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The Voice of Black Power, Revolution, and the Hip-Hop Generation
By Amir Meshkin
Baby shot by Israeli assassin.
Young boy gassed by Israeli assassins.
Toddler killed by of Israeli bomb.
Young girl shot down by Israeli assassin.
Young boy murdered by Israeli bomb.
Muslim terrorized by an Israeli assassin.
Murdered and disfigured by Israeli bomb.
Page 2
What exactly is terrorism?
Terrorism is violence, especially
bombing, kidnapping, and assassi-
nation, carried out for political
reasons as defined by most dic-
tionaries. Terrorism is used by a
stronger people who simply use
their military. The problem here
is that it is the weaker and usually
oppressed people that are labeled
the terrorists while the stronger
people often get away with mass
Every Palestinian killed today
was killed by terrorists. Power
corrupts and Israel's use of exces-
sive force against a weaker people
fits in well with the definition of
terrorism. Israel was not always
the stronger people however. Be-
fore Israel got what it wanted,
Zionists practically invented ter-
Terror was a policy first
adopted by Zionists. The first air-
plane hijacking was committed by
Israel in 1954 when a civilian Syr-
ian airliner was hijacked shortly
after the plane took off. Zionists
invented the car bomb, and Zion-
ists were the first to assassinate
United Nations personnel as well
as attack their own allies, such as
the attack on the USS Liberty in
1967. Today no one seems to re-
member the Zionist truck-bomb
which blew up Jerusalems King
David hotel killing around 200 in
1946. Not many even know that
on October 14, 1953, an elite unit
under the command of the then
Prime Minister Ariel Sharon at-
tacked the village of Qibya in Jor-
dan. Army officials stated that
intelligence stated the village was
evacuated, but the UN found bul-
let holes in the debris. The bullet
holes were made from Sharon and
his men shooting at the houses to
make sure the inhabitants stayed
inside while the time bombs went
off. Around 66 houses were
blown up killing over a hundred
civilians, mainly women and chil-
dren. Zionist terrorism in the
1930s and 1940s has been forgot-
ten because it is obvious that the
winners write the history books.
There are however many in-
stances of Zionist terrorism that
would be impossible to fit in one
measly article.
Terrorism was the only policy
of the Zionists, which were deter-
mined to scare all Arabs from
what they believe to be their
land. Cafes and restaurant were
favorite targets of Zionists along
with poor residential neighbor-
hoods. More than 500 civilians
were killed in the years of 1937
and 1938 alone. On April 16,
1939, Zionist terrorists randomly
shot two Arab civilians near Be-
tah Takfe settlements setting up
many similar instances where in-
nocent civilians were randomly
shot week after week. A study
showed that the 6 months before
the birth of Israel, over 1,000 Ar-
abs were killed and almost a mil-
lion scared or evicted from their
homes. This is not only terrorism
but mass terrorism, designed to
force Muslims to migrate else-
These operations became cru-
eler when Zionist realized that a
Jewish state was a possibility. The
problem for the Zionist was the
security of the Jews. The world
can obviously see that the Zion-
ists did not want to mix with Ar-
abs. They felt it degrading for
Gods chosen people to mingle
with inferiors.
Around the second half of De-
cember 1947, Zionist attacked
civilians in villages within the
Haifa sub-district and soon they
moved to villages in the sub-
district of Safad and Tabaraya.
Over 170 men, women and chil-
dren civilians were killed in these
attacks. Although many Arabs
were scared away at this point,
this did not stop Zionists from
attacking residents of Al-Tireh,
Saasa, Kfar Husseiniya, Sarafand,
Kalounya, Beyt Sourik, Aylaboun,
Al-Shajara and Nasser Al-Dine
killing 250 civilians. Israel how-
ever shocked the world when
they slaughtered a few hundred
civilians in the village of Deir
Yassin, on the 19th of April. Even
after the establishment of the
Jewish state, Zionist still did not
believe Israel to be pure.
In the summer of 1953, Israel
attacked the camp of Bureig in
Gaza, and then the village of
Kubeiya killing 60 and wounding
90 Arab civilians. Every week
seemed to bring another massacre
at the hands of Zionists. The more
famous of these were the massa-
cres at the village of Nahalin and
the coast of Tabaraya lake killing
around 20. In the 1956 war, Israel
showed its love of human beings
by bombing villages in Gaza kill-
ing hundreds of civilians. The
1956 massacres of Kfar Kassem
and Khan Younus saw the deaths
of 450 civilians which were
mainly workers and farmers. In
1966 and 1967, raids on Al-Nakib
and Al-Sumu saw the deaths of 50
civilians. Palestinians were not
the only targets of Zionist how-
Zionist terrorism spread across
the borders whenever Israel felt
like terrorizing Lebanon, Syria,
Jordan and Egypt. In September
of 1967, around 200 Egyptian ci-
vilians were killed in Al-Suise,
the port of Tawfik and Al-
Ismailiya. Around 100 were killed
in raids on sub-districts of Arbad
and Al-Salat. Israel stated that
these villages contained Palestin-
ian fighters and followed with
more attacks the following year.
Around 130 civilians were
killed in the summer of 1968 in
Al-Suise and Al-Ismailiya, and
1969 saw the deaths of 60 civilian
in attacks on Al-Hama and Mey-
saloon, in Syria and Bour Said, in
Egypt. An attack of a factory in
Abi Zubel saw the deaths of 70
civilians in 1970, and 50 school
children were killed when Israel
attacked Baher Al-Bakar school in
Palestinians have never at-
tacked an Israeli school yet they
still call Palestinians terrorists.
The massacres in Lebanon alone
should bring massive condemna-
tion of Israel from the world but
generally has not. Seems like the
holocaust is Israel's excuse for re-
peating the evil.
When Israel invaded and occu-
pied the southern part of Lebanon
in 1982, it was clear they truly
wanted to add to their nation of
hatred. There were reports of ci-
vilians rounded up in Mosques
and murdered as well as daily
rocket attacks, shelling, air raids,
naval bombings, mines, car
bombs, home demolitions, assassi-
nation and napalm attacks. The
targets of these atrocities were
hospitals, mosques, gatherings,
market places, lone houses and
schools. Ports were also closed
devastating the economy and not
allowing medical supplies and
other aid to reach needy civilians.
Israeli settlers reportedly also poi-
soned water supplies while Israel
disrupted electricity and stole wa-
ter from Lebanese rivers. In con-
clusion tens of thousands of Leba-
nese were killed, wounded, and
missing. Many of these were men,
women, children, the elderly,
journalists and even religious
Continued Page 30
[Bin-Jiddu] It is sufficient to say that we are in the company of Hezbollah Secretary General His Eminence Al-
Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah at this time in particular. The battles are still continuing. We are at a certain time in
a certain place of this world, and not only in Lebanon, as I used to say earlier. This is why, without any
introductions at all, I will start my questions to His Eminence Al-Sayyid Hasan Nasrallah. Your Eminence Al-
Sayyid, first of all, thank you for responding to [the request to hold] this interview at this time in particular.
Around 10 days have passed since the outbreak of hostilities. What do you say militarily and politically?

[Nasrallah] In the name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate. Politically and militarily all at once, it is
difficult. Let us start...

[Bin-Jiddu, interrupting] Not in detail. We will go into details with you.

[Nasrallah] Let us start militarily and in the field. The general headline we can speak about clearly on the
military level is steadfastness--the great and significant steadfastness first and, secondly, full absorption of the
Israeli strike. Over the past few days, the Israelis, in our opinion, did the maximum that they can do, from
the air and the sea. Of course, we will discuss the ground option shortly. There is no target--old, new, as-
sumed, expected, based on information or analysis--that they did not hit. Also, when we speak about what
was hit, this includes military and civilian targets, but I want to speak now about the military aspect.

I can confirm at this momentthis is not an exaggeration and not part of psychological warfare, but
factsthat the command structure of Hezbollah has not been harmed. Yesterday night, they conducted a
very violent raid on a building in the southern suburb. They spoke about 22 tons of explosives and a large
number of aircraft that conducted the raid. They said that they made an achievement and killed some Hez-
bollah leaders and a large number of members of the resistance. This is not true. At any rate, your corre-
spondent reported that he saw the area and that no ambulances came to the scene and no rescue efforts
were made because the building is vacant and is under construction. The entire command structure of Hezbol-
lah, including the political, jihadist, executive, and socialso far, the Zionists have not managed to kill any
Hezbollah cadre or leader at any level.

[Bin-Jiddu] Do you mean the political leaders or the military commanders?

[Nasrallah] All of them. Certainly, I would like to tell you and tell the viewers that when a martyr falls, we
inform his family and we then announce this. We do not hide our martyrs until the end of the battle. We
have never done this. On the contrary, we always take pride in our martyrs. Until this very moment, praise
be to God, anything that could affect the command or administrative structure that is managing the battle or
that is not managing the battlethose who are directly linked to the battle or have a relationship to some
aspects of the existing situation--this structure has remained intact. This is especially true in the case of the
military structure that is present in the field. This is first. The second thing that I can confirm is that all the
Israeli talk that they hit 50 per cent of our rocket capability and warehousesall of this is untrue and
nonsense. Until this moment, they have not been able to hit anything in this context. I confirm this to you.
The evidence is that the resistance has continued to fire rocketsnot the regular Katyusha rockets that are
fired on the frontline settlementsthe resistance is still striking Haifa, Tiberias, Safad [Zefat] and deep [into
Israel] as well. We control even the number of rockets that are fired. Today, the resistance can fire hundreds
of rockets in a single day. There is no obstacle in the field despite the intensive air activity of the Zionists.

We control the number [of rockets] because we are managing our battle. I will go back shortly to the man-
agement of the battle. Therefore, as far as the rocket structure is concerned, things are excellent and this
structure or capability has not been impaired at all. We have the ability to go on for a long time. Also, the
fighters in the field have not
started action so far. The ground
confrontations that occurred over
the past two days are the begin-
nings of the confrontation. The
fighters on the border have so far
not made a strenuous effort over
the past few days. We are still at
the beginning of action. Therefore,
as far as the ground and rocket
situation is concerned and on the
level of capabilities and cadres,
leadership, and organization in
general, which is broader than the
jihadist aspect or other political, social, and media aspects, the structure is still strong and solid and continu-
ing, praise be to God.

The strike against the battleship off the coast of Beirut has made the Israelis decide to keep all their war-
ships away from the Lebanese coast by tens of kilometers. What is reported sometimes in the media, to the
effect that warships are bombarding the suburb or a certain area, is wrong. This is not true. The warships
are not bombarding most areas because they are far away from the coast. The Israeli air force is the one
that is conducting the bombing. In all events, this air force is a superior force. This is the picture of the field
situation. Of course, in the confrontations that occurred, a number of Mirkava tanks have been destroyed so
far. Some of these tanks are Mirkava of the fourth generation, which are the most advanced type of the
Israeli Mirkava.

The Israelis admit the ferocity, power, and courage of the fighters on the frontlines. Certainly, we are wager-
ing on those fighters. I think that if we take the picture of the military situation in general, I can confirm
that Hezbollah has so far remained steadfast; secondly, it has managed to absorb the strike; thirdly, to move
to the stage of taking the initiative; and fourthly, to offer some surprises, which it has promised. There is
still a number of surprises, which we reserve to our-
selves in the next stage. In the field, Hezbollah is still
managing the battle calmly, slowly, quietly, and without
any emotional reaction. You can see this. There are no
unnecessary threats and no random rhetoric. We are
following things closely and calmly and we calculate the
time, place, number, capability, combat, point, front,
and all details on the military level. This concerns the
military aspect.

[Bin-Jiddu] Excuse me your eminence, what guarantees that what you are kindly describing as calm is not
confusion, and what guarantees or confirms that you are running the battle calmly, not with emotional reac-
tion to conceal the inflicted enormous military losses as Israel claims?

[Nasrallah] First, you know Lebanon. Today, the Israelis tightened the noose on the mass media in northern
occupied Palestine and occupied Palestine. No one can report any news or broadcast any footage. [News
reports] are subject to the Israeli censorship which permits and disseminates them. Even you at Al-Jazeera
Channel were subjected to arrests, interrogation, restricted activities, and the like. Why do the Israelis resort
to concealing the truth on the other side? Why? Do they do that only because they accuse the media outlets
of setting the coordinates? This is nonsense. We have the coordinates of these Israeli settlements and military
positions in the north, centre, or in any part of occupied Palestine. We do not need anybody to give us
information, images, or the like. In that case, they want to conceal the true scene of the war on the other
side because it will have definite impact on the Israeli street and media and the morale of the Israelis. This
is what Olmert's government and the Israeli Army fear. On the other side, the media outlets in Lebanon
today are reporting on everything, including the raids, the civilian martyrs, the combatant martyrs, and the
roads. The towns are open even the Southern Suburb. The media outlets entered it. The media outlets entered
and videotaped the place, which was bombarded yesterday at dawn, actually today at dawn. So, everything is
evident. You know Lebanon more than anybody else that there are no secrets in Lebanon. If we have mar-
tyrs, we can only conceal them for an hour or two because their families and the residents of their village
will know about it. Those are not fighters from another country; they are from the citizens of this country. If
one of the leaders of Hezbollah is martyred, this will be made known within few hours. Therefore, we do not
conceal our martyrs and we are proud of them. Secondly, as for the structure [of the resistance], its perform-
ance practically assert that things are still ongoing well. Moreover, the Israelis gave a while ago a picture of
trucks to the mass media claiming that these trucks are transporting ammunition to Hezbollah. Well, if they
videotape every target they strike, let them provide pictures of the rocket launchers, the launching pads, and
the military bases that were bombarded. Thus far, they have been bombarding wrong targets. This indicates a
technical failure on the one hand and an intelligence failure on the other. The drilling machines in Al-
Ashrafiyah are old machines. So, they do not receive intelligence from the ground and I do not agree with
the analysis that suggests they pounded Al-Ashrafiyah because they want to instigate the Christians and the
residents of Al-Ashrafiyah against the resistance. We should not be hasty [in drawing conclusions]. They came
and videotaped the two drilling machines. They might have looked as rocket launchers in the pictures and
therefore they bombarded them. This is a failure. If they are depending on the reconnaissance aircraft, this is
a technical failure. If they are depending on the agents on the ground, this is an intelligence failure. So, if
they have pictures, let them show them to the world. You might wonder and says is it possible that no
rocket launcher was hit. Neither me, nor anybody can claim that. There might be, for example, one or two
were hit. After nine days, the strongest air force in the Middle East region and one of the strongest air
forces in the world that have access to the airspace while we do not have the capabilities to face them at
that level - an air force effectively and strongly present in various ways with the reconnaissance aircraft
controlling the airspace of
Lebanon - could not until
this very minute even
stop firing rockets or
target the missile force.
It is very evident.

[Bin-Jiddu] Can we say
that the onset of the
ground battle has begun
or not?

