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2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.

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Four Strategi es for
Increasi ng Earned
Authori ty

by Curtis N. Bingham

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
Four Strategi es for I ncreasi ng Earned
Authori ty

Curti s N. Bi ngham
Founder and Executi ve Di rector
Chi ef Customer Offi cer Counci l
cottls 8loqbom ls tbe wotlJs fotemost ootbotlty oo tbe costomet-ceottlc otqoolzotloo. ne wos tbe fltst to ptomote
tbe tole of cblef costomet offlcet os o cotolyst fot competltlve oJvootoqe. ne ls tbe cteotot of tbe fltst ccO
kooJmop ooJ tbe costomet ceottlclty Mototlty MoJel. ne ls tbe foooJet of tbe cblef costomet Offlcet cooocll, o
powetfol ooJ lotlmote qotbetloq of tbe wotlJs leoJloq costomet execotlves. As oo lotetootloool speoket, ootbot,
ooJ coosoltoot, cottls ls posslooote oboot cteotloq costomet sttoteqy to sostoloobly qtow teveooe, ptoflt, ooJ

1here are Lhree Lypes of execuLlve AuLhorlLy: oslLlonal, 8orrowed, and Larned (Lhe 8lngham CCC
AuLhorlLy Model ls fully dlscussed ln 1be 8loqbom AJvlsoty. lowetfol lofloeoce oo costomet ceottlclty,
see below). ln Lhls arLlcle, l focus on Larned AuLhorlLy and some of Lhe sLraLegles CCCs can employ Lo
lncrease lL.
oslLlonal AuLhorlLy doesn'L change. 8orrowed AuLhorlLy may have a llmlLed llfespan. 1he remalnlng
AuLhorlLy ls earned Lhrough a susLalned hlsLory of dellverlng poslLlve, vlslble resulLs for cusLomers LhaL
also beneflL Lhe buslness, and by provlng Lo oLher execuLlves Lhe buslness value of acLlng ln Lhe
cusLomer's besL lnLeresL. 1here are four ways Lo earn AuLhorlLy, dlscussed below.
Own Customer Insight and Inject it into Strategic Discussions
1he CCC's value ls ln lnLerpreLlng daLa and devlslng sLraLegy buL noL necessarlly ln ownlng cusLomer
daLa, as Lhls can be a Llme-consumlng dlsLracLlon from Lhe real CCC value. CCCs musL be Lhe deflnlLlve
AuLhorlLy on cusLomer needs, wanLs, and deslres and accuraLely represenL cusLomers ln sLraLeglc
declslons balanced, of course, wlLh buslness needs.
Cwn and manage Lhe hlghesL prlorlLy cusLomer lnslghL gaLherlng processes
uevelop a defenslble meLhodology Lo annually ldenLlfy Lhe Lop 10 cusLomer dlssaLlsflers across
producL llnes and buslness unlLs
1ell Lhe cusLomer sLory
lnvlLe cusLomers Lo Lell Lhelr sLorles aL all levels

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
MonlLor soclal medla

Build Relationships With Peers, Employees, Management, Customers, And
Outside Influencers
8y deflnlLlon, Larned AuLhorlLy resulLs from Lhe recognlLlon of Lhe value of Lhe CCC's efforLs. MosL CCCs
do noL own all cusLomer-faclng resources and musL lead by lnfluenclng relaLlonshlps. 1hese relaLlonshlps
help drlve cusLomer cenLrlclLy LhroughouL Lhe organlzaLlon and change Lhe buslness landscape.
CreaLe a closed-loop Lrlage, escalaLlon, and lssue resoluLlon process
8ecrulL unllkely Allles"
Share loyalLy survey lnslghLs ln a speclal prevlew wlLh execuLlves
CreaLe Peroes"
8ecome an lnLernal consulLanL Lo oLher deparLmenLs
Launch a cusLomer LargeLlng and acqulslLlon program
Pelp overcome sales reslsLance
CreaLe a cusLomer reference and referral program
uevelop your personal" CCC brand Lo push your corporaLe brand

