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Kundalini Awakening

Process of Kundalini Awakening (click pictures)
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Secret of S&iva and S&akti (1$2( min/sec!
)indu (1* seconds!
"undalini +wakening (46 seconds!
+udio ,odcast$ -&e Secret of S&iva and S&akti
Kundalini is innate for all people$ +t t&e .ase of t&e spine/ su.tler t&an t&e p&0sical
.od0/ lies t&e "undalini energ0/ or spiritual energ0/ in a latent form1 2egardless of w&at
religious/ spiritual/ or meditation tradition one follows/ t&e awakening of t&is energ0/ .0
w&atever name 0ou call it/ is a most innate and essential part of spiritual advancement/
unfoldment/ or reali3ation1
All Yoga is Kundalini Yoga$ 4&ile some people use a specific terminolog0 5"undalini
6oga5 for certain practices/ all of 6oga actuall0 leads to t&e activation of "undalini1 -&us/ in
a sense/ all of 6oga is "undalini 6oga/ regardless of w&et&er 0ou use t&at specific name1
+wakening kundalini and leading it to union wit& t&e +.solute is t&e goal of t&e Himala0an
sages and t&e pat& of 6oga/ 7edanta/ and -antra1
See also t&e article$
)indu$ ,innacle of 6oga/ 7edanta and -antra
Stages in Kundalini Awakening$ -&e grap&ics a.ove displa0 t&e seven ma8or c&akras
(section 95!/ t&e left and rig&t energies of #da and ,ingala (section 91!/ and t&e Sus&umna
nadi/ t&e central c&annel t&at courses t&roug& t&e c&akras (Sus&umna is sometimes called
5silver cord5!1 -&e si grap&ics visuall0 represent t&e process of "undalini +wakening1
Clicking on eac& of t&e si grap&ics will move 0ou t&roug& eplanations of t&e stages1 +lso/
t&ere is an inde for t&e contents of t&ese pages1 -&e si stages are$
1. ,rana usuall0 flow in #da or ,ingala
2. ,rana is made to flow in #da and ,ingala
3. ,rana is made to flow in Sus&umna
4. "undalini energ0 is awakened
5. "undalini is lead upwards
6. "undalini rises to Sa&asrara
Number of stages in Kundalini Awakening$ -&ere is not&ing especiall0 significant a.out t&is "undalini +wakening in six stages (t&e si grap&ics!/ as opposed to some
ot&er it is simpl0 a convenient wa0 to eplain t&e process1 -&e simplest wa0 of t&e entire process is in threestages$
11 +wakening/ opening/ or appl0ing Sus&umna
21 +wakening "undalini
31 "undalini arising to t&e crown C&akra/ Sa&asrara
One energy wit many names and forms$ -&ere is one energ0 (S&akti! t&at keeps
taking on new s&apes and forms1 ;ac& time t&e energ0 takes on a new form/ we give it a
new name1 See t&e article "undalini/ S&akti/ and a 2iver for an eplanation of t&ese names
and forms1
Si!a and Sakti$ -antra considers t&e universe to .e a manifestation of pure
consciousness1 -&roug& t&is process of manifesting/ consciousness divides itself into two
parts/ w&ic&/ t&oug& seeming to .e separate/ cannot eist wit&out one anot&er1
Si!a remains as a static/ formless <ualit01
Sakti is a d0namic/ creative aspect1
-&e Secret of S&iva and S&akti$
Science and pysics$ %odern science also considers t&ese two forms of energ0/ t&oug&
viewing t&em in different wa0s1 Science includes/ for eample/ potential energ0 and kinetic
energ0 (t&e energ0 of motion!/ recogni3ing t&at t&e0 are .ot& manifestations of t&e same
underl0ing energ01 -antra t&e unification of all as t&e pouring out of t&e energ0 of
consciousness t&roug& t&e manifestation of t&e static (S&iva! t&roug& a veiling and
pro8ecting process (S&akti!/ creating t&e levels of t&e universe1 +t t&e p&0sical level/
modern p&0sics also seeks to find a unif0ing source/ and is in t&e process of eplaining t&is
unification t&roug& <uark and string t&eories1
"ike ink and te word$ S&iva and S&akti are insepara.le and coeist/ like ink and
t&e written word/ w&ic&/ t&oug& one and t&e same/ are different1 4it& one pen of ink/ man0
different words or images can .e manifested/ alt&oug& t&ere remains onl0 one container
(pen! of ink1 #t is t&at creative process of manifestation t&at makes t&e ink appear to &ave
different forms and meaning from one word to t&e net1 4&en 0ou write different words/ or
draw .ot& a circle and a s<uare/ 0ou &ave not created a single ink molecule/ .ut &ave onl0
rearranged t&e eisting molecules/ creating t&e appearance of different words or forms1 #t
remains eactl0 w&at it was in t&e first place/ w&ic& is ink1 -&is is not negative or merel0
intellectuall0 reductionistic/ .ut is a most awesome/ .eautiful process1 Similarl0/ t&e
unmanifest S&iva can manifest into countless forms t&roug& t&e creative appearance of
S&akti1 Simple metap&ors suc& as ink and written word can .e etremel0 useful to
contemplate on/ so as to understand t&e principle of t&e oneappearing to .e two/ and &ow
t&ese two dance toget&er to form t&e elegant compleit0 of manifest realit01
#xperiencing teir union$ -&e 8ourne0 of -antra and "undalini 6oga leads to "undalini
+wakening and to t&e reali3ation of t&e +.solute/ w&ere t&ese two apparentl0 different
aspects of manifestation are eperienced in t&eir original union1 6oga means union/ or
8oining/ and t&is union of t&e static and t&e d0namic is t&e meaning of 6oga (see also 6oga
Sutras/ particularl0 sutras 111=114/ w&ic& define 6oga!1 -&roug& t&e process of going ever
deeper or &ig&er in practices relating to 0our own constitution/ one repeatedl0 comes to see
t&e wa0 in w&ic& seemingl0 different realities and self=identities are onl0 apparent/ and t&at
manifestation is t&e mere pla0 of t&e creative aspect of S&akti wit& t&e static aspect of
$oncepts of Si!a and Sakti$ +s wit& man0 principles of realit0/ some religious people
and traditions conceptuali3e S&iva and S&akti as ant&ropomorp&ic deities/ w&ile ot&ers view
t&e two as principles and processes of t&e universe1 #n eit&er case/ t&e 8ourne0 of "undalini
+wakening is an inner eperience/ going from gross to su.tle/ to su.tler/ and su.tle most/
to one>s own center of consciousness/ .0 w&atever name 0ou c&oose to call t&at1 #n t&is
article/ S&iva and S&akti are seen to .e t&e two principles and processes of static and
d0namic/ as noted several paragrap&s a.ove1
See also t&e article$
Secret of S&iva and S&akti
%eaning of kunda and kundala$ Kunda means .owl/ or cave/ and refers to t&e .owl of
fire of consciousness resting in t&e first c&akra at t&e .ase of t&e spine1Lini refers to t&at
w&ic& resides in t&at .owl1 Kundala means coiled/ as t&e S&akti forms in a coil t&ere1
%eaning of sak$ -&e word shak is t&e root word of S&akti/ and means to be able/ or to
have power1 Hence/ "undalini S&akti is t&e power of consciousness t&at is coiled in a latent
form/ in t&e .ase of t&e spine1
#xternal and internal practice$ ?or t&ose w&o are lesser prepared/ t&e pat& of eternal
practices (.a&i0a0ag! is preferred/ w&ic& ma0 include eternal forms of rituals or s0m.olic
gestures1 ?or t&ose w&o are prepared/ t&e pat& of internal practices (antar0ag! is availa.le/
w&ic& involves making t&e mind one=pointed and doing introspection1
Kaula& misra& and samaya tantra$ -&e t&ree sc&ools of tantra are kaula/ mis&ra/ and
sama0a1 -&e kaula sc&ool starts wit& t&e lower c&akras/ and involves eternal practices1
-&e mis&ra sc&ool also works wit& eternal practices/ and emp&asi3es t&e central c&akras1
-&e sama0a sc&ool is t&e &ig&est/ emp&asi3ing t&e upper c&akras1 #t involves no eternal
practices/ focusing onl0 on t&e inner (antar0ag! practices1 (-&e -antra practice of 6oga
@idra is etremel0 effective in opening/ .alancing and purif0ing t&e c&akras1 See also t&e
page t&e6oga @idra C'1!