[Nasrallah] We cannot
say that accurately. Until
now, what have been taking place are infiltration attempts in certain points on the borders. In this context,
the Israelis are seeking to make any achievements. I tell that the only achievement made by the Israelis can
be made by any air force in the world. It does not need the grandeur of the Israeli Air Force, namely de-
stroying the bridges, the airport, striking at the ports, factories, the houses. This does not need any [special
air force]. Any army that has some aircraft can do that. However, they failed in the face of the military
infrastructure of the resistance. They succeeded in killing the children, women, and the elderly. They suc-
ceeded in displacing some people. As for the structure of the resistance, I affirm to you that it is present.
They know that they are not hiding-- as they claim-- among the civilians. [The battle] is taking place in the
frontlines, the mountains, the valleys, and between the trees in a wide area. They are looking for achieve-
ments. They talked at dawn today about the bombing of this building in the Southern Suburb. I heard over
the past two or three days that they are talking about great, huge, fortified Hezbollah barracks along the
borders that were destroyed. I was discussing the issue with the brothers. We discussed whether we should
deny the claims or not. Some said: Let them be happy about it as they are showing their people that they
made achievements. Let them be happy about their achievements and this might ease the onslaught. They will
be happy in the Israeli Army that they made achievements. Others said: Let our public opinion know because
this would have positive and negative psychological impact. Continued Page 32
Al-Jazeera Beirut Bureau Chief Ghassan Bin-Jiddu had an exclusive interview with
Hezbollah Secretary General Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah on Thursday, July 20, 2006.
Page 3
The United States
continues its legacy of
promises broken and the
eternal war against Black
youth. Up until March
2005 it was legal to lynch
Black youth under the
age of 18. Even though
the Eighth Amendment
to the U.S. Constitution
prohibits cruel and un-
usual punishment, it
took the recent Donald
Roprer v. Christopher
Simmons Supreme Court
case to rule the juvenile
death penalty unlawful.
On the surface, this
decision appears to have
prohibited the unjustifi-
able killing of Black chil-
dren. However, judicial
loopholes have made
way for another type of
murder. Now the U.S.
boasts more juveniles
serving life sentences
without parole than all
other nations combined.
The criminal system
works harder now to kill
the spirit of our youth
the very future of the
Black Nation.
Deliverance of these
sentences is hypocritical
to the laws Amerikkka
has written, and the
agreements it has made.
The U.S. voted for the
United Nations to adopt
the Declaration on the
Rights of the Child in
November of 1959;
which would provide
special safeguards and
care, including appropri-
ate legal protection due
to a childs mental and
physical immaturity.
Later the International
Covenant on Civil and
Political Rights was
formed, to which the
U.S. became a party in
1992, specifically ac-
knowledging the need
for special treatment of
children in the criminal
system and emphasizing
the importance of their
rehabilitation. It is an
indisputable fact that a
life sentence is not a
method fit to rehabilitate
a child. It is also clear
that no safeguards have
been made to protect our
young people from per-
ishing in captivity.
When the defendant
is a Black teen, he or she
is ten times more likely
to receive a no-parole
life sentence than if the
teen were white. They
are even more likely to
get those sentences when
their victims are white,
and they are tried by all-
white or majority white
juries. In addition, a ma-
jor portion of those sen-
tenced with no-parole
did not actually commit
murder but were partici-
pants in a robbery or
were at the scene of the
crime when the death
occurred. Most of these
teens had no prior con-
victions, and a consider-
able number were aged
15 or under.
When our Black ba-
bies are taken to
Amerikkkan concentra-
tion camps, they do what
they feel is necessary to
survive. Surrounded by
prison gangs they often
join in order to avoid
falling victim to one.
Continued Page 30
By Aaleigha Jabril
Alabama 14 16
Alaska 0 No LWOP
Arizona 0 14
Arkansas 14 14
California 14 14
Colorado 12 12
Connecticut 14 14
Delaware 0 0
District of Columbia 0 No LWOP <18
Florida 0 0
Georgia 12 13
Hawaii 0 0
Idaho 14 14
Illinois 13 13
Indiana 0 16
Iowa 14 14
Kansas 10 No LWOP
Kentucky 14 No LWOP <18
Louisiana 14 15
Maine 0 No LWOP
Maryland 0 0
Massachusetts 14 14
Michigan 0 0
Minnesota 14 14
Mississippi 13 13
Missouri 12 12
Montana 12 12
Nebraska 0 0
Nevada 8 8
New Hampshire 13 13
New Jersey 14 14
New Mexico 15 No LWOP
New York 13 No LWOP <18
North Carolina 13 13
North Dakota 14 14
Ohio 14 14
Oklahoma 7 13
Oregon 0 No LWOP <18
Pennsylvania 0 0
Rhode Island 0 0
South Carolina 0 0
South Dakota 0 10
Tennessee 0 0
Texas 14 No LWOP
Utah 14 14
Vermont 10 10
Virginia 14 14
Washington 0 15
West Virginia 0 No LWOP
Wisconsin 0 10
Wyoming 13 13
Federal 15 15
Missing Data
I. State
II. Age eligible to be tried as an adult.
III. Age eligible for life without parole.
IV. Number of youth serving life without parole.
In the 1980s, Congress established several
different mandatory minimum sentences. These
laws require offenders of certain crimes to re-
ceive fixed sentences without parole.
Though crack and powdered cocaine are vir-
tually the same drug (crack is powder cocaine
mixed with baking soda) possession of five grams
of crack gets you a mandatory five years in jail,
while it takes 500 grams of powdered cocaine to
get this same sentence.
Knowing this, what do you think the sentence should be for imported these
drugs, and more for distribution? No matter what you think, below you will
read about the types of sentences that are handed out. Justice, or just-us?
Page 4
Three men from
the province of
British Colum-
bia, Canada
were charged
with conspiracy
to distribute and
import mari-
juana on July
21st. Francis
Devadra Raj, 30;
Timothy Woo, 34; and Johnathan
Valenzuela, 27 built a 360 foot tunnel
that had a concrete floor, wood beams,
ventilation and video security system,
across the U.S.-Canadian border. This
is reported as the first tunnel ever dis-
covered on the northern border of the
U.S. The tunnel began beneath a large
metal shed in Langley (Canada), and
ended in the living room of an aban-
doned home in Lynden, Washington.
Court evidence revealed that over
$400,000 was spent in building the
tunnel, and purchasing the property.
U.S. District Court Judge John
Coughenour sentenced the three men
to nine years in prison for trying to
smuggle drugs across the border and an
additional five years supervised release.
Picture of tunnel.
Black youth protest unjust laws.
Page 5
According to
a U.S. Army
study, unprece-
dented numbers
o f Af r i c a n
American youth
are refusing to
join the Army .
Those young
people who have
been given more
careful instruc-
tion see that an-
other major rea-
son not to fight
for a racist gov-
ernment is be-
cause the people
who are sent to
recruit you dont
even defend
Black interests at
A s t udy,
based on inter-
views with more
than 3,000 youth
16-24, found
that Army re-
cruitment of
Blacks has fallen
41 percent since
2000 and has
been steadily
decreasing. Now
those are the
types of statistics
that need to be
low, moreover
obsolete, when
it comes to our
So con-
cerned is the
Army that they
are conducting
intense research
and intensifying
a d v e r t i s i n g
strategies. The
Army has been
stepping up ac-
tivities in Black
c o mmu n i t i e s
where unem-
ployment is dis-
Official Black
was 10.6 percent
in the first quar-
ter of 2005
double the over-
all 5.3 percent
for whites
and a quarter of
Black house-
holds remain
below the fed-
eral poverty
Some experts
say the lagging
r e c r u i t me n t
raises the specter
of the Pentagon
turning to the
reinstatement of
the draft.
While the
U.S. military
does not cater to
the interests of
the Black com-
munity, we must
not dismiss the
importance of
disciplined self-
defense training
for Black people
of all ages.
White suprema-
cists are utilizing
every available
me t h o d t o
strengthen their
p a r a mi l i t a r y
forces, even if
t ha t means
enlisting in the
U.S. military.
Military re-
cruiters and base
c o mma nd e r s ,
under intense
pressure fill the
ranks, often look
the other way.
One cannot also
deny the fact
that it is highly
likely that some
recruiters may
have the same
Continued Page
Most people who enlist are
signed up into the Delayed Enlist-
ment Program (DEP), also called
the Delayed Entry Program, for
up to a year before they report for
active duty training.
The DEP is pushed hard by
recruiters to high school seniors
who are unsure what to do after
graduation. Many people change
their minds and more people are
realizing that recruiters misrepre-
sent military life and lie to them.
The military isn't a generous
financial aid institution, and it
isn't concerned with helping you
pay for school. Two-thirds of all
recruits never get any college
funding from the military. Only
15% graduate with a four-year
Joining the military is a
dead end. After you've spent a
few years in the military, you're 2
to 5 times more likely to be
homeless than your friends who
never joined. And, according to
the VA, you'll probably earn less
too. The skills you learn in the
military will be geared to military
jobs, not civilian careers; when
you come out, many employers
will tell you to go back to school
and get some real training.
For whatever reason, people
who have enlisted through the
DEP have the right to change
their mind and do not have to go!
Fundamentally, the way to get
out of the DEP is NOT TO GO,
not to report on your ship date.
Some people simply do not go;
others choose to write a letter
stating their decision not to go. In
either case, the results are the
same: you do not have to go.
There are no consequences
and no records as a result of with-
drawing from the DEP that cur-
rently have any effect on things
like employment or your legal
record. This is the case for non-
citizens as well as citizens.
Withdrawing from the DEP
has no effect on future employ-
The Army Recruiting regula-
tions state that recruiters will not
threaten, coerce, manipulate, or
intimidate DEP members, nor
may they obstruct separation
Continued Page 30
Confused Black men attempting to lure in vulnerable Latino and Black youth.
U.S. DesperateWhite Supremacists Openly Welcomed
By Omar Parks
White Lies of the White Mans Military Exposed!
It is time that America understood Hezbul-
lah for what it really is, not what the Israelis
and their Zionist friends say it is.
Hezbullah is a social, political, educational,
medical and military organization based pri-
marily among the Shia of Lebanon. In addi-
tion, Hezbullah also includes many Sunni and
even Christians who ally themselves with Hez-
bullah because of the good this organization
does in Lebanon. Many of the doctors who
work in their centers, as well as teachers in
their schools are Christian and Druze.
As the Christian President of Lebanon,
Emile Lahoud said of Hezbullah, when it was
under attack by President Bush, Hezbollah is
an integral part of the Lebanese government, it
is also part of our military, it part of our social
order. This was echoed by the late, beloved,
Prime Minister, Rafiq Al-Harriri.
This is the truth about Hezbullah; not what
Bush and his Zionist cronies, and the unedu-
cated Conde Rice has to say about the organi-
Let us look at what Hezbullah has done in
Lebanon: it has set up over 50 hospitals; it has
set up over 100 schools (secular schools pri-
marily) and many libraries; it has participated
in the governing of Lebanon in the parliament
and in the life of the country; it has driven the
Israelis out of southern Lebanon and kept
them out to this day, it is the force that stands
guard against another Israeli invasion of Leba-
non. Many of us who witnessed that, and
Robert Fisk, the esteemed, award-winning col-
umnist for the Independent of the United
Kingdom will back me up on this, saw the
Hezbullah fight-
ers armed with
small weapons,
mines, bazookas
a n d h u ma n
bombs chase the
Israeli tanks,
Bradley fighting
vehicles, armored
cars and troops
out of Leba-
non.Even with
planes and heli-
copters, the Israelis could not sustain them-
selves in Lebanon; they were defeated by the
Thus, at this point, Israel is the biggest
Continued Page 31
Parade showing support for Hezbullah.
By Sam Hamod
General Nasrallah
To inhibit the potential involvement of youth and
youth organizations, effectively removing them as a future
factor in their freedom struggle.
(1) Prevent the COALITION of militant black nationalist
groups. In unity there is strength; a truism that is no
less valid for all its triteness. An effective coalition
of black nationalist groups might be the first step toward
a real Mau-Mau[Black revolutionary army] in America,
the beginning of a true black revolution.
(5) A final goal should be to prevent the long-range
growth of militant black organizations, especially among
the youth. Specific tactics to prevent these groups from
converting young people must be developed.
The purpose of this new counterintelligence endeavor
is to expose, disrupt, misdirect, discredit, or OTHERWISE
NEUTRALIZE the activities of black nationalist hate-type
organizations and groupings, their leadership, spokesmen,
membership, and supporters, and to counter their propensity
for violence and civil disorder. The activities of all
such groups of intelligence interest to the Bureau must be
followed on a continuous basis so we will be in a position
to promptly take advantage of all opportunities for coun-
terintelligence and inspire action in instances where cir-
cumstances warrant. The pernicious background of such
groups, their duplicity, and devious maneuvers must be ex-
posed to public scrutiny where such publicity will have a
neutralizing effect. Efforts of the various groups to con-
solidate their forces or to recruit new or youthful adher-
ents must be frustrated. NO OPPORTUNITY SHOULD BE MISSED
NATIONALIST ORGANIZATIONS. When an opportunity is apparent
to disrupt or neutralize black nationalist, hate-type or-
ganizations through the cooperation of established local
media contacts or through such contact with sources avail-
able to the Seat of Government [Hoover], in every instance
careful attention must be given to the proposal to insure
the targeted group is disrupted, ridiculed, or discredited
through the publicity and not merely publicized...
You are cautioned that the nature of this new endeavor is
ate within-office security should be afforded to sensitive
The Federal Bureau of Investigation was created in 1908 by Attorney General Charles Bonaparte while Theodore Roosevelt served as President. In
1910, the FBI declared no protect citizens of African descent in the enjoyment of civil rights generally. The FBI is no more than
another criminal faction of an already criminal government, established to legitimize a national police agency. Afrikan descendants, whom represent
a nation within a nation, the Black Nation, came under immediate attack. With the sluggish dissolution of the institution of slavery in the U.S.
came a simultaneous ambition to address the Negro problem. The sense of urgency by Afrikans to fight in the war for their own liberation gained
increasing momentum. The former Director of the FBI, J. Edgar Hoover, would formally construct a plan to dismantle Afrikan efforts for liberation.
Although the same principles were used to unlawfully punish the Honorable Marcus Mosiah Garvey in 1927, it was not until August of 1967 that Hoover
outlined the FBIs nationwide campaign to target Black civil rights leaders, Black Power advocates, and to maintain surveillance of the Black com-
munity. This campaign would be called the counterintelligence program (COINTELPRO).
Panther behind bullet ridden door
J. Edgar Hoover
Panthers are the
greatest threat to the
internal security of the
country. -Hoover
Page 6
By Min. Hashim A. Nzinga
National Chief of Staff, NBPP
The African youth in America
feel trapped. Our youth have the
spirit much like that of a panther,
reacting fearlessly and forcefully to
free themselves from a compromis-
ing position. But the question is
why do the youth feel trapped?
Stifling social conditions give our
young people the feeling of entrap-
The American social system is
comparable to South African
apartheid. It results from white
folk who refuse to accept anyone
who looks and acts differently
from the way they do, those who
live a lifestyle foreign to their own.
This helps them to create an at-
mosphere that constantly fosters
the growth of their own nation
and limits the threat of being over-
taken by outside ideals and prac-
Let us not be fooled, aside from
being forced to the fringe of soci-
ety, there is also an element of per-
sonal responsibility. No people
can see through the rise of its na-
tion without realizing their com-
mon authentic identity. No au-
thentic identity can be achieved if
in the effort to do so, he denies his
forefathers. With an authentic
identity comes an internal will to
preserve that identity. Living as
Africans will move us to protect all
that makes us African, because we
know that this will ultimately lead
to the liberation and survival of
our people.
We must begin again to teach
our children about God. God
meets us at the limit of our own
understanding. Therefore, we
must teach them the truth about
who we are and were before the
existence of the white man, and
why the white man took us from
Africa. This will strengthen to-
days African youth liberation
movement, which is now so nar-
rowly focused on militant action.
This one dimensional frame of
thought represents a grave weak-
ness in that movement. The Afri-
can youth are denying themselves
a historical and psychological di-
mension that is essential for having
self-understanding and self-
respect. Without this understand-
ing, the militant minded youth
will only use militant action
against their brothers and sisters
and not toward their real enemy,
the white man.
Structuring the African family
based on white tradition is another
social snare. As a consequence of
our doing so, many of our African
youth wind up in the American
juvenile system, the jails and pris-
ons, and in some cases even wind
up being prisoners in their own
homes. This has led to emotional
problems like confusion, because
our youth are beginning to under-
stand the lessons of history that
contradict with actions being
taught in our homes. They realize
that lack of initiative among Afri-
can people can entirely or even
partly explain their subservient
condition, their political domina-
tion and economic exploitation.
Three and a half centuries of Afri-
can labor helped to transform
America into the worlds most
powerful nation. Today the eco-
nomic structure of America has
little need for African labor, and as
businesses continue to see an in-
crease in profit, African people still
fail to benefit. Industrial and tech-
nological revolutions have never
benefited the African community,
so despite our ingenious contribu-
tions, African people, on a whole,
are bound by poverty; as they re-
main menial workers and ex-
ploited consumers.
Racism and history have re-
vealed to African youth that there
is only one language understood by
white people, the language of vio-
lence. The white man is not going
to let go of anything unless he is
hit over the head and it is taken
away from him. The youth know
that for more than 400 years the
white man has raped our women,
flogged us, killed us and forced us
into slavery. They will be slaves
no longer. They want what is
theirs in the world and they know
there is only one way to get it by
force, the same way the white man
got it from us. But are we listening
to our youth, or are we condemn-
ing them? Taking the time to un-
derstand their conditions and deci-
sions will put us in a position to
guide these same actions purpose-
Our African children dont
want or need the white mans
help, because they know what
kind of help to expect. If theyre
going to make it, they got to make
it with their GOD and their war-
rior spirit. The African youth will
run the world. So, white man, get
out of the way. Theyre on the
move. Theyre on the move and
wont be stopped.
Bo b b y J a me s
Hutton was born in
1950. Hutton was
15 years old when
he met Bobby Seale
and Huey Newton,
who were working
for the mayor's
anti-poverty jobs
program in North
Oakland and asked
to join the Black
Panther Party as
their first member.
He was so young
they had to ask his
mother's permis-
In May 1967 he led
a Black Panther
march in Sacra-
mento to protest
against a new gun
bill. The Mulford
Act made it illegal
to carry guns in
public and was a
direct response to
the Panthers' po-
lice patrols in the
On the 6th of April
in 1968 eight BPP
members, includ-
ing Hutton, El-
dridge Cleaver and
David Hilliard,
were traveling in
two cars when
they were am-
bushed by the
Oakland police.
C l e a v e r a n d
Hutton ran for
cover and found
themselves in a
basement sur-
rounded by police.
The building was
fired upon for over
an hour. When a
tear-gas canister
was thrown into
the basement and
the house was
ablaze the two men
decided to surren-
der. Hutton exited
first with his hands
in the air and shot
nearly a dozen
times by the police
and was killed in-
stantly. Over 2,000
people attended his
funeral at the
Ephesians Church
of God in Berkeley,
California on April
12, 1968.
Page 7
Page 8
Criminally responsible for the deaths of over 2,700 American soldiers and 60,000
injured in Iraq. Criminally responsible for over 100,000 Iraqi civilians while igniting
a civil war.
Criminally responsible for supplying arms and military equipment to the terrorist
state of Israel.
Prime suspect in the September 11th World Trade Center attacks.
Known to be armed and dangerous and possess weapons of mass destruction.
Leader of international outlaw and Zionist terrorist state called Israelthe second
largest state sponsor of terror in the world.
Personally responsible for the murder of over 1,000 Lebanese civilians and babies in
recent barbaric attack on Lebanon. Inheritor of leadership of the illegal, sto-
len Zionist State, which has openly defied over 40 Unite Nations Resolutions.
Not a true Jewan impostor!
Possess weapons of mass destruction and is extremely dangerous.
Bush is informed as his
9/11 plot unfolds.
Mass grave in Iraq as a result of war.
Chaos caused by U.S.
induced Iraqi civil war.
The hidden power behind the President.
Criminally responsible for manufacturing a phony war against Saddam Hussein as a
pretext to secure he and his bloody cartels oil control empire.
Criminally responsible for every soldier and civilian death in Iraq.
Favorite hideouts are normally secret government facilities, in the mountains of
Pennsylvania and elsewhere.
Seemingly endless caskets
of American soldiers
Illegally ousted President of a
sovereign nation, Saddam Hussein.
Zionist influence and Zionist mastermind of Zionist controlled U.S. foreign policy.
Ensures that the protection and defense of Israel is a primary goal in U.S. foreign
policy, including invading Iraq, neutralizing Iran and destroying Lebanon.
Part of an international Zionist network that must be stopped at all costs.
Page 9
Political whore and prostitute for George W. Bush Jr. and white right-wing Republi-
This stool pigeon and lap dog shamelessly represents and defends the evil and ma-
nipulative foreign policy of GWB and both Zionist controlled regimes in Israel and
Wears the disguise of a Black woman, but is the exact opposite of Harriet Tubman,
Rosa Parks or any true Afrikan Queen.
Queen Yaa Asantewaa
Queen Betty Shabazz
Queen Coretta Scott King
Afghanistan at war.
Afghan children killed in war. Afghan Freedom Fighters
Burning Israeli flag
Burning US flag
Warmonger and responsible for on the ground terrorist activities in Iraq and Af-
Personally spearheaded command and control over terrorist forces that have killed
over 100,000 civilians in Iraq and toppled the government of a sovereign nation
unleashing hell and chaos that was never seen before.
Masterminds an international prison torture network.
Armed and dangerous, known to possess weapons of mass destruction.

Haki Malik Abdullah (s/n Mi-
chael Green)
# C-56123
PO Box 3456
Corcoran, CA 93212

Mumia Abu-Jamal #AM 8335,
SCI-Greene, 175 Progress
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Birthday: April 24, 1954

Sundiata Acoli #39794-066,
USP Allenwood, P.O. Box 3000,
White Deer, PA 17887
Birthday: January 14, 1937

Charles Simms Africa
SCI Graterford, Box 244,
Graterford PA 19426
Birthday: April 7, 1956

Delbert Orr Africa #AM4985,
SCI Dallas Drawer K,
Dallas, PA 18612
Birthday: June 21, 1951

Edward Goodman Africa
301 Morea Road,
Frackville, PA 17932
Birthday: October 21, 1949

Janet Holloway Africa #006308,
451 Fullerton Ave,
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-
Birthday: April 13, 1951

Janine Phillips Africa #006309,
451 Fullerton Ave,
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-
Birthday: April 25, 1956

Michael Davis Africa #AM4973,
SCI Graterford Box 244,
Graterford, PA 19426-0244
Birthday: October 6, 1955

William Phillips Africa
SCI Dallas Drawer K,
Dallas, PA 18612
Birthday: January 1, 19565

Debbie Sims Africa #006307,
451 Fullerton Ave,
Cambridge Springs, PA 16403-
Birthday: August 4, 1956

Jamil Abdullah Al-Amin
Georgia State Prison, 100
Georgia Hwy 147,
Reidsville, GA 30499-9701
Birthday: October 4, 1943

Zolo Azania #4969
Pendelton Correctional Facility
PO Box 30, I.D.O.C. 6-6 D
Pendelton, Indiana 46064
Birthday: December 12, 1954

Herman Bell 79C-0262
Sullivan Correctional Facility
Box 116, Riverside Drive
Fallsburg, New York 12733-
Birthday: January 14, 1948

Hayde Beltrn Torres #88462-
SCI Tallahassee, 501 Capitol
Circle NE,
Tallahassee, FL 32031

Kojo Bomani Sababu
(Grailing Brown) #39384-066,
USP Victorville Satellite Camp,
P.O. Box 5700,
Adelanto, CA 92301

Jalil Muntaqim (Anthony Bot-
tom) #77A4283,
Auburn Correctional Facility,
Box 618, 135 State Street,
Auburn, NY 13024
Birthday: October 18, 1951

Antonio Camacho Negrn #
P.O. BOX 562

Rubn Campa #58738-004,
(envelope addessed to Rubn
letter addressed to Fernando
F.C.I. Oxford, P.O. Box 1000,
Oxford WI 53952-05057
Birthday: August 18, 1963

Marshall Eddie Conway
Box 534,
Jessup, MD 20794
Birthday: April 23, 1946

Ren Gonzlez #58738-004,
FCI Marianna, P.O. Box 7007,
Marianna, FL 32447-7007
Birthday: August 13, 1956

Antonio Guerrero #58741-004,
U.S.P. Florence, P.O. Box
Florence CO 81226
Birthday: October 18, 1958

Bashir Hameed/York #82-A-
Great Meadow Correctional Fa-
Box 51
Comstock, New York 12821
Birthday: December 1, 1940

Eddie Hatcher #0173499,
PO Box 909
Taylorsville NC 28681

Robert Seth Hayes #74-A-2280,
Wende Correctional Facility,
Wende Rd., PO Box 1187,
Alden, NY 14004-1187
Birthday: October 15, 1948

Alvaro Luna Hernndez
Hughes Unit, Rt. 2, Box 4400,
Gatesville, TX 76597
Birthday: May 12, 1952

Gerardo Hernndez #58739-
U.S.P. Victorville,
P.O. Box 5500,
Adelanto, CA 92301
Birthday: July 4, 1965

Freddie Hilton (Kamau Sadiki) #
Augusta State Medical Prison,
Bldg 13A-2 E7
3001 Gordon Highway
Grovetown, GA 30812-3809

Sekou Kambui (William Turk)
Box 56, SCC (B1-21),
Elmore, AL 36025-0056
Birthday: September 6, 1948

Ruchell Cinque Magee #
3A2-131 Box 3471
C.S.P. Corcoran, CA 93212

Abdul Majid (Anthony Laborde)
Drawer B, Green Haven Correc-
tional Facility,
Stormville, NY 12582-0010
Birthday: June 25, 1949

Thomas Manning #10373-016,
United States Penitentiary -
Box 2000
Bruceton Mills, West Virginia
Birthday: June 28, 1946

Lus Medina #58734-004
(envelope is addressed to Luis
letter to Ramn Labaino)
U.S.P. Beaumont, P.O. Box
Beaumont TX 77720-6035
Birthday: June 9, 1963

Sekou Odinga #05228-054,
Box 1000, Marion, IL 62959
Birthday: June 17, 1944

Sara Olson #W94197,
506-10-04 Low, CCWF, P.O.
Box 1508,
Chowchilla, CA 93610-1508
Birthday: January 16, 1947

Leonard Peltier #89637-132,
USP Lewisburg
P.O. Box 1000
Lewisburg, PA 17837
Birthday: September 12, 1944

Hugo "Dahariki" Pinell #
SHU D3-221
P.O. Box 7500
Crescent City, CA 95531-7500
Birthday: March 10, 1945

Luis V. Rodrguez # C33000
Mule Creek State Prison
P.O. Box 409000
Ione, CA 95640

Hanif Shabazz Bey
(Beaumont Gereau) #295933,
Wallens Ridge State Prison,
P.O. Box 759,
Big Stone Gap, VA 24219
Birthday: August 16, 1950

Mutulu Shakur #83205-012,
USP Coleman 2
P.O. Box 1034
Coleman, FL 33521-1034
August 8, 1950
Byron Shane Chubbuck
USP Beaumont
P. O. Box 26030
Beaumont, TX 77720
Birthday: February 26, 1967
Russell Maroon Shoats #AF-
SCI Greene, 175 Progress
Waynesburg, PA 15320
Birthday: August 23, 1943
Carlos Alberto Torres #88976-
FCI Oxford, P.O. Box 1000,
Oxford, WI 53952
Birthday: September 19, 1952

Gary Tyler # 84156
Louisiana State Penitentiary
Angola LA 70712
Herman Wallace #76759
CCR Upper E # 4
Louisiana State Penitentiary
Angola, LA 70712
Birthday: October 13, 1941

