #ase o$ so !an" ot&ers, na!el", to oppose it+
T&at is t&e M%rop o$ poison o$ (&i#& Cla*se(it> spea,s+ On#e t&is la#, o$ #&ara#ter is !ani$este% t&e res*ltant #on%ition
be#o!es stea%il" aggraate% an% (eig&s li,e an eil in&eritan#e on all $*t*re %e#isions+ It !a" be#o!e as a lea%en (eig&t
aro*n% t&e nations ne#,, (&i#& #annot be s&a,en o$$ b*t (&i#& $or#es it to %rag o*t its e5isten#e in slaer"+
T&*s, in Aer!an", e%i#ts $or %isar!a!ent an% oppression an% e#ono!i# pl*n%er $ollo(e% one a$ter t&e ot&er, !a,ing *s
politi#all" &elpless+ T&e res*lt o$ all t&is (as to #reate t&at !oo% (&i#& !a%e so !an" loo, *pon t&e =a(es Plan as a
blessing an% t&e 'o#arno Treat" as a s*##ess+ Fro! a &ig&er point o$ ie( (e !a" spea, o$ one sole blessing in t&e !i%st
o$ so !*#& !iser"+ T&is blessing is t&at, t&o*g& !en !a" be $oole%, Heaen #ant be bribe%+ For Heaen (it&&el% its
blessing+ Sin#e t&at ti!e )iser" an% An5iet" &ae been t&e #onstant #o!panions o$ o*r people, an% =istress is t&e one
All" t&at &as re!aine% lo"al to *s+ In t&is #ase also =estin" &as !a%e no e5#eptions+ It &as gien *s o*r %eserts+ Sin#e (e
%i% not ,no( &o( to al*e &ono*r an" !ore, it &as ta*g&t *s to al*e t&e libert" to see, $or brea%+ .o( t&at t&e nation &as
learne% to #r" $or brea%, it !a" one %a" learn to pra" $or $ree%o!+
T&e #ollapse o$ o*r nation in t&e "ears $ollo(ing 1919 (as bitter an% !ani$est+ An% "et t&at (as t&e ti!e #&osen to
perse#*te *s in t&e !ost !ali#io*s (a" o*r ene!ies #o*l% %eise, so t&at (&at &appene% a$ter(ar%s #o*l% &ae been
$oretol% b" an"bo%" t&en+ T&e goern!ent to (&i#& o*r people s*b!itte% (as as &opelessl" in#o!petent as it (as
#on#eite%, an% t&is (as espe#iall" s&o(n in rep*%iating t&ose (&o gae an" (arning t&at %ist*rbe% or %isplease%+ T&en (e
sa( 1 an% to1%a" also 1 t&e greatest parlia!entar" nin#o!poops, reall" #o!!on sa%%lers an% gloe1!a,ers 1 not !erel" b"
tra%e, $or t&at (o*l% signi$" er" little 1 s*%%enl" raise% to t&e ran, o$ states!en an% ser!oni>ing to &*!ble !ortals $ro!
t&at pe%estal+ It %i% not !atter, an% it still %oes not !atter, t&at s*#& a Mstates!an, a$ter &aing %ispla"e% &is talents $or
si5 !ont&s or so as a !ere (in%bag, is s&o(n *p $or (&at &e is an% be#o!es t&e ob0e#t o$ p*bli# railler" an% sar#as!+ It
%oes not !atter t&at &e &as gien t&e !ost ei%ent proo$ o$ #o!plete in#o!peten#"+ .o+ T&at %oes not !atter at all+ On t&e
#ontrar", t&e less real seri#e t&e parlia!entar" states!en o$ t&is Rep*bli# ren%er t&e #o*ntr", t&e !ore saagel" t&e"
perse#*te all (&o e5pe#t t&at parlia!entar" %ep*ties s&o*l% s&o( so!e positie res*lts o$ t&eir a#tiities+ An% t&e"
perse#*te eer"bo%" (&o %ares to point to t&e $ail*re o$ t&ese a#tiities an% pre%i#t si!ilar $ail*res $or t&e $*t*re+ I$ one
$inall" s*##ee%s in nailing %o(n one o$ t&ese parlia!entarians to &ar% $a#ts, so t&at t&is politi#al artist #an no longer %en"
t&e real $ail*re o$ &is (&ole a#tion an% its res*lts, t&en &e (ill $in% t&o*san%s o$ gro*n%s $or e5#*se, b*t (ill in no (a"
a%!it t&at &e &i!sel$ is t&e #&ie$ #a*se o$ t&e eil+
In t&e (inter o$ 1922122, at t&e latest, it o*g&t to &ae been generall" re#ogni>e% t&at, een a$ter t&e #on#l*sion o$ pea#e,
Fran#e (as still en%eao*ring (it& iron #onsisten#" to attain t&ose en%s (&i#& &a% been originall" enisage% as t&e $inal
p*rpose o$ t&e 3ar+ For nobo%" #o*l% t&in, o$ belieing t&at $or $o*r an% a &al$ "ears Fran#e #ontin*e% to po*r o*t t&e not
ab*n%ant s*ppl" o$ &er national bloo% in t&e !ost %e#isie str*ggle t&ro*g&o*t all &er &istor" in or%er s*bse/*entl" to
obtain #o!pensation t&ro*g& reparations $or t&e %a!ages s*staine%+ Een Alsa#e an% 'orraine, ta,en b" t&e!seles,
(o*l% not a##o*nt $or t&e energ" (it& (&i#& t&e Fren#& #on%*#te% t&e 3ar, i$ Alsa#e1'orraine (ere not alrea%"
#onsi%ere% as a part o$ t&e reall" ast progra!!e (&i#& Fren#& $oreign poli#" &a% enisage% $or t&e $*t*re+ T&e ai! o$
t&at progra!!e (as4 =isintegration o$ Aer!an" into a #olle#tion o$ s!all states+ It (as $or t&is t&at C&a*inist Fran#e
(age% (arC an% in %oing so s&e (as in realit" selling &er people to be t&e ser$s o$ t&e international -e(+
Fren#& (ar ai!s (o*l% &ae been obtaine% t&ro*g& t&e 3orl% 3ar i$, as (as originall" &ope% in Paris, t&e str*ggle &a%
been #arrie% o*t on Aer!an soil+ 'et *s i!agine t&e bloo%" battles o$ t&e 3orl% 3ar not as &aing ta,en pla#e on t&e
So!!e, in Flan%ers, in Artois, in $ront o$ 3arsa(, .i>&ni1.oogoro%, ;o(no, an% Riga b*t in Aer!an", in t&e R*&r or
on t&e )aine, on t&e Elbe, in $ront o$ Hanoer, 'eip>ig, .Hrnberg, et#+ I$ s*#& &appene%, t&en (e !*st a%!it t&at t&e
%estr*#tion o$ Aer!an" !ig&t &ae been a##o!plis&e%+ It is er" !*#& open to /*estion i$ o*r "o*ng $e%eral State #o*l%
&ae borne t&e &ar% str*ggle $or $o*r an% a &al$ "ears, as it (as borne b" a Fran#e t&at &a% been #entrali>e% $or #ent*ries,
(it& t&e (&ole national i!agination $o#*se% on Paris+ I$ t&is titani# #on$li#t bet(een t&e nations %eelope% o*tsi%e t&e
$rontiers o$ o*r $at&erlan%, not onl" is all t&e !erit %*e to t&e i!!ortal seri#e ren%ere% b" o*r ol% ar!" b*t it (as also
er" $ort*nate $or t&e $*t*re o$ Aer!an"+ I a! $*ll" #onin#e% t&at i$ t&ings &a% ta,en a %i$$erent #o*rse t&ere (o*l% no