'egulating te primiti!e inclinations$ )efore treading t&e later stages of "undalini
+wakening/ it is ver0 important to manage t&e .asic urges1 At&erwise/ t&e surge of energ0
ma0 not .e &andled ver0 well1 -&is means regulating t&e four primitive fountains of food/
sleep/ se/ and self=preservation1
Spontaneous Kundalini Awakening$ -&e approac& of t&ese writings is to descri.e t&e
s0stematic process of intentional "undalini +wakening1 However/ it ma0 also come
spontaneousl0 to people w&o &ave done no intentional practices1 Ane ma0 argue t&at
spontaneous awakening ma0 .e coming as a result of previous practices t&at are not
remem.ered/ .ut in eit&er case t&e perception of t&e individual ma0 .e t&at not&ing was
done to .ring forward t&e eperience1
(ntegrating te effects$ 2egardless of w&et&er "undalini +wakening comes spontaneousl0
or t&roug& practices/ t&ere ma0 .e some amount of time and effort needed to integrate t&e
effects of suc& eperiences into t&e .od0 and personalit01 #t is a time w&en sta.ili3ing
actions are important/ including dail0 eercise/ &ig& <ualit0 food/ regular sleep patterns/ and
&ealt&0 relations&ips wit& ot&er people1 'uring t&is time is ver0 useful to .e around
someone w&o &as knowledge of t&is process/ and &as eperienced it personall01
Preparation is most important$ ,reparation is muc& more important t&an t&e practices of
"undalini +wakening t&emselves1 #f one skips t&e .asics and t&e preparation of .od0/
.reat&/ and mind/ t&en t&e surge of energ0 can .e more disruptive t&an .eneficial1 #n t&e
Himala0an tradition 6oga/ 7edanta/ and -antrago toget&er/ wit& a solid foundation .eing
.uilt first1 -&e practices of 6oga @idraand .&uta s&udd&i (c&akra meditation! can .e <uite
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)) Prana usually flows in (da or Pingala
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*)+ Prana normally flows in eiter (da or Pingala$ Aur kundalini energ0 s0stem is
usuall0 more active in eit&er t&e left or rig&t sides/ w&ic& are t&e #da and ,ingala1 Af t&e
t&ousands of energ0 c&annels (nadis!/ t&ree are most important$ #da/ ,ingala/ and
Sus&umna (sometimes called 5silver cord5!/ w&ic& is t&e central c&annel/ and t&e most
Solar and lunar breats$ -&e .reat& and t&e underl0ing energ0/ or ,rana/ usuall0 flow
predominantl0 on one side or ot&er/ t&e left or t&e rig&t1 )reat& predominantl0 in t&e left
nostril is descri.ed as cool/ and sometimes referred to as feminine1 -&e flow of ,rana on t&e
left is t&e lunar/ and is called Ida1 )reat& flowing predominantl0 in t&e rig&t nostril is
descri.ed as &ot/ and sometimes referred to as masculine1 -&e flow of ,rana on t&e rig&t is
t&e solar/ and is calledPingala1
Nostril dominance sifts$ Bsuall0 we .elieve t&at we are .reat&ing t&roug& .ot& nostrils/
alt&oug& .reat& is normall0 dominant in one or t&e ot&er1 -&e dominance s&ifts from time
to time during t&e da01 ?or one wit& a well .alanced .od0 and mind/ t&at s&ift of nostril
dominance &appens approimatel0 once in ninet0 minutes1 ?or ot&er people/ t&e s&ift ma0
.e muc& different1 Sometimes one can .e so off .alance t&at one nostril remains dominant/
w&ic& is a s0mptom of some p&0sical/ mental/ or emotional difficulties1
Prana is te first energy$ -&e word ,rana comes from two roots1 Pra means first/
and na is t&e smallest unit of energ01 ,rana is t&erefore t&e first .reat&/ t&e primal or
atomic .eginning of t&e flow of energ01 Aut of t&is first unit of energ0 manifests all aspects
and levels of t&e &uman .eing1 #t is one and t&e same wit& kundalini s&akti1
Prana flows in nadis$ -&at kundalini/ manifesting as ,rana flows in certain patterns/ or
lines/ or c&annels t&at are called nadis1 -&ere are said to .e some C2/((( suc& nadis
coursing t&roug& t&e su.tle .od0 t&at supports t&e p&0sical .od0 and its various s0stems1
4&en t&e ,rana flows across t&e latent impressions/ t&e0 spring to life in t&e form of
awareness in t&e conscious mind/ in t&e p&0sical .od0 and .rain1
(ntersections of te nadis are cakras$ 4&en kundalini manifests outward/ t&ose
t&ousands of nadis intersect &ere and t&ere/ forming t&e matri of t&e su.tle .od01 -&e
ma8or intersections are called c&akras (section 95!/ and t&e five elements of eart&/ water/
fire/ air/ and space manifest around t&ese so as to form t&e gross .od01 Aften/ we speak of
c&akras as if t&e0 are in t&e .od01 +ctuall0/ t&is is somew&at .ackwards1 #t is more like t&e
.od0 &as .een suspended on t&e su.tle c&akras/ wit& t&ese c&akras .eing formed or
constructed .0 t&e ma8or &ig&wa0 intersections of t&e nadis/ w&ic& are none ot&er t&an
kundalini s&akti1
$aduceus of medicine$ -&e caduceus is t&e s0m.ol of
medicine1 -&e root meaning of medicine or medicate means
attention/ w&ic& is also t&e root of meditation1 -&us/ we &ave
attending p&0sicians/ and we pa0 attention in meditation1
-&e caduceus is a winged staff/ wit& two serpents/ and is
carried .0 t&e Dreek god/ Hermes/ w&o is said to .e t&e messenger of t&e
Dods1 -oget&er/ #da and ,ingala form t&e snakes of t&e caduceus/ w&ile
Sus&umna forms t&e staff1 -&e snakes intersect at t&e c&akras/ as do t&e
nadis descri.ed a.ove1 +t t&e a8na c&akra/ .etween t&e e0e.rows/ t&ere are
two petals/ one on eit&er side/ 8ust as t&ere are two wings at t&e top of t&e
caduceus1 -&us/ t&e caduceus is a s0m.ol of t&e entire s0stem of kundalini
Prana di!ides itself into fi!e ,ayus$ 4&en kundalini comes outward as ,rana/ t&e ,rana
operates in t&e .od0/ it divides into five ma8or flows called 7a0us1 -&ese can .e t&oug&t of
as somew&at like ma8or currents in one of t&e large oceans of t&e world/ w&ile t&ere ma0 .e
t&ousands of smaller currents1 -&ese five 7a0us are t&e ma8or currents t&at contain
t&ousands of smaller currents1
Prana ,ayu operates from t&e &eart area/ and is an upward flowing energ0/ &aving
to do wit& vitali3ing life forces1
Apana ,ayu operates from t&e .ase of t&e torso/ in t&e rectum area/ is a downward
flowing energ0/ and &as to do wit& eliminating or t&rowing off w&at is no longer
Samana ,ayu operates from t&e navel area/ deals wit& digestion/ and allows t&e
mental discrimination .etween useful and not useful t&oug&ts1
-dana ,ayu operates from t&e t&roat and drives e&alation/ operating in
con8unction wit& ,rana 7a0u/ w&ic& deals wit& in&alation1
,yana ,ayu operates t&roug&out t&e w&ole .od0/ &aving no particular center/ and
is a coordinating energ0 t&roug&out t&e various s0stems1
'e!ersing Prana and Apana ,ayu$ %ost significant a.out t&e five 7a0us are ,rana va0u
and +pana 7a0u1 +s mentioned a.ove/ ,rana 7a0u is an upward flowing energ0 and +pana
7a0u is a downward flowing energ01 Ane of t&e wa0s of t&e process of intentional
"undalini +wakening is t&at t&ese two energies are intentionall0 reversed t&roug& a variet0
of practices1 2eversing t&e energ0 causes t&e "undalini at t&e .ase of t&e su.tle spine to
awaken/ and to .egin to arise1 +lt&oug& t&is is not necessaril0 an eas0 t&ing to do/ it is ver0
useful to know t&at t&ere is a .asic simplicit0 to t&is process/ t&at of reversing t&ese two
energ0 flows1 (See also 6oga Sutras/ particularl0 sutras 214*=2153 on prana0ama1!
Prana dri!es te ten indriyas$ ,rana is t&e source of energ0 t&at operates t&e
ten indri0as1 ?ive are t&e karmendri0as or instruments of actions/ w&ic& are elimination/
procreation/ motion/ grasping and speaking1 ?ive are t&e 8nanendri0as or cognitive senses/
w&ic& are smelling/ tasting/ seeing/ touc&ing/ and &earing1 -&ese ten operate t&roug&
t&e c&akras/ and receive t&eir power from t&e ,rana1
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)) Prana usually flows in (da or Pingala
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*)+ Prana normally flows in eiter (da or Pingala$ Aur kundalini energ0 s0stem is
usuall0 more active in eit&er t&e left or rig&t sides/ w&ic& are t&e #da and ,ingala1 Af t&e
t&ousands of energ0 c&annels (nadis!/ t&ree are most important$ #da/ ,ingala/ and
Sus&umna (sometimes called 5silver cord5!/ w&ic& is t&e central c&annel/ and t&e most
Solar and lunar breats$ -&e .reat& and t&e underl0ing energ0/ or ,rana/ usuall0 flow
predominantl0 on one side or ot&er/ t&e left or t&e rig&t1 )reat& predominantl0 in t&e left
nostril is descri.ed as cool/ and sometimes referred to as feminine1 -&e flow of ,rana on t&e
left is t&e lunar/ and is called Ida1 )reat& flowing predominantl0 in t&e rig&t nostril is
descri.ed as &ot/ and sometimes referred to as masculine1 -&e flow of ,rana on t&e rig&t is
t&e solar/ and is calledPingala1
Nostril dominance sifts$ Bsuall0 we .elieve t&at we are .reat&ing t&roug& .ot& nostrils/
alt&oug& .reat& is normall0 dominant in one or t&e ot&er1 -&e dominance s&ifts from time
to time during t&e da01 ?or one wit& a well .alanced .od0 and mind/ t&at s&ift of nostril
dominance &appens approimatel0 once in ninet0 minutes1 ?or ot&er people/ t&e s&ift ma0
.e muc& different1 Sometimes one can .e so off .alance t&at one nostril remains dominant/
w&ic& is a s0mptom of some p&0sical/ mental/ or emotional difficulties1
Prana is te first energy$ -&e word ,rana comes from two roots1 Pra means first/
and na is t&e smallest unit of energ01 ,rana is t&erefore t&e first .reat&/ t&e primal or
atomic .eginning of t&e flow of energ01 Aut of t&is first unit of energ0 manifests all aspects
and levels of t&e &uman .eing1 #t is one and t&e same wit& kundalini s&akti1
Prana flows in nadis$ -&at kundalini/ manifesting as ,rana flows in certain patterns/ or
lines/ or c&annels t&at are called nadis1 -&ere are said to .e some C2/((( suc& nadis
coursing t&roug& t&e su.tle .od0 t&at supports t&e p&0sical .od0 and its various s0stems1
4&en t&e ,rana flows across t&e latent impressions/ t&e0 spring to life in t&e form of
awareness in t&e conscious mind/ in t&e p&0sical .od0 and .rain1
(ntersections of te nadis are cakras$ 4&en kundalini manifests outward/ t&ose
t&ousands of nadis intersect &ere and t&ere/ forming t&e matri of t&e su.tle .od01 -&e
ma8or intersections are called c&akras (section 95!/ and t&e five elements of eart&/ water/
fire/ air/ and space manifest around t&ese so as to form t&e gross .od01 Aften/ we speak of
c&akras as if t&e0 are in t&e .od01 +ctuall0/ t&is is somew&at .ackwards1 #t is more like t&e
.od0 &as .een suspended on t&e su.tle c&akras/ wit& t&ese c&akras .eing formed or
constructed .0 t&e ma8or &ig&wa0 intersections of t&e nadis/ w&ic& are none ot&er t&an
kundalini s&akti1
$aduceus of medicine$ -&e caduceus is t&e s0m.ol of
medicine1 -&e root meaning of medicine or medicate means
attention/ w&ic& is also t&e root of meditation1 -&us/ we &ave
attending p&0sicians/ and we pa0 attention in meditation1
-&e caduceus is a winged staff/ wit& two serpents/ and is
carried .0 t&e Dreek god/ Hermes/ w&o is said to .e t&e messenger of t&e
Dods1 -oget&er/ #da and ,ingala form t&e snakes of t&e caduceus/ w&ile
Sus&umna forms t&e staff1 -&e snakes intersect at t&e c&akras/ as do t&e
nadis descri.ed a.ove1 +t t&e a8na c&akra/ .etween t&e e0e.rows/ t&ere are
two petals/ one on eit&er side/ 8ust as t&ere are two wings at t&e top of t&e
caduceus1 -&us/ t&e caduceus is a s0m.ol of t&e entire s0stem of kundalini
Prana di!ides itself into fi!e ,ayus$ 4&en kundalini comes outward as ,rana/ t&e ,rana
operates in t&e .od0/ it divides into five ma8or flows called 7a0us1 -&ese can .e t&oug&t of
as somew&at like ma8or currents in one of t&e large oceans of t&e world/ w&ile t&ere ma0 .e
t&ousands of smaller currents1 -&ese five 7a0us are t&e ma8or currents t&at contain
t&ousands of smaller currents1
Prana ,ayu operates from t&e &eart area/ and is an upward flowing energ0/ &aving
to do wit& vitali3ing life forces1
Apana ,ayu operates from t&e .ase of t&e torso/ in t&e rectum area/ is a downward
flowing energ0/ and &as to do wit& eliminating or t&rowing off w&at is no longer
Samana ,ayu operates from t&e navel area/ deals wit& digestion/ and allows t&e
mental discrimination .etween useful and not useful t&oug&ts1
-dana ,ayu operates from t&e t&roat and drives e&alation/ operating in
con8unction wit& ,rana 7a0u/ w&ic& deals wit& in&alation1
,yana ,ayu operates t&roug&out t&e w&ole .od0/ &aving no particular center/ and
is a coordinating energ0 t&roug&out t&e various s0stems1
'e!ersing Prana and Apana ,ayu$ %ost significant a.out t&e five 7a0us are ,rana va0u
and +pana 7a0u1 +s mentioned a.ove/ ,rana 7a0u is an upward flowing energ0 and +pana
7a0u is a downward flowing energ01 Ane of t&e wa0s of t&e process of intentional
"undalini +wakening is t&at t&ese two energies are intentionall0 reversed t&roug& a variet0
of practices1 2eversing t&e energ0 causes t&e "undalini at t&e .ase of t&e su.tle spine to
awaken/ and to .egin to arise1 +lt&oug& t&is is not necessaril0 an eas0 t&ing to do/ it is ver0
useful to know t&at t&ere is a .asic simplicit0 to t&is process/ t&at of reversing t&ese two
energ0 flows1 (See also 6oga Sutras/ particularl0 sutras 214*=2153 on prana0ama1!
