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Team Project: Funding Faculty Salary Increases

at Riggleman-Johnson College
Jennifer Riggleman
Kelli Johnson
LS !"
S#ring $%!!
Presented to &r' &' (nderson
Riggleman-Johnson College was established as Riggleman-Johnson Seminary in 1850
as a private secondary school or women interested in urthering their education but
who were denied entrance to most established colleges and universities because o their
gender! "o other such seminaries were available to the women o #est $irginia at the
time! In 1%00& the 'oard o (overnors changed the organi)ation*s name rom
Riggleman-Johnson Seminary to Riggleman-Johnson +eachers* College to relect the
changing emphasis rom a one o e,panding educational opportunities or women in
#est $irginia to one o preparing women or the teaching vocation ater completing
their studies! In 1%-.& Riggleman-Johnson +eachers* College became Riggleman
Johnson College /RJC0!
+he 'oard o Riggleman-Johnson College has agreed with the aculty*s concern about
aculty salaries! Research has shown that salaries at the RJC are 112 below the mar3et
yet will remain constant! 4 committee was ormed to resolve the issue and determine
how to budget or the 112 increase to aculty salaries over the ne,t ten years!
Interestingly& the two lead committee members are relatives o the original College
4t present& Riggleman-Johnson College oers a variety o undergraduate degrees in the
5iberal 4rts! 6rograms include7
8ducation7 8lementary /9--0& Secondary /5-1:0
6sychology and ;uman Services
#hile the Criminology& 8ducation& 8nglish& ;istory& 6sychology and Sociology
programs have higher enrollment and can continue to be sustained& the Religion and
Spanish degree programs have very low enrollment< Religion and Spanish have 1 and 5
declared ma=ors respectively!
RJC& as a >ivision II school& also has both ?en*s and #omen*s athletic teams! ?en*s
teams include baseball& bas3etball& cross country& gol& soccer& swimming& trac3 and
tennis! #omen*s teams include bas3etball& cross country& soccer& sotball& swimming&
tennis and volleyball!
?ost o RJC*s athletic teams do well at the local level though none have perormed
well at the regional or national level in years! +he 4thletic teams do generate revenue
through tic3et and product sales and are sel-sustaining!
+he operating iscal budget or RJC totals @50 million! %02 o revenue generation
comes rom 1 primary sources A Student tuition and ees A :%2& State appropriations A
:-2& grants and contracts A 182& and sales and services A including housing and
athletics A 152! /'udget Impact Bacts& :00%0 ?a=or categories o e,pense include
employee salaries and beneits A 5:2! Cperation and maintenance account or :02 o
budget! Student housing& dining hall& etc& account or .2& and inormation technology
accounts or D2! RJC*s administrative costs total appro,imately 102 o the total
operating budget /#ashington SEuare Biscal :010 'udget& :0100! 4thletics are sel-
supporting& but do contribute to the overall budget o the university by contributing a
portion o the revenue produced! Cnly -2 o >ivision II schools without a ootball
program showed revenue e,ceeding e,penses in :001 /'rieing 6aper Bive7 BreEuently
4s3ed Fuesitons about "C44 statistics& :0080! So& only a small portion o total revenue
is generated rom the athletic department!
In a study done rom :00%-:010& 1&111 institutions were surveyed on their aculty
raises in the preceding year! +here was a :!.2 increase in inlation over the course o
that year& and the results o the survey showed that two-thirds o those institutions
surveyed gave aculty pay cuts& no raises& or a less than :2 increase in salary /June&
:0100! RJC is striving to beat the norm and compensate their aculty at a competitive
wage in order to retain good instructors and not lose them to higher paying competitors!
Currently& the aculty salaries at RJC are running about 112 below the averages o other
aculty members o comparable institutions! +he administration is loo3ing to increase
their salaries to get them to be more competitive with these institutions! Cne o the
primary ways that this can be accomplished& in order to reach that level in the ne,t 10
years is to cut underperorming programs! +he Spanish and Religion departments do
not have enough ma=ors to warrant 3eeping the programs! +hose students currently in
the programs will be allowed to continue& but no new ma=ors will be brought in rom this
point on! +his will mean losing - aculty members& and will provide a -2 savings that
can go toward increasing other aculty salaries and will cause a decrease in e,penditures
o those programs as well& or an additional :2 savings! +wo aculty members will be
let go this year& two ne,t year and two the year ater that until all students in the
programs have graduated! +he ull -2 savings will come at the end o the D years as well
as the :2 savings in costs or those programs!
Since the athletic program is mostly sel-suicient& there is only a small portion o the
athletic budget that goes into the general budget that could potentially assist in payment
o aculty wages! +he administration at RJC intends to as3 or an increase o =ust 12
rom athletics to come into the general budget and that money will go directly toward
aculty salary increases! 4thletic administrators had previously been tal3ing about
ending the men*s trac3 and ield team due to lac3 o revenue generated by them! +hey
are unable to cut any o the women*s teams due to +itle IG! +itle IG loo3s at the athletic
program Has a wholeI& and does not separate men*s rom women*s teams& but reEuires
schools to provide eEual opportunities or both genders! /6roviding 8Eual
Cpportunities in 4thletics& :0050 5osing the men*s trac3 and ield team will provide
the athletic department with a total o 12 o their total budget& which is ample
compensation or the 12 increase in giving to the general und& as well as D2 or them to
use at their discretion!
+he school year :00.-:008 saw the largest graduating class rom 4merican high
schools since 1%.%! +his increase in high school graduation will ultimately lead to an
increase in attendance at institutions o higher learning! /Jnprecedented 8nrollment
(rowth 0! 9nowing these pro=ections& the administration has orecasted an increase o
.2 growth in enrollment at RJC over the ne,t 10 years& and will be wor3ing closely with
the admissions department to reach this goal! 52 o the revenue generated rom this
increase will go toward increasing aculty salaries& completing the goal o 112 increase
over a 10 year period! -2 will come rom cutting the Spanish and Religion programs&
:2 rom cost saved by not having those programs& 12 rom an increase in contributions
rom the athletic department as they stop the men*s trac3 and ield team& and the other
52 rom an increase in revenue generated by an increase in enrollment!
RJC can oer their aculty a 112 pay increase to 3eep salaries in line with the mar3et!
Cuts will have to be made in programming and enrollment must continue to grow! +he
cuts discussed above will be permanent! >ue to the increasing numbers o high school
graduates as well as the aging o the 9-1: teachers in the area which will result in larger
numbers o students going in to the teaching proession to ill the void& increases in
enrollment at RJC are e,pected!
4ttachment 47
RJC 'udget
Riggleman-Johnson College
BK :010-11 'udget
)#erating re*enues:
Student +uition and
Bees /net o
Bederal (rants and
State (rants and
5ocal and 6rivate
(rants and Contracts
Total )#erating
)ther Re*enues
Cther operating
Total )ther
Total Re*enues 50&000&000@
)#erating +,#enses
Salaries and #ages DD&000&000@
'eneits %&000&000
Supplies and Cther
5iability and 6roperty
Jtilities 1&000&000
Total Current
(dditional Lia-ilities
Scholarships and
Bunded >epreciation
and Cperational
Cther Cperating
Total (dditional D&000&000@
Total Lia-ilities 5-&500&000@
Cperating IncomeLloss --&500&000
.ono#erating re*enues:
State 4ppropriations D&500&000@
Bederal 6ell (rants 850&000
(its 150&000
Investment Income :&000&000
Total )#erating
4ttachment '7
Riggleman-Johnson College budget narrative and line item descriptions
Cperating revenues
1! Student tuition and ees7 +here are currently D000 students enrolled at RJC!
:! Bederal grants and contracts7 RJC has current contracts with the "ational Crime
Inormation Center /"CIC0 in Clar3sburg /Criminology >epartment0 and grants rom
the J!S! >epartment o 8ducation /8ducation >epartment0 and the 4ppalachian
Regional Commission /Sociology >epartment0
D! State grants and contracts7 +he College has various grants and contracts through
the state
1! 5ocal and private grants and contracts7 +he 8ducation department is wor3ing in
con=unction with the local school system developing an ater school program