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
Engage Employees
1he CCC cannoL afford Lo be Lhe only cusLomer champlon. All employees musL be acLlvely engaged as
parL of a pervaslve, cusLomer-cenLrlc culLure so as Lo ensure LhaL cusLomer needs are conslsLenLly and
proflLably meL. LngagemenL can mean someLhlng as slmple as employees undersLandlng lndlvldual
lmpacL on cusLomers or employees acLlvely seeklng Lo undersLand and dellver more for cusLomers. Pow
can Lhe CCC besL engage employees ln Lhe servlce of cusLomers?
ldenLlfy Lhe characLerlsLlcs of sLrongly cusLomer-cenLrlc and hlghly producLlve employees and
provlde Lhese Lo P8 and hlrlng managers as screenlng and hlrlng crlLerla
arLlclpaLe ln new-hlre orlenLaLlon, seL Lhe sLandards and creaLe Lhe cusLomer-cenLrlc culLure
from Lhe ouLseL
Make expllclL Lhe lmpacL every employee has on cusLomers
8ecognlze and reward deslred behavlors
lnvolve employees ln cusLomer problem solvlng
Measure employee engagemenL
Measure conLrlbuLlon Lo cusLomer loyalLy aL Lhe lndlvldual employee level
Demonstrate Results
CCCs need Lo demonsLraLe and publlclze Lhelr resulLs ln order Lo earn greaLer AuLhorlLy. Cf parLlcular
lmporLance ls Lhe correlaLlon wlLh revenue and proflLs. Cracle's CCC found LhaL Cracle's mosL engaged
cusLomers generaLe 33 greaLer revenue Lhan slmllar cusLomers who are noL as engaged ln cusLomer
programs. AnoLher CCC found LhaL exLremely loyal cusLomers were flve Llmes more llkely Lo repurchase,
and LhaL by movlng 1 of Lhelr cusLomers lnLo Lhls Lop loyalLy box, Lhe company generaLed an addlLlonal
$33.3M ln annual lncremenLal revenue. AnoLher low-cosL alrllne found LhaL a one polnL nS score
lncrease generaLes beLween $3M and $8M. 1hese daLa are exLremely powerful. 1hey draw a clear llne
from CCC lnlLlaLlves Lo lncreased revenue and demonsLraLe lnarguable resulLs. 1here are a number of
ways Lo gaLher and demonsLraLe resulLs
CreaLe meanlngful meLrlcs and leadlng lndlcaLors correlaLed wlLh revenue or proflLablllLy
Cwn Lhe measuremenL/analysls process
locus on loyalLy drlvers. use facLor analyses Lo dlscover Lhe llnchplns LhaL have Lhe greaLesL
lmpacL on loyalLy
locus on mlLlgaLors Lo loyalLy drlvers
CreaLe a markeLlng communlcaLlons plan and soclallze Lhe resulLs aL all levels

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
lncreaslng AuLhorlLy Lo solve cusLomer lssues, drlve cusLomer cenLrlclLy, and Lhereby creaLe susLalnable
buslness growLh needs Lo be a core sLraLegy of every CCC who doesn'L wlsh Lo relegaLe Lhe Lenure of
hls/her role Lo chance.
1he 8lngham CCC AuLhorlLy Model ls a powerful Lool for guldlng your sLraLegy Lo galn and lncrease
power and lnfluence wlLhln your organlzaLlon. lor more lnformaLlon on Lhls Loplc or Lo dlscuss your
goals Lo lncrease your AuLhorlLy, conLacL CurLls 8lngham aL Lhe address below.

copytlqbt Notlce. All conLenL conLalned ln Lhls arLlcle ls copyrlghL proLecLed maLerlal. 8eproducLlon, ln whole or ln parL, ln any
form or medlum, wlLhouL Lhe express wrlLLen permlsslon of Lhe Chlef CusLomer Cfflcer Councll ls sLrlcLly prohlblLed.
1hls arLlcle ls excerpLed from 1be 8loqbom AJvlsoty. lowetfol lofloeoce oo costomet ceottlclty, avallable for free download
from Lhe CCC Councll webslLe aL: hLLp://

2013 Predictive Consulting Group, Inc.
All rights reserved. Reproduction prohibited.
1he flrsL Lo promoLe Lhe role of chlef cusLomer offlcer (CCC) as caLalysL for
compeLlLlve advanLage, CurLls ls recognlzed as Lhe world's foremosL auLhorlLy on
CCCs. Pe ls founder and LxecuLlve ulrecLor of Lhe Chlef CusLomer Cfflcer
Councll` and creaLor of Lhe CCC 8oadmap and Lhe CusLomer CenLrlclLy MaLurlLy
Model: groundbreaklng, proprleLary works LhaL asslsL companles achleve
cusLomer cenLrlc culLure and revenue growLh. CurLls ls a champlon of cusLomer
engagemenL as a crlLlcal growLh englne and flrsL Lo ldenLlfy engagemenL as Lhe
nexL evoluLlonary sLep beyond loyalLy. An lnLernaLlonal speaker, auLhor, and
consulLanL, CurLls ls passlonaLe abouL creaLlng powerful cusLomer sLraLegles and
LrusLed for hls buslness acumen, acLlonable lnslghLs, and commlLmenL Lo
measurable buslness resulLs.
1he CCC Councll ls a powerful and lnLlmaLe gaLherlng of Lhe world's
leadlng cusLomer execuLlves from wldely dlverse lndusLrles. 1he
Councll helps execuLlves achleve ob[ecLlves fasLer and more easlly by
leveraglng besL pracLlces. lL helps valldaLe and reflne sLraLegles and
lnlLlaLlves Lo avold experlmenLlng aL cusLomer expense. Membershlp
ls by lnvlLaLlon only, and purposefully cross-polllnaLed wlLh Lhe mosL
forward-Lhlnklng companles, large and small, so as Lo help cusLomer
execuLlves dellver solld, cusLomer-cenLrlc buslness resulLs. lor more
lnformaLlon, emall lnfo[ or call 978-226-8673.

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%&'()*+, ./*,+(/0( &/ 1+23&4() 1(/3)50536 - ln addlLlon Lo Lhree Lypes of
auLhorlLy, Lhls 75/89:4 ;<=52&)6 provldes you wlLh:
llve ways Lo borrow greaLer auLhorlLy
lour ways Lo earn greaLer auLhorlLy
Speclflc examples of each meLhod
Learn Lhe Llme-LesLed besL pracLlces of leadlng senlor cusLomer execuLlves
LhaL you can begln Lo lmplemenL and apply Loday!
uowolooJ yoot ftee copy toJoy ot
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CCC Councll neLwork

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