Prana dri!es te ten indriyas$ ,rana is t&e source of energ0 t&at operates t&e
ten indri0as1 ?ive are t&e karmendri0as or instruments of actions/ w&ic& are elimination/
procreation/ motion/ grasping and speaking1 ?ive are t&e 8nanendri0as or cognitive senses/
w&ic& are smelling/ tasting/ seeing/ touc&ing/ and &earing1 -&ese ten operate t&roug&
t&e c&akras/ and receive t&eir power from t&e ,rana1
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Kundalini Awakening
.) Prana is made to flow in (da and Pingala
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*.+ $ausing (da and Pingala to flow e!enly$ -&e first step in "undalini +wakening is
.alancing t&e flow of energ0 in #da and ,ingala1 -&is means t&at e<ual amounts of ,rana are
flowing in t&e left and rig&t sides1 #t is most readil0 evidenced .0 t&e .reat& flowing evenl0
in t&e two nostrils1
/etting centered$ #n our common language/ we speak of feeling off-balance or
getting balanced1 4e speak of wanting to .e centered1 -o balance or center t&e energies is
t&e goal of t&is step of t&e "undalini +wakening process1 -&is affects not onl0 t&e su.tle
.od0/ .ut is also eperienced in t&e gross/ p&0sical .od0/ and .rings tremendous &ealt&
.enefits .0 positivel0 regulating t&e autonomic nervous s0stem1 (-&e -antra practice
of 6oga @idra and t&e 6oga @idra C' are ver0 effective in attaining suc& a .alance1!
0ransitions between (da and Pingala$ -&ere is a natural transition .etween #da and
,ingala from time to time during t&e da01 ?or t&ose wit& ver0 &ealt&0 .odies and minds/ t&is
s&ift &appens approimatel0 ever0 *( minutes1 ?or ot&ers/ t&e s&ift ma0 not follow so
naturall0/ or energ0 ma0 .e more or less stuck in eit&er #da or ,ingala for muc& longer
periods of time during t&e 24 &ours of t&e da01
0ransitions bring calmness to te mind$ #n t&ese moments of natural transition/ t&e
mind is calm/ centered/ or .alanced1 -&ere is a sense of inner peace/ as if t&e mind wants to
do not&ing .ut .e in meditation1 ?or most of us/ unaware of t&is transition/ we force
ourselves to sta0 wit& t&e matters at &and in t&e eternal world during t&ese moments/
possi.l0 t&inking we are 8ust sleep01 Ance 0ou are aware of t&is natural s&ifting/ it can
provide a time to take 8ust a minute for 0ourself to en8o0 t&e inner stillness1 #t is as if nature
is giving us a freemeditation from time to time1
Sandya& te wedding$ -&e union or .alancing of #da and ,ingala is like a marriage1 #t is
t&e wedding of sun and moon/ nig&t and da01 -&is wedding is calledsandhya/ and like wit& a
marriage/ is a time of great 8o0/ onl0 t&is is a meditative 8o01 #n t&is wedding even t&e mind
and t&e .reat& are 8oined in a &app0 union1 Eater/ t&e wedding is of 8iva/ t&e individual soul/
and .ra&man/ t&e a.solute realit0/ turi0a/ t&e fourt& state1
1eginning of 2oy in meditation$ -&is .alancing of #da and ,ingala/ and causing ,rana to
flow evenl0/ t&is wedding of sun and moon/ is t&e real .eginning of 8o0 in meditation1 +ll of
t&e ot&er practices up to t&is stage are to .ring t&is state of peaceful mind/ from w&ere t&e
real practice of meditation .egins1 ?rom t&is point/ meditation is a 8o0/ not a discipline1 ?or/
w&0 would an0.od0 &ave to cultivate discipline to do t&at w&ic& is onl0 .ringing 8o0F
#!en breat between te nostrils$ +t one>s regularl0 sc&eduled time for 6oga
meditation/ t&e aspirant wants to .e a.le to .alance t&ese two energies .0 direct
control1 )reat& .alancing practices are done so as to .alance #da and ,ingala/ allowing t&em
to flow evenl01 -&ese practices are etremel0 useful and .uild a foundation for "undalini
Opening a nostril wit te mind$ -&e a.ilit0 to regulate t&is .alance of .reat& .0
focusing t&e mind on t&e flow in t&e nostrils/ t&oug& a simple practice/ is one of t&e most
profound parts of t&e inner 8ourne01 @otice wit& 0our mind w&ic& nostril is flowing more/
and w&ic& is flowing less freel01 )0 focusing attention on t&e closed or less open nostril/ it
will graduall0 open/ and .ring an increased feeling of calm1 -&is ma0 take some mont&s to
accomplis&/ or it ma0 come sooner/ .ut t&e skill will definitel0 come wit& practice1
Alternate nostril breating$ +lternate nostril .reat&ing is a specific practice to .alance
#da and ,ingala/ w&ere.0 0ou intentionall0 .reat&e t&roug& one/ and t&en t&e ot&er nostril1
#t ma0 .e done eit&er wit& t&e fingers or t&e intentionalit0 of t&e mind1 -&ere are man0
com.inations of alternate nostril .reat&ing/ t&oug& one of t&e simplest is to .reat& t&ree
e&alations and in&alations from one nostril/ and t&en t&ree from t&e ot&er1 -&is is called
one round of alternate nostril .reat&ing1 -&ree rounds is generall0 done to complete t&e
Soam mantra$ -&e .reat& naturall0 makes two sounds/ Sooooooo wit& in&alation/
and Hummmmmm wit& e&alation1 Conscious use of t&e so&am mantrais a tremendous aid
in .alancing #da and ,ingala1 -&e So&am %antra C' can .e a useful aid in t&is process1
3ata Yoga balances (da and Pingala$ -&e entire purpose of Hat&a 6oga is t&e
.alancing of t&ese energies of #da and ,ingala1 Ha means sun and tha meansmoon (some
people reverse t&ese terms: in eit&er case/ it is t&e .alancing and unions of t&ese energies
t&at is important!1 -&e sun is t&e active energ0 of ,ingala/ w&ereas moon is t&e passive
energ0 of #da1 -&e union of t&ese two energies is called 6oga/ w&ic& means union or
w&oleness1 #n t&e ancient tet/ t&e Hat&a 6oga ,radipika/ t&e first of t&e four c&apters
deals/ in large part/ wit& postures1 However/ t&e second c&apter deals s<uarel0 wit& t&e
issue of "undalini +wakening/ followed .0 c&apters on advancing to 2a8a 6oga (See
also 6oga Sutras/ particularl0 sutras 214*=2153 on prana0ama!1
-&e Hat&a postures and .reat&ing practices all &elp lead one to .alance .etween #da and
,ingala/ w&ere t&e0 are .ot& flowing freel01 -&e .reat&ing practices of'iap&ragmatic
)reat&ing and -wo=to=Ane )reat&ing are especiall0 &elpful/ and t&e vigorous .reat&ing
practices suc& as "apala.&ati and )&astrika can &elp to .reak t&e pattern of .eing stuck in
#da or ,ingala1
Autonomic ner!ous system$ )alancing #da and ,ingala also .alances t&e s0mpat&etic and
paras0mpat&etic .ranc&es of t&e autonomic nervous s0stem/ reducing t&e elevated flig&t or
fig&t response1 #n ot&er words/ t&e single act of .alancing t&e .reat& is a tremendous aid in
p&0sical stress reduction/ in addition to .eing a spiritual practice setting t&e stage for
"undalini +wakening1
Acti!ities during te day$ +lt&oug& t&e da0s of most people are .us0/ it is useful to know
a.out t&e difference .etween #da and ,ingala dominance in relation to activities1 4&en t&e
rig&t nostril is open/ w&en ,ingala is dominant/ t&is a .etter time to do more active pro8ects1
4&en t&e left nostril is open/ w&en #da is predominant/ t&is is a .etter time to do more
<uiet pro8ects1
Solid foods and li4uids$ #deall0/ solid foods are taken w&en ,ingala is more active/ w&en
t&e rig&t nostril is open: t&is aids in digestion1 Since t&is is more dominant in midda0/ t&at
is usuall0 t&e .est time to take t&e ma8or meal of t&e da01 #deall0/ li<uids are taken w&en
#da is more predominant/ w&en t&e left nostril is open1 #t is important to .e flei.le a.out
principles suc& as t&ese/ so t&at t&e0 do not .ecome o.stacles or irritating rules1
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5) Prana is made to flow in Susumna
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*5+ $ausing Prana to flow in Susumna$ 4&en t&e ,rana is not onl0 .alanced/ left and
rig&t (section 92!/ .ut is also made to flow t&roug& t&e central c&annel of Sus&umna
(sometimes called 5silver cord5!/ t&ere comes an even deeper/ a.iding peace of mind1 -&e
mind and &eart onl0 want to go inside for meditation1
-&e a.ilit0 to .alance #da and ,ingala/
and cause ,rana to flow in Sus&umna
is t&e most essential preparation for
%editation and "undalini +wakening1
(da and Pingala flow along te spine$ -&e two energies of #da and ,ingala flow along
t&e spine (meru danda! of t&e su.tle .od01 #da flows along t&e left side/ and ,ingala flows
along t&e rig&t1 Sus&umna nadi flows directl0 upwards and downwards/ .etween #da and
,ingala/ coursing t&roug& t&e c&akras1
(da and Pingala 2oin at te ganglion of ribes$ 4it&in t&e man0 ganglionated cords of
t&e nervous s0stem/ t&ere is a nerve center in t&e area of t&e a8na c&akra/ at t&e space
.etween t&e e0e.rows/ t&at is called t&e ganglion of ri.es1 +lt&oug& #da and ,ingala are
su.tle energ0 flows/ t&e0 correspond to t&is p&0sical structure1 #da flows along t&e left side
of t&e spine/ circles t&e ganglion of and converges on its left side1 ,ingala flows along
t&e rig&t side of t&e spine/ circles t&e ganglion of and converges on its rig&t side1