longer be a Aer!an Rei#& to1%a" b*t onl" MAer!an States+ An% t&at is t&e onl" reason (&" t&e bloo% (&i#& (as s&e% b"
o*r $rien%s an% brot&ers in t&e 3ar (as at least not s&e% in ain+
T&e #o*rse (&i#& eents too, (as ot&er(ise+ In .oe!ber 1919 Aer!an" %i% in%ee% #ollapse (it& lig&tning s*%%enness+
8*t (&en t&e #atastrop&e too, pla#e at &o!e t&e ar!ies *n%er t&e Co!!an%er1in1C&ie$ (ere still %eep in t&e ene!"s
#o*ntr"+ At t&at ti!e Fran#es $irst preo##*pation (as not t&e %is!e!ber!ent o$ Aer!an" b*t t&e proble! o$ &o( to get
t&e Aer!an ar!ies o*t o$ Fran#e an% 8elgi*! as /*i#,l" as possible+ An% so, in or%er to p*t an en% to t&e 3ar, t&e $irst
t&ing t&at &a% to be %one b" t&e Paris Aoern!ent (as to %isar! t&e Aer!an ar!ies an% p*s& t&e! ba#, into Aer!an" i$
possible+ Until t&is (as %one t&e Fren#& #o*l% not %eote t&eir attention to #arr"ing o*t t&eir o(n parti#*lar an% original
(ar ai!s+ As $ar as #on#erne% Englan%, t&e 3ar (as reall" (on (&en Aer!an" (as %estro"e% as a #olonial an%
#o!!er#ial Po(er an% (as re%*#e% to t&e ran, o$ a se#on%1#lass State+ It (as not in Englan%s interest to (ipe o*t t&e
Aer!an State altoget&er+ In $a#t, on !an" gro*n%s it (as %esirable $or &er to &ae a $*t*re rial against Fran#e in E*rope+
T&ere$ore Fren#& poli#" (as $or#e% to #arr" on b" pea#e$*l !eans t&e (or, $or (&i#& t&e 3ar &a% opene% t&e (a"C an%
Cle!en#ea*s state!ent, t&at $or &i! Pea#e (as !erel" a #ontin*ation o$ t&e 3ar, t&*s a#/*ire% an en&an#e%
Persistentl" an% on eer" opport*nit" t&at arose, t&e e$$ort to %islo#ate t&e $ra!e(or, o$ t&e Rei#& (as to &ae been
#arrie% on+ 8" perpet*all" sen%ing ne( notes t&at %e!an%e% %isar!a!ent, on t&e one &an%, an% b" t&e i!position o$
e#ono!i# leies (&i#&, on t&e ot&er &an%, #o*l% be #arrie% o*t as t&e pro#ess o$ %isar!a!ent progresse%, it (as &ope% in
Paris t&at t&e $ra!e(or, o$ t&e Rei#& (o*l% gra%*all" $all to pie#es+ T&e !ore t&e Aer!ans lost t&eir sense o$ national
&ono*r t&e !ore #o*l% e#ono!i# press*re an% #ontin*e% e#ono!i# %istress be e$$e#tie as $a#tors o$ politi#al %estr*#tion+
S*#& a poli#" o$ politi#al oppression an% e#ono!i# e5ploitation, #arrie% o*t $or ten or t(ent" "ears, !*st in t&e long r*n
stea%il" r*in t&e !ost #o!pa#t national bo%" an%, *n%er #ertain #ir#*!stan#es, %is!e!ber it+ T&en t&e Fren#& (ar ai!s
(o*l% &ae been %e$initel" attaine%+
8" t&e (inter o$ 1922122 t&e intentions o$ t&e Fren#& !*st alrea%" &ae been ,no(n $or a long ti!e ba#,+ T&ere re!aine%
onl" t(o possible (a"s o$ #on$ronting t&e sit*ation+ I$ t&e Aer!an national bo%" s&o(e% itsel$ s*$$i#ientl" to*g&1s,inne%,
it !ig&t gra%*all" bl*nt t&e (ill o$ t&e Fren#& or it !ig&t %o 1 on#e an% $or all 1 (&at (as bo*n% to be#o!e ineitable one
%a"4 t&at is to sa", *n%er t&e proo#ation o$ so!e parti#*larl" br*tal a#t o$ oppression it #o*l% p*t t&e &el! o$ t&e Aer!an
s&ip o$ state to ro*n%abo*t an% ra! t&e ene!"+ T&at (o*l% nat*rall" inole a li$e1an%1%eat&1str*ggle+ An% t&e prospe#t o$
#o!ing t&ro*g& t&e str*ggle alie %epen%e% on (&et&er Fran#e #o*l% be so $ar isolate% t&at in t&is se#on% battle Aer!an"
(o*l% not &ae to $ig&t against t&e (&ole (orl% b*t in %e$en#e o$ Aer!an" against a Fran#e t&at (as persistentl"
%ist*rbing t&e pea#e o$ t&e (orl%+
I insist on t&is point, an% I a! pro$o*n%l" #onin#e% o$ it, na!el", t&at t&is se#on% alternatie (ill one %a" be #&osen an%
(ill &ae to be #&osen an% #arrie% o*t in one (a" or anot&er+ I s&all neer beliee t&at Fran#e (ill o$ &ersel$ alter &er
intentions to(ar%s *s, be#a*se, in t&e last anal"sis, t&e" are onl" t&e e5pression o$ t&e Fren#& instin#t $or sel$1preseration+
3ere I a Fren#&!an an% (ere t&e greatness o$ Fran#e so %ear to !e as t&at o$ Aer!an" a#t*all" is, in t&e $inal re#,oning I
#o*l% not an% (o*l% not a#t ot&er(ise t&an a Cle!en#ea*+ T&e Fren#& nation, (&i#& is slo(l" %"ing o*t, not so !*#&
t&ro*g& %epop*lation as t&ro*g& t&e progressie %isappearan#e o$ t&e best ele!ents o$ t&e ra#e, #an #ontin*e to pla" an
i!portant role in t&e (orl% onl" i$ Aer!an" be %estro"e%+ Fren#& poli#" !a" !a,e a t&o*san% %eto*rs on t&e !ar#&
to(ar%s its $i5e% goal, b*t t&e %estr*#tion o$ Aer!an" is t&e en% (&i#& it al(a"s &as in ie( as t&e $*l$il!ent o$ t&e !ost
pro$o*n% "earning an% *lti!ate intentions o$ t&e Fren#&+ .o( it is a !ista,e to beliee t&at i$ t&e (ill on one si%e s&o*l%
re!ain onl" passie an% intent on its o(n sel$1preseration it #an &ol% o*t per!anentl" against anot&er (ill (&i#& is not
less $or#e$*l b*t is a#tie+ As long as t&e eternal #on$li#t bet(een Fran#e an% Aer!an" is (age% onl" in t&e $or! o$ a
Aer!an %e$en#e against t&e Fren#& atta#,, t&at #on$li#t #an neer be %e#i%e%C an% $ro! #ent*r" to #ent*r" Aer!an" (ill
lose one position a$ter anot&er+ I$ (e st*%" t&e #&anges t&at &ae ta,en pla#e, $ro! t&e t(el$t& #ent*r" *p to o*r %a", in
t&e $rontiers (it&in (&i#& t&e Aer!an lang*age is spo,en, (e #an &ar%l" &ope $or a s*##ess$*l iss*e to res*lt $ro! t&e
a##eptan#e an% %eelop!ent o$ a line o$ #on%*#t (&i#& &as &it&erto been so %etri!ental $or *s+
Onl" (&en t&e Aer!ans &ae ta,en all t&is $*ll" into a##o*nt (ill t&e" #ease $ro! allo(ing t&e national (ill1to1li$e to