This is a shortened list of political prisoners. More information can be found at
Page 10
Robert F. Williams spearheaded
the movement for armed resis-
tance to KKK terrorism in defense
of the Black community in the
Robert Williams led the North
Carolina chapter of the National
Association of Colored People
(NAACP) to break from the road
of conciliation and to take the road
of active resistance, the road of
dignity. The very title of the book
he wrote describing this period
Negroes with Guns sums up what
a profoundly revolutionary stand
this was for anyone with even the
slightest knowledge of the truly
evil conditions faced by African
people in the south of the United
States at that time.
He created the Deacons for De-
fense whose symbol was a black
panther, thereby becoming the
direct inspiration and honorary
leader for the rising Black Panther
Party for Self- Defense a few years
later. Later, his insistence that the
black people in the United States
were not only members of an ex-
ploited class but even more impor-
tantly a kidnapped African nation
with the right to independence
and self determination led to his
being acclaimed as the first Presi-
dent of the Republic of New Af-
Not only did Brother Williams
initiate a radical turn in the strug-
gle of African people in the United
Stateshe followed in the tradi-
tion of Harry Haywood, Marcus
Garvey, Paul Robeson and Dr.
W.E.B. DuBois in linking the
struggle of African people in the
U.S. with the wider world of anti-
imperialism and socialism.
His creation of Radio Free Dixie
in liberated Cuba helped to smash
the information monopoly of the
imperialists and white suprema-
Most significantly, Brother
Williams was a personal comrade-
in-arms and friend of such great
revolutionary leaders as Chairman
Mao Zedong, Premier Zhou Enlai,
Comrade Deng Xiaoping, Comrade
Liao Chengzhi and others. All his
loving efforts were in response to
the struggle of Black people in the
United States, and because of this a
deep and sincere the respect and
affection for our Brother remains
in the hearts of freedom fighters
Imam Jamil Al-Amin was once known as H. Rap Brown,
one of the most renowned Black militant figures of Americas
turbulent sixties. The United States Government devised extra-
legal methods, including attempted assassination, legal persecution,
and public vilification to silence the African-American militant that
was so eloquently electrifying that he was named RAP. Indeed,
the genre of music we call Rap derives its political linage from
the militancy of the sixties and the persona of Rap Brown in
particular. Today, Imam Al-Amin the former H. Rap Brown, lan-
guishes in an American prison serving a life sentence for what
many African Americans believe was the culmination of three
decade long government conspiracy to silence and neutralize one
of the most effective African-American grass root leaders since Al-
Hajji Malik As-Shabazz (Malcolm X) Imam Jamil Al-Amin became
an influential Imam just when American politics and the Christian
Right under Ronald Reagan consolidated their political power in
post Vietnam era America.
Jamil Al-Amins return to Islam occurred in 1971 while
imprisoned with Black Liberation Army solider Nuh Abdul Qayyum
(formerly Albert Washington) in New Yorks notorious Tombs
detention center. Al-Amin had been forced underground as a
result of a failed government assassination attempt that killed his
close comrade. A federal warrant was issued for his arrest on a
relatively petty charge of incitement to riot. U.S. authorities had
hoped that the warrant would allow any law enforcement agent
to shoot Al-Amin on sight; however, instead of dying at the hands
of the police, Al-Amin was seriously wounded and captured. He
became a Black Political prisoner alongside other freshly captured
militants such as Dhoruba Bin Wahad, and California Panther
leader Geronimo Ji Jagga Pratt, both government COINTELPRO
targets, who years
later, would have their
criminal convictions
overturned after expos-
ing politically moti-
vated prosecutorial
According to the
statistician of the time,
Islam in the nineties
was the fastest growing religion in the United States. It was
especially attractive to African-American youth seeking moral,
spiritual, and political orientation in a palpably racist society.
But the U.S. government and its law enforcement agencies feared
the potent combination of Black militancy and Islam, and with
the success of its COINTELPRO operations against the Black Na-
tionalist and Pan-African movements of the sixties, the U.S. em-
barked on an unprecedented prison construction boom, and began
the militarization of domestic law enforcement agencies.
Using War on Drugs as his policy pretext, former Ameri-
can President Richard M. Nixon transformed Americas police
agencies into extensions of the Defense and State Department,
employing an intricate web of legislation, institutionalizing expan-
sion of law enforcement powers, and using the media in condi-
tioning public opinion. The FBI and DEA began international
paramilitary counter drug operatives, while the U.S. Justice De-
partment became heavily involved in training domestic police
forces and institutionalizing various taskforces and special opera-
tions units. In order to fight insurgencies around the world, U.S.
intelligence agencies and law enforcement formations
shade of armed thug from drug dealing Central American contras
to military dictators and Latin American paramilitary formations.
It was between Presidents Nixon and Reagan that the U.S. gov-
ernment established several programs which were to be the pre-
cursor to its current policies of rendition and the clandestine
gulags run by the U.S. military and the American CIA.
One such early Federal program was called PRISACTS an
acronym for Prison Activist
Surveillance Program. This
programs objective was to
monitor, disrupt and neutral-
ize the influence of Black
Political Prisoners among the
general prison population.
PRISACT was a follow-up on
COINTELPROs success at
criminalizing the concept of
Black resistance and impris-
oning its advocates. The program resulted in the assassination of
scores of Black prisoner activists, most notable, the late George
Jackson, killed by San Quentin prison guards in 1971. By 1977
PRISACT had helped train scores of professional Correctional
Officers and law enforcement personnel in techniques designed to
curtail the influence of politically motivated prisoners and their
public supporters. PRISACT incited the use of behavioral modifi-
cation techniques and psychotropic medication regimens used on
so-called hostile and aggressive prisoners, perfection of goon
squad tactics and technology to assault inmates, and the perfec-
tion of isolation unit operations; which would all later find utility
in Afghanistan, Iraq, and elsewhere. It was during this period,
19721994, that U.S. state and federal law enforcement per-
fected, regularized, and institutionalized many of its psychological
techniques employed later on prisoners in Afghanistan, Iraq, and
At maxi-maximum prisons around the United States; super-
max federal prison at Marion, state prisons like Pelican Bay,
Attica, Clinton, San Quentin, Soledad, and hundreds more, prison
staff routinely brutalized, harassed, and abused Muslim prisoners
especially those with militant activist histories. Muslim political
Prisoners like Basheer Hamid, Abdul Majid, former Black Panthers
and Black Liberation Army soldiers were routinely committed to
long periods of isolation, their religious beliefs and requirements
trampled upon (often requiring extensive legal litigation to re-
dress). Others such as Jihad Mumit, author of a number of
essays on Islam and armed struggle who had served over ten
years behind bars, was re-imprisoned on parole violation
Continued Page 31
By Sheik D. Mujahid Bin-Wahad
Page 11
By Min. Divine Allah
National Youth Minister, NBPP
Brother Jamille Shaka, NBPP DC Chairman,
records his righteous cypher with Brothers
SticMan and M-1 of Dead Prez.
NBPP (Chairman Jamille): Do you think that
Revolutionary Rap will soon be on the minds
and hearts of the masses because of recent
events in the media (i.e Wire taps, Police Bru-
SticMan: No. Not to say that it is impossible
but the process of Revolution takes time and
reconditioning our people to fight oppression.
So, not soon but it will continue to grow
through our work.
M-1: Dont Think. Through constant work we
begin to own our airwaves and media net-
works. We must prepare to bring this new gen-
eration into a state of consciousness where
they are ready for Revolution. We must get
organized. Black and Brown Power.
NBPP (Chairman Jamille): With the Patriot
Act still in effect and the Miami Florida 7 inci-
dent that has happened recently. What do you
think will begin to happen to Revolutionary
groups (i.e. All African Peoples Revolutionary
Party, NBPP, Prisoners of Consciousness Com-
SticMan: Before anything we will be targeted
because of our revolutionary work. It is now a
crucial time to network our strength within
our community and globally. The Pigs cant see
everything that goes on in the hood. We need
to develop a national and international strat-
egy. Pigs are now sending people into every
organization to destroy and confuse the mem-
bership of our Freedom Fighters.
NBPP (Chairman Jamille): What plans do Dead
Prez have for the future to bring awareness and
consciousness to the deserving masses of Black
M-1: Cant Sell Dope Forever Campaign com-
ing to a Hood near you July 25, 2006 featuring
the Outlawz. This album sheds light on Drugs
in the community and why we need a serious
Revolution within our hoods. Our next move is
pushing how to information to our people. We
need to create and teach practical means for
health, nutrition, fitness, education in order to
bring about the Revolution.
NBPP (Chairman Jamille): I appreciate the in-
terview Brothers! All Power to the People!
Black Power!!!!
DEAD PREZ: No problem Brother. Black
Power!!! UHURU!
Somebody said it is time for
Black people to Define, Develop,
and Defend what is in the best in-
terests of Black people in Amerik-
kka and throughout the world. Is
there anything else better to do!
Yes indeed, Black Power is way
more than a slogan or a chant.
Black Power is way more than a
raised fist with a Red, Black, and
Green band on its wrist. Black
Power is color, culture, and con-
sciousness in action. When we say
Black Power - we are saying Wake
Up Black Man, Love Yourself!
When we say Black Power - we
are saying Wake Up Black
Woman, Respect Yourself! When
you hear Black Power - you are
hearing the sound of commitment,
dedication, and sincerity. You are
hearing a call to Wake Up, Clean
Up, and Stand Up for the uplift
and empowerment of your family,
community, and Nation.
Our people have to see Black
Power on every level of activity in
this nation. If we really want an
end to white supremacy and ra-
cism, gentrification (the white
takeover), oppression, poor educa-
tion, poverty, homelessness, police
harassment and brutality, biologi-
cal and chemical warfare, unem-
ployment, poor education, black
on black crime and violence - then
we must not only say Black Power
- we must breathe life into Black
Power, beyond the slogan. We
have to become walking and talk-
ing examples of what Black power
means in a real way.
Understanding who you are and
what your Divine purpose is in life
can make things a lot easier, even
if you arent part of an organiza-
tion. We all should understand
that Black Power is a very power-
ful term, and if applied properly to
your spiritual, cultural, and politi-
cal development you can literally
create complete constructive
Remember - Revolution Is The
Only Solution

African American athletes
have been at the center of
modern culture, but for all
their money, fame, and
achievement. New York
Times columnist William
C. Rhoden says Black ath-
letes still find themselves
on the periphery of true
power in the multibillion-
dollar industry their talent
Provocative and contro-
versial, Rhodens $40 Mil-
lion Slaves weaves a com-
pelling narrative of Black
athletes in the United
States, from the plantation
to their beginnings in nine-
teenth-century boxing
rings and at the first Ken-
tucky Derby to the history-
making accomplishments of
notable figures such as Jesse
Owens, Althea Gibson, and
Willie Mays. Rhoden
makes the cogent argument
that bl ack athl etes
evolution has merely
been a journey from literal
plantationswhere sports
were introduced as diver-
sions to quell revolutionary
stirringsto todays figura-
tive ones, in the form of
collegiate and professional
sports programs. Rhoden
contends that black ath-
letes exercise of true power
is as limited today as when
masters forced their slaves
to race and fight. The pri-
mary difference is, todays
shackles are often of their
own making.
Every advance made by
Black athletes, Rhoden ex-
plains, has been met with a
knee-jerk backlashone
example being Major
League Baseballs integra-
tion of the sport, which
stri pped the Bl ack-
controlled Negro League of
its talent and left it to foun-
der. He details the
conveyor belt that brings
kids from inner cities and
small towns to big-time
programs, where theyre
cut off from their roots and
exploited by team owners,
sports agents, and the me-
dia. He also sets his sights
on athletes like Michael
Jordan, who he says have
abdicated their responsibil-
ity to the community with
an apathy that borders on
In $40 Million Slaves, William C. Rhoden shows how Black athletes forfeited power through integration.
Page 12
Atlanta, GAAs of late, we have
witnessed a generation of young
people that many dismiss as a lost
cause. Every day another Black
child is born into what seems to be
a viscous endless war against peo-
ple of color. However, one should
not lose hope in light of this fact
for it is a delicate mix of internal
and external factors that decide
what role each individual
will play in the fight for the sur-
vival of Afrikan people. So, in a
world where people are open to
experience the extreme ends of
both joys and sorrow, there is al-
ways the possibility that these very
experiences will make a man out of
that same individual.
One thing is very clear, the
Morehouse College experience
produces men, but this year is
unlike any other and the story de-
serves to be told. Morehouse Col-
leges 2006 Commencement Cere-
mony graduated Morehouses larg-
est class evernearly 600 educated
Afrikan men. This prestigious and
notable institution continues to
fulfill its objective amid lamenta-
tion about the scarcity of Black
men in higher education. No other
institution in the world can match
this impressive number.
To our beautiful Afrikan schol-
ars, we commend you. Use your
foundation as an Afrikan people to
mold your goals, and use the
strength of your God and our an-
cestors to see them through.
The 2006 valedictorian is Alan Clarke, a native of Andover, Mass. Clarke, who graduated with a perfect 4.0 grade point av-
erage and is a member of Phi Beta Kappa, has deferred Harvard Law School for a year to participate in the Asia Pacific Lead-
ership Program. The yearlong program is connected to the East West Center and is designed to acclimate international stud-
ies students with foreign policies in the Asian Pacific region.
As a teenager, Donald Washington Jr. was forced to live in several homeless shelters after the separation of his parents. Still
somehow he found a way to pave the way for a future that would change his life. He was awarded a senatorial scholarship,
which opened the door to higher education. Now the summa cum laude and Phi Beta Kappa graduate is one of only five re-
cipients of the prestigious Compton Mentor Fellowship, a $35,000 award offered to graduating seniors nominated by col-
leges invited by the Compton Foundation. Washington will conduct a project in Atlanta during the 2006-07 academic year
titled "The Peacemakers: Redeem the Dream Youth Leadership Program."
Jason T. Garrett 06, a native of Hillside, N.J., will research the business and economic conditions of two distinct Afro-
Ecuadorian communities. The business finance major has interned on Wall Street and sought to merge his financial skills
with his Spanish-speaking abilities by studying abroad in Mexico and Costa Rica.
Chaz Clark, a member of Phi Beta Kappa and magna cum laude graduate, was the first high
school student to receive the UNCF Liberty Scholarship and is the first scholarship recipient to
receive a Morehouse degree. The UNCF Liberty Scholarship was founded in October 2001 for
children of victims of the September 11th terrorist attacks. His father, Benjamin Keefe Clark,
was working as an executive chef for Fiduciary Trust's 250 employees on the 96th floor of the
World Trade Centers South Tower Clark on that fateful day. Clark will remain in Atlanta,
where he will work for Price Waterhouse Cooper in the Internal Audit Division.

Morgan C. Williams Jr. 06 will conduct research on The Economics of HIV/AIDS: Effective-
ness/Cost-Effectiveness of Resource Allocation in the Republic of Mali. The international stud-
ies and French major also will work as a technical consultant with the Joint United Nations Pro-
gramme on HIV/AIDS to the Executive Secretariat of the High Council on HIV/AIDS, under the
office of the President of the Republic of Mali.
Morehouse Alumni celebrate joyously.
Closing the gates behind the last graduates.
Men of Morehouse to Morehouse Men.
2006 Morehouse Graduating Class
Class of 06 marching in to Afrikan drums.
Morehouse Commencement Ceremony
Page 13
By Aza Nedhari
Harlem, NY - Over 600
people packed the Metro-
politan A.M.E. Church
June 17 for a rally of unity,
healing and support, under
the billing: Stop the War
on Black Youth and to Free
All Political Prisoners.
Sponsored by the New
Black Panther Party and
the Original Panther Party,
the event brought together
an array of intergenera-
tional leadership expanding
from across the five bor-
oughs throughout the East
James Mtume of 98.7 KISS
FM and Dr. James
McIntosh of CEMOTAP
moderated the youth sum-
mit, while the mighty elder
and scholar Dr. Yosef Ben-
Jochannan graced the event
with his humble presence.
An inspirational review of
hood news and revolution-
ary art was presented as
members from every street
organization or set and
youth organization ex-
pressed their struggle, real-
ity, artistic talents and soli-
Youth in attendance repre-
sented the Almighty Latin
Kings and Queens, Bloods,
Crips, Extended Black Fam-
ily Movement, Hebrew Is-
raelites, Zulu Nation, Na-
tion of Islam and a host of
other groups.
First to the podium was
current Bloods activist Vic-
tor Gotti. Everyone must
learn how to play their role
in this revolutionary strug-
gle, he said. Everyone
cannot be a Malik Zulu
Shabazz or a Louis Farra-
khan. You must play your
A powerful spoken word
piece crafted by poet
Nailah, entitled M.E.
(Mother Earth), brought
balance to the evening.
Brother True Light spoke
on behalf of the representa-
tives from the Nuwaubian
Nation, brilliantly summa-
rizing the plight of the
Black nation in three areas
in which he stated attack
occurs: subliminal seduc-
tion (beginning during
childhood), pre-encoded
genes (beginning at birth)
and the re-coding of DNA.
The Junior Fruit of Islam
from the Nation of Islam
brought the crowd to its
feet with a rousing drill
exhibition called by a dy-
namic young drill instruc-
tor, 13-year-old Ishmael
The monumental event was
highlighted with an address
of members of the Original
Black Panther Party, which
pointed out the significance
of the Black Panther Party
of yesterday and the con-
tinuing importance of
struggle in the context of
the Black Panther today.
Then, the Original Pan-
thers stood to offer support
for their young cubsthe
New Black Panthers
headed by the dynamic and
youthful leadership of Atty.
As program host, Atty. Sha-
bazz got it crunk with a
fiery speech as he spoke up
for Dr. Malachi Z. Yorks
case, noting that he, too, is
a victim of the vicious
Counterintelligence Pro-
gram that was spearheaded
by J. Edgar Hoover over 40
years ago, and is still in op-
eration today in the gov-
ernments war against the
Black Nation and its lead-
He noted the denial objec-
tives of COINTELPRO spe-
cifically aimed at disman-
tling the relationship be-
tween Black youth and
Black nationalist organiza-
But we are going after the
youth and gang members to
show their brilliance, he
affirmed, to address, deal
with, and offer solutions to
how we, as a unified com-
munity, can stop the war
against Black youth, stop
the senseless killing among
sets that the White man
has pitted against one an-
other, and to galvanize our
efforts to free our political
The evening was further
inspired with a telephone
call from former Black Pan-
ther Baba Eddie Conway, a
political prisoner who has
been unjustly imprisoned
for 34 years.
We must collectively or-
ganize around the country
to re-open the cases of po-
litical prisoners affected by
COINTELPRO, he urged.
Additionally, we must at-
tack the problem from a
national perspective, so
that a resolution can be ad-
dressed to deal with the
cases collectively versus
Formerly exiled activist
until the late 1980s, Her-
man Ferguson stressed the
need for support of political
prisoners in writing letters
as well as the involvement
with the Jericho Move-
ment, which works on be-
half of political prisoners.
Many have been condi-
tioned to believe that the
youth of today do not have
anything to offer to society,
the Black nation or the lib-
eration of Black peoplea
belief that was changed by
the rallys end.
Following the Unity Rally, the Minister of Information of the NBPPs Harlem Chapter, David X, checked the pulse of the
streets. Three Brothers give answer the question: Is there a war on the Black Youth?
Page 14
Always Black youth, Black men, Black women.
The government is corrupted. The police are
corrupt. The politicians are fakes and phonies.
They fear us, the youth, because we have the
ability to band together. If we organize, its a
wrap. They see how we hang tough in the
hood. The pigs come in and try to stir sh-t up
and pit us against each other. We can take this
city, if we wanted to. Whites are trying to take
the hood. Sh-t, they even moving into the
hood. That's another reason the pigs are vamp-
ing down on us. They think they can keep us
in line. They coming down on us on a regular.
They don't come uptown rolling wit' that sh-t.
Not yet
Big Red
PGT BloodsHarlem, NY

Man, Black youth are much bolder today. They
got more heart than the old heads. The police
mess with us. Stop us in the street, stop us in
our rides. Tryin' to test us and provoke some
sh-t to make you snap. Why you think they
send 'em in more than two to four deep on foot
patrol? Cause they know if they send one or
two, they the ones gonna' git beat down.
Brotha's are fed up wit dat bullsh-t. Check it,
now you see Bloods and Crips band together
up here to keep 5-0 out our face. Sh-t a lot of
us grew up together. We got our beefs. But
those white po'-po's, black ones too, gotta un-
d e r s t a n d w h e r e w e c o mi n g
Rangel BoysHarlem, NY

War on black youth? I think its gonna be a
race war. Its already a war on us. White people
slowly moved up in here on us. We still
sleepin'. Use to be a time when they wouldn't
come up here to Harlem. That's when things
was all run down. Now its built up. They buy-
ing into this here. They fixing stuff up for them
not us. You see all these cops out here now.
You couldn't find a cop back in the days. Them
motherfkers waz scared to patrol around
here. Whitey wasn't comin' through here pe-
riod. Now they wanna come all up in here for
the land and the buildings. They pushing us
right on out of the picture. We ain't woke up
yet. We gotta start coming together. But when
they see us rising up, they find all kinds of
ways to bring us down. Me and my partners
are ready to go to war. Let'em bring it.
Rucker ParkHarlem, NY
OPs Bullwhip and Ashanti Alston with NBPs Shaka Shakur and Hannibal X
Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad, born Harold
Moore, Jr. by his parents, blessed this earth on
January 12th, 1948 in Houston, Texas. He was the
second? of six children to the late Harold Moore, Sr.
and Lottie B. Moore. His Aunt Momma Carrie Moore
Vann in Houston, Texas reared him. Minister Khallid
Muhammad, affectionately known as Butch by the
family attended Bruce Elementary School, E. O.
Smith Junior High School and all Black Phyllis
Wheatley High School in Texas. At Phyllis Wheatley,
Brother Khallid was an esteemed member of Stage-
crafters, a group of exceptional students where he
developed debate and drama skills under direction
of Ms. Vernell Lillie. Minister Khallid as a young
man would preach to cars from his porch as they
passed by on the highway and was president of
Houston Methodist Youth Fellowship. Khallid was a
star quarterback, team captain of his high school
football team, an eagle scout, a class officer and a
star debater.

Upon graduating high school, our bold and shining
Black prince won a scholarship Dillard University in
Louisiana to pursue his degree in theological stud-
ies. At this time he ministered at Sloan Memorial
Methodist Church. While at Dillard University young
Khallid first heard Minister Louis Farrahkan, the
National Representative of the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad. He had a big Afro and a huge medal-
lion of Malcolm X around his neck. After hearing
Minister Farrakhan speak Khallid Abdul Muhammad
joined the Nation of Islam under the leadership of
the Honorable Elijah Muhammad. Immediately
Brother Harold X, as he was known at that time
became renown as a top recruiter in the south for
the Black Muslims. Dr. Khallid continued his studies
and graduated from Pepperdine University in Los
Angeles California. He then was the recipient of an
academic fellowship, and matriculated to do
Intensive Studies at Harvard, Yale, and Columbia
Universities. The skills of higher education as well as
his fighting spirit made Minister Khallid a valuable
weapon to the Nation of Islam and the Black Na-
tion in general.

When the Messenger of Allah, the Honorable Elijah
Muhammad departed from amongst us in 1975,
Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad kept on fighting.
At this time he was known as Dr. Malik Rushaddin.
He traveled throughout Africa and trained in revolu-
tionary movements with a focus on freeing apart-
heid ridden South Africa (Azania) from white oppres-
sion. When Minister Farrakhan decided to rebuild
the Nation of Islam in 1978. Minister Khallid was
right there with him when there were just a few.
Minister Khallid Muhammad served as western re-
gional minister of the Nation of Islam and leader of
Mosque #27, which made lightning progress under
his leadership. In 1983 Minister Louis Farrakhan
named him Khallid, which has the historical inter-
pretation of great warrior after the great follower
of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) Khallid ibn Walid.
Like this great Islamic general Khallid Muhammad
was called the sword of Allah..

Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was soon ap-
pointed as Supreme Captain over the military in the
Nation of Islam. In 1985 Minister Khallid Abdul
Muhammad was appointed National Spokesman and
Representative of Minister Louis Farrakhan, following
in the footsteps of Minister Farrakhan and Malcolm
X. At other points he also served the posts of
Southern Regional Minister, Minister of Mosque #7
in Harlem, New York City, and National Assistant.