-&us/ t&e two forces of #da and ,ingala converge at t&e ganglion of in t&e space
.etween t&e e0e.rows/ t&e a8na c&akra1
%editation at a2na cakra$ )ecause of t&is convergence of #da and ,ingala at t&e point of
t&e ganglion of and t&e a8na c&akra/ meditation on t&is space is etremel0 useful and
often recommended1 ?or t&ose w&o &ave t&e a.ilit0 to gentl0 focus &ere/ t&ere is great
.enefit in calming t&e gross .reat&/ .alancing #da and ,ingala/ and stilling t&e mind1 #t is
.ecause of t&is/ in part/ t&at t&e )&agavad Dita (512C! recommends gentl0 keeping out all
eternal contacts/ and internall0 placing attention .etween t&e e0e.rows/ making t&e
energies flow evenl0 .etween t&e nostrils1
1reat at te nostrils$ Ane of t&e most direct means of .alancing t&e energies and
causing prana to flow in Sus&umna is .0 attention of mind on t&e flow of .reat& at t&e
nostrils1 )0 attending to t&e lesser flowing nostril/ it will graduall0 open1 )0 attending to t&e
ot&er/ t&e0 will .ot& flow more freel01 4&en attending to .ot& as one stead0 flow/ t&e peace
of Sus&umna awakening graduall0 comes1 4&ile t&is practice can sound ver0 simple/ it
re<uires a gentle persistence and a good a.ilit0 to focus attention1
Yoga Nidra$ Some of t&e finest met&ods of .ringing t&e flow of prana into t&e Sus&umna
c&annel are t&e spinal practices of t&e ancient practice called 6oga @idra/ w&ic& are included
on t&e 6oga @idra C'1 )ringing prana into Sus&umna .alances t&e c&akras and prepares t&e
pat&wa0 for "undalini once it awakens and .egins to rise1 )&uta S&udd&i (c&akra
meditation! is also <uite useful in .alancing t&e energ0 and allowing it to flow in sus&umna1
(da and Pingala also 2oin at te ganglion impar$ -&e ganglion impar is t&e lower
termination point of t&e s0mpat&etic nervous s0stem1 #t is anterior to t&e sacrococc0geal
8unction/ or in front of t&e cocc0/ corresponding to t&e location of t&e mulad&ara c&akra1
-&e two flows of #da and ,ingala also 8oin at t&is lower end of t&e su.tle anatom01
1etween te ganglion of ribes and te ganglion impar$ #da and ,ingala flow .etween
t&ese two points and are in constant contact wit& t&e nervous s0stem and t&e central
c&annel of t&e su.tle spine1 4&ile one ma0 meditate on t&e a8na c&akra/ t&e upper 8oining
point noted a.ove/ t&ere is also great utilit0 in meditation practices t&at move up and down
along t&is central c&annel .etween t&ese two points1 -&is can &ave a tremendous effect on
.alancing t&e energies/ calming t&e mind/ and allowing t&e ,rana to flow t&roug& t&e
central c&annel of Sus&umna1
,ersions of up and down practice$ -&ere are man0 versions of t&is/ suc& as .etween
an0 two of t&e c&akras/ w&ere particular emp&asis is needed wit& t&ose centers1 -&ere are
also various s&apes to t&e inner eperience/ suc& as an ellipse or figure eig&t1 -&e most
straig&tforward met&od is spinal .reat&ing/ simpl0 moving attention .etween t&e .ase of
t&e spine and t&e crown of t&e &ead/ coordinating t&e flow of energ0 wit& t&e p&0sical
.reat&/ t&e p&0sical .od0/ and t&e mind1
Kriya and Kundalini Yoga$ -&e practices related to motion along t&e spine are often
considered parts of "ri0a 6oga or "undalini 6oga/ as well as .eing part of ,rana0ama/ or t&e
science of .reat& known as Swara 6oga1 ;ac& of t&ese places great emp&asis on work wit&
t&e Sus&umna c&annel1 (See also 6oga Sutras/ particularl0 Sutras 211=212 on "ri0a 6oga1!
Stimulating tese energy systems$ +fter t&ese energ0 s0stems are .alanced/
t&e vigorous .reat&ing practices/ and ,rana0ama energi3e or awaken t&e latent energ01 -&is
effect is dominant in t&e rig&t vagus nerve/ as well as t&e su.tle energ0 s0stem .e0ond t&e
p&0sical .od01 +long wit& t&e ,rana0ama/ t&e locks (.and&as! c&annel t&e energ0 into
'oot lock and Prana$ -&e root lock/ or mula.and&a is performed .0 contracting t&e
perineum muscles t&at are in t&e flat space .etween t&e genital area t&e anus1 )0
contracting t&is muscle group/ t&e normall0 downward flowing energ0 (+pana 7a0u! is
pulled upwards/ graduall0 uniting wit& t&e normall0 upward flowing energ0 (,rana 7a0u! at
t&e navel center1 -&e root lock &as t&e effect of causing ,rana to flow in Sus&umna c&annel/
rat&er t&an along #da and ,ingala1 ;ventuall0/ t&e practice is com.ined wit& ot&er practices/
so as to cause "undalini to awaken and arise1
Prana enters te mout of Susumna$ +t t&e first c&akra (mulad&ara! is t&e root
(kanda! out of w&ic& all of t&e su.tle energ0 c&annels (nadis! originate and go outward
t&roug&out t&e su.tle .od01 #t is located at t&e perineum/ .etween t&e genitals and t&e
anus1 +t t&is root is t&e mout& or opening to t&e Sus&umna c&annel/ as well as c&itrini nadi
and ot&er finer nadis t&at are wit&in t&e Sus&umna/ like a fine stream inside of a fine &ose1
+fter #da and ,ingala are .alanced/ t&e ,rana is guided to enter and flow into t&e mout& of
Susumna Awakening is sustained$ 2at&er t&an .eing a temporar0 eperience t&at
&appens during t&e natural transition of .reat& dominance (as descri.ed insection 92!/ t&e
.alanced flow of ,rana is now sustained for a longer time during t&e period of meditation1
+lso/ t&e ,rana is now flowing more in t&e Sus&umna c&annel itself/ rat&er t&an 8ust .eing
.alanced .etween left and rig&t1 Sometimes t&is flow of ,rana is eperienced as a feeling
sensation in t&e spine/ possi.l0 as a warmt& of energ0 flow1
@ote t&at w&ile t&is is a ver0 important stage/ and skill to ac<uire/ t&is is not full "undalini
+wakening/ .ut is t&e flow of t&e ,rana t&roug& t&e central c&annel1 -&is flow of ,rana in
Sus&umna is sometimes t&oug&t .0 people to .e "undalini +wakening/ w&ic& it is not1
2ecall t&e metap&or of ,rana .eing like t&e steam arising from t&e .owl of &ot water/ and
reflect on t&e difference .etween t&e steam and t&e significantl0 more concentrated water
in t&e pot1
-&is flow of ,rana in Sus&umna is one of t&e first goals of meditation1 Af t&e eig&t rungs of
6oga (6oga Sutras 2126=212*!/ num.ers t&ree and four work wit& 0our sitting posture (6oga
Sutras 2146=214G! and .reat&ing or prana0ama (6oga Sutras214*=2153!1 4&en t&e .reat& is
.alanced/ and t&e ,rana is flowing in Sus&umna/ t&e senses trul0 .egin to turn inward/
w&ic& is ,rat0a&ara/ t&e fift& of t&e eig&t rungs1 #t sets t&e stage for deeper meditation and
Self6training brings you to tis place$ So w&0 is it t&at/ in 6oga/ t&ere is so muc&
emp&asis placed on 0our relations&ip wit& t&e world/ purif0ing and training .od0 and
senses/ eploring 0our &a.its/ and doing .reat&ing practicesF (6oga Sutras 213(=2134! #n a
sense/ it is solel0 so t&at 0ou can come to t&is place/ t&is plateau of peace from w&ere 0ou
mig&t .egin t&e final clim. to t&e peak of t&e spiritual mountain1 +ll of t&ese practices work
toget&er/ like fingers on a &and/ to .ring 0ou to t&is place w&ere ,rana flows in Sus&umna1
$ritical point on te 2ourney$ ,rana flowing in Sus&umna is one of t&e critical points of
t&e inner 8ourne01 -&e entire inner 8ourne0 can .e summari3ed in 3 steps$
?irst/ awakening of Sus&umna (w&ic& is t&e su.8ect of t&is page!1
Second/ "undalini +wakening1
-&ird/ "undalini rising to Sa&asrara/ t&e crown c&akra1
+s t&e spiritual 8ourne0 can seem <uite comple at times/ t&is .rings a simplicit0 to t&e
process/ .0 providing a sort of first .enc& mark to aim for (,rana flowing inSushumna!1 +ll
of t&e practices can t&en .e seen as &aving a common goal/ t&at of .ringing #da and ,ingala
to an inner .alance/ w&ere ,rana t&en flows in Sus&umna1 4&ile t&e .alance .etween #da
and ,ingala .rings a state of peace and calm/ in w&ic& t&e mind wants to meditate/ t&e
awakening or application of Sus&umna .rings t&at meditation1 -&is is a pivotal point of 6oga
meditation1 (6oga Sutras 2152=2153!
Prana in Susumna brings 2oy$ ,rana flowing in Sus&umna .rings a great feeling of 8o0/
suk&amana (suk&aH8o0ous: manaHmind!1 -&e tremendous peace of mind can seem to .e
enlig&tenment itself/ for t&ose not familiar wit& t&e furt&er reac&es of "undalini +wakening
and spiritual eperience1 Here/ wit& t&e awakening of Sus&umna/ it is useful to recall t&at in
t&e ladder of 6oga/ as descri.ed .0 ,atan8ali/ contentment (santos&a! is a part of step 2 of
t&e G (6oga Sutra 2142!1 -&us/ contentment is a prere<uisite for deep meditation and
samad&i/ not t&e goal itself1
Compared to t&e t0pical da0 to da0 eperience of t&e eternal world/ t&ere is a feeling of
intoication of sorts/ as t&e eternal world is forgotten1 #t is as if one is temporaril0 dead to
t&e eternal world/ t&oug& still in t&e .od01 'ispassion/ non=attac&ment/ vairag0a is t&ere/
as t&ere seems to .e a reprieve from t&e man0 attac&ments and aversions of t&e mind1
(See 6oga Sutras 1112=1116!