(ear itsel$ o*t in !erel" passie %e$en#e, b*t t&e" (ill rall" toget&er $or a last %e#isie #ontest (it& Fran#e+ An% in t&is
#ontest t&e essential ob0e#tie o$ t&e Aer!an nation (ill be $o*g&t $or+ Onl" t&en (ill it be possible to p*t an en% to t&e
eternal Fran#o1Aer!an #on$li#t (&i#& &as &it&erto proe% so sterile+ O$ #o*rse it is &ere pres*!e% t&at Aer!an" sees in
t&e s*ppression o$ Fran#e not&ing !ore t&an a !eans (&i#& (ill !a,e it possible $or o*r people $inall" to e5pan% in
anot&er /*arter+ To1%a" t&ere are eig&t" !illion Aer!ans in E*rope+ An% o*r $oreign poli#" (ill be re#ogni>e% as rig&tl"
#on%*#te% onl" (&en, a$ter barel" a &*n%re% "ears, t&ere (ill be 267 !illion Aer!ans liing on t&is Continent, not pa#,e%
toget&er as t&e #oolies in t&e $a#tories o$ anot&er Continent b*t as tillers o$ t&e soil an% (or,ers (&ose labo*r (ill be a
!*t*al ass*ran#e $or t&eir e5isten#e+
In =e#e!ber 1922 t&e sit*ation bet(een Aer!an" an% Fran#e ass*!e% a parti#*larl" t&reatening aspe#t+ Fran#e &a% ne(
an% ast oppressie !eas*res in ie( an% nee%e% san#tions $or &er #on%*#t+ Politi#al press*re &a% to pre#e%e t&e e#ono!i#
pl*n%er, an% t&e Fren#& beliee% t&at onl" b" !a,ing a iolent atta#, against t&e #entral nero*s s"ste! o$ Aer!an li$e
(o*l% t&e" be able to !a,e o*r Mre#al#itrant people bo( to t&eir galling "o,e+ 8" t&e o##*pation o$ t&e R*&r =istri#t, it
(as &ope% in Fran#e t&at not onl" (o*l% t&e !oral ba#,bone o$ Aer!an" be bro,en $inall" b*t t&at (e s&o*l% be re%*#e%
to s*#& a grae e#ono!i# #on%ition t&at (e s&o*l% be $or#e%, $or (eal or (oe, to s*bs#ribe to t&e &eaiest possible
It (as a /*estion o$ ben%ing an% brea,ing Aer!an"+ At $irst Aer!an" bent an% s*bse/*entl" bro,e in pie#es #o!pletel"+
T&ro*g& t&e o##*pation o$ t&e R*&r, Fate on#e !ore rea#&e% o*t its &an% to t&e Aer!an people an% ba%e t&e! arise+ For
(&at at $irst appeare% as a &ea" stro,e o$ !is$ort*ne (as $o*n%, on #loser e5a!ination, to #ontain e5tre!el" en#o*raging
possibilities o$ bringing Aer!an"s s*$$erings to an en%+
As regar%s $oreign politi#s, t&e a#tion o$ Fran#e in o##*p"ing t&e R*&r reall" estrange% Englan% $or t&e $irst ti!e in /*ite
a pro$o*n% (a"+ In%ee% it estrange% not !erel" 8ritis& %iplo!ati# #ir#les, (&i#& &a% #on#l*%e% t&e Fren#& allian#e an%
&a% *p&el% it $ro! !oties o$ #al! an% ob0e#tie #al#*lation, b*t it also estrange% large se#tions o$ t&e Englis& nation+
T&e Englis& b*siness (orl% in parti#*lar s#ar#el" #on#eale% t&e %ispleas*re it $elt at t&is in#re%ible $or(ar% step in
strengt&ening t&e po(er o$ Fran#e on t&e Continent+ Fro! t&e !ilitar" stan%point alone Fran#e no( ass*!e% a position in
E*rope s*#& as Aer!an" &ersel$ &a% not &el% preio*sl"+ )oreoer, Fran#e t&*s obtaine% #ontrol oer e#ono!i# reso*r#es
(&i#& pra#ti#all" gae &er a !onopol" t&at #onsoli%ate% &er politi#al an% #o!!er#ial strengt& against all #o!petition+
T&e !ost i!portant iron an% #oal !ines o$ E*rope (ere no( *nite% in t&e &an% o$ one nation (&i#&, in #ontrast to
Aer!an", &a% &it&erto %e$en%e% &er ital interests in an a#tie an% resol*te $as&ion an% (&ose !ilitar" e$$i#ien#" in t&e
Areat 3ar (as still $res& in t&e !e!ories o$ t&e (&ole (orl%+ T&e Fren#& o##*pation o$ t&e R*&r #oal $iel% %eprie%
Englan% o$ all t&e s*##esses s&e &a% gaine% in t&e 3ar+ An% t&e i#tors (ere no( )ars&al Fo#& an% t&e Fran#e &e
represente%, no longer t&e #al! an% painsta,ing 8ritis& states!en+
In Ital" also t&e attit*%e to(ar%s Fran#e, (&i#& &a% not been er" $ao*rable sin#e t&e en% o$ t&e 3ar, no( be#a!e
positiel" &ostile+ T&e great &istori# !o!ent &a% #o!e (&en t&e Allies o$ "ester%a" !ig&t be#o!e t&e ene!ies o$ to1
!orro(+ I$ t&ings &appene% ot&er(ise an% i$ t&e Allies %i% not s*%%enl" #o!e into #on$li#t (it& one anot&er, as in t&e
Se#on% 8al,an 3ar, t&at (as %*e to t&e $a#t t&at Aer!an" &a% no Ener Pas&a b*t !erel" a C*no as C&an#ellor o$ t&e
.eert&eless, t&e Fren#& inasion o$ t&e R*&r opene% *p great possibilities $or t&e $*t*re not onl" in Aer!an"s $oreign
politi#s b*t also in &er internal politi#s+ A #onsi%erable se#tion o$ o*r people (&o, t&an,s to t&e persistent in$l*en#e o$ a
!en%a#io*s Press, &a% loo,e% *pon Fran#e as t&e #&a!pion o$ progress an% libert", (ere s*%%enl" #*re% o$ t&is ill*sion+
In 1914 t&e %rea! o$ international soli%arit" s*%%enl" anis&e% $ro! t&e brain o$ o*r Aer!an (or,ing #lass+ T&e" (ere
bro*g&t ba#, into t&e (orl% o$ eerlasting str*ggle, (&ere one #reat*re $ee%s on t&e ot&er an% (&ere t&e %eat& o$ t&e
(ea,er i!plies t&e li$e o$ t&e stronger+ T&e sa!e t&ing &appene% in t&e spring o$ 1922+
3&en t&e Fren#& p*t t&eir t&reats into e$$e#t an% penetrate%, at $irst &esitatingl" an% #a*tio*sl", into t&e #oal1basin o$
'o(er Aer!an" t&e &o*r o$ %estin" &a% str*#, $or Aer!an"+ It (as a great an% %e#isie !o!ent+ I$ at t&at !o!ent o*r
people &a% #&ange% not onl" t&eir $ra!e o$ !in% b*t also t&eir #on%*#t t&e Aer!an R*&r =istri#t #o*l% &ae been !a%e
$or Fran#e (&at )os#o( t*rne% o*t to be $or .apoleon+ In%ee%, t&ere (ere onl" t(o possibilities4 eit&er to leae t&is !oe