A true Pan-Afrikanist, Minister Khallid Muhammad
has traveled on research and fact-finding missions
to Kemet (Egypt) Jerusalem, South Afrika and
throughout the African sub continent. He made his
sacred pilgrimage to the Holy City, Mecca, numerous
times. He has earned the title El Hajj Khallid Abdul
Muhammad. Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was
the creator and founder of The New African Cultural
Holiday alternative to Thanksgiving called GYE
NYAME (G-NY-MAY). Black youth and gang mem-
bers loved Dr. Khallid. You have heard this dynamic
soldier on rap albums from Tupac Shakur, Ice Cube,
Sista Souljah, X-Clan, Public Enemy, Scarface,
Shaquille ONeill, Eryka Badu, Lauryn Hill, Dead
Prez, Capone N Noreaga and the Black Lyrical
Terrorist. Dynamic fiery, explosive, electrifying,
spellbinding! He has fired up and inspired audiences
at over 100 universities in the United States, Africa,
Europe and the world. He spoke at many churches
and served as a minister at the 1st Afrocentric
Temple in Atlanta, Georgia before his transition to
the ancestors.

After his historic lecture on November 29, 1993 at
Kean College in Union, New Jersey which shook the
racist, Zionist, imperialist, white supremacist founda-
tion of the world, the President of the United States
and Vice President Gore condemned Dr. Khallid
Muhammad. The United States Senate voted 97-0 to
censure him. Minister Khallid and Minister Louis
Farrahkan are the only two in history to be cen-
sured by the U.S. Senate. And for the first time in
history, The United States House of Representatives
(The Full Congress) in a special session passed
House Resolution 343 condemning a so called pri-
vate citizen. At historic Howard University in 1994
Khallid Muhammad keynoted the world wide-watched
Black Holocaust conference with Dr. Leonard Jeffries,
Dr. Tony Martin and convened by then student
organizer Malik Zulu Shabazz. These events shook
the world but Khallid Muhammad did not break
under the pressure. In May, 1994 an assassination
attempt was made on his life. Khallid Muhammad
was blessed to recover and fight with even more
vigor and intensity. He spoke at many churches and
served as a minister at the 1st Afrocentric Temple
in Atlanta, Georgia before his transition to the

In 1998, Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad led an
armed militant group of New Black Panther mem-
bers into Jasper Texas to chase out the Klu Klux
Klan who
were making a mockery of the beheading and
dragging death of brother James Byrd. On Sept 5th,
1998, he was the convener of the Million Youth
March Black Power Rally, held on Malcolm X Blvd in
New York. With the help of the December 12th
Movement, the Million Youth March won historic
legal battles against the racist Guiliani administra-
tion over free speech constitutional rights. The
Million Youth March went forward and the streets of
Harlem were flooded with throngs of Black youth
and people who supported this massive Black Power

In 1998 Dr. Khallid Muhammad was chosen to serve
as The National Chairman of The New Black Panther
Party for Self-Defense. Chapters have sprouted na-
tionwide. He leaves intact his National Spokes-
manAttorney Malik Zulu Shabazz; National Assis-
tantHashim Nzinga; National Chief of Staff
Malikah Muhammad; National Minister of Defense
Brother David Foreman; National Minister of Infor-
mationMinister Quannell X; National Southern
Regional RepresentativeSister Zoirada Higgenbot-
hom; National Field MarshallMinister Malik Sha-
bazz. The New Black Panther Party is alive and well
with chapters thriving throughout the country. Dr.
Khallids vision of a Black Power Movement shall
live on!!!

Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad leaves to cherish
his memories; his wife, Queen Nefertari Muhammad,
three sisters; Gloria Glenn from Los Angeles, Cynthia
Moore Kelly from Los Angeles, KaShelia Moore Jack-
son from Houston, Texas; two brothers, Frank Moore
Claybourne from Los Angeles, Darington Moore Smith
from Los Angeles; father-in-law, Mr. Thomas Ambush
of Cedric, Maryland; his children, David and mother
Mattie Morris Van, Khalfani and mother Mahasin
Rushiddin, and Farrakhan Khallid, Malik, Kiki, Amir,
Ali and mother Khallidah Muhammad; four grand-
children and a host of nieces, nephews, friends, and

Today we gather to celebrate the courageous life,
and fighting spirit of a true soldier and warrior.
Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad was a general, a
mentor, a teacher, and a strong Black man who
epitomized the tenacity of our liberation struggle.
Minister Khallid Abdul Muhammad represented to
many of us a father, brother, comrade, trainer and
uncompromising leader who lived and gave his life
for the liberation of Afrikan people all over the
world. He stands in the great revolutionary line of
divine with courageous Afrikan Ancestors like Nat
Turner, Sojourner Truth, Denmark Vessey, Kwame
Nkrumah, Queen Nzingha, Marcus Garvey, Elijah
Muhammad, Malcolm X, Huey P. Newton, Kwame
Toure, Louis Farrakhan and many others who organ-
ized to free our people from a wicked and cruel
enemy. He was proud, strong, dignified, and a man
of great character, with a beautiful heart. He loved
his people and fought day and night to move us
closer to victory over our enemies. He will be
remembered as a great field marshal, captain,
trainer of men, and one who would not turn heels
and run from our enemy- even when under fire.
Once again the tragedy of oppres-
sive white supremacist state vio-
lence has reared its ugly head in
the world. George W. Bush, the
President of the United Snakes of
America, concocted a phony war
against Saddam Husseins Iraq in
order to seize Iraqs vast oil re-
serves and solidify U.S. hegemony
in the middle east/Persian Gulf re-
gion. The Bush Doctrine bel-
ligerently introduced into the
world the dangerous notion
of preemptive strikes-
allowing a nation to use total
force and destruction against
another nation that has been
falsely labeled as a threat. As
a result, hundreds of thou-
sands are dying and the
world has spun into a sick,
medieval pattern of brute
force as a method to settle
grievances. The State of Is-
rael, taking its cue and blessing
from its Zionist controlled sister in
Washington, launched an all out
terror attack on the civilian popula-
tion and infrastructure of Lebanon,
alleging the necessity to neutralize
Hezbollah and guarantee the se-
curity of Israel. Our position is that
the bloody Zionist State of Israel
deserves no security, and shall
have no security after stealing the
land of Palestine from the Pales-
tinians and continuing to operate
as rouge, terrorist state that inflicts
holocaust on the Palestinians and
its neighbors. When Adolf Hitler
invaded Poland in 1939 and
France in 1940, did he burn War-
saw and Paris? History shall re-
cord that the savage, cowardly
and brutal attack of Israel on
Lebanon was much worse than
the Nazi regimes efforts at the on-
set of World War II. THE WORLD
IS AT WAR! Africa is barely surviv-
ing and being carved up for the
next 400 years of exploitation and
prostitution by the white, western
nations of this world. Black youth
continue to suffer violence, poor
education, lack of parenting, com-
munity resources, and are there-
fore either being incarcerated, bur-
ied or cremated. WE ARE AT
WAR! This is a call to the
Black Man and Black Woman
to man your battle stations
with zeal and tenacity. Dont
be a fly on the wall at this
critical juncture in history, but
make your mark as one who
helped bring the White Mans
false world of imperialism, Zi-
onism, racism and fascism to
its well deserved, divine end.
Man your battle stations, for
the front line in the Black Na-
tion is full of challenges and
the dead must be raised from their
mental graves by the thousands.

A Black Panther does not
work with the Police-
PERIOD! A Black Pan-
ther does not act as a
slave catcher who runs
ar ound capt ur i ng
wanted suspects for the
local police or Sheriffs
department, trying to
o b t a i n REWARD
MONEY by openly
helping the pig to fill the
jails with young Black
men. Panthers do not
work with Pigs-Period!
Anyone who runs
around like a low down
dog, or a whore for the
media, attempting to
turn over our poor
brothers and sisters to
the police must not be
allowed to represent
the Black Panther in
any shape or form. The
legacy of the Panther is
too strong and firm to
allow any opportunistic
negro to tarnish the
stellar revolutionary
reputation of the Pan-
ther. Some negroes
want to be policeman
so bad that they help
capture Black men who
have boldly shot at the
police. This is an out-
rage! While we may de-
bate the merits of so-
cialism, nationalism, in-
ternationalism, commu-
nalism and the like- one
thing we are firm on is
that the Panther and
the Pig do not mix. This
is a warning to any of
you who want to be po-
liceman: Please go and
join the police force be-
cause all police agents,
slave-catchers, bounty
hunters, media whores,
snitches will be dealt
with in the year 2007.
Page 16
President Fidel Castro
Korean activists
protest by burn-
ing an American
flag and an im-
age of Bush in
Warning Flares from the Peninsula
The end of Americas satanic reign as one of
the worlds most notorious oppressors is draw-
ing near. Again and again we see acts of defi-
ance as people from all over the world chal-
lenge the power of the U.S.
On July 4th, the white Americans Inde-
pendence Day, while the average American
watched fireworks, the North Korean people
witnessed quite a different explosion. Kim
Jong-Il, North Koreas leader, approved the
deployment of seven missiles, which were a
part of a group of long range missiles called the
Taepodong. Is there any coincidence that bal-
listic testing took place on that day, or that the
number of missiles (seven) is the same number
revered in many traditions as a prophetic, and
sacred number? Perhaps this is the precursor
to a divine manifestation.
Throughout the annals of time, the Creator
has consistently used what is righteous, no
matter the size or apparent capability, to de-
stroy that which is evil. The Creator has al-
ways stood on the side of the oppressed. The
people of North Korea have been shunned by
nations like the U.S. especially since the time
of the Red Scare, where anti-communist senti-
ment led to the stripping of civil liberties and
the U.S. support for South Korea in the Korean
General Kang Ho Sop of the North Korean
Army tells a much more probable version of
this war. He has said that America initiated the
Korean War, not North Korea as most histori-
cal accounts record. He and many others know
that American imperialists had ambitions to
conquer the Asian world and they sought to
use the Korean peninsula as a springboard for
this crusade. To begin, the American forces
would have to occupy North Korea, hence the
start of the Korean War.
Present Day Reality
The world now knows that North Korea has
the intelligence to strike the U.S. Neither U.S.
military occupation nor the threat of sanctions
against the North Korean province kept it from
remaining on task with their nuclear weapons
program. They continue to reprocess pluto-
nium and they also continue to sell arms to
Americas enemies. Now the only difference is
that they have the ability to move nuclear arms
to American opposition as well.
In response to these developments, the U.S. is
developing a missile defense system, but it is
doubtful that this is enough to stop the collapse
of the American empire.
U.S. Stalls Korean Unity
For decades there has been a U.S. military
presence in South Korea, particularly since the
Korean War. This military presence has fur-
ther intensified the strain between northern
and southern sections of the peninsula. In or-
der to reunite the two regions the Sunshine
Policy was implemented in 1998 by South Ko-
reas President Kim Dae Jung, against the ad-
vice of the U.S. South Korea wanted to move
away from tactics to isolate and contain North
Korea in order to foster reform. This led to the
two Korean leaders meeting in Pyongyang in
2000, earning Jung a Nobel Peace Prize.
The South Korean government believed that
to attempt to bring down a government
through political pressure and containment has
never succeeded. These were the methods en-
couraged by the U.S., as these were the policies
used toward Cuba, Libya, and Iraq. These
types of efforts
will only move
the North to
fortify its arms
Page 30

Sign found in shop in Seoul, South Korea.
Medical student with patient.
The people of Cuba have
extended, to students from
the US, the opportunity to
study medicine on a full
scholarship at the prestig-
ious Latin American School
of Medicine in Havana,
Cuba. IFCO/Pastors for
Peace coordinate this pro-
gram in the United States.
The Medical School cur-
riculum includes a 12-week
intensive Spanish language
program for those who
need it.
The program of The
Latin American School of
Medical Sciences is based
on intensive advising and
tutoring designed to help
every student succeed. Stu-
dents must pass compe-
tency exams at appropriate
points in their course of
The six-year medical
school program, begins
every September and is di-
vided into 12 semesters.
Students study at the
LASMS campus for the first
two years, and then go to
another of Cuba's 21 medi-
cal schools to complete
their studies. The Cuban
medical training model
combines theory and prac-
tice and is oriented toward
primary care, community
medicine and hands-on
The LASMS is located in
a former naval academy.
This campus has 28 build-
ing which house 80 class-
rooms, 37 laboratories, five
amphitheaters, dormitories,
an infirmary, and other fa-
The Latin American
School of Medical Sciences
currently has 3,432 stu-
dents enrolled from 23
countries in Latin America,
the Caribbean and Africa.
Extracurricular activities
include arts, sports, film,
disco, the beach, and regu-
lar "Culture House" activi-
ties in which the students -
who represent dozens of
different ethnic groups -
share aspects of their own
Applicants should: be
US citizens, be between the
ages of 18 and 30 at the
time of registration, be
physically and mentally fit,
come from the humblest
and neediest communities
in the US, and be commit-
ted to practice medicine in
poor and under served US
communities after gradua-
Applicants will be pre-
screened. Final decisions
about admissions will be
made by a committee rep-
resenting the Cuban Minis-
try of Public Health and
the faculty of The LASMS.
During a Congressional
Black Caucus delegation to
Cuba, organi zed by
IFCO/Pastors for Peace,
caucus representative
Bennie G. Thompson, a
Congressman from the Mis-
sissippi Delta, remarked to
President Fidel Castro that
there are large areas in his
district which do not have
a single physician. Presi-
dent Castro responded with
an offer of full scholarships
for students from impover-
ished regions of the US to
study medicine in Cuba.
This offer was intended to
be more than a short-term
solution. It is the beginning
of the creating of a heath
care infrastructure for
Continued Page 32
Page 17

SHABAZZ: I know for a fact that a lot has
been accomplished, and a lot more progress
must be made. I have been serving as Chair-
man for over five years now and a lot of sacri-
fices and progress have been made. I have
traveled and organized for the benefit of the
NBPP, and the masses of Black People, to a
litany of cities including Los Angeles, Chicago,
Illinois, Detroit, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Milwau-
kee, St. Louis, Boston, Rhode New York, sev-
eral cities in New Jersey, Philadelphia, Colo-
rado, Baltimore, Richmond, VA, several cities
in North Carolina, Atlanta, Savannah, GA, sev-
eral cities in Florida, several cities in Alabama,
New Orleans, Dallas, Houston, London Eng-
land, The Bahamas, the mighty State of Cuba
and a host of college campuses and small
towns. I represented us strongly during the
Millions More Movement process. I have been
blessed to make alliances and connections
with a host of National, International, political
and spiritual leaders and organizations of all
ages. Key battles and campaigns have been
waged to defend the interests of Black People
around the nation and our national visibility
and recognition is high. It is safe to say the
New Black Panther Party is on a good track
right now and the prognosis for the future is
excellent if we will follow the right guidance.


SHABAZZ: All I can say publicly is that first,
the NBPP must effectively distribute, sell, re-
distribute and re-sell the NEW BLACK PAN-
THER newspaper. Second, the leadership
and rank and file must do a better job at sup-
porting the National Command in order to in-
sure continued National leadership. The hard
labor, trials, travels and victories that have
been won over the years has benefited the
NBPP and the Black Nation and proper re-
spect must be given to this kind of unprece-
dented leadership if it is to continue. Third,
the New Black Panther Party must enhance its
REVOLUTIONARY service to the people. WE
PEOPLE, and show the people a living exam-
ple of a revolutionary society. In order to serve
the people you must relate to the people and
that means broadening our approach well be-
yond those who are NBPP. We Must Reach
The Masses of our People. Fourth, the NBPP
must effectively connect and serve our Politi-
cal Prisoners and all those who are in need
and locked behind bars. Fifth, we must be-
come a professional organization in every
way. Our political activity, military training, ad-
ministrative operations, and human services to
the people must be professional, top caliber
and enable the NBPP to be a vanguard or-
ganization in every way in order for not just
some, but ALL BLACK PEOPLE, who want lib-
eration will unite with us and vise versa.


SHABAZZ: Israels attack on Lebanon is il-
lustrative of the dangerous, destructive and
imminent threat that the Zionist State poses to
the region and the globe. The State of Israel is
no doubt a terrorist state and its malicious kill-
ing of over 1,000 Lebanese civilians and ba-
bies in Lebanon proves that the terrorist threat
coming from Zionist Israel must be degraded
and neutralized. One must understand that Is-
rael has over 9,000 Lebanese and Palestini-
ans held hostage in its unjust, illegal, occupa-
tion-driven prisons. Israel has assassinated
and captured leaders of Hezbollah, Hamas,
the Palestinian Authority and any other group
fighting the illegal occupation of Palestine. We
are unaware of any international or human
rights law that justifies the legal existence of
the State of Israel, which is in reality occupied
Palestine-stolen from the Palestinians by war-
fare in 1948. Israel has launched seventeen
offensive attacks against other nation in the re-
gion and continues to assault, kill and commit
genocide against the Palestinian peoples in
the occupied territories, denying them democ-
ratic rights, self-determination and sovereignty.
The bottom line is that Israel was dead wrong;
they achieved none of their military objectives
and will continue to pay a high price for these
rouge acts of savagery and brutality.


SHABAZZ: Clearly, Hezbollah was the mili-
tary victor on the battlefield, killing over 100 Is-
raeli soldiers and officers, destroying dozens
Israeli tanks, continuing to rocket attack the
northern end of the Zionist state, and prevent-
ing Israel from securing anything south of the
Litani River. Israel killed no more than 30 Hez-
bollah Guerrillas, made few arrests and had
every military advantage conceivable. All Israel
did was bomb civilian apartment buildings
from 15,000 feet up like cowards, but they lost
on the ground. The brilliance, tenacity and
faith of the Hezbollah fighters is a credit and
hope to all who battle against Zionism and Im-
perialism. Little tenacious Hezbollah, led by its
fearless leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, did
more damage to Israel than all Arab armies
combined in the last 58 years.
Israel never achieved its stated military objec-
tive, which was to eliminate the rocket threat
from southern Lebanon and degrade Hezbol-
lah. Hezbollahs rocket power, which is used
for self defense, remains in Southern Lebanon
and the Lebanese people recognize that Hez-
bollah are the only defenders and protectors of
Lebanon. All the other bombing that Israel did
of Beirut and other civilian areas was nothing
more than outright terrorism and murder,
which shows the world the true nature of the
Zionist State. Many will die in this war to de-
feat Zionism and we ask Allahs protection and
mercy upon every martyr that was assassi-
nated by the Zionist terrorist state in Israeli
war on the civilian population and infrastruc-
ture of Lebanon. What the states and forces in
that region must now do is heavily invest in
surface to air missiles, airplanes, drones, artil-
lery, longer range missiles, anti-tank missiles
and other military technology to properly de-
fend themselves and neutralize the military ad-
vantage of Israel. All of the oil money should
be used to militarily strengthen the immediate
states, and forces around Israel and world-
wide economic sanctions should be placed on
the Zionist entity.


SHABAZZ: My trip to Cuba was very enlight-
ening. I thank the Honorable Minister Louis
Farrakhan for inviting me on this fact finding
delegation. Cuba has a great society that is
based on serving the human needs of the peo-
ple. If United States sanctions had not been
placed on Cuba she would be doing very, very,
well by now. Cuba taught me more about so-
cialist government and how revolution and
revolutionary selflessness is infused in every
sector of society. I will have a lot more on this
next issue, but it is safe to say that the NBPP
has strong relations with Cuba all the way to
the top.

The New Black
Panther Party has
been making interna-
tional headway in re-
cent months.
King Thutmosis
Powellthe NBPPs
National Minister of
Commerce and Dep-
uty International Am-
bassador for Interna-
tional Affairs and the
Administrator of the
African Nationalist
Pioneers Movement
has journeyed twice to
The Republic of Na-
mibia in the name of
Prior to becoming
The Republic of Na-
mibia, the region was
called Southwest Af-
rica. In the spirit of
freedom and inde-
pendence, the South-
west African Peoples
Organization formed.
Sam Nujmua was in-
strumental in the lib-
eration of what is now
Namibia and is thus
dubbed the Father of
the Nation.
R e l a t i o n s h i p s
formed between free-
dom fighters like Jomo
Kenyatta, Kwame
Nkrumah, Carlos A.
Cook, Sam Nujuma,
and Thutmosis Powell.
Each of these men had
one goal in mind
revolution. Still today,
Powell works to main-
tain bonds and con-
tinue the movements
During Minister
Powells first trip, he
traveled as a guest of
the government of
Namibia, and stayed
from January 28th
February 7th, He was
able to meet with vari-
ous National Officials
to discuss trade and
commerce opportuni-
ties for Black people in
the U.S. and Namibia.
Powell also made use
of his time by estab-
lishing connections
with the people on the
Mother continent
holding meetings and
teaching the ideals of
From this the Min-
ister successfully es-
tabl i shed a co-
headquarters there in
Namibia, and made
arrangements for his
subsequent trip.
Powell would re-
turn to Namibia with a
modest delegation
from April 30thMay
12th, as guests of the
BAM Clan. The Hon-
o r a b l e Ma r l e n e
Mugunda, BAM s
Minister of Gender
Equality and Child
Welfare, would assist
in orchestrating meet-
ings between the dele-
gation and various Na-
mibian Ministers of
Trade, Energy and
Commerce. These ses-
sions fostered progres-
sion discussions and
p l a ns f o r i m-
port/export, as well as
harvesting the natural
wealth of the country
for the benefit of Afri-
can people worldwide.
As a sign of family
love and appreciation,
Powell and his accom-
panying associates
would provide finan-
cial assistance for the
Namibians HIV/AIDS
campaign and the na-
tions soccer team ex-
Minister Thutmosis
Powell has empha-
sized the need for con-
tinued diplomacy, and
more importantly ac-
tion on the part of all
freedom fighters with
plans for true revolu-
tions. He has a deep
understanding inter-
national connected-
ness of Africans, and
has witnessed and
continues to harvest
the fruit of Pan-
African practices.
NBPP in The Gambia
The UK Chair-
man, Hughie Rose
who was recently ap-
pointed the Interna-
tional Ambassador for
the NBPP has traveled
from the UK to The
Gambia 3 times within
6 weeks. The first mis-
sion included a 40
strong delegation to
the Historic Roots
Homecoming festival
2nd 9th June 06,
where he was joined
by NBPP National
Spokesman, Minister
Yusef Shabazz.
Minister Shabazz
made a strong pres-
ence in The Gambia,
as he successfully re-
layed the mission and
goals of the NBPP to
the people of The
Gambia, and give an
accurate assessment of
the movement in the
U.S. He was able to
clearly interpret the
NBPPs role in the
revolutionary move-
ment, in turn helping
to bolster the Black
Power Movement in
the region.
During the second
trip to The Gambia,
Hughie Rose gathered
intelligence from the
7th African Union
Summit June 25th
July 2nd. While there
he successfully re-
established the inter-
national links that had
been established by
the Original Black
Panther Party .
Hughie was hon-
ored to be part of the
closed sessions that
were held where the
African Head of States
brainstormed on re-
gional integration, mi-
gration, UN reforms
and a host of other
issues facing the conti-
Speaking on the
theme: Regional Inte-
gration and Rationali-
zation of Regional
Economies at the
opening ceremony of
the Summit, President
of The Gambia, Yahya
Jammeh, pointed out
the imperative of re-
gional integration, say-
ing it is compelling not
just in the areas of
economics and trade,
but it is equally valid
in the area of peace
and security that we
all so cherish and on
which our very sur-
vival as a people de-
President Jammeh
stated the theme of the
Summit resonates the
gestation of the ideol-
o g y o f P a n -
President Chavez of
Venezuela and Presi-
dent Ahmed Inejad of
Iran were specially
invited guests of Presi-
dent Jammeh, and
given rapturous ap-
plauses during their
speeches. At one point
during the Iranian
Presidents speech, the
communication sys-
tem was interrupted
for long period of
time. Some say it was
sabotaged by CIA sur-
veillance monitors.
Overall the African
Union was a success
and The New Black
Panther Party will be
seeking a more inclu-
sive role within the
African Union and the
Pan-African Parlia-
There are opportu-
nities opening up in
Africa for trade, in-
vestment and land. It
is a fool whose own
tomatoes are sold to
him, so let us take ad-
vantage of what we
have been blessed
with so that we may
rebuild the African