7earlessness begins to come$ 4&en t&e ,rana flows t&roug& Sus&umna/ t&e .od0 seems
indestructi.le/ as it &as .een left .e&ind in attention1 Ane .egins to eperience fearlessness/
or so it seems1 #t is a surface level of fearlessness/ related to mind and t&e possi.le events
of t&e world1 Still deeper is t&e fear related to loss of individualit0 itself1 So t&is
fearlessness/ &owever nice it is/ is still not t&e fearlessness t&at comes from .eing one wit&
t&e Ane1
%istaking Susumna for Kundalini Awakening$ ,rana flowing in Sus&umna is
etremel0 peaceful/ and can easil0 .e confused wit& "undalini +wakening1 +s 0ou feel t&e
tran<uilit0/ along wit& t&e warmt& flowing t&roug& t&e levels of t&e spine/ t&is calmness is
ver0 alluring/ and w&en reading t&e .ooks a.out "undalini +wakening/ it can seem as if/
5-&is is itI5 -&ere is a difference .etween t&e flow of ,rana t&roug& Sus&umna and full
"undalini +wakening/ wit& t&at "undalini energ0 itself rising1 )ot& ,rana and "undalini are
forms of t&e universal energ0 of S&akti/ t&oug& &ere/ at t&is stage/ it is still ,rana t&at is
flowing in Sus&umna (-o see t&e differences .etween t&ese forms of S&akti/ take a look at
t&e article onS&akti/ "undalini/ and t&e 2iver!1 ?ull "undalini +wakening is etremel0
powerful/ as t&is full c&arge awakens and .egins to move upwards1
%ind is a barrier$ +t t&is stage of t&e practice/ a .arrier is commonl0 encountered/ and
t&at is/ 0ou more full0 encounter t&e contents of t&e mind1 +t t&is stage of t&e practice/ t&is
can preclude t&e feeling of 8o01 +t t&e same time t&at peace and 8o0 are .eginning to .e
eperienced/ t&e attention is coming furt&er inward/ leaving .e&ind t&e eternal world1 ;ven
t&e .od0 and t&e gross .reat& are now seeming to .e eternal/ and are a.out to .e left
.e&ind on t&e inner 8ourne01 #t is &ere/ at t&e door of t&e 8o0 of ,rana flowing in Sus&umna/
t&at 0ou more full0 encounter t&e contents of t&e mind1
1reat is subtler$ #n leaving t&e eternal world .e&ind/ t&e mental world trul0 comes
forward1 #t is t&at dept& of mind t&at is .e0ond/ su.tler/ more interior to t&e senses/ t&e
p&0sical .od0/ and t&e gross .reat&1 )reat& is ver0 su.tle &ere1 +ttention is still in t&e flow/
.ut less in t&e p&0sical .reat&1 #t is more on t&e edge/ t&e .orderland of eperiencing t&e
,rana as energ0 in itself/ rat&er t&an a manifest flow of material .reat&1
One6pointedness and non6attacment$ +t t&is stage it is imperative to practice t&e
companions of one=pointed concentration (6oga Sutras 113(=1132/311=313! and non=
attac&ment (6oga Sutras 1112=1116!1 -&e a.ilit0 to concentrate means &aving t&e a.ilit0 to
sta0 wit& t&e feeling of 8o0 arising from t&e central flow of ,rana1 -&e a.ilit0 to remain non=
attac&ed means t&at as t&e stream of t&oug&t impressions naturall0 increases/ t&e0 can .e
allowed to rise and fall on t&eir own accord/ w&ile t&e attention remains focused1 -&e
aspirant remains undistracted/ unaffected/ and uninvolved1 #t means cultivating
determination/ or Sankalpa1 Eong .efore t&e coming of t&e "undalini S&akti is Sankalpa
S&akti/ t&e S&akti of determination1 #f t&is concentration and non=attac&ment can .e
maintained/ w&ile t&e ,rana flows in Sus&umna/ one is read0 for t&e net step on t&e
8ourne0/ w&ic& is "undalini +wakening itself1
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8) Kundalini #nergy is Awakened
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*8+ Awakening te Kundalini energy$ +fter one is well esta.lis&ed in t&e a.ilit0 to
.alance t&e ,rana .etween #da and ,ingala (section 92!/ and causing it to flow in
Sus&umna (section 93!/ t&e resulting sense of peace and 8o0 is t&e foundation for t&e net
step/ w&ic& is awakening t&e "undalini itself1
Kundalini Awakening is for all$ 2egardless of w&at religious/ spiritual/ or meditation
tradition one follows/ t&e awakening of t&is "undalini energ0/ .0 w&atever name 0ou call it/
is a most innate and essential part of spiritual advancement/ unfoldment/ or reali3ation1 #t
ma0 seem different w&en colored .0 different cultures/ .ut t&e fundamental eperience of
t&e energ0 is t&ere nonet&eless1
Preparation is imperati!e$ #t is eas0 to read t&e descriptions in t&e .ooks a.out "undalini
+wakening and t&e union of S&iva and S&akti/ and to want to &ave t&is immediatel01 -&is
seems to .e a natural desire/ t&at is useful if properl0 c&anneled into t&e motivation to do
t&e practices1 However/ it is imperative t&at one .e prepared for t&e energ0 t&at ma0 .e
released in suc& an eperience1 #f one is not read0/ it can .e like putting too muc&
electricit0 t&roug& a small wire or fuse/ and t&at is not useful in t&e long rung1 #t is far
.etter to .e prepared/ to make t&e .od0 a &ealt&0 ve&icle/ t&e .reat& a .alanced c&annel of
energ0/ and t&e mind an intellectuall0 and emotionall0 sta.le conduit for t&e eperience1
-&is involves diet/ eercise/ and cleansing practices/ including s0stematic introspection and
t&e various .reat&ing practices1
%ediate and immediate metods$ 4&en one <uestions &ow to awaken "undalini/ t&e
<uestion usuall0 refers to t&e specific tec&ni<ue t&at is used1 However/ "undalini +wakening
ma0 ultimatel0 occur wit& all met&ods/ even t&ose t&at do not seem to .e directl0 related to
"undalini1 -&us/ we &ave two general approac&es wit& t&e various practices/ t&ose t&at are
more immediate and t&ose t&at are more mediate1 -&e specific practices ma0 overlap/ or .e
part of .ot& approac&es1
(mmediate metods$ Immediate means direct: not acting t&roug& a secondar0 agenc0/
met&od/ or practice: t&e <uicker/ more forceful approac&1 -&e immediate or direct approac&
mig&t involve t&e various asanas/ locks/ and .reat&ing practices/ as well as more intense
meditation practices1 #t ma0 include Hat&a 6oga/ "ri0a 6oga/ "undalini 6oga/ 2a8a 6oga/
and -antra 6oga1 4it& t&ese approac&es/ it is important to &ave eternal guidance so as to
learn properl01
%ediate metods$ ediate means indirect: acting t&roug& a secondar0 agenc0/ met&od/
or practices: t&e slower/ more gentle approac&1 -&e mediate or indirect approac& mig&t
involve religious rituals/ )&akti 6oga (devotional!/ Jnana 6oga (self=en<uir0!/ "arma 6oga
(action in t&e world!/ simple mantra c&anting/ gentler meditation focusing on more gross
level o.8ects1 -&ese approac&es are more suited to practice wit&out guidance/ t&oug& it is
.eneficial and recommended1
%etods of awakening Kundalini$ ?or t&e intentional/ immediate or direct awakening of
"undalini/ t&ere are several categories of practices/ and t&ese are generall0 c&osen in
alignment wit& one>s particular teac&er and tradition$
11 Pysical$ -&ese met&ods involve Hat&a 6oga postures/ %udras (gestures!/ and
)and&as (locks!1
21 1reat$ 7igorous .reat&ing practices (,rana0ama!/ along wit& t&e )and&as/ and
.reat& retention1
31 %editation$ -&e intensit0 of concentration leading to %editation and various levels
of Samad&i1
41 %antra$ Some of t&e %antra sc&ools work wit& su.tle vi.rations to awaken t&e
various aspects of latent energ01
3ata Yoga leads to 'a2a Yoga$ #t &as .een mentioned in section 92 t&at t&e purpose of
Hat&a 6oga is .alancing #da and ,ingala1 #n addition/ as is stated in t&e Hat&a 6oga
,radipika/ Hat&a 6oga is preparation for 2a8a 6oga/ w&ic& is t&e science of self eploration
and meditation1 2a8a 6oga is succinctl0 summari3ed in t&e 6oga Sutras of ,atan8ali1 (See
also t&e Eist of 1*6 6oga Sutras!