also to ta,e its #o*rse an% %o not&ing or to t*rn to t&e Aer!an people in t&at region o$ s(eltering $orges an% $la!ing
$*rna#es+ An e$$ort !ig&t &ae been !a%e to set t&eir (ills a$ire (it& %eter!ination to p*t an en% to t&is persistent
%isgra#e an% to $a#e a !o!entar" terror rat&er t&an s*b!it to a terror t&at (as en%less+
C*no, (&o (as t&en C&an#ellor o$ t&e Rei#&, #an #lai! t&e i!!ortal !erit o$ &aing %is#oere% a t&ir% (a"C an% o*r
Aer!an bo*rgeois politi#al parties !erit t&e still !ore glorio*s &ono*r o$ &aing a%!ire% &i! an% #ollaborate% (it& &i!+
Here I s&all %eal (it& t&e se#on% (a" as brie$l" as possible+
8" o##*p"ing t&e R*&r Fran#e #o!!itte% a glaring iolation o$ t&e Bersailles Treat"+ Her a#tion bro*g&t &er into #on$li#t
(it& seeral o$ t&e g*arantor Po(ers, espe#iall" (it& Englan% an% Ital"+ S&e #o*l% no longer &ope t&at t&ose States (o*l%
ba#, &er *p in &er egotisti# a#t o$ brigan%age+ S&e #o*l% #o*nt onl" on &er o(n $or#es to reap an"t&ing li,e a positie
res*lt $ro! t&at a%ent*re, $or s*#& it (as at t&e start+ For a Aer!an .ational Aoern!ent t&ere (as onl" one possible
(a" le$t open+ An% t&is (as t&e (a" (&i#& &ono*r pres#ribe%+ Certainl" at t&e beginning (e #o*l% not &ae oppose%
Fran#e (it& an a#tie ar!e% resistan#e+ 8*t it s&o*l% &ae been #learl" re#ogni>e% t&at an" negotiations (&i#& %i% not
&ae t&e arg*!ent o$ $or#e to ba#, t&e! *p (o*l% t*rn o*t $*tile an% ri%i#*lo*s+ I$ it (ere not possible to organi>e an
a#tie resistan#e, t&en it (as abs*r% to ta,e *p t&e stan%point4 L3e s&all not enter into an" negotiations+L 8*t it (as still
!ore abs*r% $inall" to enter into negotiations (it&o*t &aing organi>e% t&e ne#essar" $or#e as a s*pport+
.ot t&at it (as possible $or *s b" !ilitar" !eans to preent t&e o##*pation o$ t&e R*&r+ Onl" a !a%!an #o*l% &ae
re#o!!en%e% s*#& a %e#ision+ 8*t *n%er t&e i!pression pro%*#e% b" t&e a#tion (&i#& Fran#e &a% ta,en, an% %*ring t&e
ti!e t&at it (as being #arrie% o*t, !eas*res #o*l% &ae been, an% s&o*l% &ae been, *n%erta,en (it&o*t an" regar% to t&e
Bersailles Treat", (&i#& Fran#e &ersel$ &a% iolate%, to proi%e t&ose !ilitar" reso*r#es (&i#& (o*l% sere as a #ollateral
arg*!ent to ba#, *p t&e negotiations later on+ For it (as /*ite #lear $ro! t&e beginning t&at t&e $ate o$ t&is %istri#t
o##*pie% b" t&e Fren#& (o*l% one %a" be %e#i%e% at so!e #on$eren#e table or ot&er+ 8*t it also !*st &ae been /*ite to
eer"bo%" t&at een t&e best negotiators #o*l% &ae little s*##ess as long as t&e gro*n% on (&i#& t&e" t&e!seles stoo%
an% t&e #&air on (&i#& t&e" sat (ere not *n%er t&e ar!e% prote#tion o$ t&eir o(n people+ A (ea, pig!" #annot #onten%
against at&letes, an% a negotiator (it&o*t an" ar!e% %e$en#e at &is ba#, !*st al(a"s bo( in obeisan#e (&en a 8renn*s
t&ro(s t&e s(or% into t&e s#ales on t&e ene!"s si%e, *nless an e/*all" strong s(or% #an be t&ro(n into t&e s#ales at t&e
ot&er en% an% t&*s !aintain t&e balan#e+ It (as reall" %istressing to &ae to obsere t&e #o!e%" o$ negotiations (&i#&,
eer sin#e 1919, reg*larl" pre#e%e% ea#& arbitrar" %i#tate t&at t&e ene!" i!pose% *pon *s+ 3e o$$ere% a sorr" spe#ta#le to
t&e e"es o$ t&e (&ole (orl% (&en (e (ere inite%, $or t&e sa,e o$ %erision, to atten% #on$eren#e tables si!pl" to be
presente% (it& %e#isions an% progra!!es (&i#& &a% alrea%" been %ra(n *p an% passe% a long ti!e be$ore, an% (&i#& (e
(ere per!itte% to %is#*ss, b*t $ro! t&e beginning &a% to be #onsi%ere% as *nalterable+ It is tr*e t&at in s#ar#el" a single
instan#e (ere o*r negotiators !en o$ !ore t&an !e%io#re abilities+ For t&e !ost part t&e" 0*sti$ie% onl" too (ell t&e
insolent obseration !a%e b" 'lo"% Aeorge (&en &e sar#asti#all" re!ar,e%, in t&e presen#e o$ a $or!er C&an#ellor o$ t&e
Rei#&, Herr Si!on, t&at t&e Aer!ans (ere not able to #&oose !en o$ intelligen#e as t&eir lea%ers an% representaties+ 8*t
in $a#e o$ t&e resol*te %eter!ination an% t&e po(er (&i#& t&e ene!" &el% in &is &an%s, on t&e one si%e, an% t&e
la!entable i!poten#e o$ Aer!an" on t&e ot&er, een a bo%" o$ geni*ses #o*l% &ae obtaine% onl" er" little $or Aer!an"+
In t&e spring o$ 1922, &o(eer, an"one (&o !ig&t &ae t&o*g&t o$ sei>ing t&e opport*nit" o$ t&e Fren#& inasion o$ t&e
R*&r to re#onstr*#t t&e !ilitar" po(er o$ Aer!an" (o*l% $irst &ae &a% to restore to t&e nation its !oral (eapons, to
rein$or#e its (ill1po(er, an% to e5tirpate t&ose (&o &a% %estro"e% t&is !ost al*able ele!ent o$ national strengt&+
-*st as in 1919 (e &a% to pa" (it& o*r bloo% $or t&e $ail*re to #r*s& t&e )ar5ist serpent *n%er$oot on#e an% $or all in 1914
an% 1916, no( (e &ae to s*$$er retrib*tion $or t&e $a#t t&at in t&e spring o$ 1922 (e %i% not sei>e t&e opport*nit" t&en
o$$ere% *s $or $inall" (iping o*t t&e &an%i(or, %one b" t&e )ar5ists (&o betra"e% t&eir #o*ntr" an% (ere responsible $or
t&e !*r%er o$ o*r people+
An" i%ea o$ opposing Fren#& aggression (it& an e$$i#a#io*s resistan#e (as onl" p*re $oll" as long as t&e $ig&t &a% not been
ta,en *p against t&ose $or#es (&i#&, $ie "ears preio*sl", &a% bro,en t&e Aer!an resistan#e on t&e battle$iel%s b" t&e
in$l*en#es (&i#& t&e" e5er#ise% at &o!e+ Onl" bo*rgeois !in%s #o*l% &ae arrie% at t&e in#re%ible belie$ t&at )ar5is!