By Angela Graham and Rahmeena Quadir
A Revolutionary can
never team up with his
open enemy, especially
not, if hes still in captiv-
ity. I thank Allah (SWTA)
for the Honorable Prophet
Nat Turner who was born
in South Hampton, Virginia in 1800, and
showed signs of his prophethood in child-
hood. He believed as I believe and know
that he was missioned by Allah to lead Black
People out of Slavery, and were not quite
out today. The reason is because we have
been in denial of Our Prophet and Our Revo-
There is no reason to be afraid of our
divine destiny and I have yet to understand
why you are afraid.
He (the white man) has never apolo-
gized for his revolution to the bloody brits
and they were bloodied up by these 13 little
colonies with no army, no navy and very few
sharp shooters. The bloody brits bowed
down and surrendered to the colonizers
because of one major factor; the benefits
they have received from The Black Planta-
tion Slavery. What can we learn from this?
In order to make our enemy concede to our
revolution, we must make him aware that
there is a chance he will benefit by the even
slimmer chance of keeping his life. After all,
the only language the devil understands is
that of violence and mayhem.
Revolutionaries dont collaborate with
the enemy. Its outrageous that anyone
claiming to be a revolutionary would do this
today and claim to have teamed up with the
Honorable Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad and
Chairman Malik Zulu Shabazz.
False Patriotism Can Not and Will Not
Overshadow The Black Revolution. Out of all
of our thought processes after Allah
(SWTA), the strongest conscience thought is
The Black Revolution, which is complete and
constructive change for, by and with Black
People. Believe and follow through.
Page 20
By Imam Akbar Bilal, NBPP National Minister of Justice
Hughie Rose
Yusef Shabazz
support in
The Gambian.
By Robert WAR Williams
West Regional Rep, NBPP
Due to the re-
cent rash of violent
acts in Newark,
New Jersey we felt
the need to address
this issue. First and
foremost, we the
New Black Panther
Party for Self-
Defense want an
end to Black-on-
Black violence, as
stated in our Ten-
Point Program and
With that said,
the issues sur-
rounding the recent
shootings have not
been addressed.
The mere fact that
an argument at a
basketball game
could lead to some-
one getting shot or
killed is a strong
indicator of some-
thing that is deeply
troubling the Black
There has been
much focus on
Mayor-Elect Cory
Bookers plan to
take over hot spot
high crime areas by
deploying dozens
more police officers
to the streets, a re-
actionary response.
It may reduce gun
violence in those
areas targeted, but
only for a short
The problem is
displaced aggres-
sion aimed at some-
one or something
that is despised.
Here that someone
is oneself. Self-
hatred is at the root
of these high levels
of Black-on-Black
violence. Further-
more, Black-on-
Black violence is a
direct result of feel-
ings of emascula-
tionbeing de-
prived of ones
When you con-
sider the fact that a
Black man who has
a college degree
will earn less in his
lifetime than a
white man who
only has a high
school diploma, it is
e ma s c u l a t i o n .
When Black males
only make up 8% of
the public school
population, but are
34% of the special
education popula-
tion in public
schools, this is
e ma s c u l a t i o n .
When you consider
the fact that white
men buy, sell, and
use 80% of all ille-
gal drugs including
cocaine, heroin,
and marijuana, but
Black men are ar-
rested and impris-
oned for 80% of the
drug offenses, this
is emasculation.
Then, in New Jer-
sey Black men
comprise 13% of
the population, but
make up 74% of the
prison population.
This again is emas-
Facing these
facts is extremely
difficult because
the enemy is un-
seen. Given those
statistics it could be
argued that Black
men do these
things to them-
selves. However,
this line of thinking
ignores the laws
white men have
used to emasculate
Black men. There
was a time when a
Black man could
not look a white
man in the face,
because he could be
l y n c h e d f o r
reckless eyeball-
This is why
Black men displace
their aggression. An
uns een enemy
turns the man right
in front of you into
y o u r e n e my .
Whi t e- on- Bl ack
violence that leads
to feelings of emas-
culation One rem-
edy is Self Love.
Love of self comes
from Self Knowl-
edge. If Black men
are not being
taught to love self,
they cannot love
each other.

NBPP Newark, NJ
By Min. Najee S. Muhammad
National Field Marshal, NBPP
Black Power means
constructive changes and
the complete emancipa-
tion of Black People
from white oppression.
What are the meth-
ods? Boycotting, march-
ing, or even G-d damn
rebellion! Black Power
means Black freedom,
Black self-determination,
wherein Black people no
longer view themselves
as without human dig-
nity, but as men, human
beings with the ability to
carve out their own des-
Is Black Power a form
of Black racism? Black
hate of white people is
not pathological. It is a
healthy human reaction
to oppression, insult, and
terror. There is a desper-
ate need for Black theol-
ogy teachings. The sole
purpose of Black theol-
ogy is to apply the free-
ing power of the gospel
to Black people under
white oppression.
The Black man was
shackled in hostility
without any power to
make the white man rec-
ognize him as a person.
The Black church was
the creation of a Black
people whose daily exis-
tence was an encounter
with the overwhelming
and brutalizing reality of
the G-d damn white
man. Their responses to
this overwhelming fact
ranged from suicide to
outright rebellion and
killing this cracker.
Blacks rejected the
white interpretation of
Christianity and revolu-
tionary Black theology
moved slaves to take up
arms against the white
It was during the vi-
cious institution of hu-
man bondage that the
rallying cry for Black
unity, freedom and
power began. Black Na-
tionalism and Pan-
African liberation was
born. The seeds of Black
Nationalism arose during
an era when Black men
and women rose up re-
peatedly in revolt against
the institution of slavery.
It under the leadership
of Touissant LOverture,
Jean-Jaques Dessalines,
Gabriel Prosser and Den-
mark Vessey. David
Wa l k e r s f a mo u s
Walkers Appeal de-
manded that Blacks eve-
rywhere take up arms
against slavery. He
stated, Look upon your
children and answer God
almighty and believe
this, that it is no more
harm for you to kill a
man, who is trying to kill
you, than it is for you to
take a drink of water
when thirsty.
Our early freedom
fighters should motivate
us. Embracing a true
interpretation of Black
Theology will guide us.
Page 21
As the Western Regional Repre-
sentative, I am announcing the start
up of a new chapter in Denver
Colorado. Formally the Southern
Regional Rep, I packed up and
moved to the mile high city of Den-
ver. Challenges have always come
with the development of the NBPP,
as will be the case with the ramp up
of a chapter in the city of resort ski-
ing and back packing. As I dig in
and take note of the conditions of
Black folk in Denver I see much of
the same thing, just from a different
I gathered Intel on the city dur-
ing a June-teenth celebration in
Denver. The event was sponsored
by companies like Budweiser beer
and I got my first taste of seeing
Denvers mixed couples; Black and
white delusional folks eating water-
melon and showing off there inter-
racial babies like a token of We
Have Overcome. However, I con-
tinued working to recruit member-
ship until I touched down in the
historic Black area called 5 Points.
In July it was the Black Arts Fes-
tival. One of the main sponsors was
the Gay and Lesbian Fund for Colo-
rado, so once again progress must be
made. Our people must stay away
from mixing Gay Pride with Black
Since coming to Denver a central
committee body was immediately
formed, appointing a Minister of
Kulture, Sis. Sekhmet, and a Minis-
ter of Information, Bro RaEl. Two
of our other members, Bro. Curtis
and Bro. Willie, Denver natives that
practice Economic Black Power;
from The Nubian Imports Store,
also became a part of the solution.
This city has some special needs
that must be focused on. The lack of
oxygen at these heights has caused
some mysterious perspectives to
take form. But we have a plan and
are prepared to fight. So without
further pause Denver has braced
itself for WAR.
For more information on the
Denver Chapter or the Western Re-
gion, contact Bro. Robert WAR
Williams at: 720-435-6343 or visit
The Nubian Imports Store located
at: 2741 Welton St. Denver, Colo-
rado 80205.
By Idris McCray
President Bush, in his fiscal budget for the federal 2006-2007 year that commences on October 1, 2006, proposes to cut an overwhelming 48
US Department of Education programs. This $2.7 trillion budget is a blueprint of the Bushs priorities and plans. To evaluate an administration,
we must examine its budgets.
George Bush terminated a total of 99 programs in his 2006 budget. The Education Programs alone account for a savings of $4.3 billion. He
wants to replace those with new initiatives costing $2.3 billion. $1.5 billion will go to police and punish high schools hold them "accountable"
for teaching and providing "intervention" for "non-performing" students. He also plans to give teachers business-style bonuses of $500 million to
improve test scores. The remaining $300 million will be invested in high-end academics as Advanced Placement (AP) and International Bacca-
laureate (IB) courses, and a Math/Science Partnership" program.
Such programs give an unfair advantage to wealthier schools and districts, and upper middle-class families. Students on AP and IB tracks are
segregated into better courses and facilities than mainstream students; like a two-tier social class system. Following his trend in domestic plan-
ning, Bush's education budget provide more funds for wealthier students, while taking educational opportunities and assistance away from poor,
disabled and immigrant students.
Some of the US Department of Education Programs that have been proposed for termination by Bush in 2006-2007 are listed below.
Page 22
Educational Technology State Grants, $272 million: assists states
in generating and using accurate and timely data to meet fed-
eral reporting requirements, and facilitate research needed to
eliminate achievement gaps and improve learning of all stu-
Even Start, $99 million: designed to improve the literacy of aca-
demic achievement of young children and their low-income
High School Programs
Vocational Education State Grants, $1,182 million: aims to de-
velop the academic, vocational, and technical skills of students
who elect to enroll in vocational and technical programs.
Vocational Education National Programs, $9 million
Upward Bound, $311 million: provides support to high school-
ers from low-income families and to low-income first-
generation military veterans to succeed in pre-college perform-
GEAR UP, $303 million: designed to increase the number of
low-income students who are prepared to enter and succeed in
college; GEAR UP funds are also used to provide college schol-
arships to low-income students.
Talent Search, $145 million: aims at increasing number of dis-
advantaged youth to complete high school and attend college
Tech Prep Education Program, $105 million: hailed by the Edu-
cation Department website as "a significant innovation in the
education reform movement in the United States....Tech Prep is
an important school-to-work transition strategy, helping all
students make the connection between school and employ-
Smaller Learning Communities, $94 million: plan, implement
or expand smaller learning communities in large high schools,
and includes parents, community-based organizations and other
community members in the activities of the smaller learning
communities. This program was established by the No Child
Left Behind Act in 2002.
Safe and Drug-Free Schools, $347 million: includes the widely-
praised DARE program.
Elementary and Secondary Education Programs
Parental Information and Resource Centers, $40 million: assists
parents whose children attend schools identified for improve-
ments or corrections by the No Child Left Behind Act.
Arts in Education, $35 million: development of programs de-
signed to improve or expand arts education (music, art, theater,
dance) in elementary or middle school curricula.
Elementary and Secondary School Counseling, $35 million: es-
tablishes or expands elementary and high school counseling
programs, especially for schools with the greatest need for new
and additional counseling services, and the most promising and
innovative approaches.
Alcohol Abuse Reduction, $32 million: aims to reduce alcohol
abuse among secondary school students.
Civic Education, $29 million: programs in character, civics, and
correctional education in elementary and high schools and col-
National Writing Project, $22 million: a nationwide, nonprofit
educational organization that promotes K-16 teacher training
programs in the effective teaching of writing; serves more than
100,000 teachers at approximately 175 sites, and has served over
2 million teachers and administrators since its inception in
Star Schools, $15 million: improved instructions in math, sci-
ence and foreign language for disabled, illiterate and disadvan-
taged students.
School Leadership, $15 million: assists in recruiting, training
and retaining principals and assistant principals in low-income
Ready to Teach, $11 million: enables eligible schools to de-
velop, produce and distribute innovative educational and in-
structional digital/video programming.
Javits Gifted and Talented Education, $10 million: meets special
needs of gifted students who are disabled, disadvantaged and
limited-English proficient.
Exchanges with Historic Whaling and Trading Partners, $9 mil-
lion: supports culturally-based educational activities, intern-
ships, apprenticeships and exchanges for Alaska Natives, Native
Hawaiians, and children and families of Massachusetts.
Comprehensive School Reform, $8 million: designed to increase
student achievement by assisting high-poverty and low-
achieving public schools with implementing comprehensive
reforms that are grounded in scientifically-based research and
effective practices.
Dropout Prevention Program, $5 million: assists schools with
annual dropout rates above their state average to implement
effective dropout prevention and re-entry efforts.
Mental Health Integration in Schools, $5 million: funds to in-
crease student access to high-quality mental health care by de-
veloping innovative approaches that link school systems with
the local mental health system.
Page 23
"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for crime whereof the party shall
have been duly convicted shall exist within the United States" -13th Amendment
Women's Educational Equity, $3 million: promotes educational
equity for women and girls through via funding for local imple-
mentation of gender-equity policies and practices.
Close-Up Fellowships, $1 million: pays for economically-
disadvantaged teachers and students, whose families have
moved to the US within the last five years, to spend a week in
Washington, D.C. attending seminars on government and cur-
rent events and meeting with leaders from the three branches
of the federal government.
Foundations for Learning, $1 million: support projects to help
eligible children become ready for school.
Excellence in Economic Education, $1 million: promotes eco-
nomic and financial literacy among all K-12 students.
Higher Education Programs
Education Demos for Students with Disabilities, $7 million: to
provide assistance and professional development for faculty and
administrators in colleges in order to provide students with dis-
abilities a quality education.
Underground Railroad Program, $2 million: supports research,
exhibition, interpretation, and collection of artifacts related to
the history of the Underground Railroad.
State Grants for Incarcerated Youth Offenders, $23 million:
supports vocational and academic achievement to enable effec-
tive workplace and community transition for incarcerated
Postsecondary Student Financial Assistance Programs
Perkins Loan cancellations, $65 million: cancellation of student
loans for qualified teachers in schools serving students from
low-income families, of students with disabilities, or in the
fields of mathematics, science, foreign languages, or bilingual
Leveraging Educational Assistance Programs, $65 million:
LEAP provides need-based grants and community service
work-study assistance to eligible college students.
Robert Byrd Scholarship Program, $41 million: the only na-
tional, merit-based scholarship program funded through the
Department of Education.
Thurgood Marshall Legal Educational Opportunity, $3 million:
aimed at increasing the number of students from low-income
and minority backgrounds in law schools; named after the first
Black Supreme Court Justice.
Vocational Rehabilitation Programs
Teacher Quality Enhancement, $60 million: supports partner-
ships among teacher preparation institutions, schools of arts and
sciences, and local school districts in high-need areas; supports
efforts to recruit highly qualified teachers for high-need areas;
helps to improve the quality of teaching forces in high-need
The Bush 2006 budget proposal, as submitted to Congress, has three
main components:
(1) Huge tax cuts. The tax cuts are on the personal income of wealthy
individuals, and of corporations. These Bush tax cuts will total $1.1 tril-
lion over the next decade just for wealthy individuals. New tax breaks
for businesses will sum $73 billion over a decade.
Tax cuts cause government revenues to decrease. Therefore, there is
less to spend. Less income for the government also means less interest
earned by the government. These tax cuts would reduce government
interest income by $200 billion over ten years. Therefore, even less to
(2) Major increases for the Defense and Homeland Security Depart-
ments. Total spending for the two departments would be $455.4 billion,
of which $421.2 billion is for Donald Rusmfeld's Defense Dept. That's a
4.8% increase for Defense and a 6.8% increase for Homeland Security.
Among Defense budget line items funded are $40 billion to build a
more lethal nuclear weapons arsenal; $7.8 billion to develop and test
the missile defense system; $9.4 billion to build a new generation of
war ships; $4.3 billion for F/A-22 Raptor fighters; $5 billion for the new
Joint Strike fighter; $3.7 billion for the C-13 military transport; even
$3.4 billion spiffy new Army uniforms. And $1.9 billion to close mili-
tary bases in the US.
The United States uses prison
slave labor to cheaply boost its
economy. Prison labor is a capi-
talists dream; no strikes, union
organizing, health benefits, un-
employment insurance or work-
ers' compensation to pay.
Federal safety and health
standards do not protect prison
labor, nor do the National Labor
Relations Board policies. The
corporations do not even have to
pay minimum wage. In Califor-
nia, inmates who work for the
Prison Industrial Authority earn
wages between 30 and 95 cents
per hour before required deduc-
tions for restitutions and fines.
Prisons are being filled largely
with the poor, the mentally ill,
people of color, drug addicts and
many combinations of these
characteristics. They are not re-
served for violent people who
are extremely dangerous to soci-
In California, then-Gov. Pete
Wilson signed the "three strikes
and you're out" law in 1994. The
law states that if an offender has
two or more previous serious or
violent felony convictions, the
mandatory sentence for any new
felony conviction is 25 years to
life. Though people thought the
three strikes law was intended to
protect society from dangerous
career criminals, the actual en-
actment of the law has been dra-
matically different.
Kendall Cooke was convicted
under the three-strikes law f or
stealing one can of beer.
Eddie Jordan stole a shirt from a
JC Penney store, Juan Murro at-
tempted to steal wooden pallets
from a parking lot and Michael
Garcia stole a package of steaks
from a grocery store. All of these
people are facing life in prison
for petty theft. They are fueling
the prison industry.
Eighty five percent of those
sentenced under the law in Cali-
fornia faced prison for a nonvio-
lent offense. Two years after the
law went into effect, there were
twice as many people imprisoned
under the three strikes law for
possession of marijuana as for
murder, rape and kidnapping
combined. More than 80 percent
of those sentenced under the
three strikes law are Black and
Corporations are happily us-
ing these people for slave labor,
which is perfectly legal under
the constitution. Almost 2 mil-
lion people are now locked away
in concentration camps, and
mainly because prisons are big
business. Federal prisons operate
under the trade name Unicor
and use their prisoners to make
everything from lawn furniture
to congressional desks. TWA
uses prisoners to make phone
reservations. Many corporations,
have learned that prison labor
can be as profitable as using
sweatshop labor in developing
So the focus has shifted from
building schools to building pris-
ons. The government decides
how many prisons to build based
on how many children can read
by 3rd grade. Get involved in
your childs education, too many
lives were lost to free us from
bondage. Dont help volunteer
your baby for slavery.
A list of state-owned prison industries:
By Dr. Kaukab Siddique
Page 24
This book review of The Syna-
gogue of Satan written by Ashahed
M. Muhammad, with foreword by
Dr. Malik Zulu Shabazz, is pro-
duced by Dr. Siddique; an Associ-
ate Professor of English at Lincoln
This book is written for the
reader who has little time but
wants to know what's really going
on in the United States. The infor-
mation it contains is undeniable
but one wonders why no one else
had the courage to mention it. For
instance, the writer notes that the
Jewish power structure is an essen-
tial aspect of White racism in
America. Critics of blatant racism
are often misled into thinking that
this is the domain of overt cults
and groups like the KKK or skin-
heads. [p.7]
The roots of anti-Black racism
run deep in the Jewish way of
looking at the world, says our au-
thor. He points out that the top
Jewish philosopher Maimondes
[1135-1204 c.e] said that Blacks:
"... have among the beings a
rank lower than the rank of man,
but higher than the rank of apes."
and yet the name of Maimondes
is venerated on the portals of
American law schools.
The Synagogue of Satan dis-
cusses the instruments of oppres-
sion through which the Jews of
America manipulate and control,
and where necessary, suppress, the
African American people. These
instruments include:
(1) ADL [Anti-Defamation League
], the Simon Wisenthal Center and
the AJC [American Jewish Con-
gress]. Their task involves
of coordinated campaigns through
their supporters in the media. The
ADL has been involved in spying
on Black activists.
(2) The Corporate Media are heav-
ily infiltrated by Zionist Jews.
They play like a symphony. One
does not need a conspiracy theory
to note how each media outlet has
a role to play in support of the
Jewish agenda.
"News is no longer reported. It
is filtered and then distributed.
The newscasters are not respected
for their objectivity and profes-
sionalism. They are marketed like
actors, actresses and entertainers
because that is exactly what they
are. They are given a script, and
are told to perform the act with
little regard for truth." [p.27]
(3) Student network Hillel which
works for censorship on college
campuses across the country.
These Jewish students went after
Prof. Tony Martin when he asked
his class to read a book about the
Jewish role in the slave trade.
These Hillel activists gather infor-
mation on students, professors and
student organizations. They were
defeated by Prof. Tony Martin's
solid scholarship but they often
successfully silence critics of Israel
and Jewish control.
(4) The war lobby and Jewish-
Zionist politicians. Most analysts
would agree with the author that
the Iraq invasion and occupation
was a war conceived and imple-
mented by Jews in the power
This little book has moral
power in it and is quite persuasive
because of its factuality. Here are
three real "eye openers" from the
Synagogue of Satan:
(1) Liberal politicians have taken
Black support so much for granted
that Senator Kerry had the gall to
go to a Black university and say
that "he was not in favor of repara-
tions for Black people." The writer
asks: "Would Sen. John Kerry dare
go to a Jewish School ... and say
that he is against restitution for
WWII crimes against the Jews?"
(2) Slightest criticism of Jewish
activity is taken as anti-semitism
but Jewish executives " have no
problem financially backing and
distributing music that reduces
Black women and men to savage
beasts only concerned with having
sex and seeking wealth." [p.18]
(3) The book has 12 pages of charts
listing politicians who have re-
ceived money from American Jews
supporting Israel.
Continued Page 30
Africa, the continent
that has major key re-
sources to support the
worlds political and eco-
nomic infrastructure, is still
the continent where unem-
ployment, absolute hunger,
wars, etc. reign. While
people of all races, color,
creed, and religion try to go
back to their roots to sal-
vage what is left after years
of colonialism, neo-
colonialism and continuous
resource siphoning, Blacks
all over the world fall short
of this endeavor. An aver-
age wealthy Black outside
Africa will prefer to stay
out of the woes of Africa
and live in isolation to let
the motherland rot in per-
Today, a visit to any of
the prospering nations of
Africa, like Ghana, makes
an average Black person
cry. All key businesses in
these emerging economies
are run by foreigners (non-
Black). While the whole
world has succeeded in
making Africa a land of
death to most people by
way of TV broadcast, it will
be surprising to know that
a visit to any of the nice
hotels in Africa will have
full occupancy and the oc-
cupants are neither Afri-
cans, nor people of African
descent. In most cases and
places, they are other peo-
ple from all over the world;
China, Korea, Lebanon,
Turkey, India, Germany,
England, USA, etc. The
question is what are these
groups of people doing in
Africa? Are they vacation-
ing? The simple answer is
no. They are all there to
make as much money as
they can and leave that
country worst than they
found it.
Is there any reason why
successful blacks cannot
come together like other
groups to go and invest in
Africa, fix has been ruined
and perhaps bring their
profit back home to support
the communities here?. If
the economic model here
in the United States makes
it difficult for most Blacks
to compete, there is always
Africa. In most cases, the
government of Africa will
work with brothers and
sisters if they go with a
righteous agenda; to think
of going to Africa and using
the little money in the sys-
tem will not work.
Last year, Ghana
awarded a $1.5 billion
housing contract to a Ma-
laysian company. Are we
saying that we cannot find
reputable Black developers
here in the US and other
parts of the world that can
put a plan together to get
funding to secure such a
project? No, the reason is
we are looking at ourselves
as successful individuals
who expect the United Na-
tions and the World Bank
to decide the fate of Africa.
Have you ever considered
who is profiting from all
the gold mines in Ghana
and South Africa? Has it
crossed your mind that Li-
beria and the Congo has
lots of diamonds? How can
you let the villages in Nige-
ria be in the shape they are
in today while you take
huge amounts of oil from
their land? The question is,
who is mining these prod-
ucts and what percentage
of the monies retrieved go
to support the economic
and health issues of the in-
digenous people?
Take a trip to a place
like Obuasi in Ghana
(where I happen to come
from), one of the richest
gold mining towns in the
world, and you will weep
for the rest of your life.
Remember that the govern-
ments of Africa are always
looking for the person with
money to help harness
these resources. Why cant
we put together teams of
qualified and reputable
business people that can
put their resources together
to support the bidding of
big projects in the conti-
nent? Mining, road con-
struction, housing, energy,
etc are all powerful areas
that need investments.
There are well educated
and well trained and ex-
perienced native Africans
in this system and also in
Africa that can help make
this model work. After all
that is all the other folks
do, they bring the money
and get the bright Africans
to get the job done while
paying them nothing.
Continued Page 32
By Dr. Robert Baffour
Page 25
By Min. Hashim Nzinga
There's a saying: you don't no what you got
until it's gone. When it came to a man who
was dedicated to the liberation of Black and
oppressed people, Im so glad that saying didnt
apply to me. This book is about my relation-
ship to The Truth Terrorist, Knowledge Gang-
sta, Black History Hit Man, Lie Killa', Urban
Guerrilla, The Revolutionary Ruff Neck. I am
talking about The Honorable Dr. Khallid Abdul