Kriyas are signposts$ Sometimes t&ere mig&t .e .ursts of energ0/ called "ri0as/ w&ic&
cause a 8olt t&roug&out t&e spine (meru danda! and t&e .od01 -&e0 ma0 .e s&arp/ <uick/
and mild/ or t&e0 ma0 come as a powerful 8olt t&at causes t&e .od0 to 8ump1 Suc& a 8olt
ma0 come from time to time in meditation/ eperienced as a single .urst of energ01 -&ese
often .ring var0ing degrees of fear/ as t&e0 ma0 seem to .e a t&reat to our
eistence1 Draduall0/ as t&e energ0 is understood and assimilated/ t&e "ri0as come more
like a <uick wave of reassuring warmt&/ w&ic& .rings a wave of peace1 -&e0 serve as gentle
reminders of progress on t&e spiritual 8ourne01
Kriyas are neiter sei9ures nor Kundalini$ 4&en not understood/ t&ese "ri0as can .e
confused wit& sei3ures .ecause of t&e wa0 t&e0 cause a 8olt in t&e nervous and muscular
s0stems1 )ecause of t&e warmt& or peaceful feeling t&at can come wit&/ or after t&e "ri0as/
t&e0 can .e confused wit& "undalini +wakening/ w&ic& t&e0 are not1 Ance again/ t&e0 ma0
.e pleasant eperiences t&at serve as inspiration along t&e 8ourne01
'e!ersing Prana and Apana ,ayu$ -&e five 7a0us &ave .een eplained in section section
911 Af particular importance are ,rana 7a0u/ w&ic& is an upward flowing energ0/ and +pana
7a0u/ w&ic& is a downward flowing energ01 -o repeat from t&at section$ Ane of t&e wa0s of t&e process of intentional "undalini +wakening is t&at t&ese two energies are
intentionall0 reversed t&roug& a variet0 of practices1 2eversing t&e energ0 causes t&e
"undalini at t&e .ase of t&e su.tle spine to awaken/ and to .egin to arise1 +lt&oug& t&is is
not necessaril0 an eas0 t&ing to do/ it is ver0 useful to know t&at t&ere is a .asic simplicit0
to t&is process/ t&at of reversing t&ese two energ0 flows1
0ree pats of 0antra$ Af t&e t&ree pat&s of -antra/ "aula -antra .egins wit& practices in
t&e first c&akra/ mulad&ara c&akra/ and emp&asi3es eternal practices1 %is&ra -antra works
more wit& t&e middle c&akras/ dealing .ot& wit& t&e eternal and internal/ w&ile Sama0a
-antra works wit& t&e upper c&akras/ dealing solel0 wit& t&e internal practices1
Saktipata$ +long t&e wa0/ some of t&e o.stacles ma0 .e removed/ as well as glimpses of
"undalini +wakening .e given t&roug& S&aktipata/ t&e gift of consciousness called grace
(kripa! or guru/ w&ere.0 a transference of energ0 &appens/ somew&at like a magnet affects
some metal o.8ects1 #t ma0 come in a single/ large .urst/ t&oug& more often it comes in
smaller eperiences along t&e wa01 +s descri.ed in section 96/ S&aktipata ma0 come after
all of t&e preparation and practices/ as means of removing t&e final .arrier1
Signs of Kundalini Awakening$ -&ere are various signs and s0mptoms of "undalini
+wakening/ and t&ese ma0 .e of var0ing duration and intensit01 Some of t&e eperiences
ma0 seem similar to t&ose of ,rana flowing in Sus&umna/ t&oug& t&e intensit0 is <uite
different1 -&e specific eperiences ma0 also var0 from person to person/ and t&e words used
to descri.e t&e eperiences ma0 .e different1 -&e nature of t&e eperience is also affected
.0 t&e degree to w&ic& t&e individual c&akras are involved in t&e energ0 increase1 However/
t&ere are some general signs and s0mptoms t&at are commonl0 reported$
#nvoluntar0 8erkiness or s&aking in t&e .od0
#ntense feelings of pleasure or .liss
?eelings of cold in t&e .od0
#ntense &eat in t&e spine/ or a particular c&akra/ as if molten metal were flowing in
t&e spine
Striking flows of energ0/ like electricit0 or internal lig&tning .olts
?eelings like snakes or ants crawling on t&e .od0/ particularl0 along t&e spine/ or
.etween t&e feet and &ead
%udras (&and gestures!/ )and&as (locks!/ +sanas (postures!/ or ,rana0ama
(.reat&ing practices! ma0 come spontaneousl0 rat&er t&an .eing intentionall0
+ sense of confusion or uncertaint0 a.out w&at is &appening in t&ese eperiences
Spontaneous emotional s&ifts or mood swings
#ncrease in t&e eperience of inner colors and lig&ts
#nner sounds/ suc& as musical instruments/ .u33ing/ roaring/ or t&under
4aves of creative/ intellectual/ or spiritual insig&ts
+s was noted in section 93/ it is useful to .e aware of t&e difference .etween Sus&umna
+wakening and "undalini +wakening/ as t&ese are different degrees of t&e flow of energ01
(ntegrating te experiences$ -&e more t&oroug&l0 one &as prepared for t&e eperience
of "undalini +wakening (as descri.ed a.ove!/ t&e more naturall0 it can .e assimilated and
integrated1 +s wit& preparation/ it is important to continue to work wit& sta.ili3ing .od0/
.reat&/ and mind1 #t means eating good food/ &aving dail0 eercise/ and getting regular
sleep1 Continuing wit& life activities/ and .eing wit& ot&er people and guides is an important
part of t&e process1 -&e integration of "undalini +wakening .rings a.out a positive
reorgani3ing or transformation of t&e p&0sical/ su.tle/ mental and emotional aspects of a
person1 #t does not mean t&at one is enlig&tened/ .ut it is an important step along t&e wa01
:escribing te experience$ -&e results of "undalini +wakening can def0 description/ or
ma0 .e descri.ed in man0 different wa0s/ using t&e language and inflections of t&e
individual person1 ?ollowing is one description of "undalini +wakening from Dopi "ris&na/ as
descri.ed in &is .ook entitled Kundalini! Path to Higher "onsciousness1 @otice t&at t&is
description involves "undalini +wakening/ .ut falls s&ort of merging wit& t&e +.solute
realit0/ t&e completion of t&e eperience of oneness (Sa0ing t&is falls short is not meant as
a criticism1 2at&er/ &is words well descri.e a certain stage of practice1 He ma0 descri.e t&e
furt&er stages elsew&ere in &is writings1 -&e later stages are captured in <uotes at t&e end
of t&e section on "undalini rising to Sa&asrara!1 -&ere still remains a here and a there/
a me and t&e other ob#ects1 -&ere is still an o.server/ t&e process of o.serving/ and t&e
o.8ects .eing o.served1 #n an0 case/ reading of suc& an eperience/ or .etter still/
eperiencing suc& an eperience/ can .e ver0 inspiring1
5Suddenl0/ wit& a roar like t&at of a waterfall/ # felt a stream of li<uid lig&t entering m0
.rain t&roug& t&e spinal cord1 ;ntirel0 unprepared for suc& a development/ # was completel0
taken .0 surprise: .ut regaining m0 self=control/ keeping m0 mind on t&e point of
concentration1 -&e illumination grew .rig&ter and .rig&ter/ t&e roaring louder/ # eperienced
a rocking sensation and t&en felt m0self slipping out of m0 .od0/ entirel0 enveloped in a
&alo of lig&t1 #t is impossi.le to descri.e t&e eperience accuratel01 # felt t&e point of
consciousness t&at was m0self growing wider surrounded .0 waves of lig&t1 #t grew wider
and wider/ spreading outward w&ile t&e .od0/ normall0 t&e immediate o.8ect of its
perception/ appeared to &ave receded into t&e distance until # .ecame entirel0 unconscious
of it1 # was now all consciousness wit&out an0 outline/ wit&out an0 idea of corporeal
appendage/ wit&out an0 feeling or sensation coming from t&e senses/ immersed in a sea of
lig&t simultaneousl0 conscious and aware at ever0 point/ spread out/ as it were/ in all
directions wit&out an0 .arrier or material o.struction1 # was no longer m0self/ or to .e more
accurate/ no longer as # knew m0self to .e/ a small point of awareness confined to a .od0/
.ut instead was a vast circle of consciousness in w&ic& t&e .od0 was .ut a point/ .at&ed in
lig&t and in a state of eultation and &appiness impossi.le to descri.e15
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Kundalini Awakening
;) Kundalini 'ising
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*;+ "eading te Kundalini upward$ +fter "undalini +wakening (section 94!/ its full force
is t&en guided t&roug& t&e Sus&umna c&annel/ muc& like t&e ,rana t&at came .efore
(t&oug& now in its full force!/ s0stematicall0 piercing/ and moving t&roug& one after anot&er
of t&e c&akras along t&e wa01 "undalini +wakening is followed .0 "undalini 2ising1 +fter
"undalini 2ising/ t&e "undalini is guided to t&e Crown1
0e se!en ma2or cakras$ +s was descri.ed in section 91/ t&e energ0 of ,rana flows in
t&e nadis/ and t&e ma8or vortices of t&e energ0 intersections are t&e c&akras1 ;nerg0 is
concentrated and stored at t&ese c&akra intersections1 -&e0 are t&e su.tlet0 w&ic& is
underneat&/ or provides t&e support for t&e nerve pleuses along t&e spine1 )riefl0/ t&e
seven ma8or c&akras are$
11 %ulad&ara$ cocc0/ .ase of t&e spine/ at t&e perineum
21 Svad&istana$ sacral pleus/ genital area
31 %anipura$ solar pleus/ navel center
41 +na&ata$ cardiac pleus/ &eart center
51 7iss&udd&a$ t&oracic pleus/ t&roat center
61 +8na$ pituitar0 center/ e0e.row center
C1 Sa&asrara$ crown of t&e &ead
+s t&e "undalini moves upwards during t&e p&ase of "undalini 2ising/ it encounters and fills
eac& of t&e lower c&akras/ one after t&e ot&er1 -&e #da and ,ingala nadis/ coursing t&roug&
t&e c&akras/ are felt more deepl0/ and seen as well1 'uring "undalini 2ising/ eac& of t&e
c&akras is eperienced in its su.tler and su.tler wa0s/ including t&e su.tler aspects of t&e
five elements and t&e tenindri0as/ w&ic& are associated wit& t&e first five c&akras$
0ree groups witin six cakras$ -&e c&akras function wit&in t&ree general groups of
process/ going along wit& a predominance of t&e t&ree primal elements or gunas$
11 0amas$ -&e first two c&akras relate to t&e primal activities t&at operate in relation
to t&e p&0sical world/ including t&e drives for self=preservation and procreation/
effectivel0 o.scuring &ig&er eperience1
21 'a2as$ -&e t&ird and fourt& c&akras/ t&e navel and t&e &eart centers/ involve a
su.tler relations&ip wit& t&e world/ working wit& one>s individualit0 rat&er t&an 8ust
engaging t&e p&0sical world1
31 Satt!a$ -&e fift& and sit& c&akras/ t&e t&roat and t&e e0e.row centers/ .egin
movement awa0 from t&e outer towards t&e inner world of purit0/ intuition/
creativit0/ and wisdom/ from w&ic& t&e outer arises1
Open and $losed cakras: #f a c&akra is open/ t&en "undalini 2ising continues to upwards
to t&e net c&akra1 #f t&e0 are all open/ t&en it rises all t&e wa0 to t&e Sa&asrara1 However/
t&is is commonl0 t&oug&t of in an opposite wa01 #f a c&akra is closed/ t&en t&e "undalini
stops its upward 8ourne0/ and one eperiences t&at c&akra more full0 in an eternal wa0
(w&at is t0picall0 called open!1 -&is can seem to .e evidence of an open c&akra/ .ut t&e fact