Cther revenues
1! Cther operating revenues

Cperating e,penses
1! Salaries and wages7 +his includes salaries and wages or the 110 aculty and sta!
:! 'eneits7 +his includes unemployment compensation& employer contribution to
BIC4& lie insurance& health insurance& retirement!
D! Supplies and other services7 oice and program supplies& contracted services&
computer maintenance& travel e,penses& training and education!
1! 5iability and property insurance7 sel e,planatory
5! Jtilities7 telephone& water& sewer& electric& building supplies and maintenance&
4dditional liabilities
1! Scholarships and ellowships7 scholarships and ellowships are awarded on a case
by case merit basis! 4t least one scholarship is awarded in each program area!
:! Bunded depreciation and operational reserves7
D! Cther operating e,penses7
"on-operating revenues
1! State appropriations7 State appropriations account or only !0. o the total budget
:! Bederal 6ell grants7 4ppro,imately -D2 o students have demonstrated inancial
need and have received 6ell grants!
D! (its7 >ue to the current economic situation& gits have declined in recent years
1! Investment income7 >ue to the current economic situation& investment income
has declined in recent years
'rieing 6aper Bive7 BreEuentlyh 4s3ed Fuesitons about "C44 statistics! /:008&
>ecember 1%0! Retrieved
?arch 10& :011& rom #omen Sports Boundation7
'udget Impact Bacts! /:00%0! Retrieved ?arch 10& :011& rom Clemson Jniversity7
(oldstein& 5! /:0050! College & University Budgeting: An introduction for faculty and
academic administrators /Drd ed!0! #ashington& >C7 "4CJ'C!
June& 4! #! /:010& 4pril 100! 6roessorsN 6ay Rises 1!:2& 5owest Increase in 50 Kears!
Retrieved ?arch 15&
:011& rom Chronicle o ;igher 8ducation7 http7LLchronicle!comLarticleLBaculty-
?arshall Jniversity 4cademic 4airs! /:0100! Spring Retreat 2010!
Cice o the >irector o 'udget! /n!d!0! In Marsall University Budget !" 2010#2011!
Retrieved ?arch 18& :011& rom http7LLwww!marshall!eduLinanceL'J>(8+11!pd
6roviding 8Eual Cpportunities in 4thletics! /:005& 4pril0! Retrieved ?arch 1-& :011&
rom ?innesota
State ;igh School 5eague7
Jnprecedented 8nrollment (rowth ! /n!d!0! Retrieved ?arch 1-& :011& rom
#ashington SEuare Biscal :010 'udget! /:0100! Retrieved ?arch 10& :011& rom "ew
Kor3 Jniversity7

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