It's been 3 years and six months since my
friend made his divine transition, on February
17, 2001. I have tried to sit down and write
about Dr. Khallid a hundred times, but I would
have to stop. It forces me to deal with the pain
of not having my leader, my teacher here with
me. This man that I supported one hundred
percent, while knowing whom I had with me
on this Earth. I lived to help him spread the
truth, and am glad that I would always tell the
Minister how much I loved and appreciated
him while he lived. It will always give me the
greatest sense of honor that he would return
the same feelings towards my family and me.

The day the spirit left his body, he truly knew
I loved him and I am proud of that fact. But I
am even more proud of the words he spoke the
last time I saw him In front of his brand new
house in Snellville, GA. We had returned from
what would end up being his last speaking en-
gagement in Harlem, New York, and he told
me he loved me, and that he didnt know what
he would do without my being there for him.
Its true, its what he said. It didnt mean much
to me at that hour, nor a year or two later, but
its beginning to mean more and more now.
Being in a leadership role, on a different level,
and carrying on his work, I feel his words now.
Knowing how important good friends and good
soldiers are, and how much they are needed to
do this work. The work of The Liberator, The
Freedom Fighter, The Revolutionary.

Picture one day walking and working with one
of the greatest black leaders of all time and
then in one phone call, your life changes for-
ever. Next thing you know, Im walking in a
nightmare. My mind tells me its not happen-
ing, but Im walking down the stairs of that
church leading the Panthers who are carrying
the casket of Dr. Khallid A. Muhammad cov-
ered with a red black and green flag. We carry
his body through the streets of Harlem to a
hearse that awaits his body in front of the leg-
endary Apollo Theater. On the way riding to
the gravesite, that would be the final resting
place for the Minsters body, his coffin was
rocking back and forth up against the front
wall of the hearse. It was as if he was trying to
talk to me. I was riding there in the front pas-
senger side of the car, thinking about the
touching eulogy that our National Spokesman
Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz had delivered on the
life of our leader. I was really feeling his pain.
He took on a task that I would have not been
strong enough to do on that day. It was a cold
gray day, and the driver had jazz playing on
the radio. I will never forget anything about
that day, or the feeling of emptiness that came
over me. I knew that I would shortly be leav-
ing the man that meant so much to me, and
millions of people all around the world at his
final place of rest. The 40-minute ride in my
mind took days.

As the car was rounding the cemetery, and I
saw the people waiting on us to put my main
mans body in a hole, I started to get really
mad. These Jews were there, waiting to re-
ceive him. I was not about to let that happen.
They were out there in the snow telling us be-
cause of insurance reasons they had to handle
the Ministers body from the Hurst to the
gravesite, and that they also had to cover it
with a back hole digger, that would push the
dirt over him. But on that day I would have
killed one of those crackers. I told them they
had better get the hell on, and don't even try to
come too close to where we were.

Dr. Khallid Abdul Muhammad, just like Bro.
Malcolm X some 36 years before in 1965 would
be buried at Ferncliff Cemetery in up state
New York. Khallid would be buried not even a
stones throw away from Brother Malcolms
resting place. We would follow the example of
Bro. Malcolms followers, which means the
Ministers body would be covered by the hands
of his soldierswe, The New Black Panther
Party, and friends. Looking at the people as we
were leaving the gravesite, I knew on that day
that Black people all over the world had lost
their right hand man. The voice that we all
could count on...the one man that we would
never have to worry about selling us out.

I guess it would be best if I start from the be-
ginning, then you will understand where Im
coming from. The year was 1994. I knew this
man had to be something special, because I
stood there at the DFW airport, and watched
the FOI from Dallas Mosque #48 and Fort
Worth, Texas Mosque #54 almost get into a fist
fight over which car was going to carry the
Minister to his Hotel in downtown Fort
Worth. I was over an organization called
(M.A.A.T) Metropolitan African American
Think-tank, and we were bringing The Min-
ster in to speak. I had never heard of this Man,
never saw a tape nor heard a speech, at that
time I only knew of Minister Louis Farrakhan.
The Minister of Mosque #54 Delane X, (who
by the way won the battle over who was going
to take the Minister to his hotel) got me on the
phone with Minister Khallid. I will never for-
get that call. We were riding in my car, and
Bro. Delane dialed up Dr. Khallid and after two
rings he answered, and in his deep voice said:
Yes can I help you. As-Salaam Alaikum Sir!
was Bro Delaneys response, and then a Wa-
laikum Salaam, can you hear me, can you
hear me brother? Yes I can hear you sir, its
Brother Delane X out here in Fort Worth,
Texas; Dr. Khallid cut him off: look Brother,
Im getting on a plane call me back in Two
hours. OK Doc.. We called Dr. Khallid
back after about 3 hours, and I told him who I
was and a little bit about my organization, and
we wanted him to come to Texas and speak the
next month which was in April. From the
sound of his voice he liked what he had heard,
and he told us to get in touch with a sister in
New York who handled his schedule. Her
name at this time slips my memory, but we
called her and booked the speaking engage-

Well back to the DFW Airport, where it was
time for me to meet the Minister. He came off
the plane, and still to this day I have never
seen anything look like what I saw that day. A
Black, Bald Headed man that had on a white
shirt and black suit with a red, black and green
bow tie. He looked as if he could say the word
and a war would have started. He greeted the
FOI and the Hosting Minister, Bro. Delane X.
Then he said: Where is Bro. Steve Washing-
ton? (Which was my name at that time). We
shared the Muslim greeting, and to say the
least, I was very impressed with the man and
feared himsomewhat. He told me how glad he
was to be back in his birth state and thanked
me for bringing him. They lead him to the
pressroom that was packed with reporters from
T.V and radio stations. I witnessed someone
who manhandled the press. I never saw the
press back down like I saw them do that day.
It took my mind back to the man himself
Malcolm X.

We got the Presidential Suite for him at a ho-
tel in downtown Fort Worth Texas. It was the
same room where the President John F. Ken-
nedy of the United States slept his last night
before he was assassinated in Dallas, Texas in
1963. The irony of this president being the
reason for Malcolms suspension from the Na-
tion of Islam could not escape me as I stood
there looking at the modern day Malcolm in
Continued Page 31
said it was one of the best he had stayed in. It
Excerpt taken from
book entitled
Missing a Friend
Dr. Muhammad and Min. Nzinga
The arrest of
seven men in Miami
last month on spe-
ci ous t errori sm
c ha r g es s mel l s
strongly like a case of
governmental entrap-
ment. The men, six
of whom are of Hai-
tian descent, alleg-
edly planned to blow
up various targets
including government
buildings and the
Sears Tower in Chi-
cagobut officials
found no plans, ex-
plosives or any
equipment whatso-
ever that could be
used to effect the
plot. In fact, the FBI
informant who infil-
trated the group pos-
ing as an al-Qaeda
representative is the
one who initiated the
idea of blowing up
government build-
The seven men
are charged with two
counts of conspiring
to support a foreign
terrorist organiza-
tion, one count of
conspiring to destroy
buildings by use of
explosives and one
count of conspiring
to wage war against
the government.
The indictment
contains no indica-
tion of an overt
criminal act, except
swearing an oath of
loyalty to al-Qaeda,
and taking pictures of
FBI headquarters in
Miami. The plot was
more aspirational
than operational,
said FBI Deputy Di-
rector John Pistole at
a news conference
announcing the mens
arrest. In other
words, the men com-
mitted a thought
crime, the infamous
offense lampooned in
George Orwells
novel 1984, which
the U.S. Constitution
protects us against.
Even worse, an agent
provocateur i m-
planted the thought.
The seven men
are Narseal Batiste,
Patrick Abraham,
St anl ey Phanor,
Naudimar Herrera,
Burson Augustin, Ly-
glenson Lemorin and
Rothschild Augustine,
and they range in age
from 22 to 32. Ba-
tiste, 32, is the
groups ringleader.
Family members and
friends say the men
were part of a group
seeking to better
conditions in their
impoverished Liberty
City neighborhood
and had no connec-
tion to al-Qaeda.
By making the
connection, the Bush
administration is con-
flating the activities
of those fighting the
legacy of slavery with
those struggling in
colonialisms wake.
This is not a random
linkage; Mike Brooks,
a law enforcement
analyst for CNN,
revealed on the June
22 edi t i on of
Anderson Cooper
360 that, on June
13, the FBI, Depart-
ment of Homeland
Security, put out a
call, an information
bulletin, Black Sepa-
ratism a Volatile
Mo v e me n t o f
NodeNode of Do-
mestic Radicaliza-
Accordi ng to
Brooks, the bulletin
named the Nation
of Islam, New Black
Panther Party, the
New Black Panther
Nation and Five Per-
centers as groups of
current concern to
law enforcement.
The focus on black
nationalists is a re-
prise of the FBIs in-
famous COINTEL-
PRO program that
ran from 1956 to
1971 and was de-
signed to neutralize
black nationalists and
other domestic dissi-
The program was
discontinued in 1971,
after a Senate com-
mittee found that
many of the tech-
niques used would be
intolerable in a de-
mocratic society
even if all the targets
had been involved in
violent activity, but
far beyond that.
The U.S. govern-
ment historically has
regarded Black Na-
tionalism as a threat
because it challenges
the white suprema-
cist biases that frame
much of American
Some nationalists
also infused Islamic
imagery and termi-
nology into their
programs to coun-
terpoint what many
cons i der ed t he
enslaving religion
of Christianity. Or-
ganizations like No-
ble Drew Alis Moor-
ish Science Temple
of America (begun in
Newark, N.J., in
1913) and Elijah Mu-
hammads Nation of
Islam (Detroit, circa
1931) explicitly re-
j ected organi zed
Christianity. Since
self-professed Chris-
tians perpetrated the
racist oppression suf-
fered by black peo-
ple, these groups
claimed Islamic pedi-
gree. But their race-
based belief systems
bore little resem-
blance to mainstream
According to as-
sociates, the Miami
Seven were acolytes
of Alis Moorish Sci-
ence Temple, al-
though they werent
formally affiliated.
That distinction did-
nt prevent the media
from branding them
radical Muslims,
implying they shared
the ideology of al-
Qaeda. Ndnsns
Attorney General
Alberto Gonzales
said the group, which
neighbors said called
itself Seas of David,
conducted surveil-
lance of several fed-
eral office buildings in
Miami and discussed
bombing the Sears
Tower in Chicago.
He said they took an
oath to al-Qaeda and
plotted to create an
Islamic Army bent
on killing all the
devils we can.
The al-Qaeda im-
personator, who,
according to the
CBS-affiliated televi-
sion station in Miami,
was a Middle Eastern
native seeking U.S.
residential status by
aiding the FBI, wrote
the oath. He also
suggested exploding
the FBI buildings,
supplied the camera
and rented the vehi-
cle to take surveil-
lance photos of the
Miami office.
This is a case of
governmental entrap-
ment, even more
threatening than the
NSA spying program.
Predi ctabl y, the
American people,
even progressives,
seem oblivious to
this threat. African-
Americans should be
particularly vigilant
about this COINTEL-
PRO re-run in the
name of the war on
By Salim Muwakkil
Page 26
Durham, NC - The pre-
sent alleged rape case
involving members of
the Lacrosse team of
Duke University has
caused a major divide
along racial lines in the
city of Durham.
As a result of the
media maligning the
character of the rape
victim, New Black Pan-
ther Party (NBPP) Na-
tional Chairman Malik
Zulu Shabazz rallied his
organization, local lead-
ers and residents to take
a stand against the in-
justice surrounding this
heated case, and organ-
ized a press conference,
demonstration and
town hall meeting on
May 1. As an attorney,
he held concerns about
the effective prosecu-
tion of the case and an-
nounced his decision to
conduct a private inves-
The history of Duke
University is rooted in
racism. Racism existed
long before we (NBPP)
got here. The two de-
fendants must be
brought to justice and
we will accept nothing
else! demanded Atty.
Shabazz during the
press conference held at
the Duke campus en-
trance on Chapel Drive.
We are here to say to
our Sister, you need not
fear testifying. You
have strong support and
He then strongly
addressed how the vic-
tim has been made out
to be the criminal in
the media. The burden
of this case has been
put on the victim and
they have made the
criminals look like the
victims. Her past is on
trial and that is unjust.
But we cannot stand by
and do nothing. We
(NBPP) are in this for
the long run.
The atmosphere sur-
rounding the case in-
tensified with the vic-
tim receiving death
threats and the NBPP
offered personal secu-
rity to the rape victim
and her family.
Adding to this fer-
vor, a few days before
the demonstration,
Duke University Presi-
dent Richard Brodhead
sent out an email
warning students,
staff and faculty of the
arrival of the group he
and others deemed an
extremist group who
carry guns that will not
be allowed to disrupt
the campus.
Despite such at-
tempts by him and the
media to drum up fear
and tension with this
image, residents show-
ered the NBPP with
love and support for
standing up with cour-
In his press state-
ment, Atty. Shabazz
presented eight de-
mands formulated by
members of the Black
community of Durham,
which included that the
defendants in the rape
case, Collin Finnerty
and Reade Seligmann,
be tried and convicted,
Continued on Page 33...
By Jesse Muhammad
Atty, Shabazz with supporters at the rally for the victim.
Photo Courtesy of David X
Page 27
November 7
marks the historic
anniversary of the U.S. Army's
761st "Black Panther" Tank Battal-
ion entering into combat against
the racist and fascist military
forces of Nazi Germany.
In 1944 the All Black soldiers of
this heroic unit used the "Black
Panther" as its logo and; backed up
it's motto to "Come Out Fighting"
by spearheading General George
Patton's liberation campaign
through europe; which included
the famous W.W. II Battle Of The
Bulge in France. If not for a combi-
nation of the Supreme Allied Com-
mander Dwight Eisenhower's poli-
tics and good old amerikkkan ra-
cism, these "Black Panthers" would
not have been put on hold in Aus-
tria. A decision which ultimately
led to the Russian army entering
the German capital of Berlin ahead
of the other allied forces. But this
is only one of the many examples
of our people utilizing the "Black
Panther" as a symbol of struggle
and resistance to racist european
oppression, imperialism, colonial-
ism and genocide.
In West Afrika during the
1940s the warrior Leopard Secret
Society of Bassaland spread fear
and terror to the invading euro-
pean by dressing in "Black Pan-
ther" leopard skins and utilizing
steel claws to kill and mutilate
white oppressors in what is now
known as modern day Nigeria.
These Black guerilla attacks also
took place during the very same
decade by "Black Panther" Leopard
Men in Tanganika. Even earlier,
during the 30's, the Makanga of
Central Afrika and the Anyoto in
the Belgian Congo carried out
similar "Black Panther" attacks
against the european and his
"Negro" sellouts.
Historically, our people can
even go back thousands of years in
the Afrikan Motherland to the Nu-
bian Goddess Bastet. Because of
both her gentle and fierce nature,
this "Egyptian Black Panther" was
worshipped in the ancient city of
Bubastis as a great symbol of the
Nubian Kings. Or as Comrade
Huey used to say: "the nature of a
Black Panther is that it will never
attack; but if cornered or provoked
then the Black Panther will come
up to wipe out the oppressor abso-
lutely, totally and completely".
Because she epitomized the pro-
tective aspects of motherhood, the
"Black Panther Goddess Bastet"
was honored by the ancient Nubi-
ans as the mother of Kings and the
protector of the people.
As we return to this continent
we find that throughout North,
Central and South amerikkka that
the indigenous people, AKA
"Indians", also revered the Black
Panther as a respected symbol of
spirituality and struggle. First and
foremost it must be understood
that the color Black is respected
and honored by the entire Red
Race; and thus the Black Panther is
believed to have great medicinal
powers for healing. Among Okla-
homa's Caddo Nation, which was
originally from Louisiana, the
Black Panther Clan was also
known as the Midnight or Black
Jaguar. The Caddo believe that
through dreams, the Black Panther
teaches us to look inside of our-
selves in order to embrace uncom-
fortable territory (oppression)
through self discovery and; then
courageously face the unknown
More recently, during the
United States civil rights era of the
60's, the Black Panther logo con-
tinued its legacy as a symbol of
struggle against the oppression for
our people. First the Black Panther
was used as the symbol by the late
Kwame Toure (Stokley Carmi-
chael) for the Lownes County, Ala-
bama Freedom Organization's
struggle against racist voter regis-
tration attacks by the white minor-
ity. That same Black Panther logo
was then shortly picked up and
adopted by the Oakland, California
based Black Panther Party for Self-
Defense, which was Co-Founded
by Bobby Seal and the late Dr.
Huey P. Newton.
Since that time the Black Pan-
ther has and; always will remain
the historic symbol for righteous-
ness, liberation, freedom and resis-
tance for our people from geno-
cidal oppression. Neither the Pitts-
burgh or Carolina "Panthers" foot-
ball teams can ever change that
legacy nor; can the racist courts
and fascist laws of the U.S. govern-
ment and it's sell out "knee-
grows" in the Huey P. Newton
In the final analysis, the Black
Panther symbol cannot be owned
by anyone, because it belongs to
the people.
By Sadiki "Shep" Ojore Olugbala
Page 28
Page 29
Enlisted or Not, Dont Go
Continued from Page 5
requests. (USAREC Reg 601-56, 3-
1c). The Navy Regulations state, threat-
ening DEP member with possible disci-
plinary actions for failing to enlist or
coercing DEP members to fulfill their
contractual [sic] obligations is inconsistent
with the concept of the all-volunteer force
Note 1). The Marines make it clear that the
individual can leave the DEP within their Re-
cruiting Regulations, under Desire for Release
or Intent Not to Report state, If the individual
insists on being released from the enlistment,
the individual will be discharged. (MCO
P1100.72C, 4301, 3d(2)).
Feel free to contact the GI Rights Hotline
(800-394-9544) if you have any questions.
The American Jew
Continued from page 13
Some of the most inter-
esting entries are politi-
cians who are themselves
Jews and yet are heavily
funded by the Israel
lobby to permit them to
work out the agenda with
maximum financial sup-
port. Some of the biggest
money went to Arlen
Specter, of Pennsylvania,
$463,973, and Lieberman,
the Jew who led the
charge for the war on
Iraq, $228,758.
Even a newcomer like
Barack Obama, a camou-
flaged tom, has received
If this book could be
widely distributed in the
African American com-
munities, it would de-
stroy Zionist influence
which has been insidi-
ously spread by National
Public Radio [NPR] and
others. The writer gives
the example of Minister
Farrakhan as a force for
the independence and
integrity of the African
American people. The
activism of Dr. Malik
Zulu Shabazz, as mani-
fested in the New
Black Panther Party, in-
dicates that strong resis-
tance to the synagogue of
satan has emerged in the
African American com-
Published by the Truth
Establishment Institute
P.O. Box 308, Chicago, IL
To purchase, call
1.866.602.1230 ext 200 or
o r d e r o n l i n e a t
and Black Bookstores
across America. Call the
TEI at 312.617.6690 for
information about stores
in your area.