t&at t&e "undalini does not keep going upwards means t&at t&e c&akra is actuall0 closed1
0ree knots or grantis are broken$ +long t&e Sus&umna c&annel t&ere are t&ree knots
(grant&is! of energ0 t&at will .e .roken or untied along t&e upward 8ourne0 of "undalini
2ising/ allowing t&e flow to go into and t&roug& t&e various c&akras a.ove t&at point$
1rama granti$ )locking t&e flow from t&e first c&akra/ t&e root c&akra/
mulad&ara/ upward to t&e ot&ers: related to .ondage to desires1
,isnu granti$ )locking t&e flow from t&e t&ird c&akra at t&e navel/ manipura/
upward to t&e fourt& c&akra/ ana&ata/ t&e &eart: related to .ondage of actions1
'udra granti$ )locking t&e flow .e0ond t&e sit& c&akra .etween t&e e0e.rows/
a8na c&akra/ upwards towards sa&asrara: related to .ondage of t&oug&ts (compared
to pure knowing!1
-rd!a retas or upward tra!eling$ -&e energ0 w&ic& is normall0 dissipated in t&e lower
c&akras can .e rec&anneled to t&e upper c&akras t&roug& "undalini 2ising/ not .eing
released outward from t&ose c&akras/ and .roug&t furt&er up t&e Sus&umna nadi towards
t&e upper c&akras1 Suc& practices as sidd&asana (t&e accomplis&ed pose!/ ma&amudra (an
asana!/ kapala.&ati (a .reat&ing practice!/ and ma&a.and&a (locks! are used along wit&
concentration of t&e mind1 -&is allows t&e lower energ0 (retas! to move upward and
.ecome transformed into a &ig&er energ0 (o8as!/ sometimes called effulgent/ vital/ creative/
or spiritual energ0 t&at is used for &ig&er reali3ation1
0o rise part way is most common$ #t is most common for t&e awakened "undalini to rise
onl0 to one of t&e lower c&akras/ rat&er t&an to awaken and arise t&roug& all of t&e
c&akras/ all t&e wa0 to t&e crown1 Having t&e "undalini awaken and even partial "undalini
2ising is an encouraging and inspiring eperience1 #t is also an eperience to o.serve wit&
&umilit0/ as t&e ego can claim owners&ip of t&e eperience and dela0 furt&er advancement1
$onfusing Prana and Kundalini$ #t was alread0 descri.ed t&at w&en #da and ,ingala are
.alanced/ and ,rana .egins to flow in Sus&umna c&annel/ t&ere comes feelings of peace and
a calmness of mind1 4&ile t&is is definitel0 a desired step along t&e wa0/ it is sometimes
confused wit& "undalini +wakening1 Sometimes t&ere are 8erks and 8olts in t&e nervous
s0stem t&at come along wit& t&is: t&ese too are not "undalini +wakening or "undalini
2ising1 #t is useful to .e aware of t&e difference .etween t&e flows of ,rana and full
"undalini +wakening and "undalini 2ising1 -&en/ w&en t&ose ver0 useful steps along t&e
wa0 come/ t&e0 are seen as signposts/ and as inspiration for t&e deeper eperience1
Kundalini itself becomes a guide$ +s t&e sad&ana (practices! progress/ "undalini itself
.ecomes a guide1 -&is does not mean t&at one does not follow eternal guidance/ nor does
it mean not <uestioning t&e validit0 of inner insig&ts t&at mig&t .e mental &a.its
mas<uerading as inner wisdom1 2at&er/ it means t&at t&ere is a magnetic pull/ a directing
energ0 t&at comes from t&e "undalini S&akti itself/ w&ic& is drawing one towards &ome
t&roug& "undalini 2ising1
Sakti becomes like a lion$ 4&ile t&e energ0 of "undalini S&akti is a guide/ it is also like
a lion t&at is running t&roug& t&e .od0 and t&e mind/ searc&ing out and eating awa0 t&e
imperfections t&at remain1 #f one is not prepared for t&is/ it can .e ver0 s&ocking and
difficult to integrate into dail0 life1 -&is is not said to cause fear/ .ut respect for t&e 8ourne01
Ance again/ it means t&at it is necessar0 to prepare for t&e onslaug&t of suc& intense
purif0ing eperience1 #f one is not prepared/ t&en t&e eperiences from "undalini 2ising t&at
s&ould .ring 8o0 .rings p&0sical or mental suffering instead1 ,aradoicall0/ notice t&at if one
does not purif0/ no progress is made/ w&ile at t&e same time/ t&e progress itself .rings
Purify to be ready to purify$ -o prepare for t&is intense purif0ing eperience re<uires
preparing/ .0 doing t&e grosser aspects of purif0ing t&roug& work wit& t&e .od0/ .reat&/
and mind1 -&is is done t&roug& integrating practices suc& as meditation/ contemplation/
pra0er/ and mantra1 -&e practices of 6oga @idra and.&uta s&udd&i (c&akra meditation! are
ver0 useful1 @otice t&e wa0 an at&lete will practice intensel0 to gain strengt& and stamina1
-&en t&ere is a period of rest .efore t&e da0 of t&e at&letic event1 +t t&e time of t&e event
t&ere is an intense outpouring of effort1 -&e same is done wit& "undalini +wakening and
"undalini 2ising1 ?irst/ 0ou purif0 and practice1 +s 0ou do t&is/ 0ou live 0our dail0 life1 -&en/
after .eing full0 prepared/ t&ere comes t&e times of advancement in t&e eperiences1
Awakening !ersus leading Kundalini$ -&e process of "undalini +wakening is not onl0
one of awakening t&e energ0/ .ut also of leading it upwards/ t&roug& eac& of t&e c&akras1
-&e man0 practices wit& .od0/ .reat&/ and mind/ eac& &ave t&eir effect on t&ese various
centers/ and pave t&e wa0 for t&e "undalini 2ising to furt&er upward over time and wit&
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<) Kundalini rises to Saasrara& $rown $akra
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*<+ =oining Kundalini wit te crown cakra$ +fter t&e upward 8ourne0 of "undalini/
coursing t&roug& t&e Sus&umna c&annel and t&e c&akras along t&e wa0 (section 95!/ it is
finall0 .roug&t to t&e crown c&akra/ Sa&asrara1 -&is union is t&e 2eali3ation of t&e +.solute/
and is t&e meaning of 6oga1
See also t&e article$
)indu$ ,innacle of 6oga/ 7edanta and -antra
(t usually comes in bursts$ -&ere are stories of some person suddenl0 &aving an instant
awakening and complete transformation/ reac&ing t&e a.solute &eig&t of spiritual
reali3ation/ and &aving all of t&eir latent impressions (samskaras! t&at drive karma
removed1 4&ile t&is mig&t .e t&eoreticall0 possi.le for an0one/ it is muc& more common
t&at t&e awakening and reali3ation of union comes in small parts/ muc& like sparks
compared to a lig&tning .olt1 Suc& .ursts can .e etremel0 insig&tful/ peaceful/ and
motivating1 #n suc& moments t&ere ma0 come a flas& of insig&t a.out some aspect of
realit0/ p&ilosop&0/ or divinit01 ,revious issues or <uestions mig&t .ecome resolved in a
moment1 #n an0 case/ suc& eperiences inspire one to gentl0 continue on t&e pat&1
7ear may come$ ;periences/ even t&ose flas&=like glimpses/ mig&t come as a complete
surprise/ in moments w&en least epected1 Aften suc& eperiences s&ow us/ in one wa0 or
anot&er/ t&at t&e realit0 of t&e world and ourselves is not t&e wa0 it appears in t&e eternal
wa01 4&ile t&e eperience ma0 .e ver0 peaceful and inspiring/ it is also common for t&ere
to .e a wave of fear1 #t is a natural part of t&e process/ and is a reaction to t&e fear of
deat&1 #t is not t&at deat& is immanentl0 coming to t&e p&0sical person/ t&oug& some old
ideas or impressions mig&t .e releasing1
Preparation is imperati!e$ -o repeat from earlier/ it is eas0 to read t&e descriptions in
t&e .ooks a.out "undalini +wakening and t&e union of S&iva and S&akti/ and to want to
&ave t&is immediatel01 -&is seems to .e a natural desire/ t&at is useful if properl0 c&anneled
into t&e motivation to do t&e practices1 However/ it is imperative t&at one .e prepared for
t&e energ0 t&at ma0 .e released in suc& an eperience1 #f one is not read0/ it can .e like
putting too muc& electricit0 t&roug& a small wire or fuse/ and t&at is not useful in t&e long
rung1 #t is far .etter to .e prepared/ to make t&e .od0 a &ealt&0 ve&icle/ t&e .reat& a
.alanced c&annel of energ0/ and t&e mind an intellectuall0 and emotionall0 sta.le conduit
for t&e eperience1 -&is involves diet/ eercise/ and cleansing practices/ including s0stematic
introspection and t&e various .reat&ing practices1
1alanced (da and Pingala is a key$ +s was alread0 mentioned in section 92 andsection
93/ .alancing #da and ,ingala/ and &aving ,rana flow in Sus&umna are etremel0 important
preparations/ t&at also .ring t&eir own .enefits of inner peace1 -&e value of gaining master0
in t&e .reat&ing practices t&at support t&is centrali3ed flow of ,rana cannot .e
0ere is no longer an unconscious$ Ance t&e "undalini S&akti attains t&e state of union
wit& t&e pure consciousness at t&e sa&asrara/ t&ere is no longer an0 unconscious during
t&at time1 -&ere is no longer a latent aspect/ as full illumination &as come/ eliminating t&is
polari3ation of active and latent1 +wareness of t&e .od0 and t&e eternal world is wit&drawn
into t&e &ig&est samad&i1
1ody is in mind> mind is not in body$ Ane comes to see in eperience t&e trut& t&at all
of t&e .od0 is in t&e mind/ .ut t&at not all of t&e mind is in t&e .od0/ as it usuall0 seems1 -o
t&e eternal view of ot&er people/ t&e .od0 of one in t&is &eig&tened state of union ma0
appear to .e dead1 #t ma0 .e cold to t&e touc&/ and t&ere ma0 .e no percepti.le vital signs/
suc& as a pulse1 -&e .od0 continues to function so t&at it mig&t .e used again after t&e
individualit0 returns1
(n!olution and e!olution$ -&e process towards reali3ing and a.iding in pure
consciousness is one of evolution1 -&e involution of consciousness into t&e &uman .eing is
conceptuali3ed as .eing a process of t&e creative energ0 of S&akti condensing furt&er and
furt&er into solid form/ and falling asleep at t&e first c&akra/ at t&e perineum near t&e .ase
of t&e spine1 -&e process of "undalini +wakening reverses t&is involution until t&e full
potential of t&e &uman is reali3ed in t&e return to t&e pure consciousness1
Pusing or pulling te Kundalini$ 4it& t&e goal .eing t&e merging of S&iva and S&akti/
t&e latent wit& t&e creative/ t&ere are two general approac&es1 %ost of t&e work wit&
"undalini +wakening/ .ot& t&e preparation and t&e awakening itself/ are done from t&e
lower c&akras1 -&e process is one of awakening and pushingt&e energ0 upwards in one wa0
or anot&er1 + more direct approac& for t&ose w&o are prepared is to pull t&e energ0 upward
.0 working directl0 wit& t&e c&akras .etween a8na c&akra (e0e.row center!/ and t&e su.tler
c&akras .etween t&ere and t&e sa&asrara (t&e crown c&akra!1
0antra and saasrara cakra$ Af t&e t&ree pat&s of -antra/ w&ic& are "aula/ %is&ra/ and
Sama0a -antra/ t&e pat& of Sama0a -antra and Sri 7id0a emp&asi3es meditation in t&e
Sa&asrara c&akra1 #t is t&e &ig&est of t&e pat&s of -antra and 6oga meditation1 (See
also 6oga Sutras and Si Sc&ools of #ndian ,&ilosop&0!