&a% probabl" be#o!e /*ite a %i$$erent t&ing no( an% t&at t&e #anaille o$ ringlea%ers in 1919, (&o #allo*sl" *se% t&e
bo%ies o$ o*r t(o !illion %ea% as stepping1stones on (&i#& t&e" #li!be% into t&e ario*s Aoern!ent positions, (o*l%
no(, in t&e "ear 1922, s*%%enl" s&o( t&e!seles rea%" to pa" t&eir trib*te to t&e national #ons#ien#e+ It (as eritabl" a
pie#e o$ in#re%ible $oll" to e5pe#t t&at t&ose traitors (o*l% s*%%enl" appear as t&e #&a!pions o$ Aer!an $ree%o!+ T&e"
&a% no intention o$ %oing it+ -*st as a &"ena (ill not leae its #arrion, a )ar5ist (ill not gie *p in%*lging in t&e betra"al
o$ &is #o*ntr"+ It is o*t o$ t&e /*estion to p*t $or(ar% t&e st*pi% retort &ere, t&at so !an" o$ t&e (or,ers gae t&eir bloo%
$or Aer!an"+ Aer!an (or,ers, "es, b*t no longer international )ar5ists+ I$ t&e Aer!an (or,ing #lass, in 1914, #onsiste%
o$ real )ar5ists t&e 3ar (o*l% &ae en%e% (it&in t&ree (ee,s+ Aer!an" (o*l% &ae #ollapse% be$ore t&e $irst sol%ier &a%
p*t a $oot be"on% t&e $rontiers+ .o+ T&e $a#t t&at t&e Aer!an people #arrie% on t&e 3ar proe% t&at t&e )ar5ist $oll" &a%
not "et been able to penetrate %eepl"+ 8*t as t&e 3ar (as prolonge% Aer!an sol%iers an% (or,ers gra%*all" $ell ba#, into
t&e &an%s o$ t&e )ar5ist lea%ers, an% t&e n*!ber o$ t&ose (&o t&*s relapse% be#a!e lost to t&eir #o*ntr"+ At t&e beginning
o$ t&e 3ar, or een %*ring t&e 3ar, i$ t(ele or $i$teen t&o*san% o$ t&ese -e(s (&o (ere #orr*pting t&e nation &a% been
$or#e% to s*b!it to poison1gas, 0*st as &*n%re%s o$ t&o*san%s o$ o*r best Aer!an (or,ers $ro! eer" so#ial strat*! an%
$ro! eer" tra%e an% #alling &a% to $a#e it in t&e $iel%, t&en t&e !illions o$ sa#ri$i#es !a%e at t&e $ront (o*l% not &ae
been in ain+ On t&e #ontrar"4 I$ t(ele t&o*san% o$ t&ese !ale$a#tors &a% been eli!inate% in proper ti!e probabl" t&e
lies o$ a !illion %e#ent !en, (&o (o*l% be o$ al*e to Aer!an" in t&e $*t*re, !ig&t &ae been sae%+ 8*t it (as in
a##or%an#e (it& bo*rgeois Mstates!ans&ip to &an% oer, (it&o*t t&e t(it#& o$ an e"eli%, !illions o$ &*!an beings to be
sla*g&tere% on t&e battle$iel%s, (&ile t&e" loo,e% *pon ten or t(ele t&o*san% p*bli# traitors, pro$iteers, *s*rers an%
s(in%lers, as t&e %earest an% !ost sa#re% national treas*re an% pro#lai!e% t&eir persons to be iniolable+ In%ee% it (o*l%
be &ar% to sa" (&at is t&e !ost o*tstan%ing $eat*re o$ t&ese bo*rgeois #ir#les4 !ental %ebilit", !oral (ea,ness an%
#o(ar%i#e, or a !ere %o(n1at1&eel !entalit"+ It is a #lass t&at is #ertainl" %oo!e% to go *n%er b*t, *n&appil", it %rags
%o(n t&e (&ole nation (it& it into t&e ab"ss+
T&e sit*ation in 1922 (as /*ite si!ilar to t&at o$ 1919+ .o !atter (&at $or! o$ resistan#e (as %e#i%e% *pon, t&e $irst
prere/*isite $or ta,ing a#tion (as t&e eli!ination o$ t&e )ar5ist poison $ro! t&e bo%" o$ t&e nation+ An% I (as #onin#e%
t&at t&e $irst tas, t&en o$ a reall" .ational Aoern!ent (as to see, an% $in% t&ose $or#es t&at (ere %eter!ine% to (age a
(ar o$ %estr*#tion against )ar5is! an% to gie t&ese $or#es a $ree &an%+ It (as t&eir %*t" not to bo( %o(n be$ore t&e $etis&
o$ Mor%er an% tran/*illit" at a !o!ent (&en t&e ene!" $ro! o*tsi%e (as %ealing t&e Fat&erlan% a %eat&1blo( an% (&en
&ig& treason (as l*r,ing be&in% eer" street #orner at &o!e+ .o+ A reall" .ational Aoern!ent o*g&t t&en to &ae
(el#o!e% %isor%er an% *nrest i$ t&is t*r!oil (o*l% a$$or% an opport*nit" o$ $inall" settling (it& t&e )ar5ists, (&o are t&e
!ortal ene!ies o$ o*r people+ I$ t&is pre#a*tion (ere negle#te%, t&en it (as s&eer $oll" to t&in, o$ resisting, no !atter (&at
$or! t&at resistan#e !ig&t ta,e+
O$ #o*rse, s*#& a settle!ent o$ a##o*nts (it& t&e )ar5ists as (o*l% be o$ real &istori#al i!portan#e #o*l% not be e$$e#te%
along lines lai% %o(n b" so!e se#ret #o*n#il or a##or%ing to so!e plan #on#o#te% b" t&e s&rielle% !in% o$ so!e #abinet
!inister+ It (o*l% &ae to be in a##or%an#e (it& t&e eternal la(s o$ li$e on t&is Eart& (&i#& are an% (ill re!ain t&ose o$ a
#easeless str*ggle $or e5isten#e+ It !*st al(a"s be re!e!bere% t&at in !an" instan#es a &ar%" an% &ealt&" nation &as
e!erge% $ro! t&e or%eal o$ t&e !ost bloo%" #iil (ars, (&ile $ro! pea#e #on%itions (&i#& &a% been arti$i#iall" !aintaine%
t&ere o$ten res*lte% a state o$ national p*tres#en#e t&at ree,e% to t&e s,ies+ T&e $ate o$ a nation #annot be #&ange% in ,i%
gloes+ An% so in t&e "ear 1922 br*tal a#tion s&o*l% &ae been ta,en to sta!p o*t t&e ipers t&at battene% on t&e bo%" o$
t&e nation+ I$ t&is (ere %one, t&en t&e $irst prere/*isite $or an a#tie opposition (o*l% &ae been $*l$ille%+
At t&at ti!e I o$ten tal,e% !"sel$ &oarse in tr"ing to !a,e it #lear, at least to t&e so1#alle% national #ir#les, (&at (as t&en
at sta,e an% t&at b" repeating t&e errors #o!!itte% in 1914 an% t&e $ollo(ing "ears (e !*st ne#essaril" #o!e to t&e sa!e
,in% o$ #atastrop&e as in 1919+ I $re/*entl" i!plore% o$ t&e! to let Fate &ae a $ree &an% an% to !a,e it possible $or o*r
)oe!ent to settle (it& t&e )ar5ists+ 8*t I prea#&e% to %ea$ ears+ T&e" all t&o*g&t t&e" ,ne( better, in#l*%ing t&e C&ie$
o$ t&e =e$en#e For#e, *ntil $inall" t&e" $o*n% t&e!seles $or#e% to s*bs#ribe to t&e ilest #apit*lation t&at &istor" re#or%s+
I t&en be#a!e pro$o*n%l" #onin#e% t&at t&e Aer!an bo*rgeoisie &a% #o!e to t&e en% o$ its !ission an% (as not #apable
o$ $*l$illing an" $*rt&er $*n#tion+ An% t&en also I re#ogni>e% t&e $a#t t&at all t&e bo*rgeois parties &a% been $ig&ting