Israel, The Baby Killer
Continued from Page 2
figures. Some of the more
discreet weapons of ter-
rorism were cluster and
vacuum bombs, shrapnel,
phosphoric and napalm,
and booby trapped dolls.
If these actions by
Sharon, which master-
minded the invasion and
occupation, were not eth-
nic cleansing and very
cruel, then you may need
to check whether or not
you were born with a
Israel has always been
a sneaky type of country.
UN reports stated that in
1982, Maronite Christians
supervised and helped by
Israeli soldiers killed
around 3000 civilians in
the Sabra and Shatila
refugee camps. Israel was
also known to squash cars
full of civilians with
tanks and bombing
houses. In 1973, Israel
also shot down a Libyan
civilian aircraft over Sinai
killing all 106 civilian
passengers aboard. Israel
also has an obsession of
killing Muslims while
they practice their faith
as shown in one of the
more famous cases in
1994 where 50 Arab Mus-
lims were killed in the
Ibrahimi Mosque in Al-
Khalil. Israel has even
committed these types of
war crimes against its
own allies in the past.
During the 1967 war,
Israel attacked the USS
liberty killing 35 soldiers.
Israel stated they saw no
flag and mistook the ship
for an Egyptian ship. The
shiny American ship not
only looked nothing like
the Egyptian ship but
flew a large American
flag overhead. Israel then
made up a phony and
flawed testimony about
the incident but the US
did not buy it. The two
notable terrorist actions
against the British were
the assassination of Lord
Mowin in Cairo and the
attempted assassination of
Sir Harold McMichel in
Jerusalem. Zionist terror-
ists assassinated or at-
tempted to assassinate
many high ranking em-
ployees of large compa-
nies, officers and judges.
Zionists are known to
hang opponents from
trees and electrical poles,
perform crucifixions, and
blow up the bodies of
kidnapped victims with
dynamite. Zionism can be
equated with Nazism. Not
only were their reports of
key Zionists meeting
with Hitler, but there
were also many terrorist
acts against European
Jews which Zionists be-
lieved were sinners and
not pure. The Jewish ship
Patria was blown up in
November of 1940 of the
coast of Palestine. The
ship was carrying 1,900
illegal Jewish immigrants
into Palestine, 240 of
which drowned. In 1942,
Zionist gangs blew up the
Stromanear the shore of
Turkey which was carry-
ing 770 illegal Jews, all of
which drowned. Even
today, some modern Zi-
onists show their same
hatred and cruelty.
These are facts. Israel
committed these atroci-
ties and many more, some
personally performed by
Sharon himself. To kill
civilians for political rea-
son is terrorism. The as-
sassination of activists is
terrorism. The shooting
of kids when all they do
is throw stones is terror-
Israel does not want
peace; it wants all the
Arabs to leave the land
they believe is theirs.
Hundreds of kids have
been killed by Israel. Vil-
lages have been destroyed
with dynamite while the
inhabitants were asleep
inside. Thousands of
houses have been bull-
dozed over the years, and
they call Arabs and Mus-
lims terrorists.
Helicopters, naval
warships, and tanks
pound on civilians in vil-
lages daily and they call
us terrorists. How come
no one ever calls some of
Israel's unbelievable and
vile acts terrorism? Why
are we called terrorists
because of a few bad ap-
ples when Israel's army
commits terrorism against
us on a daily basis? All
they seem to do is kill,
but God forbid we throw
a stone, we are suddenly
labeled as the terrorists.
What to North Korea
Continued from Page 17
The native people want to cre-
ate an environment where all un-
derstand that there is only some-
thing to gain through the unifica-
tion of the peninsula. The major-
ity of the Korean people supported
these efforts, and the process of
healing was quickened by the
change in public portrayal of the
northern citizens. From this fami-
lies have been able to reunite and
both regions have benefited, be-
coming less dependent on Ameri-
can aid.
The people now protest Ameri-
can military presence, expansion,
and involvement in their political
and economic affairs. The stu-
dents, the working class and many
others believe that U.S. presence
makes unification impossible.
George W. Bush, Jr. referred to
North Korea as the axis of evil,
an unacceptable, hampering action
when viewed in light of the Sun-
shine Process. It is not surprising
that the U.S. does not take kindly
to reform measures and South Ko-
reas progression toward independ-
ent operations. America profits
from divisions within nations, and
bias propaganda. Since Bushs
statement was made, North Korean
officials have said that their hatred
for the United States has reached it
peak. In fact, General Sop has viv-
idly exclaimed his hatred, vowing
to kill Americans and live to keep
their revolution going. America
needs to know and understand
that there will be consequences for
infringing on the sovereignty a
people. These signals are becoming
contagious worldwide, and its the
one time I hope Black people catch
a lethal bug.

Black Children Sentenced
Continued from Page 12
Becoming a member in a gang classifies
this member as being a part of a security
threat group. This classification
justifies their serving time in long-term
isolation or super-maximum security
confinement. Life in long-term isolation
usually involves segregating inmates for
twenty-three or more hours a day in
their cells.
Our young Black children grow old
and even die in solitary confinement.
Statistics will not accurately depict the
amount of children being helddo not
show an overwhelming amount of chil-
dren being held in captivity, because
adult facilities do not take into account
the number of children being held be-
cause they were charged as adults. There-
fore, for every child that goes to an adult
facility, they are counted as adults when
statistical data is calculated.
There is a war on Black youth. Many
casualties are the result of a lack of un-
derstanding of the criminal system that
persecutes them. When children are tried
in criminal courts, no accommodation is
made because of their age. The child must
take part in all the same pre-trial and trial
procedures and confront all the same de-
cisions that adult defendants do. The
child alone must decide what to tell the
police and defense attorneys, whether or
not to follow attorney instructions, tes-
tify, give information to the prosecution,
and decide between going to trial and
accepting a plea bargain.
Common mistakes made by our chil-
dren is that they: (1) waive their constitu-
tional rights and make confessions
(including confessions they later said
were false); (2) did not recognize bad ad-
vice from defense attorneys; (3) were vul-
nerable due to little education (including
illiteracy); (4) did not understand what
was at stake during their trials.
No matter what the alleged crime,
what are missing are the societal struc-
tures to protect our children from making
desperate decisions to protect themselves.
Survival is instinct, and much of a childs
behavior is learned. Violence, material
gain and short cuts to success are glori-
fied, to the expense of stable families and
truly valuable progression. The capitalist,
fascist society that masks itself as
Amerikkkan democracy has no regard for
humanity; therefore, foolishly retaining
hope in this system will only lead to dis-
appointment. Revolution is the only solu-
tion, take responsibility for one another
and we will see our Nation rise, never to
fall again.
Page 30
Missing a Friend
Continued from Page 25
the person. Dr. Khallid loved
that suite. He said it was one
of the best he had stayed in.
It was set up where it had four
bedrooms two living rooms, a
formal dinning room and
much, much more. This place
being: the Worthton Hotel.
We stayed at the hotel for
about an hour, then we had to
move out and do a radio show.
It was the Bob Ray Sanders
show. Bob was Black, but his
listening audience was about
95% white. It was a show
that took me to 1962, when I
heard tapes on Min. Malcolm,
X dealing with White audi-
ences. It was a great radio

April 1, 1994, (April Fools
Day) in the early evening; I
had met this powerful force of
a man, Dr. Khallid A. Muham-
mad, but now it was time to
hear him speak! The place
was in Fort Worth, Texas at
the Masonic Temple. There
were about six to seven hun-
dred people in attendance.
Security was tight. The F.O.I.
moved the Minster very well
all day, and it was the first
time I had witnessed a black
man moved in this manner.
The crowed was electrifying
right from the start. I would
introduce Bro. Delane X and
he would have the honor of
introducing Min. Khallid. At
that time no one could have
told me that over the next
seven years I would introduce
The Honorable Min. Khallid
Abdul Muhammad hundreds
of times to thousands of peo-
ple all over the country. But
that night it was Min. De-
lanes time. He fired up the
crowd as he talked about how
Minister Louis Farrakhan had
given Khallid his name, and
how he was a flamethrower
for Min. Farrakhan. He de-
scribed the line of divine
with Malcolm X being the
first National spokesman for
the Nation of Islam, Min.
Louis Farrakhan the second,
and the third was Min. Khal-
lid A. Muhammad. He then
talked about how the Min.
Muhammad is featured in
many rappers songs, with
artists like Ice Cube, Public
Enemy and many others.

Well it was time. Min. Khal-
lids name was called, and the
F.O.I. swept him up on stage.
There were so many of F.O.I.
around him, that you could
hardly see the man. He
greeted everyone, and then I
heard the words that are em-
bedded in my mind forever:
In The Name of Allah, The
Beneficent, the Merciful
And that minute Allah (GOD)
entered that hall thats a fact, I
felt the spirit move; this was a
God fearing man and he was
powerful, The Spirit of God
was all over him, any body in
that room that needed healing
they were about to get what
they came for. The lecture
flyer that we had spread out
all over Dallas-Fort Worth
had a picture of The Most
Honorable Elijah Muhammad
and Bro. Malcolm X and un-
der that was a Picture of The
Honorable Minister Louis Far-
rakhan and The Most Honor-
able Min. Khallid Abdul Mu-
hammad. The title that Min.
Khallid instructed us to put on
the flyer was Elijah/Malcolm,
Farrakhan/Khallid IS HIS-
I didnt know what was going
on at that time, but in time I
would be told about a Kean
College speech and some
other things that would blow
my young mind. I heard for
the next two hours what I had
knew all my life, but it had
finally been put in away that
after that lecture you would
want to stand up and join
what ever church t hi s
preacher was speaking for.
The militant character that
looked as if he would kill his
enemy then ask questions
later had been judged wrong.

The Islamic values and dress
code was highlighted with
accountability from this indi-
vidual that the media had peo-
ple fearing what the men not
that men but the truth that
Allah had put in him. It was
just a night that every Mus-
lim, Black man and woman
was proud that they had gone
through a real spiritual exposi-
tion that had come by way of
Min. Khallid A. Muhammad
on that night.

You have just read the begin-
ning of chapter 1 to an up
coming book on the life, and
my personal relationship With
the Hon. Min. Khallid A. Mu-
hammad. I spent 7 years be-
ing his personal assistant and
his National Assistant with
The (NBPP) at the time of his
divine transition.

This project will co-authored
by the National Chairman,
Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz. It
will be the most thorough,
and serious work done on the
Minster, by two of his most
dependable and trusted associ-
ates, and still to this very day
we carry on his work and leg-
acy. We thank everyone for
their support and help to keep
the work and the mission of
Min. Khallid going until this
great struggle ends in our lib-

The New Black Panther Party
for Self-Defense along with
the Hon. Min. Khallid Mu-
hammads Family ask that if
you are not apart of this
movement, that you join some
Black revolutionary organiza-
tion. Black Power Brothers
and Sisters and
Captive Black Muslims in America
Continued from Page 11
technicalities after release in order to discredit and silence his writings
on militant armed resistance to forces antithetical to the Din and the
self-determination of African people. It was while he was imprisoned for
seven years that H. Rap. Brown, became Jamil Al-Amin at almost the
same historical moment that Islam began to replace godless commu-
nism as the Number One enemy of Capitalism and American global
The story behind the imprisonment of Imam Jamil Al-Amin and
other Muslim political prisoners in America is a microcosmic reflection of
the symmetry between the racist white supremacy of Americas security
and law enforcement apparatus, and the Christian Right and their anti-
Islam war on terror. It is a story that Muslims need to hear, under-
stand, and factor in when dealing with the European Nation state.
Everything has a history. White Christian Night Riders and militias were
burning crosses (their symbol of universal atonement) in front of Afri-
can-American homes in campaigns of racist terror long before 911.
America and the Wests war against Islam and their current efforts to
intensify contradictions within the Islamic Ummah through imposition of
Western state culture is not devoid of racist arrogance. Unfortunately,
more often than not it is immigrant Muslim communities, living inside
the US and Europe who aid and abet the racist arrogance of assimila-
tion politics for personal gain.
The contradiction between Shia and Sunni, Arab Muslims, Pan-Arabism
versus African Muslims and Pan-Africanism is now the defining demarca-
tion line between the have and have nots of the Muslim world. The
fate of the majority of the Ummah who are non-Arab are concealed
behind the geopolitical subterfuge of Arabized elites throughout the
Islamic world and legitimized in their strategies of survival euphemisti-
cally termed diplomacy and positive engagement. Just because
Muslim scholars and Ulema have historically failed to combine spiritu-
ally and socially ethical insights into Halal interpretation of Islamic Fiqh,
offers no reason why oppressed and exploited peoples, Muslim and non-
Muslim alike should accept reactionary capitulation to injustice in the
name of a peaceful coexistence with Taghuti power. The Islamic world
has been saddled with onerous burden of dogmatism passing itself off as
shariat and cultural or tribal nationalism masquerading as Sunnah for
far too long. It is time for Unity based on common understanding of
the historical moment we now find ourselves.
As the Prophet (PBUH) predicted that one sign of the last days
of Kufr is that the Masjids will be full of Believers but devoid of lead-
ership. Today, Imams are appointed and vetted by governments with
secular agendas that contravene the geopolitical empowerment of Islamic
and equitable society, where humanity matters more than profit mar-
gins. This is why almost every Arab and or Muslim government today is
either overt or covert allies of Europe and America in those nation-
states opposition to Islamic global unity. These Muslim leaders have
hijacked the revolutionary character of the Din for their own narrow
nationalist and sectarian purposes. Classic examples of this are the
conflicts in the Sudan, Western Sahara and Chad. These are conflicts
where the politics of Pan-Arabism supersede both Sunnah and Quran;
where Arab dominated regimes oppress and murder non-Arabized Black
Africans for control of their territory and resources. In the case of the
Sudan, Western Sahara and Chad, the Arabs and Blacks are all Muslims.
But the genocide of Black African Muslims by the Sudanese Government
backed Janjaweed militias does not carry the same weight nor raise
an outcry among Arab Muslims as does the Zionist Yehudi occupation of
Palestine. Indeed, the Shia character of Iran, has been employed as a
bulwark against the geopolitical impact of its Islamic revolution in the
region and the spread of what is perceived by Arab Sunni elites as
radical (read heretical) Islam among their own populations in much
the same manner as the British employed Muslim Arab hatred of Otto-
man Turkish rule as a bulwark against Islamic hegemony of the last
Caliphate. Arab hatred of the Ottomans, and what had become a
decadent empire was transformed by the Arab elites that emerged from
the ashes of the Turkish rule into Arab nationalism and politically
evolved into the philosophy of Pan-Arabism, as espoused by the late
Gamel Abdul Nasser of Egypt, Abdul Azziz of Syria, and the various
Baathist nationalist parties of Tunisia, Lebanon, and Iraq. There has
never been an appropriate response of the Muslim Ummah to the hi-
jacking of Islamic reform by reactionary Arab elites and scholars.
Racism or narrow nationalism should not again provide the bul-
wark for the division of the Ummah in the face of a global threat to
Islam. The struggle of African-Americans for self-determination, human
rights, and full legal citizenship in an institutionally racist society, pro-
vides a wealth of information and experience to immigrant Muslims now
under pressure to integrate and assimilate into fundamentally racist host
cultures. The struggles of oppressed national minorities for self-
determination should also enlighten the Ummah in its confrontation with
the West over what actually constitutes freedom and democracy. It is
for these reasons that the 1994 intervention by Dhoruba Bin Wahad at
the U.N. Human Rights Commission sitting in Geneva is being reprinted.
As Al-Hajji Malik As-Shabazz once noted, history is the best subject to
reward all research.
This is a partial list, and almost all of the below named political
prisoners have been imprisoned for over thirty years: 1. Imam Jamil Al-
Amin 2. Basheer Hameed 3. Sekou Odinga 4. Jalil Muntaqim 5.
Abdul Majid 6. Jihad Mumit 7. Hanif Shabazz-Bey, and others.
Page 31
Hezbullah, The Peoples Choice
Continued from Page 5
campaigner to have Hezbullah labeled a terrorist
organization by the world, but all that Hezbullah
did was to kick the Israelis out of Lebanese land, to
kick the occupying Israeli IDF off of Lebanese soil
This was defensive action; not offensive action.
Hezbullah has never invaded Israel, nor has Hez-
bullah ever attacked Americans, though the U.S.
media said it has, but this is nothing but lies. True,
some of the Shia did fight back, as Amal, against
the Americans when the American troops were
siding with the Falangist Gemeyal family in attack-
ing the Muslims, especially the Shia, but it was not
then Hezbullah and every honest historian knows
this. But there is no end to lies that the Zionists will
go to because of their shame at being beaten by
So why is Hezbullah labeled as a terrorist or-
ganization - pure and simple, because it is a strong
nationalist Lebanese force that refuses to bow to
Israel or America or the Falangists.
Remember in America the patriots who fought
against the British; Hezbullah is like those Ameri-
can patriots just fighting for their land, their
country. As an American, I am all for that. Any de-
cent, educated and moral human being is for that.
We must call those who label as liars those who
call Hezbullah a terrorist organization because
they have no facts to back up their assertions. That
Hezbullah defeated the Israelis is a fact, that the
Israelis were an illegal occupying force in southern
Lebanon (the area of the Shia) is a fact, that Hez-
bullah is now part of the Lebanese defense forces is
a fact, that Hezbullah ever attacked American
troops is an out and out lie.
It is time the world, especially the American
people, knew the truth about Hezbullah and its
charitable work, its social work, its medical work,
its educational work and its standing in the hearts
of most Lebanese and its standing in the Lebanese
government. The lies of President Bush and his mis-
tress of state, Conde Rice, must be undone. Tell
your friends the truth; perhaps in that way, the
truth will prevail over the propaganda Bush and
Rice are putting out in the world.
Black Recruits Refuse
Continued from Page 5
Unlike many flashy
street gang members,
they dont brag about
their organization or
intentions, making it
more difficult for some-
one who still finds good
whiteys to tell them
Neo-Nazis "stretch
across all branches of
service, they are linking
up across the branches
once they're inside, and
they are hard-core," De-
partment of Defense
gang detective Scott
Barfield said.
Neo-Nazis dream of
race war and revolution.
Jon Fain, an Army engi-
neer and neo-Nazi Na-
tional Alliance member,
joined the invasion of
Iraq and says he "joined
only for the training, and
to better defend yourself,
our people, and our cul-
ture." Fain continued by
saying, "We must have
people to open doors
from the inside when
the time comes."
Soldiers are trained to
be proficient with weap-
ons, combat tactics, and
explosives, to train oth-
ers in their use, and to
operate in a highly disci-
plined culture that is
focused on the organized
violence of war. Special
Forces soldiers who dou-
ble as extremist opera-
tives present a special
danger, since they have
commando skills gained
at huge taxpayer expense
often including urban
warfare, long-range re-
connaissance, and com-
bat demolitions. Any
white supremacist in
Iraq who's a Green Beret
or a Navy SEAL or Ma-
rine Recon, is involved
in covert operations,
that's far above and be-
yond convoy protection
and roadblocks.
Are you prepared for
Cuba An Island of Opportunities
Continued from Page 17
In his speech on Sept 8, 2000, at New York
City's Riverside Church President Castro said,
"we are prepared to grant a number of schol-
arships to poor youth who cannot afford to
pay the $200,000 it costs to get a medical de-
gree in the US." Cuba is offering 250 full
scholarships per year for students in under
served communities in the United States to
study medicine in Cuba. Tuition, dormitory
room and board, and textbooks are free of
What we as The Latin American School of
Medical Sciences want is for students from
our sister nations to become imbued with the
same doctrine in which our own doctors are
educated, with that total devotion to their
noble future profession - for a doctor is like a
shepherd, a priest, a missionary, a crusader for
the people's health and physical and mental
Cuba Under President Fidel Castro
In Cuba, health care is universal and free.
Cuba has continued to make health-care a
priority for its citizens, despite the effects of
the suffocating US economic blockade, Cuba's
public health care system is world-renowned.
It maintains one physician for every 168 peo-
ple in the country and produced 2000 new physi-
cians every year; a remarkable number for any
country of 11 million people. The infant mortality
rate is less than most cities in the US. The Cuban
Ministry of Health maintains a clinic with at least
one doctor and one nurse in residence for every 120
Cuba is also a health care provider for the world.
Cuba has sent thousands of doctors and medical
professionals to serve in the poorest areas of Latin
America and Africa. Cuba has treated more than
16,000 victims of the Chernobyl nuclear disaster.
Cuba is organizing a health-care task force to tackle
the problem of the AIDS epidemic in Africa. Cuba
has trained hundreds of doctors from African and
Latin American nations - all free of charge. The
Cuban government even offered to send some 1,600
medics, field hospitals and 83 tons of medical sup-
plies to ease efforts after Hurricane Katrina. The US
rejected Cuban aid.
Now Cuba is reaching out to "third world" re-
gions in the United States to train doctors for the
cities, rural areas and reservations where medical
services are most desperately needed.
Application Info: P | 212.926.5757 or F | 212.926.5842 or email:
Sankofa Reach and Reclaim
Continued from Page 24
The philosophy here is that, a Black owned
enterprise will reinvest at least part of the
money in the motherland to support the eco-
nomic growth of the continent. However,
most of the foreigners who go to Africa are
only interested in the money and in most
cases do not even pay taxes. The reason is
simple; there is no bond with the continent.
This is similar to the Koreans running all the
beauty supply shops in our nationhood and
refuse with impunity to contribute even $10
to our little league teams. We have seen this
happen over and over and continue to let it
Dr. Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana said in his
independence speech in 1957 the inde-
pendence of Ghana is meaningless unless it is
linked up with the total liberation of the Afri-
can Continent.
Today I say, The destiny of Blacks all over
the world is and will always be tied to that of
the African continent and a collective respect
for Black people in this world is only achiev-
able when the African continent is economi-
cally emancipated.
Hezbollah Victorious
Continued from Page 3
So, let our public opinion know. Let me ask:
Where are the fortified barracks on the borders of
the Islamic Resistance? The border posts are
actually surveillance posts consisting of a column
on which an antenna is attached and another on
which a camera is placed. Beside these columns
there is a room where one of our youth stays.
This is simply what these posts are consisting of.
These posts were evacuated right from the first
day. If they come today to say that they de-
stroyed frontline positions. They mean these
places. If they say that occupied frontline posts,
these posts exist along the barbed wires and we
evacuated them since the first day when we
captured the soldiers. Now that the Israelis'
helplessness has been proved, we affirm to you
that they have a problem in receiving intelligence
from the air and from the ground. Most of their
agents are at large, some were arrested, and
some disappeared. The agents are facing difficul-
ties in their movements now on the ground to
locate or give some information [to Israel]. At any
rate, they need some commandoes groups to
enter the Lebanese territories, either to collect
intelligence or to correct some of the mistakes
they made in their strikes on the frontlines. They
also need them to conduct operations to capture
or kill some of the mujahidin of the resistance, or
even to say that they killed or made field
achievement since the Israeli Navy retreated and
was hit. I do not believe that the air raids are an
achievement. So, they are looking for an achieve-
ment on the ground. What is happening until
know is within this context. I do not call it the
beginning of a ground incursion. However, I would
like to affirm that that these points were strongly
dealt with. It would have been better to provide
pictures of the tanks that were destroyed, but the
difficult travel conditions prevented that. Anyway,
they are admitting that some of the tanks were
destroyed, and that some people were killed and
wounded. I promise them more fighting and
toughness from the mujahidin of the resistance
along the borders. As for the ground attack
option, it is possible that they might resort to it.
We have been ready for it since the first day. I
do not want to raise the ceiling of expectations
and I do not u se speeches. We are fighting a
serious battle. I did not say one day that the
Israelis will be unable to enter any post in south-
ern Lebanon. We are not a classic army extending
from the sea to Mount Hermon. We are a popular
and serious resistance movement that is present in
many areas and axes. They might be able to
enter a certain point or a village or conduct a
large-scale ground operation. They might enter a
mountain or a frontline village and claim a his-
torical victory. In order not to say that Hezbollah
made a pledged, I did not promise one day
something like that or say that. This is not the
case. This can happen at any moment. As for us,
our equation and principles are the following:
When the Israelis enter, they must pay dearly in
terms of their tanks, officers, soldiers. This is what
we pledge to do and we will honour our pledge,
God willing.