1etween a2na and saasrara$ ?rom t&e a8na c&akra at t&e e0e.row center/ t&e 8ourne0 is
up t&e .ra&ma nadi/ an etension of t&e Sus&umna c&annel1 -&is ma0 .e first eperienced
in t&e dark field of mind as a .lack o.8ect/ lingam/ circle/ or tunnel entrance1 +long t&e
8ourne0 to t&e sa&asrara c&akra at t&e crown of t&e &ead (also known as t&e t&ousand=
petalled lotus or .ra&marandra!/ t&ere are ot&er c&akras/ .indus (points!/ and levels of
consciousness t&at are encountered and transcended1 -o go t&roug& t&ese levels
(called piercing the bindu! can seem like eplosions or cras&ing t&roug& walls1 #f awareness
does not stop at one of t&ese points along t&e wa0/ it comes to t&e union of t&e individual
and t&e +.solute1
See also t&e article$
)indu$ ,innacle of 6oga/ 7edanta and -antra
1eyond te cakras$ 4&ile t&e c&akras are studied and eplored in t&e earlier stages/
t&ere comes a point w&ere t&e student comes to know t&e science .e0ond t&e c&akras1 -&is
learning is given in complete stillness and silence/ su.tler t&an all of t&e sounds and forms
related to t&e c&akras1 -&is knowledge is not availa.le in an0 .ook or sc&ool/ and can
&appen w&erever t&e aspirant is p&0sicall0 located/ w&et&er close or far from an0
geograp&ical location in t&e world or p&0sical teac&er1 Some sc&ools of meditation sa0 t&at
t&e student s&ould stud0 t&e c&akras in dept&1 At&ers sa0 t&at t&is is a waste of one>s life/
and t&at it is .etter to know t&e c&akras onl0 well enoug& t&at 0ou recogni3e t&em w&en
t&eir features flas& in awareness/ devoting 0our energies to t&e teac&ings and realities
.e0ond/ seeking t&e greater knowledge called ma&avid0a1
/uru cakra$ )e0ond t&e first si c&akras/ .etween t&ere and t&e crown
c&akra/ man0 ot&er c&akras/ levels/ or la0ers of realit0 are eperienced1 ?or
t&e aspirant w&o is willing to do so/ t&e guru c&akra is used to purif0 t&e
mind and to .ring down spiritual trut&s1 5Du5 means darkness and 5ru5
means lig&t1 Duru is t&e lig&t t&at dispels t&e darkness of ignorance1 Duru
is not an0 person/ alt&oug& guru ma0 operate t&roug& a person1 Duru is
actuall0 t&e &ig&er knowledge itself1 Duru c&akra is t&e doorwa0 to t&at
knowledge/ to t&e wisdom and guidance of t&e teac&er wit&in1 -&e sit&
c&akra/ at t&e e0e.row center/ is called a8na c&akra/ w&ic& includes 5a5 and 58na5/ w&ic&
means t&e center without knowledge or wit& little knowledge (5a5 is withoutand 58na5
is knowledge!1 Duru c&akra is eperienced in t&e fore&ead/ and is also called #nana c&akra/
or t&e center with knowledge1 -&e knowledge of a8na is lowerknowledge/ w&ile t&e
knowledge of 8nana is higher knowledge1 -&e 0ogi invites all of t&e t&oug&ts and samskaras
to arise in t&e mind field of a8na c&akra and offers t&em into t&e &ig&er knowledge/ t&e
triangular s&aped fire of guru or 8nana c&akra (+8na and guru c&akras are also
called drikuti and trikuti respectivel0!1 ?rom t&at process t&e pat&wa0 is cleared/ and &ig&er
wisdom and teac&ings come down to t&e a8na1 ;ventuall0/ awareness itself travels upward/
receding t&roug& and .e0ond/ to -&at w&ic& is t&e final a.ode/ t&e +.solute/ t&e union of
S&iva and S&akti1
See also t&e articles$
Duru and t&e Eig&t 4it&in
Duru and 'ivine Drace
0ripura+ $ri means three/ and pura means city1 $ripurais t&e
consciousness t&at operates in t&e three cities of 4aking/
'reaming/ and 'eep Sleep/ as well as t&e Conscious/ Bnconscious/
and Su.conscious aspects of mind1 Sometimes conceptuali3ed as
t&e divine feminine (S&akti!/ compared to t&e divine masculine
(S&iva!/ s&e permeates t&e three cities of t&e Dross world/ t&e
Su.tle plane/ and t&e Causal realit01 $ripura also permeates t&e
man0 ot&er trinities suc& as t&e .eingness in&erent in past/ present
and future1 -&is is a -antric rendering of t&e t&ree levels of
consciousness mapped out .0 t&e A% %antra s0m.ol/ and its levels
of 7ais&vanara/ -ai8asa/ and ,ra8na1 'edication/ devotion/ love/ and surrender into t&is
creative source or divine %ot&er is one of t&e finest aspects of -antra as a direct route to
2eali3ation1 Some conceptuali3e $ripura as an ant&ropomorp&ic deit0/ w&ile t&e su.tler
practices are directed towards $ripura as formless/ t&at fourth state .e0ond t&e ot&er three
cities1 -&e %indu of Sri 6antra is t&e s0m.ol of t&is &ig&est transcendent 2ealit01 -&e <ualit0
of t&e three cities is an aspect ofA% %antra/ Da0atri %antra/ and %a&amrit0un8a0a %antra1
7ideo animation of t&e c&akras of Sri 6antra (1* seconds!$

Saktipata$ 4&en all of t&e ot&er practices &ave .een done/ and t&e final .arrier is
encountered/ t&at ma0 .e removed .0 t&e force or grace of S&aktipata/ w&ic& means t&e
.estowing of S&akti1 #t is given t&roug& t&e gift of consciousness called grace (kripa! or
guru/ w&ere.0 a transference of energ0 &appens/ somew&at like a magnet affects some
metal o.8ects1 -&e eperience of S&aktipat is consciousl0 eperienced in an intense wa01 #t
ma0 come in a single/ large .urst/ t&oug& more often it comes in smaller eperiences along
t&e wa0/ wit& eac& adding insig&t/ as well as impetus and inspiration for furt&er treading of
t&e pat&1 #t ma0 come t&roug& t&e p&0sical ve&icle of a person or .0 transmission at a
separate time and place/ independent of t&e presence of an0 person1
See also t&e articles$
Duru and t&e Eig&t 4it&in
Duru and 'ivine Drace
Sat cit ananda$ -&e reali3ation of t&e true Self is .est descri.ed as indescri.a.le1
However/ for convenience sake it is sometimes descri.ed as .eing t&e nature of sat/ c&it/
and ananda1 Sat means eistence itself1 C&it means consciousness1 +nanda means .liss1
$osmic consciousness$ 2ic&ard )ucke t&e direct eperience of t&e w&ole of
consciousness in &is 1*(1 .ook/ "osmic "onsciousness1 #t is a description of attaining su.tle
realm eperience/ and t&e 5conception5 of t&e w&ole of t&e universe1 -&is is coming close to
t&e reali3ation of t&e union itself wit& t&e w&ole/ t&oug& still somew&at s&ort of t&at
5Eike a flas& t&ere is presented to &is consciousness a clear conception (a vision! in outline
of t&e meaning and drift of t&e universe1 He does not come to .elieve merel0: .ut &e sees
and knows t&at t&e cosmos/ w&ic& to t&e Self Conscious mind seems made up of dead
matter/ is in fact far ot&erwise = is in ver0 trut& a living presence1 He sees t&at instead of
men .eing/ as it were/ patc&es of life scattered t&roug& an infinite sea of nonliving
su.stance/ t&e0 are in realit0 specks of relative deat& in an infinite ocean of life1 He sees
t&at t&e life w&ic& is wit&in man is eternal: t&at t&e soul of man is as immortal as Dod is:
t&at t&e universe is so .uilt and ordered t&at wit&out an0 pre=adventure all t&ings work
toget&er for t&e good of eac& and all: t&at t&e foundation principle for t&e world is w&at we
call love/ and t&at t&e &appiness of ever0 individual is in t&e long run a.solutel0 certain1 -&e
person w&o passes t&roug& t&is eperience will learn in a few minutes/ or even moments/ of
its continuance more t&an in mont&s and 0ears of stud0/ and &e will learn muc& t&at no
stud0 ever taug&t or can teac&1 ;speciall0 does &e o.tain suc& a conception of the whole/ or
least of an immense whole/ as dwarfs all conception/ imagination/ or speculation/ springing
from or .elonging to ordinar0 Self Consciousness/ suc& a conception as makes t&e old
attempts to mentall0 grasp t&e universe and its meaning pett0 and even ridiculous15
0e student re2oices$ #n t&e tet/ &ivekachudamini (-&e Crest Jewel of 'iscrimination!/
+di S&ankarac&ar0a relates a s0m.olic stor0 of t&e interaction .etween a teac&er and a
student1 S&ankara writes of t&e final 8o0 of reali3ation of t&e +.solute/ w&ere t&e student
cries out$
5-&e ego &as disappeared1 # &ave reali3ed m0 identit0 wit& )ra&man Kt&e word for t&e
a.solute realit0L and so all m0 desires &ave melted awa01 # &ave risen a.ove m0 ignorance
and m0 knowledge of t&is seeming universe1 4&at is t&is 8o0 t&at # feelF 4&o s&all measure
itF # know not&ing .ut 8o0/ limitless/ un.oundedI
5-&e ocean of )ra&man is full of nectar==t&e 8o0 of t&e +tman Kt&e individual SelfL1 -&e
treasure # &ave found t&ere cannot .e descri.ed in words1 -&e mind cannot conceive of it1
%0 mind fell like a &ailstone into t&at vast epanse of )ra&man>s ocean1 -ouc&ing one drop
of it/ # melted awa0 and .ecame one wit& )ra&man1 +nd now/ t&oug& # return to &uman
consciousness/ # a.ide in t&e 8o0 of t&e +tman1
54&ere is t&is universeF 4&o took it awa0F Has it merged into somet&ing elseF + w&ile ago/
# .e&eld it==now it eists no longer1 -&is is wonderful indeedI
5Here is t&e ocean of )ra&man/ full of endless 8o01 How can # accept or re8ect an0t&ingF #s
t&ere an0t&ing apart or distinct from )ra&manF
5@ow/ finall0 and clearl0/ # know t&at # am t&e +tman/ w&ose nature is eternal 8o01 # see
not&ing/ # &ear not&ing/ # know not&ing t&at is separate from me15
'( shanti( shanti( shanti
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