)ar5is! !erel" $ro! t&e spirit o$ #o!petition (it&o*t sin#erel" (is&ing to %estro" it+ For a long ti!e t&e" &a% been
a##*sto!e% to assist in t&e %estr*#tion o$ t&eir #o*ntr", an% t&eir one great #are (as to se#*re goo% seats at t&e $*neral
ban/*et+ It (as $or t&is alone t&at t&e" ,ept on M$ig&ting+
At t&at ti!e 1 I a%!it it openl" 1 I #on#eie% a pro$o*n% a%!iration $or t&e great !an be"on% t&e Alps, (&ose ar%ent loe
$or &is people inspire% &i! not to bargain (it& Ital"s internal ene!ies b*t to *se all possible (a"s an% !eans in an e$$ort
to (ipe t&e! o*t+ 3&at pla#es )*ssolini in t&e ran,s o$ t&e (orl%s great !en is &is %e#ision not to s&are Ital" (it& t&e
)ar5ists b*t to re%ee! &is #o*ntr" $ro! )ar5is! b" %estro"ing internationalis!+
3&at !iserable pig!ies o*r s&a! states!en in Aer!an" appear b" #o!parison (it& &i!+ An% &o( na*seating it is to
(itness t&e #on#eit an% e$$ronter" o$ t&ese nonentities in #riti#i>ing a !an (&o is a t&o*san% ti!es greater t&an t&e!+ An%
&o( pain$*l it is to t&in, t&at t&is ta,es pla#e in a #o*ntr" (&i#& #o*l% point to a 8is!ar#, as its lea%er as re#entl" as $i$t"
"ears ago+
T&e attit*%e a%opte% b" t&e bo*rgeoisie in 1922 an% t&e (a" in (&i#& t&e" %ealt ,in%l" (it& )ar5is! %e#i%e% $ro! t&e
o*tset t&e $ate o$ an" atte!pt at a#tie resistan#e in t&e R*&r+ 3it& t&at %ea%l" ene!" in o*r o(n ran,s it (as s&eer $oll"
to t&in, o$ $ig&ting Fran#e+ T&e !ost t&at #o*l% t&en be %one (as to stage a s&a! $ig&t in or%er to satis$" t&e Aer!an
national ele!ent to so!e e5tent, to tran/*illi>e t&e Mboiling state o$ t&e p*bli# !in%, or %ope it, (&i#& (as (&at (as
reall" inten%e%+ Ha% t&e" reall" beliee% in (&at t&e" %i%, t&e" o*g&t to &ae re#ogni>e% t&at t&e strengt& o$ a nation lies,
$irst o$ all, not in its ar!s b*t in its (ill, an% t&at be$ore #on/*ering t&e e5ternal ene!" t&e ene!" at &o!e (o*l% &ae to
be eli!inate%+ I$ not, t&en %isaster !*st res*lt i$ i#tor" be not a#&iee% on t&e er" $irst %a" o$ t&e $ig&t+ T&e s&a%o( o$
one %e$eat is s*$$i#ient to brea, *p t&e resistan#e o$ a nation t&at &as not been liberate% $ro! its internal ene!ies, an% gie
t&e a%ersar" a %e#isie i#tor"+
In t&e spring o$ 1922 all t&is !ig&t &ae been pre%i#te%+ It is *seless to as, (&et&er it (as t&en possible to #o*nt on a
!ilitar" s*##ess against Fran#e+ For i$ t&e res*lt o$ t&e Aer!an a#tion in regar% to t&e Fren#& inasion o$ t&e R*&r &a%
been onl" t&e %estr*#tion o$ )ar5is! at &o!e, s*##ess (o*l% &ae been on o*r si%e+ On#e liberate% $ro! t&e %ea%l"
ene!ies o$ &er present an% $*t*re e5isten#e, Aer!an" (o*l% possess $or#es (&i#& no po(er in t&e (orl% #o*l% strangle
again+ On t&e %a" (&en )ar5is! is bro,en in Aer!an" t&e #&ains t&at bin% Aer!an" (ill be s!as&e% $or eer+ For neer
in o*r &istor" &ae (e been #on/*ere% b" t&e strengt& o$ o*r o*tsi%e ene!ies b*t onl" t&ro*g& o*r o(n $ailings an% t&e
ene!" in o*r o(n #a!p+
Sin#e it (as not able to %e#i%e on s*#& &eroi# a#tion at t&at ti!e, t&e Aoern!ent #o*l% &ae #&osen t&e $irst (a"4 na!el",
to allo( t&ings to ta,e t&eir #o*rse an% %o not&ing at all+
8*t at t&at great !o!ent Heaen !a%e Aer!an" a present o$ a great !an+ T&is (as Herr C*no+ He (as neit&er a
states!an nor a politi#ian b" pro$ession, still less a politi#ian b" birt&+ 8*t &e belonge% to t&at t"pe o$ politi#ian (&o is
!erel" *se% $or li/*i%ating so!e %e$inite /*estion+ Apart $ro! t&at, &e &a% b*siness e5perien#e+ It (as a #*rse $or
Aer!an" t&at, in t&e pra#ti#e o$ politi#s, t&is b*siness !an loo,e% *pon politi#s also as a b*siness *n%erta,ing an%
reg*late% &is #on%*#t a##or%ingl"+
LFran#e o##*pies t&e R*&r+ 3&at is t&ere in t&e R*&r@ Coal+ An% so Fran#e o##*pies t&e R*&r $or t&e sa,e o$ its #oal@L
3&at #o*l% #o!e !ore nat*rall" to t&e !in% o$ Herr C*no t&an t&e i%ea o$ a stri,e, (&i#& (o*l% preent t&e Fren#& $ro!
obtaining an" #oal@ An% t&ere$ore, in t&e opinion o$ Herr C*no, one %a" or ot&er t&e" (o*l% #ertainl" &ae to get o*t o$
t&e R*&r again i$ t&e o##*pation %i% not proe to be a pa"ing b*siness+ S*#& (ere appro5i!atel" t&e lines along (&i#&
t&at o*tstan%ing national states!an reasone%+ At St*ttgart an% ot&er pla#es &e spo,e to M&is people an% t&is people
be#a!e lost in a%!iration $or &i!+ O$ #o*rse t&e" nee%e% t&e )ar5ists $or t&e stri,e, be#a*se t&e (or,ers (o*l% &ae to be
t&e $irst to go on stri,e+ .o(, in t&e brain o$ a bo*rgeois states!an s*#& as C*no, a )ar5ist an% a (or,er are one an% t&e
sa!e t&ing+ T&ere$ore it (as ne#essar" to bring t&e (or,er into line (it& all t&e ot&er Aer!ans in a *nite% $ront+ One
s&o*l% &ae seen &o( t&e #o*ntenan#es o$ t&ese part" politi#ians bea!e% (it& t&e lig&t o$ t&eir !ot&1eaten bo*rgeois
#*lt*re (&en t&e great geni*s spo,e t&e (or% o$ reelation to t&e!+ Here (as a nationalist an% also a !an o$ geni*s+ At
last t&e" &a% %is#oere% (&at t&e" &a% so long so*g&t+ For no( t&e ab"ss bet(een )ar5is! an% t&e!seles #o*l% be
bri%ge% oer+ An% t&*s it be#a!e possible $or t&e pse*%o1nationalist to ape t&e Aer!an !anner an% a%opt nationalist
p&raseolog" in rea#&ing o*t t&e ingen*o*s &an% o$ $rien%s&ip to t&e internationalist traitors o$ t&eir #o*ntr"+ T&e traitor
rea%il" graspe% t&at &an%, be#a*se, 0*st as Herr C*no &a% nee% o$ t&e )ar5ist #&ie$s $or &is M*nite% $ront, t&e )ar5ist
#&ie$s nee%e% Herr C*nos !one"+ So t&at bot& parties !*t*all" bene$ite% b" t&e transa#tion+ C*no obtaine% &is *nite%
$ront, #onstit*te% o$ nationalist #&arlatans an% international s(in%lers+ An% no(, (it& t&e &elp o$ t&e !one" pai% to t&e!