[Bin-Jiddu] Do you expect that the battles will be
long? Are you preparing, as one of the generals
inside [Lebanon] warned, for a war of attrition?

[Nasrallah] The battle here, if we want to answer
these questions, we should discuss the background
of the battle. We are not convinced at all--
perhaps during the first hours we can say that
the reaction that took place was a natural reac-
tion to the capturing of Israeli soldiers--but hours
after this, the issue has gone far beyond a reac-
tion to the capturing of the soldiers. The Israelis
entered [ Lebanon ] with a plan. The officials in
charge of this plan, commanders, and news media
used to talk about it with varying degrees, which
we will analyse later. However, they, for example,
spoke about destroying Hezbollah, not the missile
force, but destroying Hezbollah. Some sides say
the dismantling of the military structure of Hez-
bollah. Others said the annihilation and destruc-
tion of the missile force of the military structure,
and others said we cannot destroy the military
force of Hezbollah, but we want to pain Hezbollah
and weaken this force. Then they said pushing
Hezbollah far from the borders. Those who talk
about pushing Hezbollah 10 or 20 km know that
this does not mean pushing the missile force far
from the borders. The one who attacks Haifa,
Afula, and farther villages, and has the power to
attack farther than this, then the story of 10 or
20 km is considered simple details. Some sides
said that the objective of the operation is to free
the two prisoners. I assure you that the objective
of the operation is not to free the two prisoners.
At any rate, the slogans on the one hand, and
the objectives that were announced for the opera-
tion on the other, means that the operation
would take a long time. I cannot say one week,
two weeks, three weeks, one month, more, or
less. This issue depends on the field developments
on the one hand, and the political developments
o n t h e o t h e r . N o w . . .

[Bin-Jiddu, interrupting] Excuse me. Does it de-
p e n d o n y o u o r o n I s r a e l ?

[Nasrallah] On us and on them. The course of the
battle--I will say how--for example, today, the talk
began in Israel, and this is a logical analysis, to
the effect that the Israeli military operation has
reached its peak. What is more than this? I will
answer you. What can the Israelis do more than
what they did? What is left is the ground incur-
sion, which is costly at any rate. There is an
argument, not among the politicians on the
political level, even on the military and security
levels there is a real argument on the level of the
military and security commands. What is left is
the ground incursion. Except the incursion, every-
thing the Israelis could do have done. So, they
have reached the peak. Now, they have one of
two choices: When they reach the peak they
either proceed horizontally, or in other words,
continue with the same standard or the dose
[preceding word in English] of the peak, or they
will begin to decline. So, the military operation
will begin to decline and to calm down gradually
to pave the way for a political settlement. How
much time would this take? This depends on
developments. When time drags--the north is
brought to a halt, northern Israel, excuse me, I
apologize, I mean northern occupied Palestine--
there are two million Israelis who are either in
shelters or outside the area, displaced outside the
area. The entire economy in the north is brought
to a halt. The factories, trade, tourism, and
economic movement are all brought to a halt. The
number of the killed and injured on their side
could be much less than on our side, but this is
natural. This is because they have a huge arsenal.
Our arsenal is not for destruction, retaliation, and
revenge, but a deterrent arsenal. They have a
huge destructive power. There is no exaggeration
here. They also have shelters. Give me one village
in the south that has shelters in it. Up till now a
large part of the people of the south are still in
the south. Had there been shelters, the people
would have remained there and would not have le
ft . No one likes to live in school to be given
ration. However, on their side, from the borders
to deep in the north, there are shelters in the
settlements. So, it is only logical that the number
of those killed and wounded on their side is less
than on our side. However, what affects the
economy and the pressure the people are exposed
to as a result of displacement and living in shel-
ters. [Sentence incomplete as heard] They prom-
ised them with a quick operation within a few
days. The first day and then the second day
passed, and every day they say three or four
times in the Israeli news media that they have
killed me, killed the Hezbollah leaders, and made
false achievements. So, what is next? Until when
will this continue? The Israeli society is so far
rallying round the government. We have seen this
experience in 1993, in 1996, and in past wars,
but this solidarity will begin to vanish with the
passage of time. So, if the military operation took
a horizontal direction or began to decline, then
the peak that is higher than this is the ground
incursion. I am sure that the ground incursion will
be a catastrophe to the Israeli army. This is not a
threat. You know from day one that I speak
calmly and objectively on these issues. The issue
n o w , i f i t c o n t i n u e s . . .

[Bin-Jiddu, interrupting] Excuse me; you repeated
the word disaster on more than one occasion.

Continued Next Page
Page 32
Continued from Previous Page
[Nasrallah] I mean a disaster for their tanks, officers, and soldiers.
There will be a high price for them to pay. Right from the first day, I
never claimed, even during negotiations and in my past speeches, that I
can shoot down F-16's. We have never claimed that. We did not claim
such a thing even during the [confrontation] in the sea, but we man-
aged to surprise them in the sea. As for the land, we have 24-year
experience; we have long and real experience in the land. We have high
and efficient fighting capabilities, good armed capabilities, and good

It is a matter of time now. I rule out that the Israelis can make a
military achievement. It is a matter of time. On the one hand, there is
our military steadfastness, and on the other there is the political and
popular steadfastness. They [the Israelis] are wagering on seeing the
country's political situation break up and weaken, and on seeing a
decline in the popular support for the resistance in order to achieve
political results. We, on the other hand, are wagering on our steadfast-
ness and that of our people, and on seeing a decline in the Israeli
internal support for the military operation and on the pressures on the
enemy's government, the beginning of which we began to see today.

[Bin-Jiddu] We will discuss the political issues. I want to go back to
what you said about the popular steadfastness. Your Eminence, it is
obvious that there is a real popular support in the areas where mem-
bers of the resistance and Hezbollah are present. Now, the people who
expressed their genuine support for the resistance are displaced and
exhausted, and there is destruction as well. Honestly, do you still have
faith in this popular support? Do not you think that you might win
militarily and lose popularly, even among your own sect, not among
other parties?

[Nasrallah] Before I met you, the brothers, who visited all the places
where the displaced people are housed and talked to people, told me
that the embassies of western countries are sending opinion-poll teams
to the places housing the displaced people. They ask people about their
sect and religion. Undoubtedly, they are interested first and foremost in
the Shi'is' opinion. Based on the [religious] structure of the country,
they believe that if the Shi'is begin to leave and desert the resistance,
it would be an indication that the other sects will do the same - this is
the [religious] structure of the country. The opinion-poll teams were
amazed during their visits and meetings. There is strong support for the
resistance; there is readiness to remain steadfast and make sacrifices.
They listened to many women who said that they are ready to sacrifice
their children, to fight, to remain steadfast and patient, and to endure,
and that they will not allow the resistance to lose, be humiliated, or be
stricken. Anyway, instead of me going to the people, anyone can go and
meet these people and ask them in an objective and honourable man-
ner. However, they should not ask a person who is not actually a
displaced person and says that he speaks on behalf of them. We have
information about the situation on the ground, and we are in constant
contact with our people in the villages and cities. Our impression, which
I am sure that it is now shared by the embassies that follow the situa-
tion and give information to the Israelis and decision-making centres in
the world, is that the answers they got today will affect the course of
the battle. Therefore, I thank the people for their position and stead-
fastness, which will make the war shorter. Why? If the opinion-poll
teams see a sign of weakness and fragility, they will tell the Israelis to
continue [their operations], that they can achieve their objectives, and
that the war will not take a long time. It is not of their interest to
fight for a long time. The US Administration, and other administrations,
will build on that, and there will be no intervention. Today, yesterday,
and the day before - especially today - they heard strong and honour-
able words. I tell you that they have began to feel desperate. I want to
repeat what I said days ago that we have honourable people - I am
talking about the Lebanese people in general, not only the Shi'is. The
Lebanese people are honourable, dear, and great; I do not flatter when
I say that. You can go to all Lebanese areas where there are Christians,
Sunnis, and Druze to see how the rest of the Lebanese people deal with
the displaced people.

between sympathy with those displaced persons, since they are Lebanese,
and the attitudes towards the actions of Hezbollah and the resistance. It
is said that the other parties, factions, and segments are not satisfied
with Hezbollah's position, performance, and the way it got Lebanon
involved, as they say, in this battle?

[Nasrallah] I am not talking about some political forces. I am talking
about the people, the good people, those who in hard times reveal their
chivalry, honour, and patriotism. This is especially since the political
climate now says what happened has happened, and that there will be
time for accountability. We also say that there will be time for account-
ability. No problem. The political climate says let's be united to handle
this battle. This level of political rhetoric, which contains less incitement
- I do not say it contains no incitement - but it contains less incite-
ment, gives people a chance to approach matters honestly. Today,
neither the masses of the resistance feel alienated at the national and
popular levels, nor the resistance feels that its supporters around it have
begun to disperse. Never! I stress to you that the masses of the resis-
tance are firmer and more resolved. Even when we go to political
negotiations - for certainly there will be political negotiations and politi-
cal discussions - one of the most important issues that the Hezbollah
leadership must keep in mind is that behind it are masses who do not
accept to offer concessions that they might be humiliating or something
like that. They might demand high positions that are commensurate
with people's steadfastness and sacrifices. This is what we are building

[Bin-Jiddu] At any rate, your eminence, some say that Hezbollah might
be strong militarily on the ground now, at least as you have said, but
it seems that it is internationally isolated, excluded, and chased. It is
also politically embarrassed at home. Even your former allies, the politi-
cal forces with whom you used to hold discussions at home, do not
conceal their dismay. True, they say there will be time for accountabil-
ity, but they do not conceal their resentment. Moreover, they say: How
could Hezbollah involve the country and take it hostage after a unilat-
eral decision? The government was neither aware of that decision, nor
does it bear its consequences or adopt it. Is this reasonable to happen?

[Nasrallah] Well, let us say that we have begun to go into the political
part. First, I just want to close the first part, since we have talked
about the battlefield, the shelling, and settlements. I would like to
address the family that was hit in Nazareth. In my name and on behalf
of my brothers, I apologize to this family. Of course, the word apology
is not sufficient. I bear full responsibility. That was not intended at all.
However, at any rate, we consider those who were killed in Nazareth
martyrs for Palestine, Lebanon, the nation, and the resistance. It is a
tough and hard confrontation, in which flaws of this kind might happen.
I would like to send them my condolences and apologies. I hope that
they would accept my condolences and apology.

Now I move on the political part. Politically, the international commu-
nity, first, has never been with us. So I cannot say that is not with us,
isolating, and forsaking us just today. It has never been with us. More-
over, it has mostly been against. For example, we have been listed on
the US terrorism list since they created the terrorism list. We are
among the first to be listed on that list. Some European countries also
list us as terrorists. The position of the international community is clear.
Consequently, we are not surprised by the international community. We
have never wagered on the internatio nal community. The international
community adopts international resolutions of which Israel implements
nothing. Even Resolution 425 was not implemented by Israel; we im-
posed it on Israel. It has implemented none of the resolutions concern-
ing the Palestine question. It has implemented none of the resolutions
concerning the occupied Arab territories. For us, this is neither a new
factor, nor a factor of pressure.

Regarding some Arab positions, this is new. True, this is new. In the
past, some Arab regimes abandoned the resistance and resistance men. I
am so objective and realistic, so today we deem it acceptable if the
Arab regimes are neutral. Just like that. If you view the Hezbollah
rhetoric, we accepted such stands from them. Perhaps the brothers in
Palestine - and rightfully so - have a different rhetoric. Their circum-
stances are much harder than ours. So they always attack, accuse, and
denounce the regimes and rulers. This is not part of our rhetoric and
literature. Why? We have forgotten them. To attack someone, you need
to suppose that he captured the soldiers. Now that the Israelis' helpless-
ness has been proved, we affirm to you that they have a problem in
receiving intelligence from the air and from the ground. Most of their
agents are at large, some were arrested, and some disappeared. The
agents are facing difficulties in their movements now on the ground to
locate or give some information [to Israel]. At any rate, they need some
commandoes groups to enter the Lebanese territories, either to collect
intelligence or to correct some of the mistakes they made in their
strikes on the frontlines. They also need them to conduct operations to
capture or kill some of the mujahidin of the resistance, or even to say
that they killed or made field achievement since the Israeli Navy re-
treated and was hit. I do not believe that the air raids are an achieve-
ment. So, they are looking for an achievement on the ground. What is
happening until now is within this context. I do not call it the begin-
ning of a ground incursion. However, I would like to affirm that that
these points were strongly dealt with. It would have been better to
provide pictures of the tanks that were destroyed, but the difficult
travel conditions prevented that. Anyway, they are admitting that some
of the tanks were destroyed, and that some people were killed and
wounded. I promise them more to raise the ceiling of expectations and
I do not use speeches. We are fighting a serious battle. I did not say
one day that the Israelis will be unable to enter any post in southern
Lebanon. We are not a classic army extending from the sea to Mount
Hermon. We are a popular and serious resistance movement that is
present in many areas and axes. They might be able to enter a certain
point or a village or conduct a large-scale ground operation. They might
enter a mountain or a frontline village and claim a historical victory. In
order not to say that Hezbollah made a pledged, I did not promise one
day something like that or say that. This is not the case. This can
happen at any moment. As for us, our equation and principles are the
following: When the Israelis enter, they must pay dearly in terms of
their tanks, officers, soldiers. This is what we pledge to do and we will
honor our pledge, God willing.

Please check for the full text of this article.

Page 33
No Woman Should Be Raped
Continued from Page 26
an immediate end to all attacks on
the victim, an end to irresponsible
media reporting, and that the
crime scene on Buchanan St. be
converted into a Rape Crisis Cen-
The press conference gathering
included Nation of Islam Durham
Representative Minister David
Muhammad, School Board Mem-
ber Jackie Wagstaff, activist Victo-
ria Peterson, Dr. Bruce Bridges,
Minnie Brown, the Concerned
Citizens of Durham, North Caro-
lina Central University (NCCU)
student leaders, Hillside High
School students and Duke Univer-
sity students.
We are outraged by the rape
of our Sister, Min. David stressed.
They dont expect Black men to
stand up for their women, but we
are here.
Victoria Peterson presented
statistics that show over 80 rape
cases that have occurred in that
part of town, with five of them
taking place on the campus of
Duke. Unshaken by the op-
position, during the march resi-
dents chanted, Black Power! and
Shame on Duke. Once at the
scene of the alleged crime, Atty.
Shabazz and local leaders ad-
dressed the crowd before conclud-
ing the demonstration with a unity
prayer for the victim and her fam-
The respect and protection of
the Black woman was the core of
the keynote address delivered by
Atty. Shabazz to the crowd that
filled St. Josephs AME Church to
capacity for a town hall meeting
addressing the concerns of the
Black community.
The overwhelming turnout of
the Black community was the fruit
of the hard labor of NBPP Field
Marshall Najee Muhammad, who
met with local leaders and organi-
zations. The fertile ground of sup-
port was further tilled by one of
the lead supporters, Dr. Bruce
Bridges, owner of The Know
Bookstore, who was instrumental
in spreading the word about the
Despite opposition from the
Duke University administration
and local media attacks on the
NBPP, the family of the rape vic-
tim welcomed him with open arms
for a private meeting at their
home. Atty. Shabazz then spoke
with the District Attorney Mike
Nifong to discuss developments of
the case, followed by several radio
Local leaders and the NBPP are
gearing up to install economic
sanctions against businesses owned
and operated by Duke University,
as well as mobilizing a national
march this fall in Durham that will
thematically focus on the
Support, Respect and Protection
of Black Women. NBPP leader-
ship will court monitor and organ-
ize throughout the trial to ensure
justice is done in this case.

Page 34
To Contact a Local Chapter or
Get Started in Your Area Call:
Eastern Region 609.615.3453 Western Region 720.435.6343
Mid-Atlantic Region 202.726.0029 Southern Region 404.752.6929
Central Region 314.484.1130 Southeastern Region 301.633.4675

Fax: (866) 551-6277
Write: PO Box 4481 Washington, D.C. 20017

1. We want freedom. We want the power to practice self-determination, and to determine the des-
tiny of our community and THE BLACK NATION.
2. We want full employment for our people and we demand the dignity to do for ourselves what we
have begged the white man to do for us. POWER IN THE HANDS OF THE PEOPLE! WEALTH IN
3. We want tax exemption and an end to robbery of THE BLACK by the CAPITALIST. We want an
end to the capitalistic domination of Africa in all of its forms: imperialism, criminal settler coloni-
alism, neo-colonialism, racism, sexism, zionism, apartheid and artificial borders.
4. We want decent housing, fit for shelter of human beings, free health-care (preventive and main-
tenance). We want an end to the trafficking of drugs and to the biological and chemical warfare
targeted at our people.
5. We want education for our people that exposes the true nature of this devilish and decadent
American society. We want education that teaches us our true history/herstory and our role in
the present day society.
6. We want all Black Men and Black Women to be exempt from military service.
7. We want an immediate end to POLICE HARRASSMENT, BRUTALITY AND MURDER of Black Peo-
ple. We want an end to Black-on-Black violence, snitching, cooperation and collaboration with
the oppressor.
8. We want freedom for all Black Men and Black Women held in international, military, federal,
state, county, city jails and prisons.
9. We want all Black People when brought to trial to be tried in a court by a jury of their peer group
or people from their Black Communities, as defined by white law of the Constitution of United

History has proven that the white man is absolutely disagreeable to get along with in peace. No one
has been able to get along with the white man. All the people of color have been subjected to the
white mans wrath. We believe that his very nature will not allow for true sharing, fairness, equity
and justice. Therefore, to the Red Man and Woman, to the Yellow and to the Brown, we say to you
Page 35
Atty. Malik Zulu Shabazz
Millions More Movement
Washington, D.C.
October 15, 2005

Black Power! Black Power! Black Power! Giving honor to God we bear
witness that there is but One God. We bear witness you Black people, you
are the original people of the planet Earth, the mothers and fathers of civili-
zation. Black woman you are the Queen of the planet Earth and the god-
dess of the universe.

So old William Bennett, William Bennett says abort all Black babies. We
say to William Bennett hell naw! You may want to get rid of us, but God
loves us. We speak in the name of Khallid Abdul Muhammad. Long Live
Khallid Muhammad! Long Live Khallid Abdul Muhammad! And to Gods man in our midst,
Minister Louis Farrakhan.

Free All Political Prisoners! Free All Political Prisoners! Many of our freedom fighters our
warriors, those who have labored and suffered for us are locked behind bars as a result of
the wicked Counter Intelligence Program of old no good J. Edgar Hoover.

Free Mumia! Free Mumia! Mumia Abu Jamal on death row; Mumia is innocent. Mumia is
one of our greats. Mumia is innocent. Free Mumia! Free Mumia! Is Mumia Abu Jamal the
real criminal or is the real criminal the president of the United States George Bush, who lies
and causes thousands of deaths in Iraq. Who is the real criminal?

Free Jamil Al-Amin! Free Jamil Al-Amin! Jamil Al-Amin is innocent, locked behind bars!
One of our greats, H. Rap Brown is innocent. Free Jamil Al-Amin! Is Jamil Al-Amin the real
criminal or are the real criminals the ones who drowned our people in New Orleans and the
criminal police officers that beat that 64 year old Black man down in New Orleans last
week. Who are the real criminals?

Free Malachi York! Free Malachi York! Malachi York is innocent. Malachi York locked
down. Is Malachi York the real criminal or are the criminals those who brought us into slav-
ery, murdered the Red Indians, drowned our bodies in the Atlantic and committed the Afri-
kan Holocaust. Who are the real criminals?

One million Black people locked down, as I leave you, one million Black people locked
down in prison socalled gangstas, who are the real gangstas? Real gangstas are in the
White House. The real gangstas are in the Pentagon. The real gangstas operate out of
CIA headquarters. How are you going to have a War on Terrorism and Mr. Bush has not
been arrested. Huh?

Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury on the charges of lying to the public, high crimes and mis-
demeanors how do you find George Bush?

[Crowd]: GUILTY!

How do you find him on racism?

[Crowd]: GUILTY!

How do you find him on terrorism?

[Crowd]: GUILTY!

Free All Political Prisoners!

Impeach George Bush!

Stand Up Black People! Stand up like Nat Turner and
Harriet Tubman! Stand up in the name of God! If God be
for you, who can be against you?


Mumia Abu-Jamal
AM 8335
SCI Greene
175 Progress Dr.
Waynesburg, PA 15370
Imam Jamil Al-Amin
Georgia State Prison,
2164 GA Hwy 147
Reidsville, GA 30499
Dr. Malachi Z. York
United Nuwaubian
Nation of Moors Photo Courtesy of Kenneth Muhammad

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