b" t&e State, t&ese people (ere able to p*rs*e t&eir glorio*s !ission, (&i#& (as to %estro" t&e national e#ono!i# s"ste!+ It
(as an i!!ortal t&o*g&t, t&at o$ saing a nation b" !eans o$ a general stri,e in (&i#& t&e stri,ers (ere pai% b" t&e State+
It (as a #o!!an% t&at #o*l% be ent&*siasti#all" obe"e% b" t&e !ost in%i$$erent o$ loa$ers+
Eer"bo%" ,no(s t&at pra"ers (ill not !a,e a nation $ree+ 8*t t&at it is possible to liberate a nation b" giing *p (or, &as
"et to be proe% b" &istori#al e5perien#e+ Instea% o$ pro!oting a pai% general stri,e at t&at ti!e, an% !a,ing t&is t&e basis
o$ &is M*nite% $ront, i$ Herr C*no &a% %e!an%e% t(o &o*rs !ore (or, $ro! eer" Aer!an, t&en t&e s(in%le o$ t&e M*nite%
$ront (o*l% &ae been %ispose% o$ (it&in t&ree %a"s+ .ations %o not obtain t&eir $ree%o! b" re$*sing to (or, b*t b"
!a,ing sa#ri$i#es+
An"&o(, t&e so1#alle% passie resistan#e #o*l% not last long+ .obo%" b*t a !an entirel" ignorant o$ (ar #o*l% i!agine
t&at an ar!" o$ o##*pation !ig&t be $rig&tene% an% %rien o*t b" s*#& ri%i#*lo*s !eans+ An% "et t&is #o*l% &ae been t&e
onl" p*rpose o$ an a#tion $or (&i#& t&e #o*ntr" &a% to pa" o*t !illiar%s an% (&i#& #ontrib*te% serio*sl" to %eal*ate t&e
national #*rren#"+
O$ #o*rse t&e Fren#& (ere able to !a,e t&e!seles al!ost at &o!e in t&e R*&r basin t&e !o!ent t&e" sa( t&at s*#&
ri%i#*lo*s !eas*res (ere being a%opte% against t&e!+ T&e" &a% re#eie% t&e pres#ription %ire#tl" $ro! o*rseles o$ t&e
best (a" to bring a re#al#itrant #iil pop*lation to a sense o$ reason i$ its #on%*#t i!plie% a serio*s %anger $or t&e o$$i#ials
(&i#& t&e ar!" o$ o##*pation &a% pla#e% in a*t&orit"+ .ine "ears preio*sl" (e (ipe% o*t (it& lig&tning rapi%it" ban%s o$
8elgian $ran#s1tire*rs an% !a%e t&e #iil pop*lation #learl" *n%erstan% t&e serio*sness o$ t&e sit*ation, (&en t&e a#tiities
o$ t&ese ban%s t&reatene% grae %anger $or t&e Aer!an ar!"+ In li,e !anner i$ t&e passie resistan#e o$ t&e R*&r be#a!e
reall" %angero*s $or t&e Fren#&, t&e ar!ies o$ o##*pation (o*l% &ae nee%e% no !ore t&an eig&t %a"s to bring t&e (&ole
pie#e o$ #&il%is& nonsense to a gr*eso!e en%+ For (e !*st al(a"s go ba#, to t&e original /*estion in all t&is b*siness4
3&at (ere (e to %o i$ t&e passie resistan#e #a!e to t&e point (&ere it reall" got on t&e neres o$ o*r opponents an% t&e"
pro#ee%e% to s*ppress it (it& $or#e an% bloo%s&e%@ 3o*l% (e still #ontin*e to resist@ I$ so, t&en, $or (eal or (oe, (e (o*l%
&ae to s*b!it to a seere an% bloo%" perse#*tion+ An% in t&at #ase (e s&o*l% be $a#e% (it& t&e sa!e sit*ation as (o*l%
&ae $a#e% *s in t&e #ase o$ an a#tie resistan#e+ In ot&er (or%s, (e s&o*l% &ae to $ig&t+ T&ere$ore t&e so1#alle% passie
resistan#e (o*l% be logi#al onl" i$ s*pporte% b" t&e %eter!ination to #o!e o*t an% (age an open $ig&t in #ase o$ ne#essit"
or a%opt a ,in% o$ g*erilla (ar$are+ Aenerall" spea,ing, one *n%erta,es s*#& a str*ggle (&en t&ere is a possibilit" o$
s*##ess+ T&e !o!ent a besiege% $ortress is ta,en b" assa*lt t&ere is no pra#ti#al alternatie le$t to t&e %e$en%ers e5#ept to
s*rren%er, i$ instea% o$ probable %eat& t&e" are ass*re% t&at t&eir lies (ill be spare%+ 'et t&e garrison o$ a #ita%el (&i#&
&as been #o!pletel" en#ir#le% b" t&e ene!" on#e lose all &ope o$ being %eliere% b" t&eir $rien%s, t&en t&e strengt& o$ t&e
%e$en#e #ollapses totall"+
T&at is (&" passie resistan#e in t&e R*&r, (&en one #onsi%ers t&e $inal #onse/*en#es (&i#& it !ig&t an% !*st
ne#essaril" &ae i$ it (ere to t*rn o*t reall" s*##ess$*l, &a% no pra#ti#al !eaning *nless an a#tie $ront &a% been organi>e%
to s*pport it+ T&en one !ig&t &ae %e!an%e% i!!ense e$$orts $ro! o*r people+ I$ ea#& o$ t&ese 3estp&alians in t&e R*&r
#o*l% &ae been ass*re% t&at t&e &o!e #o*ntr" &a% !obili>e% an ar!" o$ eig&t" or a &*n%re% %iisions to s*pport t&e!,
t&e Fren#& (o*l% &ae $o*n% t&e!seles trea%ing on t&orns+ S*rel" a greater n*!ber o$ #o*rageo*s !en #o*l% be $o*n% to
sa#ri$i#e t&e!seles $or a s*##ess$*l enterprise t&an $or an enterprise t&at (as !ani$estl" $*tile+
T&is (as t&e #lassi# o##asion t&at in%*#e% *s .ational So#ialists to ta,e *p a resol*te stan% against t&e so1#alle% national
(or% o$ #o!!an%+ An% t&at is (&at (e %i%+ =*ring t&ose !ont&s I (as atta#,e% b" people (&ose patriotis! (as a
!i5t*re o$ st*pi%it" an% &*!b*g an% (&o too, part in t&e general &*e an% #r" be#a*se o$ t&e pleasant sensation t&e" $elt
at being s*%%enl" enable% to s&o( t&e!seles as nationalists, (it&o*t r*nning an" %anger t&ereb"+ In !" esti!ation, t&is
%espi#able M*nite% $ront (as one o$ t&e !ost ri%i#*lo*s t&ings t&at #o*l% be i!agine%+ An% eents proe% t&at I (as rig&t+
As soon as t&e Tra%es Unions &a% nearl" $ille% t&eir treas*ries (it& C*nos #ontrib*tions, an% t&e !o!ent &a% #o!e (&en
it (o*l% be ne#essar" to trans$or! t&e passie resistan#e $ro! a !ere inert %e$en#e into a#tie aggression, t&e Re% &"enas
s*%%enl" bro,e o*t o$ t&e national s&eep$ol% an% ret*rne% to be (&at t&e" al(a"s &a% been+ 3it&o*t so*n%ing an" %r*!s
or tr*!pets, Herr C*no ret*rne% to &is s&ips+ Aer!an" (as ri#&er b" one e5perien#e an% poorer b" t&e loss o$ one great
Up to !i%s*!!er o$ t&at "ear seeral o$$i#ers, (&o #ertainl" (ere not t&e least brae an% &ono*rable o$ t&eir ,in%, &a% not
reall" beliee% t&at t&e #o*rse o$ t&ings #o*l% ta,e a t*rn t&at (as so &*!iliating+ T&e" &a% all &ope% t&at 1 i$ not openl",
t&en at least se#retl" 1 t&e ne#essar" !eas*res (o*l% be ta,en to !a,e t&is insolent Fren#& inasion a t*rning1point in
Aer!an &istor"+ In o*r ran,s also t&ere (ere !an" (&o #o*nte% at least on t&e interention o$ t&e Rei#&s(e&r+ T&at
#oni#tion (as so ar%ent t&at it %e#isiel" in$l*en#e% t&e #on%*#t an% espe#iall" t&e training o$ inn*!erable "o*ng !en+
8*t (&en t&e %isgra#e$*l #ollapse set in an% t&e !ost &*!iliating ,in% o$ #apit*lation (as !a%e, in%ignation against s*#&
a betra"al o$ o*r *n&app" #o*ntr" bro,e o*t into a bla>e+ )illions o$ Aer!an !one" &a% been spent in ain an% t&o*san%s
o$ "o*ng Aer!ans &a% been sa#ri$i#e%, (&o (ere $oolis& eno*g& to tr*st in t&e pro!ises !a%e b" t&e r*lers o$ t&e Rei#&+
)illions o$ people no( be#a!e #learl" #onin#e% t&at Aer!an" #o*l% be sae% onl" i$ t&e (&ole preailing s"ste! (ere
%estro"e% root an% bran#&+
T&ere neer &a% been a !ore propitio*s !o!ent $or s*#& a sol*tion+ On t&e one si%e an a#t o$ &ig& treason &a% been
#o!!itte% against t&e #o*ntr", openl" an% s&a!elessl"+ On t&e ot&er si%e a nation $o*n% itsel$ %eliere% oer to %ie slo(l"
o$ &*nger+ Sin#e t&e State itsel$ &a% tro%%en %o(n all t&e pre#epts o$ $ait& an% lo"alt", !a%e a !o#,er" o$ t&e rig&ts o$ its
#iti>ens, ren%ere% t&e sa#ri$i#es o$ !illions o$ its !ost lo"al sons $r*itless an% robbe% ot&er !illions o$ t&eir last penn",
s*#& a State #o*l% no longer e5pe#t an"t&ing b*t &atre% $ro! its s*b0e#ts+ T&is &atre% against t&ose (&o &a% r*ine% t&e
people an% t&e #o*ntr" (as bo*n% to $in% an o*tlet in one $or! or anot&er+ In t&is #onne#tion I s&all /*ote &ere t&e
#on#l*%ing senten#e o$ a spee#& (&i#& I %eliere% at t&e great #o*rt trial t&at too, pla#e in t&e spring o$ 1924+
LT&e 0*%ges o$ t&is State !a" tran/*ill" #on%e!n *s $or o*r #on%*#t at t&at ti!e, b*t Histor", t&e go%%ess o$ a &ig&er tr*t&
an% a better legal #o%e, (ill s!ile as s&e tears *p t&is er%i#t an% (ill a#/*it *s all o$ t&e #ri!e $or (&i#& t&is er%i#t
%e!an%s p*nis&!ent+L
8*t Histor" (ill t&en also s*!!on be$ore its o(n trib*nal t&ose (&o, ineste% (it& po(er to1%a", &ae tra!ple% on la(
an% 0*sti#e, #on%e!ning o*r people to !iser" an% r*in, an% (&o, in t&e &o*r o$ t&eir #o*ntr"s !is$ort*ne, too, !ore
a##o*nt o$ t&eir o(n ego t&an o$ t&e li$e o$ t&e #o!!*nit"+
Here I s&all not relate t&e #o*rse o$ eents (&i#& le% to .oe!ber 9t&, 1922, an% #lose% (it& t&at %ate+ I s&all not %o so
be#a*se I #annot see t&at t&is (o*l% sere an" bene$i#ial p*rpose in t&e $*t*re an% also be#a*se no goo% #o*l% #o!e o$
opening ol% sores t&at &ae been 0*st onl" #lose%+ )oreoer, it (o*l% be o*t o$ pla#e to tal, abo*t t&e g*ilt o$ !en (&o
per&aps in t&e %ept&s o$ t&eir &earts &ae as !*#& loe $or t&eir people as I !"sel$, an% (&o !erel" %i% not $ollo( t&e
sa!e roa% as I too, or $aile% to re#ogni>e it as t&e rig&t one to ta,e+
In t&e $a#e o$ t&e great !is$ort*ne (&i#& &as be$allen o*r $at&erlan% an% a$$e#ts all *s, I !*st abstain $ro! o$$en%ing an%
per&aps %is*niting t&ose !en (&o !*st at so!e $*t*re %ate $or! one great *nite% $ront (&i#& (ill be !a%e *p o$ tr*e an%
lo"al Aer!ans an% (&i#& (ill &ae to (it&stan% t&e #o!!on $ront presente% b" t&e ene!" o$ o*r people+ For I ,no( t&at
a ti!e (ill #o!e (&en t&ose (&o t&en treate% *s as ene!ies (ill enerate t&e !en (&o tro% t&e bitter (a" o$ %eat& $or t&e
sa,e o$ t&eir people+
I &ae %e%i#ate% t&e $irst ol*!e o$ t&is boo, to o*r eig&teen $allen &eroes+ Here at t&e en% o$ t&is se#on% ol*!e let !e
again bring t&ose !en to t&e !e!or" o$ t&e a%&erents an% #&a!pions o$ o*r i%eals, as &eroes (&o, in t&e $*ll
#ons#io*sness o$ (&at t&e" (ere %oing, sa#ri$i#e% t&eir lies $or *s all+ 3e !*st neer $ail to re#all t&ose na!es in or%er to
en#o*rage t&e (ea, an% (aering a!ong *s (&en %*t" #alls, t&at %*t" (&i#& t&e" $*l$ille% (it& absol*te $ait&, een to its
e5tre!e #onse/*en#es+ Toget&er (it& t&ose, an% as one o$ t&e best o$ all, I s&o*l% li,e to !ention t&e na!e o$ a !an (&o
%eote% &is li$e to rea(a,ening &is an% o*r people, t&ro*g& &is (riting an% &is i%eas an% $inall" t&ro*g& positie a#tion+ I
!ean4 =ietri#& E#,art+

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